Patty's Pen Part 7 (Conclusion) free porn video

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Authors note: This is the end of the story and it has changed from what I had originally thought when I first started the story. I made Justin's change much longer and more specific. I also thought that something bad should happen to Patty and so I tacked on an ending of her fate. I think it's better this way. In the end, in my opinion, everyone is happy and don't have a clue they had been changed except for Patty who is stuck in a sort of hell. Patty alone knows what has happened to her and her family. I hope you enjoyed the story. I know it's somewhat impossible or at least improbably. I don't mean the pen device, but such things as Karen and Justin trading lives and no one notices. You have to assume that Justin and Karen looked alike at least in the face and could pass for each other if they tried. This is somewhat believable since Justin could wear all the makeup and padding under his clothes to give him a rather feminine look. Girls have been using makeup to look older forever. You just have to go for it. Karen on the other hand with short boyish hair, her breasts wrapped up and wearing oversized boy clothes to hide her womanly figure might be able to get away with the impersonation too. Who would suspect that a woman would try to pretend to be a boy and so people would delude themselves into believing that Karen was Justin. Not saying this would happen in the real world, just that it could. I heard a while back there was an adult man who enrolled in high school and became a cheerleader until he got caught and sent to jail. Also since both are taking hormones, Karen would seem to develop into a man (she would start getting stubble, her voice would change, etc) and Justin who had never gone through puberty to begin with would develop like a woman, this is perfectly plausible as it does happen. For transsexuals the earlier one start taking hormones the more passable he would be in later life. I used the cheat of saying that Patty used her pen without her realizing it, so that you can assume extra commands/changes that I forgot. Maybe for example, Patty told Justin to be mature and so he was and that is how he could keep up a conversation with a woman twenty-five years older than he was without her noticing. Many stories can be picked apart and if you need these tricks to get through that is fine with me. The story probably won't be reedited for whatever oversights I might have made. If you finished reading the story that is good enough for me. That meant at some level you liked it to follow it through to the end. I know if I don't like a story, I quit reading it. If you got to this point, you must have enjoyed it at some level. Comments welcomed even if you see a logical inconsistency let me know. If you lied the story, you can tell me that too (that is great to hear) but also tell me why you liked it. I don't know if I have any more mom/son life swap stories in me. An actual boy swap story I don't know if I want to write. Body swaps are fish out of water stories which is different than the type of story I right. Besides they have been done, I'm sure everyone has seen at least one of the remakes of Freaky Friday. Imagin how little the story would change if the Jodie Foster character was played by a boy. It wasn't that Annabelle was all that girly when the movie began and so the plot could be exactly the same, IMO. Regards, itsme ------------------------------------------------------- Patty liked this arrangement, but she also felt something was missing. She decided that she wanted her family back together. She missed her dad. She could see that Justin and Karen were very happy in their swapped position. Patty didn't care about what Justin was doing regarding the credit cards and licenses but everything at home was running smoothly. Even the food was better since Justin was taking classes. Patty also hadn't see mom happier. She didn't want to bring back the bad feelings that her mom had been feeling since her dad left. Patty thought she could make her family whole and happy if she left things as they were and just made one more change. So when it was time to visit with her dad she took her pen along. Before Patty left she wanted to solidify things at home. Justin was living as an adult woman and Karen was going to school in eighth grade like a boy. But they knew they were just pretending. They assumed they could return to their real lives at a later time. This was of course foolish, but Patty had made so many suggestions by now that everything seemed normal. Patty decided that Mom and her brother would have to forget about ever having their old lives and live their new lives as if it had always been that way. Patty found Justin in their mom's room. He was sitting in a chair reading Elle magazine. Patty saw that he was wearing a nice sleeveless top with matching lady's slacks and pumps with a short one and a half inch heel. His bra which Patty couldn't see had falsies in the cups. Patty assumed he was wearing panties of some type too. Patty was carrying a skirt when she greeted him. He put the magazine down when Patty came in. Patty could have made this quick, telling Justin that he was now Karen and had always been Karen. But she wanted to drag this out and watch the changes. Patty clicked her pen and said, "Justin you will return to how you was before I ever got this pen, but you won't notice what you are wearing." She then released the clicker. Justin's expression changed. His personality and expression changed from that of an adult woman as he was pretending to be to that of an obnoxious pre-teen boy. Even though he was dressed as a woman including makeup, he didn't seem anymore like a woman. Now seemed like a boy playing dress-up. But Justin didn't notice that. He didn't notice what magazine that he had just been reading either. What was the first thing that came to his mind was, what was he doing in his mom's room? What he said in a surly tone he used to reserve for his sister when she interrupted him was, "What do you want?" Then looking around he continued, "What are we doing in mom's room?" Patty clicked the pen again. "Justin you don't mind being in mom's room." Releasing her finger, "What did you say?" "Oh, nevermind, but what do you want!?! I have important things to do." Although, Justin had forgotten for a second what those important things were. "I have a rip in my skirt, and I want you to fix it for me." Patty said nonchalantly, not meeting Justin's anger with her own. Patty knew she was in complete charge here and so there was no need to raise her voice. "Are you mad?" Justin said incredulously. "What do I know about fixing a skirt?" Patty instinctively clicked her pen every time she gave a command to Justin. She started off with, "You remember all the hobbies and skills that you had learned since I first used the pen." This included a wide range of things not only sewing, but also cooking, fashion, soaps and even the gossip that he shared with his mom's friends. "Well you have been taking needlepoint classes." "Yeah, so, why should I help you?" Just because Justin now knew how to sew was no reason to help his sister. Click. "You like showing off your skills." "Please..." "Oh alright, let me see it." The skirt had a small rip along the hem that Patty had purposefully made for this occasion. Justin took the skirt and then headed to the basket of sewing supplies that were kept underneath the night stand in his mom's room. When he got the supplies he needed, he started to fix the hem. "Justin I wanted to ask you about something." Justin was hard at work trying to thread a needle. He had found the proper thread color and this was obviously the first step in mending the skirt. "What is it?" Justin was still using his surly tone. Just because he was proud that he could mend the skirt and wanted to show off a bit, didn't mean that he wanted to answer any of his sister's silly questions. He wanted to fix the skirt and get Patty out of here. "When was your first period?" "What are you talking about? You mean at school? Hmmm, I guess at 8:50." Justin didn't even know what a period was, let alone when his first one was. Click. "You remember everything that mom told you about herself and they will become your memories. These memories will replace any memory you had while wearing boy's clothes." Patty chose her words carefully. Which she rarely did. She wanted Justin to know everything that Karen told him about her life, but she didn't want him to forget what he had been doing in recent months. Now, clearly remembering his entire sex life as Karen had told him, he knew what she was talking about. But the little brother in him said, "That's personal, why do you want to know anyway?" A little exasperated with his answers and wanting to move this along. Click. "You will answer all my questions because you want to." "No, the first time you had a period. I just want to know." Justin gave the answer to Patty. He now remembered everything about his first period as Karen had told him. "I was about ten." "Really, what happened" Justin then went on to explain the story as Karen had told him. It didn't occur to him that he is a boy and couldn't have a period nor did it occur to him when he said how his mom discovered what had happened was he talking about his mom, Karen or his grandma. During the telling of the story, Justin was expertly fixing Patty's skirt. When he was finished, Patty then inquired, "How did you meet dad?" Again, Justin told the story of how he met his father from his mom's perspective which was now his perspective. He described it with all the emotion and feeling that Karen had put into the story when she told him. He didn't just describe what happened, but also how he felt. He was still twelve-years-old, but he related the story of his mom's and dad's first encounter from mom's perspective in a way that only a woman could tell. Patty smiled to herself as she heard the story. At one point she said, "You have all of mom's mannerisms and gestures." Justin was in the middle of the story, but he started to use his hands more expressively to tell the story. He leaned in closer to Patty to develop a mother/daughter intimacy. He also closed his legs which made him seem ladylike. He started to look less like a boy playing dress-up and more like a adult woman. It was surprising how just a few mannerisms could change how you saw a person. Click. "You speak like mom and use mom's expressions." His voice which was high, changed somewhat. It was more melodious. It was no longer the speech of a boy and more like that of a woman. His word choice also became somewhat more sophisticated. He added more words of endearment into his speaking style. Using words like 'honey,' 'sweetheart,' and 'dear' when referring to Patty or Raymond. He used some of the typical phases that both Patty and Justin had heard his mom use often. He started to emphasize his words differently than he had before. The story didn't change, most of the words were the same as before but a word here and there and the rhythm of his speaking style made all the difference. He had obviously picked this up from hearing not only his mom talk, but also chatting with mom's friends. This added to the illusion that he was an adult woman not just a kid in his mom's clothes. Patty kept making commands to Justin while he was telling his story. None of the commands interrupted the story Justin was telling. Click. "You are mom's age." She said at one point. Nothing changed, although if he was asked Justin would say he was thirty-eight instead of twelve. He was still a boy at least to himself. Click. "You are a woman." This was now just a fact. With the changes before, his actions, memories and were already thoroughly feminine. But now he thought of himself as a woman. Click. "Your name is Karen, you are my mother and you have always been Karen." It had to be said, it would be strange if Patty's little brother Justin thought of himself as a thirty-eight-year-old woman. Now that Justin was gone from Karen's mind, Patty had to add just a few little touches. Click. "Mom," she was truly Karen now, "you still love dad with all your heart. You will take him back to be your husband if you think he is truly sorry and repentant. The most important thing in your life is to be a wife. If you get the chance you will do everything in your power to make your marriage work. Next you are a loving mother and finally you are a woman. This is how you think of yourself." This was the last command that Patty gave the former Justin. Patty had hoped that she had gave Justin the proper commands so that she could be 'Karen' forever. But Patty still had the pen and she knew she could make any refinements if they became necessary. Patty would also talk to her dad and between what she said to Justin and her dad, they would come together and have a very loving, stable marriage for the rest of their lives. After Patty had finished talking to Justin, he would live the happy life of a middle aged wife and mother. All of her real concerns were to support her family. She considered herself a reflection not of herself, but of her family. Patty then saw Karen in the living room, Karen was playing Justin's PSP. Patty was quicker when changing Karen. She made him the best little brother any girl could have. He wasn't a whiny little wimp. He wasn't the obnoxious little brother that the original Justin was. He simply loved her like a brother, but stayed out of her way. His life from then on would be the life of a jock but not a bully. Patty removed from Karen's mind anything that had to do with being a woman or being an adult. All of his knowledge and learning after his thirteenth birthday were removed from his mind totally. He was Justin now and in his head not only was he a boy, but he had never even seen a naked woman before. Patty was ready to now visit with her dad and return the household into one big happy family. Several days later, Raymond was at the door of their house with flowers in hand. When he saw what he thought was Karen open the door, he got down on his knees. Karen was wearing a pretty blouse and skirt set. It was a tasteful floral maxi-skirt with a matching blouse designed for a woman approaching middle age. She wore sensible sandal style shoes with a low heel. Her hair and makeup were pretty but understated. All in all she looked like a pretty confident woman who was secure in her own skin. Raymond started begging forgiveness when he saw her. He said he had come to realize the huge mistake he had made and he wanted to be taken back. He wanted his family again. He would never stray again and deep in his heart he meant it. Karen asked him what about his bimbo. Raymond said that she had left him without saying a word and didn't know what happened to her. He said that that gave him time to think and he now knew what he had done was wrong and that if she would give him a second chance he would be the best husband and father. Raymond didn't know that his girlfriend's personality had been totally changed. Not only did she not want Raymond, but she didn't want any man. She is only attracted to women with large breasts. She didn't need to be with a woman with cartoonishly large breasts, but large breasts attracted her. It was sort of an obsession with her. It made it hard to stay focused on anything she was doing, but she is managing the best that she can. Raymond knew as an absolute certainty that the 'woman' standing before him was his wife Karen. Even if Raymond saw 'her' without a stitch of clothing on (and saw the penis of a twelve-year-old) he still knew 'she' was Karen, but in reality, it was Justin. Justin was also certain who he was, she was Karen a mother of two and she wanted to be the wife of the father of those children again. Justin knew as well as he knew anything that 'he' is and always had been Karen. She knew everything about herself. She remembered her first period and her first kiss. The men she dated before meeting Raymond. She remembered falling in love, getting married and having children. She was for all intents and purposes she was Karen and deep in her heart she knew she loved Raymond. She could never stay mad at him. Raymond was the father of her children. She would make Raymond suffer for a few moments and then take him back. Before answering, she asked his child what they thought. Patty was having fun playing devil's advocate since she put this all together and knew how it would all turn out. Justin loved his dad with all his heart every bit as much as 'Karen' did but in a different way obviously. Justin also needed a dad in his life to teach him to be a man. He had just started dating Jessica and he needed his dad to give him advice. 'Justin' was a typical twelve-year-old who knew nothing about girls and women. Most of his life was about sports and being with the boys. But like all boys growing up his tastes were changing and girls were entering his interests. He was starting to get attracted to girls, but didn't really know what to do about it. He needed a strong hand to guide him. He loved his mom, but he couldn't really ask her about such things. It was plain on his face, he wanted his dad back in his life. Soon, Raymond was welcomed back into the family. A status that was solidified when he moved back into the house and was especially made clear when he moved back into Karen's bed and they made passionate love for the first time since the separation. Much like Karen who had started taking female hormones a while back. Justin started taking Raymond's low-T medications at least twice a day at Patty's suggestion. Justin became a model son. With his dad back in his life he lost the rebellious streak that Karen had grounded him for when all this started. Justin was actually too busy to get into trouble. It seemed he had after school activities almost every day. Besides the volleyball and Boy Scouts, Justin signed up with other sport clubs too. He had become quite a jock and was developing into a fine young man with the help of his father's guidance and his low-T medications. Karen insisted that Raymond give Justin the talk about the birds and the bees. Karen knew that Justin had gotten himself a girlfriend and she wanted Raymond to tell him what was what. Talks between men and their sons had been going on like this for as long as there had been fathers and sons. Justin was very naive when it came to this subject. If Raymond didn't talk to his son fast, the boy would learn sex from the streets and that was never a good idea. So Raymond invited Justin to the den and he started talking. Raymond and Justin had a great relationship and things went smoothly, well as smoothly as such things go. Father's always worried about telling their son's too much too quickly or not telling enough. Justin had never seen a woman naked before. (Due to Patty's pen, Justin didn't see his body as a woman's body.) Raymond had to explain to Justin how women were different than boys. He didn't go into the details about periods. But he did explain where babies came from. He also gave Justin his first copy of Playboy, just as his father had given him. When Raymond was done and he was sure he had answered all of Justin's questions, Raymond changed the subject to sports and they left the room laughing. Raymond was pleased with himself that he had told Justin all he needed to know at this time. Justin is only twelve and there was time for a more serious talk in a few years. Patty found a way to eavesdrop on the conversation. She was the only one who could see the joke. Raymond had actually told his 'wife', the mother of his children, about the birds and the bees. Patty smiled to herself and then without being seen left the den. Justin formalized his relationship with Jessica by telling her as only a twelve-year-old could that they were going out. Jessica had considered herself dating Justin for weeks before. She was just glad that Justin had finally caught on. Now that Justin was dating, he had less time for his friend Timmy. Justin encouraged Timmy to join his volleyball team and Timmy did so. It was during one of the volleyball games that Justin and Timmy met Vinny. Vinny was a player on the opposing team. One of Justin's team members went up to spike the ball and Vinny cleanly blocked it. Then he grabbed his crotch and shouted "You think you can spike it on me??? Well SUCK MY BALLS!!!" All the boys broke out laughing. Especially since the boy who said it was wearing glasses and had braces. It was cool to see such bravado in a nerdy looking boy like that. The adults who were officiating the game didn't think it was as funny. Vinny was taken out of the game. There was just something about Vinny that both Justin and Timmy liked so they searched him out after the game. Vinny said that his Mom worked at TGI-Fridays and that he could get them all the free food they wanted if they sat in her section. The three boys were inseparable from that time forward. Well they were when Justin didn't have a date anyway. Justin was thinking who should he set Jessica's friend Kelly up with, Vinny or Timmy? Karen had settled into the life of a wife and mother. She ran the household and supported everyone emotionally in her family. She didn't need to work, Raymond paid all the bills, but she did spend an awful lot of money on fashions for her. As her figure developed due to the hormones she was taking, she started wearing less and less foundation garments. She started to buy more sexy lingerie for her private times with Raymond. Karen was starting to gain weight so she decided to reinstate her membership at the gym. Raymond seemed a changed man and all of Karen's friends, who were resistant at first, endorsed Karen's decision to let Raymond back into her life. Patty suggested (without using her pen) that Mom and Dad should renew their wedding vows. Everyone thought this was a great idea and a ceremony was planned for the near future. Patty was going to be Karen's maid of honor and Justin would be Raymond's best man. It was a lovely ceremony, followed by an expensive reception. Justin's friends, Timmy and Vinny were there. The three were such great friends that Karen also established a friendship with their mom's Stephanie and Lydia. Present Day Patty left the room. Karen knew there was nothing she could do. The nurse would be there soon and once she was put to sleep she would never be herself again. But she did remember how her life was. She remembered the pain of Raymond leaving her. She didn't think she could ever forgive him. She still loved him, but how could she stay married to a man like that. But Raymond had changed. She saw it in how he treated his wife, 'Karen.' But was that really him? She guessed not. She also remembered how she felt as a boy. It was really fun to play sports. It was nice not having any real responsibilities. She was truly happy when she was a 'boy.' It didn't matter anyway, there was nothing she could do about it. The nurse entered the room with a syringe in hand. Patty had resolved to stop using the pen on her family. She thought her family was perfect now. But as the weeks and months passed Patty resented not being treated as an adult. She was being treated like a normal sixteen-year-old by her loving family. She took out her pen fore the first time in a long time and said to her whole family, but her mom in particular, "Accept me for who I am and don't try and change me." It was a poor choice of words, since even though Patty thought of herself as an adult, she was still a teen and her family treated her as such. Karen seeing that her child was distressed tried to calm her by taking her hand in her own. While trying to grab her hand, Karen inadvertently depressed the pen while saiding, "You act like a baby." Meaning of course that sometimes Patty acts immature and needed to be protected by her mom. Karen didn't know the harm she had done, but Patty did immediately. Patty tried to fix the problem. She spastically kept clicking the pen like a baby, but found that the only thing that would come out of her mouth was incoherent baby babble. She found she couldn't stand on her feet any more and plopped on her butt. Realizing how a baby must act changed her. She would think oh my god babies do this and that and then she would do it herself. It took less than a minute to realize the most obvious aspect of being a baby and she forced herself to wet herself for the first time that day. Because of Patty's previous command, everyone in the family accepted her for who she was. She was a teen who acted like a baby and they would treat her like a baby. Worse yet, no one wanted to change her. Except Karen but she wanted to change her in a different sense. Karen picked up Patty and carried her to her room. In her room, Karen stripped Patty out of her wet things and put her in a new clean set of panties. During the changing, Karen took the pen away from Patty. Karen realized that dressing Patty in panties wasn't right for Patty new persona and knew she needed to go out and get some thing. Karen then carried Patty back into the livingroom and asked Raymond to watch her. Raymond took Patty into his arms and sat her on his lap and started to play a game of peekaboo with her. Patty had no choice but act accordingly and smiled and laughed like a baby. Patty was trapped acting like a baby for the rest of her life. She knew what she was doing, but she couldn't resist the command. As more and more of what it took to be a baby occurred to her the more babyish she acted. She couldn't walk, only crawl. Toddlers walked, but babies crawled. She couldn't eat solid food. She lost most of her coordination. She was constantly trying to think of a way to get out of this hell and with every little battle won, she would realized that babies don't do that and that skill was lost forever. Karen returned with what she thought was the bare necessities for a baby. She returned with diapers, baby wipes, powder, bottles, formula, bibs, a spit cloth, and baby toys. When Patty saw the stuff it gave her ideas of how a baby acted. She pursed her lips like she was a hungry baby. Karen immediately recognized this action and warmed up a bottle for her. When it was ready, Karen scooped Patty into her arms and fed her her first bottle. After she was done, Karen put Patty over her shoulder and rubbed her back in an effort to burp her. All of Patty's furniture and stuff was removed from her room as it slowly took the form of a baby's nursery. Patty's adult live was over as she was compelled to act like a baby forever. The End

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I have rated this story 'X' just to be on the safe side, but frankly I think it occupies a point on the spectrum somewhere between R and X. If you are expecting a healthy dose of explicit sex based on the published rating, I apologize. There really isn't THAT much. A couple of reader comments have asked if it really HAS to end here, with Part Four. Well, of course any story can be continued almost indefinitely, but I think that with the inclusion of this section, it says pretty much...

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Pattys Pen Part 3

After shoe shopping, Karen on her own suggested they look in the women's department to see if Justin had truly learned anything from his new interest in her fashion magazines. In some of the fine details Justin actually knew more than Karen did when it came to clothes, especially dresses. But Karen had obviously been a woman all her life and had the practical experience and the knowledge that comes with wearing clothes of this type for almost forty years. She was impressed at some of...

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Pattys Pen Part 7

Justin and Karen had come a long way. Karen was no longer depressed, well she wasn't depressed when she was living like Justin. She wanted this feeling to continue and half jokingly suggested to Justin that they switch lives for an entire week. But Justin said that they were pretty much doing that anyway. What Karen meant was totally not just pretend. Justin would sleep in Karen's bed and she would sleep in his room. She would go to school and he would do all of her chores. She...

2 years ago
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Reversal of Fortune Part 5 Conclusion

Part 5 Facial and Sex Reassignment surgery That evening, Kavitha called us and asked Jeevan when she can schedule my operation and that if he wanted any facial job done to me. He said, "I leave the choice entirely to her" and looked at me. I said, "I can have the operation as soon as you people can organize. I would like to reshape my nose and lips to make it more feminine." She nodded and noted something in her diary. We went back to our apartment and continued our usual sexual...

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Janey and the Wildcats Part Three conclusion

Janey and the Wildcats - Part 3 (Conclusion) The following morning I woke with my head nestled in the crook of Mick's arm. He was snoring softly, a sheen of dry, iridescent matter, like a butterfly's wing, coated his lower lip; his dark hair, loosed from its ponytail, was splayed over his pillow. I though he looked achingly cute. I rose carefully so as not to wake him, and removed by bra and panties, replacing them with clean ones, then put on the same outfit I had on the night...

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A Friend in Need Part 16 The Conclusion

A Friend in Need Part 16. Conclusion This final part of my fantasy completes the tale, I must thank my very good friend Christina, who does exist and is exactly as described in the story, petit, feminine, gorgeously sexy, impulsive and very loving. She is fully aware that I covert her body, as she does mine, if we could exchange bodies we would. We wrote this together her doing the male feelings me the female and correcting each other as we went...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 8 Conclusion

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread Part VIII (Conclusion) Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One...

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We Never Break A Promise Part 8The Conclusion

We Never Break A Promise-Part 8 (The Conclusion) By Warm Hearted ****Willow**** As Wee Lo examined Willow's new effort on the easel she said, "Goddaughter it is amazing. It is like a window to the past, I feel like all I would have to do is to fly in there and join my brother and sisters in the Equinox Dance. I think that dance is what I miss the most from the time of The Old Order. But one day I may get to dance it again." Willow answered, "I think I did a fair job, but I...

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How The Big City Changed Me Part 5 The Conclusion

How The Big City Changed Me Part 5: The Conclusion By Chiara I know it was just on the cheek, but I just kissed a guy! I was amazed with myself. Almost subconsciously I was using my looks to get things I wanted. I looked back to see if Paul or Nadine had noticed what I did but they were too busy chatting with each other. Flirting was turning into a great new hobby and was keeping my mind off of Gina. I was having a great day. I hung out playing volleyball with Dillon and his...

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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave; Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. To understand this final installment please read the previous two chapters. Any resemblance to any person, place or thing is purely accidental. Copy write held in author's name and no replication or reproduction is allowed except for personal pleasure. Pay site or other republication for payment is strictly forbidden without author's consent. [email protected] Oh The Webs We Weave;...

2 years ago
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Collection Blonde The Office Intern Conclusion

When I first decided to tell the story of ‘The Office Intern’, I had hoped the truth would have provided some freedom from the misery which ensued after Lisa started her senior year of high school. Admittedly, recalling that summer, with all the hope and possibilities we believed existed, was a sort of panacea. Reminding me of a magical time when two people existed just to love each other. But it also reopened doors I’d believed had been sealed for decades. Ultimately, I realized that the...

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Megan At Last Part III Conclusion

“Damn...”, Caroline said, hardly believing what she had just heard after Megan and I finished explaining to her exactly why I just got done taking her best friend's virginity away. “Yeah, pretty much. It's been one hell of a trip, that's for sure”, Megan assured her, looking over at me. “I can hardly believe it myself, but it happened. All of it”, I added. Megan nodded in agreement, looking at Caroline’s face as she tried to read her reaction to our unbelievable tale of love...

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Im a Bad Aunt But Not Really an Aunt Part 4 conclusion

I was practically useless at work the entire day. In my mind, I replayed each and every event over the past few weeks in a constant loop. I went totally without those torturous things called undergarments and it was obvious when I moved around. I’d be thinking about Thomas’ large cock, or him lying on the floor touching himself while grinding my panties into his face, and I’d get myself all worked up. Then some lucky patron would see my hard nipples poking through my top and get that lusty look...

Straight Sex
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Mom Caught Ushellip Part Two The Conclusion

Mom Caught Us….Part Two… The ConclusionThis work is a fictional story, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. If you enjoy it, be sure to look through all of my other stories, also.VIJason stood a little more an arm’s length away from his daughter, her petite body was still boyish, but filling out nicely, she was a very cute and sexy young girl of 14, with blue eyes, which held a gleam in them, of which Jason was quite familiar with. He realized she was more experienced than he...

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Festa per la pensione parte 2 Retirement party

La festa continuava molto bene, la cena era ottima e tutti hanno apprezzato le portate.Ovviamente l'atmosfera era elettrizzante, e anche gli altri normali avventori spesso ci guardavano sorridendo. Ormai tutti avevano capito che le "donne" del nostro tavolo erano in realtà uomini travestiti, ma in realtà erano tutti contagiati dal nostro calore e buonumore.The party went on very well, the dinner was excellent and everyone enjoyed the courses.Obviously the atmosphere was electrifying, and even...

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Mama Pen Anitha

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en vaazhvil nadantha unmai sambavathai pagira pogiren. En peyar Ramesh vayathu 23 aagugirathu, en udambu parka oliyaaga irukum aanal sunni perithaaga 7″ irukum. Enaku oru mama pen irunthaal, avaluku ennai paarthaal eerpu athigamaaga irukum. Eppadi avaludan sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathai kul sellalam. Eppozhuthu mama veetirku sendru varuven, en mama pen peyar thamarai vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Mama irukum...

1 year ago
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My lovely Pen Friend

Dear friends, I am the same person who had earlier published a story titled “Milking the Neighbor” at this site. After publishing the story I had been flooded with mails from a lot of readers. This story relates to one of those readers. Let us call her Silu. Obviously to hide her true identity I have just coined this name for this story.First let me introduce myself to my new readers, I am a married person of 36 yrs of age from Orissa staying near Talcher- Angul Industrial and mining belt. I am...

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The Pen Test

Penetration testing isn't what you think. The pen testing that I do ensures that computer systems don't get hacked. It's a formal process carried out by respectable men and a few women using network diagrams and tables of computer vulnerabilities. The pen test team produces thick reports and holds boring meetings with the clients who in turn have to do a lot of painful rework before the systems can go live. Despite the myths, it isn't done by penitent virus writers working alone in...

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Escape For Passion Part 9 Conclusion

Introduction: A tutor for the girls is found. Part 9 – Conclusion Chapter 9A A week later, Sid left for another of his business trips and both girls began missing him even before he left. When he came back three days later, he brought Bill with him. Bill was a young, slim man who was introduced as their tutor. Bill was a tall man with wavy black hair cut collar length. His long slender fingers were connected to strong hands and arms. His torso was proportioned evenly. He looked like he was...

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Maggies Perfect Plan Part 14 Conclusion

Maggie's Perfect Plan Part 14 - The Conclusion By Eve Smith I sat quietly in the back of the car as Sadie drove me to Luke's house. I was dressed in the clothes that had been Shane's sisters. Martin had worn the same skirt and boots willingly for most of the previous week. In fact I was even wearing the panties and tights that he had worn and they were damp and stained with his cum. Sadie sang along to the music on the radio oblivious to me in the back. I so hoped that Luke had...

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The Trial Part 5 The Conclusion

The Trial Part 5 The Conclusion "How would you like some good news?" My ears pricked up at that question! For so long, I had had nothing but bad news; disappearing tackle, bigger bum and hips, ever-growing tits! Any good news had to be worth listening to, didn't it? "Go on then! Tell me." "Your Factor 29 seems to be slowing down. We weren't sure for a few days, but the curve is now definitely flattening off! We don't know what it means for certain yet, but..." "...but it...

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The Exhibit Part 5 Domination and Slavery conclusion

Part 5: Domination and Slavery (conclusion) Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica....

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Pennys Promiscuity 50 Conclusion

Chapter FiftyThey say all good things must come to an end. That might be true, but sadly the same isn’t true of all bad.Although in hindsight the outcome was predictable, its beginning came from an entirely unexpected direction and at a time when everything else in my life seemed to be running smoothly.I should have known it was just the lull before the storm.I should have guessed that when the storm arrived, it would all be my fault. Again.*The sun had risen early that August morning, so I was...

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The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword

How did it get to this point? I don't understand what happened. I thought she loved me. Oh, but you don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Well let me enlighten you: It started with her. Her name is Alexandra. Right now she's probably going to town on my best friend, Sam. Or is it my ex-best friend? I'm not even sure anymore. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Alex was the girl of my dreams in every way. But now, I'm not so sure. We were pretty good friends in high school. That's...

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I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...

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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

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by Oediplex 8==3~ Part 6: Harry's mom arrives with a story to tell The memories, of the last things she remembered, replayed in her head, like a flashback in a 'B' movie. “I love you, Mandy!” cried her son, Jack. The first time he had called her by her first name, when they had made love. “Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!” She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed. They...

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Diary of Billy Bob Chapter 10 Conclusion

This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 10 (Conclusion) The girls were tired of just having sex with each other and...

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The Job Interview Rule 3 Conclusion

Wash The Sins Away:Gina Fellows woke that Monday morning. Up-to-date with her rent, able to purchase a few new outfits with the spare cash she had left over, she had a fresh outlook on her life. Things were looking up.Rising from bed, dressed in pink boxers and tight tank top, Gina strolled into the bathroom, where the sound of falling water echoed from inside. She slipped out of her nightwear and stepped into the cubicle. The warm water hit her naked body, wetting her hair, slipping around...

Oral Sex
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Jock TalesSenior YearConclusion

Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

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Terms of Acceptance Conclusion

Terms of Acceptance: Conclusion By Donna Allyson Copyright 2000 Chapter 8 Sarah had been testifying for well over an hour when she was interrupted. The chairman of the board decided to call a recess... "Miss Morton, if you are nearly finished with your testimony, you can rest your case at this point and we can make our judgment base on what you have presented so far, or we can take an hours recess and continue at 8 PM?" "Well sir, I was planning to testify about...

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Adams Pregnancy Conclusion

ADAM'S PREGNANCY (CONCLUSION) by Melissa Tawn (This is a continuation of "Adam's Pregnancy", which should be read first.) Wanda had fainted after Jerzy proposed marriage to him, and it took a few minutes until he came to. During that time, Jerzy retreated, very scared, to a seat in the corner while Tracy and the girls hovered over him. Even though he was not scheduled for his Caeserian until the following morning, Kathy insisted (in her role as resident nurse) that, just to...

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Leslie Says Yes Conclusion

Leslie Says Yes - ConclusionStandard Disclaimer - These are fictional stories. The names have been changed to protect identities. You must be over 18 to read this story. I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this story. Some time in the night, Leslie had either gone to the bathroom or just repositioned herself. I woke up spooning her naked backside. I quickly fell back asleep. When I next opened my eyes, everything was still dark. Hmm, I thought to myself, this can't be right. I went to move my...

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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave-Conclusion I have had numerous requests to modify the ending to this story due to its abrupt ending. To be honest I was tired of writing at that time and just wanted to end it. However Suzie Q. Haff, a fan, took the time and effort to create a much better ending to my story. I have decided to post it with a few revisions and expansions on my part. I think it's an appropriate ending and hope that you agree. Thank you Suzie and I hope that this encourages you to...

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Bianca Paragon Conclusion

Foreword: Dear Readers, here's my conclusion to the tale. Again, thank you to friend Avaro Le Banni, whose kindness has saved this story from the blowing sands. Hopefully, I will be posting more of my "lost" stories soon. -- Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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Dot the conclusion

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. You have already perused the first four sections of the missive; here is the conclusion. I felt it might hold special interest for you. By now we know that the consumptive young girl known as Dorothea died sometime around 1850 and was replaced by a street urchin, Dick Osgood, who had become her friend and, through a tortuous series of events, had also become her...

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First Dates are Kissing Dates Conclusion

First Dates Are Kissing Dates II Conclusion By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 The publishing rights to First Dates are Kissing Dates are reserved. It may be downloaded for personal use or sharing with a friend provided it is not done so for profit. Reproduction in any way or within any website where a charge is rendered is forbidden without the full written permission of the author. [email protected] 'First Dates are Kissing Dates' contains...

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Binoculars on the Beach Conclusion

I recommend you read Binoculars on the Beach before you read this conclusion. It can be found under “Voyeur.” The next morning Robert was just about to leave for his walk along the beach, eager for another rendezvous with the woman in the yellow blouse, when his wife snapped at him. “Robert! Don’t forget. 10.30. Not before - you’ll interrupt my yoga. Not later, you’ll keep the Olsens waiting.” “Yes, Mildred, I know the rules,” Robert replied in a singsong, mocking voice. “And, thank God,...

Wife Lovers
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The Female Orgasm Conclusion

The Female Orgasm (Conclusion) by Charlee White Even though i eagerly anticipated spending an evening at our favorite club to celebrate the six month anniversary of the start of my feminizing treatments, i still felt uncomfortable when the night actually arrived. i always get a little anxious when it's time to put a new phase of my emasculation on display. You would think that i would have gotten used to it by now, but i still find every new reveal to be intensely unnerving. i...

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A Joke another Conclusion

This is my offering of a conclusion to Agena's story 'A Joke'. If you have not already done so, I strongly suggest you read it before reading this. - POL I had heard from Alice, the wife of the man who may have cuckolded me, my wife's sister and my daughter regarding how to resolve the issue with my wife, Flo. I knew if I went to our pastor he would expect me to forgive her just as they had suggested. I finally decided I would wait for the results of the lie detector tests before making...

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How Spencer Found Her Kink Part 3 Final

Dear Reader, Please see "How Spencer Found Her Kink, Parts 1 and 2" for the first half of this story. Enjoy, Rohmer Fan ~ The main character's taste in music, predominantly string music covers of pop songs, will be showcased throughout, with every section given it's own song. You can find all of these songs on the US version of Spotify if you would like to listen along while reading the ridiculous sex story. It is annotated like so: [Title of Song by Group Performing Song...

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Pen and Paper

"What is this?" "What does it look like, Bobby?" "Please, Sas," he said with a tone of frustration. "How many times have I--" "It's a composition notebook ... ROBERT ... is that better?" She slid it before him, leaned in closer, and reminded him, "And my name is Sally, if you're going to be an ass." He didn't respond, knowing he'd been rude. He looked the worn notebook over closer and said, "Okay, SALLY ... why are you giving me a used composition notebook?" He opened it and found it filled...

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Pen Pals

PEN PALS By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1996 I wrote this story for my friend Stephani, who in a short time has become like a sister to me. Stephani and Jenny met in a chat room and decided to become Pen Pals. It didn't take long for them to become good friends and even view each other as sisters. The problem was that they lived too far apart to make a face to face meeting practical any time in the near future. Stephani being in Washington State and Jenny in Ohio...

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Ladies Night at the Bull Pen

I got home late, as usual. I was putting in extra time at work to make sure I kept my job. Still, I had told my wife Candy that tonight was going to be different, and it wasn't. I pulled into the driveway about 8:30, and the house was quiet and dark. There was a note taped to the front door with my name on it. "Your clothes are laid out on the bed in the guest room. Grab a shower in the guest bath and get ready. I'm in our room. Don't bother me until I'm ready. We're going out. The kids...

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