Crossdressing Charlie: Episode 9 - Everybody's Crazy free porn video

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CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was beginning to light up like a Christmas tree. The easy but busy flow of traffic moved along the motorways and streets as they made their way back from work. There was a slight chill in the air, despite it being very warm earlier that day. Rachel stopped dead in her tracks and whipped out her phone. "What are you doing?" Charlie asked. "I'm calling Kayla to see if she'll let us stay at her house tonight. Her parents usually go out on Saturdays," said Rachel in a stiff tone. "Oh god no, not Kayla!" exclaimed Charlie. "Can't we just go to Sean's?" "Charlie I'm not staying at that disgusting boys house for the entire night!" snapped Rachel. "Well I'm not staying in the same house as a girl who has wanted to stick her claws into me since pre-school!" stated Charlie. "Oh don't flatter yourself!" Rachel shot across as she raised her phone to her ear. Charlie retorted and spun around placing his hands behind his head whilst grinding his teeth annoyingly. "Come on, pick up!" muttered Rachel under her breath. Kayla, Rachel's good friend and "study-buddy" has openly fancied Charlie for as long as he could remember. She is a somewhat silly and sentimental girl, though she is smart and shows a serious side every once and a while. She is usually lively and loves to be in the centre of attention but tends react in extreme ways to everyday situations, either laughing or crying hysterically. She is also easily offended and emotional which always annoyed Charlie. "Hi Kayla, its Rachel here - yeah - oh - yes - I was just wondering if - ," Charlie drowned out everything around him and delved into his mind. "How could you do this mom?" he said hopelessly into the dark night. The speeding cars that sped by them on the main road created gusts of chilled night wind which made Charlie's teeth chatter. He wrapped his arms around himself and began to see his own warm breath turning to a mist. Images and fragments of his mother's outburst swam about in his head. The way she looked at him, the way she shrieked and roared at him whilst pouring her painful tears of depression out of her heart. It just opened up a whole new can of bad memories which he thought he'd never have to experience after his father left. He knew that the alcohol was responsible for her fit of rage but he couldn't tell if what she said was true of not. He hoped not anyway. "A drunk mind speaks a sober heart," he scoffed. " - yeah! Great! Thank you so much Kayla. We'll be over soon!" said Rachel over the phone. "Great," Charlie mumbled under his breath, "an entire night with jugosaurus." Rachel walked up behind Charlie who was looking at the cars passing by. "She said she'd be happy to have us for the night." "Does she know why we decided to spontaneously turn up and crash at her place?" said Charlie. Rachel hesitated and started tripping over her words. "I - I told her t- that I'd explain everything as soon as we got t-there." "So you're going to tell us that our moms a raging lunatic?" said Charlie sarcastically. "Don't say that!" snapped Rachel, tears remerging from her already red- raw eyes. "How can you be so cruel about this! She's our mother! She needs to be helped and all you're doing is being an asshole about it!" "Okay let me see," said Charlie, looking up whilst sarcastically pretending to ponder. "She got drunk instead of going to work, kicked us out onto the street, and pretty much said that we're lousy kids. Yes, I am the cruel one. Please enlighten me in how that makes sense?" said Charlie, shakily trying to keep his tone calm. "Why don't you -," Rachel stopped halfway through as if she felt unsure on what she going to say, " - why don't you stop thinking about yourself for a change. Try and see that this does not concern how you feel right now. She may have kicked us out but that doesn't mean we have to brandish her as a bad mother!" cried Rachel. "Good God, you are deluded girl!" said Charlie sharply. "You cannot actually believe in what you're saying?" "There's obviously stuff we don't know about Mom can't you see that?" said Rachel, sniffing back her tears. "She's obviously bottled this stuff up for a long time and now she's let it loose through drink. There still must be things she hasn't told us yet so stop being such a selfish, arrogant prick and think about other people for a change!" Rachel's face was literally red hot. Her hair was frizzy, her makeup was destroyed with tears and her overall state was just pitiful. Charlie felt a little put in his place after Rachel's outburst but he still resented his mother at that moment. He couldn't deny it but what she said was probably right however he couldn't bring himself to admit it. His silence let her know very well. "Now I'm going to Kayla's with or without you!" she added, before swinging around and marching off down the sidewalk. Charlie stood rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do. He had never felt so lost in his entire life. He felt as if he had nothing. No hope, no dreams, no friends, no family. He looked down at the ground, listening to his heart pound against his ribs as he clenched his fists tearfully. "Rachel, wait up!" he yelled. After about twenty minutes of fast paced walking Charlie and Rachel arrived at Kayla's house. Her house was situated in a luxury suburban housing estate in near the city. What made Charlie feel uneasy was the fact that it was quite near Dave's house which was just a couple of estates away. The whole blackmail thing seemed only like a minor issue in his life right now in contrast to his current one. Rachel knocked on the door whilst Charlie stood back behind her. Kayla swung open the door almost immediately. She looked ever so happy to see Rachel, but even more ecstatic to see Charlie. She ran to him and wrapped his arms around him tightly. "Oh Charlie!" she gasped softly. "Are you okay?" Charlie felt like he was being smothered in strawberry perfume and soft brunette hair. He didn't know what to do. He hated hugs because he didn't know how to react so he awkwardly patted her on the back. Charlie was quickly reminded of why he nicknamed her "jugosaurus" because her very large bosom pressed into his chest like two melons! She eventually broke away. "Are you okay?" she asked again. "Yes, I'm fine," muttered Charlie. "Thanks for letting us stay." "Oh I don't mind," she sighed passionately. Kayla led them both in through the front door. She was a rather curvy girl, not chubby but quite rounded and soft. Her brunette hair was dead straight and lengthened all the way down her back. Her eyes were hazel coloured, her lips were wide and plump along with an upturned button nose in the centre of her face. As she closed the door and pulled Rachel into an embrace Charlie couldn't help but notice that she was rather dressed up for an extremely unfitting occasion. She was wearing a square-necked pinafore dress, shoulder strapped and decorated in a red and black plaid pattern along with matching black tights and slip on shoes with a red ribbon in her hair. Charlie didn't want to think of himself as being some sort of a hotshot but he knew that she had dressed up for him after she found out that he was coming. "What happened?" asked Kayla, concernedly as she broke away from Rachel. "Oh it's a long story," said Rachel, forcing a smile as she attempted to look strong and un-phased by everything. "You'll have to vent everything to me honey as soon as I make you both some coco," smiled Kayla before turning and walking down the hallway to the kitchen. "Come on guys follow me!" "I can't stay here tonight," whispered Charlie, grabbing Rachel's arm. "Why not? Where else are you going to go?" said Rachel angrily through gritted teeth, her eyes darting to the hall to see if Kayla was in earshot. "Anywhere but here! I can't just sit around and watch two girls cry over their emotions! Besides what will her parents think of having a boy staying in their precious little daughter's house at all night?" "When they hear the circumstances they will understand!" said Rachel, trying to break away from Charlie's grip. "Come on guys!" yelled Kayla from the kitchen. "Don't be shy bunnies!" Charlie wrinkled his nose in disgust and looked as if he was about to throw up. He hated how overtly girly Kayla acted. It seemed so fake to him. "You see?" he exclaimed. "Behave!" snapped Rachel, freeing her arm and pointing her finger at Charlie's nose. She then strutted off to the kitchen. Charlie slowly dragged himself behind her. "Do you like my dress Charlie?" asked Kayla, doing a twirl in the middle of the kitchen. Oh Jesus. "Y-Yeah it's quite - uh jovial," stammered Charlie. By the look on Kayla's face she obviously didn't know what the word meant however she still spoke in her breathy tone of voice. "Awh thank you! You're too sweet!" Rachel and Charlie looked at one another through the corner of their eyes. Jovial? Kayla handed them a cup of hot coco each and led them into the cosy sitting room, which was dimly lit, with a roaring fire beneath the mantle. She turned the television off and curled up on the sofa, inviting Charlie to sit next to her by patting a free spot. "No thank you," mumbled Charlie, in a stern tone as he opted for the single chair instead. Rachel curled up on the couch right beside Kayla and began sipping at her coco. Her eyes were big, teary and bloodshot and her clothes were out of place and crooked which was unusual for her. "So what happened to you both?" asked Kayla, swinging her head back and forth from Charlie to Rachel. "W-Well - um - when Mom arrived home f-from work - I'm sorry - I -," "It's okay," whispered Kayla hypnotically. "It'll be fine." Charlie felt entirely out of place and incredibly awkward so he just looked down at the ground, taking the odd swig from his mug whilst trying to escape the room in his mind. He hated it when people said "It's okay" when clearly the person in pain is emotionally distressed. He always found it impossible to imagine things as being "okay" when the world is so bleak. He felt that sadness was like a seemingly never- ending chasm, impossible to get out of but possible through time. But now he wasn't so sure he'd ever get out. His life was such a mess. He sat there until he finished his coco and by that time Kayla was stroking Rachel's hair, repeatedly hushing softly whilst saying, "It will be okay.". Charlie thought he was going to burst if she said that one more time. He clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into the flesh of his palms. He was seething like a boiling pot, ready to overflow. He did not want to be there. He did not want to watch his sister cry beside Kayla. He just wanted to be alone. He jumped to his feet placed his mug on the coffee table. Rachel, broken from her soothing relaxation looked up, alarmed and a little startled. "I need to get some fresh air." "Oh you're not leaving are you?" asked Kayla disappointedly. "Oh no I wouldn't dream of leaving your kind hospitality," said Charlie sarcastically. Kayla blushed and smiled but then looked a little confused as she couldn't tell if Charlie was being serious or not. Rachel however knew very well that if Charlie walked out the door that he would not come back for the entire night. "I'll be back in a few minutes," said Charlie, forcing a crooked smile before briskly leaving the sitting room. He went out the door as fast as he could before Rachel could catch up with him. He walked as fast yet as casually as he could down the suburban street, taking in cold breaths of air and shivering all over. He walked and he walked until he was way out of reach of anyone finding him. He strolled over the bypass bridge towards the inner city with his hands inside his pockets. His mother's voice continued to echo at the back of his mind. All I wanted was to have a normal family like we used to! That's the sentence that crushed Charlie the most, "like we used to". It made him feel terrible and rotten inside. "Oh mom, why couldn't you just tell us?" he sighed to himself. He walked alongside the freeway, the rush of cars dying down the more night engulfed the day. The air was getting colder and Charlie was getting restless. He wished he had grabbed his jacket on the way out of the house. It seemed to him that the weather resonated with his own life, random and surprising. He did not know how much more pain he could take before he crumbles entirely. He didn't want to admit it to himself but his personality and emotions were covered in cracks, ready to shatter if he didn't sort out his life soon. But then again why should he? He never asked for anything to happen. He figured that his life was horribly cursed ever since that fateful day when he snuck into Rachel's room and tried on her uniform. He had no clue where he was going. He had no idea where he was going to stay the night. And most of all he had no idea what to do with himself. He wasn't going to get very far without money anyway. He knew he wanted to be alone but now that he had it he wished for somebody to be there with him. He cursed his motives for being so hypocritical and na?ve but then he thought maybe he didn't have anyone at all. Sean and Joseph weren't exactly the type of friends one could confide in nor was he close enough to his other friends to do so as well. He thought he had Rachel but she was too busy with Kayla and he certainly didn't have Julie. He winced as Julie's name came to mind. His heart gave a weary whine as his mind became a glob of mush. In a moment of sheer depression he couldn't deny that he still had strong feelings for Julie in spite of what she did to him. He finally admitted that he tried to block her out of his life for so long and now that he had, well, it made him want her even more. Charlie wondered what his mother was doing right now. She was either drinking more of feeling incredibly guilty for what she had done. He guessed she was probably still drinking because if she felt any bit of remorse for kicking her children out she would have called either of them by now. He couldn't help but ponder on what drove her to this, what could've have forced her back into the horrors of alcohol after so many years of being sober. Her uninviting behaviour and refusal to share completely made him feel even worse for her. He had no idea what was going on inside her head for so long and it broke his heart to not know. You both have grown up so fast that you've forgotten about me, the one who raised you both single headedly! There just had to be more to her psychological distress than fear of aging. Charlie knew in his heart that there were things she wasn't telling him and now that he had seen a facet of her crippling depression he was going to try and find out. But he felt scared of delving into his mother's mentality because he was afraid of what he would find out. After she slapped him across the face, after staring into her unrecognisable eyes and after watching her wail on the floor desperately he wasn't so sure if he knew his own mother anymore. But no! Charlie thought. It had to be just the alcohol; why else would she suddenly freak out and have an emotional fit of anger? He then he sombrely repeated the words, "A drunk mind speaks a sober heart" under his breath. He continued to walk along the sidewalk, now illuminated by street lamps. Everything now seemed to be coloured orange and black as night became fully fledged. He was no longer cold due to excessive walking and moving but the tip of his nose and fingers felt like icicles hung from them. He breathed warm air into his hands as he cupped them around his mouth, rubbing them together as he passed by a busy petrol and gas station. The bright lights of the attached supermarket and floodlights made his eyes burn and squint. Then, to his complete and utter horror, he saw a little blue Ford Fiesta parked up beside a pump. His entire body froze as he eyes gaped wide open like a frightened rabbit. His mouth turned as dry as the desert and his lips chapped and sore. His eyes were fixed on the tall man who had his back turned as he filled up his car. "Dave," whispered Charlie fearfully. He quickly got down on his hunkers and moved up against the short brick wall in front of the petrol station, peering over at the car as Dave filled it up with petrol. Then, to his great relief it turned out that it was not Dave at all, but a completely different person as the man turned his head around suspiciously. Charlie quickly jumped to his feet, gasping for breath as he had held it for the last twenty seconds or so. He turned and continued to walk. Charlie felt like he was going insane, roaming the streets, seeing things that aren't actually as he thought whilst feeling so sad and depressed at the same time. He didn't know why he reacted the way he did back there. If it had been Dave then what could he have possibly done to him in front of countless witnesses? There was no way that he could admit that he was afraid of him. Not a chance in hell. *** Rachel was sitting on the spare mattress placed beside Kayla's bed with her legs crossed in a meditation-like fixture. She is dressed only in a spare set of pink pyjama bottoms and a white camisole. She tied her hair back in a ponytail as Kayla jumped onto her bed, attired with her flimsy looking pink transparent nightdress. Kayla's room was the caricature of teenage femininity. The walls were plastered with posters of boys, guys, men, and idols from all forms of media. The walls were a light shade of pink. Her desk was stacked with a tower of books and her makeup station was scattered with dozens of products. Clothes were literally bursting out of the wardrobe and drawers. Teddy bears and plush toys stuffed into the corners. Cushions decorated with hearts, polka dots, lace trimmings, and the curtains, bed sheets, and pillows were no different. The room made Rachel's one seem almost masculine! The venting, crying and distress from the girls deep meaningful conversation had long passed and now they were both exhausted. As Rachel slipped in under her blankets, she knew she felt much better as she had released her emotions. However, her mom's outburst remained on her mind, but not entirely. She was still worried about her, very worried. "You don't seem too bothered about Charlie?" said Kayla, lying on her bed and using her arm as a rest. "Oh don't worry," said Rachel tiredly. "If I know my brother, I'm sure he's as Sean's house as always." "I don't understand why he hangs out with that guy," stated Kayla. "I mean, he's so icky." "Believe me, I always wonder the same thing," said Rachel, raising her brow. She exhaled deeply through her nose and looked up to Kayla. "I think he wonders sometimes too." "What do you mean?" Kayla asked, her face lighting up. Rachel sighed. "He doesn't seem to like Sean or Joseph very much yet he still hangs out with them. It's as if -," " - he's got nobody else?" said Kayla. Rachel looked into her friends deep sad eyes and nodded. "But the thing that bothers me most is that he doesn't seem to care either. It's as if he would rather be alone than spend time around people who should matter." "Do you think I'm one of those people?" asked Kayla, her eyes sparkling as she sat up excitedly. "The one he pretends not to care about?" Rachel laughed at this. "Kayla I don't understand why you have always liked my brother so much!" she smiled. "H-He's just a sweet guy," said Kayla, turning pink. "He's nice, kind and genuine." "This is Charlie we're talking about right?" Rachel joked. "He isn't exactly the big cuddly teddy bear you seem to view him as? Remember what I told you about the way he treated my mother tonight?" "Yes but I have always seen past that side," said Kayla breathlessly. "I have always felt like I have known the true Charlie!" They shared a few moments of awkward silence before Rachel spoke again. "He has changed, Kayla," she said stiffly. "He has changed so very much recently." "In what way?" asked Kayla, curiously delving in the gossip. "He's distanced himself from me and mom and I think that could have contributed to my mom's anger with us. He spends all of his time in his room and when he's not there he's off somewhere else. I f-feel - I feel -," "What is it Rachel?" asked Kayla softly, moving in closer. "I feel as if he is hiding something from us, something big that he is either too embarrassed to tell us about or - or something worse," said Rachel beginning to get emotional again. "W-What do you mean by something worse?" said Kayla sacredly. "Like he is doing drugs or something?" "I dunno," whispered Rachel, shaking her head gently. "Awh but everybody has got secrets, Rachel," said Kayla. "I know," she scoffed, "but he's defensive, private and lonely. He seems to be afraid of confronting things because if he actually pays attention then things matter and when things matter that becomes a big problem for him," said Rachel, raising her voice a notch. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Rachel. He is just going through a rough time. You both are," said Kayla in a comforting motherly tone. "No, no this has been going on for months and now it has reached wrecking point," said Rachel. "Are you saying that your moms drinking is because of Charlie?" asked Kayla, shocked. "Oh no I'd never put such a blame on him," said Rachel reassuringly. "It's just - it's just because he's my brother. I love him more than anything and we have been through a lot together. We stuck together like peas and carrots after Dad left. We helped one another, looked out for each other and all that. And there was a time recently when we were like that again but now - now I feel like he's no longer there." Kayla's eyes were beginning to tear up. She wiped her eyes off her dress and sniffed into a tissue. "I'm so sorry Rachel I had no idea - ," "What I'm basically saying is that if there is something that Charlie needs to tell either me or Mom then he would want to say it soon or - or i-I'll be afraid of what he will become." *** Charlie was freezing and shaking all over. The air had taken a sharp form that chilled to the very bone. The hairs on his arms stood up, his teeth chattered viciously and he rubbed his sides raw for warmth. It was very dark. The moons rays were blocked by musty black clouds and the stars were nowhere to be seen. It resonated with his feelings. Everything was like a dark ceiling without a star. He was angry, bitter, and overall manic. He was seething with a pulsing rage to hurt the ones he loved but his overall anxiety focused on Julie. Surprisingly, she had called him back after Charlie's numerous attempts to get her attention. As they spoke over the phone, she knew by the tone of his voice that something was seriously wrong. She asked him to meet her by the river, on the fourth bench alongside the cobbled pier, overlooking the distant buildings of the city. It was dark, very late, and freezing cold. Charlie wondered if he was in the right place at all. His mind had become a confused mesh of worry, fear, and anger but all he could concentrate on now was staying warm. "Come on Julie! Hurry up!" he muttered, shivering all over. Then, she was there. His eyes lit up and his mouth went dry as he stared at her standing a few feet away. She was dressed rather inappropriately for the weather. She wore the same outfit the day they spent together in the park. A Navy and white striped tank top tucked into a pair of high waisted sailor shorts with thin black tights and slip on shoes. Her rich thick auburn hair hung down over her shoulders like two beautiful maroon curtains. She moved forward and sat down beside Charlie, not taking her eyes off his. They did not speak nor did they utter a single word. They just communicated through the emotion shown on their faces. She looked sad, yet, strangely happy to see him. Charlie felt equally the same. Her sudden presence radiated his entire body and soul. She seemed to emit a warm glow that made everything seem okay. She stood out brightly in a dark cold night as her scent and appearance spoke of summer breeze. "What happened?" she asked, gently touching Charlie's knee. "What's wrong?" He looked at her hand feeling the same emotions of uncertainty as he once had before. He wanted to touch it, hold it, and grasp it in his own so he did. He then looked into her eyes. They were so beautiful, bright, shiny, yet watery with tears of care and concern. "Everything," said Charlie simply. "Oh Charlie," sighed Julie. "I am so sorry!" "It's okay." They stared at one another, sharing a silence not awkward but beautifully poignant. Charlie found himself lost in lush green forests of her eyes. Her thick lashes and light liner really brought out her vibrant, expressive, yet sad eyes. "Your eyes are so beautiful," he said, hypnotically moving in closer. She did not look away. It seemed to be that it was just them in the world, no one else. "Thanks Charlie," she said softly, her eyelids readying to close. They were so close now that Charlie could count the lashes around Julie's eyes. They hesitated for a moment but their lips pressed against one another's like two soft cushions. He found himself lost in her warm radiance. He did not expect it to be so mesmerising, loving, and nice. It was like strawberries on a hot summer's day. As soon as Charlie woke up, he had completely forgotten the whole dream. He lay across the hard wooden bench in an awkward uncomfortable position, staring into space with his hands resting behind his head for support. As the dream faded away into nothingness, he wondered if it actually happened. He peered over his knees to see that Julie was not there nor was she ever. His groaned painfully entire body ached from lack of rest and sores. His face was coloured sickly pale and his eyes were wide and glassy. His hair was a complete mess, sticking out in all directions. His skin felt dry and filthy. He rolled over onto the cobbled stone ground, the sounds of morning filling his ears. Seagulls, water lapping, and the distant drone of the industrial machinery on the docks echoed across the river. Dawn had arrived as the sky was tinted in a sickly grey with dull light covering the city. It was as if the world was getting brighter but there was no sun because it was smothered by dark clouds. Charlie picked himself up to his two feet, stretched, and cracked his neck. He was grateful for surviving the entire night on the streets, as it got rather scary at some stages. He patted his pockets to see if everything was there. Miraculously, nobody had stolen his phone or clothes whilst he slept. He limped to the concrete wall by the river and leant up against it, taking in deep breathes of fresh air by the second. He then took out his phone to see that it was 05:38.a.m. He also had numerous missed calls from his mother and Rachel. He scoffed to himself. "Maybe they do actually care," he mumbled. He knew it was time to go home at last but he was not going to tell his mother. He wanted her to feel the guilt of what she had done for a little while longer. He wanted her to feel bad. He was definitely not thinking straight. As he began his long walk home, he began to reflect on the last few eventful days. It felt like a lifetime ago since he was running around the tennis court in the uniform, playfully jumping, feeling the flimsiness of the pleated skirt. It was only three days ago. It seemed impossibly far away. He felt as if that day could possibly be the last one when he was truly happy. So much had happened since then, from Dave blackmailing him to the neglect of Julie and the sudden outburst from his mother. "God," he sighed as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Everybody's crazy!" He felt that he was getting used to being surprised by people now. He had no idea how some could hide their demons so well, letting them swell up and unleashing them in horribly hurtful ways. He did not know how much longer he could handle it. *** Charlie arrived home at around seven o'clock that morning. The second he opened the door, his mother, who literally jumped on him and took him in for a tight embrace smothered him with her arms. "I am so sorry Charlie," she cried. "I - I'm sorry." He did not know what to do. He just stood there idly, not knowing if he should hug back. It was a few moments before his mother broke off but her hands remained on his shoulders as she searched his face for any signs of forgiveness or anything at all really. His face was stiff and expressionless. "Where's Rachel?" he asked moodily. "S-She's upstairs in bed," said Mary, now knowing of her sons anger. "So she's forgiven you then?" said Charlie as he brushed by her towards the kitchen. "I - I don't think she - she knows now the circumstances of what happened last night," stuttered Mary. Charlie went to the kitchen not because he wanted food but because he could not stand to look at his own mother. She looked terrible, hung- over, in pain, and overall pitiful. "And what are the circumstances?" asked Charlie with a right lipped poker face. Mary stood by the kitchen doorway, looking fragile and broken. She was still wearing her work uniform from the previous day and her makeup had morphed her face into some twisted abstract painting. Her hair was frazzled and curly and her eyes were red raw and puffy. She tripped over her words as If she could not bring herself to tell her son something important he should know. "You should sit," she said coldly. Something snapped in Charlie as he said this and a nerve bulged in the side of his neck. A cold wave of terror spilled over him as he walked to the table chairs and sat. He knew was about to be told something serious, something that would ruin him entirely. Mary sat down close to him and did not speak for a moment. "What is it?" Charlie asked. "Charlie - I - I want you to understand that it has always been very hard for us -," " - Mom I understand completely but that doesn't explain why you had to -," Mary immediately interjected. " - please, Charlie, just hear me out for a second." She sighed and recomposed herself. "You have been a child of one parent for a long time and you have been strong and understanding. I know that last night shocked and confused you and I may never forgive myself for how I treated you." She stopped for a moment. Her kind, motherly tone of voice made Charlie feel like a child again. "What is it you have to tell me?" he asked anxiously. "I need to know now." Mary exhaled deeply as her lower lip began to tremble tearfully. "W-We have to move out." "What?" said Charlie, not believing his ears. "T-The bank, they're taking the house in three months if we - I don't pay the mortgage," said Mary, silent tears trickling from the corner of her eyes. "I can't afford it anymore. We're going to have to move after the summer." Everything suddenly felt too unreal, like a dream that Charlie could not escape. He could not believe his ears but his mind told him it was true. Despite how devastating the news should be, Charlie felt a strange tinge of happiness. This "move" could be highly beneficial for his miserable life. To be continued. Written by Lily Florette © Don't forget to post your thoughts and comments!

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CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 3 RELINQUISHMENT Charlie stared at the door as if it were a wave of fire rapidly heading toward him. His eyes watered and his hands trembled with shock. His could hear his mother's heels clicking against the shiny wooden floor getting louder and louder as she approached her bedroom door. Then, something electric shocked Charlie's brain which broke him free from his frozen state as adrenaline pumped through his body. He jumped to his feet and turned for...

3 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 6 The Tennis Uniform

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 6 THE TENNIS UNIFORM Since Charlie and Rachel's day of sorrow three weeks ago, much has been altered in their lives. For a brief time they became closer than ever as they shared their feelings with each other. Emotions of pain, jealousy, hurt; anger and betrayal were common occurrences of feeling in their deep immersive conversations. Despite the fact that their mother felt alienated and that she was alone in the universe she still felt a glimmer...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Vol 1 Episode 1 The School Uniform

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Volume One Episode 1 THE SCHOOL UNIFORM The thump of the car door made Charlie open his eyes. The sound of a second door slamming made him sit upright in the bed like a startled squirrel. He listened carefully. The ignition jerked several times before the engine started up. He was still as a statue as he listened to the low rumble of the car reversing out of the driveway. He scurried across the blankets, jumped off the side of the bed and stumbled over a pile...

2 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 2 High Waisted Skirt

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 2 HIGH WAISTED SKIRT "Oh Charlie, you're burning up!" said Mom. She took her hand off of his forehead and read the thermometer. She then left the room to get some medicine. Charlie took the thermometer out of his mouth, held it up against the lamp on the bedside locker, grabbed his hot water bottle and placed it on his face. He left it there for a few seconds before he heard approaching footsteps echoing from the hallway. He slipped the hot water...

3 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 5 Rachels Date

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 5 RACHEL'S DATE Rachel sat in front of her makeup station brushing her hair whilst humming a soft happy tune. She had just dried her hair after getting out of the shower. She was dressed only her in bathrobe as she wasn't in the least bit cold because outside the sun was splitting the rocks and melting the tar on the roads. As soon as she was done brushing her hair into a silky shiny doo she walked over to her chest of drawers and began to put on her...

2 years ago
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Charlie episode 1

Charlie, episode 1 It began in the late fifties when my wife Dot was still a teenager. Back in those days, Dot, along with the rest of her family, was much too busy with basic survival in post-war Germany to consider that any activity outside of that could be fun or even pleasurable. So social amenities for young teenagers were a luxury and non-existent. Life for this mischievous girl-woman, was nonetheless exciting and new every day. She was always the most outgoing and...

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Charlie episode 1

It began in the late fifties when my wife Dot was still a 16 year old teenager. Back in those days, Dot, along with the rest of her family, was much too busy with basic survival in post-war Germany to consider that any activity outside of that could be fun or even pleasurable. So social amenities for young teenagers were a luxury and non-existent. Life for this mischievous girl-woman, was nonetheless exciting and new every day. She was always the most outgoing and sometimes outrageous one in...

4 years ago
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Charlie Goes To College Charlies Adventures 5

Introduction: This has to be my favorite chapter yet, I hope you all enjoy. Please rate and review! And most of all, I hope I make you all as horny as I was when writing this. Enjoy ,) Thats the last one, Michael says as he stretches, putting the last of my and Alis boxes in our new on-campus apartment. Ali claps happily, wrapping her arm around her dad and then me, pulling us into a group hug. My heart stammers at my closeness to Michael, my ex-lover. I dont think you can really call him my...

4 years ago
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Charlie Goes To College Charlies Adventures 5

Ali claps happily, wrapping her arm around her dad and then me, pulling us into a group hug. My heart stammers at my closeness to Michael, my ex-lover. I don’t think you can really call him my boyfriend, seeing as he was twice my age and my best friend’s father. “Thank you daddy!” she says happily. Ali and I are both wearing workout legging capris and skintight cropped t-shirts, showing off our newly pierced belly buttons. “Yes, thanks Mr. Johnson,” I say casually with a small...

3 years ago
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The House that Jo Built Bonus Chapter Two Charlie and the Fudge Factory

"What's Christy want?" Dan asked. "How do you know it's her?" Charlie checked his phone. "Because it's always her, man. Ever since you started dating her it's been, like, nonstop. For real. What's it say?" "It says she has good news and bad news and which do I want first." "Always take the bad news first," Dan took a bite of his square pizza while Charlie texted back, any further rumination on Tony Soprano's fate paused until the disjointed exchange could conclude. "I...

2 years ago
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Charlie Says Chapter 1

A quick message from Lizzy: As most of you know, I've been writing fiction for the TG/Genderfluid community for a few years now. I've always been happy to share these for free as it's both been fun for me to do and a great way to improving my writing skills. Recently, I've been thinking like I'd like to take my skills to the next level and am hoping to enlist a professional editor to help me do so. In order to achieve this I've started a crowdfunding campaign and would gratefully...

4 years ago
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Charlie and the Chocolate Shoppe

Charlie and the Chocolate Shoppe Author's Note: I started with an idea that would have been a sequel to Companion but decided I liked that story ending the way it did and that people could decide how that story went on for themselves. But I had decided I liked the title I came up with, so with a twist to my original idea, here is a new story. Angela was carefully placing more chocolate covered strawberries in the display case, making sure they all looked perfect to any customer...

1 year ago
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Uncle Charlie finally has both his sister and his

"Hello Uncle Charlie. Hi this is Tiffany. Are you by chance going up to your cabin this weekend?" "Great! Do you think I could come up and spend the weekend." "No nothings wrong, I just feel a bit burned out. I figured a weekend without the phone or friends would recharge my batteries." "You still call me baby girl after all these years." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, you're the best." I hung up the phone and smiled as I lay back on my bed. I had planned this moment for months. I thought back to the...

3 years ago
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Charlie WorkAthens

"You should know better, Charlie. We keep it on the level." "You didn't have me make the three hour drive here, pay for my hotel, and pay for my dinner just so we could catch up." Tiffany took a sip from her wine glass and brushed her jet-black locks out of her eyes. Her emerald eyes glowed like the edge of a knife. The candles lighting the Italian restaurant were barely enough to light each booth, but it worked well in giving each patron a sense of privacy. She scooted around...

1 year ago
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A Charlie Brown Christmas story

Introduction: A Charlie Brown Christmas story that would never make it on to TV. *Disclaimer: I do not own this story, just figured I would share* Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some...

4 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 5

"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...

3 years ago
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Girl Named CharlieChapter 2

"Well, what do you think? Like what you see?" "God, Charlie, you're absolutely stunning. You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life." "That's just the outside--wait'll you unwrap the present. Now, carry me across the threshold." I picked Charlie up in my arms, pulling her tight against me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her mouth up to mine, her lips seeking mine. We kissed, our mouths hungry for each other's lips and tongues. Finally, we...

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Charlie Ch 3841

Chapter 38 At St. Matthew’s Parish, they pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank for the remainder of the trip. Nathan took a moment to call the house, letting his mom know they were only 30 minutes from home. After the call and while Charlie packed up her computer, he sent that quick warning message to his sister. He could only hope his hard-headed sibling would actually listen for once in her life. As they got closer and closer to his parents’ house, Charlie began to fidget more...

2 years ago
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Ms Charlie and Angela

CHARLIE AND ANGELA Charlie pushed back from the table and gave a self-satisfied belch. ?Your niece is a wonderful cook,? she said. ?Thank you,? Aunt Mildred said, ?I taught her myself.? ?You did a fine job,? Charlie said. ?There was just the right amount of tartness in the apple pie.? ?I told Angela, you didn?t like your pies as sweet as we do,? Aunt Sophia said. ?Mildred is partial to a sweet pie.? Sophia reached out, took Mildred?s right hand and gave it a squeeze....

3 years ago
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Charlie Miley Ch 02

Haley stared at a painting on the waiting room wall. It was a rural farm scene in pastel colors and she found herself wondering what farmer would paint his barn powder pink. The artwork was terrible and she was curious if the depicted objects were blurry on purpose. Why did all waiting room artwork have to be so terrible? Haley forced her eyes away from it, her head starting to hurt. Jack was sitting next to her, bent forward as he looked down at his lap. One of his knees was bouncing with...

2 years ago
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Charlie and Daniel abused me at will

It was between my sophomore and junior years of college, I would come home for summer break and Charlie and Daniel resumed their sexual abused of the timidly afraid young man. It was doing my return from college after my first year that Daniel and Charlie rekindled their contact with me. Reminding me that they would not hesitate to let my folks know that their baby boy was their sex pet. On numerous occasions they two of them would take turns sneaking into my room at night to have sex with me...

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Charlie Ch 2528

Chapter 25 Day 1 gave her ‘I wanted to.’ Day 2 was simply quiet. Day 3 welcomed her with a ‘Good morning, sunshine’ and nothing else. Day 4 pissed her off when he told her to get some sleep. Day 5 dragged because her insomnia was riding her full force, and all Nathan had to say was ‘LOL.’ Day 6 came with a ‘Be home tomorrow. Shelley says hi.’ The morning of Day 7 meant Nathan would be home soon. Sometime, that day he would be home. Charlie couldn’t focus on her work. After re-opening her...

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Charlie Ch 0912

Chapter 9 The bouncer moved the rope out of her way, and Charlie entered the club. Music assaulted her ears. The smell of smoke, alcohol, and bodies filled her nostrils. It was just the distraction she was looking for. She pressed her body between different people to get to the tables in the back corner. Melanie always had a table for entertaining. Periodically, Charlie would have to rub against the back of some random male. One guy actually turned to say something about being rubbed with a...

3 years ago
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Charlie Daniel and I

Charlie and Daniel, the two brothers of the three brutal bullies of our school, managed to cut me off on my way to school and took me to the empty apartment that they had commandeered and turned in to their fuck room. It was up on the third floor of a condemned building where they had cut a hole from one apartments closet to another so they would not be caught easily. In one of the rooms was a couples of ratty mattress that was stacked on top of each other. Numerous amounts of discarded...

1 year ago
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I think Charlie is cheating on me again

I think Charlie is cheating on me again. The first time occurred just six months after we were married. He had a torrid affair with my mom’s sister, Bessie. Aunt Bessie was a notorious whore who would fuck anything on two legs.Aunt Bessie was a voluptuous teen when he was seduced by a male teacher in high school. The teacher taught her the fine arts of pleasing a man. She became an accomplished cocksucker with the ability to deep throat. Bessie was a willing and eager student who became...

3 years ago
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Charlie and Clyde

Chapter 1 The tech chat room was busy when it suddenly appeared, ‘DB ex crash cash end. Charlie.’ Now to many people that ad meant absolutely nothing, but to me it was pretty clear that Charlie was desperate for a database geek who would work on a crash project for no money until the job was done. I didn’t like the cash at the end, since I was broke. In fact, I had been evicted from my studio apartment a few days earlier and had been freeloading on a friend’s couch. However, database...

2 years ago
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Charlie I

Personally I found her gorgeous. Her hair was a hybrid of blonde and brunette and she had incredibly thin legs which were accompanied by knee socks or the standard type of tights and a miniskirt which generally left very little to the, or in this case my imagination. Her breasts were just the right size, not too big and not too small either. I had talked with her on several occasions and it seemed to me that she, in personality terms was just as nice as her body. Her personality...

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Charlie Ch 3337

Chapter 33 Nathan sat on Charlie’s bed with his head in his hands. How could this girl not understand what just happened? Did she not feel anything about the way he touched her? What the fuck? He let go of his head and looked towards the bathroom door. For a brief moment, he smiled when the sound of the door lock engaged. With a small huff, he moved to the bathroom door and put his hand in the middle of it. Though the door stood between them, he could feel a larger chasm building. It was time....

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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final. Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly...

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The Ladys House Part 1 of 3 Three Dresses for Charlie

The Lady's House Part 1 of 3: Three Dresses for Charlie By Gail Blue The tires made a dull thunk-thunk noise as they ran across the cobble stone street. The bus looked out of place next to 1800s style shops and houses. Just a few blocks away, the town was more modern, though still well- mannered and quaint. But in the town center, there were no cars, and no modern electronics were visible from the street. Charles got off the bus behind a load of Japanese tourists. He tried...

2 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 7

Charlie called into his own home on Friday afternoon and found Diane waiting for him in her car. "What do you want?" he asked in a cold tone. "Just to talk," she said softly. "Can I come in?" He didn't think it would do any good but, being a polite person, he agreed and even offered her a cup of coffee. He knew just how much of a mistake that had been when he came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups. "This isn't easy for me," she said when he came into the living...

4 years ago
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Looking After Charlie

It was the phone call that every parent dreads, the one from casualty."Hello, Ms Williams, this is Nurse Ratched from the Royal Infirmary. We have your son Charles with us at the moment." At this point I died a little. "It's not too serious, he's got a broken arm and some cuts and bruises but he's basically fine. Would you like to come and collect him?""Five minutes, give me five minutes," I said as my heart pounded."As I said, Ms Williams, he's basically fine. There's no great rush."There's no...

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Charlie Ch 2932

Chapter 29 Nathan stood in a bit of shock. Those weren’t the words he was expecting to hear from Charlie. Yes, they were what he wanted to hear, but definitely not expecting them. Her hands on his back were making it difficult for him to think. The only thing that kept crossing in his mind was how close she was standing to his erection. The soft feeling of her lips brushing against his was not helping either. A voice in his head kept telling him to grab her and rush her up the stairs to his...

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Charlie Ch 2124

Chapter 21 It was about five o’clock that same afternoon, when Charlie’s phone beeped. She was laying on her bed, half dozing and half reading a book. Nathan: Need movie night Charlie: I’m okay. Nathan: I need one! Charlie: Okie dokie She rolled onto her back, wondering what weird movie Nathan would play this evening. It even made her smile that he would need a movie night, and that it wasn’t just about her lack of sleep. Sometimes, everyone needs a ‘Chinese comfy movie’ night. It was a...

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Charlie Ch 0104

Chapter 1 Charlie stood on the balcony, watching the rain fall from the darkened sky. It made a soft cascading noise that felt vaguely comforting. She inhaled another puff from her cigarette and exhaled it just as easily. Charlie took a moment to think back on some of her past experiences. Sure, there were men that had stirred some feelings within her. There were others that satisfied a few primal needs and urges. However, none in particular stood out in her mind, there just hadn’t been the...

3 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

2 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

Straight Sex
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 3

He woke up the next afternoon not remembering what had happened the night before. He stumbled to the telephone and quickly dialed his boss in a heated rush as he wouldn’t be showing up for work that day, and judging by the crumpled crème-colored card that he found in the palm of his hand, he also had an appointment with Artie Tedesco that he hoped to avoid, considering how nauseous he felt. He swore that he would never go to the bar to drink again, regardless if this Artie Tedesco brokered...

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Charlie Avoids Being Fired bimale MMF DP

My name is Sam and I manage a small company offering leisure services. There is a small team of staff and the nature of the business means that some weeks we just see each other at team meetings and work independently the rest of the time.Four weeks ago I was working on my own at a computer in the office. I needed to research something on the internet and opened the browser to look for the information that I needed. When I started typing something into the address bar the autofill came up with...

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Charlie Miley Ch 05

‘I was afraid to admit that I even had a problem. After my first week here I almost snuck out in the middle of the night. I had a bag packed and everything, but then my boyfriend called. Well, my ex-boyfriend, I guess. He told me how proud of me he was and that he loved me. It reminded me that I still had hopes for our future, you know? I want us to be together, but I realized it would never work if all I did was drink every night at a frat house until I blacked out in some strange guy’s bed.’...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 2

Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....

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Charlie and KarenChapter 8

They found the door unlocked when they got back to Karen's. Gilly was sitting in the lounge with one of Karen's videos playing. She obviously had something on her mind as she was hardly taking any notice of what was happening on the screen. "I guess things didn't go too well at home," Karen said, sitting beside Gilly and hugging her. "Come on, tell us what happened." "Mum had talked to him but it made no difference. We tried to make him see reason and relax his rules but he...

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Charlie and ClydeChapter 3

While our business partnership was growing at a slow, steady pace, our personal relationship had become a wild, impetuous sexual growth with no boundaries. We loved each other and both of us sought to bring pleasure to the other. While I was no longer a virgin, my sexual experience and knowledge was at a beginning point. Charlie was a considerate and vocal lover who pushed me to experiment and seek higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment for both of us. She insisted that we talk to...

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Charlie Ch 0508

Chapter 5 Charlie’s eyes felt like they had been glued shut. It took a herculean effort to open them. There was a steady stream of fuzz on the television screen. Nathan’s legs were propped up on the coffee table. The pillow and her head were now completely in his lap. As the rest of her body gained a bit of consciousness, she realized that one of his hands was wrapped in her hair. The other one rested on the side of her body. She shifted her head slightly to look up at him. His head had lolled...

2 years ago
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My Charlie

His name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie. We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and...

Gay Male
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 10

As soon as Charlie stepped into the cool interior of the castle, he knew that when Artie Tedesco tells someone to do something that he just better well do it. Artie had his gym shorts on and a muscle tee- shirt that exposed a pair of meaty arms that could have been pistons in a V-8 engine. His body was bronzed from sitting out by the pool for most of the morning. Charlie spotted his open laptop and a pile of his legal papers spread out on a patio table that touched the edge of the pool. He...

4 years ago
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Uncle Charlie and my Summer Family Ch 4

Chapter 4. Thunderstorms (4600 words) As Tess entered her third week in Arkansas the weather turned nasty. The days became exceptionally hot with heat indexes in the high 100s between 10AM and 2PM. Between that and the bugs the outdoors were nearly unbearable. Then the afternoon thunderstorms would roll in and cast severe downpours that would soak you to the bone in moments. This led to them hanging out indoors much more than they’d like. For a family that chose an outdoor lifestyle it...

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 6

Within a few minutes of his arrest, he noticed that the handcuffs were way too tight on him. The female officer had locked the steel rings tightly against the bones of his wrists, and he couldn’t move them without it paining. It was hard to walk down the stairs, and he tried to keep himself balanced as she led him by the arm. On the street below, three squad cars waited for him, their lights flashing in the dead of night as though a rocket ship had landed amidst the quiet cool of the evening....

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 9

When he finally went to bed, he fell into a dream that hovered just beyond the thin cover of wakefulness. He could have sworn that he had been transported to yet another garden of sorts, where pinkish blossoms hung limply on the branches of a bush. He saw cherubs frolicking behind this bush along an emerald expanse of lawn that was both brightly-lit and endless. But the sunlight that doused this field in the brightness had a certain dullness to it that didn’t make the look of the scene all...

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Bruce Charlie Daniel and My self

It was Nonmember twelve, the shool was having a Pep Rally for our home coming game that evening. The gym was full of students our football team was on the floor the cheer leaders were cheering. My friend and I has sneaked beneath the bleachers and was getting peeks up the girls dress and skirts. As we worked our way out the end we made sure to move so it would not attract attention so we left one at a time. There was two huge portable chalk boards at the open end of the bleachers and my friend...

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Charlie Macs Gadget Shack

Charlie Andrew Macintyre was born in to this world on night of Friday the thirteenth seven minutes before the clock struck midnight on that October in 1933. The president was FDR and the flag had forty-eight stars on it. It was the height of the great depression, none of these things mattered to the new infant though. The Macintyre family was a large one like many farm families of the time. Little Charlie as he would later be known was the ninth child of the family, and the fifth son. The...

1 year ago
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Such Good Friends Chap six Tina Carla do Charlie

Chapter six—Tina & Carla do Charlie If you haven’t read the first five chapters, you should, otherwise it will just be too confusing. Mark was in heaven. He was making love to the third member of the “Terrific Trio,” a nick name used to describe the three most beautiful girls in school. The three had decided to share him as their boy friend and lover. He had already fucked Beth and Jen. Moreover, his sister Teeny and her best friend Carla had seduced him and used him to learn as much...

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 12

The conditions of one’s own entrapment varies by degrees, and what may seem like entrapment for one man is freedom to another. Take the man who suffers from his inability to rise above the vices of the street or the ghetto. Charlie had seen some of these people, both white and black, stumbling home drunk, sometimes from his apartment window. They were fierce when he passed them. They liked to own the public streets. They were loud. They cursed openly. They played loud music from their...

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