It Started With An Apron - Episode 5 free porn video

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Link with the last paragraph of EPISODE 4 Thursday 22 Sep 1983 The following day she was alone in the house about mid morning when the telephone rang. She picked up the receiver to answer it, but before she could speak, the voice of George Holt, one of Bob's old colleagues, came booming over the line saying, "It's your lucky day today Bob! Astra Control Systems want an electronics engineer and the job is right up your street and certain to lead to higher things! Well, what do you say about that, old boy?" EPISODE 5 (FINAL) Betty got startled and slightly panicked, but her mind was very alert and she decided to play her new role to the end. She resumed again the lightest possible tone of voice, as the other day with Mrs.Howells and answered very politely, "I'm sorry Sir but Mr. Burns is out of the country and Mrs. Burns will not be back till after six. Can I take a message?" She felt an awkward silence at the other end of the line. Finally George Holt spoke again, this time in a less booming voice, "Oh, I had no idea that Bob has gone abroad. Probably a new job came up. Anyway, who is speaking please?" Betty felt more reassured and answered in her meek polite voice, "I am Betty Sir, Mrs. Burns's new maid. I am sorry but I can't really inform you about Mr. Burns' whereabouts, probably if you ring back this evening Mrs. Burns will be able to tell you more about it." "Well, in that case I'll try to ring back later. Thank you very much, good bye." This time his voice was quite indifferent, he was talking to a servant after all! Betty got a deep breath as she put the receiver down. Her knees were slightly trembling so she had to sit down to the chair by the telephone table. She saw her reflection in the mirror across the hallway, the hem of her modest dress showing slightly, the rest of the dress covered firmly by her wraparound overall, the matching housemaids' cap protecting her hair and the duster that she was still holding in her left hand, the perfect maid! She realized that the idea of going back to work as Bob left her completely indifferent, she felt that a big burden was taken away from her, she was now Elisabeth Martin, an ordinary housemaid and that made her happier than any prospects of going back to the Electronics Industry. She looked at the big clock above the mirror, it was getting late and she had to rush back to the kitchen to start dinner. It was nearly seven o'clock when Anita came back together with Jennifer. Betty just managed to have everything ready. She was wearing her clean dress and the flower patterned pinafore over it. Both ladies went directly to the living room, stretched themselves in the sofas and kicked their shoes away. Betty served drinks and stood by them waiting further instructions. She knew by now that she could speak only when she was spoken. Anita had some small talk with Jennifer and finally addressed Betty, "Well, how was your day Betty? Did you manage to finish all your chores? Any messages for me?" Betty gave her a full account of her day and of course told her about George Holt's phone call and how she managed to fool him. Both ladies were very satisfied and especially Anita who said to her, "I think you did very well today. The fact that you can be so convincing on the phone is very encouraging. If Mr. Holt rings back I'll handle the matter, though I have a suspicion that he won't be bothered." Betty understood the hint. She knew very well that George wasn't particularly fond of Anita. "Now then," Anita continued, "You can serve dinner in twenty minutes, we are both starving and let's hope that your cooking is satisfactory enough... After dinner and washing up you will have your first dressmaking lesson. Remember, it is Thursday today and I promised to spend a couple of hours with you in the sewing machine. In fact I got some material so we can lengthen those two frocks that Miss Armstrong bought for you; I know you are keen on having them on in the evening." And then resuming her stricter tone of voice she said: "That will be all for now, you can go back to your kitchen!" Betty thanked both ladies and rushed back to the kitchen for the final preparations of the dinner. She was quite pleased that her Mistress remembered her promise about the sewing lesson. After Betty has gone, Jennifer said to Anita that the old lady decided to re-let the house in Maple road and by tomorrow evening Margaret would have the final answer from her. And she continued in her pleasant well modulated voice, "It seems that the old lady is impressed that we are going to employ a live-in maid, so Margaret thinks that we are top in the list and we will most probably get a three years contract." Anita was very pleased with the news and she said that probably this is a better solution instead of raising money to buy it. Renting a place wouldn't create any long term commitments for either of them, and would give them time for some major decisions concerning them and of course Betty. Dinner was quite nice and they both praised Betty who could hardly hide her satisfaction. Afterwards she cleared the table, served their coffee and went back to the kitchen where she had her own dinner and did the washing up. She went back to the living room, as she was told to do when she was ready. Anita told her to go upstairs and change her wet piny with the white cotton bib apron that Miss Armstrong bought for her and also to bring down the two frocks that had to be lengthened. Betty did as she was told and soon she found herself sitting in front of the old fashioned Singer sewing machine for her first lesson in dressmaking. Anita managed to find practically the same material so she decided to make a five inches false hem for each dress. She showed Betty how to cut it and then how to use the machine and Betty with her usual aptitude she was learning fast. In about two hours both dresses were ready and Betty had to try them on. She enjoyed immensely her sewing lesson; it gave her a nearly erotic feeling, as she was pressing the foot pedal with both her nylon clad feet touching each other. Both ladies inspected her looks and Jennifer said, "Yes, I think that now both dresses have the right length that is appropriate for a housemaid. Now as your Mistress said before, you will wear either of those dresses in the evening after you are through with all your heavy chores. We leave up to you the decision of the apron, but I suggest that when you serve dinner you must wear your white apron, I think it is more correct, what do you think Anita?" Anita agreed and added that the white apron would be also obligatory when they have guests, it is more appropriate for a live in domestic she said. After that in her abrupt but not rude way Anita sent Betty to her room. Betty thanked the ladies and retired to her tiny room. As she was falling asleep holding Emily gently, she thought that tomorrow would be two weeks since that Friday when all started with an apron! Two weeks that seemed like a lifetime! Was it really true what was happening to her or everything was a wild long-lasting dream? But then she felt the fabric of her soft nightie next to her smooth and hairless skin and that was ever so real! Bob Burns has gone for ever and Elisabeth Martin, Mrs. Burns's servant was born from his ashes! Friday 23 to Sunday 25 Sep 1983 During the next three days everything on the surface appeared quite normal. Betty continued to work in the house in her usual very diligent manner, but something started changing in her attitude. Her style became gradually more feminine in a slightly exaggerated manner, she was moving around wiggling her back, taking shorter steps, moving her wrists in a limping manner. Also she started being more playful as she was addressing her Mistress, using, as she thought, a more seductive voice. Anita of course noticed that but she avoided saying anything initially. She noticed also that Betty was behaving in a much more serious way when Jennifer was around and she was becoming almost flirtatious when they were alone in the house. She thought it was going to be an interesting weekend since Jennifer was going away to visit her parents in another town. It was late Friday evening; Jennifer has already gone for the weekend and Anita was alone in the living room reading some documents concerning her work. Betty came in bringing some coffee, dressed in her pink uniform dress and white half apron, the picture of domesticity. She served Anita with a slight curtsey and a big smile saying in a near whisper, "Your coffee Ma'am." Anita looked at her slightly startled, "I didn't hear you knocking maid," she said in a mockingly severe tone. Betty picked instantly Anita's relaxed manner and answered in the same playful tone, "But you are alone Ma'am and I don't interrupt any private conversation with Miss Armstrong." She stopped for a minute and then continued in a more daring tone, "And may I remark Ma'am that for the first time in two weeks, that is since that Friday everything started, we are alone in the house without the presence of Miss Armstrong!" She saw Anita's annoyance and added hastily, "Don't think me wrong Ma'am, I like Miss Armstrong a lot and she was a tremendous help during that transition period and she brought all those clothes and she organised the solicitor etc, but I feel much closer to you Ma'am, you are my real employer and I feel that I belong more to you that to her Ma'am." Betty stopped and looked anxiously at Anita wondering if she was too bold. Anita looked at her sceptically for a few seconds and then she smiled and said warmly, "Come here maid, sit next to me in the sofa; probably we can have another chat." Betty noticed that she was called 'maid' rather than Betty for the second time, she somehow liked it, she found it more intimate in a sort of 'putting her down' way. She went and sat next to Anita and an erotic feeling overtook her; she wanted to be hugged and kissed but she wouldn't dare to initiate anything. She simply sat awkwardly next to her Mistress at the edge of the sofa, in what she thought was a feminine posture, keeping her legs together and smoothing her apron on top of her dress. Anita looked at her in an amused way and said, "You know I always tell you what I really think Betty and this time won't be an exception. You have been trying to catch my attention all day by being a bit provocative in a sluttish way with exaggerated feminine movements and gestures." She stopped and looked at her. Betty feeling more confident answered back, "I simply try to be more feminine Ma'am and I also try to balance my inner feelings, I feel that I should be more pronounced as a female and stop being a male in drag." "This is exactly your mistake Betty; you behave now like a male in drag by playing the female in an exaggerated manner. This is the classic mistake of all cross dressers." Betty looked a bit puzzled not knowing how to answer that and gave Anita the chance to continue, "and of course no normal maid would behave like that. I know you try to be more convincing, but in time you will realise that true femininity, in particular in a servant, is synonymous to subtlety. You already know that a maidservant must go unnoticed, in particular in the presence of visitors or other guests." Anita stopped to look at Betty who had a hurt look in her face. She looked so distressed that Anita pulled her towards her and hugged her. "I know, I know" she said in a soothing voice, 'it must be hard for you, poor thing, to grasp everything so quickly, you need time to catch up and I am here to help you." She stopped hugging her as quickly as she started it, saying at the same time, "I have to remind myself all the time that your are my maid now, we both have to think in those terms and in particular when we are just the two of us in the house. Probably Jennifer's presence is beneficial in that sense for both of us." Betty, felt even more confused now, Anita was changing her attitude all the time, it was the carrot and stick method implemented within minutes. She said in her low voice, "Thank you Ma'am for your guidance, I know Miss Jennifer is very good in practical matters, but you are the best in matters of correct psychology and behaviour, I feel safe with you!" Anita was touched by Betty's answer, she mellowed once more and said in a half serious way, "Ok maid, you are dismissed now and I expect you to come to my bed tonight in your nightie and please keep your bra and knickers on!" Betty couldn't believe what she just heard, she was all red when she stood up, straightened her dress and apron, gave a little curtsey and said in a excited voice, "Thank you Ma'am, I am looking forward to that Ma'am!" The weekend was magic; this is all Betty could think. She understood that Anita's sexuality was completely freed, all the inhibitions she had before in her expected and traditional role were abolished completely. She loved to be the boss sexually and Betty of course was too eager to please. She was following with admiration and excitement her Mistresses initiatives. She felt freer also; she didn't have anymore the anxious responsibility of initiating anything, she simply played along trying to please her new found Mistress. After two absolutely ravishing nights in Anita's bed she was back in her single bed on Sunday holding tightly Emily. Now she knew; she was Anita's complete and devoted servant in all aspects. She felt more strongly than ever that she belonged to her. Monday 26 Sep 1983 Monday morning was 'business as usual'. Anita was formal again and Betty became the docile maid she was expected to be, though there was a feeling of satisfaction in the air, she felt completed, her eyes were glowing happily. Anita's parting words sounded like a warning to her and brought her back to reality, "Don't act like a hussy girl; whatever happened during the weekend was simply an outburst of mine, obviously I needed it. Don't expect though a repetition soon. Now go back to work and act normally. I expect an impeccable house tonight and make sure that you cook something nice; Miss Armstrong is back and she is expected to dinner." Here was the stick again! In the evening after coffee was served Anita asked Betty to join them in the living room, because she had something to announce. Betty, looking very neat in her pretty pink dress and flowered pinafore, as soon as she finished in the kitchen, joined them in an excited anticipation Anita went straight to the point, "We are moving to a new house on Sunday the 29th of October, five weeks from today. With the assistance of Margaret Howells Miss Armstrong found an excellent house in the other side of town. I am going to share the house with Miss Armstrong and you will join us as our live in housemaid. It is an excellent chance for you to start your new life in a part of town where you will be known from the beginning as our live in housemaid. Of course you will have your own quarters there, a nice room by the kitchen with an en suite WC/shower facility, much more comfortable than here." She paused to have a sip of her coffee and light a cigarette as Betty was thinking frantically. That was certainly news to her, Jennifer moving in with them in a new house? In another part of town? She was feeling worried and excited at the same time. That would be a complete cut form her previous life as Bob. And how her 'special relationship' with Anita would develop with Jennifer's permanent existence in the house? Anita continued, "At the moment the house is maintained and redecorated, a team of painters is working; and tomorrow we are going there with Miss Armstrong to discuss colour schemes." She paused again as Jennifer interfered, "Thanks for reminding me Anita, we have an appointment with the subcontractor at 2.00pm tomorrow afternoon, I'll pick you from work and we drive together." Anita thanked her and turned to Betty again, "Of course you have lots of cleaning to do there as soon as the painters go; I expect you will need about a week to do the whole house and mind you it is going to be hard work." Betty's heart sank again; she knew exactly what Anita meant, she did clean Mrs. Howells attic and nearly destroyed her hands. She was going to use thick rubber gloves for this cleaning. Jennifer read her mind because she added in an amused way, "Don't you worry Betty, we'll provide you with all the necessary tools for this cleaning including heavy duty rubber gloves and a couple of hardwearing overalls. And speaking of overalls I talked to Margaret Howells again this morning and she would like to use you once a week, every Wednesday for 4 hours, 1.00pm to 5.00pm. Mrs Burns agreed wholeheartedly and Mrs Howells will provide working clothes for you, so you don't have to carry anything from this house." Betty was silently amused this time; everybody was thinking how to provide sensible working clothes for her. How kind her employers were, she thought sarcastically! She was pleased that a certain sense of humour hasn't abandoned her. She could tell the two ladies were about to dismiss her so she decided to bring out a topic that concerned her. She looked at both of them saying, "Excuse me Ma'am, Miss Armstrong could I say something?" Anita waved at her to go on and she continued, "I am a bit worried about my lack of clothes Ma'am, I mean feminine street clothes; I have a full wardrobe of working clothes but I only have one dress. I probably would need some simple blouse and skirt outfits and a couple of more dresses probably?" The ladies looked at each other meaningfully. Jennifer spoke first, "You are right Betty, your street clothes are non existing and you will be going out more and more in the near future; soon you will start doing the shopping as well." Anita looked at Jennifer and added, "I think she could go shopping wearing her maid's dress without the cap and apron, after all she is a servant and she doesn't have to hide it." Jennifer hastily added, "I agree with you Anita, she can go shopping wearing her maid's dress but she still needs a few feminine items. We are about the same size with Betty, I'll fish out some of my old clothes and shoes, and I'll bring them tomorrow." Anita added there, "That's very kind of you Jennifer, I am sure Betty will appreciate that." Then she turned to Betty and added, "But of course you are earning your own money now, you will be able to buy a few items of clothing soon." Betty thanked Miss Armstrong and then looked at Anita in an inquiring way. "Yes girl, you are dismissed, you can go to your room if you finished in the kitchen, goodnight." Betty departed full of emotions and thoughts. Another major step was announced today. In a month's time Betty would lose the last connection with her previous life as Bob, the house and the neighbourhood. After October 29th nothing will be there to remind to her of Bob's life except the locket around her neck probably. As she was about to fall asleep half an hour later clutching Emily in her chest she thought for the fist time if she could face the possibility of starting an hormone program and in due course even consider to follow the transsexual path? But who would pay for it? She didn't have the money. Would her Mistress cover the cost? She dismissed the thought immediately but the seeds were planted in her brain. She was Elisabeth Martin now and she could go only forwards from now on, never backwards! THE END

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Venetian Episode

In the night of Venice, there are no doubts. In the starred night, lovers can meet, no matter what, who or where... These were my thoughts when I had just arrived in the city; it seemed to me every dark street held a romantic story and every portal had been built just to hide lovers. I, for some reason, felt attracted to these ideas and never failed to cultivate them in my mind. As a result, they grew stronger until I was convinced I was destined to live one of those stories.It was with this...

3 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Ten The Final Episode

 Tuesday, The Final DayThe sound of the headboard in the opposite bedroom banging rhythmically against the wall awakened me shortly after daybreak on the Tuesday morning. My first thought was that this was the last day of Tina and Jim's visit with us, and therefor my last opportunity to screw my voluptuous little blonde bed-partner, who was sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. I automatically reached down for one of her huge breasts.My gentle caress of her nipple immediately woke...

Group Sex
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Cuckolded slowly a postdivorce episode

The bulge in the man’s jeans is almost comically large and it’s about all I can see in the video I’m watching. The cameraman has zoomed in such that the man’s crotch fills the screen. A woman’s hand glides over the bulge from above his beltline, her wedding band and solitaire catching my full attention. She takes her time, fingers and palm meandering fully south to cup his balls in her palm. She pauses to squeeze and chuckle a compliment or two about his size, then moves back north and...

1 year ago
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The Mason Hunter Episode

"And where did you meet them?" I pondered, brushing my hair."At the strip club," she replied, strolling into the bathroom with me. "I bought at least ten lap dances from Mason as he only wore a black g-string.""A: bullshit and B: do you always have to prance around naked?" I questioned, seeing us both in the mirror."What?" she asked, turning to me. "Don't you like my naked body?" she inquired, shaking around somewhat.I turned to her too and scanned her body from top to bottom. "You have nice...

Group Sex
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Lost The missing episode

This is your chance to take control over one of the living main lost characters, either Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, or Charlie. Or be your own character. Where you was on the plane and where the other characters act differently. To keep characters in their normal personality take control over a character.

2 years ago
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After the hockey club episode

Following my night with the hockey club, I wanted to seek out similar opportunities. I was exhilarated, but this time not at all conflicted. The women were all from a distant suburb, and thus no threat to my standing as a future teacher. It was unlikely that I would meet Gwen again. However I had no luck finding other possibilities. I dare not just approach people and ask if they wanted me to perform naked at one of their parties. I advertised via an assumed name, and using a post office box...

1 year ago
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Seducing Mami Episode

Hello people of Indian sex stories dot net This is my first story which I am narrating today on this platform people believe me iss helps a lot to achieve ;) I am secretlust from Udaipur city I m 6 ft tall with an average tool of 6 inch not very fair nor a black guy just an average Indian guy and one more thing I would like to narrate this story in Hinglish(combo) because in English there is no masala types scene so please bear me Now coming to the story I live in a small town pursuing my...

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Divorcee Mom and Son First episode

I am NOT the simply sharing….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt…. I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people. One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my i****t experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old son involved. He suggested...

2 years ago
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Ashley in Amsterdam 3rd episode

After Ashley came third time under the shower, Pete carried her to her bed.Ashley rested straight out on her back. Her arms stretched above her head.Her legs wide-spread to let her pussy cool off. Peter calmly dabbed her try.Pete whispered with a low voice to her ear: "Consider yourself tied up, honey!"Ashley sighed deep, in expectation and curiousity, what he come up with."I served you well, didn´t I?" Without waiting for response he added:"Now I´m going to take you. And you can´t resist me. I...

1 year ago
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Ashley in Amsterdam 2nd episode

After those two tsunami orgasms on the beath, Ashley was glad that Peter helped her up, as she really felt weak in her knees, although she was glowing with joy.Seeing the state she was in, Pete decided to lead her back to her room. As he planned to please her some more. As they got up, he noticed that several students had been watching them from some distance. While they walked away with a happy smile, some applauded. The couple bowed as if they´d been on stage.Her room happened to overlook the...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded slowly a postdivorce episode

The bulge in the man's jeans is almost comically large and it's about all I can see in the video I'm watching. The cameraman has zoomed in such that the man's crotch fills the screen. A woman's hand glides over the bulge from above his beltline, her wedding band and solitaire catching my full attention. She takes her time, fingers and palm meandering fully south to cup his balls in her palm. She pauses to squeeze and chuckle a compliment or two about his size, then moves back north and...

Wife Lovers
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Srilanka Tour 8211 Last Episode

By : Ranikomal (To be continued from “Tour of Srilanka- Part 2”, last part) My body was on heat and I was burning with the sex desire, as sunjay left me alone for 3 days in this hotel, and I was all alone, I told sam to take off his shirt and pant and let me see what treasure he have for me, Sam follow my words like a kid he take of his shirt and pant and was standing in his boxer, even his body was skinny, and one can count his rib bones, but I saw a very big bulge in his boxer, Sam came...

3 years ago
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The Hunter Chasity Episode

Hunter, Chasity, and I all made our way to my car. We immediately left and went back to our place. I didn't even ask if Hunter rode in with Mason, but he wasn't objecting to anything. Chasity sat in the back of the car, but that didn't stop her from rubbing Hunter's shoulders and pecking his cheek.I didn't get jealous and let it all happen. Considering how hot the night already was up until then, I knew all bets were off, so I was more than willing to find out just how far it would all go. I...

2 years ago
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Paging Doctor Marcus Second Episode

Annie's tits seemed to grow bigger every week before she left for college. I was both aroused and worried, and needed someone other than Harriett to discuss it with. Someone knowledgable. I decided to make an appointment and stop after work at a storefront office of a breast reduction surgeon for a consultation. The specialist, Dr. Fleischmann, escorted me into his combination office/examination room with a paper-covered flat table on the side. "I'm worried about my daughter Annie. Her, uh,...

3 years ago
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Paging Doctor Marcus First Episode

The streets around Dr. Crumholtz's office were a parking lot. Roll forward two feet and stop, over and over. Perhaps an accident, or maybe just the normal rush hour traffic jam. I didn't know for sure, since this wasn't my usual stomping or driving grounds near dinnertime. I'd just completed my second impersonation of Dr. Fleischmann, the breast enlargement/reduction specialist. The first time had been in his office, with a prospective patient. This time, it was in Dr. Crumholtz's office...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 66 A Manic Episode

June 8, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Pipe tobacco and bourbon?” Jessica asked, sniffing, as I climbed into bed. “Sorry. Want me to shower?” “Yes, please,” she said. I got up and went into the bathroom and quickly showered, making sure to wash my hair really well. I scrubbed my face and upper body thoroughly with Irish Spring, then rinsed off. I’d brushed my teeth before getting into bed, but did so again, and this time gargled with Listerine. I rinsed and went back to bed. “Better?” I...

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Village FeteChapter 17 Last Episode

"Can I say a couple of things to you, Dorothy, before we continue our fight?" "What, Julia?" asked the battered Dorothy, her eyes almost closed and her face a bloody mess after seven rounds, during which she had hardly landed a blow on the skilful Julia. The two combatants had just come out of their respective improvised corners to start another round. Dorothy sensed that defeat was near but had no thought of giving up. "Number one. You're a wonderful and brave girl. I'd be proud to...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

4 months ago
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Asia and Mia graduate from College. They are back in their hometown ready to start their lives. Both land their dream jobs. They are looking for a new house, and wind up meeting Lance and Idris, and the four of them hit it off perfectly Asia moves over close to Idris and gives him a kiss on his soft lips. He kissed her back hotly. While they were kissing, Asia reached her hand over and grabbed Mia’s plump nipple through her bathing suit. Mia giggled, she was high as fuck from the blunts...

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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

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A construction superintendant has a threesome wwith a fourteen year old girl and her boyfriend

As a construction supervisor I meet all sorts of subcontractors. Working on a Saturday is not uncommon and often the subs bring their teenage sons along to learn the trade. This was the case when I met Dillon. Now I am a straight male but even I have to admit this boy was cute. Small boned, brown wavy hair to his shoulders, blue eyes and an engaging smile. At lunch time Dillon found me in the construction trailer and asked if he could talk to me. “Sure,” I said pushing a chair towards him. He...

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Coquette and her cuckold Part 1with paragraphs

Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, I’d always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy – apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in the guy we were with and I felt very much...

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He was looking forward to going to Verna. It could only be for a limited time but there would be other visits. Even traveling a considerable distance, he thought it well worth the time, there was no sacrifice. Eventually, Verna started to come into view, he slowed his approach and savoured the anticipation, smiling at the butterfly sensation in his stomach. With all the thoughts, feelings and emotions during his advance he neglected to observe one very crucial thing. A mistake was made, a major...

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a sexy night withmy cousin sr

one day i visited my cousin s****rs house. my cousin s****r was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

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The Beckwith Affair chap 4

August 7 th , 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles “Maggie, I want to go over what we have so far,” I said. “Beckey has a warehouse where she is importing dolls filled with pure cocaine from Bolivia.   These dolls are not going through customs and are being delivered in small packages and probably to different locations.   We don’t know how the money is being transferred but it’s probably cash all the way, and likely being transferred to the ship at the same time the dolls are picked up.” “Alan has gone to...

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The Beckwith Affair Chap 1

August 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers.   My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able.   Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.”   “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know it...

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