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While they cry, we fight...
That's just the way it is, that's the way it's always been. My father told me it was because they are weak, that they don't have the strength to face death, but I know the truth. We may have the three-inch fangs and razor sharp claws, but they blend in. They have time to mourne their dead, we must always fight. We fight for food, we fight for a place to sleep, we fight over girls, our very right to exist is a fight. Yet they sit around lounging in their fancy mansions, having all the flirty romance they want. Drinking and watching cheesy love movies with cute actors, and I just get to sit in this freezing rain, trying to lick the mud out of my damned fur. Fucking vampires and their fucking good looks.
We get the long shaggy hair, the dark angry faces, the sharp teeth and the raggy clothes. We get left on the street to die, to steal cars and TV's just to get enough money to buy a loaf of stale bread and a can of stiff soda. And for what, to watch as our enemies prance around in tailored suits and sleek shoes, to watch them become rich and famous while we starve in the gutters.
I pushed the angry thoughts to the back of my mind and set my focus back on the twelve year old girl in the heavy grey jacket skulking through the pale yellow light of the dying street lamp. Her hands were set loosely in her pockets and her long blonde hair obscured her depressed face as she kicked a rock past the barred windows of a rough neighborhood convenience store. Uneasily I shook the rain from my muzzle, a group of local gangsters had gathered on the corner and were eyeballing the girl, my instincts raged to tear them all to shreds, but I promised her I’d let her do this on her own.
She glared at them as she pulled open the reinforced glass door and shook her hair out as she entered the well lit store. A growl rose in my throat as one of the low pant wearing thugs spat in her direction then headed towards the door, followed by two more of the dark skinned punks. Angrily I rose, but I promised her, I had to have faith that she could handle it, frustrated I slashed at a nearby tree and glared at the four deep claw marks gouged into the shattered bark.
Now agitated I sat back down and watched the girl through the large display windows of the convenience store. She walked calmly to the refrigerated drinks and pulled out a soda, good girl, just play it cool. Then she walked over to the snacks, and I lost her from view, but I could see the gangsters at the counter, one wore a loose black hoodie and the other wore a heavy carhart jacket, but both had black and red bandannas hanging from the back pockets of their sagging jeans. They had just bought packets of cigarettes from the cashier when the girl came up to the counter with a green bottle and a pack of beef jerky. I steadied my breathing, alright, just a little further, we may not have to kill anyone tonight, please let us not have to kill anyone, my heart started to rush with adrenaline as the cashier rang up the total, the two gangsters at the counter left the store and lit up their smokes leaning against the wall just outside the door, where’d the third one go? My fur stood on edge as the girl reached into her pocket for the cash to pay, but I knew it wasn't cash she was reaching for.
Then it happened, the blonde girl pulled out a sleek black .9 mm pistol, semi-automatic, 15 round magazine, hand engraved with silver filling spelling,“Happy Birthday Little Sister,“ how did I know that? Because I’m the one who gave it to her.
With my hearing in such a sensitive state I could easily make out her shouting,“Open the register, NOW!“ C’mon sis, don’t let him stall!
Outside I could see the thugs looking back into the store with curiosity, I tensed, waiting for them to make a move as they shouted to their other two friends on the corner, who quickly came to watch the spectacle. Inside I could see the cashier stuttering something to my sister, I grinned as I heard her reply,“Don’t give me that crap, open the register before I blow your damn brains out, and DON’T even think about hitting that panic button under the counter!“ just to make her point she triggered off a round that tore its way through the man’s ear. He cried out in agony as he quickly typed in some numbers on the register and the machine dinged open.
My sister was about to jump over the counter and grab the money herself when the third gangster tried to sneak up on her from the back of the store, I know my girl is smarter than that you dumb shit, I smirked as he pulled out a handgun slightly larger than my sister’s, maybe a glock, but she heard him coming. Swiftly she spun around and dropped to one knee, bracing her weapon with both hands and fired of two shots in rapid succession, straight to his heart, just like I taught you, that a girl.
But that’s when things started to get serious. With my sister’s back turned the cashier ducked under the counter and grabbed a shotgun as he hit the panic button under the counter, so much for not killing anyone, dammit, hurry sis you got three minutes before the cops get here, c’mon. That’s when the chollos decided to get involved,“EDDIE!“ the scream came from one of the thugs smoking a cigarette, great, now it’s a turf war...each of the gangsters pulled out their own handgun and unloaded on the store through the shattered windows. Explosions of gunfire blasted through the night’s silence as the cashier let lose with his twelve gauge along with the chollos. And then the police arrived. Sirens blared and tires squealed as the overpowering odor of burnt rubber filled the air as the squad cars slid to a halt in front of the store.
“Ah shit, it’s the pigs! Get in the store!“ instantly the gangsters jumped through the window and ducked behind the shelves, from the four cars jumped out eight police officers with an assortment of handguns and shotguns loaded and trained on the store. Luckily for them the cashier had run out of ammo, and now he cowered behind the register trying not to get caught in the crossfire as the thugs reloaded and three of them opened fire on the squad cars while the fourth one went to search for my sister, who had disappeared into a back room, please Lily don’t do it, use your head, you can get out of this, just think! I snarled in frustration as I heard a scream of soul filled terror come from the back room, Dammit, sis! The gangster came stumbling out of the back room as the gunfire stopped and all eyes watched as he staggered into his friends, his chest dripping blood from multiple lacerations along his ripped shirt. A feral howl echoed from the back of the room, just as the door burst open and a golden furred werewolf smashed through the shelves towards the gangsters, who had enough sense to jump through the window on the police’s side of the firing line.
“Watch out men, it’s a werewolf, switch to silver nitrate ammunition!“ the police captain’s command was followed by,“Yes sir!“ as the officers dropped their magazines and inserted fresh ones, filled with silver tipped rounds.“Conserve your rounds, it’s only a cub! Hit it with a spotlight,“ With that one of the officers jumped into his car and hit a switch, the five foot ball of fury snarled in anger as she stumbled back, blinded by the intense light. Dammit Lily, I’m sorry but you’re not getting out of this without help! I filled my lungs just as the police captain let out a shout,“Ready, fire on my command!“ That’s when my heart stopping howl filled the night, echoed by a number of other werewolves who were likewise skulking throughout the city.
In a panicked confusion the policemen took their aim off my sister and pointed outward, blindly searching for the real threat, me! Snarling in rage, I leaped from my hiding place in the park and tore out the throat of one officer as they opened fire. Luckily my years of fighting had paid off and I jumped from one car to the next, waiting as they consumed their ammo. Once the fire died down as they reloaded I burst into the store and locked the scruff of my sister’s neck into my fangs and tore from the store, hoping not to get hit by any rounds. Agh! Of course it was too much to ask! I pined as I felt a searing heat chew into my side, at least it’s not silver, but shit that hurts! The gangsters had opened fire as I fled into the dark alleyways of the violent city and I held on tightly to the young cub in my mouth, not daring to let go as I turned corner after corner, searching for somewhere, anywhere where we could be safe, the police would have already called in professional hunters and they would be on our trail in no time, but was there anywhere I could take my sister?
Eventually I settled for a pile of trash behind a weird emo night club, at least if someone found us they would be too high to figure out what they were seeing, and luckily the smell would cover our scent from any hunting dogs, but I had no choice, I couldn't carry her any farther. I let her down from my jaws and I crashed into a pile of boxes next to the wall, hoping my sister would be able to hide herself before someone found us.
“Nathaniel, I’m so sorry, if only I had used my head, I wouldn't have gotten you hurt, please, don’t die...“

Lily had transformed back into her human self, sobbing uncontrollably over the still form of her older brother,“Please don’t go, I need you, I still have a lot to learn, I won’t be able to make it without you!“
Her heart crushed, the young she-wolf just sat there, staring at the near dead form of her only protector, her only friend, the only one she ever needed in this world to be happy, and now he was about to leave forever, she couldn't help the wrenching death howl that tore itself from her throat.
“Woa...hey scary girl why are you howling, and...why are you naked?“
“Damn you humans and your freaking guns!“ Nothing but rage filled her mind as the blonde werewolf shoved the stranger into the brick wall next to a blinking red exit sign,“I swear I’ll kill you, every last one of you murderous bastards!“
Calmly the stranger put up her hands,“Woa, take it easy with those crazy yellow eyes of yours, those fangs don’t look very friendly either, besides since your trying to kill me I might as well let you know I’m not even human.“
Something about the older girl’s low, soft voice sent a chill down Lily’s spine and warily she backed off, standing defensively over her brother’s body. Growling, the blonde twelve year old sized up the girl standing in front of her.
What most bothered the she wolf was the girl’s icy blue eyes, she had no pupils just a white space that faded into light blue, similar to that of a frozen block of ice. Her hair was also light blue and she wore a short white miniskirt belted with a gold linked hip chain and a transparent mesh shirt that left her small perky breasts visible to all and her cute nipples protruding through the mesh weave.
„So what, are you a hunter then, come to finish the human’s dirty work, just try, I’ll rip your heart out of your chest!“
Dispassionately the older girl shook her head, „I’m just here for the party, besides, I doubt you’re even strong enough to kill, me, the name’s Yuki by the way, so I’m guessing your boyfriend’s hurt pretty bad huh?“ Yuki did not at all seem surprised at the presence of the near dead werewolf.
„That’s none of your business! Why would you care anyway?“
The blue eyed girl just shrugged, I’ve been with a few wolves in my time, they’re amazingly kind-hearted once you get to know them, not to mention great lovers, it would suck big time if an one of your guys died, especially one as old is he is, I can help if you apologize for shoving me.“
Lily glared at Yuki, glancing at her brother’s weak form, her pride gave in and she dropped her stance in resignation, „Not like I have a choice, I’m sorry for shoving you, would you help my brother?“
Yuki grinned and crouched next to the large gold wolf, „Damn, they got you good.“

„Oh gods, gods, oh ah that-is-ah-ah,“
Yuki panted and moaned at the feel of Nathaniel’s massive wolf cock slamming up and into her pussy. Smells of wet cum and sex filled the air as Yuki struggled for breath under the massive wolf’s body as he road her mercilessly, her folds dripped and squelched under the soaking onslaught of his huge girth and her excitement multiplied with every burst of hot breath he sent running up her spine. Nathaniel paused for a moment and his dripping cock popped as he removed it from her vagina’s vice grip, her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes and began rubbing her clit in ecstasy, „damn you, get back in me, I want more!“
The gold furred werewolf just chuckled as he effortlessly flipped her on her stomach. Her abdomen clenched and relaxed in uncontrolled sexuality and she arched her back, and clenched the sheets of the single mattress thrusting her hips at him, begging for his dominance. Nathaniel smirked as he came down on her clit with his muzzle, she let out another loud moan as he shoved his nose into her labia and snorted a hot breath in between her legs, which tightened mercilessly around his thick neck as he shoved his tongue into her cunt and began licking every inch of her wet salivating cunt. „Oh fuck, nghh, god-damn-it-fuck-me-harder!!!“ her screams came in ragged breaths, punctuated by each thrust of her crotch on his face. Yuki couldn't hold it any longer, she bit her lip in sexual agony, her back arched and her stomach thrusted toward the ceiling as her thighs held the wolf’s head in a death grip as she climaxed wave after wave of hot gushing cum all over his face. Finally spent she fell to the mattress, exhausted, but Nathaniel had other plans.
Yuki couldn't help but giggle as her lover pulled away and tried to lick the juices off his face, finally he managed to get the majority of it and gently ran his tongue through her crotch, cleaning the sticky mess he had made. The young teen shuddered under his attentions and when he finished he gently licked her stomach. His tongue caught on her belly button piercing and the cute silver snowflake jingled as his rough tongue massaged her tight belly, moving his way up to caress her small pert breasts, she shivered, turning horny again she began to moan as he worked his way up to her neck and gently nibbled on her ear.
„You just don’t ever stop do you?“ Yuki’s cute voice accentuated the wolf’s pleasure as he blew a stream of warm air down her breasts, to her stomach and through her crotch, „MmmM, yes! Make me your little bitch!,“
She stuck her tongue out at him playfully and climbed out from under him, gently massage her clit as Nathaniel layed on his back, waiting to satisfy his needs. „You read my mind you nasty little dog-nnghh!“ she lost her breath as she sat down and slid her still soaked cunt over his massive dick, „not-so-little-are-you,“
Nathaniel let out a bark of excitement as she slid down his shaft, stopping just short of his throbbing red knot. She began riding him wildly, thrusting forward and back, rotating his cock with all her strength, she began to moan in rythum with his thrusts and he panted as he rammed her, deeper and deeper he went, but she grabbed his dick and blocked the knot from entering her liquid dripping clit, denying him the pleasure of owning her, but jerked him off instead. Angrily he began to growl, his climax building and ready to explode, but still she held on to his knot, pumping faster and faster as she rode him. Growling he unclenched his paw from the mattress and yanked her hand from his cock, the release of pressure forced her to come slamming down onto his thick bulb and she cried in pain as it stretched her pussy to its limit. With a satisfying wet schlop her painfully tight clit clamped down and locked with his knot and milked him as his dick shot wave after wave of painfully hot cum into her womb.
Yuki fell sobbing onto his chest, still knotted with his massive red ball. He gently nuzzled her short snow white hair and her solid soft blue eyes fell lost in the endless pool of his dark blue ones. „ I've never had, such amazing sex, with anyone, ever,“ her soft whisper was music to his keen ears, „I just, wanted you to know that,“
Passionately he wrapped his toned golden furred arms around her soft naked body and held her. After a few moments, still knotted, he released her from his embrace and she sat up and stretched, „so, umm, how long are we ‚gonna be like this?“

I let out a snort of laughter, making my point clear, „ OK, so I've never actually knotted a wolf before, or even a dog for that matter, I guess it will be a while then huh?“
I nodded as I sat up and gently laid her back down. Yuki’s vagina was tender and felt like it was on fire, there was no way she was going to be able to fuck for a while. She tensed as I bent towards her but relaxed when I began licking our joined areas. She sighed as my gentle lapping cooled her aching clit and softened the tight bonding of my massive girth. Her cum tasted delicious, sweet with only a hint of salt or calcium, I enjoyed cleaning every last bit as I lapped at my cock and her wonderful vagina stretched tight over my dominating knot. Her clit was just starting to cool when I froze, „Nathaniel are you-ah!, uumm, I uh-„
I looked up as my sister gasped. She was standing in the sheet covered doorway to my left, with her hand still holding aside the curtain, while her other one nervously pulled on the string of a white hoodie and she nervously scuffed her foot against the grey stone floor.
„Uum, I heard growling, and I uh, just wondering if you were ok, but,“ blushing furiously she hung her head, not sure what to do. Luckily Yuki spoke up, „Hey it’s okay, your brother and I are gonna be here a while, why don’t you get the stove going, I've got some eggs and some steak, and OJ in the fridge if you’re hungry, and your brother will probably be hungry too, we’ll be out in a little bit,“
„Uh, yea, sure,“ Lily all but sprinted from the doorway back into the room she came from, I could hear dishes, and drawers clattering as she set up the makeshift kitchen and lit the kerosene burner. I sighed, trying to get over the awkwardness of what just happened, but I still couldn't get over it, Yuki however burst out in giggles, „hahaha, well that’s never happened before, haha, I bet she must feel really embarrassed,“ I glared at her in frustration and she stopped, „well you gotta admit, it was kinda funny,“ I shook my head and snorted in confusion, how was I going to explain that to my sister. The awkwardness of it all loosened my knot and with a loud tight pop it fell out her now loose folds and the built up ejaculation spilled out onto the sheets. „Aww, dammit, now I’m gonna have to wash these twice as much,“ I grinned at her as I casually licked myself clean, then concentrated on my transformation back into my human form.
„Ugh! I hate that sound,“
Yuki made awkward faces as my bones crunched and bent back into their proper places, and after I finished I laughed at her, „You didn't sound so grossed out while I was ramming your brains out,“ she stuck her tongue out at me,
„Yea, that’s cuz your a hot sexy wolf, and when your a human your cute, but in between it’s just weird,“
„Oh well,“ I finished pulling on my jeans and zipped up my black, furred hooded coat, „I guess I’d better go talk to her.“
Yuki giggled and blew me a kiss, „Have fun with that, I’m going to take a shower, then wash these sheets...jerk.“



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Dirty Old Man DOM for short

I'm "middle aged" now. Right... if I live to be 130.I still think and feel like I'm in my early 30's but my experiences are always pointing towards "dirty old man" territory now. I haven't changed a bit, but everybody else has just gotten sooo freaking young lately. EVERYBODY.The first time I realized I may really be a dirty old man ("D.O.M." for short), I was 45 and in a nightclub in Las Vegas, sort of a "disco themed" place that had stages, loud music and beautiful women dancing all over the...

1 year ago
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Old Gus4

They were standing in a large arena; one of two on the farm of which her father was half-owner. It was called Green Groves and some of the best thoroughbreds in the world came from it. Casey and her dad had come down from the city for the day, and he, knowing that he would probably be in meetings most of the day, had entrusted the nineteen-year old girl to Gus, the farm-foreman. He'd known Gus for almost twenty years, and knew the man would take good care of the girl; show her everything worth...

4 years ago
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New Career 187 A DChapter 7

It's mid summer of 189 AD, and I now have a daughter. I wanted to name her Fiona, but Fiona insisted that was bad luck. I couldn't see how naming a baby after her mother could possibly be bad luck when it was OK to name a boy after his father, but Fiona wouldn't budge. We compromised on naming her Iola, which was the name of Fiona's mother. Oh, well, what's in a name? Commodus kept getting crazier and crazier. I was thinking that I only had one more year before I could retire as a...

4 years ago
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Back with My BF

This tale that I’m about to tell ought to be kept in a diary and left to remain there. If Alex, my husband, ever get to stumble his eyes upon it – I know there’s absolutely no way that I’m going to tell him about it – there’s going to be hell to pay. Still I can’t shake off the day Charles stepped back into my world, so here I’m going to tell it all as it went down.It was a hot and sunny day in the month of May, four and a half months ago. I was at work pouring through my office computer,...

2 years ago
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An Affectionate Friendship

This is the story about a young woman named Kelly, and an older gentleman TJ, written in the first person from the perspective of the girl. TJ is a friend of the family, and was Kelly’s frequent ‘babysitter’ when she was a young girl. Readers will notice I have split the events of the evening into two parts. Part One is the more tame telling of the non-sexual portion of the evening, and those not wishing to partake of the more heated part of the story may wish to stop after this part. Part Two...

3 years ago
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The End and The Beginning Ch 04

The Gift It may have been the physical exhaustion of sex, the emotional exhaustion from finally being together or just the lulling warmth of the bath, but we both fell into a light doze. It can’t have lasted long because the water was still warm when I woke. She murmured something sleepily that I could not catch, and pulled my arms tighter around her. I used my chin to push some of her hair back, and kissed her neck. Feeling mischievous I pushed her hair further over and gave her a love bite...

1 year ago
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Bindu Puku Pagaladenganu

Hi indian sex stories dot net  friends idi jarigi oka 3 years avutunid apudu na inter 2nd year xams ayipoyina tarvata summer holidays night buliding medha padukune valamu ma inti pakkana bindu ani ammayi vundedi mem iddaram chala close frnds naku bndu ni dengali ani chla korika ga vundedi epudu chance dorukutada ani wait chesevadini oka roju bindu vala family vvuru ki velaru ayite ah roju night nanu bndu tho padukomani chepu velaru Nen chala happy ga feel ayanu nyt epudu vutunda ani wait chestu...

4 years ago
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My First Seduction

I was now hungry for more fresh young cock, Marcus was now very good at pleasing a woman and had brought me and Kate to many a good climax before cumming his hot load. I asked Marcus if he would help me, he said he had a friend that he thought would be game for being seduced. So we arranged that Marcus and Kate would invite him over to see if I liked the look of him. The plan was if I did I would let Kate know and they would say they had to go out and leave the two of us alone. When they arrive...

2 years ago
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Share Your Toys TimothyChapter 4

Party time TIM COLLECTED Patty from her mother’s house early on Friday evening. He had his raincoat over his arm and handed a bunch of flowers to Babs to brighten up his sister’s living room. Patty polished up even nicer than Tim expected, coming into the sitting room where he had waited for only about 15 minutes, although it seemed a longer time to him. When she arrived he considered the wait was well worth it. Her shoulder-length hair was piled up high, studded with sparkling cosmetic...

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Fucked Nurse

Hi, I am Ajay, 25 year old IT professional working in indore. I am a native of Bhopal. I want to share with the ISS readers an incident that happened very recently to me. I visit indore once in two weeks. I always come by train from indore. Last Saturday I reached Bhopal Central very early in the morning, around 4.20 A.M. From there to my home, I have to take another electric train. I bought the ticket for that and entered the Park station (which is very near to the Central station). I saw the...

3 years ago
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Sexual Autobiography

The only reason behind not disclosing my identity is because I am expecting true feedbacks for my writing! If you really like the story you can write me at “unidentified at live dot com”. This story covers the desires of a GIRL before loosing her virginity & also expectations after that! NO MORE WASTING OF TIME, the story goes like this… He laid me on the bed, his technique displaying his sheer adeptness. The angle, my descent, how he didn’t take his eyes off me yet I landed on target with no...

2 years ago
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The Game Part 2

Today was the day. Today, she would knock on his door. Today would be the day that she’d invite him over, and not wait for him to ask her again. She was determined. She woke up excited, having dreamed about how it would feel with him inside her. Holding her, and fucking her. She opened her eyes to look at the clock, before she rolled out of bed. It was six-thirty am, time to get up, and get the older kids ready for school. In a few hours, she would have the house to herself again. She had to...

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New Beginnings Part Five A New Dawn

The view was magnificent from up here. Alex had finally gotten out of what he was beginning to call his jail cell. Although he loved his place, he wasn't allowed much freedom to roam. It had been weeks since he had arrived on Solaria's home planet, he had met the Queen of their society, and it had become very apparent that he was essential to them as a human battery.At least six times a day, a female member would come up and drain him of what they were calling life-sustaining fluid. Most of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hypno Second Skin Mindys Test

This is my first attempt in my Hypno Second Skin Universe. All characters are fictional. The story does include explicit language and adult situations so if you're of legal age to read it, go someplace else. I would like some feedback as well. If you loved it or hated it, I'd like to know. I have LOTS of other ideas for this theme. If you want more, please let me know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypno Second Skin. Mindy's Test. It...

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Mother May I Part I

"So? What? You fucking got me in trouble in third period by texting me you douche!" Jacob stormed in, throwing his basketball at me full force before throwing himself down hard on my bed and covering his head with a pillow. "Wait for it." I said, swatting the ball only to have it manage to get me in the side anyway, leaving a large red circle on my bare skin. "Chris needs to be here." Chris was 14 and still in 8th, and thus still on his way home for the next ten or so minutes. "Fucking...

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CunnilingusO school composition Erotic Story

When we in class XII, and was a skinny girl with a pretty back with a pair of breasts little more than shoot, my Romanian teacher gave me the theme, an essay about the most beautiful imaginary random in the summer.When I got home, I lay in bed trying to choose the most beautiful story I'd wanted to lived in the hot summer months. To me decide on the subject, I started rubbing, easily excited, because, for me, a beautiful story can only be a sensual. After I felt more relaxed, I decided to write...

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Rhiana gets multi orgasmic

Another few months passed during which Rhiana phoned regularly to update me on the family and her love life. She always told me that she loved me but couldn't get away to see me because her mother always checked that she really had a date both from a security point of view and to ensure that Rhiana wasn't taking advantage of her. I had told her that she could always come round during the day but she said baby Harry didn't sleep that much now and it would be hard for her to ignore him...

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dinner with Martha

officer who worked the city. worked a predominately black area for few years. had dinner at local church and from there had invites to homes. I would visit the homes as invited at dinner time. One such invite was Martha. She was widow woman who had c***dren older than me. But she cooked good food and just tired of no one to cook for. Martha and I talked about her life and mine. I looked at pictures I thought was her daughter, NO that's me. I was 26 and had 2 c***dren by that time. She still...

2 years ago
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My Sister Lauren PART I

Introduction: The Best Ass I Ever Tapped D E S C R I P T I O N : My name is Jason and this is what happened last year. Me, a sophomore at 15, and her a junior, 16. She is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is like the girls in your dreams and fantasies- the perfect one. She is about 5 foot 6 with beautiful shoulder length blonde hair. She had green eyes and a very slim but sexy physique. She had a really nice and firm ass and would always wear sexy thongs She had exceptional tits,...

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Sex With Heartbroken Girl

My three friends and I reached Gokarna on Thursday evening. We checked in to a hostel-style dormitory place and it was located on the edge of a cliff with a sea view. Late in the evening, we went to their cafeteria where we ordered beer and food. Two girls were sitting in the chairs in front of me. One girl was sitting by showing her back to me and the other one was facing me. This girl was fair; big eyes, long thick black hairs and her hairs were loose. She was healthily lean and with her lean...

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Swimming with a larg man

More of my diaries.Sorry it takes long time for this one to come. I was very busy. I was in 13 and I nearly grown up my body was like a girl big boot and breast. My father was sleeping with me nearly every night. I had a lots of sexy clothes my father bought for me . In school I still was a boy and I needed to wear very big school wear to other guys don't see my boobs.Last few years I changed my school few times because when some one realised about me, my father very quickly change my school...

3 years ago
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Canoe Tryst

"Please remind me never to try this again!" she whispered with a smile, while resting her heels on the backs of his thighs. "Canoes do not make good beds!" Matt backed away from her a bit, and then moved back to kiss her gently on the lips. Moving down he also ministered to each barely visible but very erect nipple. Moving carefully to avoid upsetting said canoe he eventually stood, reached down and carefully pulled up his shorts from down at his ankles. Grabbing the gun'ls he equally...

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Like a Whore

Friday 10:16 PM The first thing I noticed when I walked into the club was that the coat check girl was dressed in lingerie. After a quick double take, I noticed the poster on the wall. “Dare to wear, night?” I muttered, reading the words as I realized what exactly they meant. I then had to pay twice the normal cover charge since my clothing was apparently not “provocative” enough as per the night’s theme. Had I known previously, I would have opted not to take on the unenviable position of...

1 year ago
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How i fuck to a unsatiesfied femalerlm

Hi iss readers i am sexy boy .from ur previous comments i got the courage to write my new experience.if any female from delhi want fun then mail the story starts ...sarita was a gorgeous gal of 1st year in collage just living next to my house, she was fair as milk, quite tall with juicy lips, boobs and thighs. One day sarita came to my house at around 10.30 am, at that time no one was in the house as all had gone off to office and were not expected by 6.30 pm. It was my off day. She...

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Serving Moms FriendsChapter 4

Lunchtime finally came and, really, I was ready for a break. Sure, I was sixteen and always horny but I'd already had lots of sex with my Aunt Suzanne and Helen and would be pairing-up with Sandra next for the afternoon. All eight of us, of course, were naked in the kitchen fixing lunch and playing with boobs, pussies and dicks the whole time. I did spend a little time with Mom asking her how it was for her so far and she told me that she never dreamed there could be so much sex in such a...

2 years ago
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Double Trouble

Double Trouble Debra Jim realized he was completely helpless. His wife, Meg had promised him a night of ecstasy and she had lured him with the red prom dress he now wore. The dress had spaghetti straps and was fitted tight down to his waist. It then flared out with a built in petticoat. The hem reached to just above his knees. Meg had never accepted his cross-dressing. The fantasy of having sex with her while wearing his feminine finery was...

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MonstersOfCock Amara Romani Izzy Bell Two college girls one big black cock

Izzy and Amara were being good little students studying for upcoming exams. An unexpected knock at the door took the girls away from their studies. Izzy asked who it was. “A plumber,” Amara reported to Izzy, “he has black and cute.” Izzy’s imagination began to stir her loins and she uttered out loud her deep wish to experience a black cock in her little white pussy. Amara shared in the mutual desires. But it’s just a fantasy. Only a thought you have in the back of...

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The Wolf Next Door Chapter 3

    A scrapping sounds called my attention from the night goddess floating in the sky. It sounded like metal being dragged across the concrete. With a shiver of dread, I looked around for the noise. Nothing, except for the dancing of the lights as they glittered in patterns. Looking around, I began to walk down the road, looking for an answer as to what was going on.     After walking a few feet it became apparent something was following me. The sound of the scraping was back, but now I...

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Bound and used

That night Dee and I watched a weird porn where the girls were in boxes like glory holes. So Dee bought one and put it in his apartment where he locked me in it. So I'm spread eagle with my feet in locks towards the ceiling. And you told me that you were having friends over and that you were going to leave me in there for a while. But you left music on and put a mask on me. So as you leave the room you quickly get me off once and then I hear you leave but the door doesn't click shut. So I start...

4 years ago
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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 02 Exposing myself

At around that time, even before we were to start our new lifestyle, I found out that I was pregnant. It must be due to my daily teasing that my hubby getting so excited, he would shoot tons of cum deep inside my belly. Should I have considered that to be unlucky since I was about to proceed with these hotwife actions or should it be a blessing as my pregnancy actually increased my sex drive! I had checked around with my friends who had been pregnant before and some like it too but some just...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Jenna Foxx 09192016

Chad White’s figured it out. Rent a house in the Hollywood Hills. Make sure it’s super sweet. Then place an ad on the internet. Make it a casting call. When the girls show up, tell them it’s your place, have them sing or dance or act, then tell them what they’ve heard over and over and over: “thanks for your time, I’ll get a hold of you…don’t call me.” Sure, it’s the oldest trick in the book, but it works. Do you realize how many girls...

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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Pounding

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

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Flirting with office colleague 8211 Part 1

So read this story and send me your feedback on . Coming to the story, I’m not sure how far the stories here in ISS are true/genuine encounters or stories. But I’m taking the opportunity to pen down my ORIGINAL encounter in my life. Coming to story, the incident took place around 3 years back when I joined my 3rd company in Pune. I’m basically from Hyderabad. To tell you about me, I’m 5”9 with good gym body. I have a great face and voice where girls are attracted to me so easily. That was my...

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Turned to a Slut for BBC PT 7

I didn't hear from Jerome again until he texted me the following Friday morning asking what I had going on for Saturday. My daughter had another cheer competition so I informed him that I was going to support her. He told me that he wished I was free, as he wanted to see me. Actually what he said, was that he wanted to use my slutty holes, but it meant the same thing to me. Of course I wanted to see Jerome as well, but I knew I couldn't miss my daughter's performance so to try and please him, I...

1 year ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 10

I woke early, after only a couple hours of sleep, still tired and quite disorientated. At first I thought that the naked body lying next to me was Jane, then remembering that I would never again wake up with her at my side. It seemed that I was just at the edge of reality, you know, when you are awake but your dreams still feel real. I felt quite guilty when I did recall who the woman in my arms was. I lay as still as I could, not wanting to disturb her, whilst I pondered my own thoughts. Was...

2 years ago
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7th Date

Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Eva Notty 24319

Blast! Eva Notty can’t do anything with her hands, wrapped and bandaged due to a recent cooking accident that burned them. She can’t operate a hair dryer, she can barely use her phone, but worst of all, she can’t masturbate! And when her last-ditch attempt at handling a vibrator turns clumsy and awry, she decides it’s time to cash in an awkward but much-needed bet. She has her phone assistant call Rion, her son’s friend who owes her many favors for allowing him to use her address to help reduce...

3 years ago
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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 9 The Showdown

Clap. ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!’ The voice inside the mask screamed out in the Dark Trickster’s head, but the Trickster dismissed it with a simple thought, ‘I know what I’m doing.’ Clap. The Dark Trickster stepped out from the underbrush and continued slow clapping as he approached the entangled heroines. Clap. “Bravo, bravo, that was some of the best pornography ever produced if I don’t say so myself. Tell me, are you two professionals?” Crimson leapt up into a...

1 year ago
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No Ordinary LoveChapter 7 Mr Lucky

The dinner theatre was a great success and we talked about it for the next week while we decided what we would do the following weekend. I think, without saying anything to each other, we already knew we were going to become steady friends. I was gradually pulling more and more bits of information out of Jean and she was doing the same with me. We had gotten into some personal areas fairly quickly but neither of us seemed particularly embarrassed about it. "Tell me about your last...

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