Uncle Roger - Part 1 free porn video

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I was an awkward teenager - skinny, shy, and a bit geeky. I had friends, but not many, and any thoughts of having a girlfriend were in the realms of pure fantasy. I spent my spare time playing computer games and listening to heavy metal. I would avoid eye contact with most people, looking at my feet, hiding behind my long hair which would cover most of my face. You may think that this sounds like a description of a typical nerdy teenage boy, but I was different in one way. One thing set me apart from the other misfits. I had a secret interest in women's clothing. Whenever I was left in the house alone, I would sneak into my mother's and sister's rooms, and carefully go through their clothes. I would select the sexiest items I could find - my mum had sexier lingerie, but my sister had nicer skirts, tops, and dresses. I'd try on different outfits, and even experiment with makeup and jewelry. Luckily such occasions were quite frequent... my mother worked late once a week, and my father almost always got home late. My sister had started university, and would only come home on the occasional weekend. Sometimes I would take one or two items of underwear back to my room and keep them there for a while, but this was highly risky. I could only take things which I thought wouldn't be noticed for a couple of days. At night I would put them on, and lie there in bed, enjoying the feminine feel of the underwear - sometimes just a bra and panties, sometimes tights or stockings too. I wasn't quite sure why I liked women's clothing so much, and I don't recall fantasizing about anything in particular. I think I attributed it to the fact that I couldn't get a girlfriend, and this was the closest I could get to the touch of a female - but in all honesty I was becoming addicted to the sensual feel of the clothes. I would always try to replace the items as quickly as I could. Sometimes I would wash them and return them to their rightful place, other times I would just put them in the laundry and hope that nobody would realise. But one time, I was not careful enough. I had got complacent, taken too many things, and kept them in my room for too long. I arrived home from school one afternoon, and the moment my mother summoned me into the kitchen, I knew that I'd screwed up, and that things could never be the same again. "Jamie! Come into the Kitchen!" "Coming Mum," I called. "Sit down. I was cleaning your room earlier and putting some of your clothes away, and I found some of my things in your drawer. Would you care to explain?" "What things?" I replied, as I foolishly tried to deny the whole thing. "I don't know what you mean!" "I'm sure you know exactly what I mean! A pair of knickers, a bra, a silk camisole, and a pair of stockings. Why did you take them? What were you doing with them? Were you thinking of trying them on?" "NO! No, of course not. I don't know... I don't know what they were doing in there." "Stop lying to me, Jamie. You clearly cannot be trusted. Taking other people's property is theft... so you're obviously a thief and a liar. How can we ever leave you alone in this house again?" I didn't know what to say in response. Lying was pointless, but the truth was unbearably humiliating. I sat there in silence, embarrassed and ashamed. "From now on, you are never to enter another bedroom without permission. And tomorrow afternoon after school, you must go straight to Uncle Roger's house after work. I've already called him, he's happy to supervise you and make sure you do your homework." "But Mum!! Uncle Roger HATES me!" "No he doesn't, don't be so silly. Besides, you cannot be left alone. And I am confiscating your stereo, computer, and TV until further notice. You can spend your time thinking about how you have betrayed our trust." "Please don't tell the others, Mum. I don't want Dad or Nicole finding out." "OK... I won't tell them the details, on the condition that you behave yourself. That means helping with the household chores, always doing your homework on time, and never helping yourself to anyone else's things. And you must go to Uncle Roger's after school on Wednesdays when I'm working. Understood?" "Yes Mum." I felt completely devastated - I would have been more than happy for the ground to open up and swallow me. I headed upstairs to my room, shut the door, and got out my homework - but I couldn't concentrate on anything except my own despair. I put my head in my hands and cried, my long wavy hair tumbling onto my desk. -------------------- The next day at school went quickly. The end-of-day bell was usually a huge relief, but not today. I was absolutely dreading going to Uncle Roger's place. He was a mean old man, recently retired and in his late fifties, tall and lean with piercing eyes. I couldn't remember ever seeing him smile. He had been the deputy headmaster at my school until recently, and I had taken a lot of grief from the other kids over this fact. His retirement came as a great relief, but even now, I saw him as an authority figure rather than family. I had been walking to his house as slowly as possible, but still found myself approaching my uncle's front door rather sooner than I'd hoped. It was quite a large house, smart and modern, with a BMW parked on the drive. The house was undoubtedly bigger than he needed - his wife had passed away several years ago, and his daughter had grown up and left home. I arrived at his house, slowly approached the door, and rang the bell. "Come in, Jamie," he said abruptly. I walked through the door, and he followed me with his intense dark eyes. "You can come through to the dining room and do your homework there. Your mother told me that there is to be no television, just hard work and study until she comes to pick you up." "But Uncle Roger, that's almost 4 hours!" "Don't worry - if you finish your homework, I have plenty of extra work prepared. I'll be here to make sure you work hard and behave yourself. I'm here as your teacher, not your uncle, so you should call me 'sir'. Is that understood?" "Are you serious?" I felt those piercing eyes stare at me again, and and a look of anger covered his face. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist, twisting it painfully. "Don't you dare answer back! You don't want me telling your mother. And I always have my old cane... it tends to be very effective on naughty boys and girls." "Sorry sir." "Better. Now, what homework do you have?" "Maths and English, sir." "Good. Start on your Maths immediately. If you are thirsty you may help yourself to water. Come and find me when you have finished your maths, so I can check that you have completed it. I will be in my study." The maths homework was simple trigonometry, I could have finished it in 10 minutes. I dragged it out to 30 minutes, but after I could delay it for no longer, I took my work over to Uncle Roger's study. I gently knocked on the door, and he told me to come in. "I've finished my maths, sir," I said, handing him my exercise book. "Good." He briefly looked over my answers, nodding to himself. He looked at me for a few seconds, as if he were studying me. "You know, I know why you're here," he told me. "Your mother told me what you did." "But... She promised she wouldn't tell anybody!" "She's worried about you. She doesn't understand why you did it, and she feels she can no longer trust you. So why did you do it? How long has this been going on for?" "Nothing's going on!" "Your mother's right, you are a liar! Do you like dressing as a girl? Do you secretly want to be a girl?" "No, of course not. I didn't wear those clothes." "Oh come on, stop lying! So why do you have long hair? You look like a damn sissy for christs sake!" "That has nothing to do with it." "Why then? If you'd just admit what you did, then your mother might be able to help. As it is, your constant lies mean that neither your mother or I can trust a word you say. YOu have no idea how much anxiety your selfishness has caused. You obviously need to be taught a lesson. Come with me." He grabbed my ear and yanked it hard, forcing me to follow him. He led me upstairs and into a small bedroom. Laid out on the bed was a school uniform. A girl's uniform. Grey skirt, white blouse, cardigan, and knee length white socks. "If you like girls clothes so much, then you can damn well wear them. This uniform belonged to my daughter. But you're skinny, so I'm sure it will fit. I also got these - you should thank me, I bought them this morning, just for you." He picked up a small Marks and Spencers bag, and took out a pair of white panties and a matching bra. "I... I can't," I stammered. "Oh yes, you can and you will. You will do exactly what I say. Otherwise I will tell your mother that I found you up here, going through my daughter's old clothes." "But that's not true! It's a lie!" "Given your track record, who is your mother going to believe? So let's make a deal. Do what you're told, accept your punishment, and your mother won't find out that you've been up to your old tricks. Come back to my study when you're ready. And leave your own clothes on the chair... folded neatly, please." I knew what he was doing - this was his attempt at aversion therapy! I was in a complete mess, and could see no way out. I picked up the underwear - I had to admit to myself that it was nice. Silky off-white material, subtly frilly and very feminine. The bra was padded generously... under other circumstances I would have loved to try them on, but not here, not now... not for Uncle Roger's nasty little game! But I had no choice. I shut the door, and slowly took off my own clothes, until I stood naked in the bedroom. I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I looked skinny and rather pathetic. I had only a little hair on my legs and chest, and no muscle definition. Some of the guys at school looked like grown men already, but I seemed to be lagging several years behind. I picked up the panties. Slowly I put them onto one leg, and then the other. I pulled then up around my waist. Next the bra... I knew what I was doing with these by now. The padded cups stood proud of my chest, and it occurred to me that the underwear fitted very well indeed. Uncle Roger knew what he was doing. I picked up the blouse, and put my arms through the sleeves. I started fastening the buttons - it was quite tight, but I got it on without difficulty. You could just about make out the outline of the bra through the fabric, and the padding ensured that both cups were visibly protruding. I pulled on the skirt, and fastened the rear zip. It was a gray pleated skirt which came to just above the knee. I pulled on the socks one by one, pulling them up as high as possible, eager to cover as much flesh as I could. Finally, I put on the cardigan, fastening the buttons to try to hide the bra. I didn't want to go downstairs to face Uncle Roger - but could think of no alternative. I couldn't run the risk of getting into more trouble with my mum, and I certainly couldn't risk her telling my father. Why was he doing this? He'd never shown any sort of interest in me before, so Why was he intent on bullying and completely humiliating me? I sat on the bed and started to cry. I did my best to pull myself together, and headed back down the stairs to Roger's study. I stood outside the door for several minutes, too terrified to knock. Nobody has ever seen me dressed like this. I felt so vulnerable. Eventually I knocked twice on the door, and entered. "At last... what took so long? Let me see you. Turn around for me." I did as instructed, turning around slowly, as his eyes remained focussed on me. "Very good, you can do as you're told! Keep this up, and things will be easier for both of us. I'm glad the clothes fit, but you still look quite boyish. Stay still for two minutes." He opened his desk drawer, and took out two white ribbons and a hair brush. He walked behind me, and started brushing my hair. I was not at all comfortable with this intimacy, but I stood still and tolerated it. He separated my hair into two bunches, tying a ribbon in a bow around each bunch, while occasionally chuckling to himself. He walked round to face me, and unbuttoned my cardigan, revealing the outline of the bra and the bumps on my chest, beneath the tight shirt. "Now we're getting there. Have you used makeup before?" "No, of course not! Why would I?" "Well I don't believe you. I'm willing to bet that you've worn makeup several times. Here... I confiscated these from some girls at school a couple of years ago, shortly before I retired. Let's see if you know what to do with them." He opened his desk drawer again, and handed me a powder compact and a pink lipstick. I opened the compact to find a small mirror in the lid, and holiding it with my left hand, reluctantly applied the powder around my face as best as I could. Next came the lipstick. My hands were shaking, but I did my best, applying it as neatly as I could to my lips. I instinctively pursed my lips to even out the lipstick, but realised instantly that I had given the game away. "Never worn makeup before, eh?" For a second I thought he almost smiled. "Why bother continuing to lie when the truth is so obvious? Anyway, you look much better now with the makeup on. And the uniform fits you nicely. So, do you like the underwear I got for you? I still haven't heard you thank me." "I prefer my own clothes." "Oh, really? I was under the impression you like pretty lingerie. Go on, thank me. Thank me for the pretty underwear I bought for you." "Please sir... can I just finish my homework?" "Only after you have found your manners." "Thanks," I said, eyes pointed at my feet, too ashamed to look at him. "What for?" "Thanks for the underwear." "Say it properly." "Thank you sir for the pretty underwear." "That's better. You're very welcome, I'm glad you like them. Good girl." I looked up in shock. Had I heard that correctly? Good girl? "Well what do you want me to say? Good boy? Well done Jamie? You don't look like a Jamie, you don't even look like a boy. You are dressed as a girl, so that is how you will be treated. Now you may go back to the dining room and start on your English homework." "Yes sir," I replied, as I trudged away. "And try to walk more elegantly. Legs together. One foot in front of the other. If I see you walking like a boy again, I will smack your bottom!" I walked into the dining room as elegantly as I could, and sat down to continue my homework. I just had to read one chapter of King Lear, and write a one page summary. I tried to focus on the work and forget about my situation. I read the chapter slowly, taking over an hour to complete it. I had only written about half of the summary when Roger returned to check on me. "Have you finished your homework, girl? Let me see." "No sir. I've only just started the write-up." "Why so slow? Good girls shouldn't take this long to do a simple assignment! I could make you finish your essay. But frankly I don't believe this book is suitable for you. I have something else in mind, which I think will prove to be much more educational." He went back into his study to find the book. I looked at the clock. 7:30pm. I just had to read Roger's book for half an hour, then I could get out of here. I could convince my mother that I've learned my lesson... show her how sorry I am... and then everything should be back to normal. Roger returned and handed me the book - it wasn't one I was familiar with. 'Searching for Alberta' appeared to be the kind of teen novel that adults thought we ought to like. But Roger had a specific passage in mind. "Turn to page 64. Start reading aloud at the start of the second paragraph. Nice and clearly. Not too fast." "Yes sir," I said, turning to page 64 as instructed. I read a few words silently, and looked in horror. "I said read it out loud! Come on, start reading it to me!" "OK..." Mike turned to Laura and whispered to her, "Have you ever given a blow job?" "Er, that was out of the blue," she replied. "What do you mean?" "You know... out of the blue. Unexpected. Why mention it now?" "Oh, just thinking. Have you? Don't be shy?" "No," Laura said. "I never have." "Think it might be fun?" "Um, I guess." "No pressure, just try it baby. See if you like it," and they kissed again. And then, Mike unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his boxers a little. He took Laura's shaking hand, and brought it down towards him. She reached in and took out his penis. "Wow," she said. "What?" Laura looked up at Mike without moving her head. "It's not how I expected. It's... really big." Mike smiled, obviously happy with the compliment. Laura wrapped her hand round it, and took it into her mouth. But she was very still, hardly moving. She knew she was supposed to do something, but she didn't know what. Mike could feel her nervousness. "Just move your head up and down a little," Mike said to Laura. "If you choke, pause for a breath. It's Ok baby. It's perfectly natural. Everybody does it." Mike gently put his hands on Laura's head, encouraging her to bob slowly up and down, eventually taking him fully into her mouth. Laura began to relax and lose her inhibitions, as Mike eventually came to a climax, fists clenched and body shaking. This was brand new territory for Laura, and afterwards she felt embarrassed as the nerves returned to her. But Mike put a reassuring arm around her, and the two embraced once more." "You may stop there. Did you like that passage? How did it make you feel?" However embarrassed 'Laura' had felt, I can assure you, I felt ten times worse. "Er... very awkward. It's not the kind of thing I'd usually read." "I think it's rather touching," said Roger. A girl's first sexual experience, when she's fragile, delicate, and innocent." "I... I guess so." I was freaked out, and I knew that he must have been getting a perverse pleasure from forcing me to read this. This wasn't simple aversion therapy... Roger was getting a kick out of this. "It's true, though. Oral sex is very natural. And it's important for a girl to know how to please a man, even if she's a little bit scared at first. What do you think? Do you think that it might be fun? Would you enjoy it, as Laura did?" "I'm not gay! I'm never going to do that... that stuff!" "You mother tells me you've never had a girlfriend - not even any interest in girls, apparently. But you like wearing girl's clothes. What should I deduce from that?" "You've got it totally wrong," I cried, throwing the book to the floor. "Behave yourself young lady! Pull yourself together. Now - I have some extra homework for you. You will memorise the following tasks. First, practise walking and sitting like a girl. Elegantly, with your legs together. Second, practise putting on lipstick and eyeliner. Third, next time I see you, ensure you are clean shaven - not just your face, your whole body. And finally, think of a girl's name for yourself. After all, I can't call you Jamie when you look as pretty as this!" "But I don't have any makeup. And Mum won't leave me alone in the house." "Then you will buy some. The lipstick can be any colour you choose. But if I were you, I'd be careful your Mother doesn't find out! Here, this should help." He handed me a ten pound note. "I can't just walk into a shop and buy makeup! What will they think?" "Frankly I don't care. You can do it, and you will. Take these tasks seriously. I will not hesitate to punish you if you disappoint me - and remember that I can always tell your mother what you got up to here." "I didn't 'get up to' anything, I only did what you told me!" "Your word against mine. And your mother knows you're a liar." "This is blackmail!" "No. This is your punishment. Now - you have fifteen minutes to change back to your boy's clothes, and wash off your makeup. I suggest you hurry." "Yes sir," I replied, eager for this humiliating episode to end, and started to scurry off. "Stop! What did I tell you about walking? Hmm?" "Sorry sir, I was just trying to hurry." "What did I tell you?" "To walk elegantly, like a girl, sir." "That's right. And what did I say I would do if I saw you walking like a boy?" "Please sir, I was just trying to hurry up, as my mother is coming very soon!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up onto my feet. Then roughly bent me over the table, pushing my head down against the surface. With his other hand, he delivered 5 slaps to my bottom. It was not painful, but it was utterly humiliating. To think that this man had so much power over me, that he could treat me this way. Not only was he much stronger physically, he knew that he had me over a barrel, and that I couldn't afford to disobey him. After the last slap, his hand lingered on my bottom. Slowly he moved his hand under my skirt, gently stroking my buttocks through my panties. "Next time, it will be your bare bottom. And if there's another time, it will be the cane or my belt. So I suggest you practice your walking carefully, so such measures will not be necessary. And remember, what goes on in here is our secret, it's your word against mine. Now go." I felt sick, angry, and violated as I walked carefully out of the dining room and up the stairs. I went into the small bedroom and took off the clothes as quickly as I could, and tore the ribbons out of my hair. I pulled my own clothes back on, and swore to myself that I would never wear women's clothes again. I went into the bathroom to wash off my makeup. It wasn't heavy, but I scrubbed at my face with soap and warm water, hoping I could wash away every trace of what had happened today. I heard the doorbell ring. It must be my mum, I thought. Time to go home. It's over. "I do hope he wasn't too much trouble," my mother said to Roger. "He's just been acting so strangely recently." "Oh, it's no bother," he replied. "He was a bit difficult at first, gave me a bit of back chat." "Oh no. I'm so sorry." "He soon settled down to his work though. And I've given him some extra homework to keep him busy. I think he's just going through a few... problems right now." "Oh thank you so much, I don't know how to thank you. Ah... here he is. Hurry up Jamie - get into the car at once." "Goodbye Jamie," said Roger. "I look forward to seeing your homework next week." -------------------- "What did you do at Uncle Roger's?" mum asked me as we drove home. "Not much... just homework. He was mean to me though, mum. I told you he doesn't like me. Please don't make me go again. I'll be good, I'll stay in my room and study." "No Jamie, you know I can't leave you on your own. Not after what you've done." "I'm really sorry for everything I've done. Please... you can trust me from now on." "Enough! I've had enough of this! I'm tired, I've had a long day, I don't need your moaning and self pity. You will return to Uncle Roger's next week when I'm working. If you can behave yourself, study hard, and help with the chores, then we'll see how it goes after that." "I really have to go next week?" "I said that's enough! When we get home, you will go straight to bed. I don't want to see you again tonight."

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 25 The Dog Show

June awoke early on Saturday and looked over to her sister’s bed to find it empty. She sat up and recalled the events of last night and how earnestly Autumn had begged her to let her lick her entire body and how her big sister had used her tongue so effectively in all of her orifices. When June was satisfied with Autumn’s performance, she sent her to her bed with orders not to masturbate. June then recalled her earlier talk with Roger and wondered how, and if, she would end this part of her...

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While I was in Sydney recently I emailed Roger every day with details of what I was doing, (see SARAH DOES SYDNEY). Roger says I am a very sexy lady with a voracious sexual appetite, which I must admit I made full use of when I visited Bec and her partner in Sydney. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. Bec and Roger are also naked and...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 22 A Turnabout

June rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...

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The Story Of Roger Part 3

Roger spent the rest of the evening thinking about Ella and what she had said, he probably had never experienced such an elongated boner in all his life but was determined not to masturbate as for some perverted reason he thought that young Ella would take care of it for him tomorrow, or had he read it all wrong? He tried to convince himself that she was ‘just being neighbourly’ but then kept coming back to how she loved seeing her dad in this very same gown AND wanted him to wear it tomorrow,...

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The Story Of Roger Part 8

Roger was curious about the coach and suggested to Ollie that he meet him to discuss future training regimes, Ollie was all for that and said he would pass his number on to him as he could probably use his services too and was interested in his techniques.He overslept next morning and as he opened his curtains Sam had already gone to do the school run, he sorted himself out with coffee and toast and sat on the patio in the early morning sun feeling the warm breeze blowing through his silk...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 15 June The Patient

Sunday night June thanked Autumn profusely by not only licking her pussy but her ass and tits as well. The rest of the week went by without incident. Oh, she did have to crawl to Autumn’s spread legs and thank her but she wasn’t ordered to satisfy her sister’s sexual needs. Not that she wasn’t grateful, but, for some reason, she found herself drawn to Autumn’s pussy and had an almost irresistible urge to kiss it. She began to wonder if she was obsessed with performing lesbian sex. When her...

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The Story Of Roger Part 4

Roger spent the rest of the evening with a big smile on his face, he was really loving life in his new home having little secrets with all three of his lovely neighbours, Ella loves the attention and knows the effect she has on both they guys, Ollie was full of testosterone and Sam was in need of adult company and has her own needs. Nobody was complaining least of all Roger who at 65 and 35 years of banging the same hole was starting to get variety, he was fast learning a whole new...

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Roger and I and an unexpected quest

I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...

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The Story Of Roger Part 5

The old man spent the next hour or so uploading some more of the pics that Sam had taken to his profile as well as updating his interests and he was quite pleased with what he had done, he received a text from Sam asking if Ollie could come round for a kick about as she had to help Ella with her cookery homework, he quickly text back that it was OK.Ollie soon came round with his football, Roger saw him coming down the path in just his little sports shorts which for some reason he seemed to live...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 35 The Good The Bad The Ugly

June awoke early on Saturday morning. The room was dark, and the house was quiet. She rolled over, turned on the lamp which sat on her nightstand, and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She closed her eyes, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. A half-hour later, she realized that sleep was not going to come, so she quietly got out of bed. After going to the bathroom, peeing, and washing her hands and face, she put on her robe and headed for the stairs. Halfway down the stairs,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

The Monday early morning swimming practice session was shorter than the previous week's practices; the coach was fairly pleased with the team's performance on Friday so he had the team doing straight laps, skipping the drills. "I want you to work on endurance today," he told the team, "so stick with one stroke and do ten laps; then go to your next stroke. We'll do an hour of laps today. Later in the week we'll need to work on our early start problem," he told them. After practice,...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 32 Rogerrsquos News

June awakened from her morning nap by the telephone ringing. She ran down the stairs to answer it. She had no idea what time it was or for how long she had been sleeping. “Hello, this is June.” “Were you still in bed? You sound like you just got up,” Roger chimed. “Yes. I was exhausted from last night, and when I got home, the house was empty, so I decided to take a nap. What time is it?” Roger chuckled before answering, “It’s 12:30. I was getting worried about you. What time did you get...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Wife With Roger

I am a 29-year-old male and am married to Julie who is 22. Although I had only been married for less than a year, I can say in reflection that I was a fool for not realizing exactly what I had. Julie is incredibly beautiful. She is petite at 5′ 6″ and looks like she fell out of the pages of a sports illustrated swimsuit edition. Her long blond hair does not come out of a bottle like so many other “pretend” blonds, and her blue eyes exude an aura of innocence. Although I...

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Sylvia Delights with my new friend Roger

I watched both men climb into the tiny car, already crowded with wooden boxes, Ida, Dulce and me. It looked as if he and Woody had done this a lot, and though it might seem clumsy, it wasn't at all. I always watch how men use their bodies. that is a cue for me about how sex with them might be, and I liked the way both of them moved, especially Roger with his crutch and a bad leg. Ida stopped at the co-op on University Avenue, and we all piled out of her wagon like clowns tumbling out of their...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

It was Friday, and the spring term would begin on Monday. The twins needed to take Ayame to the high school to register and then they had to stop at the dojo to return some equipment. As they drove through the base, Ayame looked around in amazement. “This is such big place! When you said you lived in place called ‘Camp Pendleton’ I thought it was like small camp, yo?” “Yeah, nothing like Japan, right? Even LA isn’t anything like Tokyo; Tokyo has all those tall buildings. You didn’t get to...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 25

In the morning, Barbara’s voice boomed over their beds. “Come on, kids, time to get up!” Tom groaned, pulling Cynthia closer to him, “Oh, Mom, we’re tired.” “I’ll bet you’re tired. You guys slept together so I’ll bet you’re tired, huh? Got a workout last night?” Tom sat up. “Um, we just snuggled, Mom. We didn’t do what you’re thinking.” “And how d’you know what I’m thinking, eh? What’s that white crusty stuff in Cindy’s hair?” “Mmmm, just a tiny gift from Tom...” Cynthia giggled. “Okay,...

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The Story Of Roger Part 7

Roger cleaned her skirt up the best he could and Ella said she would bury the skirt in the washing basket hoping her mother wouldn’t see it too closely. It was an enlightening evening having got confirmation of her relationship with her father; he had her trust so maybe she would open up further as time goes on.Roger loved the feel of their panties and was saddened to give them back even though Ella’s had a slight rip, she had promised him to bring over a supply if she could sneak them out and...

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 24

Early Saturday morning, the twins and Ayame left home for Tom's house; they were going to ride to the nudist resort with his family. After they reached his house, they took their bags and went to the door; Barbara greeted them. "So, ready for your first real nudist experience, kids?" she smiled at them. She looked at their bags. "Hmmm, those look kinda full ... just what did you pack?" They looked at their bags. "Ah, stuff for a week ... Toiletries and things, some undies, changes of...

3 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 3 The Meeting

June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

When the twins’ dad arrived home for dinner, he had news for the family. “I heard I’ll be getting orders soon. I heard that General Markus recommended me to be lateraled to sergeant major and assigned as the chief NCO at Camp Lejeune. It’s an honor to be selected for such a leadership post.” “Lateraled?” Ayame questioned. “Yes, dear. Not an actual promotion because I’m already at the top enlisted pay grade in the Corps. But my rank now is a kind of staff rank, not a command rank. The...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 19 Gaylersquos Bombshell

June awoke later than usual on Saturday. She looked over at her sister’s bed and saw it was empty. She got up and went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed in slacks and blouse, and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her sister eating a bowl of cereal and decided to join her. “Good morning, sunshine,” Autumn said. “ Thanks for last night, but you know you didn’t have to do that.” “I know I didn’t have to. I just did it to celebrate my new freedom.” “Well, let’s...

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The Story Of Roger Part 9

Sam looked her usual hotness as she walked in with lunch, a quick intro to Gavin before he left and then a quizzical look at the old man being naked, “Who was that?” she asked sweetly after checking him out, “And why are you naked?” she added with a giggle as she had no problem with Roger being naked but in the presence of another man raised questions, especially one so young and hot as Gavin.She didn’t even wait for an answer before putting two and two together, “You’re bi aren’t you daddy,...

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The Story Of Roger Part 6

Roger was up usual time and stood by the window just as Sam was about to start the school run, Ella looked up and smiled at the old man and never before had he looked forward to the afternoon more as Ella was coming to do some ‘cleaning’.He had his breakfast and decided to potter about in the garden for a while and once he was ready he stood by the patio door in just his shorts surveying his garden figuring out his plan for the morning, his phone went ‘ding’ as he received a text from Sam.She...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 20 Gaylersquos Audition

June and Roger sat on the couch watching TV while they waited for Gayle to come. June looked at the clock showing it was 1 o’clock. “She should be here shortly.” She said “Yeah. Are you nervous?” “No. Well, maybe a little When Gayle does get here, let me ask some questions first. Then you can either add to them or ask anything you want. Is there anything special you want her to do?” “I do intend to put her to the test. Like maybe eating your pussy while I fuck her doggy style.” June was...

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Roger Fiction by Johnny Roger and I have known each other since childhood. We lived next door to each other and went to the same primary school. Since then our paths have diverged but we have regularly kept in touch. We went on to different senior schools and different universities. He was lightly built, athletic and played fly half in his school rugby team. Roger read engineering. I read law. I work for a large city firm and have bought a small house in the suburbs. After a...

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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Roger's swimming practice was uneventful Tuesday morning; both Tom and Jessica were safely dressed in their suits and everyone was working hard at trying to improve their times by watching for extraneous movements and keeping their strokes smooth and regular. Roger was putting extra effort into his fly stroke; being the most difficult stroke, a good time would be very productive in swim meets. After practice, Tom came over to talk as they showered. "Hey buddy," Tom said, "thanks for the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him. “So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?” “Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 4 After Shock

Roger backed the car out of the drive and looked over at June, who had been sitting in silence beside him, since they left her house. “So, what do you want to do today?” He asked, hoping to start a conversation. “Nothing special. To be frank, I don’t feel like doing anything right now. Let’s go to your apartment and talk.” “Talk about what?” “About your feelings of what you saw morning, I guess. Tell me honestly, Roger, what do you think of me after all that? Do you think I’m a slut or...

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Jen and Roger Stu and Shirley and the Others

Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...

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Jen and Roger and Stu and Shirley and others

Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...

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Jolly Roger

Nother true story from our time on the sceneJolly Roger My wife, Hazel and I have always had a great sex life. She enjoys the attention of two men at the same time and I enjoy seeing her having fun. Some of the meetings have been very successful,while some had been total disasters. One particularly bad week we'd been let down by one contact, who despite seeming to be a really genuine contact turned out to be a total time waster and another meet with a couple ruined by a phone call causing...

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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 8 Jane and Roger

The best way to describe the emotional states of both Jane and Roger is to use the word "rattled". Both had watched as potential partners had paired up and left the room. Both had yearned to be partnered with each other, on the one hand. On the other, both were terrified that they would end up together. Roger felt almost sick at his stomach, because he knew that spending time with this beautiful young woman would result in feelings he didn't know how to deal with. Jane felt exactly the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

After gym, the three teens found each other and began to compare notes about what they had learned. Neither Cynthia nor Ayame had showered; they said that their volleyball exercise had been so perfunctory that neither had broken a sweat, despite how hard the teacher had tried to push them. “Say, did you hear anything about cameras in the locker room?” Roger asked. “No one said anything about them getting replaced.” “No,” Cynthia said. “I saw the broken ones were still there.” Then a group...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 17

They walked through Tom’s home to the back, passing through a den with a sliding door that opened on the pool deck. Tom carried out a pile of towels with him. “Okay, this is really nice,” Cynthia enthused when she saw the pool. “It’s pretty big, too.” “It’s actually 75 feet long. A real pool. My sis is a competition swimmer too and the pool is one of the reasons my folks bought this house. I can practice my laps here if I’m careful flip-turning at the shallow end,” Tom replied. “If you...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 8 The Photo Shoot Take 2

Roger moved the camera and lights in preparation for the next scene then stood at the spot where he wanted June to stand. Once she was in place, he returned to the camera and focused it on her he told her to raise her hands as if they were at a point of his chest. He set the lights where he wanted, looked back at June then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt before setting the camera’s timer. Quickly, he moved in front of June and put her hands on the next button, told her to look at...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 11 Another Humiliation planned

June awoke earlier than usual Friday. She spent most of the night tossing and turning and worrying about what to tell Roger about next Saturday. This morning, however, she could only think about her car. It will be great to not have to wait for the bus and endure the long ride to school. She could now sleep a little longer each morning which will be nice since she’s been getting to bed later because of her having to thank Autumn and complying with any perversion she could come up with....

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 7 The Photo Shoot Take One

June stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself off, she couldn’t help but think about the today’s photo session at Roger’s. Would she be able to get through it without bursting into tears? This wasn’t going to be like yesterday’s romp with Roger which was loving and something she liked. No, this was going to be sterile with no loving caresses. To make matters worse, Autumn was going to be there watching the whole thing. She imagined her sitting there with a smug...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 17 June Coming to Terms

Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...

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