Batman mind controlled traitor
- 2 years ago
- 32
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A new story, but above all a new way of storytelling. At least for me.
The people who have followed my stories so far know that I tend to write long chapters and make sure that the people and the decisions are comprehensible. This leads to very long stories. However, I would like to change the progression a bit in this story.
This story will, as almost always with me, be about mind control and the corruption of heroes and villains.
However, each chapter will be about exactly one story. That means that the chapters will be relatively long, that it will take longer until a new chapter comes and that it will be a new story of the main character with every chapter.
Of course, I would be very happy if this story attracts other writers or if you leave a comment here and there. However, the story will be moderated, because I ask other writers to respect the idea of the story.
It is important to me that each chapter of this story completes the corruption of a hero or heroine. Of course, previous characters can be taken up, but in general it should be about the main character or one of his enslaved servants turning to a new victim and enslaving him with a creative kind of mind control.
I won't really consider chapters under 3000 words.
that will be all for now. Hope you guys enjoy the story, even if it will take time for the chapters to be online
"Wait Bruce!" called Superman after his friend who was about to go to the hangar.
The dark knight stopped and turned around. Without another movement, he looked at Superman.
"Bruce. You have to understand this! The League is concerned about your fixation on these contingency plans." Said Superman when he reached him. "You already know you can trust us, don't you?"
Slowly Bruce put his head on one side and looked at his friend. Even here he used the voice distortion of his suit as he answered. "Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter, Dr. Psycho, Spellbinder, Darkseid. Shall I go on?" he asked seriously.
"Bruce. I know these people are dangerous, but none of them could take on the League." Clark answered calmly and firmly, even though he knew what his old friend was getting at. "Your plans, however, almost destroyed the League. And all because Vandal Savage found them."
"My plans were to contain them, not kill them!" Bruce replied, almost snarling. The fact that it had been his plans, of all things, that had led to last week's results was a thorn in his flesh. Vandal had not only managed to stay one step ahead of him, but had also managed to crack his own firewall and steal the secret plans for the league. Bruce was aware that because of those plans, Clark had almost been killed.
"I know that, but you have to understand that they are afraid of you. You are Batman. And you had plans to take out every one of us." Replied Superman, indicating that he would like to talk to him in private. As Batman followed him, he continued. "The problem is not that you had those plans, but that you don't trust us."
"You I trust, but as I said in this room. There are plenty of people who are able to control thoughts. There in that room are the 7 most powerful heroes on this planet. This is not just a like it's a supervillain or a nuke. This is a weapon of mass destruction that can destroy the entire world. And if you don't see that, if you don't understand that you are a great danger to the world, then you are just stupid. We need limits too." Bruce said a little calmer now as he pulled off his mask. Clark and he had known each other forever and had been through a lot together.
"And what about you? Do you have a plan for yourself too?"
"I do. It's called Justice League!" replied Bruce calmly, then left his friend standing. There had already been too much talk about it today and emotions were still too stirred. Bruce understood that very well. Diana, Barry, Hal, Clark and J'onn had just had too much to go through.
Hours later at Wayne Manor.
"Master Bruce? Master Dick is here and would like to speak with you." Said Alfred as he walked into the guest room. At his side Dick Grayson followed him with his girlfriend Starfire.
Slowly Bruce rose and smiled when he saw the two. Dick had made a life for himself and was happy in that life. That was a bright spot for Bruce, though of course he regretted that he would not follow in his footsteps.
"Dick, Koriand'r. What brings you to Gotham?" he smiled, looking at the two.
"Friend Bruce!" smiled the alien friend of Dick's and simply hugged him. Bruce felt himself just being lifted up and the woman hugging him. He was fully aware that Dick was grinning broadly as he did so.
"We just wanted to see how you were doing after what happened last week!" smiled Dick as Bruce was able to stand on the floor again.
An angry look from Bruce toward Alfred was Bruce's only reaction to this, and Dick smirked. "It wasn't Alfred who informed me, but Diana. She called me yesterday and informed me of everything. I told you those contingency plans were a stupid idea." Grinned Dick as he dropped into one of the chairs. No sooner had her beloved taken a seat than Kori settled on his lap.
"Then he was lucky again." Smirked Bruce as he could see the blunt intimacy of Kori and Dick. The two were very happy with each other. "You guys don't have to worry. We were able to resolve the situation and stop Vandal."
"That's not the point at all Bruce. The point is that you have to trust them. They are your friends and your brothers in arms. You've saved the world together so many times. I don't want to imagine what would happen if something like this divided you. The League needs Batman and you... need the League."
"You think so?" asked Bruce sullenly. He was getting tired of this topic. "I don't need friends. I've got a family. That's good enough for me."
"Bruce. I know what you mean and how you feel. It's just your way. But please. Listen to me. You can't go too far. Jason's not like me and well... I know you trust him, but after what he's been through, he's not the same. But Superman, Wonder Woman. They're your friends. I know you don't want to admit it to yourself, but I know you feel the same way. I just wanted to show my face so you know we're standing at your side."
"And that's why you came here from Budhaven? To tell me that?" asked Bruce in amazement, and Kori smiled at him.
"No. Not just. Kori wanted to see where I used to live." Smiled Dick amused and uninhibited as Kori was, she smiled happily.
"Friend Dick wanted to show me his bedroom! His stamina has increased amazingly!"
Even Batman's years of training were unable to keep up the facial expressions in this situation. His right brow went steeply up as Dick stammered in a high red.
"Kori! We ... uh should drop the subject."
"But why? Your skills as a lover are getting better and better! Yesterday you spent a whole 8 hours..." that's as far as Kori got, as Dick hastily shut her mouth.
"Uh... What are you going to do now Bruce?" he asked hastily to change the subject.
"I'm going to work with Barbara to create new security codes for the computer. Maybe I'll use some of the Kryptonian algorithms too. Also, we're in the process of putting new security systems in the cave. I'm reworking the entire system. And, of course, I have to make new plans for the League now that the old ones are known."
"Bruce!" said Dick in horror when he heard this but Bruce slowly rose.
"It's good to see you again and that you're both doing well. However, it's too late to talk me into my conscience. I've made up my mind."
Dick just nodded and sighed. "Then I can't talk you out of it. But please make sure those plans can never be discovered again! The League may forgive you this once, but they won't forgive you again. Please take care of yourself."
"Thank you for your advice. I'll take it to heart." Nodded Bruce, and even though it would have been hard to tell by looking at him, Dick could tell that Bruce took those words to heart. He had known his foster father too long, too well, to be fooled by his cold, calculating manner.
Slowly Bruce went into the cave below the villa and looked around. Mentally he went through every possibility how one could break in here. By now he had figured out how Vandal had found his data, but he still couldn't think of a solution to counter it. Technologies were worthless against certain meta-forces. Even techniques as sophisticated as Waynetech could do little against Superman or similarly powerful enemies.
"Shit." He cursed softly as he walked across the cave's bridges and looked at the equipment. If you could break in here, no place was safe. His technology, his plans, just everything was no longer safe. But then an idea came to him. The only people he trusted completely were his family. Alfred, Dick, Barbara and Jason, even if the latter was currently on the road as Red Hood. Maybe Selina, but he didn't want to burden her with such a secret.
Maybe it was time to replace Robin. After Jason's death, he had been brought back by Raz, but his spirit was not yet fully healed. He had made it clear that he would never be Robin again and had chosen his new path. He had gotten used to having a partner by now.
"Mhmm." He muttered to himself as he realized that he could divide the plans among his family. That would make it even more difficult for any enemy to get all the data together. Besides, the family would serve as a kind of security system. Slowly and tiredly, he took a seat on his chair and felt the weight of the years on his shoulders. He was aware that the League could not understand him. They were optimistic and partly naive. That in itself was not a bad thing, but Gotham ticked differently. HE ticked differently. It was simply stupid not to have a plan B. Any one of them, or all of them, could fall under the influence of some madman. Why couldn't they see that? Why were the most powerful heroes in the world so terribly stupid about this one thing?
Fortunately, they had discovered only a part of his security systems. How they would react to the fact that he regularly checked all members of the space station, as well as the people around the heroes. They might think he was paranoid, and they were probably right, but he was doing everything he could to keep the world safe. No matter what that meant. It was a simple fact that there could be spies around the heroes or members of the watchtower. And it was up to him to track them down. The League had to be protected. Dick was quite right. The League was far too important to humanity. Without the League, all humans would be in danger. Unfortunately, they didn't have the toughness to do things that needed to be done. That's what he was there for. On his shoulders was this burden. The responsibility. He was Batman. He would fend off any attack on the League. Preferably in such a way that they would never notice that there had even been an attack.
Routinely, he accessed the databases of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the personal computers of over 2000 people. An algorithm he developed compared all the data with known or stored profiles. Fortunately, he found no discrepancies. A check of the bank data also gave him no reason for doubt.
"Another day safe. Very nice!" he smiled with satisfaction. So far, he had been able to thwart 13 attempts in this way. Of these, 11 were clumsy bribes and 2 blackmail.
Satisfied with the day on the whole, he leaned back and closed his eyes briefly. He was rarely satisfied or allowed himself the luxury, but today was different. He had the vague hope that the league would think a little through these events.
A blinking on his monitor jolted him out of these thoughts. He had received a message. Sighing, he turned back to the monitor and opened the message. Of course, he looked to see who it was from, but when he saw that it was from Superman, he opened it without suspicion.
But what he could read there made no sense.
"Christmas, moon, beach, 1020, Romans, gummy bears, rainforest, supernova, sperm, Babylon." He read out. As he finished the last word, he blinked a few times quickly and hastily before bending over the keyboard. Fingers flying, he typed a reply, but selected a different email as the recipient.
"Birthday, 1, stars, 2, drink, 9, samurai, 28, tits, 0120, steam, 00A, awakening."
Thoughtfully, he looked at the message he had just typed. Somehow it made no sense to him and yet he had sent it. His head suddenly hurt and he felt like he was about to do something stupid. Fortunately, it only took a few seconds before he got a message consisting of a new block of numbers and meaningless words. Sighing, he played the game again this time and as he typed a new series full of numbers and words, his headache slowly subsided. This game went back and forth a few more times and with each mail the series became longer and more complex. On the last mail he was busy for almost 3 minutes until he had typed all the words and numbers.
Shortly after, a new answer appeared, but it consisted only of a picture. He saw a pair of tits and a pulsating spiral that seemed to emanate from the two hard nipples.
" Amazing tits." He smiled and slowly opened his pants. With a steady hand he freed his cock which, surprisingly, was already hard. In front of him on the monitor, the two spirals seemed to move toward the center until both merged into a single spiral. The lines of the spiral gradually filled the entire screen and Bruce enjoyed the sight so much that he immediately started jerking off. With his right hand he enclosed his almost painfully aroused cock and with his left he uploaded the file to every screen on the computer. Now the same image was on every screen in his field of vision. Those two magnificent tits with the spiral. The more he concentrated on the tits the more they seemed somehow familiar to him. But it just wouldn't occur to him where from. It didn't matter at all. He just imagined cum flowing over those full, firm tits... His cum. If he was a good boy. If he obeyed.
Quietly, he began to moan at the thought. Yes. That was what this was all about. That he had to obey. Only then would he be able to cum. And there was nothing he wanted more at that moment than to finally find release. He increased the pressure on his cock, increased the pace, and yet... he just couldn't come.
"No... I... am... Batman!" he growled as he jerked off, aware that someone was about to manipulate his mind. A small part of him started to fight it.
Tried to take his hand off his cock.
Tried to stop staring at those tits.
Tried to stop imagining his cum flowing over them.
Tried to stop thinking that he was a good servant.
But he just couldn't. As hard as he tried... he just wanted to cum....
And then it was finally time. His mind simply gave up. He felt a never-ending orgasm roll over him. It was the strongest he could ever remember. He felt his cock pumping more and more cum over his hand, and yet his cock wouldn't stop pumping. His balls seemed to want to be completely emptied. The thick sticky cum made his cock slippery and shot in a high arc with every movement of his onto his shirt. Even after weeks of withdrawal, he had never come so hard. He was literally getting dizzy, but even now he couldn't take his eyes off his tits. Finally, his cock was finally empty and his hand, belly and loins COMPLETELY filthy with thick white trails of his cum as he finally managed to respond to the last email.
"I cum like a good brainwashed mindless slave!" was the simple reply.
Only seconds later came the reply, leaving Bruce smiling wearily.
"Of course, you did, slave."
With shaky hands, he conscientiously erased the entire history, carefully erasing all traces on this conversation. As a precaution, he scheduled a random scrapping of various memory media by Alfred, something not noticeable since he did it every few weeks.
Only then did he begin to clean his hand and shirt and get dressed again.
When that was all done, he started laughing quietly to himself until he was laughing at the top of his lungs. It was so ironic that it was he of all people who was now a spy. That it would be him who would bring down the League. He was fully aware that he had been brainwashed, that the strange emails were just a trigger. The completely meaningless answers had been hidden in his programming and were only proof that he was under control. Even his mind could not possibly have sent the correct replies, as the words were not based on any system, but were completely random sequences.
"Now, of all people, the paranoid control freak with the iron willpower that everyone else relies on is the traitor. Clever. " Bruce smirked, wondering if he could resist this conditioning. But as soon as he even began to think about it his cock became pleasantly hard again and he began to breathe harder. Why would he even want to free himself?
His hand wandered to his pants and felt through the fabric how hard he was again. How horny he was. How hot it made him to be a traitor. No. It just turned him on to have been brainwashed. With one hand he leaned on the table and with the other hand he fished his cock out again.
"Damn is this control hot." He moaned and started jerking off. It wasn't long before he was standing wide-legged in front of the computer, jerking his cock with both hands and getting more and more excited about how he had been broken. But just before he could spurt out, he stopped, moaned in annoyance and pulled out his cell phone, pointed the camera at his throbbing cock and proceeded to jerk off. Just the thought of photographing him jerking off onto his sinfully expensive computer was so intoxicating that he felt himself Cumming. He immediately triggered and took a series of pictures showing exactly what was happening and then finally sent them to a number that came to his mind.
Completely out of breath, he stood there staring at the white spots on the keyboard and swaying back and forth menacingly. His cock was already going limp again and felt almost sore. He was glad that he had it behind him because he didn't think he could come that hard again.
Leaning forward, he took a deep breath to catch his breath. It wasn't that he wasn't persistent when it came to sex, but that each orgasm had been so strong. Even now he could feel his boxer shorts full of fuck juice and his hands sticky. He would soon take a bath and lie down.
He knew what was expected of him. Finally, the veil had come off and the loyal slave had gained the upper hand. Satisfied that not even the legendary will of Batman was enough to break this programming, he smiled. He was a good slave. Just as he was about to plug in the cell phone it vibrated and he raised it to his face. It was a reply to the jerk-off pictures he had just confessed to his new owner's number.
The message consisted of only one word and one picture.
Jerk like a loyal mind-controlled slave
Underneath was the picture with the tits he had just stared at and also the spiral was clearly visible and fixed his gaze on the hard randy nipples. While he had to fight earlier still with it on the legs to remain to stay on his feet and would have sworn since he would not have gotten his cock up again, he felt how his body reacted to the command. It was a fascinating feeling to feel how strongly the conditioning was affecting him. He surrendered completely to the overwhelming urge to obey.
He moaned in his mind as he jerked his cock again.
At the same time, he stared lustfully at the picture to drown in his suction.
The logical part of him had to acknowledge the perfection of the conditioning. It was a masterpiece how they had broken his mind and erased all the clues. He didn't even remember when this programming had taken place. Only that he wanted it. He wanted it as much as he wanted to protect the innocent an hour ago. The only thought that drove him now, however, was to obey the instructions. To be a good slave. A perfect spy and saboteur. He would bring the League to its knees just as he would bring all the enemies of his owners to their knees. But all these thoughts were lost in the orgasm that followed, which demanded the last of him. Even if the orgasm felt intoxicating, he was now completely finished. Staggering, sweaty and completely exhausted, he walked up the stairs, having to brace himself over and over again. His body burned with exhaustion and his cock throbbed painfully with every step. As soon as he arrived in the bathroom, he ran the bath and informed Alfred that he was going to take a bath. If the signal came on, he would move out, after all he was not allowed to jeopardize his cover, but otherwise he just wanted to rest.
Fortunately for him, it was one of the least quiet nights in Gotham and no one needed his services today. As he walked through the dark and empty hallways of the present towards his bedroom he could hear from the room of thick muffled groans. When he arrived in his room and Alfred had brought him a tea as usual, without his faithful servant having the slightest suspicion, he waited until he was alone. Then he opened the estate's security systems on his laptop and looked at what Starfire and dick were doing in their room. As he lay naked in bed watching his former protégé being mounted by the redheaded alien, he admired her firm tits. Dick had excellent taste in sluts. Lasciviously Bruce enjoyed the sight and felt freer than ever before.
He was no longer the Dark Knight. He was no longer Batman. He was now just a shell that played a role. Before, the person Bruce Wayne was that role. Now it was the role of Batman. He was obedient. He knew what to do. He watched a little bit how the alien bitch fucked his foster son into coma and then fell asleep himself.
When he awoke, he was briefly confused. He woke up in his bed and looked around. It was a strange feeling. Knowing that he was no longer the master of his thoughts. He straightened up and looked at himself in the mirror. He was still fully Bruce Wayne. His mind, his willpower and all his beliefs were still there, but none of that mattered anymore. All his abilities, all his talents, and all his willpower were now only secondary things. They were all now fixed on one thing.
Satisfied that he had finally found his purpose, he grabbed his robe and left the room.
Destiny. Yesterday it had been his destiny to protect the citizens of Gotham. Today, however, he would betray any of them if ordered to do so. Even as he walked toward the kitchen, he began to make plans. Plans that came from his programming. Plans how he could force the league down.
But this had a more or less pleasant side effect. He felt a pleasant tingling in his loins as he imagined how he would be rewarded. The tingle quickly turned into a feeling of longing and humility. He had to earn his reward! And he would. He would dedicate all his abilities to his new mission. But he had to be careful and not arouse suspicion.
Again, he admired the skills of the person who had brainwashed him. It was a true masterstroke. He had trained for years to harden his mind against most methods. Hypnosis, pheromones, drugs and even against magical spells he had practiced with Zatanna. And yet here he was. Unable to resist indoctrination.
Unable? No. Unwilling was the better word. He no longer wanted to be freed. He never wanted to have to think for himself again. It was much more pleasant just to serve.
His cock was already rock hard again and the pleasant tugging in his loins had given way to hot arousal. The bathrobe had massive problems hiding his hard-on, but that was no problem. After all, Alfred was in town at this hour to run the usual errands. But he had rejoiced too soon.
He was just turning a corner when a door opened and Kori came out of the bedroom. She herself was wearing only a simple coat that revealed a deep neckline. As usual, she didn't care how hot she looked. In her culture, sex was simply a completely different concept. She smiled happily when she saw him.
"Friend Bruce! Up so early?" she smiled and turned to him, placing a finger on his sinful lips. "Friend Dick is still sleeping. He's had a long night!" she smiled.
"I guess so." Smiled Bruce, not even trying to hide his hard-on, which was hardly possible anyway. One tiny movement and the hard cock would push the bathrobe aside and become visible.
Kori smiled and then looked down at him. Her eyes widened a little and she smiled even more happily as she said.
"Friend Bruce!" with those words she came closer and tugged on the robe's belt. Bruce was a little confused at this reaction and so for a second, he was unable to act. In that second Kori had undone the knot and the robe opened completely. Immediately his cock jumped up and stood out leering, demanding and greedy. "I had no idea friend Bruce was so well built!" smiled Kori.
"Your friend is my foster son and he's in there!" said Bruce who had to maintain form and camouflage.
"Friend Dick wouldn't mind if I helped friend Bruce." She smiled and sank to her knees in front of him. "He said you were very lonely!" she breathed before taking his cock into her mouth without hesitation. Bruce was completely perplexed by this and hastily thought about how he should react. She was an absolute whore! A dirty slut who gave her boyfriend's father a blowjob right here in the hallway. But he had to admit that she was good! Incredibly good.
It only took a few moments for him to stop thinking about it and start enjoying her arts. Kori clearly noticed and started licking over his cock.
"Does friend Bruce like that?" she smiled and felt Bruce's grip on the back of her head. The next moment he rammed his cock deep into her mouth. But Kori was not surprised or disturbed by this. On the contrary. That was exactly what she missed about Dick sometimes. That wild uninhibited way. She had so often tried to explain to him that on her home world sex was much more open and much more permissive and above all. Much dirtier. It was perfectly normal to fuck hard and greedily whenever you felt like it. And that was exactly the weakness of Dick. He was what the earthlings called a romantic. He was soulful, tender, and she loved making love to him. His stamina and steadfastness had also increased, but still she sometimes longed for him to desire her as his foster father had.
She clearly felt his strong hands on the back of her head and felt his cock pressing deep into her throat. As a Tamarian she didn't have anything like a gag reflex, human cocks were just too small for that, even if Bruce was an exception. He was really magnificently hung for a human and she pressed her lips against his cock, enjoying the sensation as his glans pushed deep inside her and the glans pressed against her throat. As she did so, her tongue played greedily with his thick prick and then she threw her head back into her neck. Smiling, she looked up and stuck out her tongue. Bruce was amazed when her tongue wrapped around his cock like a snake. It was just incredibly long and then he felt the tongue start to put pressure on his cock. A completely inhuman feeling that jolted through him. It was an incredible feeling. He moaned excitedly as she jerked his cock with just her tongue. He had gotten a few blowjobs before but this was in a whole different league.
He felt the pressure building in his cock, his balls starting to pulsate. To pump. But Kori didn't let him come. Her tongue snaked back and now circled his glans directly. The tip of her tongue played with the slit on his glans and pressed against his pleasure channel. This was such an unfamiliar feeling that he could no longer control himself. He bit the back of his hand so as not to wake Dick with his lustful moans as his cock literally exploded. He watched lustfully as his cum splattered over her long tongue, hitting her face, and then she began to clasp the cock. The pressure continued to increase as she began to milk him. She didn't care at all how the cum dripped down her face and onto her coat. Only when no more cum came out of his cock did she let go of him and gently pressed him against her.
"Friend Bruce! You taste wonderful! Maybe we should come visit you more often. Then you won't have to be lonely anymore!" she smiled and just bounced past him towards the bathroom in a good mood.
Panting, Bruce stood there looking after her. He wanted to fuck her! Rip her coat off and fuck the shit out of her! Fuck her mercilessly until the cheap slut never wanted another man but him. She would be a glorious fuck slave! She would be just as mindless as he was. Serving and obeying! A mindless fuck doll for a mindless dark knight. And he would use her over and over again, imagining he had been ordered to!
"Tits!" he moaned as he thought of the horny, perfect tits from the picture. It came so clearly to his mind that he groaned.
Kori suddenly stopped, turned to him and opened her bathrobe just enough for him to see her two magnificent tits. She smiled an almost naïve innocent smile as she did so.
But Bruce barely saw her alien complexion, or those glowing eyes. He stared at those horny fuck tits she revealed to him there. In his mind's eye, he began to imagine the spiral and felt the hypnotic, brainwashing effect on him.
Then his right leg moved as if by itself.... Then the left...
Kori smiled as she saw the cock getting hard again incredibly fast and saw Bruce's gaze resting spellbound on her tits. She had often seen men staring at her breasts, but never one who seemed so fascinated, almost bewitched. But she was proud of it, and more importantly, she enjoyed seeing that his manhood was not yet extinguished.
When he finally reached her, it happened. He grabbed her, opened a door and pulled her inside. Shortly crying out in surprise she was pushed into the room, then felt 2 strong hands clinging to the shoulders of her coat and after a huge pull she was completely naked. Startled, she cried out but Bruce was already pushing her upper body forward. Before she understood what was happening, her eyes widened and her lips formed a lustful O. No sound escaped her as she was completely surprised by the sensation of Bruce Wayne drilling his cock into her cunt.
"THAT'S IT!" she finally moaned, rolling her eyes in greed. "FINALLY!" Bruce took no more notice. She felt him throw his body against hers. With her arms she rowed around until she got a grip on the column of a bed. But Bruce's pressure did not let up. She leaned her shoulder against the pillar and threw herself at her new lover. Bruce was in a frenzy. In his mind, he heard a voice over and over again. He didn't know if it was male or female, he only knew what it said.
And Bruce obeyed. Yes! He would always obey! And he would be rewarded. His mind was racing. He was fucking his foster son's girlfriend like a man possessed, and even if he came in now, he wouldn't care!
He imagined himself being ordered to fuck Kori!
He imagined being ordered to fuck the woman in front of Dick!
He would obey!
Always! He would even fuck Barbara if he was ordered to! He was a willing slave and he would tear Barbara's clothes off at any time and fuck the woman who was once his friend as often and as long as it was demanded of him. He would obey. He would always obey. There was nothing left but to serve and obey.
His thrusts became harder and greedier. With his hands he gripped the bobbing full tits and heard Kori cry out in ecstasy.
"Yes, friend Bruce! You know what I need!" she gasped between her lustful cries.
But Bruce heard only the voice. "Fuck that woman! Fuck her brains out!"
He realized he was imagining it, and that his masters didn't use any telepathy, however he knew that, but the idea made him furious. Briefly he pulled his cock out of her, which Kori answered with a disappointed sigh, only to cry out with laughter as she was thrown onto her back. She immediately spread her legs and stared up at the lover in front of her. Her hand wandered to her pussy and began to finger herself. "Friend Bruce! Take me! Show me how Batman makes love!"
Immediately Bruce sank between her legs and Kori literally cried out as his cock once again sank into her hot cunt. Along with 2 of her fingers, she was filled by his cock. His gaze wandered lustfully to her tits and so she grabbed his neck and pulled him to her breasts.
"They please you! They're yours!" she moaned, enjoying the way he was fucking her. She regretted a little that Dick wasn't here and she could have his cock inside her too, but that feeling was quickly displaced by the cock in her pussy. He was good. Incredibly good! The first man to really fuck her good. Then she felt her pussy fill with his cum and the feeling was intoxicating enough to make her come too. Greedily Bruce thrust into her hot filled pussy a few more times and then slowly pulled his cock out of her. As he did, his cum dripped onto her hot labia and mixed with her own juices.
But Kori wanted more. Now it was up to her to take what she needed. With her body strength it was easy to push him down on a table and so she stood wiping his legs. "MORE!" she just breathed and bent down. Again, her tongue slipped out of her mouth to wrap around her newest lover's semi-stiff cock. But that was not enough. She moved closer and then wrapped her bouncing tits around him. His cock protruded slightly between her tits and this very spot she spoiled with her tongue. Thanks to her alien anatomy, she was able to precisely measure the pressure on his glans and licked over the opening on his glans. She tasted every tiny drop of his sperm and between her tits he quickly became hard again.
"Shall I show friend Bruce what Dick likes best?" she finally smiled as she stopped licking his cock hard and just tit-fucked him.
"I know you do! He likes to be mounted by you!"
"OH? You know? You really are the greatest detective!" she marveled but Bruce gasped greedily.
"No, I watched you fuck him into a coma all night!"
Smiling, she nodded and then got on the table too. With one hand she guided his cock to her cunt. "Is that what you want? That I love you into dreamland?"
"Fuck me!" moaned Bruce, staring at her hot tits. They were almost as perfect as the ones in the picture. No! No tits could be that perfect! They had been his downfall.
For hours they fucked each other. Again and again, they swapped positions and positions. Kori was in heaven. Even though her stamina was already a little tarnished from the 8-hour fuck with Dick, Bruce would have finished her off just the same. His greed was insatiable. All she had to do was hold her tits in front of his eyes and immediately he got hard again. It was simply glorious. He fucked each of her holes, squirting loads of his delicious cum into all her holes, or onto her skin. She licked off whatever she could catch of it and felt her anus and pussy fill up more with each orgasm. There was so much that it was already flowing down her thighs and both bodies were bathed in each other's cum. But at some point, they both couldn't take it anymore. As much as he wanted to Bruce just couldn't hold on any longer, but Kori also felt fulfillment for the first time since she had walked the earth. She stood up, licked his flaccid cock one last time, and cleaned him with an absolute abandon. The taste of her own cunt and his sperm was incredibly good. But then she put on her coat and slowly disappeared towards the bathroom.
Bruce, on the other hand, finally allowed himself to pass out and so he lay bathed in his own juices and hers there on the floor while his senses faded.
"I... am... a good... slave..." he breathed with the last of his strength and a small gush of cum flowed from his glans and dripped onto his belly. The last splash was dedicated to his masters. AS it should be
I would like to thanks Emily Thayer for editing this chapter. Damien William and DragonKnightleader for written the sex scenes. Saturday, January 7, 2012 C.E. Roof of Poison Ivy’s Lair, Amusement Mile, Arkham City Bruce left Harley and Poison Ivy asleep, fully satisfied, with bellies full of his cum. Batman went outside in the cold Gotham night, and across the rooftops sees a figure running toward him. Batman snaps into action, using his grapple gun, Bruce moves closer to the figure...
Saturday, January 14, 2012 Batcave, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is again at the Batcomputer reviewing his notes as he sees the message from Wonder Woman, aka Diana Prince with the Subject, ‘Big Barda.’ Curious Bruce clicks the message and see... Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Free’s Residence, Calvin City, Connecticut It had been a couple hours since Wonder Woman talked with Batman and then left to visit with Barda again. It had been only a day since Wonder Woman told Barda that her...
Monday, January 16, 2012 – Morning: (Chapter 2) Guest Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City “How is she?” asks Bruce, stepping into one of the many guest bedrooms that dot Wayne Manor. Bruce can see that Talia is still sound asleep, but sitting beside her is her half-sister, Nyssa Raatko, who hadn’t slept much since they were kidnapped, replies, “Your Doctor Thompkins said Talia is going to make a full recovery. As for the baby, Leslie said there is no reason to worry, that all signs are...
I would like to thanks Emily Thayer for editing the last two chapters. I also forgotten to mention and thanks Damien William and DragonKnightleader for written the sex scenes in the previous chapter, Chapter 7, along with written the sex scenes in Chapter 8. Monday, January 9, 2012 Ozero Kiyeng-Kyuyel Lake, Taymyrsky District, Siberia, Russia “That’s quite a story,” voices Vixen, “But are we not going to address the elephant in the room?” she asks, staring straight at Batman. “And...
Batman slipped stealthily through the skylight and dropped to the floor of the arboretum, the abode of his arch enemy Poison Ivy. He knew it was a trap but since she had recently and quite blatantly robbed the Gotham nation bank she had to be brought to justice. The path into the tangle of greenery looked the easiest route but Batman knew this would be laden with booby traps so he slipped quietly into the undergrowth. Ivy's pet plants snapped at him but he did not give them a second...
Bat Man: Young Lady Note: This is the third part of my Batman series, which begins with Batman: Girlhood, and follows with Batman: Young Miss. You may want to read the first two parts before perusing this chapter, as the story here recalls many events from the previous installments. ----------- Batman had never felt so safe, so protected. When Robin had scooped him up in those powerful arms, Batman had started with surprise and almost jerked free, but instead he'd...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 C.E. Wayne Manor, 1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham City Bruce Wayne quickly grew tired of the conversion and fake pleasantries between Mia Dearden, aka Speedy and Rose that accompanied any two-people meeting who had been on opposite sides before. Bruce walked through the Master Ballroom on autopilot toward his office, as he realized more and more, he couldn’t find any joy in his life as millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. His only satisfaction and enjoyment came when...
Sunday, January 8, 2012 – Morning: Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is awakened by screaming. Leaping out of bed, Bruce dresses just in his boxer shorts and rushes out into the hallway and hears Harley Quinn yelling, “Whore! You stay the Hades away from him.” “You crazy fucking bitch!” replies Thea, as the two women throw each other around the hallway. Bruce is struck by the clothing the two women have on. Thea is in just her pink bra and panties while Harley is in red panties...
It seems that Batman is a popular subject for TG stories right now. Here is my contribution. As usual, what was intended as a short little story has gotten away from me. Look for the next part soon. Bruce Wayne opened his eyes, looked down at his bright, pink-painted toenails, wiggled them and smiled. It was such a pretty color. Then, he frowned. His feet were big, clunky men's feet. Ugly. And he wanted so badly to be a girl. To be pretty. Sitting up, he slid his feet off...
Bruce Wayne was walking around downtown Gotham and 2AM when he saw the bat-signal in the sky. He quickly went off to meet Gordon. "What is it?" he said to Gordon. "The Joker." Gordon responded. "He’s at it again. He just robbed Gotham City Bank." "Any leads?" "Nothing yet." Gordon said, as he turned around to look at Batman. He was gone. Bruce decided to go check out the bank to look for clues. It was all closed all closed off. He went into the bank and noticed a...
Batman: Young Miss The intercom buzzed. Alfred. Bruce Wayne wiped the tears from his eyes, suddenly aware that he'd been crying. He cleared his throat and answered. "Yes?" "I'm sorry to bother you, Master Wayne, but you have an urgent call from Tyler Horatio." "Buzz it through." The phone next to his bed rang. Bruce answered, one arm still across his small breasts. "Yes?" "Bruce. You have to get down here right away. Carstairs has called an emergency meeting of...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
Monday, January 9, 2012 Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce had spent the night alone and is resting quietly, when Princess Mareena, followed by Tula, Lorena Marquez, Lisa Morel, and Selena walk into his bedroom. Both Lisa and Selena joined Mareena after she arrived at the Manor. This is actually the first Bruce had seen them since they came to the Manor, but Mareena is unhappy about being here. Lisa is one of a handful of Atlanteans who can’t live underwater, and so she...
Sunday, January 15, 2012 – Early Morning: (Chapter 1) Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is laying quietly in his King-sized bed, having been tossing and turning all night. His mind a thousand different places, a thousand different thoughts, when he starts remembering an event two months ago, it was normal, Monday morning for him... Monday, November 14, 2011 – Flashback: Gotham National Bank, Financial District Downtown, Gotham City The bank vault door suddenly...
Deep in Transylvania was a castle which only very few people had ever seen and even less people had left it alive. The valley in which the castle was located could only be reached through a single tunnel and was far from what is now called a civilized area. The village that was situated close to this dark place avoided this place for over 1000 years. Nobody from the small town dared to walk along the long road that led to that cave. It was rumored to be a dark creature, an inhuman nobleman who...
Eine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...
Mind Control"I say we go to his place with the boys and take him down," growled Mistress Harlequin. "Good idea!" quipped Master Joker looking around for a weapon. "Wait....wait......." commanded Mistress Ivy. "Wouldn't you much rather have him as your bimbo slave, I have a phial of the serum I used to transform Barbie with me," she grinned brandishing a phial of luminous green liquid wickedly. Master Joker snatched it from her and examined it closely, then both Master Joker and Mistress...
Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter. I would like to thank Emily Thayer for editing this and the previous two chapters. I would like to thank Damien William for writing the sex scenes for this chapters, along with his and DragonKnightleader writing the scenes in the previous two chapters. As I forgot to thank them when I posted those chapters. Thursday, January 12, 2012 Guest Bedroom, Resistance Headquarters, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes early the next morning, by...
As Mistress passed the discarded Bat suit she picked it up dragging it alongside her as she walked, the symbolism not lost on her. The old Bat man in one hand the new one on a chain in the other, a wicked smile creased her lips. Mistress Ivy entered her private garage leading her latest slave Barbie. She moved to the back of a slinky sports car and opened the boot indicating that her slave should get in. Barbie stood and stepped into the boot. It was so small that Barbie had to curl up...
Author’s Note: I would like to thank dragonknightleader for writing the two sex scenes, and Emily Thayer for editing the chapter. Thursday, January 5, 2012 C.E. Batman’s Quarters, Justice League Watchtower, Orbit of Earth Batman is feeling much better. Bruce is actually sitting up talking with Doctor Leslie Thompkins, who is dumbfounded, “It would seem Scott transferred his healing ability to you, Bruce.” “I didn’t realize that was possible?” asks Bruce, while wondering what else Scott...
Batman’s HaremA Mind Blowing Erotic Psalm of The Most Invigorating Group Sex and Best Orgy EverJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”www.eroticpsalms.comsI a[/b]m Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, a womanizer, the, “Mac Daddy” indeed!I elegantly pamper and extravagantly spoil my hot sexy bitches twenty four seven, With my endless cash, infinite wealth, and everlasting riches! I fervently adore my gorgeous concubines with my romantic flattery!I energetically...
(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...
Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn’t know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...
Hi all my name is Joe and this is the story about how Alexis and I first hooked up at a Halloween costume party last year. Ever since the first day she started working at the telemarketing firm I was at, I looked at her as the object of all my sexual desires. She would walk past my cube and I would start to stiffen with sexual excitement, and if I didn't know better she was feeling the same way. We were always flirting and bantering when we had our breaks, looking back it must have been fate...
Straight SexHey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Batman: Clowney Dystopia On a thundering night in Gotham City, Nightwing formally the first Robin Dick Grayson was on patrol of the city looking for his friend Barbra Gordon AKA Batgirl, she went missing and has been gone for a week now, he is tracing her signal from a tracer he put on her Suit. He arrives at a warehouse designed like a fun house, then is surprised by a hammer hitting his head, knocking him half unconscious, only to briefly see a girl's heels as his vision goes...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Straight SexI would like to mention that I found an editor, Ryan Brogan who volunteered his service. Special thanks to him. Monday, January 2, 2012 C.E. Master Bedroom, {cb}Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes up slowly, a ray of sun shine being cast over his face from the window behind the bed that he lays on. His own, the same bed that he shared with four women the night before, the same four women who are with him now, some still in a slumbering state. Jaina Hudson occupies a place between Batman’s...
The lapping of a tongue on her face woke Selina. Unfortunately, said tongue only belonged to Missy, one of the cats she and Holly shared their compact Park Row apartment with. Who needed an alarm clock when you could be awoken like this? Selina thought, as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Selina noted the moonlight streaming through the window with no small sense of delight. Tonight, she knew, was the night. She'd been hunting a lead on this particular score since before Christmas,...
Welcome the Gotham City, New Jersey, one of the darkest and lawless cities in America. Gotham, famous for both its heroes and villains, is a place of despicable crimes and awe-inspiring heroism. Do you protect Gotham or threaten it? Are you a selfless hero? Are you heartless villain? Are you legendary or new? It is all for you to decide.
There are many fictional worlds out there. Anime, cartoons, video games, books. All full of sexy ladies ready to be hypnotized, controlled, and messed with. What would happen if a member of this world learned hypnosis? Or discovered a mind control power? How would they use them? For mischief? For conquest? For sex? Or perhaps someone ends up at a hypnosis show and gets controlled for the entertainment of an audience? Or even more still, if they find a hypnosis video online and fall under it's...
Mind ControlHappily Ever After by pretzelgirl With apologies to Margaret Atwood's 1982 short story "Happy Endings" * * * Once Upon a Time, a boy named John met a girl named Mary. What happens next? Well, if you like the standard plot, then try A. A) John and Mary meet and fall madly in love with one another. After a brief courtship they are married. They have challenging, enjoyable jobs and save for the future. They buy a nice...
Sam got up very early the following morning, as naked as yesterday, and had to run downstairs to use Mindy's mouth urgently. He squatted over his daughter's violated mouth, and did an enormous shit, and pissed at the same time. He finished off by wiping his ass and dumping it on top of his shit which slowly proceeded to disappear down his daughter's throat. He then coughed up a large gob of phlegm, and without thinking spat it out into Mindy's mouth. Jason and Ethel came down rather...
I was 14 the first time I let a boy go all the way with me. It was Eddie Vance who did the dirty deed. Bless his little hard-on. God, we were so innocent. Like any schoolgirl these days, I already knew the gory details of sex in theory at least. Health education and scuttlebutt had seen to that. I even knew about blowjobs and getting licked, sort of, although we girls all agreed that it was maximally yukky. I'd discovered my love bump more than a year before, thanks to some hints from...
I could feel the hands tighten around my throat, my hair being pulled, my neck arching up to accommodate the pulling. I felt the whisper of his breath on my throat. Hot and breathy, chills running down my spine, I moaned quietly as the tingling hit my pussy. I loved this feeling, for however long it lasted. The feeling of being controlled, having to submit to someone who controlled my need. I whimpered low in my throat as he slid his hand down my chest, lightly brushing my aching nipples, down...
BDSMThis story is a sequel to Trapped in a Faerie Tale. I had the idea for this story some time ago and have been working on it off an on for the last year. I would classify it as an adventure story that has a TG theme, similar to the first story. If you haven't read the first story, I would like it if you did. It is not necessary that you do so before reading this tale, however. FINDING HAPPILY EVER AFTER (TRAPPED IN FAERIE TALE BOOK...
Happily Married By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - TGIF Four forty-three p.m. On a Friday. An incredibly sexy, very beautiful, 25-year-old woman, who obviously had the hots for me, was flirting at me full force. Again. "So, Dan," Leila said as she batted her 1.5-inch lashes at me, "a bunch of us are going for drinks after work today. Why don't you come with us for once?" For the billionth time, I wondered why Leila was so persistent. She knew I was happily married and she...
Happily Ever After- A Princess at Disney Part 3 I was right about not needing an alarm clock in the morning. I woke up a couple minutes after six o'clock. The first thing I did was play with the new ring on my finger. It was a reminder of what had happened at the Magic Kingdom the day before, I smiled as I replayed the highlights in my mind. First the surprise of Lisa, Steve and her family meeting us there after telling me that they were just too busy with their family run...
It's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...
The Mindy Effect Patrick Loomis headed into the kitchen, still shaking off the effects of last nights sleep. Oh, he'd been up for a while; but, even with washing his face, combing his hair, and getting dressed, he was still slightly out of it. Fortunately for him he still had however long it would take him to eat breakfast to wake up some more. Short for his age, the high-school student was as disheveled as he was groggy. His brown hair was tussled and mussed even after his...
Mindy awoke on the morning after she had sex with her brother Brad and lay in bed trying to remember what she was dreaming about. She looked at her alarm clock and saw that she had awaken at the same time as if she were going to get up and ready for school; however, she was on Summer break and she didn’t have to be anywhere. She pulled her sheet to her neck again and lay on her side looking at the clock. She had already decided that she wasn’t in the mood to get up and do anything, so she...
Author's Note: Humiliation, CFNM and pegging lie ahead! I've had this idea for a while about an adventurous married couple on the edge of opening a new chapter in their married life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!On her first day in town, Debbie and I were Mindy's only friends. The professional moving company hired by Mindy's employer did as little as required. They placed furniture, stacked boxes labeled "Kitchen" or "Bedroom" in the correct room and left a small...
Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...
LesbianMindy Holmes was as fresh as a 17 year old could be, having just turned so 10 days after the end of her Junior Year of High School in the typical all American mid-western city her family had grown up in, as did their parents before them. Mindy was known as an “Okay” chick, to her male peers, meaning that although she was a pretty girl, she wasn’t a party girl. She was cool enough to be with when she did show up at some of the regular gatherings that started years ago in the garages and...
To Mindy with Love! On Tuesday, May 18, 1999 6PM Edited by Anne-Mal For the third chat night, we held a surprise party for Mindy! She was out of town and when she came back she saw... (Anne-Mal) Hello Mindy! I bet you'll be surprised when you read this! (Regal) Hi Mindy. We're being naughty. (Anne-Mal) Oh yes! See what happens when you leave town! (Regal) Actually, we are here to appreciate you. (Chrissy) So what exactly are your powers as moderator. I noticed your name...
The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...
Mindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent.She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk.She planned on calling Damon...
Lesbian"I'm telling you Hank, that girl is a slut! She runs around like a wild animal, staying out all hours of the night, and always with different men! Older men, Hank! I swear, I think some of them are even giving her money! She's completely out of control! I just can't take it anymore!" The screeching sound of Gloria's voice was like a hot wire on my nerves, and instantly brought back unwanted memories of our past marriage. Feeling the instinctive urge to yell back rise in my throat, I pulled the...
TabooThe morning sun was barely filtering through the blinds, not yet casting its glow over Mindy as she peacefully slept by my side. I watched in quiet fascination as the spreading light gradually transformed her hair from monochrome shades of black and white into the lustrous, golden sheen I knew so well. Touched by the sun, her hair shimmered like liquid gold as it flowed over her shoulders.As the room filled with light, I made out a graceful shape under the sheet: her pleasantly rising hip...
TabooThe Mindy Effect: Part Two Patrick Loomis and Mindy Taft sat quietly in Dr. Taft's office at the hospital. The two teens had sunk into an awkward, interminable silence after the latest odd events in what had turned out to be the most bizarre day they had either ever experienced in their young lives. Still holding the fifty cent piece that had suddenly become so significant to the days events, Mindy finally broke the still. "Is that it? Are they all going to stuck like this...
Author's note: I think this works as a stand-alone. I get my lily white ass reamed by a big black bull in front of my wife, her friend and my swim team. Delicious humiliation!Mindy's moving day signaled a huge change in her life and the relationship I have with my wife, Debbie. That was the day we put on a real life show of me offering up my sissy ass while Debbie reamed it with Mindy's big strap-on. I'm still reeling from it all.Debbie immediately offered our help on moving day when Mindy had...
Wednesday morning, just before noon, I went to the garage and did some rearranging. Since Mindy knew that I was going to be there, I didn't have to worry about her noticing the changes. First, I moved the 4x8' sheets of plywood that were leaned against one wall closer to the old mattresses in the corner. If I was going to watch, I wanted to be as close as possible. I draped some old sheets over the open end of the plywood, leaving a gap in the middle from which I could look out. Then I...
Mindy Green had just gotten out of a serious relationship. Her boyfriend told her she was too “vanilla” for his taste. He wanted her to be more adventurous in the bedroom.When he broke up with her, instead of crying and being upset, Mindy decided to go wild. She wanted to have sex with a woman and have a threesome with two men. She would send her proof to her ex. She wanted him to see what he was missing. She would make him jealous and beg for her to take him back.It was Friday night and...
ThreesomesMindy’s Father Remembers J.W. Holmes, Mindy’s father, rode silently in the limo with his daughter for the long ride from their Manhattan hotel to the private airport in rural New Jersey where his corporate jet awaited them. He had already experienced her sharp looks and blunt responses to him and assumed that she remembered enough of last nights events that he felt he should give her some space but show her a modicum of respect and concern, but above all, not make a remark to her that could be...
a story about Sweet Mindy (My Blonde MILF Hottie) Part 1 She was standing in line at the Deli, the cutest blonde hardbody I'd seen in a while, with an ass made for fucking and big nippled ripe titties, she was a horny studs's wet and sticky dream. She was dressed in a long wrap around skirt, slit down the side to show some skin and a tight pink sweater. "Way to...
Introduction: A meeting with an old friend leads to nasty sex!!! OLD FRIENDS a story about Sweet Mindy (My Blonde MILF Hottie) Part 1 She was standing in line at the Deli, the cutest blonde hardbody Id seen in a while, with an ass made for fucking and big nippled ripe titties, she was a horny studss wet and sticky dream. She was dressed in a long wrap around skirt, slit down the side to show some skin and a tight pink sweater. Way to classy a chick to try to bag with a little...
Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex.In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more...
LesbianMindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent. She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk. She planned on calling Damon...