Firing Ended Up In Fucking! free porn video

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This is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.

Hi, I am the managing director of small money lending firm and works in its corporate office. And today I am sitting in my chair in the corporate office, waiting for the working hours to be over so that I can handover a termination letter. The letter is to be served to a lady worker called Lakshmi. Handing over a termination notice letter is not an easy job. It is usually given only at the end of a working day as the employee can break down into emotions which can disrupt the regular work. In this case we are giving a termination letter because the officer lady’s performance is below par. But our company is lenient enough to give a notice period of one month before actual termination. I had already asked her through a peon to meet me after the day’s work. It was just a formality for me to give her the papers, and her actual termination will occur a month later. This was the only job I had for the day. I wanted to leave as soon as I am done with that.

The office hours were over by 5 o clock. I could see through the surveillance camera visuals that staff members had started leaving. I looked at Lakshmi and she appeared to be busy with a file. Looks like she has some pending work to do before closing the days account. I wondered if she will show the same dedication when she comes to know that she is getting fired. I felt rather impatient when my waiting became longer. The last worker left the office by around 5:30 and she is still working on some papers. She must have taken it granted that I will stay on till her work is completed. She cannot be blamed for that because usually I stay on late till around 6 or 7 calling up clients and preparing charts. Peon came to give me the keys before he left for home. That was a usual procedure as there is no purpose for him to stay on beyond the working hours when it is me who had to stretch out my time. But today I asked him to give the keys to Lakshmi as I wanted her to get reminded that I am in waiting. So he gave her the keys and left. I watched her over cam and I could see her finishing her current file and closing up her drawer. Looks like she is finally finishing her work and is ready to leave her desk. She rose up from her seat and went to the main door to lock up from inside. That was something I used to do when I stays late. That was just a precaution from unwanted visitors or thieves from barging in when no one is there in the office hall. May be she did it just that no one enters without notice while we are in discussion. I could see her walking towards my chamber. I switched off the monitor just that I don’t want to make her uncomfortable with the video visuals.

And there she comes knocking at my door. I asked her to come in and here she is standing in front of me. I suddenly felt she is much more beautiful than I thought. This realization should not be a surprise for me as there was some 200 people working under me and I hardly get time to give personal attention to each of my employees. And now that she is standing in front of me I felt she is much good looking and colorful than the pale colored visuals my surveillance camera showed me. Her face looked fresh even after a day’s work. She was in chiffon saree which was compact and bulging at the right points showing her contour beautifully. Her pallu covered her navel but showed off bits and pieces of her hips. Above, her pallu bulged out indicating some good heavy mass underneath which can only be revealed in a side view. I felt aroused for a second. I offered her the chair which she obliged. She bends down and placed her heavy buttocks on the chair. She leaned on to the desk resting her impressive boobs over the desk. The heavy looking boobs wrapped in saree resting on the desk looked great to me. I felt it strange that I am noticing these things only now and that too at the time of firing.

She had a conservative amount of makeup on her face. Her lips are glossy while her face had touch ups. After a casual talk about work, I straight away went to the subject. I told her that her statics (I meant official company data) is poor and the company had decided to sack her with 1 month notice. I could see her face stoning. In this situation some will cry, some may use foul words while still some may plead for an extension or just walks off. But she remained calm with a blank expression as if in thoughts. She listened to what I have got to say. Then I offered the letter to her. She didn’t take it from my hand. Instead she looked at my face. And then she gave out a big sigh, making her chest and boobs heave up and then rest on the desk heavily. I tried to focus on her face, but somehow her boobs figured prominently in my mind. She stood up from her chair and stepped aside from the desk. I thought she is about to accept the letter and leave. There was only two full hand distance between me and her. And then a totally surprising action came from her side. She fell on my legs, in half cries. She had my legs in her hand and she engulfed it. I was not expecting that. I was confused. But even in the confusion I could not help but notice or rather feel the softness of her chest hitting on my lower legs while she hugged it. It gave a chill to me to remember that it was the same heavy boobs that I eyed earlier which is now hitting on my legs.

What she had got to say woke me up from my thoughts. She said “I assumed that something like this is going to be said when you called me up. But you should consider my plight if I lose this job. I got a big family to support”. She wiped her tears in between. But I was unmoved. I have my company responsibilities. I wanted to stand up from my chair and move away from her. But her hands that embraced my legs arrested my mobility. I thought of gently pulling her up. But being a women I was confused where I could touch her without being a sexual harassment. Her hands wrapped my leg and where beyond my point of view and reach. If it was a male I would have caught him by his under arm and would have raised him. But being a women she under arm is a sensitive junction of her blouse and side boobs and so is a taboo place to touch. I can’t also pick her up by her naked waist or bun. Nor by her shoulder as I won’t be able to pull. For a moment I felt men are left with no option to touch women on any part of her body without raising the sexual harassment alarm. Finally I got a place where I could nudge her to make her stand up. I held her by her upper arm just by her small blouse sleeve. It was electrifying for me as my fingers touched her naked upper arm just below her blouse sleeve.

I tried to raise her. But she was not giving in and held on to my legs strongly. I told her “Lakshmi, please calm down and adjust to the facts”. I tried to raise her again. But she only loosened her grip for a moment and then held me again. This time she held on to my left leg only, but above my knee on my thighs. She was holding my thighs using her two hands. Having my one leg in her grip, she lowered her face on it and used my thigh as a platform for her to lie down and cry. Her left boob came crushing on to my knee cap in the process. I never knew that she has such a plush and fleshy boobs on her body. I felt an urge to feel her boobs with my hand. But I restrained myself. From her kneeled position she was in earlier, she was now half sitting on her legs in the floor. Whereas I sat on the chair with my butt half in and half outside and unable to move. My left leg could feel her saree wrapped body from its knee to foot. The toes extended in-between her kneeled down legs. The warmth of her body through her saree reverberated all over my leg. My left leg was completely in her possession leaving me no room to move. I felt my toe is touching her somewhere which should be close to the junction of her legs. In essence it should be just under her crotch area covered in saree. But I didn’t feel like admitting that openly. For some reasons I didn’t feel like taking my hands away from her sleeves which I was holding.

Looking from an angle I felt I could see the fleshiness of her pushed up boobs which was hitting my knee. Her pallu had disarranged revealing the beginning of the bulge of her boobs and shades of her cleavage. I felt I am getting an arousal. I was woken up from my thoughts by her words “You should help me sir. I need this job very much. If you help me, I can retain this job sir”. She didn’t face me while she spoke. She just mumbled these words while she still had her face on my thighs. Her fingers scratched on my pants nervously sending a sensuous wave across my body. I tried to get rid of these feelings by reasoning with her “Lakshmi, I can’t help you on this. There is data against you”. The next moment I felt I spoke the wrong words. Because she raised her face in much earnest and asked me “The data that you have is only partially sourced from the officers’ right?” I nodded in agreement. She continued “So the rest of the data is from your own resources plus your own report and comments”. I nodded in agreement understanding where this talk is leading me into. She continued “So suppose if you give positive data from your side, I can still get a chance to continue in this office right”. I tried to give a negative answer saying “No I really can’t do that. It is not the right way to manage business even though it is at my discretion”.

Hearing this she suddenly went into a frenzy of pleading. She rose up on her knee and clasped my whole left leg from down the knee to foot using her thighs while her hands took hold of my hands and brought them up to her chest in pleading. It took me a moment to realize that my hands are now sinking into the soft cushion of her boobs. The layers of bra, blouse and pallu made it even more softy and heavier. I tried to take out my hand reflexively. But she held on firmly crushing my hands in between her boobs, letting it sink into the cleavage. I felt that boobs are the softest thing the god has created in this world. She was also holding my legs in her thighs as if she won’t let me go until I agree to help her. When I looked down I couldn’t see my leg which is wrapped in her saree. But her widely open fleshy left hips took my attention. It had come out more from her disarranged unwrapped saree. My knee is hitting her somewhere by its side, just under her hips. I realized with a shiver that it should be her crouch covered in her warm saree.

She told “You can’t let me down by saying I am a poor performer. I will do anything to make you realize that I can perform well. I can guarantee that I can satisfy you, If only you let me have another chance, I will show my mettle to you and then you can give me an even better rating even for my next assessment period”. Though I failed to realize that her words had in-depth meaning than what I comprehended, I know that my answer should be no. Though my hands on her chest were melting my willpower, I decided to stand up and get out of her. As I showed the intentions of getting up, she pounced more onto me pinning me down. In the process she had released my hand from her bosom. I got time to take out my left hand only when she fell on me again. And there my right palm was still under her body and it went crushing under her left boob and got sandwiched to my thighs.

So her left boob hit on my palm which rested on my thigh. I froze as I understood the situation my hand is in. I could have taken out my hand as she was not holding it anymore. I just only need to drag out my hand from the soft holds of her boobs. But I was freeze; unable to move. As if moving my hand alone will make it a crime of inappropriate touching. If I relax my palm it would cup her boob. But I kept my palm as flat and stretched out as possible to disperse any illusion that I am cupping her. I realized that her right hand is again clinging on to my thighs and that her fingers are dangerously close to my groin area at the junction of my legs and pelvis. I started to sweat. Am I into sexual harassment? I tried to remember the company rules. It is always the male who is supposed to do sexual harassment at females. Even if a female plays with a male, it is still ‘he’ who is the culprit in the laws of the company. A female can never rape a man! I felt it strange. I remembered one old colleague saying that this girl is little flirty with males. Could he be true? All sorts of thoughts filled my mind.

I blamed myself for keeping my cock in the vertical position inside my pants. For it now hardened to the core and grew to a huge size from the presence of her hands nearby and the softness of her boobs on my hand. My cock showed its contour on the pant and its head almost hit my belt as it outgrew its confines. I never felt this excited in my life. Not even with my wife. Her face is just above my belt line tilted in a sideways direction and with a look that she will get out of way only if she gets justice. She spoke “You should not let me down by sending me away. I will do anything to get a good rating from you” and with a pause she continued “Even if that means to present myself to you. My body and my services.” Saying that she moved her right hand up to the vertical mount of my cock which was showing over the pants. I was not expecting that and I jerked in surprise by her touch. She held my cock by its length and patted slowly as if it is a pet for her.

I asked her “what are you doing? You should not be doing such things. Take out your hand”. My voice was shaky. Even while I was saying this, I found it strange that though my words did its bit to resist, my hands remained arrested. My left hand was too excited to respond to my commands. My right hand was getting two much cozy with her left boobs that I didn’t feel like taking out my hands. Only my words emerged from me as a protest while even my mind was not protesting that much. She, playing with my helpless situation quiet well, patted on to my cock sensuously. She raised her head and looked up at me for the first time after the confrontation. She looked into my eyes straight as if judging me. I think she understood that I won’t be able to resist her any more. I think she understood that she will be able to win me over to sign a positive review for her.

For, her next actions showed the confidence she had. She gave a big stroke on my cock leading all the way up to my buckle and then in a quick action inserted her fingers in-between my pants and tucked in shirt, touching my cock head in the process. She touched my hard rock cock head with her two fingers and swirled it for a moment. I let out a small cry in excitement. She had a mischievous smile in her face now when she told “You have a real big asset with you”. Saying that she started unbuckling my belt and unzipped my pant. I protested saying “Don’t do it, someone may come and see us”. But my words didn’t have the earnestness it should have had. It was like me saying we can do it, but should not do it in open where someone can see us. But she gave a reply which I already knew. She told “You don’t have to worry about it. I have locked the front doors so that no one will come in”.

She spread out the zip ends to reveal my white undies showing the long contour of my hard cock. It looked like a snake restrained in a white bag. She ran her hand over the jockey massaging my cock from top to bottom. A wave of pleasure ran though my veins. I feebly murmured “Please don’t do this. It is wrong to do inside office”. She whispered back into my ears “These are basic needs of life. We should enjoy it as it comes”. Saying that she used her right hand to tug down my pants till my ankle. Involuntarily to my shame, I raised my bun to facilitate her in the process. Now that my pants are out of way I was just in my white jockey. She gave another squeeze on to my cock before she moved her fingers up to get under the elastic. She touch felt my cock head which was pocking at the elastic band of my jockey. Definitely she was impressed by its size. For she gauged it by taking it in two of her fingers. She held my throbbing cock by its rim and gave two light strokes. Impressed by the firmness she decided to unveil my cock completely. She tugged on to my elastic band and dragged down my jockey to reveal my hard rock cock which springe up on release.

She gave an awe struck expression and then went about to stroke it slowly from top to bottom. “Sir, you were hiding this tiger all these days without letting any of us see it? It is a true disappointment for us sir. Your wife is definitely lucky” she was telling this to me. But what she didn’t know was that I and my wife are not very physically involved these days. That is, though she loves me a lot, sex was not her prime motto. Her preference goes to other daily chores in life and so she was least appreciative of my dick compared to my hands. It has been at least a year since we did sex. She continued giving long stroke to my cock while I resigned from protesting with her and started to relax myself. Seeing that I had started giving in to her, she brought her left hand under her to hold my right hand which was slightly cupping her boobs. She gripped my palm, spread out my fingers and made it cup firmly as much of her left boob as possible in one single grip.

That was the first time I touched her boobs intentionally. And it felt like heaven. Even though I have one pair of boobs in my possession (meaning my wife’s), it was no match for this lady’s soft and fleshy one. Where my flat chested wife is compared to this gorgeous women, I wondered. I squeezed her boobs voluntarily in my hand. She on her part moved sideways to lie close to the pet she is stroking. That gave me more access to her boobs and I mauled it like dough. She looked at me and told “I will give you a head now”. Saying that she took my cock in her mouth. She swallowed almost full length of my cock hitting deep throat. I was too surprised by her action. It is not that I am a stub who don’t know what mouthing or oral is. I was surprised because I am not used to oral in my life. After marriage my wife was reluctant to do something like that saying it is dirty. I never insisted with her and learned to live without oral. So doing it for the first time was a pleasant surprise and pleasure for me.

She took out my cock and again deep throated it. She started doing it in rhythm taking long strokes. I was feeling heavenly. A women is here giving my boy service with her warm mouth while her tongue pampered my boy’s head. It was definitely heavenly. She did it for a full minute or so. But when I was getting into a high, she took out the cock from the mouth leaving it unattended. I was disheartened. But she consoled me by saying “Is mouth alone is enough for you. Don’t you want to move to the real thing?” Saying that she stood up leaving my cock and making me take off my hand from her boobs. Then she looked around and asked “where can I lay myself and let you have me”. I looked around. There is one sofa and a table in my cabin. I decided to go for my table. I got out of my pants and undies. With the hard cock dangling I quickly went to the table. There were a hell lot of small objects on the table which will take annoying time for me to remove individually. I in a quick swipe, I took the cloths over the table using four corners and then bundled it along with the things that was over it. I placed it under the table, making way for a long table for us to lie down.

Then l looked at her in anticipation. Her sari pallu has fallen down showing off her beautiful plumb mid riff and the bulge of her boobs inside the blouse. She unwound rest of her saree making herself available in just her petticoat and blouse. I went near her and then in a quick action I pulled her up vertically by holding her under the bun. Her bun squashed against my arm while her boobs hung above my eye level. Then I moved towards the table and dropped her over the edge of the table so that she is comfortably sitting over it. She sat there with her legs wide apart and hands spread out as a support on the table. She had an inviting look on her face.

I was at this time in just my white shirt and nothing below. I moved closer to her between her legs. In close straight view point she looked lot more beautiful with her cleavage and straining boobs under the blouse open before my eyes. I moved my hand on her hips, bringing it behind to hold her bun which used to sway whenever she walked around in the office. That was the first time I was holding her bun in my palm and it felt soft and squashy. As I held her closely, my naked cock rested on her petticoat line and her belly. Her boobs were in touching distance from my chest. She asked me “don’t you want to hug me?” In reply I hugged her strongly squeezing her boobs on to my chest and making my cock head snug up to her navel. I kissed her deeply and passionately. It felt different to kiss an office staff who is otherwise just a stranger to me. Everything felt different, her lips, her touch, her tongue etc. I should admit here that it had been long time since me and my wife had a proper kiss like this.

My one hand massaged her bun while the other hand moved around her hip. After a few moments she broke away from the kiss and asked me “for the entire day are you going to keep me dressed like this? Don’t you want to undress me?” She swayed her body sensuously before me. I was happy that she put forward the invitation. I haply tugged on her blouse hooks between her boob mountains. Softness of her boobs sandwiched my fingers from both sides. I stopped pulling on her hooks for a second to smell the wonderful smell of her bosom between her boobs. My cock was all the time rubbing against Lakshmi’s navel. Finally I unhooked all her buttons removing the two parts of her blouse from the front. There for the first time her body is revealed to me in just her bra. Her surplus boobs spilled out from the sides of the white bra. Other than my wife, this was the first time I am seeing any other lady dress down this much. And I felt my wife is no match for her. I took off her blouse from her hands. She is now in just her petticoat and bra. I gave her another hug crushing her boobs.. Then I once again placed her firmly on the desk and made her lie down on it. I was in a hurry to lay her. I pulled up her petticoat up to her waist and inched my dick closer to her love hole. I was fumbling to find the nest when suddenly her hand came and covered up her triangle.

I felt betrayed. My body was aching for an immediate fuck when this happened. I was breathing heavily by the rush of adrenalin. My cock vibrated in its state. I was standing still for a second without knowing what to do. I looked at her face. She had a mischievous smile. She asked me “I am here to submit my most precious thing to you. And will you in turn help me out by letting me keep this job?. If you do that, this is all yours”. She was bargaining with me. I felt she is using my situation. I wanted to resist her luring. But it was too lustful to resist. I replied her “I cannot do that for you. But if you insist I can give you a better rating than my earlier rating. But nothing more”. While telling itself I knew that this alone will let her save her job. But still I told that because I will get a satisfaction that I didn’t straight away give-in to her tactics. She too was smart to identify what I offered to her, and she quickly grabbed my offer. She said “Thanks sir, I will never forget this help. I know you are a man of your words and I trust you by giving my womanhood”. Saying that she took off her hands from her love hole.

I didn’t wait a single second and I plunged deep into her pleasure hole. She welcomed me with her warmth. I was standing by the side of the desk and she was lying on top of the desk with her pussy on the edge facilitating my easy entry. Her legs where hung limb on both sides. I stood still for a moment inside her love hole. Here I am fucking a girl whom I have never even touched casually before. Here I am entering a woman whom I barely know in person. Who would have thought I would fuck a women in my office who was just a staff to me an hour before. How could I have expected something like that to happen to my relatively dry martial life? I felt happy even at the cost of compromising on the office integrity. If I haven’t given in, I would have never ever enjoyed another beautiful moment like this in my life time. I bend over to give her a kiss.

She raised her hands up and behind to unclasp her bra. Her armpits appeared to be very smooth and closely shaven. I felt like licking it. I brought my nose closer to her armpit and snugged all over it. She while steering my nose, somehow managed to unclasp her bra from behind and remove it from her shoulder and arms. And there lie before me a pair of beautiful Indian boobs, un-sagging, with brown nipples pointing upward. It was fuller and whiter than my wife’s. I went around kissing all over it. The exertion also pushed my cock further deeper into her giving more pleasure to me. It reminded me to fuck her and I started humping her in slow rhythm. She responded by interlocking me with her legs. I humped really hard as if I am in a hurry. She held on to the edges of the desktop which was shaking by the power of my humping. My cock has heat up. I pulled up her legs and kept it over my shoulder. That will make her pussy hole even more tightly and at the same time accessible via thighs and ass. I started fucking intensively. Cum built up in me in no time. And then I busted. I busted several times in spasm of semen. I fell over her body, exhausted.

She took me in her embrace until I came back to sense. And then I realized my mistake that I did something I should not have done with a staff woman, that too in office. But her words took my thoughts from it. She told “You might be thinking that I did this with you for a favor. But I will say, I did it for myself too, for my satisfaction! I was looking forward to a day when I will get laid by a handsome and eligible man like you. And I am happy that you gave me a chance”. I was surprised by her admittance. Even my wife had never called me a handsome man. I felt that I should really help her at least for this. As I came back to sense I remembered that we are still in office and in an inappropriate position. Though no one will be able to come in to look around, I still don’t want to create any chances. I got down from her. When my limb cock came out, traces of semen was seen which made me worry if I would impregnate her.

Seeing my worried face she told “You don’t have to be worried. I am on a safe day today”. I was relieved, and appreciated the thoughtfulness the ladies show compared to men. I asked her to get ready and leave the office soon. I might have sounded rude. But I had to do that for existence. As I watched she put on her bra and blouse and then wrapped around her saree. She took few steps towards me and asked “Are you going to send me out just like this. Won’t you give me a parting kiss?” I paused for a second and then took her in my hands and gave a long French kiss. It took a minute or so for her to recover. She smiled at me and then walked towards the door. Before opening the cabin door she paused and turned around and asked “So can I go confidently thinking you will give me a good rating?” I nodded in agreement. She went out, unlocked the main door, gave me the keys and then left for the day.

After she left, I put up the table cloth and props, tidied up my dress and sat down on the chair. I felt glad that there is no surveillance camera in my room. Else I did have to find ways to erase the video immediately. I felt irresponsible that I fucked her without thinking of the consequences. I fucked her without a condom. I thought about all that transpired between us. She tricked me into agreeing to give her good ratings. But what she offered me in return was much more valuable than what I am giving her. Hmm, for the first time I felt I had a great sex after long years.

Later on I did give her good ratings, which let her retain her job in this office. It looked like I gave a 5 point rating on her sex skills instead of her office skills. But I was to benefit from her even in later part of my office life as she made sure to allure me with her body once in a while. She became my masseuse, my private secretary, my private teacher in our private moments. She did let me fondle her, sit on my lap, suck her melons and even fuck her to my content in return for the small small favors she asks for. I should say that I have become addicted to her so much that I may even promote her if she asks for. I hope god will save me from any trouble and yet let me keep her for as long as I wanted.

Hope you all have liked this story. Rate this story and all other stories written by me under this email id for any comments and feedback, for ladies who wanted to chat to me can also get in touch with me in this id.

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I looked at the clock. It was about 2:00. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't get the image out of my head. I was cleaning some stuff up earlier that day and went into the upstairs bathroom to wash my hands and apparently John didn't lock the door and had just stepped out of the shower. She was drying off her very large breasts and I walked right in almost bumping into her. I stopped and stared at her for a second and she froze. We just stood there for a second not sure of what...

2 years ago
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Daddy Watches Laceys Phonefucking

"Hey Daddy -- I'm gonna just go up and fuck on the computer for a while, okay?"My father, whom I still call "Daddy" but whom everyone else calls Robert, looked embroiled in a pile of spreadsheets and thick contract papers on the kitchen table. He usually brings work home from the office, so that he and I can have dinner together and, you know, spend our quality time together and stuff. Now usually he doesn't get to his work until well after dinner, because he and I usually can't stop from...

1 year ago
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My First Soulfucking

by Randi ParkwoodI met him at work. His deep blackness overwhelmed me. We flirted for days. I finally knew he would have me. One night after work he took me to a hotel across the street. I was actually going to let this black God fuck me. I was soaking wet and trembling as he slid his tongue into my mouth.Naked, on the bed he opened my legs and his huge incredibly muscled body loomed above me. His unbelievable cock was rubbing against my dripping shaved pussy. It was massive. I'd never seen a...

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I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...

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An Unexpected but welcomed Classroom Throatfucking

College, 2015. Class, right before my lunch hour is supposed to begin…I have been having a “flirtationship” with my classmate, Kenny for the past year, and this was our first time having a class together, and thus seeing each other regularly every week. He has more than hinted at wanting to hookup and having more than adequate equipment to do the job and do it properly. Aside from the fact that I was a virgin at the time, I did not shy away from the attention.The lecturer is having each of us...

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My hubby, Frank, and I had moved back to the small town I grew up in. It maybe had 400 to 500 people. Back then I loved to party and have a good time and Frank, my husband, loved to party as much as me. I had met some guys in town I hadn’t seen since high school and they asked if I wanted to go for a ride in the truck with them. Back in high school I had quite a reputation and had my share of fun. I was bored with not having much to do and Frank was working so I decided to go with them. I...

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Reddit CumCoveredFucking, aka r/CumCoveredFucking! When a slut does a good job, she needs to be rewarded accordingly, and in this scenario, that means that she deserves to be covered with love juices. Well, if that is what you are looking for, you are more than welcome to check out what r/cumcoveredfucking/ has to offer. This is a subreddit that will feature loads of sluts who will get cum is a free site with a lot to offer, and r/cumcoveredfucking/ is one of the subreddits...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit StruggleFucking, aka r/StruggleFucking! Are you a fan of obedient girls who enjoy getting rammed hardcore? I think that everyone enjoys watching a slutty girl who simply loves rough handling, and that is why I am here to introduce a subreddit called r/StruggleFucking/. This place basically speaks for itself… the chicks are struggling while getting fucked.Now, before you go down on my ass, you should already know that the babes here are not being forced to do anything. This is all out of...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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The journey of a genderbended princess

"What a shitty weather!" You growl as you run through the rain carrying a bag of groceries. "Couldn't it wait till I'm back home already?" You continue to run, creating splashes of water around your feet as you passed many people who is in the same state as you. 'At least I'm not alone in this.' You thought dryly. Everything lights up and you hear an explosive rumble in the sky. (BOOM) 'Jesus! Holy shit, that's loud!' You thought in shock. '...Better move it, I'm not in the mood to get struck...

2 years ago
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The Kink that decended on Gotham

Harriet’s Hutch, Gotham City Center “Hay boss?” the shop clerk called to the store owner, “Is it me or has there been a run on rubber this past week?” “Rubber, leather, vegan leather, vinyl, wetlook, strap-ons, sex toys, bondage gear…” the owner said looking around the depleted stocks, “Last time I saw something like this was the week before the fetish shop I use to work at sponsored a kink convention.” “Wonder what caused it?” Maurice Wayne Arts exhibition hall, Gotham College- One week...

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How I Met A Girl In Facebook And Ended In Fucking

Hi my name is cool(fake) and the girl name is Swetha(fake). We both are from chennai(tamilnadu). I’m 5’3 and 4 inch tool. Swetha’s structure 36 boobs 28 hip and 36 bum. She is slim and sexy with fair tone. Her bum and boobs are huge to her body. I have finished my college and got placed top mnc it company and waiting for my call letter. So I really feel so bored in home. So I always surf net to have some sex chat with girls. I love chennai or tamilnadu girls because I love to chat in tamil. I...

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PickUp Line Unintended Consequences

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...

3 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 19 Unintended Consequences

Savannah, Georgia January 1986 The band completed what was sure to be their last two club dates for quite some time. The last was a very lucrative hotel gig on New Years Eve. To tide over the other members of the band Tony and Tina had copied parts of the recording contracts they had initially been offered and agreed to advance the rest of the band against album sales while they were in the recording studio. For everyone else involved come January second Tony simply put them on the...

2 years ago
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more motherfucking

I am looking for a direction from readers who enjoy the stories from my twisted mind. I need your feedback and opinion on what makes you hot. All involve American Families who's genitals are given offers they can't refuse A quickie short involving a hard up 40 year old man and what happens after moving back home with dear ol' mom. He left his wife of 10 years over a year ago and has not felt a warm pussy in over 3 years. But tonight Mom is celebrating her 60th birthday and is returning home...

1 year ago
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Down On Bended Knees

DOWN ON BENDED KNEESPart Three of The Chronicles of Little StandingTwo days after the episode with Mrs. Carter I was again rising early in the morning. Well, the fact that it was in the morning meant that it was early for me. The country ways were clearly having their effect. I showered and dressed before going downstairs because I was not going to be caught by Mrs. Carter again. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed the spirited and rampant fuck that had ensued from her finding me masturbating in my...

2 years ago
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Stephanies Abusive Father amended

Introduction: Stephanies father wants nothing more than to use and abuse his daughter. Stephanies Abusive Father *amended* Julie_ I knew my dad liked his time alone. Since the days when my mother was alive, he often came home and wanted nothing more than to be left to his own devices for a couple of hours. That usually involved a six-pack of beer and the television in our living room. Now, ten years later I found myself living in the same house. Trapped with no hopes, nothing to aspire to and...

1 year ago
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An Unintended ABS Orgy

I had just arrived at the gulf coast city I was to be stationed in and was just learning my way around on my time off. I was horny and needed sexual relief. I had noticed this ABS store not to far way from the base on a street I drove down a number of times since arriving. I Thought on this week day afternoon I would check it out though I knew business would be slow, I would stop by go in and maybe jack off to porn and blow a load. The parking lot was empty when I arrived except for one car...

3 years ago
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An Unintended Seduction pt 1

An Unintended Seduction (Pt 1)This is a story of an accidental and unplanned seduction and of a man’s struggle with his feelings. It is, I hope, a sensitive yet erotic tale of unlooked for passion and irresistible desire aroused when two kindred spirits meet.Meeting Donna.About 70 yards from where I live is a convenience store, very useful for those little things you forget when you do the main supermarket shop or items like milk and the daily newspaper that you need on a regular basis.Bottom...

4 years ago
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Unintended Consequences

The Ordeal UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES PrologueMohammed Al-Utaibi was having a very bad day, not that day or night meant much to him anymore.? He still had headaches from the explosion that had killed most of men with whom he had worked.? His concept of time had vanished in the weeks since the Special Forces unit had put a hood over his face and taken him from Baghdad to Camp Anaconda to Balad Air Force Base, and from there to an underground cell at an undisclosed location.? Though...

2 years ago
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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

4 years ago
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Female submits to multiple doggy fuckings

The drive home from picking you up at the airport to our secluded 150 acres of paradise didn’t take long as it was only 1pm and traffic out of the city was minimal, still it seemed to take forever for you. You had been away visiting your parents for the last two weeks and missing me, home and probably most of our two purebred stud Labs, we have a chocolate one Franky and a golden Ralph. We have other animals as well that I’m sure you missed too but knowing you wouldn’t have...

1 year ago
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How I Ended Up Having the Best Sex with a Gigolo Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I never believed in online dating. Although, I had been single form quite some time now. So, a friend nagged and tricked me in to registering on one of the sites. I did not use it for almost 8 days. However, it was the weekend and I had no plans. So, I thought of checking the dating site if there’s something interesting. I found out quite some good options and thought that connecting with them is not going to cause me any harm. Little did I know that I was going to experience something...

Real Hookup
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How I Ended Up a Submissive Shemale SlutPart 1

How I Ended Up a Submissive Shemale Slut...Part 1 I am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly forced blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 20 Incestuous Pleasure Defended

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty: Incestuous Pleasure Defended By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 28th, 2027 – Elmer Bennett I fell to my knees before my wife, unable to resist the incestuous ache any longer. Both my women, my wife and daughter, wanted me to do this. Clint Elliston believed it was right, and my wife had come to agree with him through her counseling sessions with Pam Elliston. Since she'd turned eighteen two years...

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Stocks BlondesChapter 17 Thesis Defended

I knew when I walked into the room, it was going to be tough. Lars and Jordan sat on one side of the room with Professor Martin and Oren Rawlings on the other side. There was an empty chair on either side so I could imagine Dag in whichever position I wanted. Defense My thesis has been defended and now I await my degree. Lars called in the evening to say the committee had approved my thesis and recommended graduation with honors. What a long haul. It took them long enough. I presented at...

4 years ago
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The Double Ended Dildo

We bought he double ended dildo at Noosa and we played around with it while we were up there but Maddy didn't like it. She loved the idea of it but it's a bit too thick and she didn't like it inside her. We tried it but we were both far more interested in the feeldoes at the time, so we tried it once then forgot about it.One night when we were cuddled up under the blanket on the couch Maddy said something about us being joined together but I didn't catch exactly what she said. She got up and...

3 years ago
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It Started With a Whisper and Ended With a Roar

Chloe was on all fours pushing her palms against the headboard, letting out the slightest of whimpers as her husband Noah slowly inched his cock into her from behind.  He pushed her hips down as he drove himself all of the way into her and collapsed himself upon her back.He lightly nibbled on her ear and whispered, “That was a little naughty of you tonight, playing with me in that bar, touching my cock over my pants.”Noah started to thrust into her ever so gently and excruciatingly slowly.   He...

Wife Lovers
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How I Ended Up a Submissive Shemale SlutPart 1

I am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly f***ed blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own stories and beginnings, and this one is mine. I am a very...

1 year ago
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How I Ended Up a Submissive Shemale SlutPart 1

I am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly forced blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own stories and beginnings, and this one is mine. I am a very...

3 years ago
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There were only two things Rose knew for certain when she opened her eyes, firstly that she was being suspended in mid-air - how and why, and how high she didn't know, but the clear air beneath her feet told her that she was - and secondly she was wearing nothing more than what felt like a pair of bikini bottoms, well that and a piece of duck tape across her mouth. Oh, and there was one other thing, she was in complete darkness, so dark that at this moment it didn't matter if her eyes were open...

2 years ago
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A Broken Heart Gets Mended

The sun had already begun to warm. There was not another soul in sight, except for one fishing boat, way off the shore. This is Mauritius, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I should be feeling ecstatic to be in a place like this. ........... The tears rolled down my cheeks, as I sniffled. It wasn’t fair, why had she dumped me? What had I done wrong? The thoughts tumbled through my mind. I came to a fallen coconut tree, collapsed down onto it, and wept. My body shook, my grief...

3 years ago
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Marital Mistake Mended

Marnie had made a serious mistake which she discovered on her wedding night. She had respected Martin’s wish to save sex for that special occasion. None of the dozen boys and men she fucked before her wedding showed any restraint when offered access to her body. It wasn’t too difficult for her to be celibate with him during the six-month engagement. A boyfriend, Phil, had been screwing her quite well a couple times a week for the past year and he continued to service her hornies during her...

1 year ago
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1st time double ended dildo

We found a 12 inch PVC double ended dildo and got one in a nice blue colour. It was not any thicker than a normal cock but got a bit thicker towards the middle. It was textured towards the ends. And of course at each end was a bell end. My friend thought it would be a good idea to do it in the bath. I guess normally you would do it on the bed. But it might be nice to do it in the bath. So we ran the bath. I guess we don't want it too deep checking the temperature as it filled up. I did...

3 years ago
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The story of how this all started and ended

The story of how this all started, and ended.The true story of how I became a "pornstar" thanks to my pervert of a roommate. So how does one go from being a VERY lucky bartender, banging lots of customers and co-workers, to a maker of many many personal porn movies?Well, in my case, it’s simple. My roommate. I'll call him Larry, because I'm sure if he's still alive, he will eventually find me on this site. Larry was the perfect roommate for a guy like me, he was my opposite. If I was...

2 years ago
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Blended Family

Eric Robinson wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. He finished his first year of medical school and just wasn’t sure he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. He decided to take the summer off and visit his recently married dad in St. Louis. Eric had known his dad’s new wife, Nan, since he was a youngster. She was his father’s longtime nurse and assistant. The fact that Nan was black was not an issue for Eric. She had a daughter, Jolene who was born when Nan was sixteen. Eric and Jolene...

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Darrin never expected his dad to remarry. Oh, he thought Jody was a nice enough woman, but he and the old man had been together going on six years now and had gotten along just fine without anyone else in the picture. Cancer had taken his mother at an age much too young and for the first couple of years his dad holed up in the home. His father, Big Jim, as Jody called him, fought the ravages of depression but was finally pulling out of his slump. Despite the fatigue his dad fought, he did...

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Blended More Than We Thought

Chapter 1 Barb: I guess Tom and I are like a lot of husbands and wives these days, on our second marriages. You could listen to us both talk about our first times to the altar and there would be a lot of similarities. We both were too young and too naive, we both chose mates our parents saw through the first time we brought them home. Yes, and if that hasn't also happened to you then, no doubt, it has to a good friend of yours or a family member. It seems pretty common. So, you hope that...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 10 How It All Ended

After my experience with Dan and Lisa, I wasn’t actively looking for another “hotwife” couple. Shortly after I severed ties with the two of them, however, I received a message on our swinging website. I had reached out to Phil and Danielle shortly before meeting Dan and Lisa. I was not only intrigued by the photos they included in their profile, but also with their sincere and articulate description of themselves.Danielle was just my type of woman: blonde and petite, and with an exquisite...

Wife Lovers
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The year was 2087, not much has changed other than three things. Phynotech has cured world hunger and the water shortages with an invention that absorbs molecules out of the air and turns them into food and water. The invention was inspired by Star Trek. Nano machines have been perfected to the point where people are living longer and heathier lives with their bodies constantly repairing themselves. And.... War, in spite of all the great leaps forward man still seems to find a way to desire...

2 years ago
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A new black toy recommended by Jerome

A new black toy recommended by JeromeThursday afternoon had been a pleasant time for me.My black lover Jerome could not come to fuck me; but he had sent one of his youngest mates, a handsome guy called Shawn. Of course no time to lose in preliminaries; just wild sex fuck.I was with this nice guy in my bedroom, when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.I looked over to see my loving husband Victor watching me from the doorway. My legs were wrapped tightly around the back of the muscular body...

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Cheryl slammed on the brakes when she looked up from her phone and saw the taillights looming ahead.Too late.Shit. Shit. Shit, she thought as she heard the sound of plastic shattering. A previous fender bender had jacked up her insurance rates to a point where it was a struggle to keep up. Another would leave her in dire straits.There was just enough light from the street lamps to tell that the other driver was a younger man. As quickly as she realized it, she popped open two buttons on her...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 2

Again, I didn't see her for three days. Sort of. By that, I mean that whenever I saw her, she threw me a blinding smile, but did not come over to me, or talk to me, or walk home with me. It was maddening. The love of my life had, after all, kissed me and told me that, not only was I her boyfriend, she didn't want to fight me off! Instead, she just made sure she didn't have to fight me off, by staying away from me. It took me almost a week, but I began to suspect she was just telling...

2 years ago
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The Day My Life Ended and Began Ch 01

FORWARD…………………… The day my life ended and began was May 26 2004. I had taken a job working on a farm between semesters at college. My family was disappointed, to say the least, that they’d not be seeing me until the Thanksgiving break. But I couldn’t have been happier. I came from a farming community in central Illinois, so the logical choice for my major was Ag. Business Management. Hoping to one day have my own farm/ranch, I worked very hard to make that dream a reality. Almost...

1 year ago
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Ended Up With An Erotic Goddess 8211 Part 2

There was this unspoken tension between us. Our eyes locked and everything froze, time included. I could see her blink vividly. Her eyelashes clashing against each other before extricating themselves. Her slight lick to wet her lower lip, it was all in tranquillity. And yet we were far from being tranquil. She started breathing heavily. I leaned forward. “What are you doing?” she asked. “I am understanding you,” I said as I planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Oh Kishore,” she said when I moved to...

4 years ago
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Cheryl slammed on the brakes when she looked up from her phone and saw the taillights looming ahead. Too late. Shit. Shit. Shit, she thought as she heard the sound of plastic shattering. A previous fender bender had jacked up her insurance rates to a point where it was a struggle to keep up. Another would leave her in dire straits. There was just enough light from the street lamps to tell that the other driver was a younger man. As quickly as she realized it, she popped open two buttons on...

4 years ago
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The Death of Saema Chapter 6 Commended to the Earth

He had thought about Saema a lot since her death. Sometimes, he was wracked with guilt, wondering if there was something he could have done to save her. At other times, he just thought about the good times they had. Saema had been very good to him and was a great girlfriend; in some ways, he didn’t feel like he deserved her. Now, though, she had been taken away from him and it was hard for him not to wonder what could have been. As he approached her casket, he peered inside and saw her laying...

3 years ago
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If only all work events ended like this

The "story" below is actually true. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but I wrote it nearly ten years ago. I jotted it down at the time as I could do or think of nothing else but the night before. So I recreated the moment by writing it all down! So, it's really just a memory. I found it on a floppy backup disk recently - hopefully someone might enjoy it! ----------------------------------------- A girl has just left my house, and here I am exhausted and glowing with pride after a...


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