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Dot 3 After that, the two children felt they were on top of the world. Dick could live openly as Dot's companion, as long as he remembered to go limp and hold still whenever Nurse was present. They were always careful to play quietly; it would not do for two young voices to be heard emanating from the girl's chambers! Whenever they came in from the garden, Dick had to remember to clean his shoes; dolly would not be walking around getting her footwear soiled! When it rained, or snowed, they read to each other. When Mother had finished with reading her periodicals, Household Words, and All The Year 'Round, she lent them to her daughter. These readings gave both children a taste for Dickens, which Dot politely requested. Her parents thought the author might be too plebeian for their daughter, but she persisted, mildly, and they could not long refuse her. The first instalment was The Old Curiosity Shop, which caused them both to shed bitter tears for poor little Nell. Dot wondered whether Dick had faced the hardships of Oliver Twist, and he confided that he was well aware of the workhouse but had been warned clear of it by the kind old vicar, else he had ended up there rather than in the ash bins behind fancy homes. Everyone was very taken with the Queen and her consort, and the children were no exception. It was amusing to see Dick play the part of Albert in their little dramas, when he looked the very likeness of his queen! In fair weather, the garden always provided ample amusement. They could set up imaginary landscapes, go exploring foreign lands, recreate scenes from the Bard ("Don't kneel in the dust there, Romeo, you'll befoul your skirts!" Dot as Juliet chuckled). Somehow they also found time to actually attend to the garden itself. Everyone in the land was of course well versed in the "language of flowers," an elegant coded communication through which plantings and bouquets became poems and prayers. The two friends therefore used their own plantings to convey messages. Dot explained her choice of Lady's Seal. "It says 'Be My Support', because I depend so much on your kindness and friendship." Dick responded with Bluebells, "For they stand for Constancy and Gratitude," he explained. Dot was much touched by this. They celebrated their ongoing deception by planting maidenhair fern, which conveys the thought of a "Secret bond of love, or Discretion". They had come to share a deep mutual affection, but must always be discreet and careful to hide the truth of their relationship. They also planted many humble daisies, for as we all know "daisies never tell"! Thereby the great secret would be maintained. The Rose may be the most daunting of flowers to plant and maintain, yet surely it most rewards such efforts. With much toil, the two friends planted and watered a pink rose bush, which spoke of "Secret Love". They also planted white and red roses together, the hopeful symbol of the nation, as a sign of Unity. The white also signified "Secrecy" and the red "Love". One evening toward mealtime, after the children had been watering and pruning their roses, and plucking off offending aphids, they noticed that Dick had forgotten himself in the spirit of the moment, and had become as begrimed as any gardener! Quickly they rushed to the house, careful to wipe the soil from his shoes, and as quickly washed his well manicured hands. There was a noise in the hall; Nurse was coming! Dick's dress was a disgrace! Thinking quickly, Dot had them both remove their gowns. Now they both appeared in their undergarments, simple but well fashioned, white petticoats and camisoles. "For the love of heaven, Dick, have a care that your masculine elements do not show themselves!" hissed the girl, as he perched on the usual chair. In walked Nurse! "My word, what have we here? Why have the two of you shed your clothes? This is a decent household, as I am sure you know, and we always dress for dinner!" But she was smiling as she said this, for a mercy. "Oh Nurse," pled Dot sweetly, "I bersmirched my gown whilst caring for the rosebushes, and so it was not fit to wear at dinner. So I was preparing to find a fresh outfit, and of course Dorothea would have to change hers as well! We always must match." "Oh, there's a duck, of course you do, now let's see..." and Nurse busied herself selecting a new outfit for the two of them, as Dot breathed a secret sigh of relief. The two were much amused to relate this adventure to the good doctor at his next weekly visit, but he chided them. "Oh children! This good woman expends such noble exertions for your sakes, and yet you make her a mockery!" At that they were contrite, but Dot defended herself: "We were not intending to be unkind, and as for faults of which we are unawares, we do pray for those every evening at bed time." Among the many collections of sermons and prayers and spiritual readings in her library, she had found a prayer penned by Jane Austen which was her favourite. It said, in part, "Be gracious to our Necessities, and guard us, and all we love, from Evil this night. May the sick and afflicted, be now, and ever thy care; and heartily do we pray for the safety of all that travel by Land or by Sea, for the comfort & protection of the Orphan and Widow and that thy pity may be shewn upon all Captives and Prisoners." "For you see," she told the doctor, "I am sick and afflicted. Dick is an Orphan. So while we are confessing our sins, we are also praying for each other." She was so sincere that the older man could not help himself; he knelt and hugged her, and then he even hugged the boy, who blushed. And so their lives continued. Dot got no worse, for she was well inclined to live now for the sake of her friend. Dick gained little in height or weight, for his diet remained limited to half of what one child was expected to eat. Dot had no appetite and did not miss having full rations, and Dick did not complain since his small portion was more generous than any he had been accustomed to have in his poor prior life. At Christmas Eve, the girl was expected to bring her doll and join the family around the Christmas Tree in the parlour. This was a marvellous innovation introduced by Prince Albert, and was all the rage. A real tree was brought into the home , and its branches graced with candles, and with little ornaments. Dot was not strong enough to carry Dick, playing the part of her doll, into the parlour, and it would never do for Nurse to try lifting Dorothea who should have weighed only a few pounds. The wise doctor contrived to receive a kind invitation from his patient, and he himself then carried the doll into the parlour, explaining that it was at a distance from the girl's quarters and he wanted to spare her undue exertion. Dick had to maintain a posture which was partly stiff, from the supposed stuffing, and partly limp, from having no skeletal framework as the adults of the household supposed. Thus it was that Dick got to observe a fine celebration, with lights and songs and prayers, and games. Dot managed to secrete some of the nuts and fruits and sweets into the inner hem of her gown, and so Dick even had a taste of these wonderful treats, later. He was so happy to be there; how he wished he could sing along with the family! "Why look at your dolly," Mother commented. "I could almost believe her eyes hold a special glow this evening!" "Oh it is undoubtedly the festival lighting which lends that appearance" blustered the doctor, but Dot insisted, cleverly, "Perhaps it is a Christmas miracle! Surely on this of all evenings, my best friend could be touched with sufficient life to share our joy, and say 'Amen' to our prayers?" This comment drew the attention of all the adults to the beloved girl; she had played upon their sentimental natures. Mother dabbed her eyes. "What a sweet child!" she murmured, as she clasped her husband's hand. Forgotten for the moment was the doll; Dot's ruse had succeeded. That winter Dot managed to request an extra quilt. The family feared this was a sign of her deteriorating condition; she tried to reassure them that she merely felt a chill. They hung their heads, said nothing, and gave her two extra quilts. These were sufficient to warm Dick as he slept atop her blankets, and more than cosy enough for Dot, who had to put her feet out from under the covers in order to cool off. "Your parents truly do love you deeply, don't they?" Dick said to her afterward. "Yes, and I them" she asserted. "They gave up a happy life in order to accommodate me here, and have arranged all their schedules and needs to rotate around me and my requirements. If only I could give them a kiss! That is my one regret. But doctor says I mustn't. When we embrace, I embrace them fiercely, to make up for the kiss that never comes. That also reassures them of my strength. I want them to be happy, and the illness which imprisons me saddens them more than it does me, I do believe. Eventually, some day, who can say when, I will leave them...and is a guilt I bear with me, to know that I must grieve those I love the best...." Dot shed no tears; she had steeled herself day after day and year after year to bear up under her malady, and in that aspect of her life she had remarkable strength. Poor Dick, however, could not restrain his tears. He hugged his arms around himself and shook as he cried. "None of that, now! You are caking the talc on your cheeks," Dot scolded. But she held him in her arms nevertheless, calming him. As the snows melted in early spring, they enjoyed seeing the snowdrops bloom, first of all the flowers. Soon their garden would once again be filled with life. Dot's birthday fell in that portion of the year, and once again they conspirators were forced to connive at bringing the doctor into attendance at the party, to carry the supposed doll to the banquet table. The birthday girl made a pretense of eating, but once again hid a great deal of the cake and sweets within her clothing, to be shared later. Her mother and father, in ignorant bliss, dared hope that her evident appetite was a sign of continued respite from her illness. As Dot nibbled dutifully at her cake, she exclaimed "Oh! Ow!" and pulled an object from her mouth. "What...a coin? What is this doing in my cake?" Her parents and the doctor all chuckled. "It's cunningly made of sugar, you 'd not choke on it. Finding the coin means you will come into wealth!" She smiled at them all, including her doll. "I have all the riches I could desire. What do I lack, that money can buy? Beyond that, love of family and friends is without price". The others smiled back at her, but they were smiling through their tears. That evening, the doctor said "Here you are, back in your rooms. I must say, I am getting a bit long in the tooth for such exercise! Is your dolly putting on weight?" He winked as he said it, but Dick was concerned. "I shouldn't want to grow too quickly, lest I not match Dot any longer." "Hmm, how old are you, son?" "I've no idea, sir." "Well, we just had a birthday party for your friend here; how many candles were on your last cake?" "I've never had a cake, sir." "Do you remember what year you were in school, last?" "I've never been to school, sir." "Dear me! Did your parents never celebrate your birthday?" "On Bonfire Night, the vicar would bring us over some scotch eggs and baked potatoes, flapjacks and parkin. My parents made that my birthday party, but I wasn't really born on November 2nd, that's just when we had the food with which to celebrate." Poor lad, thought the doctor, although he observed that the boy's use of the language had improved, through constant association with Dot. "So did they say how old you were on Bonfire Night then?" "Not that I recall, sir, but I was on my own for awhile before I came here, and my recollections are rather hazy." "Yes, well then, perhaps discretion should be the better part of avoirdupois? We should weigh the two of you from time to time, to be on the safe side. I have an old scales from George Salter & Company that I've had to replace for the spring having got stretched, but it should serve our purposes well enough. The family should understand the need for a running record of Dot's weight, so I expect no problems with bringing my old equipment here. It will have to be placed in the library, I fear, to allow sufficient space." Our conspirators were greatly relieved the following week to discover, with the help of the new scales, that Dick weighed merely three pounds more than Dot. All agreed that these measurements should be ongoing, if only to keep their minds at ease. "The similarity in weight also gives me a rough approximation of your age, Dick; if you were too much Dot's senior, the difference would be much greater. Typically as boys approach puberty they begin to rapidly add muscle mass." "What is puberty, sir?" the boy who looked like a doll asked him. "Eh? I'd have thought that was common knowledge. It is the time in a child's life when he or she develops mature sexual characteristics. Genitals develop. Girls begin to menstruate. It is possible, albeit undesirable, for such growing children to procreate. I beg your pardon if my speech seems blunt; it is the habit of an old medical man to discuss in a direct and practical way whatever pertains to the human body." The twins became uneasy. How soon would this change come upon them? Would it alter their friendship? Would Dick suddenly become huge? What would happen then? The doctor tried to reassure them. "We do know know what tomorrow may bring, let alone the coming years. Today is sufficient for our concern and attention. My brother is with the Royal Army Medical Corps in Hindustan, and he found there a Hindu saying which strikes us both as freighted with ancient wisdom: 'Look to this day for it is life, the very life of life, In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of our existence. The bliss of growth, the splendour of beauty, For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, But today well spent makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.' That would be good advice for us all." So they lived from day to day, and enjoyed each other's company. Often the children would hold hands as they meandered through their well tended gardens, and look sweetly at each other. Now and then they would tenderly embrace, and if you had seen them you could not have said which was which. Every flower under their care flourished, but especially the roses. The white and red entwined together, making for a most pleasant visual effect. "It is because our love is pure" state Dot. "It is because our innocence is not without ardour" offered Dick. Both children gradually grew in stature, and required changes of clothing, but Dick did not outpace Dot in that regard. He continued to be her mirror, her other self. Yet finally one day, as the two were being weighed, the doctor whistled. "Dot has not lost weight, for which I am thankful, but Dick seems to be gaining! Let me take a closer look at you, son." He examined the boy in private. "You are about to descend. There is a coating of downy hair on your chest and limbs. Did you notice, when you applied your cosmetics, that your face is now covered with peach fuzz?" Dick hung his head and admitted that yes he had noticed this but had been reluctant to mention it. The doctor called a council of war. "This is a crisis. We are at a decision point. Soon, I cannot say how soon but it is inevitable and imminent, Dick will become a young man physically. He will look ridiculous and unconvincing as Dorothea, and the masquerade will perforce cease. I will try to find him a position somewhere, we will avoid the workhouse. But Dot will no longer have the consolation of his friendship." Dot had been stoical about her own health, but now broke down into tears. Dick placed his arms around her gently. "Is there nothing that can be done, Doctor? Is there no way to avert this fate?" "There is one," the gentleman admitted, "but it involves risk, and great personal change for you, my boy. I would say the sacrifice is unacceptable." But he nevertheless whispered in the boy's ear, words not meant for Dot. The doll's eyes grew wide; she gasped. But then she nodded bravely. "I'll do it!" Now it was the doctor's eyes which widened. "You are that attached to her? Think what this will mean for your own future!" "I do not wish to consider a future without my only friend!" "Very well. Dot, Dick here has consented to an operation. His body will be altered. The result will be to arrest the physical changes which are starting to occur; he will be able then to remain with you much longer in his current guise." Dot may have been an innocent young maiden, but she surmised quite clearly the intent of these plans. "No, Dick! I am not worth this mutilation of your body!" "It is my body, and my choice, Dot. I have every reason to do this, and my reasons are not entirely unselfish. I am protecting my own happiness as well." The three were perplexed when it came to making arrangements for the orchidectomy. Dot's quarters were not suitable for a surgery. The setting with the best facilities combined with the greatest level of discretion would be the doctor's own surgery. But how could the boy be taken there? Dick could not simply be smuggled out the front door, even in the guise of Dorothea. He could not be stuffed into the doctor's bags, copious though they were. Finally the doctor decided to bring two ladders. He chose the very spot at which Dick had long ago tunnelled under the wall. There he would place one ladder against the outer wall, and use that perch to lower another ladder inside the compound, which the children would then position so that at its top it would be in safe proximity to the first. Then Dick would clamber out. "Should I remain in character as Dorothea when I leave? If people see the figure of a girl who resembles Dot leaving the area, it may cause a stir." "True, but consider: Few have ever seen Dot in person. Even if a girl was seen in the area, she could not easily therefore be identified as Dot. If you however were found around the grounds, as Dick, it would be impossible to explain away your presence. As you are too well aware, it requires a good hour to complete your disguise, and so you could not disappear and then reappear as Dorothea." The boy acceded to this reasoning, and so when the doctor's head later appeared over the garden wall, he made his escape as Dot's twin. As he clambered over the wall, he leant back and whispered audibly: "Now remember to take down and hide that ladder until we return, Dot!" She blew him a kiss in silent acknowledgement. The two males, after descending, likewise hid the other ladder in the shrubbery. The doctor had taken a wagon, to accommodate the ladders; the horse eagerly champed his bit, ready to make the return trip. Reaching under a blanket in the bed of the wagon, the older gentleman removed a black cape and hood which he placed on Dick as a makeshift disguise. He shook the reins, and they were off.

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Sexy Sista Likes Her Trash White

© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "Keep it real girlfriend. It ain't that bad," said Monique out loud to her reflection in the mirror. She practiced smiling quiting as the crow's feet appeared again. She had just detected this sign of aging today, two weeks after her 33rd birthday. She sighed and arched her back thrusting her bare breasts upwards. Was it her imagination or didn't her hard nipples reach as high as they once did? Monique stepped back and turned around still proud of...

2 years ago
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Tinas first time

As Tina spied on her parents having sex, she could see her dad’s huge cock slamming in and out of her mum’s pussy, her mum moaned and groaned as he rammed his log into her, she could see her mums huge tits swaying as Maureen (Tina’s mum) moaned begging for more Ted (Tina’s dad) spanked Maureen as she begged for a good fucking, Tina could feel her pussy getting wet, as she run her hands over her young tits, Tina was 18 and had just finished college and had the summer to rest before university,...

1 year ago
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A Gift for Daddy

"I brought you a present, Daddy," Stephanie said, giggling, as we stood on the porch in the run-down neighborhood in the industrial part of town. The man standing inside was in the shade inside of the house and I squinted to get a look at him."Eyes down," Stephanie hissed, elbowing me. I did as she said and smiled inwardly. She was usually very submissive and proper when we were together and I felt the power balance shifting already. The door opened and I followed her in. Despite the disheveled...

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William Redman CarterChapter 18

"Your mother and I watched your meeting with the White Buffalo on the news. That's how we knew to go to the ranch," said Lucy. "Pardon?" William was not aware that there had been a television camera at the ranch. "Someone filmed the whole thing with their video camera. It was on the television within half an hour of it happening." "So what did you think?" "Strange. It was like you weren't there. Your face was blank. Your voice was strange with an odd echoing quality to it. When...

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cuckold lifestyle70

We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 9

I called Carol the next afternoon. She sounded quite happy to hear from me. I started, "I have this problem. My mother is in Phoenix and will not be able to get home on Friday night. I just don't know what to do." She responded, "Well, you could go to a chess match, or you could go to the library, I mean you have lots of choices." "I'm lonesome. Would you like to come to dinner Friday night?" "Absolutely! Positively. You fed me nicely Tuesday night." She had waited me out,...

1 year ago
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White chicks steal black dick

The women of Malibu County were about the do a party. These women were rich socialites and one of them was getting married. The one who was getting married was Crystal, hot busty blond chick who was 5.5 and 19. She was getting married to someone on the Forbes 100. She was dress in a hooters shirt and was wasted. She had lip balm and blue eye shadow on. Her nails were painted pink and so were he toes. There was a large group of them and they were all drunk. They also were high that night. Most...

3 years ago
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Young bottom fucked by old store owner part 2

This is a continuation story. I had successfully seduced a older store owner into fucking my ass in the back of his store. Since then i kept day dreaming and flashing back to that moment. I remember the fear and excitement. I remember his hard cock in my mouth and ass. But most of all the feeling of his cum load shooting deep into my hole. That day when i went home i remember stripping naked in front of the mirror looking back at my ass admiring my figure and comprehending what i had done. I...

2 years ago
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Money is Power Part 8 reformatted

Why would anyone put up with this, you ask? Well, Mindy, over the course of a couple years, stole $30,000 from her church building fund. The church books are to be audited on Monday and Mindy will be busted. In addition to worrying about jail, Mindy was only able to take the money because her boyfriend/fiancé is the church treasurer. He will be disgraced and certainly dump her. Mindy is twice divorced, with two kids, and is certain this is her last real chance for love. She really wants this...

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Living Heart Pt 3

I slept through the day in the darkened room that Grace had offered me. I slept soundly, not having heard a cry from her all while I slept, she even managed to slip out to her day life without stirring me, I found that touching that she believed I was truly asl**p in those precious hours we shared in her bed together. It allowed my thoughts to wander back to my first time. The woman who had made me a vampire had been stunningly beautiful in a satin midnight blue dress. Her brown hair cascaded...

1 year ago
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First time hosting for a blowjob

So we've had 3 experiences before this one, but none at our house. We've met for drinks and then gotten hotels or gone vack to the one couple's house for fun. The last one was in October, so we've been anxious to have some fun. Work and k**s are our biggest obstacles, and we don't get many free nights. So the other day my wife was on xhamster and started chatting with one of our friends who is exceptionally well-endowed on her lunch break. I got a text from her as she was going back telling me...

3 years ago
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My Panties Part 3 of 3

Then next day I was at work and my cell phone ringed it was my brother. “Hey s*s, what are you doing?”“Nothing just working” I replied“Eddie is coming over tonight and is bringing one of his friends tonight”“Mark, I’m not a slut! You can’t just have people I don’t know just show up!” “I know, but before I could correct Eddie he invited his friend”.“Well I don’t think this is a good idea, maybe we should just cancel”.“No you can’t I already told him it was fine.” Mark said.“Well I didn’t approve...

4 years ago
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Ed demonstrates The Meaning of Power

Definition of a sociopath: A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most...

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it started with my mom 5

This was unexpected..and drove my lust into overdrive and i fucked her pussy like there was no tomorrow until kelly cried,”fuck yes baby!!!im gonna cum!!!im gonna cum!!!”..and he pussy clamped down on...

3 years ago
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the second time I sucked cock

The first time I ever sucked dick was when I was in my early twenties and I sucked off a buddy of mine once. Unfortunately it took another ten years before I had the opportunity to enjoy that experience once again. I moved shortly after servicing my friend so throughout my twenties and early thirties I already knew I like sucking on a thick, hot, blood filled cock. I can remember a friend of who was always my designated driver, would go out together then I'd wake the next morning piecing the...

4 years ago
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The Professional Woman Part Four Everything Works Out

“You did not,” Lucy said. “Without us?” Ginger asked. “You bitch!” “I didn't want to get you girls in trouble, in case he called the cops on me for trespassing," I tried to explain my actions from the previous day. I had told them about my visit to Edward's office. “Technically, he can't,” Jeremy said as he looked at me. “He could only file Trespassing if he told you never to come back or kicked you out. Since the three of you signed the papers and willingly left, he can't stop you from...

Group Sex
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As Good As It Gets 01

As Good As It Gets 01 By Sheila Anne Morgan I had graduated from college a couple of years ago with a degree in computer science. I got a job with a large company and learned about setting up computer networks, but I found that working for someone else wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So, I decided to freelance and become my own boss. Things were going very well and I had lined up several large...

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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 8

Chapter 8. Day 6 Friday. Kaptain Starky of the U-740. Gunther Starky looked at his grand son and grinned. "So you take after your Grandpa and Papa and and joined the navy after all. May I look over your ship? I well remember my first Kaptain Fryberg. He was to later become Admiral Fryberg and was a real gentleman. I was the only survivor of the U-740. A storm came up after we abandoned ship and all my men died. To this day I have thought about what would have happened if I had not...

3 years ago
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Five PennsylsChapter 4

“I really am afraid of the answer to this question, but have you two...” “All the time, and it gets better every time,” I said to her. “So the rings are for keeping other suiters at bay?” mom speculatively asked. “And to show everyone our love for each other,” my Annie said. “Are you being safe?” was her next question. “No, we expect that I am already pregnant,” her youngest daughter responded glibly. “Can I ask you a question, Mom?” I asked. “Go ahead,” she said as our food...

2 years ago
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Fuck With A School Friend

It all started when I was in 2nd year of my engineering. I belong to Ahmadabad city of Gujarat. Let me introduce myself I am Krish (fake name ) myself an average Gujju boy of age 21 with my man hood of size 6.3 inch I am not that muscular but can easily satisfy any girl or lady or aunty. So if anybody wishes for a secret relation of any type do inbox me on my mail id. Now without wasting time let me jump to the story. As it’s my 1st story hope u all readers will give me responses. My mail id ...

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The Island Inhabitants

Introduction: Female Researchers Encounter A Tropical Big Foot The Island Inhabitants November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from its nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very...

1 year ago
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Out on the town pt1

My name is jophine but every one calls me jo I'm 21 and live in a big city i live a fast pace life as I'm a nurse In a trama er .. I am fairly average in size being 5'5 and a 145 lbs I have a full bust thick thys and a decently round butt.. I don't really date much I work alot and when I not working i to go out dancing.. My boss was giving me a hard time about taking time off as I built up some paid time off so I took a long weekend off and planned on going out on the town on a Friday...

3 years ago
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Red Nixy Take your daughter to work day

It's take your daughter to work day and I am so excited. I have always wanted to see where my Daddy works and this will give us a chance to have some time together. I wondered what I should wear to Daddy's work place. I couldn't wear jeans, but I didn't want to wear slacks. I wanted to wear something that I knew my Daddy would like. Something that would allow him to touch me whenever he pleased. I pulled out an old skirt that I had worn in family pictures a year or two ago. It was tight on me,...

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The Broken Girl of Shade Fields

This story contains NON-CONSENSUAL SEX and VIOLENCE, and depending on how well received this is, it will contain TORTURE and EXTREME contents in the following episodes. *READ ON YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* The rest of you, enjoy it and leave me comments if you have any constructive criticism, would like this to keep going, or have your own ideas on how you would like this to follow. I pay attention to what my readers have in mind. (If you are worried about the other stories, don't. I will keep...

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Lisas Awakening Ch 4

It was somewhat surreal. They were like any normal, loving family with the added touch of casual sexuality. Lisa was growing and learning and Tom was patient and willing to help his daughter awaken sexually. He allowed her the freedom to explore and decide what things she wanted to do or ask or learn about. He had allowed a lot, but still reasoned they had really done nothing more than masturbate and showing his daughter it was nothing to be ashamed about by doing it openly was a healthy...

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Pagal Husband Ki Bibi Mere Neeche

Hi I’m rakesh 27yrs , working electric company in Burdhwan Kolkata, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I m going to tell you my story which happened with me last summer. As i m 5’7″ and having good physique. All the ladies who see me got impressed with me. YE tab ki baat he jab me Ranchi me posted tha. Me waha ek room lekar rahta tha. Us makan me keval 2 kamre the, jisme se ek me malik ka saaman rehta tha aur ek me main rehta tha. Jaisa ki aap logo ko pata hai ki Ranchi me mental...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 18 Hangover

Allison felt terrible. Her headache was partly the consequence of the several large glasses of scotch she had downed after Lionel had left but mostly it was because of what had happened while he was in the flat and in particular how she felt about her own behaviour. She’d called the office and told them that she wasn’t feeling well. That was true, but the trouble was she didn’t know, even when she felt better, how she was ever going to be able to look Lionel in the face, ever again. It was...

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Wild Couple Swap In Coimbatore

Hi to all readers. Hope you all are safe and sound. This is Varun, 28, from Chennai. I am back after a long time to share my experience with a couple I found online. They wanted to experience a couple swap. Coming to the story, this happened a year ago. I usually surf for advertisements in Locanto for people with different sexual fantasies. While searching, I found a couple who posted an advertisement welcoming other couples for a swap and traveling. They called it destination sex. I contacted...

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Starting to cuckold 2

After my unexpected gang fuck the day before my Wedding organised by my sister who had no idea I was off the pill at that time, I did give birth to a son. I’ve never done a test, but we were wed at the end of May and he was born in March! Over a 30 hour period, I was fucked by 14 men, each numerous time also I sucked each and some took me anally. At the time it was my most adventurous sex and for years afterwards I did masturbate thinking back on that, thinking I’d never do that again....

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 12 Another Detention Before Heading Home

As she neared Mr. Jacob’s room, she spotting Jenna and Roach leaning against one of the lockers and making out. As Roach spotted her, he pulled away from Jenna rather abruptly, and beckoned her over. “There you are, someone had a busy day I think, Jenna was saying two girls came back from a very long bathroom break and could not stop talking about your activities.” Holding up his marker, he pulled open her robe and turned her so that her back was against the lockers. “Now, how many in total....

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Dont Pick Up Hitchhickers

It had been a long day, and I wasn’t really in the mood for making friends, especially down the dark roads I travelled down to get back home. My windows were open, the cold air and wind rushing through my car and giving me goosebumps was un-ignorable. It was a nice change from the usual heat, and I was speeding down the dangerous road as fast as I could do enjoy as much of the cool air as possible.I almost hit her, I certainly would have if my high-beams weren’t on. The young lady was walking...

4 years ago
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Finders KeepersChapter 6

"So, no special treatment when the others are around," Moira said, giving him an intimate caress. "Got it. But the others aren't around. They're on the other end of the net." "That's true, dear lady," Colin grinned, "but I really do have to be careful about this. On the one hand, we can't be fraternizing with people who haven't had the treatments we've had, so I don't think there's any need to keep it secret, but on the other hand, I can't even give the impression that I'm...

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The Halloween Party

I am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably. My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length...


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