My Fall To Grace 1 free porn video

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My Fall To Grace Chapter One - The Beginning Grace smiled mischievously as she gazed downward, catching my eye for the briefest of moments. I'd been orally pleasuring her for at least an hour, providing her so many sensual orgasms that it was impossible to keep count. The only sounds heard were Grace mewing and groaning as I ministered to her fervent and, apparently, unquenchable desires. The only words spoken were of encouragement - Grace urging me onward and deeper. "You're very good at that Danni," she cooed. Pausing briefly to acknowledge her compliment, I breathlessly replied, "Thank you." "I hope you weren't planning to stop any time soon," she smiled with a lustful gleam in her green eyes that I'd never experienced from a woman before. "Um Um," I responded, resuming my efforts, lapping at her soft, wet, velvety smooth vagina, her pungent aroma strong from multiple, flowing excretions. I couldn't believe my good fortune to be positioned as I was, between the thighs of the most beautiful woman who'd ever given me the time of day. If she wanted me to keep going, I was going to honor her wishes. Only our second time in each other's company and, already, I was sharing this most intimate pleasure with Grace. I'd only met her the previous weekend during a Happy Hour at a popular singles bar just down the street from my law firm's office, only a few blocks from the White House. I'd tagged along with a few of my workmates the previous Friday after work. I was sipping a glass of cabernet when a gorgeous brunette wearing a tight sleeveless black dress squeezed in next to me at the bar. As I turned to see who was pushing me aside I accidentally bumped one of her boobs with my elbow. Embarrassed at my faux paux, I apologized profusely, although, I could hardly be blamed for not avoiding such large protrusions. She was quite well endowed. Seeming to take pleasure in my discomfort, she graciously accepted my apology. "That's quite alright," she spoke with an unmistakable air of confidence. "Perhaps you'd like to make up for it by buying me a Cosmo?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling devilishly. Like a fool, I could barely speak, as I stuttered, "Su, su, sure. I'd be ha, ha, happy to." She signaled the bartender and ordered a Cosmo, saying, "It's on him," as she pointed her thumb toward me. I could barely get my bearings. I suddenly felt faint. No one needed to tell me that this stunning woman was way out of my league. I'd have done just about anything she asked for a mere moment of her attention. I ended up buying Grace several Cosmos that evening as, to my surprise, she stayed at the bar next to me as we chatted about what we each did for a living and other small talk about events and happenings around the Nation's Capital. A few of my friends from work grinned at me from across the bar, mocking me by licking their lips, indicating that they saw me hitting it off so well with such a beautiful woman. As last call was announced, I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want the evening to end. I'd never enjoyed myself so much at a bar. I wanted to ask for her number, but couldn't get up the nerve. As I tried to form the right words on my lips to ask, she saved me the trouble. As she swallowed the last sip of her Cosmo, she handed me a napkin with a number written on it. "Call me Danni?" she asked. I was stunned! This gorgeous creature actually wanted to see me again. Reduced to stuttering again, I could just get out, "Su, su, sure," as she turned and sauntered out of the bar, the eyes of nearly every male in the place watching her hips sway. I didn't even care that she'd just called me Danni, instead of my actual name, Dan. I was on Cloud Nine the rest of the weekend. I know that it may sound a little perverted, but I masturbated several times as I fantasized about making love to Grace. I could barely concentrate at work the following week. All I could think of was Grace. I wanted to call her in the worst way, but was afraid that she wouldn't even remember me. I never had been very good with the ladies, and Grace just seemed so out of reach to me. I couldn't bring myself to dial the number she'd given me, though I'd carried the napkin around in my pocket all week. On the following Friday I was sitting at my desk drafting a will for one of my biggest clients when my computer rang out, indicating the arrival of an email. The name attached to the message was one I did not recognize - gaandrews. I'm usually cautious about opening email from unknown senders. Our law firm network had been hit by a major virus the year before that wiped out a lot of our client information. I didn't want to be responsible for a repeat. But something made me open this one. It was from Grace! "Danni - are you one of those guys who says he'll call a girl, but never does? I told you to call me. Call me. Now! G." It didn't sound like a request. My stomach was turning somersaults. She really wanted me to call her! I had her number memorized from looking at the napkin untold times during the week, trying to get up the nerve to call. Not giving myself time to chicken out, I immediately picked up my handset and dialed her number. She answered on the first ring. "Danni?" was the soft response. Then quiet. "Ye, ye, yes?" I replied. "Were you going to blow me off?" she challenged me in a sugary sweet voice. "N, n, no," I tried to defend myself. "Right!" she declared teasingly. "But I had to track you down," she stayed on the offensive. "S, s, sorry," I mumbled. I knew that I probably sounded like a complete buffoon. "Ho, ho, how'd you get my email?" "You told me where you work. Remember? I assume you know that your firm has a website," she mocked me, as though I must have been a fool to not be able to figure that out. "So, were you really going to call me?" "I, I wa, wa, wanted to," I continued to stutter. "I, I ju, ju, just wasn't sure you'd really want me to. I'm really sorry." She paused, and then, with a pouty tone, said, "I guess I'll forgive you this one time. So, did you miss me?" Without thinking, I confessed, "You're all I've thought about all week." "Oooh! Really?! I like that! Any naughty thoughts?" "Er, n, n, no," I lied, afraid to tell her the truth - that I'd masturbated several times thinking of her. "That's too bad," she pouted. "I've thought of you too. So, what are you doing tonight? Do you have a date?" A date? Me? That was a laugh. "N, n, no. I don't have any plans. Yet," I added, so I wouldn't seem too pitiful to be planning a Friday night alone. "Yet?" she asked playfully. "Would you like to remedy that?" "Uh, uh, wo, wo, would you like to go out for drinks? Or dinner?" I asked her. "Hmmm....let's see if I'm free," she coyly replied. She paused for a few moments as she pretended to check her schedule. "It appears that I can fit you in. Okay! How about meeting me at Zelda's? On Wisconsin? About 8?" Taken aback by her forcefulness, I could only answer, "Su, sure. I can meet you there." "Good! See you then." And she abruptly hung up - just like that. I was stunned. I still couldn't believe such a beautiful woman would so much as look crossways at me. It wasn't that I was ugly or anything. It was just that I was rather ordinary - average looks, average height, average build. Most women who looked like Grace seemed to gravitate to men who were more, well; manlier than me is the best way that I can describe it. Once I got over the shock of her forward approach, I looked at my watch and realized I was going to have to hustle to get home, showered, changed and down to Georgetown by eight o'clock. I quickly saved the will document I was working on. I'd have to come in on the weekend to finish it. I shut down my computer and bolted for the door. I hurriedly walked to the Metro at L'Enfant Plaza and grabbed the Yellow line to Alexandria. The Metro was packed at that time on a Friday afternoon, so I had to stand, but at least I knew I'd get out of the city in a hurry. Still, I knew getting to Zelda's by eight was going to be tight because of evening traffic leaving D.C. I quickly showered and scanned my closet for the right outfit. I decided upon dressy casual, as Zelda's was an upscale restaurant. Next I had to drive to Georgetown and traffic was still hectic. I was pushing it as I searched for a parking space off of Wisconsin Avenue, never an easy feat. By the time I got to Zelda's it was ten after eight. As I approached the maitre'd I noticed Grace sitting at a very private table for two in the corner. I advised the maitre'd that I would be joining the lady in the corner. Grace was scanning the menu, sipping a glass of Chardonnay as I walked up. She glanced up, saw me, quickly cast an eye toward her watch, and said, "Hmmph! I was wondering if you were going to stand me up." Pulling out my chair, I said, "Oh n, no - not at all. Traffic was just a bear and I couldn't find a parking spot. I'm really sorry." "Maybe you should have left sooner," she came back, clearly perturbed at my brief tardiness. I was thrown off by her reaction. Admittedly, I was late. But it wasn't as though it was thirty minutes or anything. But all I said in response was to reiterate how sorry I was. She looked like she was considering my plea and then said, "It's okay Danni." Then she teased, "You can make it up to me later." Before I could say anything our waiter brought Grace another glass of Chardonnay and brought me a glass of Merlot. Seeing my confused look as I received a drink I had not asked for, she explained, "When you were late I took the liberty to order for you Danni." "Oh!" I said. "Well, thank you." Grace raised her glass and toasted me, "Cheers!" We clinked glasses and I responded, "Cheers!" as I took a sip of wine. "Mmmm. That's nice," I exclaimed. "I'm glad you approve," she answered with a tone that made me wonder whether she really cared whether I approved or not. I was feeling pressure to warm her up and so I apologized again for being late. "Really Danni," she assured me with what sounded like a slight tone of annoyance. "It's okay. Let's just move on, shall we?" Changing subjects, she smiled at me and said, "Sooo, you say you thought about me all week? But were afraid to call me? Why? Do I frighten you?" she gently prodded. I laughed and said, "It's not that you frighten me really. But do you have any idea how beautiful you are? I'm still trying to figure out why you gave me a second glance." Loosening up, she laughed easily and said, "Oh Danni! You're funny! Thank you for the compliment. But don't sell yourself short. I find you very attractive." Her infectious laugh made me feel more comfortable and I raised my glass and said, "I'll drink to that!" and we both laughed. The rest of our meal was delightful. We talked about our respective weeks and shared stories about our past. Grace was the administrative assistant to a powerful oil industry lobbyist from Texas. He came to Washington frequently and relied heavily upon Grace to keep his District of Columbia office functioning. Before I knew it, we'd nearly closed the restaurant down. I was about to signal for the check when Grace beat me to it. "I've got it," she insisted. "After all," she pointed out for emphasis, "I had to contact you to get you to ask me out," reminding me that I'd been too timid to call her. As the waiter was running her card, she reached across the table and gently touched my hand. "I live just around the corner Danni. Would you like to walk me home and come up for a nightcap?" "Uh, sure," I stammered. I had not expected to go to her place on our first date, but I wasn't going to refuse her invitation. After our waiter brought her a receipt, we stood to leave, and for the first time I saw the skirt she was wearing. She wore a very short leather mini-skirt and dark black stockings with a seam down the back. She also had on a pair of high - probably five inches - black heels. The consequence of the heels was that Grace stood at least three inches taller than me. The height contrast was sharp. My look of embarrassment was plainly evident as she said, "I'm sorry Danni. I didn't realize these heels would cause me to seem so tall." Recovering quickly, I replied, "It's, it's okay," I lied. Truthfully, I felt like a little boy standing next to her. I could feel the eyes of the remaining patrons upon us as we walked out together. Walking down busy Wisconsin Avenue, I felt extremely self-conscious, as it seemed to me that everyone we passed looked at Grace and her "short" escort. I couldn't wait to get to her place - out of public view. Grace lived in a tower apartment building facing the Potomac River. We entered the lobby and the doorman greeted her, "Good evening Miss Andrews." "Hello Walter," Grace cheerfully responded. "You keeping everyone straight tonight?" No effort was made to introduce me and Walter barely acknowledged my presence. "Absolutely!" he answered, clearly taken in by Grace's beauty and charm. I was quickly learning how easy that was to do. He summoned the elevator for us and punched Grace's floor, stepped back, and said goodnight as the doors closed, giving me my first feeling of not being stared at as Grace's diminutive date. As the doors closed, leaving us completely alone for the first time ever, Grace turned toward me and moved closer. Looking down, she smiled warmly and said, "You know Danni, I really like you." I shifted uncomfortably under her towering gaze and replied, "I, uh, uh, really like you too." "Are you ready to make up for keeping me waiting tonight?" I gulped. She seemed very serious. I answered, "Uh, I, I guess. Do you have something in mind?" "We'll think of something," she giggled, as the elevator stopped and the doors opened to the penthouse. "Wow!" I declared, and then uttered the understatement of the evening. "This is amazing!" "Yes. It is. Isn't it?" she acknowledged, as if it were really no big deal. "Make yourself comfortable Danni," she said as she walked toward her wet bar and began opening a bottle of champagne. Turning on some New Age music, she brought me a glass of bubbly and invited me to join her on a love seat on her outdoor patio. It was a beautiful night - no clouds - lots of stars twinkling in the sky. We clinked our glasses and quietly sipped our champagne. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. After a few minutes Grace declared, "You know, I love the way heels look, but they can sure make your feet sore." I just murmured, "Yeah! I bet." "Do you know what would be great?" she asked. "No. What?" I replied, unaware that I was being set up. "A foot massage," she stated. I didn't answer, as I didn't realize at first what she was getting at. After a moment, she pressed on, "Would you mind Danni?" she asked, gazing in my eyes with a look of wanting. "Giving me a foot massage? Please?" she asked. She was serious. I didn't see how I could refuse her. This was obviously my "make up" act of contrition for being late. Acquiescing to the inevitable, unless I wanted to pour water all over a perfectly good evening, I said, "Okay." "Awesome!" she squealed joyfully. I was still a bit confused as she leaned back and stretched her feet out in front of her. Did she expect me to get on my knees before her? When I made no move to begin, she glanced down at her feet as if to say, 'Yes Danni. On your knees,' and so that is what I did. I first removed one, and then the other heel. Her stocking covered feet were smooth, shiny and slippery. There was a slight aroma from her feet being confined all evening in the warm leather spikes. I'd never given anyone a foot massage before, so I wasn't sure where to begin. I decided to simply start rubbing and kneading her right foot, and as I did, I could feel the tension begin to drain out of her. She sighed as she leaned back and exclaimed, "Oh Danni! That feels wonderful!" Suddenly quite pleased with myself that I could have such an effect upon this most beautiful woman, I began massaging first one, then the other foot, in earnest. My singular goal became to earn more praise from Grace for this simplest of tasks. I didn't even care that I was holding her somewhat smelly feet in my hands. All that mattered were the sighs and moans coming from her. For her part, she leaned back in the love seat, closed her eyes, and softly, erotically, voiced her satisfaction at my efforts. As she relaxed, her legs went limp and her thighs began parting right before my eyes. She was wearing stockings attached to a garter belt, and that alone was arousing enough. Few things were more sexually arousing to me than a woman wearing sexy lingerie. But as her legs opened, the crotch of her white lace panties was in full, unobstructed view. As Grace's eyes were closed, I found myself staring at her most intimate place, unconcerned that she would be aware that I was doing so, as long as I was massaging her feet. I don't know how long I'd been staring, entranced at her dark mound showing through the sheer, white lace, when Grace's voice interrupted my reverie. "Do you like what you see Danni?" Caught! Oh no! She caught me staring at her crotch! How could she have?! How could I let this happen? Her eyes were closed! I was tongue tied in the worst way. "Uh, uh, wh, wh, what? N, no!" I squeaked, suddenly losing control over my voice. "I mean, er, I, I'm so, so sorry," I exclaimed frantically. Damn! I couldn't believe she'd caught me. "It's okay Danni," she softly assured me. "I really don't mind. I was only wondering if you liked what you saw." "Uh, okay," I said stupidly. I didn't know what to say. I looked down and away from her and resumed her foot massage. Why did she keep calling me Danni anyway? And why hadn't I corrected her? My name was Dan! I fervently attempted, by resuming her foot massage, to divert her from further discussion of my staring at her crotch. In a few moments, she slid her left foot between my legs and gently pressed upward against my crotch, rubbing against my penis. "Danni?" she whispered. Avoiding her eyes, I continued massaging her foot. "Look at me Danni," she softly commanded. Ashamed at what I'd been caught doing, I reluctantly, but obediently, looked up. "It's okay," she emphasized. "Really! What kind of man would you be if you didn't like to look at a woman there?" I said nothing. I didn't know how to respond. I continued rubbing her foot as she continued to stroke me with her other foot. My penis was throbbing. "Would you like to see more Danni?" she asked, almost teasingly. I was nearly in lockdown I was so embarrassed. Staring dumbly, I couldn't form the words to answer. "Danni? Did you hear me? Would you like to see more? It's okay sweetie. All you have to do is ask." I hesitated, then stammered, "Ye, ye, yes. I would." "You would what Danni? You have to say it," she insisted. I looked into her penetrating, controlling eyes. "Yes. I'd like to see more." "Danni," she said softly. "You'll have to be more specific dear. More what?" Confused at what she wanted from me, I tried again. "May I see your vagina?" She laughed. "My vagina!" she snorted. "Is that how you think of it Danni? Is this a class in human anatomy? Or are we a man and a woman who want to be intimate? Come on Danni! You can do better than that! What is it that you want Danni?" she cajoled. Still embarrassed, I tried yet again. "M, may, I s, see yo, your pu, pussy?" "Mmmm," she cooed. "My pussy? You want to see my pussy? That's more like it! What else do you say?" Confused, I looked at her for some kind of clue. She just looked back blankly, waiting for me to figure out the right thing to say. Finally, I asked, "May I please see your pussy?" "There!" she declared. "You do know how to ask politely. Your mother must have raised you right. Yes! Yes you may Danni." As she spoke, she stretched her legs out, inviting me to remove her panties. She watched me intently as I decided how to proceed. Hands trembling now, I reached under her skirt and took hold of her pantywaist. Looking for her to give me a signal of some kind that it was okay to keep going, she nodded, "Go on. Remove them Danni." I slowly began pulling them down her thighs. She was watching me struggle with the task. I was enthralled by the intimacy of the act. As I revealed her neatly trimmed brunette bush, I noticed the glistening wetness. Her pussy lips were full and engorged. She was as excited as I was! Thank goodness! As I finally removed her panties, my eyes glued to the V between her legs, I hesitated. She smiled at me and said, "It's okay Danni." I looked at her, confused again. 'What?' my expression implored. "Sniff them Danni. You want to. Go on. Do it." How did she know? No matter. By then, I was completely under her spell. I didn't hesitate. I lifted them to my nose and softly breathed in her scent. Mmmm! It was heavenly! The gusset of her panties was soaked from her excretions. The aroma was strong and bitter and yet, also pungently sweet. The unmistakable smell of a woman's vagina, with a sleight hint of urine. Holding her pretties to my nostrils I breathed in deeply. I momentarily forgot that Grace was watching me. "You really like that, don't you Danni?" she interrupted my reverie. I looked up to her. I was embarrassed to be caught so absorbed in sniffing the crotch of her panties. I could only nod in response to her query. "I thought you might," she continued. "Would you like more?" she asked. I looked at her quizzically. What was she saying? Was she inviting me to get closer to her pussy? I didn't want to assume anything and maybe, in the process, upset her. As if reading my thoughts, she lifted her butt off of the love seat, deftly pulled her skirt to her waist, leaving only the erotic frame of her garter belt, then settled back down and slowly, yet deliberately, opened her creamy thighs wider. The result was the open display of her full, pink love nest. Wordlessly, she beckoned me closer with a crook of her finger. Mesmerized, I inched closer upon my knees, and slowly let my nose be guided nearer to her nether region. The closer I got, the stronger the scent became. I moved within a fraction of an inch and inhaled deeply. Ahh! Heaven! I couldn't believe my good fortune. I don't know how long I kneeled like that, alternately breathing in her bouquet, followed by exhaling my warm breath upon her sex. Intoxicated by her aroma, and not thinking of the consequences, I extended my tongue and just barely grazed the center of her flower. When I did, she tensed momentarily, as an involuntary moan escaped her lips. I quickly pulled back, afraid I'd gone too far. But she didn't say anything. Emboldened by her apparent acquiescence, I did it again. This time, unmistakably, she demonstrated her approval. Almost imperceptibly, she moved closer, causing my tongue to slightly penetrate her. From there I took over, as I began to probe her, alternately kissing her with my mouth and penetrating her with my tongue, French kissing her pussy. I tried to vary my approach, gently sucking her engorged clit between my lips every few minutes. Each time I did so, I was rewarded with a shot of her girl cum. Grace seemed content to permit me to pleasure her for as long as I seemed willing. That's how things proceeded up to the moment she first interrupted my efforts as she spoke, declaring, "You're very good at that Danni!" That's how I found myself, for the first time, in the penthouse of the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, on my knees, worshipping her womanliness in all of its wonder. Yes - worshipping her. To me she was a goddess for whom I'd do anything. At least, at the moment. I began lightly, softly caressing her precious jewel with my tongue. I could feel her begin to relax, no further external orgasmic reaction emanating from her. I was in love. Beyond salvation in love. I looked at her angelic face, so peaceful and serene. Her breathing became deep and rhythmic. It was then that I realized that she'd fallen asleep while I licked her. Not certain what I was supposed to do, I stopped for a moment and sat back on my heels. My unsatisfied erection had been throbbing the entire time. Until now, I'd given little consideration to my own pleasure. But now I felt the first sensation of soreness resulting from withheld release. What should I do? I dared not wake Grace. I was a guest in her home and she had fallen asleep on her balcony. While I was orally pleasuring her. I decided to try to move her to her bedroom. I carefully lifted her in my arms, her dead weight difficult to manage, but somehow I was able to get her inside and onto her bed. I covered her and then stood back and gazed upon the sleeping beauty. I wanted so badly to take off my clothes and join her in her bed, but was afraid she might find that presumptuous. Instead, I quietly backed out of her room and, reluctantly, left Grace's apartment. Thus ended our first date. I said goodnight to Walter at the door and walked alone down the deserted streets of Georgetown at three in the morning, found my car, and drove home, still not believing what had happened. I wanted relief from my hard-on in the worst way, but I'd denied myself for so long that even touching my penis hurt. Instead, when I arrived home I opted for a cold shower and then went to bed. Exhaustion finally caught up with me and I fell asleep, dreaming of Grace. The next day I woke up and went to the office to finish my work from the previous afternoon. Concentration was difficult, but I managed. I wondered whether I should call her, but found myself again filled with self-doubt. A ring interrupted my ruminations. An email from gaandrews. There was no hesitation this time. I quickly opened the message. "Danni? Where did you go? Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry baby. I hope you were as satisfied last night as I was. You were amazing! Have a good week. I'll see you next Friday? Hugs, G." Next Friday? Oh god! I began counting the minutes then and there. I was both elated and crestfallen. Elated that there would be a next time. Crestfallen that she didn't seem the least interested in seeing me before next Friday. I clicked 'Respond' and began composing a reply. "Dear Grace, Last night was the most amazing night of my life. You looked so peaceful when you fell asleep that I couldn't bring myself to disturb you. I can't wait until Friday. Hugs, Danni." That's right. I signed it using the new pet name she'd given me. I didn't care what she called me, as long as I could be with her. Within seconds I received a reply from Grace. "Me either. I have a surprise for you. Will talk to you later. Have to run to meet a friend. Hugs, G." A surprise? Oh my gosh! Now I was really going to be a wreck this week. What more could she surprise me with? And that was how it all began.

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Time for Grace

I’m not sure when it first hit me that she was no stranger to me, and it took several weeks longer to realize the entire disturbing truth. But why am I awake and why did I wake to this thought? I don’t think I was dreaming anything about this. Or was I? I do remember something like this in a dream, but was that just now or last week? Get a grip, girl. Either snap awake or drift back off into sleep. Angel has buried her furry little muff into my neck. She’s tickling me with her whiskers, which...

2 years ago
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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

4 years ago
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Fallen From Grace

Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...

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The Metamorphosis of Grace

Grace was walking to her car. Classes were out for the summer. She had finished some last minute administrative paper work that needed to be turned in to officially end the semester. The papers were in and she was free until mid-August. Over two months for her to do whatever she wanted. Free from the rigid schedule she had to keep. Free from the immature college students that thought they knew it all, or knew they did not know anything. God, what a relief. She often thought to herself that she...

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Grace and I had known each other for a very long time, seventeen years in fact. In all that time, though we’d loved each other for at least fifteen of those years we’d never consummated our love. There were reasons: when we first met, I was married and I loved my wife. Later, by the time my wife’s constant infidelity had destroyed that love, Grace was married and in love. Later still, when I was divorced Grace was still married, albeit unhappily, but hanging in there for the sake of her kids. ...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon With Frank and Grace

Frank and Grace: Frank's POV Frank strained at the ropes which bound him, making sure that escape was not possible. He lay there in anticipation seeing nothing - his eyes were closed under the blindfold - and saying nothing - the gag in his mouth would keep him from saying anything intelligible, so he chose to say nothing. He could hear Grace in the distance rummaging through a box (at least he imagined it was a box). At these moments, Frank has found himself thinking about a lot of things -...

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An exhibitionist wife Teaching Grace

Another little story from the past that some might like.A couple of years ago while we were taking a short beak in Kefalonia we met a Woman named Grace who was on holiday with her elderly parents. We first got talking to her while we were around the swimming pool where we found out that she was recently divorced and her parents had treated her to the holiday to help her get over the break up. We had already noticed her earlier in the holiday when Mrs O had playfully accused me of eyeing her up...

4 years ago
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Not A Word To Grace

Pressure was the first thing that hit me – literally – as I groaned reluctantly back to the waking world. Rolling over under the familiar duvet, my forearm draped over my eyes and shielded me from the world that seemed so harsh. My head throbbed so painfully I almost feared my skull might pop like an over-stretched novelty balloon. Cautiously, I opened my eyes and winced, whining as the burning light of day seared into my brain. Through a determination that surprised me, I managed to open my...

Straight Sex
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 29 Nicky Grace

We could hear the music from the Pavilion as we approached. It looked like they had a good turnout, as most of the ranch guests seemed to have shown up for the dance. There were quite a few older couples dancing, but the girls were all in a bunch at one end. However, Nicky and Grace were not with them. I scanned and located them still in Nicky's room back at the Lodge. I went to where the girls were seated and bowed. "May I have this dance?" I asked the group. "Who are you asking?"...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Need Grace

This is the story of Toby and Grace, workmates who were thrust together to install a new computer system, and to train the staff in its use. The difficulty for both of them was that the location was on the other side of the country, and the engagement time was 4 weeks. Their employer placed them in a hotel for the 4 weeks. For Grace it was the first time that she had been away from her husband of 10 years. Steve and her had been high school sweethearts from the age of 15 when they started...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 5 Amazing Grace

Mo rode in a fury through the car park after Grace. It was just typical of that brazen Italian bitch hoe that she’d tricked him into saying he already had a bike, so that he’d be the only one on a mountain bike, with its huge, slow knobbly tyres, while everyone else had a road-racing bike. He didn’t even have cleats on his shoes, so he could only push the pedals on the downstroke while the girls could power the upstroke too. They’d pulled that trick on Paul as well, he could see. Well ......

3 years ago
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Coup De Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn't resist a quick glance toward Grace's computer station when he hit the top. He'd hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he'd missed her in the couple of years she'd worked in the warehouse. Good timing, he thought as he caught sight of her. She was bent over, looking at...

1 year ago
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Tina and Grace

Tina was, and for that matter still is, my niece. My sister-in-law’s daughter. She was a stunning girl from an early age and no, I did not take advantage of her at all when she was young and vulnerable but I must admit to having stirrings in the loin when she sat on my lap and wriggled when I tickled her, or when I read her a bedtime story and she would sit, enthralled, listening, her knees pulled up to her chest exposing herself. It was very tempting but I resisted.I used to tell my wife...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 4 Grace

So I was a twin. I hesitated a long moment as I considered what Grace had just told me. "Are there other siblings I haven't met yet?" I wondered. Grace just sat there patiently watching me as she waited for me to respond. "Nicky?" I finally asked. "Of course!" she exclaimed with delighted glee. "And I think she's wonderful! She has been so worried about you. Almost every evening after I got off work, she was here. She was afraid of losing you too." I frowned at that. I really...

1 year ago
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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black; a...

4 years ago
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Amazing Grace

As this is my very first story post, please bear with me but all feedback would be gratefully welcome - please, please comment. This is based on a true story that happened to me and my reason for posting is to demonstrate my resultant love for ebony women.A few years ago I took a holiday in Kenya – principally to go on a safari, but the last few days were spent at a beach resort near Mombasa. The hotel was right on the beach which was frequented by the usual groups of hawkers selling local...

4 years ago
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Naugty Grace

It had been 3 satisfying months since I first made Grace my mistress and I craved her as badly as I did before I fucked her. Because of her age and school restrictions I didn’t see as much of her as I liked but I made sure she regularly got flowers and gifts and I arranged for her to have a car at her disposal. I don’t think this would’ve been possible had her family been just a little more observant but she went to boarding school and her parents trotted her out at dinners and social functions...

1 year ago
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State of Grace

Grace’s unhappiness didn’t have a name. It was a shapeless, faceless thing. And yet, it was a feeling that had lain inside her, dormant or otherwise, for her entire life. It was never far away, even in the better times. She berated herself for giving it houseroom. She had it lucky, had it easy, compared to many. She had a job she was good at, that paid enough. She felt her colleagues liked her. She was fairly healthy, and more attractive to men than she would ever admit to herself. And yet…and...

1 year ago
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Divine Beauty and Grace

On the continent of Aerent, life was simple and uneventful to most - maybe not exactly safe, depending on where they lived, but simple all the same. Barely developed, most settlements kept to themselves, smaller villages littered throughout the continent of lush greenery, with only the occasional traveling peddler keeping villages informed of what was going on outside their limited scope. Every so often, a kingdom or empire would spring up somewhere far away, but by the time news...

2 years ago
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Dayla Rue Grace

“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?” “I had a brother.” “Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.” I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years. I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off...

3 years ago
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A Girl Like Grace

His hands slowly moved from my waist down to my ass and he began to gently rub. “You’re not supposed to be doing that.” I knew he could hear me, even over the loud, thumping music the DJ was playing. Still, he refused to answer me for several seconds. “C’mon, I just want to get my money’s worth, I’ve been watching you dance all night and I just wanted a little feel.” There was only about a minute left in the song and the lap dance would be over. It was just easier to be a trooper and get...

4 years ago
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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black, a...

4 years ago
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Shaving Grace

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and ripped...

3 years ago
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Fall From Grace

My husband worked hard to provide for us. We had no children yet, and since he was only twenty-eight, and I was only twenty-five, we had decided to wait until we were in our early thirties. Our thinking was that we would be more 'set' in life and able to better take care of our kids then. Well then I messed up my marriage in a very real, painful, and probably unforgivable way. It all started one afternoon. Cleaning my husband's home office, I stumbled across a magazine. It had letters from...

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His Fall From Grace

Strolling around Harrods on a Saturday John milled about with the multitudinous and variously garbed tourists from Russia, China, the Gulf and miscellaneous credit card laden shoppers from virtually every country in the world. Wandering between the aisles most people can’t help being impressed by the copious amounts of completely unnecessary and excessively expensive shit piled high—the excrement of a “consumer society”. As John moved from floor to floor in the garishly decorated store he just...

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The State of Grace

PROLOGUE PROLOGUE ??????????? The State of Grace was a new colony, formed after the second civil war of the UnitedStates had almost destroyed everything.? The State was lenient as far as laws go.? Many of the more frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the war.? Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about...

3 years ago
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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

2 years ago
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Rainfall Rise

Rainfall: Rise By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: With the fate of Allaron in the balance, Ghanton is beset upon by the forces of the newly empowered Rainfall Cult even as an enemy within the town's walls is unleashed by Rainfall's new leader. (Part 4) * * * Author's Note: I highly recommend that you read the rest of the Rainfall Saga before reading this story. They are named "Rainfall: Arrival," "Rainfall: Assault" and "Rainfall: Resurrection." * * * I awoke with the dawn. I glanced...

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Fall from Grace

"Headmaster Matthew, why isn't anyone here today?" she asked. Startled he looked up from his bible. "Oh, Katie. It’s only you. You scared the daylights out of me," he said. "Everyone is at home. Today was a mandatory meeting for the teachers. It's over now so I'm the only one here." Katie's face slowly changed from surprise to aggravation. "Why wasn't I told there was no school today?" "Well," Matt said, "since you've been absent for the last two days, and you...

3 years ago
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Rainfall Arrival

Rainfall: Arrival By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The brave Battlemage, Therobelin, enters the town of Ghanton, seeking knowledge regarding the dark and mysterious Rainfall Cult. Discovering he may be in over his head, he calls forth his most able companions and prepares himself for the coming fight. * * * This story is a little different from anything I?ve ever done. I've usually done things in the vein of Spells 'R Us, of magic in the reality we exist...

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Rainfall Assault

Rainfall: Assault By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: Therobelin and his two companions, Xhaiden and Meghalen, venture into the foreboding Talon Forest to face the Rainfall Cult, unprepared for the challenges that await them. (Part 2) * * * Here's part 2 of the Rainfall series, which has been expanded to four parts now. Thank you all for your very kind comments regarding Arrival and I hope you enjoy the next action-packed tale of Therobelin and his companions. I do recommend that you...

1 year ago
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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

3 years ago
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My Neighbor Grace

I originally posted this on another site but re-posted here for the enjoyment of more readers.Growing up in small town on the Canadian prairies during 1950s, held a vast storehouse of lust filled fantasies for many young men and women. It was an era when the young married ladies of the day hardly dared to set foot outside of the house without looking or trying to look like the glamor models that they read about in Life magazine. The only time this cardinal rule was broken was when there was an...

4 years ago
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Bound To Grace

Bound To Grace Carmenica Diaz The Beginning Henry groaned as Virginia skilfully stroked his rigid cock, bringing himto the edge of orgasm yet again. As his body began to stiffen and tremble,just when he thought Virginia was going to let him finally come this time,she removed her hands. 'Poor baby,' Virginia whispered and smiled. Groaning in frustration, Henry turned his head as tears pricked his eyes. It's too much, I can't stand it! Lashed down and naked, Henry had been in that position...

2 years ago
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Getting Physical With Grace

"Adams?" I perked my head up hearing the call of my last name. A small, pale blonde woman In a white coat peaked her head out of the waiting room door and gazed into the crowd looking for a response. "Here,” I replied and grabbed my phone next to me and walked through the door. She lead me through the back offices "You'll be seen here, just go ahead and sit and the nurse will see you shortly, " she explained. I nodded with a simple reply and thanked her before she closed the door behind her....

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Frank Goes Down on Grace

Frank and Grace lay naked in the most comfortable bed together. She was on her back, and he was propped up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand, enjoying her beauty, while his other hand made lazy circles on her skin. He leaned over, kissed her fully on the mouth, parting her lips, and letting their tongues meet. His hand stopped making circles and moved up to her face as their tongues slid over and around each other erotically. While still kissing, he caressed her cheek with the back of...

3 years ago
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"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...

1 year ago
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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 67 The Dancers Ebony Grace

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....

2 years ago
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Rainfall Resurrection

Rainfall: Resurrection By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The captured Therobelin comes face to face with the warrior goddess Crystalia, who forces him to confront his true feelings about the state of the world he has sworn to protect. (Part 3) * * * I thank everybody once again for their kind comments regarding Arrival and Assault. I have to admit that it helps me greatly when I can actually see what people think of my works, so please take a few moments after you're done with the...

4 years ago
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Fallonrsquos Ballet Lesson

I was late as per usual. Madame Balashov formerly of some obscure St. Petersburg Ballet Company, but given her age, I think it was before it was called Petrograd or Leningrad, not the most recent name flip in the 90’s... would castigate my tardiness again.Frick I only wanted the ballet skills and drills to improve my sex life...I wasn’t touring the world dancing...maybe a cock fest tour one day...but not frickin pirouettes like a music box.You have no idea unless you’ve done ballet or done a...

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Fallout XXX

War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay.  Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...

4 years ago
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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, so I went over and asked if she minded if I shared her table. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was wrong. She smiled at me again, this time with a sad look on her face. “Well Mike,” she said, “if you must know, I’ve realised I’m getting past it. While I was getting dressed this morning I looked in the mirror...

3 years ago
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Growing Old Disgracefully

I'm asked how I got 'into' dogs, or they 'into' me, so here it all is, why they still excite me. Despite it now being years since I had full sex with a dog I do still dream about it regularly. I've been divorced for several years now but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties my husband and I were then active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes and eventually our sex games led on to me letting a dog fuck me too. I was only...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

2 years ago
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World of Warcraft Fantasy Elvish graces

The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...

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