L'?ducation De Dominique 3 free porn video

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Arriv?e ? la maison Marie prit cong? et me fit une bise sur le front. Maman me dit alors en se retournant vers moi, tu as vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle. Elle est vraiment amoureuse de toi et veut ton bonheur. Le reste de la semaine, Marie me serra de pr?s, ne me laissant pratiquement aucune opportunit? d'?carts mais en ?change, elle ?tait plus douce et c?line avec moi. Le dernier jour, ? la fin des cours, elle m'emmena dans une salle de classe vide, me prit les mains, me les attacha avec une corde et apr?s, me retourna et se mit ? m'embrasser et ? me caresser l'entrejambe comme cela se m?lait en moi, bonheur, douleur et frustration. M?lange exquis qu'elle maniait ? la perfection. Au bout d'un quart d'heure, elle s'arr?ta, rajusta ma tenue, rajusta la sienne, prit ? nouveau une tripe feuille de journal et remplit compl?tement ma bouche et non contente, elle prit une bande de tape transparent qui scella mes l?vres. Elle se servit de son ?charpe pour la dissimuler. Nous sort?mes de l'enceinte et elle m'accompagna jusqu'? la voiture de Lise. Elles se firent la bise, Lise lui demanda si comme convenu, elle viendrait mardi prochain. Oui bien sur et voil?, je te rends mon amoureux, prends en soin en lui faisant un clin d'?il, je l'ai d?j? pr?par? pour son retour. Elle me fit la bise et me murmura un je t'aime profond qui r?chauffe le c?ur. Je la vis s'?loigner, j'aurais voulu l'appeler mais d?j? ma s?ur red?marrait. Le mardi, tant attendu, arriva et exceptionnellement, je n'?tais pas entrav?, sorte de r?compense de ma m?re. J'allai ouvrir la porte ? Marie et elle fut surprise que ce soit moi, elle me fit un petit bisou mais apr?s que je l'aie d?barrass?e, me demanda pourquoi je ne portais aucunes entraves. Ma m?re l'entendit et lui dit que c'?tait une mesure exceptionnelle du fait de ma venue. Elle la remercia de cette charmante attention mais qu'il ne fallait surtout pas d?roger aux r?gles parce qu'elle venait. Elle remit un ?norme bouquet de fleurs ? ma m?re. Sur cet entrefait, mes s?urs arriv?rent et elles s'install?rent au salon pour parler. Je me joignis ? elles et Marie de dire, je suis g?n?e de le voir ainsi car je sais que ce n'est pas l'habitude. Beth se leva, m'emmena avec elle et ce n'est que correctement entrav? et ba?llonn? que nous les rejoignons. Je m'installe pr?s de Marie qui satisfaite, reprend sa conversation tout en posant de temps ? autre sa main sur mes cuisses gain?es de nylon. Le toucher de sa main m'?lectrise et me r?conforte par contre, je le fus moins par certaines des ses paroles. Maintenant, je souhaiterais ?voquer quelques probl?mes avec Dominique si vous le voulez bien. En premier lieu, les probl?mes nutritionnels. Je remarque que Dominique, ? l'?cole, mange des sucreries, des chips, des frites et donc, cela nuit ? son ?quilibre. Ma m?re me regarda de son regard d?sapprobateur que je connaissais et moi, je rougissais. J'ai d?j? constat? que vous lui mettiez de temps ? autre, surtout chez vous, un corset, serait-il possible qu'il le porte le plus souvent possible car alli? au fait que je pourrais veiller ? ?viter ses ?carts, il retrouverait bien vite une taille plus correcte. Tout le monde approuva. En second lieu, ses lectures. L?, toutes elles r?agirent en disant qu'elles veillaient ? cela. Marie ne se d?mont?t pas, elle ajouta, j'en suis certaine mais ? l'?cole, d'autres filles lui apportent des revues masculines inconvenantes pour une demoiselle. Il en a un stock dans son casier. Je pense qu'il doit en avoir ramen?e quelques unes pour les cong?s. Elle se retourna vers moi et me dit, tu veux bien aller les chercher mon amour. Devant les regards f?ch?s de toutes, je me levai et revint quelques minutes plus tard avec trois revues que je d?posai sur la table. Ma m?re se pencha, les examina et Beth, en se levant les prit pour les jeter dans l'?tre. Marie reprit en disant qu'elle a une solution pour les deux probl?mes. Cela vient du fait, qu'en bonne m?re, vous lui donnez de l'argent de poche mais que lui, le d?pense sans r?fl?chir. On pourrait ?viter cela si, avec votre accord, dor?navant vous ne lui en donniez plus du tout. Je pourrais m'occuper de payer pour lui pendant la semaine et, quand nous nous verrions, je vous remettrais l'?tat des d?penses avec les justificatifs. Dernier point, Internet, j'ai d?j? eu l'occasion de voir qu'il avait des documents inopportuns puis?s sur le Net. Si vous le souhaitez, j'ai une connaissance qui pourrait param?trer correctement son PC pour qu'il en ait un usage correct ainsi que pour les chats. Ma m?re me fixant droit dans les yeux, lui r?pondit par l'affirmative et mes s?urs en ?taient enchant?es. Je pense, qu'entre nous, il y a une confiance et je n'ai pas besoin des justificatifs, simplement tu m'indiques le total des d?penses. En tout cas, je suis heureuse en tant que m?re que mon fils ait trouv? une fille aussi s?rieuse et attentionn?e que toi. En agissant de concert, je suis persuad?e que nous parviendrons ? le maintenir dans le droit chemin. Marie la remercia une nouvelle fois pour la confiance et la gentillesse que ma m?re lui t?moignait mais elle avait encore quelques petites choses ? voir. Je trouve que les traits de Dominique, sur certains points, sont encore tr?s masculins et j'aimerais les att?nuer et augmenter d'autres. Tout cela bien entendu, sous la surveillance ?troite d'une amie m?decin. Elle conclut par j'esp?re que vous ne pensez que je suis trop intrusive dans votre famille et plus sp?cialement dans l'?ducation de Dominique mais si je r?sume, nous le faisons toute dans son int?r?t et par amour pour lui. Ma m?re ?voqua les relations intimes qu'elle souhaiterait avoir. De ce c?t?-l?, j'en ai parl? avec Dominique, les choses sont claires, rien avant le mariage car quelle preuve d'amour cela repr?sente pour elle. Anne prit la parole en approuvant pleinement ses demandes et qu'elle n'aurait jamais esp?rer que son petit fr?re puisse rencontrer une fille qui l'aimerait autant. Lise et Beth acquiesc?rent et, ?taient admiratives du d?vouement dont elle faisait preuve. Ma m?re se leva et, pendant que nous pr?parons le go?ter, pourquoi vous n'en profiteriez pour allez profiter de la propri?t?. Marie m'enfila la cape et m'?ta mon ba?llon et nous sort?mes. Pour la premi?re fois, elle me demanda mon avis sur la nouvelle direction que prenait notre relation et les initiatives qu'elle venait de prendre. Devant tant de franchise, je lui dis que j'?tais heureux de notre relation mais j'?tais surpris de sa s?v?rit?. Elle me r?pondit par le fait que moi, je percevais cela comme de la s?v?rit? mais ce n'?tait que de l'amour et que tout ?tait fait pour que je me sente bien. Etant dans une partie de la propri?t? ou l'on ne nous voyait plus, elle m'embrassa longuement et tendrement. Entre deux baisers, je lui susurrai que je l'aimais. Son visage s'empourpra et me dit, merci mon amour, c'est la premi?re fois que tu me le dis. Avant de me replacer mon ba?llon, elle m'embrassa et nous rejoign?mes la maison. Le surlendemain de No?l, j'?tais invit? ? rencontrer la m?re de Marie. J'?tais angoiss? rien qu'? cette pens?e car, c'?tait la premi?re personne, en dehors de la famille, que je rencontrerais qui conna?t ma r?elle identit?. Afin de faire la meilleure impression possible, j'enfile un tailleur bleu, un chemisier de satin blanc, des collants bleu opaque et prends soin de mes cheveux. A l'heure dite, ma s?ur Anne me d?pose devant la maison de Marie, elle reste devant tant que je ne suis pas rentr?e dans la maison. En effet, je ne suis pas entrav? et ceci pour la premi?re fois depuis des mois. Anne m'accueille radieuse, me d?barrasse de ma cape, me complimente pour mon ?l?gance mais remarque que je ne porte aucune entraves ce qui la d?range. Ne voulant pas faire patienter sa maman, elle m'emm?ne directement dans le salon ou celle-ci est install?e dans un fauteuil entrain de lire le journal. A notre entr?e, elle le replie et se l?ve pour venir ? ma rencontre. La m?re de Marie, Estelle, est une dame du milieu de la quarantaine, grande, ?lanc?e et tr?s ?l?gante. Elle d?gage une tr?s forte personnalit? et m'impressionne rien qu'? la voir. Bonjour Dominique, vient prend place dans le canap? que je puisse faire ta connaissance car Marie n'arr?te pas de ma parler de toi. J'aimerais que tu me parles un peu de toi, de l'avenir et des relations que tu as avec ma fille. Etant g?n?, ne sachant pas quoi dire, ce que je peux dire, je rougis, bafouille et devant mon embarras, Marie me dit, Maman conna?t tout ce qui ? savoir mais elle voudrait l'entendre de ta bouche. Sur ces paroles, Estelle me dit de me d?contracter et, de bien raconter mon histoire car de mes paroles d?pend les relations que j'aurai ? l'avenir avec Marie. Marie me prend la main et c'est ainsi que je me lance dans mon r?cit. Estelle ne m'interrompt pas mais me fixe, durant toute mon histoire, dans les yeux comme si elle voulait sonder mon ?me. A la fin de celui-ci, elle me demande si je suis heureux tant dans ma vie et dans mes relations avec Marie. Tout en soutenant son regard, je lui r?ponds deux fois par l'affirmative. Bien dit-elle, dor?navant, je te consid?re comme le petit ami de ma fille et donc, vous pouvez vivre votre relation normalement ce qui inclut, qu'en sa pr?sence, je dois porter ce que sa fille ou ma famille me demande de porter. Marie se l?ve toute souriante et va embrasser sa m?re. Elle s'?clipse et revient avec une paire de menottes pour les poignets et une pour les chevilles, qu'elle me place imm?diatement. Marie m'emm?ne alors visiter la maison et sa chambre. Elle m'embrasse alors fougueusement en me disant que j'ai ?t? formidable tant j'ai ?t? spontan? et sinc?re. Ma maman a surement ?t? d'ailleurs ?t? sensible ? cela. Tu vois, ce n'?tait pas aussi terrible que cela. Je lui avoue alors que je n'avais jamais eu aussi peur de ma vie et que sa maman m'impressionne beaucoup. Allons la rejoindre car avant que tu ne partes, on va prendre une petite collation. De retour au salon, du th? et des biscuits, nous attendent. Je n'aime pas le th? mais sa maman nous en fait l'?loge pour ses bienfaits et n'osant pas la contrarier, je le bois et Marie, me sourit car elle conna?t mes go?ts. L'apr?s-midi prenant fin, Estelle me dit que j'?tais le bienvenu chez elle et qu'elle esp?rait donc me voir plus souvent. Je la remerciai beaucoup pour son accueil et pour sa gentillesse, que je ne souhaite pas l'importuner. Elle dit alors, d'un ton assez sec, tu ne m'importuneras que le jour ou tu importuneras ma fille. Marie dit alors, tu dois te pr?parer car tu dois repartir. Elle demande ? sa maman, si elle a finit avec le journal, elle prend alors trois feuilles du journal qu'elle m'enfourne dans la bouche. Je suis g?n? car elle le fait devant sa maman mais celle-ci ne dit rien. Elle d?fait mes menottes, me fait passer les mains dans le dos qu'elle attache avec une corde. Elle en fait de m?me avec mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser la poitrine. Marie s'absente quelques instants et pendant ce temps, Estelle me dit alors, ? l'avenir, je souhaite que vous suiviez les pr?ceptes de votre m?re et de Marie et donc, en ma pr?sence, je veux que vous soyez entrav? et ba?llonn? si tel n'?tait pas le cas, je m'en chargerais. Marie revient avec le tape transparent, en d?coupe deux bandes qu'elle m'applique convenablement. Elle s'adresse alors ? Marie, il faudra que tu te procures des entraves ainsi que des ba?llons adapt?s quand Dominique vient ? la maison et n'h?site pas ? prendre du mat?riel efficace car l?, je constate que ce n'est que de l'amateurisme. Tu sais bien que je ne l'aime pas, pour bien faire les choses, il faut le bon mat?riel. On sonne ? la porte, Marie m'aide ? me lever, je salue la maman et me dirige vers l'entr?e ou Marie me mit la cape. Anne m'attend et en me voyant, sourit car me voyant entrav?, elle a comprit que tout s'est bien pass?. Marie dit alors ? Anne, pour le rendez-vous chez le m?decin, c'est le 3 janvier. C'est bien not? lui r?ponds Anne, Maman vous accompagnera. D?part de la maison. Elles se font la bise et nous repartons vers la maison. Les f?tes de fin d'ann?e se pass?rent dans la joie et je re?us un pendentif de Marie ou il ?tait grav? son pr?nom. Le 3 janvier, nous nous rend?mes chez le m?decin, recommand? par Marie, une dame d'une quarantaine d'ann?es. Marie lui exposa le fait qu'elle souhaitait que ma poitrine grossisse, que ma voix mue un peu mais que mon sexe masculin reste op?rationnel. La doctoresse pose alors des questions sur le traitement que ma m?re m'a fait suivre. Elle lui dit alors que c'?tait parfait et si elle ?tait d'accord, le traitement allait ?voluer. Maman acquies?a, la doctoresse prescrit alors deux types d'hormones diff?rentes, sans risque pour la sant? et la virilit? sexuelle, pour le reste tout allait ?voluer progressivement et les premiers changements se feront dans les trois mois. En sortant du cabinet, voulant dire quelque chose, Marie m'interrompit et se saisissant du journal, me fit enfourner trois feuilles, nous n'?tions m?me pas sortis de la salle d'attente. Elle me pla?a ?galement sous ma cape, les menottes avec mes mains dans le dos. Elle me dit, si c'est pour te plaindre, alors que l'on vient de consacrer une partie de notre journ?e pour ton bien, il vaut mieux que tu gardes le silence et c'est ainsi que nous sommes rentr?s ? la maison. Elle avait convenu avec Maman, que dimanche, la veille de la rentr?e, j'aille passer l'apr?s-midi chez elle afin de pr?parer la rentr?e et parce qu'elle souhaitait en discuter avec moi.

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Innocence Lost Ch 35

In Which Innocence is exposed to the world and the world learns to love Innocence. * * * * * Innocence had never known before what it was like to be so wealthy. Thanks to Leon’s expert negotiating skills, Innocence had gained the relatively uncommon position of earning a percentage from the sex films she was performing in, and as the demand for them grew, so did Innocence’s wealth. She and Dodie were able to put enough money by to put down a mortgage on a flat in Congress, and still live a...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 15

The house was quiet, that first night. Far quieter than the inn had been and quieter than anything I remembered. Even my time at home before I'd started inhabiting retirement homes and elder care facilities hadn't been so quiet. The quiet was more a product of my feeling alone and far from anything or anyone I knew. I sat around a while, then tried going for a walk, but the driveway emptied directly out onto the highway and I didn't want to be walking alongside it with the sun going down...

1 year ago
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It happens when both people are ready for it, even if one doesn't yet know it, but some luck is involved as well. She had worked in the department less than six months, cultivating a - correct - impression of being organized and motivated. Their relations were cordial but polite, and a bit formal. One afternoon when no students or other faculty were around, their talk had unexpectedly turned to pornography. "I really can't see how anyone could read it," she had said. Marie, the obsessive...

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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 5 Carlyrsquos Party the Aftermath

Carly and Zane After Carly’s party finally died down, she cornered Zane at the far end of the pool for a good long talk. She wanted to know everything that happened in that bedroom. Zane knew that she wanted to know about Bella, but felt he had to point out that he was back there with Julia for quite a while as well. So, when she asked him what happened, he asked “With who?” Carly smiled, tilted her head and said “Please, anybody can guess what happened between you and Julia, although I...

2 years ago
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Claiming the New Office Slut

“That will be all Bri, thank you,” I said, dismissing my secretary and watching her leave my office. My eyes were fixed to the sight of her sexy heart shaped ass swaying from side to side as she walked away in 4 inch heels, making her already long legs seem like they led straight to heaven. My cock, which was already hard thanks to the glimpses of her bra covered tits on display through the low cut white blouse she wore, gave another throb in my pants. It had been over a week since I’d last...

3 years ago
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k Next Door

Beth Addams was a gorgeous, exceedingly sexy 36 year old married woman who took great pride in her physical appearance. To look at her one would think that she was still in her teens with her shoulder length true blond hair, big innocent sky blue eyes and a tight firm body that was the envy of every other woman whom she knew. Being raised and living in the deep south she would spend a lot of time lounging around and swimming in her swimming pool. She loved to wear extremely figure accenting...

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Hysteria 4

Victoria woke up several hours later. Disoriented and quite alone, she looked around the richly furnished room and wondered what had happened. She sat up in the bed and immediately noticed the pleasant ache in her private area. The memory flooded back to her. Smiling, she stretched back against the pillows. Her blankets were wrapped around her hips, baring her heavy breasts. She didn’t care, though. ‘What a wanton hussy I’ve become,’ she thought, ‘Here I sit in a stranger’s spare room with...

3 years ago
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Emily and Tiffany Anne Love Bunnies

Introduction: Funny with food It was early morning and Tiffany Anne would be coming home from work any minute. I was sitting naked on the couch, softly stroking my bald pussy and watching a little TV while I impatiently waited for her. When I heard the sound of her car pulling up outside, I quickly turned the TV off and sprang to my feet. As soon as she had entered the door I was on her. No words were spoken, I wrapped my arms around her, looked lustfully into her eyes and passionately kissed...

2 years ago
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Being watched by my boyfriends best friend Pt 2

Well that night made a bit of an impression on me; I'd always been quite reserved. For example, if we ever went on holiday, even with the girls, I always stayed covered up. But after that night with our friend, I developed a bit of an exhibitionist side. We spoke the following morning, as I'd said, and agreed that we would never mention it in case someone picked up on our conversation. Although he did remind me of the promise. And true to his word, whenever we were out, if there was anyone...

3 years ago
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Poison Ivys Kiss

Ivy giggled to herself. It had been over two years since she escaped Arkham Asylum. She knew she needed more power if she was going to be able to finally stop those who hurt her and her plants for so long. This was it, she looked at the formula in front of her that she had developed. It was green, bubbling, and looked like it shouldn’t be consumed. Ivy knew that this would either work… or fail… in death. But the way she had been trying for so many years without success meant she needed to take...

Mind Control
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my true first time

The following story is 100% true. I have changed the names etc for obvious reasons. This is the story of my first cock experience. It happened when i was s*******n. Living in rural england my mates and i would all hang out and we would make hang outs. Sometimes an empty garage sometimes a self made hut in the local woods. They were just places to hang out, meet up, and get high at. There was about eight of us. We wernt a gang or any of that shit. We were just all around the same age and into...

1 year ago
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Housewife1on1 Vanessa Cage 23209

It’s storming outside right now, and your hot wife Vanessa Cage is doing some yoga in the house. So what’s your horny ass gonna do? Perv on her, of course! She knows you like to watch her when she gets all sweaty, which is why she takes her top off to expose her perspiring big tits, tan lines and all. Those sweaty jugs get you all worked up, and she notices, which is why she proceeds to peel off her yoga pants to reveal her hot pink pussy. She stretches in the nude which tears a hole in your...

1 year ago
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I Made My Mom Pregnant

It all happened two months ago when I was awoken with my dru nk 32 year old mom falling up the stairs, laughing and shrieking at some man she must have picked up on her night out. I was used to it by now, mom fetching men home and having to listen to her getting fucked in the bedroom next to mine.It happens at least twice a week and I have see some odd balls leave the next morning. They are at it now, banging the bed against the wall as he fucks her hard and she is shrinking for more. It only...

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As I came home from work, and called to my wife, she answered from the den. She was surfing on the net and checking her email. I entered the room and asked how things were going. OK she replied. I have a question for you however. I found some pictures on your computer, and am curious how they got there. I could feel my blood pressure beginning to heighten. Pictures, what do you mean? Damn. I was caught! I had many kinky pictures on my PC and many of them were of big juicy cocks and cumshots!...

4 years ago
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His Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 4

When Curt came dashing into her bedroom to answer her scream, she was still behind her bed. Her face was red with shame at what the man had seen and she was trembling a little from fright. She blurted out what had happened to her dad and he went dashing outside in his robe with a flashlight in his hand. In just a few minutes he came back and told her the man had been nowhere in sight. He pulled her shades closed and told her everything would be all right. In her fright and panic, Lilly had...

2 years ago
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Mr Miller Begins Using me

Introduction: This is a sequel to Cornfield Rape This is a sequel to Cornfield Rape — Its fantasy. I didnt know how long Id been unconscious but from the light outside it was past morning. I also knew no one was going to miss me, Id told my parents I was spending the weekend with my friends the ones who had sent me into the cornfield and gotten me into this mess to begin with. I was tied to the bed naked, my arms above my head and each leg to a corner so I was spread wide open. I ached all...

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An Evening With Ashley

I went downstairs to see Ashley. She was my 'sitter' for the weekend. The notion that I needed a babysitter was ridiculous, since I had just turned 18 two months ago. I didn't think my parents hired Ashley to babysit for me. They probably did it to make sure that I stayed out of trouble while they were gone for the weekend. Whatever the reason, I sure as hell didn't resent them for it. Ashley was a knockout. She was 22 years old, had a beautiful tanned body, shoulder length brown hair, and...

3 years ago
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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 3

"Will you look at the time, wow I have to go meet the wife, Hey Idin Ill talk to you later about the funding, Jen" Phil said nodding as he made a quick exit. Morgana seemed to get the hint to. "Yeah I got mage stuff to do, bye Jen, guys." Morgana said and in a flash she was gone. Jen watched Phil leave and Morgana teleport away, Lillian was watching her with a small frown on her face. "Sorry Jen it was there idea, they had already started this when I got here, couldn't help...

2 years ago
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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Michael & Faith ‘Well, today we meet Michael & Faith at the cabin,’ Monsignor Sheamus O’Shaunessey said as he prepared to leave the house to go to the church for morning services. ‘I should be back in a couple of hours and we’ll leave directly. Do you mind getting our stuff together?’ ‘Oh course not,’ Rosaria O’Shaunessey replied. ‘Have you figured out how you’re going to deal with this?’ ‘Not really. It all depends on Holly. I think Michael will do anything to get beyond this,’...

3 years ago
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I Fucked My Best Friend

John was my best friend. When Sam and I broke up, it was John who came by and consoled me.I have known John since middle school. We tried to date each other off and on in high school, but it just wasn’t meant to be. After high school, we lost contact for a few years while we each went our separate ways.John, I later learned, had dated several girls and even proposed to one, but the relationship fell apart as they got closer to the wedding date. According to John, they argued incessantly about...

Love Stories
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Change of life weekend

This story is not to be copied or move to another web site   Change of life weekend Duke 1933 To start off I am Bi and could be gay if I got hooked up with a good hot fucking cocksucker. But that is not the story I will tell you here, keep in mind this was a long time ago. I had just turned 19 and Joe a buddy I should say a fuck/suck buddy, his birthday was in the same year and month as mine we spent a lot of time with each other and it was just natural that we started to jack off together and...

2 years ago
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ChatChapter 3

.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom ChatChapter 3This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. NICOLE: Hey Josh! AMANDA: Josh! You around? JOSH: Yeah! Sup girls? NICOLE: Amanda and I want to go down to the pool for a few hours. AMANDA: We have one guy who’ll come down with us, but we need a 2nd guy! JOSH: Ok. I’d love to go for a swim! AMANDA: You’re funny,...

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Sweet 16 Girl

Amy made the arrangements with Kate and who seemed keen, not least since it was near many of her friends allowing for plenty of nights out without the watchful gaze of Mum and Dad. It was arranged that Amy would arrive early July and stay for 4 to 6 weeks. I had not seen Amy since she was in her early teens and when she arrived had she changed from the skinny shy girl she was previously. Amy was confident, bubbly with a good sense of humour. It was hard to keep my eyes off of her curvy...

1 year ago
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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 2

When I awoke the next morning I knew I'd slept like a baby. I'd even beaten the alarm, something I hadn't done in several months. The clock said it was 6:45, so I rolled over, turned it off, jumping out of bed. Normally I hit the snooze and fought for the precious ten extra minutes it allowed me. Today however, even though it was Saturday, I felt refreshed and more alive than I had felt since my divorce. And I owed a lot of that to Maggie. As I passed by my bedroom window I took a moment...

3 years ago
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Perfect Bhabhi Ki Perfect Chudai

Hello bhabhiyo aur friends ab mai aapko real icident story batane wala hu jisse padh kar aapko maza a jayega.Jaise hi aapko pata hai mera lund 7.2 jisse dekhkar koi bhi bhabhi attract ho jati hai.To ab me story pe ata hu Me apni family ke sath rehta tha mumbai me ek flat me jiske baju vale flat me ek punjabi family rahti thi usme uncle,aunty,uski beti karib 20 saal ki aur auska beta aur uski biwi aur 1saal ka bacha bhi tha.To hum do family bohot ghul mil gayi thi koi bhi festival ho ek saath...

2 years ago
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A wife her husband her lover

Gabriella had been married for two, blissful years. Her husband, Jamie, was handsome, successful and madly in love with her, as she was to him. They were a beautiful couple; Gabriella with her long, flowing, golden locks of hair and bright, dangerously green eyes and Jamie with his thick, wavy dark hair, tanned skin and amber eyes. They couldn't enter a room without demanding attention.That could be why, when Gabriella walked into her office on the first day of her new job as a journalist for a...

Straight Sex
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Girls Masturbation Circle

Girl's Masturbation Circle "Hey Lisa, you busy today? " Debbie voice asked me from the telephone. "No, what’s up? " "Susie wants us to go over to her place, she says she’s got something cool she wants us to see. " "Sounds interesting, I’ll swing by and pick you up. " "OK, see you then. " I pulled up to her door, and she eagerly ran out to meet me. In a few minutes, we were at Susie’s. We entered, and her friends Michele and Andrea were there, also. They all...

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Rescued by 4 Indian Coworkers ndash Paying them back

Rescued by 4 Indian Co-workers – Paying them back Here’s how my Friday went … and it only got better!!! ======== I cursed my luck. For once I was going to be early to work and I mean by like 20 minutes! Then I had a flat. I jumped out, jacked the car up, got the tire off, retrieved my spare… and it was flat! “Just my luck!” I was about a mile from the exit and there were three gas stations there, so I stuffed the spare under the body of my jacked up car in case the jack fell and started...

3 years ago
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Fucked Coimbatore Aunt Who Came For Walking

Hi readers, this is my second sex story, I am residing at Coimbatore the Manchester of South India. I am 5ft 6 inch tall and 75 kg with normal physic and normal brown colour.Previously I was having a larger belly and I weighed around 83 kg, my father was scolding me daily as I was just sitting simply at home after completing my BE. I resigned my job as I was not interested in it. Due to which by early morning my mother will wake me up by morning 5 I will go for walking for an hour, during that...

3 years ago
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Take your Daughter to Work Day

TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY by BOBBI Here I was, an 11 year boy who had not been able to identify his (or her) own sexuality. Oh, I did all the boy things, baseball, soccer, fishing etc. I also had a secret. A secret so bad that I could never share it with anyone. I was truly ashamed when these evil thoughts came into my conscious mind. I liked girls clothes. I loved the feel of the nylons and satins. I loved the looks of pretty dresses and skirts that...

1 year ago
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Pizza and cum for me

“I just don’t know why he married me,” Arianna said to herself, while fingering her pussy in the shower. “He doesn’t romance with me, doesn’t love me and doesn’t even care to fuck me.” Arianna was a thirty-five year old beautiful woman. She did a little modeling in her early twenties, and then did a couple of TV shows, where she just appeared as a hot mom or a sexy housewife. Two years earlier, when Arianna figured out that her acting career had no bright future, she decided to be married and...

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Eve in the mens toilet Part 2

DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you are going to be turned on by the most foul, vile, disgustingly crude and filthy treatment of a female. YOU ARE WARNED that this story is so twisted, and repulsively filthy, that it could well make you be sick. I WARN YOU AGAIN that this sort of thing is to the taste of a very few only. DO NOT READ THIS STORY and give it a negative vote because you are so disgusted and sickened by it, you were warned not to continue. I must tell you, in defence of myself...

3 years ago
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Measuring my cum Pt 10

After a moment, mom seemed to regain her composure, as she let go of hugging me, and without looking at me directly said, "Rinse yourself off and get dressed." I did as instructed, grabbing the showerhead and spraying myself over with water, and rinsing around my cock and balls to get the remnants of semen from my last cum load off. Then I stepped out of the bath, grabbed a towel from the rail and dried myself off for a moment with my back to mom. I turned around to say I was off to...

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