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Swap Night By: Zylux I met Carolyn at a company where I had been brought in as a consultant to help develop a new technology for a government contract. If I had known just how upside down she would turn my ordinary but happy life, I would have quit on the spot and sought employment elsewhere. It was the end of my first week on the job and the project engineer was taking the design team out for a business lunch. I spotted her as we walked by the lunchroom on our way to the front lobby. I was instantly captivated and couldn?t help but stare at her. She was stunning with short well-styled black hair and dressed in a knee length slim black skirt suit. Under the fitted jacket was a white blouse with a collar that had long ends that she had tied into an ascot. Conservative black one and one half inch heels completed the look. She had poise and a look of class about her that echoed the era of 50's glamour. Her left hand was up behind her left ear in plain view, fixing her hair. Taking advantage of that bit of luck, I quickly scanned her left hand for a ring but not with a whole lot of hope, as a woman of this caliber would have been taken a long time ago. No ring, could I be in luck? I noticed she was carrying a plastic container, no doubt containing her lunch, and was headed in the direction of the microwave oven. A plan to meet her began to form. Maybe I could arouse interest in me with my cooking. Oh, I'm not a great cook by any means, but I do all right, and women seem to like a man who can cook. The plan was a simple one, over the weekend I would fix a meal that would surely impress and bring the leftovers into work for my lunch. I would heat it in the lunchroom microwave oven and let the aroma do the rest. That Saturday morning, I arose from bed eager to put my plan in motion. But what to fix? It would have to be something that would make an impressive leftover and yet something that a bachelor would fix just for himself. I scanned over my small collection of recipes pausing at one titled beef stew. Logical, but not very impressive. The next one was Boeuf Bourguignon, now that could be the ticket. It?s still beef stew but with class, and with a slight addition to the ingredients, I could turn it into something one would not come across anywhere else. Having settled on the recipe, it was time to scan the pantry, make a shopping list, and head for the market. All went well at the market and I was soon back at home with all the necessary ingredients including a couple bottles of a moderately priced but good quality Burgundy. I also picked up my secret ingredient, a small bottle of blackberry desert wine. In the afternoon I got to work on the stew. A hunk of beef shoulder was cubed and browned on all sides in a cast iron Dutch oven. It was removed to a plate, and then the onions, bacon, and vegetables got their turn in the pot. The herbs, garlic, and a rue were mixed in. It was then time to add the beef back in and pour in the wine. After a tasting and subsequent adjustment in the seasoning, a mere tablespoon of the blackberry liquor was added. It was enough to give the stew a tantalizingly mysterious flavor and aroma but not enough for anyone to be able to say what it was. That night I feasted well. The stew came out just the way I wanted and would be even better after a couple of days aging. Dishes like this always taste better when given time for the different flavors to blend together. After dinner, I portioned out enough for lunch and stored it in the refrigerator in a plastic container. Everything was set. Monday morning found me at the job site, headed for engineering, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I just couldn?t get that stunning woman?s image out of my mind. I really had to force myself to concentrate on the task at hand. It was a battle royal, and by lunch time, I was nearly a basket case. I stopped working a little before noon, as I wanted to be sure that I got to the lunchroom before she did. I retrieved my plastic container with my lunch from my briefcase and headed down to the lunchroom. A quick look around the room reveled that she wasn't there yet, perfect. I put the container in the micro and punched in a couple of minutes on high. A bell tone signaled that the heating was done and I took my now hot lunch to a table she would have to pass on her way to the micro. I picked up a paper and began to read. Not long after, I spotted my objective entering the lunch room. Her trek across the lunchroom caused her to pass behind me as planed, when it seemed like she paused, just for a moment, before continuing on. She headed for the refrigerator where she retrieved what had to be her lunch. She then moved over to the microwave oven and warmed it up. She headed back towards me but on the other side of the table. "That smells really good, did you make it?" I looked up into the most beautiful green eyes I had ever come across and started to rise. "Please, you don't have to get up. Hi, I'm Carolyn, may I join you?" "Please do and I'm Dan. Yes, I did make it for Saturday?s dinner; it's just leftovers. That's the problem when cooking for one, usually there's enough left for another meal and a lunch or two." "I know just what you mean, behold, my leftovers from last night." "It smells better then mine, chicken stew with Moroccan ingredients and seasoning if I?m not mistaken. I suspect that you must be a very good cook." She bit her lower lip and gave me a little smile that seemed to have something more to it. I figured it was just my imagination. "You must be a food enthusiast, you?re exactly right. Would you like to swap lunches?" "I would indeed. It will be a pleasure to eat a decent meal for a change. On the other hand, I'm not that good a cook and this could be hazardous to your health. Sure you want to take a chance?" "This company has an in-house med. station with nurse. I shouldn't be in too much danger." Carolyn bit her lower lip and gave a little smile. Wow, beauty, an excellent cook, and a sense of humor, I couldn?t help thinking that I had hit the jackpot. We each sampled the lunch that the other had prepared. I looked up at her in surprise; it seemed that I wasn?t the only one to use a secret ingredient. Carolyn had added the hard to find grains of paradise, giving the Moroccan chicken stew a more complex and refined flavor. She in turn had a hard time coming up with my secret ingredient, but managed to coax it from me. I just couldn?t say no to those eyes. As lunch continued, our conversation progressed from a love of cooking to a more personal level. It was soon discovered that both of us had tried marriage, failed, and decided that with our respective careers, marriage just wasn't in the books. We both seemed to be looking for an intimate friendship. We continued to swap lunches for the rest of the week engaging in some interesting conversations. With the coming of Thursday?s lunch, I felt that the time was right to expand on our budding friendship. At a pause in the conversation I looked into Carolyn's stunning green eyes. "I have really enjoyed shearing lunch with you and I think an evening with you would be even better. I would very much like to cook you a dinner. Might you be interested?" "Since I've yet to have had to pay the nurse a visit, I'd love it!" "Great! How about this Saturday, say eight?" "You're on." She bit her lower lip and smiled with a mysterious look in her eyes. I couldn?t help wondering if she might be up to something, some unknown hidden agenda. A little voice in the back of my mind was telling me to be wary but those green eyes were doing their best to drown it out. Saturday came and I was fast becoming a basket case from worry. I had entertained women before and had always been calm and somewhat in control. This time was different and it puzzled me, but I put it aside and somehow managed to maintain enough control to keep dinner on time and not burn anything. Taking a break from cooking, I withdrew to the bedroom to change for dinner. I chose my dark brown suit with a tan shirt and a solid ocher colored tie. It fit me the best as it had been recently acquired from a custom tailors. Getting dressed was helping me regain a more calm state. As I finished getting ready, I checked the clock and it showed that I had just enough time to check on things in the kitchen before Carolyn would arrive. I was about to enter the kitchen when the doorbell rang. It had to be her, and calmness went out the window. In a state that bordered on panic I became torn between immediately answering the door and first making sure I could leave things on the stove as they were. Logic dictated that I check on dinner first. Fortunately, nothing would require attention for a few minutes, giving me time to answer the door. I rushed from the kitchen to the front door and opened it. It was indeed Carolyn. Carolyn was a knockout in a knee length red sheath, with a rounded neckline. About her waist was a narrow black belt with a small jeweled heart shaped buckle. Her feet were slipped into two inch red heels with a small jeweled heart on top. A single strand diamond necklace encircled her neck, with matching heart shaped earrings dangling from her ears. She held in front of her with both hand, a small matching red clutch purse. It was a simple, yet stunning outfit and she stood before me with poise and regalness that shouted Audrey. I was speechless and all I could do was motion her in. Dinner wasn?t quite ready, and while I finished up in the kitchen, Carolyn took the opportunity to look around the living room and perhaps gain an insight into the real me. Naturally, I had planted a couple of books and magazines that I hoped would give her a favorable impression. Nothing like stacking the deck, right? The first course was borscht, which had been prepared earlier and placed in the refrigerator to chill. It was retrieved from the fridge and ladled into two bowls. I garnished each with a dollop of sour cream, and took them to the dining room. As I placed them on the table I called Carolyn to dinner. She sashayed out of the living room with an air of sophistication, gazing at me with those captivating green eyes. I pulled out a chair and seated her and then myself. With the look of anticipation, she dipped her spoon into the borscht, and brought it to her lips. She snapped her head up and looked at me in surprise. ?You have departed from the traditional recipe I see.? ?I decided to add a little heat, so to speak, to our cold soup with a few shots of Tabasco.? ?I like it. You seem to be willing to move outside the norm, try things that are different, perhaps even daring.? ?I suppose so, if in the right situation and with the right person.? That seemed to please her as I could see it in her eyes. What she had said set off alarms in my mind, but they were ignored. Those captivating green eyes had a hold on me, blocking out all reason. We finished up the soup and I cleared the empty bowls to the kitchen, putting them in the sink and then turned my attention to the main course. It just needed to be warmed through, assembled, and plated. It took just minutes and I soon returned to the dining room. I place before Carolyn a plate of beef stroganoff over egg noodles partially surrounded by baby carrots in a balsamic ginger glaze. Of course, some sort of boiled vegetable would have been more appropriate for the Russian themed meal, just not as tasty. I put my plate on the table and took my seat. The main course didn?t hold any surprises, outside of the carrots, but that didn?t stop Carolyn from enjoying the meal. Our conversation during dinner flowed well between us, and she proved to be very intelligent and versed on many topics. The privacy also allowed us to expand on our personal lives. By dessert time I was smitten, well, more like hooked and dangling on the end of a line over a sizzling frying pan. For dessert I had made a dark chocolate mousse spiked with blackberry liquor, served in bittersweet chocolate balloon cups topped with blackberry sauce and whole blackberries. With just one taste, the look on Carolyn?s face told me that I had found her weakness and it seemed that she was mine for the taking. She ate her dessert with a couple subtle but very suggestive body movements. But I fought off the temptation to try and lead her to the bedroom as I really wanted a more committed relationship with her before becoming so, intimate. Besides, she suddenly became sort of nervous, perhaps she hadn?t slept with a man on the first date, if indeed that was what she was signaling. The evening had been a good one and as with all good things, it had to come to an end. Hopefully there would be other evenings. I escorted Carolyn to the door, but before exiting, she seized the moment to proposition me. "This has been the most wonderful evening I've had in a long time, too bad it has to come to an end. Now, it's my turn to cook for you. If your available, how's next Saturday, same time?" What, too bad it has to come to an end? She couldn?t be offering to sleep with me, could she? Best to let it pass, and not take any chance of destroying any relationship that maybe developing between us. "You're on." Carolyn bit her lower lip, cocked her head a bit, and gave a sly little smile. With an almost victorious look in her eyes, she slowly turned and walked away placing each foot directly in front of the other with a hip action that sent me down the hall to a very cold shower. As I stripped and stepped into said shower I began regretting not acting on her earlier overtures. But as the cold water drew the lust from me, I turned my mind to the look she had given me. I kept thinking to myself "She IS up to something, and it?s not sex." So it began. We started to see each other a couple of times a week for dinner and conversation. Romantic music and dancing were soon added. Both of us were quickly drawn to the other and our relationship was becoming more and more committed. It wasn?t long before I felt it was time for things to become more, intimate. But I wanted our first night together to come at the end of a memorable evening, something special, but what. An idea came to me as I was leaving Carolyn's place one night. "So, it's Saturday at my place then. What do you say we make it a little different, a bit more, special?" "What do you have in mind?" "How about a formal dinner, really formal, black tie and all?" "I'd love it! I've been dying for an opportunity to get into a formal evening gown, it's been so long and I so love wearing one. I'd just love to see you all dressed up as well." She bit her lower lip, tilted her head a bit, and gave a sly little smile. Feelings that she must be up to something resurfaced. But it didn?t matter, as I wanted her and was willing to pay just about any price. Saturday rolled around and most of it was spent preparing for that evening. A book from the library helped in setting the table for a very formal dinner including a pair of stacked plates and silverware lined up for each course. A simple but elegant centerpiece emerged out of some thin twisted branches and some fall foliage from the garden. It was flanked by a pair of tall slender candles. Everything that could be prepared ahead was done so. Now the hard part, waiting for the appointed hour. As the hour drew near I retreated to the bedroom to change into my tux. Just as I was tying my bow tie, the doorbell rang. Carolyn! I nearly tripped over my own feet in my rush to first get to the dining room to light the candles and then to the door. Upon reaching the door, I stopped and composed myself, then opened it revealing Carolyn. I was frozen speechless. Carolyn was breathtakingly gorgeous, so elegant, and dressed to the nines. She wore a shinny black sleeveless satin gown that was form fitting from the waist up with a sweetheart neckline. It was embroidered in a dull black floral pattern that swept down onto the skirt. And what a skirt, it came out perpendicular from the waist for about two inches then formed a very full skirt over at least two petticoats down to mid calf. Hanging off her shoulders was a black satin shawl with the ends crossing in front of her. A diamond necklace that echoed the neckline with matching earrings, a pair of black elbow length gloves, and a black clutch purse completed the picture. It was sexy with class. "Ummm, may I come in?" "Huh, oh yeah, sorry, I'm just stunned, you look sensational." "Thanks, and you look rather handsome yourself. I do like a man who's dressed up." "Dinners ready, shall we?" Carolyn entered and I closed the door behind her. I took her shawl and hung it in the entry closet. She took my arm and we headed for the dining room. She even sounded elegant as her skirt made that wonderful rustling sound as she walked. I pulled out and held her chair as she slid in smoothing out her skirt with her hands as she sat down. As I backed away toward the kitchen, I could see that she was wearing three inch black spiked heels. It was a clear message that she was expecting more than an evening together. Back in the kitchen, I took a tray on which I had assembled all the ingredients for a Caesar salad, placed it on a cart, and wheeled it into the dining room. Over a large bowl, I tore up leaves of romaine lettuce and toss them with olive oil, salt, and black pepper. Lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce were then added to the bowl. Hard boiled eggs were crumbled over the lettuce. The salad was tossed with a bit of flair until a creamy dressing formed. Parmesan cheese was grated over the salad and tossed some more. The salad was plated, sprinkled with croutons, and served. Carolyn had watched the performance with her left elbow on the table and her chin resting on the back of her hand. She looked at me seductively as she reached for the salad fork. It was the perfect lead into the elaborate dinner. Other dishes followed, each prepared and presented with care and flair, with the main course offering another chance to put on a show. For the main course I had chosen Beef Wellington to be served on a plate in a pool of beef consume. The plates had been prepared ahead of time including adding a few drops of heavy cream to the consume along one side of the plates, then dragging a toothpick through all of them forming a curved chain of little hearts. The plates had been kept warm on a heating pad, with the Beef Wellington finishing up in the oven. The cart was again pressed into service. The plates and carving tools were placed on it. The Wellington was pulled from the oven and transferred to a platter. It was added to the cart and the assembly was wheeled into the dining room. With a serrated carving knife, I cut off the end exposing the slightly rare beef tenderloin surrounded by a mushroom duxelles within the golden pastry shell. A couple of slices were arranged on each plate and served. Carolyn was clearly impressed and enjoying every minute. Her subtle movements and eyes left no doubt that we would indeed be spending the night together. There wasn't much conversation during dinner, as we spent most of the time looking at each other. While her eyes did have a hold on me it was her gown that captured most of my attention. Women are so fortunate to be able to dress in such finery; it was enough to make a man envious. It was a feeling that was reinforced during dancing following dinner. As I held her close to me her skirt ballooned past my legs, sort of trying to envelope them. It was a totally new sensation and I couldn't help but wonder what she was experiencing. Dessert followed the dancing. I had made individual chocolate souffl?s generously spiked with orange liquor. With Carolyn watching intently, I pierced each souffl? with a spoon and then poured warm dark chocolate ganache spiked with almond liquor into the opening. Chocolate, orange, and almond, if there is a better flavor combination out there, I have yet to try it. Judging from the look on Carolyn?s face, she hadn?t either. Having finished dessert we took to dancing again as I wanted some more time experiencing some of the sensations her gown had to offer. It was wondrous, but it didn?t last long. We were swaying to the music with the gowns skirt working its magic on my legs and mind. Carolyn was holding me tight, when she unexpectedly bent back away from me at the waist and gazed into my eyes. Her eyes glowed with the inner fire of emeralds, I knew what she wanted and I wanted it too. She resumed holding me as I moved my hand up her back feeling for her gowns zipper. I found it and began to unzip her. Carolyn closed her eyes and bent her head back with her mouth slightly open. I started to kiss her on the neck moving down onto her shoulders as I pulled the zipper down. She pulled away from me sliding her hands under my arms until we hooked fingers. Carolyn pulled me toward the bedroom. I got the message and took over the lead. In the bedroom we embraced and kissed, I moved my hands up her back and took hold of her dress on each side of the zipper. Carolyn pulled back and I slid her dress down her arms then down over a sexy red petticoat. She stepped out of the dress and I carefully laid it over a chair with some difficulty as it had an attached petticoat that just wanted to flow off the chair. It had such a wonderful feel and sound to it. Carolyn took my hand, bit her lower lip, gave a sly smile, and with a look in her eyes that said ?your mine? she pulled me toward the bed. At this point, being a gentleman, I shall leave the rest of the night to the reader?s imagination. From then on our evenings together became nights, and many of the dinners acquired themes. From time to time, Carolyn would introduce me to some new culinary experience or something a little more risqu? in the bedroom. I willingly partook in all. My life was on a wondrous thrill ride until one night, when it nearly derailed after Carolyn threw a switch. It was Carolyn's turn and she called for a formal dinner. My tux was again pressed into service with the same shirt and bow tie. I dressed and made my self presentable. A glance at the clock told me that it was time to go. I locked up the house, got in the car and was off. I arrived on time and was greeted at the door by Carolyn, dressed in sweats! "What's this? I thought you said this was going to be a formal night." "It is, but with a new twist; welcome to swap night." She bit her lower lip, gave a sly smile, put her hands behind her back and twisted back and forth a bit. "Okay, what's swap night?" "Simple, we each decide what the other is going to wear for the evening." She bit her lower lip, gave an almost malevolent smile with a look in her eyes that said she was in control. "You can go on down to the bedroom. I've laid your outfit out on the bed. You can just put your clothes on the bed next to it. I've got something I have to do in the kitchen right now so I'll join you in a little bit. Oh, and everything is optional, you don't even have to do this if you don't want to." Outfit, optional, do this? If ever there was a warning, but I was preoccupied with other thoughts to have caught it. All I could think of was deciding which glamorous gown she would dazzle me with tonight. I hurried down the hall and entered the bedroom where I was greeted by one heck of a surprise. On the bed were a plain matched black bra and panties, a black half- slip, a full red petticoat, a pair of black high heel shoes, a pair of elbow length black gloves, and a black satin formal gown. It was the very one Carolyn had worn to our first formal dinner, the one I wondered what it would be like to wear. Had Carolyn read my mind? I don't know how long I stood and stared but it was long enough for Carolyn to finish in the kitchen and join me. "Don't know where to start? You can start by taking off your clothes." "Carolyn! Don't sneak up on me like that. What's this? You want ME to wear YOUR clothes? Why?" "Why not? Try something new, we can each experience what the other would experience on a normal evening together. You?re a daring sort and it could turn out to be fun." "Fun? You think making me look ridiculous is fun?" "No, and you will not look ridiculous, nor will I laugh at you or humiliate you in any way. Just think of it as a costume, you've gone to costume parties before haven't you?" "Look, I would just rather see you wear this, not me, okay?" "Well, I did say this was optional so if you don't want to you don't have to, on one condition." Carolyn was once again biting her lower lip. She was definitely up to no good, at least not for me. "So drop the other shoe already, what condition?" "Hold out your arms, come on, here like this." She grabbed my wrists and raised my arms out in front of me letting them bend at the elbow, then took the gown from the bed and laid it over my outstretched arms. "Here's the deal, I have to return to the kitchen for about fifteen minutes. While I'm gone you can do one of two things, you can just put the gown back on the bed or you can go over to the mirror and hold it up to you and see if you look ridiculous or not. If you still don't want to put it on that's okay, just put it back on the bed. Either way I won't know which you did so I can't tease you, or laugh at you, or anything else. Hey, you are by far the best thing to happen to me in my life and I'm not about to do anything to mess that up. Oh, and if you think you just might be able to do this, then try it on, and as I said, everything is optional. You do not have to wear anything you do not want to. Have fun, I will look in on you in a bit." Having said that, Carolyn left the room with a look in her eyes of someone about to spring the coup of a lifetime as she closed the door behind her. Now holding that gown, feeling the cool smoothness, the weight, the fullness of the skirt, it brought back all the memories of the night she had wore it. It was putting a spell on me, and resistance was becoming futile. To the mirror I went, and held the gown up in front of me. I looked ridiculous. I also knew (for reasons unknown) I had to try it on. It was back to the bed where I quickly stripped to my shorts and socks. I looked at the petticoat and thought ?oh why not?. I picked it up and stepped in, pulling it up and fastening it at the waist. Now the gown, but I couldn't step into it, as the petticoat was to full to work the dress over. It would have to go over the head; a bit of a challenge with its attached petticoat. What a sensation that was, and I wanted to explore everything it had to offer, but time was not on my side. I headed for the mirror pulling up the zipper as I went. The zipper stopped about half way up my back. The top half was very tight so I guessed the gown was too small for me to fully zip up. I looked hopefully into the mirror, but I just looked like a guy in a fancy dress. It was time to take it off. Disappointed, I walked back to the bed thinking, ?if only I had more time.? TIME! I had to get out of that dress. I grabbed the zipper and pulled down. Nothing, it was stuck, this couldn't be happening. I tried everything I could think of, nothing. I struggled for what seemed like an hour, but of course it was only minutes. And then there came a knock on the door, CAROLYN. "How are you doing?" "DON?T COME IN." She did. "It fits, I was afraid it would be too small. This is perfect, you look so nice. Does this mean your willing to wear it for the rest of the evening, or are you just entertaining an inner fantasy?" What was that, ?inner fantasy?? She must be a mind reader. "I look ridiculous, and no, curiosity just got the better of me and the zipper got stuck. So, go ahead and laugh and make your jokes then help me get out of this." "Notice I'm not laughing, there?s no joke, and, at least to me, you look pretty good. Turn around and let's see. Ah, here we go no problem, hold still." Carolyn worked on the zipper for a little bit, and then out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw her toss something away. Had she bobby trapped the zipper? "I think I can get it now, breath in, stand up straight, and shoulders back. There that's got it." "Hey, not up, down." "Relax; I just wanted to see if it fits. Turn around for me. Hummm, a bit tight maybe, but otherwise it's a good fit." "But I still look ridiculous." "No you don't, but I can see your mind is made up. You win, turn around and I'll unzip you." She unzipped down to my waist and stopped. "Wait a minute, I've got an idea, come over here." Carolyn pushed me over to her dressing table. She dipped her fingers into an open jar of gel, rubbed her hands together, and rubbed the gel into my hair. Then she took a comb and combed my hair straight back, curving it back around my ears. I started to protest but she just nodded toward the mirror. Curiosity got the better of me and I turned to the mirror. Surprise, it was still me, in a gown but I looked okay. If this had been a costume party, I think I could have worn it, but I couldn't let Carolyn know that. "The trouble was, the gown is formal but you weren't. With the more formal hair style it all comes together. Of course, you being fair of face helps as well." "Maybe, but this just isn't for me, and all this is just between us, okay?" "Agreed, if you will do one last thing for me. Sit on the bed and scoot forward a bit, perfect." Carolyn got down on her knees in front of me and with a sensual look, started to run her hands up my legs. She took hold of the waistband of my shorts, gave them a quick jerk, and then slowly pulled them down and off. She tossed my shorts high and across the room. I watched them fly, and then turned back to Carolyn. She had her hands under the petticoats and was staring at me, licking her lips. I grinned back at her and laid back in anticipation of what I thought she was about to do. She tossed the petticoats and skirt up and ducked under. I felt something cool and smooth sliding up my legs, and realized too late that while I had watched my shorts fly across the room, Carolyn had grabbed the panties off the bed and was now putting them on me. I tried to stop her but my squirming around only aided her efforts. I was not happy, but before I could protest she started to rub my cock through the panties, sending me on a new thrill ride. I lay back wondering just how else she would pleasure me. She withdrew, running her fingers down my legs. Then I felt something being slipped over the socks on my feet. I sat up and tried to peer down at her to see what she was up to. Carolyn had slipped the shoes onto my feet and was threading the shoes thin ankle strap into a tiny buckle with a surprising degree of speed and dexterity. "Hey, what are you doing to me?" "I bought these for you. I had to guess your shoe size and just wanted to see if they fit. Here, I'll help you up. There, how do they feel?" "I said I do not want to do this, now it's time I got ---." "Time! I forgot all about the time! Dinner is almost ready and I'm not dressed. I need you to go look after dinner while I get dressed, pleeeeease." "I can't ---." "Oh please, it will be ruined if you don't." "But I have to ---." "Please, for me? Oh thank you, thank you!" "But I ---." "I love you all the more for this, thank you." Carolyn kissed me all over my face. "Oh thank you, now go quickly before things burn." At that point I found my self in the hall with my nose almost touching the bedroom door, a closed and locked bedroom door, wondering just how I got there. But I didn't have time to figure it out as a buzzer in the kitchen went off. I figured it would be in my best interest to see to dinner and continue the argument afterwards. One problem, my feet were strapped into hi-heels that I couldn't see, let alone reach to unbuckle. Fortunately they were conservative with a heel wide enough that walking in them was not too difficult. I moved quickly down the hall, the skirt just brushing both walls, rubbing my legs and rustling with every step. When I came to the living room, I paused for there were large windows that faced the street and someone might see me. But Carolyn had taken care of that by having drawn the drapes. I quickly moved on to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I surveyed the scene and determined what the buzzer was for and took care of it. I grabbed an apron off a near by hook and put it over my head, tied it behind my waist, and assessed the situation. Getting to work, I shortly had everything ready. From behind me came the sound of shoes on the hard kitchen floor. "An apron, how thoughtful." "Ah, you're here, now I can go ---." I had turned around to find Carolyn biting her lower lip, smiling, and wearing my tux. She had also been in the hair gel and was sporting a more masculine hairstyle. All at once it hit me, swap night; she wanted us to swap clothes. Well, for now it was just clothes. I couldn?t help wondering, looking at her hairstyle and recalling what she had done to my hair, if she had more in mind for future swap nights. As the situation continued to sink in, all of the mysterious looks and happenings of the past weeks came back to mind. I had been set up and royally had, a masterpiece of planing and treachery. Many questions formed in my mind but I already knew the answers. I also knew that if I didn't ask at least some of them Carolyn would be very disappointed, not good for later in the evening. "It looks like we are both going to have to change before dinner." "Why? I don't have a problem wearing your tux. Don't worry you'll get it back, in the morning." "Well, I do have a problem wearing your gown and you did say this was optional." "And, as I have already said, you can take off anything you do not want to wear, just be quick as dinner just needs to be plated." "I want to wear my own clothes." "Sorry, in use." "Then have you got some jeans or sweats I can put on?" "What's this? First you don't want to wear my things, now you want to try on my entire wardrobe." "Very funny. Okay then, where did you toss my shorts to?" "Silly, I'm wearing them of course." "You're wearing my underwear?" "And why not? You're wearing mine!" "Yeah, but not by choice, you pulled a fast one on me." "Look, if you don't want to wear the gown then take it off, and if you don't want to wear the panties then take them off as well." So there it was, my options were to strip to the panties, strip to my birthday suit, or surrender and try to endure the rest of the evening. I chose the last. I gave her a 'tip of my hat' and a little bow. "Well played. Just how long have you been planning this?" "Since I first saw you walk by the lunchroom. I didn't know how I was going to broach the idea but swapping lunches and then dinners was the perfect lead in. I just had to wait for the right moment, which you gave me when you suggested a theme night. Now turn around, breath in, stand up straight, and shoulders back. There that?s got it." "Did you have to zip me up? This is really tight." "Yes, now enough complaining, let us eat. Have I mentioned that I really enjoy a man who?s dressed?" I wasn?t about to give her the satisfaction of a response. Carolyn held out her arm, which I took. She led me to the dining room, pulled out my chair and held it for me. I sat down, mimicking her by running my hands down the back of the skirt as I did so. That seemed to please her and she became motionless for just a moment before she retreated to the kitchen to begin her performance. Carolyn had chosen a surf and turf theme for dinner. In keeping with the formal feel of the evening, she had prepared for the surf half, lobster pot pies with an ingenious twist. She used layers of puff pastry strips to create a square bowl to hold the lobster in a saffron infused white sauce. It was simple and yet elegant. The turf half was a standing crown rack of lamb filled with a wild rice, roasted chestnut, and herb mixture. It was the height of elegance and I was feeling very special. Carolyn put on a show carving and plating the lamb. She carefully mounded the rice mixture on the plates, and then leaned a couple of the lamb chops against the rice. She spooned a rich looking sauce that she probably made from the pan drippings, over the lamb and around the plate. She finished with a carved radish and mushroom garnish. A most impressive presentation. Having resolved to spend the rest of the evening dressed in Carolyn?s gown, I figured it would be best to make the most of it. To that end, I had put my left elbow on the table and then rested my chin on the back of my hand. I watched Carolyn perform looking up at her with my attempt at a seductive gaze. She caught my look and cracked a smile. At least she was enjoying herself. It wasn?t all fun and games for me, as the petticoat was a bit uncomfortable to sit on, sort of scratchy. I guess that's what the half- slip was for. Oh well, live and learn. We enjoyed the meal, just looking at each other. There was really no need for conversation. As usual, dancing followed dinner. As she held me close to her, I could feel the pressing of the skirt and petticoats against my legs and could see them trying to enveloping her legs. There was also the feel and weight of the skirt flowing with inertia as she spun me around the dance floor. It was a totally new and wondrous sensation, so this is what she had experienced. I was beginning to enjoy it. Women are indeed most fortunate and I was becoming envious. Dessert was next on the agenda. Carolyn had prepared a dacquoise. It was an impressive layered assembly of baked coconut meringue, lime cream, and fresh raspberries. It was oh so good, and I swooned with each bite. I was Carolyn?s for the taking and ready for it, but she had some thing else in mind first. With dessert finished, we once again started to dance, but it didn?t last long. We were swaying to the music with her holding me tight. I had gotten a sense of what she wanted and with a sly look, I bent back at the waist, gazed into those captivating green eyes, and then held her tight again. I had guessed right and the feel of her hand moving up my back, feeling for the zipper was electrifying. Opening the zipper relived the tightness. I closed my eyes and bent my head back with my mouth slightly open thoroughly enjoying the relief. Carolyn started to kiss my neck moving down onto my shoulders as she pulled the zipper down. I pulled away from her sliding my hands under her arms until we hooked fingers and pulled her toward the bedroom. Carolyn smiled at me, and then took over the lead. In the bedroom we embraced and kissed, I felt Carolyn slide her hands up my back, taking hold of the gown on each side of the zipper. I pulled back and she slid the gown down my arms and then down over the red petticoat. I stepped out of the gown and stood there holding my hands together in front of me buried in that sexy red petticoat feeling slightly embarrassed as Carolyn laid the gown over a chair. I took her by the hand, bit my lower lip, gave a sly smile, and with a playful look pulled her to the bed. Carolyn gave a little laugh and with a look of pure joy, rushed me, wrapping her arms around me as we fell back onto the bed. As before, I shall leave the rest of the night to the reader?s imagination, saying only that Carolyn was definitely the aggressor. The evening had been wondrous and so had the night. I was hooked, and we would be doing this again. And do it again we did as Carolyn would spring swap night on me two or three times a month depending on how often our careers would allow us to get together. It was always optional and I could decline wearing anything I wasn't comfortable with, except once, when it was everything or nothing. But then, that's a story for another time.

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The Oakman Inn was an architectural mishmash the likes of which I'd never seen. A half-dozen regional or period architectural styles were evident in its façade. I could only imagine what the interior spaces held in store for me. I guessed and found out later that the inn was full of antiques. I sat in the back seat of a van that had "Oakman Inn on Oak Creek" painted on its side in hard-to-read, curly-cued calligraphy. My new mother, Katherine Oakman, sat in the passenger seat. She was a...

2 years ago
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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

1 year ago
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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

3 years ago
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Swapping Of Beautiful Sluts

Hi friends, This is Vikram from Bangalore again to share my happiest movement which happened very recently which changed my life completly, And I hope you people have enjoyed all my previous stories thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me the best compliments, For your valuable feedback you can mail me at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram 29 years old good looking guy with handsome and...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

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Swapping With Bhabhi Sister 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Nilesh from pune, I m most fan of ISS, this is my first story & this is real story.This is SWAPPING story with my bhabhi & sister………………. Ye kahani me hindi me lika raha hu kyoke sexy story hindi me padhna bahot mast lagata hai (masturbate karte waqt) my self Nilesh ,age 28 height 5.11, my shaft size 7” & 2” thick mera kud ka business hai meri story pasand aane par muze jarur mail kare mera mail id hai , so please contact me——— Ye kahani 1 sal purani hai meri shadi hoke 1 sal bit...

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Swapping Hot Kerala Girlfriend With My Best Friend

Hello everyone! This is Suraj from Bangalore and I am an architect working in a design studio. I am 26, and I go running 4 days every week to keep myself fit. I have a medium sized tool and high endurance towards sex. And I love partying and going out to meet new people. Anyone interested in a no strings attached relationship please mail me. This story happened in 2016 and back then I was dating Shweta, my office colleague who was a Malayali. I went crazy the first time I met Shweta. She was...

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Swap For Fun

Hi, this a real story happened a few years back when me and my wife had a swing action with my best friend and his wife. I am Ravi 32 years old and my wife Roop is 28 years. I am working as engineer in a company and my Roop is housewife. After some years into our marriage, sex started to get routine, by then we had been fucking around with same type, and had done it a well. Somehow we started to get dissatisfied with our sex. I have a friend, working also as an engineer. He is also married and...

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Swapping with Sis

"So, I see you like Fictionmania!" I turned around with a start. I hadn't even realised my sister was home. But here I was, caught red handed, browsing Fictionmania on my laptop, with my sister Erin standing behind me, looking smug. "Don't worry Luke, I won't tell a soul!" Then she must have noticed the other tab. "Oh, and Female POV. Is that a porn site?" Along with Fictionmania, Female POV ("Point of View") porn was a secret pasttime of mine. Looking at photos of a woman's...

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Swapping of wifes through net

Hello doston ,mene kuch time phele hi is site ki stories panda shuru kiya or mein keh nahin sakta ismein kitni kahaniya sacchi or kitni dimag ki upaj par aaj mein aap logo ko apni kahani sunaney jaa raha hoon. Mera naam amit hair aur meri umar 36 saal hai meri wife ka naam anita hai uski umar 34 saal hai hamari shaddi 14 saal phele ho chuki hai aur humarey 2 bacchein hai bada ladka 12 saal aur choti beti 7 saal ki hai ,humari jindagi aur sex life aaj se 3 saal phele tak waisey hi chal rahi thi...

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Swapping Fathers 41

After getting the grand tour of the rest of their magnificent home, including spending nearly an hour outside in their beautiful gardens, we finished sipping our drinks on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the warm water. I didn’t want to leave. But if we were going to spend the night, we needed to get home and pack for Jim’s trip to N Florida and my stay with Kim. Mike got us out the door with the promise of the best steaks we have ever had if we got back in time for dinner. He...

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Swapping Wives

The two couples had known each other for several years. They'd become good friends, had eaten out together several times, and had even gone to different events and even taken one trip together in the few years they'd become friends. Then, one night, the two guys got their heads together and they cooked up a plan where one of the guys would go to the other one's house and spend the evening in the other wife's arms. And the second husband and wife would swap in the same way. They both talked...

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Swap It

Hi this is Ajay again writing you another incest story. Thanks for the comment. This story is about swapping in between family members. Let me move on to the story. Please send comments to In Tamilnadu Rajams family lived in a village. Raja is eldest of the family and he is the father of two sons Mani and Arasu. Mani is now 45 years of age and Arasu is the youngest one of age 32. Mani’s wife name is Padma of age 40. She is a typical south Indian woman who is uneducated and is from a...

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Swapping Fathers 1

I'm switching now to filing under Fantasm as there is no category listed as "Mostly True." Fantasm does mean "an illusionary likeness of something." So, I guess that works. This series will be an amalgamated collection of polyamorous experiences Ash and I had, all combined into one common story thread. This story will "stand alone" but will make more sense or at least seem much deeper, if you've followed us through the first 10 stories. There's so much to say, so many great people...

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Swapping With LauraChapter 2

"Why yes, dear. That would be fine. All alone again? Well, never fear. We're always here. Just come around when it suits you. Bye now." Voluptuous, black-haired Cleonora Frankly laid the phone in its cradle and turned to face her handsome husband, who was lying on the nearby sofa without a stitch of clothing on. His tall, long-legged body was covered with a ragged mass of black curly hairs ranging from his ankles upward over his belly to his wide squarish chest, and over the top of his...

4 years ago
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Swapping Young

Larry and Beth were a young couple. They hadn't even finished college yet and they'd married in their junior year. They were very much in love, couldn't get enough of each other, and both Larry and Beth loved to fuck and be naked in each others' arms. Neither of them thought there was any possibility that they'd ever want to involve anyone else in their marital sex lives, but that was before Larry and Beth met Sam and Rhonda. Sam was a nice looking guy their age and Rhonda was a very cute...

4 years ago
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Swap with Relatives

Hello again, do u still remember us Amit and Amrita? Have you read our real life experience published on net? If not then read it first at www.geocities.com/qualitydeluxe/games.htm and also at www.geocities.com/qualitydeluxe/games2.html and also at www.geocities.com/qualitydeluxe/games3.html Ok now you know us and our friends. Our friends too have their own exp. with other friends & relatives of their. They asked us to write it and published it too. Kanti and Kavita had their first game...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 31

The occasion had been convened to celebrate my passing the G.E.D. examinations that officially made me a high school graduate. I had another purpose in mind. Alana wore a little black dress that knocked my socks off. I wore a new navy suit. My old suit no longer fit. I was 6'-3" tall and 185 pounds that night. My shoulders had widened, and my chest had deepened, and I had six-pack abs. I figured another fifteen pounds would do it for me if I didn't grow any taller. We turned heads when...

3 years ago
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Swapping Of Moms Seducing Of Mom And Fucking Her Ass

In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...

1 year ago
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Swapping husbands to make baby8217s

The day the Jones told us they were moving, I told Laura, I hoped the new neighbors would be as much fun. Laura sighed and said she was going to miss how horny I got from staring at Joan’s huge nipples. I reminded her, of how she teased Jack letting him peek at her panty- covered pussy. Wistfully she wondered out loud if Jack would have liked her pussy if he had known about her clit. I assured her pussy was almost perfect. Giving me a playful punch, Laura asked what I meant by almost...

3 years ago
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Swapping Solstice

The Swapping Solstice by Tanya Sissipus "Hey, Shonda!" His blue eyes winking her way, Kidd smiled. "Cold enough for ya?" "Oh, funny -- like I haven't heard that a hundred times since Friday." Shonda scowled, but her voice was as sweet and friendly as ever. The mock-scowl turned into an honest frown, though, when she noticed the young man was struggling his way into a parka, a disgusting green thing that looked three sizes too small. "Oh gawd! Please...

2 years ago
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Swapped UnswappedChapter 3

Deb pulled off of my cock before I came, and aimed each spurt onto her face. I thought it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Diana never did that because the natural outcome of one of her blowjobs was to either swallow it whole or snowball me with it. I stood up when I was done cumming and was going to wipe her face with my robe, but then I had a better idea. I turned her towards her glass kitchen door and then looked over at Paul and Diana. Paul was going down on Diana and she was having...

2 years ago
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Swapping enjoying each others wives

I wrote this one with a short time window, so apologies for any typos, syntax errors and if it isn't as coherent as it should be. Still, recalling it was fun, and the real even was even better!As I wrote about in another article, before I left for a six-month deployed to the western Pacific region Sharyn and I were introduced to the experience of swapping with two couples, one that didn’t work out so well and another pair that did. No surprise that we never heard from the first couple again. We...

2 years ago
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After twenty years of marriage my husband had been begging me to try swapping. He just kept pestering me to do this. He said he wanted so bad to watch me take another man. I had vvery little interest in this at this time in my life. Don't get me wrong, I am not half bad looking as I get hit on alot. And over the years I have had a few affairs. I gave in to my husbands pressure and he found two couples on craigslist. We went to the bar and had drinks with these people. Both couples were older,...

4 years ago
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Swapping With A Nurse

Hi everyone, this is the first ever I am posting a story in ISS. I am a regular reader of ISS. It’s been over 5 years I am reading ISS and also have many sexual encounters with many females but never thought I would write one myself. You can call me Tanu. Anyways about me I am 28 yrs old from Pune. Good looking wheatish guy 5″8 and have a good build and I have an average sized dick. Now here comes the story which is a true one; my first ever sex with an aunty or a married female. I had tried my...

2 years ago
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Swapping of moms

Hi dosto mera naam raza he me delhi ka rahne wala hun laxmi nagar ka aur me kareeb 3 saal se apni mom ki chudai kar raha hun lekin ab me unse bor hona laga tha meri mom ka naam sabnam he aur vo bahut hi sexy lagti he ek din mene socha keyen na mom swapping ki jaye kisi friend ke sath tab mere man rahul ka khayal aya vo mera bahut ki kareebi dost he jiske sath me apni har baat share karta hun yaha tak ke usko ye bhi pata he ki me mom ke sath sex karta hun aur vo bhi apni mom ke sath sex karta he...

2 years ago
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Swapping with brother8217s family

Hi friends,I am sure you are not going to believe what I am going to say now. But it is a fact.My wife and I used to watch incest sites on the net while enjoying sex in our bed room. I used to call her akka ( elder sister). She responds encouragingly and our sex enjoyment reached greater heights in this type of fantasy sex. One day . . . .My wife : I understand you have a great desire to fuck some real relative. How long you want to just imagine and enjoy. Me: Hey no . . . No . . . It all for...

1 year ago
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Swapping Wives With Friends Ch 1

I was 6 1”', slender in build, 170lbs, brown hair and brown eyes, now, have put on an extra 15lbs somewhere along the way. My wife, Becky was 5'1" tall, 107lbs and also slender but well proportioned, very nice legs and smallish breasts, with large protruding nipples. We had just moved to Columbus, Georgia. I had just been assigned to Fort Benning and Becky was looking for employment but decided to baby sit to supplement our income. Our new friends, Diane and Jim were about our age and were an...

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