A Friend In Need Part 12 Christina Life And Love free porn video

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A Friend in Need Part 12. Christina Life and Love This part of the story, or saga as it is becoming concerns Christina and how she manages with her new life, it starts after Tony and Christina part and carries on through until Christina meets her husband to be Clive. Thank you for your reviews, which I really treasure and try to incorporate suggestions into the story line - I am not an organised writer who finishes a story then posts it, I go with the flow and post a chapter when it's complete. March 2013 Clive took me to bed and our lovemaking was gentle, compassionate but intensely passionate, we knew each others bodies so well it was instinctive to pleasure each other. Chloe woke up at her usual 2am wanting her feed, which Clive went to give her; I use a breast pump so we can take turns to feed. Drifting back off to sleep I carried on contemplating my past. January 2011 As I Lay sobbing my heart out clutching his shirt to me, my mobile rang, not looking at it I answered and a voice I knew so well said "Christina Holbine, stop crying NOW, you know I have to go; it's better for the both of us - remember our time together with fondness, never sorrow or regret" "Oh Tony" I sobbed "how did you know". There was silence and finally he said "because I feel it as much as you, now, get your act together and start living the rest of your life---- Oh and enjoy your new life". With that he hung up, I tried to call him back but my calls went straight to voice mail but he had done the trick I had to pull myself together. Feel sad on the inside but let the outside world see the bright and bubbly Christina. Going down stairs to my amazement it was still only midday I got my dog walking clothes on and walked the dogs (Reggie and Ronnie, named because they were brothers as were the famous Cray twins) they were my link to Tony as before we changed bodies they were Tony's, so it was only right that now I am Christina I look after them, we walked for hour or so then back to the pub ready to open up. I opened the pub up and it was business as normal, Celia came on shift at six thirty, just before then Jane came in to talk and have a cup of coffee, once Celia was happy we went through the back and as I made the coffee we sat at the table sipping our coffee when Jane asked how I was holding up, I smiled wanly and answered her as truthfully as I could, "well not too good; saying goodbye to Tony was hard, very hard and to be truthful I didn't handle it well, I was in pieces on the bed just holding onto a shirt he left I was a total wreck, then he phoned and ordered me to get my act together and stop feeling sorry for myself" I took a deep breath to calm myself and carried on woefully " Jane, what's wrong with me? Why couldn't I tell Tony that I loved him? If I'd have told him that I would still have him - now I've only Reggie and Ronnie to remember him by." Now tears were rolling down my cheeks, I was not sobbing just crying. Jane was quiet for a while, holding both my hands rubbing the inside of my wrists while tears just flowed down my cheeks, then she quietly said "There's nothing wrong with you at all, if anything you are just too honest, now be honest from the heart why do you feel you don't love Tony?" I sat for a while thinking about her question, my mind was working in overdrive, why didn't I love Tony. I started slowly " Tony was, sorry is a wonderful person, kind, thoughtful, pleasant, wonderful in bed and wonderful for me, we seemed so perfect together" I took a deep breath before continuing "but there was just no spark, while we enjoyed each other there was no spark from deep inside me ----- does that make sense" I finished sniffing trying to stop the tears. Jane came round and took me into her arms "Chrissie, Chrissie" she said stroking my hair "you have just answered your own question" she continued to stroke my hair then finished off by saying "look sweetheart you and Tony had a good time together, you both enjoyed each other, as you said when you first got together just go with the flow, sure cry yourself out for a while but soon you will get over this - you're strong girl, really strong". I thought long and hard about this while Jane held me, after what seemed like an age I looked at her and murmured "You're right, Tony wouldn't want me to mope, I will cry a while but in private" I gave her a big kiss "Thanks for talking sense to me - you're a good friend. Right she grinned, "Now for something to cheer you up" I looked at her in expectation but she remained quiet "come on tease spill the beans". With a broad grin on her face she blurted "we've got the dates for the British Grand Prix and the tickets and pit lane passes" I let out a really excited squeal "Oh Yes, just what I need". "And" she continued "we girl, are going to have to go shopping as we are away for the week Saturday until the following Monday and its cocktail parties and garden parties ALL WEEK" This caused me to let out another excited squeal and hug Jane. Let me explain how all this came about. Keith, Jane's husband is a design engineer for the aerospace and motor sports industries, the company make's high performance high tensile items and the week of the British Grand Prix is a big week for the company he works for meeting the movers and shakers in formula one, I go as some eye candy for his company as some of the suits think with their balls and prick and having a good looking woman (or I should say 2 good looking women as naturally Jane's there with her husband) always helps things along. Me, how did I feel? In truth for a week like that, all expenses covered, parties, dances, AND for the petrol head in me; all practice sessions, the race, pit lane passes, post race party it was absolute heaven. So I didn't mind being Eye Candy for Keith's company, after all none of the suits would ever get inside my panties - even though I only wear thongs you get my meaning. Making excuses for myself like this only made me understand the basic differences from when I was a man to now as a woman, if a pretty face and good figure make a so called executive sign a contract that their problem as long as I didn't lead them on, by promising something they just could not have, I was comfortable with that. Now I had calmed down Jane and I sat and talked for a time, arranging when we could do some shopping for the trip in July. Ok I know it is only January but a girl needs time to decide on her wardrobe for an outing like this, nine days of cocktail parties, garden parties and dinner parties, which means nine cocktail dresses/outfits, nine day dresses and nine days of casual clothes, over the next few months my wardrobe is going to be rifled to see what I have and a bit of serious shopping will be called for, however for the post race party my silver satin dress with the feathered hem that I last wore in Manchester was the only one that I could wear as it was sumptuous and so easy to wear. After the week that Tony left my life settled back down, I still thought of Tony but the tears had stopped, I went on with my life and started to really enjoy being a sexy feminine woman. The months rolled by and Jane and I had out weekly loving sessions, I loved to taste her delicious pussy and the feeling of her tongue lapping my love juices was out of this world. I went out with a few guys some for more than once, but these relationships did not really come to much, partly because the spark was just not there and partly as I knew some of the guys when I was a man and I knew how they boasted about their conquests, so over this period I got my sexual relief with Jane. And of course not forgetting the twice daily routine of taking Ronnie and Reggie for their walks, what with work and dog walking I was in really good shape. Excitement was in short supply, just like anyone's life, until early May when Kerry my daughter told me she was going to get married, which meant she wanted me to help her plan it! Before I became a woman, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what got the female sex so excited about a wedding ? well now I know first hand! Venue, wedding dress, bridesmaids, and their dresses, cake, my dress as Mother of the bride ? now that was an awkward one, as I look the same age as my daughter so I certainly did not want to upstage her big day, but I simply don't do frumpy or mumsey type clothing so I decided Kerry will help me choose my dress for the day and evening, that way if we get it wrong I have someone to share the blame with ? the Bride! The British Grand Prix was held on the 9th to 11th July, we were going down to on the 3rd July until the 12th, which meant I would have my birthday down there! I started packing my casual clothes mid June and my cocktail dresses and day dresses in early July so as not to get them too creased, I had make up for every eventuality from a sultry sexual night time look to the girl next door look for practice and race days. When I was a man I never realized how much time and effort a woman needs when they go away. So by the time came to leave I had 3 large suit cases, 4 garment bags, and my large vanity case and toilet bag. And as a matter of interest I had packed around in my cases no less than 30 pairs of shoes and 15 handbags! How I loved my new life. The plan was that I drive down in Audrey the Audi following Keith down to the large house his company rents for the period, where we have a cocktail party and a garden party, there is a full staff so no cooking for us this holiday! I dressed carefully on the Saturday morning, pink designer skinny jean, black camisole and a black silk blouse, my shoes were strappy black patent sandals with a 4" heel matching quilted patent handbag and a short jacket completed the ensemble. Alan the relief licensee arrived on Saturday morning and I passed on all the things he needed to know and I left to go to Jane's to follow them down to Silverstone, Jane had more cases than I did mind you I had more garment bags, the drive down was about 2 hours and was not too stressful we arrived and were shown to our rooms, we agreed to meet up with a few people that Keith knew in a nearby hotel bar to discuss the week and have an easy supper for the first night. Once I was in the room I hung up my clothes and put other items into the drawers stripped off and took a long relaxing scented bath, since becoming Christina I loved having a nice hot relaxing bath. Drying myself off I went through my routine of douche, body lotion, face cream, hand cream etc. Next was deciding what to wear, as this was a semi formal meeting I selected a very pale pink dress and jacket with a rose pattern on the dress and jacket. The dress was silk, round neck, no sleeves a fitted bodice to my hips, then the skirt which had its own stiff underskirt flared out to a couple of inches above the knee, the jacket was fitted with ? sleeves all was lined in light satin, I chose tan stockings and tan shoes and handbag, I wore my hair in a French pleat with wisps framing my face, it was a style that suited me and showed my slender neck of to perfection. I checked that I had money and credit card as I like to pay my way and insist on it. There was a knock on my door and Jane came in She was dressed in a dark blue bandage style dress with thin spaghetti straps the dress clung to every curve of her and really suited her, she had Navy shoes and handbag and a shawl around her shoulders "Taxis here ? wow you look great" she said all in one breath. I grinned at her "listen who's talking, that dress is made for you, we'll knock them dead". We met Keith in the hallway we took one of his arms each, he smiled at us and commented "I'll be the envy of every man there escorting two beautiful ladies" The drive to the hotel took about 15 minutes, we happily chatted away so the time passed very quickly. We arrived at the lounge bar, some of the others had arrived and I found out that there would be about 75 people all told from different companies ? so much for a small gathering, I got a white wine spritzer to sip at and with Jane started circulating doing the usual small talk chatting to people we knew and getting introduced to those we didn't. It was during these introductions when I met him, someone, I cannot remember who said to me "Christina, let me introduce you to CJ, it's his first time here and I cannot think of anyone better than you to show him around" then he continued talking "CJ, whatever you do don't think this lady is a dumb blond, she's not, she's a successful business woman and as a matter of interest she's an out and out petrol head and has a car to match". To be really honest I was also chatting to Jane and was not taking much notice, thinking I was being introduced to another suit! However when I turned around the shake hands my heart stopped and I was literally speechless ? HE WAS GORGEOUS!!!! I shook his hand staring at him in wonderment, God, in looks he was everything I dreamed about in a man! He was about 5' 10" and I would think late thirties or early forties; quite broad shoulders tapering down to a trim waist, he has sparkling green eyes an cute nose but in a masculine way, firm jaw and nice lips (I remember wondering what it would be like to be kissed by him) he had fair hair cut short, he was dressed in a tan sports jacket brown slacks open necked cream shirt and dark brown loafers. He looked like he kept himself in shape. "Hi Christina, it?s a pleasure to be put in the hands of such a beautiful lady" his voice was soft and gentle, but firm ? if that makes sense, and all I could do was hold his hand and stare at him. I noticed that he was in no rush to let go of my hand and he was staring at me as intently as I was at him. I slowly gathered myself together "Err I mean, em pleased to meet you CJ" I finally managed to stammer, the sophisticated business woman and woman about town was a wreck, "I gather from your accent that you're not from around here?" He smiled at me and my heart melted, he had such a gentle smile, full of meaning "Nope" he replied "American, over here for the first time and really looking forward to seeing the area ? erm as much as I don't want to as it sure feels nice, do you think we should let go of each other now?" I blushed furiously at this; I was still trying to get myself under control. "Sorry, so sorry" I stammered "It's just that, I mean" he interrupted me with a grin "don't apologise the pleasure is all mine ? now if you have time tell me all about your car, it's one of my passions" Oh god, I thought could it get much better, so back on firmer ground I started to tell him about my beloved Audi S6, he raised an eyebrow at the model and commented "that?s the real fast one 420 brake" "yes" I confirmed "top speed 155mph, 0 to 60 in 4.5 but it handles like a dream". He commented "Sounds a nice car and I would sure like to see it" I looked at him to see if there was any sign of condescension in his look, but all there was, was interest and honesty I answered "any time, the pleasure would be all mine". We stood there and talked for what seemed a few minutes, I found out he worked in 3D photocopying (whatever that is) and was one of the top men in R & D, he worked in California but was looking for a change, being in R & D he had offers of work from many places, but England was the place he thought he could settle down in, I expressed my opinion that he was crazy to leave California for a soggy little island on the edge of Europe! Mind you I didn't really mean this, well I did and I didn't as I was smitten by him and really wished he would come to the UK but I couldn't figure out why anyone would leave the sunshine of California! Jane came up to us "hey you two are you eating or are you going to talk all-night" we looked around and found that we were one of the last to leave for the buffet, we both looked a bit sheepish as we had been talking for over an hour. Following Jane we went and got some food and stood with Jane, Keith and a few others but I noticed that he didn't move far from me ? could he feel something too? I really hoped so. After we had eaten we went back into the lounge, Jane and I sat on a long sofa chatting away, Keith came and sat down then I heard a voice I had been hoping to hear, "do you mind if I join you?" it was CJ, my heart skipped a beat, Jane piped up "Certainly there's plenty of room" with that she moved up and patted the sofa between the two of us. Having him so close was playing havoc with my senses, we chatted and had a few more wines, Keith and CJ talked work while we girls chipped in where we could, but luckily they realized that we felt left out so the conversation soon focused on the next week and the Grand Prix at the weekend. As the evening drew to a close CJ asked me when I was going to show him my car, Keith groaned and said "Don't get Chrissie on about cars else you'll never shut her up". CJ looked at me and said to Keith "it's ok I'm a bit of a car nut myself", Keith grinned "a match made in heaven". I arranged to pick CJ up the next morning bright and early then I would show him the area and my pride and joy, as there was nothing planned that day I would have him to myself all day!!!!!!! I was doing mental somersaults of joy. On the way back to the house I was grinning like a love sick teenager, Jane looked at me and whispered "he is hunky, but can't you take the grin off your face" I smiled back at her "no, I'll wear it while I can". She kissed me on the cheek and said "good, take care and don't get hurt". I looked at my friend tenderly and whispered "I'll try not to; anyhow he's American unless you've failed to notice so we only have this week". We arrived back at the house and said our good nights, I went up to my room in a euphoric state got ready for bed and had a great nights sleep dreaming of this hansom hunk I had just met, I woke up having one almighty orgasm, which left me trembling, this was the first time since becoming Christina that I had done this, for god's sake I never knew that women could have wet dreams! But WOW that was some wet dream, I felt all fuzzy and satisfied. Looking at the clock it was just after seven, I was picking CJ (I wonder what the initials stand for) up just after nine, so I started my morning routine, toilet, shower, douche, body oil, moisturizer, hand cream, decide what to wear, this was a problem, how was I to present myself, soon I had the bed covered in discarded outfits everything from dresses, skirts, slacks, jeans, tops, then I decided to do what I should have done first that is to look outside to see what the weather was like ? clever girl! I could have saved a lot of time, it was one of those days in England where the sun was out and it was beautiful, the television weather told me it would be like this all day so my mind was made up. I picked out a cotton sundress with a pattern of small flowers all over; it had spaghetti straps a fitted bodice to my hips then flared out falling in draped pleats to mid thigh. No bra but a pair of bikini briefs (a thong could show just a bit too much should the dress float up with the wind) no stockings or tights and a pair of summer espadrilles with a 4" wedge heel, peep toe's with a floral design on the upper part of the shoe, I teamed this with a cotton cardigan large cream tote handbag. The look was sophisticated yet casual, my make up was similarly understated, no foundation, minimal powder eye shadow in shades of pink, eye liner to highlight my big blue eyes and light mascara. My lips, I took special care with these, emphasizing their full kiss me character, 5 coats of medium pink lip stick with lip gloss. My blonde hair I wore in a high pony tail with bangs and wisps framing my face tied back with a scarf that matched my dress, my favourite perfume Estee Lauder Beautiful was an afternoon/night perfume, so for the day I liked Miss Dior, so I used that. Making sure I had everything I needed in my tote bag (including a small umbrella after all we are in England) I picked up my cardigan and went for a light breakfast. Jane and Keith were already there and commented that I looked nice, my breakfast consisted of fruit, yogurt and strong black coffee, Jane could see that I was excited and grinned "We hope you have a nice day, what you planning on doing?" I thought for a moment and answered "nothing really, show him around the county, show him the sights and generally have a nice day". Jane grinned again leant over to me and whispered "and what sights are you thinking about, naughty girl? I flushed red and making my excuses I grabbed my handbag and said my goodbye's I heard Keith ask Jane what she had just said, I had to grin at her reply "Oh just girly things sweetheart" Walking on air I went to my car, just looking at it always makes me smile, I sat in the driving seat and did my usual routing, driving sun glasses, gloves a caress of the steering wheel and gear shift press the start button and listen to that lovely 420 horses roar into life. It took me 10 minutes to drive to the Cromwell Lodge hotel where CJ was staying at and when I arrived he was already stood outside waiting, my heart somersaulted, God he was absolutely gorgeous, Today he had jeans on which showed an interesting bulge, (naughty girl!) a checked short sleeved shirt, which displayed his muscular arms he also had a cream jacket slung over his shoulder. I stopped and got out "Wow" he commented "she's a beauty, I assume she's a she?" I nodded, as he stroked the lines of the Audi, I felt a kindred spirit. I just couldn't take my eyes off him; I could feel my nipples start to harden and prayed that they would not be stood at attention all day! We got into the car and I asked him where he would like to go, he told me that he was entirely 'in my hands' but he added he would lie to see the area, so we set off and did the tourist route around the area, Elton Hall, Althorp House, a late lunch at the Althorp Coaching Inn, where, while we were talking I found out what 3D photocopying actually was, he asked me about my business and with a smile I told him it's not really a business as I owned a pub. "A real English Pub" he asked amazed, laughing I asked him where else would it be, "I would really like to see it" he commented. The first place we visited I stumbled (yes I really did it was not planned) and he stopped me from falling by catching me, after this we held hands all day while we were walking around. I really felt just like a love struck schoolgirl it felt so natural and so nice! One place we visited there was a riding stable, I happened to comment how much I enjoyed horse riding, with a huge grin CJ informed me that he also liked horse riding and suggested we spend a day riding (unfortunately he meant horses ----- while I dreamed of other things). It was way past five when we decided to head back, I did something I have never done in my life before I offered to let him drive us back (I am very possessive about my car and usually will not let anyone drive her). At first he refused saying he was not used to driving in the UK, but again strangely for me I insisted saying I would keep him in the right, so he finally agreed and took the wheel, the seat settings were automatic so I showed him how to alter the seat to suit and told him to program it as 'driver 2' so all he would have to do next time was press the button. ? I was assuming that there would be a next time. At first I was on edge but he was a good driver and could easily handle the car so I settled down and enjoyed the drive back to his hotel, as we pulled up outside, he asked me if I would like to return for a meal and dance as they have a dinner dance on a Sunday night, the thought of him holding me overpowered me so of course I said yes and agreed to be there for seven thirty, then he leant over and gently kissed me on the cheek thanking me for a wonderful day. That kiss sent me over the edge the electricity in it was startling and I think he could feel it too, I moved my head slightly and our lips met, this kiss was gentle and passionate my senses reeled. We parted and I sensed he was going to apologise so to stop him I put m finger on his lips and told him Shush! We changed seats and I drove back to the house I was euphoric, but only had an hour and a half to get ready. When I got back to the house I ordered a taxi for 7:30 (well its ok for a girl to be late) Then I had to decide what to wear, I decided on a simple black silk/wool mix pencil skirt fully lined finishing about 2" above my knee, I teamed this with an ivory shantung silk tunic top with a slightly draped neckline and ? sleeves, Black patent 5" peep toes shoes matching 4" wide belt to emphasise my waist and a black patent evening bag with a gold chain, and nude stockings. I got showered and did my hair and make up, for this I used minimal foundation, eye shadow was in varying shades of grey eyeliner and mascara I went for an evening look but not too intense, my lips I put on 4 coats of mulberry frost lipstick topped with a long lasting lip gloss that was not sticky (some are) in case it was cool, I took a lace shawl with me to drape over my shoulders. My gold Rolex watch and a few thin gold bracelets completed the look a splash of Beautiful perfume and I was ready, as I went down stairs I met Jane and Keith who were going for supper and a drink, Jane took one look at me and commented "she's just too dressed up to go to supper with us Keith; so you little minx I assume CJ's taking you out" My grin said it all; however as we parted I noticed that Keith looked troubled, but and I didn't say anything then thinking that I'd ask Jane in the morning. CJ was waiting for me in the foyer, Oh God he was so handsome, dressed in a grey lounge suit, he walked towards me took my hands and kissed my on the cheek, "I've reserved the table for eight o'clock, which gives us time to have a drink" he told me, I tucked my arm into the crook of his elbow smiled up at him and simply said "fine, I'm in your hands". The evening was wonderful, we chatted away, as it was so easy to talk to him I told him about my life, family, my likes and dislikes, he seemed to be able to get me to talk about anything, during the evening I also found out about him, his work, his family likes and dislikes. We also found out that we were both divorced and when I commented that we were both failures in the marriage stakes he took my hand and gently told me "there's plenty time yet Christina" the way that he said it seemed to me to be full of hidden meanings ? or was I reading more into it than there was? As the evening drew to a close he told me that he had organised a morning of riding for us at a local stables, when I protested that I didn't have and riding clothes with me he smiled and said "well I'm the same, but you must have some jeans and shirts with you, I do, so the stables will lend us boots" I finally admitted that yes I did have jeans etc, but I doubted the stable would have boots to fit my size 5 feet. All he did was grin and say "well we'll see tomorrow" He phoned a taxi for me and we stood outside waiting for it, I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for a wonderful evening, I didn't move away from him, hoping he would take me in his arms and kiss me properly. He did not disappoint as his arms slid around y waist, I moved a touch towards him my arms snaking around his neck, our lips touched and I found myself melting into his arms, a little moan of satisfaction escaped from me, the kiss was gentle and passionate, being kissed by him was everything I had hoped it would be, he didn't let go of me, even when the taxi arrived and I didn't want him to, but eventually we parted as he opened the door and I got in he said "I'm so glad that we have met, you are a lovely lady Christina" and with that he closed the cab door and the taxi drove off. March 2013 As you will have gathered by now, CJ's real name was Clive John who is now my darling husband meeting him was the high point in my life ? apart from changing into Christina.

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Britney Spears Impregnates Christina Aguilera

Chapter 1“G’night, see ya tomorrow, Christina!”“Good night, Bob!” Christina Aguilera said as she heard the door close behind the production manager as he exited the studio and continued removing her make-up after a long day of work. She looked up at a clock – 9:20 p.m.She was late.She looked back at her dressing room mirror as she finished removing the last bits of her make-up. She stood up, closed her eyes and stretched; it had been a very long day. Suddenly, she smelt the familiar odor of...

2 years ago
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Tommy and Christina

It was late December; a brand new year was just around the corner. With each New Year comes an injection of hope for a brighter, happier, more successful future. It is a time of reflection; when people resolve to discard negative habits or even unwanted facets of their character, and strive to better themselves. Not Tommy though, he didn’t give half-a-fuck. Tommy was a good guy. He sometimes had a dickhead-like quality to him, but was actually very sensitive, and he had a big, mushy heart. He...

Love Stories
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Five

This time we actually drove back to the hotel.  Passing the front desk, the old man uttered, "Nice to see you again."  With that said, Christina lifted the front of her dress and flashed him again.  His only response was, "Thank you!"Once we were in the elevator, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard.  While our lips wrestled, I let my hand wander down to her leaking box. I slipped a finger in and out a few times before moving further back. Pushing my slick digit into her...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Seven

Christina smiled up at me from her kneeling position while lapping at my scrotum. Suddenly a dirty little smirk crossed her face, and she began backing toward the neighbor's position. It was a slow backward crawl that kept her legs widely spread. When she reached was as far back as she could go, Christina dropped her face to the floor. With her ass pointed directly at them, she asked, "Is this close enough?"Joy, the wife, let her hand reach downward as Christina watched. With her buttocks...

1 year ago
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Christina Aguileras Awakening

Disclaimer: This work is complete fiction, all made up. We all know the celebs don't act like this in real life. This is a fantasy after all. No offense is meant for those mentioned in this story. It was the night of the MTV music video awards and Christina Aguilera and Fred Durst had just finished singing together onstage. Everyone freaked of course because they are both from opposite sides in the music industry. Some of the most furious people to see this were Eminem and Carson Daly. It had...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Three

Christina could only moan into my hand as I began plunging into her wanton pussy.  I was sure to keep the noise to a minimum so as not to attract unwanted attention.  But with that in mind, I whispered in her ear, "I'm going to remove my hand now, and it will be up to you whether they come over to watch and maybe participate."Christina kept her mouth closed as a near-continuous soft hum emanated from her tightened lips.  As my cock plunged eagerly into her snug vagina, I slathered up two...

1 year ago
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Manny and Christina Ch 02

I still can’t believe she said yes! Manny was smiling to himself in his Toyota Civic constantly thinking of what to say and hope he wouldn’t fuck up to bad, he barely noticed the Ford Ram coming at him going at least the speed of a sports car to his left. ‘SHI-,’ Manny never finished his sentence before the Ford smashed his entire left side of his car. -_-_-_-_- Christina was about to change into her pajamas when the phone rang. Damn, she thought, who the hell could be? She found out her...

2 years ago
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Christina Luscious Teenage Brunette

Christina grew into a very sexy and well-endowed young teenager and even though she had a rather petite figure and height, she had a nice set of tits sitting high and rounded on her chest. I always enjoyed seeing how Christina would dress and one style of clothing she seemed to have a real like for was those tops that appear as though they're designed to cover up the woman's budding tits but in fact, the way the tops are low cut is specifically designed to showcase the woman's cleavage and...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina The Finale

Jim and I rode the elevator in silence, contemplating the sight that would welcome us when we entered their unit.  The sounds that were emanating from the bedroom pulled us in like dogs to a can-opener.  I was obscenely close behind Jim as he headed for the bedroom.  So close, that when he stopped to take in the spectacle, I bumped right into him.I mumbled, "Sorry," as I attempted to move around him, but he paid me no mind.  As I moved around him, I saw Christina on her back, nude.  Her legs...

Group Sex
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One Thing Different 2 Christina

CHRISTINA I Christina smiled into the camera. "And that's how modern man took the first steps on the road to creating central heating." She turned to the other camera. "Next we'll be stepping into a different time and finding out exactly what it was that the Roman's... fed to the lions." She held the smile for five more seconds. "We're clear," said the cameraman. "That's great." The characteristic scowl returned to Christina's face. "What a waste of time and who writes these...

1 year ago
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Sophie Christina and how ones preference for sex

My friend Dan and his wife invited me over to BBQ and I was the only one of our group who showed up. We ended the night next to the fire later in the night sitting and drinking. Dan’s wife went inside to use the bathroom. I told Dan I was hoping there would have been some girls here so I could get some ass. He said maybe his wife had some friends that could come over. When his wife came back he brought it up casually and asked if there was anyone else that she would want to invite out. She said...

1 year ago
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Christina Ricchis Audition

Sloane sat at his desk and waited for Christina Ricci to enter his office. The 16 year old actress was there to audition for a role in his new movie. Sloane owned a production company in L.A. and he was making a new movie. He had put out the word that he was looking to cast the part of the younger sister in the movie and he hinted that he wanted Miss Ricci for the role. So she meeting with him to try out for the part. Christina knew that her friend Winona Ryder had the lead role in the film...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 c***dren. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her c***dhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 children. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

Drunk sex
2 years ago
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Christina Taken 40

He drove into the black section of town until he came to s small store that sold sexy apparel. After parking, they got out and walked into the store, Jordan's arm around her waist holding he tight. No one was in the store except the female proprietor. Jordan introduced her as his cousin Maddie. She was about the same height as Christina but had wider hips and was definitely better endowed being at least a C cup or mayne a D. "Maddie. This is my new slut, Christina," he said. "I need...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Two

When I was finished getting dressed, I grabbed our bags and headed inside.  As I did the paperwork for our room, Christina appeared looking scrumptious.  She sidled up to me and attached herself like I was her sustenance.  The clerk handed me our key cards and gave us directions to the room.  I grabbed our bags in one arm and her in the other as we wandered to the elevator.  Our room was on the tenth floor, so I asked Christina to hit the button while I dropped the bags.  When she turned back...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter One

After we renewed our relationship in my office a few weeks ago, Christina and I were now fucking like rabbits.  We took every spare half-hour or more to use each other for our carnal pleasures.  Finally, she worked out a weekend away from her husband, and I quickly booked us an ocean-front room overlooking the Atlantic.  I went full-out on the place, sparing no expense since I knew that most of our time would be spent there.Friday night came, and Christina sashayed into my office in a red and...

2 years ago
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Christina Taken

The elevator opened and he glanced out and saw Christina. "Oh Christina," he called. "Can you help me put this tie on?" nodding to the one he was holding. "Sure Jordan," she replied stepping into the shower room. As she did, Jordan stepped up and closed the door, locking it. Turning back to Christina, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her hard against the wall. "Listen slut. Today, you're mine and will do everything I say or I'll cut you badly," puling out a switchblade...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Eight

We took a break to introduce ourselves more thoroughly. Jim and Joy learned that we weren't married yet and about our past while we learned about them. They were married right out of college and didn't have any children. They were both about Christina's age, so I was the old man at the party.  The conversation went on, and we actually ordered some food and ate a nice lunch. It was Joy that asked, "So, how long are you two down here for?"I replied, "We just came down for the weekend. We've been...

4 years ago
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Christina and Cheryl

Christina and I had been dating for nearly two years. Within six months into our relationship, I confessed that I enjoyed dressing in women's clothing. She'd been more than accepting and encouraged me to indulge in this. She'd bought me bras, made me wear panties, painted my nails, and given me make overs. Seeing how horny it would make me turned her on even more so.I knew Christina was bi and so I felt my cross dressing probably helped to indulge her love for all things feminine.One day...

3 years ago
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Christina Would Be Nice

Christina Would Be Nice By Tawney W Those days were amazing. I mean, what else was I supposed to do but live as Christina? I was just a kid then but still, I would study her clothes, her hair, and her make- up. I was always teased for being small and thin, but I used it to my advantage when it came to being Christina. It was about fifteen years ago when I was absolutely smitten by a little known actress named Christina Applegate. I remember thinking she was so pretty. She had...

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Christinas first and maybe last

I had a good long talk yesterday from a super girl friend from back home. A long talk with a great tale. It's a chick story with a big happy ending. While growing up there was this young guy from the other side of town who was a real teenage girls dream date. A little gawky and socially clumsy but the physical package was a 10 plus. We knew this guy Rick from middle school. He was pretty normal back then. I expect his attending an all boys prep school retarded his social development a bit...

3 years ago
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"How can she be here?" Andy mumbled to himself. "I must be suffering from heat stroke. Otherwise I wouldn't be talking to myself." Andy decided. It was the dog days of summer. Hot, humid, and an unrelenting sun. Andy had spent the morning getting all the outdoor activities done around the house, mowing, trimming, flowers watered, and lastly the blower to clear the walks and driveway of clippings. Hot as he possibly thought he could ever be, Andy made a quick trip into the house and...

2 years ago
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Christinas a great shot

It had been a long night of driving, but for many the night was still young. I was ready to get out for a few minutes, stretch, enjoy the cool air outside. I pulled up to the destination for my current passenger: a bar that was a common drinking hole for the locals.I turned off my rideshare apps and got out to walk a bit. I peered into the open door of the bar and I had to rub my eyes, thinking my vision was affected by too much driving.Sure enough, what I saw is exactly what I had thought:...

2 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 5 Christina Aguilera

Life was good. In my two months since taking over the talent agency from my father, not only had I fooled around with some of the hottest women in Hollywood, but the accountants told me that the firm was bringing in records amounts of money. And of course there was Alyssa Milano, my current girlfriend and who I felt was my soul mate. I couldn't think of anything else to make life better. I was truly at a plateau of bliss. However, when things can no longer go up, the only direction they tend...

2 years ago
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Family Affairs Aunt Christina Pt I Ch3

Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I) To give them credit, while they did make out, neck and grope one another in the back of the car, they both kept their clothes on and their hands off me so I could drive safely. Although that was sometimes difficult to do that watching them feel each other up in the rear view mirror. “You two better make sure it’s out of your systems for a while, one of you should probably sit up here with me on the way home.” “Shotgun!” This came from my Rachel....

2 years ago
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Christina pleasures me with a wank

I parked up near to the bank and we walked along the High street, heading for a pub to catch a crafty pint before our table was due. As we passed a little service alley that ran between the Royal Hotel and a jewellers, Christina grabbed me and pushed me in. Three steps into the alley and we were sufficiently in the shadows enough that anyone walking by the street - and there weren’t many people about - wouldn’t be able to see us clearly. The end of the alley was in darkness.“What’s going...

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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen staring...

2 years ago
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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded off. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e4 Christina 48

Series 2, Episode 4: Christina A middle-aged woman enters the offices of our production company and is shown into the studio for her initial interview. Everything about her screams that she’s a respectable, middle-class, educated ‘lady’. From the sensible black shoes with the respectable two-inch heels, to the conservative and neat black knee length skirt, to the plain blouse and jacket combination. She fills the clothes out nicely, no extra weight on her, but not too skinny either. Her...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 5

From: Just Plain Bob To: Christina Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:41 PM Subject: You Not working today and the weather is great outside so even though the wife is at work I won't be able to spend as much time on the computer as I would like - too much yard work I'm behind on. There has to be a BASWyou4. In BASWyou2 you gave an indirect promise to your fans that you would be back. I refer to your telling Steve that you only get wild and crazy at Christmas time and that if he were...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E01 Christina Bruce 42 from Belfast

With series 12 completed, we roll straight through into series 13 - the same hosts, doing the same things all over again ... Aren’t we getting bored of this yet? Well, it appears not ... So... We start this week’s show with establishing shots of quiet suburban streets – semi-detached homes, very middle class and safe... And then, stepping into frame from the side, moving from behind the camera to infront - this week’s host ... Still the nation’s least likely sex symbol – short, fat,...

2 years ago
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Die Entfhrung der Christina A

Die Leiden der Christina "Ach ja, so eine Dusche tut gut!" dachte sich Christina Aguilera. Nach einem anstrengenden Konzert in der Münchener Olympiahalle war der Popstar nun alleine in der Garderobe. Ihre blonden Haare waren noch nass von der Dusche und fielen ihre Scultern herunter. Sie hatte sich bereits angezogen, um den Abend mit Freunden in einer Muenchenerr Kneipe ausklingen zu lassen. Vertraeumt sass sie nun vor dem grossen Spiegel der Garderobe und perfektionierte ihr Makeup. Der Raum,...

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Raping Christina

Everyday I stare at my girlfriend Christina and wonder what she's thinking about. If only she knew what I was thinking about, the thought of us & multiple random black men at a hotel room, They forcefully undress her and throw her on the bed, the look of fear and confusion in her eyes when she turns her head to me only makes my cock hard. The black men tie her to the bed and stretch out her arms and legs leaving her tits and tight little cunt exposed for everyone to see. The black men start...

3 years ago
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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

Oral Sex
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 7

To: C 12/11/06 Sorry to hear that Gary was denied, but I kind of thought it might happen. Sorry for him, but tickled pink for you. Here it has been slow. Have spent the last three days decorating the outside of the house and the trees in the yard. I did manage to get chapter 6 of Scarlett done and I have sent it off to TGBL for her review. I haven't gotten it back from her yet and my deal with her is that she gets to check it out before I post it. She has already sent me enough material to...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

4 years ago
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Manny and Christina Ch 01

Why is my brother such an asshole? That was the only thing that came to Christina’s mind when she got to Manny’s apartment and he told her that her brother Chris and his brother Mard went to the club without them. ‘Now what do I do?’, she sighed talking more to herself then Manny. ‘Sorry, but it’s the truth.’ He told her with some sympathy. She gave him a wiry smile and noticed him more in depth seeing him at 5’7 with a baby face and short black hair wearing faded jeans and a black...

3 years ago
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Christina and Cheryl

Christina and I had been dating for nearly two years. Within six months into our relationship, I confessed that I enjoyed dressing in women’s clothing. She’d been more than accepting and encouraged me to indulge in this. She’d bought me bras, made me wear panties, painted my nails, and given me make overs. Seeing how horny it would make me turned her on even more so. I knew Christina was bi and so I felt my cross dressing probably helped to indulge her love for all things feminine. One day...

2 years ago
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Christina Ch 04

The next morning I was awakened by what to me had become a strange sound: the ringing of the telephone. As I went to answer it I realized with a start to what extent Paul and I had isolated ourselves from the world around us. We had, in effect, completely cut ourselves off from friends and social life, at first out of happiness with the self-sustaining contentment of our relationship (god, how I hate that word), but later out of some perverse desire to nurture our misery in private. Now, as I...

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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

1 year ago
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Christina takes my ass

I have had many encounters with shemales over the last eight years. I first discovery that such beautiful creatures existed was when I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I had gone to a adult bookstore and was in a booth watching a little porn when I came across my first shemale porn movie. I sat back stroking my cock watching this buxom blond suck this guy off. Then of course he bent her over and fucked her hard in the ass. I still rememember seeing those large breasts bounce and her cock swing back...

2 years ago
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Christina8217s introduction

Hi all………… this is aryan. I have been an iss reader for a long time, however did not get time to post my experiences in here. But now i feel the time is right to start posting my experiences. I am a 27 year old handsome guy with a 7 inch long dick from delhi. By profession i am a mechanical engineer from delhi college of engineering. This happened in year 2004, when i shifted from delhi to pune. I was working in a bpo (name withheld). I was in an insurance process where i got introduced to...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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