Karma Chapter 4 free porn video

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Omar's revenge would have to wait, much as she wanted to cut Hassan's head off and feed it to the vultures she was given a wedding gift that left her speechless. Hassan had taken Omar to bed after a small celebration that had lasted past midnight. Omar was not allowed to drink but Hassan and his lieutenants, foot soldiers, guards, and his other local personnel who was on hand to witness the subjegation and submission of the former Al- JazeerOmar to the new head of Al Haleem. Omar lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, revolted by the hours of sex that had been imposed on her. Her body's reaction to Hassan's expert hands, mouth and penis made her shudder almost as much as the very act. As much as she hated Hassan and hated the situation she was in, she as much hated that her body had reacted to his ministrations into the late hours of the night. Omar was not a willing participant nor would she ever be to Hassan. "My lovely bride, I have a most wonderful gift for you on our wedding night," Hassan murmured into her ear. Omar could only imagine what sexual position or act that Hassan was planning on visiting on her now. He lay there silently, waiting to hear what new horror awaited her. "My dear Annie, we have located the American special forces team that murdered your old body." Omar perked up, alert. "I thought that might get your attention." Hassan smiled. "And that is not the best part of it, my bride. No, it get's better. I've arranged plane tickets for you to fly out there and engineer he and his team's punishement for daring to raid one of our compounds and murdering valiant defenders of our faith." Omar could not believe her ears. After all the humiliation she'd suffered, first at the hands of the Americans who murdered her, then at Hassan and his lieutenants hands, she would get a small mesaure of vengeance against one of them. No, not a small measure of vengeance, a large dose of it. If it had not been for this special forces team, she would still be in her old male body, and would still be the head of the most feared terrorists in the world. The plane landed in Idaho, the summer sun beating down on the tarmac mercillessly. Omar felt the Idaho heat hit her with almost a palpable physical presence as she deplaned with the other passengers onto the tarmac and walked the 200 meters to the small airport. She picked up her bag from the carousel and ten minutes later was loading them into her rental, a Kia SUV. The trip brought her through corn fields and farmland that stretched for miles of featureless landscape. The base and the surrounding town were an hour away and if Omar had not already thought about her revenge for six hours on her two connecting flights she would have used the time to mentally salivate some more over the visions of revenge she'd constructed in her mind. The base was outside of Twin Falls and was little known outside of the military. In fact, it was completely unknown as it was a small base meant for training of the various special forces that comprised the pride of the various branches of the armed forces of the United States. As such its existence was kept obscure, even guarded and even residents of the nearby town did not know its true purpose - they'd always assumed that it was a secondary or even tertiary military facility. But the resources of Al Haleem had been able to find all this out and provide a fairly detailed dossier of the facility although there were limits to what Al Haleem's resources were able to get - after all this was a government facility, not the New York Public Library. But she knew it was known affeciontaely as Area 69 by members of the special forces passing through its doors. Omar had her car valet parked at the Courtyard Marriot, not expecting to need to drive around very much as the hotel was situated in the heart of the town with restaurants, shops, clubs and bars within walking distance. The town had the feel of a modern midwestern town, clean, bustling, but at the same time with a down to earth feel to it. Omar found herself feeling at ease immediately and not just because she was not under the yoke of Hassan either. The people, from the valet to the bellhop to the desk clerk who checked her in, exuded a friendliness that disquieted Omar - she found it increasingly hard to reconcile these open, friendly people with her long held belief in the evil empire of the people of the United States who oppressed her people and commited atrocities against them in their play for ever more world wide power. She liked her room - it wasn't the opulent suiote that she had booked for that fateful day in New York when Mohammed had dashed her plans to continue as the head of Al Haleem but it was spacious and well furnished. The bellhop wheeled her large bag past the foyer area, the bathroom and into the bedroom area where a queen size bed and desk were backdropped by the balcony window. Sunlight streamed into the room and beyond the curtains and window was a balcoy with a breathtaking view of the mountains draped in veerdant greens and blues. Omar felt liberated in a way she hadn't felt since she'd became the owner of Annie's body...without Mohammed's presence around her, a presence that was an oppressive weight on her psyche, she felt uplifted, liberated. The vast open expanse of nature in front of her, the clean fresh mountain air, and a feeling of freedom was the anti-dote she needed for the depresssion that had been dragging her down the last week. She didn't realize how much that oppression had been weighing on her, choking down her spirit, until just this moment. She stretched, feeling her muscles unkink, the sun on her upturned face, and reveled in the feeling of being alive and young. She saw the hotel pool down below from here fifth floor balcony and got a sudden urge to dive into the pool and feel the refreshing water. She didn't think about where the urge came from - in fact it was an unfamiliar urge for Omar since she grew up in a desert region and was used to hot, arid, sandy climes where water was a scarce commodity where the feel of diving into the depths of a pool were as foreign as the idea of Catholicism. She raced back into her room, ignited by the idea of splashing in the pool. She was giddy with anticipation as she tore off her clothes and dug through her suitcase for the bikini she knew was there. She emerged minutes later from the hotel into the bright sun in front of the pool in a black bikini and heels. With her Gues sunglasses she was the very picture of Western decadence that Omar's organization railed against but the thought had not even occured to her as she chose her outit in the hotel room. She felt a flutter of nervousness - whether from being so naked in public or a the natural apprehension every woman felt when dressed to the nines but still unsure if she measured up to society's rigid standards of beauty. She shrugged it off, the confidence of Annie Bauer's persona bolstering her confidence and strode across the pale concrete decking past rows of chaise lounge chairs llined up along the pool. She walked towards the deep end of the pool past several men who were obviouisly military, a few women of various age, and some chars with towels draped across them. Every man eyed her, mostly surrpetitiously but some overtly, scrutinizing the beautiful young Asian woman walking past them. She draped her towel acrosss a lounge chair and sat down, unwrapped the fabric straps of her heeled sandals and dropped her room card and sunglasses onto the towel. She got up and stood at the end of the pool and looked at the cool blue water in front of her, sun glinting off in the water in corruscating patterns, anticipating a relaxing swim. She took a deep breath and dove in. She came up for air ten feet down the pool and arced her arms over and over again into the water while she kicked her legs. The water sliding over her sleek body felt like it was washing all her cares and worries away into the midwestern air. She did ten laps, luxuriating in the feel of the water, the delicious taste of oxygen as she gulped precious air into her lungs as they burned between strokes. She finally pulled herself out of the pool and shivered as the goosebumps covered her body and her nipples pushed out against the nylon of her top. She toweled herself off and let the sun warm here back up while she put on her shoes. Back in her room she lay on her stomach and reviewed the file in front of her. A small sheaf of papers lay on the open folder at the foot of the bed. Omar idly twirled her damp hair while reading the file on Gordon "Gorgon" Cantor. She was on the cover page with a grainy blown up photo of a sun tanned face with the obligatory military hair cut, which is to say very short, and piercing dark eyes that bore through the camera lens even through the pixelation of the enlargement. Gordo Cantor, age 36, five foot eleven, one hundred seventy five lb, a 12 year veteran of the US Navy, almost all of it with the Seal Team Nine. Commendation after commendation and a list of missions that impressed even Omar. After three pages of military and career history, she got to the personal section of the dossier. Single, a taste for the ladies, fast cars and motorcycles. She rolled onto her back and held the paper in the air above her. She persued tastes in music, childhood history, family facts...she mentally rehearsed her plan. The muted sound of country music filtered into the night through the thick, distressed wood doors that were supposed to lend an air of country western authenticity at least in the mind of the person who designed the club decor. Omar didn't even have to touch the thick door pulls - a tall rail thin man accelerated ahead of her and held the door open for her. Omar reflexively thanked the man who beamed at her acknowledgement of his chivalry. A Garth Brooks song was blaring as she was waved passed the cashier in observance of the free admission policy for women. The cashier was in a small foyer with coat check to the left and a hallway to the right leading to an attached restaurant. The Brooks tune came out of the hallway in front of Omar and she walked that way, getting her hand stamped by the bouncer who eyed her appreciatively. Omar came out of the hallway at the corner of a rectangular area that had bars on the two long sides. The hwallway came out at the bottom right corner of the area and the first bar was immediately ahead of Omar on the right and the other bar was opposite on the other long side of the rectangle. A raised area to the left with tables and chairs overlooked the dance area between the two bars. Couples danced the two step around the permiter of the floor while a mix of patrons performed some line dance in sync with each other. Omar walked along the bar assessing the club and covertly looking for target. Her attempt at being covert failed miserably - dressed in a top that left her midriff bare and jeans she chose as a concession to the country western theme. Crowds of people ringed the dance floor between the bar and the hardwood floor but the elbow to elbow throng parted like the Red Sea for the newcomer as men checked out the new talent and women appraised the new competition. For the first time since she'd walked into the disaster waiting to happen at the New York hotel room, she felt like she was in control. She was the hunter and Gordon Cantor her prey. She found a seat at the bar - or rather, one opened up for her when she sidled up tot he bar to get a dink. A man offered both his seat and a drink to her and she let him buy her a Long Island Ice Tea. She made small talk with the man in return for the seat and the drink while she scanned the room for Cantor. Her attention shifted seamlessly from scanning the room to making convesation with the man at her side who introduced himself as Josh. She gave him the occasional smile, a sympathetic nod, a brief reply when necessary - it didn't occur to Omar that this was comletely out of character with her personaility. Omar had little patience for small talk and chit chat, preferring to get to the point. But this wasn't Omar anymore - she was Omar's memories and soul merged with Annie Bauer's body and a large part of what remained of her persona. She had yet to realize that magics, especially a spell as powerful as the one she'd used to take possession of this body, had it's price and consequences. Eventually Josh realized that he was not going to get anywhere with this gorgeous creature who was clearly out of his league. He mumbled something about meeting up with friends and excused himself. Omar siped her drink and continued looking for Cantor. Fifteen minutes and no luck - she was beginning to wonder if her intel was correct. Cowgirls and Lace was supposed to be his favorite watering hole whenever he ws in town. Perhaps he wasn't in town? But her sources had verified that he was in town before she was given tickets and the dossier. "Hi." He'd appeared as suddenly and silently as a ghost at her side that she'd startled almost off her chair, prevented from falling only by his hand on her elbow. He laughed, "Whoa, sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you." Omar recovered quickly. "Oh, no, it wasn't your fault, I just didn't see you coming, that's all. I must have been preoccupied." She looked at him and was almost shocked to feel the nearly palpable force of his personality and the magnetism of his masculinity. For a moment Annie's feminine persona and instincts were frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. She was caught between Omar's reaction to Cantor and her feminine attraction to the rugged charismatic man in front of her. Cantor caught her moment of frozen indecision. "Are you okay?" he asked. Omar stammered out a yes that came out more like a squeak than a word. She coughed and managed a bit better. "Uh, yeah, fine, I just breathed when I should have swallowed," holding up her drink as evidence as she feigned another cough into her free hand. "Be carefuly there - you could asphyxiate doing that," he answered. "My CPR training is expired this month, don't make me have to resuscitate you." It was a cheesy line but she blushed at the thought of his mouth on hers, breathing life back into her lungs. She felt her cheeks burning furiously and tried to suppress the thought but his masculinity was overpowering to her and her body and persona were answering to him like it was the Pied Piper. Omar realized that she didn't have the memories to deal with Cantor - all her planning was out the window as it was based on memories from a male perspective. She improvised and let Annie's neural memory and persona take over. "That is such a cheesy line...do you use that on all the women?" "Ouch," he put his hand over his heart and feigned pain, "I've never been told my lines are cheesy." "Trust me, it's a cheesy line," she smiled at him. "You're lucky you're cute." "Cute? Hey, don't get any ideas there. I have my standards," he replied, raising an eyebrow and looked her up and down as if he were appraising a used car. In truth he liked what he saw - a lot. Not many Asian women frequented this town but he'd always loved their exotic looks. This one was a stunner - a beautiful face and a body the way he liked - slim, toned and dressed to kill. This would be quite a notch on his bedpost. She playfully punched him in the arm and he feigned more mock pain. They continued the small talk and eventually he asked her to dance. "Two step?" he asked as he held out a hand. "I have no idea how to do this kind of dancing," she shook her head. "Come on, it's easy, let me show you." She let him pull her onto the dance floor and minutes later they were circling the dance floor, his right arm on her waist and her right hand held in his left. He showed her turns, twists and other moves that left her dizzy. His light touch on her waist and hand made her feel warm inside and she felt her pussy getting wet. The song stopped and they walked off the floor. "Thank you," he told her. "You're welcome," she replied. She was surprised, even shocked, when he excused himself and told her he wanted to catch up with some friends. He walked off, giving her a small wave as he disappered through the crowd. Chagrined, she had no idea what she'd done to drive him off. She had let Annie's persona take over, and as far as she knew she'd played him perfectly. He should have been eating out of her hand by now. She felt frustrated, the ache in her unsatisfied and her plan seeming to fall apart. How was she going to trap him and his team if she couldn't even hold his interest for the eveing?!?!? She walked back to her bar stool and sat down. She turned to get the bartender's attention but he was already headed towards her. He put another Ice Tea in front of her and said "Compliments of the gentleman at the end of the bar." She looked and saw a blonde haired man smile at her and raise his glass. She picked up her glass and raised it before taking a swallow. She turned away and before she knew it he was at her side making small talk with her. She barely remembered what was said then and definitely not later that night. Her mind was still churning over her rejection by Cantor. Omar almost got melancholy - she'd already had two drinks and was very buzzed. A slow, soulful song came on and for some strange reason it resonated a chord with her even though Omar would swear she'd never heard it before. Omar didn't know it was one of Annie's favorite songs. A familiar voice startled her out of her melancholy. "May I have this dance," Cantor said as he held out his hand. Omar couldn't help smiling as she accepted and they walked out to the dance floor. He pulled her close to him and they wrapped themselves in each other's arms as they swayed to the music. This was more like it, Omar thought. Cantor was solidly built - she could feel his muscles under her hands, firm and toned. She felt that warmth again and had she been sober, would have been shocked to realize the stirrings of sexual attraction. She knew she wanted him, wanted him inside her but the alcohol suppressed any mental objections she might have had. For the first time since she'd been in this body, the idea of sex was a pleasant desire rather than a punishment enacted on her and this body. Omar's plan was to tease him with Annie's beautiful body and leave him wanting for more at the end of the night. After a couple of evenings at the club she was going to reluctantly let him have her at which point she thought she would have him under her thumb and be able to worm her way into his confidence. That was before she met Cantor. Now her body ached for him as Omar's mind bent to the leanings of Annie's hormones and persona. They spent the night dancing and drinking. Omar didn't care that she was drunk. She only knew that she felt good. Really good, better than she had in a long time. She didn't feel the weight of Hassan over her, or the pressures of running the most infamous terrorist group in the world, or the anxiety of looking over her shoulder wondering if the door to her home would be broken into by another enemy trying to gun him down. She only felt freedom and happiness at spending time with this handsome, sexy man who made her feel sexy and warm inside. So it was that at the end of the night she knew if he wanted her she would let him. They'd ended up in her hotel room - he'd been a gentleman and made sure to get her back to her room safely. She'd ridden on the back of his sport bike, a monstrously fast Yamaha that wanted to pull wheelies at every provocation of the throttle. It scared her and thrilled her at the same time and she wasn't sure if her heart was thumping against her chest because of the man she had her arms wrapped around or because of the 200 mph bike between her legs. They walked up to her room and at the door he kissed her - not for the first time that night. It was as delicious as the first time he'd kissed her on the dance floor as she inhaled the subtle fragrance of his cologne over his sweat. A swarm of emotions ran through her and the combination of the sexual heat and alcohol did nothing to help Omar make sense of them. Things happened in a blur after that - she didn't even remember opening the door. One minute they were out kissing in the hallway, the next they were on the bed, the sound of the automatic door clicking shut. Cantor moved his hand and slipped it under her top cupped Omar's breas and massaged it gently. It shocked Omar - she thought she would be used to this body being touched and abused by the men in Hassan's compound. Nontheless she felt her nipples harden like little erections and an electric shock run through her body. She arched her back in unexpected pleasure. He pulled the top down and lowered his mouth to the breast and teased the nipple with his tongue. Damn! It felt so good. A part of Omar's remembered she was a man, and tried to resist but Annie's body betrayed Omar. He continued to massage her breast and he started kissing her neck. He moved his mouth down to the hollow of her neck and then pulled the top of my dress down as he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked and teased it with his tongue. Electric shocks and waves of pleasure flooded her body. The room felt hot and my body hotter still. Damn it! Annie's body was betraying Omar and she couldn't do anything about it! She didn't want to do anything about it! Her mind was a jumble, an emotional mess. Omar was frantically thinking, trying to think through the amorous tumult to get out, to resist these unbelievable urges. She had no idea women could react so strongly to sexual stimulus - the right stimulus, with the right man. Cantor was the right man...and the worse part was that the urges were getting stronger. It was so unbelievably pleasurable and somewhere in the back of her mind she realized heat that was radiating from her moistening crotch. Almost as if in telepathic response to that, she felt Cantor's hand cup her mound. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off. He cupped it and started grinding her mound gently at first then he moved one of his fingers to her clitoris and gently teased it. If Omar thought the waves of pleasure before were strong this was mind-blowing - she'd never felt anything like this before. But it was going to get worse - much worse...he started massaging her clitoris gently. That sent Omar over the edge. All resistance in her mind was blown away. It didn't matter anymore that Omar was in Annie Bauer's body. It didn't matter that this body was female. The feelings were too much...Omar wanted them to never end. She arched her head back, unable to contain the moan of pleasures anymore. The finger moved up and down gently, stroking straight, then in circular motions. It was driving her out of my mind. In horror she realized that as good as it was, her body and her mind wanted something bigger than a finger. Again, eerily as in telepathic response, Cantor took his mouth off Omar's breast and crooned to her, "You want me inside you?" She could only nod with her eyes closed in the throes of pleasure. He stopped touching her for a moment and Omar's mind had a respite. Omar realized with horror that she liked, no, that was too feeble to describe it, she loved the feeling of...a man touching her body. She was fighting again, fighting this feeling and trying to regain a sense of logic. She had to try to fight this, to remain detached from it. This was too addictive. She wanted to shake her head and was about to but her indecisiveness cost her dearly. She saw Cantor descend upon her and cup her breasts and again her body took over. She felt the tip of his penis touching her clitoris then her vulva, and opening gently, then push aside her lips as he teased her vagina with a short stroke in and out. She didn't know how to even describe it. The feeling was more satisfying than the moment when Omar had penetrated a woman, more sensual. She felt the tip come in, a little cool and Omar instinctively relaxed her vaginal muscles to allow full penetration and as he went in deeper, her entire lower region was alive with the feeling of that cock inside her. As he penetrated to full length, she tightened her vagina to grip his cock and maximize otheir pleasure. Omar felt as if her whole being were filled with his cock. The increased pleasure rocked her body and her world. A wonderful tension built up in her. Omar's body wanted him so much inside herself and he teased her again and again. Finally Omar couldn't control Annie's body anymore and her hips thrust upwards to him as he stroked again and this time he sank full length into her. A feeling like a sigh sang across her body as the tension released. It was the calm before the storm...he stayed inside her for a minute then started stroking in and out. Slowly at first then quicker and harder. Oh my lord! It was mind-blowing - this was a tsunami of pleasure that robbed Omar of all will - she wanted nothing more at that moment than for him to ram her, impale her with his penis, to have his way with her, to torture her breasts, and to impregnate her with his seed!

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Karma part 10

Karma, part 10 By Amanda D. Thinking back I probably should have taken more time to enjoy the day instead of wishing 2:30 would come faster. Perhaps a longer breakfast with Rita or one last roll in the hay with Pat would have been in order. But how was I to know what Paul and Mia had in store for me. The photos probably should have given me a hint, but in my heart of hearts I just didn't believe they were real. The first moment I saw the mug shots of Mandy, taken only a...

2 years ago
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KARMA OR KISMET How I Became A slave Owner Again

KARMA OR KISMET?How I Became A slave Owner AgainBy: Charles E. Campbell   It was really just a pretty typical day, really, thinking back on it now from the comfortable perspective of eighteen months. What happened that day happened every day, on many a street, in many a town and city everywhere, actually. Mundane. Nothing innately unique or even noteworthy. At least, not right away.    I was in my driveway replacing the radiator on a mid-sixties Plymouth Valiant. A buddy of mine had owned one...

3 years ago
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KarmaChapter 4 A leap of faith

I woke up slowly, luxuriating in comfortable warmth. Then I realized I was half-sprawled across someone. A man - Tony - my suddenly awake brain informed me. His scent filled my senses with my face buried in his hair, my lips brushing his neck. The rest of my body began reporting in and the news went downhill from there. My thigh was resting on an obviously aroused cock and his arm was between us, cupping one of my breasts through my tee shirt. Unconsciously I began gently moving myself...

4 years ago
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Karmas favorite victim

Introduction: A rich girl tortures girls, and someone gets payback after she cheats Karmas favorite victim, Pt.1 (Introduction) Rich girl gets what she deserves I dont know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasnt because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didnt bother...

2 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 09

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first eight chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 04

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first three chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 06

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Just an FYI. This started with a premise and a dog. The turn it took in chapter two surprised me as much as it irritated some. I simply wrote what passed by as the ‘movie’ played. There have been complaints about the flashback scenes, noted, but I guess I like to know why people act and feel like they do. I didn’t jump through hoops to get the story to any point, even the dog. Any comments or feedback are welcome and can be left through my...

2 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 08

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Also, an enormous thanks to Claire for all of the editing assistance. Just an FYI. This started with a premise and a dog. The turn it took in chapter two surprised me as much as it irritated some. I simply wrote what passed by as the ‘movie’ played. There have been complaints about the flashback scenes, noted, but I guess I like to know why people act and feel like they do. This is actually the second half of the chapter. I didn’t want to...

2 years ago
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Karma Olyvias pov1

The sun is just starting to set over the tops of the trees in the neighborhood. I pull the mirror out of my purse so I can apply a new coat of tantalizing red lipstick. Satisfied with the reflection, I stick the knife from my purse into my bra, toss the bag under the seat, and climb out into the school parking lot. I parked around back so the car wouldn't be visible from the road. I know the middle school doesn't keep cameras in the lots so it’s a perfect place to leave the getaway car...

4 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 03

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 02

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

2 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 07

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Also, an enormous thanks to Claire for all of the editing assistance. Just an FYI. This started with a premise and a dog. The turn it took in chapter two surprised me as much as it irritated some. I simply wrote what passed by as the ‘movie’ played. There have been complaints about the flashback scenes, noted, but I guess I like to know why people act and feel like they do. This is actually the fist half of the chapter. I didn’t want to kill...

4 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 05

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. It still feels like I’m floating in the Twilight Zone when I see that another person has read this. A huge thank you to Jen for not only the editing, but for the general hand holding. Good luck. Any comments or feedback are welcome and can be left through my profile. Thanks again, TNC *************** The sun had been shining in his eyes for a while and he started trying to get loose, he had breakfast to make, he stopped just short of...

4 years ago
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Karma Ch 03

Chapter Three: Blindsided I laughed darkly at how impulsive and out of character this was, even for me. Tony looked up from tying on his skates and grinned. ‘What?’ ‘This,’ I said, waving my hand at the small crowd of kids and adults filling the rink. ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ My subconscious supplied its own answer. My ex-husbands had been right about one thing regarding me, I was a hedonist. I had a weakness for doing things that brought me pleasure, even when it hurt others. Or...

4 years ago
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Karma Ch 02

Chapter Two: An unexpected visitor It was pitch black outside when I woke up needing to use the restroom. The clock on the nightstand said it was a little before 6:00 AM. My mouth tasted terrible. That just wouldn’t do. I had to take a toothbrush to my teeth right now. I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around myself. It was too early for this crowd to be up, but there was no way I was taking chances around Rod. I hurried out of my room toward the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. Five...

3 years ago
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Karma Has Its Way Part II

Once in the couch room, Seema found a darkened corner and had Ron sit on the couch. She had him lean back and slide down until his hips were on the edge. Ron was practically lying on the couch. This was how she had seen Jenny position her earlier customers. Seema then nervously slipped her thin robe off her shoulders. She draped it over the end of the small couch. She sat next to Ron, who put his arm around her waist. Seema was shaking with nervousness and Ron could feel her shaking. She...

3 years ago
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Karma Has Its Way

Seema Patel was a lovely young woman. She was twenty-one years old and had recently graduated from college. She had gotten the high marks in all of her classes and had graduated with honors. Her mother, Asha Patel, and her younger brother, Manish, were both very proud of her. It had not been easy for Seema. She had grown up as part of a traditional family in a small village in central India. Her father was a good man who had worked hard at low paying jobs just to keep his family fed and a roof...

1 year ago
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Karma can do you in Melissa pays a steep price

My name is Melissa Marie and this story is a warning for any wife out there planning to cheat on her husband. I'm 35, 5' 6" tall with a good body (135 pounds and 38C breasts). Our marriage was okay but our sex life was dull. I was always busy at work as I was a sales manager and earned more than my husband and I think he resented it. One day I met a guy named Shawn. He worked for one of the clients I deal with and he was 6 feet tall and handsome. He was a little older than me and that was nice...

3 years ago
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Karma an erotic look into cosmic payback

Today I rode to the local medical marijuana dispensary on my bike. Let me rephrase, my bicycle. I have a car, but have much enjoyed the physical advantages to riding in reasonable distance on a bike. About five miles out, two in, I encountered a silver SUV stalled out in the right lane of a busy street I was biking through. Naturally I stopped because I am a good person, and I know the detrimental exchange of the bystander effect ( When there are more people around, a single person is less...

1 year ago
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Karma ch 2

This chapter is mostly fluff, and developing Courtney's character, though it does get better near the end. thank you all for your reviews and recommendations. I tried to incorporate them into this chapter. Having made my decision to attempt to be Courtney, I had to get ready. Going to the kitchen I made a quick breakfast. I was sitting there going over my new female memories when I heard the door open to our room. Britney walked out the door and to the refrigerator, while her back...

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Karma ch3

The next couple weeks were a blur, Heather and I continued to hook up, almost always at her house, because she lived alone while I had to worry about Britney walking in on us. School was easy and most of the volleyball games we had were against scrub teams that were not challenging at all. No, during those couple weeks my thoughts were on two people, Heather and Britney. Heather was amazing in the sack, and we could drive each other into a frenzy. She was able to give me such intense...

4 years ago
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Karma A man never ever

I was born and brought up in Bangalore, the information technology hub in India. My parents named me Lakshmi after the goddess for wealth. Although, it was more of a girl's name there were a few (un)fortunate boys like me who were given this name. I had a pretty good childhood, nothing to complain about. My life turned colorful once Jessie moved to my neighborhood. She was one hell of a girl. We fell in love instantly. After I finished my engineering and landed a nice job, we spoke to...

2 years ago
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Karma is a Bitch

Over a span of a couple of years, Dave had a few more flings and he came to the realization that, for the most part, pussy is all the same. It really comes down to one’s presentation and enthusiasm. His wife, Cindi, was a good woman. With a weight loss plan and some weekly exercise, she got thin, fit and feeling pretty good about herself. She really became the most beautiful mother of 3 you could ever have laid eyes on. Dave was feeling guilty for some of the things he had done and he hoped...

2 years ago
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Karma Is a Bitch

"I can still taste her young cunt juices" my girlfriend Tania commented whilst she licked my cock. She was waiting naked on our bed - waiting for me to return home, knowing that I had just been fucking young 16 year old Kate Manning. Tania and I had been together for the last 2 years, since I returned from the Gulf and my tour of duty as a Special Forces soldier who also specialised in comms and computer hacking. I was 28 years old, she was 25. She is a stunning blonde with long curly blonde...

3 years ago
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Karma Loop

He woke up with a start, to birds squalling outside his window and sunlight crashing through the blinds. His body tingled with energy, and he felt – God, what was that in his crotch? He looked down and realized what the throbbing was. He had almost forgotten that feeling. He threw the covers off and jumped out of bed, bounding over to the mirror across the room. Was there a trace of black at his temples? He ran his fingers over his skull, and there seemed to be the beginning of a stubble, a...

3 years ago
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Karma Has Its Way

Seema Patel was a lovely young woman. She was twenty-one-years-old and had recently graduated from college. She had gotten the highest marks in all of her classes and had graduated with honors. Her mother, Asha Patel, and her younger brother, Manish, were both very proud of her. It had not been easy for Seema. She had grown up as part of a traditional family in a small village in central India. Her father was a good man who had worked hard at low paying jobs just to keep his family fed and a...

1 year ago
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Karma Doesnt Have to Be a BitchChapter 2

I made myself a monster BLT for lunch using thick slices of home-made whole wheat bread that old Mrs. Olsson baked and sold on consignment at Cho’s Market, thick sliced, apple wood smoked bacon that Mr. Svensson made and sold on consignment, also at Cho’s; baby leaf lettuce, and green house grown, ruby red tomatoes, again from Cho’s; topped with my own home-made seasoned mayonnaise. I was still feeling the hangover headache, so I made fresh squeezed lemonade to drink with my lunch. I told...

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Karma Doesnt Have to Be a BitchChapter 3

Erin grinned at me and whispered, “I know everything I need to know. You make me tingle when you walk into a room. You make me feel hot all over. You make me feel way beyond wanting, all the way to needing. Please take me home and have your way with me.” We left the pub and walked to my old 4WD Bronco in the parking lot. I unlocked the door and opened it for her. She climbed in, letting me see up her skirt on purpose. She had gone commando, and she smelled hot! I drove home and took her up...

4 years ago
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Karma Doesnt Have to Be a BitchChapter 5

I whispered, “That was so wonderful. That was the best deflowering any girl ever had. You make me so happy my love. I love you so much Flynn. I’m so glad we are married and are going to be together forever. Did you like it baby? Do you want to fuck me again and again for the rest of our lives?” He kissed me and whispered, “You are the best baby. Nobody is better. No one is even close. A guy just needs a little time after something so wonderful. It’s just one of those differences between men...

2 years ago
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Karma Doesnt Have to Be a BitchEpilogue

As Pan recommended we moved when Flynn turned seventy. We moved to a remote part of Utah where neighbors were as likely as not to have more to hide than we did. They aren’t interested in what you are doing as long as you don’t get into their business. We weren’t there yet, but I knew our family was going in the direction of a polyamorous relationship. After several trips to the Magic Glade with her daddy Aileen begged him to make love to her in the real world so she could get pregnant and...

3 years ago
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KarmaChapter 2 An unexpected visitor

It was pitch black outside when I woke up needing to use the restroom. The clock on the nightstand said it was a little before 6:00 AM. My mouth tasted terrible. That just wouldn't do. I had to take a toothbrush to my teeth right now. I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around myself. It was too early for this crowd to be up, but there was no way I was taking chances around Rod. I hurried out of my room toward the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. Five feet away, staring at me with equal...

2 years ago
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KarmaChapter 3 Blindsided

I laughed darkly at how impulsive and out of character this was, even for me. Tony looked up from tying on his skates and grinned. "What?" "This," I said, waving my hand at the small crowd of kids and adults filling the rink. "What the hell am I doing here?" My subconscious supplied its own answer. My ex-husbands had been right about one thing regarding me; I was a hedonist. I had a weakness for doing things that brought me pleasure, even when it hurt others. Or me. I liked to...

4 years ago
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KarmaChapter 2

The little girl wiggled. Joel snapped awake, and would have fallen out of the tree if he hadn't thought to tie himself into the net he'd woven out of 550-cord the night before. He was cold and stiff, his legs were swollen from dangling over the branch while he slept. She wiggled again, squirming, trying to get her head out from inside his jacket. He unzipped it a little and a little pixie face popped out. She looked at him, puzzled, then snuggled her head back down on his chest. He grunted...

4 years ago
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KarmaChapter 3

Up the dirt road he found one of the gang's cars. The flag it had flown was trampled into the mud, and it had been stripped. Literally stripped, the wheels were gone as was the battery. From the way the gas cap lay open, he suspected the gas had been taken as well ... Someone had even drained the oil out of the pan. The radiator had a big hole in it, and the windshield was shattered. Farther along, barrels full of rock and dirt blocked most of the road. A car could get past, and from the...

1 year ago
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KarmaChapter 4

When the sun sank behind a mountain peak, her expression changed, just like she'd put on a mask. She looked hard, no longer a mischievous pixie, but a faerie queen, still beautiful, but but dangerous. She took his free arm. He didn't think it was by chance that her hand rested on the pistol on her belt. "Come on up to the CP, required medical check for everyone entering." "What?" He felt her tense up. "You need to be checked for bites, Tyler too." "Oh, so it's true about the...

1 year ago
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Karma is a Fickle Mistreas

The year is 2011. Jessica and i have been together 20 years now. We decided to celebrate our anniversary, visiting an old friend. Jessica told me her mom and dad are taking the kids for a week so we can enjoyed ourselves. We packed our things and flew to New York. We picked by Ty, our friend's, Ms.Victoria,slave. He drove us to her penthouse. It has been awhile since we visited her. Victoria visited us the year before. Trust me,it was a good time. Victoria greeted us at...

3 years ago
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Karmas favorite victim

Rich girl gets what she deserves I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasn’t because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t bother them. I guess I was just a bitch because I loved to watch people suffer, it just really turned me...

2 years ago
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We hadn’t walked too far before finding ourselves in a deserted close beside some private parking area. He pushed me up against a wall in a secluded area and ran his hands over my hips to hold onto me closely, leaning in so far until I made the move to kiss him. I could smell his aftershave, intoxicating and sexy... I held onto his strong arms and our lips melted together, tasting the vodka on his tongue and on my own, teasing his lips with my tongue until he grew more frustrated and...

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She was absolutely beautiful. She was the most popular girl in our high school and in the final grade and was cheerleader since the beginning of the school year. Karma She had beautiful ice blue eyes with striking blonde hair that made her the most noticed and admired girl in our school. she is eighteen and had the most curvaceous body after me that was. Her hips were nice and slender and her...

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Karmas Valentine

Hailey aka Karma was working on Valentine’s Day because she was one of the few dancers at Enticing Nights who actually didn’t have anyone to spend the day with. While getting ready for what was sure to be a slow shift since a lot of dancers didn’t show up, the owner Devon Cander walked in. ‘Where is everyone?’ he asked in a deep sexy voice she loved so much. ‘Not here.’ she replied sarcastically. ‘Smart ass.’ ‘Yeah, but you know you love it.’ ‘You do have a fine ass.’ he commented in a...

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