Evilena – Zen Ch. 03 free porn video

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Evilena — Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance

Part Three — Takedown

When Larry woke up he was sitting in a wooden chair, with his hands handcuffed behind him and secured to an eye bolt and clip attached to the sturdy chair. His legs were strapped to the uprights on the chair with thick leather straps. He glanced around the room and saw that it was painted in shades of silver and black, with the only other piece of furniture in the large room being a large silver, metal throne positioned on a riser in the center of the room. His chair faced the elevated platform. He glanced over toward the corner and saw , the guy from the computer truck, standing in a corner.

That young man too, was naked, but was not shackled like Larry , and yet he stood, perfectly motionless in his corner, gazing, eyes unblinking , at the throne.

‘ Hey buddy! Get me out of this , will you?’ he pleaded in a loud, clear voice.

Mel just continued to stare straight ahead, his visage totally expressionless .

‘ I said, get me out of here and we can get away from this nut job broad and call the cops. She’s kidnapped the both of us, and I ain’t gonna put up with us. Come over here and let me loose.’

He knew the other had heard him, and yet the naked man just stood stark still and silent.

‘Hey! Hey!! HEY!!!’ he continued, louder with each entreaty.

After about fifteen minutes of trying to get his fellow prisoner to respond, he just stopped trying and sat silently in his chair, struggling with his bonds, hoping that they would break or slip or loosen so he could escape.

Suddenly a large wooden door, that he hadn’t noticed before, creaked open and the blond woman from the highway walked in. This time she wasn’t dressed in the sexy summer dress like before.This time she was in full domme regalia. High leather boots, leather pants, a leather bra and her long, blond hair was done up in a severe bun. She was holding a short , black, leather quirt. He had to admit that even though she was crazy, she was hot. His cock began to stir, in spite of his mental commands to it to remain flaccid.

Slowly Evilena strolled over to his chair and casually ran the whip up and down the side of his rapidly growing cock.

‘ Do you remember who I am, my pet?’

‘ I sure do, you cunt. Your name is Evilena and I fixed your car. And THEN when I tried to help you when you were stranded you knocked me out and brought me here…. wherever here is. You kidnapped me. And you are in deep shit.’

With a wry smile playing across her full lips she flicked the whip at his exposed cock, and slapped it with a snap that resounded off the walls.


‘ Silence, my little pet. From now on you may only speak when I address you, and unless instructed otherwise, your only answer will be, Yes Mistress. ‘

‘ What?’

Snap! The whip whistled through the air again, striking it’s amazingly erect target.

‘OW…. I mean YES MISTRESS.’ Larry whined.

Evilena smiled, ‘ I see you are a VERY fast study. That’s good…. I brought you here so I could talk to you about what you did to my car.’

‘ Yes Mistress,’ he whispered, blushing a bright red. Did she know?

‘You sabotaged it…. and now you may answer … WHY?’

Larry’s eyes widened and he looked around the room as if something or someone could save him. ‘ I….. I ….. I……’

Snap, the whip shot out. Then Evilena reached down and unsnapped the clips holding his legs and walked around to the rear and freed his arms. With a violent push she moved him down to the floor, and re-pinioned him to four bolts arranged in the floor so he was laid out, almost like a Jesus figure on a cross. His arms were stretched to his sides, and his legs pulled straight down, close to each other.

Now , in an exquisite torture, Evilena softly rubbed the whip up and down his body , until his cock once again started to become turgid. No matter what she did to him, it was hard NOT to get aroused as he looked at her, standing above him so seductively . As she leaned over his body the spicy fragrance of the perfume, Hypnotic Poison, wafted into his nostrils, and he felt the erotic warmth of her body.

Momentarily, the blond hypnoteuse stepped back and sat down upon her throne so she could remove her boots. Then she again stood up and walked over to her shackled prisoner and gracefully balanced herself on one foot and rubbed the other across his face, softly caressing his cheeks, his forehead, his eyes, his temples, and finally letting her soft, fragrant foot rest upon his lips.

‘ You KNOW what you want to do do, don’t you my pet. You KNOW you want to kiss it….say it… say it slave boy … tell me you want to kiss my foot……’

He thought that if he pretended to submit to her this woman might get careless and let him loose, then he could escape, so he kissed her foot, but then the ‘other’ brain, the one in his cock took over, and he licked and kissed her nyloned foot lustily, inhaling the musky fragrance. The feel, the fragrance inflamed his passions. Almost without thinking he engulfed her toes in his mouth and sucked. Oh God, he thought, I WANT this woman.

Evilena asked again, ‘ Why?’

His thoughts drifted back to her question. He couldn’t understand what was happening in his mind. He struggled to maintain control of his own thoughts, to invent some sort of believable story … some excuse

‘I … I … wanted to fuck you!!!!!! I figured if you thought I repaired your car and saved you from being stuck on the road I could fuck you. I’ve done it before, it ALWAYS works.’ Larry couldn’t fight against her soft, hypnotic voice. He couldn’t lie to her.

‘ You little shit,’ she spat out. ‘ You’ve done it before? Preyed on helpless stranded, women,? Women YOU stranded! You won’t EVER do it again, I’ll promise you that.’

Evilena knew she could tempt, taunt, and whip this sleazy mechanic into submission, but the trouble with that was, after a while, they recovered and went back to their old ways. There WAS a way to cure him permanently, and now Dr. Evilena was going to undertake the cure.

She threw her well muscled leg over his body and sat down on the shackled mechanic’s chest , then focused the full force of her green, mesmerizing gaze on him.

Larry’s breathing became more even, shallower, his chest compressions became regular as he found he couldn’t look away from his captor’s eyes. Now she started speaking to him in an almost sing song cadence that had captured so many hapless victims before him.

‘ I think you should just look into my eyes, Larry, and rest now, my little pet. It’s been such a busy afternoon for you, and you feel so helpless and tired, tied down like you are, trapped under my weight. Inhaling the sweet, spicy odors coming from my body, and looking into my eyes. It ALL makes you so tired, doesn’t it. You NEED to rest. I can see it in YOUR eyes. You feel so tired … and … helpless … and my eyes almost CALL to you don’t they. A siren call you can’t resist. You WANT to keep looking deep into my eyes …. you NEED to keep looking deep into my eyes . But you are so sleepy and your eyes are so heavy. They want to close. But I won’t LET you close them. I command you to keep looking into my eyes. Its all so confusing isn’t it my pet? Open … close … what can a poor boy do?’

He tried to speak, slowly forming his lips in the shape of the word no, but he felt so tired and the effort exhausted him so. He wanted to resist, but he felt to powerless to fight the er compelling words, as they droned on in his head. All other sounds had faded away, and her words had become his entire world…. her words and her eyes. His mouth dropped open.

‘You want to keep looking into my beautiful, hypnotic eyes, don’t you, my little pet .. but your eyes ARE getting heavier and heavier every second. Heavier and heavie
r . Lost in my eyes. Heavier ….. lost … heavier … it’s all so confusing …. but if you obey Evilena all the confusion will melt away … your thoughts … your confusion will melt away as MY words BECOME your thoughts… let go … as my words become your thoughts …. I’m going to let you close those heavy eyes now slave … in fact … when I count three you MUST let them close …I’m commanding you to close them … 1 ….heavier … 2 … heavier …3 now closed….and sound asleep my slave boy … still hearing my voice and obeying EVERY word for my words have become your thoughts, but deep in a helpless hypnotic slumber.

Larry’s eyes slammed shut.

Melvin, the computer geek, standing in the corner had heard too, and he wordlessly slipped down to the ground in a heap.

‘OOPS,’ said the blond hypnoteuse , smiling, ‘ I hate it when that happens.’

Evilena got up and walked over to the totally entranced computer geek and whispered in his ear, ‘ Stand up Mel, open your eyes, and walk over here , I want to talk to both of you at once.’

He immediately complied.

‘ Now, undo his bindings,’ she said pointing at the still shackled mechanic.

When Melvin had completed his task, Evilena ordered both the mechanic and the IT geek to stand next to each other at attention, in front of her throne and she again sat down.

‘ Now in a moment, boys, I will command you to stand before me with your eyes open, SEEMINGLY awake . You will still be under my control, however, and you will still obey my every command. It pleases me when you obey my commands and the most important thing in your life now is to please me. It would please me if you call me Mistress when we speak. Doesn’t that make YOU happy?’

‘ Yes, Mistress ‘ they responded in a ragged chorus, like untrained singers, but as each said the words, his cock twitched, knowing that the words PLEASED, Evilena.

‘ Good Boys,’ she mocked, ‘ now every night at EXACTLY 9:00pm you will masturbate as you think of your Goddess Evilena, and every time you cum , it will bring you deeper under my control, and, from now on, any time I give you a command, either in person, or by phone, or even by email, you will go even deeper under my control. Understand , boys?’

‘Yes, Mistress,’ they responded, now in total unison as they sang their response, pricks twitching even more.

‘Before you go, I’m going to give you boys some more commands that you MUST obey….because it pleases me…. ON YOUR KNEES … CRAWL TO ME.’

The naked puppets fell down to all fours and quickly scooted the short distance to the throne. Evilena lifted her sweaty, nylon clad feet so each had a foot to sniff. The powerful, feminine pheromones overwhelmed the helpless hypno-slaves.

‘ You adore ALL my fragrances, my feet, my perfume, my pussy, my armpits, they are the most wonderful fragrances in the world, and not only my words, and my eyes will entrance you but my smells as well. Do you understand?’

‘ Yes Mistress,’ they echoed as they sniffed her entire body, cocks now fully engorged, helpless marionettes, addicted to her feminine fragrances.

She pushed them to the floor with a soft shove from her foot.. ‘ Now Melvin, you TRIED to be my white knight, so even though you are forever my slave, I will let you go on living your life, just as you have, UNLESS you hear or see me again, then you will follow my EVERY command, ‘ Evilena murmured as her post hypnotic suggestion implanted itself in his totally receptive brain. She smiled as she thought about the things her personal IT slave and computer slut would do for her in the future. She turned her attention to Larry.

‘You, on the other hand, shit head , NEVER will have sex again. You ONLY can reach climax when masturbating when you me, . NEVER will you have sex with a woman again. NEVER will you even THINK ABOUT your little repair ploy with another victim. Do you understand slave?’

‘Yes Mistress,’ was his monotone reply, and he knew that everything Evilena commanded must be forever obeyed.

‘OK boys, in a few minutes I will want you to get dressed again, and Mevin, you can drive Larry back to his truck. After you are each headed back to work you will forget what happened here and on the road , BUT, will remember that you both BELONG to me. Understand?’

‘Yes Mistress, Yes Mistress, Yes Mistress’ they said, now totally in unison, like a Christmas carol by the Manhattan Transfer.

‘ Oh… before you go, I want you to jerk off your cocks for me right now, JUST like you will do at 9:00 tonight… and EVERY night thereafter . ‘ She held up her feet. ‘ Do it HERE.’

The helpless hypnotized duo stroked their cocks, as commanded, and moments later both exploded , cumming in copious quantities all over her feet , as commanded.

Then she crossed her legs, presenting each, the other’s cum coated foot. ‘ Now lick up the cum, and get your asses out of here, I have a dinner engagement with another of my hypno-slaves.’

After her feet was cleaned, and their clothing recovered, Mel dropped the mechanic off at his tow truck. Both boys got into their cars and headed back to their offices, minds becoming clearer as they approached their destinations. But that night, at 9:00 o’clock, both thought of Evilena, and their hands drifted toward their pricks.

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3 years ago
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Initiation by the Dozen

Sharon was using some inheritance to get away for awhile and explore the dark, wild and kinky side of life. Before going to LA, she had gotten a clit hood ring and 2 nipple bars. With the right pair or panties the ring rubbed her clit arousing her. Her nipples were stayed stiffly aroused all the time. Sharon met some wealthy older guy who took her and some other chicks to Las Vegas to gamble and be arm candy. He paid for everything and expected sex in return, which Sharon was happy to give....

1 year ago
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While all of my other blog posts are true, this is one fantasy that will never happen but I sure wish it would:I'm on vacation in San Francisco.  As I always do when out of town, I find the gay bar where almost only black guys go to.  The only white guys there are there for one reason--to service and submit to black men.  I have a few drinks and am lucky enough to suck a black cock in the restroom. I spend a lot of time talking to a very sexy black transsexual in a short dress who seems to know...

2 years ago
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Initiation by the Dozen

Sharon was using some inheritance to get away for awhile and explore the dark, wild and kinky side of life. Before going to LA, she had gotten a clit hood ring and 2 nipple bars. With the right pair or panties the ring rubbed her clit arousing her. Her nipples were stayed stiffly aroused all the time. Sharon met some wealthy older guy who took her and some other chicks to Las Vegas to gamble and be arm candy. He paid for everything and expected sex in return, which Sharon was happy to give....

Group Sex
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So there I was, waiting in front of Starbucks in Plaza Indonesia for my friend. We wanted to meet there to watch some movies and talk, but she was still stuck in the traffic. It was my first time meeting her and while I was waiting there and sending her SMS after SMS to know where she is, I didn’t really pay attention to the pedestrians. Everytime someone walked by really close, I thought it might be her and looked up. One time while I was doing that, I saw this girl, walking with her friend....

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I Donrsquot Think So Bitch

He had had a feeling for some time that his wife Kitty was cheating on him. She was avoiding sex with him like he had the plague. Dennis was a good and fateful man, he worked hard and gave his wife everything she asked for. Dennis was also VP of an outlaw biker gang and no one to fuck with. In his everyday world her was Dennis Miller, With the Bikers he was Ace. Reportedly the gang ran d**gs, women and made high end cars disappear. Dennis started barrowing cars and driving by his house all...

4 years ago
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Caught my mom fucking my best friend Part 2

The following is based on a true story… My mom has been fucking my best friend (Ryan) for the past several months. My mom (who I haven’t named in my first story) is a nurse named Trish. She is a divorced mother of one (me) and she is in her early forties. She has a beautiful face, a good sized rack, and a lean body. Ryan is my age (in his early twenties). He works out a lot and is the ideal alpha male. All of the girls in high school and college desired him over me. One time I was kissing this...

3 years ago
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Desert SonChapter 5

Zithrusa made a very skimpy silk costume consisting of hot pants, bikini top, and layers of translucent gauzy scarves that revealed and hinted more than they concealed, and she wanted John to 'make' her perform an alluring intermission dance between the other acts. Vedeya wasn't quite so into the exhibitionism, but neither was she averse to putting on a sexy display with her also-wife. So they both had the costumes, and depending on the audience, worked up routines of varying...

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 5

He was in his office. It’d been a full year since the last he’d heard of his old friend. He didn’t dwell on it much, not anymore. That was something, thought Rodney Pollard. But at the moment he was on his mind, Jimmy was on his mind. One couldn’t save the world. And some things were written in the stars. It looked like his old bud was condemned to be part of that mass of humanity that would be living lives of quiet desperation—apologies to Thoreau. “Mister Pollard, there is someone here to...

2 years ago
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Vegas Baby

Something for the straight peeps ,). Why am I here? What the hell am I doing? Those questions raced through Shelley’s mind over and over. She came down the boarding ramp from the plane and stepped into the terminal at McCarron International Airport. Nervously, Shelley scanned the crowd that was heading towards baggage claim.  He was there. Leaning against a pillar near Ben & Jerry’s.  Shorter than she had pictured him in her mind, but otherwise just like the images she had seen on the...

2 years ago
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Laura 6 Laura Makes A New Friend

Laura is an erotic pen pal of mine. In her 40's, she is a self described big beautiful woman. Curly black hair, green eyes, five foot nine, 44 DD Cups and plump belly and ass. She has developed an insatiable sexual curiosity, and is interested in trying out new things.She occasionally sends me e-mails of her latest adventures, which I combine, clean up and turn into a story for her. In exchange she allows me to repost where I wish. She swears all this is true, I have only her word for it...

3 years ago
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The Middle

Being anxious to get abused takes a lot out of you, and at the same time has your body, your mind and your nerve endings going a mile a minute. Getting into a groove of being used, takes mental preparedness. Knowing how to sit, stand, kneel, talk and look. Knowing that when I meet him, I have to be bra-less and be wearing no underwear. Coming from work was no problem, sitting in traffic, I would simply remove them, one time getting the attention of a bus driver. But always arriving wet. Wet...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Samantha Reigns 01242023

Samantha answered an add to enroll into a school to further her education in the sexual arts of becoming a porn star. “Isiah Maxwell’s School For Future Gifted Porn Stars”. Isiah is the Dean of this school and also is here to figure out what girls need to learn more of for girls future careers in porn. Samantha came in super exited to pick her classes with Isiah. So Samantha and Isiah got started on the chore of her try out to see what classes she needed. Samantha sucked Isiah’s...

2 years ago
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Katie Lusts Her Father

Katie figured out how to seduce her own father. Since of course her father has been working long hours at the office and her mother being a R.N, never was hardly home, she would dress skanky around him knowing his hormones must be filled to the limit due to no sex. She got out of bed and put on some really short booty shorts that she wore while working out and a tight low-cut sleeveless shirt. She looked in the mirror and noticed her ass and boobs were practically hanging out. "This...

2 years ago
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Easy Amy

"Thanks for your help with that test, Greg. I couldn't have passed without you." Amy Haynes flashed a pretty smile and stood on her toes for a moment, showing off her excellent cleavage. The 18-year old was 5' 6'', had long brunette hair, long legs, and a busty pair of tits. She had no problem showing them off as needed, though she generally didn't wear anything too revealing. Somehow even in her navy blue school uniform she managed to look like a model. She lifted her left leg just enough to...

3 years ago
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nivigi have a story.....read all at once!we had just been in the pool, and we were both pretty relaxed. you still smelled like chlorine which i loved, but i had taken a quick shower and had washed my hair. so my skin was soft like yours but smelled like salivating-worth vanilla, my hair was dry. i had just finished blow drying it a few minutes earlier. so it felt like soft sheets just out of the dryer, warm and light. we were both slouched back in the sofa. i was on your right and we were just...

1 year ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 05

5 Lynn A messenger was waiting at the door of my room. ‘Mrs. Lynn Plath?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I was directed to hand this to you personally.’ ‘By whom?’ The question was merely conversation as I reached into my purse for the card to open the door and some money to tip him. I wasn’t really listening and can’t remember if he answered. I assumed it was another congratulatory note. Fortunately I didn’t tear open the envelope until I was in the room. Talk about a fall! I felt as though an...

3 years ago
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Trapped Sissy 1

TRAPPED SISSY 1 by Throne There was a knock at my apartment door. I hoped it was Shawna. I hadn't seen her for a few days and I was really eager for sex. It was all I could think about. Well, that and my little secret. But she didn't know anything about my private collection of panties, stockings, and other dress-up attire. I figured it didn't hurt that I continued with my occasional hobby, even though she and I were now engaged. And later on I could figure out some way to deal...

2 years ago
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A Change in Circumstances Part 1 I Really Couldnt Help Myself

I have been married to Jennifer for about four years now. When we first met, Jennifer came complete with her best friend Melissa, who at that time, was in her early thirty’s. Slightly over a year ago Melissa and her boyfriend moved away and are now working and living some distance from us, it was a bit of a wrench since the girls seemed to be so close. Both women were very attractive and outgoing and we all had a few laughs together despite our age difference. Over the years Jennifer (I will...

1 year ago
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The Next Door Teenager

Karen was the teenage daughter of our next door neighbor.Her mother was divorced and a working mom. Karen was responsible for taking care of her younger two sisters and brother after school every day. I had only met Karen one time since she, her siblings and her mom had moved in and that was only in passing. She was a cute girl, with straight long brown hair. She told me she was a senior in high school and that after high school she hoped to go to nursing school. Beyond that casual encounter,...

First Time
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Joni goes to a partypart 1

This was a big night for Joni. She had been dressing for about a year now, and had been on a few dates with other crossdressers, but that was almost always one on one...and she never traveled while dressed. She would spend lots if time before leaving the house cleaning, shaving, and doing all the things that wouldn't be noticed in public, but dressing, and makeup was done at the motels where the meets were. Tonight was different though. She was going to meet Renee, Babs, Susan, and whoever else...

1 year ago
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A Different Kind of Blind Date

Lucy didn't know what she was thinking but here she was in the hotel lobby asking for a stranger’s room key. It all started a few weeks ago. A friend told her about Lush and she was intrigued. One thing lead to another and she got involved chatting with Jake. He found out that she was a freshman attending a local college. She found out that Jake was older, married and was athletic, or so he wrote. She asked for more information but he was elusive. They had some steamy chats but nothing too...

2 years ago
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Monsoon Wetness 8211 The Drizzle Makes Me Hot

I love the monsoon season. The relief from the heat of summer and the sudden promise of life anew can be felt everywhere. The smell of rain, the nice hot tea and snacks available everywhere make it something of a relief for many. It also brings a sense of romance in people as they take trips around the city. I was based in Pune during one such monsoon. After the sweltering dry heat had left the first showers were welcome. It was also the season where I was single and was hoping to enjoy some...

4 years ago
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The Visitor

The knock at the door startled her out of her sleep. Looking over at the clock, she saw that it was early. Not even eight o’c clock. Grumbling, she slides out of bed, her naked body is smooth in the early morning light that streams through the curtains. Her brown skin glows in the sunlight. Slipping on her gown, she heads to the solid door, vaguely wondering who might be calling so early. Keeping the security chain on, she opens it. He stands there with a small, wicked smile on his face. In...

4 years ago
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My Sister

I looked from my laptop up as my sister Angie came into my room. “Hey Zack, what’s up?” she said“Hey sis. I just heard from Stephanie. She has too much work to do this weekend, and she can’t make it back.” Our older sister was in college and had been planning to come back for the three day weekend that now stretched out before us. “That sucks. So are mom and dad at that conference?” “No, they are out for tonight, back in the morning. Then they leave for it tomorrow morning, and will be gone...

2 years ago
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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 9

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 9 - Coping with More Changes A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi's pregnancy is progressing, and so is the semester. Tommi has new issues to deal with. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The constant stream of students in the student union...

3 years ago
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How Not To Babysit part 17

PART SEVENTEEN: PADDED The front door is just closing as I present myself to Mom and Larry. It looks like they had a great time. Larry makes eye-contact. "Hi Jason," he says tersely. "Hi Larry," I respond. "How was the evening?" "The movie was better than I thought," Mom bursts in. "I was expecting mindless violence but they actually had a plot." She licks her lips. "The lava cake for dinner was so decadent!" "That's great!" I stay upbeat. "I wanna see that one too." I keep...

2 years ago
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La Porta dArgento ed2020

Ricordo ancora benissimo le ultime parole della mia, purtroppo ex ragazza ieri notte, mentre mi sferrava l'ennesimo schiaffo. Io e lei non stiamo più insieme da oltre un anno, da quando mi ha scaricato perché secondo lei, ero un codardo. Non avevo le palle, diceva sempre. Ma io la amo ancora, e da allora ho provato più e più volte a riconquistarla. E' finita sempre male, sempre con lei che mi augurava le peggio cose e mi prendeva a schiaffi. Anche ieri sera, quando mi ha urlato: "SEI VERAMENTE...

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