THP: JESSIE LISA AND ARON PART-2 free porn video

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2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation:
2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat:
2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting:
2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer:
2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and Son Mating:
2.06 Lisa, Golden, Bedroom Services:
2.07 Aron, Creatures, Bedroom Services:

2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation:

Sara knew Jessie was ready and walked her toward the mounting frame. Without hesitating, Jessie entered the frame, kneeled down and rested her shoulders on the padded rail. She felt Sara's hands pushing her bent lower legs against the side rails and didn't protest when the restraints curled her wrists and ankles.

She looked at the mirrored wall in front of her kneeling body and her breasts swaying in the air below her chest.

Sara stood back and said,

"Enjoy yourself .."

2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat:

Jessie caught movement out of the corner of her eye and saw a large dog walking toward her. It gave her a quick lick on the face and then its tongue slipped onto her right shoulder and lapped its way under body. Jessie gasped as the warm, moist appendage swirled across her swaying breasts and tingling nipples. Its head shifted under her kneeling body toward the junction of her spread thighs. The tip of exploring tongue pushed into the pink crease between her flared folds and deliciously played with her inner lips. It then slipped forward onto her thick clitoral hood and teased the slightly protruding tip of her clitoris. It took only a few seconds for the excited organ leap out of its protective hood.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

The Canine began quick licks up and down Jessie's womanhood and her hips jerked wildly trying to get its tongue to fully focus on her rigid organ of joy. The Canine pulled its head out from under Jessie and walked around in front of her. It jumped up and placed its paws on Jessie's shoulders. Her excited eyes could see an inch of thick, dark pinkness protruding from the dog's fur lined sheath and she stared at it longingly.

The Canine shuffled forward on its hind legs so Jessie's mouth was just few inches from the dog's glistening gland. Jessie's arousal soared as she saw the thickness expand out of the sheath and the pulsing head neared her face. The Canine used Jessie's warm, moist breath to guide its erection toward her open mouth and pressed its throbbing gland between the parted lips and slowly sink into a cavern of delicious warmth.

Sara smiled when she saw Jessie's mouth, lips and tongue adorning the flexing gland and her audience heard a her muffled moan.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .."

Her mouth closed around the dog's thick member and began to deeply suck and suckle in it. The dog whined and hunched forward lunging its excited hardness deep into Jessie's mouth and throat. As the massive shaft filled her mouth and throat, Jessie instinctively tried to pull her head away to prevent her from choking on it. The dog followed her frantic movements keeping its imbedded erection firmly within the stretched mouth. In a few seconds, Jessie got used to the thickness and resumed her ecstatic sucking actions.

The dog's oozing preseminal fluids began to affect her mind, her taste buds and the nerve endings in throat. She began to crave for more and more of the animal's oozing preseminal fluids. It was like an aphrodisiac and the delicious sensations spread down to her clitoris and vagina. Her rigid nipples tingled in the air below her swaying breasts and her clitoris jumped excitedly.

The Canine now began lunging its flexing member deep into Jessie's stretched throat. Her tongue slipped around the tip of the dog's throbbing hardness on its outward stroke and sucked up its drooling fluid like a straw. Her throat muscles began an inward rippling motion, pulling the wonderful thickness deeper and deeper into her suctioning mouth and throat. A low guttural moan filtered its way past the lunging organ that filled her stretched open mouth.


Jessie couldn't believe how good the dog's drooling nectar tasted and her mouth and throat intensified its clasping, milking action in its desperate quest for the ultimate liquid essence ... the dog's thick ejaculant. Her hips were grinding her enflamed sex in tight circles as if looking for something .. anything to penetrate it. The appreciative eyes of her viewers were locked onto the frenzied contortions of her twisting body.

"MMM .. MMM .. MMM .."

Jessie intensified her clenching actions on the dog's straining hardness and its whines became growls of intense pleasure as its lunges took on a sense of urgency. Jessie felt the deep spasming of the dog's imbedded erection and knew it was just seconds away from ejaculating. Her mouth and throat intensified their sucking and milking actions. The exquisite spasms of her own orgasm were building within her enflamed vaginal passage and her thick juices were drooling from her swollen folds.

Suddenly the Canine hunched forward and froze. Jessie almost fainted as the hot, thick essence gushed and spurted into her throat. The dog's erupting erection pulled all the way out, flooding Jessie's mouth with its delicious, spewing nectar and then plunged back into the depths of Jessie's loving throat. The dog's thick ejaculant was like an aphrodisiac 'hit'. Jessie groaned as her vaginal sheath and rigid clitoris exploded with joy and her body was catapulted into a 'hands free' orgasm.

The Canine pulled out of Jessie's gasping mouth. She closed her eyes as the ecstatic aftershocks flooded her body and her mouth and tongue savored the delicious remnants of the dog's delicious nectar.

2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting:

After placing a few licks on Jessie's face, the dog moved behind Jessie and sat down, its sniffing nose reacquired the strong scent of her sex. Jessie felt the large head sniffing up and down her wet, swollen crease and then felt its warm, wet, rubbery tongue begin lapping at her flared labia. Slivers of pleasure rippled within her swollen, slick folds causing them to twitch with anticipation. Waves of excitement flooded her vaginal sheath and radiated upward toward her engorged clitoris. The slippery tongue dipped between the flared folds, pushing them further apart as it explored the warm, moist crease of her sex. The tip of the wonderful tongue glided upward onto her mini erection-like organ and curled around the rigid appendage with an ecstatic squeezing action, causing Jessie to squeal in joy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

The tongue slipped back down and began caressing the excited entrance to her vagina. Her hips thrust backward, forward and ground in tight circles. Her body had never felt such incredible sensations. The tip of the animal's tongue eagerly sipped up Jessie's drooling, thick vaginal juices like a straw. The Canine slipped its tongue back to its mouth and then slid it all the way forward through the swollen folds of her labia. Jessie howled in pleasure, her head thrashed back and forth, her engorged organ jerked wildly and her vagina clenched and spasmed. Again the tongue curled around her extended clitoris with an ecstatic twisting and turning action. Orgasmic flashes of lights filled her eyes as her second orgasm exploded across her loins.


The Canine, as if on cue, stepped back.

In about thirty seconds, Jessie's body came down from her orgasmic high. She slumped onto the supports of the mounting frame gasping and panting.

The Canine moved back in.

Its tongue gently caressed and fondled her oozing labia, sipping up the remnants of her orgasmic juices. She moaned as delicious aftershocks flooded her body. The Canine sensed Jessie's sexual rejuvenation and again curled its tongue around the rigid pink organ that stood out like a beacon at the top of labia. That wonderful tongue once again started its incredible and ecstatic journey from vaginal opening to her enflamed clitoris.

"Ahhhhhhh .. Yes .. Yes .. Oh God .. Yesssssss .."

The Canine now concentrated on Jessie's excited vaginal entrance. Its tongue teased the clasping entrance with delicious darts and probes. Jessie squirmed and pushed her hips rearward in a desperate attempt to get the loving appendage to slip into her seething sex.

Jessie moaned and pleaded as her body vaulted up the arousal ladder.

The Canine sensed it was time for the 'main event'.

Jessie felt a hot, wet, heavy, throbbing mass against the inside of her right thigh. She looked in the mirror and saw the Canine's massive, engorged erection pressing on to her thigh as it moved upward toward her seething sex. Thick, pulsing nubs were protruding from the surface of the throbbing shaft and its precum drooled continuously from flexing gland. Jessie gasped at the incredible sight and her vagina spasmed and twitched with excitement. She saw the full length of the Canine's 8.0" x 3.00" incredible hardness and eager entrance opened and closed like a hungry mouth.

"Ohhhh .. You beautiful thing .."

Jessie felt a slight furry pressure on her back as the Canine repositioned itself. Its soft head rested on her right side and Jessie felt that long, wonderful tongue slip down and under her. She gasped as it extended itself, slipping deliciously around and over her right breast and erect nipple. At the same time, Jessie felt the throbbing mass slipped upward along her right thigh onto the spread folds of her labia. The Canine's heavy member pressed itself into the wet crease, pushing the folds further apart. Jessie couldn't contain herself as her body flowed from one ecstatic sensation to another. Her hips ground up and down forcing the massive head inward as it explored her clasping furrow.

"Uhh .. Uhh ..Uhh .."

As the head of the animal's erection teasingly explored between the thick lips of her labia, her vaginal entrance quivered in eager anticipation. Jessie felt her inner lips kiss and caress the massive gland as it nudged against them. She pushed back and felt the entrance widen and a loud hiss of ecstasy escaped her wide open mouth as the massive thickness stretched her excited vaginal opening.


"Ohhhhh .. Godddddd .."

Four inches of hard, thick joy pushed and stretched its way into her steamy passage. Jessie wanted more, she begged for more. She gurgled and drooled as the Canine's thickness slipped inward, inch by glorious inch. In a few seconds, Jessie felt the gates to her womb flare open to receive her long, thick Lover.


"Oh sweet Jesus .. Ahhh .. Yesss .. I love it .."

Jessie felt the dog slowly slide its long, member outward and then slip it all the way inward. Then it withdrew part way, flex, wiggle and then lunge deeply back into the depths of her vagina. Her hips thrust rearward and ground in tight ecstatic circle. The Canine pulled back and Jessie's clenching vagina franticly fought its withdrawal. It plunged back in and Jessie's rearward thrust matched it. The rhythm was set, Canine and female worked in unison to bring each other toward their respective climatic orgasms.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

The Canine's erection slipped outward until it was three inches inside Jessie's spasming vaginal passage and started a back and forth stroking action. Suddenly something electric bolted throughout her body as an intense wave of pure joy surged through her vagina and across her loins. Jessie raised her head up and wailed in ecstasy as the flexing head nestled onto the excited tissues of her 'G' spot. The head flexed again and again and Jessie squealed with joy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

The Canine now plunged all the way into Jessie and then slipped back out. Once again it teased her magic spot. It was incredible. Jessie's mind was overloaded with waves of raw pleasure. The dog now started a methodical rhythm to its massive thrusts. Sometimes sliding all the way in, filling Jessie completely, once, twice, three times, before pulling back and sparking her sweet spot again. She gasped and groaned, unable to fully catch her breath. She lewdly thrust back and ground her hips in ecstatic circles. Her vaginal muscles desperately clenched around the pulsing nubs of the dog's massive thickness in a desperate attempt not to break the ecstatic connection. Her hips were a blur as she matched the Canine forward thrusts with her own rearward counter thrusts. Her bullet-like nipples felt as though they were going to explode and her rigid clitoris was straining in the air.

Jessie saw nothing except white spots flash before her eyes. She hunched down and spread her thighs as wide as her tendons would allow. With every outward pull, her thick vaginal juices spewed past her swollen labia folds and down her bent thighs. Suddenly she felt the most incredible sensation she had ever felt. A hot bloating fullness was filling her vagina and cervix. She cried out in joy as the Canine started ejaculating deep inside her enraged passage. its plunging, massive organ never missed a beat. It catapulted Jessie into her own orgasmic frenzy. She wailed at the top of her lungs and her body froze as bolts of orgasmic joy exploded from the tip of her head to her toes. Her vaginal muscles clamped and clenched all along the length of the ejaculating organ. Jessie's total and all consuming orgasm was unleashed.


Jessie lost consciousness and slumped down. Her hands continued to grasp the support rail tightly. Her hips continued to grind her sex around the Canine's lunging erection. In a few seconds, Jessie recovered. The dog was still spewing its thick essence and Jessie was propelled into a series of intense aftershocks.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

She lifted up and rested her head on the padded rail moaning and gasping. Slowly the dog withdrew its deflating member. It slid out with a delicious slurping sound and Jessie moaned as the wonderful fullness left her body. She closed her eyes and savored the ecstatic aftershocks that raced throughout her still spasming vagina. Suddenly, Jessie felt that wonderful tongue lapping on her thighs. The Canine was cleaning her. The dog pushed its snout against the swollen, drooling folds and began to lap up Jessie's delicious nectar with its wide tongue.

Sara looked at Aron and saw his glistening hardness twitching in the air. An equally aroused Lisa kept her brother's hands away from his erection.

Sara approached Aron and whispered,

"You are not allowed to masturbate in this room .. that's what all these things are for."

The Canine finally backed away, then walked in front of Jessie and lovingly kissed her face. The dog left Jessie's vision as quickly as it came. Jessie knelt in the frame gasping and panting in her post orgasmic daze. She was vaguely aware of the Frame releasing its restraints on her wrist and ankles and then she felt Sara helping her up into a standing position. They slowly walked toward the shower.

When they returned Jessie told Lisa that it was the most incredible experience that she had ever had. Lisa wanted to do it but Sara suggested starting with something a bit younger.

She leaned in closer to Sara and said,

"How about tonight .. with a Golden puppy in your bedroom."

A beaming Lisa nodded her head.

Sara, Jessie and Lisa now turned their attention to Aron who was walking around a machine called the Extractor/Enhancer. Sara approached him and asked if he wanted to try it. Aron wasn't so sure, he didn't like the looks of all the restraining straps.

Sara said,

"They are used to keep you from falling off of it. It's like an automated sperm donor and does so much more. It will increase your semen production and enhance the nerve ending of your rectal sheath."

Lisa knew exactly what that meant and said,

"Then you would be able to have a Golden."

Aron perked up when heard that and said he would try it out.

Sara pointed to the bathroom,

"You will have to give yourself an enemy, its in the vanity drawer."

Lisa saw the hesitancy on her brother's face, took his hand and led him into the bathroom. Soon a smiling Lisa and an embarrassed Aron returned.

2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer:

Sara led Aron to the 'machine'.

It roughly resembled a motorcycle without the tires or engine. The width of the rear of the seat is about normal but was wider from the mid-section to the front of it. The machine is constructed of clear silicone and its internal parts could be seen. The rear section of the seat is saddle shaped and at the front, instead of handle bars, there are hand grips. Foot rests are at the bottom, and slightly toward the rear. Restraining straps could be seen hanging from the hand grips and foot rests. Internal fiber optic cameras and lighting system will show the user as he is 'serviced' by the machine.

Sara began describing the functions of the machine.

"The Semen Extractor/Enhancer is a machine that extracts semen and preseminal fluids from the user. It also enhances the prostate and seminal vesicle so the user's semen production is increased. The hand grips and foot rests position the straddling user so he lays snuggly on the silicone-like surface and a head rest is supplied for additional comfort. Lasers and sensors detect the user's genitals, anal opening and nipples. Within the seat is a vagina-like sheath and a testicle pouch. Embedded at the rear of the seat is a laser guided rectal probe which is programmed to stimulate and enhance the prostate. After the prostate is enhanced, the probe will extend and enhance the user's rectal sheath with the sexual properties of a female's vagina. The effects of this enhancement will become active only if the user's anal area is stimulated. And finally, sensors near the front of the seat will locate the user's areolas and nipples."

Sara turned on the room's 72" HD monitor and activated the machine's internal lighting system and cameras. She then put a stepping stool beside the machine and told and helped a nervous Aron to climb on to the silicone seat. She guided his feet into the foot rests. As soon as the machine sensed his weight and feet the hand-grips shifted back along the sides toward the center of the seat. Aron reached out and grasped each of them. Immediately silicone straps formed around his wrists and ankles. The hand-grips returned to the front of the machine, pulling him forward so he was in a straddling position on top of the seat's surface. The foot rests moved his feet and bent legs toward the rear of the machine. Two silicone straps curled over his shoulders and lower back, pressing his body onto the machine's soft, silicone surface. The back up the saddle shaped seat raised upwards and outwards, spreading the cheeks of his buttocks.

Aron's apprehension level heightened when he felt his body becoming part of the machine. The screen of the HD monitor split into four sections, each showing a detailed graphic view of the front, rear, and both sides of his body. The same visuals were displayed to the audience and on-line viewers.

The machine sensed where Aron's nipples were and two depressions formed at the front of the seat under his areolas. His nipples slipped into the seat's suckling 'mouths' and he moaned softly when he felt his nipples stiffen and become and tingly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

His eyes shot open when he felt a portion of the seat just below his testicles open up and then felt his balls slipping into a warm silky pouch. The soft walls of the pouch began a sensuous lifting and massaging action which sent ripples of pleasure across his loins and into his penis.

Another opening appeared in the seat and Aron felt as though dozens of fingers were manipulating his flaccid penis into a soft satiny sheath. A moan escape his lips while the 'fingers' caressed and fondled his penis as it was inserted within the seats internal 'vagina'. The exquisite sensations, that were rippling throughout his genitals, caused Aron's penis to stir and harden. The more erect his penis became the more surface the sheath had to squeeze and caress. Inside the flexible sheath thousands of tiny cilia-like fingers started massaging and caressing his throbbing hardness from its base to the tingling gland. Aron's moans became louder as the ecstatic sensations flowed into his balls and rippled forward towards his erect and excited nipples.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Jessie and Lisa smiled when they saw what the machine was doing to Aron in the HD monitor, as did his viewers.

Aron tensed when he felt the silicone seat push upward between the spread the cheeks of his buttocks, spreading them further apart.

Suddenly, Aron felt a warm, slick thickness push between the cheeks and mold itself to his anus. He tried to shift his rectum away from the machine's anal massager but his restraints held him firmly. Aron gasped as the massager kissed and caressed his anus while it secreted a warm liquid that seeped into his swelling anal lips. The liquid warmth spread around his loosening sphincter muscle and spread into his rectal sheath. Aron moaned as the anal massager intensified its actions on his anal entrance and his throbbing erection strained into the machine's squeezing vaginal sheath..

"Oh God .. Oh God .."

A startled Aron suddenly felt a soft hardness pushing through the massager and nestle into his anal opening.

Aron flinched when he felt the tip of the probe trace around the tight opening to his rectum, occasionally, nudging into the center of his anus. Soon the head of the machine's eight inch long probe nudged past the stretching entrance and slipped into his rectal sheath. He closed his eyes, sighing as the one inch thick probe slowly burrowed into his rectal sheath. The pressed toward the front of his rectal sheath as it neared his encased testicles.

1" .. 1.5" .. 2" .. 2.5" .. 2.75"

With a sudden gasp, Aron eye's shot open and his hips squirmed as the head of the probe settled onto the sensitive tissues of his prostate with an exquisite caressing action. A flood of warmth flooded his testicles and the tingling head of his erection oozed more of its precum as his prostate was massaged. Aron's mind was reeling from sensations that he didn't know existed. He shifted his hips trying to get more of the sensations and squealed when the probe's head pushed deeper onto the pulsating tissues.

"Ohhhhhh .. Godddddddd .."

Everyone looked intently at the HD monitor and saw Aron's straining hardness jerking within the machines sheath and his stretched anal lips trying to draw the probe deeper into his body. The flexing head of the probe began an ecstatic shifting action, on to and off of his spasming prostate and Aron's squeals became louder as his rectal muscles closed around the probe not wanting the ecstatic connection to be broken. His balls churned and his engorged erection felt as though it was going to explode.

The probe began an ecstatic stroking action on to and off of the highly sensitive mound. Every time the tip nestled onto his prostate, Aron's body was racked with a series of internal orgasms much like those that a woman would feel. His body shook and thrashed in ecstasy as the orgasmic freight trains roared throughout his rectal area, onto his erection and forward into his erect, suckled nipples. In a few seconds, Sara smiled when she saw the seat's vaginal sheath balloon with Aron's spurting preseminal fluids.

While Aron's mind and body were surfing the waves of ecstatic sensations, the machine was secreting its enhancing chemicals into his prostate. His semen production would be quadruple that of a normal male. The multiple ejaculant streams would be two to three seconds in duration and his sexual recovery would be rapid, immediate if stimulation was present. The final enhancement was to ensure he didn't ejaculate early. His orgasm would be kept in check until the surface of his erection sensed the orgasmic contractions of his partner.

Aron slumped onto the machines soft seat gasping and panting. His young mind didn't know such exquisite sensations existed.

The probe began now to lengthen and thicken.

3.00" .. 4.00" .. 5.00" .. 6.00" .. 7.00" .. 8.00"

Aron couldn't believe the fullness that was stretching into his rectal sheath. He cried out when he felt his body being impaled by the machine's eight inch probe and struggled to get off of the seat but its restraints again held him firmly.

"No .. Stop .. Get it out of me .."

Suddenly, a whole new set of sensations gripped his rectal sheath. The long, thick probe began secreting its enhancement chemicals which were quickly absorbed into his rectal lining. The secretions were now adding the properties of a female 'vagina' to the last eight inches of his rectal sheath. As the complex network of sexual nerve endings were added, Aron couldn't help but clench his rectal muscles around the machine's incredible penetrator.

The probe was now a phallic and began a methodic stroking action into and out of his spasming 'womanhood'. On each inward thrust its diameter expanded,

1.25" .. 1.5" .. 1.75" .. 2.00" .. 2.25" .. 2.50" .. 2.75"

It twisted and turned, pulsed and purred as its eight inches of warm flexing thickness made his mind reel with the wonderful fullness. It began an ecstatic rhythm, all out, then all in, slow then fast. Every thrust was in sync with the clenching sheath that surrounded his throbbing erection. Aron's restrained body could do nothing but absorb the ecstatic sensations that were flooding his mind.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Aron sexual being was in a frenzy. The seat's clenching vaginal sheath kept him at his orgasmic trip point and wouldn't let him cross over it as the phallic, relentlessly lunged into his enflamed rectal passage with ecstatic twists and flexes. His throbbing prostate sent jolts of joy directly into the excited gland at the head of his erection.

Suddenly, Aron felt the phallic plunge into the depths of his sheath and begin to jump and jerk. He felt a delicious pressure of warmth flood into his body as the machine began to spew its thick ejaculant deep inside Aron's spasming rectal sheath. Forceful torrents of the machine's ejaculant jettisoned caused Aron's 'womanhood' to balloon ecstatically with its long streams of thick liquid.

Aron screeched as waves of ecstasy flooded his loins. The seat's vaginal hold on his orgasm was removed. His prostate spasmed, his balls churned and his liquid joy shot up his erection, swirled around tingling gland and exploded into the machines eager and waiting 'vaginal mouth'.


Aron screamed as the orgasmic waves hit him. It was a long guttural moan as his forceful ejaculation pressed the air out of his lungs. A second, stronger ejaculation was coaxed out his body. His hands fisted tightly around the grips, his toes curled and bright flashes of orgasmic lights danced across his wide open eyes.

Aron's orgasmic wail echoed around the room.


Aron's body went into orgasmic overload and he lost consciousness for a few seconds. When he recovered, his body was still in the throes of orgasmic aftershocks. The phallic was still twisting and plunging. His body quickly rode another orgasmic wave which again pushed him into a sexual frenzy.

His convulsing body thrashed and squirmed within the restraints, his head twisted from side to side. He gasped and panted as his erection was jerked wildly within the squeezing sheath. His rectal muscles clenched around the stroking phallic with an intense milking action. The phallic exploded again. The thick mix of machine ejaculant and rectal juices spewed past his spasming rectal opening into the anal massager's thirsty 'mouth'.


This time Aron's exhausted and drained body shutdown and the machine slowly whirred to a stop. Aron slowly recovered and his body continued to shake with his orgasmic aftershocks. The phallic slowly withdrew from his stretched anus with a loud slurping sound and Aron moaned at the loss of the wonderful fullness. His breathing came in quick gasps and pants.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

The pouch open and released his testicles and the seat's vagina-like sheath slipped away from his slick, oozing penis. The delicious suckling 'mouths' loosened their grip on his erect and tender nipples.

Finally, the restraints on his wrist and ankles were removed. Aron sighed as his 'womanhood' returned to its normal state.

Aron lay on the machine for a few more minutes while his body slowly recovered. Sara helped an exhausted but happy Aron off the machine using the stool. She had him stand there for a minute until his wobbly legs strengthened.

Sara said,

"Now you are ready for everything that this room has to offer. You can enjoy the sexual world of both genders"

She leaned in closer,

"And perhaps .. even a boy."

Aron looked at Sara smiled.

Jessie took her Aron's hand and led her son to shower. A flushed and aroused pair returned and Jessie just smiled at them while she walked Aron out of the Fitness Room and into her bedroom.

Sara's 'hands on' guidance had now ended and she turned to Lisa and reviewed the instruction pamphlets for the Sybians, Extractor and mattresses. With a twinkle in her eyes, she mentioned to Lisa that THP's Creatures are not limited to the Fitness Room, they are also available in her bedroom, including the Golden Puppies. Sara opened the pamphlet to the sections on the Creatures and Goldens and marked them for to read.

She then hugged Lisa and left for the Control Room.

An excited Lisa wanted to find out what a puppy's lapping tongue felt like on her body. She read the section on the Goldens and found out how to use the HDTV to have a puppy sent to her bedroom. As she left the fitness room, she thought of Aron and left the Pamphlet on his bed, opened at the section describing the Creatures.

2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and Son Mating:

The audience and on-line viewers saw Jessie leading her sixteen year son into her bedroom. Some smiled when they saw the boy's disproportionate hardness to his small frame.

Jessie said,

"Let me set the mood."

She adjusted the lights over the bed to a soft glow, then turned on the sound system with romantic mood music. She then went to the bed and pulled back the cover, blanket and the top sheet.

Aron's heart beat rapidly and his excited erection jumped between his thighs. Jessie smiled at her son's arousal as she walked him to the bed. They stood in front of each other and Aron's face was level with his mother's breasts. He moved closer and his mouth closed over the stiff nipple of his mother's right breast and Jessie cooed as her hands rubbed the hair of her son's head. She felt his warm, throbbing penis press against her inner right thigh and shifted against causing Aron to intensify his nursing action.

She still couldn't believe how endowed he was. Her heart raced knowing his sexuality had been enhanced and that her son was going to give her an orgasm that she hadn't experienced in sixteen years.

Jessie sat down on the edge of the bed and lay back on it. Her feet rested on the floor and she slowly parted her thighs. As her thighs parted so did the folds of her labia. The soft glow of lights above the bed highlighted her curvaceous, hairless body and firm breasts. Aron moaned as his eyes feasted on his mother's treasures. His massive organ jumped when he saw his mother's clitoris thicken and extended outward from its protective hood.

Jessie, in barely a whisper, said,

"Come to me sweetheart, come to your mother."

Aron positioned himself between Jessie's thighs and leaned over her. His erection lay on her abdomen and Jessie gasped at the wonderful, pulsing warmness. They kissed passionately and Aron brought both hands to Jessie's breasts and started to massage and knead them.

Jessie reached down and wrapped her hands around her son's long, thick member. She gasped and her breathing quickened when she felt Aron's manhood throb and pulse within her hand. The folds of her labia swelled and her clitoris ached as it tried to extend further outward. Jessie's hands slipped downward and lifted her son's heavy balls. She couldn't believe how heavy and satiny they felt.

Aron leaned inward and began planting soft butterfly-like kisses on her neck and shoulders. Jessie closed her eyes and moaned as the tender touches and kisses spread delicious sensations onto her erect, tingly nipples.

"Ohhhhhh .. Aronnnn .."

Her massaging hands left Aron's swaying balls and slowly worked their way up to his twitching erection The palm of her right hand slid over his thick gland and swirled his warm, slick precum over the engorged head. Her left hand began glided up and down his excited organ with ecstatic caresses and squeezes.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Aron slipped down his mother's body into a kneeling position in front of her spread thighs. His eyes were riveted on the rigid pink clitoris that stood out like beacon at the top of his mother's glistening labia.

Aron massaged his hands along the soft skin of Jessie's thighs. He looked up over his mother's body and saw her resting on her elbows looking down at him. He smiled at her as his hands continued their massaging actions. They glided along the top of her thighs, almost to her throbbing organ and then made their way back to her knees. Again and again the young hands made their way toward the junction of Jessie's thighs. Jessie kept moving her hips in an attempt to the young hands to move onto her swelling sex.

Aron looked up over Jessie's body again and saw that her eyes were closed and her breathing was faster. His hands slipped inward and molded themselves to his mother's flared, swollen folds. The fingers slipped between the folds and became slick from her oozing wetness as they explored the pink furrow. At the same time he lowered his head and Jessie gasped and fell back onto the bed when she felt his warm, wet lips and tongue sucking her rigid clitoris into his mouth. Jessie squealed and her hands shot down, pulling her son's devouring mouth further onto her sex.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Aron's searching fingers found the oozing entrance to her womanhood and Jessie wailed as her son's finger tips traced the clenching opening. Aron slowly nudged two fingers into his mother's eager vaginal entrance. His fingers pushed inward, twisting and turning as though they were searching for something.

And then they found it ...

Jessie arched upward wailing in joy as her exploding 'G' spot sent ecstatic explosions all across her loins. Her erect nipples tingled and her extended clitoris jerked wildly within Aron's suckling mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh .. Godddddddd .."

Aron withdrew his fingers and lifted his head.

Jessie moaned in agony,

"Nooooooo .. Aron Nooooooo .."

Aron just smiled at his mother's torment.

He stood up and once again leaned over her body. The thick gland at the head of his erection was glistening with his oozing precum. Their lips met, their tongues touched and their kiss deep and filled with passion. Jessie's hands reached between their bodies and she grasped her son's incredible manhood. Aron, with a gasp, broke the kiss as his hard erection jerked within his mother's loving hands.

Jessie smiled and began squeezing the engorged thickness and the palm of her right hand began massaging the slick crown. Jessie extended her left hand further downward and lifted her son's massive balls. She gasped joyfully knowing that Aron was going to flood her womb with his warm, thick essence.

Jessie looked into Aron's eyes and said,

"Oh Aron, You feel so heavy and so full .."

Aron smiled again and shifted his hips inward. His straining erection nestled between the swollen folds of his mother's labia and she gasped as her hips started a slow sawing motion. As Aron's thick member slipped up and down the slick furrow, it ecstatically caressed his mother's rigid organ of joy. the room.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Aron's kisses left Jessie's shoulders and made their way downward toward her right breast. As he moved he had to shift his body and his stiff member slipped out of it's warm, wet cradle. Jessie squirmed her thighs in frustration as her son's thickness left her sex. Aron lowered his mouth over Jessie's right nipple and his warm, slippery tongue suckled and swirled the excited nipple.

While his hands massaged and kneaded Jessie's breasts, his mouth divided its attention to both of his mother's erect nipples. Jessie moaned and gasped and her hands held his head as she pushed her tingling nipples upward into her son's mouth. Her hips began grinding her sex in circles with a sense of desperate need.

Aron pulled back down from Jessie's upper body and rested on his knees between his mother's wide spread thighs. He saw the pink flush of her swollen folds and her drooling vaginal juices. The scent of his mother's aroused sex was heavy.

Aron grasped both of Jessie's ankles and lifted her lower legs upward and positioned her feet on the edge of bed. Jessie instinctively spread her thighs as wide as she could giving her son complete and open access to her enflamed womanhood.

Aron leaned inward, his mouth was within inches of Jessie's labia and clitoris. Again Jessie felt that wonderful warm, moist breath and looked down between her spread thighs and saw Aron's head nearing her swollen sex. Aron's warm, wet tongue made contact with his mother's swollen lips. Jessie cried out, her hips bucked upward as Aron's magic lips closed over the soft folds at the apex to her thighs. Aron's face disappeared from Jessie's view as he planted wet suckling kisses on the swollen furrow, his long tongue stroking inside the quivering pink, crease. Aron's fingers slowly spread the swollen lips of labia apart, allowing his searching tongue complete access to the treasured inner lips between her open folds.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Jessie's hips and upper body thrashed uncontrollably from side to side as the hot searing tongue extended outward and circled around his mother's straining clitoris. Jessie groaned deep in her throat as her son's probing tongue worked the hard organ and slipped its way up and down the length of her flared, wet furrow.

"Ahh .. Yes ..Oh God .. Yes ..Yes .."

Aron felt his mother's hands desperately clawing at his head, guiding his sucking mouth deeper into the enraged sex. He thrust his tongue again, deep into clasping opening, bringing a low guttural groan from Jessie whose soft, warm thighs closed convulsively around either side of his moving head and locking themselves around his neck.

Aron withdrew his head, stood up, and shifted inward, planting his hands on either side of his mother's Jessie's shoulders. Jessie locked her ankles tightly around Aron's lower back and her sawed her swollen sex along the entire length of her son's thick, throbbing hardness.

"Oh .. Please .. Now .. Aron ..Now .."

Aron reached between their bodies and Jessie unlock her legs from his back. He grasped his straining hardness with his right hand and guided the excited head so it slid up and down his mother's clasping furrow until it was nestled into the clasping flanges of her inner lips. Jessie felt the eager entrance to her vagina being pushed open, the elastic inner lips teasingly resisted for a moment and then suddenly popped over the thick crown of her son's manhood. Aron slowly nudged inward, deliciously slipping through the stretching entrance.

"Uhh .. Uhh ..Uhh .."

Aron's massive erection nudged further inward and he was rewarded with a deeper groan as his mother's hungry vaginal passage began clenching and milking the incredible hardness that was slowing sinking into her body. Jessie's mind reeled with the soaring sensations, she craved for more, she wanted it all. She thrust her sex outward and upward and wailed as she impaled herself on her son's manhood. Her vagina stretched ecstatically to accommodate the wonderful thickness bored into the depths of her sexual being.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Sara, the audience and on-line viewers could hear the wet, sucking sounds of Aron's long, thick erection as it stroked in and out of his mother's frothy vaginal passage. Sara also knew that Aron's need to ejaculate was being kept in check by his conditioning.

Aron waited a moment, flexed again, watching her face as another moan of rising pleasure escaped her open mouth. Aron moved slowly inward and outward, setting a slow joyous rhythm to his plunges. Mewling and gurgling sounds of pleasure rolled unabashedly from her parted lips.

"Ohh .. Ohh .. Ohh .."

Waves of ecstatic ripples tingles began deep within her womb and seeped relentlessly through the raw nerve endings of her vagina and labia. Her rigid clitoris jerked as it tried to stretch further outward from its cover and her erect nipples twitched with excitement on her aching breasts.

Loud slurping sounds were heard as the massive erection plunged deeply into her body and her thick juices gushed outward past her flared folds. Aron felt his mother's sex skewering up against the length of his manhood. The clasping inner lips kissed and massaged his stroking shaft as it pulled outward and then slid back into the excited and slick cavern. Her thrashing hips became faster by the second and the tempo of her counter thrusts more urgent.

"Ohhh .. Aron .. Deeper .. Faster .. Oh God .."

The juices of her milking vagina were beginning to flow and the wet sucking sound of the in-and-out stroking actions could be heard. She suddenly thrust sharply upward onto her son's erection, burying it completely inside her body. Her vaginal muscles began a series of deep spasms and clenches as her first orgasm was unleashed.

Jessie bucked wildly against her Lover.


Aron withdrew his until just the thick gland rested inside her. Then, he thrust forward and the full, thick, length returned to the depths of her sexual being. Aron began long hard strokes into the steaming passage that was now wet and slippery from his mother's orgasm, withdrawing the swollen head until just the thick gland was inside the clenching opening and then thrusting forward until his heavy, bloated balls were pressing tightly against the wide split of her buttocks.

Jessie groaned helplessly. She could feel the massive thickness sliding in and out of her warm, slippery passage like a fevered piston. Her cervix flared in open acceptance and the swollen folds flowered open to receive the delicious onslaught and her legs snaked around her son's lower back. She thrust her hips up hard to impale herself impossibly deep on her son's magnificent manhood. Her body again matched his pounding thrusts with her own rhythmic counter thrusts.

"Oh God .. I am going to orgasm again .."

Suddenly she heard her son moan loudly as he lunged into her sex. She felt the wild flexes of his erection and then the most ecstatic sensation that she had ever felt in her life. An exquisite liquid pressure was building rapidly within her cervix. It was warm and thick as it gushed into her with the force of a fire hose causing her entire sex to spasmed with joy. Her son was jettisoning his liquid joy deep inside of her convulsing passage. A loud hiss escaped her open mouth when she felt the delicious liquid joy gushing into her vagina and cervix causing it to ecstatically balloon. Again her legs shot out into a wide 'V', kicking frantically in the air as her vagina exploded with her second orgasm.


Jessie abandoned all body control. She reached down to her inner thighs and lifted her son's churning testicles with a gentle squeezing and milking action. Aron gasped loudly as his erection spewed more of his thick essence into his mother's convulsing vagina. Her cycling legs froze in mid air with her toes tightly curled. White flashes of orgasmic light saturated her mind, her eyes flew open but saw nothing, her drooling mouth opened but no sound was heard.

Suddenly, the silence was broken and a shrill wail was heard around the room as her third and final orgasm exploded throughout her body.


Jessie's sensory system went into overload and she lost consciousness for several moments. Her body continued to orgasm as Aron continued to flex his erection as his enhanced ejaculations continued.

He leaned over his mother and waited for her to regain consciousness. She awoke to intense multiple aftershocks and felt her son's huge member still flexing deeply within her. She wrapped her arms around him and aggressively kissed him as her body spasmed and convulsed, moaning into his mouth with sexual fulfillment and satisfaction.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .."

Aron hunched up his hips and slowly his softening member slipped out of his mother's reluctant and stretched vagina with a loud slurping sound. Gushes of vaginal juices and ejaculant poured from the gaping entrance as it returned to normal. Jessie moaned as the wonderful fullness left her body.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh .."

Aron bent down and planted a suckling kiss on each of her erect nipples. His warm hand formed onto her swollen, slick labia folds and moaned again as she her wet sex against it.

Jessie slowly came down from her orgasmic highs and she wrapped her arms around her son and held him close to her glowing body. Aron rested his glistening, flaccid penis on his mother's abdomen and she cooed as her hands adorned the wonderful slick tube of flesh. In a few minutes they walked to the shower and Jessie smiled when she saw her son's slick penis stirring.

2.06 Lisa, Golden, Bedroom Services:

Lisa, wanting to be nice and fresh for the puppy, undressed and took a quick shower. She sat on the foot of the bed and turned on the HDTV. Using the remote she selected 'Room Services' and scrolled down to the 'Canine' selection

The screen showed a sub menu and she selected 'Goldens'.

The screen showed more options.

[1] I am a male
[2] I am a female
[3] Adult male Golden
[4[ Puppy Male Golden
[5] Bedroom
[6] Fitness Room.

Sara smiled at the possibilities and pressed [2] [4] [5]

The screen asked her to confirm the selection and she did. Her 'Room Service' would be in her room in ten minutes. Lisa sat on the foot of the bed and waited. It was probably the longest ten minutes of her life.

She suddenly heard a soft 'sliding' sound in front of her and heart beat faster when she saw the beautiful Golden puppy standing in front of the mirrored wall. If she had to guess, she would say it was about six months old and weighed about 45 pounds.

The golden smiled at her as only Goldens can smile and watched as she stood up from the bed they just looked at each other. Lisa remembered what Sara had told her, if you want it to come to you, call it by its name, otherwise it will leave.

Sara took a deep breath and said,

"Come to me Prince."

Lisa smiled as the puppy bounded toward her.

She kneeled down in front of it and petted it's head and ears. It licked her face, shoulders and then the lapping tongue swirled around her young breasts causing the nipples to tingle and stiffen. Lisa cooed and giggled with the affection that Prince was giving her.

Prince dipped its head toward Lisa's slightly spread thighs. As Prince sniffed at the scent of Sara's sex, his tail wagged excitedly. His extra long tongue shot outward and the thick tip pushed between the folds of her labia and slipped upward onto the hood of her clitoris. Sara gasped as the tip of its tongue coaxed her clitoris out of its protective hood.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Prince's tongue now pushed between her swelling folds and began an ecstatic sweep from her clasping vaginal entrance to her excited clitoris. Lisa's dazed mind was trying to cope with the delicious sensations that were now flooding her loins. The tongue curled around the engorged appendage with a joyous sucking action and then swept downward to nestled within her clasping inner lips with an ecstatic caressing action.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

A gasping Lisa slumped forward onto her hands and knees as the sensations exploded across her sex. She managed to crawl back to the foot of the bed and grasped the covers at the edge of the bed for support. Prince padded behind her and once again that wonderful tongue reacquired her sex. Prince's tongue pushed the folds apart and deliciously traced the sensitive opening to vagina. Lisa squealed, spread her thighs further apart and hunched her buttocks upward to give her Lover easier access to her enflamed sex. Prince's tongue swirled forward through the slick pink furrow to Lisa's eager and excited clitoris. The engorged organ of joy jerked wildly as tip was cradled and caressed within the curled, rippling tongue.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. Goddddddddddddd .."

The tongue again began its ecstatic sweep through Lisa's swollen, wet folds. As the sensations intensified, Lisa began to match the tongue's forward sweeps with her own rearward movements. Each ecstatic sweep caused Lisa's clitoris and inner lips to ripple with ecstasy.

Suddenly Lisa's mind and body told her she was going to orgasm. She couldn't believe that Prince was going to make her orgasm so quickly and with just his tongue. Her body froze as ecstatic ripples of joy gripped her loins. Her clitoris jumped and jerked and her vagina began spasming and clenching.


Her knees legs crumbled and her hips slumped down onto her lower legs as her body rippled with orgasmic aftershocks. Her head rested on the bed panting and gasping. Prince's head dipped downward as she sunk to the carpet, his tongue never left her swollen crease. She gasped loudly as Prince began licking up the drooling juices from her flared folds. She lifted her head up and moaned as that wonderful tongue coaxed a minor orgasm from her stunned sex.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Prince then proceeded to lap up the drooling juices on her thighs and Lisa's kneeling thighs spread wider apart.

Lisa felt Prince's head move to her face and begin to lick her face. The scent of her sex was on its tongue and her mind loved it. Lisa turned around and sat on the floor, her back rested against the bed. She put her hands on Prince's head and lovingly petted the dog's ears and she kissed him on the forehead.

She whispered softly at the dog,

"Thank you..thank you .."

Prince's tail wagged and he pushed his head into Lisa's shoulder. Lisa closed her eyes and savored the waning sensations of her sudden orgasm.

Prince lifted his 'smiling' face away from Lisa's shoulder and lowered it downward. Lisa followed the movement and wondered what Prince was going to do next. His nose sniffed around her still aroused nipples and then his long tongue shot out and Lisa felt the tongue's warm smoothness wrap around her right breast and slip deliciously up and over it where it found her still erect nipple. It swirled around it, pushing it in exciting circles and then began to suckle on it.

The dog switched to Lisa's left breast and did the same to it. The long wide, slippery tongue tantalizingly switched from breast to breast. As it slipped over each nipple the smooth tongue pulled and pushed the engorged tips making them feel as though they were going to explode. Lisa's whimpers turned to gasps and moans. Never in her entire life had she ever experienced such exquisite, arousing sensations. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the bed and let the waves of pleasure flow throughout her body.

"Ahh .. Ahh .. Ahh .."

Prince's tongue started a slow sensuous, slippery slide downward. Lisa opened her eyes and was amazed at how large and tingly her nipples had become. She saw and felt the slippery appendage sweep downward toward the junction of her closed thighs. The swirling tip slipped onto her clitoral hood with an exquisite pressing action and her excited organ leapt out of its cover.

Lisa quickly bent her legs and brought them back toward her body, spreading them wide apart. Her swollen folds flared apart, begging for attention. The knowing tongue slipped into the moist, pink furrow and Lisa gasped with joy.

"Oh God .. Yes .. Yes .."

Prince started doing something strange. He focused his attention on licking the bottom part of Lisa's thighs and hips. Through the haze of her aroused mind, it finally dawned on her that Prince wanted her back in a kneeling position.

Quickly Lisa turned over. She rested the upper portion of shoulders and head on the bed and her hands again grasped the covers. She pushed back on her lower legs and spread her thighs wide apart. Prince saw the swollen folds of her labia flare open and caught the scent of Lisa's new arousal.

Prince's nose edged further toward Lisa's upraised and open sex. He slipped his flat tongue forward along the swollen lips of her sex and then back toward his mouth. Prince repeated the incredible sweep again and again. Lisa's mind was a whirlwind of mounting sensations. Her hands gripped the bed's cover tightly and she thrust her hips rearward as her body's arousal soared.

"Ohhhh .. Sweet Jesus .."

Prince's exploring tongue found the entrance to Lisa's precious womanhood and deliciously pushed inward. Lisa wailed as the smooth slippery appendage, curled itself into a thick tube and slithered its way deep into her vagina. Prince withdrew its tongue part way and stroked back in, again and again. The loving tongue never wavered, never faltered as it burrowed into her enflamed vaginal passage. Lisa was again riding her orgasmic wave toward her second orgasm. Her vagina clenched and spasmed and her clitoris and nipples felt as they were going to explode. She opened her eyes wide and saw nothing but white flashes of lights. Suddenly her body and sex convulsed in unison and her orgasmic wail again echoed around the bedroom.


Lisa's body exploded in a shower of orgasmic joy. Her body couldn't cope with the intense sensations and she lost consciousness for a few seconds. When she recovered, she felt Prince's tongue still rippling within her and her hips were still thrusting rearward trying to sink that loving thickness deeper into her seething vagina. Slowly her Lover withdrew and Lisa closed her eyes, savoring the sensations as her body was rippled with her aftershocks.

As she kneeled on the floor Prince walked to her right side and his long, wide tongue returned to breasts and hard nipples. Her body's arousal rebounded and Lisa raised up on her knees giving her Lover easier access to her swaying breasts.

"Yes .. Yes .. Don't Stop .."

Prince moved out from under Lisa's body and padded back behind her. For a few moments Prince didn't do anything and Lisa looked back on either side of her kneeling body trying to see where he was or what he was doing. She caught a glimpse of him moving toward her upraised buttocks and then in an unbelievable action, Prince raised his upper body and positioned his front paws on the edge of the bed close to her grasping hands. A surprised Lisa looked back underneath her body, toward her wide spread thighs and saw the dog's glistening erection.

Her mind and eyes couldn't believe the massive erection that was extended outward from its sheath. It bordered on the seven plus inch mark and was almost two and a half inches thick. The shaft was deep purple and it rippled and flexed wildly as it stood out toward Lisa's eager and excited eyes.

She knew that Prince was going to mount her and her breathing came in deep gasps and pants. Her eyes watched as Prince's rear legs shuffled inward closer to raised and open sex and held her breath when she felt the thick head of its erection begin probing within her folds, looking for her treasured opening.

Prince finally nestled into her clasping inner lips and her hands gripped the edge of the bed. Her kneeling body tensed knowing that her womanhood was about to be penetrated. Lisa felt her inner lips being stretched wide apart and a loud hiss of ecstasy was heard as the thick gland popped past the elastic opening and slipped into her excited passage.

"Ohhhhh .. Godddddd .."

Four inches of hard, thick joy pushed and stretched its way into her steamy passage. Lisa wanted more, she begged for more. She cooed and Prince's thickness slipped deeper and deeper into her stretching vaginal passage. In a few seconds, Lisa felt her cervix flare open to receive her long, thick Lover.

"Oh sweet Jesus .. Ahhh .. Yesss .. I love it .."

Lisa felt Prince's hardness pull slightly outward, then slip back inward. Then it withdrew almost all the way out, flex, wiggle and then lunge deeply back into the depths of her sexual being. Her hips thrust rearward and ground in tight ecstatic circle. Prince pulled back and Lisa's clenching vaginal muscles franticly fought its withdrawal. It plunged back in and Lisa's rearward thrust matched it. The rhythm was set, Prince and Lisa worked in unison to bring each other toward their respective climatic orgasms.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Prince's erection slipped outward until it was three inches inside Lisa's spasming vaginal passage and started a back and forth stroking action. Suddenly something electric bolted throughout her body as an intense wave of pure joy surged through her vagina and across her loins. Lisa raised her head up and wailed in ecstasy as the flexing head nestled onto the excited tissues of her 'G' spot. The head flexed again and again and Lisa squealed with joy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Prince now plunged all the way into Lisa and then came back out. Once again it teased her magic spot. It was incredible. Lisa's mind was overloaded with waves of raw pleasure. Prince now started a methodical rhythm to its massive thrusts. Sometimes sliding all the way in, filling Lisa completely, once, twice, three times, before pulling back and sparking her sweet spot again. She gasped and groaned, unable to fully catch her breath. She lewdly thrust back and ground her hips in ecstatic circles. Her vaginal muscles desperately clenched around the pulsing thickness in a desperate attempt not to break the ecstatic connection. Her hips were a blur as she matched Prince thrust for thrust. Her bullet-like nipples felt as though they were going to explode on her swaying breasts and her rigid clitoris strained in the air.

Lisa saw nothing except white spots flash before her eyes. She hunched down and spread her thighs as wide as she could. With every outward pull, her thick vaginal juices spewed past her swollen labia folds and down her bent thighs. Suddenly she felt the most incredible sensation she had ever felt. A thick, gushing pressure was filling her vagina and cervix. She cried out in joy as Prince started ejaculating deep inside her enraged passage. Its plunging, massive organ never missed a beat, catapulting Lisa into a sexual frenzy. She wailed at the top of her lungs and her body froze as jolts of orgasmic joy exploded from the tip of her head to her toes. Her vaginal muscles clamped and clenched all along the length of Prince's ejaculating erection. Lisa's total and all consuming orgasm was unleashed.


Lisa lost consciousness and her head and shoulders slumped down onto the bed. Her hips continued to grind her sex around Prince's stroking hardness. In a few seconds, Lisa recovered, her body was in the grips of intense aftershocks.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Slowly Prince withdrew its deflating member. It slid out with a delicious slurping sound and Lisa moaned as the wonderful fullness left her body. She closed her eyes, savoring the ecstatic aftershocks that raced throughout her still spasming vagina. Suddenly, Lisa felt that wonderful tongue lapping on her thighs. Prince was cleaning her. The dog pushed its snout against the swollen, drooling folds and began to lap up Lisa's delicious nectar with its wide tongue.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."

Prince walked beside Lisa and kissed her face, then left as quickly as it had come. Lisa continued to kneel on the floor gasping and panting in her post orgasmic daze.

2.07 Aron, Creatures, Bedroom Services:

Aron walked into his bedroom, sat down on the bed and began reading the Pamphlet on the Creatures. They would be delivered to his bed by a conveyor system in the floor. The procedure is simple, turn on the HDTV facing the foot of the bed, select Room Services and then select Creatures of Love. When ready, press 'Yes'. It will take between five and ten minutes for the Creatures to arrive. Remove all covers from the bed, including the bottom sheet. You can call the maid service to remake the bed or you can do it yourself. Lay down on the center of the mattress and watch the screen. It will inform you when the Creatures are within a minute of reaching your room.

Aron was getting excited and wanted to be silky smooth for his new Lover. He took a shower and anointed his body with THP's after shower body lotion. A flush of arousal was spreading throughout his body as he applied the liquid silkiness and penis began stirring in anticipation. He returned to the bedroom and selected Room Service's Creatures of Love from the menu. The screen showed a number of options and Aron looked at them closely.

[1] I am a male
[2] I am a female
[3] Bedroom
[4] Fitness Room.
[5] Missionary Position
[6] Doggy-style Position
[7] Select [7] for more Positions

Aron smiled at the possibilities a


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Riding the Jessie Train

Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...

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Watching Jessie glory hole

This story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...

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Jakob and Jessie Part 4

From the minute he’d gotten the Sheriff’s phone call Jakob had known what he had to do. It was like killing a rabid dog or the feral hogs that had threatened his father’s stock. It was either kill Howard Holmes or live their lives in fear—fear that he’d get out of prison and hunt them down to wreak his “revenge.” In the end he’d done what he had to. He had rescued Jessie, his wife of less than a day, from a certain death at the hands of her father. Jakob had carried Jessie, insisting she...

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie cuckold me

What a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...

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Tailgating with Jessie

Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine.The sun hung high and unobscured in the cool and clear autumn sky. Two professional football teams were making preparations for week six of the National Football League's season while I fought my way through masses of cars, pedestrians and traffic cones. I'd actually never been to a football game, and that streak would continue despite the fact that I was trying to get to the stadium on game day as quickly as I...

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Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...

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Watching Jessie part 8

Watching Jessie (part 8)Frank was in the bedroom with Jessie when I got home from work on Friday. He hadn’t been over since last week. Now that he had Jessie pregnant I wondered if he was working on getting someone else pregnant. I was happy knowing that his wife Terry had given me an awesome blow job in the very same room at lunch time. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Terry I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt my cock getting hard as I thought about Terry’s beautiful black body and...

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The Theft of Jessie Gray

It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...

2 years ago
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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 2 of 2

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...

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Jakob, Jessie, and Sandy took a break for lunch on Sunday. They were covered in saliva, cum and pussy juice--sticky in most places. After showering together, Jakob fired up the grill while the girls made some burgers. Jessie brought them out to Jakob wearing absolutely nothing-her tan lines disappearing since she started sunbathing nude. Jakob admired her lean features accentuated by her large firm breasts that seemed more suited for a much heavier woman. He noticed her nipples were...

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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 1

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...

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Jessie Part 2

Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre...

2 years ago
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The agony of Jessie

I woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into Khym International The Agony of Jessie Part 1 Amy woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into the international airport. Seated beside her on the flight was Jessie Gomez. The 18-year-old was still asleep, oblivious to the stares of the male passengers in first class, who could hardly miss the blond teen in her tight blouse and short skirt. Adding to it were her air-conditioned chilled nipples clearly visible...

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Watching Jessie part 9 breeding Amy

Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...

1 year ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 11 Lisa Fights Her Pussy Is Whipped And Then Eaten

Samantha was more than right about Lisa winning, but even she didn't think that 10343 would get quite the merciless going over that Lisa gave her! She wondered, a trifle regretfully, if there would be any more fights after that. It seemed hardly probable that any one would be so suicidal as to face her unexpectedly fearsome friend! But she need not have worried! There were plenty willing to take a shot at the incredible Lisa, with all the kudos that knocking her out would bring them, and one...

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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen

Street and Smith's _New York Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks -- Outlaw Queen By Nicholas Varrick As Told To Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c) 2003 Chapter 1 -- "Riders in the Night" "One... Two... Three!" Jessie Hanks yelled, as she swung the saddle back and forth, then upward. This time, it worked. The heavy saddle went over the top of the tethered horse, settling unevenly on the blanket on its...

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Jessie and Emily The Hunters Second and Third

I was driving to my favorite grocery store to stock up on essentials. I saw a blur appear in my peripheral vision and woke up two days later in the hospital. I had a broken leg, a broken wrist and a concussion. A delivery truck had run a red light and broadsided my car. Luckily for me, a policeman was witness to the accident and had quickly gotten an ambulance on the scene. Even better for me was the four moving violations issued to the driver of the truck. The company had sent a...

2 years ago
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Jessie The Tornado Ch 05

Again, I suggest reading the first four chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. Jessie & the Tornado, Ch. 5 Distantly I heard someone saying, ‘Sam? Sam? Sam?’ then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was...

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Jessie is pregnant Jessies revenge

(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times...

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My Last Thought Was Jessie The Ending

My brother, Jessie and I had spent the entire week at home and pretty much naked. We had sex several times every day. I couldn’t help but be worried about our parents coming home. I didn’t know what to expect, because I was sure that my Dad knew what was going on, considering he caught Jessie and I in the pool house in the bed together wrapped in each others arms naked. “You are thinking about it again aren’t you?” Jessie was standing in the doorway of the living room. He was naked, but his...

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A Jessie McClintock Story SUCCUBUS PART 1

Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap. “Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the only person to talk to...

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A Jessie McClintock Story SUCCUBUS

“So ya gonna take the job or not?”Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her.  She didn’t like him.  Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan.  Gino the strip club owner.  He was a walking stereotype.  Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray.  Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap.“Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the...

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Mom and Uncle Jessie Their Story

I walked into the living room where mom had slunk down into the leather couch. She was worn out from hosting family members that only showed up once a year. Mom had changed into her night shirt and her 40 year old leathery legs jutted out from underneath the hem in tired fashion. I sat beside her and patted her on her bare knee."So, was Jessie everything you thought he would be?" Mom asked after I settled in beside her.I gave her a very peculiar look. I really did not know how to answer her....

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 116 Jessie Hits The Jackpot

"Hi, Soph!" Jess chirped. "Hello, Jessie," Sophia said, sitting down in the chair across from the couch. "Welcome home. Now, do you mind telling me why you're sitting in my fiancé's lap kissing him?" "I'm trying to get him into bed," she giggled. "Oh, that did not help," Warren moaned. Sophia's mind boggled. She was prepared to believe she had walked into something innocent-until Jessie said that. "You're trying to get Warren into bed," Sophia said. "What...

4 years ago
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My Last Thought Was Jessie The Homecoming

I hadn't been back in Florida for more than three days and I was already miserable.  I missed Jessie so bad.  It was like having a part of myself ripped away.  I wondered to myself how I had went this long without realizing how much I really loved him.  My mom had noticed my depression, but when she would ask me about it I refused to talk about it.  Part of me wanted to blame her, because she had left my father.  But when I would really sit down and think about it I knew that if she had stayed...

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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 4

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a number of messages begging her to call. Now, all I could do was wait. Had she and her parents gone somewhere? Then why were two cars missing? I paced back and forth from one end of my house to the...

3 years ago
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Watching Jessie

My girlfriend Jessie is a very reserved person sexually. At 25 she has never been with another person sexually save for her prom night. We were dating for almost three months before we had sex for the first time. We had been dating for six months where this story begins. Jessie is 5’2” tall with large breasts for her size and a beautiful round ass. Jessie could get the attention of any man if she so desired.Instead Jessie tries to blend into the crowd. At least until last weekend Jessie had...

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Bent Over for Uncle Jessie

Mom's older brother, Jessie, was always a flirt and often thought he was God's gift to woman. He was always quite the womanizer and knew just how to work the scene, even given his advancing age. I could see this as he mingled with the large crowd of family on our huge deck at the family reunion mom had organized. I watched Uncle Jessie flow through the crowd of family eying female family members like they were just another woman. All of them smiled at him and he reveled in it. I just snickered...

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Jessie Fan Fiction

Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches.             “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees.             “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat.  Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock.             “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good...

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Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good blow! Jessie pulled...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 10

Mom and grandma went upstairs to change out of their workout gear, as Jessie relaxed on the family room couch. That was quite the workout. He felt good about himself though. It had been a while since he did physical exercise, so it was nice to get back into a routine. The exercises themselves were far different from his usual lifting weights, but he enjoyed the cardio segments and the one which targeted the thighs and buttocks. Knock Knock Knock. Someone was at the door. Jessie was...

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Jessie The Tornado Ch 01

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. Someone once said that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Like most generalities, I think that is generally wrong. I think that people need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the love and sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18. The...

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How I Helped My Friend Jessie To Increase Her Boobs Size Part 8211 2

Hi everyone, I am Continuing my story… I looked at the time it was quarter past one. I went near her Me: How is your Leg Pain? Jessie: Now I feel little better. Me: You want me to massage again? J: No, No Need it is fine now. Me: Ok, then you feeling sleepy? J: No, But I want to sleep now. Because tomorrow after reaching home, has to go to my aunt house with my mum. Me: Ok, If you want to sleep you can sleep on my lap. She thought for a while and looking around to see others. Me: No one is...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 27

The two began heading out when Jessie realized that he did not have his wallet. "Hey Ashley, how the heck do I carry my wallet? There aren't any pockets in this dress." "Yep, most dresses and skirts don't have pockets," Ashley replied. "I have something that will help," Jessie's mom said. She left the room and came back a minute later with a small light peach colored purse. "Put your stuff in here and carry it along." "Cool. I could put some cool stuff in here," Jessie...

4 years ago
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Jessie Babes Story

Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship. Jessie is a delicious girl. She lives with just her dad and idolizes him. She is not a virgin, but her partners have never satisfied her. They have never met her expectations. This is a story about how Jessie finds herself and everything she wants. Jessie was 22 and she had to admit that she looked good. Her boobs were high and tight, not too large, but pert and perfect for her figure. Her ass was just fine too. All in all, Jessie was...

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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 5 Hope For Lisa

"Still no letter from Lisa, Dad?" "No, son. Your mother is so worried. It's been over a year since she wrote to say she had started her sentence and since then, nothing. I've written to the prison and the Foreign Office and my MP and to everyone I can think of and it's a brick wall. I know that she's alive and in good health. That much they will tell me, but they button up their lips when I ask why she writes no letters. There must be a pile of them we've sent her!" George, Lisa's...

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The Spftening of Jessie Part 11

Amanda felt like Jessie had enough excitement for the day. After his emotional outburst when Jason saw him clad in his girl's workout outfit, the voice change, and the trip to the nail salon, she took him home to relax. Jessie was thrilled with the way his nails looked. To think that he was so egotistical about how well he painted nails haha. Those women really taught him a lesson or two. As he admired his strawberry shimmery nails he wondered why black was always his favorite color....

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The Softening of Jessie Part 9

Amanda crept into Jessie's room and reached over to turn off his alarm clock. "It's ok honey, go back to're not going back to school until that infection goes down," she calmly explained to Jessie, who had woken up. He laid his head back down and drifted again off to sleep. Amanda eyed her son as he slept. He looked so peaceful, and dare she say happy? Although the idea of changing him into a female was extreme on all scales, she felt that this was the only solution to...

3 years ago
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Watching Jessie part 7

Watching Jessie It was Wednesday before lunch time when Terry. Who was Frank my bosses wife walked into my office and shut the door. She was a hot sexy black woman. I stood up from my desk as she said “hi sugar". I couldn’t help but stare at her in her short tight red dress. Terry knew that I liked looking at her. Terry started to tease me for spending Saturday night with her husband instead of her. I responded by saying that I would have much rather been with her but I didn’t think Frank would...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 7

Jessie sat on his bed looking at the new underwear his mom had bought him. Something wasn't quite right about it but he didn't know what. His mom was so supportive and understanding of his sensitive chest and his sudden weight gain in his lower section. He should be grateful that he has such a wonderful family. "What the heck. Let's try these bad boys on and see if they fit." Jessie stripped down and looked at the selection of underwear in front of him. The logical choice, he...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 22

Jessie grabbed the phone and gave Ashley a call. "What's up Ashley?" "Hey, I wanted to see if I could spend the night at your house. Jason is having some of his friends over and I don't want to be here with those boys." "Jason invited friends over for the night and didn't include me huh?" Jessie replied. He knew that his friendship with Jason was strained but it still hurt to be not included. "Yeah...sorry, but I'll hang out with you tonight. I promise I don't snore. Besides we...

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Dealing With JessieChapter 2

Jedd Clampett This is the second of a nine part story. Please read and comment on the content. Vote of you like. Here goes part two... Gary had always been her rock in tough times, her ever faithful husband, and the responsible father. Where had it all gone so wrong? He realized none of that mattered, not to her, not anymore. To her he wasn’t anything. He was like a spare part, something extra, a left over. Really, what could he offer; nothing now, nothing she couldn’t get from her...

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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 3

Two months earlier On a Tuesday in March, I began doing some work on the outside. There were three very large flower beds in the front yard that had become completely overgrown and filled with weeds, and one warm day in mid-March I put on a pair of gloves and started pulling all the weeds out. I was wearing an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt, along with an old pair of sneakers. I also had on my customary “USMC” cap I almost always wore if I wasn’t working. One of the things I was...

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Teenaged Jessie enters my bed and my heart

Her mother was a drunk who was usually so plastered that she staggered around the house in her baggy house dress, falling over the furniture till she passed out. Her father was abusive, not sexually but he often hit her and pushed her around and verbally abused her. He frequently brought other women home to fuck while his wife was passed out on the couch. He did not pay any attention to his daughter being around. Several times she had seen him roughly throat fucking some slut that had...

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Jessie The Tornado Ch 04

Again, I suggest reading the first three chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. * When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I had already noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a...

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