L'?ducation De Dominique 5 free porn video

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Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, pourquoi la fais-tu souffrir, pourquoi toujours vouloir la rendre jalouse, pourquoi ne l'?coutes-tu pas?? Ta vie actuelle ne te plait-elle pas?car ? par l'?cole, tu as peu de choses ? te soucier, non?? Je ne sus rien r?pondre car je sais qu'elle a raison et que je le fais expr?s de provoquer cette situation. Ecoute, continua-t-elle, je ne t'ai pas ?lev? comme cela et je suis enti?rement d'accord avec Marie quant aux propositions qu'elle a faite pour t'aider ? avoir une conduite plus respectueuse vis-?-vis d'elle. A la fin du mois, tu partiras donc au stage ou nous t'avons inscrit et d'ici l?, nous allons veiller encore plus intensivement ? ta conduite et, nous serons toutes intransigeantes face au moindre ?cart. Cela veut dire que d?s que tu es hors de la maison, tu seras syst?matiquement ba?llonn?, entrav? et dans la mesure du possible, aveugl?. Tu ne peux sortir, tu ne peux t?l?phoner ou prendre contact avec quelqu'un de l'ext?rieur sans l'avis de l'une de nous en ce y compris Marie ou sa maman. Chaque incartade sera sanctionn?e et toute r?cidive s?v?rement punie. Je me retirai donc dans ma chambre sans mot dire et n'en descendit que pour le souper ou je n'osai, ?videmment, rien dire. Le lendemain, d?s que je fus pr?t ? partir, Anne me passa mes menottes aux poignets ainsi qu'aux chevilles et elle me fit enfourner les feuilles de journal. Dans la voiture, elle me dit qu'elle n'avait rien pour m'aveugler mais que d?s ce soir, elle aurait ?t? achet? le n?cessaire. Je suis d??ue par ton comportement car tu as la chance d'avoir une petite amie qui t'aime et qui prend soin de toi et toi, tu ne trouves pour la r?compenser que de la bafouer. Et voil?, maintenant, tu subis les foudres de toutes. Arriv?s ? l'?cole, elle me retire mes menottes et c'est la t?te basse que je rejoins Marie. Elle me fit ? peine la bise tant elle paraissait encore f?ch?e. Toute la journ?e se passa sans pratiquement aucun ?change de parole. Le soir, elle me pla?a soigneusement mon ba?llon journal et m'accompagna ? la voiture d'Anne. A l'int?rieur de celle-ci, elle veilla au placement de mes entraves et Anne, apr?s avoir plac? sur mes l?vres une bande de tape transparente, sortit de la bo?te ? gants une paire de lunettes de soleil et elle montra ? Marie qu'elles ?taient totalement opaques. Marie la remercia et Anne lui dit, attends ce n'est pas tout, j'ai aussi une paire de lunettes de natation qui sont peintes et l?, quant il est ? la maison, on peut lui placer sans le risque qui ne les fassent tomber. Marie reconnut l'id?e int?ressante mais j'ai trouv? mieux et j'ai command?, d?s r?ception, je vous montrerai. La semaine se passa ainsi mais Marie ne d?col?rant pas, les contacts furent limit?s au minimum mais ma surveillance, par contre, ?tait au maximum. Le samedi, maman m'emmena en ville afin d'effectuer quelques emplettes vestimentaires et, elle m'annon?a que nous les ferions accompagn?es de Marie. Elle passa par son domicile pour la prendre. Marie me parut plus radieuse que la veille et elle s'installa ? l'arri?re pr?s de moi. Marie montra sa derni?re trouvaille, des lentilles qui lorsqu'on les portent, font voir flou et donc, cela permet de se d?placer mais ne permet pas de voir correctement les gens ou les choses. Elle dit, tu te rends compte qu'ainsi, pour tout le monde, il aura seulement l'air d'une personne avec une vue d?ficiente. Maman ne put que reconna?tre l'ing?niosit? des lentilles et que de cette mani?re, on peut r?ellement le priver de la vue en toute discr?tion. Marie me les pla?a et vu ma docilit?, elle me fit un bisou sur la joue mais pour moi, quelle sensation ?trange cela me procure. Distinguer sans r?ellement voir. A la sortie de la voiture, elles m'encadr?rent toutes les deux afin que je ne risque pas de me blesser ou m?me de tomber. Arriv?s pr?s du magasin de lingerie, maman m'?ta discr?tement mes menottes et Marie mon ba?llon. Le but ?tait de renouveler mes soutiens-gorge car ma poitrine ?voluait et je devais changer de bonnet. Ce furent, ?videmment, maman et Marie qui choisirent les mod?les, elles s'int?ress?rent ? un corset et ? quelques v?tements de nuit. Ne voyant pratiquement rien, je ne pus ?mettre aucun avis sur les choix et pendant que je me rhabillais, elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient oubli? le journal dans la voiture. Une librairie jouxtant le magasin, Marie sortit et revint promptement avec un et, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, entra dans ma cabine afin de me r?duire au silence. Mes menottes me furent replac?es aussi. Nous avons alors rejoint maman au comptoir et la vendeuse, pointant les diff?rents articles, me demanda si j'?tais satisfaite de mes choix. Etant dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre, maman vint ? mon aide en r?pondant oui. Nous avons ainsi fait 3 magasins et Marie me tenait par le bras pour me guider. De retour ? la voiture, elle me pla?a mes menottes aux chevilles et me pla?a aussi des ?couteurs, y relia son Ipod et la musique se mit en route, s'y bien que je n'entendais plus rien d'autre qu'elle. Elle alla s'installer pr?s de maman afin qu'elles puissent discuter tranquillement. De retour ? la maison, je fus install? sur une chaise, Marie prit son foulard et renfor?a mon ba?llon mais elle me retira les lentilles. Il fallut quelques minutes pour que ma vue redevienne normale. Elles s'install?rent toutes autour de la table afin de faire le point avant mon d?part au stage ? la fin de la semaine suivante. Marie v?rifia que son Ipod fonctionnait toujours et elle augmenta le volume. La conversation fut comme d'habitude tr?s anim?e car chacune d'elles souhaitait que ce stage f?t une r?ussite et donc, elles tenaient ? ce que tous les documents soient remplis convenablement. Au bout de plus d'une heure, elles eurent termin?s et, Anne vint m'?ter l'Ipod et mon ba?llon. Maman s'exprima en premier en me demandant si j'avais conscience de tout le mal qu'elles se donnaient, toutes, pour moi. Je r?pondis benoitement que non et Marie, ne put que dire, c'est bien tout le probl?me avec vous, les hommes, vous ne voyez jamais ce que l'on peut faire pour vous. Elles discut?rent alors sur le stage qui m'attendait dans l'entreprise et Marie me briffa sur ce qui m'attendait, sur les r?ponses que l'on attendait de moi, sur l'importance de l'impression que je pourrais donner. Apr?s autant de recommandations, j'avais l'impression d'?tre d?pass? et moi, qui n'avait pas l'habitude de cela puisque j'ai l'habitude que l'on agisse pour moi, je commence d?j? ? regretter de devoir m'ex?cuter celui-ci. Le d?but de la semaine se passait normalement mais plac?e sous une surveillance de tous les instants. Le mercredi tant redout? arrive, j'ai une boule dans l'estomac mais en m?me temps, je ne me sens pas bien et j'ai mal au ventre. Arriv? ? midi, je le dis ? Marie qui se montre inqui?te mais met cela sur l'angoisse, elle me b?illonne avec les feuilles du journal, me place mes menottes sous ma cape et nous repartons chez elle. A son domicile, elle me retire mon b?illon pour me demander comment je vais et si je veux manger. Je lui que non et que la douleur ne me quitte pas. Tout d'un coup, une douleur fulgurante me prend et je tombe sur le sol. Marie appelle son m?decin et d?cide de m'?ter les menottes et ma ceinture de chastet?. Pour ce faire, elle utilise une pince pour sectionner le cadenas. Sur ces entrefaits, le m?decin arrive et d'embl?e diagnostique une p?ritonite. L'op?ration d'urgence s'impose et prend contact avec une ambulance. Pendant ce temps, Marie t?l?phone ? sa m?re qui lui conseille de me faire transporter dans une clinique priv?e ou elle conna?t bien la directrice. Elle appelle ensuite ma maman afin de la pr?venir et lui dire ou je suis emmen?. Malgr? la douleur, j'ai bien conscience que Marie n'a pas perdu son sang- froid et a les choses en main. Elle se montre si douce et si attentionn?e envers moi qu'? mes yeux, elle est LA femme de ma vie. L'ambulance nous conduit vers la clinique et durant tout le trajet, elle me tient la main et me rassure. A la clinique, ma maman est d?j? l?, transie d'inqui?tude, je la vois ? peine car d?j?, on m'emm?ne vers la salle d'op?ration. A mon r?veil, je vois que tout le monde est pr?sent, ma maman, mes s?urs, ma Marie et sa maman. Ma s?ur a?n?e prend la parole et dit, que je leur ai, ? toutes, fait une belle frayeur mais que maintenant tout va bien. Elles ont toutes un regard attendri et bienveillant, m?me la maman de Marie qui, d'habitude est si froide et distante. Je la regarde et m'excuse pour les tracas que je viens de lui procurer mais aussi car je n'ai pas pu me rendre au rendez-vous. Elle s'exprime pour la premi?re avec une voix douce et me dit ne pas me tracasser avec tout cela mais plut?t que je retrouve au plus vite la sant?. Encore sous l'effet de l'anesth?siant, quelques minutes apr?s, je me rendormis. Ce n'est qu'en pleine nuit, je me r?veillai en sursaut, comme si tout cela n'?tait qu'un mauvais r?ve. En voyant ma chambre d'h?pital, je me rendis compte que tout cela ?tait vrai et, ma s?ur Anne, pr?sente ? mon chevet, vint me rassurer. Au petit matin, avant d'aller ? l'?cole, Marie vint me voir, pour aussi s'assurer que je me portais bien. J'eus droit ? un baiser plein d'amour. Elle me d?posa aussi quelques revues f?minines et repartit presque aussi vite. Maman arriva juste apr?s et rassur?e de me voir avec des couleurs, m'annon?a qu'elle allait passer la journ?e avec moi et que cette nuit, ce serait Beth. Ta sortie est normalement pr?vue samedi et d'ici l?, ne t'inqui?te pas, il y aura toujours l'une d'entre nous aupr?s de toi. Pour les soins, c'est une jeune infirmi?re, jolie et pleine de douceurs qui s'occupe de moi. Il y a bien longtemps qu'une main f?minine autre que ma m?re a pu toucher les parties les plus intimes de mon corps. Je ne peux ?viter certaines r?actions et je rougis. Elle en sourit et, en m'adressant un regard complice, cela signifie que je vais bien. La blessure est belle, sans infection et je devrais pouvoir sortir comme pr?vu. La journ?e me parait longue sans Marie et j'attends avec impatience son arriv?e. A 18 heures, elle arrive enfin et, j'ai ? nouveau droit ? un doux baiser. Maman nous laissent et apr?s un autre baiser langoureux, elle constate que cela ne me laisse pas de marbre. Pour les soins du soir, c'est une autre infirmi?re mais elle est toute aussi belle que sa coll?gue. Elle doit d'ailleurs insist? pour que Marie quitte la chambre, la jalousie de celle-ci est trop forte mais l'infirmi?re sans se d?partir de son sourire et de son calme, la met tout simplement hors de la chambre. Apr?s m'avoir prodigu? les soins, c'est en riant qu'elle sort de ma chambre. A peine l'infirmi?re sortie, Marie rentre rouge de col?re mais, pos?ment, me dit que je suis tout simplement trop beau et trop attirant. Tu comprends pourquoi je te prot?ge tant car je ne veux pas que l'on te prenne ? moi. Enfin, dit-elle, si tel est ton souhait aussi. Je rougis et lui r?pond que c'est mon souhait aussi. Nous continu?mes donc la soir?e ? papoter et elle m'embrassa ? plusieurs reprises fougueusement. Beth arriva vers 20h30 pour rester pr?s de moi la nuit. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et dit ? ma s?ur, Dominique use de son charme aupr?s des infirmi?res et elles n'y sont pas insensibles. Beth lui dit, ne t'inqui?te pas, il est entre de bonnes mains. Effectivement, pensai-je, elle est de loin la plus s?v?re et je n'ai surement pas int?r?t ? essayer quoique ce soit, elle ne tol?re aucun ?cart. La journ?e de vendredi se passe calmement, avec maman, dans l'attente de la venue de Marie. Maman me fait quand m?me la remarque que je parle et que je suis bien proche des infirmi?res. Comme la veille, vers 18H, Marie arrive, s'enquiert d'abord de moi, de l'?volution. Elle me donne aussi une nouvelle revue f?minine dont les sujets sont la fid?lit? et la jalousie. Elle ajoute lit l? bien car je trouve que le sujet est bien trait?. Maman repart quelques minutes apr?s. Nous profitons des quelques instants de tranquillit? pour nous embrasser, Marie passe alors d?licatement ses doigts sur mon sexe, elle constate imm?diatement que cela ne me laisse pas indiff?rent. Elle s'en joue, tout en sachant bien contr?ler les effets. Plaisir et frustration, un savant cocktail mani? avec doigt?. Nous ?tions en plein baiser lorsque la m?me infirmi?re qu'hier entra pour les soins. Celle-ci pria Marie de sortir qui s'ex?cuta sans lui adresser une parole. L'infirmi?re constata mon ?moi ainsi que la revue qui ?tait bien en ?vidence. Elle sourit et me dit que j'avais une petite amie tr?s jalouse. J'?tais rouge et ne savait que dire. Elle ajouta qu'elle esp?rait que ce n'?tait pas trop car c'est dommage ? mon ?ge de ne pas profiter de la vie. Elle fit ses soins et ses mains allaient bien souvent fr?ler mes parties intimes. J'?tais encore plus en ?moi par la douceur et le doigt? de celle-ci. A la fin des soins, elle me dit au revoir car elle savait que je sortais le lendemain et qu'elle ne me verrait plus. Elle me donna une carte avec ses coordonn?es si jamais, je souhaitais sortir une fois avec elle. Je n'osai refuser et j'en ?tais flatt?. Elle sortit et Marie s'engouffra aussit?t, elle constata que j'?tais bien rouge et soulevant mon drap, remarqua aussi mon trouble. Elle ne dit rien mais son regard ainsi que son attitude n'avaient besoin d'aucune parole. La seule chose qu'elle dit, heureusement demain, tu sors et tout pourra rentrer dans l'ordre. Anne arriva et, les deux femmes, qui s'entendent tr?s bien, sortirent de la chambre pour discuter un peu. Quand elles revinrent, je lisais la revue qu'elle m'avait apport?e et, je n'eus qu'un petit au revoir. Anne s'installa et nous avons discut? de choses et d'autres quant en voulant ranger la revue, je fis tomber la carte de visite de l'infirmi?re, Anne la ramassa et me demanda ce qu'il en retournait. Ne sachant et n'osant pas r?pondre, elle me dit que Marie a totalement raison de dire que l'on ne peut te laisser ainsi car d?s que tu en en as l'opportunit?, tu uses et abuse de ton charme. Je suis d'accord avec elle et Maman le pense aussi donc, nous allons continuer ? te maintenir dans le droit chemin et de mani?re ferme. Maman et Marie arriv?rent ensemble le lendemain matin. Nous attend?mes la visite du chirurgien pour valider ma sortie. Avant de pouvoir m'habiller, maman prit alors une nouvelle ceinture de chastet?, plus contraignante que la pr?c?dente. En effet, celle-ci ?tait plus recourb?e que la pr?c?dente et ne m'autoriserait plus qu'? faire pipi assis, il ne m'?tait plus possible de me toucher et il y avait 2 cadenas en m?tal alors que les pr?c?dents ?taient en plastique. D?s qu'elle fut plac?e, elle remit ? Marie une cl? et me dit, tes s?urs et moi-m?me la trouvons digne de confiance. Marie la remercia. Je m'habillai donc avec les habits de fille que l'ont m'avait apport?. Apr?s avoir enfil? ma cape, maman me pla?a mes menottes. Marie quant ? elle, prit trois feuilles du journal qu'elle avait apport? et elle me les pla?a dans la bouche et des bouchons antibruit dans les oreilles. Je dus m'installer dans la chaise roulante et elles me conduisirent ? la voiture. Marie m'aida ? m'installer ? l'arri?re, me pla?a des menottes aux chevilles, retira son foulard afin de pouvoir m'aveugler et la touche finale fut le tape qui vint sceller mes l?vres. Elle me remonta la capuche de ma cape et me passa la ceinture de s?curit?. Durant le trajet de retour, envelopp? et s?curis? par elle, je savais que je lui appartiendrais pour toujours. Arriv? ? la maison, Marie m'?ta juste le foulard et je fus accueilli avec enthousiasme par mes s?urs. Ce n'est qu'arriv? au salon, que l'on m'?ta le ba?llon et les bouchons antibruit. Maman prit la parole en premier, apr?s cet ?pisode, je pense pouvoir dire au nom de toutes que nous sommes heureuses que tu sois de retour parmi nous. Evidemment, ton stage a d? ?tre annul? mais apr?s concertation, nous sommes toutes d'accord que l'on ne peut rel?cher notre vigilance envers toi. Par ailleurs, en accord et avec le soutien de la th?rapeute, dans les prochains jours, Marie va te faire pratiquer certaines nouvelles techniques afin de t'aider ? ne plus faire d'?cart de bonnes conduites. Certains se passeront chez elle, d'autres ? la maison. Marie s'est tr?s bien document?e sur le sujet et nous lui faisons une totale confiance. Les r?gles qui avaient ?t? introduites avant ton hospitalisation sont toujours en vigueur voire renforc?e. De toute fa?on et en aucun cas, tu ne peux sortir de la maison, de l'?cole ou de chez Marie sans l'une d'entre nous. De plus, tu devras imp?rativement porter des menottes et un ba?llon que l'une de nous t'appliquera. Est-ce clair?? dit-elle en me d?visageant. Oui bredouillai-je. Puis les conversations se firent plus guillerettes et, nous sommes pass?s ? table, Anne vint m'?ter mes menottes. Juste apr?s le repas, elles me furent replac?es et avec Marie, nous sommes sortis faire quelques pas dans le jardin. Au d?tour d'un bosquet, elle m'embrasse goulument et me dit ? l'oreille, combien elle m'aime et combien elle a eu peur pour moi. Je suis ?mu et heureux d'entendre tout cela. Elle continue en me disant par contre qu'elle a de plus en plus dur ? supporter que les autres filles tournent autour de moi et que surtout, j'y pr?te attention. A chaque ?cart de conduite, elle souffre de plus en plus. Elle me demande si je suis conscient de cela. Je lui r?ponds que non. Elle me demande alors si j'accepte de suivre les techniques qu'elle va m'enseigner. Je lui r?ponds ?videmment que oui. Aussi rench?rit-elle, tu es conscient que je vais ?tre encore plus attentive ? l'avenir sur toutes tes fr?quentations et ? la mani?re de me contr?ler. Je ne peux qu'acquiescer. Satisfaite de mes r?ponses, nous sommes rentr?s et, me sentant encore un peu fatigu? par l'op?ration, je partis me reposer dans ma chambre. Le dimanche et le lundi se pass?rent calmement car, tout le monde souhaitait que je gu?risse compl?tement et rapidement. Je passais le plus clair de mon temps dans ma chambre pour ?tudier. Mardi, j'avais rendez-vous chez le m?decin pour contr?ler la cicatrisation de mes plaies, avant de sortir, mes menottes furent plac?es ainsi que les feuilles de journal. Nous sommes pass?s prendre Marie qui ?tait r?ellement heureuse de me retrouver. Une fois n'est pas coutume, elle vint s'installer pr?s de moi durant le trajet. Ce n'est que dans la salle d'attente que l'on me retira entraves et ba?llon. La doctoresse nous re?ut et, apr?s m'?tre d?shabill?, m'ausculta et ne put que constater que ma gu?rison ?tait compl?te. Les fils devraient avoir disparus pour le week-end. Elle m'interrogea sur l'hygi?ne et le soin que j'apportais ? ma toilette de mes parties intimes au vu de ma ceinture de chastet?. J'?tais g?n? de r?pondre et donc, maman r?pondit pour moi, ce qui ne fit qu'accentuer ma g?ne. Elle regarda ?galement ma poitrine et m'invita ? me rhabiller. Pendant ce temps, elle discuta avec maman et Marie. Elle me prescrit donc un nouveau traitement. Dans le couloir pour sortir, mes menottes furent replac?es ainsi que le ba?llon. A chaque fois que je dois l'?tre, Marie s'assure que ma bouche est bien remplie car, elle veut pouvoir contr?ler mes contacts avec les autres. Nous nous rendons ensuite ? la pharmacie pour acheter le traitement prescrit mais aussi, Marie demande pour avoir diff?rents tape chirurgicaux mais aussi des tapes dont la couleur se rapproche de la peau. La pharmacienne lui en montre et pr?sente son nouveau produit qui est un tape tr?s r?sistant, hydrofuge que l'on peut faire dispara?tre sous du maquillage. Maman et Marie se montrent plus qu'int?ress?e et en ach?te deux bo?tes. De retour ? la voiture, Marie me place mes menottes aux chevilles, prend le nouveau tape, d?coupe une bande et me l'applique sur mes l?vres. Elle prend alors son rouge ? l?vre, le passe sur le tape et redessine le pourtour de ma bouche. Maman suit ?a avec attention et est stup?faite par le rendu, Marie aussi. Viennent ensuite des lentilles totalement opaques qui m'aveuglent tout aussi efficacement qu'un bandeau mais tellement plus discr?tement. En dernier, les bouchons anti-bruits qui sont diff?rents des pr?c?dents, car ils sont en latex et viennent obstruer totalement mes canaux auditifs. Je sens la voiture red?marrer, durant le trajet, il y a plusieurs arr?ts mais dans ma position, j'ignore tout du monde ext?rieur. Nouvel arr?t, cette fois, Marie me retire mes bouchons et m'aide ? sortir de la voiture, nous sommes de retour ? la maison. Elle me guide car aveugle, je suis incapable de me diriger, elle me retire ma cape, me fait asseoir sur une chaise, je sens alors qu'elle me place un collier assez large au cou, qui m'oblige ? garder la t?te droite. Elle me retire mes lentilles et mon ba?llon afin que je puisse boire. De retour au salon, maman m'annonce que demain, je vais chez Marie la journ?e compl?te afin de vivre une journ?e de traitement.

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Chapter OneOn my way to work tonight, an older man hit on me. He struck up a conversation, which led to him commenting on my attire. I was blushing. He kept staring at my breasts that were bouncing to the bumps in the road. My hardened nipples were abrading against the softness of my silk blouse. I found it hard to remain focused on the conversation. He was pleasant enough, but when we got off at the same stop, I became worried.Come to find out, he works security in our building. I’d never seen...

3 years ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 2

On Saturday night Helen took care of bathing our two daughters, Phillipa and Mary, while I was preparing their meals and ours. Helen fed them, read them a story and put them to bed. Then the three of us sat down to our dinner. “So Helen,”, I asked, “are you looking forward to more fucking tonight?” “Oh! Yes! I've been hoping all day that you two would be up for more fucking tonight. Is it really OK with both of you?” “No, Helen. It's not just OK with us – it's fucking brilliant....

4 years ago
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Shy Wife Not Anymore7

Hi all. Sorry for delay in posting was out of town. Thanks for all responses. Next part Shilpa came back from the bathroom and started narrating what happened next. “The next day, I decided to dress frumpy. I wore a long sleeved t-shirt, with a bra underneath. And wore trackpants with the grandma panties. Shortly after noon, he was at the door. I had expected Shambhu to be with him, but thankfully he was alone. He didn’t say a word, not as much as a smile. Just walked straight to the studio...

3 years ago
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The Old Man on the BusChapter 2

The friendly old gent that Linda had met on the bus that morning was on her mind all through the first day of secretarial school. She was totally bored with the class because it consisted of all females with the exception of a pair of males that looked and sounded more feminine than some of the girls. She wouldn't be getting any action out of them unless she wore trousers and bent over in a dark closet pretending to be a man. The teacher was a mature man who specialized in office...

2 years ago
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A Simple Japanese Inn

Chapter 1 My name is Peter Edwardes and this is the story of an amazing weekend I had in Tokyo. I had been working in Tokyo then for about five years. I had come over to see an Exhibition and just stayed on, originally working as a language teacher but in the last couple of years I had set up a small business, mainly in the name of a local colleague named Showie. Well actually Shoichi Hadazo but Showie is what everyone calls him. I had started the part-time importing of foodstuffs for...

3 years ago
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The Office Sex With Office Maid

Hi to all! My name is Raj I am 29 years old. I live and work in pune. This is something that happened in my office a few months back. So my office timing is from 11.30 am to 9.30 pm. Everyone’s timings are different and as a result of that, I am usually the last to lock and leave the office. By the time it’s 8.30 pm I am usually alone and I kinda like it in a way. Now every alternate day, we have a woman by the name of Swathi who is 28 years old who comes to clean the office. Since she does...

1 year ago
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You Dont Want To Do What I Wanna Do

Faleshia had her eye on Alex for sometime. But he was always in relationships, relationships with people she knew. Constantly making his rounds with the girls all aroud her, except her. Each day that went by and he would visit, her interest in him flourished. Faleshia was a 21 year old virgin. She wanted nothing more than to give herself to some suave man. Alex filled this description. He had dark hair and dark eyes. His lips were full and looked very kissable. Faleshia herself was a catch. She...

First Time
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My Sexy Cousin8217s Sister

Hi to all incest lovers this is rahul (name chnged). From delhi. This is my first story on iss & this story happen a few months back This story is real one before this incident I also did not believe in incest I though this is all fact & all. Let come to the story this is a true story which happened between my cousin sister Nidhi (name changed) & me. This happen when I was doing 12th & she was doing cs My sister is very sexy & hot types she has got a lovely sweet face & nice figure she has very...

4 years ago
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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 5

Veen was at least comforted a little from the nightmare he’d let himself into, by Varnella’s revelation to the women of Gelding House of her intention to retrieve his Omni battery; it eased his dilemma slightly, knowing the formidable women would now assist in securing it from the position on the green plain that the ship’s indicator had shown. It did not ease his immediate predicament however, and he was conscious of his cock standing rigid in a rude salute to the lush and cruel display of...

4 years ago
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E027 Pearl Twelve

Donald wakes with mixed emotions.  Yesterday had been so wonderful with Emma, but he needs to get back to the regime he has planned for her.  Yes, one day, as she pleasures him and he treats her to delights will come, but for now, he must keep his focus.Emma waking also acknowledges so many feelings.  She wants to just start hugging, kissing, licking, sucking the Professor, but she knows she is supposed to be learning things now, and she does so want to fill up her pearl necklace.Donald...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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InnocentHigh Daisy Stone Maya Kendrick Disciplinary Satisfaction

Daisy Stone and Maya Kendrick are some of Innocent Highs biggest troublemakers. Today they are put in detention for making a joke out of sex ed. But the punishment does not seem to get them to take things any more seriously. They are virgins anyway, why do they need sex ed? So, while the teacher is out, they decide to do a little experimentation. They touch each other to see what sex really feels like. When the teacher walks back in, Daisy is licking Mayas pussy on his desk. He quickly gets...

4 years ago
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Being a Good Neighbor

Alana moved in next door about four years ago. Surprisingly, the ladies in our friendly little neighborhood didn't take too well to the divorced 35 year old brunette with the nice body. While not particularly stunning, Alana was nonetheless attractive in her own right. With an ass that you just wanted to grab every time you saw it and breasts that were significantly oversized for her 5'3" frame, the rumors about her began to swirl immediately. Supposedly she had walked out on her husband and...

2 years ago
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My Hero My Master and Now My Lover

After the training they both felt it was time to relax a bit. So Scooby proposed Grizzle to hang out with him, they could go to his room and play the new video game he had bought recently.Grizzle immediately got excited: “If I?! That’d be great! I heard about ‘Wretched Phoenix Tornado Bite’, but I’ve never played it before!”“Well, I think you gonna like it,” Scooby smiled.They got themselves comfortable and put out their sweaty clothes, leaving nothing but their undies on. Grizzle was still...

2 years ago
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Her Revenge 8211 Part 2 Husband Has No Regrets

Sneha saw the pics and videos sent by her husband, Nitin, on my phone. He was fucking prostitutes and taking erotic massage in Bangkok. Sneha got upset and went back home. I called my wife and updated her and asked her to speak to Sneha. She would certainly listen to my wife. I was completely taken back by her behavior towards me. I expressed it to my wife. It was in the heat of the moment I understood that. But I felt very bad. My wife called me later and told me that she has spoken to Sneha...

3 years ago
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The Prey

Marie walked into the club, casting her eyes around to assess the place. Hot, dark,crowded, the music playing just too loudly for comfort. Perfect. She felt the firststirrings of excitement at the thought of the adventure she was about to embark on. Sheconsidered herself a predator, and this was an ideal hunting ground.    She drew no shortage of stares as she made her way to the bar. As a rule Mariedidn't consider herself to be an especially beautiful woman - she had no real troubleattracting...

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One Night of Bliss Carlas Story

I like the subtle glances across the room, when our eyes meet and we realize that we're both thinking the same thing. I like the moment our lips meet and we both feel the warm pleasure of our touch, connecting mind, body and soul... I love to feel that pure bliss and the highest peak of pleasure suffusing our bodies brought by the sweet rush of erotic touch, the harmonic thrill when the spirit overwhelms you and orgasm is inexorable. It's a most transfixing moment. Women like Carla have a...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 98

Friday was home. I needed home - all of us girls needed home. Of course there were office responsibilities that needed to be taken care of, then there were the emails - hundreds - related to business. Hundreds were related to the Loco Waco mess, most of them were threatening. It made no difference and wasn’t going to change anything. We went to the gym, all of us did. It felt good to be able to work out. That had been hit or miss for the last couple weeks. I spent three hours in the gym...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 12 Kissing the Witness

Saturday afternoon SUZANNE KNEW THIS WAS A bad idea, Larry said so, but fuck it. “I know what I’m doing, Larry.” “So why are you doing it.” “She’s got something to tell us. To tell me, I know it.” Besides, I want her. “Besides, I want her.” Larry snorted. “Don’t do it, Suzanne.” Suzanne shrugged. “But if you do, go slow, OK? Don’t push her.” “No more than I have to, Larry.” She pulled out her phone and touched Heather’s number. “Thirty minutes, Heather, OK?” Heather was standing...

2 years ago
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Flight From BabylonChapter 5

Looking into the wardrobe I saw that my three uniforms were all now Navy black. “Lord of Hosts, help me not to strangle Rand,” I prayed. I pulled out the most formal uniform, the formal one with pants and a blouse. I noticed that it had small Ensign’s gold bars on the epaulettes. I sighed. What I hadn’t been able to explain to Lizbeth last night is that even though an Ensign outranked a senior NCO, only a civilian (or a very new ensign) would think that meant jack shit. Military rank was no...

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MageChapter 29

“Welcome back, John,” Xi, as Roxanne’s temporary second in command, greeted me as our group came through the portal to our Loegrian side base. “Nice to be back,” I replied with a smile as I looked around at the slightly expanded camp. “Yes, we’re getting a few new arrivals,” Xi confirmed as Roxanne came up. “That’s true, Seers Jemima, Abi and Adsila are here, along with several more Mages and investigatory teams from the civilised Earths,” Roxanne added to Xi’s information. “We’ve also...

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The Life Anna Endured

She laid, crumpled and destroyed in the middle of the kitchen. She had no idea what she had done wrong but it was apparently something terrible in his mind. Anna hadn’t always lived this way. Nope, at one point in her early 20’s she had been a viable contributing person. She held down a good job that she was proud of. Made good money, and held her own. In fact some people in her work field considered her intimidating. That all changed shortly after she met him. He was a handsome strong man,...

1 year ago
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My Dreamy Doctor

I had just moved to a new city and was seeking a new bank, dentist ect. I was asking my coworkers for advice on the subject. By the end of the first week of work, I had all the positions filled, except for a doctor. I asked one of my new friends if they knew of a good physician. “The one I go to is good. He’s probably a little older than 30...and handsome, but he is a real professional.” She seemed sure that he was the right choice for me. I took her word for it and scheduled an appointment. On...

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A Casualty of War

The train pulled into the station in a hiss of steam, all those around me grabbed their bags excitedly and hurried to get off, I could hear the cheers of the waiting crowds, they weren't for me though, they were waiting for their warriors, their heroes, I was neither.It took about ten minutes before the guard came in checking the carriages."We stop here sir," he said kindly, "You have to leave.""Yes," I said and smiled weakly, "Have you ever not wanted to go home?"He looked at me for a second...

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Inspector Blackmailed Me Into Sex

I am writing one more sex story and I like to tell my experiences in life.This is one more sex story in my life. I love to know what you think about my experiences. Do not forget to write me at Ummaahhhh. I would be waiting for your email guys and girls. I lived with my friends in a flat in Hyderabad. Deepu and Thanu were my flatmates. We three were working independent women. We met on a Facebook page that was created for flatmates. It has been three months since we moved in and we were...

4 years ago
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My Very Own

My Very OwnChapter 1. The Circle ClosesKatie stood at the back of the library, hidden between two tall shelves of dusty books. History of Sumeria and Mesopotamia, she read from one of the larger volumes on the shelf. She tried to conjure up some kind of idea what the book would be about, but the distraction was not working.The young girl slid her phone from her pocket for what felt like the hundredth time in five minutes. It was still there, no doubt about it. The picture was her. She still...

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The Motherly Affection

I was born in a well to do family. It was me, dad, mom & my elder sister. My elder sister was married when I was in 11th standard. Since dad & mom wanted to get me onto the grade A colleges I was sent to a “result oriented” school and since mom cared for me too much, instead of putting me in the hostel, we took a house and mom stayed with me to take care of my needs. She helped me all through the 2 years of hard study and at last I got a seat in a well reputed engineering college in...

2 years ago
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Drops Of Love 8211 Getting A Tough Lady For A Hot Date

Drops of love…Making a hard women loose her self for romantic lust filled date.. Hello friends …Hope you like the below story. Lets get started ..Thoda bada hai pls pyar se pado Yes the fact of life every one do enjoy this. You could hardly find some one who does not like to have sex…..However, i hope who ever is reading this has intention and love for sex other wise they are unlikely to be seen here. This is another guy that’s me ricky 30yrs working in software and into management, from...

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Nikki Grace1

It was a glorious Saturday afternoon Paul was swaying slowly back and forth in the hammock that his two daughters and his wife bought him for father’s day. With an ice-cold beer in one hand his eyes closed and earphones listening to the baseball game Paul was a happy man. Soon that was interrupted by his two daughters Grace who was 15 and Nikki who just turned13. The girls looked so cute in their summer dresses and flip-flops. They jumped up on the hammock landing on Paul wanting his...

3 years ago
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The Beach Ch 02

The very next day you venture out to the same spot, at the same time, but he is not there. You do this for 4 days. Every day you are so excited on the beach you lay naked caressing your own body and bringing yourself to orgasm. You know you need his cock inside you. But he never shows up. Exactly a week later you decide to give it one more go. You trace your steps exactly like every day previously. You are so tired from all the exercise and horniness you collapse on the beach and are out for a...

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Marks adventures

"Hey Mark, get in the goddamn car already." "Patience dammit, i have to close the store." "Hurry the hell up, I’m tired and horny." "You’re always horny." "Not while tired. Well not always." "Whatever." I close the shutter gates and lock them good. Then i walk down the big stairs trying not to slip on the wet concrete. When i get down i walk past Emily’s car, going for the underground parking space to get my own. But I’m soon halted by Emily`s angry voice. "Where the fuck do you think you’re...

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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 14 Captains treat

The Captain was awake when I returned naked from the shower with my clothes under my arm. Amanda was still in my quarters and I still had to go in for clean clothes. I had forgotten to do that prior to my shower and didn't want to get changed in front of Amanda who was beginning to stir. The Captain leered at me while I did get change and made a number of rude comments before dispatching me downwards to get her breakfast. I returned with a tray of toast with jam and two steaming mugs of...

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The Wifes DareChapter 8

In May we both graduated and settled into married life. My parents told us to build a moderate size house on part of the ranch that I had always admired, sited on a hill overlooking the river below, stating when the time came for us to start having children we could move into the "Big House" the very large family ranch house, and they would move into this one or use it as a guest house. The site was on the opposite side of the ranch so we had plenty of privacy. We also had constructed a...

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Virgin Whore Mother Queen The Whore

It was the evening before Flora's wedding and she had been cloistered for six days. She was the one who insisted she follow the traditions of her mother: no one would see her until the day of her wedding and then, only shrouded until her husband came to her in the wedding chamber. It meant she didn't need to meet the Veilanders when they came nor respond to Prince Julian's magnetism until he was her husband.Still, if she cracked the door to her bedroom open, she could hear the music from their...

Group Sex
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A Wife in Bondage Ch 1

“Hello?” you called out, more than a little nervous. Why am I being stupid you berate yourself. If you just go upstairs, you’ll find them everyone else. As you head up the stairs you become even more unnerved by how utterly quiet it is – and you barely had the thought that something is very wrong as you opened the door and were suddenly thrown against the bedroom wall. You tried to scream but only found your mouth suddenly full of cloth – what was it, a shirt? It seemed to small and silky....

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Reconciliation With Her Son

Sarah Templeton was now aged fifty-seven but she had been thinking back over her past in recent times because she had decided to attend the funeral of her late and estranged sister, Dorothy. The sisters had initially become estranged twenty years previously when Sarah left her husband Colin and two children to move to another town with her nineteen-year-old lover.Sarah had been having an affair with the youth for the best part of a year and she eventually walked out on her family, leaving Colin...

4 years ago
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Ride Me BabyChapter 4

It felt like a jack hammer was drilling a hole into her skull when Louise awoke the following morning. She groaned when Gillian's alarm rang shrilly. "Turn the fucking thing off," she muttered from beneath her pillow. "GOT A HANGOVER, LOVE?" shouted Gillian with amusement. "It serves you right for drinking all that crap last night." Nausea threatened to overwhelm her and reluctantly Louise pulled her weary body from the narrow bed before dashing into the bathroom to be sick. Oh the...

3 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 21 Breakfast and a Fuck

They clambered through garage and up the wood steps after finishing marching to their songs. Through the doorway to the kitchen with a lot of rattle and thumping, all elbows pushing and shoving, they raced each other to the table. The great anticipation of food a la sex, all at once, was causing pandemonium as they all lined up on one side of the table leaving over half of it available for Lilly and I. They stood at attention, focused. It was hard to believe the enthusiasm. Just inside the...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 25 Paul Packet III

The BS&O message read, “Legal outdoor fun. Interested? Text me at [phone#]” –PP3 My response: interested –Z3 20 minutes later I received, “For $200 Visit Packet Island History Museum any MTWTh let me know before you come.” My reply, “Today in 1-2 hours taking the bus. OK?” “Thank you. Ask for Paul in the snack shop.” The time was 14:30. Fran would be home in an hour. I left a note for Fran to call me and walked to the bus stop. Fran called when I was waiting to transfer buses. My...

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Celine begins her porn Theater Adventures

An Early Excursion to the TheaterFor Wifex & CelineCeline enjoyed some of our outings to a porn theater, but was still a bit reticent in going very often and was a bit shy in what she would wear to the theater. She was a bit more afraid of what she actually wore to walk from the parking lot to the theater entrance.I was a bit surprised then, when I came home and Celine was dressed in a new, and fairly slutty outfit. She was in a short skirt, black hose and heels, displaying lots of her...

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The Seduction of Sharon

When I think back and recall all the trouble I went through to seduce and take Sharon, my neighbor Jerry’s wife, to bed, I shake my head and wonder how blind I was not to see the big picture. Not that I did not enjoy making love to Sharon. I still do, in spite of everything that happened since that first time and the whole scene, blurred in the beginning, came into focus with a bang, literally, one sunny afternoon. But I must first write about the seduction, of which I am quite proud of before...

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Exchange studentcontinued

My hands were at his thighs trying to push him away as he pulled my head to him. Finally, Omagelia moaned and held my head still. I thought that he was going to blow his load, but instead he slowly pushed my head back as I greedily closed my lips tightly around his throbbing member. I opened my eyes and looked up into his smiling face as Omagelia said '...we go to bed now and consume our friendship like true friends...' As we left the bath, Omagelia walked behind me his elongated members head...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 360

Bill, because of the wedding tomorrow evening, had been compelled to stay the night in a separate suite without his wives or Eileen. Like the other Alphas involved, he was not pleased with this, but not wanting to vex his wives the night before the wedding, had agreed to the forced solitude. Lying in bed, he was trying to read to get his mind off sex. Don't they realize that I've been enhanced? My body makes semen and sperm whether I use them or not. And I'm accustomed to coming multiple...

2 years ago
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18th Birthday Gift By Closest Friend

Hi, guys, this is Bharath. The sex story which I am going to tell you happened on my 18th birthday. This is my first sex story so please bear my mistakes and don’t forget to give your feedback at I am 5″10′ in height with not so fit body with some chubby cheeks. My dick is 6 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter. Kavya(name changed) is my childhood friend we both studied in the same school from the nursery. We were separated in PUC. Since we were closest friends, we used to quarrel a lot. A...

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"BRA-VA! BRAVA! ATALANTA!"The cries of the audience drowned even its riotous applause. The opera over, the only curtain call the audience cared about was the Prima Donna’s; forget the Prince, the Sprite and the Witch. Atalanta had sung four encores; they'd demanded 'Song to the Moon’ three times.The manager couldn't believe his luck at booking her for three summer prom performances of Rusalka. More than worth all her tantrums over too low fees, too hot a dressing room, too cold a stage,...

2 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 14

The drive to our destination was quiet, which gave me time to think. I was still puzzled as to why Jordan was taken. Assuming Valory was involved, and no evidence had been found to suggest she wasn’t, then I knew the answer to my question: she wanted me to stay out of her business. Of course, there was the nagging problem of why she hadn’t tried to contact me to make sure I understood what she wanted. Which suggested she didn’t know Jordan was my Fonti, or she simply didn’t care. Of course,...

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The Twin Cheeleaders Pool Party

My phone rang, it was Nancy. "Hey Jeff, you're coming to the party today right?" She asked. "Of course I am sweet thing." I replied, hoping to get a sexy answer back. "Now is not the time Jeff, me and Nina are going crazy trying to set up." She said. "Do you think you can come here a little earlier to help us finish?" She asked. "Sure ill be over in an hour." I replied. "Okay see you soon." She finished, as she hung up. I was ecstatic after that, because now I was getting...

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A Second Chance Chapter 26

THURSDAY, May 19, 2016 Gary woke up in his hidey-hole at the break of dawn. There were two withering apples looking back at him from the ledge. His 'angel' had told him to eat them when he was hungry, and he hadn't been hungry since he stopped drinking. On Sunday, perhaps he would. They still looked edible, although another week in the damp tunnel would probably mean they wouldn't be. He could go without food for a day if he needed. He certainly had during the times when alcohol...

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My Wife8217s Best Friend Visits Us

Hi. This is an incident that occurred some months before. My wife has a best friend and her name is Nisha. She is a gorgeous woman and I have always fancied her. While making love to my wife, I always think about Nisha. I have a kinky fantasy about her where I want to be used by her as a toilet. I want her to piss in my mouth cause she is that beautiful. And one such time came when she visited us and stayed with us for some days. The day she came I couldn’t help myself thinking about her wet...

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HussiePass Joanna Angel Fun Fact I Like Anal Sex

We’ve got another “triumphant return” this week, as our old friend and legendary 3holer Joanna Angel ? is back on Hussie?Pass for the 1st time in almost 3 years, and seeing as her previous scene was with him, we paired her up with our good friend Oliver Flynn for this week’s update. 1st & foremost, we need to mention that the title of this scene comes directly from the bio sheet Joanna filled out just before the shoot. Anyway, after our larger-than-life director Johnny ?? Robins...

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True Love Never dies

True Love, Never DiesBy: Londebaaz ChohanHow could anybody believe that Nadir Caleb; aged 29 and Sana Caleb, aged 18 did not know each other; although they were real brother and sister. It happened because of the at least 11 years between them, they had not only not seen one another but it was hardly 2 years since they had a telephonic contact and they spoke with each other may be 3—4 times maximum. As a matter of fact, Nadir had joined a mission service and had spent all those 11 years...

3 years ago
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"Here's the problem my friends," the mayor was saying. "Here in Texas, we're living in a cesspool of human tragedy. We have an influx of immigrants, squatters and the homeless. As you all know, they need clothes, food, and shelter. Many children need medical attention. Our community is doing all it can to help, but our resources are limited. In a month or two, we will have spent our entire budget for the year. Most of you have contributed through your church or through the Red Cross but...


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