What If...? free porn video

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What If...?: By DebWeb After reading several stories about discreetly trying on a school uniform my early childhood memories were awoken. I was raised in a children's home from the age of seven. It was a small institution comprising of both boys and girls. There were four bedrooms in all. Two for the boys and two for the girls. I recall the time when I was ten years old and I sneaked into one of the girl's bedrooms and stole a dress I had so admired from her closet. As clever as I thought I was in my hiding place for my booty it was discovered by matron. Rather than confronting me she decided on another way to punish me. I woke up on a normal Monday school morning to wash and put on my neatly folded school clothes as usual. Only this Monday morning was rather unusual. As I dressed I reached for my school shirt only to feel a softer material than was the norm. Without hesitation I donned this wonderful garment and savoured the soft feeling as it brushed against my skin. Have you figured it out? It was not a shirt but a lovely school blouse! I wore it with no protest to matron's consternation. The next morning I woke up to find a pair of girls burgundy knee high socks which I pulled over my feet and up to my knees in silent delight. So there I was appearing at the breakfast table in my school blouse and girls school socks discreetly hidden under my jumper and trousers respectively. As the spiteful matron looked on studiously I never uttered a word of protest. I sat down at the table as normal. This ended the whole venture as I was returned to my normal shirt and socks the following school morning. This was a true experience in my childhood but I have often fantasised what if matron had decided to take it further? Where might it have ended...? The following tale is fictional but sprinkled with a few truths. Rosie was an ugly girl with no becoming features. Even her hair was unattractively short and barely covering her ears. The only thing I envied her for were her skirts and dresses that she wore. Oh and the fact that she was a girl and I wasn't. We lived in the same house but we were not related in any way. This was a children's home where many boys and girls came and went depending on their circumstances. Some of us were lifers. By that I mean we expected to stay there until we reached the official adult age of eighteen. Anyway, one day my urges seemed to get the better of me and I sneaked in to Rosie's bedroom and stole a lovely pale yellow dress with a flower printed pattern adorning it. Being the clever rogue I thought I was I hid it in a little used storage cupboard in my bedroom. I could not wait for a free opportunity to wear it but alas it was not to be. When I returned to fetch it the following morning it was gone! I was mortified as I knew one of the daily cleaners must have found it and most probably handed it to matron. My dark secret was out! I felt like running away there and then but where would I go? I only knew this small provincial village. To depart from it would feel like falling off the edge of the world. There was nothing for it but to face this calamity head on and bluff it out. With carefully planned excuses in my head I went downstairs to face the storm. To my surprise nothing was said. No confrontation but I did think I was getting strange looks from Rosie. I put it down to a degree of paranoia on my part. I was just so relieved that my misdeed had not become an issue. Monday morning I arose and went through my usual hygiene cleansing. I returned to my bedroom and began to dress into my school uniform. Briefs, socks, vest, shirt... What was this? It did not feel like my normal pale blue shirt. Yes it was the same colour but so much softer to the touch than I expected. As I held it up before me I noticed it was shaped differently. No back tail but instead it was a straight line all around the bottom. I was so intrigued by the shape and softness of the silky material I could hardly wait to try it on. As I savoured the silky coldness warming up against my skin I encountered more strangeness. The buttons were on the left and so much smaller than I was used too! With a little clumsiness I eventually buttoned up my blouse. Yes I knew it for what it was but I was quite happy to plead ignorance should anyone question me. I finished dressing and proceeded downstairs for breakfast without a care. Matron and Rosie seemed to look at me intently but I carried on as if it was just another school day and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Well nothing unusual did happen apart from enjoying the soft sensation of that silky material rubbing against my skin. It was a distraction from my lessons but I got by. I'm back home again and reluctantly changing out of my uniform back into my drab casual clothes. Tuesday morning and to my delight the blouse is neatly folded amidst my school uniform. What's this? A pair of girls knee high burgundy socks! Well needless to say I dressed in my hybrid school uniform quite happily. Tuesday followed on in a similar vein as Monday so not much more to say there. Wednesday brought some new apparel although it was a bit confusing. It was sort of like the y-front briefs that I was used to but without the split at the front. They were more elastic and stretchy than my briefs but they hugged my penis and prevented it from swinging around. All in all they were quite comfortable so I had no qualms in wearing them. Matron and Rosie seemed a bit perturbed as I attended to my breakfast without a care in the world. School went as normal as enjoyed all these new soft materials rubbing against my skin. Well now it's Thursday and I have received a new garment amongst my school attire. It is a new pair of trousers but they feel softer and stretchier than my normal ones. I am surprised at how light they are. It's as if they are made of gossamer. Oh well not to worry they are only a pair of trousers after all. This feels strange. They seem to be hugging my hips as they stretch. The bulge in my crotch is a bit embarrassing. I know, I will tug my penis back and tuck it between my legs. That way no one will notice my strange trousers. I am a bit concerned how they are tapering out at the bottom though. I must act as if everything is normal because I don't want to give Rosie and matron any sign that I am unhappy. I got some strange looks at school today. It was mostly from all the girls. Every time I passed them they would coo "Hi Dave" and burst into a fit of giggles. The boys seemed to give me a wide berth. It's Friday morning and I look upon my school uniform in trepidation. I was worried as to what new garment may be included. To my relief there was no new outer clothing which might add to my embarrassment. There was a lavender coloured under vest replacing my plain white vest. It had a lace trim around all the edges. I consoled myself in the fact that such girly underwear would be hidden under my blouse. School was strange today. All the girls were very friendly and chatty towards me while all the boys ignored me. I did not know where to put myself as the girls coerced me to sit with them in their favourite spot in the playground and listen to their never ending chatter. I'm so glad school is over for the weekend as I am so confused. It somehow feels like a reprieve for a condemned man or boy. Well whichever way you want to look at it. In actual fact I am beginning to feel more like one of the girls. Ensconced in my soft school uniform and feeling all those delicate sensations it makes me feel more fragile. Added to that the girls are now the only ones who welcome me into their company? The only thing that seems to be separating me from them is now the school skirt. No! Perish the thought right here and now! The weekend passed all too quickly and it's Monday school morning again. I look at my neatly folded school uniform somewhat warily. To my relief it is the same apparel that I wore on the previous Friday. I go through my usual routine and sit at the breakfast table without a complaint. I was actually feeling quite smug as I realized these females in the home could not perturb me. After finishing my breakfast matron handed me my shoes. They were not my shoes! They had a high heel at least an inch! And they looked exposed on the top. The only thing to prevent from stepping out of them was a narrow strap which required to be buckled to the side of the shoe! With a little hesitation I decided that matron would not beat me in a war of wills! So I calmly took them from her and strapped them on my feet. Well if I'm honest my fingers were trembling just a bit. I had defied matron and Rosie though and put them on without protest. Another point for me! As I walked to school I found the heels of the shoes a bit awkward to walk on. I did discover that if I took smaller strides then it was easier to maintain my balance. Feeling I had one up-manship against matron I confidently walked through the school gates. Why were all the boys' eyes drawn to my ass? To my relief the girls all crowded around me in a protective formation and ushered me into the girls 'toilets? Now I was really confused! "This is where we sit to pee," Margo announced as she pointed to one of the toilet bowls within a cubicle. "We always keep the toilet seat down." I nodded my head in agreement but somewhat confused by this whole situation. "We wipe from the back to the front when we dry ourselves." Margo gave me a hard stare as if to see that I had her full attention. I nodded my head vacantly as I pretended to understand what she was saying. Why on earth was I in the girls' toilets anyway? Margo grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the girls' toilet to my relief. Only problem was she kept pulling and guiding me to another part of the school building. To my stunned amazement she guided me into the girls changing room. Her younger sister Sally was sitting on the bench along with other girls from my class. Selena, Jackie, Fiona and all the rest! They all had sort of secretive smiles on their face. Sorry but that is the best way I can explain it. As if they were privy to information that I wasn't. Margo pointed to locker #8 and declared, "That one is empty. The lock code is 8300." She looked at me to see if I was absorbing all this information. I looked back at her confusion wondering why this was relevant to me. She took me by the arm and pulled me out of the girls changing room and left me in the empty corridor while she re-entered the girls' locker room. I must admit that I felt a little lost now with no one to guide me. Well let me tell you! That was one weird Monday I am so glad it's over. Tuesday again and I'm a bit worried about going to school after yesterday's experience. Oh well, onwards and upwards. I am sitting quietly at my school desk and minding my own business but there is a problem. You see the layout of all the desks are connected in a rectangular formation so we are facing our various classmates. Well the problem is that I am facing all girls opposite me and they keep kicking my shins under the table. It is not painful or anything. But every time they kick me I cannot help but to divert my eyes under the table to see which one kicked me. Well erm... they keep opening their legs and making sure I can see up their skirt and they are showing off the colour of their panties! I'm not sure what to make of it. It does not help the matter as I think I am wearing the same panties as Margo is displaying to me. I'm so glad that day is over as it was very trying for me to say the least. The boys avoid me like the plague and the girls have been acting very strangely and sort of secretively towards me. Its Wednesday morning as I reluctantly rise in worriment of what the school day will bring. I have stopped living in denial now as I don my school uniform. Every item I am putting on is really girls' clothing. The only thing that differentiates me from the girls is my female trousers. It's funny in a bizarre sort of way. Skirts are compulsory for girls at our school and yet here am I dressing in a girls clothes completed with girls trousers. I go down to breakfast and eat it in contemplative silence. Where is my life leading to I wonder. All because I stole that confounded dress! I strap on my Mary Jane's and look around for my schoolbag which is not to be found in its usual place. Matron thrusts my bag in front of my face. Only it is not my schoolbag. It is a pink rucksack with a big picture of Hannah Montana displayed on the front. I cannot help but give a wry grin as think we have something in common. We both have dual identities after all. Only hers are two girl identities and mine seem to be boy/girl identities. I go to school and hope I can endure it quietly. It was not to be. Today turned out to be a life defining day if I'm honest. It happened at first break time in the morning. I think it was some sort of initiation. I was walking along the playground in solitary mode and feeling very lonely. Suddenly I was attacked by all the girls in my class! They did not hurt me but they did pull me in one direction. They pulled me into the girls' toilets! I felt the zip on the back of my trousers being unzipped? Amid much excitement and screaming they pulled my trousers off! Margo withdrew her hidden hand from behind her back and waved the pleated grey school skirt in front of me. "It's so unfair that you get to wear trousers while the rest of us girls have to wear skirts." She admonished. And with that the rest of the girls lifted up my lower body as Margo slid that school skirt up legs and wrapped the elasticated waistband around my well obviously waist. All the while the rest of the girls were chanting "One of us, one of us, one of us." So there I stood in total completion adorning the girl's school uniform. The air flowed around my naked legs and sneaked above my hemline. It was a strange sensation but a very pleasant one as the skirt swayed around the hemline and tickled my legs. Margo took me gently by the hand and led me to our class room. She introduced me to the class as Davina the new girl and then we both went and sat on the girl's side of the classroom. Optional Prologue It was the summer break from school and a very scary yet frightening time for me. I was sandwiched in the back seat between Margo and her younger sister Sally. I was on my way to the hospital for that final and ultimate clipping of my tail. As Margo pressed the palm of my hand in between her legs to remind me of the empty void I would soon experience for myself Sally was tugging away on my soon to be extinct appendage. One more erection before it was gone for ever.

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I was sitting on the couch with my master, his hand furiously rubbing my hard little clit, bringing me as close to orgasm as he could without letting me cum. He would bring me to the peak and stop, taking his hand away before I could cum and after I'd cooled off a bit, he'd shove his finger back up my cunt to get it wet again before he went back to rubbing it. I was on the verge of begging him to let me cum when he grabbed my wrists and bound them together quickly, attaching the rope to the...

1 year ago
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Voyeur House

Voyeur House! Congratulations, pervert. Every single one of your dreams just came true, and I’m about to show you where you can reap the rewards. You can thank me later. Cash only, please.Ever since you first hit puberty you started to rub your tiny two-inch baby dick to thoughts of spying on girls. Watching them get undressed for the night, watching them masturbate and have sex, even watching them shower. The thought of unrestricted access to a girl’s most intimate moments has been your...

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3 years ago
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Darlene, bring that sweet little pussy over here for an injection from Doctor Mac's two ball compound." I said as I was waving my rock hard cock in the air.As usual, Jimmy had gone to the office leaving Darlene and I in the huge house by ourselves and I was hornier than hell this morning. I had let him suck me off before he left for work while she watched and now she was walking around bare ass naked after just finishing giving us breakfast.I got up from the sofa and walked over and put my arms...

1 year ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 43

Jerry woke in the morning with his arms around Jenny. His morning erection pressed against her, snuggled happily in the crack of her ass. His hand cupped her breast. He loved the fact that she insisted they sleep nude together in bed. It was a minor thing, but illustrated the huge difference between this and his first marriage. A sigh of happiness escaped from him. Six months of marriage had not diminished the passion he felt for her. “You’re awake,” whispered Jenny making it sound more like...

3 years ago
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In Brief

In BriefAll of these twisted perversions I have been subjected to in life and I am still keep subjecting myself through them still today, these things in my life are real. I indulge in some of these things in life daily and I also have to cope with some of these very same things in life daily as well. But some of those little things I missed so so much and I want back in my life now. Lol. I have always been a sissy and I don't want to change again. Needless to say something so complicated has...

1 year ago
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Brandy And Shannon Part 2

Sitting at my desk in my office, my head was spinning. All I could think about was what happened the day before. It started out so simple, and so easy. My sixteen year-old step-daughter Brandy came up, asked me for a hug, said she thought it would cheer me up, and I gave it to her. When she asked what was bothering me, and I didn't say much, she told me that another hug would help.I didn't mean to look into her eyes, look at her cute adorable face, lean down, and kiss her passionately on the...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Rohan Part 1

I was spending more and more time with my Bhabhi and I was enjoying it. I was so happy in her company. I never felt same when I used to with Puja. And so I was loosing interest in Puja. I always used to compare her with Bhabhi and in each case Bhabhi was in winning side. And finally we broke up. But I was not feeling bad. I don't know why but now I was feeling that I don't need girlfriend. At this point of time I was not ready to accept that I love my Bhahi but ya I know that I Cares a lot...

3 years ago
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The Other Couple 22

Although, I peeked at Brian for a few seconds, and he did the same. We both had small smiles on our faces with a hint of confusion though. We just nodded, but then he went right to me and kissed me. He placed his hands on my butt and brought me even closer to him. They got the opportunity to watch us make out for a few minutes, and I let my hands over onto his wood. I rubbed it through his trunks for a moment, and then our lips parted. "If it turns us into them, why not, babe?" Brian...

2 years ago
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TGS The Little Toy Gun

The Little Toy Gun Timber Grove: Story #3 by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Dean Trout was at the Timber Grove Thrift Shop with his mother while she looked for some jewelry. He loved coming to the thrift shop, as it was filled all sorts of oddities and cool things he could look at. It also had a girl working there that fourteen year old Dean was becoming more and more interested with seeing. Her name is Erika Schimbare, only daughter to the owner of the shop. Dean just finished his...

2 years ago
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My Mom8217s Desire To Have Sex Part 3

Hey everyone Dev here once again with another story. I am really sorry for posting this part so late as I had my exams. I want to thank the readers for your valuable feedbacks. Those who are new to this story read the previous parts for better understanding. Ok let’s get to the story So now I and my mom are in a healthy romantic relationship. As my sister was still on her business trip we had a week to enjoy each others body. We made love in many different positions and had sex in each and...

3 years ago
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The Master WarriorChapter 10

After getting settled in our hotel room, I used their WiFi connection and my laptop to locate a rental agency that we hadn’t used previously, and made a reservation for an SUV to be picked up tomorrow morning at 10:00. This would give us plenty of time to get up, chant, exercise, and have breakfast before picking up the new vehicle. It was too early for dinner or supper when I finished, and Grace had a question for me. “Just who was this Yagyu Jubei, and what did you have to do with him?”...

2 years ago
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Brothers love Part 13 Get your hands off of him

Please note: Since English is not my native language, there might be some spelling and or grammar slip-ups. I'm trying to correct as much of them, but there always will be some that got unnoticed. You'll understand. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...Week passed since Ben got home... It was Thursday, when the fourth class ended we had chemistry and Mike went outside...

4 years ago
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Old Granny Lesbians

I finally graduate in two week,s.I,ll be 19,so I stayed back a year,I had the hot,s for the teacher.I go to the last catholic school in the district.Live in a town that has nothing but old granny lesbian pig,s.that hang out at the mall trying to pick up young women and young girl,s.The mall is the next town over,that I have to go to cause I work there.I walk in I see u watching me.I,m in my little school girl uniform,my short skirt showing my young tender leg,s,and cute ass.I have time so I sit...

3 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 40 Chick Stuff

A bunch of us were sitting on the side porch of the Phi Kappa Phi house. They were having an Oktoberfest party, complete with a buffet of German food. They had a keg of some cheap German beer, good enough for us college kids, in a washtub of ice in the kitchen. The evening started with oom-pah music, but we all tired of that pretty quickly. It was soon replaced with standard shit-kickin' Southern rock music, Tom Petty, Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Allman Brothers Band, .38 Special, Charlie Daniels...

1 year ago
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The one with the Unloved Indian

Culture And Religion have an impact on sexuality and I am confirmed to these rules I just want to be free and be me. I mean I want to be me and explore my sexuality my identity what makes me the sexual deviant that is not allowed in me. I am basically a male and wanting to be a female. This is my great struggle to living the life I want and is a secret I keep from my family.In my faith being a boy that wants to be a girl is not accepted. I am a guy who wants to be a girl. I just like to wear...

3 years ago
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The Luckiest Travel Of My Life

Hello girls and aunts I am Sheharyar from (Dharma Pura) Lahore. I am fascinated about the middle age women in my childhood due to my math teacher Mrs. Ashfaq. When I was in 6th class, I go to her home for study, where she doesn’t cover her body specially boobs. I can see easily her big boobs and some time have glimpse of her assets at the time when she give bath to her son and some time when she swiped the floor of her courtyard. It was the beginning of my love to elder women. I am working in...

1 year ago
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Jillys Special Day Part 2

JILLY'S SPECIAL DAY - Part 2 Gerry was waiting for them with the car door held open, Lance handed Jilly in (he was no longer thinking of himself as Giles) and he moved quickly across the back seat to allow Lance to get in. Closing the door Lance reached over and took Jilly's hand in his. "Comfy?" Lance inquired. "Yes Sir," he replied, but in truth he was as nervous as a kitten and felt the need to pee. "Jilly please stop calling me Sir," he said. "Sorry Sir, I mean Lance," he...

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ShapeshifterChapter 13

The two lovers spent some time enjoying each other's bodies, but Ann was anxious to try out her Black Cat persona. Billy switched to his Lizard Men persona, but he changed the uniform to all-black to match what his sister was wearing. They told their parents that they were going out to hunt bad guys, and would be back in time to go to school. Neither parent was upset by this announcement because they knew that Genie would take good care of them. They went out through the garage via the back...

3 years ago
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Twins Erotic Affair

The twins were born minutes apart, the female at 12:03, the male at 12:12. Their father hadn’t been able to make the event, being on duty in the Philippines at the time. No one from the immense horde of relatives had come from their scattered homes to the Denver event, so the mother had no one to prevent her from indulging her whims. When the nurse asked her what she wanted to name the children, Mrs. Smith-Riley replied, “Guinevere and Arthur.” They were doomed for life. Both...

2 years ago
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Uncle Takes Mom With a Plan

Sometimes Uncle Kunthe used to visit us in presence of dad. Mom never liked him. I often heard her complaining to him not to come home. Maybe because of the way he used to stare at mom. He never dared to come in absence of dad. He lived somewhere else in the city. One day there was a party organised by mom’s principal in college on behalf of his farewell. He was very close to us and a very nice person. We all were invited. A day before the party my dad’s uncle expired so he has to go to our...

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Ashleigh Lost Found

The roaring in my ears receded to a dull ring as I stepped out of the bar. The giant behind the drum set was still playing some farewell filler, while the rest of the band finished their beers. I turned to see Tim furtively exchanging phone numbers and sloppy kisses with a bovine woman at least twice his age. I grabbed him by the arm and started steering him toward the street. ‘You know, they’re called beer goggles because they make you see things differently. That girl was hideous.’ ‘No way....

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 7 Intervention

Rachel acted like a cat with a new toy loaded with catnip. She was all over Dave almost from the moment she arrived Wednesday evening for dinner and for ‘her time’ with ‘her lover.’ The obviousness of her possessiveness was not lost on any of the others at the dinner and, in fact, it provoked some subtle laughter behind Rachel’s back since it was undeniably blatant. Dave took her advances in stride, returned a modicum of affection, and did announce that ‘one of the other women’ would be...

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A Little Fishy Gone Fishing Ch 4

Hall Pass, Day Two.Kyle woke with his head pounding and the bright sunlight hurting his eyes and a bit shocked that his wife was snoring next to him. Lori was passed out naked on top of the covers, with streaks of dried cum covering her body from her matted hair to her feet.Kyle climbed out of bed, wondering when she dragged her ass home last night? Or was it this morning? He grabbed the bottle of Advil out of his Dopp kit and went to get some hair-of-the-dog for his hangover. Kyle had come...

4 years ago
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Rear Window 2

I froze, then slowly closed my eyes and counted to three. Please please please... I creaked one back open. Nope. He still stood there, grinning that familiar smug grin.Shit. Literally caught wet-handed. How was one supposed to react in such a situation? Why was he still so goddam cute? Jesus, Angela, get your mind out your panties.My limbs stayed frozen as he walked slowly towards me. Stalked might have been a better word. He looked like he was ready for me to bolt and I’m honestly not sure...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kate Kennedy Perfect POV

With her blonde hair and blue eyes and the last name Kennedy, Kate really is an all American slut. With her young, tight body and her wet, smooth pussy she can make any man weak in the knees. Watch this beautiful babe rub, suck, stroke and gag on a rock hard cock then shove it deep in her dripping hole. Her soft skin and juicy ass are all that you will need to be completely satisfied. from her knees, her back and on her stomach she gets her twat pounded until the sensation is too much and she...

3 years ago
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He knew that I once dreamed of a trio

I was very nervous, did not know why I had come, but I am someone who is looking for excitement, so I went for it. He lives in a nice house, I called and he answered. Wow still the same as I could imagine, long wide his head shaved and that allowed him horny.Once inside, he looked at me, took my hand and took me upstairs. He was very busy so directly. Once upstairs he kissed me, just turned around, took something and turned back to me, he kissed me again and as he did that I was handcuffed. The...

2 years ago
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Friday Nights Alright for Fucking

I put my hands on her knees and opened her up. She arched her back and moaned as I bent my head and ran the flat of my tongue along her wet, dripping slit.“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she squealed as I flicked her aching clit with the tip of my tongue.She writhed on the bed, wriggling about like a lizard in a tin as I brought her to the edge for the third time. She whimpered, pleaded and begged as I crossed my fingers like a corkscrew and pushed them inside her.I felt her wet velvet walls...


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