Being Changed free porn video

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Being Changed by Amy Brett Of course everyone in this totally fictional story is over 18. I'm not sure what the specific thing was that set her off but it undoubtedly involved my big mouth. Like mom says, I always talk when I should just keep my mouth shut. She's told me a thousand times that I have a big mouth and too many times, I'm pretty foul mouthed. I guess I just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Mom is really good hearted and always has my best interests at heart for me. My sister, who is a year younger than me, I can't say the same about. She's pretty but she's mean as a snake. At any rate, before I knew what was happening, I was bent over mom's knee and she was spanking my butt as she threatened to do a lot of other times but didn't follow through on. But this time, whatever I said really set her off. The worst part for me was that she pulled down my jeans and briefs before she started spanking me and, unlike my few other spankings, it really hurt. I was crying for real this time instead of just faking it to get it over with. I can't begin to tell you why the spanking turned me on this time but it did and set a chain of events in motion that I never could have anticipated in my wildest dreams. When she rubbed my bare butt as if she hadn't meant to hit so hard, I had a climax. Now like most boys my age, I'd discovered the pleasure of beating off more than a year ago and did it at least once a day now and sometimes several times. I even got caught by one of the bathroom monitor teachers in the boy's room once and, when mom was told, I got one of the other spankings I told you about. I guess someone could have told my mom that what she did this time could make me cum but it might not have mattered to her. What did matter was that she was wearing her favorite dress and I came all over her lap. "Oh my god," she gasped, "You can't even control yourself. You come with me young man." She marched me through the house with my jeans and shorts tripping me up as they bunched around my ankles. She stepped on them so they stayed on the floor but freed my legs when she pushed me down onto my back on her bed. I couldn't believe she actually still had a box of cloth diapers in her room still from when my sister grew out of them years before but she did and soon had one pinned around me with my dick trapped deep inside it. It was uncomfortably tight on me but she was so mad it didn't matter to her at all. Worse, she also found a pair of Tina's little girl plastic pants she put on over the diaper. I might have been a little better off if I'd kept my mouth shut, since this had all started with me saying something stupid. This time, instead of another paddling, it earned me one of Tina's pacifiers in my mouth to shut me up. She half helped and half pulled me back up to my feet. The stupid diaper was bunched between my legs so she even had to help me walk back to the living room without even a chance at grabbing my jeans. I suppose it wouldn't have mattered anyway since I couldn't have gotten them up over the diaper anyway but it would have made me feel a lot better and maybe it would have helped me when Tina looked up at me. "Wow," she gasped. "What did she do this time?" "Just more of the same kinds of things, Tina." "So you put her in a diaper? Wow, mom, way to go." I couldn't figure out why she was saying "she" and "her" except maybe because of the pink plastic pants I was wearing. "Tina, would you find one of your old dresses to cover her a little better?" mom said. "I need to do a little clean up." I saw that there was a big wet, goopy looking spot on the front of her dress and knew what she was talking about when she went into the kitchen. I hated what was going on and I'm sure I would have bitched about it loudly if I didn't have the pacifier in my mouth. As much trouble as I was in, it's probably a good thing I didn't think of spitting the stupid thing out. I could hear the water run and my mom muttering with irritation in the kitchen and decided this was a good time to keep my mouth shut and just go along with whatever. What would she do next if I got in more trouble than I was already in. Even keeping quiet didn't keep me from more trouble when Tina, who I told you is just mean, came back in the room with a pile of pink fluff over her arm that she put on the back of the couch next to me while she reached over and pulled my Megadeth T-shirt over my head. Since it was chilly in the room and I had goose bumps all over, I was almost glad when she guided the mass of fluff down around my upper body. I wasn't as happy, even though I was a little warmer, when she started buttoning it up my back where I'd never be able to get out of it. Disgustingly, the dress, that I remember from when she was a lot younger, smelled like baby powder and some kind of flowery perfume or soap that was left over from when she'd last worn it. If the fact that it was a dress wasn't bad enough, the little sleeves and the part over my chest was covered with white lace and little pink bows. Any time I resisted what she was doing, she would reach to my sides and tickle me. I'm really really ticklish and when she did that it made me squirm around like a little girl. Again I was glad for the pacifier because I couldn't giggle like an idiot like she could make me do when she tickled me. "Mom, what kind of shoes should I get her," Tina called into the kitchen. "Well, definitely not those nasty sneakers of Andy's and, since she's going to be staying inside for a few days at least probably some of your soft slippers, honey." "He'll stretch them all out of shape, mom." "It's okay, sweety, I'll get you some new ones to replace them," mom said. "Don't move, little girl," she said, teasing me as she went back to her room. The supposed shoes she brought back a minute later were really just thin cloth things with no sole or heel at all and as pink as the dress. They were very girly. Really only something a girl would ever wear. I told you she's mean. To prove it, she sat down in front of me and picked up my foot and tickled up the bottom. It's my worse ticklish spot and I could hardly stay still on the couch where I was sitting. I couldn't even kick her since she was holding on to my ankle hard. I wish I wasn't so darn ticklish but I can't help it and she wouldn't stop. I couldn't believe that my bladder let loose because of the tickling. She'd done that to me before and maybe this was better than having a wet spot on my jeans. At least nothing showed but I could feel it in the diaper and it was really uncomfortable. "Oh did the little baby wet her diaper?" she said to me. I was so embarrassed that tears started coming to my eyes. "Oh is she going to cry now?" She put one of the stupid slippers on my foot and picked up the other foot. Of course she had to tickle my foot again and I felt myself pee into the diaper some more. She put the other slipper on my foot finally before she pulled me up to my feet and drug me into the kitchen. "Oh my," mom said when she looked at me. "You made her so pretty. If you did her hair, she'd be perfect." Tina harumphed under her breath like that was the dumbest thing she'd ever heard. "Well, little miss perfect wet her diaper, I think," she told mom. "Oh my," mom said and knelt down in front of me and put her finger into one of the legholes of the plastic pants. "Yes. She's got no control at all. Would you mind too much changing her for me, honey?" She agreed and took my hand to pull me out of the kitchen and into her pink decorated room. "Lay down on the floor, girl, I don't want your piss all over my bed," she told me. I certainly didn't want her taking my underpants off (or diaper as it was) but I didn't want the wet material against me either so I didn't have much choice. I just laid down while she went into mom's room for a clean diaper. I thought about taking it off myself but didn't want to be left laying there half naked. Thankfully, she didn't waste any time and was back before I even got comfortable. She sat down on my legs and unfastened the safety pins at the sides of the diaper. I felt the sides fall away. "If you were a little bit smaller, like a real baby, I'd hold your legs up so I could get your diaper out from under you, but since you're not, you're going to have to lift up for me," she said and moved back off my legs. It was embarrassing but I planted my feet and lifted my butt up. She pulled the material out from under me but she had to made it worse by wiping between my legs with the dry part. I suppose it was wet there but it felt like she was just doing it because it would make me more uncomfortable than I already was. It's just how mean she is. "Okay, now lift up again so I can get the dry one under you," she said. I did it so I could get this over with but she just had to make it worse for me by grabbing my dick with her finger and thumb. "Wow. You're kidding. What's this?" "You know what it is, Tina." "Well, I know what's supposed to be there and I saw one guy's but it wasn't anything like this little thing. And these don't look like other boys' either," she said and pinched my balls. "Would you just finish what you're doing and leave me alone?" I squealed past the pacifier that was still in my mouth. "If you spit out your binky, honey, mom says she'll tie it in," she hissed. But at least she slid the folded diaper under my butt so this was closer to being over for now. Then she made it worse for me by pulling it up, reaching down the front, and pushing my dick way down between my legs. She pulled the diaper way too tight and pinned it. Thankfully, she didn't stick me with the safety pins. She put the plastic pants back on and pulled them up way tight as if to make it even more uncomfortable and, unfortunately, squished one of my balls painfully. That brought tears to my eyes again. This was getting silly. "Okay so you got your diaper back on and mom said I have to make your hair look decent." For a long time, everybody from the school principal to my mom had been begging me to get my hair cut into a "decent" boy's style and I sure as hell wasn't going to let my little sister do it. "Don't worry little girl, I wouldn't mess up your girly look. We'll just straighten up your bangs and put it in pigtails," she said, making me feel a little better. It didn't help much when she brushed my hair into my eyes and started clipping the front but she was quickly done with that. Then she brushed the rest of my hair back and parted it down the middle. She couldn't help herself when she pulled it back on the side enough to hurt and again bring tears to my eyes before she put an elastic thing around it at its tightest. She finished by doing the same thing to the other side of my head. "Oh, did I make the little girl cry again?" she simpered. "Come on, lets go see if mom likes your new hairdo." She pulled my arm and almost drug me back to the kitchen. "Doesn't that look just lovely," mom said. "Thank you for doing that for me, sweetheart." "Even your jerk daddy would approve of your hair now," she said. She and dad had divorced more than a year ago because he started fucking his secretary. She told us that he'd been doing that for quit6e a while but he made the mistake of getting caught one night when she got suspicious and followed him to her apartment with her camera. He didn't even contest the divorce. Right now I was really glad he wasn't around to see me in a diaper and a dress. Finally, she took the pacifier out of my mouth after she put dinner on the table but put it next to my plate. Several times, she made me slow down eating like I normally do but finally I got done. She had me go brush my teeth and put the pacifier back in my mouth before we sat down in the living room to watch she and Tina's dumb girl shows. Way earlier than my normal bedtime, she took me to my room and unbuttoned the dress before she put one of Tina's old nightgowns over my head. Again she put her finger in the leghole of the plastic pants to see if my diaper was wet but it was still dry. Then she "tucked me in" like a little kid. Almost every night, I beat off when I went to bed so I guess it wasn't a big surprise to me that I came in the diaper even before I fell asleep. *** I'm not sure if I had a wet dream or not. Maybe just having the wetness in the diaper made me pee during the night. But whatever, when I woke up, the diaper was soaked and very uncomfortable. In spite of the anticipation of another day of humiliation, I was really happy when mom came in and checked the diaper. "Aren't we glad we had a diaper on tonight, honey?" she asked me as she unpinned it and put a dry one on me. She led me to breakfast and I tried hard not to drink too many liquids so I wouldn't wet the stupid thing again. Still as mean as ever, Tina took me back to her room and put me into another frilly dress with buttons up the back. I really hated it that she could stick her finger under the plastic pants to see if the diaper was wet and she loved humiliating me that way. "Remember Tina," mom said. "Take your babysitting seriously and keep our little girl safe today and I'll pay you just like I would someone else. If you're not comfortable doing that, I can probably find somebody else to babysit but this should provide you with a little spending money as well and keeping both of you safe. "Remember now. Neither of you go out that door for anything short of a fire." Oh great, I thought. I'd have to put up with Tina screwing with me all day and I can't even go out and find the guys to help me. Like I'd go out of the house in a dress anyway. This was going to be the day from hell. Mom pulled the pacifier out of my mouth and kissed me before she put it back in and left for her work. *** I had some hope for the day at first. Tina had me lay down on the couch with a warning that if I made things hard for her she'd do something I wouldn't like. Since I was in a dress and a diaper with thin pieces of cloth on my feet, I couldn't see that there was much way to get into trouble or even for Tina to make up something. I figured all I was going to be able to do for the whole day was lay around watching stupid TV shows. It was pretty lame but I hoped maybe Tina would at least play a video with me or something. Trying to get her attention only got me another warning that if I lost the pacifier, she would find a way to tie it in my mouth. It really wasn't my fault that the dumb thing fell out when I was trying to ask her about doing a game but she didn't care and tied a piece of heavy twine to the dumb thing, popped it in my mouth and tied it around the back of my head so it wouldn't come out again. That's when the worst thing I could think of happened. The doorbell rang and Tina ran to answer it. Not wanting to be seen the way I was dressed, I didn't even try to go to the door. That's why I was just laying there on the couch when the guys came in. "Wow, cool, Tina. Is this your little sister? I didn't even know you guys had a sister," my neighborhood friend, Tommy, said as he looked down at me with no sign on his face that he recognized me. We had played in the park a few times and he went to my school but we didn't hang out or anything. Robby, another guy I knew from the park, was standing there beside him, looking down at me. "You guys want to see something funny?" my mean sister asked them. I didn't see them nod their head or anything but I guess one of them must have because she sat down on the couch by my feet and pulled off one of the soft slippers. I couldn't stand it when she tickled my foot. It was ten times worse when Tommy took off my other shoe and started tickling that foot. I guess he saw what she was doing to me and thought it was funny that all I could do was squirm around and try not to choke on the dumb pacifier in my mouth. She knew exactly what she was doing and what would happen if she didn't stop but she just kept doing it anyway. I felt the pee leak out into the diaper and knew what was going to happen even before she stuck her finger in the leg hole of the plastic pants. "She wet herself," she said and laughed. The guys laughed too. "Shit, now I have to change her diaper again." "I have a little niece who's a baby and a few times I had to change her diaper," Tommy said. "Can I help or something?" "You just want to see her baby pussy, don't you?" "No! I just wanted to help you if you wanted me to," he said, outraged at what she said. Finally letting me get my foot away from her, she stood up and grabbed my hand. Even though it was still really hard to walk with all the bunched material and wetness between my leg. I let her lead me to her bedroom with the boys following us. Since I didn't see anything I could do about it, I laid down on her bed. She unbuttoned part of the back of the dress and pulled the plastic pants down my legs. "Okay who's going to do it?" she asked the boys. "You'll have to lift her little legs way up so you can get it out from under her and a dry one back under." "Yeah, I remember that with my niece," Tommy said. "I'll hold her legs up." Robby took the safety pins out and pulled the wet diaper out from under me and I felt totally vulnerable. "Go ahead and play with her pussy," Tina said to him. "I know you want to." As much as I hated it, I knew as well as she did that he wanted to and was going to do it. His finger and thumb lifted up my little dick and started playing with it. It didn't look like he knew what he was doing at all and I could only pray that he didn't figure it out or he'd probably kill me. "My guess is you never touched a girl's clitty, have you," Tina said. "You've probably seen one on the internet and probably know if you keep doing that or suck on it, you'll make her squirt." I'm not sure if he wanted me to or didn't hear what she said but suddenly his mouth was covering me and his tongue was going all around me down there. I might have squirted like Tina said if Tommy hadn't leaned over me pinching my nipples as he somehow got the pacifier out of my mouth and replaced it with his dick. Funny but it sort of tasted good. Then he was moving it in and out and it almost gagged me. Then, when he started pinching my little nipples, I squirted just like Tina said I would and it felt really really good. Mostly what I was thinking was that Robby was really going to kill me now for squirting in his mouth like I just did even if Tina had warned him what would happen. "Here," Tina said then. "You need to put this baby oil on her so she doesn't get a rash." He took the plastic bottle of oil and squirted the cold liquid all around my tummy and between my legs. "That will give you a good chance to feel up her pussy, too." I knew for sure I don't have a pussy but it still felt good when he was rubbing the slippery oil all over down there, even when he was rubbing my balls and down underneath them. I just hoped he wouldn't realize what he was doing and just squeeze them into mush. "She got nice big pussy lips doesn't she?" Tina said. "For a little girl I mean." I don't know how he could believe what she was saying but I was sort of glad she at least tried. I knew exactly what Robby felt when he made me squirt in his mouth when Tommy did the same thing way deep inside my mouth. For a second I thought I'd drown before I got it under control and quickly swallowed it. "You found her tight little pussy yet?" Tina said while Robby explored more between my legs that Tommy still held way up high over my head. The I knew he'd found something. "Yeah, I got it right here." His finger slipped right into my butthole before he pulled it out a little and put a second one in me. "You'll have to do that a little since she's a virgin and super tight before you'll be able to get your penis in her." Apparently he agreed because his fingers kept going in and out of my butt for a long time. I'm not quite sure how he kept doing that to me and got his pants down at the same time but I knew when he pulled his fingers out of me that he was going to do what Tina had said just a couple of seconds before I felt something bigger and softer feeling going in me. Even with Tommy's dick still in my mouth, I squealed when it went all the way in me, the head part being a lot bigger than the rest. I was surprised that it just kept going further and further inside me until he groaned and started moving it most of the way out and right back in all the way again and again and again. Tommy moved back a little pulling my legs up even higher and a little wider so he could watch what Robby was doing to me and his dick plopped out of my mouth. Robby kept fucking me when Tommy let go of my legs and kind of guided them around Robby's body. I decided Robby wasn't mad at me for squirting in his mouth when he lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me several times before his tongue stuck out and went into my mouth where it played around with mine. I found I wanted to suck on it like I had been with Tommy's dick and he moaned in my mouth and shivered all over. I wasn't sure what had happened but I felt something that felt hot way deep inside my butt and Robby groaned like he was picking up something really heavy and broke off the kiss. "Wow, fuck, that was unbelievable," he moaned out and pulled his penis out of me." "Cool, man, now I get to fuck her too," Tommy said. Even though Robby has sort of rolled over next to me on the bed, I hadn't straightened out my legs and by the time I'd thought to do that, Tommy stuck his dick into my butthole and was fucking me just like Robby had. Somehow he had lifted my legs back up and pulled them around his back. So I guess I was sort of helping him fuck me by pulling him toward me with my legs. And maybe I even put my arms around his neck to encourage him to kiss me like Robby had been doing. The only thing I didn't do was guide his hands to the small mounds where my nipples were sort of sticking up from my chest. That felt really good while he was fucking me. It didn't take very long before I felt him squirt inside me and start to pull away. He stopped his retreat from me for long enough to suck on each of my nipples for a minute. Robby was playing with my clitty again even though Tommy hadn't gotten all the way off me yet. Then Tina spoke again. "Quick, get a clean diaper under her before all that icky stuff gets all over my bed," she howled. Tommy actually lifted my legs back up without stopping what he was doing to my tiny nipples. Somebody slid cool material under me as he kept doing that. Probably Tina to protect her precious bedspread. Tommy kept my legs up in the air while somebody, probably Robby, pinned my diaper back on, never stopping what he was doing to my nipples. "You should wait until she gets older to suck on her tits," Tina said. "Someday, she'll actually have something to suck on." I think Robby pulled the plastic pants back up over the diaper. "So what do we do now?" Tommy said. "Well," Tina said like she was trying to think of the worst thing she could think of to do to me. "You guys can put her baby lotion on so she doesn't get dry." I'd never heard anything about baby lotion but wasn't all that surprised when he gave Robby a pink bottle that said "Baby Lotion" on it. He squirted a bunch in his hand and rubbed them together before he started rubbing it on my left leg all the way from the diaper to my ankle. It smelled really good, I thought. "Go ahead and take her little slipper off to do her foot cause we have to put polish on her nails next anyway." Robby put more lotion in his hand and rubbed all over my foot, even between the toes and I was afraid he'd start tickling my foot and make me pee my pants again but he was too interested in putting lotion on and did the same thing to my right leg and foot. Tommy picked up the lotion and started putting on my left arm and hand before he rubbed a bunch into my chest and neck before moving over to my other arm. "Be sure and get some up under her dress on her tummy and back," Tina said and Robby did that while Tommy went down to top of the dress in front and back their hands almost meeting inside the dress. I knew this was all something Tina had made up but I really enjoyed them doing it to me. Really, I suddenly realized, I'd loved everything they had done to me. Both the boys took my hands and lifted me up to walk back to the kitchen where Robby sat me on his lap as Tina came in with a bottle of fingernail polish. "Can you reach her little toeses that way?" she asked him as she shook up the polish like she was talking to a little kid instead of one of the guys. "Yeah, I like her sitting here," he said with a chuckle and lifted my feet up to the edge of the kitchen table. She handed him the polish and he opened it and started painting the bright pink paint onto my big toenail. "Just like my model planes," he mumbled and kept painting each of my toes pink. I wondered how I'd ever get it off when mom made me go back to school or whatever else she'd have me doing for the summer. I knew she'd have some kind of plans for me to keep me out of trouble like she did every year. "I get to do her fingers," Tommy said, sitting in the chair next to us and, when Robby was finished with the last toe, he put my hand on his leg and started painting my fingernails. It didn't take long before he was finished with all my fingers. "What do we get to do now?" he asked Tina. "I don't know, it's too early for her bath." Then she looked me over critically and said, "She needs her pretty hair brushed and put up in ponytails. One of you smart enough to do that?" They both almost growled at her that they were and asked where the brush was. She went to her room to get it while Robby unbound my hair and ran his fingers through it. She tossed a couple of bright pink scrunchies on the table with the brush and harrumphed before she got herself a Coke and plopped down in one of the chairs without even asking them if they wanted one. Since I didn't have the pacifier back in my mouth, I asked them if they wanted a Coke and told Tommy they were in the fridge while Robby started brushing my long hair and working it up into high twin ponytails. Every now and then he kissed whichever of my ears was closer to him. "Did you like what we did?" Robby whispered in my ear. I had and it still felt good then. I nodded my head. "Wish you had a wet diaper now," Tommy said with a grin. Actually I'd been feeling the wet stuff coming back out of me since Robby had first pulled me onto his lap. "Oh, you want her wet?" Tina said, obviously hearing his whispered statement. "All you have to do is tickle her and she pees her pants right away. Particularly her little feet." She is soooo mean. Robby started licking and kissing my ear and tickling my sides and tummy making me giggle and squirm on his lap. Then Tommy picked up my foot and started tickling it. I just couldn't help myself. I peed the diaper. Tina had to be the one still who stuck her finger in the leghole of the plastic pants and smiled all over. "Yep, just like she was trained to do it," she said giggling at me. "You going to fuck her again?" "What do you think little one? You want that?" I almost bounced off his lap nodding my head before he got me to my feet to lead me back to Tina's bed. "Her dress is all messed up now too. There are some more in my closet. You can pick one out and change her when you get done." I was absolutely sure that if they took the dress off me and saw all of me, they would know I'm a boy and maybe even recognize me but I knew there wasn't anything I could do when Robby unbuttoned the back of my dress and lifted it over my head. Robby lifted up my legs and put his dick in my mouth while Tommy unpinned my diaper and pulled it off before finding the baby oil, rubbing it all over and sucking my clitty until I squirted again. Then just like before he fucked my butthole before moving aside and letting Robby do it again. I was pretty sore after all that and didn't mind having the diaper back on and a clean yellow dress pulled over my head and buttoned up the back. Somewhere Tommy found little anklet socks with yellow ducks running around my ankles and shiny white Mary Jane shoes he put my feet in. The shoes were almost too tight. They led me back to the kitchen to finish their Cokes that had almost been ignored. "Oh my, didn't you make the little girl look pretty. Maybe you should come over in the morning and help get her dressed." "And change her for you," Robby said. "For sure," Tommy added.

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“Where’s Claire?” asked Dick-Dick – for indeed, Claire was missing.“She was with Danica and Johnny,” said Alison. “I think she wanted to catch the beginning of their lecture.”“Ah – excellent idea,” said Dick-Dick, “but I hope she isn’t late. We all have to go in as a group here.” It was nearly three o’clock, and Dr Dick and the NDF students were gathered in the lobby of the Princess Asshole Hospice on Oxfuck Street.“I’m here!” came a voice, as Claire flung herself through the glass double...

3 years ago
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In Which I Confess She Changed

How did I get so lucky to be married to a naughty wife? I don’t know. I do know she loves me with her heart, her body, and anything else her naughty little mind can think of. I am truly blessed.She wasn’t always naughty. In fact, she was prudish and mildly Victorian when we married. Sex was in our bed, under the covers, and typically in the missionary position. This went on for decades. Occasionally, she would dress up, or we would have sex in the living room, but these events were too rare...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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The Night It All Changed

Nick finds out a secret that changes his world...We were all drunk... Though as usual it was taking me longer to get quite the buzz I wanted with my wife being so negative all night. I opted instead to talk to Val, a thirty-eight year old lady who worked with my wife. Her best friend in fact. I could hear my wife complaining away in the corner but our conversation was a little different.I had been enjoying the view all night; her outfit for the evening has consisted of a new corset and long...

3 years ago
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How My Life Changed

My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and I thought our life was very good. She was an attorney for an important law firm and rapidly rising towards a partnership. She made a lot more money than I did in my job as a fast food worker. That didn’t bother me as much as it might have many men. We had a nice house and lived well. Mary is 28, 5’6′, 120 pounds and had 38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette with brown eyes. I am 5’8′, 140 pounds and used to taking orders from the...

3 years ago
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How My Life Changed

Chapter 1My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and Ithought our life was very good. She was an attorney for animportant law firm and rapidly rising towards a partnership. Shemade a lot more money than I did in my job as a fast food worker.That didn't bother me as much as it might have many men. We had anice house and lived well. Mary is 28, 5'6", 120 pounds and had38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette with brown eyes. I am5'8", 140 pounds and used to taking orders from the...

4 years ago
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How My Life Changed

Chapter 1My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and Ithought our life was very good. She was an attorney for animportant law firm and rapidly rising towards a partnership. Shemade a lot more money than I did in my job as a fast food worker.That didn't bother me as much as it might have many men. We had anice house and lived well. Mary is 28, 5'6", 120 pounds and had38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette with brown eyes. I am5'8", 140 pounds and used to taking orders from the...

3 years ago
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How My Life Changed

My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and I thoughtour life was very good. She was an attorney for an important law firmand rapidly rising towards a partnership. She made a lot more money thanI did in my job as a fast food worker. That didn't bother me as much asit might have many men. We had a nice house and lived well. Mary is 28,5'6", 120 pounds and had 38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette withbrown eyes. I am 5'8", 140 pounds and used to taking orders from...

1 year ago
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The Night My Life Changed

by darkfan90 This is the story of how my life change in a way I never dreamed it could. My name is Alex. I am doing my second year of collage. I am a 19 year old, 5'8”, 135lbs Caucasian boy. I am tall and skinny and I ware glasses. I have never been in a fight, but I am pretty smart. I have always been a nerd in school, but it has allowed to to do well here. As a result my parents have helped me get a condo off campus this year that I have just moved into. Witch I am very happy about, because...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Needed More Than A Flat Tire Changed

One evening while coming home from the gym, I took a rarely traveled short cut through a tree-lined un-paved road. There was a middle aged woman, standing beside her car. As I got closer, she flagged me down. When I pulled up behind her, I saw she had a flat tire. This very attractive petite 5-2” tall woman who must have been in her mid-40s came up to me and explained that she had a flatter and her she could not make a call on her cell phone. Obviously, frazzled, I tried to calm her down a bit...

2 years ago
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a follow up the night things changed

That night changed all things, from that point on everything was different. He treated me better than ever before. We went everywhere together, he would but me everything from lingerie to skirts heels, oh my god the heels he would buy me, Jimmy’s, Maddens, Louie’s, If I liked it he’d buy it; providing I’d wear it during playtime and the sky was the limit. It became the most magical time of our life and our newfound relationship. We’d go to clubs, private parties and personal invites we’d have...

3 years ago
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Debbies Life Changed

Hi all, it's been a while since my first story, this is another fantasy I have. If any of you young ones out think like this, do it cos if you dont you will spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been. Here I am about to tell you how I came to be what I am. I am a Shemale, 18 years old, 5' 8", blonde, blue eyes, slim body with 38DD 26 36 and 8" figure. I am very feminine thanks to all the hormones and surgery I have had since I was 13. I started well before puberty set in...

1 year ago
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My life suddenly changed

100% fiction! It was a sunny afternoon, i had just gotten home from high school and i was as horny as ever. "Honey im going out to get some grocceries ill be back in about an hour " my mom shouted " okay mom " . My mom was 39 and quite sexy, she was quite a small figure 34 C's, a nice round ass , redish brown hair and a beutiful face, she stood at about 5"3 and close to 105 pounds. I thought this would be the perfect time to quickly jack off, i walked downstairs after i saw her car was gone....

2 years ago
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How the World Changed

The year 2020 changed many things in our world and our lives. The word isolation took on a new meaning. Previously it had been used mainly in hospitals and in prisons. At the start of 2020, the major part of the world populations was confined or confined themselves in their homes and isolated themselves from others.Our social and sexual habits were drastically altered. No more going out for a drink or on a date with a suitable or even an unsuitable partner. They called it social distancing, and...

1 year ago
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A Life So Changed

London, England, 2007. An older woman (over 106 years old) is setting in her favorite chair in her library. Her name is Rosette. But everyone calls her Rose. Just then her great, great, granddaughter Elizabeth comes in. Grandma are you ok? O yes im fine dear, I was just thinking. What were you thinking about? When I was a young girl in France. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about that though. Actually it sounds quit interesting. Well ok. Paris, France, 1919. I was 18 years old. Me...

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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

1 year ago
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497 oh Ian how things have changed

497 Oh Ian how things have changed Pt3. In the bedroom there was no obvious camera, the cctv one covered the bed, so Ian felt it might be a bit much for the boy and might frighten him off. So in the same vein he simply took his seat as he had when his wife had been misused. She noticed and nodded her approval of the move, standing as the door closed and taking the boys hand. “Now young man, remember where we were last weekend?” he blushed shot Ian a glance, then said, “I had been lucky enough...

2 years ago
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496 Oh Ian how things have changed

496. Oh Ian how things have changed To fully understand this story perhaps you might like to read the 5 stories 491 to 495.this is written in the third party and concerns the friends I have come to enjoy the company of, Ian, (in theory the master of the house) and his matronly and adventurous wife, May, who nowadays is in reality in charge. It was a few weeks after the weekend with Lenny, the welts had gone, bruises faded when at the pub on Saturday Lenny gave them the news that he was off to...

3 years ago
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The evening i changed

The evening i changedThis is pure fiction My usual saturday routine was underway. Drinking alone at my local sports bar. 6 beers in, a stunning women with dark brown hair walks in. Shes wearing a black dress high heels, and a choker. Obviously im checking her out and c cup chest, but in my head i know shed never go for a guy like me, im tall bearded, chubby and have a pony tail... think louise ck but with pony tail. Compared to her looking like seline from underworld... i stood no chance, for...

2 years ago
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When The World Changed

If you have read my profile, you know about me. If you haven't, don't be lazy. Read it! But if you can't be bothered, the snapshot is married a long time, 50s, great woman, no so great life puts so much pressure on you as a couple that sometimes you drift apart while you are just trying to keep the family together. Ironic huh? This is a story about what I did in 1999. It was a turning point in how I understand my own sexuality. In August 1999 my wife and I bought our first PC. This...

1 year ago
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How my life changed

Hi I'm Catz. Sometimes you find great things when you least expect it. This is the story of a night that changed my life.I had been with my wife for 5 years. She was 40 but absolutely stunning, too good for me really. We have always enjoyed good sex together but I always wanted more. The trouble is I didn’t know what. Don't get me wrong, my wife is a fantastic fuck and will do anything. In fact she is the one who normally comes up with new things. A couple of years ago she said it might be fun...

3 years ago
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the night we changed

Given that this is not my native language, I hope you can forgive the occasional grammatical and/or vocabulary issue.This story was written by myself after being inspired by some of the amazing stories posted here. Similarities to other stories are accidental, as this is based on a real life encounter.The night we changed part 1I wanted to make that night special. We had just returned from a small party, and, to tell the truth, I was quite drunk. My boyfriend had went to bed and I was taking a...

4 years ago
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The First time My life Changed

I am going to reveal one of the most exciting experiences of my life, which I never disclosed to any one before. Even though I am 38+ now, I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say most men find my pretty face attractive, but my full breasts (36c), flat stomach, and my firm bottom get the most attention, although I have to admit I've never really dressed to show them off. I'm not really old fashioned and I normally used to be in the traditional...

4 years ago
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My Sister Changed

Ok, so here is my story. I’ll start off like everyone else. My name is Brock, and I am a 19 year old guy. Not exactly a body to die for, but not too bad. My best feature however, is my 6.5 inches downstairs. Nothing to be embarrassed about.Anyway, I am in school, and just completed my first year of college. Let me tell you, that is where the party is. I have had some wild times there, but that is a different story. This is about when I came home from school.My senior year of high school...

1 year ago
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Saras life changed

*** fictional Hi. I'm Sara. I'm 19 years old and just graduated highschool. I have beautiful blue eyes and small B cup tits. I have long thick brown hair. And I am 5'4". This is a story about how my life changed. It was summer and I was going over to my new friends house. Her name is Katy. I had met her at an end of the school year party and we hit it off right away. She had an olive skin tone with wide green-gray eyes, black hair with about C cup tits. She was about my height with a firm sexy...

3 years ago
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Beings Beyond gods

It was 6 p.m. thursday night and Andrew and Arielle where just finishing up there daily chores around the Farm and they were both sweating profusely due to their constant work on the farm and it being late May in south Louisiana. Arielle who is a brunette with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes 34DD , her ass was the perfect build right in between flat and bubble like, arms, legs, and stomach would make you think that she's a pro runner for the Olympics all this while still being only 5 feet...

1 year ago
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Life Changed

Hi. This is Priya and writing my experience which I like to share with you. I am 32 years old married lady. I have a kid of 5 years. Actually it all started few months back, when my husband Mohan went to USA for some official work for few months. I was alone at my home just getting bored so I just called my very close friend Simran .She was in her office and she called me to have lunch together near one restaurant to her office. I reached her office at 12.30pm and she welcomed me in her cabin....

1 year ago
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Oh You Have Changed

I really hadn’t planned on spending that weekend the way I did. Someone else had thought that they should kidnap me and use me as their toy. The someone, in this case, was a man I had dated thirty-five years ago. My name is Isabel Duncan, I am now a fit and trim sixty-six year old woman. At least that is my normal description. In my youth I worked with our State Attorney General’s office. I had dated a person named Simeon Gritch. Simeon was a very strange character. He was the heir of a rather...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 70 Whats Changed

July 23, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Next time we have to stay longer,” Kara said on Sunday afternoon as we relaxed with Jessica and Michelle in the sauna. “It was a whirlwind trip,” I said. “But I’m not sure a longer one is really practical until the kids are older. Other than Jesse and Matthew, the kids were mostly bored in Russia.” “The four boys really enjoyed the lunch in the officers’ mess!” I smiled, “I think the officers enjoyed it just as much as the boys did.” “Do you think it’s...

3 years ago
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True Story New Years Eve we exchanged

I've been with Jon for three years. I thought we were heading for the natural outcome, confessing and forming a family. I can not say I did not love him, but he was screaming. But what relationship is perfect? I was compromising because I was basically afraid of loneliness. And by the time we came to complete, even if we were totally opposed.Last year I was invited to a New Year's Eve party in a gay community. He is a lot of gay friends and often prefers more non-conformist parties.The party...

2 years ago
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The Night It All Changed

So it happens that, through a mutual acquaintance, I met a guy I'll call "Yoel", for the sake of protecting his pride and innocence. At first, I deemed him incredibly hot, but nothing more than a blip; a dot on my radar, never to be heard from or seen again. As it happens, I found myself in the wrong; he kept coming around, until a rift came between us.You see, as someone who lost their mother due to a heart attack quite some time ago, I can not, at all, countenance the thought of someone...

Gay Male
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Birthday Bash Bonus IDs changed

I must share this one from about 5years ago. It wasn't my birthday but that of some friends of my pal's wife, who's also become a great friend.The particular girl called Annie was sharing a party with two gay male friends at a hall quite a way South from me & my pals. They were going by car later, so I got 3 trains down, intent on having a lift back that night.I'd arrived earlier on & picked up a gift along the way, plus it meant I could drink plus it was a bash where I could take my...

2 years ago
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CarolChapter 3 My How Carol Has Changed

As Carol and Joe entered the house through the kitchen Joe called out, "Hello, where is everyone?" He stepped up behind Carol and took her in his arms. He kissed her neck lightly and his hands filled with her soft full breasts again thru her blouse as he said softly, "That was to give Bob and Janette warning... just in case." Carol put her hands on top of his and pulled them harder into her fabulous breasts as she laughed deep in her throat asking, "Do you suppose... they did...

2 years ago
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Doomsday the day my life changed

I woke up at 5:30am to get ready for work, jumped into the shower & washed my 25 year old body clean to prepare for the upcoming day of working & being in an office building full of people. I decide to indulge in some self-gratifying pleasure before work today. Now at 25 I’ve had my fair share of flings with the opposite sex but none have lasted long or been all that emotional for me. Now I am by far no ladies’ man but with average looks & a likeable personality I had my share of experience...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Not Changed

It all started in the library. I had a free slot, but with my roommate Becky there to bug me, I left. I had just wanted some peace and quiet to geek out. I started up my laptop, wondering what exactly to do. I brush at my hair, staring at my reflection in the starting screen. I'd been compares to Ashley Vegas before, but I'd never seen it. No way was I that hot. My laptop started without issue, though I quickly got the usual email message at the bottom. *Message* from Mr Anders. Gah. One of my...

Mind Control
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the names have been changed

“Maria, all these men want to impregnate you. Are happy to let them try?"The big-titted brunette, already naked and laying on her back on the bed with her legs spread, nodded at her Hubby."Yes please," was all she managed to get out between her heavy breathing in anticipation of the first cock entering her cunt."So all 20 will be ejaculating inside your vagina-""You mean dumping cum loads in her cunt!" One of the men called out, followed by sniggers from a few others."All 20 will fuck you...

1 year ago
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Triple Teen fun with Lianne Pt 1 IDs changed

My second experience happened a bit earlier in the year than with Denise...….I wasn't earning much at the time, being unemployed when this surreal thing occurred earlier in 1988.My pal Gaz had moved to a town in a house shared by three others about 4miles away, so getting there would involve a fair amount of walking. Anyway, a GF of another pal of ours called Jenny had a 16, going on for 17YO single pal called Lianne & was also the sister of her mate Mick. Jenny was about 19 & seeing a...

3 years ago
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The evening i changed

This is pure fiction My usual saturday routine was underway. Drinking alone at my local sports bar. 6 beers in, a stunning women with dark brown hair walks in. Shes wearing a black dress high heels, and a choker. Obviously im checking her out and c cup chest, but in my head i know shed never go for a guy like me, im tall bearded, chubby and have a pony tail... think louise ck but with pony tail. Compared to her looking like seline from underworld... i stood no chance, for so i thought.I ask the...

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My life changed

I grew up in eastern Kentucky about 50 miles from Lexington. When I turned 18 I decided to leave for my first trip out of the area on a trip to Lousiville with some friends. It was 3 of us and we decided to go see Lousiville and stay the night in a hotel. When we got there we found a hotel just across the state in line in Indiana. We decided to go downtown via taxi and hangout. We were at a little pub bar when Jake and Tony hooked up with 2 girls and decided to go to another bar and decided...

2 years ago
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Accepted that my life had changed

It was wrong for me not to have reported the attack by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. It was wrong for me to have allowed horse dick Harry and Bruce's uncle to take me and use me as their fuck toy. It was wrong for me to allow other guys to take me when they wanted. If I had done any of the before mentioned I would be satisfied with myself, I think it was some time after their third attack that I had the urging of taken huge cocks into my anus. Yes, it was painful yet satisfying to feel a thick...

2 years ago
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Now that we both knew we were bi or world changed

How my wife found out I was Bi continued. After our first night in Jamaica, we were so excited to see how far we could push our vacation. I was awakened by the feeling of a deepthroat blowjob, I looked down and saw Pete going to town while my wife sucked my balls and Pete's wife Becky made herself a seat on my tongue. Pete took his time, licking and sucking. And Becky had the sweetest tasting pussy, and she was a squirter too. My wife who's name is Alexandria or Alex for short, was now sucking...

2 years ago
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After the Show Names were changed

I had been making the rounds going to pubs and night clubs putting on hypnosis stage shows, I was doing 2 shows a night 3 nights a week usually a show at one club just around 10 and then another show at another club around 12 or 1 am.I had just finished my last show for the night, it was a lot of fun had a good crowd of people everyone clapping whistling and cheering as the people on stage reacted to the suggestions they were given.The show was over the volunteers were brought out of their...

3 years ago
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High Class breeding has never changed

I sat looking around the room, people were talking, some louder than most, a mixture of noise and laughter, and amongst it all I sat bored out of my skull.I was tipsy and felt in need of a good fuck, a room full of cock and cunt desperate to mate once the talking stopped.I hiked my hemline a tad higher on my stockinged legs, may as well get in there first, better to have a shag with guy still capable to get it up, than wait for some piss-pot with 'Brewers droop', lying on top of you.The last...

1 year ago
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Alipore Lady Life Got Changed

Hi, guys. This is Sachin. This story is about a lady who was sex story reader and she contacted on my email and later I made her enjoy in absence of her husband. Now she’ll continue her story in her own words. Feedback will be appreciated at Gone are the days when I used to have a healthy sexual relationship with my husband. Now he isn’t interested in me and always busy in his work. Although he worked very hard and we have a lot of money but I never was happy beneath. Since I knew I have zero...

1 year ago
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Times Have Changed

At nights her dreams are dark and she remembers the life she had, but more she feels how the old memories get more blurry. It scares her a little and at the same time feels good because she hopes that one day they might be just gone, and that would be less painful.She has slept on her side again, and beneath her cheek has formed a puddle of her own drool. Some of the hay that she had been lying on had stuck to her chin and the side of her face and she weakly shakes her head to get rid of it,...

3 years ago
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My Wife Changed

I am Nirupam Singh; a married man of 33 and my wife is Nirupama aged 29. Believe me it is true that we are having matching names. We have got married about 4 yrs ago. She is now little bit plumpy and also of short height. We were leaving with my parents and older brothers family in a town of Jharkhand after my marriage. My wife was very much conservative as she was a village girl and was very much shy regarding the sex. Many times she insisted not to getting naked even before me. However till...

3 years ago
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Suddenly my life got changed

HI i am Rohini here this is my real story and writing 1st exp. Which I like to share with u. I am 32 married lady from pune.i have a son JAY of 5 years. Actually it all started three months back. When my husband VIJAY went to singapore for some official work . I was alone at my home just getting bored so i just called my very close my schoolfriend Swati.she was in her office and we fixed too take luanch together near her office. So soon i got up and got ready for her office. I was there in...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 29 Chastity Challenged and Changed

It was a moment before Bernice actually heard the knock on the door and another moment before she placed its source as the front door, not the back door where people usually came. Re-tying her robe to conceal her nakedness she went on watery knees to the door, prepared to tell whomever it was to come back another time. "Good morning, Mrs. Bartlett. I hope this isn't an inconvenient time for a brief visit?" Wilson noted the attractive, dark-haired woman's flushed appearance and wondered...

1 year ago
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Plans Changed

Tessa used me every night and everyday. One day I was sucking on her tits and we were both naked. Our friend Jackie walked in and took pictures of us naked. I looked at Tessa and she looked at me. " Don't do anything or else. . . . You will do anything I say whenever, wherever. " Tessa and I both nodded our heads. We went to get dressed, but Jackie wouldn't let us. She told us to climb into dog cages in the back of her truck. The drive there was cramped and long. I couldn. t believe where she...

2 years ago
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A story about a little friendly swinging and lots of cumming and bodily fluids being exchanged

As I walked in the door, coming home from the office, I saw my wife Carole standing by the cabinet preparing dinner. Carole has a body built like a brick shit house with all the fixtures in the right place. Today she looked especially good wearing a skimpy halter top with a pair of low cut shorts that fit snugly around her ass with the outline of her bikini panties showing through. Crossing the room and walking up behind her I reached around and cupped one of her tits with my hand...

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