Kate Draffen (Chapters 29-40) free porn video

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CHAPTER 29 "You are Michael." It was the last thing Kate Draffen had said to me as I was leaving. It was cheap shot, something to get riled up. Or was it? He seemed to believe that the only thing that had changed about him was his body and that might have been true. But I felt myself changing, I wasn't the same person I was 4 short weeks ago. I was more confident, more compassionate and a lot more mature. Those weren't symptoms of SGR, those were due to personal growth. Gemma was more than just a silly girl's name to me, it stood for all I had achieved. "No, I am Gemma," I muttered under my breath as I marched into my hotel room. I didn't have any time to worry about the ramblings of a crazy person. There was a decadent party tonight to celebrate Gemma Taylor. There were no parties for Michael Taylor. And certainly no parties for Kate Draffen. While not in a blind rage I was blind with a flury of other emotions. I picked up my phone and scrolled down my list of contacts. "Hey," said the voice. "Hi," I said a little frazzled, happy to reach a friend. "You've called 1-900 Dot Lovin', Australia's premiere phone line for hot Dot on Dot action. Unfortunately, all Dots are unavailable at this present moment, so leave your name and number and we'll call you back, sexy," Dot's pre-recorded voice told me, "And don't forget to go to our website W-W-W-dot-Dot-dot-com-dot-A-U. So long suckers!" There was a familiar beep and I hung up. I thought about calling someone else to talk to like Glen or Alana but decided against it. Instead I sat down at the desk in the lounge room. If I had a laptop I would have put it there but I didn't. There was a pad with the hotel's logo atop of each page. Compelled to spill my overflowing thoughts somewhere I started writing. What came out of me ended up being a letter, a letter to Draffen. After a few crumpled efforts lay at my feet, I finally came up with the perfect written version of my thoughts. I wasn't sure how I would give it to him but it was important he read it. I stood up, triumphant. When we were at the photo shoot Jane had asked if I was planning on wearing any of the nice dresses she had provided to the party. I told her honestly that I wasn't a dress person but I would make sure I looked 'nice' for the party. This party was more about promoting the fact Dolly magazine has me for a columnist than celebrating it. So, I was expected to be there and I was expected to get dressed up. So much so that Andre the make-up artiste was coming around to the hotel to help me achieve perfection. As exciting a celeb filled party for me was, I couldn't get Kate Draffen's voice out of my head. "He was wrong," I told myself, "I was a guy but I'm not anymore, even if I wanted to be." I hurled open the wardrobe and gazed at the outfits I could wear to the party. "I'll prove you wrong," I told Kate Draffen who obviously couldn't hear me. Not only was I going to wear a dress, I was going to look great in it! I showered to get the pong of Kate Draffen off me. The bad vibes clung to me body as if they were made of chewing gum. 'How could he call me Michael?' I thought, 'He saw the same body as I did.' It was definitely a girl's body, it went in at the waist and out at the hips, it had smooth, hairless legs and nestled between them was its vagina. I rubbed it gently, not in a sexual way just to reassure myself it was real. I soaped myself up extra thorough, hoping that I could clean the whole experience away. I shampooed my blonde hair, it was getting a little longer. Even though my haircut was never especially 'male' I was glad I was getting into feminine territory, anything to keep those critics silent. The hotels towels were so soft I seriously considered jamming them all into my bag before I left. It was like drying yourself with a cloud. It felt so nice on my smooth skin. I looked in the mirror. My face was so smooth, it's so amazing that I had totally forgot that I used to shave it everyday. Hairs would spend all day growing out of it and then every morning I would drag a blade over it to cut the hairs, repeat the process everyday. I hadn't even thought about how much life was easier now that I didn't have to do it. Sure my legs and underarms got a bit of a shaving but it wasn't that annoying and it wasn't that often. I grabbed the pair of panties I had planned on wearing. That's how I know I am a real girl; I wear panties not underpants. They were white with a nice lime green trim and were forged from just nice plain cotton. The main worry about wearing a dress was the risk of people seeing my pretty little underpants, so I had to make sure they were at least nice, and not too slutty. I love how smooth everything was as a girl. There was nothing I had to adjust to get to sit right down there. Any adjusting would be for my pleasure only, and there was no time for that. I was even good enough at putting on a bra that the adjustment was minimal, the girls sat in there quite well. The dress I had picked seemed the most fun. It sat quietly of the rack with the other dresses, pleading with me to pick it. I almost heard it cheer as I brought it to the bathroom with me, I like the idea that the dress was excited for me to wear it; it made me a lot less scared. It was yellow, bright yellow, with a big black belt to go around my tiny wait. I wanted to encompass the fun, optimism and hopeful spirit Jane, my editor was speaking about. I held the dress in front of me at full arm's length. I was going to look cute in it, there was no getting around it. I slowly fumbled with the zip and stepped into it. I eased it up wiggling my hips and slipped my arms through the arm holes. I would have to wait for Andre the make-up artiste to get here to zip me up, but I had a good idea of what it would look like; I was going to be cute. More of the 'I want you to tickle me' look than the 'I want to suck your cock' look. The dress was a little short, maybe 2 or 3 centimetres shorter than my school dress and it flared out more. If I spun around too fast people would see my panties, at least they were cute panties. It was a scary thought to know that there was a likelihood that people were going to see my panties tonight and there wasn't much I could do about it, save for trying not to spin around much. I would have to remember to keep my legs as closed as possible. There was a sharp rap at the door and I ran over to open it. "Hey kiddo!" said Tyler, as jovial as usual, "Wow! You look really..." he paused for a moment, probably running through his mind trying to find the adjective least likely for me to think he is sexually attracted to me. "...sexy!" He failed miserably. I curtseyed (there's a first time for everything), "Thanks man. Can you zip me up?" He obliged and I imagined him gently sniffing my hair as he did so. As the zip climbed my body the dress was forced to cling to my body tighter, only enhancing what Tyler must have found so sexy. All it was going to take was a few choice moves from me and I would have Tyler kissing me before the night is over. I smoothed out the dress along my body, "So what brings you up to my loft, Mr P?" "Just wanted to see if you were ok. Dr. Chisholm said that the meeting probably didn't go to plan." "No, it's fine," I didn't want to talk about that, especially with Tyler, "We just have very different views on what happened to us." "Do you want to talk about it?" he said sitting down on one of my couches, ready for a serious talk. "No, but I have something much important I need you to do." "What's that?" he said. "Help me put on this necklace," I chirped, breaking the serious mood in the room, "The clasp is too finicky." I liked the word 'finicky', Dot taught me it. "Come here," he told me and for the second time in my female life I sat on a man's lap, neither of them Santa. This time I knew precisely what I was doing. I wriggled a little bit on his lap, giving him a covert lap-dance. He slowly attached the necklace around my neck, I could feel his warm breath delightfully close. I was doing the best I could to turn him on. "All done," he said once his job was over but I didn't get off him right away. There was something deeply erotic about me sitting obediently on his lap. "Thanks," I squeaked in a little voice that also seemed to say, "Kiss me, big boy." "So, ready for a big night?" Tyler asked me as I got off him. "I guess so. But who is invited?" "Soap stars, pop stars, anyone who attract media attention and was willing to come. Dolly is in the Gemma Taylor business and they want to make a big deal about you." "That sounds a little scary. As much as I like attention this might be a little too much. Can you stick around me and make sure I don't get overwhelmed?" My voice sounded so much tinier when I was asking for help. I sounded like a sparrow chirping for food or a door squeaking. Tyler sweetly nodded, there was more in his eyes than professionalism. I couldn't tell if it was friendship shining through or something more but I was destined to find out before the end of the night. "Thanks," I whispered, the sound of my voice struggling to fly through the air filled with sexual tension. "Hellllooo?" sang a voice and all the tension went clunking to the floor. Tyler blinked as if the sound had set him free from my spell. He looked at the door. "That would be Andre, he's here to do my make-up," I explained, wishing that he wasn't so punctual. "Oh OK. How are you getting to the party?" Tyler asked, "Do you know if Dolly has organized a car or something?" That I did know the answer to. "Ummm... yeah," I said coyly, "There's a limo coming in like 45 minutes. You can come if you want? Save you driving there yourself." I tried to hide the festering excitement but in hindsight I probably looked totally goofy. The limo was one of the most exciting parts of the trip, I knew it was slightly clich? to arrive at a party in a limo and that limos are more likely to contain 6 high school kids with $30 each rather than celebrities but I was excited because I had never been in one before. I sauntered to the door as Tyler said he would love to join me. I smiled inwardly as I opened the door. "Hi darling," Andre said, an enormous make-up case in one hand. He kissed me on the cheek and I decided that didn't count as my kiss tonight, I could do a lot better. "You look amazing," he fawned over my dress, "It's so fun and flirty. Did the nice man over there help you pick it out? Hi Tyler." "Hi Andre," Tyler said, somewhat wearily. "No," I exclaimed proudly, "I picked it all by myself." I did a twirl. Andre clapped his hands in appreciation. "Well done! Let's get you in the bathroom and inch you ever so closer to perfection, hon!" He sashayed into my bedroom then bathroom and I followed. Tyler gave me a 'Good luck' kind of shrug and remained seated. Before I had even reached the bathroom Andre had set up shop. His make-up case was organized in military-style efficiency. "Sit," he instructed and I complied. While I wasn't girly enough to care much about make-up, other than a device to make me appear girlier, I had to admire Andre's work. "It's such a cute dress," he reiterated, "And you wear it so well. Purse your lips for me please, lovey. You're going to have everyone staring at you. And that's not a push-up bra or anything like that is it?" Andre stared into my cleavage as if someone had fallen down there. "Nope, it's all me," I replied. "Well, aren't you lucky. Those are a real find, sweetheart, to have a pair so perfectly formed as those. Big, perfectly round and obscenely perky, you could make a fortune off those alone. But your other best feature is your enchanting smile; it's oh so slightly crooked and so damn sweet. It makes you look like a grown-up and very sexy Shirley Temple. All we would have to do is put your hair in ringlets and dress you in a sailor suit." Andre was probably taking things a little too far. "So, I read in the paper that you're attracted to the boys now?" he asked me. "Yeah," I admitted, "Boys are kinda interesting to me." "Me too," said Andre, removing all doubt. Andre's hands expertly teased my hair into an attractive style. "So, my heterosexual friend, what do you think of your friend Tyler? I find him totally irresistible." "I haven't noticed," I lied. "Well, at the photo shoot, he did nothing but notice you. I'd watch him if I was you." Andre had meant it as a warning but I took it as exciting news. "OK, I will. Are you coming to my party tonight?" I asked Andre as he made the finishing touches. "Would love to, sweetheart, but I have a previous engagement," he took a step back to admire his handy work, "There you go, perfection achieved!" "Thanks for your great work!" I smiled, he was really quite good. "Thank you for being a great canvas! It just goes to show it takes a man to be a really great girl." Andre laughed heartily at his own joke and packed up his case. I couldn't help but notice that his movements were more feminine than mine, and I had practiced in the privacy of my bedroom. I almost asked him for some pointers but at the last second chickened out, maybe he didn't know he was so feminine. The city buzzed with the excitement of people heading out and the relief of people heading home. The day was limping over the finish line and the night was limbering up for its leg of the race. My yellow dress came crashing out of the hotel lobby doors and onto the street. I laughed merrily as Tyler held open the door of the limo that had come to pick me up. I know by definition that limos are luxury cars, but it's not until you get inside one that you truly know why. "Wow," I gasped as I clambered inside. It was clearly nicer and classier than Mum's beaten up Toyota, my usual mode of transport. Plus there was a distinct lack of Beach Boy music, another sign of being in Mum's car. I sat in the middle of the seat and surveyed my cabin. I know limos more often than not contained high school kids or newlyweds but I couldn't help but feel like a massive celebrity. Tyler climbed in as well and sat delightfully close to me. I drank in his manly musk and my nipples responded. I liked my nipples getting hard, it felt nice. "This is the only way to travel," I sighed as Tyler poured me a glass of champagne. I was still only 17, so I probably wasn't allowed to drink at the big party, being underage and all. But that wasn't going to stop me from enjoying myself on the way there. I gulped, rather than simply sipping because I wasn't sure how much time I would be able to drink. I wanted enough to become cheery, chatty Gemma. There was a lot of pressure on me to be charming tonight. "Whoa! You're a thirsty girl!" exclaimed Tyler. I explained my problem and he said that I probably wouldn't be allowed to drink there. "Too many cameras," he said, "We can't be seen serving a minor alcohol, even if she is a total party animal!" I sucked back another glass of champagne, feeling the bubbles travel up to my head. I could feel Chatty, Flirty Gemma awaken and come to the forefront. "This is gunna be so much fun!" I chirped, adjusting my dress like a 5- year-old flower girl, "Just promise me you're not going to leave me." I ruffled my hand through his hair. "I'm not going anywhere. Do you need me to follow you into the toilets?" "No, I'll be fine in there, thank you very much, Mr. Perry." Tyler grabbed my hand, telling me, "Stop fiddling with the dress already! You look great! Better than great! You are going to knock every professional model slash actress slash pop star out of the water tonight. I'm not lying when I say that you'll be the most beautiful girl there tonight," he gently cupped my face in his hand, "Don't panic, pretty girl." It was definitely the perfect conditions for a kiss again. It was almost identical to the almost kiss of the night before. I closed my eyes again, waiting for the kiss. Suddenly I felt something - the car came to a stop. Damn it! "You ready?" asked Tyler as the limo driver came around to the door. "I guess so," I sighed, still kissless. Tyler thrust something at me, "Take this." I looked the object now in my hand. It was a Sharpie felt tip pen. I looked at him with an air of confusion. "Autographs," he explained. The limo door opened up and Tyler stepped out, onto a red carpet! An actual factual red carpet! He held out his hand and helped me out of the car. I swung my legs out and daintily put my feet on the ground. I never felt my life would have a real Cinderella moment and if it did I truly thought I would be Prince Charming and not Cinderella herself. I stepped out of the car, steadied myself on my heels and smiled. There were lines of fans and supporters down one side of the red carpet and reporters on the other side. I was temporarily blinded by the flashes of a thousand cameras. The way the people cheered I had to make sure there wasn't someone famous behind me. I meekly waved, before the thrill of it all began to seep in. I posed for the cameras. Nicole had taught me some move before I got on the plane. I posed with my back to me and turning and smiling, hands on my hips as if I'm proud of my butt. Then I spun around and tried to make my legs look good. Dolly Magazine had spent a lot of money on me I was just trying to give them their money's worth. I was soon lured away to what I guess would be called my 'fans', although what they have to be fanatical about is another question. "You look so pretty!" gushed a woman who must be in her mid-twenties and much too old to read Dolly. I thanked her and signed her diary. I shook hands, waved to the crowd and signed my name until my fingers went numb. It was weird having fans and I was unsure exactly what they are fans of. I had to enjoy the immense feeling of being loved by a huge group of people though. The smiles and eyes of everyone in the crowd screamed they loved me. Except maybe the picketers. It made sense that not everyone loved me. The proclamation that the country's most gender confused teenage girl was writing an advice column for teenage girls was bound to ruffle a few feathers. The ultra religious who thought I was affront to God were right out front, bravely protesting. They weren't great in numbers nor were they impressive. The glumly held up cheap looking banners and made a small amount of noise about me not being natural. If they had their way I would have been burnt at the stake so that there would be no chance of spreading my horrible gender wrecking nanobots to every God-fearing person in the country. I locked eyes with a few of them, mainly to prove that I wasn't Satan, but I was a young, vulnerable teenage girl. It was weird being on a red carpet, one of the most public places in the world and have the paparazzi keep their distance. Normally they would be as close to me as they could get, falling over each other to be the first to catch a glimpse of Gemma Taylor's new tan line, but thanks to the formality of a red carpet event they were trapped behind the velvet rope. Wearing the dress made me feel a little insecure, if I stepped in the wrong direction the whole crowd would get a view of my pretty undergarments. I kept my legs together and a lot of the time my little hands held the dress anxiously. I slowly made my way up the carpet, giving high-fives, signing autographs, answering the press's questions and meeting other celebrities. Of course, this party wasn't the biggest in Sydney so the grade of celebrity wasn't the top. No Elle Macpherson and Hugh Jackman, more like Libby from 'Neighbours' and some really cute guy from some manufactured band. Tyler kept his distance but was never too far away. I'd often give him nervous glances and he'd smile back. He was such a great help. I finally made it all the way down the carpet to the entrance. Even though I had only travelled 30 meters or so it had taken me 25 minutes. "Ready for the party?" Tyler leaned in and asked me. "You mean there's more?" I asked incredulously. I wouldn't have been surprised that through the doors was nothing at all and we'd go home. "The night is young, kiddo." We went into the lobby and were escorted to the lift. "Hello Gemma," said one of our lift companions. "Hi," I squeaked out. "Pleasure to finally meet you," the woman held out her long elegant hand to shake and I did the same. "Victoria Cross," she introduced herself, "and this," she gestured to a tall, good looking older gentleman that she had dragged along, "Is my partner, Geoffrey." "Victoria is probably Australia's best evening wear designer," Tyler explained. "Oh, aren't you sweet!" she exclaimed dryly in her husky voice. Her voice reminded me of expensive cheese and wine. "Don't let Mr. Perry's lies lead you astray, Gemma dear. I do well for myself but I'm not this country's greatest." She waved her hands elegantly around as she talked, like bower branches in the wind. "I'm sure you're very good, Victoria," I didn't really know if that was the right thing to say. "Coming from someone looking so beautiful in one of my dresses, that's quite a compliment," she smiled. There was a slight moment where I didn't know what in the world she was talking about, and then it dawned on me. "You made this?" I gestured to the preppy yellow dress that my curvy little body was packaged in. "Well, I may have designed it but believe me, you yourself make that dress," Victoria wryly said. The lift finished its journey and dinged proudly to alert us to the fact. "Thank you so much, Victoria," I liked saying Victoria's name, it made me feel elegant too, "I really love the dress." "And it loves you," it seemed impossible for Victoria to say something uncool. If smoking wasn't punishable by death in Sydney I'm sure she would walk around making her quips while holding one of those long cigarette holders from the 30's. She would have looked amazing with the swirl of cigarette smoke wrapped around her body. Her voice certainly sounded like she enjoyed the occasional cigarette. The doors opened but we didn't get out of the lift. "I understand you are making your Debut." "Yes, I'm doing my Debutante Ball for my Mum because she wasn't able to do hers," I explained. "How nice of you!" She produced her business card seemingly from thin air, "Look I would absolutely be thrilled to design your Debutante dress, if you would like." "Thanks," I said taking her card just to make sure it was real, "But I'm wearing a Mum Taylor original." "Of course you are, dear," she didn't sound hurt in the slightest, "You sound like a terrific daughter. If you need a dress for any other occasion you remember me, OK? It would be my pleasure, pro bono, of course. You have a great night tonight, Gemma darling. It's all yours." Victoria and Geoffrey stepped off the lift into the swirling sea of people. Tyler and I followed suit leaping into the mass of people. The ballroom was decorated lavishly with tall spires of balloons that reached the roof. The DJ in the corner blasted out some dance music while the beautiful people danced. There were large poster-sized pictures of me around the place. Pictures of me squealing while holding a armful of puppies, doing handstands at the beach, drawing a smiley face in the sand and posing coyly in a sundress. The photos were only taken the day before, so it was weird seeing them hung on walls like works of art. "Dolly Magazine welcome Gemma Taylor" proclaimed the huge banner that took up most of the length of the room. Standing at the exit were cheery hosts, handing out 'goodie bags'. It seemed much too lavish for a girl who was wearing high heels for the second time in her entire life. Now when a pretty girl walks into a room she gets noticed, that's one thing I've learnt since becoming one. When she is the guest of honour the attention is tripled. "Welcome Gemma!" "You look so gorgeous!" "You're so brave!" "Even prettier in person!" "Looking forward to reading your work!"\ My head was awash with positive comments from positive strangers. I smiled hard, said quiet little thank-yous to everyone and tried to find somewhere to hide. "Gemma!" called out a voice. I never thought I would be happy to see Annette. I walked as quickly as I could over to her, the sound of my heels clacking on the floor. It still astounded me I was in a dress and heels, flaunting my shapely legs and my generous boobs. Actually it still astounded me that I had shapely legs and generous boobs at all! The crowd let me through, as if I was Moses and they were the Red Sea. "Hi Annette!" I said more warmly than usual. She was looking a little more glamorous than usual, she wore a black pencil skirt and a pale red blouse, her mousy brown hair dripping down the back of her head. She wasn't even wearing her glasses, perhaps she had contacts in. "Good to see you," Annette said. "You too," I said honestly. "How was your little meeting today?" she said it quietly as if revealing Gemma Taylor had met John Draffen would make the entire party stop so that everyone could hear. "He's scary," I told Annette, getting a little worked up at the thought of it, "He isn't right." "I warned you that meeting him might be a little traumatising," Annette furrowed her brow, as if she was upset that she let me go in the first place. "He kept calling me Michael, I told him to stop but he wouldn't," I was upsetting myself just talking about it. It wasn't as if he touched me, he was just calling me a hurtful name, my old one. "John knew not to do that. I told him that you were coping really well, Gemma. He was just trying to get under your skin. He's probably jealous of your success." I had heard the 'bullies call you names because they are jealous of you' excuse a lot in my life and never quite believed it. Bullies never had anything thing to envy with Michael but I sort of believed it about John, he wanted exactly what I had, either my body or my acceptance of my body. "See, Gemma, he's lost so much and with his attitude he's bound to lose a lot more. He sees you actually enjoying yourself and wonders what is wrong with you, when he should be wondering what is wrong with him." Members of the crowd would look at me in awe, 'There she is' they thought, but they would never invade on my private conversations, which was good as I had some important business with Annette. "Why doesn't he have a sex change operation? Or take hormones or something if he hates being a guy so much?" When I first changed Annette floated these ideas to me, but I couldn't fool myself that the process would make me feel any better. Annette showed me pictures of the procedures they would have to do, scooping out my breasts and turning my labia into a scrotum, I wouldn't be able to be Michael as I knew him. I decided to try being Gemma first. John however was clearly not happy being John. "John thinks if he takes hormones then when a cure is found it wont work on him. It's just more of his elaborate conspiracy theories he likes making up. I hope he didn't get your hopes up of a cure, we've been through this." One thing Annette had said a lot during our first meeting was there was little chance a miraculous cure would emerge, it didn't make me happy at the time but at least my heart wasn't set on being Michael again. "He's not going to be OK, is he? I saw all the cuts on his arms." The thought that life was so bad that I needed a way out had only crossed my mind for the briefest of moments, but it seemed such a selfish thing to do. Annette put her hand on my shoulder. The fact that my 'gender advisor' was so less 'womanly' than me always made me laugh, her breasts were the size of two conveniently placed mosquito bites. "It's hard to say. I think he's been very strong to last this long. He has his good and bad days. But you, Gemma, are truly remarkable." I liked hearing that. I clumsily fished something out of my bra, without pockets it was the only place I could put it. It was the letter I had written John when I first returned to the hotel room. "Could you give this to him?" I asked, handing Annette the warm piece of paper. She took in her hand and eyed it. "Of course," she said as she carefully slipped in into her handbag. I hoped that she would give it to him, I knew that she would consider it. A glass floated in front of my eyes. "Orange juice?" Tyler offered. I took the glass from him and smiled. "How are you Annette?" Tyler was always a gentleman. Annette and Tyler struck up a conversation while I whetted my whistle. I opened my mouth and took a swig of O.J. After the juice and pulp trickled down my throat there remained a distinct aftertaste, vodka. Tyler winked at me while still talking to Annette and I winked back. Nothing wrong with an underage girl drinking orange juice! My Editor Jane picked me up and introduced me to all the movers and shakers. I tried to be charming (which was bolstered by Tyler and his 'orange juices') and I answered their questions dutifully. I smiled at the women and flirted harmlessly with the men. I didn't even call them out when I caught them peeking down my dress at my tanned cleavage. "You're doing great, just great!" praised Jane as she whisked me around, showing me off like a party trick she had just learnt, "Everyone simply loves you! And I'm so glad you wore the Victoria Cross dress too, you look simply stunning in it!" "You don't think it's a little too revealing?" After 50 guys in a row had openly gawked at my chest there was certainly a growing argument for 'too revealing'. "Not at all, you look like a beautiful young woman with big things in front of you." I don't think she noticed the second meaning of that statement. "Have you had enough meet and greets yet?" "I am a little tuckered out," I admitted. "Well, then go and have fun! Have a dance! Enjoy the rest of the night, feel free to go home whenever you want, you've worked hard enough tonight. Gemma Taylor coming to Dolly Magazine is going to be our best issue ever, I can feel it," Jane's eyes lit up, although I'm sure some of the glimmering was due to some dollar signs. Jane waved to someone entity across the room and floated across. And I was alone, through all the people I met and the conversations I had I couldn't remember the last time I had seen Tyler, it was all a glamour styled blur. Considering the orange juice glass I was holding was completely empty I was sure it was a while ago. I suddenly felt like a kid whose father had promised to hold the bike while they rode it, only to find out that their father, in an effort to teach them how to ride, had let go ages ago. I suddenly felt nervous, wobbly on my heels and terrified I was going to fall. I decided that if Tyler was nowhere to be found I would go to the toilet to hide for a little bit instead. Gorgeous women all stood in the bathroom, daintily re-applying make-up and talking to each other as I entered. They all smiled at me as I meekly dashed into a stall, my heels clopping along like I was a Clydesdale. I lifted up my dress and scooted down my panties to around my knees. As soon as my bottom touched the seat a jet of nervous wee came out of me. I had been drinking fairly consistently all night so the stream was long and strong. I was scared that the other girls in there were listening to me wee, straining to hear whether I did it differently to 'real girls', but they probably weren't. Everyone I had met so far tonight had been delightful. I wiped myself clean and wriggled back into my panties. I tripled checked to make sure my dress wasn't tucked into my undies anywhere and then flushed. I took a deep breath and unlocked the lock on the stall. The gorgeous women continued with their business, none were out to accuse me of urinating wrong. I went to the sink and stood shoulder to shoulder with someone I recognised. "Hi," she said, she seemed to know who I was too. "Hi," I replied, "Thanks for coming to my party." "Well, I read a lot about you and thought you were very brave," she smiled the smile she became famous for. She seemed a little taller than I expected her to be but maybe that was because even in heels I didn't come close to my old height. "Wow," I said in shock, "Thanks." She dried her hands. I was truly star-struck by my bathroom companion. "I'll be looking forward to your column, Gemma. It's a pleasure to meet you," I shook her majestic hand, even though my fingers were sopping wet, I hoped she didn't care. She smiled sweetly and walked out the door. I had just washed my hands beside Elle Macpherson!!!! "Elle Macpherson!" I repeated the story to Tyler. "I mean one of the world's most famous supermodels not only knows who I am but is looking forward to my work!" "That's awesome, Gem. Any chance she's still around? I'd love to be following her instead of you!" I punched him playfully in the arm. "Ouch! That... didn't hurt one bit! You're a weakling, Taylor!" "It hurt, you're just too scared to admit that a girl hurt you!" I grew up in a house with Nicole and my Mum, I knew how to tease. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure my arm is shattered in at least 5 places," Tyler pretended to nurse his arm. The problem with Tyler was when he was sexy he was sexy and when he was being annoying he was even sexier. He sounded a little drunk too, he probably sunk back a few while I was off hobnobbing it with the city's biggest and brightest. The 'orange juices' he brought me had made me a little bit tipsy myself. I leaned into Tyler pressing my body against his, grabbed his hands and whispered, "Wanna dance?" as if I was asking him to fuck me in the toilets. "Let's do it," he answered, no promising him to show him my tits if he danced with me was needed. I gripped his hand securely and pulled him in the direction of the dancing. Being such a 'too cool for school' teen the pop music blaring from the speakers wasn't well known to me, the more popular a thing is the more Dot, Glen and I ignored it, but it had a beat and it felt great to shake about to. I'm sure Lilly or Alana would know the song. Tyler was, of course, a great dancer - free spirited and fun. I loved dancing in this body of mine, it felt so right. As Michael, I always felt awkward and as if I was missing a big part of how to do it. But now I got it, I rolled my hips about and enjoyed the bouncing sensation from my chest. Dancing on heels wasn't as hard as I thought, that is as long I kept both feet on the ground at all times. I gently pressed my back up against Tyler's masculine front and sensuously slid down him. That was a dangerous move for a few reasons: 1) I was a little unstable due to the high heels and the slightly less than copious amounts of 'special' orange juices I had consumed. I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't far off. 2) I was Dolly Magazine's golden girl and probably shouldn't be seen dirty dancing with a man a few years my elder. 3) There was a risk as I slid down him that my dress would come up exposing my little panties to everyone. From the face Tyler was pulling when I stood back up and turned around, the risks were well worth taking. "Where did a sweet girl like you learn dance moves like this?" Tyler jokingly whispered. "I think they came with the body," I shrugged and went back to only slightly sexualised dancing. I say 'only sightly sexualised' because there is an unmistakable sexual energy to all dances and even though we were only joking around, having fun on the dance floor there was the relentless tug of sexual attraction between us. The night, as all nights have a tendency of doing, went on. The crowd began to thin and I was called upon to say good bye to the people I had met only a few hours before; friendly people who work for the magazine, pretty young female celebs and their phenomenally hunky male counterparts, people in charge of society pages in the newspapers (Tyler seemed to know them well.) and TV and radio people who told me that they wanted to make me a star. Elle Macpherson had supposedly left earlier without saying good-bye to me. I yawned and the power of the yawn gave Tyler the magical ability to make decisions for me. "She's ready to call it a night," he decided. I thanked the right people for a fantastic night and smiled the way I should. I followed Tyler weaving through the crowd, people waved goodbye and told me that they were looking forward to seeing the issue of the magazine. Everyone had a business card they wanted me to have and all talked about chatting about my big plans to the future. "Good night dear," said Victoria and she kissed me on both cheeks. It all was a whirl, of nodding, smiling and dreaming of the celebrity they wanted me to be. It was hard to think that I could possibly be a bigger celebrity when I got to the Lobby exit, while the fans were long gone, spinning into the night with stories and photos of the famous people who whirled down the red carpet, a phalanx of photographers waited for me. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Gemma! CLICK! "Did you have a fun CLICK! night?" CLICK! "I did," I smiled, as I stepped into my limo, Tyler's coat draped over my slender shoulders. The limo driver gently pulled out, taking Cinderella away from the ball, both shoes on her feet, killing her. Not exactly how the fairytale went but at least Prince Charming was in the carriage with her. "That was a lot of fun. I don't want to go home tomorrow. Can't I just live here with you?" I said, as Sydney rolled past my window. I was foolish to let a moment go while here in Sydney, they were all special to me and I had let them all slip through my fingers. I had only a precious few of them left and I wasn't going to let any of them go. You can only come to Sydney for the first time once, and the next time might not be as magical. Tyler brushed his fingers through my hair and I sighed contentedly. "How about you can live in my apartment and I move to Marrang and live with your Mum?" he joked. "She'd love that. She bloody loves you!" I explained. "Your Mum isn't so bad herself!" Tyler said. This conversation wasn't going in the right direction, he was meant to want to kiss me, not Mum! I shimmied a little closer to him and sleepily let my head rest on his shoulder. The limo pulled up and the driver opened the door. This is where we would part, Tyler would go back to his place and I would go up to bed, unkissed. I lingered out front of the lobby, waiting for something to happen. "Well, this is goodbye then?" Tyler seemed as unsure as I did about our imminent parting. "I guess so," I pouted and looked at my feet. "Yeah, I guess I'll drive home and have a sleep. Lots of offers for you to sort out, you little superstar." His jacket sat on my shoulders, making me look even smaller than I already am. He reached over my shoulders and took his jacket back. "Tyler..." I helplessly protested. "Look, don't get all sad on me, kiddo. I loved showing you around and next time you're up I can show you even more. And when you turn 18, even more." I giggled but that dislodged a few tears, they came trickling down my perfectly made-up cheek. "When are you 18?" he asked. "January 3rd," I huffed, I wouldn't be an 'adult' for almost a year, "I'm still a baby!" "Don't be like that, kiddo! You're the most amazing person I've ever met, you're so strong and brave and adorable. I've never seen one person charm an entire room like you did before. You had everyone in the palm of your hand. And it's not just because of your history or because you're breathtakingly beautiful, it's of because of your big heart." "That's so nice of you to say, Tyler. You've been so great to me the entire trip," I sniffled, "I'm going to miss you so m...." The moment was so much more about not trying to cry in my tired, emotional and slightly drunk state of mind and not about a kiss anymore. "Hey cheer up, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm driving you to the airport, aren't I? That's going to be fun!" I laughed a little at his lame attempt at cheering me up. The night wind made me shiver and I saw a look in Tyler's eyes. He was wondering whether to give me his jacket again so we could talk more or if he should just leave. "I'll see you tomorrow, OK?" Tyler had made his decision. He wasn't going to kiss his little princess, dressed in her gorgeous little yellow dress. CHAPTER 30 I sulked around my room, too depressed to look at my amazing view or eat anything from my amazing fruit basket. I missed Tyler, I missed home and I missed my opportunity for a kiss. There was no way he was going to kiss me at the airport, that's the place for last kisses, not first kisses. The night of the big ball is when usually the princess received her precious first kiss. I was a little annoyed that my inner- monologue kept referring to myself as a little princess but even more annoyed that the little princess didn't get her kiss. With the failure of my rather successful night fresh in my mind, I kicked off my heels in whatever direction they felt like flying in and nursed my painful feet. There was an open bottle of champagne lying around so I helped myself to a glass, a pity glass. I sat, dressed like an angel, totally alone. I wanted to call Dot or Alana or Glen but it was way too late to be calling anyone to commiserate. Instead I gulped a heaping great mouthful of flat champagne. 'What am I doing?' I thought, 'I'm in a palace, dressed liked a princess, yearning for my Prince to come and rescue me.' I was so much girlier than I first thought. Maybe Kate Draffen was right, maybe playing as Gemma was all an act to make me think that I was ok with this. 'I am wearing a dress for Christ's sake! A dress that accentuates my tiny waist and big boobs!' I thought, 'This must all be an act! You're are just trying to stop yourself from going crazy!' I felt the dress constricting me, tightening on my tiny body. For the first time in awhile I wanted my old body back! That scary thought was shaken from my body when I heard a sound. A distinct sound. There was a gentle but persistent knock coming from the door. "Gem, it's Tyler," the knocker revealed himself in a loud whisper. I bounded to my feet and pure glee itself carried me to the front door. I quickly straightened up, fixed my dress and cracked the door open. It was Tyler, as charming and good looking as when I left him 10 minutes ago. My Prince had climbed the tower to rescue me. And to save me all he needed to do is give his Princess her first true love's kiss. "Are my keys on the kitchen bench?" the Prince asked, like a total dickhead. "Umm...," I said, my 'umm' filled with total dejection, "Come in and have a look." I opened the door fully and let him inside, making sure to close it behind him. He looked at the bench, "Nope," he said and he pottered off to look for them somewhere else, I followed closely behind. We walked to the couches where he had sat while I got my make-up on earlier in the day. He flipped up the cushions and ran his hand in between then. "Fuck!" "No luck?" It was obvious; nobody says 'Fuck!' when they find what they are looking for. Unless maybe a rattle snake. "I must have dropped them at the party. I can remember having them there. That's annoying," he slumped, defeated, onto the couch. I couldn't help but feel that perhaps where Tyler was unlucky I was lucky. "What are you going to do?" I asked him, with concern in my voice. "Guess I'll take a taxi back home," he lamented. "How will you get in?" "Oh yeah! My flat keys! Damn it!" Now was my chance! I looked at him, his sexy 5 o'clock shadow starting to set in. "You more than welcome to stay here," I purred, leaning towards him, "I have three beds and I only have one body." I seriously hoped he noticed my body. He put his hands in his hair and sighed, "Gemma, I can't." "Why not?" I asked honestly, "You've had too much to drink so even if you do find your keys you shouldn't be driving anyway. Plus it's not like you have to share a bed with me or even a room. Come on, we'll open that last bottle of champagne, have a chat and then a massive sleep in." As my words rolled over the top of him, swirling into his ears like water down a plug hole, his cat-like smile grew bigger and bigger "You do make a very persuasive argument, Gemma Taylor." The kiss was back in the picture! "It's that or you sleep in the streets," I cheerfully explained. Tyler laughed as he grabbed the bottle of room temperature champagne I was given and popped the cork, it flew across the room, attacking the wall above the massive flat- screen TV that reminded me of the one at home. I took the glass he offered me and began to sip it. "I've drank enough of this stuff that I actually kinda like it," I giggled. "We should make a toast, Gemma," Tyler said, his slur showing through. He too was a little drunk, "Ummm... to wishes coming true!" He clinked my glass sweetly. I looked into his eyes, they were a painfully sexy shade of blue. I nodded at his sweet sentiments and sipped some more. I ran my hand through my hair, knowing that doing it made me look both sexy and vulnerable. "So many of my dreams have already came true on this trip. There's just an impossible one left." "Impossible? Not possible! Dreams are never impossible, kiddo, some are just more tricky than others," Tyler poured himself another glass, "And if anyone is going to get a happily ever after it's going to be you, Gem. So, what is this impossible dream?" "It's silly," I admitted. "Come on, tell me please," cajoled Tyler. I swallowed hard and looked at the handsome man I was sharing this moment/couch/room with. I would have never had thought that I would find a man so irresistibly alluring. His manly musk blew across on a breeze and caught my nostrils. I was inches away from my dream but couldn't even tell if it was possible. If it was possible, it would be the perfect way to end a perfect night, if it wasn't the whole night would embarrassingly crumble apart. The city lights blinked in the distance and reminded me that you're only ever in Sydney for the first time once. "I wished that you would kiss me," I said, my breaths becoming short and embarrassed. His eyes looked surprised but he said nothing. I felt small and stupid, I had ruined a beautiful moment with a good friend. I was totally humiliated, but at least my first trip to The Big City was almost over. Tyler sat up, he was probably going to excuse himself and go to his room. He smiled the slightest of smiles and moved in. Closer and closer into my personal space. He was going to kiss me! He closed his eyes and parted his lips and brought them close to mine. My heart took off, thumping faster then it was ever meant to. "I am Gemma!" my mind screamed as his lips gently touched mine, our mouths slightly open. The kiss was incredible, his tongue darting in my mouth just for a second, it was quick, deep and delightful. I had never felt more alive, more remarkable, more feminine in my entire life! A man was kissing me and I liked it, a lot! Our lips almost parted but he pressed them together for a brief moment, a second mini-kiss that spoke worlds about the first. I was now a woman and didn't care who knew it. I sighed a little pleasantly, a little bit disgruntled as the kiss ended. I waited a moment, letting all the thoughts in my head settle down before I opened my eyes. This was so more amazing than my first kiss as a guy, who knew that kissing felt so different? "You made my wish come true," I whispered, still panting heavily. "That's because you deserve everything you could ever wish for, Princess." I melted when he called me princess. I was never a big one for cutesy nicknames but I never wanted him to call me anything but Princess again. "I wish you'd kiss me some more," I smiled. I had told myself that I only needed one kiss to make this a perfect night but it wasn't true, I needed all the kisses I could cram into one night. "Gemma..." he had dropped 'princess' rather quickly, "I'm nine years older than you. You're not even 18 yet. Believe me I want to kiss you again. And again. And again. But there is a thousand reasons why I shouldn't." "Hmmm," I sighed as I slowly invaded his personal space, "A thousand? I can't think of one." "Well, looking at you now, I can't seem to recall one either." He kissed me again, rougher this time. This kiss had the intention of a million kisses to follow and I was going to enjoy every single one. His arms wrapped around me and massaged my supple back. I moaned in pure ecstasy. I hardened and dampened in the usual spots and breathed deep. If only John Draffen could see me now. There was passion in every kiss, every kiss felt like a first kiss. The first kiss where his hand touched my back, the first kiss where my tongue played with his, the first kiss where he moaned, it was a torrent of firsts. We both moved from a sitting position to a lying one, his manly body on top of mine. He was gentle and firm and knew what he was doing, I was passionate and scared and couldn't get enough. My moans belied how much I was enjoying it but yet how terrified I was too. His hand came up to my boob and gently massaged it through my dress and I almost exploded in pleasure. I couldn't believe I ever wanted to cut them off, they felt mind-blowing! My hands caressed his body, enjoying the tour of his broad masculine shoulders, his rippling abs and oh so handsome face. His 5 o'clock shadow scratched my soft skin a little but I didn't mind. I loved being the girl! I wondered how I was a guy for so long. Our lips continued to stay locked together is a passionate game. Our tongues rolling around like crates on a rocking ship. He tasted so sweet that I wasn't sure I could separate my lips from his even if I wanted to. A wandering hand explored under my dress and cupped my pert, round, buttocks. I did not stop his rummaging under my dress, in fact I made a noise that suggested that I loved his hand exactly where it was. He understood and went under my panties to grab a handful of my delicate flesh. I felt a bulge pressing against one of my legs, I knew what it was, I once had a bulge like that myself. It seemed like a lifetime ago. All I had now was a void between my thighs; an aching void that had never felt so empty. Tyler's hand found its way from my bum down to my aching void. I gasped slightly as he traced a solitary finger around my moist pussy lips. It felt amazing when I did it myself but a foreign digit made it feel like paradise was between my legs. As our tongues tangled together in a passionate mess, Tyler gently inserted a finger into my moist pussy. It was all going so fast, and yet not fast enough. I wriggled my hips in delight and then something unexpected happened. He stopped. He stopped kissing me, he stopping kneaded my boob and he removed his finger from me. "Tyler," I said, to reassure him that I was enjoying it all. "I can't," he responded, "You are just too special." "But I want you to." It was true, I wanted Tyler to enjoy my body. "Look Gem, you're just drunk on champagne, drunk on the big city, drunk on being a celebrity. If we did follow through you would regret it one day and I would regret taking your special moment away from you," Tyler sat up, getting off me. "You think I'm stupid, don't you?" I started to get all upset. "God no, believe me if you were two years older I would be more than happy to be your boyfriend, but there's a big difference between a 17 year old girl and 19 year old woman. There's a lot of growing up in those years." The way he looked at me I felt 7, not 17. "It's not illegal, I'm giving you consent," definitely not the sexiest thing to say but I thought it might get him in the mood. Nothing like being assured that you are not about to commit statutory rape to get you horny. The bulge in his pants had not yet gone down. I moved in for a kiss. He let me kiss him but he didn't kiss back. It just wasn't as fun by myself. "Gemma, you are far too special for me to do this to you. Good night," he stood up and went towards his bedroom. He looked back at me, his hair all messed up from our exertions. "I'll see you in the morning, OK kiddo?" "OK," I pouted. I was used to getting my way these days and Tyler was trying to tell me I was getting my way, but it didn't feel like it. My special area screamed out for his touch and I was old enough and woman enough to know when it was the right time. I wasn't even that drunk, I walked all the way to my en suite without so much as a stumble. I crumbled and sat on the toilet lid, sobbing like a spoilt child. There was something scary about my unfed lust, something that frightened me a little bit. I felt so foolish, acting so flirty and mature and then pretty much flat out begging him for sex. I felt like a prostitute and a little kid at the same time. Worst of all he turned me down! I let my dress slip off my shoulders and into a messy yellow puddle around my feet. My incredibly sexy body was reflected back at me. He turned this down! I knew the truth - I was a little sexpot! A body designed for living out people's fantasies and I owned it. I slid out of my damp panties and stared at what Tyler should have been looking at now. His loss, if he didn't want me I was sure I could find a man or boy who would appreciate, no, worship my body. I threw myself onto my bed, lying on top of the sheets and doona. I rubbed my inner thighs with contempt, moving onto my warm, wet pussy. My sex musk filled the room. I kept reminding myself that Tyler was missing out and I hoped he knew it too. I moaned, hopefully loud enough so that he could hear. I really didn't like being told 'no' and especially to an offer as divine as was offered to him. The fingering was making me feel all hot and bothered but ultimately unfulfilled. I sat up, charged with a new mission and I strolled to Tyler's room. On reflection I wasn't quite sure what my plan was, all I knew was that I was semi-naked and that I wouldn't take 'no' for an answer anymore. Tyler laid on the bed, shirtless with the covers off, his manly chest glowing with sweat. His business suits had hidden a body that he must have worked hard on, he was all rippling and chiselled. He was even better looking than I had imagined. Tyler peacefully slept although another part of his body was far from sleepy. There was a telltale tent pole holding up his boxer shorts. I wasn't sure on what to do next. My flimsy plan pretty much counted on him being awake, It is very hard to seduce an man who is asleep, especially for an amateur seductress like me. Gingerly and very carefully I sat down beside him. His erection enthralled me, what used to be routine, even mundane to me, was driving me into an orgasmic bout of pure lust. Sure, my penis had been erect hundreds of times before, but this was someone else's and I knew exactly where in wanted to go: inside me! In my quest to be as typically female as I could be I often had leafed through women's magazines, like Cosmo and other mags geared toward girls in their late teens and twenties. Their covers often promised '101 Fantastic Sex Tips' and '45 Ways To Please Your Man'. I had read them diligently wondering if I would ever need to know the tips. One such tip popped into my mind. The magazine said, 'Wake your man up with a steamy head job, it will the best wake up call he'll ever get!' I must have sat on the bed not moving for 5 minutes, letting the nerves build up in my tummy. It was something I desperately wanted to do but it was terribly scary at the same time, like bungee jumping. I knew if I just bit the bullet I would enjoy it. I couldn't sit here all night, erections don't last that long and Tyler would probably find it weird if he woke up to see my mouth wrapped around his flaccid penis. With a mounting dose of trepidation my fingers inched their way to the button on his boxer shorts. I needed that button undone if I was going to give him a special wake up call. Luckily the button wasn't at the head of his penis, it was being pulled tight on the underside of it. The button was only really half done up, so a simple flick sent the silk fluttering down, reveal his manly shaft. It was bigger and thicker than the last one I handled belonging to Terry the British Backpacker but it was still a little smaller than mine used to be. But that didn't comfort me any more, it was still huge compared to my mouth. My tongue danced over my lips nervously, moistening them of their big job. I wasn't sure how much longer his erection would last without my oral help, so I knew if I was going to go through with it, it would had to be soon. 'What would my Mum think?' was a thought that flashed through my mind. Knowing my Mum she would want to do the same thing to him herself. And so would Nicole and Dot and probably any other girl who would be interested in beautiful blue eyes and a tremendous body. I owed it to girls everywhere to suck this beautiful cock. I started slow, just the tip of my tongue touching the head of his cock. It tasted tangy but not horrible, I got on my knees and kneeled over him, lowering my mouth ever further. I was sucking on a cock! I had bandied the term 'cocksucker' around as an insult in my younger days and now I was one. A bona-fide cocksucker. My lips wrapped around the shaft and I quietly went to work, building up a slow but definite rhythm. To be honest, I felt great. I felt sexy and powerful and subservient at the same time. I was pleasuring a man who wasn't even awake. I looked up at Tyler's face - his eyes were open! He said, "Hey," Not as in an angry "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Or "Hey! Get off my penis!" Nor was it a lecherous "Hey baby, you like what Daddy's got?" It was a warm, friendly "Hey," like "Hey, I really missed you," or a "Hey, how are you doing?" I took my mouth off of him and whispered nervously, "Do you want me to stop?" I felt like an adult had caught me doing something naughty. There was a heavy pause where I had no clue what Tyler was thinking. "I'm trying my best to say yes but the truth is no, I don't want you to stop." We shared a nervous laugh between us and I slowly lowered my head. I looked him in the eyes as I did it, searching for approval like an eager to please puppy. He smiled and nodded peacefully. I decided I could go deeper and faster, I doubled my effort, bobbing up and down faster and more intense. My mind flicked through the pages of the magazines to try and remember some other tricks. I wanted to be good for Tyler, I wanted tonight to be very memorable. One had suggested sucking on an ice cube while I go down on him, but I didn't want to leave to get some ice. Another article said to gently nibble the foreskin but Tyler was circumcised so that was out too. I guess I didn't need any tricks because Tyler looked like he was enjoying it very, very much. "Gemma, you naughty princess!" Tyler gently chided me as I enjoyed myself. "You look so fucking beautiful, you know that?" I liked hearing his compliments; it spurred me on to do even a better job. I knew that it would impossible for us to have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship but like when he took me to dinner, it was fun pretending. I still was unsure if I was ready for a boyfriend but pleasuring a good-looking man is another thing altogether. "Good girl," praised Tyler, "Just a little faster." I adjusted my speed, taking more in at a faster pace, my little bottom sticking high in the air. Tyler groaned in appreciation. I couldn't tell him how much I was enjoying what was happening so I moaned back. "Just a little bit faster." It was all a little too much, the furious speed, the sense of power, the taste of champagne and cock in my mouth, I began to feel the room begin to swirl. Was this all a dream? Would I wake up soon in my old room in my old body in my old unremarkable life? I didn't want that to happen. I loved the fact that I was the toast of Sydney, a writer/model/celebrity who was currently hungrily sucking the penis of a really sweet and really cute guy. It was my new life and it was exciting. "Gemma?" Tyler broke my little train of though. I looked up at him from my position. "You've done such a good job that I'm going to cum very soon, very soon! So unless you want to swallow my load I'd stop sucking pretty soon." I wanted to make him happy, good girls swallow and I was tying to be a 'good girl'. I looked at him with a glint in my eyes and sucked. Now I knew more than most girls giving their first blowjob that cum isn't the nicest thing in the world; the smell was never great, the consistency is disgusting and it can be horrendous if it dries. I had 3 solid years experience of rubbing my own penis to know the trials and tribulations of semen. I heard a grunt and I braced myself, sliding down his cock so that most of it just slides down my throat. His thick member twitches and suddenly a warm liquid is filling my mouth. I try not to panic, he warned me and I knew what I was getting into. I let the warm substance trickled back as far as it could go and I slurped it up and swallowed it. The good news was that it wasn't a bucket load, he must have came earlier in the day or maybe yesterday. I imagined him hurrying home after our almost kiss last night only to masturbate frantically thinking of me. I gulped it down and lifted my head up, I felt a drop of cum dripping down my chin. "All gone!" I said proudly, as if I was a 4 year old who had eaten all of their vegetables. "Good girl," Tyler sighed exhausted, "Well, that was a surprise!" I wiped my mouth with the bed sheet, the salty taste still lingered in my mouth. I crawled up beside him. "I hope you liked it," I cooed into his ear as our heads shared the same pillow. Our noses brushed against each other as I stared in awe into his eyes. "Liked it?" he whispered back, "I loved it. You do know this can only be a one-time thing, Gemma? If anyone found out, I could lose my job." "I know," I said maturely, snuggling up to him, "I wont tell anyone if you don't." My crotch was moist and my nipples hard. He was huge compared to me, I felt like a little ant snuggling up to a giant. His hairy torso scratched my smooth tummy, a giant arms wrapped around my tiny waist. I was at his mercy and yet I felt so secure. He kissed me and I felt happier than I ever had before. Our lips parted and Tyler grinned. "So, would you like for me to go down on you?" He asked me. I nodded nervously. My breaths became shallow and quick as he kissed me on my neck. He planted tiny kisses all over my collarbone as he hand reached underneath desperate to undo my bra. I remember the exhilaration of awkwardly fumbling with my ex- girlfriend's bra when I was 15, thrilled to get my hands on her tiny A- cups, it seemed to take a millennium to get her bra off. Tyler seemed to be either much luckier or much more talented and I felt the bra come undone in a matter of seconds. I held my arms out as he hurriedly pulled the bra up my arms and off completely, the recently freed breasts jiggled and Tyler squeezed them mischievously. With my bra off I was completely naked, unless you count the studs in my ears. "These are the most perfect tits I have ever seen. They are perfection! You may have to get the jaws on life to remove my hands from them." His fingers danced around the crinkled skin of my areolas and I moaned in pleasure. "Oh you like that, huh? Little princess likes me playing with her little, perky nipples?" Tyler teased me more by gently flicking my nipples with his fingers. I nodded enthusiastically. He lowered his head and began coiling his tongue around my left nipple, his hands made sure my right one didn't feel unloved. As his tongue circled my nipple I couldn't hold back. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah," I moaned because I felt if I didn't I would explode in pleasure. The image of Tyler heartily sucking on my nipple turned me on even more. I briefly wondered if a baby would ever suckle there, but tried to block t

Same as Kate Draffen (Chapters 29-40) Videos

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KATE DRAFFEN By Swishy CHAPTER 10 It was very nice to smell home again. You know how your house has a distinctive smell? Everyone's house has one. You don't really notice it until you've been away for a while and then it greets you like a family pet, happily waiting for you at the front door. I wrinkled my cute little nose up as I drew in a huge whiff of the old house. "It's good to be home!" I sighed loudly. I was perhaps overreacting because I had really only been...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 20 21

Kate Draffen (Chapters 20 + 21) By Swishy CHAPTER 20 The material was lodged firmly in my bum. Alana didn't want me showing any 'panty lines' while I wore these white, tight pants so she prescribed a tiny white thong. Her mum drove us down the shops specifically to buy one that matched my pants. It was absolutely tiny, I couldn't believe something that small could cost almost $20. The woman at the cash register couldn't believe who she was serving. Even though there was four...

2 years ago
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Kate Bishop and the Tracksuit Mafia

“Why the hush hush? You said that the city was free of the archer.” the goon replied to his boss, referring to the first Hawkeye, Clint Barton. “Yes, but there’s still a Spider crawling about, a devil, and the other archer.” Dmitri replied. The only vigilante he was worried about was the other archer, Kate Bishop. She had foiled his last few attempts to regain a foothold back in NYC for the Tracksuits. Other 22-year-old girls were out having a grand ol time, but Kate found her happy place in...

3 years ago
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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Would a snowstorm keep her from her family at Christmas? What do you mean Im not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Years Eve! Evan cringed as Kathleens voice grew shrill. Im sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays. Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight...

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Kate and The Christmas Detour

“ What do you mean I’m not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Year’s Eve!” Evan cringed as Kathleen’s voice grew shrill. “I’m sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays.” “ Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight misleading? How could you do this to me?” “ Kathleen, I’m sorry,...

3 years ago
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Kate and Alice family Jewels

Introduction:"Pete, have you seen my...urgh" When the door had fully opened, Alice stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her brother Pete on his bed, naked. On top of him sat her best friend Kate, just as naked, smiling broadly at Alice, while she enthusiastically bounced away, riding Pete and obviously enjoying it. Seeing her brother blindfolded, with his hands tied to the headboard and his feet tied to the foot-end of the bed astonished Alice even more.link with video when kate and alice...

4 years ago
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Kate Mike and Dave

Hello my name is Mike and with me is my wife Kate. We've been married ten years and together fifteen. Kate and I live in a apartment in Newport News Virginia and we share it with another couple who I will call Dave and Sally. Dave and Sally are not married but are planning on tying the knot by next year. We are all into the party scene as Kate and I go out to a dance bar within walking distance to our apartment. Kate and I are a great couple and are very open to each other sexually and...

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Kate and Amys Corset

Kate and Amy's Corset by Pamela ([email protected]) Note: This is the sequel to "Aunt Caroline's Girdle" Midweek after my Sunday appearance at church, the phone rang while I was cleaning up the dinner dishes. I could hear Caroline in the next room talking. "Yes, Kate, Blake is doing just fine, thank you." "Oh you would would you? He's doing the dishes now." "Yes, very well trained, Kate." "OK, I'll ask." "Blake dear?" Caroline called to me. I turned...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts."What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to myself as I...

4 years ago
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Alex was a reclusive girl. She was never very interested in seeking relationships with those around her. She only had a couple friends who were very close; they could both vouch for her shyness. She was awfully cute, with soft, short, golden brown hair that fell to her jaw line and eased a little on the boyish side. In fact, her entire being was a bit on the boyish side, but her face was still pretty with large, green eyes and a nice, albeit somewhat awkward smile that she rarely displayed. She...

1 year ago
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Kate Free Part 2

It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...

2 years ago
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Kate Todds Erotic Adventure

They weren’t about to be having children before marriage, so she always made him wear a condom. Even if they got married in the future, she knew she would still insist that he wear a condom. She was happy that they both agreed on this during a discussion about it. They both reasoned that they were still young and had their whole lives ahead of them which was a lot of time to bring a child into the world. They started experimenting with anal shortly after they began having sex and this was...

1 year ago
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Kate 3

"Hello, Kate?" was the voice on the other end. "Who's this?" she asked. "It's Rob. We met at Reddys' the other night." "I don't remember you. Were you at Davin's place that night?" Kate asked rather bruskly. "You guessed it. How did you enjoy your birthday party?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm afraid I can't place you. I was kind of in the dark that night." The voice on the other end just laughed and said, "I know but did you like Davin's surprise birthday party?" "Yeah, I guess. Look, I...

Group Sex
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Kate and Dylan Twins in Lust

I was concentrating on three different female butts just then and didn’t catch who he was talking about “Huh, which one?” “Kate. Look at her man, she’s so awesome, I would pay to get her hot for me.” I looked across the floor to the girl he was talking about just as she leaped off the floor, her long lithe body stretched as graceful as a leaping Gazelle from toes to fingers as she spiked the ball down to the opposite side of the net. If a photographer had been able to catch her while...

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Kate Jim Ch 02

Jim finished her spanking and surprisingly Kate didn’t get up from his lap right away. He was pleased Kate took her punishment well. Kate didn’t make a sound as the tears fell from her face. Jim really had to admire her for that….admire her as well as love her. He took no pleasure in spanking her but honestly felt that Kate needed a strong hand to keep her in check. Just as Jim finally admitted to himself that he needed a woman to love, to truly love and share his life and thoughts with. ...

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Kate 2

In the land of leprechauns and shamrocks lives a pretty girl by the name of Kate. Of course you might have read about Kate O'Brien from Chapter One. Anyway, Kate is in her mid-twenties and lives in Kilkenny with her boyfriend Sean. It's a good arrangement but not great. Her sex drive is a moon shot higher than Sean's leaving Kate to think of ways to satisfy her urges, especially after participating in the sex party from a few Fridays ago. On that memorable Friday night, she had sex with a lad...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Kate Part 3

Kate, Part 3 By Ricky So I once again had a case of the nerves to cope with, this meeting the family stuff just seemed to keep going and going and going. Had it only been a month since Kate started to become real? As far as I could tell, the only looks I got were because of my height; Steph got just as many as I did when we were out together. I felt perfectly comfortable out in public lunching at McDonalds (Chicken salad and no fries, I wasn't about to have to go shopping...

1 year ago
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Katebydarkharbour©The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew...

2 years ago
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The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew the rules - no...

2 years ago
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Kates Christmas Costume Party

Kate and I had been invited to a Christmas Party hosted by the chairman of the company Kate works for, he was holding it at his house; the only thing I wasn't sure about was that it was a costume party. The theme was a masked Angels and Santa's which I had thought was a bit strange. We talked it over and due to Kate's insistence we should go and have a good time we accepted the invitation. Now it was just try to find suitable costumes. I soon found a super Santa outfit with great padding and...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Introduction: During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest shed ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. Kate Gets a Puppy Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as...

2 years ago
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Kate Part 2

Kate, Part 2 By Ricky Having made the decision to live as Kate over the summer, I spent even more time on the net, reading and learning. What did men with a need to crossdress do before the Internet? It must have been incredibly lonely. The evening we agreed to make Kate a real person, I ordered a voice training CD and subsequently spent a lot of time talking to a tape recorder. For that matter I spent a lot of time looking for a tape recorder; they're going the way of the...

2 years ago
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Kate And Derek

Kate and Derek were a pretty typical brother and sister. Derek was a freshman in high school and Kate was in the eighth grade. Both were blooming into full sexuality, Kate one year younger, like most girls when they bloomed. They lived in a typical middle class neighborhood, two story - three bedrooms - two baths, and their parents had typical middle class jobs. Neither Kate nor Derek thought they were really good looking but Kate's friends thought Derek was hot, and in the past six months as...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite...

3 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite vision, and...

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Kate 5

After a short drive from Dublin, Kate arrived in Kilkenny in mid-afternoon on Sunday. She was glad to be home following her eventful escapade working as an escort. She set her purse on the kitchen table and went to the bathroom to brush her hair, adding a little makeup before saying 'hi' to her boyfriend, Sean. As she looked in the mirror, she heard voices. Perhaps Sean was watching TV and when she had finished making herself look glamorous, she expected to see Sean on the couch watching...

Group Sex
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter One

Kate and I were friends for about 10 years before we got together, we like many couples had come from poor choice's in relationships. We had lived across the street from each other, she was single at the time and a big flirt! I told her once I used to jack off fantasizing about her, I made this comment on our first date and we have been together ever since!. She is 47,yrs old now 5' 7” tall, has shoulder length light brown hair with blond high lights and I would say she has an average...

1 year ago
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Kate Jim

June, 2011 Katherine once was an insufferable shrew of a wife married to a two-timing cheating wimp of a man for almost 16 years. Jim is a wrecking yard owner and scrap dealer. He comes from a long line of lawyers, doctors, and family members in the diplomatic corps. He has three brothers and one sister in those professions. Jim absolutely loves his work, especially the hard physical labor involved. Jim is a plain man bordering on homely. He is also built like a fireplug wrapped in muscles...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch

So let me introduce myself my name is Amy this is a true story which took place about 6 months ago and is still going on today. It might be abit long but I wanted to tell you everything that happened. This about me my freind kate and my husband Dave So a little about myself i’m 28 slim brunett with nice size boobs (36c). I like to keep myself fit. Love to wear sexy cloths when I go out and when i’m home so pretty much most of the time oh and I’m married to a wonderful guy called...

1 year ago
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Kate By Sirdar This is a story that I wrote some years ago. I have rewritten parts of it and reposted it under another name *************** My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital, and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never got around to fixing the date for the happy day. It was the middle of January when I first set eyes on Kate , and from...

Erotic Fiction
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kate Wednesday night

I got home and carried out Kate's instructionsKate phoned and said she might be late, but sally would be coming round to drop some stuff off, What are you doing she asked,Just watching telly I replied, OK I shouldn't be long just a late appointmentI watched telly for a hour, the bell rangIt was sally, I invited her in and made her a drink Sally put down two carrier bags and we went into the garden and just chattedShe was wearing her work uniform, a black skirt , grey blouse with yellow piping...

2 years ago
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Kate Part 4

Kate, Part 4 By Ricky (My apologies for the long wait since part 3, but I have had to resume working for a living instead of being a student with lots of spare time. You may want to go back and read the earlier parts of the story since I'm going to dispense with a long and boring recap and just jump right in where I left off. By the way, the saga will be completed some day ? if you have patience.) Sunday dawned bright and clear, but I had to take that on faith since Steph...

4 years ago
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Kate Catherine and more Big Black Cocks than you can Imagine Chapter 3

Introduction: This is a continuing story about two older women one willing and submissive and the other who at first resists being used and abused by blacks and then lusts for them! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into...

3 years ago
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Kate and Ali

Ali was driving Kate home after an afternoon together spent shopping, drinking coffee and generally having a good time. Kate and Ali had been good friends for years now, and of all Kates friends Ali was definitely her favourite. Ali was gorgeous. A short slim Desi girl with dark brown skin and shoulder length, raven black hair.During the drive home they chatted, occasionally Ali's hand would brush against Kates leg as she changed gear, stroking against her tights and lifting the hem of her...

2 years ago
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Kate Jim Ch 05

Katherine Ryan spent a few minutes putting the dishes away and straightening up their Winnebago before joining Jim in the bedroom, her motto, a place for everything and everything in its place. Her lover was lying naked in bed with a big smile on his face. He was shaking his dashboard hula dancer, her little gift to him and watching it jiggle, which in turn made her smile. Katherine’s lover Jim Brady is a balding, brutish looking man bordering on homely. He is also built like a hairy...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 5

Introduction: This is a continuing story as Kate gets her turn! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 5 Kate now sure that her clit would be sadistically severed and with her mind and body conspiring in anticipation,..kinda like the horror of a train wreck, had blanked out her thoughts and were trying to erased this terrifying vision as she passed out into an almost comatose state, something the mind does to protect one from witnessing such a thematic brutal and sadistic event! The...

2 years ago
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Kate Pt 02

I hope you all enjoyed the first part of this tale, my editor certainly did…and yes, I finally found a good one and I’d like to thank her in advance so, ‘Thanks Chris.’ This is going to be the last thing I post for a while as I’m going to try and finish up my third book. However, it doesn’t mean I’m going to quit posting stories here, it means that my some time near the end of May. I’ll tell you what the name of it is after I post my next story, also some time near the end of May. In the mean...

3 years ago
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kate Saturday afternoon

I left everythingas it was and ran down to Kate's work, she asked me to go to Sally's work, she worked in M and s and collect some clothing she wanted to go out that nightI met sally who gave me a carrier bag we had a little chat, i wished her happy birthday for tomorrow, then went back to Kate, when I arrived she was washing someones hair, when she finished, she looked in the bag and said great really excited,i want you to take these back and put them in the fridge passing me another two...

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Kate Mahoney Global War on TerrorChapter 2

Wednesday Evening Switching between homework and idle online chat, Kate received an email from the principal, Mr. Laffey. It gave the dates for the meetings of the Honor Code Committee along with her official appointment as one of the three student representatives. It said nothing about The Program. She wondered why the email did not come from the Assistant Principal instead. Later that night, a separate email arrived from the nurse and it carried a huge attachment that took eight minutes...

4 years ago
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Kate the Kid Ch 1011

Authors Note: Dedicated to Zoee with great thanks. Without your brilliant suggestions this chapter could not have been written! Also, this chapter is labeled as 10-11 but appears in the novel as Chapter 11. This has been done to sync up the Literotica chapters with the novel’s chapters. *** *** *** The furthest into the states Kate had ever been was Chicago or St. Louis. They were settled and civilized, to be sure, but they were still very much frontier towns. The clothes each year got more...

2 years ago
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KATEAfter twenty two years in the Army and nineteen in a special forces regiment I had enough I took my discharge and walked through the gate my own person no one to order or dictate where I should be or what orders I must obey. There was a major problem I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be, all I had was my bergan and an old letter from my Sister Kate eight years older and much wiser written ten years ago informing me parents had passed away. I was unable to attend as I was on...

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Kate Catherine and more Big Black Cocks than you can Imagine Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into one of the comfortable viewing chairs. It is hard to watch both women, even though the monitors are state of the art split screen, it is like a diehard sports enthusiasts that has two TVs on at the same...

3 years ago
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kate sunday evening

Sally and I sat in the garden trying to make polite conversation,i think we was both a bit embarrassedKate came back she had put a skirt on, What was you talking about ? Kate askedNothing really sally replied,We had another drink, the conversation got onto me again and how good I was, And Kate bought up the walk I did in her clothes and told sally I had enjoyed itSally asked if I wanted to be a girl?No I said I like being a guy and took another sip of wineSo why do you like dressing up then, I...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter the revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts. "What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to...

3 years ago
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Kate Seeks Revenge

The snows came early in 1949 and stayed late so cattle were sold off at a loss as supplementary feed dwindled to sweepings and empty drums littering barn floors. The banks were all too ready to decline to extend overdrafts, knowing the feed shortage would continue into the next season. Rejected by the bank, Roy Holmes told his young wife Kate – a real sweetie with golden curly hair and arresting pale blue eyes – he’d visit their wealthy neighbor Dirk Hamilton to plead for bridging finance....

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Kate 4

Starting on Chapter Number 1, Kate was unfulfilled with her sex life. After discontent with her live in boyfriend, Sean, over their mundane sex, she looked for new and exciting experiences. Things have changed since then. Living on the Emerald Isle, Kate O'Brien has experienced a new and exciting lifestyle. Over the past several months she has participated in an orgy, a gang bang and she even had sex with another woman. Naturally, this meant her relationship with Sean suffered and they became...

Straight Sex
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Kate Throws A Helluva Party

This year Kate and Jake threw another one of their wild 4th of July parties. The highlight is usually Kate, prancing around their swimming pool in a skimpy bikini that showed off 99% of her sexy body. Last year my girlfriend and I ended up back at my place after the party with Debbie and her husband. We were feeling no pain and started playing strip poker. After seeing Debbie without any clothes on, especially those big tits, I completely forgot about Kate. My girlfriend started to kiss...

4 years ago
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Kates Bitch

I was twenty-three when I married Kevin. He was twenty-eight and already asuccessful businessman with three franchise outlets of his own. I wasworking as a paralegal while I tried to decide if I wanted to go to law school.I worked in an office shared by three lawyers who were partners butcontributed equally to pay expenses. Two of them were men in their late thirtiesor early forties and they were losers. The third, a woman, was in her latetwenties and very bright. Her name was Kate and...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Kate now sure that her clit would be sadistically severed and with her mind and body conspiring in anticipation,..kinda like the horror of a train wreck, had blanked out her thoughts and were trying to erased this terrifying vision as she passed out into an almost comatose state, something the mind does to protect one from witnessing such a thematic brutal and sadistic event! The Brute had no intension of actually biting Kate's clit off, he had only done this to one...

2 years ago
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Kate Free

It was kind of a routine Friday night. Kate was bored. Out with her friends, she’d had a few drinks and felt like dancing, but the rest of the group was being lame. She knocked down the last of her drink, got up, and walked to the dance floor alone. She didn’t need anyone else. She was strong, independent, and saucy. She’d make her own fun.For several moments, Kate closed her eyes, lost herself in the music, and let her body move and flow along with it. It felt good. The blood was flowing. The...

3 years ago
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kate sunday night

I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cum Sally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard again Sally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her nose Kate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I’m fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned on...

2 years ago
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Kate Takes Control

Karen and Scott tingled with excitement as they began to strip for Kate. They had met Kate at a swinger’s party a few weeks before. Kate was a single female who was passing through a sex room at the party. She saw Karen was in lust. Karen was riding her husband, Scott, as others watched and masturbated. She stopped and rubbed Karen’s gyrating ass and kissed her neck. Karen melted on Scott’s cock, feeling Kate’s touch and lips. Kate looked down at Scott and smiled before she slipped one leg over...

4 years ago
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kate sunday night

I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cumSally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard againSally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her noseKate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I'm fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned onI...

2 years ago
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Kate Takes Control

Karen and Scott tingled with excitement as they began to strip for Kate. They had met Kate at a swinger’s party a few weeks before. Kate was a single female who was passing through a sex room at the party. She saw Karen was in lust. Karen was riding her husband, Scott, as others watched and masturbated. She stopped and rubbed Karen’s gyrating ass and kissed her neck. Karen melted on Scott’s cock, feeling Kate’s touch and lips. Kate looked down at Scott and smiled before she slipped one leg over...

3 years ago
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kate becoming a bitch part 3

One week i made her put in a butt plug before we left for the pub made her keep it in all night. Which she loved. Sometime on the way home Tyson would want to fuck her so after checking no one was about i would let him take her. One weekend kate had arranged to stay until the Sunday night so we had extra time to play. We had gone to the pub as normal walked home the same way Tyson had taken her in the field and i licked the cum of her when we got back then we all went to bed. On staurday...

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