Gran free porn video

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I don’t actually know how it happened. Opportunity I suppose. But happen it did and it was fantastic.
I was twenty three, a freelance photographer working from home. My 22 year old wife had a good job in the city and she had to go out early and came home fairly late.
When we married, just over a year before, we moved in with her parents. They had a rambling old place with room to spare We had the top two floors. It was a totally separate flat. Below us was my wife’s grandmother and her parents had the bottom two floors. All independant but we all got along so there was no problem.
My mother in law always knocked before she came in, ever since the day she came into the kitchen and found me and Gill screwing like rabbits on the kitchen table. We jumped up but as we were bullock naked, she had a good eyeful. Gill told me that a few days after her mother said she was a lucky girl and that meat wasn’t on rationing when I was born. I noticed she looked at me differently afterwards and we got on really well.
I was working one day on some pictures I’d taken for a friend. His latest girlfriend and he wanted them explicit. I was retouching them. All had to be done by hand those days. No digital so very fine brush and a bl ack dye called spotting medium.
“You fancy a cup of coffee, Brian love,” Gill’s grandmother. She was a nice old dear. Seventy-three and slim but with a good figure. You could see the lines on her face but she kept herself in good nick. A mane of silver-grey hair was always well coiffure. Today it was a little untidy and she looked a little red-eyed.
“Sure, Nan,” I said. “You all right?”
She assured me she was and went over to the sink and filled the kettle and switched it on. I watched and she was definitely not all right. I stood up and wen over to her. She pulled the dressing gown around her tighter.
“Come on,” I cajoled. “We can’t have my favourite girl miserable. Tell me what it is.”
She laughed and as she made the tea she told me that it was ten years to the day since her Harry had died. They had been married for over fifty year and had three c***dren. Gill’s mum was the youngest.
I finished off making the coffee and took it to the table and then sat her down. I went to the cupboard for some biscuits and when I returned she was looking at the pictures, wide eyed.
“They never had pictures like this in my day,” she said selecting another one. “A girl would rather die than pose like this.”
“You reckon?” I said as I placed the biscuits before her. She took one but her eyes were looking for the next photo.
I went over to my book rack and selected a German book. I opened it to a page and placed it in front of her.
“These are Victorian pictures,” said. “Nothing new under the sun. She was amazed. It was a rare book. Well, rare in England. Our censorship laws meant that ‘art’ book had to be sold in plain brown wrapper from seedy shops in Soho. I must admit I’d been a little naughty. I had shown her a picture of a couple of girls in a very explicit scene to see how she reacted. I had imagined she would drop the book. But no, she actually started to turn the pages and there were some very explicit old photos in there.
“bloody hell,” she said. “I never knew this sort of thing existed. I don’t think Harry did either. If he did, it never did anything for him.”
I was a bit surprised that she’d actually said that.
“Was he not into it then?”
She looked at me as though she was debating something in her mind. She looked down at the book again then back at me.
“He gave up sex after Annie was born,” she said softly. “That was over forty years ago..
“So what did you do then?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, for – sex?”
“What could I do? Nothing. He just went off it so I had to lump it. And you didn’t go out and find someone else then”
“But didn’t you even sort yourself out?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean – Masterbation?”
“No! That’s for men!”
“Is it hell,” I said and took the book and found a page showing a girl with a large dildo.
She was engrossed.
“And Harry’s been dead now for ten years,” I said. “Isn’t it about time you let another man have the pleasure of your body.”
“Have you seen the men old enough to want me? Fat old sods for the most part and haven’t used it for years. Same as Harry. And look at me. Who wants a wrinkly?”
“Hey,” I said moving in behind her. “You’ve still got a lot going for you. Great tits,”
As I said it I reached down over her shoulders and grabbed one in each hand. I was surprised at how firm they were for a woman of her age. I had expected her to knock my hand away but she didn’t and I had a good grope.
“Well?” she said. “Had a good feel?”
“If you’re giving me a choice,” I said. “Then not yet!”
She laughed and slapped myhand but didn’t try to remove them. Instead she rested her head back against me and let me massage them for her.
“It’s been bloody lonely here,” she said. “What with Annie out all day at work and your Gill out. I was rattling around in here all by myself. It’s good to have someone else in the house.”
“Especially when he’s kneading your tits?”
Once again the laugh. “No-one’s needed them for years,” she said rather wistfully. “It’s nice to feel them held so gently.”
I slid one hand under her dressing gown and inside the nightdress. Her tits were firm and felt good but she placed a hand up to stop me massaging.
“Come on, Brian,” she said. “You’re my grand-daughter’s husband. What would Gill say?”
“Will Gill know?”
She turned her head to look at me.
“I don’t know if I could face her,” she almost whispered. I moved round in front of her and knelt before her.
“She won’t ever know from me,” I said looking into her dark, hazel eyes that had lost none of their allure and now had a sparkle. “And if it helps you, she’s fucking her way to the top at work.”
“She is?”
I nodded.
“How do you think sshe got her promotion so quickly. Her boss was very, very grateful.”
I eased the dressing gown off her shoulders and down her harms. Then the straps on a rather fetching and lacy night-dress. Her tits were beautiful. Firm. Not saggy as I’d expected and her aureolae were a delicate pink with neat, hard nipples. It was totally silent as I moved my face towards them and took her left tit in my mouth.
“Oh, Fuck!” she said and immediately followed that with. “Sorry, Brian. I didn’t mean to say that. It just slipped out.”
I looked up at her worried face and grinned.
“I like you saying that,” I said. “I find it very exciting.”
“But I’m a lady........”
“Yes and I love to hear ladies using the filthiest of language. So go ahead.” I returned to my sucking.
“Things have really changed,” she whispered and cuddled my head to her. “My Harry would have gone berserk. Oh, Yes that is so nice.”
With my left hand free, I began to move it up between her legs and it was nearly at the top of her thigh.
“No!” she said suddenly standing up and pulling her clothes back up. “We can’t. We mustn’e!”
“Are you saying you didn’t like that?” I asked standing and looking at her.
“That’s the trouble, Brian. I like it too much and it’s not right. You’re Gill’s husband and I’m a seventy-three year old Grannie who hoped....”
“Hoped what?” I asked noting the sudden stop. “Come on, Gran. What was it you hoped?”
The blush went right down to her upper chest and I wondered it it went all over her chest.
“If you must know,” she said defiantly. “I hoped you would be undressed and I’d catch a glimpse of you naked. There! Satisfied?” I’m just a silly old woman who let her imagin......”
My lips locked on hers to stop her talking and my tongue teased between them. She resisted at first bu then let herself go and her tongue wrestled with mine and her arms went round my neck. From me doing the kissing it had changed and she hungrily tried to eat my lips.
We must have been kissing like that for at least five minutes before we pulled apart and looked into each others’ eyes.
“No-one has ever kissed me like that,” she said. Taking her right hand I guided it down between us.
“Well you can feel that I enjoyed it,” I said with a grin placing her hand on my hard erection. Her eyes opened wide.
“Fucking hell!” she said, this time she didn’t apologise for the expletive. “Bet that makes Gill’s eyes water.”
“Thanks for the compliment,” I laughed. “It’s not that big. Here, Have a good feel.”
Unzipping my flies I guided her hand inside and into the waistband of my very brief pants. Gill always liked me to wear a size too small to show it off to its maximum. Her fingers groped around it and gripped it firmly.
“It feels a bloody sight bigger than Harry’s was.”
“You could get it out and have a good look. Just to be sure.”
She giggled like a schoolgirl holding her first cock and her hand wrestled it out of my trousers. I winced a bit as she bent it against its will through my flies, but it was out and she was looking down at it. I had to admit, he’s put on a good show for the old girl I think I’d only seen him that hard when I’d popped Gill’s cherry as a fifteen year old schoolgirl.
I began to ease her dressing-gown and nightdress up but she stopped me.
“Come on,” I said softly. “Fair’s fair. You’ve seen mine now it’s time for me to see yours.”
She dropped her hands and stood rather like a naughty c***d caught pinching sweets. I went down on my knees and slowly raised her clothes. I was thrilled. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. Very pale for lack of sunbathing, and blue veins showed through. She only had one wrinkle that I could see. The big wrinkle between her legs and it was as bald as a baby’s. I placed my hand on her mons and felt the intake of breath but her legs were firmly together. With my thumb I gently massaged the little inverted ‘V’ and heard her soft sighing moan.
“You shave,” I said.
“No,” she replied, a little huskily. “No, It lost its hair when Harry died and it’s never grown back. Looks like a plucked chicken.”
“It looks like a young girls,” I corrected and tried to ease my thumb between her legs.
“Please, Brian,” she said. “We shouldn’t.....”
“Sssshhhh”” I said as I put my face to her groin and let my tongue explore the soft groove.
“Oh, my God! What are you doing?” she almost cried and tried to pull back. I held her buttocks and she squirmed as I probed the small part of her pussy that was available. Fianlly she pulled away.
“Didn’t Harry ever give cunnilingus?” I asked.
“Cunni, what?” she said straightening her clothes.
“Cunnilingus. Didn’t he ever lick your cunt?”
“My -, My -......”
“Cunt, Gran. It’s your cunt!”
“He never did anything like that,” she said, almost shocked. “And he never called it that.”
“Well from now on, you will call it that.” I said and pushed her back so her bum rested against the table.
“I can’t,” she gasped.
“You can,” said as I kissed her neck from her ear-lobe down to her shoulder and back. “You can, my sexy lady.”
“No, Really I can’t – I really, really.....Ooooohhhh!”
As I was kissing her my hand went back under her clothes and she just wasn’t quick enough to close her legs and my fingers were in her cunt and stroking it, one penetrating her hole.
“Tell me you want me to stroke your lovely, sexy, soft, cunt. Tell me.”
“Oh fucking hell!” she said. “Fucking, fucking hell – Yes! I want you to finger it.”
“Finger what?”
“Finger my – cunt! You bastard. There I’ve said it. I want you to finger my CUNT!”
“Good girl,” I said softly. “Now you will always call it that for me.” I said softly and knelt on the floor, easing her clothes fully up and parting her legs.
“What are you....Oh my God! Oh no, You can’t lick me there Ohhhhh! Fuck what is that.... Oh Fuck! Oh, Fuck! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oooooohhhhhhaaaahhhhh!”
Her hips bucked and writhed and I had a very hard time trying to keep her on my tongue. Juice was flowing from her very wet slit and I was swallowing as fast as I could but could still feel it dripping down my chin. She was almost crying and then she screamed and a flood came. She gushed into my open mouth and her hands were at the back of my head. It felt like she was trying to force me into her hole. I was snatching breaths of air as I could but loving the feeling of her cunt over my face and her cum flooding my mouth.
Then it was subsiding and she lay back and released the pressure on my head. I stood up and kissed her firmly on the lips and she hungrily ate my face, savouring all her juices. Finally we separated and she lay panting on the table like a cheap whore, her clothes up, her hair all over the place and her legs wide.
“I thought I was having a heart attack,” she panted. I laughed.
“You had an orgasm,” I said. “That’s all.”
“All? I’ve never had anything like that in my life before,” she said and looked at me. “My God, you’re covered. Did I piss myself. It felt like I did.”
“No,” I assured her. “You just squirted. You should be proud. Not many girls can do that.”
“I’m shaking all over.”
“Well we can’t have that now, can we,” I said scoping her up in my arms. She was quite light and her orgasm had made her very compliant. I carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She watched as I stood and unbuttoned my shirt, unfastened my trousers and let them fall to the floor and wriggled out of my tight underpants. I climbed onto the bed and eased her dressing gown off her and slipped the nightdress over her head. She looked like a frightened schoolgirl waiting her first time.
Pulling her legs apart I gazed down at the cunt I’d been slurping juice from moments before. She made no effort to cover herself in her post-orgasmic state and I moved between her legs and guided my cock head to her wet gash.
“Brian, love,” she almost whispered. “This is Gill’s bed. Gill’s and yours.”
“Yes,” I said as I ran my cock head up and down the wet slit, feeling her hard clit on it at one end, and her deep well at the other end. “And I’m going to fantasize about this when I next fuck her.”
Our lips met and she was passionately kissing me, her tongue working inside my mouth like a snake. Then a sudden moan of pleasure as I thrust hard into her. She was tight. Very tight. Despite all her cum lubricating my cock, she was like a virgin and I’d never have guessed that three babies had come out of this hole.
“You’re like a virgin,” I said. Your cunt is beautiful and tight.”
“It hasn’t been used for over thirty years,” She said.
“Well it’s going to get well used now,” I said looking down at her.
“Yes! I’m going to fuck you all over the house and every day,” I replied as I thrust into her hard.
“Oh, Yes, Brian. Yes, yes, yes. Fuck me! Fuck me hard. Fuck my cunt til I scream again. I want it to fucking throb.”
I rammed my cock into her, all the while telling her that she was now my little fucking whore and she laughed as another orgasm built in her belly.
“Fuck me! Fuck me Brian.” She was almost crying and her hips thrust back at me. “Fuck me like a whore and fill my cunt up with you cum. I want to .......OoooohhhhhhhhYES! YES! YES! YES!”
She came at the same time I did. I watched her eyes roll back in her head and a silent scream came from her mouth and she was cumming all over my cock and balls and I was shooting spunk deep inside her belly. More spunk than I’ve ever shot before.
Finally we fell back and lay side by side, panting and laughing.
“Is that what fucking is?” she asked the rhetorical question. “No wonder they make such a fuss about it.”
“Have you never...”
“No!” she said sharply. Then softer. “No, I never have. And, Brian, my sexy lover, neither must we again.”
“Oh I’m sorry Annie,” I said, feeling that calling her Gran after what had just happened was wrong. “But we won’t stop now. I’m not going to let you go now.”
“No,” I said and turned and cuddled her to me. “I’m going to fuck you again and again.”
“When?” she asked after a long pause.
“When are you going to fuck me again?”
I placed a kiss on her silver-grey hair.
“About half an hour,” I said. She laughed.
Then I can get forty winks,” she giggled. “Wake me up when he’s nice and hard again.”
It was a hell of a day and a hell of a three years we had before Gill and I had to move abroad for work. Annie died while we were abroad. In the years we had together, she was the sexiest woman I have ever met. After her first reluctance, she turned into a really dirty whore and would do anything that we enjoyed. Ask me nicely and I might just tell you some of the fun things we did.
Neither Gill nor her mother, Anne ever found out about our relationship. A few of Annie’s friends knew. But they were discrete. They didn’t want their husbands to know what they did of an afternoon, after all.

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 9

When we got back to the girls' flat Gino and I made ourselves comfortable in the armchairs; Francine sat on my lap, Rita sat on his. We opened the wine we had brought; red for us, white for the girls — Gino never takes any chances when it comes to getting a fuck -— and for the next half hour we talked and joked. Gradually the talking fell quiet, and it was coming to crunch time. It was Rita who got the ball rolling. She had been squirming around on Gino's lap for the last 5 minutes, no...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Dream Come True 2

Needless to say, I was MORE than willing. We went to the room with all the girls and she introduced me to them. She pulls down my pants and Im already hard as a rock. She goes down for a couple minutes, then, 1 by 1, she has her friends come up to me and practices on my cock. She finishes me off and after she swallowed, says "when he recovers, your all gonna have a taste of his cum." I wound up getting blown again, but I came on her face, so the others could lick a little and get a taste. An...

3 years ago
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Parent Trouble 3

I had to go about this very carefully. One wrong step and I could ruin what I had built up. The plan was to keep spying on her in her bedroom as much as possible. This would be easier now that dad was sleeping on the couch. Since he'd been fucking me, he didn't want to be anywhere near her. Anyway, she wasn't exactly complaining, they were pretty much estranged at this point. My idea was to catch her masturbating. I knew she had to be, cause she wasn't fucking anybody. She's human; she'd have...

2 years ago
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Ruths Room

Some asshole had tried to explain to me, back in April, that the single-room in Waterford was “the size of a postage stamp.” What a lying little bitch. “Oh my god,” Stacy had squealed, “I hear there isn’t even, like, a real bed in there, it’s just, like, a mattress thrown on the floor.” “REALLY?!” I had exclaimed, genuinely excited. I had always enjoyed visions of debauched Thoreaueanism. Keeping things simple and skanky. That mattress could get awfully dirty, then. Good way to bring a princess...

1 year ago
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Krissy Lynn 1700 276000

Krissy Lynn is a porn star's name, if I've ever heard one. I can easily picture myself screaming it while she rides my cock in reverse cowgirl. Fortunately, this bitch looks as much like a porn star as her name makes it sound. Few ladies display as much cock talent on film as this slut.Being Tiny and Fuckable Gets You FarKrissy is a diminutive five foot three inches, which is perfect throwing around height. I'm unsure how I ever fit my cock in her before, but I found a way. Needless to say, her...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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After, I got married a period of 20 years passed during which I never jerked off. Our married sex life was enjoyable and the need never seemed to arise. However, that all changed one day when we were staying at a motel on a trip to the Rockies. I wasn’t in a very good mood one morning after I had had to listen to the neighbors fucking half the night. My wife was too tired from a long day on the road so she took a sedative and missed hearing all the action next door. So I was tired and horny the...

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Mutual Lust

You were there in the kitchen, I walked down a path at the side of the house which lead only to the back yard. The entrance was hidden on the right of the house but I missed it because of the car parked close to the side door. However I was now in the back and was gazing at you through the kitchen window. You were looking at what appeared to be a recipe and were writing down a list. Your head was tilted to the right and your hair hung against your cheek. You brushed it away absentmindedly and...

4 years ago
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Roommates Friend

It's Tez again....been awhile since I was here and shared a story with ya. Well as you read from my previous stories, I was newly divorced after 16 years and went a little wild lol. This story here happened about a year after my divorce and had moved in with c***d hood buddy. He was rather quiet guy enjoyed his drink and smoke whenever possible. So we had just moved to new place and we both had different ladies in and out all the time. Jack so happened to have this one lady friend Gayle.. that...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sex With My Wife

My wife and I were lying on the bed one Friday night, I was laying on my back and my head is on my chest, and I was stroking her cheek ever so softly. We're watching a movie, but she's barely aware of it, enjoying the gentle, tender touch of my fingers brushing her cheek lightly. I noticed that she's stirred deep inside, emotionally first, thinking how amazing I am, how lucky she is, how good it feels to be mine. There is another stirring deep inside her body, wanting to be close to me, to...

4 years ago
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Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect

Author : JINGBANG Email: For the Part 1 of this story please go to I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also...

2 years ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 25

The house was strong built and clean kept. The furnishings looked hand made by a master woodworker. There were fine rugs under the furniture in the main room and in the kitchen the floor had been smoothed down with a wood plane making the finish smooth and flat. The board floor had been scrubbed and mopped so many times the wood was nearly faded out white. Hilda Ehrlichmann was a fine cook and had prepared a feast for their supper. They had pork loin, cooked cabbage, field peas, mashed...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Sophia Locke Fucks Her Cheating Man8217s Friend

The gorgeous redhead with alluring blue eyes, Sophia Locke, is fuming mad because her man cheated on her. To get back at him for his infidelity, Sophia wants to fuck one of his closest friends and record it for him to watch. The stunning hottie with an arm sleeve tattoo wastes no time at all. She shows off her big tits and pink nipples before dropping to her knees to give her man’s friend a blowjob. After worshipping the hard dick, Sophia lies on the bed. She lets the horny lad fuck her...

3 years ago
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Change for an Archangel Part 1

Change for an Archangel Part 1 There was this beautiful girl name Loren, who lives in Sacramento California; she was the perfect girl that every guy wants, She was blonde, blue eyes, well shaped ass, big size breasts, and her lips is so luscious. She was 18, 5'9 tall, and she was an honor student in senior in high school. But there something happens to her she was depressed because he had 12 boyfriends and never find the right one. One day in her home she was thinking of giving up...

2 years ago
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My New Neighbours

I noticed recently that a new family had moved in opposite, I had seen the woman a couple of times, she was quite cute in a plain sort of way, early 30’s at a guess and quite a slim figure but I didn’t know until yesterday that she had a daughter, I had never seen a man so thought it could be interesting.The first time I saw Lucy (the daughter) was yesterday morning, I had got out of bed and pulled the curtains and saw her come out her front door in her school uniform.Good job the window ledge...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 36 A Bad Influence

December 1981, Chicago, Illinois I really should have guessed that what Jennifer was saying was prompted by a girlfriend who saw me as a competitor, but I had to know if it was just Jocelyn, or if it was from Jennifer’s therapist as well. “And not your therapist?” I asked. “No. The reason Doctor Clauson didn’t want me to come is because she knows how I feel about you and that you’re in a serious relationship with Kara. She’s afraid that I’ll have a serious setback, or do something stupid...

2 years ago
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1-900-DRESSUP By Ricky I'm sure that you have seen an ad or two (or twenty) for one of those 900 phone services. They usually have neat names like 1-900-HOT-HOTT, which is a real number that a teenage neighbor called twice on my garage phone before I caught him. If I ever could understand why someone would pay $25 for the first four minutes of talk when for a smaller monetary investment you could go to a bar somewhere and buy some floozy a few drinks and get the talk live, or...

3 years ago
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Session Ended Up With Lot Of Fun

Hi am Rajesh, but I like being called Raji. I am 20 and a part time cross dresser. I look as a beautiful girl when I get dressed and apply some makeup. You can see my pics on my FB profile (Raji angel).   Now coming to the story, the story started by some online chatting. When I was searching for some online friends I met this guy named pavan (name changed) he likes calling him (pavani). It all started this way he was my online friend at first we chatted normally. We introduced ourselves. He...

Gay Male
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Jessicas Tape

Jessica woke up when she heard the doorbell ringing. She looked at the clock; it was pretty late in the afternoon. She must have slept really heavy again. She felt sore 'down there' maybe she was going to start her period. That was strange, she had had her period just a week ago, mayby she was early, no matter. She put on a robe and went down stairs. She looked out the peep hole in the door and saw no one. Then she noticed a package laying on the door step. She undid the dead bolt and the...

3 years ago
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Saheli Ke Bhai Se Chudi

By : Nishagupta151 Mera naam Nisha Gupta hai me rajsthan ki rahne wali hu me ISS ki regular reader hu easki kahaniya kitni sachhi hai me nahi janti lekin me aapko apni jo kahani batane ja rahi hu vo bilkul sachhi hai. me jab bhi ISS ki story padhti to mere man me bhi ichha hoti me bhi kisi handsome larke ki baho me chali jau aur vo mujhe bahut pyar kare aur mujhe pyar se chode meri fighure 32 / 28 / 32 hai aur mera colour fair hai. Meri saheliya mujhe bolti nisha tum eatni sexy ho yaar ki...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Samantha stood in front of the mirror admiring the costume she’d bought months ago in preparation for this night. It was October 31st , the night of her company’s big Halloween masquerade ball. Samantha worked for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies Nicrosafe that produced internet surfing software. She was an executive IT tech. Her job was interesting enough. But because of it she was always classified as a nerd or geek. But tonight she planned on showing everyone that...

Love Stories
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Two

The Exchange 1 Burt was shoveling dirty hay from the floor of one of the stable stalls when Ann approached him, a mischievous expression on her face. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows as he worked. She watched him for several minutes, staring at his rippling muscles; the careless attitude he had in his body language, entirely devoid of decorum. He obviously didn't care one whit about the way he carried himself or looked with his scruffy clothes and deliciously...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

4 years ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 1

There is not much sexual content in this part but there will be later on. I love stories that have a plot to them. Most characters have not had much physical descriptions to them yet and for that I am sorry. Please help me out in the comment on then and please tell me what you think! This is my first time writing a story like this, but I like it so far and have the next part in Progress. Sorry for any issues in the writing like misspellings. --------------------- Sam is 16,...

4 years ago
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Sex With Jewel Banker Shop Sudha

Hi I am Kulla 26 years old, married and having beautiful wife which she satisfy all my need. I am from Villupuram – Tamil Nadu. Two years before I ran one Gift shop basically I am computer Hardware person and known DTP by experience. Opposite to my there is one Jewel banker shop. There one married woman working named Sudha age 26, have one 5 years old child. Her husband is running watch repair shop. Sudha is very beautiful woman and having big breast, her size is 34B, 30, 32 but she is...

2 years ago
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Summer Favor

I was having a banner day at the apartment complex pool. The day was clear and hot and Seraphine was there with some friends. Seraphine was a 34 year old with a nice round butt, full natural breasts and a perfect tan. I had gotten to know her from our mutual time spent at the pool. I liked being at the pool when she was there not just to watch her climb out of the pool but also because she talked to me like an adult. It may have been because on most days we were the only two there.

1 year ago
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Charlies secret wife

How my decision to stay single, helped my aunt ease on her tensed lifestyle and turned to a complete new level. It has multiple Chapters followed based on reviews. Chapter - 1 - who's Roxxie? Chapter - 1 - Who's Roxxie? "Hi Aunt Roxxie, how was your day?", As I entered my aunt's lavish mansion carrying groceries and her essentials. "Charlie! Don't call me aunty.. how many times I have told you not to!" "But mom doesn't like if I call you just Roxxie the hottest wife I have""Well atleast you...

1 year ago
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In The Kings ArmyChapter 5

Dev found out that being company commander was a busy and difficult job. He thought back sadly to his friend who had died in the battle a few days ago. He was still numb over all the deaths that had come to his platoon. Some of those people he had known for over a year. Now he had a company to deal with. Overall, the company lost seventy percent of its riders, and forty percent of its horses. A great many of those horses had to be put down after the battle, being too badly injured to...

3 years ago
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A Sexy Threesome

The ceiling fan luxuriously blew over our naked bodies as we laid on the bed talking about our pasts. Getting to know each other, as they like to say. My girlfriend's head rested on my thigh, her hand sliding over my stomach, hips, and slipping occasionally to stroke my semi hard cock. My own hand glided lazily up and down her slim athletic thighs. Though the lights were off, I could see the outline of her body in the moonlight. She is, by far, the sexiest woman I have ever known. Half...

2 years ago
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Bridgets Nights Ch 04

Its not often that I am completely tongue-tied, especially after over 400 hundred years of talking at all opportunities. This was one of them. I stood there with my mouth open and my brain in a whirl. Here he was, alive, my god more than alive. ‘He still looked incredible’, remarked the part of my brain that never seemed to sleep and always noticed these things. ‘They told me you were dead,’ Myron said quietly, his eyes not leaving mine. Oh, boy. I couldn’t figure out to break the news to him...

4 years ago
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Debby the whores office submission

She straightened her clothes and washed her hands, then flushed the toilet for good measure before pushing open the bathroom door and running headlong into her boss. By his casual stance, she knew he'd been standing there waiting for her to emerge. She could feel her face flushing, but there was no way he knew what she was doing in the bathroom.He smiled down at her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I think we should take a walk," he said in a way that suggested she didn't have a...

3 years ago
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Peggy Againpart three

So I asked Peggy what it was, and her response was one I will never forget. "Fuck me good, fuck me hard, fuck me until I forget about my idiot cheating husband". I agreed and we went back into my room. I ate her pussy and asshole like it was my favorite dessert. While my tongue was in her pussy, a figer or two explored her ass. She squirmed a bit and was getting really wet. I reached up and squeezed both her tits, still with my tongue in her pussy. She then started vibrating and curled up in...

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