Pen Pals free porn video

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PEN PALS By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1996 I wrote this story for my friend Stephani, who in a short time has become like a sister to me. Stephani and Jenny met in a chat room and decided to become Pen Pals. It didn't take long for them to become good friends and even view each other as sisters. The problem was that they lived too far apart to make a face to face meeting practical any time in the near future. Stephani being in Washington State and Jenny in Ohio They continued to write and chat on the internet and talked a lot about how much they would like to meet. I their descriptions of themselves. They had both described Passable cross dressers yet still masculine enough that it took a lot of work to pass. Stephani was 43, 5'9" and 180lbs. Jenny was a little bigger built at 30, 5'9" and 220lbs. Finally, they were able to arrange a way to get together. Jenny, who had gotten her own business off the ground was able to leave it in the capable hands of her wife for three weeks. Stephani would be able to pull two weeks of vacation time from her job. This way she could spend one week with Jenny and one with her girlfriend. They spent a long time planning. The plan was for Jenny to drive up to Stephani's and then they would go off somewhere for a week and leave their male lives behind. It definitely promised to be a fun week. Each waited in great anticipation. Finally, the wait was over and Jenny would be starting out in the morning. Excitedly She met Stephani in a private chat room to talk about their mutual vacation. Jenny told Stephani that she even bought a hand held PC with a cellular modem so that they could chat on her way there. Of course, they knew each others phone numbers, but still liked to chat since it was cheaper and left more to their imaginations. Just before signing off, Jenny told Stephani that she had a surprise for her. Of course, being excited about their vacation and already anxious, Stephani asked what it was and Jenny said it was a surprise and that she'd just have to wait. With that said, they both said good-bye and signed off. Stephani waited for a couple of days with even greater anticipation of this surprise. On the day Jenny was due in Stephani called in sick because she was too excited to work. She still had to finish the week so Jenny would just stay with her until then. Just when Stephani thought she couldn't wait any longer, the car jenny described as being hers with Ohio tags pulled into the drive. Stephani became quickly confused, because instead of a brown haired 220lb. 5'9" man in women's clothes getting out of the car. She saw a 5' tall blonde about 112lbs. with a cute feminine face hopped out wearing pink spandex shorts and a matching bikini type halter. Her pink panties were visible through her shorts which left little doubt that her sex was female. Stephani thought. " Either She's very good at hiding her true sex, or she may not have been completely honest. There is no doubt in my mind that this a 100% female. That couldn't be right! I talked to her on the phone and she couldn't have faked her voice unless she had a man talk for her?" " Hi, you must be Stephani." She chirped in sweet soprano. " Hi, Jenny?" " Yeah. This is part of my surprise." Stephani was a little concerned because her girlfriend knew about Jenny, but how would she take to the fact that Jenny was a real woman and that she would be spending the next week and a half with her. She didn't know if her girlfriend would handle that. " Hey Steph. Why don't we get my things in the house and I'll tell you all about it. Its not what you're thinking. Don't worry I didn't lie to you. I'll tell you all about it inside." Silently, Stephani helped Jenny in with her things and then they went to the living room and had some coffee ( in clean cups). Stephani waited quietly for Jenny to begin explaining. She had become understandably upset by the events so far. " I'm sorry." Jenny started. " I should've waited, but I just couldn't. My surprise is this ring." She held out a ring for Stephani to look at. Stephani took it and examined it closely while Jenny continued. " It's easier to show you than to try to explain it to you. Put it on." She did. " Now, picture yourself in your mind naked. Now, mentally change that image to be what you want it to be." As she did she could feel some strange movements in her body. She started to open her eyes, but Jenny told her to keep them closed. After a few minutes the movements stopped and Jenny told her that she could open her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She didn't see anything different at first. Then she noticed that, not only did her bra feel tighter against her chest making her breasts hurt, but seemed pushed way out in front of her. She looked up at Jenny who was grinning wickedly. " Well, if its too tight take it off." Jenny said chuckling. Stephani ran to her bed room and removed her dress and slip. The sight she beheld made her feel faint. There on her much smaller chest, causing her falsies to stretch her bra to the outer limits, were two very real looking breasts. She took the bra off, and sure enough that's exactly what they were, breasts. Exactly the same size and shape that she'd imagined them to be. " Wait!" She thought. " If I imagined these and they're real..." She ripped her panties off and looked at her crotch to find a very real vagina. She felt it and received a slight jolt through her body. It was real all right. She went to the mirror, still in her garter belt, hose and heels which were all a little too big on her now, and looked at the lovely 19 year old woman in there. She moved her hand to cover her face and the reflection moved too. " Unbelievable!!!" She said to herself. " Totally unbelievable!" She removed the remainder of her outfit and threw on a bathrobe. Then she walked back out to the living room, where Jenny was sitting on the couch sipping her coffee with a big silly grin on her face. She stood up as Stephani entered the room and yelled. " SURPRISE!!!!" Stephani was still slightly in shock. Her only reaction was that her big brown eye's widened to the size of saucers. Jenny said. " Try to contain yourself girl. All that jumping around will give you a heart attack." Stephani smiled. She asked. " Could you tell me what is going on? And what happened to me?" Jenny laughed lightly. " Don't worry, you can have your male body back anytime you want." She wrinkled her little button nose at that. " All you have to do is picture the new you in your mind and then change it back, but only as long as you're wearing the ring. If you kept the ring I'd be stuck like this." She motioned to her body with her hands. " That wouldn't be so bad. Of course, I don't know if my wife would agree." " I'm seeing it but I don't believe it. This is incredible." " I was thinking. First we need to get you some clothes that will fit you now. Which sounds to me like a perfect excuse to go shopping. Then I thought maybe we could change our plans and go to Nevada and find out what its really like to be women and maybe make some money on the side." Jenny said with glee. " You mean be hooker's?" " Yeah, every CD's fantasy. We have the means to live it." Jenny said with a gleam in her big blue eye. She was a little doubtful that Stephani would go for it. If she didn't, no big deal they'd just go to LA like they'd planed but as women. Either way Jenny would be happy just so long as they were together. " Hey, we have a couple of days to think about it." Stephani thought about it for a few minutes and said. " Sounds like fun." Anything Jenny wanted to do would be fine with her. Like Jenny she would be happy Just to spend time together, but as she thought about it she thought it would be an interesting experience. She looked at her watch which now hung off her wrist. She had to hold it with her other hand. It was 11 o'clock her girlfriend would be at work for a couple more hours. They had enough time before they had to turn themselves back before she came over to meet Jenny. She looked at Jenny and said. " Lets go shopping. Do you have anything else like what you're wearing? I'd like to borrow something more form fitting than what will fit me now." " Of course Sis, this way." Jenny lead the way to where her things were and opened a bag and took out an identical outfit in black. " I thought you'd feel that way afterward, so I got one for you." " WOW! Thanks!" Stephani said, taking the garments out of Jenny's hand. " You want to help me, Sis?" " Sure, come on." The new women went into Stephani's bedroom. Stephani began taking off the outfit she was wearing. " I don't want to offend you, Sis, but could I see how you turned out?" Stephani asked. " Sure. I'd love to." Jenny began taking her outfit off as well. Soon both girls were naked and visually explored each other. " Hey you did a good job on yourself. You look lovely." " Thank you, Jenny. You look great, too. We'd better hurry and get dressed. My girlfriend will be here soon so that she can meet you, and she's expecting to find two guys. In female clothing perhaps, but definitely male." " Okay, I was planning on turning back shortly after I got here. I just wanted to show you this surprise. Do you like it?" Jenny said as she began dressing. " Oh, Jenny Its wonderful!" " I thought you'd like it." " I love it! I've always wanted to know what it was like to be completely female. Now I'll be able to find out. I'm so excited." Stephani said as she was dressing in her new outfit. Soon both girls were dressed in matching spandex shorts and bikini tops. Jenny in pastel pink and Stephani in pastel lavender. They went out and got into Jenny's car. Stephani directed Jenny to the nearest mall and they parked and went in. As they walked toward the mall Jenny said. " The nicest thing is we don't have to worry about being in women's stores. We'll fit right in." She giggled. Stephani also giggled and add. " Everyone will think that we're attractive girls." " Stephani hon, We are attractive girls." She giggled and said. " We most certainly are." They had a wonderful time in the mall. Going from woman's shop to woman's shop. Trying on dresses, pants, skirts, blouses, shoes and much, much more. By the time they left Stephani had enough stuff to last her for a week as a woman. Jenny had talked her into a lot of things that were a little slutty for their trip to Nevada. Jenny had bought a couple outfits her self. Stephani found out that her new measurements were 36DD-26-37 and she was 5'6" her shoe size was size six and a half women's and her jet black hair cascaded down her back almost to her ass. They excitedly walked back to the car, piled their new purchases in the back, got in and drove off. They were only about five blocks from Stephani's house when they heard a loud pop and Jenny had to fight the wheel to maintain control and the right rear of the car dropped a little. Jenny wrestled the car to the side of the road and they got and looked at the flat tire on the right rear of the car. " Oh dear." Jenny said. The new girls went to the trunk and removed the spare tire. Jenny had no more than set it on the ground when a '69 Mustang pulled up and two young men in their early 20's got out. One came up to Jenny and said. " Need some help, babe?" She nodded her head, causing her blonde ponytail to bounce and shake. She let go of the tire and rubbed her hands together. She looked at Stephani and they both shrugged. The other guy, the driver, said. " Hi ladies, I'm Doug and this is Matt. Why don't you let us give you a hand. Such pretty girls shouldn't have to mess with such dirty things. Besides, You girls probably wouldn't know how to put the lugs on properly, there's a trick to it." The girls gave each other a knowing look. Jenny wondered what they would think if they knew that she practically built this car. After all, she as her male self, had put a turbo charged fuel injected V-six and drive train into this little Escort from a wrecked mustang. As far as she knew, it was the only one in the world. She had to do a lot of cutting and welding to do it. The girls watched in silence as the toned and muscular young men worked on the tire. They had removed their shirts and their physics were visible and caused both girls to become aware of a damp tightening in their panties and exchanged inquisitive glances at each other. Jenny, of course, knew this feeling since she'd changed into this form before she left her house. Stephani on the other hand was experiencing something new, although she knew that the young men were turning her on. It was new and exciting just the same. Doug couldn't take his eyes off of Stephani while Matt seemed to be finding Jenny irresistible. When they finished changing the tire they invited the girls to go get a drink, but the girls politely declined since they were late for an important meeting. The guys pulled away dejectedly as Stephani and Jenny got in the car. " Jenny." Stephani said. " What important meeting?" " Your girlfriend Kelly?" " Oh shit! This ought to be friggin' interesting." " I'll bet." " Well, there's not much we can do now." " I guess not. Sorry." Jenny said pouting. " Sorry? What for? I had a blast. I'll figure something out." " Don't worry Steph. I got a plan." " Now I'm worried." Stephani had a pained look on her face. " Give me the ring and stay in the car." " Okay, I trust you." Stephani said as she handed Jenny the ring. They pulled up in front of the house because Kelly's car was in the drive behind Stephani's. Jenny got out of the car and went into the house. She was immediately met by Kelly who wanted to know who this stranger was and what had happened to her boyfriend. " Hi Kelly, I'm Jenny." Kelly looked at the little blonde before her and started to laugh. " Okay! Steph? Jenny? This was a good one!" She hollered. " Kelly, really. It's me... Look would you humor me a minute?" " Why should I? I don't know you. Where's steph? You are not Jenny. She described herself to us and you don't look anything like her." " I told you what I'd look like if I could look any way I wanted and I described this. Didn't I?" Jenny motioned to her body. Kelly thought for a minute. Jenny had said that! " Okay, I'll humor you for a minute." " Okay, I have a big surprise for you but don't say anything until I'm finished, okay?" Kelly nodded. " I found this ring." Jenny held it out. " It changes people into anything that they could imagine, literally." Jenny put the ring on and closed her eyes for a moment. Right before Kelly's confused eyes Jenny started growing and her chest began to flatten and her hips narrowed as the rest of her body expanded. Within a few minutes, a man stood in spandex where the young woman had stood. Kelly's eyes got larger than Stephani's had gotten. " What do you think?" said the man in women's clothes. " See? I told you I was Jenny." " Where's Frank... I mean Stephani?" " She's in the car. Oh, when I say she I really mean she. That was her surprise." The Jack said. " If you don't mind? These clothes are killing me. I'm changing back for now." With that the man began to shrink and change until the cute little woman of 18 had returned in place of the man. " So, why doesn't she come in?" " She's afraid that you'll be mad at her, so I told her that I would explain this to you and let you know that it was my doing. Besides, you said that she only liked the glamour of being a girl? This is a perfect opportunity for her to find out what it's really like to be a woman." " Yeah, I guess it is, isn't it? But what about Frank's job? He still has to work for two more days." Kelly said with a hint of a smile. " It's only temporary, as long as she's wearing the ring. I just wanted her to try it for a couple hours. Okay? Try not to freak when you see her." " I'll try not to." Jenny bounced playfully to the door and motioned for Stephani to come in. When Stephani came in, Kelly took it better than anyone expected including herself. She just looked Stephani up and down then asked. " So? How do you like being a girl?" " It's great so far." That answer caused her to be taken aback a little, but she kept her composer. " So, how do you like double D boobs now?" " How do you know that their double Ds?" Stephani asked in astonishment. " Oh come on, girl. I've known you for a long time. I know what size you'd pick if you had a choice." " Okay you got me there. There really heavy but they're worth it." " Well, we'll see what you think after you've had them a while." Kelly chuckled. " So? Were you girls planning to stay this way all night?" Jenny held out the ring to Kelly and said. " We were hoping you'd join us for the evening." Kelly took the ring and looked at it a moment, raised an eyebrow and said. " What do you girls say I flush this down the toilet?" Stephani and Jenny both laughed at that, but then they noticed that Kelly wasn't laughing. They stopped and stared at her. Stephani got wide eyed and said. " You wouldn't. You don't really want us to be stuck like this. Do you?" " Why not. You said you wanted to be a woman. Here's your chance. Come on make it permanent. I think you'd be a great girlfriend... We could go out and find guys together... We could be each other's maids of honor... I can't wait for you to get pregnant so I can watch your belly swell... Hey! then we can see if those giant boobs are any good, huh..." Kelly had a playful smile on her face. Jenny just stood back watching the bi- play. " Okay Kelly, That's enough. The joke's over." Stephani said anxiously. She'd never seen Kelly like this and it scared her a little. " Joke! You think I'm joking? Here! The joke's on you. Bitch!" With the ring clutched tight she sprinted to the bathroom. Jenny was right on her heels and Stephani with her big breasts bounce wildly brought up the rear. Before Jenny and Stephani could get to the bathroom they heard the toilet flush. The water just finished swirling down the drain when they entered. Stephani, out of breath, turned red. " Damn it, Kelly. What if I wasn't ready to be a woman for life! Now, not only did you make me have to be a woman for life, but now Jenny's stuck too. What if she or her wife didn't want her to be a woman forever." She shouted. Kelly began to Giggle. " Relax Steph." She held the ring up. " I just wanted to see how much you really wanted to stay that way. I would never really do that. Even if I really did want to make you stay that way, I wouldn't leave Jenny like that unless Becky asked me to. Even then I would probably tell her to do that herself." She laughed. " You should've seen your face when you thought I flushed it." She pushed passed both stunned girls and walked back into the livingroom. Stephani and Jenny composed themselves and soon joined Kelly in the livingroom. When they all reassembled in the livingroom, Kelly put the ring on her finger. Kelly closed her eyes for a moment per Jenny's instructions and all at once her body began to change. Soon they were two girls and a guy. Kelly raced to Stephani's room to see what she looked like. The girls followed him, but he only allowed Stephani in with him. Jenny went back to the livingroom and waited for a little while. Shortly the other two joined her with " Tom" being dressed in Stephani's male clothes. Dress pants and a polo shirt. His chest hair visibly peeking out the opened V-neck. Stephani was wearing one of the dresses she bought earlier. It was black satin, cut to mid-thigh, form fitting through the hips and waist and a plunging neckline reviled more than ample cleavage. Her make-up flawless and her hair done up with curled bangs and held high off of her face with a large barrette leaving her ears visible. In them she had two holes in each and in the tops she wore Diamond studs and in the lower were danglingSapphires. " Whoa, Steph. You look lovely. Positively lovely. You look great too Kelly." Jenny said, awestruck. " Thank you, Jenny." Stephani said demurely. " It's Tom, thank you. Why don't you go get ready to go out to eat, Jen." Came Tom's deep baritone reply. So Jenny went into the guest room and got dressed in a Blue velvet dress that also came to mid-thigh. It too was form fitting with a slightly tighter bodice that pushed her breasts together and outward. The front was designed to leave little to the imagination, having a low squared neckline. The dress had a built in bra and it barely covered her large nipples. She fixed her hair similar to Stephani's and did her make-up to match her dress. She also wore Sapphires, but in studs and dangles. She strapped on her high heeled sandals and got her evening purse and met Tom and Stephani in the livingroom. Then they all went to the car, dressed to kill. On the way to the car Tom explained that since he was the man and it was customary for the man to make the plans that he decided where they were going for dinner. Tom chose a near by restaurant for dinner. Then took them to a night club to dance for a short time since Tom and Stephani both had jobs to go to in the morning. Stephani voiced concern about Jenny not having a dance partner but after they got to the club it proved not to be a problem. Jenny danced with a couple different men, who felt her up as they danced. Tom encouraged Stephani to dance with another guy who managed to do the same thing to her, while smashing her large breasts against his chest. Both girls felt a little taken aback by this. In the car Tom said. " What did you expect? Men are animals. How's it feel to be sheep in the wolves' den?" When they got back to Stephani's house Tom put the ring on and in a few minutes Kelly was once again herself. Then Stephani put the ring on and said. " As much fun as this is... All good things must come to an end." With that she began to change and she too returned to male self. Then she handed the ring to Jenny, who put the ring in her purse. " Aren't you going to change back?" Kelly asked. " Well, I don't have a job to worry about in the morning and I didn't bring any of my male clothing." Jenny said coyly. After talking about their experience for an hour, Kelly said good-bye and Frank and Jenny said good night and went to bed with the events of the evening still replaying in their heads. The next couple of days were pretty uneventful. Stephani did use the ring and went shopping with Jenny for their trip. Kelly came over on Friday night to spend time with Frank before he and Jenny left on their vacation in the morning. They went out alone since Jenny pretended to have cramps and told them that they needed to be alone tonight anyway since they wouldn't be seeing each other again for two weeks. She gave them the ring and told them to have fun. Then she curled up on the couch in a cotton night gown and turned the TV on. " Oh," she said, " Don't feel that you have to hurry back. I'll be fine. Have a great time and try new things." She winked knowingly and they took her hint. After Dinner and a movie, they went back to Kelly's house. Kelly handed the ring to Frank and told him to use it with a wicked smile. He put it on and became Stephani. She handed it back to Kelly who put it on and became Tom. They quickly shed their clothes since they no longer fit properly. Then Tom came over and put his arms around Stephani and kissed her. Then silently he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. They began to explore themselves and each other. Stephani was surprised at how large Tom's organ was. Suddenly she got an urge to kiss it and she did. Before she realized it she was sucking it and Tom was moaning. Tom guided her around into a 69 position and returned the favor. This went on for some time and Stephani climaxed twice. Tom held back knowing from experience with Frank that when he let go it was over and he wanted to try out the girls cunt. So, he got up and guided her onto her back on the bed and positioned himself above her and gently worked his tool into her. As it slid in she made a surprised "O" with her lips. Tom began thrusting into her and soon they climaxed together. Still breathing hard Stephani moved and laid her head on Tom's shoulder. Tom pulled his arm up around her. She liked that, it made her feel protected. They fell asleep in each other's arms. They woke up still in each other's arms. They were both surprised that they were still the way they were before they went to sleep. It took them a few minutes to remember what they did the night before. They got up and showered together then Tom used the ring to changed back. Stephani held her hand out for it, but Kelly said no. she said that Stephani might as well stay the way she was since she was going like that in an hour or two. " That sounds nice but I don't have anything to wear." Steph pointed out. " I'm sure I can find you something here. After breakfast." An hour and a half later they left Kelly's house. Stephani, after much argument, was wearing tight denim short shorts and a red halter top and a pair of sneakers that Kelly found would fit her. When they got to Stephani's house Jenny was laying out on a blanket in a bright pink thong bikini. She came running to the car as she was and said. " So? did you have fun." In hushed tones Stephani said. " Jenny! My neighbors." " What? The old guy next door seems to really like my bikini. He's been sitting in the yard watching me all morning. Are you ready to go?" Kelly was just grinning like a Cheshire cat. They got out of the car and Stephani's embarrassment was obvious. They went into the house and Stephani went into her room to finish packing and Jenny went into the guest room to change her clothes. She came out similarly attired to Stephani. Stephani came out of her room with her suitcases and Kelly kissed her good- bye and told her to have fun. Then she gave the ring back to Jenny and left. Stephani locked her house up and they were off. As Jenny pulled onto the interstate she said. " So, LA or Nevada?" " I'm not sure. Let's flip a coin." " Okay flip one and I'll call for Nevada." Jenny said. Stephani found a quarter and flipped it. " Tails!" Stephani took her hand away and looked at it. " It's tails." " Nevada it is. Look out Nevada here we come." They laughed. It was going to be a fun two weeks. ***************** Once in Nevada they found a small town near a truck stop and registered with the state as escorts. They went for physicals and gynecological exams. In a couple days they were good to go. That night they got all done up and headed to the truck stop in search of female adventure. Stephani was wearing a black mini dress with fishnet stockings and a garter belt, no bra or panties. Jenny was wearing a pink halter and a black spandex skirt no nylons just a pair of black high heeled sandals. They nervously walked to the trucks and looked around the lot. They were by far the most attractive girls there. It didn't take long for them to find "dates" and soon they were each in separate trucks with their clothes off on their backs. It didn't take long for them to learn their new trade and they went back to their hotel that morning with a thousand dollars between them. They sat up and talked about their experiences before they went to bed. " Jenny, I'm telling you I never made this much in one day in my life. Girls have it made here." " I know what you mean, Stephani." With that they said their goodnights and went to sleep. The rest of the week went the same until Sunday. Then they just walked around together like they did when either one wasn't with a john. All in all they had a great time together and the next week blew by before they knew it. Friday night they stayed in the hotel room since they had to leave in the morning. They just wanted to spend the night together with no distractions. They were still in their baby doll nightgowns and were sitting on their beds. Jenny was playing with the ring and absent mindedly slid it on her finger while they talked. Stephani said. " This was a great vacation and we made more money on vacation than we do working. Mostly, I've enjoyed being with you this past couple weeks you're more fun in person." " I feel the same way Steph. I've had a ball." " I wish it didn't have to end. I wish we could stay like this always." " Me too." Jenny said as she imagined the possibilities of her and Stephani staying young whores for ever. She imagined how Becky and Kelly would react and thought about how they wouldn't mind if they had replacements for them. As Stephani talked Jenny pictured what she was saying. Finally, they said good night and went to sleep. Jenny woke in the morning and went to the bathroom. As she walked past the window she looked out and saw that her car was gone. " What the..." With that Stephani got up. " What's the matter?" " My car is gone! I'd better call Becky." She went to the phone by the bed and picked it up as Stephani made her way to the bathroom. Jenny looked in her purse, but couldn't find her calling cards or credit cards. She didn't pay attention to anything else. So, she just called collect. A man answered and said he didn't know a Jenny in Nevada. Then Becky came on and accepted the charges. " Hi Becky? It's me Jenny. Who was that?" " I'm sorry I don't know you and that was my husband." " Becky, this is no time for games. The Escort has been stolen." There was a pause, then. " Look, I don't know who you are, but the Escort is right here in the driveway. Please don't call here again." Click. Jenny just sat on the edge of the bed trying to make sense of what just happened when Stephani came back into the room. " Jenny, This is unbelievable, this isn't a hotel room it's an apart.... What?" " Becky doesn't know me." " Huh? Let me call Kelly." Stephani picked up the phone and dialed her calling card number. Luckily she knew it from memory. A man answered Kelly's phone and gave it to Kelly. " Hello?" Kelly said questioningly. " Hi Kelly, It's Stephani." " Do I know you?" She could her Kelly talking to the guy in the back ground. " No Frank, I have no idea who she is." Stephani said. " Uhmm. I'm sorry I must have the wrong number, bye." Jenny had started looking around the room. Stephani hung up the phone and asked her what she was looking for. " The ring. I was wearing it last night when we were talking and now it's gone." " You were?" " Yeah," she said sitting on her bed, " I was imagining what it would be like to stay like this forever. It must've made it real. Which means, unless we find it, we are going to be young whores forever." " Well, we'll get old and quit whoring eventually." " No! I imagined exactly what you said. To be young hookers forever. And what's worse I think that the ring vanished so that our wish could be true. So that we have no way to change anything. I'm afraid we're stuck like this and we'll always be hookers." They stared blankly at each other for a moment, then Stephani checked her ID. It read Stephani Nicole Miner. Date of birth July 12, 1978. Height 5'7". Weight 120lbs. Hair Black. Eyes Brown. SS# 297-45-3522 ( Which was the fictitious one she used to get her prostitution permit. " You're right! We are stuck like this. At least we have each other." " Yes, that is a blessing." With that they hugged and resigned themselves to their fate. They did discover that every year the birth date on their licenses moved forward a year keeping Jenny perpetually 18 and Stephani 19. It was going to prove to be an interesting eternity to say the least. They did a little research and found that Kelly married Frank and Becky was very happy with her husband Jack. The girls eventually got their own house and continued to live together and hook together. After all that was their wish. FIN.

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Gary hadn’t seen Jeff in a long time, it had been since high school. Here it was six years later and they were sitting in a new bar that had just opened not far from home. Jeff hadn’t changed much. He was still thin, still had the same long, curly hair and still had the same baby face Gary used to kid him about for looking almost as pretty as Sherry James, Gary’s current wife. Jeff had all the girls hitting on him back then and Gary figured he still did. It was getting late and Gary had a buzz....

1 year ago
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Gal Pals

Britney Spears was singing her heart out on stage, with fans roaring all around her. She was pumped up and getting horny. She looked down off the stage at a hot blonde girl, and the girl yelled at her, "Britney, you're so hot! I wanna fuck you so bad!" Britney was tempted to jump down and start fucking the girl right then and there. Her song almost over, Britney ran to a pole in the middle of the stage and did a short dance. The song ended, and the fans raised the roof with their cheering....

2 years ago
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College Pals

A young couple go from friends and study partners to lovers over pizza.Joan was a petite, nineteen-year-old, brunette. She was five foot twoinches tall. Her body was accented by nice pair of B-cup breasts androunded hips that were just large enough to give her some very nicecurves. She had very little body fat. Her belly was soft but flat. Sheusually wore her hair in a style that framed her face in a soft oval.Joan was not a glamorous beauty. She did however present an appearancethat was...

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our first hot tub and my milfs new pals

When we first installed our hot tub one of the young guys from work helped me to install it into our spa room right off the family room. Mark and Yvonne, both 19, spent 2 days and one night helping us to install it and now it was time to fill it. We said you may as well spend another night to break it in once it filled. They agreed and we opened a few bottles of champagne and got prepared for the initial break in. As we finished filling it, Mark said is this like the pool, and no suits allowed...

4 years ago
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High School Pals

Gary hadn't seen Jeff in a long time, it had been since high school. Here it was six years later and they were sitting in a new bar that had just opened not far from home. Jeff hadn't changed much. He was still thin, still had the same long, curly hair and still had the same baby face Gary used to kid him about for looking almost as pretty as Sherry James, Gary's current wife. Jeff had all the girls hitting on him back then and Gary figured he still did. It was getting late and Gary had a buzz....

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fun with Old Pals

I'd know Cathy since College where she had dated my best friend at the time for a couple of years. For some reason we'd never gotten on very well, I think possibly because she caught me starring at her once or twice when we'd all been hanging out at the beach. To be honest I didn't really care if we got on, I was never quite sure why Simon liked her so much as she was a bit full of herself. But then she was hot, so I guess at 18 that tends to be the ruling factor. Anyway they broke up after...

1 year ago
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Modern Day Pen Pals

Ever fall in love with someone's personality before you've fully met them? Of course you have in the Internet Day and Age. It takes a mere nothing now days to accidentally IM someone and trip and fall into a relationship. Or a mere nothing to get onto an internet dating site, and with just a photo of who you think you are talking to, and a cunning correspondent with a sharp tongue to have even the world's toughest people eating out of the palms of the person they think they know! And for...

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College Pals

Joan was a petite, 19-year-old, brunette. She was 5'2" tall. Her body was accented by nice pair of B-cup breasts and rounded hips that were just large enough to give her some very nice curves. She had very little body fat. Her belly was soft but flat. She usually wore her hair in a style that framed her face in a soft oval. Joan was not a glamorous beauty. She did however present an appearance that was deliciously cute. On top of her enticing appearance, Joan had a very sweet personality to...

1 year ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 17 Pen Pals

Hoshi was sitting on the desk writing her letter and smiled as she heard a soft snoring from the bunk. As arranged before, she had fetched Trip from the captain's mess at precisely 23:30 By the looks of it, either Trip could hold his drink much better than Commodore Archer or their former captain had just drunk much more; Trip had been quite heavily buzzed and quite wobbly on his feet, but not hopelessly drunk. His older friend, however – well, she could imagine that he would not feel all...

3 years ago
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Penelopes Surprise Visit

'Oh, oh, oh,' Penelope gasped, her finger nails gripping Rich's butt cheeks as her orgasm swept over her, her legs wrapping around him, pulling him deeper, riding out her climax. On top of her, Rich thrust his full length into her tight opening as she contracted around his stiff shaft, pulling him over the edge, and he groaned as he came, pumping his cum into his girlfriend. Penelope whispered his name as she felt him climax inside her.Lying next to Rich, her head on his shoulder, her long...

Straight Sex
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Penelopes Wake Up Call

Penelope's eyelids fluttered gently before they opened. For a moment she wasn't sure where she was, but the clean white walls and the floor to ceiling doors which folded inwards from the balcony tripped her memory and she looked over at the body sleeping next to her, half covered by the expensive cotton sheet. She smiled, her long brown hair splayed across the crisp pillow like an auburn star burst. Rich was a little older than her but that was one of the things she loved about him; he was...

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The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...

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Aspen weekend

Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Joey put a wine glass in front of me but I caught him before he poured.“Can I get a whisky instead?”“That bad a day?”“Some single malt that’s not going to break the bank, a little ice.”He poured and I sipped. I wasn’t fired. I sure as hell screwed up and the likelihood of promotion was flushed deep down one of those old really loud two-gallon toilets. Going back to face the team at work was not going to be easy.“You want another?”I guess I was sipping more aggressively than I thought....

2 years ago
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Pennys Passion And Pleasure CollectionChapter 3

"Diane! Wonderful to see you!" Penny greeted the woman and opened her arms, giving her a gentle hug. "Brian!" Penny reached up and hugged him as well. "Nice to see you again." She asked Diane and Brian to head on into the living room, and fix themselves a drink. She saw Megan and Carol approaching up the walkway. "Hey, girls," she called. Carol and Megan both smiled and waved. Arms hooked together, they ascended the steps, then hugged Penny and slipped inside the living room. Penny...

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Pennys Passion And Pleasure CollectionChapter 2

Placing her hands under her ass, Penny lifted herself just enough that she felt the tip of the cock against her tight asshole. She loved it when Mark fucked her like this. His tongue sliding in and out of her pussy, while he used the vibrator to drive into her. Now, she had Carol doing it, and the feeling was indescribable. As the ridged head of the fake cock squeezed past the puckered hole, entering her cavern, Carol's tongue went back to work. She pushed the toy deeper, and her tongue kept...

1 year ago
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Pennys Other Life

CHAPTER 1.Penelope Perkins had been properly bred. There was nothing about her life that she would not have openly shared with her mother. Or even her grandmother. Until a couple of years ago. Now, with the help of Brian, she had another life, and although she knew she was a sinner and she would definitely go straight to hell, she was rather enjoying this other life.It was early Sunday morning and Penny had been dreaming again. It was a mixture of anxiety and pleasure. Brian had called her...

Straight Sex
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Pennys Passion And Pleasure CollectionChapter 4

"Yeah, I know." Penny nodded, "those are usually the nights that the girls and I go to the movies." "Right. Well eventually over time, we all would sit around have some beers and start talking about our wives. We'd each make a few comments about somebody's wife and eventually your name came up." Penny's eyes light up, "Oh, I'm really excited now!" she said and smiled real wide. "You don't even know what we discussed," Mark laughed and kissed her lips. "So," she...

1 year ago
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Pennys Dream Come True

Penny Mathews opened her apartment door and kicked off her shoes. It had been a long day at work and she was exhausted. Thank God it was Friday was all she had to say about it. After dropping her purse on the table and checking the messages, she flopped down on the couch and turned the TV on. Flipping through the channels, she decided that digital cable was a complete and total waste of money and turned the TV off. She went into the bathroom to run a hot bath and wait for Jon to get home. She...

Group Sex
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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

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Pennys Safety Net

I awoke yesterday morning to the sound of my wife's voice. Penny was on her way out the door to go to work. Through my sleepy head I heard her say, "Don't forget Bob, I'm going out with Tina tonight...We're going directly from work...Your mom will pick up the kids after school." I cleared my throat and asked, "Where are you going?". She yelled over her shoulder, "We'll probably see a movie or something." I struggled out of bed, thankful that it was Friday. I showered and dressed and...

2 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 3

I'm sure you're not interested in the tiny details of Penelope's seduction of the poor young people that day, so I will only attend to the effects of her wiles. Her ruse with Jenny worked. Jenny did, in fact, later report that the boy's hand was firmly in his crotch when she approached and began staring at him. He moved it immediately. Sally finished with her task, and came out of the water to hang her brother's clothes on branches to dry. She was told to remain naked, while the sun and...

3 years ago
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Spencer Gets Cornered Fucks Trina

by Riotstarter1214[This takes place during the ‘iParty With Victorious’ episode. Trina sees Spencer and notices him from iCarly and tries to seduce him.]Trina was wandering around Keenan Thompson's house looking for Lane's k!ds, why you might ask. It is because she brought them to the party on leashes and never realized k!ds can undo Velcro and buckles. She wandered outside and saw Beck, Jade, Sikowitz and someone she recognizes. She made her way over, "Hey Beck.”Beck looked over and was going...

4 years ago
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Spencer Gets Cornered

Trina was wandering around Keenan Thompson's house looking for Lane's k*ds because she brought them to the party on leashes and never realized k*ds can undo Velcro and buckles. She wandered outside and saw Beck, Jade, Sikowitz and someone she recognize.She made her way over, "Hey Beck."Beck looked over and was going to say something but was cut off by Jade, "Leave slut."Beck tried to calm Jade down while Sikowitz quietly left like he did when things got heated or awkward. The stranger spoke up,...

2 years ago
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We've been married fourteen years Pen and I. I'm Oscar, Oscar Whitman, age thirty-six, I tape in at five-six and one-forty. Penelope, my wife, also thirty-six, comes in at around five-nine, one-twenty-five. Oh, and she's a very nice looking lady with some really nice female equipment: 36Cs and a truly sensational butt. Until today our lives have been pretty typical, mundane, routine: the stereotypical middle class couple. None of which, I'm discovering, are good things and maybe not normal...

1 year ago
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Reddit DirtyKikPals, aka r/DirtyKikPals! Sexting is a thing of the 2010s - nowadays, if you’re chatting up a girl and don’t get a nude in the first 20 minutes, then best believe that she’s probably not interested in you enough to show her body to you. If that’s the case, just move on cause there are a million other girls out there with their phone-in-hand, ready to send you a nude because they’re bored and have nothing better to do with their lives. This Subreddit, which goes by the name of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Serpentine Destiny

Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise.  All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind.It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college.  The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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Aspen Grove

[This story has no explicit sex in it. If descriptive sex is why you want to read a story, read a different story. This story is about making a difference with, by and for friends. It’s just a story, until you and I make it true.] None of what happened was planned, at least not by me and certainly not by Ron. Ron turned seventy on May the twelfth last year. Everyone living in the Aspen Grove section of the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community attended the party for him. He and Emma, his...

3 years ago
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Spencers Surprise

Please note this story is pure fiction, and is just a fantasy Spencer stood at the big mirror in his parents room. He slowly looked himself over. As he looked at the mirror, he stared at the gorgeous woman infront of him. He had been dressing in his moms clothes for a long time, but for the first time ever, he did his makeup, and it looked sexy. He stared at what he was wearing. A black lace bra, black silk panties with a lace trim, black sheer stockings with a lace trim, and a black garter...

1 year ago
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Pennys Abduction and Slavery 3

Penny waited for her new Master maintaining her slave position on the edge of the bed. She began to think after a long while with her legs beginning to cramp that she was happy that he allowed her to wait on the thin mattress of the bed instead of the hard floor. As she was at the point of pain in her legs she heard the door lock and Luke step through the door with a tray in his hands. Luke pushed the door closed with his foot without locking it. Penny noticed he did not lock the door as...

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Happenstance Part One

Happenstance - Part One By: Light Clark Synopsis: To Reggie Fullerton, nothing was wrong with his life. Sure, he wasn't the most handsome of men, and it wasn't as if his job was going to make him rich, but that didn't mean he felt there was any need for a change. However, one doesn't always need intent for such things, just a little happenstance. Chapter 01 Ert! Ert! Ert! The blare of the alarm clock cut through the morning, ripping me from peaceful slumber and pleasant...

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On that day we had asked a carpenter to repair the kitchen door and he came in the morning and I had not woke up after a while my husband was awake so he باستقباله the guidance to do ... Then I got up and I sleep shirt pink light under which they do not wear Stiana course ... I'm sleeping in my house with my husband when Alstiana? But I've over that dislocated Kiluti .. and with that nighty this not much Balchwev ... But breasts nipples shifts were impressions Ttercn and clear on canvas and...

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Penalties Carmenica Diaz SYNOPSIS Penalties: Barry had a secretfantasy that involved prolonged teasing and subsequent denial. He never revealedit to anyone until he saw an advertising leaflet that promoted a tease anddenial service. Poor Barry, he just had to call. This is a story in three partsand all parts will be posted here. This story willalso be published in a collection of short stories at some future time. Penalties His fingers trembled when he picked up the telephone and...

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Serpentine Destiny

Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise. All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind. It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college. The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 5

Jack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...

2 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 7

Jenny was, indeed, walking on her own as they approached the manor. Her malady was more one of the mind, rather than some physical illness that required time to heal. In truth, the normalcy of the three of them caring for her had done much to banish the shock that had so immobilized the girl. Of course I was aware that the three of them were approaching. Cynthia, the parlor maid, notified me. I suppose I should explain that. There may be some among you who are not familiar with life as it...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 20

It was a climactic point in poor Suzette's miserable life. The privation of her diffident youth was suddenly assuaged by the overwhelming appreciation Stephan heaped upon her. It was not love ... not then ... but each offered the other a measure of sequacious adoration that left both of them in a torpor, until they could catch their breath, and roll toward each other, beginning anew. Suzette had always held something back from the world, hoarding that little bit that was hers and hers only...

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Penitentiary Planet

“I am persuaded that those who designed this system do not know what it is they are doing ... I hold that the slow and daily tampering with mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than the torture of the body.” – Charles Dickens, commenting on Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary in 1842. Twilight Zone, anyone? Corey Jamison was an inmate ending the second year of a four-year stretch of solitary confinement. That was the point when the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections...

2 years ago
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Penelope Layne

This could be in either Mature or Romance. There is very little sex but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to my friend Kiki for her editing. * Penelope Layne was sitting at her desk at the law office where she was a secretary and assistant paralegal. The normally bubbly young woman of twenty five was looking down in the mouth today and seemed to be in another world. When her boss, Charles Vanderwalls, walked in and said good morning, Penny didn’t even seem to notice. This was rather strange...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 2

There was much more to Mistress Penelope's plan than merely filling her bed ... and body ... with vibrant, willing, lusty young men. I was not to learn her entire plan in only one day. Perhaps it evolved, for that matter. But my part in things was to accede to her wishes, and somehow hold scandal at bay. You may argue that it was not my duty to assist the lady in her obdurate intentions. Her clandestine plan lacked any shred of moral underpinning, and she planned to make our lord and master...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 15

Sally was not alone in conditioning Hugh, if that's what I should call it. Jenny and Jane always spoke to him if, they encountered him during the day. It was merely "Good morning, Hugh," or "Good afternoon, blacksmith," or some such thing. It all made him feel good, as if he truly were coming into his manhood. But it was always Sally who brought him a dipper of water, or some treat from the kitchen, as he labored his assigned tasks. Then one day, as he installed the finished lock plate...

1 year ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 25

Geoffrey's protestations that he had no part in the rape Aldo and Horace intended now had no ability to protect him. He could not testify that he had sought only to "teach the bitch a lesson." In these more modern days, women have attained higher status in the world, but back then, it was commonly held that sometimes, women had to be taught their proper place. Had Geoffrey been dragged in front of a tribunal, that argument might have struck a chord with some. But if ever Geoffrey Flagman...

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Pennys Abduction and Slavery 2

Penny felt the vehicle slow then turn off the main road and fear of what is happening to hear rushed through her body like a tidal wave. About five minutes down what felt like a gravel road to Penny Luke stopped the pick-up. Penny heard the motor turn off and Luke got out closing the driver door. When he opened the back door Penny tensed up waiting for what ever came next. She felt the blanket covering her body slide off and Luke gripping under her arms and dragged her out of the vehicle....

3 years ago
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Pennys Abduction and Slavery 1

Luke is a mature man in his 50's, 6 ft 1in tall, 185 lbs, blue eyes, dark brown hair with a crew cut shopping at the local super market for his monthly supplies. Pushing his shopping cart slowly down each row of stocked shelves. He had just started getting the items he needed when he met a young woman that appeared to be in her mid twenties. As she approached he noticed she had the most beautiful light blue eyes he had ever seen. He smiled and nodded to her as she came close ready to...

1 year ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 4

Jack had never met a woman like Penelope. In truth, the only females he knew anything about were the village girls, most of whom found no interest in him. He had somehow found his way between the thighs of some half dozen girls, but that was primarily because he was in position to inherit his father's smithy. Never had their desire to find a man who could support them (eventually) survived actually engaging in a relationship with Jack, though. And so Jack was completely unprepared when, in...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 16

Hugh was a smart fellow, for the dearth of formal education he'd received. Within minutes, his brain began to work again, and some instinct told him what was going on in this room was not normal behavior. His conundrum was that he liked what was going on very much, and didn't want it to end. Trying to decide what to do was difficult, by virtue of the fact that the naked girl in his arms was almost entirely distracting. His penis had stiffened again, rising to lodge between her legs. He was...

2 years ago
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Penultimate Sacrifice

Penultimate Sacrifice By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2000 by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Michael Odum was looking to see the world. The 18 year old brown haired blue eyed American with a southern accent was curious to learn Japanese, having been fascinated by anime and manga since before he was a teenager. Now, the first chance he had to get away from home, he was going to take it. His parents were, at first, against his decision to attend...

3 years ago
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Serpent of the Incas

Jennifer Marie Stephens was excited, nervous and somewhat uneasy. Her husband was the curator for a big museum at the local college. Maybe she had been right about him all along. Now maybe her parents would see him in a better light. She had normally dated a bunch of "wild ones" in high school and college. She had been burned out with all of their maniacal egos; their endless flirtations with other women and sexual demands. She began to take a whole new direction with her personal life after...

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Pennys fall

Penny ran in the rain towards an old and seemingly empty building. If her intel was right this was Dr. Claw's hideout and secret labatory. She was ready to fishish this by herself. No had known she was gone, not uncle Gadget or Brain. She was 14 and ready to finish this herself. Even if she got in trouble she had her watch communicator and her trusted computer book. She was ready for whatever Dr Claw could throw at her and this battle would end this night forever. Penny ran to the door...

2 years ago
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Pennys Home Lessons

Mr. Kendall doesn’t even wait to get Penny upstairs before he has his hands on her breasts and his inflamed crotch pressing against her. He pushes her over to the arm of the family-room couch and quickly pulls her skirt up over her back to expose her legs and ass to his anxious gaze. His hands briefly caress her ass-cheeks encased in the white nylons of her tights before slapping her tight ass. He scolds her for getting him so hot and bothered and whispers in her ear what he is going to do to...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 6

Mere images in the mind might have been all Jenny had to think about, had her mistress been content to wait a week to further her plan. But Her Ladyship was called into the lord's chamber twice that week, where he roused himself from his drunken stupor enough to heave his bulk on top of her. He managed to get hard enough to fuck her on one of those two occasions, and duly deposited his aged sperm in her nubile womb. The other time his body failed him, and she took pity on him and brought him...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 22

I stayed late that night. They got her up after she was so brutally used, and she finally got her bath, though I don't know how hot the water was by then. She recuperated while the men deposited their seed in their other partners, whereupon she was taught how to use her mouth to make a man ready. By then, she was no longer astonished by anything. I think all her astonishment had been used up. When given her choice, she took Jack again, but ended up beneath all of them again, as they...

3 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 6 and EPILOGUE

Monday night came and Penny called Mr. Brown and told him she couldn’t make it that evening. He complained for a while that his security staff was still after him, but he didn’t threaten her with exposure. He just got her assurance that she would be back the following week. And finally the big day came. Before her usual afternoon shift at the market, Phoebe came to the Y and knocked on Penny’s door. ‘Are you dressed yet?’ she inquired conspiratorially. ‘Not yet,’ replied Penny. ‘I’m still an...

2 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 6 and EPILOGUE

Monday night came and Penny called Mr. Brown and told him she couldn't make it that evening. He complained for a while that his security staff was still after him, but he didn't threaten her with exposure. He just got her assurance that she would be back the following week.And finally the big day came. Before her usual afternoon shift at the market, Phoebe came to the Y and knocked on Penny's door."Are you dressed yet?" she inquired conspiratorially."Not yet," replied Penny. "I'm still an...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Pendants of Aeternitas Afterword

Zapper has graciously given me permission to add a kinda of footnote to his great story. He didn't want to dilute of horror of his ordinal ending but anything telling what happened later. But here is my take on a possible conclusion. It takes place in the comfortable home of Mark Thompson and his beautiful young wife Susan. I hope you like it and it may encourage you to read or re-read Zapper's truly remarkable story! 'Happy Halloween!" Note: Bob H has written a longer take in his...

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