Batman: Young Lady free porn video

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Bat Man: Young Lady Note: This is the third part of my Batman series, which begins with Batman: Girlhood, and follows with Batman: Young Miss. You may want to read the first two parts before perusing this chapter, as the story here recalls many events from the previous installments. ----------- Batman had never felt so safe, so protected. When Robin had scooped him up in those powerful arms, Batman had started with surprise and almost jerked free, but instead he'd instinctively thrown his arms around Robin's neck, cradle his head against that powerful shoulder, and closed his eyes. It felt, he felt, it was... Wow, he thought, taking a deep breath, inhaling the heavy, sweaty musk of the man. He could feel his own soft breast press against Robin's rock hard chest, feel the warmth of their bodies.... he opened his eyes and glanced up through his lashes at Robin's square chin, firm, angry eyes... and felt himself getting... oh!... wet... Somewhere, a tiny male voice objected, but it was tired and weak and strained... and Batman thought-- oh, just shut up... and closed his eyes and thought of what it would be like to feel this way forever. The trip back to Wayne Manor, a blur. He remembered being lowered gently into the passenger side of the Batmobile, Robin getting behind the wheel. He'd pulled his cape around to cover his soft white breasts, more embarrassed by the hard nipples and what they suggested than the fact that he had breasts, and he's sat there, his knees tight together, and just drank it all in... the scream, the fear, the sweet, feminine thrill of being rescued... being carried to safety... all kinds of switches were being thrown in that girly brain of his... wants and needs emerging ... strange new dreams and desires... Oh, Robin.. he thought, glancing at the man, the shock of jet black hair... those eyes... Then, he was curled up on couch in the manner, a blanket around his shoulders, Batgirl sitting next to him with a comforting hand on his shoulder, and Robin handing him a glass of wine. "What's going on?" Robin said, a hint of anger in his voice. "Are you turning into a woman?" "No," Batman answered, a little surprised that he was still speaking in that high, pretty girl's voice that had come over him when the Joker had.. well... "Then explain what just happened," Robin said. Batman felt his heart flutter. He is such a... man... he thought. So commanding. "She... he... just had a terrifying experience," Batgirl objected. Batman gave the other woman a thankful glance. "I am not turning into a woman," Batman said. "I am a... female already. I am a woman." It was the first time he told anyone, admitted out loud to other people his new sex, and he felt relieved to be unburdened of the secret. "What? But, except for the... well, mostly you still..." "Where it counts most," Batman answered, feeling himself flush, "I am female." "You mean?" Robin caught himself glancing down, caught himself and instead turned his back, walking toward the fireplace. Batman didn't answer. He didn't like talking about it too explicitly, neither as a girl or a guy. "When?" Batgirl asked. "When I was kidnapped. They used... I suspect magic. I had female primary characteristics when I escaped." "So, that's what..." "What?" "I thought you smelled funny at one point, but then I couldn't make sense of it." "Maybe when I had my... monthly visitor." "Mmmmmmm... you stopped smelling like a man." "Guy in the room," Robin said. The two women exchanged knowing glance. Men. Why were they so squeamish about menstruation? "I wish you had told me," Batgirl said. "I was embarrassed. Ashamed. Outwardly, I still looked like a man, so I thought I would just live with it until I could get back on the case." "But then the crime spree hit." "Exactly, and my body started changing more, I got my boobs, and lost muscle, and there was never time to get to solving my case because I was too busy trying to protect Gotham." Batman yawned. He suddenly felt very, very tired. "So now what?" Batgirl asked. "We need to find who did this to him. Change him back." "Okay, let's go and..." But Batman drifted off, barely aware as once again Robin carried him off and lay him gently into bed, where he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. Gradually, the darkness cleared and Batman found himself returning to consciousness. He lay for a time, warm and cozy beneath the covers, luxuriating in the bed. What day was it? What did he have to do today? He didn't know and nothing. Nothing. He could just lay in bed all day... and then he sat bolt upright seized with the sudden fear and certainty that he'd been recaptured, that he was back in... Wayne Manor. His bedroom. It all seemed right, but he didn't. The breasts that swayed on his chest were much larger... and his hair... he could feel it flowing down his back, over his shoulders, swaying across the tops of his breasts and over his smooth shoulders... Pulling the covers aside he slid from the bed, and started toward the mirror, grabbing the waist of his too large pajama bottoms as he almost tripped over the pant legs, and padded over to the mirror. I'm pretty, he thought, looking at the slender female in the mirror. He was filled with pleasure and relief, almost joy at the recognition. The changes had been dramatic. His eyes were still blue, but big and framed with a bouquet of curly, girly lashes. He looked himself over, taking it in... the tiny nose, the full lips and... my skin is glowing!... he admired his slender arms, the sweet, soft shoulders... and boobs! Not the little girl boobs he'd had before, but a woman's full, pert breasts... a woman's figure... slender waist... wide, round hips... tiny wrists and a long, slender neck... He turned and admired his curvy shape from every angle, pulling the pajamas close to his body to emphasize the sweet roundness of his form... before finally getting up the courage to slip that absurd pajama top from his shoulders and step out of the pajama pants and look at his naked form.. the roundness of his slender legs... the sway of his breasts, the thick mane of wavy jet black hair... and again, his skin... so soft, so radiant... the dramatic curve of the small of his back, and the high, coltish behind... Pretty... I am a pretty girl... He hugged himself and smiled... Where would we walk? Where would we run? If we could stay all day in the sun? Just you and me And I could be Part of your world Oh my God, he thought suddenly, turning from the mirror. Robin. Barbara. Where are they? What's going on? How long was I asleep? He hurried over to the wardrobe, grabbed a still too large bathrobe, wrapped it around his tiny frame and rushed out. "Alfred," he cried prettily, one hand to his soft cheek while he used the other to hold the top of the robe closed. "Alfred!" No answer. He felt his heart racing... panic... maybe he had been recaptured... this was all another part of his conditioning... maybe he should just... hide! He thought. I'll hide. Scream for... Superman... he'll hear, and then he'll come and tell me what to do, and... Wait, he thought. Take a deep breath. You are a man. Or at least a woman. Not some little girl. He thought of himself in the mirror. The pretty little female, so small, those tiny little arms... so vulnerable... No! Stop. It's part of the spell. No. You are not the man you used to be physically. But you still have a working brain, so stop acting like some ditzy broad and be a man. The Bat Cave. Yes. But first, clothes. Closing his eyes, Batman took a deep breath. Then another. Then, pulling his hair back of his shoulders, he stood up straight, threw his shoulders back and walked back to his room. There. On the dresser. A note. If you wake up while we are gone, check the computer. There are clothes that should fit in the top right drawer. Barb. He pulled open the top right drawer. Sweatshirt. Jeans. Gender neutral. Thank you. Sports bra. He felt his skin tingle as the thought suddenly raced through his head-- did Robin see me? Like this? He imagined Robin looking at him sleeping, his saw himself, pretty face peaceful in sleep, his long dark hair spread out across the white sheets, his soft breasts gently rising and falling, and Robin looking up him, at his small, soft body, taking in those slender arms and soft, girlish thighs... He thought for a moment again about being in Robin's arms... the smell of him... then pushed the thought out of his head and wiggled into the bra he really needed now. Pulling on the other clothes, he allowed himself the luxury of pausing for a minute to brush out his hair, then pulled it back and tied it into a pony tail with a band Barb had thoughtfully left for him. And then, down to the Bat Cave, where he found... Robin and Barbara on the computer. Relief swept over him, and he fought back tears of relief. "Hi, guys," he said sheepishly. They turned and jumped up. "Bruce!" Barbara yelled, rushing over and hugging the smaller woman. Robin stood away from them, behind the chair where he'd been sitting. "How do you feel?" "Pretty?" Batman answered, immediately blushing. "You are pretty," Barb said looking him up and down. "I'm jealous." "Oh, no," Batman said, glancing at Robin, but he had turned away. "I meant physically." "I know," Batman said. "I feel... great. " "We've been monitoring your vitals... you are a healthy young... um..." ".. woman," Barbara finished. "But I am sure you noticed." Batman giggled. "I need to do some things," Robin said. "I'll let you two... girls... catch up." And with that he was gone. "Problem?" Batman said. "Of course. Do I really need to paint you a picture?" "Please do. I have been a little out of it." "Um... his father figure, the man who raised him, who he always admired, is now a super cute little female, and he finds himself having feelings toward her... boy feelings..." "Feeling? Toward...?" "Bruce, every straight guy on earth is going to have feelings for you now." "Not, I don't think..." "You are that hot." Bruce put his fingertips to his lips. "What should I do?" "Keep wearing baggy clothes, and give him lots of space. Also, it would help a lot of you turn back into a man." "No kidding." Barbara giggled. "What?" "I can't believe how hot you are." "Come on." "No. I know. It'll just take some time. It's hard to even process that I am talking to Bruce Wayne right now." "It's hard to feel like Bruce Wayne." "I guess we'll all get used to it." "I hope not," he answered. "So, any luck finding Miss Sarah?" "We're tracking her down, Bruce. We've found several other victims. The case file is all on the computer." "I'll take a look. See if anything jumps out at me." "Good, we can..." And the alarm went off. Batgirl rushed to the console. "Solomon Grundy." Robin was back in a flash, and they all three raced to the Bat mobile. "Bruce?" Robin said. "What?" he answered, though he knew from the man's tone what he was about to say. "You can't come. It's too dangerous for you." "I'm still Batman," he said. "No," Robin said. "You aren't." Batman started to get into the vehicle, but Robin grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him away. "Just stay here in the Bat Cave." "And what?" Batman shrieked, struggling to break Robin's grip. "Be a good little girl?" "Bruce, he's right," Barbara said. "You, too?" Bruce said. "You're a woman, too." ""It's the spell, Bruce. You're so girly now..." "See?" Robin said. "So just..." "No," and Batman tried a throw, but instead of sending Robin flying he found himself pinned on his back, Robin on top, holding his wrists down. He pushed and wiggled, but finding himself so weak and powerless, he finally gave up and accepted that Robin was just too strong. Some more switches went off... He was helpless... and he kinda liked it.... "Let me go," he said softly. "Not until you promise to just stay here in the cave." "Okay," he said, petulantly. "But we'll talk about this." "Later." "Later." Robin paused. Their faces were close, so close. Batman could feel his breasts pressing against Robin's chest, was aware, suddenly, of Robin's body there caged in his soft thighs, and he found himself staring into Robin's eyes, losing himself, seeing something there, he felt his own lips parting, closed his eyes and titled his head back, and Robin ran his fingers gently across Batman's cheek, Batman sighing softly as a thrill ran right from his cheek right down to his curling toes... And then, suddenly, Robin was gone, jumping into the Bat Mobile and racing off into danger, leaving Bruce laying there, a ball of confusion- - girlish disappointment and mannish shame. "Boys!" He thought angrily, getting to his feet and walking over to the computer. Part of him, though, more of him than he would have liked, was... thrilled? Thrilled. Thrilled that Robin wanted to protect him, take care of him... But Barbara's words came back to him. He had been like a father to the young man, and he needed to remember that. It wasn't fair.. to either to them... Robin was so cute... Stop! Think about something else. The Miss Sarah file. He looked over it, keeping one ear on the satellite transmissions coming from Robin, Barbara and the police. And, looking over the file, he saw, that, yes, they were very close to getting to her... The other victims. Was there a pattern? A Saudi Sheik... now a gorgeous and very happy young mother, sooo very blonde... an Israeli intelligence officer... wow! What a pretty face he'd ended up with.... Bruce found himself admiring her deep black eyes, and ... a Chinese mining official... Asian girls always had such pretty hair... Russian oil minister, smaller than Bruce was now almost like a really pretty boy... Japanese shipping magnate gone the other way, supermodel tall and busty... The men had all been put into marriages, and all but the last was either a mother or pregnant... such beautiful babies, too, it was really hard to see it as a bad thing really, they were all super pretty, happy, with great husbands and lovely children, any girl would love to have those lives, he thought. And why not? Have a husband to worry about work and money and all the stresses of life, and he could just focus on being a mommy and spending daddy's money... He saw himself, dressed in a polka dot summer dress that showed off his pretty shoulders, pushing a baby carriage, a pearl necklace and a big, straw hat with lots of ribbon and... oh, the girls would meet for coffee and do book clubs and chit chat... Stop. Stop. He thought. Think about your parents. Watching them murdered. You really think you can be happy living the rest of your life in skirts, shopping for shoes and having babies? You are Batman. Get a grip. He turned his attention back to the file. The first thing that now seemed likely: they were not trying to turn Batman into a woman. That assumption was part of what had left him with no leads. These people had targeted Bruce Wayne. They had been moving geographically... starting in the middle east, heading to the east and then to America... And... yes... someone was building an empire. In each case, the successor to the man who'd been turned into a woman had made drastic changes in business strategy, and though the changes had all been ones that benefitted different companies and entities, Bruce was willing to bet his pretty ass that those shell companies would all lead back to one entity. But who? Not Miss Sarah. It was obvious, suddenly, she was just a hireling. No. She was just following orders. But who? Who had wanted to turn Bruce Wayne into someone's trophy wife? Carstairs. Of course. He'd been trying to force Bruce out, had even said something... what? Something that had made Bruce almost wonder if Carstairs had guessed his secret. But what about Tyler Horatio? Was he an agent? Had he handed his company to a conspirator? Or was Tyler in danger? No. Yes. Kinda maybe? Bruce thought. "Sorta?" He bit his lip. What to do? And a plan occurred to him. All he would need was a voice modulator, and he could investigate without anyone knowing any better. I'll show Robin what this girly girl can do, he thought with a smile. He wouldn't tell them what he was up to. No. He would just say they were right and he was going to stay nice and safe in his new penthouse being a good girl like they wanted. And in no time at all he had rigged up the modulator and called his successor. "Bruce," Tyler said warmly. "How's retirement?" "Couldn't be better," Bruce answered, concentrating to make sure he used male cadences and inflections. "But I do need a favor." * * * "So," Tyler said, taking Bruce's small, soft hand and shaking it. "You're Bruce Wayne's cousin. Paige?" "Yes, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Horatio." He's so tall, Bruce thought, looking up at the man. Or I'm so small. He felt that same feeling he'd felt the last time they had been together-- safe. He'd been silly to even think that Tyler could be in on it, but there was still danger, and he would investigate and see if he could find out what was going on from this side. How did they intend to turn Tyler? The very thought that they planned to do something to Tyler made him angry. Carstairs! I'd like to see him end up in a dress when this is all over! Wouldn't that be sweet? He pictured Carstairs as a blonde bimbo, mincing in heels, mini-skirted with huge bouncing boobs, clutching a tiny little purse, big hoop earrings swaying... Tyler put an arm around Bruce's shoulder and led him into the office. Bruce felt his heart flutter. "So, your cousin says you're a pretty smart little cookie." Bruce giggled. "I doubt he called me a cookie." "No. He did say you had a great head for business. Take a seat, Miss Wayne." Bruce sat down, knees together. He was dressed in a tight black skirt and a white blouse that hugged his full breasts. It was silk and very modern-- semi-transparent, his lacy black bra visible beneath. Black pumps. Silver earrings flashed from his long black hair. He glanced at his newly manicured nails, admired the flash of the thin bracelet on his tiny wrist. "Well, he always had the nicest things to say about you." Tyler didn't answer. He perched himself on his desk and just stared right into Bruce's eyes. Their eyes met and Bruce held his gaze for a time, but then, feeling his cheek flush, he suddenly looked away and giggled. Again. "Mr. Horatio," he said in a small voice. "Oh," Tyler said. "I am very sorry. It's just-- you look so much like Bruce. You could be his daughter." "I get that all the time. So, that's why you were staring?" "That, and the fact that you may be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." "Oh," Bruce said, a smile spreading across his pretty face. He reached up and toyed with one of his earrings, then whispered, "thanks." Tyler smiled. "Hey, get us some coffee, sweetie. And then we'll talk about your training." "Kay," Bruce said. "Cream? Sugar?" "Black," Tyler said. "But you put cream and sugar in yours." "Okay," Bruce said, feeling all light and tingly, and not even realizing as he scurried off that he was falling in love. It was strange being back at the office, but now as a girl, looking at all those familiar faces, knowing them and wondering how shocked they would be if they knew that girl in the tight skirt actually was their boss. He could feel the eyes of the boys fluttering across his body, and he gave his behind a little wiggle teasingly... He giggled to himself some more. Who would guess that it was Batman, the dark knight, the vigilante was shaking his pretty little behind for the guys in the office? Guess I have come a little way from 'don't break my jaw" to 'sweetie, get some coffee.' Life sure was funny sometimes! He smiled, pouring the coffee... and the song came back to him again and filled his mind... Where would we walk? Where would we run? If we could stay all day in the sun? Just you and me If I could be Part of your world Mrs. Tyler Horatio, he thought, smiling. Imagine that? How silly and fun would that be?

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Batman Meets Catgirl

Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn’t know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...

1 year ago
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Batman Meets Catgirl

Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn't know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

3 years ago
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Batman Clowny Dystopia

Batman: Clowney Dystopia On a thundering night in Gotham City, Nightwing formally the first Robin Dick Grayson was on patrol of the city looking for his friend Barbra Gordon AKA Batgirl, she went missing and has been gone for a week now, he is tracing her signal from a tracer he put on her Suit. He arrives at a warehouse designed like a fun house, then is surprised by a hammer hitting his head, knocking him half unconscious, only to briefly see a girl's heels as his vision goes...

3 years ago
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

Straight Sex
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 2

I would like to mention that I found an editor, Ryan Brogan who volunteered his service. Special thanks to him. Monday, January 2, 2012 C.E. Master Bedroom, {cb}Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes up slowly, a ray of sun shine being cast over his face from the window behind the bed that he lays on. His own, the same bed that he shared with four women the night before, the same four women who are with him now, some still in a slumbering state. Jaina Hudson occupies a place between Batman’s...

1 year ago
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Batman Arkham Asylum A New Gotham

The lapping of a tongue on her face woke Selina. Unfortunately, said tongue only belonged to Missy, one of the cats she and Holly shared their compact Park Row apartment with. Who needed an alarm clock when you could be awoken like this? Selina thought, as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Selina noted the moonlight streaming through the window with no small sense of delight. Tonight, she knew, was the night. She'd been hunting a lead on this particular score since before Christmas,...

1 year ago
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Batman Gothams Heroes and Villians

Welcome the Gotham City, New Jersey, one of the darkest and lawless cities in America. Gotham, famous for both its heroes and villains, is a place of despicable crimes and awe-inspiring heroism. Do you protect Gotham or threaten it? Are you a selfless hero? Are you heartless villain? Are you legendary or new? It is all for you to decide.

3 years ago
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Cathy Calusa, an exemplary teenage girl with high moral values, who took a vow to keep her virginity until she is properly married. She is an honor student at the Christian High School she attends. She loves tutoring young c***dren with their school work, and instilling them with good Christian values. Cathy is very thankful for her strict Christian upbringing by her mother, who taught her how to be a proper Christian lady. Cathy has been baby setting since she was twelve years old, so she...

1 year ago
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Farber, Underwood, Carruthers, Kinshaw, Young, Oswald, Updike is its city's first openly transgendered firm. Follow the lives of its partners, associates, staff and clients. Today we learn the history of one of its members. GLADYS By Eugene Webber "Have you called the agency, Heloise?" John Farber asked his office manager. Heloise Farber, John's sister, older by three years, was taking a week off to visit their parents. Their father had retired eight months earlier and...

1 year ago
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Hello LadyBoy

How many of you get off to fucking ladyboys? Well, if you know what I’m talking about, then you know precisely the kind of sexy people I’m referring to. But for those whose brains are melting at the term of ladyboys, let’s keep it simple for them. A ladyboy is an Asian transsexual. But then again, if you didn’t know that, you probably are not into this kind of porn in the first place!On the other hand, if you are or are curious, allow me to invite you to Hello Ladyboy. This series has been a...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Young Lady

Copyright© January 25, 2005 Daddy came home from work to find his little girl sitting on the porch swing waiting for him. "Hey little girl!" he called out. She ran over and threw her arms around him, hugging him tight, "Daddy!! You're home!" Daddy leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head, rubbing his hand over her shiny soft hair. "Where you my good girl today?" She giggled, "of course I was daddy! Wanna sit on the swing with me?" Instead, daddy had another suggestion,...

2 years ago
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American Ladyboy

American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 18 Gladys

Attending Greg and Trisha's wedding was an obligation that could have been avoided; I wouldn't have been missed. On the way back to school, I reflected. This was a good time to make some decisions. Why had I pussyfooted around and let Charlie take advantage of me? I told myself it was because of his mother. She had asked me to look out for him. But really, I knew in my heart that I was afraid of losing my only male friend. I didn't correspond with anyone from C.M.A. and doubted they even...

1 year ago
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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

3 years ago
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Young guy fucked mature lady

My dear friends now I am again here with my new story. This story is really very good and I learned a lot from this mature lady who is really very aggressive in bed. So now I am going to start the story and scene is like this I just moved to Chandigarh when this happened. I was 19 years old and they put me with a host family for the first 2 weeks until I found a place of my own. When I first moved in with the host family, I appreciated how beautiful Chandigarh women are. This lady is 52 and...

2 years ago
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Romance With 27 Years Old Young Lady

Hi friends .my name is kumar frrom East Godhavari born in 1990 . Inka chepalantay .ummm black ga untanu present bussiness chedthunanu. Inka inka .5.7 height . Inka inka chepalantay . Edhi na mail id . Nenuu amchelooo comments evan the please guys Sareee! Na life loo gurthundi po a story edhi . In my story JOYTHI na ex-girlfriend . Young married aunty .pure white skin. Good physics .shee loking so fair. Thanatho campare chesthe nenu avarage.Kaneee nenantau chala antay chala love(estam )...

2 years ago
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My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 19 Gladys Sheila Gladys

Gladys wanted to stay in my room and I let her. I didn't know if she was afraid of Charlie or if it was for the reason she gave; she liked the way I fucked. "Did you mean what you said about my tits?" she asked, snuggling against me so I could feel her nipples bore into my chest. "Yes." "Charlie never says nice things to me the way you do." "I know." "You're sweet. But, God Damn, you can be mean, too!" "I know." "You're not generally like that, are you?" Remembering...

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Young Neighbour Lady

I am Arjun AK, 23 years old working in a CA Firm in Bangalore. I am 5’9, good looking and weigh 72 Kgs. This is my story with Nithya. She is 28 years old and working in Bangalore. She is a beautiful lady with a 36-30-36 figure with 5’4 height. I find her extremely hot and attractive. Here comes my story that took place one year ago. I stay in a 1 BHK flat in an apartment nearby my office. I don’t have any friends in Bangalore except my colleagues and some other people whom I have met at the...

1 year ago
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Im A Naughty Young Lady

"So, are you learning everything, Eliza?""I think so, I'm sorry, but it's still just learning shit I'm positive I'll never need in real life. What degree is this angle, this equation somehow, I'm supposed to get this, blah, blah, blah." I whined, backing away. "Don't get me wrong, but you're like trying to teach sex to someone that wants to be celibate. Maybe that's not the best analogy, but you get the point, Rex.""I do, Eliza. College sucks even more than high school because...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Im A Naughty Young Lady

"I think so, I'm sorry, but it's still just learning shit I'm positive I'll never need in real life. What degree is this angle, this equation somehow, I'm supposed to get this, blah, blah, blah." I whined, backing away. "Don't get me wrong, but you're like trying to teach sex to someone that wants to be celibate. Maybe that's not the best analogy, but you get the point, Rex." "I do, Eliza. College sucks even more than high school because the material is harder, and you're going...

2 years ago
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A Sports Jock to a Smart Young Lady

A Sports Jock to a Smart Young Lady By Kathy Smith Steven Gold was a total sport nut. He was good at it too. He was the Caption of the varsity football (he was the quarterback), he swam for the swimming team too, and he was the best batter and 1st base player on the baseball team too. He was in the junior year of high school. 5 universities were looking at him for getting a total scholarship. Ah, yes, and he was handsome too. He was 6'4", blonde hair and blue eyes. He has...

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Over My Knee Young Lady

Angela heard those fateful words on a dull and dreary Monday afternoon that had been a disappointment of the worst sort. First, she failed the mid-term testing in mathematics so pitifully that no attempt to rectify her shortcomings could save her from losing credit for the entire year of math. Her teacher, the dour-faced Mister Cummins was unlikely to grant her respite in any form because she had let her spiteful disrespect of his obese, middle-aged body surely to have been heard by him when...

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Sweet Journey With Young Lady

Hi all, thanks for reading my experience, I am have been reading and enjoying ISS since 15 years. I am good fan of this site. Due to time constraint and laziness, I hesitated to write about my experience. Please share your feedback to which will enrage me to share my all experiences. I am sakthi 39 years old working in a reputed company in Chennai. My interest is approaching stranger where ever possible and make with them soft sex. I got majority of the experience while traveling in bus. This...

3 years ago
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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Batmans Darker Side1

Chapter 1 Bruce Wayne was quite satisfied with himself as he stood in the study of stately Wayne Manor. Not only was crime in Gotham City down 40 percent thanks to his superhero alter ego Batman, but he had just completed his latest invention—the Invisibility Cloaking Device (ICD)—and installed it at last on the Batmobile. The clock in the hallway struck three o’clock, time for his daily appointment with his shapely secretary Stephanie. A lot of people thought that Batman had a dark...

2 years ago
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Batmans Retirement

Hundreds of journalists had gathered for the press conference in Gotham. "I have fought for Gotham for many years," said Batman, "but with the crime rate dropping and the successful incarceration of most of the super-powered criminals, I believe I am no longer needed and it is now time to retire." The reporters in the crowd were shocked. They tried to ask Batman questions, but he just disappeared into the shadows.

3 years ago
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BatMans Change

The Joker finally gets BatMan. BatMan must win or become the BatWoman. BatMan, Joker, and all characters mentioned here belong to D.C. Comics. This is a tale in jest only. BatMan's Change BatMan was in a search mode. He was trying to find Robin. Robin was missing for a week and the criminal element was all in a dance mode. The Dark Knight swept through Gorham City in search of Robin. BatMan prowled the docks and alleys. Still no Robin. BatMan found a snitch that had proved reliable...

2 years ago
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The Landlady

THE LANDLADY by BobH (c) 2011 -1- "How do I look?" I asked Cate. "You look just fine," she replied. "Honestly, Mike, I don't know why you're fretting so much." "Hey, it's not every day a guy gets to meet his girlfriend's Dad and I want to make a good first impression." "I'm sure he'll love you as much as I do," she said, coming over and adjusting my tie before...

3 years ago
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Lookingglass Ladyboy

I was taking a walk to stay--all right; I'll admit it--to get in shape, when I saw the "Going Out of Business" sign in the second-hand furniture store a block north of my condo. I wasn't in the market for anything, new or used, but I can't resist a bargain, and what was better for finding a bargain, I asked myself, than a store that was having a going- out-of-business sale? The store offered everything you could imagine, in every condition you could imagine--sofas, tables, chairs,...

4 years ago
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Manager Seduces Young Lady

I am Shalini aged 27.. I am working as a software professional. This happened a year back. I was in a project working under a lady manager. I am fair, 5’7″, with a figure of 36-28-34. People say that I am sexy & I have attractive big boobs. Since I go to gym regularly I have a toned body with flat stomach. My manager is Vinitha. She should be around 33 and a divorce. I always get confused with her behaviors cause when no one is around, she will put hands around my hips. Once when I was in her...

1 year ago
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His Dominant Landlady

Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...

1 year ago
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How I Fucked My Sexy Horny Landlady

Well! let me go straight to the story. This is a story of how I got to fuck my landlady who was seeking a young and energetic dick. A few years back I enrolled for engineering in one of the colleges of Bengaluru. I didn’t get hostel at that college. So I had to stay as a PG in a house in Hebbal. There were only 3 people living in that house at that time: landlord, the landlady, and his son. His son was in the 11th standard. They also had a daughter who was studying CA in Delhi. Aunty, the...

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My Favorite Aunt and The Divorcee Landlady

My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...

2 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Trusting Landlady

God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features. Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...

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