Static free porn video

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It was a cold winter day when the hospital rang about my test results regarding a cat scan they performed recently, I went straight round as instructed, there was no reason to suspect it was anything other then a routine visit but it turned out to be my last visit. In the waiting area I signed a few forms and took a seat waiting for my name and destination to come up on the electronic board, when they did they pointed to an unfamiliar doctor in a part of the hospital I had never been to before. The ward was very quiet for a hospital, two male orderlies guided a bed with a woman patient down the corridor, she reached out for me and weakly begged "Help me." The orderlies indicated for me to move along. My immediate thought was the woman was hallucinating through medication. Further along there was more corridor activity, other women on beds and in wheelchairs looking dazed or fast asleep being taken to rooms by orderlies. I wondered if I wandered in to the wrong ward so I asked a nurse who said I was in the right place. Another nurse attendant looked at me and smirked at what I thought was my height. "Don't worry I don't bite," I joked then realised the severity of what I just said but she was a good sport. I reached another waiting area with a few men sat around and was told by a nurse at a desk who told me to sit down. Eventually one doctor checking through notes came and called out my name I followed him to his small office and took a seat. We had a lengthy conversation about my medical history and social life, the last thing he said was all that I needed to hear: "Your in for a new vaccination procedure." Lifting all my concerns of having some life threatening illness. So there was more time wasting in the waiting area, I flicked through readers digests and national geographics until a nurse came for me. She lead me through a corridor where orderlies sifted through laundry, some emptied pockets and had set aside boxes for car keys and wallets, I got suspicious. "Er, what's going on?" I asked the nurse also paying attention. "Some emergency patients like those in intensive care didn't have the opportunity to empty their belongings, don't worry we keep them safe." It was understandable though there was something strange about this ward, my mind was all over the place, perhaps there was some secret holocaust in effect like a program to kill off the weak to drive down population numbers. The nurse lead me to what looked like a shower room and I began questioning my assertion of being paranoid. "Is this the right room?" I asked "Yes, you'll be taking a chemical shower it's a new procedure to immunize you against superbugs, it's perfectly safe and harmless to you and others." She told me to strip, I was reluctant but complied though I got a funny vibe off the nurse, she didn't smile and had no trace of empathy, while it's not that unusual for a nurse it was a first for me. I stripped and she put my clothes in a yellow bag, she held out her hand and began chanting. My body frozen on the spot, I was struck totally blind and thought I was having a anxiety attack as her words became distant the loudest noise was my heart pounding in my chest. It felt like my body was covered in some mud that was heavy and on regaining mobility I clawed at it, a massive weight shifted off my head, the load knocked my hands and sounded like soft mud when it hit the floor. When my eyes were cleared, I saw the nurse was pinning me to the wall and then two nurse attendants entered one with what looked like a large vacuum cleaner. She sucked in all the gunk covering my body revealing my left hand was smaller then before with longer nails, I clawed at a big mound on my chest causing a physical sensation. I was frozen again by the nurse pinning me as she resumed chanting and one of the attendants administered a shot. Groggy but still disturbed by the ordeal I eventually came round in a small spartan room with this view of a unfamiliar skyline. My body wasn't hooked up to any monitors or IV feed, I wasn't strapped or tethered everything felt numb. There was a strange sensation and when I realised I wasn't filling the bed as I should, I lifted the sheets to see my now hairless body with breasts, a slim waist and broader hips. The numbness passed and I felt all of it. Sitting up and accidentally pulled what turned out to be my head hair which was longer and tied back by a elastic tie, I rested it over my right shoulder realising it was now blonde and very soft. My cheeks and chin had no stubble despite what felt like a long rest. I finally checked my groin, my penis and testicles were gone replaced by a vaginal slit. It was all too much too take in and thus fainted. There were voices and a light, the only sensation was of someone holding my hand. My vision was clearing and standing over me was a woman. "How do you feel?" The woman asking was a brunette dressed in formal business garb, she was soft spoken and she held my left hand as a gesture of support. She introduced herself, "I'm Julia, receptionist of GNA corp." I had no idea who they were nor did I recognise her or the man in a red suit standing and looking outside a window. The view reminded me once again I was no longer in my city and had no idea where I was. "What's going on?" I asked. My voice was very different it was high pitched, Julia saw my reaction to this and was about to give reassurances: "I have been through this too, you-" "Julia step outside, we need to talk," the man interrupted. Julia didn't argue this she simply left the room. The man sat down on a chair backwards and looked me straight in the eye: "Miss I am Derek, a recruitment manager and you are now property of GNA corp." This Derek addressing me as 'miss' confirmed I was a woman. He explained that the nurse who changed me accomplished it with a form of magic, apparently she is really the CEO of the company and does this to men that no one will miss, the excess matter turns into magic ether which she needs to fuel herself and her abilities. He continued to say she doesn't want to kill her victims as she isn't a monster, everyone she does this to are put work in her company. "Really everybody wins." He continued "She gets her power, you get to be a pretty girl for the rest of your life, you won't age a day until the day you submit or die. Your living arrangements are free and you have a secure nine to five job in the company, it's easy street." "Let me go please..." I was still saddened by the revelation of becoming a slave and wept like I never had since being a child. I don't know what is more disturbing the thought of myself pleading or remembering it as a woman pleading. My new voice just throws me off. He continued to talk about my future administrative duties in the company before leaving but it was all a blur. One hour later a doctor came in with a DVDTV he turned it on and gave me the remote, what played was testimonies from other transwomen who have long since adjusted to this, they rattled off the same stories about feeling good, meeting potential, having families and a job for life. I zoned out during it. The next morning Julia came in and told me they were putting me straight to work she brought a suitcase with a white office blouse, black blazer, black waistcoats, black pants and black skirt. I chose the pants, it would be a long time before I'd be comfortable with any skirt or dress. Julia took me to the bathroom for the mirror, I hadn't been in there until then. The reflection was unreal, the blond woman was slim and in a way gorgeous, Julia let it sink in a bit before she suggested I would suit wearing my hair down. "Are you okay?" she asked as she loosened my hair, I didn't answer her I just looked at the reflected stranger there was no trace of my male identity on her. Julie had me comb my hair and smiled at my new image in the mirror she kindly remarked: "God your all natural, your one of the prettiest girls in the building." Soon enough Julia lead me outside and told me to stay put in a corridor, there were other women standing outside rooms, all of them confused, frightened and I could hear one sobbing. We were all dressed alike, all slim but not equal in looks, I gathered the CEOs spell wasn't a generous benefactor or she might do this deliberately to be realistic. "All right ladies," a voice called out. "Follow me." I saw the source at the bottom of the hall, a blonde woman with a clipboard she was confident and I think she was on the video. "Single file behind me," she instructed the group. We all followed her odown a stairwell and she dropped us off in groups of five on different floors. "You'll be working here," she told my group. I walked straight in to a large office packed with women working away on phones and computers, there was no decoration on the desks or walls, like motivational posters, it was a sterile environment. That morning my duties involved mail distribution and printing safety leaflets, the other four who came with me 'vanished' in this crowd. I was alone at the copier until Derek walked in. "Here you go Miss." He placed a name tag on my blazer reading 'Hello my name is Kimberly'. By that point I hadn't even considered a name, that they also took my identity was disturbing. The question arises how powerful is this company? How many have they done this to? Derek brought me back to reality with a strike across my face: "SMILE for god sakes!" he roared "You've got a pretty face so USE IT!" He looked at me probably expecting me to cry or make some emotional scene but I felt empty, after the forced change after the morning filled with mundane tasks, I felt powerless and dead. "Look Kimberly you have to adjust to this, please, just smile." He left the room and seemed upset by the action. I wasn't bruised and don't think I can be, but I certainly felt the blow. Despite that part of me pitied him, I knew things would never be normal again. I wanted to see where things go for Kimberly. The rest of the day went well for me, I met lots of interesting girls and at the end of the day Julia came straight to me. "So your Kimberly then that's a nice name." She took me to see my new home located a few floors up. It was a high rise apartment, the kind I am only familiar with in pictures and on television shows it has a sitting area, three bedrooms with bathrooms and TVs. Julia said we would be living here, she said we have a roommate who wasn't taking the change so well. I noticed we had a view of a lake with small islands and Julia revealed the views are fake and can be changed, I let her keep that view for her preference. Julia and I crashed in the sitting area that evening and discussed my new lifestyle, she explained the girls are kept on a specific diet, and we can have casual clothes but only when we submit. Julia revealed more about the CEO she's called Evelyn and has turned me into what is classified as a static like all the girls I saw today including Julia. Most the other girls in the office are statics, by design we can never have relationships, we cannot fancy men or women though sex is not out of the question and often practised to relieve stress. Evelyn will only give the ability to love back when a static submits, when she accepts herself as she is and Evelyn makes that call. As statics we aren't immortal but we won't age until we submit, some girls have existed for a lifetime as statics until they stopped. Julia says she met a few older women who have long since been freed, some have families and a few retired with generous redundancy packages. We talked for almost a hour during which Julia mentioned she's been a static for two years, her original name was Harvey who was just some dumb fat teenager who made the mistake of breaking into Evelyn's estate in Boston, his home town. She caught him red handed and threatened to call the police if he tried to leave, Julia says they spent the night together talking about Harvey's life. Evelyn then came on to Harvey after getting him slightly drunk, he lost his virginity to her that night, and then she got bored and changed him into the woman I know now. It was odd listening to Julia refer to Harvey as a separate individual, shocking still that she said he was a teenager given she looks like a woman in her early thirties. I enquired how old she is she said she's been a static for two years so if she was still Harvey she would be approximately seventeen. It was sad thinking that Harvey's life had been stolen from him, sure you hear about kids being sold into slavery or having hellish childhoods through terrible parents but Harvey literally lost two decades of his life. "God your parents must miss you!" I said. Julia said they were always working and had no time for Harvey, he had no siblings or friends and was just an angry bullied fat kid until that fateful night. Becoming a static was the best thing that ever happened to him. "So Kimberly, are you ready for a meal?" Julia sharp changed the subject as a bell chimed. We checked on our roommate, a small brunette lying on her bed. We cleaned her up and Julia lead her by the hand to the door, she told her she has to snap out of it, the poor girl began sobbing as other girls marched by. Some were polite enough not to stare, a few seemingly 'enthusiastic' by this violation expressed concern, though I sensed they and other new arrivals were still shaken by our ordeal. "It's like being in school," one remarked as we single filed to the food court. I realised I didn't know our distraught roomies name, her name tag identified her as Amy. "Are you okay now?" I asked during a calm period hoping talking would ease her. "They violated me..." Amy sobbed "Who?" I asked, the way she said it conjured a uncomfortable thought of being sexually assaulted, Derek had hit me earlier so who knows how dangerous the men are around here, they may take advantage of the new girls. "The company, they made me in to this." I was relieved to hear it was just that but kicked myself for accepting it as a norm. "Everyone else too Amy, this is my first day as well." Amy had a familiar British accent, then I remembered seeing her at the hospital she was asleep in a wheelchair being taken in to a room I guess we were all shipped here together. We reached the food court and took seats at a small table near a false window showing a sunset, everyone got the same meal, a pasta salad and a cup of tea. "You'll get used to it," Julia remarked. Over the meal, Julia told us more of Evelyn she explained she 'feeds' on one hundred people once a year, she has done this on private wards and pays off the right people, she doesn't kill us, instead she alters us to women and feeds on the left over gunk substance. "Have any of these girls killed themselves?" Amy asked. It caught the attention of one woman at another table, she sat with her back to us but I noticed she stopped eating, her friends glanced a few times but remained silent. Julia said she heard they had one incident a few years ago where a new static slit her wrists and for that Evelyn had her roommates executed. We got concerned looks from other new arrivals, Amy looked set to burst so we took the conversation to our work day. It became obvious this place was like some sort of concentration camp rather then a prison. I wondered why Julia brought it up to no protest and now realise she was warning us that we are playthings of a tyrant. I joined Amy in her room after lunch she tried so hard to stay positive but was still a wreck, she confided in me that she misses her brothers. Amy explained her real name is Brian, she has two brothers and all live together but are swimming in debt and facing eviction. The last thing she remembered was they all got home from working at a shelter and no sooner did Amy set foot in the door did some hooded men ambush them, shooting them with dart guns. She woke up here, alone and all Derek said of them is don't worry about them. I explained what I learned from Julia telling her that Evelyn targets larger men so she recharge her powers. Amy remembered the chanting woman but thought that was a dream. Before leaving I promised Amy I would help her find her brothers by asking around, she promised she would keep her emotions in check and explained they are overwhelming, I too have found this to be the case. The troubling thing is it never seemed to dawn on her that they could be any of the other girls here. Derek sat in our sitting area working off a laptop he stopped me and told me finding Amy's brothers would prove fruitless. They too have been changed and no longer share any biological connection with Amy. Evelyn does this with siblings to cut all ties though demands they break emotional and spiritual ties too. Derek also warned me we were being monitored twenty four seven and if we pushed, Evelyn would push back. He shown me a security recording of six women marching straight to her office demanding she restore them. Evelyn was merciless she used lethal magic's to disintegrate them. Worse yet she didn't stop with them, he shown me she gathered three of their roommates, she did some spell that caused them to keel over in agony and slowly 'melt' into puddles. "That was ten years ago," he said. "I told you she isn't a killer but that's only true of humans, statics are expendable." Derek couldn't explain what makes a static less then human and he couldn't explain it, he interacts with us everyday and has come to regard the 'younger' girls like daughters. He let loose that there's really no medical reason we can't love it's all conditioning. Over the following weeks Julia introduced me to new activities including jogging and swimming. Sporting activities become routines for free women to stay healthy we just do them for leisure. I ordered a laptop but found there was no internet access to the outside world, just a chat room for the statics and a library of information as well as TV and films to access. In all this poor Amy just wasn't adjusting, she never even tried too, she didn't participate in sports or recreation, she resisted her work duties. She broke down crying a lot but even I am sick of her. Derek said it could only be emotional because Evelyn doesn't make mistakes and statics have never been physically sick. Eventually one Sunday near five in the afternoon I was finishing typing a document on a computer. It was now that a all too familiar face stepped out the stairway access into the quiet office. I recognised that nurse who changed me, the tyrant witch, Evelyn, knowing her power and ruthlessness many of us new girls were stunned by her presence. "All right back to work!" a male team leader informed before he froze. Evelyn said nothing but her magic's froze everyone in their positions in the room, she let a printer finish it's noisy operation and when there was silence she singled out Amy grabbing her by her arm and lead her to the stairway access we were all looking toward. "Look at Amy here I gave her the gift of rebirth and perfect health, she's drop dead gorgeous and could have become both a rich and famous model. Maybe one day she can be a mommy too, instead she's thrown it all away clinging to her former life." Amy began to sob. "I just want to be with my brothers." Evelyn faced the girl and revealed, "They forgot about you on day one you stupid little tramp." "Now a moment of truth, who here is annoyed by her constant crying?" The brutal honesty about Amy's whining was forced out of us through Evelyn's magic, it hit her hard. "I could easy look past this, but I cannot look past betrayal." She pointed at the girl. "Today Amy tried to access a database she shouldn't have. Ladies I want you to witness the punishment for non-compliance." She raised her hand and unleashed a energy burst striking Amy, her outer skin and muscles promptly exploded into bloody fleshy chunks that battered and splattered against most nearby walls, women and furniture. There was a lot of murmuring from all directions, Amy's bloody skeleton collapsed to the floor and I swear her one intact eye looked right at me showing her last spark of life. I barely understand what happened next it's like I was outside my own body and heard Evelyn as though she was in another room. Everything after that was a blur until I came to my senses in my shared apartment where Evelyn and Julia faced me. "Your a good girl aren't you Kimberly?" Evelyn asked arms folded and eyes locked. I was justifiably terrified, I said, "Yes ma'am." right then I would have ate glass if she commanded. "I know you and Julia tried to help Amy despite your own circumstance, I just want you to know I don't hold her treachery against you, your forgiven." She turned to face Julia and stared at her for a moment. "There's only one way out of this for you Julia, give mommy a kiss." Julia and Evelyn embraced each other, they kissed for nearly a minute until Evelyn broke it off. "You don't kiss like you used to sweetheart, maybe it's those lips." "I'm sorry mommy," Julia said. Evelyn walked to the doorway and I got control of my body back, I sat down in the chair winded by everything I had witnessed. "Oh and Kimberly? Keep up the good work, you have a future around here." Evelyn gently closed the door and finished: "And remember mommy loves you." When Evelyn was gone Julia covered her mouth, tears began streaming down her face, she reached out for me shaking before she let loose. "She killed her right in front of us," Julia shrieked. I tried to get her to calm down but now it was all getting to her. I have only just started to deal with emotion on a level I have not experienced before. Julia has been operating with an estrogen brain for two years. We had heard the stories of Evelyn's cruelty but they are nothing more then words, I saw that video but you see stuff like that in films all the time, to see a woman we knew murdered right in front of us was horrifying. It was my wake up call too, I'm not walking away from this a man and new realities must be considered.

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By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Esther and Jerry Holloway were attending a party given by one of Esther’s friends, Janet. Her husband Jerry was bored as he didn’t know most of the people there and he was becoming more agitated as the evening drug on. Esther noticed her husband’s mood and she was becoming angry with her husband. She did not want to leave early to upset Janet. They had been friends...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e11 Jacinta Eager 46 from Glasgow

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of an impressively large Spanish Baroque style, brownstone building - the overstated Kelvinghall Art Gallery and Museum. We pause for a moment, then cut inside to look at impressive original artworks by Rembrandt, Monet, Renoir and van Gogh, as well as antique items from ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, all set in impressive stone floored splendor. Tourists and art buffs point out and discuss displays with each other as we pass, coming to rest...

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Therapy First Sex Pt 3

The next day I took off on my bicycle with a lunch sandwich and told my mom I would be back by supper. It was not anything unusual back then. I then rode around the block a few times and then to the trailer down the alley and hid my bike under a tarp at the back of their shed. I ran up to the door and looked around then knocked. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was going to have sex with two hot older girls! Heck, they were women to me!!!The door opened and it was Sylvia. She had...

5 years ago
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Nice Fucking With Raji Aunty

It all happened on my visit to Trivandrum to see my friend Vivek. I was new to the city and his house was at Vizinjam. My friend was there at the station to receive me and we reached his house in 2 hrs time. Only his mother was there other than him. When we reached there his aunt (mother’s aunt’s daughter) was there and her name was Raji, a women at the age of 37 having a child (known to me later). He introduced me to his mother first and then to his aunt. She was having projected boobs and...

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Daddys Bad Girl part 2

After my daddy had warmed me up, slapping my ass and then my pussy, making me gag on his cock, it was time for the real thing. "Being you're slave would be the best!" "Well it's happening bitch. I'm going to seal the deal now." He picked me up and set me on the floor, on my hands and knees. He got behind me and leaned in to kiss my ass. "There's a lovely, bright, red hand print on you're ass. Sitting is going to hurt for a while." I could tell he was saying it with a grin. He spread my cheeks...

4 years ago
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Wifes Anniversary Surprise

My wife is the type that could be called almost prudish in her sexual desires. I've tried to get her to loosen up, but it's been a long and tough process. She believed that sex was just a little foreplay and then intercourse. And no matter how much I tried to get her to loosen up, she always resisted.We had been married 10 years before I finally convinced her to give me the occasional blowjob. She thought it was disgusting, but finally relented when I convinced her how much I really wanted it....

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Briannas MasterChapter 6 Piercing and Branding

Peaches was dutifully working in the kitchen the next day with Plum when their Massa came up to them. “Peaches, take of your clothes.” “Yes Massa.” Was he going to fuck her right now? “Put your hands behind your back.” Peaches obeyed and Howard handcuffed them. He attached a leash to her collar and handed it to Plum. “Take Peaches down to Tigra and tell her that the Massa wants her tits ringed. I’ll be along presently.” Plum happily obeyed her Massa. She knew that Breezy would have to...

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At Last I Made Her Mine

It was a sunny Sunday.  I got frustrated because of the heat inside the room and how I was sweating completely. The main reason for that was power cut for the whole day due to transformer maintenance in the locality. My body was completely drenched with sweat. I felt like drowning inside the water bucket but it was too small to fit me in. I stood below the shower for an hour and stepped out of the bathroom. A wave of steamy air attacked me and I couldn’t breathe. I stepped out to the balcony...

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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife Part 35 8211 Prologue

This is the part before the final part of the This is about the night when it all began. Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts for continuity. Please share your feedback with . Women in Chennai or Bangalore and couples who want to have fun can reach out to me. Please do not ask for a swapping or group sex as she is not my wife. Continuing from Part 3 But she was not moving away or trying to roll her nighty down. So I thought of continuing the game of guessing and...

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A Fate Worse Than DeathChapter 7

Holly decided definitely she would not bring Gladys to police headquarters. She was convinced that the girl played a minor role in the kidnapping and absolutely none in the killing. Besides, she was in love with her. Gladys was willing to try anything Holly wanted. Being a lesbian all of her life and the small girl having had sex with both genders, the Constable was happy to have her around the house doing the small chores while she was on duty. She didn't make any attempt to escape or even...

3 years ago
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Morphic Adaptation Unit All Alone

Morphic Adaptation Unit - All Alone A forest ranger in a remote cabin finds an MAU. After experimenting a bit, he finds a way to alleviate his loneliness. *********************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit - All Alone Rick stood atop the fire tower and sighed for perhaps the thousandth time. The perfect blue sky, the deep green of the pine forest, the gentle breeze in the 80 degree day - none of that seemed to penetrate the visible funk he was...

2 years ago
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Cents and NickelChapter 20

Things moved rapidly that day. The Sheriff told her that the judge had signed the order and his prison van was on the way. Dollars nodded. The reporters were gone for the morning though I knew they would be back if there was anything happening. The prison van arrived and all the prisoners were loaded and made it safely to the detention center. That allowed things to calm down. Dollars got the call from the Mayor. She thanked him but told him she would have to talk to her fiancé and pray...

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She Said He Said

Chapter 1: Memories of Kelly She couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared at her computer screen. She usually didn’t open emails from people she didn’t know but, but when she saw the name ‘Kelly’ in the ‘Re:’ category her heart skipped a beat and she caught her breath. It was amazing how, even after 3 years the mere sight of his name could have such an effect on her. With a trembling hand, she opened the email from, ‘HoundogX.’ Slowly she read the message from her former lover: ‘Just wanted...

2 years ago
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The YoyoChapter 2

The sudden opening of the door ended his day dream of the last time he had been serviced by Elizabeth May. The conversation with his wife was brief, informative and that was it. Most husband and wives would give each other a kiss at the very least but for him and his wife there was no such activity, it was as though they were just acquaintances, sharing the same accommodation. She retired to her room and only then informed him that she wouldn't be in for dinner but was joining a few of her...

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Life As A Married Trucker

I am an over-the-road truck driver and my wife, Donna sometimes goes with me on my extended trips. Donna is a cutie and is built like a brick house, standing 5’4” and weighing all of 103 pounds soaking wet. Everywhere we go, she always draws a lot of attention. I like the mischievousness Donna sometimes beings into our life. We’ve been married about ten years and we have a very happy sex life, but every now and then, one of us gets a hankering for something different. We’re very committed to...

Office Sex
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Silver Pt 10

****************************** *** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** Author’s note: Thanks to all for your kind words regarding the continuation of the Silver series, your comments were greatly appreciated! And so we continue with the romantic series with Silver 10 as Marlene and Michael continue their lives together. As I have always stated before, your comments are so very much appreciated! Please take the...

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The Homely 18Year Old Babysitter

I had been a single father for three years now. I had lost my beautiful wife in a tragic car accident. I had reared my 5-year old daughter single-handily. I was so traumatized by the death of my wife that I had not dated since her passing. Yet, recently, at the urging of friends, I had joined and had been on a string of dates and one-night stands. I had hired an 18-year old named Lacy to take care of my 5-year old daughter. She was very good with the c***d and I paid her handsomely...

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Teen Diaries 2 The Babysitters Husband

My name is Vanessa and I'm 16, definitely too old for a babysitter. But my seven year old brother needs one and my parents have been hiring Joan since I was little. She's kind of like family and I was even the flower girl at her wedding when she married Brian three years ago. He often came with her while she babysat and would work on his laptop or watch TV. Brian was super tall at 6'3", especially compared to my 5'4". He's very stocky and wide, with muscle and fat. I usually find chunky guys a...

Straight Sex
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Love and Sex In The Time Of Zombies Part 3

 = = = = = = = = = = = =Chapter 8 - The Party= = = = = = = = = = = = The Masters boys were dressed but looked a little sheepish. The Johnson sisters were beaming, their faces a little flushed. Must've been a pretty good time on the knife case, I presumed."So what's the deal?" I wanted to pack up and get out of here."Well," said Lizzie, the eldest. "The men here have fulfilled all of our needs--"Erin laughed out loud and Kristin smacked her own forehead."...and we've got shoes, socks, and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Black Sons Adventures pt7 pt1

As I was lying in my bed dreaming about the wonderful sex I had with seven different girls last weekend, my oversize cock started to harden. The versions of enormous breasts dance through my head. Including my very own mother's huge breasts. Suddenly, I felt a wet and very warm mouth engulfing my hard-on. At first I thought I was still dreaming but then my eyes began to open and small moans leaked out between my lips. I looked down to see my mom's head, bobbing up and down my shaft.Her huge ass...

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She Had No Panties

She Had No Panties.My second woman lover come years later, I just never has theguts to push it myself! I had a friend, divorced, about tenyears older, who used to live in the neighborhood and whom Ivisited quite often. She also visited me, somehow usually when Iwas alone at home. Very feminine brunette, a bit plump, flashy,not fat, just little extra padding on hips and tights. I used tolike her figure very much...After work I would end up at her place for a cup of coffee andchat. She would be...

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Help Make My Husband A Cuck

The scene was set, Renuka was in her white cotton bra and baby pink panty. Her wheatish complexion and toned body shone in the dim lit bedroom. There was a noise in the main door, someone trying to open unlock the door, we could hear the keys jiggle. She was sat on her knees, looking innocently at me, her dark brown hair let loose. She brought her hands to my boxer shorts and was rubbing my cock lightly. The more she rubbed her hands, harder my cock got and instinctively my hands reached for...

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An Odd DiscoveryChapter 11

With more than twenty-four hours to go I was already trembling with anticipation at seeing June again. The incongruous difference in our heights was swiftly dismissed as mere inconvenience. Unsurprisingly I was ready early, and still feeling excited I decided to head out straight away and have a quick pint to calm me down a bit. As soon as I was through the door I was glad I wasn't driving. There was a heavy fog clinging to the ground. As usual, it made me remember the dense fogs of my...

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Lust Part 1

I have always been a very persuasive woman. Even when it takes longer I usually get things done my way. My life has always been a little eccentric, to say the least, but conspiring with my son to make my husband fall for his little daughter... That's a little too much even for someone like me. Specially when all this craziness, sexual tension, hidden emotions and incestual lust have struck me out of nowhere in the past few weeks. But let me talk a little bit about my life and how I got to...

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A Cute College Girl8217s Sexcapades 8211 Pt 2 Losing Virginity

Hi readers, this is the second part of my story. If you haven’t read the previous part, please find it above. I felt his wet lips on my neck. He was not just kissing me, he was sucking, licking and biting me. I could feel his saliva trickling down my shirt. From my neck to my cheeks, he was licking and sucking me everywhere while his hands were pushing me towards him, crushing my boobs against his chest. He stopped for a moment and I felt his hands on my ears removing my earrings. I giggled,...

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Dead Stick 6

That night returning home I finally took all 3 clips off her, though I didn't relieve her I did finally ease her torment. "What's the matter Tyrome? Ya going soft? She said I could almost feel her thumbing her nose at me. "No, I don't want ya getting killed if that damn brother shows up, me included, why not be a good girl, and clam the fuck up a while huh?" I told her hoping against hope that she took it to heart and actually give me a break. I should have known it was too...

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Sweet Saturday Heat

This is just a fictional, short story of two lesbians that accumulated in my head over the course of a week after a trip to an old timey candy store. On that note, I urge you to let saltwater taffy and rock candy back into your life. Anyway, this is also my first xHamster submission of any type. I hope you enjoy it, and if you're so inclined, feel free to visit my profile page or drop me a PM._____ Sweet Saturday HeatThe brightness of a sunny, late-morning Saturday filled the room as Anja,...

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Fulfilling Girlfriend8217s Last Wish Before Breakup

Hi everybody, this is Sameer. I am an Engineering Graduate, searching for Job, residing in Chennai. My life until now isnt going right. I am searching for job for an year after my graduation and still cant get one. While I am in my room, I received a text from my love, Sherin. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She lives in my native Thanjavur, and my distant relation. Even though we were from different colleges, I was using every opportunity to see her and spend time with her. We...

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Erotic evening in Manipal

Hi all, I’m Shaunak, a 30 yr old male from Bangalore, 5’11 fair and athletic. I have a couple of my stories out there. This is about when I was studying at Manipal, in Karnataka, pursuing my professional studies. I had seen Sapna around campus before and occasionally out at the bars at night. She was a total knockout, a brown-haired beauty with big brown eyes that would melt you if you stared at them too long. There was something about her that looked so vulnerable, so innocent. She had a cute...

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The hotel door flung open as their lips violently collided. She pulled him in the hotel and tore her own jacket off, dropping it on the floor as the door shut itself behind them. Her hands glided up his chest, to his shoulders and slipped his jacket off. They kicked their shoes off as easily as one would take off a coat with their opposite foot. ‘I want you… so bad,’ she said softly as she slipped his shirt off and dropped it at their feet. She wrapped her arms around his warm flesh and...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 25

Sat-Sun For the rest of the day and the next two, I met potential buyers and sellers of arms, jewels, old coins, and precious metals. I also met Chloe’s family, and met Jan’s parents again. The jeweler barely spent any time at all looking at the jewels. Each bag of diamonds had been carefully gathered to weigh exactly one pound, although individual diamonds weighed from .5 carat to three carats. The diamonds in each bag were all the same quality, excellent. One bag held one pound of D...

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family Business Complete so far

My name is Danny Taylor and I still don't know to this day how all this happened!Let me start at the beginning. My wife Lynsey, along with her sister Laura, and I run a small indie film making and distribution company specialising in, what the film industry delicately refers to as, adult films. We have been doing this for five years now, ever since I met Lynsey and and her two daughters, Wendy who is now s*******n and Alison who is now fifteen. We married last year, moved to a nice house in the...

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Life 20Chapter 8

Frank spent four days in the hospital before they agreed to release him, probably because he was giving the nurses so much grief. A man who’s spent his whole life in the wide-open spaces isn’t likely to handle confinement very well. When she drove up to Casper to get him, Kasuma took along a fruit basket and five pounds of expensive chocolates for the nurses as some nominal compensation for what they had to put up with. When Cheyenne and I went out to the ranch to visit, we were shocked at...

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What the Future May BringChapter 16

After the brief ceremony, President Kathleen Lehrer and the ranking survivors of each Cabinet department proceeded to the Cabinet meeting room. The President experienced a very weird sensation as she took the President's position where, just seventeen and one half hours before, the now dead President had sat. An involuntary chill, not caused by the cold temperatures, started at her toes and slowly transported itself up her back to her head when she thought about the fact that she was the...

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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 6 Where are they

The iLOX commander led his forces quietly through the jungle towards their transport ships. The 'wolf-men' made very little sound considering their size, their unshod feet proving to have a number of fleshy pads on the soles. Commander Kratch had warned the troops about noise and not a word passed between them as they crept forward using hand signals to communicate. Scouts were sent forward to investigate the ships and confirm that there were none of the hated Earthlings in the area. When...

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How I Became A Sissy For BBC Part 3

Parts 1 and 2 are in my profile!!So after I had been exposed to Andrea as a sissy I knew I had to just give in to my urges and finally try going out in public as a girl. It was made even more clear when Andrea started to text me pictures. She was sending pictures of her text conversations with her friends where she was telling them what a small dick I had and was showing themthis picture she took of me naked. At the time she had told me to pose naked for her and cover my dick with a sticky...

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LimitsChapter 23 Commission Mission

Mary Ann Mathews (nee Giancotti) was feeling particularly mellow as her planning period passed. At the start of the hour, she'd planned a vigorous session with her assistant, Taryn Gilbride, and as usual the young gymnast-turned-teacher-turned sex slave was up for the workout. Several minutes had passed, and Mary Ann was still glowing with the blush that only an extended orgasm could bring her. Taryn was on lunchroom duty and had showered and gotten dressed. Mary Ann, behind a locked door...

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