Batman: Girlhood free porn video

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It seems that Batman is a popular subject for TG stories right now. Here is my contribution. As usual, what was intended as a short little story has gotten away from me. Look for the next part soon. Bruce Wayne opened his eyes, looked down at his bright, pink-painted toenails, wiggled them and smiled. It was such a pretty color. Then, he frowned. His feet were big, clunky men's feet. Ugly. And he wanted so badly to be a girl. To be pretty. Sitting up, he slid his feet off the bed, stood, smoothed his dress, and walked over to the big mirror in his bedroom. He stood there looking at himself, excited and disappointed. He still looked like a man. There hadn't been any change. Miss Sarah had promised him that he would start changing soon, turning into a girl, but nothing yet. He stomped his foot impatiently. He was wearing a pink dress over a white blouse with a Peter Pan Collar. His wrists were festooned with bracelets, and tiny little pink earrings sparkled in his ears. The extensions they'd woven into his hair looked real?real enough to keep him happy until his hair grew out at least, and they were tied up into pigtails with pretty pink ribbons that matched his lipstick. Ugly! Ugly! Ugly! He thought. No matter how nice his clothes were he was still an ugly man. Just then, he heard the opening sounds of The Little Mermaid coming from the next room and with an excited squeal ran into the other room. "Miss Sarah!" He shouted, giving her a hug. "Hello Princess. Ready to watch your favorite movie?" "Yes!" he said, plopping down on the couch. "Princess!" Miss Sarah said. Bruce Wayne quickly put his knees together, smoothed his dress and glanced over at Miss Sarah with a smile. "Good girl," she said. Bruce thrilled at the compliment, even as he fixated on the screen, enraptured by the movie about one his all-time heroes: Arial. He wanted to be just like her! That was how the days went. Bruce watched movies: Snow White, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid. He watched Pocahontas and Beauty and the Beast. He knew all the songs, could sign them by heart. When he sat at his mirror, brushing out his hair, he often whispered the songs to himself, dreaming of the day when he would be a pretty girl like his heroes, a pretty girl who would one day find her prince in shinning armor, someone to sweep her off her feet. When he dreamt, he dreamt of being rescued. Sometimes he was a princess, trapped in a tower like Rapunzel. Othertimes, he had a wicked step-mother like Snow White, or he would imagine himself as a princess, kidnapped by pirates and held in a dirty, stinky prison. All of the dreams ended the same way?he was rescued by a dashing young man, they fell in love and were married. Miss Sarah taught him many ways to have fun when he wasn't watching movies. He loved looking through bridal magazines, fashion magazines. He was fascinated with clothes and make-up. And it was such fun to play with his dolls, his Barbies and baby dolls. Sometimes, she gave him romance novels to read or cool books like The Babysitter's Club, and when he was very, very good she taught him to dance?ballet, jazz, modern, he loved them all, but especially ballet. He absorbed it all with bright, eager eyes. He wanted to be a good girl. It was the one thing he wanted more than anything. And she told him that if he listened and did as he was told, one day that dream would come true for him. "When you are truly a girl in here," Miss Sarah said, pointing at his heart, "you will become a real girl in flesh as well." Each night before he went to bed, Bruce knelt down, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and whispered, "please make me a girl. Please make me a girl. Please make me a girl." Once while helping Miss Sarah in the garden, Bruce, daffodils in his long, pretty hair, had suddenly said, "how did I get here?" Miss Sarah scolded him. "You must never ask me that, Princess," she said. "You must never think about your old life. Not if you want to be a girl. You do want to be a girl don't you?" "Yes," Bruce had answered. "Yes, yes, yes. More than anything." "Then never think about your past life. Whenever you do, I want you to close your eyes and think about Arial and Pocahontas and all the girls you want to be like some day. Okay?" "Yes. I'm sorry." "Do it now." So Bruce closed his eyes, and he thought about Arial, and how much she loved the boy, and how she'd lost her voice for him, and he smiled and forget all about his questions and his past life. Yes. He had to be willing to make sacrifices if he wanted to be pretty, to find a man to love him. He had to give up his voice, his self, his identity. And then one day, it happened. He woke up in the morning and found that he was no longer a boy. His body was much the same as it had always been?an ugly boy's body, but he discovered that he was now a girl in the one most important place. Since he'd come to Miss Sarah's, he'd been sitting down in the bathroom because that's what good girls did. But now he sat because he had to. And the questions flooded his mind again. How did I get here? He remembered a parking garage. A black sedan with tinted windows. An acrid, chemical odor on a cloth that had been quickly placed over his mouth... he remembered that he was a man, that he was always a man, that he'd never wanted to be a girl. His heart began to race. I'm turning into a woman, he realized with a start. I am a woman. But? I wish someone would rescue me. I'm trapped here, and if only someone would come and save me I would... He stopped himself. I can escape, he thought. I can get out on my own. The thought sent a chill down his spine. Alone? By myself? But, I can't do it alone. I need someone to help me. I'm just a girl! I'm not a girl. I'm not helpless. I'm a man. I have to get out of here. Bruce sat down on the edge of his bed in his nightie, brushed the hair out of his eyes and took deep breaths. Once his mind was focused, he moved meticulously, putting on his slip, selecting a dress from the closet, slipping into a pair of patent leather shoes. He tied his hair back in a ponytail. Looking in the mirror, he knew that no one would mistake him for a woman, but there was no time to worry about that. For a moment, he considered confronting and subduing Miss Sarah? but he rejected the idea. He was sure that he'd been subjected to some kind of hypnotic conditioning, and he was afraid that she would be able to re- establish her control over him. No. It was better to get out and get away, even if it meant being a little embarrassed about his clothes. He looked in the mirror at himself in the little dress. Check that. A lot embarrassed. Taking a deep breath, he walked across the room, opened the door to his room just a crack and peaked out. All clear. Trembling slightly, he crept down the hall, found his way out into the garden and soon found himself moving down a path which led through a field and out to a street lined with small houses. He stood at the edge of the path for a minute, glancing back over his shoulder, then out at the street. He was scared to go out there into the world alone, but now that he'd come this far, he felt even more frightened of what Miss Sarah might do to him if he went back. He was being a very, very bad girl, and he knew it. He hurried out, raced down the sidewalk and rushed behind the first house he saw. His heart was beating like a bird's and he stood there for a moment, a hand to his chest, as he tried to get his breathing under control. Finally, feeling a little more himself, he went to the back door and knocked. No one answered. It took only moments for him to break into the house, and twenty minutes later he'd removed the hair extensions, slipped into a pair of trousers and a button down shirt and snuck back out the door, eager to put as much distance between himself and Miss Sarah as possible. With each step, it seemed that the frightened little girl he'd become receded a little more into the background, and Bruce Wayne, Batman, grew stronger. He looked at his dress, laid out carefully on the bed. I am... a.... man, he thought. A man. Not a bad girl, a man. But was he? Though he looked like Bruce Wayne, he became even more conscious of the fact that down below, he was now a woman. The thought made him feel sick. It terrified him. And at the same time, he could feel that female presence that had been implanted in him scheming, plotting, planning... He soon found himself moving out of the little suburb where the house had been, on a busy street, cars and trucks racing by, the noise scared him and, and he found himself once again in dread that Miss Sarah would find him. How would he get home? He had no money. He chewed on a fingernail, though Miss Sarah had told him many times not to. He should have stolen some money. What now? He spotted a pay phone up ahead, and hoping it still worked, he ran to it awkwardly, his arms swaying girlishly. Inside, he picked up the phone and summoning all his courage, he dialed the operator. "Um, hi," he said, making an effort to stop talking like a girl. "I need to place a collect call." The operator made the connection. Alfred answered, and Bruce almost cried with relief. "Alfred," he said. "Bruce." "Master Bruce? We've been..." "Send a car," Bruce said. "I'm..." he glanced around and spotted a street sign, "on Market Street? In a phone booth, I think. I mean, I know I'm in a phone booth, but I think I'm on Market Street." "Market Street? In Gotham?" Bruce looked around. "No. No, I don't think so." "Where are you?" Bruce fought back the urge to cry. "I don't know," he said, feeling helpless, lost. "Can you help me?" "Stay on the phone," Alfred said, sensing that something was very wrong with Bruce Wayne. "We'll find you." "'Kay," Bruce said, looking around nervously, more and more scared that Miss Sarah would find him. "Please hurry." It didn't take long to trace the call. Alfred talked calmly with Bruce the whole time, keeping him on the phone. "You're in San Francisco," he finally said, relieved. Dick traced the call. There is a restaurant?a Denny's?just a block down the street. Do you think that you can go down there and wait for a car?" "Yes," Bruce said. "I think I can do that." "We'll put you up in a hotel until Robin can get out there for you." "Good. That's good. Okay." Bruce hung up the phone and sighed with relief. He hurried down the street, found the Denny's and went inside, waiting in the vestibule. Alfred. Alfred had saved him. He felt warm thinking of it. Later, he found himself sitting in his hotel room. Alfred had arranged everything, checking him in under a false name, sending up a room service meal. Bruce was feeling more himself, the little girl receeding, his confidence and masculinity growing stronger. With that came shame at his new sex. No one could know what happened to him. No one could know that he was now a female. He looked at himself in a mirror. The rest of his body was the same as it had always been. It was a man's body. His hair was a little longer than it had been, and his eyebrows had been plucked, but he called the concierge and arranged for a razor to be sent up to his room, and shaved both his head and his eyebrows. It would be easier to explain no eyebrows than the feminine arches Miss Sarah had left him with. But he had a slit now. Didn't that mean he was really a woman? It didn't matter. He looked like a man. He was a man. No one would ever know his secret. He didn't remember his dreams, whatever they were, but got up in the morning, ordered a room service breakfast, and rehearsed his story. It was always best to tell a partial truth, and he would simply tell Dick that he'd been abducted and imprisoned, that he had no memory of what had happened, but had found himself disoriented, wandering the streets of a strange city and had called Alfred. As he sat, he found himself singing a song: Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise Realizing it was from Beauty and the Beast, he stopped short. There were questions that he would need to answer. Who was Miss Sarah? Why had she wanted to turn him into a girl? How deep had the conditioning gone? He started to get dressed and found himself singing again: Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Stop, he said. Stop. Get out of my head. But he couldn't clear his mind of the tune, so sweet and innocent, but now, to him, so sinister. Bittersweet and strange. Finding you can change. As they flew back to Gotham in the Bat Jet, Bruce relayed his story to Dick Grayson. Dick listened, doubtfully, but when he pressed, Bruce simply said that he was tired and felt sick, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep. It had been harder than he expected to lie. Looking at Dick, so young and concerned, Bruce had found himself longing to tell him everything, to beg him for help, to ask for comfort and protection. He knew it was all a part of the conditioning, though, and he fought it back, grateful now that he'd had a night to concentrate, to move away from what Miss Sarah had tried to make of him, to get stronger. Robin talked of medical tests, of investigations, and Bruce found himself worrying, wondering how he would avoid them, avoid revealing his secrets, but just as they were nearing Gotham, the radio crackled and notice came that the Riddler was on a crime spree. Bruce smiled. He knew just what to do. "I'm going to need to take of that," Bruce said. "You can't," Robin answered. "You're too weak right now." "I have to," Bruce answered, though he was touches at Robin's concern for him. "I'll do it," Robin said. "If I need help, I can always get it. You need to rest." Bruce Wayne pretended to argue, to be frustrated and annoyed, but finally gave in, as he had planned to from the beginning. Men really were easy to manipulate, he thought, feeling for all the world like Cruella Deville. Make them think it's their idea, and you couldn't talk them out of it. Back in his own house, Bruce quickly started to feel more and more like himself. No one suspected the change that had been made in him, and as the days past he found that he was not as bothered by it as he had expected to be. He had little time for romance?crime fighting had always been his priority?so aside from getting used to a slightly new routine when it came time to relieve himself?and a sudden new concern over whether the toilet seat was left up?it didn't seem to matter. He spent some time in the gym and found that his forced docility had weakened him some, but it was nothing that some solid workouts didn't quickly compensate for. After a week, he drew his Batman costume back on and found himself creeping around Gotham, looking for criminals to punish, just like the old days. * * * It was a quiet night, as quiet as a night in the city could be. Horns blared around the city, and there were always sirens in the distance, as well as the noise of traffic. As he crouched in front of a Billboard, obscured by shadows, Batman saw Lou, a lowlife mugger he knew well, creeping along, looking for a mark. He trailed him, and when Lou came upon an elderly man walking alone down a deserted street and accosted him, Batman swung down, planted two feet in his chest and sent him crashing into a pile of garbage cans. Lou pushed himself onto his elbows, rotten food and greasy bags tumbing off him, squinted up at Batman and said, "Hey. Did you have to be so rough?" "Yeah," Batman said, happy to be back in action. "I really did," and gave him a pat on the head before belting him in the jaw. It went that way for the next few days. Robin had taken care of The Riddler, and then gotten involved in some case of his own. Batman had been more than happy to have the other off and occupied, and had assured him that he was investigating the abduction himself. He wasn't. Not yet, at least. And when he thought about why, it was simple: he was afraid of Miss Sarah. He didn't want to ever see her again, and if that meant the mystery of what had been done to him and why had to remain a mystery, that was fine with him. At least for now. It seemed that everything was back to normal. Then, Batman suddenly found that he couldn't sleep one night. He had a headache and slept only fitfully, his sleep disturbed with dreams, dreams where he found himself wearing a gown, running down a dark alley in his heels, running from something strange and terrible... or laying on the beach in a bikini, his body the slender, rounded body of a woman, while a faceless man rubbed sunscreen onto his shoulders... In the morning, his knees ached. He geared up, figuring some action might clear his head and put him in a better mood, but as he perched in one of his favorite spots, he suddenly found himself crying, overcome with a feeling of sadness. What the hell is wrong with me? He wondered. But, thankfully, just then an alarm went off nearby, and he sprung into action. A couple of thugs were doing a smash and grab at a jewelry store, and Batman wiped his tears as his depression suddenly turned to rage. The thugs were coming out the door as he approached, and he tossed a smoke bomb at them, followed by a barrage of batarangs that left them lying on the street dazed and bleeding. When one of them struggled to his feet, Batman kicked him in the ribs, sending him spinning across the sidewalk, coughing up blood. As the police approached, Batman raced from the scene, found a spot back on top of a building, and let out a sigh. It did feel good, he thought, and then, following a sudden urge, he went and got himself a box of chocolate. The man at the candy store had looked up in surprise as Batman strode in and asked for a pound of his best, and moments later Batman was sitting on top of a building, nibbling chocolate and feeling good for the first time that day. Kicking ass and chocolate go so well together, he thought. Why didn't I think of this sooner? He did a pirouette and transitioned smoothly into a pas de chevel, giggling delightedly. He went home early that night. He was feeling elated. Really happy. He decided to watch Pocahontas. Maybe it was part of the conditioning. Something that had been implanted in him by HER, but what did it matter? He wanted to watch it, his life was good, and he was back to normal for all practical purposes. He smiled as he watched, curled up on the couch and nibbling more chocolate, and quietly sang along with the songs. He loved all her songs! He smiled, whispering along with Pocahontas on "If I Never Knew You:" If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real Never knowing I could feel A love so strong and true I'm so grateful to you I'd have lived my whole life through Lost forever If I never knew you Alfred looked in, his head tilted to one side. "Master Bruce?" Bruce jumped, flushing with embarrassment as he grabbed to remote and paused the movie. "Alfred!" "I thought I heard something... strange." "Just watching a movie." "Can I get you anything?" "No. I'm fine. Goodnight, Alfred." "Goodnight, Sir." When the movie ended, he took some aspirin. His head was aching again, and he felt bloated, probably from all the chocolate. He went to sleep chanting another song from the movie to himself. You will understand Listen with your heart You will understand Let it break upon you Like a wave upon the sand Listen with your heart You will understand Voice of the Wind You will understand That night he had his first period. He woke up in the dark and felt something wet down below. Turning on his bedlamp, he pulled back the covers and saw the crimson stain on the sheets. Shit. This isn't supposed to happen, he thought. The change was just external, cosmetic. But the stain said otherwise. It was that he was a woman inside?that he had a womb, and ovaries. He would have to hide this from Alfred as well. Somehow. But maybe it was time to tell someone... to get some help? Maybe Zantanna or Doctor Fate could undue the spell that has been cast? But no. He couldn't. He mustn't. He was too ashamed to reveal it, anything like it. He had hidden the fact that he was a woman, and he would just keep hiding it. He changed the sheets on his bed, balled the stained ones up and put them in the trunk of his car. Later, he found himself standing in Isle 10 at an all-night grocery store, looking at the boxes of tampons. He was clueless. Tampons? Pads? Wings or no wings? He wished there was a girl he could talk and ask about his periods, but who could he trust? He needed something secure, something for an active woman, but just about every box there promised security. Finally, he went back and got a shopping cart, loading it up with a dozen different kinds and styles. Then, sheepishly, agonizing over it, he grabbed some douches as well. He couldn't have anyone smelling him out now, could he? On the way to the checkout he bought a couple more boxes of chocolate and a gallon of ice cream. The clerk looked at him through bleary eyes and smiled. "Girlfriend?" Bruce shook his head and smiled a "you know what it's like" smile. "I forgot to ask her what brand she uses." "They sure are hell when they're on the rag, aren't they?" "If you had to go through it," Bruce snapped, "you'd be bitchy, too." "If I had to go through that, I'd kill myself." I'd do it for you right now, Bruce thought, but tried?and almost succeeded?to muster a masculine chuckle. Back home, he read the directions and affixed a pad. He had boxes of tampons, too, but he wasn't ready for anything that went... inside. It was just too creepy. He couldn't sleep, so he got a bowl of the chocolate ice cream and sat down at his computer, reading every webpage he could find that talked about his periods, PMS, and what he could expect each month from now on. Should have bought some Midol, he thought, and made a point to pick some up the first chance he got. A line from one of the webpages caught his attention: Your period is your body's way of telling you that you are a woman. He wished he could tell his body to shut up. As it turned out, the period was kind of a mixed blessing. His PMS lessened, so he wasn't as moody as he'd been. But he soon discovered a new concern. A call had come through that some thugs had taken a hostage and were threatening to kill her. He and Robin had raced from the Batcave and snuck up on the thug, who was on top of a thirty story building, threatening to push the woman off the roof if he wasn't provided with a helicopter. "I'll tackle him and you grab the girl," Batman had whispered. Robin nodded. As they crept up on the criminal, Batman felt a sudden cramp, and as he dove for the thug's legs, he felt something warm trickling down his leg. He tackled the thug anyway, and as the thug pushed the girl toward the brink, Robin grabbed her and pulled her to safety. Batman bound the thug, and as he stood Robin looked down and said, "you're bleeding." Batman looked down and saw the stain along the inside of his leg. He felt himself flush and reached down to cover it. "The punk stuck me with something after I tackled him." "I didn't..." Batman belted him, and then looked up apologetically at Robin. "Maybe he'll think twice before sticking anyone else." "Maybe." Robin could tell that something wasn't quite right, but he kept it to himself. "Sorry," he whispered to the thug, sheepishly. For the next few days, Batman found himself struggling with more girlish feelings and interests. Reading the paper, he would see an ad for the cutest boots and find himself longing to go shopping. Or he would be patrolling Gotham and see a billboard for a new fragrance, and his mind would wander to dresses and dolls. He found himself singing his favorite songs from Disney movies and Broadway shows, but he largely kept it in check, only succumbing once to the urge to watch one of them, spending a morning watching Cinderella when he should have been doing something?anything?else. That day, he found himself humming a song from the movie, repeating the words over and over in his mind: How lovely it would be if I could live in my fantasy But in the middle of my dreaming they're screaming at me Cinderella He thought about her transformation into the beautiful princess, about the glass slippers and the prince. She'd been stuck in the wrong place, living the wrong life, but she had finally become the woman she was meant to be. Somehow, it resonted deep within Bruce Wayne, and despite himself he found himself imaging that he was she. Then it passed, and for the next few weeks he was Bruce Wayne again, Batman, fighting crime on the streets of Gotham, fending off an alien invasion with The Justice League, the usual. Until his time of the month approached again, he went through PMS, and had his second period. Then, he realized that he plan, his hopes, to keep all of this and secret and just keep on living his life as a secret woman, were probably not going to work out. The morning after his second period, he woke to find breasts budding on his chest. They were small, prepubescent breasts, but breasts nonetheless. Nothing he couldn't hide, but what they told him was something more important: the change was not complete. He knew suddenly and certainly that his body was going to become more and more female, and at the same time, somehow, he knew that as he became more of a female, the woman?the little girl?that Miss Sarah had planted in him, was going to grow stronger. He sat on the edge of his bed looking at those little breasts pushing out the front of his silk pajamas, and he knew that as his breasts blossomed, as he figure developed, the girl would eventually win. Bruce Wayne would as he knew himself would die, and he would become... her. It was only a matter of time before he wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. He had to find Miss Sarah. Find her and make her undue what she had done to him before?before he was incapable. He knew the kind of girl they were making him into. He remembered how he had felt when he'd snuck away from Miss Sarah's house: scared, insecure, unsure of herself. That was what he was going to become, and when he became more that frightened little girl than man, he was finished. His only hope when it came to that was that he would be rescued by his knight in shinning armor, and? -- but why not? He thought, looking at himself in the mirror, at the little breasts. Why not just tell Robin? Tell the Justice League? They would help him. They would rescue him from a life in dresses. But no. He couldn't. He was too ashamed. He would do it himself. He had to try, at least, while it was still an option. He had to be a man. He turned and looked at the small little breasts in profile. Too big, he thought. Even now. Just wait, he heard the girl inside him say. Just wait until they really blossom. He saw himself with full, womanly breasts swaying on his chest, large, fat nipples. Shuddering, he crossed his arms over his breasts and, closing his eyes, he cried.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012 – Early Morning: (Chapter 1) Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is laying quietly in his King-sized bed, having been tossing and turning all night. His mind a thousand different places, a thousand different thoughts, when he starts remembering an event two months ago, it was normal, Monday morning for him... Monday, November 14, 2011 – Flashback: Gotham National Bank, Financial District Downtown, Gotham City The bank vault door suddenly...

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Batman Vs Dracula Vs Werewolves

Deep in Transylvania was a castle which only very few people had ever seen and even less people had left it alive. The valley in which the castle was located could only be reached through a single tunnel and was far from what is now called a civilized area. The village that was situated close to this dark place avoided this place for over 1000 years. Nobody from the small town dared to walk along the long road that led to that cave. It was rumored to be a dark creature, an inhuman nobleman who...

1 year ago
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Batman ist ein willenloser Sklave

Eine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...

Mind Control
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Batman v Poison Ivy Finale

"I say we go to his place with the boys and take him down," growled Mistress Harlequin. "Good idea!" quipped Master Joker looking around for a weapon. "Wait....wait......." commanded Mistress Ivy. "Wouldn't you much rather have him as your bimbo slave, I have a phial of the serum I used to transform Barbie with me," she grinned brandishing a phial of luminous green liquid wickedly. Master Joker snatched it from her and examined it closely, then both Master Joker and Mistress...

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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 9

Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter. I would like to thank Emily Thayer for editing this and the previous two chapters. I would like to thank Damien William for writing the sex scenes for this chapters, along with his and DragonKnightleader writing the scenes in the previous two chapters. As I forgot to thank them when I posted those chapters. Thursday, January 12, 2012 Guest Bedroom, Resistance Headquarters, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes early the next morning, by...

4 years ago
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Batman is happily mind controlled

A new story, but above all a new way of storytelling. At least for me. The people who have followed my stories so far know that I tend to write long chapters and make sure that the people and the decisions are comprehensible. This leads to very long stories. However, I would like to change the progression a bit in this story. This story will, as almost always with me, be about mind control and the corruption of heroes and villains. However, each chapter will be about exactly one story. That...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Batman mind controlled traitor

A new story, but above all a new way of storytelling. At least for me. The people who have followed my stories so far know that I tend to write long chapters and make sure that the people and the decisions are comprehensible. This leads to very long stories. However, I would like to change the progression a bit in this story. This story will, as almost always with me, be about mind control and the corruption of heroes and villains. However, each chapter will be about exactly one story. That...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Batman v Poison Ivy Part 2

As Mistress passed the discarded Bat suit she picked it up dragging it alongside her as she walked, the symbolism not lost on her. The old Bat man in one hand the new one on a chain in the other, a wicked smile creased her lips. Mistress Ivy entered her private garage leading her latest slave Barbie. She moved to the back of a slinky sports car and opened the boot indicating that her slave should get in. Barbie stood and stepped into the boot. It was so small that Barbie had to curl up...

2 years ago
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 4

Author’s Note: I would like to thank dragonknightleader for writing the two sex scenes, and Emily Thayer for editing the chapter. Thursday, January 5, 2012 C.E. Batman’s Quarters, Justice League Watchtower, Orbit of Earth Batman is feeling much better. Bruce is actually sitting up talking with Doctor Leslie Thompkins, who is dumbfounded, “It would seem Scott transferred his healing ability to you, Bruce.” “I didn’t realize that was possible?” asks Bruce, while wondering what else Scott...

4 years ago
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Batmans Harem

Batman’s HaremA Mind Blowing Erotic Psalm of The Most Invigorating Group Sex and Best Orgy EverJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”www.eroticpsalms.comsI a[/b]m Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, a womanizer, the, “Mac Daddy” indeed!I elegantly pamper and extravagantly spoil my hot sexy bitches twenty four seven, With my endless cash, infinite wealth, and everlasting riches! I fervently adore my gorgeous concubines with my romantic flattery!I energetically...

3 years ago
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Batman The Telltale Game Series Season 3 Bruce Wayne Becomes Mayor of Gotham

(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...

2 years ago
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A boys femininity awakened Part two early girlhood

Sissy boy John was petticoated at Secondary School after falling foul of Jenny Tough, a school bully. During his week of penance, John found that he was more at ease and happier amongst girls than with boys. John decided, therefore, to explore his feminine side by trying to live as a girl. John’s Mum was shocked when he first arrived at home wearing a schoolgirl’s uniform but calmly listened to his story.“Well, sweetie, this is a bombshell. You’ve always been a sensitive boy, but I never...

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Batman Meets Catgirl

Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn’t know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...

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Batman Meets Catgirl

Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn't know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...

Straight Sex
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

3 years ago
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Batman Clowny Dystopia

Batman: Clowney Dystopia On a thundering night in Gotham City, Nightwing formally the first Robin Dick Grayson was on patrol of the city looking for his friend Barbra Gordon AKA Batgirl, she went missing and has been gone for a week now, he is tracing her signal from a tracer he put on her Suit. He arrives at a warehouse designed like a fun house, then is surprised by a hammer hitting his head, knocking him half unconscious, only to briefly see a girl's heels as his vision goes...

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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

Straight Sex
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Girlhood by Mistress-X Author's Note: Hey everybody, been a long time. So I got it into my head to start writing again, and I had a story so here we are. It turned into the longest thing I've ever written. It's more of a slice of life, stream of consciousness, sort of thing than a single rigid plot which might explain how it got away from me. It is set in a world I have written in before, but never published, so I might have gone a little overboard with...

3 years ago
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 2

I would like to mention that I found an editor, Ryan Brogan who volunteered his service. Special thanks to him. Monday, January 2, 2012 C.E. Master Bedroom, {cb}Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes up slowly, a ray of sun shine being cast over his face from the window behind the bed that he lays on. His own, the same bed that he shared with four women the night before, the same four women who are with him now, some still in a slumbering state. Jaina Hudson occupies a place between Batman’s...

2 years ago
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Batman Arkham Asylum A New Gotham

The lapping of a tongue on her face woke Selina. Unfortunately, said tongue only belonged to Missy, one of the cats she and Holly shared their compact Park Row apartment with. Who needed an alarm clock when you could be awoken like this? Selina thought, as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Selina noted the moonlight streaming through the window with no small sense of delight. Tonight, she knew, was the night. She'd been hunting a lead on this particular score since before Christmas,...

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Batman Gothams Heroes and Villians

Welcome the Gotham City, New Jersey, one of the darkest and lawless cities in America. Gotham, famous for both its heroes and villains, is a place of despicable crimes and awe-inspiring heroism. Do you protect Gotham or threaten it? Are you a selfless hero? Are you heartless villain? Are you legendary or new? It is all for you to decide.

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Batmans Darker Side1

Chapter 1 Bruce Wayne was quite satisfied with himself as he stood in the study of stately Wayne Manor. Not only was crime in Gotham City down 40 percent thanks to his superhero alter ego Batman, but he had just completed his latest invention—the Invisibility Cloaking Device (ICD)—and installed it at last on the Batmobile. The clock in the hallway struck three o’clock, time for his daily appointment with his shapely secretary Stephanie. A lot of people thought that Batman had a dark...

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Batmans Retirement

Hundreds of journalists had gathered for the press conference in Gotham. "I have fought for Gotham for many years," said Batman, "but with the crime rate dropping and the successful incarceration of most of the super-powered criminals, I believe I am no longer needed and it is now time to retire." The reporters in the crowd were shocked. They tried to ask Batman questions, but he just disappeared into the shadows.

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BatMans Change

The Joker finally gets BatMan. BatMan must win or become the BatWoman. BatMan, Joker, and all characters mentioned here belong to D.C. Comics. This is a tale in jest only. BatMan's Change BatMan was in a search mode. He was trying to find Robin. Robin was missing for a week and the criminal element was all in a dance mode. The Dark Knight swept through Gorham City in search of Robin. BatMan prowled the docks and alleys. Still no Robin. BatMan found a snitch that had proved reliable...

3 years ago
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And Baby Makes Three

I had to circle the hospital car park three times before I saw someone pulling out. I grabbed the spot and with the bouquet of flowers in hand I strode purposefully toward the maternity wing. I'd promised my wife Sandra that I'd be there for the birth, but had been inadvertently delayed in getting here. I had to wait until this morning for a flight. I'd been told by the nurse it was a girl... whow, we'd waited and tried for this for so long. I couldn't believe that we now had a...

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An Itch to ScratchChapter 13

“What is that supposed to mean?” Trent asks. ‘By putting on that costume we have entered a contract of sorts,’ Arlyne begins to explain. ‘I’m kind of in a limbo and I have had to slowly build my powers back up. Now that I have, I will have your body and you will be here where I am, powerless.’ Trent’s eyes go wide. He instantly begins trying to tear the costume off. But it doesn’t budge. Instead it hurts. It is like trying to tear skin off, completely with the pain and blood. “What the fuck...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Vina Sky Knows How To Deep Throat A Cock

Vina Sky is one horny little Asian girl! She may be petite but she has a huge appetite for cock and just loves taking all of Nathans deep down her throat! She gets sloppy and just can not get enough of it; she wants it in her pussy and wants it now! She rides on top and makes those cute little tits bounce thrusting down harder and harder consuming every inch of that large hard cock! She likes it rough and likes it wet. She will get her spit all over herself but really wants to see a big hot...

4 years ago
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Turbulence Complete Synopsis: Little did Roger Lyons know that the pretty young girl he met on his late night flight would lead him into a new life and introduce him into a world he had no idea existed. (Newly edited and combined version of the original 10-part story.) Turbulence By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Chapter One A very wise friend once told me that there's a world out there that most people have no idea exists. I used to be one of those people. However,...

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Undercover Part 1

Officer Charles Owen adjusted his collar and tie for his interview with the beautiful Latino reporter Isabel Rodriquez. Her long black hair cascaded down and framed her face. She had full lips and her eyes seemed to pierce your very soul. That could be because she seemed to be ever vigilant of anyone ogling her full bust. She could easily be a 32DD. Even though she was in her late 30s, they were still very perky, but all natural. "Now Mr. Owen...." Smiling, Officer Owen says, 'Call...

4 years ago
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Katies Punishment

Katie’s PunishmentThis is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real punishment.”Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 60

"Islington Town Hall does civil weddings," said Dee. Dee and Draco were back at Whittington Hospital, staring at a computer screen in a nurse's area. Strictly speaking, Dee had no right to be there, but she'd volunteered at the hospital long enough to be given a bit of leeway by the staff. Besides, it was the graveyard shift, and the two teens were unlikely to be noticed any time soon. "Your hands are still shaking," observed Draco. "And you wonder why? After how you brought us...

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The CircleChapter 44 Stacys visits

Wednesday at six o'clock, Matt answered the doorbell to find Stacy standing there looking cute as a button, but nervous as a tic in a frying pan. She was wearing a dark blue jumper with a white blouse, and some low-heeled shoes. She was carrying a small cosmetics bag and another dress on a hanger. He brought her in, and she was all eyes, taking in the house for the first time, and then the cluster of people around the kitchen bar and lounge area creating a din of conversation. She whispered...

1 year ago
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Accidental Womanizer

CHAPTER 1 Two and a bit years after graduating with a master’s degree in environmental design and still without employment, Fletch (Fletcher) Halifax’s life received a lift. He went to church with his mom who introduced him to Mrs Thelma Cox. Sylvie Halifax had nagged at him for years to take her to church without success until this Sunday. Fletch had awoken without his usual Sunday morning hangover and sense of abandonment. The previous night he’d scored with Polly Westhaven whose husband...

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UpgradeChapter 4 Pam and Trish meet Jon Amy and Reese

Tuesday morning, we repeated how we’d started Monday. The three of us got up earlier than need be, and we made love before we agreed to meet after work at my condo in Sarasota, and then go to dinner downtown. I got a solid day’s work in, still thinking almost continuously about Pam and Trish. I also got some good news from the previous client I’d had dinner in L.A. with just before getting on the red eye back home the week before. He decided he did need some upgrades to the security of his...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Holi With Mom 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and enjoying this story of Holi with my mom. You can call me Hunter, and I’m 22 years old. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 46 years old. Her figure is 36-34-38. She’s a school teacher by profession and a single mom. This is the continuation of the previous one. Please read that, then continue this one. After that afternoon, I was scrolling and realize that the stock market has crashed. I was so confident that I would get maximum...

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Spizoo Jenny Wild Blonde Wife Jenny Wild Sweet Surprise

Irresistible blonde, Jenny Wild, prepares a very special surprise for her hardworking husband. The beautiful slut wants to give her man a night that he will definitely not forget. Jenny lays down a path of rose petals and her clothes going to the hot tub. She wants Angelo Godshack to follow the path and get his reward wrapped in black lingerie. The couple shares a passionate kiss before they take turns going down on each other. Jenny bends over on the tub and lets her man fuck her from behind....

4 years ago
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Masturbating Teen Sister

Hello, guys… welcome to the world of fantasies where all your crazy horny shitty sex fantasies are met. I am a new writer member at Indian Sex Stories and with this first story of mine, I just thought to deliver my fantasies as well. So here comes the first story of Jack and his teenage sister Eve. Hope you guys would like it. Jack, 16 and his younger sister Eve, 18 years old lived along with their dad in Mumbai. It had been 2 years that their mom passed away in an accident. Since then their...

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My 24 Hours of Fun Chapter 3

Graham moved to the side taking a seat on one of the sofas. Tracey and myself were still stood in the centre of the room, all eyes fixed upon us. She she was completely naked except for her white, wedge style heels. I had my very slutty, spiked, black heels and seamed, nylon stockings with matching black suspender belt still on. We had managed to clean each other of most of Graham’s cum. There was the odd drip still on my stocking and and one slithering trail in between Tracey’s big tits. All...

2 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate chapter two

Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for helpless kinky sex,... and she was the one that was going to experience some of the most stimulating and kinky, a young woman like her had ever been exposed to? The breast and clitoral attachments were only the start. The small amount of tasteful slickem nurse Joy had applied has gone from a wonderful relaxed feeling that was content and...

3 years ago
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Waiting for me to come to her place

I groan, and put pressure on the accelerator of the car. I cleared my throat and switched the phone to my other hand. " You want to wear one of my shirts..." " While I do the laundry." She affirmed. " One of your button down ones... maybe your blue jean one? I like that one." " The blue jean one." I repeated, hoping like hell I wasn't going to pass a cop on the way to her place. " Yes. I really like that one. It's soft and worn, and feels nice." Her voice seduced me while she...

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The gay brothers

It was a nice sunny spring day. We lived in a neighbor hood where everyone knew each other. All the parents we friends, and so were the kids. Me and my brother were outside playing football, like normal. Our parent came outside and told us they were going to the store with our younger sister. We didn't feel like going, so we went inside. We both agreed we needed showers. We have 2 showers in our house, but the other one was for our parents and sister. I got in first. It was a normal shower....

4 years ago
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Express Action The University Library

Screw Callum and screw the Library of Congress classification, geez was I missing my old college library Dewey Decimal saunter. Here I was amongst the frickin old academic bound periodicals, bloody rows and endless shelves of unopened dusty crap; looking for an obscure but relevant brown nosing article, not conveniently in pdf form on the internet, to get an A on my current Uni assignment. But I was screwed. Screwed up inside because I hadn’t been screwed like I had hoped to be last night....

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The New Neighbours

Last week I got new neighbours, Dave and Jess, they seem to be a fairly nice couple, Dave was an older guy with a beard and glasses, and Jess was a tall thin woman with long red hair and pale skin.The next day I was out in my back garden, the sun was shinning and I was relaxing with a drink when I heard them step out of the house, after a few minutes I could hear them chatting and laughing and feeling curious I wandered over to the high fence to say hello.However i didn't get that far because...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 53

“Rick, this is Marc Crosby, my senior supervisor. His dad is the store manager and Marc is the top team leader in sales and promotions. “Marc, meet Rick Dalton.” “Good to meet you, Marc. You’re a junior in high school and you’ve already made senior supervisor in sales here?” “Yes and believe me, Dad makes sure I work harder than anyone here too. I knew who you were before Gage told me your name. Everyone in school knows who Rick Dalton is. You’re my grandfather’s hero too, Rick, just in...

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Piano Man

[There is no explicit sex in this story. My intention is to elicit an emotional response from the reader. Please let me know with votes and comments how well I succeeded.] * When Josh’s Mom decided her boy needed to learn to play the piano he was seven. She found and bought a used upright, installing it in the family living room. Over three months she stripped the old finish off the wood, sanded and used steel wool to get the surface prepared and then used a marine grade polyurethane to make...

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The Passion Of Art Version DeltaChapter 3D

Megan's head came up and her book went down. "What?" she responded. "Well, some of the classic paintings of all time are of two people... a man and a woman... together..." She didn't want to actually say "naked" in this situation. Megan's voice sounded like she needed to clear her throat. "You mean me and... Robby... together?" "Well, yes, that's what I was thinking." said Valerie. "But you're not finished with this painting are you?" asked Megan. "No, but I can work on...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Abella Danger Abella Danger Needs James8217 Dick

Abella Danger is in love with James Deen. No one is really sure why, but this bitch LOVES James. She is literally begging him to fuck her all day. He finally gives in and jumps into the scene. He and Markus Dupree take turns on her ass and pussy making sure she cums over and over again while being filled with both cocks. To keep the pair’s tradition going, James accompanies Abella to the bathroom. Where, yet again, they start to have sex in a god damn bathroom. Abella comments on this...


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