Triskelion. free porn video

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Part I. 
And so it happened one day, on the way home from work, that she saw this pendant displayed discreetly in some antique shop window. It struck her as an object of Celtic origin, some mystic symbol of some nearly lost culture. She felt tempted to enter the shop to ask the price of that silver pendant, but she looked at her watch and decided to leave it for another moment. 
Maurice would be home any minute and she wanted to be there before he arrived. He still had the keys to her flat, she should have asked for them after their breakup, he should have handed them to her without waiting to be asked but he had not. Their relationship seemed to be a long sequence of actions they should have taken, failing to do so at every turn. If they had succeeded, perhaps they would have built something for just themselves, a safe haven in a world they sometimes found alien to them. Each of them had kept to his fierce independence out of habit and also fear, fear of the unknown. 
And thus, he still had her keys and she found it hard to resent it. Anyway, she knew he would never use them if not invited, only that this time she had invited him. So she hurried home to find him sitting on the doorsteps. 
“Why didn’ t you use your keys?”

“They aren’ t my keys any longer; they are yours again.”

“But you can have them, what if I leave mine inside?” 
This practical mind of hers had never failed to make him laugh before and it did not fail this time either, only that this time his laughter was sad and his eyes were dull all of a sudden. “You haven’t done that in ages, chances are you won’t start now.” 
It was her turn to laugh, but she only smiled. They went in silently, to fix some dinner and sleep, just like an old couple, devoid of passion or maybe reluctant to fall into it again. 
During dinner she told him about the pendant. He smiled. 
“The triskelion? You saw one? Where?”

“Coming from work, Is that its name?”

“Yes, you saw a triskelion. Now, I don’ t understand why you liked it so much.”

“I don’t know; there was something about it.”

“It is a Celtic symbol; it represents the eternal flow of life. You know, birth, death, rebirth.”

“Is that all?”

“Don’t’ know you think it is enough?” 
“I don’t know; when I saw it, I thought there was something to it, some darker meaning, something most people would know nothing about, but the initiated would use to identify one another…”

“Your imagination is quite something, you know. But no, there is nothing to it.”

“It is not my imagination; it is my perception.”

“How can you be so sure of that kind of perception?”

“How can you be not sure of your own perception?” 
Their dialogues had always been this way. At the beginning of their relationship, masked by the trapping of desire and satiation, they had been exciting. As time had gone by, they had grown stale and mildly infuriating as was the case now. Both realized what fakes they had become to each other. The night had grown darker, and the kitchen lights were not bright enough to mask their sudden loneliness. He stood up to go. 
“Good grief, aren’t you staying?”

“No, I have to go. See you maybe and please, do not think of strange symbols, you have no use for them.” 
His words sounded ominous in her small kitchen, and his parting looked only too familiar. He always left her and for some strange reason, she always kept her door open to him. Still, this time was different. She felt you could always wait for those who wanted to come back but not for those who were only too eager to leave you. She smiled, walked him to the door and then went to bed, to a sleep that brought little rest. 
He left thinking he might come back one day but knowing chances were she would not be the same when he did, if only he did. Let her look for the triskelion, he had the keys to the doors she would find in her way but had lost interest in unlocking them for her, she would have to do it alone. 
In the meantime, he was only sure of a lust that she had not caused in him, it was a desire to grab someone who would ask no questions and have no name, someone who would do what he asked for, with no qualms.  
And then he saw the woman ahead of him, a tired prostitute in a dark alley, she would do. A shady doorway would suffice, there was no need for more. Once he was spent, he looked into her eyes, they were of an uncertain colour and too wise for him to bear her glance. In an unexpected gesture, he kissed her hand and left her twice the amount she had stated as her price. 
Part II 
Morning came and she found herself once more alone. It was as if he had never existed in her life or in anyone’s life. If this was freedom, she did not find it to her liking. Still, she had work to do. She got up, showered, had breakfast and left. She lived only a few blocks from her office. On the way there, she saw the triskelion displayed in the window of the antique shop. It shone strangely in the early morning light and for some unknown reason, she felt excited. Surely it meant something else? Life, death, and rebirth were big topics indeed but somehow failed to impress her. She had never thought of life as something more than an imposition. Death was its natural conclusion and rebirth, something she doubted. Nothing of that sort moved her much, but that symbol had an appeal she found hard to resist. 
On the way back home, she entered the shop, asked for the pendant. The salesperson smiled dimly when she said she would take it, without even asking for its price. She hurried home with it in her purse, the sky was overcast and she felt the need to be alone, wrapped up in her solitude, with only the triskelion for company. 
The minute she got home, she looked for a chain, any chain to be able to hold the triskelion around her neck. She found one, some old thing her Mother used to wear to church on Sundays. When she removed the cross and hung the pendant, its wheel and arms gave her some insight, some notion it was not very different from the symbol she had removed, it spoke of a pain that was hard to bear, a pain able to consume body and soul. 
And yet, when she finally put it on, she felt a sense of kinship with it, something she had never felt with any other trinket worn before. She became one with it, letting her hand rest on it at night, trying to feel its hidden story, the secrets carefully woven into the silver. It even had a name engraved on its back, Theodora. So, was it was obvious it had belonged to a woman of that name, who may have worn it countless times, out of love or out of duty or both… 
She wondered why these ideas kept creeping into her mind, why she would think of this woman she had never met but who had worn this symbol of elusive meaning before she did...When she turned off her lights to get some sleep, the triskelion shone in the dark, guiding her dreams. 
And then, suddenly, nothing seemed right any longer. She felt uneasy, eager to learn about Theodora, not knowing where to turn and also eager to see her ex-lover again. She could explain the urge that plagued her body as merely sexual, but a part of her told her she was wrong, this was no ordinary desire for sex, it was a primal hunger for something more she could not exactly place, power, surrender, delirium, an endless abyss into which she was falling, always falling. 
Days went by too slowly, she felt. After the initial enthusiasm in her research, she felt disappointed. She could not even place the reason. It was as if she had envisioned something that had not even been there, she felt the pain of rejection, only that no one had rejected her, unless she considered her lover’s departure a rejection, but he didn’t count, he belonged to another time in her life. She felt something richer was eluding her and she let her tears run as a sad homage to the passing hours, the unfulfilled hours of her life. 
The pursuit of Theodora was hard, not even one of her neighbours had heard of a woman by that name in the last twenty years. Still, there were many others who must have known her, only that she didn’t know them. Theodora seemed to hide in every corner, every doorway, in the thousand places where a name with a ring to it may hide. Theodora became her guide, her friend. To find her became her sole aim, her veiled stab at fulfillment, if not happiness. 
And so, she wore her chain with the triskele every day and night full of longing. She could not tell what she longed for. She had lost all. She had lost love, or what passed for it. She had lost sex, her ex-lover had been her only partner and he had chosen to leave her, rendering her unworthy, unable to fulfill her purpose, which was to please him, something she had failed to do. She had thought herself free, but she had never been, no one who desires another so much can be free. His memory engulfed her, and the hours spent together, the ones spent apart, the longing, the absences, the need to feel safe and the sensation of being in danger, danger in losing herself. 
The following evening, back from her office, she entered the antique shop, not knowing what to say and yet daring to expose what troubled her mind just being there. 
The man looked at her quizzically and asked: “How is the search?”

“What search?”


 Taken aback, she replied,” I didn’t know you knew.”

“Of course I knew, Theodora has become your aim these days, your reason to get up in the morning, your search for her has become the fuel of your life. Somehow, you would like to become her. Well, you might, if only you have what it takes.”

“What does it take?”

“Patience, discipline, surrender.”

“Surrender to what?”

“You should ask to whom.”

“To whom?”

“You shall see, if only you daré to go on.”

“Where is Theodora?”

“You can’t see her; she is gone, you see.”


“I mean, she is dead.”

“Theodora dead?”

“Well, people die, you know.”

“Was she killed by someone?”

“No, not really. She died for love, and her heart gave way.”

“And the triskelion? Was it hers?”

“Yes, it was hers. She wanted it put on display so someone would buy it one day.”

“Why sell it, why not give it away?”

“She said only the one willing to pay for it should have it. Anyway, she paid the highest price.”

“Was she your lover?” The question came out of her mouth before she could restrain it. 

The man laughed, so good-naturedly, it was almost menacing. “Oh, no. Theodora was not my lover; she was my friend, one of the few women friends I had in my life. Friends who do not engage in any sexual activity, just enjoy each other’ s company and keep their desires, should they exist, to themselves.”


“Theodore was my elder brother´s slave.”


“Yes, out of her own free will.”

“Then why did she die from love?”

“She died when her master left her”

“Why did he leave her?”

“He left her because his life was at that time somewhere else. He was and still is, a very busy man. And, as busy men go, he had little time to give her, she had to accept what he wanted to give her and only her devotion was needed, he was only to his business, but she was still needed to provide submission to his desires. Pity she failed to see it that way.” 
The air seemed heavy all of a sudden, and she found she could not breathe easily. Theodora and her fate loomed around her. The triskelion warmed and buried itself into her skin. She felt branded somehow, by something she could not understand. Not yet. 
If the man had noticed her discomfort, he gave no sign, but she felt he had and enjoyed it somewhat. So, silently, she headed for the door. The man caught her arm and whispered.  
“Unless you want to become Theodore.”

“No, I just…”

“Come on, you were after her from the beginning.”

“No, I was curious.”

“Curiosity that drove you everywhere, you got the triskelion, you used to see if I was here so you could ask, you asked your lover, you were aching for it, always probing.”

“But I…”

“You have to find an answer ...Theodora is gone, but her master is not. He would love to train you. You have it in you, you know it. When you feel ready, come back.” 
She broke free from his grip and ran to the door. Whatever danger she could find in the streets at that hour seemed little compared to the ominous atmosphere of the room. The man ‘s cynical laughter followed her for blocks on end and rang in her ears all day. 
Time passed somehow, time always does, even when we are caught in a turmoil, time passes, hurries us to our ends. This is how she felt the following morning and many mornings after. One of these mornings, on her way to the office, she saw the antique shop attendant supervising some men carrying crates from his shop to a lorry. She said hello and the man said,” I am moving out” by way of greeting.  

She wanted to ask him where he was going and why but a strange feeling of acceptance, a patience born from many hours of frustration prevented her from doing so. She felt she had no right to ask him anything. He was giving no reasons anyway. Still, she felt curious. 
She was the one looking and yet, she felt exposed to his gaze, exposed to the world somehow. His eyes roamed her body and she could not help trembling, fear and lust running through her veins.

“I am going, but the next-door neighbour can tell you where I will be unless you want to know now.”

“I will ask your neighbour when...when I..."

“You will ask when you are ready."

The man smiled and she blushed, wishing she did not, wishing she had never come here, wishing she did not fancy this massive person with such big hands and cruel mouth… She was already near the door when his hand grabbed her arm. She felt powerless and found she liked the feeling. His hands opened her jacket, unbuttoned her blouse and stared at her breasts, rolling his thumbs on her nipples. When she moaned, he said..”See, you like it. Imagine the hands of your master taking their time all over your body, giving you this prize after flogging you.”

“Flogging me?”

“Yes, softly at first, to get you aroused and then harder, to carry you to a place where you only surrender till there is nothing of you that will have not given him.” The man’s hands forced her mouth open. He ordered her to suck his fingers, and she did greedily. Once wet, his fingers travelled down and forced her open. She surrendered completely to the hands that turned her over and explored her thoroughly, leaving her open and exposed to their mutual desire.

“You must accept it, soon you will be broken into it and you will enjoy it. In the meantime, you must accept I will be the one enjoying it, while you struggle to accommodate me.” 
She came violently, unable to hold her orgasm any longer. The man continued pumping into her, whispering in her ears words she had never been told before. She felt degraded and also free in a strange way. When the man came at last, he collapsed on top of her and bit her shoulder, drawing blood. She cried out and this seemed to please him even more intensely. She tried to break free, but he held her tightly.

“I must have you completely; we are not done yet.”

“But the men…”

“If they see you, I will tell them you are my sub and I am training you to please me.” 
And so, there was no part of her he did not have for his pleasure, which became also hers under his ministrations. When it was over, he said to her: “Button up.”

She wanted more, but he only said: “It will always be this way, should you enter our group.”

“Will I be flogged?” 

"Yes, but never injured. You will be taken to a region where pain and pleasure meet and you will melt to the waves of both, unable to control your body. And you will love it. Now, go, you will be called soon.” 
The man turned his back on her. She could barely make it to the door, her body ached and she felt excited beyond measure and also a bit sad. Her body craved his presence, assaulted by a sudden loneliness. 
And so she returned to her life, unable to focus on anything but the memory of the shop owner and his commanding ways. The pleasure he had given her excelled any she had ever had with Maurice. This puzzled her a great deal for she had loved him and she believed he had also loved her. Were love and sex such alien territories? Alien to each other, that is… 
Days passed the way time passes when you wait for something you are unsure of until she lost track of them. There were times she asked herself if she had imagined the whole thing, but the marks on her skin were enough to remind her primal encounter with the shop owner had been real. 
One night the doorbell rang three times. She was surprised,no one ever visited her at night after Maurice had departed from her life. No one visited her, period. She was even more surprised to find her ex-lover at the door. He looked different, the way people do when you have not seen them for some time or when you have never thought you would meet them again. 
There was something more mature about him, something slightly ominous too. In the past, they had been able to laugh together at little silly things, they had smiled at the sight of puppies and children, nights and dawns had held a romantic appeal ...In the past, they had been friends, and they had enjoyed each other’s company. The man standing at her door had little to do with the boy who had adored her from far before confessing his fancy for her. 
She realized she had lost that boy and his tenderness and she had for a while gained the man he had become, the one who had left her. She knew the wound would stay with her long after the marks left by the shop owner were gone. She would live through it, she would go on with her life, a life she would at times trade happily for just one hour alone with him as he used to be when they had met for the first time. She remembered him as a god among mortals, and her eyes were not able to take in so much beauty. She had never thought of beauty in connection to men and yet she had found it in him. Beauty and friendliness, the two keys to the door to Doom, she knew this much now. And yet, a stranger had aroused her to heights she had never reached with him. 
He looked at her sadly and said: “I know you have been to the shop.”

“Which shop?” 

“Stop playing games. The shop where you got the triskelion.”

“Yes, and the owner moving out.”

“Not only moving out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know what happened.”

“You mean…”

“Yes, he told me. He told me he had told you about Theodora and that somehow she spoke to you from the shadows, that she could have been your sister, you were so much alike.”

“You met Theodore?”

“Yes, and I got to love her. Her devotion to my brother, her submission charmed me to no end. She opened doors to me, doors I had never known to exist. And, to this very day, I remember her.”

“Was she ...yours?”

“No, she was never mine in a physical way, if that is what you are asking. Theodora was my only woman friend.”

“But you never fancied her?”

“You seem to need to be wanted by men, am I not right?”

“Well, I…”

“That’s why you are easy to take, you are like a city without fortresses, a garden without enclosures with its flowers open to all.”

“No, I…”

“Theodora was not easy, and she was not open to anyone but my brother. She was devoted to him and only because she allowed him to be so.”

“So only…”

“Yes, only friendship was allowed to us, not because of my lack of interest but because of hers. She would have belonged to me had her master told her so, only on those terms.”

“And you suffered?”

“No, there are many ways a man and a woman can belong to each other.”

“But you still miss her.”

“I grieve for her, she was my friend.”

“And her master?”Does he grieve for her?”

“I guess so, though, at times, I doubt it.”

“Is he the shop owner?”

“No, that is my middle brother. His job was to display the triskelion, not to have his way with you. Still, it seems you would like to meet him again or maybe meet Theodora’s master…”

“I don’t know. I‘m very afraid.”

“Afraid of what? Afraid of meeting her master but not afraid of being enjoyed by one of his assistants in the full sight of moving employees, had they cared to look inside the shop?”

“But I did not know he would…”

“You are afraid now because you have an idea of what might happen, but you were not afraid then because you had no clue.

“That is true.”

“You actually enjoyed it.”

"You were not there.”

“I was, I was inside the shop, only that you could not see me because I was packing some crates in the back room. I could still see you, through some slits in the dividing panel.”

“You...could see everything?”

“Yes, and I saw you responding to this stranger as you never responded to me. At first, I had thought you were a prostitute he had hired, but then I realized it was you. And I was curious to see how you would perform under the circumstances.”


“And, I was not disappointed. The more he took, the more you yielded. You were open to anything and I saw all you and I had missed.”

“Please, let me be.”

“And then I decided to come round to you because I used to care for you.”

“You do not any longer?”

“I lost you long ago. How do you expect me to care for someone I lost ages ago?”

“I don’t know what to say. Why are you here?”

“To see you again, before I lose you to him.”


“My elder brother. The years between us stand heavily on each of us. As a child, I remember he always had the best of all. If he did not have it right away, he just took it. Nothing was enough for him.”

“Not even...Theodora?”

“I guess not, only that she loved him to distraction.”

“And he...did he love her?”

“He loved to be loved, that was all.”

“And you are here to…?”

“Perhaps to warn you, perhaps to lose you forever, perhaps to get you back.”


“You may find he is fascinating...I can only tell you he killed Theodora.”

“He killed her?”

“He destroyed her with his eternal demands for perfection, the perfect slave, the perfect woman. He destroyed her so completely she would have had little effort to kill herself, had she wanted to. But, her heart gave way before she even thought of it.”

“It is hard for me to believe you.”

“Only because you want to go to him.”

“Is it bad to be curious?”

“Is it good to be?”

“Why not?” 

“You might find yourself desperate for freedom.”

“Perhaps I am tired of my freedom.”

“Do not be. Slavery is infinitely worse. The idea of slavery was appealing was invented by masters, never by slaves. You might crave domination, but you will find it also find it too much to bear.”

“Maybe I want too much.” 

He looked at her with sad eyes. Her eyes were dark, his were brown. When very young, they seemed to have a touch of gold in the irises, another trait that had proved enchanting and then had vanished. 
And then he approached her and held her tightly. His embrace was almost tragical in its finality as if he did not want to let go of her but obeyed a secret command to do so. When he did, he also surrendered her to her fate. The one she had chosen or others had chosen for her, making her believe she was the owner of her own destiny, the shaper of her life. 
“Whatever happens, remember I tried to stop you.”

“Out of love?”

“Out of despair.”

She nodded, her eyes brimmed with tears and her hands before her in a vain gesture. She realized then they were still at her doorstep, and she had forgotten to ask him in as they had stepped out of each other’s lives and had become strangers again. 
She watched him leave, walking hurriedly in the streets bathed by the palest of moonlights. She only entered when she could see him no more, once darkness had engulfed him. The night was peaceful. She slept through it very much a newborn baby, beginning life, or someone condemned to death, savouring his last night alive. 
She did not know what the rest of her life would be like, alone for the first time in the territory of the others. Those others who had met Theodora, who had befriended her, who had loved her and who had also led her to her death, in some way or other. 
She would meet him, the master. Her mind was set, her obsession had taken over. And thus she slept, letting events unfold on their own, released from any need to influence them at long last. 
She woke up to an eerie morning, one bathed by a weak sun. A strange vapour seemed to cover everything. She went about her usual routine with a detachment that ought to worry her but failed to do so. She went to work and came back as in a daze, the afternoon loomed ahead of her, the hours stretched for a time that seemed eternal, the day had stopped somehow. 
She was ready when the doorbell rang, followed the chauffeur in his uniform and got into the car. It was only when the man said, “We have arrived” that she realized they had not exchanged a single word during the trip. 
The house was big, surrounded by a big park. It was apart from all others, at the end of a circle that reminded her of a labyrinth. She wanted to get lost in it, she did not want to find the way out once she entered, she wanted to remain there. 
She started walking towards the house when the chauffeur said: 
“You can’t enter yet.” She looked at him, waiting for instructions. The man smiled, whoever she was, she seemed to know what was expected from her. Just like the One, Theodora. “You have to visit the small shrine behind the house.” 
And so she walked to it, in silence. When they got there, she saw it was a Gothic vault, something that somehow reminded her of old movies. The chauffeur produced a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. She followed him to a chamber underground. The aroma of frankincense pervaded the air, making her dizzy. The lights were dim and soon, she wondered how she could have seen anything under other light.   And under this light, she saw her, lying on her marble bed, under a crystal dome. She was dressed in an almost transparent tunic. Her arms rested at her sides, her hands extended with their palms up, as she had been when she waited for her master, only that then she had been alive, a creature of life, tears and laughter. Her face was regular, her eyes shut, all light gone from them, her mouth full, a mouth of love, agony, and pleasure. Her hair framed her face, long black hair that covered her shoulders. The crystal dome kept all oxygen away. She was unpolluted and safe in death as she had not been in life. Whoever had ordered this job had loved this woman or at least cared enough for her to keep her body intact. 
And then, she realized the woman looked familiar, too familiar for words. She had known from the beginning this was Theodora, the lady of the Triskelion. What she had not known was that she looked exactly like her. When she looked up, she saw the eyes of the chauffeur drilling into her. She said nothing and locked in a chilly silence, they left the vault. 
They got to the house and the door opened before they called, as if someone had seen them from the inside. They entered and the chauffeur left her alone, without a word. She waited a few minutes, looking around the room, trying to quieten her thoughts. The room was simple, almost devoid of furniture. It was a cold day and there were logs burning in the fireplace. She was not surprised to find the triskelion carved on the stones warmed by the flames. 
A tall woman entered the room. She looked at her critically and said: “You are here and yet not wearing proper clothes. I shall bring you all you need.”She left the room without another glance. She realized she feared this woman more than anything for reasons she ignored. 
She did not have long to wait, the woman came back almost instantly, carrying a long black dress that left her back bare, except for some straps crossing it. She also brought her some black sandals, so high she could barely walk in them. Still, they were her size and she found them beautiful. She ached to ask how they had known her size and taste but could not bring herself to ask. This was a land of no questions but of  statements.  

“So you must change into these clothes after bathing in the room next door. Take your time to cleanse your mind as well as your body. When you are done, wear this corset, for comfort and good posture. Then the dress and the sandals. And perfume yourself with the vial you shall find on a silver platter next to the tub. Remember to do this twice.” “But ...there is no lingerie…” “You must wear none, the corset that lifts your breasts and the dress that covers only the minimal are all you need. The sandals are so high for you to walk with care, with small steps and demure ways to remind you of your status. You are still expected to walk straight, proud of yourself and above all, of your master. Should you fall, you will be punished.”

“Yes, madame.”

“Good. When you are ready, you shall kneel in front of the fireplace, hands-on your tights, palms up and wait.”

“Yes, madame.”

The woman left without a second glance,sure she would do as she had been told. 
The room was big and there was a small pool in its midst. It was full of hot perfumed water. She undressed and sank into it, grateful for this moment of rest. Strong emotions pervaded herself and she felt soothed by the water, the scents in the air and strange music that seemed to come from some hidden part in the ceiling.She rinsed herself slowly and dried her body with the towels set next to the tub. Then she applied the perfume, letting it enter her skin. It was a strange flower mix, with a touch of old woods and cinnamon. It was also Theodore’ s favourite. 
She then started to dress, corset, dress, and sandals fitted her perfectly. Her lack of lingerie excited and also scared her. Still, she had chosen her path. Aware of this, she moved to the next room, facing the fireplace. 
She kneeled and rested her thighs on her calves. Her arms rested to the sides of her body,with her forearms on her thighs and her hands with their palms up. And thus she waited, a woman about to enter an unknown land,all her fears,loves and past fading in front of the burning logs in the fireplace. 
The girl she had been, the young woman who had dated a tall young boy with sweet eyes, the junior secretary in pursuit of the triskelion, the woman giving way to desire in the antique shop, all blended in this creature dressed in black, held erect by her corset, exposed to looks and touch by means of a dress that covered little by opening at her sides. All her memories of past liaisons seemed to blur in front of the fire that warmed her skin, reminding her of her donning of lingerie and her agreement to be thus exposed. She had time to feel the stab of fear piercing her and she struggled to ease it to some recess of her mind where it would not bother her, not then, not later.not ever. 
This is how her master found her, waiting for him. And a voice, his voice, said: “You are most welcome, Theodora.” 


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I heard mom answer, "Go ahead and watch, but I get him until we are through, all right?" "Sure!" "OK honey, just linger around my pussy for a bit. Take in the scents. It's important that the lady is clean having just taken a shower, and her period is not going on. I guess if you liked it weird, and the girl didn't care; you could do that." I said, "You smell wonderful. It's kind of like the smell of sweat, and a light perfume fragrance put together." "Thank you, that's sweet...

2 years ago
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Owning Helen

Owning Helen Cuckold, Mature and Young, Flashing. Cream Pie and Cum Eating “Are you ready for this”, was the questioned Helen had asked Pete when he came home. Pete and Ron had been preparing all day for night work. The day had started when Ron came in saying, “Pete said, Give me some”. Ron had just turned 19 after hanging around Pete learning, then working for him. Pete had a small heavy equipment repair company. Owning a dump truck, back hoe, loader and several tractors, landscaping was...

2 years ago
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Daughter in the Park

She was so beautiful. She was certainly better-looking than the Missus. Even better than my hot neighbor that I think has been making eyes at me for a year. And she had a spirit about her. A buoyancy. That annoying effervescence teenage girls have that is so sexy. She was lovely, loving and loveable. Those dimples. The curly brown hair. The soft bare shoulder sticking out of my over-sized white T-shirt she was using like a dress over her denim shorts.And she was dancing for me. I’ve never had a...

2 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 14 Hope

Nearly four years had passed since Tristan led the Mylians to their first victory against a major Sicceian fleet. As worlds and systems were freed from the Sicceian yoke, more and more species joined what had become the Free Planets League. Not all the battles went the League's way, but the balance of power had finally tipped in the League's favour. The Sicceians were now losing resources faster than they could replace them. The last major League victory, in the Achean Nebula, had lost the...

3 years ago
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One Night Stand

It had been over two weeks since I had fucked. My balls were full and I was feeling so incredibly horny every second thought that ran through my mind was sexually charged. The night club was full of sexy woman wearing short skirts high heels. Most were young and flirtatious. I was having a good time with a couple of mates, the beers were going down well and I was feeling happy as we chatted and laughed together. I was in the middle of telling one of my stupid jokes which is much funnier after...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Lindsay Sharon Spying Teen

Angelo Godshack is working out and trying to ignore his raging hardon, but Lindsay Sharon has definitely noticed his physique and his sexual need. The fiery redhead struts into Angelo’s sight and immediately goes to work getting his workout outfit and her clothes off. Soon her soft lips are wrapped around his dick so that she can suck and lick her treat. When Angelo pushes her back onto the couch and returns the favor lapping at Lindsay’s needy twat with his delightful tongue, the...

2 years ago
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What a surprise2

She lifted herself up so he can slide under her pussy and started to feel for his cock to put in her mouth. Although she was still sleepy his cock tasted so good, she woke up sooner than what she expected. Steve just couldn't stop thrusting his tongue in and out of her juicy pussy. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH Steve don't stop!!!. He covered her pussy with his mouth to suck more juice. Angie had his cock in her throat and tasted the pre-cum as he was ready to come. Cum in my mouth Angie...

4 years ago
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First Time Was By A Homeless Guy In The Woods

My first time was just after I turned 16, I was born a boy, but always had a girly type build, that caused me to get lots of razzing at school. Just after I turned 16 my grampa wasn’t feeling good, and needed some fire wood, the neighbor had a logging crew on his place a year ago, and told me I could cut all the wood I wanted over there. It was good seasoned oak wood, so Saturday afternoon I took gramps truck over there with the saw to get him a load, I liked cutting wood and was glad to do it...

4 years ago
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The mature Nurse

This is also a true story, as you would have guessed; I work in the medical field, so a few years from the first story when I had my first encounter, I was working with a mature nurse. She was 45 years old or around there and had 4 kids. Her kids were all girls starting with 21,17, 12 and then 8 years. Things were normal until the time we started doing the night shift a lot. In the beginning we were but once a month doing the night shift, then it started getting like twice in a week. In between...

2 years ago
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Unknown Email Aur Chudai

To baat isi week ki hai jab meri desi hot sex story post huye 1 din nikle the aur mujhe kafi saare mail aaye. Unme se ek mail mere hi seher se kuch hi dur se aaya tha. Yani k dekha jaye to bagal me chora aur sehar me dhindhora. Khair uska naam anju(name changed) hai. Usne mujhe friendship offer ki nd maine ha kar di. Fir kuch der humne mails k jariye hi baat ki.Nd mujhe pata chala ki she is married nd living alone with her old mother.Nd she was divorced from last 2 years.Fir yu hi idhar udhar...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Jasmin Luv Jazmin Needs To Let Him Know

Over occupied Chad forgets his things to do because of his kitchen issues while sexy and hot babysitter Jazmin arrives to look after the kids. Now that she is there Chad remembers that he was supposed to call and give her the day off. But super horny Jazmin felt since they were alone, was the perfect time to let him know she has been crushing hard on Chad and would love to get his thick cock in her tight young pussy and ass. She needed that hard fuck from a man and his hot cum spraying all over...

2 years ago
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IODEX Massage

Hi readers of iss and gals and aunties here I am narrating is not a fantasy but real story happened to me when I was at school.oke let me tell about me I am a businessman from bangalore.this happened a long time back when I was in school studying my 10 standard. I was living in a family of businessman which was middle class. At that time we had a maid by name sitara who was working and staying with us in our home she was 40 yrs when she worked with us she used to look after all the house work...

2 years ago
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Slave to hooters waitresses

Chapter one I become a slaveAs a college student I had to take any job I could get to make some extra cashworking part time. Being a bus boy at Hooters was not exactly intellectual buton the other hand you got to work with some great looking girls.After working there for about a week I went home and started to check my e mail.There was a message from this person calling herself "mystery girl at hooters"from hotmail. Naturally I was curious and opened the message which said:"You do not know...

3 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 4

Aldren's concentration was broken as he heard a scream coming from above and behind him. Before he could react, he felt something hit him in the back, knocking him from the saddle and sending him sprawling on the trail. He felt a severe burning sensation as the creature's claws dug deep into his back, snapping the chain mail links. He tried to roll away to escape and managed to stagger upright, but the creature sank its talons into his calf, tripping him back to the ground. Ameni pulled...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 38

The simulation stopped, and we took off the suits. John, Frank, and Martin wore big smiles at what they had accomplished. "You all did very well just like you used to do. Martin, you will make a hell of an infantryman once you are given the enhancements we have already received." John said, "I never fought like that before. My speed was phenomenal and this suit will take anything." "John my suit was as good and I got three limbs shot off. Don't get too cocky because this class was...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Gia OhMy Eva Nyx A Double Resolution Solution

More than anything, Alexander and Parker want to finally fuck some chicks and lose their virginity. Meanwhile, their stepsisters, Eva and Gia, are trying to go on a New Year’s road trip. However, Eva and Gia are in a bit of a pickle because they have no car. The four come to an agreement with which everyone can be happy. In exchange for letting the girls use Alexander’s car, Alexander will fuck Gia, and Parker will fuck Eva. The girls are starting to get immensely turned on by how taboo it is...

1 year ago
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Lonely Julie Chapter 2

Julie was exhausted after her intimacy and then orgasm with 11 year Timmy who she looking after for the 4 week summer holiday of the school of which she was Matron. She was only 29 but the emotion of watching Timmy shit and later cum had tired her out and then when she uncontrollably held him to her breast while she masturbated on the lavatory with him looking down at her hand just a foot away from his face, had left her wondering what on earth came next. She sent Timmy to the bed in her...

1 year ago
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Wife and her Brother part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! After having seen the wife and her brother I couldn't wait until I had the opportunity to see it again. And knowing my wife I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get that chance. About 2 weeks later I came home early again in the afternoon and walked in and to my excitement I could hear the shower going. So I went to my usual peep hole and sure enough she and her brother were hot at it again in the shower. It didn't take long for me to get a...

2 years ago
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Impatient Desire

She felt him walk up behind her and run his hand through her hair. Though she appreciated the contact, she focused on finishing the task at hand. She was on her knees in the garden, planting the last of the petunias. They had taken advantage of the pleasant spring day to get some yard work done.His hand firmly pulled her ponytail, drawing her head backwards and eyes away from her chore. She let out a groan as her hands fell to her side.“Honey, I have just one more to plant and I'll be right...

3 years ago
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Back room wife bang

Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts, he was reluctant to have her wear it at first. But Dawn, who had a shapely but very petite 102-pound body, seemed to be very comfortable and confident in the tight, low-cut dress. In fact, seeing his wife in the dress stirred some reoccurring fantasies in Brad as they shared a bottle of...

1 year ago
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Ray and Stacie

  (Just to note that this story is told in first person from both accounts. The name of the character always foreshadows whose account we’re hearing.)   Ray               I was lying on an uncomfortable bed in a shitty hotel room flipping through the television.   No cable mind you, just a crappy antennae sitting on the small set.   All I could pick up aside from the three networks. was some guy with a bad hair piece screaming fire and brimstone.   It didn’t even pick up Fox, although...

2 years ago
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Geeks and Freaks Part 1Chapter 4

Margaret was a bit nervous meeting the group. Regardless of anything else she was at least two years older than most of them. She had spoken with Henrietta a couple of times, much easier now her hearing was back, and had gotten a feel for the circumstances which had drawn them together. She too had been ostracised by those girls in her own class who had felt she wasn't good enough though, without other like-minded souls that she could have bonded with, she had had a very solitary senior...

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My weekly anal encounter

I was on all fours in that filthy hotel room bed. My head was on the mattress turned to side and I was looking at my own reflection on the mirror over the dresser. I was almost fully naked; just wearing a nice see though bra to keep my heavy boobs in position and a pair of sexy stiletto heels.On the other side of the bed was my Boss; a stupid young guy who was the son of the company’s owner; so, I needed to show a good behavior with him if I wanted a quick promotion…The bastard loved anal and...

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The full monty in times of the coronavirus

When I opened this account, I took a mental note to share my sexual adventures in chronological order. Albeit the coronavirus made me think, you might prefer an up-to-date story.April 2020Paul and I spend a lot of time together since my (sometimes) stubborn company finally gave the thumb up for home office. Three days I worked at home, only on Tuesdays and Fridays when meetings were scheduled, I had to attend in person. All in all, it's a huge relief - more time at home, comfortable to work, no...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy Mausi Part 5

Please read my earlier four parts of this incest sex journey, with my dusky queen swati masi. Mail id:  This is the continuation of my earlier parts. You all know how I banged my dark swati masi for two weeks. After two weeks my masi went back to her place not before having a quicky with me in my bathroom. With my masi gone back, all I had is only my mom. It was very risky fucking mom with dad around. I fucked mom only when dad was out of station. When I was unable to fuck mom, she used to hide...

3 years ago
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Velvet Crushs Cum Addiction

John went to a medical symposium on one of the days and luckily for me, he was gone when I got a text from Anthony. He wanted to give me the video that he and his friends had shot when they had gang fucked me. I agreed and hoped that we could meet and remain friends and even lovers, on occasions, if he could handle it and be civil. He handed me the cameras and even though there was no way I could verify that nothing had already been downloaded or even posted, I took his word and we had lunch at...

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The one thing Joe loved in life was the whores in Vegas. He made a trip there once a month to spend some time in his favorite whore house. The girls there were pretty, sexy and nasty. They all had nice big firm tits and large round asses. Tits and ass were a big attraction for him. He usually chose a different girl each time as he did love a variety. When he walked in the girls were all in the gazing room naked for the men to see and choose. Tonight he chose a young blonde that had triple D...

3 years ago
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1928Chapter 2

Charlie Desmond, the husband of Nancy Desmond, had a great faith in the future of America. Along with most of the men he knew, he thought the business of America was business and that was that. The business of America was business and the future of business looked good. No, he thought it was better than that. The business of America was business and the future of business looked smashing. In the year 1928 that darling of the business community Mr. Bruce Barton announced to the country that...

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Damaged Goods

It had been a long journey that I was on. Four years in college and four years at the seminary. I had degrees in philosophy and in theology. I chose this for myself. I had a sign from God when I was recovering from Cancer as a young child. Jesus came to me several times during my recovery. Not sure if it really happened in present time or just in dreams like I had believed. He told me this was the path that I needed to go on. It would be a long and tedious journey with lots of sacrifices. This...

2 years ago
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You knew you'd blacked out last night & had no idea how you got to be in the warm bed. You got up & found that you were shackled to an eye in the floor by a single ankle, the length of chain allowing you to move freely around the room & even through one of the rooms doors to a nicely appointed bathroom completely different to the rooms you'd been in before. The chain stopped you just short of the window & the other room door, which presumably led into the rest of the cabin.The...

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Jav Hub! What is it about JAV (Japanese Adult Video) that makes it so prized among porn fans in the West? Some would argue it’s the cleanliness of the scenes, the spotlessly white sets, and bright lighting; others might argue it’s the dirtiness, those bukkake scenes, and kinky fetishes. It might have to do with the submissive nature of Japanese babes or the way they squeal. Viewers of JAVhub may concede the appeal lies somewhere in the middle, or somewhere else entirely.Whatever brings them...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Night Shift Nurse Chapter 1

Even though she was only in her mid-twenties, Nancy dressed, and acted, like somebody’s old-maid aunt. She wore her long hair up in a bun under a nurse’s cap. The lush, voluptuous body that she had been so proud of once before was now hidden under a heavy, loose uniform. At one time Nancy had been one hot little item around her small community. She and her handsome ex-husband had been the talk of the town. She was the best cheerleader in high school, then became a nurse. He was the top...

3 years ago
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Caught By Our Son Chap 2

My wife and I were so worked up after having our audience that we talked about seeing his reaction to some other enticements. The next morning my wife showered and put on a tank top lots of tit no support they swayed happily as she walked. She also put on a pair of shorts that had large legs in them and no panties. I took advantage of the access for a little finger action and sucked her nipples until they were nice and hard. Our son came out of his room about half an hour later. He was...

4 years ago
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My Husbands Friends Helped me out

I had just kissed my husband and wished him success on his week-long business trip. After I waved him off, I entered my kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee without having any idea of how this fateful day would turn out. No sooner than thirty minutes after my husband left, I heard someone knocking insistently on our front door. On my way to answer it, I racked my brain, trying to think of who it could be. My husband and I had recently moved to this town for his new job. We didn’t have any...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 50 Reconciliation

February 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I owe you an apology for earlier. Not for what I said, but how I said it.” “And I owe you one for interfering in something I shouldn’t have.” “I’m going to need to talk to Dad, too,” I said. “But again, only for walking away, not for objecting to his classification of April as not being a ‘nice’ girl.” “I thought for a moment you were going to say, ‘make Mom’ instead of ‘make me’.” “For a moment, I was. But at that split second good sense overcame my...

1 year ago
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The Presidents ClubChapter 7

Standing up suddenly, he deposited her unceremoniously on the floor. "Stay there!" he said commanded. Karin smiled to herself, the tingles in her belly starting already. Her man was back to normal. Or at least, what passed for normal in their short relationship. She didn't want him to be gentle when he needed to be rough. That just made him confused. There would be a lot time for gentleness - for 'normal' sex - later, she was sure. Right now, she wanted him to be her master, her...

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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 03

Matt gets deeper into a case. His client is very important, it’s Matt himself. Please read the first two chapters to get a feel for where we are in the story. Thanks for your interest. Constructive comments, critiques and emails are appreciated. ******************** ‘You’ve got that ‘working on a case’ look,’ Abby said at dinner. We were at Rigazzi’s and I must have been staring at my plate lost in thought. Abby’s statement pulled me back to the present. I nodded and smiled. ‘You know...

2 years ago
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Karen and the Porsche

He pulled the silver Porsche convertible into a shaded space at the deserted end of the mall parking lot and glanced again at the sky: clear blue, white puffy clouds and hot sun. With practiced ease, he unscrewed the leather ball on top of the gear-shift lever and put it in the bag behind the passenger seat. She watched carefully, licking her lips anxiously. She even expected what would come next: she knew her Master well, and now she understood the goal of the last few weeks of training. She...

3 years ago
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Copy Of Mother

Hi, this is Anand male 38. This occurred sometime back. There was a lady Mrs.Kavitha in the bank which I had my account. My account is an old account and I have lots of other business in the bank and thus was well known to the employees in the bank. Kavitha was a lady of around 36 years (when this occurred), 5’6″ tall very fair with short cut hair and green eyes and with a figure of 36-30-38. She was very pretty and every customer would cast a glimpse at her whenever in the bank. I too used to...

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Family Reunion

This is nice story, Family reunion? You got to be kidding me! was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, mend some fences. explained Sheila. My sister was right about that. “Some fences” I spent my entire young life...

2 years ago
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Alicias confession

Recently I met a very captivatingly beautiful woman at a singles event at a downtown cocktail bar. From the moment we made eye contact, we clicked. She imediately sucked me in with her easyness. Easy to talk to, fun to flirt with, lovely to look at. Luckily for me, she seemed to enjoy my company as much as i hers. Being that it was her first time at one of these local events, every guy in the room was circling her like sharks. The friend who had brought her there slipped out with a guy she had...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Misty Stone Third Appearance

Misty Stone is no stranger to glory holes! She’s not only visited a few in her day, now that she’s working at an adult video store, Misty knows what goes on back in the video arcade! In fact, Misty keeps her eyes peeled for white-boy perverts who come into the store during their lunch break. If she sees an opportunity, Misty takes it! She’s super busy with inventory when her manager says something like, “it’s crazy back there today…a parade of perverts back...

4 years ago
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Horny And Dirty Sex With A Foreigner In Delhi

Hi dear readers. Thank you for your response to my previous stories. I am Samir, from Delhi, a doctor by profession but romantic hot and horny by nature. I love sex a lot and have hundreds of fantasies to make them true. I am here to share my sexperience with you and hope you will like it. Comments suggestions and friend requests are more than welcome on my mail. Coming to the story, it happened way back in 2014 when I was in a party in Hauz Khas with my friends. I happen to catch a glimpse of...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 26

It was a particularly harsh winter, that of 1942/42. It hit the Germans hard, partly because they didn't expect to have to endure it. The temperatures were some of the lowest on record, but for the Russians, this was their country, their climate. Like the others, Benin wore felt boots without metal studs. The metal caused frostbite, a lesson the Germans were slow to learn. The troops at Novgorod were issued with Winter uniform of white snow suits and fur hats. Flying was possible on clear...

1 year ago
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Student Exchange 3

Chapter Three – Playing AwayIt is said that money can’t buy happiness but before that statement is accepted you need to define and decide what makes you happy. After a lifetime of just scr****g by and making do with second-best I have just come into a small fortune (for me, that is) and now, by definition, I’m very happy because Helen and me can now properly indulge in doing the things which we both adore.You see, pure and simple, I am a willing Cuckold and my Wife Helen knows just how much I...

2 years ago
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3 young men and Me

Ok, so I am at home..and 3 of my male friends stop in with some really Sweet seedless Green..they want to Share. I love to share with my friends. We are all sitting around the living room, chillin to some great music, smokin some green. My head is feeling a little light, and in between my legs is feeling Very warm..and a little Moist even. I look at my friends to see if they seem to be able to feel what I feel. But for now, they are just passing the blunt I sit, watch it..and begin...

4 years ago
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Die knigliche Familie

Du stehst in deinem weiträumigen Schlafgemach und blickst aus dem riesigen Fenster. Deine Privaträume liegen im höchsten Turm des weiträumigen Palastes inmitten der Hauptstadt Jewel-Dale. Der warme Frühlingswind streicht über deine Haut und lässt die kostbare rote Seide deines Gewandes deinen Intimbereich liebkosen. Jenseits der kupferbeschlagenen Dächer des Palastes dringt das angenehme rauschen der uralten Bäume des königlichen Parkes an dein Ohr, deren sanften grünen Kronen ebenfalls vom...

3 years ago
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When the full moon rises

This evening, she can hear the howling again. She closes her eyes, drinking in the sounds of the night and the cool breeze that gently blows along her cheeks. Suddenly, she hears a howl so loud it drowns out everything else. Startled, she realizes it’s coming from close by, in fact, it seems to be coming from just behind the far hedge of their backyard. A wolf, here? She never heard of wolves coming this close to town. She sees something sticking out behind the hedge, she squints her eyes and...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 19 USS Oregon

USS Oregon Ted ran onto the bridge and dropped into his command chair as he was shouting his orders, "Full power to weapons. Cut speed by twenty percent. Bring shields to full power, double the energy to the stern shields." "Yes, Sir, cutting speed and raising shields to full power," Lieutenant Joan Greenville at the helm station said as her fingers flew over the console in front of her. Lieutenant Betty Jenson over at the port weapons station shouted, "Portside weapons online and...

1 year ago
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Mom Getting Modern Day By Day

Hey, I’m ‘sid’ 20year, My mom is ‘Kajol’ 40year ht 5.4″ figure “34c-28-34″ simple lady mostly wearing sarees only. One day when I get back from my gym, I saw there is 1 pair of unknown shoes outside the main door. I thought may be some guest of us.. And rang the door bell but no one respond that, after few moments mom came and door open she was breathing too fast.. And she said that she did not heard the bell… And after that she said your friend ‘Tom’ (Ht5.10″ Biceps15”)-(he is very smart and...

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My Second Story by blueslipman

As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...

4 years ago
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Blood Love Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Love Revealed A few hours later, Alexia began to stir. She felt a pair of arms holding her close to a sturdy body and remembered exactly where she was. Opening her eyes slightly, she looked at her watch to see that is was 10:45 P.M. ‘I slept that long and he held me the whole time?’ she thought. A smile graced her lips as she looked at her sleeping brother. She slowly unhooked herself from his hold, gave him a peck on the lips and went to her room to unwind. She was feeling a...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Victoria Sunshine G333

That tight orange top Victoria was wearing during her interview has gotten even more revealing now that she is perched up on the pedestal, ready to get filled with creampies by her FIVE COCKSMEN. They can all see her hard nipples popping out under that top and can’t help but rub up on her perfect, natural boobs. The top is soon gone as Redd hikes up her skirt and claims his prize as winner of GUESS THE V. He dives into Victoria’s pussy first and makes her eyes roll back in her head. Next...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 43

We kissed there in the hot tub for a long time. Just kissing. Tammy kissed with little skill, but lots of intention. It took me a while to understand that Tammy wanted - or needed - me to take the lead in this for her. Her willingness to be led made me suspect she never made decisions until the night she left Cray. "Tell me about more about you," I said, finally coming up for air. "When did you get married? Why Cray? How did your father feel about it? Tell me anything you can think of...

2 years ago
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Sissy Story Chapter 02

Mom and I had obviously taken things to a different level. Just like when I had first worn pigtails and hair ribbons, our relationship, and understanding of that relationship became even more intense and our connection became even deeper. I was happy and Mom was obviously pleased coming out of the mall, me wearing clothes bought that day; a light t-shirt, some shorts, sandals that showed my toenails polished, panties and a training bra. She pushed a cart full of things for my new wardrobe....

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