Tables Turned free porn video

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Tables Turned Rod looked at the name on the front of the building and then looked at the ad he had received in the mail from a friend. He was not sure who sent it but they must have been reading his mind. He was always a little shy around women and needed something like this to maybe open him up. "Rosalie's Parlor, if you're looking to have fun with beautiful women. This must be the place." As he walked in the front door, he was greeted by a gorgeous blond who had a body that he found almost too good to be true. "Hello, I am Rosalie and welcome to my parlor. You must be Mr. Fox. I see you have our ad with you. Please come and sit down at the front desk." "Thank you Rosalie. I must say that this is a very nice looking place you have here. I never knew this place existed until I received your flyer. And please call me Rod." "All right Rod. I thank you for the compliment. You are correct in that we have kept our place very quiet. We only look for what we consider the best clients and they then make referrals for us. All of our girls are very knowledgeable in ways to understand what our client wants and to guide him to what will make him feel happy. So let me ask you, what type of girl were you perhaps looking for? We have a very wide range of girls here to make your visit as pleasurable as possible." Rod thought about it for a few seconds and then smiled and said, "I would like to be with someone who is a bit adventurous and willing to show me what makes a woman feel good." Rosalie looked into Rod's eyes and smiled. "I know the perfect girl for you Rod. Her name is Lucille and I know that she would be the perfect girl to help you along. If you're ready to go in I can take you back to her room." Rod very enthusiastically said, "Yes, I am ready." "All right then, let's go upstairs and meet your date for today!" So Rod followed Rosalie up the grand staircase and as he looked over the balcony he was amazed that he had never seen this building before. It was actually set up to look like a grand hotel that would be a destination in any big city. As they moved closer to the room, Rosalie and Rod make some small talk about the other amenities in the building. They had a beauty salon for all of the girls to go to, along with a health club for clients and the girls to use as they pleased. When they reached room 15 Rosalie knocked on the door. When Lucille answered Rod was floored at how beautiful she was. Here was another gorgeous blond with a perfect figure and a bright smile to match. She was dressed in a very sheer gown and he could only imagine what was underneath. "Lucille dear, I would like you to meet Mr. Rod Fox. After talking with him in the reception area for a while I felt that you were the perfect match for his needs. I will leave you two to get acquainted and I will see you later on Rod." She then winked at Lucille and said, "take care of our newest member Lucille in the way I know you are accustomed to." "I will certainly do that Rosalie and thank you for bringing him to me. Then looking at Rod she said, "We will have a wonderful time and I know that you will not be disappointed." As Rosalie left them together, Lucille took Rod by the hand and led him over to the couch and had him sit down. He looked at her and thought that her smile would make anyone melt when they saw it. He was just so excited to be here and glad that he made the decision to walk in the door. "Well, Rod, I am so glad that you came in today." As she sat beside him, she reached over and very slowly and sensually ran her left hand through his hair. He sighed as her touch made him relax and he could feel the anticipation as to what was soon to come. Lucille stood up and took him by the hand again and led him to the middle of the room. He felt like he was in heaven as she started to unbutton his shirt. As she very slowly dropped the shirt over his shoulders she gave him a kiss in the middle of his chest. Once the shirt was off, Lucille then took 2 steps back. She reached up to the string that was attached to her robe and, with a gentle pull, released the knot and let the robe fall seductively from her shoulders. Rod was now mesmerized as he gazed into her eyes as she reached back to unhook her bra. He stared at the bra, noticing that it was a sexy red satin demi-cup with a pretty little black bow centered on her very ample cleavage. Being very shy around women, especially very beautiful women such as Lucille, Rod is usually not able to express himself. But there was something about this girl that he felt very comfortable talking to. He very confidently looked at her and said, "Would you mind if I unhooked your bra for you?" Lucille smiled and told him that it would be all right. So he walked over to her and, after giving her chest a little kiss, he reached his arms behind her and unhooked the bra. After the release she let the bra slowly slip off of her shoulder and it landed in his hands. Rod looked at the heavenly piece of material and then looked at Lucille and, very meekly said, "Would it be ok if I asked you to put this bra on me?" He kind of shocked himself when he said it, thinking why did I ask her that. Lucille's eyes lit up as she reached for the bra in his hands and said, "Why of course you can sweetie. Just lift up your arms and I will slide it down and attach it." Rod was wondering what was happening to him. He had never really thought about putting any type of women's clothing on but now he is standing here wanting that thing on in the worst way. Lucille slid the straps through his arms and onto his shoulders. Reaching behind his like she was going to hug him, she hooked the bra on. Stepping back she told him how very sexy he looked in satin. "Why don't we take off those pants and get real comfortable now?" Lucille put her hands to Rod's belt and, after unbuckling it, slowly undid his snap and pulled down the zipper. As his pants slid down his legs he instinctively lifted his legs as the pants dropped to the floor. "Now," she said, "Wouldn't you rather have these satin thong panties on instead of those old men's shorts on?" He shook his head no as he watched her step out of them. "You know that these would be the perfect match for that luscious bra you have on. Now just pull that underwear down and step into these," she said as she held them in her hand. He stared at them as he took his own underwear off and, after taking them from her, began to slowly slide those exquisite panties up his leg. His mind was telling him no, he did not want to do this but he seemed to have no control over his body. The thong felt very odd as it settled in his butt and his now very hard member made the front tent out. "Here, let me take care of that for you," Lucille said as she got down on her knees and gently pulled his c*ck out of the side of the panties. Before she started to lick it she looked up at him with inviting eyes that made his heart melt. She started to lick the shaft from top to bottom, making sure to pay attention the head (the most sensitive part). She took it in her mouth and very slowly started to bob up and down on it. He had received a bj a few times and the feeling has always been fantastic. This time the feeling was much more intense as Lucille was obviously an expert at it. Just when he thought he would explode she would slow down and cause me to hold on. After a few more minutes of this Rod finally came with one of the most intense orgasms he had ever experienced. As he started to come down from that high, she stood up and brought his head close to hers. She put her lips next to his and gave him an open mouth kiss. As she did that he began to taste something that he never had before. She had taken his cum and, holding some in her mouth, began to push some into his mouth. Rod was ready to pull away but she held his head and made sure that he took all of it in and swallowed it. He admitted to himself that it was not as bad tasting as he thought it might. (WHAT AM I THINKING) "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Lucille said to him as she started to rub the bra that was on his chest. "I think that these need filled out." She walked over to a closet and took down a box from one of the shelves. As she walked back over to him she opened the box and took out 2 breast forms and, after pulling out the cups, slipped one into each side. "There, that looks much better. Now let's move over to the bed," as she started to massage one side of the bra and grabbed his once again hardening member as she guided him over to the bed. "Wait right here," she said as she stopped at her dresser. She opened up one of the drawers and took out another piece of clothing. "Put this on for me dear" as she held out a satin red baby doll nightie. Rod didn't know what she had done to him to make himreact this way but he could not resist anything she said. He took the nightie and slid it over his head, smoothing it out as it caressed his body. She then led him onto the bed as they began to kiss very passionately. Rod felt like he was melting like butter as all of their hands were moving all over both of their bodies. He let his fingers walk down her body from her breasts down to her fuzzy mound. She let out a sigh as he moved his fingers in a circular motion around her inner thigh before inserting one and then two fingers. As he pushed in she moved her body to take in every thrust. About this time Rod could not wait any longer. He removed my fingers and got ready to enter her now very wet pussy. But before he could she rolled over on top of him and, with very swift movement, took his now very erect c*ck and guided it into her. She seem to be very much the one in charge as she moved up and down as if she was the one who was f*cking him. She really knew how to push all the right buttons. First she moved up and down very slowly, then speeding up only to slow down to draw out the orgasm. Rod could tell that she was even getting a little excited as her breathing became a little harder and he could hear some moaning. When they both finally came it was the most intense rush he had ever felt. As she rolled off of him she asked if she made him happy. "I don't think I have ever felt so much pleasure all at once. You were unbelievable." She just got up out of bed and, after telling him to wait there, went into the bathroom and came back out wearing a very sexy silk robe. "Rod, I want you to come over here to me sweetie." How could he resist this beauty? He got up out of bed and, with the nightie still on, walked over to where she was standing with her back to him. "Now I want you to kneel down right here. I have a real special treat for you." As Rod knelt down beside her she turned around and opened up her robe. When she did she revealed a 7" strap-on dildo that looked to be 2 sided. Rod could not help but stare at the thing, since it was only a few inches away from his face. "Don't you think that this is a yummy looking dildo, Rod?" He didn't know what to say or why his body was not trying to get up and run. All he knew was that this woman was really turning him on and that he could not resist anything she was saying to him. He just looked up at her with lustful eyes and shook his head yes. "Well I think that it needs a little bit of attention, so I want you to wrap your lips around it and do to it what I had done for you." So Rod very obediently stared at it for a few seconds before he lowered his mouth to it and began by kissing the head. He went to the underside and started to lick and kiss it from top to bottom. He then took it slowly into his mouth and began to bob up and down on the shaft. He closed his eyes, not really believing what he was now doing. "You are doing a wonderful job with this, Rod. I find it hard to believe that this is your first time doing this. Now open your eyes and look up at me while you are sucking on this." Rod quickly obeyed Lucille and opened his eyes and looked up longingly at her. "You know, I think that the way you are dressed now and are having so much fun with this dildo I really think that we have to call you something other than Rod now. I think that from now on your name should be Roxanne. How do you like the sound of that Roxanne?" He nodded his head as he continued to bob up and down on the shaft. Lucille knew that she had him now. He was really going to town on that dildo like it was the real thing. "All right Roxanne. I think that you are well prepared for that. Now let's move back over to the bed." As they moved over to the bed, Lucille gave Rod's, now Roxanne's, butt a little slap as she looked very inviting in her nightie and thong panties. When they got to the bed, Lucille had Rod put his hands on the side of the bed and lean back, with his now inviting hole sticking up in the air. Lucille then grabbed some K-Y jelly and, after putting an ample amount on her fingers, inserted one finger very slowly, making sure to move the finger in and out. After she felt that he was stretched out a little she did the same thing with two fingers. Rod let out a yelp after the second finger was inserted but then he started to push back while she thrust both fingers in. Lucille took out her fingers, figuring that Rod was relaxed enough now. But she then decided that he needed to show her that he was ready to take it all in. "Roxanne, dear, I want you to take this tube and put some in your hand. Then I want you to take hold of this dildo and massage it with your hands to make sure that it is completely coated." She then handed Rod the tube and, although his mind was telling him to stop now, he squeezed a good amount of the jelly in the palm of his hand. He then reached back without turning around and he began to coat the outer half of the dildo. He then realized that there was a back half to it and it was inside of Lucille. She smiled as he looked up at her with eyes that were saying, "I'm ready." Lucille made sure that the thong was still in place as she moved the back half of it to the side. As she started to enter Rod he gasped but did not ask her to stop. She started out slowly to push in and pull out a little more each time until the entire dildo was inside him. She paused for a few seconds to let him totally relax before she started to pull out and push back in. Her rhythm was very easy at first until she saw that he was starting to move right along with her. As she began to speed up the thrusts, her own pussy was getting a good workout. They both were moaning as they were really starting to heat things up. Lucille said, "Roxanne I want you to tell me how much you are enjoying this. Rod was now totally oblivious to any feelings of him manhood, although his engorged member was straining to get out of the thong. As he was thrusting back and forth, the breast forms that he had in the bra he was wearing started to bounce all around just like they were really attached to him. All he could get out of his mouth was "Ple-e-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-se. I want yo-o-o-o-o-o-u to keep fu-u-u-u-u-u-u-c-c-c-c-c-k-k-k-k-ing me-e-e-e-e- e-e-e-e-e-. She knew she now had him as both were about to reach a tectonic orgasm. Almost at the same time both of them started to scream. "AHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H!!!!!!! Rod shot his load into those thong panties while Lucille had an orgasm to remember. They were both exhausted as she slipped the dildo out of his now very tender and somewhat surprisingly satisfied hole. "Roxanne you were just amazing. But I see that you soiled those panties you have on. Now we girls need to make sure that our delicates are always clean, so I want you to take those off and go into the bathroom and scrub them out and hang them up to dry. You can then take off your nightie and bra, get dressed and we'll talk after." So Rod walked into the bathroom and began to rinse out the thong panties he had on. As he did that he felt the silky fabric and got a little excited again, thinking about how he just had those on. He rinsed them out and then hung them up on the rack. As he took off his nightie he looked at the bra he was wearing. Two different feelings were fighting in his mind. One part was thinking why am I wearing this and the other was sad that he had to take it off. After removing everything he started to put his clothes on that he came in with and was astonished to feel how bland they looked compared to what he just had on. Rod then picked up the bra, breast forms and nighie and came back towards the couch where Lucille was sitting, waiting for him. "Come sit beside me, dear. I know you must be thinking in the back of your mind what just happened here. Well, we sent you the invitation on behalf of a friend of yours who told us that you would be a perfect addition to our staff here. And by the way you reacted today I believe they were correct. All you needed was to just have some suggested planted in your subconscious and you were ready to go. Rosalie and I are really looking forward to have your come in and join us in making our clients feel good about themselves. We have quite a few who are looking for someone like you to service them." Rod looked on as Lucille was talking and taking every word in. He nodded his head as she talked and agreed to whatever she was saying. "So here is what I want you to do. You are to come back here next Friday morning at 8 AM sharp. Do not be late as we need to start your training to help you become the best girl you can be. I want you to make sure that when you take a shower that morning that you buy some Nair and remove all of your body hair, except for your pubic area. We will take care of that when you get here. I know that by your enthusiasm today that you will become one of our best girls here. Let me know that you understand everything I have said and that you will not be late." Rod looked up at her with his eyes glazed over and said, "I understand Lucille and I will not be late." "OK, then, you can go home now and we will see you next Friday." She then pulled him over to her and gave him a very long and loving kiss on the lips. He left the room feeling like he was on cloud nine but for some reason could not understand why. He began to walk down the steps towards the desk area. He noticed that his walk was becoming a little exaggerated as his hips started to sway. As he was walking to the door, Rosalie spotted him. "I hope you had a wonderful time here Rod and we look forward to seeing you next week." "Thank you for everything, Rosalie, and I will be here again." As he started to walk down the street towards his car his mind was swirling. He was asking himself what just happened to him, but he was also thinking that he was so much looking forward to next Friday. Let me know if anyone is interested in what is in store for Rod and I will continue the story. Thanks.

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Table 8

They approached the restaurant reception and said they had a reservation for Helen and Peter at 8 o'clock."Yes, you are at table eight," I told them. "My name is Glenda and I will be your server this evening. Please follow me I will show you to your table." Helen sent shivers through me immediately and Peter was OK as well. Helen had a tight mini on and a button up blouse a least a couple of sizes to small and there were gaps between the buttons exposing some of her bra and the top half of her...

2 years ago
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Table DancerPart 2

I'm a whore, I don't deny it. I fuck people for money. Oh, sure, technically you might think of me as a call-girl, but in reality a call-girl is just a whore with a telephone and an answering service. Mike and I had just finished settling up accounts for the week and I was on my knees with my lips wrapped around Peggy's clit. She was Mike's wife, receptionist and partner, and was the one who scheduled all of our out-calls to the various Vegas hotels. My eating her out was sort of like a...

2 years ago
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Table 8 Helens Version

Table 8 - Helen's StoryMy name is Helen and I came down from head office for the week to train the local staff. I arrived Monday morning and would be conducting training sessions all week and returning home on Friday evening.After the last session Monday a few of the staff suggested we should all go to a bar across from the office. Seeing as I was staying in a hotel by myself I thought this would be a good idea and help fill in some time before eating.At the bar were Jane, Sue, John and...

1 year ago
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Table Stakes

I was tired, bored, and thirsty when I saw the neon sign of the roadhouse up ahead. I pulled my truck into the parking lot and went in. I had been driving for 12 hours straight, and it felt really good to be able to stretch my legs. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the low light in there. As I stepped to the side out of the way of the door and waited for my vision to adjust, my nose was assaulted by the distinct odor that permeated the air of the joint. An aroma that any biker,...

1 year ago
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Table top striptease and more

As you will know, my wife was very promiscuous when she was younger, having sexy sessions with lots of lads, and other men when she was married to her first husband. When she was still single, she and a few friends went to a party; Carole had a sexy friend called Delphine, who part way through the evening, having had a few drinks, climbed up onto a round table and began stripping; she had removed her dress and was making to unhook her bra, when Carole reached up to help her come down off the...

3 years ago
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Soccermom turned milf turned

Linda arrives home from work one evening and the question had been burning on her lips all day. She waited until serving dinner to ask her husband Brian 'The new guy at work told me something today' Linda said 'He told me I looked like a soccermom. Do you know what that means?'Brian almost chokes as he is just taking his first fork of food. 'Well I can tell you what he means or what he is thinking, or both' he says. Lindas look means she needs a prper answer. Brian continues, well he either...

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Table Flip

*"Old Fashion games!" "And new fashion friends" "Come on everybody, this is Table Flip!" Welcome to Table Flip. Hosted by the lovely Suzy, and the impeccable Barry. With special guests; Trisha Hershberger, Ash from Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin? and Olivia and Courtney from Smosh! Come along, and let's flip tables!* The ladies sat around the table, naked except for their head pieces. Olivia had a braided pony tail, Courtney had a milk maid braid, Suzy had her little top hat, Trisha had some feathers...

3 years ago
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Table Talk

TABLE TALK By Bea Bea's note: Just a taste of Halloween! I could literally feel my eyes enlarge and grow round as the impact of what she had said hit me. "What - what- was that you said darling?" I stammered. She gazed calmly at me from the head of the table. "As you're perfectly aware? I'm not really happy with repeating myself," she said softly but with a sarcastic edge to her voice. "Are you listening now? Think you can assimilate what I'm saying?" "Yes dear. I'm...

2 years ago
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How the tables have turned

*****************ALISHA***********Alisha tossed and turned, changing her position in her bed for probably the twentieth time that night. According to the clock on the dresser, it was already 2:15am and she still couldn't sleep. It was raining lightly, but she could hear it usual pitter patter of the raindrops against the the steel roof above. She loved it when it rained, she would leave one or two windows slightly open so that the cool breeze could fill the house. She loved how the coolness...

4 years ago
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Turned by Tiffany Scott 97' After five years of marrage Kathy knew her husband, Rick, quite well. In fact she knew things about him that he thought no-one would ever know. She got him to admit these things to her by teasing him sexualy. She would get him on the verge of comming and then keep him there until his penis and balls actually ...

3 years ago
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Tabletop experiment

“Mr Kowalski,” my boss addresses me, “I must have your software in Quality Assurance by Monday morning please. The client pushed the deadline forward again.” “But Mr Schönman…” I try to protest. “That’ll be all, Mr Kowalski. That’ll be all, thank you.” Well, there is nothing I can say, so I leave his office. I could sacrifice tomorrow’s advanced driving course, which has already been paid for in full. It cost me more than one week’s salary, and I’ll lose my money if I don’t go. The next...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Sissy Emma is turned

I had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean I talked of having...

3 years ago
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The Tables Are Turned

'I'm telling you, if he was here, he'd do whatever I told him to do.' We were at the bar having a drink, talking dirty as usual of late, both of us smiling at our mock argument, wanting to be right. For all her submissiveness, Jan could be a stubborn bitch and I had to set her straight from time to time. 'I'm just not so sure.' Her eyes sparkled at her next words. 'I doubt he'd give in as easy as me.' 'You're wrong. In many ways the two of you are exactly alike.' 'I really...

4 years ago
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Amy gets turned

Back in the late 90’s my then girlfriend Amy and I decided to walk around a large reservoir in Kent. It was a hot day and we had got about half way around the 18 mile lake when we stopped for our picnic in a secluded inlet. Amy was 22yrs old 5’102 blonde, 34DD narrow waist and big round ass. She had a good tan but with white bikini marks which I have always found a turn on. I was 23 and slim. Amy was very adventurous sexually. Amy was wearing a t-shirt and tight jean shorts with knee high...

1 year ago
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My daughter was finally returned

My name is Jason Smith and I am a recovering addict, a terrible father, and the worst person I know. When I was 18 years old I had a variety of problems. I didn’t have any structure in life and I was a rebellious little shit. I was a dropout who peddled a little dope on the streets of KCMO. I had no future and looking back I think I knew where my life was headed. I met a skanky little lady named Trish that I thought at the time I was in love with. She was kind of hot and freaky in bed. We...

2 years ago
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One FeliciaWhy does he have to be so damn hot?Felicia stood in her opulent bedroom, one manicured hand clutching the fine d****ry and the other pressed to the glass as she gazed down at Colin from the window. Her stepson was bent over, stretching for his run, ass firm beneath his sweats. From this angle, she could see how the material hugged his balls. Her pussy grew wet just imagining what it would be like to squeeze them. They wouldn’t feel anything like David’s. She just knew it. No, whereas...

2 years ago
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Having the tables turned

When I first moved to Manchester I met quite a few guys who made out like they were interested but just wanted to fuck and then dump me.I finally met Steve on a gay dating app and we met up one evening in a lay by which was well known for dogging. I got there at the arranged time and parked up near to some other cars. I had my pink stockings and suspenders and tiny panties on under my tracksuit in case the Police were about.I felt disappointed when the man who was obviously Steve waddled over....

4 years ago
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Mistress Turned

Kaum f?nf Minuten waren nach seinem Anruf vergangen und schon war ich in der befohlenen Position. Viel Kleidung musste ich eh nicht ablegen, wenn er mich auf dem Zimmer anrief, nur ein String und ein T-shirt, achtlos in die Ecke geworfen und seltsamerweise nahm das Anziehen mehr Zeit in Anspruch- die schwarzen Stiefel, die schwarze Ledermaske, sie zog ich in Hektik an. Und dann war es nur ein wenig Akrobatik: die Spreizstange zwischen die Beine gekettet, und dann auf allen Vieren die...

2 years ago
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The Lady in BlueChapter 4 The tables are turned

Lisa's point of view I slowly came to realize that the sense of well-being and comfort came from Ted. I was too drowsy to react but I could feel hands caressing me, touching me. Firm hands gently squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples. The heat inside me built and I moaned softly. I wanted this, I realized. I welcomed it. Lips kissed my neck and down the curve of my ribs, pausing for a few glorious minutes where the hands had been before. I arched my back and gripped the sheets in...

3 years ago
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Table 8

They approached the restaurant reception and said they had a reservation for Helen and Peter at 8 o’clock. ‘Yes, you are at table eight,’ I told them. ‘My name is Glenda and I will be your server this evening. Please follow me I will show you to your table.’ Helen sent shivers through me immediately and Peter was OK as well. Helen had a tight mini on and a button up blouse a least a couple of sizes to small and there were gaps between the buttons exposing some of her bra and the top half of...

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Table 12

I am a fifty-year-old bloke – well educated but not arsey. Slim, balding, blue/grey eyes. I run my own successful business. Wicked sense of humour. I am in pretty good shape for my age but if you are looking for a story where the man is ripped to a six-pack and hung like a babies arm holding an orange with balls like melons, then perhaps you might like to look elsewhere. I am told I am good fun and I have wide and varied interests and can hold a sensible discussion on most subjects. I like nice...

3 years ago
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Snowbunny turned

African Anthropology, African Studies, and Black Philosophy had become some of the most common degrees for white females by 2018. The wave of multiculturalism led to many of them instinctively allying themselves with the progressive politics of the time favoring disenfranchised minorities. White guilt swept over them getting them in the door as they opened their minds and ideas to increasingly more extreme philosophies. White people brought slavery.White people brought colonialism.White people...

2 years ago
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TaBle sex

This was one of those typical saturday nights at my daughters house. They usually was some type of party going on. The three cihildren were at thie inlaws, so there wasn't anything to have to look out for. Her husband Tom, and their good friend Al. were the only ones here this night. This was one of those typical saturday nights at my daughters cihildren were at thie inlaws, so there wasn't anything to have to look out for. Her husband Tom, and their good friend Al,...

3 years ago
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Table 8 Helens Version

Table 8 – Helen’s Story My name is Helen and I came down from head office for the week to train the local staff. I arrived Monday morning and would be conducting training sessions all week and returning home on Friday evening. After the last session Monday a few of the staff suggested we should all go to a bar across from the office. Seeing as I was staying in a hotel by myself I thought this would be a good idea and help fill in some time before eating. At the bar were Jane, Sue, John and...

3 years ago
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The King of Spin Has His Head Turned

SCENE 1: Gordon Set Direction: Dimly lit living room in the Hollywood Hills, panoramic glass windows overlook the distant flickering lights of LA. A man seated on an expensive sofa holds his head in his hands. Gordon held his head in his hands. His head was spinning in circles and his chest was so tight he could barely breath. The message from DC had confirmed it, but the picture was almost too much for him to take. The guy looked like he was in his twenties and to top it off he had curly...

1 year ago
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Mistress Turned

In the dark room, music kicked in. A spotlight shone down just in front of Jackie, emphasizing the cold stone floor before her. Loud, thumping bass beats accompanied by symbols and electronic rhythms pulsed throughout the room that sent vibrations straight to her swollen pussy. The room smelled of cinnamon and violet. Jackie knew in this particular club that the tops could create a full scene with their bottoms through utilization of incense and a mixture of candles. Obviously, someone had been...

3 years ago
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The Cruise Ship Gift Is Returned

The predawn light was illuminating the cabin through the balcony doors; the warm fresh ocean breeze was causing the curtains to flap gently as the cruise ship swayed on the waves. Jack is waking up and lying in bed nude next to Judy's shapely naked body; she is relaxing in a slumber mode still not fully awake. He was in no hurry to get out of the comfortable bed. Jack was still a little foggy from drinking the night before and dreaming of the amazing gift Judy gave him the night before. The...

Love Stories
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A Favour Returned

The headline band had finished their final encore. It had been a brilliant evening……too much fun! So rather than heading back to the car park where we’d arranged to regroup, I agreed to have a last drink in the beer tent with the fun group of guys I’d been chatting to during the concert. One drink turned into 3 or 4 so I was very jolly by the time we said our goodbyes.As I reached the car parking field I realised that most of the cars had gone, including the one that was supposed to be my lift...

2 years ago
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A favour returned

After me & Sally's little encounter in the toilet, we had to cool things a bit so that I could actually get some work done when she was around. She still tended to dress in a subtlety revealing way though. Loose skirts cut to the knee that floated a little as she moved, that kind of thing. But eventually I finished up what I was doing (Hardwood Decked roof terrace with Cedar clad walls and benches, as it happens) and we would soon be parted. No more twice weekly flirtathon. However.. She...

3 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 14 The legend returned

It was a couple of weeks after the tomb was finished that fleeing people reached the city. They spread rumors of a huge dragon attacking and burning farms in the north. From the reports we knew it was slowly heading towards the city. There were old legends of real fire breathing dragons that spread quickly. Since the city still had the recent memory of the dragon minor they were more than willing to believe the stories told. The description of this new dragon was much larger than the other...

1 year ago
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A Gift Returned

It was only a month since my prudish, proper wife, Lara, had awakened our sex life with a gift: spending a night as my slave. Since then, every night we had of our entire marriage. I was getting a good cock sucking from Lara almost every night, and she was learning to take my load in her mouth, then swallow it. We also were talking more openly about what turned us on, which made both of us more excited. Lara had spent a night as my slave fucking a complete stranger, and the fact that we...

2 years ago
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Humans being turned

A vampire with crimson eyes sat in his Manson and he was bored since the last human he met shot him in the chest and left him to bleed to death after that his family forbid him from touching another Human girl for two hundred years. The time limit ended and it was time to have some fun! He walked through bars and took a bar chair and waited for a sheep without a Heard after while he was getting he made two sluts flirt with the least attractive men in the bar and then he saw it awkward, hoddie,...

Mind Control

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