My Dates_(0) free porn video

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work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming.
The weather outside was cold and crappy.  This winter was a little
more than usual.  Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a
better time.  But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was
really not so bad.

I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get
some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find
the ATM.  As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about 12yo
got on.  A liitle rotund, but cute. They were laughing and joking some
as they texted on their phones.  The little bruenette giggled and said
don't mind her friend, blondes always find things amusing.  When we
got off at the lobby, they wondered off and I went to the front desk
to ask where the ATM was.  The desk clerk pointed me to the gift
shop.  As I walked in the girls were standing by the ATM and giggled
some more when I walked up.  The brunette made some joking comment
about me stalking them and we laughed.

I got my money and headed back upstairs to my room.  I took a hot
shower and relaxed by watching some news in the nude.  I got dressed
and headed to the bar.  Looking for a scotch and some bar food. I got
on the elevator and when it stopped on the way down the two girls got
on. They started joking again how I was stalking.  I pointed out that
they got on after me. Maybe I should be the one who is getting
stalked.  I got out on the second floor were the bar was and they got
off too.

Now I made a comment about my pretty stalkers and we all giggled
some.  As we stepped off, it seemed like the blonde's parents were
standing there.  I was careful, not knowing how they would react with
the girls joking around with a stranger.  The mom started joking some
along with us.  She said they are a handful now, just wait until they
become legal.

The father commented how entertaining the girls are and we all headed
toward the bar area. They took a table as I headed up to the bar. I
ordered my drink and sent a round over to the parents.  As their
drinks were delivered, the father waved me over to take an empty seat
they had.

I took my seat between the mom and the blonde.  The introductions were
made. The mom, Judy, and father, Bill, were out here to visit her
parents for a few days.  The blonde daughter, Sally and her friend Amy
were off from school.  They stayed at a hotel because Judy's parents
had a small house and they went to bed early.

The two cute girls laughed some more about sitting next to their
stalker as we ordered some bar food. More drinks came and it seemed
that ever so slightly, Judy inched closer to me. Bill made a few off
hand comments about the young girls and their budding hormones.  The
drinks made me feel a little warm.

The food came along with some more drinks.  Judy dropped some dip
right on her breast and made a show wiping it off.  She made a comment
to Sally that someday she would have boobs to make a nice catch. I
said that Sally and Amy could catch anything with their smiles.

In the end the check came and Bill got it before I could. I told them
that since we all would be here tomorrow night, it would by my treat
to a nice Italian restaurant around the corner from the hotel.

Judy gave me a nice tight hug and kiss goodnight.  I almost felt
uncomfortable about it with Bill standing right there.  Then Sally and
Amy reached up and gave me an even nicer hug and kiss goodnight.  Bill
shook my hand and I said what a lucky guy he must be.  We parted ways
and I went to my room.

I got naked into bed with the scent of all three girls.  I rubbed one
out just thinking of them.  I exploded all over my belly.  I then
rolled over into the wetness and fell asleep.

I was up early the next morning to get off to do my work.  I was
certainly distracted just thinking about last night and tonight might
be like.

The day was done early for me.  I went back to the hotel and had a
good workout.  A nice long hot shower just relaxed me more.  I went
down to the bar to have a drink before dinner.  Bill was there alone.
He said he needed a drink waiting for the girls.  They were all up in
the room getting dolled up for the night. He said all three of them
were excited about going out tonight and wanted to look their best.

After a couple rounds the girls showed up.  They looked magnificent.
Judy had a low cut bloose that showed a lot of cleavage. The young
girls had their hair done up and were sporting some lipstick.  It was
nasty cold out, otherwise I am sure things would have been very

They had a mini van and we took the short trip over to Cirillo's
restaurant. Bill drove and had me sit up front with him.  We got to
the restaurant and the valet parked the van.  The young girls each
hooked onto an arm as we walked in.  There was no wait as we took our
seats.  This time I sat between the young girls   This also put me
right across from Judy -and a chance to peek down her bloose. Sally
and Amy pulled their chairs close to me.

Bill was the designated driver and commented that Judy and I had the
chance to have a few extra drinks and relax.  The dinner and drinks
came   As usual for this place the food was great.  Little Sally and
Amy loved the treat out tonight.  They were not busy texting on their
phones.  They were almost acting like ladies.

As the dinner wore on, Judy seemed to flash me more and more.  Bill
made some comments about the two young girls and I being on a date.
He said he was glad to be chaperoning and making sure they knew what
to do and how to treat me.

The check came and I gladly picked up the tab tonight.  Just
experiencing the sexual tension and having some company was well worth
the expense for me.  As we left the restaurant, my two young dates
each held an arm as we went out for the van.  Getting into the van,
Bill directed me to sit in the back with my dates.  We crawled into
the back and Bill told us to snuggle up since it was so cold out.  The
girls giggled, snuggled tight and put their arms around me.  Judy was
in the front and looked back at us.  She told me to go ahead and put
my arms around the girls to keep them warm. After all she added, dates
are supposed
to keep each other warm on any type of night.  As we made the short
ride back, both girls started rubbing my thighs.

With the drinks and the tension, I got maybe just a little stiff in
the crotch.  I was thinking I will have nothing but great thoughts
when I jack off in a few minutes.
We got out at the hotel and I was hoping no one would notice.  But
Judy had a few drinks and did not hold back. As the two young girls
got on each arm again Judy asked if they were enjoying the evening.
They both laughed and said it was the most wonderful night.  Judy then
told them I was having a great night judging by the buldge in my

Bill looked at my buldge and said want real man wouldn't have a buldge
with two pretty and courious young ladies hanging on him.

As we were walking in the lobby, Judy invited me up to their room to
watch a movie.  Instantly both girls pulled on my arms insisted I join
them.  I was feeling warm and with a few drinks in me I could not turn
them down.

We got up to the room and they had two double beds in there.  Bill
took my coat and Judy took me over to one of the beds and had me sit
down in the middle.  She adjusted some of the pillows for my back as I
leaned up against the headboard.   Judy took my shoes off for me and
asked if I was comfortable.

She then turned into a mom and told the girls they needed to get ready
for bed before watching the movie.  They were already on the remote
flipping through the list of movies to pick one out.  The girls let
out a sigh and started to get ready.  Bill was already in the bathroom
and Judy told the girls to get in their pj's. Now I got a little
uncomfortable wondering how this was going to work in such a small
room.  The girls were standing by their suitcase in the corner and
Judy was over by the closet.  I just made it a point to look right at
Judy.  Out of the corner of my eye I could tell the girls were
starting to get undressed.

Judy smiled at me as she told the girls to behave and move along. They
seemed to be taking their time.

Then this is where things started to get different.

While looking straight into my eyes and talking, Judy walked over to
where the girls were changing. They were both completely nude.  Judy
grabbed Sally by the shoulders and turned her towards me.  I think I
almost died.  This lovely woman was showing me her beautiful and stark
naked daughter.  Sally had that plump full smooth skin.  Her breasts
were just forming and trying to bud.  Her pubic area was just showing
some fuzz.  Amy turned towards me to show herself. All three girls
were looking right at me for my reaction as they smiled.

Beyond any words I did not know what to do or say.  The young girls
were the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.  There in their glory,
showing me their soul.

Judy could see the wonder in my face. She then told the girls that as
much as their date would love to watch them run around naked, they
needed to put on their nightgowns and go snuggle up with him. They
continued to change into their pj's under my full gaze.

Bill was coming out of the bathroom now wearing a robe.  He saw me
looking at them and said that they are things of beauty.  I looked
over at him and agreed.
Judy said she wanted to run down to the bar to get us some drinks
before starting the movie.  I agreed and made the comment that if they
thought I had a buldge when getting out of the van, I was certainly in
a worse condition now and was in no shape to run down and get drinks.

Judy left and Bill took up the role of the parent to get the girls
ready for the movie.   They had their very thin nightgowns on and Bill
hustled them up on the bed next to me.  One on each side.   Bill told
them to close in tight with me, and they had no hesitation to that.
They said they loved their date and wanted to treat him right; just
like any grown up lady would.   Bill got a blanket down from the
closet and wrapped it around the three of us.  He tucked us in and
even pulled my arms once again around my two pretty 12yo dates.

Bill sat down on the other bed and starting flipping through for a
good movie.  They girls chimed in and started making several choices.
They asked me what I wanted.  I just said the only thing I want are
two happy girls. They finally settled on some sappy love story just as
Judy returned with our drinks.   She said all of us look so cozy
waiting for the show to start.  She put my drink on the nightstand and
asked if my hands were too busy to get my drink.

She then walked back over by the closet and got undressed.  To be
polite, I started to look away but she started talking at me like she
did earlier.  Now a few of my inhibitions were leaving as I stared
right at her.  She got down to just her panties and bra.  Then looking
right into my eye she took off her bra.  All of us were looking.  I
commented that she had such nice and well formed breasts.  Bill agreed
and the girls giggled.

Judy then took her panties off and stood there for a minute to let me
take it in.  She had a nice bush that was well trimmed. What a nice
feeling I was having.  Two warm young girls holding me tight as I
watched this hot woman disrobe for me.  Bill said she looked like
dessert and I agreed.  Judy reached in the closet and pulled out a
robe.  She put it on and got on the bed next to Bill.

Bill took a sip of his drink and started the movie.   I reached up to
take a sip of my drink.  The young girls got even tighter to me. Sally
reached across me under the blanket, grabbed Amy's hand and pulled
over to my thigh.  Together, they started rubbing my legs.  I looked
over at Judy and she smiled back at me.  The blanket was thin and I am
sure she could see the hands moving on my legs.  The girls moved up my
legs and were getting close to my now raging buldge.

Judy looked over again and told the girls that it looks like their
date must be getting uncomfortable.  She told them that I would need
something loose fitting like a robe or a nightgown.  Sally called her
silly and said there are none left.  Judy stood up and came over to
us.  She reached under the blanket and started to undo my pants. She
said there might not be anything to change into, but I sure as heck
need to get out of these pants.  She undid them and I lifted my butt
up so she could pull them off.  She then reached back under and just
took my underpants off.

Holy crap!

She pulled the blanket up, but it never to expose me.  My now raging
hard on showed though the material.  Judy smiled as she handed me my
drink and went back to her bed.  Bill told the girls it looked like I
had a nice cock and they should see how smooth it was.

Jesus fucking Christ!

The mom just pulled my pants off and dad just told his daughter and
her friend to feel my cock.  Our interest in the movie just faded away

The girls started to rub and touch my cock under the blanket.  I
looked over and could see Bill's cock was full with the head poking
out from the robe.

The girls were laughing some as they touched me. They were a little
rough and Amy hit it wrong and made me winch.   Judy saw this and told
the girls they needed to be gentle.  Judy then got up came over and
pulled the blanket back.  Everyone in the room looked at my cock with
two sets of young puddgy fingers playing with it.  Mom started showing
the girls how to play with it.  Although, I suspected they all have
done this before.

Judt directed Amy to caress my balls and had Sally stroking my shaft.

I was in fucking heaven.

Sally said something about my precum starting to come out.  She then
leaned forward and licked it.  She stayed down there liking the
shaft.  Her mom encouraged her and said she was doing a great job.  I
looked over at Bill and agreed.   He had his cock out and was rubbing

He had a nice cock.  Well formed, circumcised and a little bigger than

Amy was not to be outdone. She slid down and  started to lick my ball
sack. While the two young girls were doing this, Judy pulled their
nightgowns off.  My hands started rubbing their warm smooth skin.  A
young nude preteen body is something to behold.  Soft smooth.

Judy was rubbing my hip.  She then slide her hand under my butt cheek
and her finger reached my bunghole.  She rubbed it with great care and
gentleness.  This was beyond belief.  And I thought I wad going to end
up back in my room alone jerking off.

Sally was now going deep on me. My cock was wet as hell from her
slavia. How did she learn to do this?   Amy was taking my balls in he
sweet mouth.    Her nose kept pressing against my cockhairs.  Her
tongue coming out of her beautiful mouth and sliding across my balls.
Judy's finger was pressing into my hole.   Judy could feel the
pressure building and told the girls to switch.  She was trying to get
me to hold out just a little longer.   I was gently caressing and
grabbing the buns of the two preteens.  The pressure became too much.
Judy pushed Amy aside and the mom swallowed down on my cock   I
exploded like never before.

She seemed to catch most of it.  She opened her mouth and looked
around at each of us to show off my sperm on her tongue. She then
closed her mouth, swallowed; then opened again to show all of that she
took it.   Some milky white drops of cum continued to leak up out my
cock tip.  Sally leaned down, licked it up and smiled.  Judy, ever so
gently, squeezed my cock to work out another drop for Amy to taste.

I was in fucking heaven.

I looked over and saw that Bill was coming towards me with a warm wash
cloth.   He had his robe on, but the front was open and his raging
hard on stood out.
He reached over and started to wipe my cock and balls.  I think he
even slid it down some and caught my bunghole.   He told his girls
they did a very good job in servicing their date he then said it was
time for their date to service them some.

He had both girls lay down next to each other on their backs.   He
then signaled to me to go down on them.  They both spread their legs
open and raised their knees.  I tended to Sally first.  I got up in
front of the young child and climbed up some.  I started to nibble on
her tiny budding breasts.   I worked down her belly and reached her
young warm and now wet pussy. That preteen pussy opened up as I
started lapping.  Those soft and fresh just wisps of pubic hair.

I heard some very load moans and groans from Judy.  She was on the
other bed and Bill was plowing away on top of her.  They looked over
at us.  The parents are fucking while watching me eat out their little

I was working on Sally's pussy as Amy was petting her head.  What a
nice friend.  The juices were flowing and Sally was bucking her hips
back up at me.

She had the nice soft pussy of a young woman.  Sweet and puffy.  Small
wisps of hair.

After what seemed an eternity, I felt I needed to give my other date
some attention.  As I moved over to Amy, I saw that Bill was now
taking Judy doggie style.  Infuckingcredible.

I moved over on top of Amy.  I gave her a kiss on the mouth.  She took
in my tounge- tasting some of the juices from her best friend.   I
started working my way down Amy's neck and to her budding breasts.
Little breasts so tender.  Then down her belly to her young wanting
pussy.  She was now much wetter than her friend.   The smell was
wonderful.   I dug right in licking and tasting.

My hardon came back on.

Bill screamed and moaned.  We all stopped and looked over as he was
still doggie style with Judy.   Pulling her hips back to him as he
blew his load .  Her nice boobs swingling to the rythum.

I went back down between Amy's legs  again.   After awhile, Bill came
over.  Looking at my cock he said it was time to offer the girls some
mutual pleasure.  He grabbed my shoulders and guided me over to his
wanting daughter.   I moved over her.  The look of anticipation on her
face was so adorable.  Bill reached under me and took hold of my
cock.  He stroked it some then tipped it down to rub over his
daughter's cuntlips.  He rubbed me on her then asked me if I was ready
to take her.

I nodded yes.

He then guided my cock into little Sally.  It slid right in.  No
protection and no worries.  And by the feel, no first time.

I started pumping and Bill moved his hands back to rub my buns as we
moved.   Sally reached up around my neck and pulled me down to her for
a kiss.  She opened her mouth and we swirled our tongues.  Now she got
to taste her friends cunt juices.

Soon I just had a desire to do doggie like her parents.  I flipped her
over on all fours.  This time young Amy helped slide my cock back into
her friend.   I was pumping away.  Pulling on Sally's hips with a good
motion.   Having already exploded this evening, I was ready to go the
distance now.

Bill interupped me and nodded towards Amy.  She was on her back and
spread out.  Bill said it was her turn now.   I pulled out of Sally.
My cock all hard and wet with her fresh juice.  This time mom Judy
held Amy's head and caressed her brow.   She called Amy a big girl now
as I mounted her.   Her pussy lips parted as I slid in.  I started
pumping away.  Sally reached over and rubbed my buns like her daddy
did before.  But she went a little further and like her mom, started
rubbing the bunghole.

Judy asked me to get on my back.  I pulled out and rolled over.  Amy
swung her legs over on top of me and sat down on my cock.  A smooth
move.  Amy started riding my cock.  Judy helped Sally to go back to
rubbing the bunghole.   Now Judy produced some gel and put a dab down
there.   Then both girls worked a finger in there.

Bill was sitting in a chair in his robe.   Sipping his drink and
taking it all in with a smile.

The mom and daughter worked my butthole as Amy rode me.   My balls
started to tighten.

Sally pulled her finger out of my ass and got on all fours.  She
started to beg for me.  Amy rolled off and I mounted Sally once
again.   She bucked and I pushed.  A loud slap was heard each time our
bodies came together.  Her tiny plump body had little shock waves.  I
could feel the gel still stuck in my ass cheeks.

And now came that feeling to explode.  I pushed in deeper.  And now I
felt Bill's hands on my buns.  He quickly moved a finger inside me as
I came deep into his  daughter.   I almost thought I was hurting her
with the load.   I squeezed out what I could and Sally tightened her
pussy to keep me inside.

But soon my cock slid out but Bill still had his finger in my hole.  I
looked back and he was naked with a hardon.  Now it seemed that his
cock was a lot bigger then mine.   Judy took hold of Bill's manhood
and put some gel on it.  Then she put more on my backside.   Bill
grabbed my hips and mounted ME.

A feeling that I cannot describe.   My bowels filling up as Bill's
cock filled me.  The three girls gathered around to watch.  Bill
hugged my back and kissed my neck.  Judy maneuvered Sally in front of
me and opened up her legs.   Then as Bill plowed away at me, mom
pushed my head down into Sally's pussy that was leaking my seed.

I moved my tongue up her slit catching my own cum.  Like mom, I
swallowed as they watched.   And Bill pounded my ass as they watched.

Soon Sally moved away and the girls stepped back to watch the show.
Bill slamming my ass.

I reached back and rubbed his balls.  He screamed as he filled me with
his sperm.   My limp dick swayed as Bill abused my butt.   I collapsed
as Bill fell on top of my back.

The girls all came over and gave Bill and I lots of kisses and

I was now whipped.

Judy said it was a wonderful evening and now it was tine for bed.

I got under the covers and Sally and Amy moved their nude bodies
against me.  My ass dripped with Bill's gift.

Bill and Amy turned off the lights and went to bed.

Holding these two, worn out and beautiful naked 12yo girls was
heaven.  The smells and the afterglow.

I had the best nights sleep of my life.

I awoke before the others in the morning.  I lay there for a moment
with the enjoyment of being wrapped up by these two soft and warm
preteen beauties.

I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.  Not having my
stuff there, I used their soap and shampoo, coming out smelling like a
little girl.
I dried off walked back into the room naked.  I love walking around
naked in the morning.  I gazed upon the two young girls curled up to
each other sound asleep.  Bill and Judy lay there looking sweet.

I shared something with all of them but one.  Judy was a prize.  I do
like young girls and have given myself to men, but a mature woman is
the reward.

She was under the covers with her husband.   I went over to her side
of the bed and sat down.  I started caressing her hair.  She looked up
at me in her slumber  and smiled.  God she was just beautiful.  She
smelled so nice and had a sultry look.  She sat up some and a breast
became exposed.  I moved to caressing her neck and then made my way
down to her breast.

So soft.

I massaged both breasts, enjoying her warmth.  A few kisses were
exchanged.  I worked my hands lower and lower to her moistness.  Bill
started to stir and watch us.  As I caressed his bride's pussy he held
her hand.   I was fully hard now and starting to show some precum.
Bill got up and went to the bathroom.

I got under the covers and laid on top of Judy.   My cock on top of
her pussy.  She was moist and wanting.  I slid inside her as I kissed
her.   I started rocking up and down and her hips moved to meet me.
She became to moan.

Bil had come back and was sitting on the girl's bed.  Sally and Amy
awoke and were looking at us.   I pushed the covers off so the family
could see me mounting their mom/wife.    I exaggerated my movements to
make a show.   Judy did the same.   She soon flipped me over and took
top.  She started really moving her hips and gyrating on my cock.
Having cum twice the night before, I was ready to hold out for a long
time this morning.  Judy was in for a treat.

Judy and I soon got lost in ourselves.   The heat was on and we moved
through several positions.   At one point she was on top and facing
towards my feet.  I looked over at an incredible sight.

On the other bed, Sally was on all fours getting fucked by her
father.  Amy was spread out in front of Sally.  Sally had her face
buried in Amy's young little pussy.

I went back to giving this gorgeous woman the attention she deserved.
I rubbed her buns as she moved up and down on me,still facing my
feet.  My thumb found her rosebud and circled.  This family had a
facination with butts and I would return the favor in some small way.
As Judy moved up and down, my thumb rubbed around her anus.  I then
put my thumb up her pussy along side my cock.  Getting it good and
wet.  Judy knew what I was going to do and called over to Amy.  She
told Amy to get the gel fast.  Amy unlocked her pussy from Sally's
lips and got the gel off the nightstand.

Amy put some gel on my thumb.  Then her cute little pudgy fingers put
some right on Judy's asshole.  This all the while Judy is riding me.
Once we got lubbed, I flipped Judy on her belly and lifted her hips.
I entered her pussy doggie style and spread her ass cheeks open.  I
then took my thumb and easily slid into her bung.

Little Amy still a had a need and got in front of Judy.  She then
signaled Judy to suck on her pussy.

Life is fucking GREAT!

I am fucking the mom while she sucks on a little girls pussy. Her
husband is next to me fucking the crap out of their daughter.  And my
ass still feels the effects of his cock up there.

Judy got on her back and lifted her legs up high.  I mounted her and
looked at her eyes.  We both could tell I was getting close.   Amy
went back to the other bed and started kissing Bill's ass as he
pounded his daughter in the missionary.

With Judy's legs over my shoulders I began a very slow and erotic
movement in and out.  This position offers deeper penetration and we
both felt it.   Soon my balls pulled up and I was ready to blow a
load.   I held Judy's head and looked into her eyes as I shot a
load.   My whole soul went into it.  My whole body felt like it was
moving through my cock shaft and into her being.  My eye were locked
in Judy's as was shared the moment.

I slowed as I jerked and squished the last drop I had in me.  I held
Judy as I simply thought her the most beautiful and wonderful thing in
the world.

I pulled out and we both felt the ooze drip out of her warm and well
worn pussy.

I looked over at Bill as he held his cock that was dripping sperm.  He
had shot a load on his daughter's belly.  Amy was moving to lick it

My life could end now and it would be complete.

But I was late for work and work pays the bills.   Life can suck.

I kissed Judy and told her I had to leave.
I got up and dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday.  I gave my
two preteens a nice kiss goodbye. Even getting some of Bill's seed
from Amy's lips.  Gave Bill a kiss on the check and rubbed his balls
for a second.

Giving Judy another kiss; a look right into her eyes, I left.

I walked out of the hotel into the slushy snow of a Long Island


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Coming to an Understanding

Coming to an Understanding Author's Note: Keep looking for new stories to tell, or at least a new spin on one. Htrae doesn't seem like it went over that well (I judge by number of comments) so I've returned to a husband/wife story for this one. Hope you enjoy. Bill wandered into the kitchen still stretching after waking up on a Saturday morning. He could smell the bacon cooking and could now hear the sizzle as Carol slid the strips around on the griddle. He smiled as he...

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Damon and Jeremy Have a drink

“Any chance I can get one of those?” Jeremy asked Damon. “Don’t think so Jer you sister would stake me” He responded “She’s too busy with Stephan to even notice” Jeremy placed another glass next to Damon’s. “Why not?” Damon asked rhetorically, he then added “Doubt I can screw things up more then I already have.” They both drank their drinks and Damon continued to refill both glasses till full then sat down in the am chair while Jeremy was standing at the side table. “Urgh I can hear them...

4 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 2 The First Night

Free Indirect Discourse At long last the night had arrived. Sandy checked over the apartment one more time just to be sure everything was perfect. She had an impressive assortment of wine and liquor and a beautiful tray of finger food arranged on her modest coffee table. She had brought in several chairs from the dining room to make sure that everyone would have a place to sit. Plus, the dining room chairs would be easy to arrange once the entertainment arrived – she wanted to make sure...

3 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 49

I woke up from my nap to hear Les making love in her room. My daughter is like me in that respect: she's very vocal. My immediate thought was that somehow Wes had woken up and they were in her room making love. I went into the hallway and looked around the doorway. Nancy was kneeling on the floor, her hand moving up and down between Les' legs. Les was actually up off the bed, putting her weight on her head and feet as she urged Nancy to keep doing what she was doing. When she grabbed...

2 years ago
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Seeing Maisie in Japan

You can't believe that you see Maisie fucking Williams stand outside the spa you just tired to enter. She is with 2 of her friends which is quiet cute, but you have always had a thing for Maisie. Her petite frame, unconventional face, her bad ass role ass Arya in GOT and her otherwise down to earth approach in real life or at least what we see of her in real life. All of this is a lethal combination that make you crush so damn hard for her and also make you so damn hard thinking about her!

3 years ago
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Company Barbecue

I idly fanned the flames over the grill, making sure the gusts that came by every so often didn't leave me with a half-lit charcoal pit. "You see the Warriors game, Elliot?" Evan. I'm technically his boss, but we do equal work. I've just been on the team longer. He's gonna be promoted soon. He was sitting in a lawn chair watching me work my barbecue magic. "What, are you kidding me?" I answered, "They killed the #1 Mavs. Had to be the biggest upset in Playoff history. You think...

2 years ago
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NestingChapter 4

Caressing her extended belly, Holly watched through the window as the next set of guests arrived for the pool party downstairs. Her appearance would no doubt have caused too much disruption, given the speed at which her children were developing. Soon, however, they would have new hosts and the nest would grow. The arriving students would never stand a chance at resisting assimilation. Before the first person arrived, Donald had excreted a steady stream of pheromones around the back lawn and...

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I want so very much to be a totally submissive cuckold to an attractive woman (white, hispanic or asian), who loves BBC. She would have me watch her with dominant, well endowed BLACK MEN. She would be my Princess and then tell me she is their SLUT! Teasing/humiliating her little dicked hubby; but we would also be very close and I would take care of her after they finished with her. Creampies, full body massages, pampering in every way she desired and required would be my privelege. Once...

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Sister in shower

In July following my junior year in high school, my sister and I reached a new plateau in our physical relationship. I bought or borrowed porno magazines on occasion, from curiosity or for jacking off to, and I knew Alex studied them too. Not that she made a secret of it — we had no secrets — but sometimes I saw her stare at a photo more intensely than usual and then turn the page hurriedly. When she wasn’t around, I’d leaf through the magazine and try to identify the...

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Littles LifeChapter 5

Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...

2 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 38

The adrenaline and fear incited by the Syndicate’s attack slowly faded as I drove. My shoulder ached and I felt like someone had used a cheese grater on my back. I checked my mirrors almost constantly. It didn’t look like anyone was following me. I wasn’t sure whether to be thankful about that or even more worried. Maybe, once I ended the Lockdown, this madness with the Syndicate would cool off for a while. I had to go a bit further north when I reached highway 360. Then I took Randol Mill...

4 years ago
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Living Doll

I come home from work to find her there, in the living room. She’s on her knees in an armchair, torso draped over the back, arms dangling and cuffed, and there’s a spreader bar between her ankles. She’s wearing heels, white nylons, and a flowery, virginal white dress.She’s completely still and completely silent. I stand behind her and lift her dress. There’s pale skin above her stocking tops, and no underwear to impede my view of her delightful pudenda and enticing buttocks. I touch her, easing...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Fat Beauty Nidhi On A Vacation

Hey all! V here again! Sorry to keep you waiting. I wanted to put out quality content, and as you know, that takes some time. Let me start by thanking you all for all the feedback and your encouragement. I appreciate the support. So here I am, back involving my fat, long-haired beauty, Nidhi. Let me recap that she’s 5’4. Her figure is 34-32-38. She has beautiful long hair till her lower back, almost touching her big ass, tied in a bun. I’m 21, 5’11, brown eyes, black hair, round specs, and a...

1 year ago
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My wife his property

Hey there, my name is Ben, and I am a 27-year-old guy from Germany. I am about to tell you how my fantasy changed my marriage. After you are done reading my story, it will be up to you to decide whether my fantasy changed my life for good or ruined it completely. This chapter "The beginning" primarily focuses on how my fantasy was born and also focuses on the first steps on how I started to introduce my wife (back then GF) to the idea of sharing her. Let's start with the origin of my fantasy....

2 years ago
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Switched Teams Forever Lesbian

The day I met Marlena changed the rest of my life and my sexual preference. It was a cold and rainy Sunday when Marlena Edwards arrived at my department store. She was the new department manager that was going to be in charge of the shoe section; which happened to be the department I worked in. At first I wasn't sure I was gonna get along with Marlena, she seemed so shy and quiet. I was loud and obnoxious, and always voiced my opinion when there was a problem. I didn't actually start to really...

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I Got A Paint Job

The phone rang one Saturday morning at the ungodly hour of 7:30 A.M. It was Gloria, my next door neighbout calling to ask me if I would mind helping he friend Kathleen out with some trim painting she was unable to do herself. She gave me the details, the address, and told me her friend would pay me equitably for my work.I arrived at the address and saw what looked to be a rather big job on a two story house. Kathleen came out of the house, and very warmly introduced herself. She was an older...

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Sexy Snow White and the Hot Hunter

NAUGHTY FAIRY TALES: Sexy Snow White and the Hot Hunter Once upon a time there was an evil queen who ruled the Kingdom of Vaenia. This queen was called Goldoria. But despite her evil nature and her age (she was three hundred years old), the queen was the most stunningly beautiful woman in all the land. She had pale white skin, fiery auburn hair and striking emerald eyes. She was strong and powerful, capable of fighting or even talking her way out of a fight. Hells, she didn’t even...

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Hi Guys, I originally wrote this story in german. A few weeks ago I got the idea to write this story in English, too. I call this a little experiment of mine, to look how far it goes and to improve my English skills a little bit. I hope you will enjoy this story. Under this story I will publish several short stories. Some stories will get a longer or shorter storyline. Depending on the popularity, I will focus on individual storylines. Other authors are very welcome to implement their ideas and...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Ashley Fires Haley Reed What8217s This For

When naive teen stepdaughter Haley Reed sifts through her stepmother Ashley Fires’ bedside table she finds a knobby looking vibrator. She turns it on and innocently massages her underarms. Ashley walks in and explains it’s a personal massager. When Haley looks at her blankly, Ashley knows it’s time for ‘the talk.’ She explains it’s for self-relaxation and it’s normal. Ashley puts the vibrator on Haley’s developing breasts and it makes her tingle....

4 years ago
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The Pee Party

Fbailey storyAshley thought that she was so cool. She had cool friends and she hung out at the cool table during lunch. That was just a bunch of bullshit. They were just like the rest of us, only worse.Ashley was sixteen years old and I was fifteen years old.Ashley always hung out with her four best friends forever. Amanda, Anita, Abigail, and AnnMarie were also sixteen years old. They were all born in September too. They called themselves the five aces. I called them the five asses…but not to...

2 years ago
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On the Road Away From Her

I looked up to the sky as I left my house at 5:45 AM Friday November the 18th and did not see any stars which told me it was very cloudy. The cloud cover must have been the reason there was no frost on my truck or the blanket that covered the windshield. I began the sixty mile drive to the construction site where I was a journeyman electrician. Lanie, my wife of six years, would not be home until 7:30 AM from the twelve hour shift she had to work in the ER of our local hospital. I hated that...

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Birthday bashliterally

We bashed and bashed and I couldn’t have wished for a better birthday wish than to be in this moment bashing my friend This was the day before my 20 birthday and I was hyped for it. I was going to stay at a place down at the beach and decided to keep it low key so invited one of my ”best“ friends. He was the same age as me and his birthday was a month before mine and he was also “bi”.i knew what I wanted for my birthday but I didn’t know if I would get it from him...

3 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 6

Thirty one minutes gone. Debbie was hardly ever fucked. Sure she was hot, but that was a far as it normally went. Men were easily manipulated; a bit of cleavage, slightly too much thigh etc. She found actual sex a bit crap, in fact the type of boy she ever let near her was normally the weak willed puppy dog type. Hardly the kind to set your bed sheets on fire, but you could keep them in their place, and that's what she liked. However this situation was so different. Once again she felt...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Reagan Foxx 24247

When Professor Reagan Foxx learns she’s made the #2 spot on a “Top 10 most bang-able professors on campus” blog post, she invites the salacious little publisher-student responsible for it, Tyler, to her classroom for a chat. Sure, Prof. Foxx is upset about her private life being upended, but she’s honestly quite perturbed that the school’s dean, a former roommate of hers who once upon a time ago purloined the school’s star quarterback from her grasps, made the number one slot on the list....

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Artistic Freedom

"A private session? Private, as in--""One-on-one," Professor Williams said, leading the way into the university's atelier-and-drawing-studio multipurpose room. It was somewhat hidden in the back, behind many corridors and rooms full of workbenches, supply shelves and closets, arts projects, sculptures, busts, installations and paintings stacked upon paintings. Normally the halls were full of activity, but it was Friday evening just after 10 and everyone except Professor Williams seemed to have...

3 years ago
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In the Beginning Part Two

Introduction: Part Two I would like to thank everybody that read, voted for and appreciated my first story along with the kind comments as how to improve my writing. I was nervous about making my story public as I didnt think I would have the nerve to do so. If it had not been for a small incident at breakfast a couple of weeks ago, I would never have done it and now I take a guilty pleasure in telling you what started it all. Part One may not be to some peoples liking but I think it needs the...

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CHAPTER 9: THE NEGOTIATION First Class! I never … ever … expected to ever fly First Class. But, here I am, sitting next to the very smartly dressed Allaince Corporation CEO. Of course, I think I am pretty smartly dressed, too. Of course, Mrs. C assisted with that by taking me shopping. Let’s face it, I normal office attire would have gotten arrested well before getting on the plane. “Okay, sir … I think this works best if you introduce me at the beginning of the meeting as who I am,...

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Natalie and I sat on the bus quietly. She snuggled up against me and slipped a hand discreetly into my pants pocket and squeezed my cock. We drew a few curious stares but we didn't really care. We were in our own private world that was beyond anyone's shallow judgements. I think she was absorbing the story of my encounter in the men's room with Chris. I quietly wondered if I would ever see her again. On our walk home we held hands for most of the way, keeping close so that no one could observe...

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Building My Harem Pt 3

Anyways, I hope this part of the story is to your liking. Rate and leave comments if you want, I love hearing your feedback. All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age. I sat at my desk working, thinking of the last couple days. You can probably guess how Erin, Katey, and I spent the rest of the weekend. But before I knew it, the weekend had ended and I was back at work the following Monday. Which meant yet another week with little to no time for fun. I saw Ashley a...

2 years ago
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An Accidental Love God Ch 08

Chapter 8: You Gotta Pick A Pocket or Two All of this was several years ago. I created the plan and worked it. First, I had work assign me over to sales where I worked my magic. Everyone in business knows that IT is dominated by guys. Anyone in IT knows that most managers are empty suits…. Yes men…. Guys who got to their positions by telling their superiors exactly what they wanted to hear and leaving the company before the consequences hit, only to create the same havoc in the next company....

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Lindas Punishment Locked Door

Linda looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she slowly unbuttoned her wet blouse. She could still smell the faint smell of urine as she looked at her breasts, the shirt dropping to the floor in front of her.Silently she reached down and rubbed her hands over them, sliding her fingers around her nipples. Her lips moistened as she started to pull the zipper of her skirt down.“Linda honey?” she felt her body stiffen as her father called out to her. “Linda, honey, are you okay?”She reached...

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The Woman in the Insanely Short Dress

 She stepped into the cross walk in front of me, and then, realizing that I might have the right of way, she quickly took a step back. She was wearing stiletto heels, and an insanely short flower print ensemble that just eluded sex appeal. She had gorgeous stockingless long legs and her black hair was neatly pinned up. It was about nine thirty in the morning in the downtown area of the small town in which I lived. Since I worked in the area and knew most of the shop owners and shop employees,...

Quickie Sex
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Whore Street

bylittle SebastianIt was just too many nights, that I had not been fucked, so I decided for the best way of hunting for cocks, another night as a hooker.First the outfit. Tight pink half shirt that zipped in the front, padded leather bra with "B" cups, black leather mini skirt and thigh high black fishnet stockings. I packaged my manhood in the tightest jock strap that I could squeeze into. Then came the bright red lipstick and make up. I must say I think that I looked like the hottest whore I...

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The Old Man

He was a lonely man who had spent his life with but one woman. That woman had been in the hospital for the last ten plus months and her prognosis had been poor. He had recently begun looking for things to occupy his mind when he was not at the hospital. He’s an engineer, and always been a good one. He had a hobby making small electrically powered robot vehicles. He’d done most types of these small robots: wheeled vehicles, track driven vehicles, model airplanes, walkers, arthropods, and even a...

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Awesome Experience With A Housewife On Bus

Hello readers! I am not a usual reader of iss but used to read whenever I am so free and also used to enjoy some real stories shared by some authors here. Let me tell about myself am Paul from Kerala. Single with average built. And fair in complexion. The incident happened on my way to Bangalore on a Volvo bus. Usually I used to go to Bangalore by my own vehicle as am running business here in Kerala and I usually have to buy lot of things from whole sale shop at Bangalore and will take it in my...

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WildOnCam Chanel Grey Hot And Wild Foreplay

Chanel Grey and Charles Dera love some foreplay as Charles teasing Chanel with his cock. He just will not let her suck it and she can not take the teasing but absolutely loves it! Once she gets that cock in her mouth she can not get enough! Charles gets her down on the floor and throats fucks her getting all sloppy as her saliva gets everywhere and fingers her until she cums over and over! Charles ends up getting her into doggy fucking her as hard and as slow as she wants before falling into...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 7 Hate

Sora put down her needle and thread. She picked up the outfit she had been working on all week and smiled. It was the final piece in her collection. It had been a long climb for her but she knew that she had what it takes. She lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling with a big smile on her face. She took a moment to relax and reflect on her accomplishments. A representative from a fashion company would be over in a few minutes to inspect her work for purchase. She looked at a picture of...

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A virgins first fist

Just a few years ago, I experienced my first major sexual experience. Up until I was about 21, I was a virgin, an endangered species at my age, and wasn’t too worried about. Then, a few months before my 22nd birthday, I met this amazing guy. He was perfect for me. We both enjoyed spending many nights just sitting around, playing video games, watching movies and what-not, but we also loved going out for romantic dinners. He was also big into the gift and flower giving. A few days before my 22nd...

First Time
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My Female Wank Buddy

After I left university I went to work for a large multi-national firm as a management trainee. This meant I had to be mobile and spend time at different locations getting to know about the various activities they were engaged in.I was to be sent to their Birmingham office for three months and was supplied with a list of agencies who could help me find somewhere to stay. After looking at a few dreadful places I found lodgings with Hazel, a lady just a little older than me. She had been in a...

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BrownBunnies Nyna Stax Naughty Nyna Stax Fucks So Great

Today we have a random guy knock on the door thats claims he’s spreading the good word. Nyna Stax got called by her dad to pay attention because this will do her good. After stepping out for a moment the dad leaves the two alone and naughty Nyna Stax hops right on Oliver Flynn. She takes him to the back bathroom by showing him her great tits. He’s in total shocked that this is happening as horny Nyna takes full advantage to pull his dick out. She gives his cock a great sucking before getting...

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Which one for the Belt

Neville studied Denise and Suzi standing nervously before him in his spacious office. He had called them in after a complaint from Larry Johnson, one of his largest customers, who had received a nasty letter with the latest invoice sent by one of his two 'trusty' office girls. ‘Explain to me why this letter was sent to Mr Johnson?’ he asked, holding up the offending letterhead to his two staff. He went on, ‘It reads, 'Dear Mr Johnson, we are sick and tired of your leering glances and innuendo...

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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ********* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between...

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Daddys little helper 3

My heart was still racing as I stood up, pulled my underwear back into place and walked into the bathroom. I used a facecloth to wipe away the cum that had spattered my chest and neck when I had lost control watching my father and my best friend have sex.I hurried to my room and picked up a memory stick and returned to my father's room. I plugged the stick in and copied the folder onto it. I put the laptop back in its place, gathered up my clothes and walked back into my bedroom. I lay on top...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

Linda and I were spending a quiet Saturday night at home watching TV together. My eyelids were starting to get heavy and I wasn't very interested in what we were watching. At one point I looked over at Linda, she was smiling and I could tell whatever she was smiling about wasn't what was on TV. What are you thinking I ask her? Oh nothing was her reply. Then after a few minutes she said I wonder whatever happened to Dave and Sandy? Dave and Sandy now those were folks I hadn't thought about in...

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My Sexy Daughter

"Be sure to call me when you get there so I know you're safe," I told Amy, my wife, before kissing her soundly on the lips, despite the fact that I was the one leaving the house and heading for work."I will," she replied, brushing aside a lock of her orange hair, which had fallen across one of her eyes. Then she gave me a sour look with her pale freckled face and added, "Robert, you worry too much."I nodded to her. Then I said sternly to our son, Josh, who stood beside her "And you, young man."...

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Nailed Friends Wife In Swimming Pool 8211 Part III

First thanks for the inputs and feedback I got for my “Nailed Friend’s Wife in Swimming Pool- Part-1 and Part 2”, Me and Shankar were good friends and he barrowed some money for his house purchase and it was overdue more than 6 months as he promised. Shankar stopped attending my calls and started to lie, which led to boundless misunderstanding, Shankar’s wife Jaya came in middle promised of repayment and started repayment every month in installments, on one repayment she tried to reach me near...

1 year ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 30 A Threat

Petitioning the Acting Governor went well. Yet, His Excellency was planning another soirée four days hence and would not pass on the chance to invite the Greys, if only to count two more members of the fair sex amongst his guests – namely Mirabel and Florence. Thomas and Mirabel accepted without hesitation for they both relished the thought of debuting as husband and wife, and Florence agreed reluctantly after conferring with Mr. Darby. On the day before the soirée – Unicorn was finally...

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Thirteen Steps from Heaven or Hell

The rain tore from the sky, fat droplets hammering the driveway and bouncing almost to my knees as I rapped on my neighbour's front door. Royal blue, I noted, like those short, summer dresses she favours. Like the polka dot number that barely reached her thighs the other day while I was crouched washing my car wheels.The memory was as clear as the sky had been ten minutes before. She'd breezed past, all legs, hips and temptation, pushing the pram on her way to the park, barely acknowledging me....

3 years ago
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My brother lover

I got so into what i was doing, I wasn't listening to him anymore. I didn't realize that he had stopped or at least eased off on his own cock and was looking over the edge of the bed at me. I was cumming hard when i noticed him looking over the edge of the bed. He didnt say anything. He went back up and we just went to sleep. During the next day I kept thinking about him watching me and I kept getting hard. That night I lay on bed fiddling my cock and getting harder. I found out...

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The Machine

The Machine My mother was really gonna do it. She was going to put the Machine on my head. And I was just sitting there. Why wasn't I fighting this? I should have been swearing, kicking, threatening to run away. I mean, I was a boy, and boys aren't supposed to use the Machine. But I just sat there. They took me to the chair, and put the Machine on my head. I trembled, and closed my eyes. Finally the Machine was done, and my mother lead me over to the mirror. And...

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William Redman CarterChapter 21

Used to being sent to answer the door despite the fact that no one had knocked, Ken headed towards the door as soon as William had told him to answer it. He shook his head in puzzlement the entire trip. Although he knew from experience that there would be a person at the door, he hadn't given up wondering how William did it. Colt looked from William to Ken wondering what was happening since he hadn't heard anyone knock. The door opened to reveal a very tired looking green robed Druid while...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 19 First Day

“I don’t wanna go to school,” she said. “Can’t we just stay here?” “We could but I like being employed so it’s time to move that sexy little ass of yours,” and I threw back the covers and smacked her ass. She said, “OK, OK, I’m moving. You don’t have to be such a bitch about it.” “Whoa, someone’s grumpy this morning,” I replied as she got up and I followed her into the bathroom for a quick shower. “I’m thinking impure thoughts right now but unfortunately we don’t have time for that...

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