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My First Five Years with TG Lovers Copyright 2005 by [email protected] This copyrighted work may be freely distributed, with the requirement that it be distributed as an entire work, including this statement, the warning, the preface, all chapters and the Epilogue, un-changed. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING This story includes graphic depictions of sexual acts performed by consenting adults. Depictions include male, female, male-to-female transgender, and hermaphrodite/Intersexed persons having sex with each other. If you are under the age of 21, or whatever the age of majority is in your location, you should stop reading immediately. Chapters: 1. Angela, Punk Rocker (no graphic sex) 2. Meeting Alison (no graphic sex) 3. The First Date with Alison (no graphic sex) 4. The Movie Date (oral) 5. Alison's Phone Call After Work (erotic conversation) 6. Angela's Warning Phone Call (no graphic sex) 7. The Long Weekend-Friday (TG/M anal, oral) 8. Saturday with Alison (M/TG, anal, oral, fetishwear) 9. Sunday with Alison (M/TG, fetishwear, oral, touching) 10. New Years Day with Tanya (M/TG, anal) 11. Shopping Day (no graphic sex) 12. Dinner with Tanya (no graphic sex) 13. Friday in May (M/TG, anal) 14. Saturday in May (M/TG, oral) 15. Sunday in May (TG/M, M/TG, oral, fetishwear, voyeurism) 16. Dinner at Suzy's (erotic dialog) 17. The Bet (M/TG, milking, oral) 18. Breaking in the New Bed (TG/M, anal, oral) 19. Moving In Day (no graphic sex) 20. Suzy's New Years Bash, Second Year (fetishwear) 21. New Years Day with Tanya, Second Year (M/TG, TG/M, oral, anal, voyeurism) 22. Saving Tanya (no graphic sex) 23. Tragedy (no graphic sex) 24. Alison in the ICU (no graphic sex) 25. Moving in with Tanya (no graphic sex) 26. Jenny (M/TG, oral, anal) 27. Ji (TG/M, oral, anal, domination) 28. Becca (Herm/M, oral) 29. Maria (M/TG, M/F/TG, 3some, oral, anal) 30. Becca Again (Herm/M, oral) 31. Tanya Returns (M/TG, TG/M, oral, anal) 32. Tanya Cheats (TG/TG, TG/M, toys) 33. Becca Returns (Herm/M, oral) 34. Becca's Milking (Herm/M, oral, milking) 35. Becca Comes Again (Herm/M, milking, oral) 36. Becca Becomes Bold (M/Herm, oral, domination) 37. Becca Grows Bolder (M/Herm, oral, anal, toys) 38. Tanya gets Even (TG/M, TG/Herm, TG/M/Herm, 3some, oral, anal, domination, toys) 39. Aftermath (no graphic sex) 40. Epilogue and Writer's Comments (no graphic sex, where to write comments) Preface This story takes place in the late 1970's and early 1980's. It is a true story, as best as I recall. While I don't remember every exact word we ever said, the dialog is representative of what was said. I wrote this after reading hundreds of stories in over the course of years and realizing that 99% of those stories were written from the TG MtF point of view. The remaining 1% were obviously written by people who had never actually been with a MtF transgender, other than perhaps an "escort", as they showed little or no understanding in the complexity of maintaining a successful long term sexual relationship with a MtF transgender, or any kind of relationship at all. I believe those are what are known as "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" stories. While those stories have their place, they lower MtF transgenders to the level of little more than animals wanting to have sex with anything on two legs, and in some cases, four. This story is COMPLETELY different. It's mostly autobiographical, written from my (a male who loves MtF transgenders) point of view. The character's names have been changed, but they're real people, with real feelings, and very real needs. The activities described are real activities. I lived with these women, and loved these women, and you'll read how each relationship began and ended. I've concentrated mainly on sexual activities, leaving out things like the endless shopping for clothes, confusion at the airports and other places where the official in charge was confused looking at a woman with a man's driver's license or passport, and day to day life with a MtF transgender. I also left out wonderful vacations, joyous days just sitting around the house, and the stress of holidays. I have, however, included a number of non-sex chapters, mainly to keep the storyline flowing and comprehensible. I urge you to NOT skip these. I've kept them short enough that they aren't tedious, and you'll be lost if you skip them. Have a happy read. 1. Angela, Punk Rocker When I was a senior in High School, a girl named Angela transferred in from a school in New Jersey. She was *very* different from anyone at our suburban Philadelphia school. First, she dressed in bright wild colors. Second, her brown hair had streaks of red and green in it, and it always looked like it needed to be combed. Third, she was 6 feet tall and did not play basketball. She was also shy. She spoke to no one unless they spoke to her. After a few days of nearly running into her trying to get into a class we shared, I introduced myself. One thing led to another, and I found her sitting across from me at lunch the next day. She imparted a tale of humiliation and woe tossed on her by the cheerleaders and "in crowd" that morning that just wrenched your heart. We ate lunch for some number of weeks, with my friends (all male) eventually realizing that she actually was pretty cool and that we were amateurs when it came to punk rock, which was then the emerging alternative music. This girl knew all the bands, all the lyrics, and lived it, while we just listened to it. Now in the conservative capital of Pennsylvania, she stopped dying her hair. So, while it still looked crazy, it wasn't wildly colored. Eventually, she must have realized that I was intimidated by her and she asked ME out to a concert. I had no punk clothing, and expected to look completely out of place with her, but she "toned down the look" and we had a great time. We became an "item". The tallest guy in school who didn't play basketball and the tallest girl in school who didn't play basketball. We called ourselves "the geek and the freak". LOL. She was quite aggressive as a girlfriend, and had me in her bed on our second date. She was all woman: 38d-26-36, completely hidden under the baggy clothes she normally wore. Had she been more "normal", she could easily have been homecoming queen. Two horny teenagers who were willing to try anything, we took our cue from every page of the Kama Sutra, Penthouse Forum, and an interesting publication she showed me that featured leather and latex. We graduated High School, and, like most college-bound kids, decided to break it off a month before leaving for our respective schools. I was staying local, going to an engineering school, she was on her way to California to art school. It was painful for both of us, but we said our good-byes and parted friends. 2. Meeting Alison I went to college, and kept my head in the books. Christmas rolled around, and winter break began in early December. I got a holiday job at a local Department store in the Men's department to pay for Christmas gifts. Apparently, the hiring manager was impressed that I owned a real suit that fit me and figured Men's was the place for a polite well dressed guy like me. One night (and they always give you the crap time slots when you're only working seasonally, so this was like 10pm), I was straightening out the dress shirts (which were constantly falling out of their size bins) and someone taps me on the shoulder. I look up and see it's someone familiar, but, not being good with names, I manage only, "Oh, Hi," as I stand up. She was tall, at least 6 feet, and frowning. "You don't remember me, I'm Alison, Angela's older sister?" "Oh, I thought you were familiar, I just couldn't place you there for a moment." In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "Is-Angela-back-for- Christmas?" But, before the thought could come out, Alison dives right in: "I'm doing a little shopping for my Dad. Could you help me out with some pants? He's about your size." I remember her Dad. He is my height, but he's built like a linebacker. I show her some pants that were on sale, and she chit-chats. Angela isn't doing well in California and stayed to do work on projects that were supposed to be done before the end of the semester. She has a new boyfriend that looks like Jonny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, who treats her like crap. Her mother is distraught about her latest choice in men. Alison tosses in, "Not a nice guy like you..." several times. She decides against the pants, but hands me her phone number "in case you want to go out some time". Damn. I must have made an impression on the family... Fast forward two weeks. I show up for work, and it's the last few days before Christmas. The store is MOBBED. One of my co-workers comes up and says a tall brunette was here looking for me, and left her phone number. I look at the paper. I never called Alison back-no time to hook up due to the crazy schedule at work. She obviously is seriously interested. She came back to the store and left her number. Still, if she was REALLY interested, I'm sure that Angela could have given her my number. A curious puzzle, this girl... I call that night, and leave a message on her machine that I'll call her after Christmas when my seasonal job is over and that maybe we could do New Years together. The next day I'm back at the store, and Alison walks up to the register with something she wants to buy. I think, "Boy, she's either smitten or a nut..." Her purchase: a sheer red teddy from the misses department. She holds it up and says, "A present for me." It was a good thing I was behind the counter, or she would have seen the tentpole in my pants... It was too busy to talk, and I promise to call her that night. I'm convinced she's a nut. That night I got on the phone with her, and we talked for hours. She was very easy to talk to, very intelligent, and had a wide range of interests. This being December 23rd, we decided to meet up for dinner on my first day off following Christmas. On Christmas day, she left a message on the answering machine wishing me Merry Christmas and telling me she's looking forward to our date. 3. The First Date with Alison On date night, I picked her up in my little white convertible, which was a very nice car, but had very poor heat, and went to a local pizza place for dinner. It was winter, of course, and we froze on the way to the restaurant. We ate, we talked. She was 2 years older, and in a pre- law program at a prestigious local university. She said Angela couldn't stop talking about me, even after we broke up. But, now that Angela has moved on, and she (Alison) found me by accident at the store, she (Alison) figures it's "her turn". We both got a good laugh at that one. Eventually, we were alone in the restaurant, since we sat there and talked for 3 hours. The waitress actually had to ask us to leave. It's was pretty funny. I took her home to her apartment, and got a nice kiss at the door. We made arrangements to get together the next day, to see a movie she saw advertised at an afternoon matinee showing, since I had to work that evening. 4. The Movie Date The movie date on Wednesday took us to a movie that could only be described as a "chick flick". Full of love, emotion, and passionate embraces. At one point in the movie, there was a love scene, and I found Alison's head resting on my shoulder, so I put my arm around her. That must have been a sign to her, because a moment later I felt Alison's hand moving up the inside of my thigh. I stopped her with my other hand and whispered "You bad girl, you'll just have to wait for that." Sadly, the 5 other people in the theatre had the tender, on- screen love scene ruined when Alison started laughing uncontrollably. It was so bad that we had to abandon the theatre for the lobby, where Alison really let out the laughs. People must have thought we were insane, because I started laughing too. We beat a hasty retreat to my car. I drove her home to her apartment, and was prepared to give her a quick kiss and leave (since I had to be at work), but she insisted that since I had an hour to kill because we didn't see the whole movie, that I could come in for a quick cup of cocoa. Her apartment was actually pretty nice. She had a livingroom / kitchenette, and a separate bedroom. I had seen it all before, having been here many times with Angela when Alison was away. Angela and I had spent so much time in Alison's bed, we came to think of it as out own. I didn't know if Alison knew, or not, but I suspect she did. Alison put on a kettle. I hung up my coat and sat myself down on the sofa. Instead of sitting next to me on the sofa, or the comfy-looking chair nearby, she plopped herself down on my lap! Alison isn't some tiny little girl. She's built like her sister: 6' tall, 150 pounds, with broad shoulders, wide hips, and thin waist. When she dropped on me, I cried, "Ouch!" to which she said, "Let me kiss you and make it better." 10 minutes later, we were on the floor, with her on top of me, neither of us having a shirt on any longer. Her breasts were full and firm, a D cup without being floppy at all. Her nipples were small and hard, and particularly sensitive. Her long dark hair cascaded over both of us. The kettle began to whistle and we realized we better get it off the stove before it burned. I propped myself up on one elbow, and watched her sashay into the kitchenette, then back to where I was. As I reached for a breast, she swatted my hand away and said, "You bad boy, you'll just have to wait", which got us both back to laughing. She pointed to the sofa. I figured my fun was over. How wrong I was... Once I got up on the sofa, she crawled on all fours towards me, her breasts swaying beneath her, her mouth open. It was so sexy. My cock was straining in my jeans. She brought herself up and put her elbows on my knees, looked into my eyes, and then put her hand down on the outline of my hard cock. Stroking it, without breaking eye contact, she said, "I think the waiting period is up. I need to see it!" With that, she broke eye contact, and yanked down my zipper. I fumbled with the belt and waist button as she reached her hand into my pants and pulled them down to my knees. A moment later, my underwear was down with the pants and her hand was squeezing my cock like it was a long lost friend. I was watching her intently, and, with the most sheepish of grins, she extended her tongue out to touch the tip of my cock, which was wet with pre-cum. Her tongue curled back. "Tasty," was all she said before she came forward and swallowed my cock in one swift and smooth motion. I hit the back of her throat and her lips closed around my shaft. She had most of it in, as her tongue began to slither on the underside of my cock, and her head began to move in a familiar rhythm. Up, down, up down, slurp, up, down, up, down, slurp. Her hair tossed this way and that, her eyes left her prey and settled on mine. She was good. No, beyond good. She was great. Her breasts heaved with each stroke. Her hand held the base of my cock to prevent escape. She moaned, and then plunged my cock into her mouth with such force it broke into her throat. I could feel her throat muscles around my cock head, soooo tight, milking the head of my cock. She held it but a few seconds, then stopped, and pulled away. She was coughing. I leaned down to help her, and she pushed me back, her hand still holding the base of my cock in a death grip. She began to lick it like a lollipop, rolling her tongue around the thick head that so recently had been in her throat, spreading the saliva on it around. And then, she was back to sucking on it. I couldn't last under her onslaught. "I'm going to come!" I yelled, but she took no notice. She continued to work her oral magic on my cock. I couldn't hold back, and shot my come into her mouth. THAT got her attention. She stopped her up and down motion, and concentrated on holding the head in her mouth as jet after jet shot into her mouth. Her hand took up the up and down motion once I was nearly done. She didn't let go until I collapsed back and said "Alison, there isn't any more!" She made a little noise, and then straightened up. Her mouth was closed and she had a very intent look on her face. I watched as she came closer to my face and then, about a foot away, opened her mouth to show me that she had swallowed my come! I smiled, and she smiled. Her breasts were on either side of my cock. "If you spend any more time in this position, my cock will want to have a massage with your beautiful boobs. And, if your boobs massage my cock well, it'll provide them some cream too." I laughed, she laughed. "No, that wouldn't be right. I want all the cream inside me, not outside me." My cock started to get hard again. She got up, grabbed her shirt and bra off the floor, and said, "Don't you have to go to work?" I looked at the clock. "Shit, yes." "Want to have dinner here tomorrow? Hint, Hint..." "No, I have to work tomorrow night, and the night after. How about Friday?" "Friday would be great. Call me tonight after work." She gave me a big kiss, with some tongue. Only when I left did I think about where her tongue recently had been, and what had been in her mouth. I didn't really notice much of a difference in taste when I kissed her, however. Reluctantly I went to work, although I did have a big smile on my face the whole evening. 5. Alison's Phone Call After Work After work, I called Alison. She must have been sitting by the phone, since she picked up immediately. "I'm wearing the red teddy, the one I bought myself for Christmas." "Wow, even through clothes that looked good on you." "It looks better without clothes underneath. You got me so horned up, I needed to relieve myself after you left. By the way, Angela was right. You do have really tasty come. It's the best I've ever had." "(laugh) So, Angela told you all about us?" "Everything." "Everything?" "Yes, she's positively a blabbermouth." "How about you? Do you kiss and tell?" "Rarely, and only to Angela. I spoke to her a little while ago and told her we went out on a date, but not what happened this afternoon. She'll probably call you to tell you that she wants you back. She jealous that way." "I'll be on my guard. (laugh) So, did you want to date me because of what Angela told you?" "No, I saw you during the summer, remember? I thought you were handsome. The fact that you were dating my younger sister meant that you weren't afraid of tall girls, like most guys. Then, Angela told me all the crazy things you two did and I was jealous. When you became available, I figured I'd give it a shot..." "So, you like me because I'm a good boyfriend, or potentially a wild lover?" "Both. And that brings me to Friday's date..." "Are we still on? Is there a problem?" "No problem. Only an offer. I'll make us dinner on Friday if you agree to stay the weekend." "DONE. Tomorrow is my last day at work. I'm free until January 20th when I go back to school." "That's not all. You have to agree to perform a specific sexual act on Friday that you did with Angela." My brain was clicking...What could she talking about? "Which one were you thinking about?" "I'll get to that in a second. If you agree to do it on Friday, you can have my virginity." WHAT? This girl sucks cock like a pro, yet she's a virgin? "What do you mean?" "I'm a virgin. Yes, I know what you're thinking. I've stayed a virgin by keeping my pants on and giving blow jobs instead. I've been giving blow jobs since I was 17, so I've had a lot of practice. I'm a cock and come gourmet now. (laugh) Some come is too skanky, some cock is too small, too thin, or too ugly. I hate a guy who has one of those veiny cocks. I dump most of my boyfriends after one performance like this afternoon's, or they dump me because I won't go any further than a blow job and showing them my breasts." "Er, ok. So we've established that you like my come, so my cock must be adequite then too?" "Actually, it's a little thicker than I'd prefer. But, I think with practice, I'll be able to deep throat you as well (laugh)." "I'll do whatever is needed to help you practice. (laugh)" "I'm counting on it. Now, back to my offer." "Yes, your offer." "Angela told me that you let her, well, fuck you with a strap on." "Yes. Is that what you want?" I had let Angela do that when she wanted to try being 'master' for a night. It was interesting, but not the kind of thing I prefer. But, for Alison's virginity, I'd think about it. "Yes, I've been looking for a guy who'd let me do it for a long time. I think I know you pretty well, based upon what Angela's told me, and know that you're a 'good guy' and a bit on the wild side sexually. And, you did it with Angela. Most of my boyfriends never want to see me again after I ask. You're not going to do that to me, are you?" "No, Alison, I'll keep up my end (laugh) of the bargain." "George, let me make this clear. On Friday night, I'll fuck you in the ass. You have to be my boy-toy. Starting Saturday morning, I'll do whatever you want to do for the rest of the weekend. But, Friday, your ass is mine." "(laugh) Yes, I understand." "You're not going to chicken out, are you?" "No, my ass has already been fucked by your sister's big dildo once before. I know to expect. Should I bring any special clothes for the occasion?" "No, I'll give you all the clothes you need for the weekend when you walk into my lair on Friday. (laugh)" "Oh, a pair of panties and a bra in my size? (laugh)" "No, you're a guy. You don't need to wear women's clothes to be my boy toy and get fucked. (laugh)" "Ok (laugh), I'll pack a toothbrush, deodorant, and some clean underwear." "That's right, you won't need other clothes. I'll have enough food to last us all weekend. Do you still like Whipped Cream?" "Angela has a big mouth. (laugh)" "Shall we say 6 o'clock? That'll give us time to get 'acquainted' before dinner." "Something tells me I'll have to eat standing up (laugh)" "Might be (laugh)" "Alison, you are sooo much fun." "You don't know how much yet. I'll talk to you tomorrow after work, ok?" "Great. Talk to you then. And no more 'relieving' yourself until I can watch, ok? (laugh)" "You too (laugh). Good night, sweet prince." "Good night, fair lady" 6. Angela's Warning Phone Call The next day I was getting ready for work when the phone rang. It was Angela calling from California. Alison was right. She did call. She got right to the point. "George, you know that I care for you, right?" "Yes." "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, right?" "I don't know. That time you hit me with the pool cue for looking at that other woman hurt pretty bad. (laugh)" "George, you do NOT want to go out with Alison." "Angela, I'm already going out with Alison." "No, George, I mean you don't want to be with Alison. She's different, sexually. I don't think you want to be with her." "Angela, I've already had sex with Alison. I'm fine with her uniqueness." "OH... OK... Alison didn't tell me." "Angela, Alison told me you told her everything we ever did." "Yes, I did. I guess that's why she wants to be with you." "Yes, she said that. And I want to thank you for telling her. I think Alison and I have a lot of fun together in our future." "Ok, George. I wish you and her a lot of luck. I'll probably be back in the summer, and maybe I'll see you around the house." "Angela, I appreciate the call. Really." "Ok, bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone and pondered the meaning of the call for about a second before I came to the conclusion that Angela still wanted to keep the door open with me. That night Alison called, and told her that Angela called to warn me, but I was going to go ahead with her (Alison's) offer. 7. The Long Weekend-Friday At precisely 6 o'clock, I knocked on Alison's door. I saw her look through the peephole and I held up a lunch bag containing my weekend essentals: toothbrush, deodorant, two pair of clean underwear, and a freshly purchased bottle of KY. The door opened, but I didn't see Alison. I walked in, and the door closed behind me. Alison was there in a long coat. "I went down to the leather boutique a bought a few things for this weekend. They wouldn't let me try it on in the store, and I think I look ridiculous, so please don't laugh." "I promise." I put down my weekend bag, and sat down on the edge of the sofa. Alison opened her coat and let it drop to the floor. "WOW!" I exclaimed as I saw what she had on: A black leather corset, with breast cups, laced tight, her breasts popping out the top due to the pressure, a pair of long black gloves, a pair of black leather boots which ended at her knees, with 5" spiked heels, and a black leather mini skirt. As she approached, I realized that she was now about my height. Her mini skirt had an odd bulge in the front. "So, you like it?" "Alison, let me fall to my knees and worship the leather goddess you have become. (laugh)" I actually did get down on my knees. She grabbed me by my ear and forced me to look up at her. It was then I saw the reason for the odd bulge. Underneath the mini skirt she was wearing a pair of leather panties, and on top of the panties was a leather harness holding a realistic looking dildo that was pressing against the skirt. She really was going to fuck me. This is no joke. "Get your clothes off. I want to get started." I pulled off my clothes and carefully tossed them in a pile. It took me about 5 seconds. She produced a leather strap about 8" long. "This is your first piece of clothing tonight. Put it around the base of your cock so that it's between your ball sack and crotch. Make it quick." I did my best, but I couldn't get it to snap closed. My cock was too hard. But, never fear, Alison helped and the snap finally connected. My cock stood straight out at attention. "That'll keep you up all night. I wouldn't want my boy toy to lose his erection. (evil laugh)." She grabbed me by my cock and led me to the bedroom. The bed had leather straps coming out from each corner, which ended in cuffs. "On the bed, face up." I complied. My cock was beginning to turn painful. The cock strap was allowing blood into my cock, but not out. Alison looked down and saw my "problem", but said nothing as she proceeded to cuff my hands to the bed. As she moved to my feet, she stopped briefly to give my now bright purple cock a tongue tease. If it did anything, it made my cock even more pained. She strapped in my ankles. I was now immobilized. "Are you ok?" "No, my cock feels like it's going to burst, and I'm not kidding." "Other than that?" "I'm ok." "Can you snap your fingers?" I snapped. "That's your signal that I should stop. The walls in this building are so thin, I need to gag you to keep you from crying out. Is that ok?" "No, I don't want to be gagged." "If you don't want to be gagged, I'll release you and you can leave now." "Ok, you can gag me." And with that she produced a leather hood. She showed me that it had eye holes. "I want to see your eyes when I fuck you. I just don't want the neighbors to hear your screams of ectasy." And then she showed me the inside of the mask. Where the mouth would be was a rubber plug that looked like a small dildo. "Sorry about the shape of the gag, it's the only one they had in stock. Just remember it's a piece of rubber, not the real thing. Are you still ok with this?" "Yes, it's just a piece of rubber." Those were the last words that she would hear from me until she released me from the hood. The rubber plug was thick. It filled my mouth and trapped my tongue underneath. I began to drool as she zipped up the hood from the back. "The plug has a hole in it in to allow you to breathe. I tried it out earlier today. You won't drool as much if you breathe through your mouth." I concentrated on breathing through my mouth, and it helped, a little. She propped pillows up behind me and put my head down. I had a very narrow angle of view, basically whereever my head directly pointed, I could see. "I'm going to get you ready now. I need to move your legs up." She unsnapped my feet from the cuffs and produced another set of cuffs from behind my head. I must have looked alarmed because she said, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I've never done this before, but you have." I thought, "I've never been gagged with a dildo, and trussed up like an easter ham to allow a girl to fuck me silly with a strap on." But I couldn't say anything. I watched as she pulled one leg, then another, up and into large straps under my knees. My ass pointed out. I was familiar with this position, having put Angela into it dozens of times, albeit without a hood on her head. I saw Alison pull off her gloves, and then I felt her finger rubbing lubricant on my hole, and then, unceremoniously, pushed it in. I winced. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful," Alison apologized. Her finger spread the lube around inside. It was beginning to feel ok. I relaxed. I saw her lean forward, and then my pained cock made contact with her lips. It was heaven on earth as she ran her tongue down the shaft. I was really enjoying it when she pushed a second finger inside me. It broke my concentration. I was beginning to get hot under the mask, and my jaw hurt from being held open by the dildo. Alison pulled out her fingers, added more lube, and re-inserted them. She did this over and over until lube was dripping out onto the towel she placed under me. "You're ready. Let me show you what you'll be enjoying tonight." She pulled off her skirt and the dildo sprung free. It wasn't as large as I was. Thankfully she hadn't chosen one as large as her sister had. She tossed the leather skirt over my head. All vision was lost. She pulled her fingers out of me and said, "I need to take the panties off. They're allowing the harness to slip around too much. It'll just be a minute." I felt her leave the bed, then heard something hit the floor and then something else. Then, about a minute later, she was back on the bed. "I'm ready now. Are you? Nod yes if yes, click your fingers if you want to stop." I nodded. Her fingers went back inside. Her other hand grabbed my cock briefly, then pulled off skirt off my face. I couldn't really see much but her breasts due to her angle, but what I saw made me super hot. "Here we go. I hope you enjoy this as much as I expect to!" And with that her fingers left my ass, replaced with a hot cock. She leaned down and the cock went in deep, striking my prostate. My cock jumped and squirted. "Oh, this is GREAT! Are you my boy toy?" I nodded. She began to fuck me in long deep strokes. Each time she hit bottom, my cock shot more come onto my stomach. Then she began short stabbing strokes, interspersed with long strokes. I moaned and laid my head back. My ass was on fire, but it felt great. This girl could wield a dildo! And then, she stopped. "We need to change angles." She pushed me onto my left side, unhooking my right knee cuff, and then re-attaching the left knee cuff to it. Never leaving my ass, she then began a machine-gun-like piston that could only be described as vicious. Come flowed out of my cock until there was no more to come. "Ready to be taken doggy?" I was delerious, and made no answer. She grabbed my balls and squeezed. I let out a yell, but all she heard was "eeeeeeeeee" at a low volume. I moved around and tried to assist her in getting me onto my stomach, then on all fours. My hands, still attached to the cuffs, twisted in the straps. I wasn't particularly steady in this position. She had hold of my hips, keeping me from falling over. She re-entered me and fucked me for a few minutes longer. Then, with an animal-like sound, she speared me deep, throwing me down onto the bed and cried out, "I'm coming. Take it all!" She laid there on top of me, spent, for quite some time, licking the back of my neck and telling me how much she loved me. My hands were still cuffed to the bed. My cock, now underneath us, was painful. Her cock had slipped out, but my ass was on fire from the fucking. My jaw hurt so bad I was sure it would never work again. She got up, picked up her mini skirt, and left the bed. I couldn't see her leave due to my face down position. I closed my eyes and awaited the next round, which I knew was going to be worse. "Look here!" She was snapping her fingers, her face right in front of mine. "Are you ok?" I nodded. "I'll clean you up a little now." She had a warm wet towel, which she used on my ass. When she was done, she showed me that it was bloody. "I'm sorry. I guess we're done for tonight." She turned on her heels and walked off toward the bathroom. I got a great view of her butt cheeks hanging out beneath the mini-skirt she had put back on. When she returned, she turned me over onto my back, removing all the pillows under my ass, and replacing the towel, which was bloody and full of come. "So, did you enjoy the fucking I gave you?" "It was hot, but I think that I would have enjoyed it more without that cock strap. That's vicious. I think it might be too small." "Yes, it's obviously too small. Are you ready to see the video?" Huh? She shot a video of this? Who owns a video camera in 1980, anyway? I nodded. It would be interesting. She tilted my head up and upzipped the mask. As the dildo gag came out of my mouth, so did all the accumulated saliva. It made quite a mess. Alison was ready, however, and wiped my face lightly with a towel. My jaw ached, I could barely speak except to say "Thank you." The cuffs stayed on. She sat down next to me, turned on the tv by the remote control and I saw us on the bed, live video, taken from an angle over my head. She hit some more buttons and a few moments later the video began to play. I was mesmorized by it. When it came to the part when she was lubing me on tape, Alison let off the cock strap and began to stroke me. Then, she was sucking on me. I was torn between watching her and the video. When she saw I was watching her, She said, "No, watch the video. It's soooo HOT!" So I turned back towards the tv, just in time to see her shed the mini skirt onto my face. Then, I saw her removing the strap on, then start to remove the panties. Alison was doing great with her blow job, and I was really getting into this. I looked back down at her, working on my cock. Alison's work on my cock reached a fever pitch and I couldn't hold back. I arched my back and came. I doubt that anything came out, but it felt like I came. As I laid back, I turned toward the video. At first, It didn't register. Alison was fucking me in long strokes, and I could see the dildo, but I couldn't see the dildo harness. Then, I saw the harness was on the floor next to the bed, with the dildo still attached. I looked back at the tv harder. On the video, Alison had moved me onto my side and was vigorously fucking me. I could see that there was no harness holding the dildo. I could see that the dildo was not a dildo. I looked back at Alison in horror. Alison was a guy! "ARGH!" I yelled. "Let me go you freak!" Her hand went over my mouth. "Quiet, the neighbors will hear. I'll take my hand off if you promise not to yell. OK?" I nodded, and she removed her hand. "Why are you upset?" "Because you're a guy!" "No, I'm not. And lower your voice." "I saw your cock on the video! You weren't using a dildo." "No, I wasn't using a dildo. I was using my own equipment. I thought you knew. Didn't you talk to Angela yesterday?" "Angela didn't tell me you had a cock! Didn't you think you should mention that you had a cock to me?" "I don't have a cock. Guys have cocks. I have a large clit." "That looks like a cock!" "And works like a cock, but it's a clit. I'm a girl, and girls have clits." "Girls don't have 6" clits. Not even in porn movies do girls have 6" long clits." "I'm a special girl. I was born a boy. If you promise to stay calm for a minute, I'll tell you the whole story." "Let me out of the cuffs." "No, listen to my story, and then I promise I'll let you out of the cuffs." "One minute." And with that Alison began a story of her life. As a young boy, she liked long hair. This being the 60's, long hair was acceptable for a boy. When she reached age 10, and she refused to cut it, she told her parents that she wanted "girls' hair." They sent her to a psychologist, and she told him she wanted to be a girl. After a year of therapy, the psychologist agreed that Al should be called Alison from now on, and dress in girls' clothes to see if that's really what she wanted in the long term. Alison began to transform into a girl, helped along by the family relocating to NJ from Iowa, where she had no history as a boy. The doctor also prescribed hormones for Alison, which she began to take before puberty. When puberty arrived, she grew small breasts, wider feminine hips, and, unfortunately, her "clit" matured. At age 15, her parents agreed to cosmetic surgery to equalize her breasts, which by then were filling a C cup. The result were the magnificent D cup breasts she now sported. The doctor refused to perform sexual reassignment surgery at the same time, since Alison was still too young. By the time she reached 18, she decided that she liked the way she looked, even with the large clit, and would find a guy who would appreciate her for who she was. And so her quest ended with me at age 20. Her one minute had stretched into 30. I felt truly sorry for her. She thought she found her Prince Charming in me, but had so shocked and deceived me that I felt betrayed. Plus, I wasn't so sure about having a girlfriend who wasn't really "all girl." I looked into her eyes, which were now clouding over with the start of a good cry, and said, "Alison, that's some story. I'm sure there are more details, and I'd like to hear them, but right now my ass is on fire and I NEED to go to the bathroom NOW." She reached for the cuff on my left wrist and then stopped. "You're not going to hurt me now, are you?" "No, I REALLY NEED to go to the bathroom NOW, unless you want a huge mess on your bed!" As she unhooked the cuffs, she began to cry. Tears hit my face as she leaned over me to get the cuffs off. "Alison, I promise I'll talk with you when I'm done in the bathroom. I won't leave until we sort this all out. Trust me." and with that, I was free. I sprinted to her bathroom, and no sooner than my butt hit the toilet did a slimy mixture of lube, blood, shit, and Alison's come poured out of my ass. It came with all the air she had pumped into me while she fucked me, too. The sound and smell were terrible. I flushed, but stayed seated, awaiting more to come out, my head resting on my hands. Alison poked her head around the door of the bathroom. "I'm truly sorry. Is there anything I can do?" "No, just let me sit here a few minutes. I think we have a lot to talk about. It's kind of late, but didn't you mention something about dinner?" "It's only about 7:30. I thought we could have some chicken. One of the nice things about being a girl is that I got to learn how to cook, and I'm pretty good at it." "Chicken will be fine. I'll be out in a few minutes." Alison disappeared, presumably to make dinner. Another explosion of air exited me. My ass hurt, and this farting was painful! I didn't remember it being this bad when Angela did it. Another few minutes and more gas passed, and I figured that was all. I cleaned myself off, and just sat there, considering what I was going to say to Alison. Any hope of ever getting back with Angela was obviously fried by the fact that she'd now perceive me to be bisexual. Alison fucking me WAS kind of fun until I found out she wasn't using the dildo. I didn't know if I wanted a girlfriend with a lump of man-meat in her panties, though. What would people think? But, she LOOKS like she's female, talks like she's female, and acts like a female. No one would ever know unless they saw her nude. Heck, her shape is so feminine that guys whistle at her! But, am I a homo for even considering staying with her? She *did* trick me, but I also *did* have fun. So confusing... On the shelf next to the sink was a gift, all wrapped up. I reached over and pulled it down. On top of the package was a folded yellow piece of paper. On the paper was written: "7pm. Dear George, my love, my lover, my friend. I'm sorry for hurting you. It was wrong of me to be so rough. But, in my own defense, you are the first guy who has ever consented to me fucking him. I guess I don't know my strength! While it was fun, I don't think I can be the boy again. It's just not in my nature. I'm a girl. I release you from your promise to be my boy toy all night tonight. When you're ready, my virginity awaits. Please be considerate and use lots of lube :) I think you'll like this gift a lot. I just hope it fits. It would be amazing if you could wear it tonight! XOXOXOXO Alison." She obviously thought I knew she had a cock, sorry...big clit! While not innocent, she's at least truthful. I opened the package. Inside were a pair of long leather pants, actually my size. The crotch sported a hole, obviously to allow my cock to be prominently displayed. Wow. A leather collar was underneath the pants, attached to a leather lead. On the collar was a metal tag. The tag said, "George, please fuck me. I've been a good girl." I actually began to chuckle. Any resolve to tell her off had evaporated. She could be my girlfriend, after all. I put on the pants and, carrying the lead lightly in my hand, walked into the living room. Alison was putting salad on the table. She still had her leather outfit on. "Alison, I have your collar. You should be wearing it." She smiled, came over, lifted her hair, and turned around, offering me her neck. I snapped the collar in place, holding the lead in my hand. "Bend over." She bent slightly. "No, over." She bent further. I pulled on the lead when she got to the angle I wanted, and she stopped. "The collar says you've been a good girl and deserve to be fucked. You're actually a bad girl. Do you know what bad girls get?" "Fucked?" was her shaky reply. Her mini skit had ridden up. I could see her ass cheeks now. "No, spanked." and with that I gave her a hard swat on each cheek. "Ow....Ow. That hurt." I let go of her lead. "Now, are we going to have dinner?" "I'm heating up the chicken, but we can start on the salad." We sat down to the salad. She found it as uncomfortable to sit down as I did. When we finished the salad, she got up to get the chicken and potatoes out of the oven. I grabbed her lead. "Bend over." I saw that I left a hand print on one of her cheeks. I let go of the lead. "Sorry, I guess I got a little over-enthusiastic with the spanking. I'll be gentler the next time you deserve to be spanked." She smiled. The rest of dinner was uneventful. We talked about her life, mostly. I found out that she had the video system installed in the air duct above her bed's headboard last year when she thought she had found the perfect guy. She wanted to videotape the loss of her virginity. But, the guy turned out to be a dud. When Angela and I began to use her apartment, she began to videotape us. Angela knew, of course. Alison would watch the "home movies" and masturbate to them. It was Alison who suggested to Angela to fuck me with a strap on. In fact, the harness Alison was wearing was the same one Angela wore. Angela, however, went out and bought a monster dildo so that she would be "bigger" than me and thus "more manly." Alison and I both laughed hard. Angela's fucking had been nothing compared to the pounding Alison just gave me. Watching me fuck Angela and hearing Angela tell her how great a guy I was lead Alison to develop a fixation on me. She had a grand plan to get me to come over when Angela was home for Christmas, but Angela messed it up by not coming home. It was by sheer happenstance that she saw me in the store. When we had put the dinner plates into the sink, Alison turned toward me to kiss me. I pulled away. "I guess we're done?" she whined as tears again started to flow. "No, we're not done. There's a little thing left. You owe me your virginity." "Oh, that. If we're not together, I'm not going to give it to you." "We need to set some ground rules. What kind of girl do you want to be?" "I want to be a girl. I want to be fucked by you. I want to suck your cock and drink your come every day. I don't want or need to fuck you in the ass again." "Are you just saying that, or do you mean it?" "I'm a girl. I don't need to fuck you in the ass again. Of course, if you asked me to, I would. I mean, it was fun, but I can live without it. There's one thing, though, that I would want you to do for me, as a girl, sexually, just once." "What's that?" "I need you to suck on my clit. I've never had anyone do it, obviously. You don't need to do it until I come, just for a few minutes so I can see what it feels like." "Ok, kiss me, before I change my mind about this." And with that, she gave me a kiss that could be one of legend. We moved to the sofa and continued. My cock got hard, but was quite sore. As we were kissing, she grabbed it, causing me to whince in pain. "Still sore from the strap, huh? I'll stay away then. Do you think you'll be ok tomorrow?" "Probably. Can we move this to bed? I'm getting a little tired." We moved to the bedroom and got on the bed, leaving on our respective leather outfits, but shedding the lead on her collar. We continued our kiss, and I grabbed her round ass. She grabbed my ass through the leather. I rolled her onto her back, and looked down, where her mini skirt had ridden up. Her clit was in full view. It was hard. She had obviously spent a lot of time shaving down there. As I reached my hand towards it, she pulled down her skirt. "Alison, I have to get acquainted eventually. Do you want that to be now, or later?" "In a few minutes, ok? I want to go to the bathroom and make myself fresh for you." and she paddled off to the bathroom before I could say anything. When she returned, her skirt was riding a little high. I could see the head of her big clit poking out underneath it. She hopped into bed and we resumed our kissing. I tentatively reached out and lightly touched her clit, which was now standing at attention. She broke our kiss. "Go ahead, it's not going to bite." I closed my hand around the shaft, and she exhaled heavily. I gave her clit a playful squeeze. She leaned over and we began kissing again. She kept poking her tongue into my mouth, and I kept pushing it back out. It's was obvious that she wanted me to go down there with my mouth, but I ignored her and continued to stroke her clit with my hand. We rolled around the bed, and she finally broke the kiss. "Could you, please?" "Not tonight. It's been a long and confusing day already. We have all weekend. Can we shed the leather? I'm sweating up a storm, and I can see you are too." I helped her out of her corset, and then her boots and skirt. She took a lot of time unbuttoning my pants and easing them off, avoiding touching my quite tender cock. When she was done, she crawled up on top of me. Her magnificent breasts glistened with sweat. I could feel her hard clit on my stomach. My tender cock ached as it bumped her leg. Without a word, she swung off of me and turned off the lights. The room was plunged into darkness. Only the movement of the bed told me that she was back. I felt her hand on my shoulder, and then sensed she was next to me. I felt her hand move to my face. I turned toward her, unsure of exactly how she was on the bed. Her hand came away from my cheek, only to be replaced with her hard clit. I pulled back. "Alison, tomorrow, ok? Come cuddle with me." She moaned, and moved down the bed to lay next to me. "You've got me horned up. I've been imagining this night since I was a teenager, and now you don't want to play." I leaned over and pushed her on her back. "Alison, I'm the man. You're the girl. Let me be the aggessor for a change." I grabbed onto her erect clit, and shifted position. In the darkness, I extended my tongue and tasted the end of her clit. I rolled my tongue over it, and around the crown, just as Alison did for me. I heard her moan, my cue to open my mouth and put the head inside. I felt her hands on the back of my head, trying to push me down on it. I stopped my oral attention. I pulled back, free of her clit. "No hands. If you use your hands, I'm going to stop." She pulled her hands away. I went back to my work. She didn't have any real taste or smell. The texture of her head was soft and spongy, with a hard underside, exactly as I expected my own cock to feel. I tried to mimic what she had done for me. Short stroke, long stroke, long stroke, short stroke, move the tongue around, etc... She was moaning constantly. I don't know if it was for my benefit, or hers. I felt her hand on the back of my head and she arched her back. I immediately pulled off. Come hit my on the face almost immediately. I pumped her clit with my hand, which was still holding her. My hand grew wet. After a few moments, I felt her hand touch my pumping hand, pushing it down. "Ok, I'm done. Thank you. That was fabulous!" she said in almost a breathless exhale. I pulled my hand away. I could feel the warm come on my face and hand beginning to cool. It was pitch black in the room. We needed to get cleaned up. Alison made no move to leave. I figured I should take care of her. I got up, and fumbled towards the bathroom in the dark. I turned on the light switch and looked in the mirror. Her come had run down to my chin. It was thick and pearl white. I used my clean hand to scoop it off my chin. I took a quick tentative taste. It tasted slightly metallic, slightly salty, slightly sweet. Having never had come, even my own, before, I didn't know if this was normal or not. I wiped off my hands and my face, and brought the wet towel into the bedroom to take care of Alison. The light from the hall cast a soft glow in the bedroom. Alison was laying on her back, her arms splayed, her legs apart, asleep! Her clit had shrunken. As I approached, she opened her eyes and smiled, then closed them again. I gently wiped off her clit and stomach, cleaning her of her discharge. I gave her now clean clit a quick kiss. I returned the towel to the bathroom, turned off the light, and re-joined her on the bed. I pulled the cover over both of us, and cuddled in next to her. She was lethargic as I pulled her close and joined her in sleep. 8. Saturday with Alison I awoke to Alison stirring underneath my arm. Her head was on my shoulder, her left arm and leg wrapped over me. Her collar was on, but not the lead. She had obviously gotten up during the night and put it on. Her long dark hair was wild, all over the place, but she looked beautiful laying there. "Hmmmmm....George, I thought you'd never get up." "What time is it?" "Almost 10. I've been up for hours. I mixed up some pancake batter and fried some bacon for breakfast, if you're up for it. I just love cuddling under your arm. I woke up last night and found myself there. It just felt so right." "Not to break this tender moment, but my bladder is full." "I noticed your morning hard on. I was hoping it was for me (laugh)." "It is, but the pressure in my bladder is telling me I should drain it before attending to your needs. (laugh)" Alison let me out of the bed, and I went to the bathroom and pissed like a race horse. While I was standing there, I noticed a black leather item on the top shelf that I hadn't seen before. "Alison obviously likes leather. I wonder what this is?" I thought to myself. I pulled it down. It was like a big leather bag, with a bag inside. Three large holes in the bottom, and no obvious purpose. I brought it into the bedroom. "Alison, what's this?" "It's a pair of worship pants. They're for Angela. She had me pick them up for her." "Worship pants?" Alison took them from me. "The girl puts her legs through these two holes, like a pair of shorts. The big tube (which I thought was another bag) is for the worshiper's head. See how the tube is connected to the third opening? When the worshiper is zipped in, their mouth is pushed against the crotch of the girl who is wearing the pants." "Angela had these?" "Yes, for you. Her plan was to put you in them for an evening. The only thing you'd see, smell, and taste would be her. Basically, all you could do would be to eat her until she let you out. They're kind of a torture device for both people. You have please her to the point she can't take it anymore, and you're granted freedom. It's a shame you broke up. I think the video of you two using them would have been interesting to watch." "Could I wear these and force you to suck my cock?" "No, two problems there. First, the pants are cut for a woman's shape. They'd fall right off you. Second, the distance of the worshiper's head is too close and the wrong angle for cock sucking. I'd be game to try out a set of these if you got the men's version. They're expensive, though, since they're custom made." "Couldn't we return these, since Angela obviously isn't going to use them?" "The store doesn't give refunds. I tried in September." "The tags are still on them. They're obviously still new. I bet I could get them to give me a refund. Do you have the original receipt?" "It's on the shelf. What would you bet?" "If they give me a refund, you destroy all the videotapes you have except for the one we made yesterday." "And if I win, you suck my clit until I come in your mouth, and then swallow. I also get to videotape it." "And you give me the tape, and the one we made yesterday to hold at my house after you watch them." "Done" "and Done. Let's have some breakfast and go over to the leather store. I'm sure we can find something there in our price range to spice up tonight. (laugh)" We had a great breakfast of pancakes and bacon, got on some clothes, and drove down to the leather boutique. I had never been inside the store. The front was full of leather jackets, shirts, and pants. In the back were the more hard core items like whips. A staircase led to a loft and was marked "Adults only." Alison strolled up the stairs like she owned the place. I watched her hips sway and her butt cheeks stretch her Jordache jeans in a very erotic manner. The loft space was all fetish-wear. Hoods, restraints, and a lot of items I couldn't identify. I took my bag up to the register there, which had a prominent sign which said, "All upstairs merchandise must be paid for here, and carried from the store in a bag." "Hi, my girlfriend bought this a while ago, and we just realized it's not what we thought it was." I said as I pulled the worship pants from the bag. "Worship pants for women. What's the problem?" "We wanted ones for her to be the worshiper, not the worshipee." "Yes, those are very different. But I can't take these back. Because they're considered underwear, they're not returnable." "The pants were for me to wear, not her. Look, the tag is still inside. How could someone wear them with the tag on?" "I can't take them back. Sorry." "Can I talk to the manager?" She called the manager on the PA system. An attractive oriental woman in her late 20's or early 30's came over. "Can I help you?" "Yes, I bought the wrong thing and I want to exchange them for the right thing." I handed her the pants. "Women's worship pants. I assume you wanted Men's worship pants?" "Yes." "These are considered underwear, so I can't take them back." "The tag is still attached inside. They've never been worn." "These are custom made. If I gave you an exchange to the proper pants, you'd have to pay an exchange fee." "I understand. How much would that be?" "$30. I can make you the right size in about an hour. Is your girlfriend here? I need to know her head size for the hood." "Yes, right over there." "Oh, Alison's your girlfriend. She's a good customer. Did you like the bustier she bought yesterday?" "Yes, it was very hot. I liked the pants she bought for me. I assume they came from here, too." "Yes, they did. There are matching shirts and shorts over there, and ones without the show-off hole downstairs, if you're interested." "Thanks, I'll take a look. I appreciate you bending the rules for us." "No problem. What is your waist size?" "34.." "Cock length?" "Excuse me?" "I need to make space. If you were really long, you could choke her to death. Too short and she wouldn't have to worship." "I see. just over 7 inches when hard" "Really?" "Yes, really." "Girth?" "Thick." Suzy help her fingers about an inch apart. "Like this?" I spread them twice as far. "No, more like this." "Good for you. I'll say hello to Alison and then go make up your pants." She quickly turned and bee-lined right to Alison. I turned back to the cashier, who had a smile on her face. "Are we done here?" "Sure, when Suzy gets back with your pants, I can check you out." Suzy was just walking away from Alison when I reached her. "See, they're taking them back and making us new ones. We'll have an hour to kill. Is there anything you see that you DON'T already own? (laugh)" "I was looking at ECD's over here." "ECD?" "Erection Control Device. Whenever I'm near you, I get a woody. Since it's tucked down between my legs, it makes it a little hard to walk right. I end up really wiggling my hips to avoid rubbing my thighs against it, which would ultimately result in a pair of messy underwear, if you get my meaning. If I wore an ECD, I couldn't get an erection, and thus, no mess." "OH. The hazards of having a large clit. (laugh)" She held up a device made up of several metal rings connected with leather straps. The rings were quite narrow. "I think the rings would show through my underwear." And then held up another, which looked like a bag. "I don't need a bulge in my pants." And then another, this one with a clamshell tube design. Inside were nasty looking points. "This has possibilities, but looks super painful." "No way I'd ever put that on me, and I'd say no for you, too." "Thanks." She held up another, similar one, without the points inside, but with a 45 degree bend in the middle. A long leather piece was on the end. "I had one of these once. It worked, but was very uncomfortable to wear." I found a similar one, which had a smooth bend in it, also with the leather piece on the end. "That looks perfect," she said. "What's the leather piece for?" "You attach the leather piece to the inside of your panties with velcro. It holds the tube between your legs and doesn't let it slip down." "Is your clit going to fit inside this? It seems kind of narrow." "That's the point. You pull yourself through the tube when you're soft. If you start to get hard, the tube prevents that." "Why is it curved like that?" "So you can only pee sitting down. And, when you put it between your legs, it tucks in tighter." "What about your balls?" "Tucked inside me. Didn't you notice when we got dressed?" "No, I was too busy looking at your boobs. (laugh)" "Ah, a boob man. (laugh)" "Consider this ECD your first official sex toy gift from me. Now, let's find a second one, so that it doesn't get lonely..." We shopped for an hour, with Alison explaining all the interesting clothing and items. In the end, we selected the ECD for her, and me a large cock ring, which Alison assured me wouldn't leave me as tender as the strap she had used the previous night. Most of the items were way out of our price range. I loved the thigh high boots, but the $335 price tag was too much, and, as Alison pointed out, the knee high boots she bought were only $55 at a normal shoe store, marked down due to the 5" heel and the fact that size 11 isn't too common a woman's size. Suzy appeared with the replacement already in the bag. She handed it to me. "Play safe. I'm sure you'll enjoy this," and then winked at me. "I'm sure we will. Thanks." I paid the bill, and we left. When we got back to her apartment, I felt ready to go. "Alison, shall we have a little 'Afternoon Delight'?" "Oh, I've been looking forward to this. You lost the bet, you know." "No, they took the pants back and gave me a replacement set." "Suzy told me you paid $30 to exchange them." "That was to customize the new ones to our sizes." "They're only $40 new. Suzy came over and told me that you agreed to pay $30 as an exchange fee." "Sounds like Suzy pulled one over on me." "So, you admit you lost?" "Yes, but so did you. They DID take them back." "No, not really. Take a look at them." I pulled them out of the bag. They looked different. They had a pair of distinct shorts and a hood, connected by a short tube, all made of leather. "See, they're different." "The pants are the same, the hood and tube are new." "If the pants are the same, why did she ask me my waist size? and how long my cock was? And weren't the pants originally cut to fit Angela?" "Because, when she talked to you, she thought she was making you pants. When she talked to me, I told her how you lost our bet, and the pants should be made for me. Angela and I wear the same size pants, so they didn't change the pants at all, just removed and re-worked the bottom section." "Wait a minute! How did she know to make them with a tube?" "I told her one time I was there, when she tried to sell me a woman's thong. And by the way, Suzy used to be Sam and is envious of me for snagging you. She's been looking for her right guy for more than 10 years. She also asked if you were lying about your cock size, and I assured her no. (laugh)" "(laugh) I guess you won the bet. But I think you cheated." "I promise if you properly worship me, you won't feel cheated. (laugh)" She began to strip. "No time like the present!" We retired to the bedroom. I stripped, and helped her into the pants. When I folded back the mask, which had no eye holes, I could see her throbbing clit extending 3" into the mask. She laid down on the bed. I took up my position between her legs, and put her clit into my mouth. She zipped up the back of the mask. I was in darkness. I leaned over to one side, knowing that I could not keep my head straight very long, without impaling my throat on her clit. Gagging inside the tight mask could be dangerous. I reached up and found her hands had already taken up position on her boobs. She swatted my hands away. "Stay down there. Don't make me cuff you." I began to move my tongue. Her back arched, pushing more clit into the mask. My head was already consuming all the mask space, prevented me from retreating. I was forced to accept another inch into my mouth. Her clit filled my mouth, and the end was at the entrance to my throat. I began to breath heavily through my nose, while I worked on trying to pleasure her. If she pushed more of herself into the mask, I would have no way to breath, as her clit would be in my throat. She relaxed back on the bed, and, thankfully, some of her clit retreated from the mask. I was now able to properly attend to her. It didn't take long before she arched her back once again. This time was different, though. Her clit expanded and then immediately I felt warm jets of come hitting the roof of my mouth. No choice in the mask, I swallowed. Eventually, she stopped shooting, and laid back on the bed. I tried to get the mask off myself, but I couldn't find the zipper. Alison must have realized I wanted to unzip, and pushed my hands away. "Not yet. Wait until I'm fully soft. I LOVE The feel of your warm mouth." She must have had the cuffs ready, since she slapped my hands into cuffs behind my back.

Same as First Five Years Videos

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Five1

Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter Five0

______________________________________________________________________________________ Here is chapter five. Sorry this one was published later than usual, I've had some problems. It's hard to get comfortable with a broken rib. But I pushed through it and got this chapter out. I'm not sure it will be that great as I am strung out on painkillers right now, but I did the best I could. As always, please rate and comment. If you want to know when the next one will be published or you have a...

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Last one to know Chapter Five1

I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock was still wedged in the cheeks of Beth’s ass and she squeezing them together then relaxing them. I moved a little and Beth giggled. Mom ask “what are you two kids up to”? I snickered and told her Beth was teasing me. Beth told Mom it was not her fault, I had my hard cock wedged in the cheeks of her ass. I heard Tammy laugh...

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Last one to know Chapter Five0

I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock was still wedged in the cheeks of Beth’s ass and she squeezing them together then relaxing them. I moved a little and Beth giggled. Mom ask “what are you two kids up to”? I snickered and told her Beth was teasing me. Beth told Mom it was not her fault, I had my hard cock wedged in the cheeks of her ass. I heard Tammy laugh...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Lesbian Fivesome after Party

Amanda was having a party, and she invited all of her friends from her university. Those four of them who were lesbian (like Amanda), Cheryl, Anne, Lisa and Emma were staying for a sleepover. When everybody had (except those four) went home, Amanda's mother put the sleeping bags into Amanda's bedroom. In it's center, there was a king-size bed with a red silk bed set. "I will visit an old friend this night, I have to go now. Have fun!" Amanda's mum said. "Sure, bye!" the girls chanted exitedly....

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Dadaji8217s Wild Adventure 8211 Part 1 Incest Fivesome

Hello everyone. I am back with a bang! I am Rachit and this is another incest story for you all to enjoy. So let’s talk about the heroine of this story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. Her boobs are the perfect mango boobs one could ask for. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My another aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles actress Shruti Haasan. To enjoy the story to...

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My First Fivesome With 2 Couples

This is my second story here. It is actually a continuation from the earlier one where I met a couple for threesome. I am Vijay from Chennai. Please feel free to give your comments / inputs at This is a genuine incident and no fiction is involved. As I had mentioned in my earlier story I met A and C for a threesome. After that incident they became close to me. We used to chat like friends. Once when we were chatting we touched on the topic of group sex and swapping. A & C asked me if these...

1 year ago
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Holiday Fivesome

We were on holiday in Crete this year. We usually have a laid back holiday being a couple in our early sixties - no discos! After a meal out one night, we were having a drink in the hotel bar when we got talking to a woman in her sixties - still a very sexy lady!She told us she was a recent widow holidaying with her daughter and son in law. She had left them to have an early night. We all chatted and got on great. When she went to the ladies room, my wife, who is usually up for some fun on the...

2 years ago
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The Famous Fives Last Adventure

"Dick,   great to see you again"  Julian greeted his younger brother. "Hurrah!   No more school ever again" he replied.   "How's your first year at Uni. been then,  old chap?""Hard work, but it's great to be studying something with a real expert."With a grin Dick added "George wrote that Uncle Quentin was disappointed that you chose to study Geology not Physics, l think he was hoping to have been able to discuss his experiments with you.""Talking of George,  we are supposed to be meeting her...

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Dadaji8217s Wild Adventure 8211 Part 2 Incest Fivesome

Hello, I am Rachit and I am back with the second part of this much-awaited incest fivesome series. Thank you all for such an overwhelming response to my first part. I request you all to use some hot pics of the actresses I mentioned while reading the story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My other aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles...

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What would a man do if offered a fivesome orgy with four women

“I think we’re probably evenly matched,” said Robin. She was wearing a workout outfit and looking in the full length mirror in our bedroom. I was taking off my clothes after coming home from a late meeting, and she was about to hit the shower. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “I mean physically,” she said. Robin towered above me. I was maybe around 5-8, but compared to my 6 foot 3 wife, I looked small, especially when she wore heels. We met as freshmen...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Morning Coffee and Then Some Hot Ffffm Fivesome

It was a lazy Saturday. One of those days when you just really don't feel like doing anything, but lay around naked and have sex. Roxanne called me and asked if I cared if she came over. Of course I didn't, Roxanne and I have been best friends for over 20 years, and if she just wanted to come over to hang out, by all means, she was welcome. My husband was out riding his mountain bike and I was lounging on the couch when Roxanne came over. She was still in her jammies too. I couldn't take my...

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myfirst experience

She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...

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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

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Revolutionary Magic 102 Sold at Five

My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...

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Jackson Five

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Five Daughters

Looked up and saw three of my angels; Alice, Alison and Angie giggling together like they always did. Three of the five great gifts they’re mother gave me before she took off. All I knew about what was going on was when I was served with divorce papers from a court in Reno, Nevada. “Daddy.” I heard one of their sisters’ call from the front door and waited to hear it slam again. Then the other two gifts I’d received almost seemed to bounce into the room; Barbie and Bea. Alice, Alison and...

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My Five Minute Girls

I was sitting in my room minding my own business when all of a sudden my door opened. My sister Julia was shoved in and the door was closed behind her. Julia was stark raving naked. Her hands were tight to her sides. Julia said, “I am yours to do with as you wish for five minutes!” All I could thing of to say was, “What?” Julia said, “I am yours to do with as you wish for five minutes!” I smiled and looked at her. My kid sister had started to grow up. At thirteen years old Julia...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Five

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Five By AmyAmy July 22nd, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism',...

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Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0 A Womans Work is with a Gun

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The Medieval Marine Part Five

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Mistress of Five Oaks

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Five

THE WEEKEND AUGUST-19-20-21 - BOWLING FRIDAY NIGHT Friday nights three matches involved the 'Kings' playing the 'Striker', the 'Dragons' against the 'Falcons' and the 'Warrior's' appearing to be totally mismatched against a high flying 'Jaguars' team. In the first of the three games the 'Kings', though in fourteenth position, were only six and a half points outside the top ten and had a chance again the bottom placed 'Strikers' to challenge for a place in the stepladder...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

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Legend Of The Five Petticoats Inn

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Full Circle Chapter Five

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Met Amy And Slept With Her After Five Years

Way back in 2005, my degree final year batch students, 40 students, 11 boys and 29 girls planned a final tour to Bangalore, mysore and ootty. Because of various permission reasons and postponing of practical exams we finalized the tour date as final paper day. Means we are literally out of college, finish viva by lunch, go home take bags, start by 6pm. All of us desperately wanted this because we never had a combined tour due to busy course schedule. Moreover we all knew that this will be our...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER FIVE Angie sat on the toilet, her eyes locked on her stomach. It was uncomfortable to move, but she had to poke it one more time just to see. Her index finger made contact and her belly was hard. She was bloated beyond comprehension. How much as she eaten this time? This was the third day of her binge and Mark was acting as he wasn’t even aware of her eating. She did the bills and handled the money, so he probably didn’t have a clue as to...

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A Sheltered LifeDay Five

Lauren held me in her arms, looked me in the eyes, and then she kissed me. “I like you, John, but not that way. I like girls.” I looked into her eyes... BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEP. “John, John, wake up, you’re dreaming.” I sat up, then fell back onto the bed before I reached over and shut off the alarm. “Are you OK?” “Not sure,” I said quietly. I was not sure what was real and what was a dream. Lauren’s hand rested on my shoulder. “John?” “Yeah, I’m here.” “It’s...

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Twos company fives orgy

I am a 24 year old guy, fair, about 5 foot 8 in tall, of average build with a 6 in cock. But, what makes me not so average is that three gorgeous women fuck me every once in a while. Gorgeous does not even begin to describe these women. I do not know if they are hot enough to melt steel but they certainly get me as hard as steel! What’s more, they know exactly what to do with a nice hard piece of meat, and very few Indian women know that. Kavita and Mili are both 25, 34-28-36, and have mouths...

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The Five Year Fetish Part II

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 1

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Just five minutes tops

I kissed her, long, soft, and felt her melt a little. Best Italian restaurant in town and a few martini’s afterward and she was just about as horny as I was. But still, the little matter of getting it all started, getting the ball rolling, getting the boat away from port. The handcuffs. I dangled the pair in front of her eyes again and felt her body stiffen. Yeah, she was turned on, but the cold gleam and harsh reality of steel was maybe not what she thought would do the trick. I knew she...

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Career Opportunities Part Five

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Five

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Kollany ThirtyFive

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At Home with Melody Part Five

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Seventeen Much had happened in Melody’s life since her lead in the school play. She had seen her bestfriend’s relationship blossom into something quite special; had watched the so-called cool kids in her class become nothings almost overnight; and more importantly, had taken herself to Hollywood only to encounter a terrible reality, rather than the dream she had held on to for so long. After five auditions for B-grade movies, and five...

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Forty Five Days

I walked down a poorly lit corridor beside a man who seemed to hate his job even more than he hated me. The hate showed in his wrinkled and hardened face brighter than a flashing neon sign at a cheap motel. I eyed him up and down, his body said he was too young to look so old. My mind told me his years of working here in this place, around these people, had taken years off his life. As we continued to walk, I glanced around at my new surroundings and noticed up the dark gray painted walls, near...

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The Drifter Chapter Five

When I woke up, I wanted to make an early start, but was surprised that despite our tense situation, Carla had other ideas and was stroking my cock, letting me know she wanted a good wake-up fuck. “You really are insatiable aren't you?” “Yes, and I know you like that. You're already hard.” She crawled between my legs and started moving her tongue slowly up and down my hard cock, delicately licking, while her devilish blue eyes watched me writhing. She took my cock in her mouth and bobbed up...

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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife SpeaksPart Five

In the Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Five by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Penthesilea, Nanette's First Wife Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Alistair, Nanette's Second Wife Ira, maid to Rylann Hadrian, Rylann's new maid ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required to have at least two...

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Five Words

FIVE WORDS FIVE WORDS by Velvetglove  STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Five Words? is a fictional story. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Copyright is claimed by the author.  Part One: July ?Does your offer still stand ?? Five Words.Just Five Words. The five words that changed his life. The handful of words that turned him from a husband, father and successful businessman into something else...

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Twenty Five Years Later

Forty-two-year-old Rosemary Hendon was slightly the worse for drink as she snogged the seventeen-year-old Alan Boyle. They were in a wooded area in the grounds of the hotel at which a party was being held and the young man had his hands all over the body of the married mother of his friend. He had her blouse undone and was groping her tits as she took his erect cock from his trousers.She was sober enough to know what they were doing was wrong but drunk enough not to care and their lips were...

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Five Hundred Dollar A Night Lesbian Prostitute Par

It had only been as week since I became “Amy Macabe, Associate Entertainment Specialist, Cascade Club, Tucson” and I just smiled. Not a bad job for a forty-three old divorcee with no future. I had been running my own escort service that catered exclusively to wealthy older lesbian women. Soon I became the highest paid lesbian escort in Tucson, Arizona. I earned close to $9,000.00 in a good month by making love to a select group of very classy, attractive, and wealthy women, who had embraced the...

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Sea Girls Part Five

Sea Girls. Part Five. It took three weeks for our passports to be received and we were straight round to the American Embassy and they knew that we would be applying and it was Thomas who we had to thank that we didn’t have any problems there. The same day a telegram arrived from home asking me to give them a ring, which I did and dad passed over the message which was the date and time of the plane we were to catch at Heathrow airport. During that last week, we took all that we wouldn’t be...

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The School Part Five

The School. Part Five. “Today, some of you may be pleased to know, is to be a day off as it were,” Penny announced in the classroom where we had gathered. “What we do at this stage, is to talk to you individually for an informal chat. Me with the girls and the boys with Peter, and we have the chat in the bar. So get yourselves into the lounge and we will see you alphabetically so that you can know when it’s your turn to come through to the bar. The dining room is only open during lunch and...

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Analog Time Part Five

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 1620 of 62

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Johnathyn had pushed the horses pretty hard and we'd picked up almost another entire day by the time we rolled into the outskirts of Dupreeville, a town less than a day's ride from Glory. The place is named after the head guy of the government. Seems like a big suck up move to me. Dierdra said Beckwith chose this town because it was big enough that a few extra people coming and going wouldn't attract attention and it was close enough to Glory to act as a base of...

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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Five

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - The Gathering So how did Polly know about the five pounds? Dr Marron had tipped Michele five pounds but Michele hadn't told her about that. At the pub Polly had said, "So now you spend some of that five pounds that Dr Marron left you and buy a round." So how did she know? Polly lay sleeping beside her in the bed in room 302 at the Chelmsford Ambassador Hotel. They were still dressed in lingerie and...

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The Five Amigos

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There was a young man of Khartoum Who lured a poor girl to her doom. He not only fucked her, But buggered and sucked her-- And left her to pay for the room. Garry was the hardest sell of the five friends - the idea had been John's and it shocked all of them when he first brought it up, some friends more than others. The drug came from a discrete website online, marketed for getting the woman of your dreams to fall passionately in lust for you. It was easy, mix some of your DNA with the...

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