Falling In, Pt 3_(0) free porn video

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Jackie and I spent the rest of he morning lazing around the school doing the stupid shit teen kids usually do at school before it starts. Walking the halls, joking, spending time with friends. Jackie stayed with me the entire morning, hanging with me and my friends. My friends treated her weird, and I knew it was a result of the stories they had heard about her and the things she had done. I knew they were being judgmental assholes and it was kind of pissing me off.

That day was the Friday before winter break started, and as usual I finished up with classes and then went to wrestling practice. During practice my friend Joe asked me about Jackie and what was going on between the two of us. The teenage asshole in me wanted to brag about how far I'd gotten, which I knew was farther than Joe had ever been with a girl, but a big part of me was ashamed and scared of what he might think if he knew I was contemplating fucking a girl with such a trashy reputation.

I put him off as much as possible, saying only that we were kind of seeing each other. I left out the sordid details, and prided myself that maybe I could feel like I was being a gentleman by not kissing and then telling.

After practice Joe drove me across town, because being the poor kid I was I didn't have a car. As he drove we talked about the wrestling tournament tomorrow and how we thought it was going to go. I was heavily favored to win in my class, but didn't want to brag too much about it because I knew Joe would be lucky to place. He was a nice guy, but he lacked the killer instinct to be successful on the mat.

As we got nearer to my place he asked me, "so, your mom still going away for the weekend?"

My mom was kind of a slut, and I knew she was going to the coast for the weekend to hang out with her latest boyfriend. Normally when she bailed I would talk her into buying some beer for me and my friends and then they'd come over, get wasted and spend the night, but this weekend with the long tourney I knew that it wasn't going to happen. Honestly, I knew it was going to be a long lonely weekend.

He dropped me off, and I walked upstairs to the apartment that I shared with her. Stepping inside I could see all the lights were out, so I knew she wasn't home. I opened the fridge and made a sandwich. I took it out into the living room and plopped myself down on the futon I slept on and turned the tv on, mostly for the noise and false sense of company it provided.

About 30 minutes after I got home, I could hear someone coming up the stairs... We lived in this weird loft above an old house, an old second story that had been converted to add another apartment with its own private entrance. That meant that no one came up the stairs if they weren't coming up to the apartment.

Strange, mom's date must not have gone well and she was coming home. The footsteps stopped at the top, and someone knocked softly at the door. Really strange, I thought. I went to the door and flipped the light on in the hallway so I could look through the glass at who was out there.

To my surprise, Jackie's smiling face greeted me! I quickly unlocked the door and let her in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Joe told me that your mom was out of town for the weekend, and he and I got together and planned a little surprise for you." A little elfin smile quickly darted across her face. "He came and picked me up after he dropped you off and brought me over."

That brought a strange sense of jealousy over me, but I quickly squashed it. Joe was my friend, and though he may have picked up my girl, he brought her to me, to make sure I wasn't lonely. I owed him big, and I knew it.

Jackie walked slowly into the house, peering this way and that as she walked. "Where's your room?" She asked me coyly.

I walked into the front room and pointed to the couch. It was one of those cheap black futons that flapped out flat to form a bed. "You're looking at it." A sudden sense of deep shame rocked through me at that. I didn't even have a real bed... How was I going to get this girl into bed with me when I didn't even have a bed?

I quickly sat down on the couch as Jackie did the standard female nesting thing and wandered the room, pausing to pick up the occasional personal item that I had left around. She stopped at one point and picked up a small leather bound book. My journal, I sprang to my feet and snatched it from her hands. She looked at me in surprise, and I felt like an ass.

"Sorry that's private, my journal." She smiled and calmly walked away continuing her inspection of my space. She stopped and picked up another book from the table next to the couch. A copy of Paradise Lost, by Milton, that I had found at a second hand shop for a quarter. She paged through it reading the passages that I had highlighted.

I returned to the couch and sat, leaving her to inspect the book.

Finally she spoke, "what's this?"

The smartass in me wanted to say it was a book, but I was trying to get laid, so I repressed the urge. "It's Paradise Lost by Milton."

"What's it about?" She asked me.

"It's a story about the devil going to hell, and how he came back to earth." I realized that it was a pretty terse commentary on the book, but being that's its a weird book for a teenage boy to be reading I left the description pretty vague.

She read one of my highlighted passages aloud her voice competing with the sound of the television. When she was done she look at me strangely, "What does that mean?"

I laughed and told her it was a description of hell, and how the devil first perceived his prison.

"Why is it written all weird?" She asked me.

"It was written hundreds of years ago. The language has changed in that time, and he was attempting to write an epic poem." I told her with a smile of my own.

"So are you like some bible kid?" She asked me.

I laughed at that. "No, I just enjoy reading something occasionally that makes me think, and this is a religious piece that is not office doctrine, so it grabs my attention."

She bit her lip in that adorable way she had looking down at the book in her hands. "You're scary smart aren't you?" Her voice trembled a bit as she said it, as if she were scared the answer might shatter her.

Truth be told people had been telling me whole life that I was smart, but I didn't feel smart, I just felt like me. I didn't understand how they just didn't see things as simply as I did. Now it just made me feel awkward, and more like the freak I always thought I was. I slowly nodded my head, "I guess I'm pretty smart."

Her gaze again fell to the pages of the book she held in her hands. "Do you think I'm dumb?"

It occurred to me then that she wasn't worried about me being a freak, she was worried that I might reject her, maybe I thought she wasn't good enough for me, and I was just using her. Considering I was rock hard in my jeans at that point I was having a hard time answering or allaying her fears. Realizing that she felt this was a big question, I took my time and thought about it. Was she dumb? Was this a girl I could treat as my equal?

I finally answered, very carefully saying, "I think I'm just older than you, and I grew up in a different kind of household. I'm not smarter than you, I've just been exposed to more. I think you can learn anything you put your mind to."

A beaming smile crossed her face. "You actually thought about it! And you answered me honestly!" Her joy was so total and childlike I frankly felt really guilty about the porno running in my head and starring her.

She came to me suddenly, straddling me and pushing me back hard against the couch. Her mouth met mine in a passionate kiss. The wetness of her mouth enfolded mine, and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her tight into me. My cock was hard enough to cut diamonds with, and it pressed painfully against my jeans as she ground her hips into mine.

Our kiss became deeper, more primal. She turned her head, and I moved my mouth to engulf her neck. Kissing and lightly biting my way along her neckline and collarbone. My hands slipped inside her shirt, cupping firm tits. She moaned as I rubbed her nipples, nuzzling in and biting my ear lightly, her tongue tracing along my earlobe.

Oh god it felt so good! My breath was coming hard and fast and I grabbed her hips and ground our jean clad pelvises together, rocking her against me. My lips moved next to her ear, "will you suck me off? I want to make love to you, but I want it to last our first time, and I feel like I'm going to pop right now."

She smiled and slid from my lap. I eagerly pulled my pants down, revealing myself to her.

She attacked my cock like a lioness does a gazelle. Instantly her hot wet mouth was around my throbbing cock going straight down her eager throat. I didn't last more than a minute in that beautiful mouth. Truthfully I felt a little like a dick about forcing her head down the last time I had cum in her mouth, so this time I kept my hands away from her head, and called out just before I exploded, "I'm cumming, baby!"

She never took her mouth away from my cock. I exploded, and exploded inside her warm, wet mouth rocking in ecstasy as she sucked me as hard she could. Finally the shudders of my orgasm quieted, and I lay back breathless. I looked down at her, watching as she licked every drop of cum away from the shaft of my penis. Finally she looked up at me, her green eyes shining in the light of the room.

"Told you I was going to suck you off so hard!" She and I both laughed as I suddenly remembered my promise from earlier that morning that today was going to be all about her.

I stood and pulled the futon out, and turned to pick her up and throw her down on the thin mattress. She landed with a heady laugh smiling up at me as I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them away from her. I pulled so roughly they took her shoes off with them, handy trick, I thought.

Next I removed her panties, spreading her legs and looking down between her legs. It was the first pussy I had seen in real life before, and it looked amazing. She had fine blonde hair on her head, and her small mound of pubic hair was an even lighter shade of blonde, a color so bright it almost appeared to be white. I dove face first into heaven.

Being honest, I had no clue what I was doing. All I really knew about eating a girl out was that you licked her pussy. I remembered from that morning however how sensitive her clit was. That was the first place my tongue lapped. The strange personal flavor of Jackie flooded my tastebuds, a flavor bitter at fist and then strongly sweet. Her hips bucked into my face and she screamed in ecstasy.

"Oh, fuck!" She screamed. "No one has ever done that for me!" Suddenly her hands were tangled in my hair as she thrust her pussy hard against my face. She ground her hips and thrust as I eagerly lapped at her. I had read an article one time that when a girl was on top, and you wanted her to cum, you should just lay back and enjoy the show, let do what she needs to get off.

With that advice in mind, I let her guide me to where it felt best, only occasionally shifting to move to a new place to see if it brought her greater enjoyment. Finally we settled in me lapping and sucking her clit. Within minutes she climaxed hard. Her muscular thighs wrapping tight around my head.

As she became still I realized I now had a chance to give her something extra she could not give me. I continued to lap at her pussy, lightly after the hyper sensitivity that came with her orgasm. Slowly I built until she was straining once more against me, I peeked up at her as she rocked against my face in pleasure. She had a fingernail in her mouth, biting down hard. I knew she was close, and my cock was rock hard and ready.

I knew I needed to put a condom on though, and I figured making her cum again would be a good way to sate her and get her to wait while I went and retrieve my only rubber from the bathroom. So I dug in, licking and sucking until once again she locked tight and screamed in ecstasy.

"I want you in me now." She said breathlessly. I looked into those beautiful green eyes and I could see an animal hunger there.

"You have to wait a sec, I have to get a condom from the bathroom." One of her hands wandered to her breast, still hidden from my view by her shirt, her other hand drifting to her clit, which she rubbed absentminded lay.

"Hurry." She commanded.

I was so excited I nearly ran the fifteen feet to the bathroom. I ditched my shirt along the way throwing it haphazardly into the kitchen as I ran past. In the bathroom I lurched the medicine cabinet and pulled my one and only condom out. I tore the package open as carefully as my hormone lay fueled fingers would let me, and slowly unfurled the length of the latex down my now rock hard cock. Please don't break I thought in a panic as it slid into place. At this point my cock was solidly doing my thinking for me, and this was the only breath my brain could get into the conversation. I knew if the condom broke I would not be able to stop myself from spilling inside her, I was just too filled with need.

I hastily moved back to my bed and looked down on the goddess, now sans shirt, laying across my covers. She bit her lower lip and spread her legs for me, and I glided between them feeling like a conquering hero.

I kissed her passionately as our bodies met. In the back of my mind I thought about the fact that she had just swallowed my cum, but then again, my face was covered in her juices and she didn't seem to care. Fuck it, I thought, this is between me and her, and if she doesn't care and it brings us both pleasure no one can judge me.

My cock was nestled against her tight opening, and I had the vague wonder that I somehow instinctively knew how to get to her without looking... I could feel my opening thrust beginning, a long deep thrust to spear into the heart of her hot, wet, tightness.

Her hand was suddenly against my chest. Pushing me away. No! I screamed to myself in agony, I can't stop! And then my eyes met hers.

"Go slow please." Again, that nervous lip bit that was filling me with a mind numbing rage to thrust and bite, to spend myself with her. I found her so goddamn sexy with that nervous bite to her lip. "I've never had a boy there before." She whispered.

My heart melted. I could feel something break in me, like a pice of ice crashing from the side of a glacier and into the calm waters below. My eyes kept locked tight with hers as I slowly slide myself inside her. Oh god, it felt so fucking good! The animal inside me screamed in rage as it told me to thrust myself into her until I was sated, but her eyes kept me locked in the moment. She and I were sharing something sacred, and the calm rational man inside me came quietly to the forefront of my mind, calmly pushing the animal back down. In that moment I caught a sight of myself as the man I could be, and it was an image that I wanted in a way that even more intoxicating than what I was feeling physically.

I had just got the head of myself inside her when I felt the resistance of her cherry. No wonder I thought wildly of the resistance I had felt upon slipping my finger into her earlier in the day.

I pushed gently against her, slowly increasing the pressure of my hips against hers. She parted with a feeling like moist paper tearing. Her eyes closed in pain for a brief second, and I pulled her close into me and kissed her with the deepest passion I could summon. In that moment I willed every ounce of the affection I felt for her, and every bit of strength I had within myself to her.

Soon our hips met, the full length of me now inside her. My mouth was still hot upon hers, and I was terrified that I was hurting her. My cock was pulsing in pleasure and my every instinct was screaming to thrust, but the calmness in my head forced that all back. Instead I enjoyed the feeling of being fully engulfed inside of her, enjoying every inch of her burning wetness.

I kissed her until she started to squirm her hips beneath mine. She was ready now. I began to slowly push and pull my way in and out of her. Our mingled sighs stifled by the burning hot kiss we shared. We moved together, her legs wrapped thighs around me, her hands rubbing the muscles of my neck and shoulders.

I'd like to say that I lasted for hours, but minutes are the reality. I pulled my kiss away from her and looked deep into her face. Her eyes were closed, her breath coming in ragged, puffing breaths. I could feel her nipples like tiny diamonds against my chest. She was as close as I was, maybe a little bit further away. I thought wildly that I couldn't wait, I needed to cum now. For the final time that night the calmness swept over me. I resolved to hold myself in check.

I pumped slowly in and out of her, watching and growing more excited as each of my thrusts brought her closer to climax. Suddenly her eyes snapped open, meeting mine in a locking soulgaze, every muscle in her body went suddenly stiff. Her pussy clamped down on me like it had been molded to my shaft. She broke first, her head snapping up, her eyes crashing closed, her cry as if some one had touched a branding iron to her skin. The excitement of her orgasm pushed me over the edge.

My orgasm was stronger than anything I had ever met before. No amount of jerking off could prepare me for the pleasure she gave me. I could contain the beast no longer. I hammered my hips against hers with every ounce of strength I had. I cried in agony the feeling was so intense. She bucked insanely beneath me, her body rising up to contour itself against mine, her nails biting into the flesh of my back. She raked against me and the beast howled in victory at the pleasure I gave her.

Finally spent, I collapsed against her, quiet and still... She wrapped her arms around me, and me around her, our hearts pounding, not in rhythm, but strong enough to feel through each other's flesh. My body gave one last shuddering thrust as our eyes met, and I swept in to kiss her once again.


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The Jaylynn Chronicles One Last Wish

It was a warm summer day and I decided to visit my grandfather who lived alone since my grandmother passed away three years earlier. When I got there an unfamiliar vehicle was in the driveway. I went in wearing a short sun dress with spaghetti straps, and white socks that had ruffles on the tops, and my black buckle shoes. My grandfather was sitting in the livingroom with a black man around the same age as him. He introduced us saying, "Jaylynn, sweetheart, this is an old friend of your pawpaws...

1 year ago
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Cavalier League 1 A Weapon in the Arsenal

"Young Justice: A Chivalrous Sprite", this story does reference an event or two in that story. This story is not a sequel to that story. It is probably more collateral in nature, although it does happen after the events of that story. There may be additional stories along this line. I have ideas for at least two more. But a lot of that remains up to you the readers. In an odd turn of events, my antagonist of the piece was going to be an original character. However, after a little...

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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 5

The Real Housewives of McKinney.I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the...

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Unusual Flight Journey 8211 Part 1

Hi All, This is Prabu writing a story for a first time. This sex story will be a pure fantasy based on few events that happened in my life and I wish how it could have turned up. If you would like to get in touch with me, please do so at Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. It’s a long story, be calm and read! I’m a regular flyer between cities in India for my official purpose. I have been fortunate enough to be seated with guys most of time (sigh!). However, in one of my trip from...

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TolMarinea Empire the EndChapter 2

"Captain, I am picking up multiple Trans-space openings three thousand miles away. What are your orders?" Trans-space? What the fuck was that? From a memory came a scene of multiple colors and transparency. It was one of the quickest ways to travel. Being the quickest way it was also very dangerous. It needed constant calculations and a steady hand on the controls. As it was so dangerous AI units were the only thing trusted to make the transfer. Even then ships still disappeared in...

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FLAMESChapter 5

We went back and forth, and front and back until we were tired. Dad and I doubled mom, but Roxy politely refused. My season averages were 19 Assists, 17 Rebounds, and 44 points ... pretty good, huh? My ‘35’ is the best-selling jersey in both pro and college basketball. I wear one with my name on the back wherever I travel, and Roxy has pens for me to use, on either the home or away jersey. I found out online that 171 basketball players have worn the number 35 over the years: (These...

2 years ago
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Fucked Married Bombshell 8211 Part 4

Hi guys, this is Jack, sorry for delaying this part and thanks for your replies on  and comments, do keep commenting. This is my fourth part, so those who wanna know the previous part can read my stories – Fucked Married Bombshell Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3. I am Jack, 23 from Mumbai, height 5’10 with good looks and muscular built, and the angel of my story is Vishaka (name changed), age 35 with assets 34-28-36, married, hot, Bombshell. After our erotic love session, we slept in each other arms,...

3 years ago
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A Trip To The Bar Changes Everything Part 1

The night was young and so was Joseph. Joseph had just recently returned home from college, after not being able to find a job suitable for his career choice so he returned to his parent's home until he would be able to find a job and a place of his own. Joseph was of average figure, he stood 5.10 with broad shoulders and slightly bulging biceps and he was complemented greatly by the women he had been romantically involved with in college.This night was a boring night forJoseph, he had...

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An Uninvited Houseguest

An Uninvited Houseguest By Monsta Donna glanced at her Fitbit and let out a groan. She could have sworn she had jogged further than it indicated. As she turned the corner, she sighed in frustration again as the setting sun got in her eyes. She glanced downward to avoid looking at the bright sun, but she kept up her pace. It was a beautiful sunny late May evening in ParkView Estates, a suburban neighborhood featuring above average homes. Donna was in a pink tracksuit, and her long...

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East side locos

I always wanted to be initiated into the neighborhood gang but I never thought it would be this way... It was a late Friday evening at a party at the homie Hector's house. Everyone was there drinking and smoking plenty of weed. Just having an all around good time. It was a special occasion because it was my birthday and earlier that day I had made my bones to prove that I was going to be part of the gang, the East Side Locos. Ever since I was a kid I had always wanted to be one of the homies. I...

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Racial SwapNight

Chapter 1 Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had ...

2 years ago
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The Fantastic Inn Its No Place Like HomeChapter 6

A knock on the door, still groggy, got out of bed and went to answer it. “It’s me, June, are you guys ready, the party is about to start, people have been asking about you two, don’t forget to bring you know what.” I woke Jill up, took a quick shower together, and grabbed a towel to take with, not bothering to dry ourselves now. Jill picked up the bottles to take with; these were the bottles we peed in. She gave me devious smile. She told me that June had specifically asked to bring...

3 years ago
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Awaking Chapter 4

Awaking This story is about Adult Babies. That is adults who dress and act like babies. All reference to babies or minors or similar In this story, refer to adults acting like babies And NOT adults substituting for minors. This story has nothing to do with child pornography Chapter 4: Shopping "Are you ready to do some shopping?" Joyce asked with excitement as she headed for the door to the warehouse. Carrie pushed Barb after Joyce, "You need to change your frame of...

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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a Trap

Jenn lives out of state with her husband, Greg. Greg is a good enough guy, but he, apparently, has a very low sex drive; a bit of information I recently picked up when I overhead a telephone conversation between J and Jenn. Of course, I couldn't hear Jenn's comments, but I deduced Greg's unfortunate condition based upon what June was saying to her gal-pal over the phone.As I recall, the conversation went something like this..."Oh, honey," I heard June say, "I'm so sorry! When was the last...

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Second Chances part 1

I walk down the street, watching life go on around me. The street vendors call out prices for goods that only the tourists will buy. A full year I've considered myself a resident here. I’ve done nothing but live here, and I was never a tourist. I was a girl who came here for a fresh start. A new adventure. No horrid past to run from. No sad story of needing a new life. Just the thrill of seeing the country. Funny how it still seems like running away. I stop and fiddle with a small, wooden toy...

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Runaway TrainChapter 79

I stood and answered questions for another 15 minutes before the doors opened and the group – minus Caley Cross – emerged into the sunlight. They all wore solemn looks as they walked back to the crowd of reporters and photographers. I took the opportunity to slip away. I had managed to answer 30 or 40 questions without really saying anything. I was tired from all the tap-dancing I’d done – but I knew I had more to do. I pushed my way through the horde and stationed myself in front of Liz as...

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Getting to know the neighbors Part 3

Our weekly plans had no consistency. That alone could be considered normal. This was not normal. Roughly twice a week, I take my wife to entertain our neighbor at his house. I say entertain because I have to rely mainly on my imagination to know what happens. What I do know is that my wife will be there for at least two hours and maybe as long as six before she comes home again. If she has any sexual appetite before she goes it is always quenched upon her return. She does not share any details...

2 years ago
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Playing with fire

Ellie's finger paused on the send button. Should she press it?  She looked over the message again.  "I liked your hair today. It suits you." She chewed her lip. Innocent enough, right? She wasn't sure what impression she was giving. She wasn't sure what kind of impression she wanted to give.  She could hear her boyfriend in the other room, swearing at his laptop. Gaming again. She couldn't remember the last time he'd seemed that animated about her. She flicked her gaze to the photo on the...

4 years ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 6

Their return to school was greeting with whispers and looks, stories having circulated, though most of them were way off base. Still, they were the subject of much debate and even more gossip. Zoe's friends were ecstatic to have her back smiling again, maybe not back to her old self, but on the way. There were cool around James at first, not sure how things had developed but when Zoe plopped down in his lap at lunch, they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The only downside...

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Letter from Topeka

LETTER FROM TOPEKADear Shoeblossom:I come home from work, pulling up in my BMW Z4 Roadster, and the paper boy greets me respectfully ?Mr. Wegg, how are you?? I grin at him. Yes, Palmer Wegg is a hot shot in this thriving Midwestern city? and when I go in the house I am pleased to see my pretty wife Zenobia relaxing on the divan.?Hello, Pom.? She greets me, smiling. ?The kids are away for three days with my parents, and so we have a bit of alone time.? Zee smiles and my cock hardens in the...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 68 Leave Me Out of It

November, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I spent Saturday afternoon working on a paper for my literature class, as well as writing a project summary report for Scott’s class. Around 3:30pm Bert and Callie came to my office door to ask for help with their assignment in the C-programming class. I had them come in and sit down, and was amused that Callie took the chair furthest from me despite being the first to walk into the room. It reminded me of what Elyse had said about her. “So what’s the...

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My Aunt

Hi, ISS readers. My name is Dev; I’m sharing my story for the first time with anyone (this is actually a real story). I’m 20 yrs, 6.2ft, athletic, whitish and muscular; I’m a sportsmen and also a part time model. The story is about my aunt who got married to my distant relative. My aunt Usha a very good looking lady, a look at her and I’m sure your dick is going come out of your undies. She is 5.6ft, slim, big tits, big butts and also fair in complexion. She used to look like a porn star to me....

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Red River Ranch

Logan Reinar was not what most people would call handsome. Good looking, fair, but nothing to write home about. He had a kind of tightness in his mouth whenever he spoke, as though he was always holding back from saying something that he really wanted to. Considering how little he spoke, that might have been true. He was raised on a ranch, in just the same way his father had been. His parents didn't own Red River, they were ranch hands, and his mother drove to the local supermarket every day...

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Fantasy of a Husband

Hi I am Speed Master! Although the story I am writing is a work of imagination, the circumastaces are true. I am confident that the story will also be true one day. My name is Rahul, an my wife’s name is Smita (all the names have been changed to protect privacy). We are married for the last 7 years and we have a 5 year old daughter. My wife is very beautiful and likes to wear modern clothes. We have a satisfactory although not a great sex life. We have sex 1-2 times a week. Last month we had...

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Extra Innings

It was a hot summer day in the windy city. I was at my girlfriend’s house watching the Cubs play the Reds in Wrigley Field. My girl Lisa was a big Cubs fan but I was into the White Sox so we always debated on which team was better. Lisa, a hottie with flaming red hair, five foot five, and a body that wouldn’t quit. On a hot day she wore short shorts and sandals and already I was feeling hard below the belt. The game was at the bottom of the eleventh inning with the game tied at three. With the...

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My Wifes Study Group Weekend Get Away

My wife Debbie and I were spending the weekend at an old cabin with her college study group for the after exam get away. About fifteen of us shared the small two-bedroom cabin. At night everyone laid their sleeping bags out on the floor of the main room. It was the middle of winter and with only a small fireplace to heat the cabin the shared warmth of everyone sleeping close together was welcomed. Over the past few days I noticed one of the other guys on the trip, Kevin, had been pay a lot of...

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Official fuck

This is again a true story that has happened recently. There is no point in describing details about me or the other person , suffice to say I am in Mumbai and work in marketing, the lady in question works in sales of a TV channel.. I have known this lady (rashmi) for almost 2 years now and she always has been the flirty kind with innuendos and jokes but plays hardball if you want to take it further. She is 28 years of age, about 5ft 6 height and a slim figure I would guess a 35 – 30- 32 types....

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Zoe She WolfChapter 2

"Show me this gun," I asked him. Gus went over and removed the rifle from over the fireplace. He pulled the lever under it down and looked inside before he handed it to me. I almost dropped it. I had handled other modern rifles before, but this thing was a lot heavier than those had been. "This is a Sharps Model 74 reproduction. It has a 32" heavy octagonal barrel and weighs fourteen pounds. It takes the three and a-quarter inch 50-110 Sharps cartridge, and I had it throated to take a...

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Blue HandChapter 5

“For whom are you waiting?” The voice behind him softly asked, causing Porter to jump in place and almost lose his arrow from his bow. “Wha?” Porter gasped as the nella sprinted for safety. The deer-like creature that he had been fond of hunting had very sharp hearing. “I was waiting for dinner, if you must know,” Porter groused, using one of Zeb’s cantankerous ploys to cover his confusion and instant anxiety. After his confrontation with the priests, he had not slept well. “For whom are...

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Cheating with Girlfriends Roommate

I had just gotten off work, and was happy to be able to leave finally and go see my girlfriend. I checked my phone, and I had 3 unread texts from my girlfriend, Sophie.“Hey Jason, turns out I’ve got work tonight too, but I should be home right after you.”“Sorry, works been slammed, won’t make it home until after midnight. Love you”“So my sister is in the hospital, she was in a minor car accident. I’ve now got to drive back to my parents for the night, would you go by my place and let the dog...

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Sexy Sonia My Best Friend8217s Wife

Hi, this is Ravi. I would like to share the story of my experience with my best friend, Ajay’s wife, Sonia. It’s not that I always wanted to sleep with her or feel her. But the thing about attraction is, you really never know when or how you will end up getting attracted to someone. Ajay and I have been friends for a long time. He got married to Sonia a couple of years back. I had been to their wedding. Then we never got a chance to meet again due to work and other commitments. Finally, I did...

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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday Morning Joanie John told me last night that he would pick me up for school so we could have some "alone time" without Mickey and Sherry. When he came to the door, he kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me. I asked him, "How did you sleep last night?" He replied, "Not a wink; I was too busy jacking off to a vision of you." I replied, "I didn't do much better, since I was diddling myself half the night." I asked him, "Can this really be happening? Two people who didn't...

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Trois moments de la vie de Camille

Cette histoire est inspir?e d'une histoire vraie. C'?tait un 28 avril. C'?tait un samedi apr?s-midi. Deux personnes arriv?rent sous une pluie battante ? l'?cole Delacroix, prot?g?es sous un parapluie rouge et blanc. La femme ?tait jeune, ? peine 30 ans. A c?t? d'elle, une petite fille de 5, 6 ou 7 ans, peut-?tre, dont la natte brune rebondissait ? chaque petit saut qu'elle faisait pour ?viter les flaques et dont le cir? vert pomme contrastait avec le gris des murs. Brune aussi ?tait la m?re, avec des yeux bleus ...

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