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Chapter 1 - The gift Paul was in his office. He was performing two of his favorite pass times today, he was admiring his collection of antiques and also working on them, today he was polishing and dusting those not behind glass cases. He would source his antique collection from across the globe and spend hours upon hours restoring each piece to it's original state, they were of little worth in terms of monetary value, for Paul it was the sentimental value that appealed, well mostly, he longed for that one rare find that could turn his life around. Paul was not a poor man, but he wasn't particularly wealthy either. He was in his mid forties, he was fairly short, a little rotund and he was balding, nothing a comb over couldn't hide, or so he thought. Behind his round spectacles were chubby cheeks and beady little eyes. He fashioned a thick bristly mustache and wore a checkered shirt but no tie, he was not particularly social and appreciated his own time. It was the fact that he had no wife, or children of his own that he was of the more well off in his town, his passions in life lay with what many considered to be junk, but to him they were treasures, oh and he was particularly fond of comics. He had once, in one of his hours of trawling through car boot fayre's discovered a comic of worth, he paid just ten dollars for a collection of comic books amongst of which was a tatty edition of Action Comics No.1 which he sold for a tasty profit. He looked longingly at the glass case, remembering his own collection of comics he'd so foolishly handled and dirtied as a child, oh what they'd be worth today. The doorbell chimed, making Paul jump, he'd forgotten that his sister was coming around, she'd recently returned from from her travel's in Europe and was staying with Paul until she'd sorted her own place out. Paul hurried to the door stubbing his toe in the door frame, "God damn it," he yelped, "ha..hang on sis, I'll be there in a sec." He waddled to the door, pushing his spectacles up his nose, whilst pressing his comb over flat across his bald patch. Paul unbolted the door, there stood his younger sister Emma, she was anything but like Paul, she was tall, slender, physically active and very sociable. It was often joked between their friends that she'd perhaps been the product of the postman. "Hi Paul how have you been?" She smiled, standing next to her were some small suitcases. They hugged in the doorway. "I've been well, it's good to see you, my oh my you are looking great, your tan and, and... umm." Paul stood to one side beckoning her in with, "How was France?" "Paul you always were a charmer weren't you," Emma said as she walked inside smiling. "Let me help you with that, go on, take a seat in the living room," Paul suggested as he ran to the suitcases, "Careful Paul, they're heavy." Paul had already realized this whilst straining to lift them, he wiggled them inside before dragging them up the stairs. He returned a minute later puffing slightly, red in the face, he dabbed his forehead with his hanky and made for the kitchen. "Would you like a drink Em?" "Thanks, I'd love a coffee," Em replied, she had slumped onto the sofa and sat with her hands behind her head relaxing. Calling through to the kitchen, "The flight was a nightmare Paul, I've wished for something eventful on one of these to happen, but not like this, turbulence, children vomiting, oh you name it it happened, and then the checkout, some missing luggage and I lost a hat." Paul returned with some coffee and biscuits. "Well, that er, sure sounds unusual to happen all in one day, are you gonna complain to the air company?" Em laughed. "Of course not, it couldn't be helped, oh Paul always thinking about the worst of things, I had a wonderful time in Europe, look, I've got pictures." Em plugged her camera into the TV loading the many thousands of pictures and videos of her travels. "Where should we start?" she asked. "Umm, how about London, it's where you started," Paul replied. "Ok Paul, you know I have put all these into folders, I can select each destination, we don;t have to watch them in order." Paul fiddled with the controls and the pictures were displayed full size upon the tv. They spent the next few hours viewing the pictures, Em told Paul all about the places she'd been to and the people she'd met. Hours passed and before long, dinner time was upon them. "Hey Em, what do you fancy today? Pizza? Thai? Indian? Chinese?...." He paused. "For I could cook you up some beans." "Let's get Pizza, you know, when we were like kids, haha, you'd be reading your comic books, eating your pizza and getting angry about the tomato sauce and toppings spilling onto the pages, I'd be practicing my dance moves, signing into the slice as if it were a microphone." They joked for a bit and agreed upon pizza, whilst waiting Paul offered to show Emma his collection. "Oh that reminds me, look, I bought you this back, I found it in France." Em pulled out an old oil lamp and handed it to Paul. The lamp was ancient and in poor condition, it was tarnished, the spout was badly singed, the body was dented and the lid was stuck fast. "It isn't much but I figured you'd probably like this a lot more than an Eiffel tower or London guard figurine." Paul examined the lamp carefully his face was emotionless as he turned the lamp over. "What's wrong Paul, don't you like it?" "I, I've never seen anything like it, look here, it has inscriptions on it." He pulled his thumb over the lamp, rubbing through some grime to reveal the markings. "Where," said Em, peering over, "have I found something Paul." "Well, I don't know, it would be a lovely piece if it were restored, it has obviously been well used no doubt, but it could be worth a small fortune if it were genuine," Paul replied. "Where did you get it?" "I was in France and....." Paul cut her short. "Oh, it's probably a replica, these things happen, still it is a very nice looking piece and will look wonderful in my collection." Paul forced a smile, he was happy about the sudden discovery of an ancient Islamic lamp but his happiness was blunted by the realization that it was probably fake. "Well, I'll get to work cleaning it up tomorrow, for now let's get pizza." Paul placed the lamp on the table in his study, they left the room and ordered pizza before going to bed for the night. During the night, the lamp stirred, sparks of fire spat out of the spout, sparkling and crackling, growing in intensity before dieing down. Thick smoke plumed out from under the fire, it filled the room, spreading to every corner, and receded back into the lamp as if nothing had ever happened, if it were not for the burn damage to the wall, not even some one as meticulous as Paul would have noticed. ************************************************************************* Chapter 2 - "I'm Jinn... of the lamp" The following morning Em woke with a start, she jumped from her sleep sitting bolt upright, her pulse was fast, adrenaline surged through her body, sunlight was streaming through a gap in the curtains. What was that?!? she thought, looking around her room. "Paul? Paul is that you?!.....Paul!?!?" She peeled back her duvet and stepped onto the cool wooden floor, the sharpness of the cool made her recoil. "Ftttt, ah, ah, cold." Slipping into her slippers she made her way to the door, her legs were trembling, the adrenaline was an unwanted ecstasy. She slowly turned the brass door knob until the door clicked, creaking open but a gap as she peeked around through the slit. "Paul, was that you?" Seeing no obvious signs of life she made her way into the hallway, she had a clear view of the living room below and the stairs coming up. A muffled noise came from downstairs, she quickly snatched a pole from a utility cupboard, the pole was an extension for a carpet sweeper, Em always thought this particular contraption ironic as Paul did not have carpets in his house. Slowly she made the descent down stairs, heading for the the source of the noise, she slowly pushed the study door open with the pole raised above her head. To her horror she saw a hairy monster. "AHHHHHHHH," she screamed as she brought the pole down upon the beasts head, she swung again violently as the hairy beast turned to attack her, grabbing out for the pole. "Ow Em, Ow Ow!! Em it's me Paul, it's me." The monster pulled of its head and clasped its hands to the unmistakable bald spot. "Ow that really hurt, what the hell are you doing??" he snapped. "Ugh, huh," panted Em. "Paul?!?! What the hell are you wearing?!?!?" replied Em, stepping back in astonishment. "What does it look like moron, it's my Chewbacca outfit.....What?.... What?...." Em just stared at him. "Look, sometimes I like to wear it to bed, ok? It's warm," Paul exclaimed, still holding the back of his head. "Anyway, why'd you come in here swinging that, that thing around?" "This? It's umm," Em held out the misshapen pole, "it's errr." "Is that the extension for my carpet sweep? Oh god dammit Emma, where am I gonna get another one of those?" Paul whined, snatching the pole away from his sister. "Maybe I can bend it back into shape," he said trying feebly and failing. "So," said his sister, "what was all the noise about?" "Well, it looks as if someone broke in last night, look at my wall, someone tried setting fire to the place, look." He used to the pole to point out the evidence. The wall had scorch marks up to the ceiling. "I bet it was Fortune Finder 3304.... he's always got it in for me you know, jealous of my collection and....MY COLLECTION!!!" he blurted, quickly checking upon it. "Oh thank god, it looks like it's still here," sighed Paul as he scrabbled amongst the items of his collection. "Fortune Finder 3..3..0..4?" Em repeated with a raised eye brow. She shook her head as she left the room. "Paul, it was obviously a wiring fault, nothing the insurance can't pay for." Paul continued to check his collection for any missing artifacts, he checked in all the drawers and also the cupboard, his comic books, his own personal collection. "Oh." He looked at them longingly, he picked up the top comic and flicked through the pages, they were adorned with grubby finger prints and crayon markings. The front cover was missing and some pages were creased through the middle. "I really wish I hadn't ruined these, they'd be worth a fortune today, and this one, the rarest of the rare." Paul placed the ruined comic book onto his desk and left the room and hung his throbbing head in shame as he walked through to the kitchen. The oil lamp began to hiss and crackle slightly, a few sparks burst free of the spout landing in a pile of ash upon the desk. The lamp continued to hiss sparks into the room, they whirled into the air, swirling amongst the collection of comics, the pages ruffled as creases un-creased, torn pages re-attached and smudges erased themselves clean, the comics were in as good condition as the second they were printed. All this happened whilst Em and Paul "discussed" the events of the morning. "You didn't have to hit me Em, damn, it hurts so bad, you know that hurt a lot." "Well how was I to know you dress up as Chewbacca when you wander around your house at stupid o'clock in the morning?" Em replied laughing. "Well, it's good to know that you can swing like that, you can protect me if anyone breaks in again." "Breaks in?....Again?.... Protect you?!?!? What about me?" she replied semi joking, almost stunned at the remark. They continued joking around for a bit, Paul ate the remains of last night's pizza whilst Em got ready for her morning jog. Back in the study the oil lamp was beginning to smoke, crackles and sparks flew wildly in all directions as the smoke billowed out of the spout, it was thick and choggy with a purple hew and an aromatic scent to it. It began receding inwards to form a humanoid shape, the cloud had a head, a neck, arms and a torso, it had no features and below the the waist it was but a cloud. It remained like this as it peered around the room, it searched it's surroundings, with a fingerless hand the smoke picked up the newly refurbished comic book and began flicking through the pages. Two purple beady eyes peered through the images, looking at them in each direction. A voice startled it, the eyes peered towards the study door. "Bye, see you later," Em called out and the heavy front door slammed behind her. Minutes later Paul was on the phone to the insurance company explaining how he figured someone had broken in and tried set fire to the place. "I know it was him.... yes his name is Fortune Finder 3304.... no, I don't know his real name.... I just do ok... well can you send someone round to view the evidence?" Paul was not particularly happy as he dropped the phone back in its holster. He swung his fists in the air, violently flailing about he called out to his nemesis, "So Fortune Finder 3304, think you can stop me with that feeble attempt, well come get me, I'm ready for ya, I'll take anyone on right now." The cloud from the oil lamp floated back from the door as it heard Paul's tantrum of threats and self praise. "I'll find you and beat you and humiliate you in front of the world, justice will be served." The cloud rest upon the chair and began to materialize into a shape more human, it became masculine, with strong arms, the chest bulged outwards behind a dark bronze colored leather armor, legs replaced the tail of the smoke, golden blonde hair swept about the ears falling to a little above shoulder length. The face grew chiseled and handsome as a helmet topped off the appearance. Meanwhile Paul had collected the pole for his carpet sweep, he brandished it as if it were a light sabre. "Vrum, tssshhh, vrum, vrum vrum tshhh, force attack pew, Vrum Vrum tshhh." He twirled around swinging the imaginery light sabre as he made his way to the study. Paul hoofed the door open with his hairy Chewbacca boot. "I Luke Skywalker will face you right n......" He stopped mid sentence, his glasses tipped to the end of nose, his mouth lay ajar and he froze in terror, his jaw trembled, there before him was a warrior, in full armor with a shield and sword. He was sitting, slumped in Paul's chair, at his desk and he was holding a comic book whilst staring right at him..... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," Paul squealed. He dropped his pole and slammed the door shut. He pulled on the handle with one hand, as the other hand reached for the phone, he was still shrieking, sweat was bleeding out of every pore for fear of this unknown invader. He snatched the phone and dialed 911. "Police, come quickly!!!! There is a man dressed as a warrior in my house, reading my comic books!!!!!" "Sir, this is for emergency calls only, it is an offense to use this number unless the event of an emergency has taken place." "What do you mean!??! This IS an emergency, he's here to kill me.... SEND EVERYTH....!!!!" Paul stopped mid sentence and dropping the phone. Before him, out of the keyhole was a head, it looked at him and calmly said, "Perhaps I can help. I can not kill for you but I can give you the means by which to defend yourself." On the other end of the phone line the operator heard only the shrieks and wails of a lunatic. "Sir, I'm going to hang up now, please only use this line in the event of an emergency." Paul ran to the front door yelping and squawking, "HELP ME!!!..... There's this... this... head.... in my house, oh please someone help me." He rushed to the front door and slapped his hands against it banging the door repeatedly, the door was locked so instead he continued to slap his hands against it whilst screaming, he yelled and shrieked, kicking and flapping, swinging his head this way and that, spittle splattered across his face and whilst this tantrum went on the intruder was pulling himself through the key hole. Paul saw the image just the final leg was coming through. "A leg.... Through a keyhole! Oh my god, oh my god, he's here to kill me and pull me through the key hole!!!!" "Yaaaa, aaaa, haaaaaaa," Paul screamed as he ran up stairs into his bedroom. He locked the door behind him and made for the bed, on his hands and knees he wriggling under the bed. He had used the chewbacca outfit he was wearing to slide under but his buttocks were too large, he was stuck in this predicament, he sobbed with his feet flailing about. "HELP!!! HELP!!!!" The sheet opposite lifted and the head once again appeared, calmly it spoke, "let me help you my friend, calm" he said as clicked his finger, the hand gesture finished as a pointing hand, pointing towards Paul... The warrior lifted the heavy bed as if it were nothing, he grabbed Paul by the scruff of the neck and placed him on his feet. "Now, who is this intruder that causes such fear?" Paul stood speechless, he lifted a trembling hand towards the man before him. The warrior turned his head to the door. "I see no one friend, it is just us...." His voice was deep, and calm. "Who, Who, Who are you? Fortunte finder 3304? Did he summon you to do his bidding? Are you a demon from the deaderic realm sent here to kill me?" stuttered Paul. "No? I, am Jinn... of the lamp," replied the warrior in a slow, somewhat broken sentence. "J,J,J, Jinn? Of the lamp? What do you mean of the lamp? Like, like a,a err genie?" Jinn clapped his hands twice and pointed at Paul, he swept his golden hair back across his head and circled around him, studying him from head to toe. "So... Em.... you mean to say that you have come into possession of my lamp, have felt benefit of its power and yet you know not what it is?" Jinn questioned. "I, I, I'm not Em," Paul stammered, "I'm errr, my name's errr Paul. Em, Em's my sister." He turned on his heels and made for the door, Jinn was waiting on the other side. Paul ran into the tough leather chest and stopped fast, trembling. "Rudeness gets you no where in this life friend, especially with me.... Erpul." Paul stammered backwards, "Ummm, no it's just Paul, just Paul, my name is just Paul." He fell to the bed, seated and unable to move. "Well, this embarrassing," said Jinn, "are you by any chance.... gay?" he queried. "N,n,n,n, no, oh please don't I don't want to lose my virginity like this," grovelled Paul, his hands clasped together. "Please, just let me go, and, and I won't tell anyone about you, not even Em.." "No, no this won't do, I'm sorry please, my apologies, I had profiled the female by the name of Em, my appearance was based upon her lusts and her desires." Jinn turned away from Paul and began pacing the room. "I sensed two entities, one male, one female, the stronger of which had left, so why... why are you still here... is this yours?" Jinn held out a pristine condition comic book, edition No.1 of Action Heroes, published in 1938, one recently earned in excess of $1.5 million dollars. Paul gasped in awe whilst Jinn studied him carefully. Jinn continued, "I checked these colorful scriptures, they bare pictures of such characters that she'd find appealing....." "You thought I was Em???? And you're dressed like a warrior because she likes warriors and hero's?" questioned Paul, having gained enough confidence to stop trembling and regain his feet. "No, I have appeared as Achilles from the movie Troy, as played by Brad P..." Jinn was cut short. "...Pitt? She likes Achilles from Troy?" Paul said with a grin on his face, pondering the use of his newly discovered information as if it were a weapon. "No, she likes the actor, but her dreams are of he dressed in the attire as worn in the movie," Jinn replied, his arms swung loosely, his head bowed forwards as he paced around the room staring ahead of him as he pondered his thoughts. "Yet you fear me, and our first meeting was most unpleasant for you, for that I apologize." Jinn stopped pacing and turned to Paul, his arms folded, the corner of his lips revealed a well hidden a smile. "You would prefer..... this." Jinn stared intently at Paul, figuring out his deepest desires, he stamped his foot and from below his armored chest piece wafted a pretty white slip, Jinn stamped his foot again and his hair fell below his shoulders, ribbons and bows sprang upon him, twirling between his hair darkening hair. He shrunk somewhat and then raised as heels sprouted from the rears of his sandles. The armor reduced to ribbons and lace, the material thinned and spread across Jinn's body. Black tights sprung like a wave up his legs and the sandals re-sculpted themselves into dainty polished medium heeled shoes with rounded ends, a single strap held them in place. Jinn twirled on the spot as a petty coat formed over the slip, his chest bulged once more but this time differently, as a pair of breasts heaved their way into the view of Paul from side on, slowly drooping and filling more and more to eventually peek out from under the cleavage of a pretty dress when turned to face. Jinns muscles had diminished, he was slender and had pretty polished nails. He smelt sweet, his hair was up in a tight bun and he smiled intently at Paul. "Jinn???" Paul said. "You look just like Mom." "Not quite." Jinn grew taller, her figure began looming over Paul. He stumbled backwards and fell softly onto his bottom. Hhe landed with a scrunch, a diaper sprung into shape, inflating around his groin. "You must be hot under that thing, let me get you something better suited to the situation," smiled Jinn as she continued to tower ever more so above Paul. Paul looked around his room and there was but darkness around him. His Chewbacca outfit melted away exposing his body. Thick black hair covered his chest and back as he sat looking up at the ever growing Jinn. "It's just you and me right now sweetie," Jinn cooed with a beaming smile. She was stunning, Paul wanted her, he wanted her to hold him, to comfort him. Paul opened his mouth to speak, but a pacifier popped into place. A bonnet wrapped itself around his head and his feet were wrapped in baby stockings. Paul sucked intently upon the pacifier looking up at his mommy, as she cradled him in her arms. "It looks like someone is hungry." She removed his glasses and moved him towards her nipple. All was blurry right now for Paul, his limbs flailing in the air, he felt the thick warm nipple pop into his mouth, it felt so right, so good so... "PAUL!!!!! What in the hell????" Em stood in the doorway to the room, furious. "Em, errr..." Paul scrabbled to find his glasses on the side board. The room had re-appeared as it was but Jinn was nowhere to be seen. "Em, what, what the hell are you doing coming into my room?" He fiddled about with the glasses and Em came into focus. "You left the door open. I was walking past and just witnessed you indulging in a pass time I wish I hadn't just witnessed! Jesus, acting like a baby of all things." Em came into focus. Paul saw her perspiration glisten across her heaving cleavage, beads of sweat rolled down her forehead splashed across her pink spandex as they crashed into her nipples. They were erect, as hard as bullets. Paul was still wearing his Chewbacca costume, but even that was not enough to hide the throbbing erection, the tent of which was particularly obvious as he rolled around trying to right himself. He was too far gone, his attention was diverted to his sisters boobs and he spasm'd, warm ejaculate spewing into his costume, his left foot kicked rigidly as he panted for air. "Oh god Paul, that is disgusting." Em looked at the man in disgust. She'd just caught him rolling on his bed pretending to suckle upon his mother's breast, that was bad enough, but ejaculating whilst looking at her after a work out. She just didn't want to think about it right now and head straight for the shower. She locked the door behind her. Paul sat in his room, ashamed of what he had just done. 'Was I dreaming?' he thought. "Em, th, that didn't just happen just then did it?" She didn't reply. He saw the comic on the sideboard, a pristine condition version No.1 Action Hero's Comic printed in 1938, he gasped as he collected it, his fingers trembled as he touched the cover. He placed the book into a plastic slip and peeled himself out of his sticky costume. "This is evidence," he thought, "Jinn is real." Chapter 3 - The wish unknowingly given A few hours had passed since the incidents earlier, Paul had tried to explain the events but stumbled when it came to Jinn. He'd shown her the comic as evidence. "So what," Em replied, "you have hundreds of the bloody things," as she marched past him between rooms. He rest his forehead against the door waiting for an answer, he lay slumped against the door for hours, waiting for an answer, all he heard was silence. The silent treatment, he turned and leaned against the door. "Em, I'm sorry, it's just, oh I can't even explain, you don't believe me why would you? You think I've gone mad, hell even I think I've gone mad but I haven't." After a few hours he returned to his room, he saw the comic book in it's slip, he picked it up slowly, examining it. He'd never seen anything like it, here, in his hands was a comic book worth millions, older than he but in pristine condition. He was holding one of the rarest comic books in the world but how could he be sure if this was real, if any of it was real. Perhaps it was just some stupid dream after all? But then there was this, was it real? Was it authentic? Had Paul really met a genie named Jinn or was he dreaming? Why would he dream of a genie and why would he call it Jinn? It didn't make any sense. What would Sherlock Holmes do in this situation he thought, if this were a clue against his nemesis Moriarty, what would Holmes do? It came to him, authenticity, if this comic is the real deal then it must be true. 'There's no way I'd have this comic in this condition,' he thought, 'mine was all screwed up and ruined, worthless, but even finding one like that was like finding a needle in a haystack.' He threw on some clothes and ran out of the house, he didn't even pick up matching shoes, a trainer and a slipper were all he thought to grab. Em on the other hand was back in the bathroom, having washed already, and shaved her legs, she was applying moisturizer pondering on the frightful sight of her own brother rolling around in his own ejaculate, having been caught masturbating over an absurd fantasy in her presence, all whilst wearing a Chewbacca outfit. 'It's happening again,' she thought, 'but I can't cope with this, not now, not alone.' During their pre-teen years Paul was caught waltzing around in a pair of diapers, dressed up as a baby, their father beat the living day lights out of him and their mother was so ashamed she couldn't even look him in the eyes, it happened more than once, she last remembered it happening when she was twelve years old, he would have been fifteen, she remembered the violent beatings he endured. She heard the front door slam shut, she peered out the bathroom window and saw Paul hobbling around in mismatching clothes, hopping in a slipper and trying to force his other foot into a trainer. She watched as he wiggled around cursing whilst trying to stamp his foot into the trainer. He had kind of got it but from his unusual limp like walk, she figured he'd just given up on the way to the car. She reminisced about the good times they had when they were younger, she decided they needed to have a serious talk about his mental health and if needed get him the help he needs to overcome these delusional fantasies of a better youth. Placing her face in her hands she began to weep. "I just wish, I wish for one day Paul that you'd live out this fantasy life of yours and be over and done with it once and for all." The lamp in the study began to shiver, violently. Flames erupted from the spout raging with intensity. A figure blossomed from the fire, growing, tall, slender, womanly, not unlike the motherly figure that had comforted Paul earlier, but younger and prettier. The smoke receded into itself and left Jinn it its place, with a wide mischievous grin. She bore wonderful golden jewelry, her hair was an intense purple color, her eyes were green as emeralds glistening under the stars. Under her waist line that disappeared down into the lamp, she wore light veils. She was gorgeous. Jinn tensed her arms and clenched her fists, fire flared from her finger tips as she flexed them, the flames engulfed her hands and more smoke filled the area. She moved her body mystically, dancing in the newly formed smoke, like an artist painting a picture she twirled, taming it, cultivating the smoke as she saw fit. The fire now formed into a small tiny flame. It became barely a cinder, it rose slowly to those beautiful green eyes, and higher still. Jinn extended her hands, as if to catch the escaping flame, she cupped it, smiling whispered to it, she gently blew and it became but a bumble bee, it darted this way and that, buzzing. Jinn giggled to herself. "I still got it," she said joyfully as the bumble bee darted out of the window, it took to the skies, it flew as high as an eagle amongst the clouds in search of Paul. He hadn't gone far, just into town, he parked his station wagon in the usual spot and crossed the street past the creche, he had a quick peek as he passed the windows, he fiddled with his bald spot to make it look convincing, he was admiring the women, how they treated the children, how he longed for the same affection. He wandered casually into the store next door with his free hand stuffed into the pocket of his gown. It was a comic book shop. "Hey Marv," Paul said upon entering. Marv didn't even look up. "Hey Paul, the new line's in, I've put a pair of the first edition aside for you." "I'm not here for the new line Marv." Paul placed a hand on the counter, Marv looked up in awe, his long greasy hair framed his gaunt, pasty face. "Good God what are you weari..JESUS CHRIST IS THAT REAL?!?!" Paul smiled, looking smug he placed the book on the counter. "That's what I'm here for Marv, authenticity." Marv's jaw dropped as his glove cladded fingers gently turned each page. "It's as if it were printed today!" "It's real?" Paul asked, feeling rather smug. "Oh yeah, it's real all right," Marv replied, "here, get my picture with it would you, I wanna put this baby on face book." Marv handed Paul his Canon digital camera. He uploaded the picture immediately onto facebook and took a great deal more pictures. "It's priceless, Paul, where did you get this?" Marv asked after pinning a freshly printed copy and taping it to the wall. "I can't tell you that Marv, you would not believe me." Paul dabbed his forehead and wiped his glasses upon his gown. "I thought we could put it in the vault, for safe keeping, and, you know, show it at the next convention, perhaps use it to promote the shop, and display my collection?" "I'll lock up the shop, we'll take it there together, I don't want some kid getting it, and reading it, and putting their grubby little fingers all over it and all." Marv and Paul shared a vault in the bank, each of them had a key and the rarest and most expensive of their collections were locked away, safely for the conventions, this was their crowning achievement, they'd spent years looking for this book and finally they had it. They left the bank jumping around hugging each other, screaming to the world, thanking god for the lucky breaks, two geeky men ready to take on the world, passers by watched as they gloated to the heavens. And from the heavens it came, the tiny little bee darting around looking for it's host. It buzzed around Paul, he didn't notice at first but then began wildly swiping at the critter. "Hey, Paul you're only making it angry," Marv called as Paul stumbled this way and that swiping out at the bee cursing it as he did so. It chased him as he started to run, but with such poor fitness he soon keeled with a stitch. The bee stung him in the neck, Paul let out a whiny scream of rage. "Ow, god dammit, and my day was so good." Paul slowed, his sight blurred, his whole world contracted around him as, his breath became short and his legs felt weak. He sought refuse in the creche, stumbling inside he looked for a chair, he was perspiring a lot. "Ah, oh god I must be allergic," he cried. His clothing was damp and begun to cling to his body, he started to convulse, heaving dry, he ran to the toilets, his world was spinning yet no one seemed to notice his predicament. He had entered the little boys room, he noticed the tiny urinals upon the wall but that didn't bother him, his mouth was bone dry, he made for the tap but collapsed into darkness. Writhing in the darkness, constricted, restrained he panicked for any light, screamed out loud "Ah, help, help me god dammit," but it was a childish voice that spoke. Screaming more so he reached into the light. A boy crawled out from the pile of clothes and regained his feet. He held his hands out in front of him and proded himself gently. "God dammit, I'm a boy again," he said cheerfully. "Watch your tongue young man, I didn't raise you to speak with such foul language." Jinn was standing above Paul, she had regained the form of his mother, but had retained her own green eyes, her dark mahogany colored hair was lose and straightened in a modern fashion. "Mommy?" said Paul as she grabbed him by the wrist and delivered a sharp slap across his buttocks, Paul winced as he felt the sharp tingle of the slap, he felt upset, he wanted to cry but his adult self told him not to, he stared ahead somewhat shaken as another blow landed on his behind. "Ah." Tears tumbled down his cheeks. "Ah," as another blow landed, "now what do you say?" asked Jinn. "I'm sorry mommy, I'm sorry." Paul was crying a lot, his behind was burning as Jinn collected the boy and cradled him. "Now we've got that out of the way honey, lets get you dressed." Jinn spoke softly, smiling sweetly at the boy, she raised her hands and clapped swiftly, twice. A light puff of smoke covered the boy and cleared quickly, a pair of training pants had wrapped around his groin, they were a perfect fit, warm and snug... Clothes materialized flying around the boy, darting around him, a t-shirt wrestled with his arms as a pair of socks were nibbling at his feet. He kicked losing his balance as a pair of shorts slid up around his training pants. Velcro sneaker fastened to his feet and his colorful t-shirt popped over his dark full head of hair. Jinn bent down to the boy and ruffled his hair, he looked back at her. "Jinn what's hap..." Another blow landed this time to his wrist, he winced again in pain. "Oh I'm sorry sweety but you have to call me mommy ok?" "I'm sorry... mommy, I'm sorry," he whined as she pulled him close, he hugged Jinn her around the legs and she rubbed his hair, cradling his head, she knelt down to his level. "Now Paul, do you know how old you are? Can you show mommy? Raise your fingers." Paul held out his hands, he looked as his soft babyish hands, he didn't know, he was young, that was all he knew, he looked up with his hands raised palms facing forward. "Uummm." Jinn pointed at the hand, as if her hand was a gun she "pewed" down a finger. Paul repeated and giggled. "I'm four," he laughed, waving his hands around, as if they were guns in a western, "pew, pew, pew." He giggled and laughed in excitement. Jinn however was leaving the toilet, she held her hand out for him to take. "Come on Pauly." Jinn smiled in a way that he never remembered his mother smiling, it was amazing, and she was all his, he grabbed her by the hand gripping it tightly as they left the toilet. Before him was the most amazing place in the world, ball pits and slides, colorful mats and swings, from his view point it was huge, bigger than ever. There were other children there, playing, the same age as him, some were bigger, he wasn't the largest, he wasn't out of place, his dreams were reality. He turned to Jinn in amazement, she collected his hand, walking him to the ball pit, she stopped at the edge and looked at him with that beaming smile and those gorgeous green eyes that looked right through him. "It's play time." He didn't need to be told twice. "Yipeee, ahahaha." Chapter 4 - The greatest day - (part 1) Yippeeeeee, ahahahaha!!!!!!! Paul, now a 4 year old boy with a long floppy head of hair didn't need any further encouragement, he was headed for the ball pit. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry, hindered only by the training pants around his groin, Jinn smiled contently as the boy hopped around with a waddle in enjoyment. His face was a picture, grinning from ear to ear as he reached the edge and with a single leap his sailed through the air, tucking his legs up to his chest as his wavy hair flapped behind him, he soared into the air and landed in a splash of shiny colorful balls. He lunged up from under the surface of balls with his arms held above his head in triumph as the sea of color bustled around him spewing from all sides about the edges spilling to the floor. Paul did not care, his worries and cares were no more, he was a boy again, screaming with enjoyment as other children followed suit, flopping into the ball pit and tossing the balls into the air. Jinn could only giggle as she found a seat, she saw Paul looking for her and she waved to him as he splashed around in the ball pit. For someone who has lived for a thousand years or more however the simple task of sitting on a chair was most unusual. Jinn discovered that sitting on these new found arm-less chairs was a bit of a chore, at first, she tried to sit in her usual manner with her legs crossed under as if meditating, this however this was particularly uncomfortable on these fiddly little chairs and their curvy ergonomic backings. She then tried to kneel on the chair but that also felt odd so she rolled back on to her behind and tucked her legs up in front of her her chest, she folded her arms around her knees and remained like this for a short while as Paul ran around the play area. Paul played with all the toys, he slid down all the slides, there were straight slides, and twisty slides, some even had waves and bumps in to make the ride that little bit more enjoyable. He had earned himself quite a following, the children congregated around him like a herd, charging around screaming after this exciting new boy that had appeared. Paul was having the time of his life, he was running about all over the place, the energy of his little body was ecstatic, he was literally buzzing with excitement. He stopped for a brief moment, he wiped his brow with the back of his hand as he scanned for Jinn. He saw her sitting in the peculiar fashion she had felt most comfortable in, she looked a little odd right now but he waved to her anyway. "Mommy, hehehe." Jinn cocked her slightly as she brushed some hair from her face and those glistening green eyes as she returned the wave with a smile. It was at this moment that a particularly nosy woman of the town decided to approach this peculiar mother of the overly energetic boy that had appeared and wreaked havoc in the children's creche. "Hi, your boys a real live wire isn't he?" A rotund little woman had approached her, wearing an expensive floral dress, her bright silver hair was donned a most pristine perm. She was cheerful but a bit of a gossip. "The names Mrs Button, I'm the Vicar's wife, I like to meet all the new faces town." Jinn cocked an eyebrow and turned her head slowly as the woman approached her. Jinn looked around and checked over her shoulder before returning to see a podgy handful of jewels staring her in the face. Jinn shot her a face of confusion as Mrs Button continued to press her jewel encrusted hand her way. "Well honey, you may be a happy little bunny but around here it's common courtesy that you would shake someones hand upon greeting a person? Is not like that from where you're from?" Jinn gingerly touched the woman's hand, with her index finger and thumb she wiggled her hand from side to side and smiled at the woman briefly. Mrs Button pulled up a seat next to Jinn and slowly crossed one leg over the other making herself comfortable. She pulled her handbag up onto her lap and pulled out a purse. "Here sugar, this is my grandson, his name's Edward, he's the other little monster running wild in there with your boy, they're a bit of an influence upon each other eh?" She extended a picture to Jinn who briefly flickered her attention to the picture placed in front of her and then onto the woman. She re-positioned her legs imitating this annoying presence and discovered her technique of using a chair most comfortable. Mrs Button waffled on to Jinn for a good ten minutes, rather thankful for the silence her new "friend" was giving her to air her opinions. Jinn had slouched forward, using her knee to prop up her arm which in turn propped up her head. 'This should be a form torture,' Jinn thought to herself. Paul now stood atop the largest slide. He was calling out, "Mommy!!! Mommy!!!" Jinn's attention sprung back to reality, she tried to give Paul her full attention but was hindered by this talking machine of a woman. "MOMMY!!!" Paul screamed "MOMMMMM!!!!" Still Mrs Button talked, and for the first time in this conversation, Jinn spoke, "Don't you stop talking?" Mrs Button began to continue in protest but was prevented as Jinn clicked her finger in the face of Mrs Button. A rather shocked Mrs Button opened her mouth to protest but the only sound that came out was the slow squawk of a chicken, "Buuuuuuuuck buck buck buckaaaaaahh." Startled she clasped her hand over her mouth. Jinn regained her position and waved at Paul. Having secured Jinn's attention, and that of everyone else he dived down the slide head first into the ball pit. He leaped from the pit and bounded around with a smile as other children followed and cheered, screaming with enjoyment. Paul had waddled back to Jinn, happy and cheerful, without even a thought for the carnage his actions had caused. He had been a hero of the creche for that brief blip in time. Mrs Button remained on her seat, her eyes were bulging from the shock. "Hey Paul," Jinn whispered, "you having fun?" Paul nodded and held his hands up with his fingers extended, Jinn picked him up from under the arms and sat him on her lap, he rested his head against her whilst gently sucking on his thumb as she cradled him on her lap. Jinn whispered in to his ear, "Let's say we go get some ice cream." "Yeah," cheered Paul as she picked him up and carried him to the exit. Paul shot a glance back into the creche over Jinn's shoulder, it was chaos, the parents looked shocked as their children ran wild, out of control, he heard Mrs Button squawking like a chicken as the children roared with laughter and giggles over the predicament she'd found herself in "BUUUUCK BUCK BUCK BUCK BUCKAAAHH!!!" He looked at Jinn who looked back at him, Paul squeezed her tightly, hugging each other they both giggled as they left. "Jinn... Will she ever speak again?" Paul asked. "Do you want her to?" replied Jinn. "Hehehe, no not really but she doesn't deserve to sound like a chicken for ever." "No, I guess she doesn't, it's only temporary, it will wear off in a few weeks." They giggled on their way to the ice cream stall.

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My FatherInLaws Big Cock Part 1

My name is Michele, and my husband Ed and I were twenty-five years old at the time of this story. We met at Penn State where Ed got a degree in Business Administration and I majored in Biology. His plan from the start was to get a business degree so he could help his father manage and expand the family lumber and building supplies business in a small town not too far from Philadelphia. I planned to work in veterinary medicine and had a good job as a vet technician until the birth of our...

3 years ago
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 13

A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words. Kishore, swallowed and got nervous and we started our...

3 years ago
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Bathing With Mike

Sue Wharton was depressed. She would have said a curt and tearful: ‘Of course I’m depressed. I’ve lost them all.’ She would be speaking of course of Dan, her husband, gone these 5 years or so and now, now, everlastingly now Kenny, dead of a roadside bomb in Iraq! It was a phrase that she couldn’t stand to have repeated but was aways in her heart, in her consciousness, in the back of her mind, never truly and fully going away, just always there! She felt at age 38 that the world had ended and...

2 years ago
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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 1

This story is part of a series:keyboard_arrow_right Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy, Wife Ne Puri Ki – Part 2View all stories in seriesHi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel.First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding...

3 years ago
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Visit Of Wynn Part 1

My name is John and my wife Eve and I are married for about five years, we are in our early thirties and have no children yet. We are both of medium height, with Eve a bit smaller than me. She has a beautiful body. I love her medium-sized breasts and her exciting pussy even more. On sex, Eve is very open-minded.One evening we got a call from Wynn, the previous girlfriend of one of our best friends; after several years, much to our disappointment, they broke up. Wynn is a beautiful young lady, a...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Some things should not beTaken

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

3 years ago
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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 3

Half an hour later, Steve and Gwen pulled into the Anderson driveway. At least they pulled into the bottom of the drive, as it was full of cars. Gwen looked the cars over and turned to Steve. "I'm so sorry, Steve. It looks like every relative and friend my family knows has decided to meet at our place. I think it may be to inspect you and maybe grill you as boyfriend material. I'm not saying you're my boyfriend or anything, but I know everyone inside will say it. I have to invite you in...

4 years ago
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Filmed With DogsChapter 4

Charlotte rolled over in the soft bed, luxuriating in the black satin sheets. She stretched with a gaping yawn and kicked the covers off her lithe naked body. She sat up, her face bright, relaxed, her eyes alert and full of life. She stretched again, her tits rising, the nipples pointing toward the door. It had been three days since she had knocked on Felicia's front door, three days of discovering herself and her desires. At first, she had been over come with shock, then shock gave way to...

1 year ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 06

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 06 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Lani woke up and blinked. It was so quiet. That was a blessing; Cherie must have either worn herself out or gone somewhere else. It took a minute to realize it was quiet because she wasn't in her bedroom. She turned her head at the sound of rustling sheets and smiled when she saw Dom still sleeping. He looked a little younger, she thought. Or perhaps it was just that he was relaxed. Surely he couldn’t carry that intensity around with him...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Night It Rained And The Couple Had The Best Sex

The door shut behind me as he came back from office. I was standing in the balcony looking at the clear blue sky after heavy rain. My blue saree was sticking to my wet body and my back was visible through it. I turned by dripping head around to see him staring at me. He was heaving heavily as he locked my gaze. I gave him a sly smile and turned back to my sky. His touch was hot on my cold body as he squeezed my love handles. He pulled me by waist and licked the droplets of my neck. Mmmm, the...

2 years ago
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Sex In The City Chapter 3

Robert stood up and started to clear away the plates whilst Catherine moved back into the kitchen to finish off the cooking and start serving up.“Do you want a hand?” asked Alice.“No, no, you stay seated; it won’t take long to plate up, Robert will help. Besides which, you are our guest tonight,” replied CatherineCharles watched her arse as she turned and walked into the kitchen, moving behind the breakfast bar area. Catherine had been wrong when she thought nobody had seen her husband feel her...

4 years ago
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New Coworker is gay So I fuck him

I've never really flirted with guys before. It's always been strictly girls. That however changed when we ended up getting a new guy at work. He was a slim looking guy, not hot or anything, but he just looked like a good fuck. He quickly got acquainted with everyone and all the girls seemed to adore him. Reason being was because he was gay. Or at least that was what I heard. Now he wasn't much of a problem at first but he soon started having tardy issues. Pretty much made everyones life a bit...

3 years ago
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Wifes First Time With Another ManChapter 3

I purposely avoided calling Jen during my business trip. Jen tried calling me a few times, but I either didn't answer, or I told her I was busy and quickly got off the line. I wanted to give Ralph plenty of space. I got home late Friday night, and the kids were already in bed. I found Jen in the family room. She was dressed simply. Jeans and an untucked button down shirt. Her hair was pulled back. She didn't have any makeup on. She looked like she had just taken a shower, which she often...

1 year ago
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The aliens themselves were pretty excited when they discovered our planet. Living, moving, fornicating bodies for them to grow and repopulate on after the Armageddon on Betron 5, their last remaining planet. Studying our biology they determined that 3 human bodily fluids would be ideal to exploit for their gains. These being: snot, cum and spit. The Aliens who prefer to be called Fluidians, were looking for a fluid that matched their chemical needs and was also easily transferable between...

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Blackpink boombayah some balls

Phillip and his girlfriend have been dating for about 6 months now. His girlfriend is a big fan of female k-pop. Phillip teases her about the obsession, until she drags him to one of thier concerts. After the show they meet and greet BlackPink. They notice the non chalant nature Phillip is throwing out and they ask his girlfriend if they can borrow Phillip for a couple hours to get him to love kpop. She agrees out of her fandom and tgey take Phillip back unti thier dressing room and lock the...

2 years ago
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taken advantage part 4

She was explaining me the situation last night. She told that they where trapped by 2 couples in the disco. They made them drink too much which made them unconscious. She told that her husband is still on bed and does not know about last night. She was very depressed. She inquired about richi. I told her that he owns the dept store and I am also in a very big mess. She told that she and her husband r not having kids and the medical reports direct the fault in her husband. I was sorry to hear...

2 years ago
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Two Blousy Landladies in the Sixties

My second job, after leaving school with one 'A' level, was working as a Work Study practitioner in Croydon for a Pension company. During the Miner's Strike they saw fit to send me to Leeds, which in those days was the very out of fashion. There were three of us trying to write notes about the method of operation by torchlight, as half the fluorescent tubes had been removed by order of Edward Heath. I went out with the 'boys' from the office one night to a club and the highlight at...

1 year ago
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Pink Christmas

Delivering gifts was always a joyous event for Santa, but 2012 was a very trying year. His wife of almost 700 years had died in July and add to that the population boom he was giving out more gifts than ever before. On this particular Christmas Eve he had just cleared Asia and was crossing the Pacific ocean with his Reindeer set on California. As the came in low over Los Angels he landed on the roof of a beautiful mansion. "Sara Jennings, age Six a "Barbie Dream House". With a wink and a nod he...

1 year ago
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Game WorldChapter 43

That night I met with Nimue, Damien, and Tina. We got together outside the walls of the city, under the orchard that stood to the west of Oak Hall and the fields of grain that grew there. Most of the fruit had been already picked, yet the air was still heavy with its scent and the atmosphere there was relaxing. I greeted Damien and Tina politely and then we got down to business. "I spoke to Mai Woo today while you were out doing your thing," Nimue told me, her voice edged with distaste at...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Ella Hughes God Save The Cream

Our favorite British import is back! And as always, Ella Hughes is ready to ride. When our stud walks in, he finds Ella wearing nothing but panties and sneakers. He picks her up easily, manhandling her tiny frame and spanking that bubble butt. Turns out our dude is well proportioned because when he whips out his cock, Ella is delighted by what she finds. She sucks on it for a bit before he starts plowing her all over the living room. From behind, missionary, with his hands around her throat,...

2 years ago
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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 15 ups and downs

Gavin pulled the door of the apartment building closed behind him and almost ran to the van. He knew it was a mistake to bring Lizzie back here and he had been proven right. The van was moving before he even realised what he was doing and he shook his head to clear it and focus on the road. A quick glance told him where he was and he grinned to himself. His subconscious had steered him in the direction of the Parkhead area of Glasgow and Gavin knew why. The third drug house he had scoped out...

1 year ago
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Honey Dew pt 4

Paul came out of his office and told Dena it was time to go. It was time for “lunch”. He hailed a taxi and took her to an upscale part of town. When the taxi let them out, she found herself outside a very luxurious apartment building. Guiding her inside, Paul remained silent. They took the elevator to the 15th floor. Getting off, Dena noticed they didn’t walk into a hallway, as she anticipated. Instead, they walked into a huge room surrounded by floor to ceiling windows. “The entire...

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