Once Bitten free porn video

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He was there again, sitting in the tree behind her house, the glow of a cigarette cherry giving away his location. She knew his whole purpose was to not be seen, but he wanted her to see him. Sin sighed, pushing away from the window, and letting the blood red curtian fall back into place. This had been the third week in a row that he had shown up in her tall sycamore tree, just sitting on a high branch, and starring, at her.

She didn't know who he was, but she knew damn well what he was. A creature of myth, a child of the night, a blood drinker, a vampire. No one believed her of course, not her parents, not her friends, not even her boyfriend, who was at this moment, sitting in her office watching porn. She didn't really care, but she wished he would pay a little more attention to her, and her needs. Granted her and Phil did love each other, but their sex life had gone down hill since she got promoted at the firm she worked at. Sin had been spending a lot of time at work, and Phil was a little unhappy about it. So he took to watching porn, while she was at the office, or like now when she was home.

Frustrated beyond belief, she sank down onto the bed, her eyes locked onto the window, she knew he was still out there, watching, waiting.

"Fuck." she cursed as she jumped from the bed and slid her flip flops on, she had to go out there, had to find out who was in her tree.

Leaving the bedroom, she passed her home office, where Phil was reclined in the chair, a lesbian porn playing on the flat screen monitor. She stood and watched him for awhile, his 8" cock was sticking straight out of his sweats, hard and already dripping pre cum. His right hand stroked up and down the shaft, as his left hand tweaked his nipple through his tank top. At least someone was getting off tonight. With a roll of her eyes, she went on her way hearing a faint moan come from the office as she headed down the flight of stairs.

Sin paused in the kitchen of her home, and eyed the back door. Was she chickening out? Why were her hands suddenly sweaty and shaking? She closed her eyes and took a deep relaxing breath.

"You can do this girl," she said softly, "You are just going to go out there and demand to know who the man in the tree is. Although you already know what he is, you are not going to freak out. Repeat, you are NOT going to freak out."

She opened her eyes, and pushed herself out the back door and into the warm summer night. Walking through the yard, the short grass rubbing against her toes, she suddenly got a chill, and it was around 80 degrees tonight. She wore short jean shorts, and a white tank top, without a bra, her 46C's bouncing every so slowly as she strode towards the tree. Stopping just under a low branch, she looked up and saw him, starring down at her.

She took a sharp intake of breath, his eyes were emerald green, the brightest she had ever seen. In one swift motion, he leaped out of the tree, landing square on his feet in front of her. Sin swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as he stood straight to his full hight of 6 feet. Sin was only about 5 foot 3", and she had to crane her neck to look up at him. His hear was black as night, hanging loose down over his shoulders, and what shoulders! So broad and firm looking, along with the pecks and biceps he sported under a black t-shirt.

"Took you long enough." He said softly, his voice low and rich with a British accent.

"Who...who are you?" she finally asked, her heart was pounding in her chest, her breathing was now a pant. The man reached out and stroked her check with a slow gently finger.

"My name is Dreak, and I have been waiting for you Sin."

Her breath stopped, her heart pounding harder, her eyes wide, her body tingling with desire. Who was this man? And was her body responding to him in such a lustful way? Dreak cocked and eyebrow at her for moment before he smiled.

"Breathing would be a good thing for you love."

Finally Sin released the breath she had been holding, and blinked her eyes, thinking maybe this was a dream. Maybe she had fallen asleep on the bed, had never left the house. But the more she blinked, the man before her never left.

"Why?" She finally asked, hoping his answer would not be "food."

Dreak stepped closer, so close their bodies were touching. Her nipples hardened instantly, and she felt a sudden wetness between her legs. Dreaks hands touched her shoulders, and ever so slowly slid down her arms, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

"You know what I am love, that makes you special, unquie. You knew what I was the moment you laid your pretty eyes on me. Sin, you are my mate, and I must have you."

Sin had lost all track of thought after he called her his mate. What the hell was that suppose to mean? She had her mouth open and was about to ask, he leaned down in one swift move, and captured her mouth with his. She moaned at the contact of his cool lips pressed against hers, his slick tongue probing the inside of her mouth, making her knees buckle beneath her. He caught her in his strong arms before she could hit the ground, one arm holding her around the waist, the other holding on to her ass, his kiss never breaking.

So many thoughts were flying through Sin's mind; Why was she doing this? What if Phil comes outside? Was that really his cock digging into her hip? If so, then hot damn!! Just the feel of it through his jeans, she could tell he was big. Just the thought of that had her panties soaking wet with need. He brain kept telling her to push him away and run for the house, but her body was screaming. Screaming for her to push him against the tree and rip those jeans off, and suck that cock till her came in her mouth.

She chose option B.

Ripping her mouth away from his lush, suckable one, she put her hands on his chest and shoved him back, until he hit the tree. Now the man was built like a brick shit house, and she was pretty sure he let her do that. Without hesitation, she dropped to her knees, doing way with his leather belt, and quickly undid the zipper and button on his jeans. He wore no underwear, and his huge cock sprang free, nearly hitting her in the nose. For a moment all she could do was stare at the massive erection that stood proud before her. he had to be at least 9 1/2" long and the width, that was just amazing. She licked her lips, he hand reaching out to grip him around the base.

Dreak hissed, his hips thrusting forward at the feel of her touch. Reaching down her gently laid his hand on her head, holding on to a handful of her blood read curls, urging her on. Sin lowered her mouth, and kissed the soft tip of his cock. Dreak let out a moan as she slid her tongue along the hole, her hand beginning to glide up and down his shaft. Dreak leaned his head back against the tree, moving his hips ever to subtly, wanting her to take all of him into the warm depths of her mouth. And she obliged, opening her mouth wide as she could, and taking his long, thick member into her mouth.

"Oh bloody hell love, thats good."

Sin began sucking him with out pause, her mouth going up and down his cock, taking him all the way down until she gaged, her hand working him as her mouth slid back then down again. God it felt so good to suck cock, Sin had always loved it, but Phil never liked oral sex, which was always a major buzz kill. But now, now she was in heaven, blowing a sexy vampire, who had the most amazing cock she had ever had the pleasure of sucking on. The more she sucked, the harder his grip in her hair became and the more his hips thrusted against her face, forcing her to take more and more of him.

"Ohhhh fuck love, yes thats it, take all me!"

She moaned around the mouth of cock, and worked her mouth as fast as she could. Gripping his balls, she could feel him getting ready to cum, just a few more strokes of her mouth, and a few licks of the tongue, and there! Dreak roared into the night, as his load shot into her mouth and straight down her throat, and took it all. Never letting even one drop escape her mouth. With her breathing coming is gasps, she pulled her mouth off his cock, sitting back on her heels, and looked up at him. He was starring at her those green eyes seeming to get even brighter, and his cock still hard as ever.

"That was amazing love, but now it's my turn."

He dropped to the ground in front of her, and tore her shorts off in one clean move. He closed his eyes for second and took in a long breath through his nose. Although Sin was pretty sure, vampires didn't need to breath. His eyes popped open, and they locked on hers.

"I smell how ready you are me. Your cream smells sweet, like honey, I can not wait to taste you, and drink all of you."

With that said, he ripped her panties off, tearing them at the hip, leaving the left side dangling from her thigh. Pushing her back on the grass, he spread her legs wide, leaning his face down to her soaking pussy. Sin's body began to shake, as she felt his hot breath on her lips. She gave up on worrying about the vampire myths, she had other things on her mind.

Leaning on her elbows, she pushed her hair over her shoulders, watching Dreak sniff her all over. She couldn't stand the waiting and anticipation, she need his mouth on her clit, his tongue working her pussy hole.

"Please." She finally begged, rasing her hips off the grass. Dreak locked eyes with her and smiled wide, showing the tips of very sharp, long fangs. She should have been scared of the fangs, but they only turned her on more.

Dreaks head dropped down, and took her pussy into his mouth, Sin screamed, throwing her head back, her hands ripping up grass, as Dreak's tongue slid into her open hole, deep into her hole, causing Sin's body to vibrate, and shudder.

"Ohhhh fuck yes, your tongue, oh my god so fucking good!"

Sin reached down and grabbed a handful of black hair, making sure he berried his whole face in her aching pussy, she began to fuck his face hard, her crys echoing into the night. Dreak lapped and sucked as he slid two large fingers into her pussy, causing her to still for a moment, to adjust, then she started fucking his face harder then before, almost ripping hair from his scalp...and he loved it.

"Mmmm thats it, fuck me with your fingers baby, make come!"

He worked his fingers in and out hard and fast, as he latched onto her clit, flicking it with his tongue before sucking hard. Her hips rose off the ground, as her head hit the ground, her body convulsing as wave after wave of orgasm washed over her.

Laying with her eyes closed, still gripping handfuls of grass, Sin tried to slow her breathing, and calm her heart before his burst in her chest. She had never had an orgasm that good before, Phil normally just got her off, and made her happy. But Dreak had shook her to the core, rocked her world beyond belief. Peeling her eyes open, they locked on to Dreak, was leaning over top of her, his shirt gone, revealing a hairless chest and rippling sex pack, his pants down around his ankles.

Apparently he was ready for the big fun, and so was she. Sin tore her tank top off, before it left her head, Dreaks mouth had captured her left nipple. suckling greedily on the flesh bestowed upon him. She cried out, bitting down the cotton fabric of her shirt, she his mouth moved to her right nipple, his hand working the left into a painful, yet pleasurable hard nub. Sin spread her legs as far as they would go, wrapping them around Dreaks hips, her hands digging into his hair, as he gently bit into the tender skin of her nipple, with a fang, not drawling blood, but enough to cause a little bit of pain.

"Please, I need you now, I need you inside me Dreak." He lifted his head from her breast, only to dip down onto her lips, for a soul searing kiss. Then in one swift moment, he was in her. Sin jerked her head back screaming has his cock filled her pussy, stretching her to the limits, pain slamming into her body only to be replaced but hot burning pleasure.

"Holy shit!" She cried out, after the first bit of shock. Dreak stopped, and peered down at her. "Did I hurt you love?" She shook her head, slowing beginning to move her hips against him.

"Not at all, now, fuck me hard Dreak, make me yours."

Smiling with that hint of fang, Dreak drew back, almost pulling out completely, then slammed back into her so hard, Sin was sure there would be an impresstion of her ass in the ground.

"Fuck yes, harder Dreak harder!"

Dreak pushed himself on to his hands, gripping grass, as he worked his hips hard and fast, pounding away at Sin's beautiful, wet, pussy. She was tight, but not to tight, just the perfect fit for his cock. She moved with him, her body in total sync with his, her hands working on his ass, helping to thrust hard and deep inside of her.

"Yes, yes, yes love! You feel amazing, your tight little cunt, its mine now!" He slammed himself into her, his balls slapping against her smooth white ass.

"Yes Dreak, I'm yours! Make me yours!" Dreak continued to slam into her, his fangs growing longer, aching with the need to feed, to bite, to mark his woman. He could feel himself about to come, as he could feel Sin about to reach her climax, he had to do it, now!

With a growling roar, he opened his mouth wide, lips peeling back from his fangs, he reared his head back, and then dove down, driving his fangs into the pale flesh of her slender neck. Sin cried out, her body arching off the ground, as an orgasm ripped through her, another one fallowing right behind the last. Dreak pounded fast and faster until he felt his balls tighten up, and he exploded inside of her.

He growled his relase, against her neck, as her blood flowed into his mouth, but he continued to pump his cock, inside her slick folds, pulling yet another orgasm from her, along with her life blood. When Dreak was full on her blood, he pulled his fangs free, running his tongue over the marks to seal them shut. She would forever bare the make of the Vampire, but it would only be visible to vampires eye.

Sin's body was limp on the ground, as Dreak with drew from er warmth, and dropped to the cool evening grass beside her. The pair were silent for a long moment, just staring up at the night sky, the sound of crickets, chearping along with the sounds of Sin's heaving gasps for breath. Finally after what had felt like and hour, she turned her head to look at Dreak. She was not shocked to find him already starring into her eyes. She smiled, her hand grasping his, Dreak brought their interweaving hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

"Now what?" She ask in an almost whisper.

"Now, my love, you are mine, forever."

Sin smiled, squeezing his hand tight. "I think I like the sound of that."

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Prologue She intrigued me before I even opened her mind—she was at least 40, gorgeous, and dressed to pick up. None of this is uncommon in itself, but (without my influence) it's odd to see women that blatantly dressed, rarer still when they're that age, and unprecedented to see someone that attractive trying so hard. I sat down beside her. Her hand was on my crotch before I'd even placed a drink order, and her tongue down my ear before it arrived. It wasn't until the cab ride home—her...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 7

I'm used to being outnumbered and outgunned. It's an occupational hazard when you're a practicing private Adept working on your own in hazardous situations, especially when you're facing some gawd-awful creatures from some unfashionable region of the multi-verse. What just makes everything twice as bad is when you discover that the poor misguided folks that have been aiding and abetting your nasty alien visitor like things this way, and take a rather unhelpful attitude towards your kindly...

2 years ago
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Concert Pickup

You’re in jeans and a t-shirt heading to get another beer at a small outdoor music festival in a small rural town. The crowd is good but not overwhelming. As you near the beer stand your eyes immediately catch a long, dark haired beauty. Her jeans perfectly snug on her athletic yet thin body. Her tank top is equally snug and is just short enough that you can see her waist and her firm, flat, smooth stomach. Next your eyes fixate on her perfectly sized chest. Your mind tumbles as you try to...

3 years ago
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At a big festival in a dark tent I had a wonderful time with a couple of teen girls. Let me tell you all about it.I was at a big summer rock festival hanging round the edge of one of those big tent-stages waiting to spot a target going into the crowd - its basically rammed constantly in this tent and if you wait then follow a girl in, you dont piss as many people off letting a girl do all the barging and plus you end up rammed behind her :)This fest was packed with teen girls so i didnt have to...

2 years ago
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Concert Pickup

You’re in jeans and a t-shirt heading to get another beer at a small outdoor music festival in a small rural town. The crowd is good but not overwhelming. As you near the beer stand your eyes immediately catch a long, dark haired beauty. Her jeans perfectly snug on her athletic yet thin body. Her tank top is equally snug and is just short enough that you can see her waist and her firm, flat, smooth stomach. Next your eyes fixate on her perfectly sized chest. Your mind tumbles as you try to...

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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 2

In Chicago, I made a point of being the last one off of the train that early morning. My two small bags were all ready to go, as was Sean. How and what he packed, if he packed and where he packed it, I'll never know and probably don't want to know. After my recent adventure in the sky, I wanted to make good and certain that some Deseret B-Team wasn't now lining up to take their turn at a shot at me. Sure, I had significantly inconvenienced them back home, but I just couldn't figure that...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 3

Our first day of interviewing witnesses and a parade of increasingly dubious suspects was quite uneventful, and wholly unproductive. Even with a bit of subtle magical nudging, giving myself a heavy duty 'Trust charm', so that strangers would tend to like and trust me, right from our first meeting, didn't turn up anything particularly interesting or significant. Our gut instincts were spot on, our 'Action List' we'd been handed with names of smalltime stool-pigeons and grade Z street...

2 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 4

If I had known that the day would turn straight into crap almost right from the very beginning, I'd have just sent a simulacrum and gone back to bed. Bel picked me up from my hotel just minutes after sunrise and already it was going to be a wild race against time and luck, and both now seemed to be quite set against us. Bel, as planned, had dropped off our progress report on her boss's desk early this morning, just before picking me up, and we had assumed that it would remain unnoticed...

2 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 5

As ass reamings went, I'd grade this one only a C+, but then again I'd been called onto the carpet and screamed at by real professionals before back home. Numerous times. My old bosses at the Austin BMA could give these USA wankers some real management lessons in the art of attitude adjustment, but perhaps with me they'd just enjoyed a lot of prior practice. Back home I had the reputation of being a 'fuck-up' and was treated accordingly; here, I was sort of a visiting VIP, so the velvet...

3 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 6

"Madame Witch Belanger," Miranda began, slowly and very formally to Bel, "I have tried to solve an important problem for my father, but I have been quite unable to do so. The matter is either too complicated or beyond the means of my powers, or perhaps both. In short, children have been disappearing lately and no one quite knows why or how." "Just called me 'Bel'." She replied. "Disappearances in Chicago, or any other city are not uncommon ... especially for children. What makes...

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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 8

I should have been a bit alarmed that we all had quite slept for nearly twelve hours straight, without anyone waking us once the needed information had been gathered, but it was quite accurate that we had all been quite dead on our feet last evening. Now, fairly well recovered from her ordeal, Bel had a bit more life in herself this late Saturday morning, and just to confirm to herself that she hadn't quite burned herself out, she quickly and easily magically lit a few of the candles back...

3 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 9

When I awoke fairly early on Monday morning the hotel rooms were quiet but I was not alone in bed. Sometime during the night Miranda had crept in and joined me and was now more or less awake herself, with her left arm wrapped around me and her head lying upon my chest. The fact that she was still clothed didn't really help to mitigate the situation much. Sensing that I was now awake as well, she snuggled up to me even tighter, if possible. "Hold on there, Princess Tiger!" I muttered. I'm...

3 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 10

When an honest wizard like me sets out to capture or smite an evil magician at a remote farm or ranch, you can be assured that the very first level of defenses will included enchanted scarecrows. It happens every time, trust me. It seems to be written in some wicked magician 'how-to' book in the chapter about preparing external defenses for your citadel of evil. Fair enough ... the corresponding pages in the governmental do-gooder's manual says to give the suckers a nice heaping dose of...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 11

It's not every day that you step out of a portal to find yourself something like a thousand miles away from where you were a few moments ago, and then catch some half-naked religious weirdo in the act of trying to stick something six inches long, hard and throbbing into a close female acquaintance of yours! Yes, the damned blood covered obsidian dagger was throbbing. It stole life-force from sacrificial victims and used the energy to keep open a permanent portal between Rockford, Illinois...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 12

Doing another up and over worked out more or less according to plan and the aversion field didn't trigger anything nasty (at least audibly) as we floated down to the main delivery area and the VIP parking lot. When in doubt, follow the big shots. Two guards were vaguely awake in the area patrolling the loading dock, but the ramp that led up to a large security door with a window was guarded by just a lone sentinel. To make it more appealing, the gun toting apes down at the loading dock did...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 13

They say that in the nanosecond or so before death, your entire life flashes before your eyes, probably so that you can panic and be seriously concerned right from the start of your journey into the afterlife that you've fucked up royally from start to finish and shouldn't be trusted with another rebirth into life, let alone be granted white robes, a halo and harp for the rest of eternity. Well it didn't happen to me ... probably because I was so already so brain dizzy with all of my...

2 years ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 14

Never let anyone misinform you that 'violence never solves anything!' Violence solves a great many problems, especially when there are hundreds of people in your way all armed to the teeth with firearms and the willingness to use them upon you. Gleefully, and with all of the ammunition they can carry! I had to admit that the road block in front of us at Elk Mountain looked scary, but looks can occasionally be deceiving. They had arrayed lots of heavy armor units out in front and spread out...

4 years ago
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Concealed pleasure

It was 8:30am on a warm summers morning, and already Emily was running late for work. Grabbing her keys and her bag she closed the door behind her and made for the bus stop. The number 52 bus was unreliable at the best of times and at this time of rush hour there was no way she would get to work on time. Emily, who was 21, worked as a general employee at her local department store. Her roles could include anything from helping customers try on shoes to greeting people as they entered the...

4 years ago
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Once in a Blue Moon

PrologueShe turned the radio off and looked at the dark afternoon sky. Almost at once the rain spattered on the windowpane and left tears shaped droplets. Tears; did she read somewhere that c***dren were told that rain was formed from the tears of angels crying for the sins of c***dren? Or did her mother tell her that in an effort to convince her to be good. She still believed in Angels but she had found more positive ways of being ‘good’, whatever that was. She crossed the room and opened a...

2 years ago
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Once A Year

This isn't one of my better stories since my Muse has been a little lazy of late. However, I did want to at least put my two cents in for this contest so here it is. Once a Year By Morpheus Scott frowned as he looked around the dusty attic in the hopes of finding what he was looking for, though he still wasn't even sure what that something was. All Scott knew was that he needed some kind of costume for Halloween and he wasn't about to spend much money on something he...

3 years ago
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Once I Was

Once I Was I was busy at work typing up my dictation notes. My boss Ms Anne Butler was someone I learned long ago in another life not to disappoint. I hurried to get my work done for the end of the day. I knew she would be out of HER office as 5.30pm was approaching. We were leaving earlier than our normal 6.30pm ? 7.00pm. I checked the letter and then my hair and make up. It was part of my job to look the part of a feminine and totally complete lady secretary that I now was. But...

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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

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Once Cursed

As you might I marked the subject on the email as SRU although I did not so mark the story itself. Why, you ask? Well simply, the old man makes no appearance in this story. At best he gets an oblique reference. But I did use a character from a couple of my earlier story posts in the SRU Universe, and intend on using some of the characters here in future SRU stories. Those who wish to publicly archive the following may do so, providing they freely provide the story, without any...

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Once Again for the First Time

My day had been complete shit. I got up as usual, took my shower as the coffee was being made, then sipped it as I went through my morning routine. Styling my hair, makeup, deciding which dress I was going to wear to work, grabbing a banana and heading to my car.And when I turned the key, nothing happened. The radio did not come on, not a click, the battery or something else had given up. Disgusted I went back inside and called for a cab. 20 minutes late I walked into the shop and of course my...

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Once you have Black

Once you have Black A radical group of Black men take over a mountain town in America, by hypnotising all the white men into black cock loving girly sissies, and any black man not in their group into joining them and putting all the females in baby farms were they will make the babies for the white sissies to bring up with their black husbands. Father Samual walked into the Mayor of Summersvile office. Summersvile is only a small town in southern U.S.A in the size of only 20km in...

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Once In A Blue Moon

Warning, this story contains adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, don't read any further. This story was written to the specifications provided to me by Snoopbone as part of a story swap. Once in a Blue Moon By Morpheus. Pete Carter watched with a leer as his girlfriend, Lynn Danvers Brought him the beer he'd just asked for. He couldn't help but admiring her nice little body. She was just a hair under 5 foot, had short black hair, that he sometimes wished...

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Once A Wolf

Once A Wolf ©2004 by Cherysse St. Claire "But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same; And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail, The female of the species must be deadlier than the male." - Rudyard Kipling Mikey Blair had to pee. He had been putting it off for the past twenty minutes, not wanting to get out of his snug, warm bunk. It was cold out there in comparison. He...

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