OCD GOD 2 free porn video

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So, a second OCD GOD story to follow the second part of The Determined Man. As promised this is silly and sexy to counteract the lack of action (so far) in The Determined Man. Please do read both! This follows straight on from OCD GOD 1, but it pretty much stands alone. The concept is about a low level functionary god who has a compulsion to make patterns and balance amongst the people he's responsible for. That's about all you need to know OCD GOD 2 So it turns out that a junior level god really isn't supposed to just make life changing alterations to a person (like changing their sex) without it being a part of the Great Plan. Or something like that, I wasn't really listening as I was too busy cowering from Arnold, God of Transport, as he told me what was what. He may only be middle management, but Arnold has a voice that could shake the heavens. I have to tell you, I feared for my life. I mean it's not as if he doesn't have form in matters of punishing disobedience. Just ask Jonah. I'd rather not be spending my time pottering around the inside of a whale. I suppose I did know that what I was doing in that train carriage was wrong at the time, but can you really blame me? It's in my nature to yearn for order and patterns, and all those guys along one side, and the girls on the other........well. In the end I guess mum or dad pulled a few strings. I was reassigned but stayed within the transport team. They reasoned that maybe carriages were a little bit too chaotic for me and didn't have enough routine tasks to keep me busy. So I got moved over to escalators; nice uniform lines of people, stand on the left, walk on the right, and an awful lot of repetition: step follows step follows step follows step..... I was pretty happy there for a while. Sure, my parents were disappointed; Mum, God of Flight would swoop in unexpectedly in the form of a piece of paper hovering suspiciously on the wind, and I could always see how concerned she was, assessing and second guessing every move I made. I was only glad that dad, God of Fire, was explicitly banned from most places where I worked, like stations and such. He really can have quite the temper, and when he stares at you with those eyes...... My colleagues had a bit of a jest at my expense as well. Patrice, god of fashion, inspired the designers to send a lot of androgenous trends out into the world that year (Yes I know, the likes of me knowing the god of fashion! But you see there are a lot of escalators in shopping malls). "Is it a girl, is it a boy?!" he'd tease as another cropped fitted jacket with severe shoulders paraded up the steps "Oooh, isn't it just so frustrating and disordered not to know?" All the jokes were in pretty good humour though, and most gods just accept that sometimes mistakes are made, and sometimes you just have to go with it. Even my old mum isn't immune. I still laugh every time I see a helicopter and everyone just has to pretend that something like that could actually fly, just because mum got a bit carried away that one time and then couldn't find a way to back down. Anyway, so like I say I was just getting on with things, making sure the laws of physics behave themselves in placing step after step after step on all those escalators, ironing out the occasional wildcard that gets thrown up by those pesky quarks and bosons interacting unpredictably like they are prone to. And yes, it was a relief that even the people on escalators mostly acted with some form of structure. Generally they'd just stand there looking forward, the picture of stability. In other places there were nice uniform rules like standing on the right and walking on the left. I got to know all the different ways that people use escalators in different countries and circumstances. I felt in control. And then....Well, then there was that damn marketing gimmick and.... oh dear god.... ....it happened again! _____________________________________ Lyle took the tube to college everyday. Every morning he put his jacket on, hooked the straps of his backpack over his shoulders and set off on the Victoria line. So used to the journey was he, that Lyle often acted as if on autopilot, his body moving like a robot along its well-known path, allowing his mind to wander to other things. It wasn't a long journey, but he had to change trains at Oxford Circus, and that meant having to brave the crowds drawn to London's biggest shopping street. The mix of busy commuters, browsing shoppers and gaping tourists made for quite a bit of friction as the express-way streams of locals going about their daily business attempted to penetrate through slow moving clouds of day trippers. Lyle was firmly in the former category, and when he saw out of the corner of his eye a group of young ladies gathered, unmoving, at the top of the escalator he needed to take, he didn't even look at them long enough to really register that they were all wearing bikinis or some other form of swimwear. If he had registered their attire then he might have recalled having seen a promotion for a new health spa in the newspaper offering a free massage to anyone who took the tube to the spa wearing swimwear. But Lyle didn't think. To Lyle they were merely another obstruction in the way of his journey to college. Sensing the need to get ahead of the herd before they blocked up the escalator, Lyle dived through the group and made to get through to the escalator. He was just too late. The girls at the head of the group began to move onto the descending steps before Lyle fully broke through the crowd. Having just stepped onto the moving platform ahead of him, Lyle now found his way blocked by dozens of attractive women and he quickly realised that he was quite unable to nudge past them as he might do to others blocking his way. With their smooth bare legs open to the air and with the rest of their lovely bodies protected only by the flimsiest of garments, Lyle felt unable to push through them for risk of brushing against something inappropriate. Instead, he was forced to simply stand there, as the giggling gaggle of women slowly realised the presence of an interloper within their midst with little gasps and coos. "OK, spread out ladies!" came a loud call from the lower level. "I want a shot of you all coming down the escalator." Lyle turned his head to the sound and saw there a man with a large professional looking camera. His heart jumped in his chest as he panicked slightly at the prospect of this rather awkward situation being preserved for posterity. The women began to spread out ahead of him, taking up positions on both sides of the descending walkway and spreading out along it's length. Eventually, gaps began to open up around Lyle and he made to dart through, hoping to clear the group and be on his way. "OK, that's it!" shouted the photographer. "Just stay right where you are!" Lyle couldn't have told you why exactly he responded to this instruction. It certainly wasn't intended for him, but maybe there's just something in us which instinctively complies with an order that's loud enough and clear enough. Whatever the reason, Lyle's legs froze, and he even found himself looking up goofily at the photographer as the flash fired. Lyle was maybe fifty feet from the photographer, but somehow the light from the flash seemed so bright as to dazzle him. He blinked hard and shook his head. But his response spectacularly failed to provide him with the clear head he was hoping for. Instead his mind spun even more as he found that his shake of his head had caused long hairs to wrap around his face. Pulling them away he stared at them in his hands in astonishment. Blonde. And very long. Entirely unlike his own scruffy brown mop. His hands followed them upwards but found no explanation there. They were attached to his head; Firmly, he discovered to his pain after a strong yank. He held the hair again in his hands, and it was at this point that he realised that something was also wrong with his fingers. Well, not his fingers per se, (they were still as thick and calloused as ever, scarred from years of dragging them over guitar frets) but rather the nails. Each was three quarters of an inch long, painted a light pink with bright white french tips. He turned his hands over and then over again in astonishment. A knot of worry dropped in his stomach like a stone. It was several seconds before Lyle noticed something even more incredible. Looking beyond his oh-so-pretty nails, he realised for the first time that everything around him was moving more slowly. Much more slowly. The girl in front made her way into a cute little pose, hand on hip and Lyle watched as her knees bent inch by inch and her smile extended millimetre by millimetre. Something was very seriously wrong, and Lyle bit his bottom lip in fear. Cherry. His lip tasted slightly of cherry. It was very much still his lip, but now it seemed to be covered in some slightly tacky substance. He put his fingers to his mouth and they came away stained red. Was he wearing lipstick? And now he thought about it, it wasn't just the lipstick. He could feel it on his face. His rough pockmarked cheeks were smoothed over with a little powder; His stubby eyelashes were covered in mascara. He raised his fingers again. Yes, it was as he feared; His normally bushy eyebrows were thinner now, plucked and shaped into high, narrow arches. Lyle had no idea how it had happened, but it was clear that he had undergone some kind of makeover. He checked, with success, that he was still wearing all his normal clothes, but it gave him precious little relief. If anything, his normal jeans and jacket just made his make-up, hair and nails seem even more ridiculous. He looked again to the photographer and saw with horror that he was leaning down to his camera again, the man's thumb extended upwards as a signal to his subjects (including Lyle) that everything was OK. He was going to take another shot, and Lyle would be captured, standing amongst these women, with all the accessories of femininity adorning his very male, slacker student body. Flash! Another picture. And once again, Lyle found himself startled. This time it even took his breath away. He placed one hand on the rail beside him, and his other to his side, trying to stablise his breathing. For a moment, his hand on his ribcage helped Lyle to get a grip. The next moment though, it had entirely the opposite effect. It dawned on Lyle that his hand, rather than resting upon the fabric of his jacket, was instead directly touching his skin. He moved his fingers and felt his fabulous new nails tickle and scratch. In a panic, he looked down at his body. How could this be! Lyle was now standing on the elevator in the middle of the tube station, in nothing but a tiny baby blue bikini and matching heels! He could feel the cool air passing over his exposed belly and legs, the feeling lessened slightly by the generous covering of body hair that remained. His package was now very prominently displayed in the little thong that wrapped around him, and it wasn't a man's posing pouch with extra space for his equipment. No, this garment was tiny, designed to fit snugly over a woman's flat crotch. It barely covered even the front of his dick, and anyone standing side-on would have been able to see the lot. He was loathe to disturb the delicate balance of the thong, but he had no need for the top that sat on his chest. He pulled at one of the large empty cups which flexed before snapping back into place. Again, the world was moving more slowly around him, but this time the photographer didn't even look up between shots. He yelled out some words, presumably encouragement, but the time distortion made them unintelligible to Lyle. Lyle could do nothing, knowing that he was about to be captured in women's clothing and accessories on camera. This would go viral in minutes, he thought to himself. His social life was over. Flash! A third picture. This time Lyle was expecting the disorientation that followed it and he kept his eyes closed for a moment and took a deep breath. Gingerly, and with his eyes remaining closed he reached out his hand again, this time to his waist. What could possibly happen that was worse than what had already occurred? His hand settled upon a hip. Lyle screwed up his face in confusion. Something was definitely strange, but he wasn't sure what. Why would this be strange? He'd always had hips. Or had he? Sure he had a middle and a pelvic bone, but this was different. This was a HIP. He could feel with his hand that this hip was a feature: A part of his body that wasn't content with just carrying out a function, but which instead was there to be noticed, flaring out generously for all the world to see. His heart started to beat harder in his chest, but still he couldn't bear to open his eyes. His fingers moved along, almost without instruction, exploring this new reality inch by inch. His belly was gone, and in its place his fingertips encountered a waist. This wasn't just a narrower version of his own middle. Just like his hips were something new altogether, so it was the case here too. What was now beneath his touch was smooth, firm and warm to the touch. He played along the skin with his fingers and then gathered the courage to place his whole hand against it. It was small. Ever so small. The reality began to dawn upon Lyle: He had the waifish middle and sweeping hips of a goddess. His heart was pounding like a jackhammer in his chest now and his breath deserted him entirely, but still his hands continued onwards, as if drawn to their destiny. He brought both hands to his lower back, fingers pointing towards the ground, and then began to move them downwards. His pressure was firm, but his movement, battling against the paralysis of fear, was ever so slow. His middle was small and firm, but as his fingers descended things began to feel different. The curve was gentle at first, but then increased exponentially, and as he passed a tiny band of skin-tight fabric, the flesh he found there was progressively softer to his touch and blossomed outwards. Soon his hand were resting on twin buttocks, his fingers splayed to cradle the semi-spherical shape of each. He could imagine exactly what his bottom looked like, and he knew instinctively that it was the kind of rear that hypnotised men would line up behind him to follow. He couldn't help but give one cheek a small slap and felt his plump rear bounce like a beach ball for just a second in response. The tap caused a little tremor over the rest of his body, and Lyle knew for sure that nothing was the same as it had been. He had felt movement on his chest and, eyes still closed, he raised his hand. He shuddered as his hand made contact. It was still several inches from where he was used to his chest beginning. He opened up his hand and cupped what could now only be one of his new breasts. For the moment, he limited himself to exploring its shape, and moved his hand gently around the surface of the new object. The bikini top was smooth and cool to the touch. It curved elegantly and evenly, following the pert, rounded form of the form beneath. Lyle found the edging of the bikini and stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Slowly he extended a finger and laid it gently directly onto the skin of one out of his new pair of fantastic boobs. He felt his touch like a little shot of electricity. There was no mistaking it. He was touching a tit. His tit. Spreading out his fingers he cupped his breast and gently squeezed it. It yielded to his touch, just as a good tit should. Lyle could wait no longer and opened his eyes to see. He was greeted by the sight of two incredibly welcoming, full but soft looking boobs, nestled snugly inside a pale blue bikini that tied around the back of his neck. He looked at his long thin arms and at delicate shoulders that were draped with long blonde hair, but his eyes kept wandering back to those tits. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. He moved his hands back down and felt between his legs. The thong that had previously done so little to contain his manhood, now fitted like a dream over the modest flat little mound between his legs. Running his hands over the fabric he could just distinguish the sensation enough to become aware of each of his new pussy lips. So he was a girl. How? His big blue eyes were open wide with terror and his sweet rosebud mouth twisted in anguish. What was this? He didn't believe in magic and he could think of no reason why he'd be the target for some kind of hyper-advanced technological hit. But Lyle didn't have long to think. Flash! A fourth picture. Lyle once again closed his eyes tight shut in reaction, but this time the usual racing heart and sense of confusion failed to materialise. Instead he paused, struggling to understand what he was feeling until he noticed a smile begin to play across his sweet cherry red lips. He felt good. Warm, and full of energy but also calm, contented somehow. He opened his eyes and took a look around. There were girls all around him in swimwear. They all looked soooo pretty! And so did he! Yay! But he shouldn't be wearing a bikini here! He was on an escalator! On the tube! It was, like, so funny! He giggled. A light lilting sound that made him even happier. But wait; Should he be wearing a bikini anywhere? The question seemed utterly ludicrous to him (but I have such a hot body, of course I should wear a bikini! a part of him thought) and completely terrifying at the same time. He thought like, really, really hard about why the question should scare him. Was it because bikinis are out of fashion right now? Because that would be so, so bad, cause he, like, had to be seen to keep up with the latest styles. No, it couldn't be that. Bikini's never go out of style. He giggled again at how he'd had such a stupid thought. Was it because he was a boy? That did seem strange. Boys don't wear bikinis. Sexy girls like him wore bikinis....... But wasn't he a boy? He looked himself up and down. He didn't think that he looked like a boy. He had smooth flawless skin, lovely bouncy boobies and a cute little pussy. Also, he was surrounded by lots of pretty girls like him, so that probably meant he was a girl too. But yet, he could remember being a man. Yes, he definitely had been a boy called Lyle. He thought hard for a bit, but then got tired. No need to think about the past, he thought. So what if he had been a boy called Lyle, now he was very clearly a girl, called....ummm....Lyla! She giggled again with excitement. Why should she worry about the past, when the present was so, like, deliciously funny, and the future was......was.....Oh yeah! She was going to get a free massage! Wooo! --------------------------------------------------------- So, yeah. That happened. Pretty much as soon as I'd done it I knew it was wrong. No, that's a lie. I knew it was wrong before I did it. But I just couldn't help myself! I simply wasn't prepared for such an opportunity for uniformity to present itself, and then be so cruelly ruined by some random bloke with a backpack. So yeah, I changed him to her. And I knew I shouldn't have. It gave me such a thrill to see that uninterrupted line of all those beautiful girls, posing happily on my escalator. But soon that thrill turned to panic. I remembered how angry Arnold, God of Transport had been at me last time. I tried to recall what he'd said, but it was all a bit of a blur. I could just remember something about The Greater Balance. How, even though what I did looked like it created order, it actually upset a wider balance that was bigger than I could see. In my state of panic, that little phrase kept coming back to me. And it made sense to me in a funny kind of way. By changing this male to a female, I had unbalanced the proportion of men to women in the world. There was now one female too many, and one male too few, making for an overall imbalance of two. Now I knew that I really shouldn't try to change any women into men, as that approach had not worked out for me so far. What my panicked little mind thought of though, was other ways of righting that balance, maybe in a way that wouldn't be noticed as too much of a departure from the norm. And so I came up with my plan. Really, this god business is just like a lot of other hierarchies. The folks upstairs want the job to be done the way they'd do it, but they actually want it done by someone else. And so we get processes, templates, standard tools to make sure the job is done the way they want it. As with any business though, those processes are only as appropriate as the minions who apply them. Standard tools provided for one part of the business get left around in common areas and then appropriated by staff from other parts of the business and used in the wrong way. Happens all of the time. So, what I did was to think about what sort of standard tools (or in my case, standard miracles) might be available for use, that could help me restore balance, without the use of that tool looking suspicious. It didn't take me long to think about it. One of the most common miracles around. Used by my kind thousands of times every day. The miracle of sexual attraction, conception, pregnancy and child birth. Just apply twice for perfect boy twins, and hey presto, balance restored! ___________________________________________ Lyla was loving her free massage. It felt so nice to have a big man kneading his strong hands into her back. She felt so little, so soft, like putty in his hands. Occasionally an errant thought came to him, and it suddenly felt all wrong to be wearing a little bikini and having another man rub oil into his skin, but those worries only lasted a few seconds, before Pablo the masseur again took her in his firm grip, making shivers and sparkles go whizzing up her spine. She felt relaxed, but also a little invigorated. ....Actually, maybe it was about an equal measure of relaxation and invigoration. ....In fact, come to think of it, she felt full of energy. More than would be expected from a simple massage. She felt great! Something was stirring within her, and she was enjoying it. All her senses seemed a little heightened. She could feel the air on the bare skin of her legs and back but, despite wearing nothing more than her cute little bikini, she didn't feel cold at all. No, she felt strangely warm, as if a little fire were lit inside her. The massage table she lay upon felt good too. She wriggled into it a little, enjoying the feeling of something large and firm beneath her. She only wished it could wriggle back. She found herself longing to be embraced. Her hearing was sensitive as well and she became increasingly aware of her own soft moans as Pablo drove his hands deeper into the muscles of her back, following her spine up to her shoulders and then caressing their way back down the feminine curves of her sides. Most noticeable though was her sense of smell. She realised that she could almost taste it. The flowers on the windowsill were sweet and light; The oil being rubbed into her skin was fresh and invigorating. But there was a scent that affected her far more than either. She had to think for a moment to work out what it was. Earthy.... Musky..... Heavy.... .....Pablo. Yes, it was Pablo, and she couldn't help but inhale him deeply as he moved around in front of her and leaned in to work on her neck. Some worry flickered briefly in her mind. He shouldn't be noticing another man's scent. He certainly shouldn't be savouring it. And yet.... Mmmmm she thought.... It is delicious. It smelled like strength, like raw physical power. She glanced upwards and noticed a slight glistening of sweat on Pablo's bicep. She almost wanted to lean up and lick it from his skin. His arm bulged as it flexed to press his fingers into her flesh once again. She purred with pleasure, feeling his touch and keeping her eye on the source of the intoxicating scent that was filling her up. Lyla's daydreaming was making her oblivious to the appearance of her actions and soon her contented, fixed gaze caught Pablo's eye. He smiled back at her and gave a quick wink. Lyla dissolved into a puddle of mixed emotions. Somewhere in that cocktail was a large dash of shame at having been caught looking longingly at this big man who now gently massaged her head with his strong, yet ever so gentle hands. This emotion though was lost in a flood of excitement and arousal. He liked me looking at him! She thought. Maybe he fancies me!! The thought swirled around her head and even seemed to escape it and run amok over the whole of her body. Was he enjoying touching her supple skin? What might this big man want to do to her? Was he getting turned on by her body? Like she was turned on. Oh yes, she knew it now. There was no mistaking the energy building within her. She was getting horny. And it was all new. She knew what it was like as a man, but this was her first time as a girl. She hadn't even thought about sex since the change happened. She had been too busy giggling and laughing with the others. Of course, she'd looked at herself in every reflective surface that she passed. And of course she was thrilled with how sexy she looked. But that was all just for her; for fun. This time there was very definitely a man involved. A real man. Pablo. And now Lyla was the girl. The chick. The babe. The idea thrilled her so much that she surprised herself. Yes, she was the girl, not the one that did the fucking, but the one that got fucked. Now she would be at his mercy. She would be held, maybe lifted or carried, perhaps even positioned as the man desired. It would be her body that would be devoured with a man's eyes. She would be the one to seduce, to pose, to invite him to overwhelm her. Lyla had never thought about wanting these things before, but now she couldn't imagine how she had ever wanted anything else. She wanted it so much. She wanted Pablo. Pablo was still in position at the top of the table, fingers teasing between the luxurious hair on Lyla's head, massaging her scalp, using his expert hands to send waves of thick satisfying pleasure crashing over her body. Lyla raised her eyes and found them directly level with his crotch. She bit her lip. Oh yes, he was enjoying this all right. The bulge in his trousers was clear for her to see and only inches from her face. Almost involuntarily her hand snaked out in front of her towards Pablo's crisp white trousers. For his part, Pablo paused just for a split second as he noticed her movement, but he regained his composure almost immediately and resumed his task. Lyla, meanwhile, set about hers. She wondered whether Pablo could sense her heart pounding as her long elegant fingers slowly unfastened the row of buttons that served as a fly on the front of Pablo's trousers. One by one they came undone and Pablo's member twitched slightly upon each little success; Each step that brought Lyla's hands closer towards their goal. She looked up with her big blue eyes framed by her gorgeous long lashes, but Pablo remained focussed on her massage. She paused. She so desperately wanted to be seen by him. To be acknowledged in his eyes. He refused to look at her, but she continued anyway. If anything Pablo's detachment drove her on further. She had to please him, to be made his by his gaze. Finally the last button came free and Lyla could see the full extent of Pablo's manhood, covered only by loose fitting boxer shorts that did nothing to restrain it from reaching its full elevation. Maybe it was just because she was smaller now, or because she was looking at it more closely but it seemed huge. Much bigger that Lyle's own had been. That thought brought another wave of confusion and shock. What was he doing? Memories flitted back into his mind. Of seeing his own dick; knowing how to use it. Memories of being the man. But there was no stopping now. Her desire was too great. She slipped her hand inside Pablo's shorts and delicately pressed her fingers to the hard rod of man-meat that she found there. She was surprised at how warm it felt. It felt good. And even more than that, it smelled amazing. Pablo's scent had doubled and doubled again in intensity, so much so that all of Lyla's other senses became fuzzy and indistinct. Her small hand encircled Pablo's cock and again she looked up, hoping for a smile of encouragement. Pablo didn't even stop what he was doing, continuing to stroke and press upon her head and neck. Lyla though clearly sensed a shift in the intensity of the massage, Pablo's grip on her becoming tighter and the thrusts of his hands more powerful. She smiled. Pablo was so strong, so in control, but she knew she was beginning to influence him through the pleasure she could bring. She moved her hand slowly along his member, softly at first and then gripping tighter as she grew in confidence. Pablo continued to massage her and soon they found a rhythm together, back and forth, up and down. It was all so natural. All remained unspoken but they found a perfect harmony. Lyla's breathing quickened with excitement as Pablo grew even harder in her hands. By now she had pulled it free entirely from his shorts and she watched as his uncircumcised foreskin rolled and back and forth along the shaft with her oscillating grip. It was almost hypnotic and she wanted, no, she needed, to get closer. She shifted herself forward on the table and inched her plump juicy lips towards the glistening tip of Pablo's dick. She paused, half an inch away, something stopping her from committing. Something old, important somehow, but becoming undefined. She fought against the resistance. Her lips parted and her tongue hovered between, half extended towards Pablo's hot cock. Still she felt held back. She looked upward again, towards the face of her desire, but he continued to ignore her. And that was what won the fight. She needed to be seen. She needed to be approved of by this powerful man. Her tongue pressed gently against the tip of his dick. It tasted good. Soon she was licking greedily around the tip, swirling her tongue around the circumference. She looked up again and this time she saw with her heart aflutter that Pablo's eyes were firmly shut. He continued to massage her head, but his strokes became uneven, less focussed as he struggled to maintain control. Yes. She would get there. She was giving him pleasure and she would gain his attention. She knew that she just needed to do more. She needed to take all of him inside her. The angle from the table to his dick wasn't favourable, and so Lyla swiftly slid down from where she lay, sensing deep loss for the moments that she was away from Pablo's dick, and then positioned herself kneeling before him. She couldn't wait any longer, and after circling him a couple more times with her tongue she soon wrapped her juicy lips around his shaft. It felt huge in her mouth and she began slowly, inching more and more inside her bit by bit. It was almost too much and she thought about withdrawing. Instead though, she looked upwards and there, joy of joys, was Pablo's face, dark eyes shining at her and white teeth showing in a broad smile. Yes! He was looking at her! And he was happy! Happy with her! All thoughts of discomfort vanished from her mind and Lyla pressed onwards. Keeping her lips clamped around his cock, she massaged him with her tongue simultaneously and brought her hand back up to stroke the base of his shaft. She could feel it twitching in her throat and it made her shiver with excitement. Pablo's hand was now in her hair again, and she looked up at him while she serviced his dick. "Take your bikini off" he said in his deep exotic accent "I want to see your tits bounce as you blow me." Lyla didn't hesitate. She had been given an instruction and it was her pleasure, her great honour to obey. She reached around behind her and untied her bikini at her back and her neck. Her boobs fell free and began to bounce in rhythm to her sucking. It felt strange to Lyla, ever so new and strange. And yet she knew that Pablo would be enjoying it and so it brought her great delight. Pablo groaned deeply and began to rock his hips. Lyla for the first time, realised that he would cum. A final wave of confusion and disgust came over her, but was then subsumed within the great tide of desire. Yes, he would cum. For her! "Mmmmmmm......" She moaned at the thought of it. "Nnmmmmfff..." She closed her eyes and increased in pace, willing him to fill her mouth with his semen. Wanting it. Desiring it. Needing it.... But then, suddenly, she was being pulled back. Away from HIS cock. Away from HIS scent. She opened her eyes and found his hands on her shoulders. In a moment they were under her arms and she was lifted, effortlessly, into the air. She looked into his face but he gave no response. The look she saw in his eyes was beyond human communication. It was animal. Primal. She was not being asked her consent for these steps. She wasn't even given an explanation. No. He wanted her and he would manipulate her in any way in which he pleased. In one swift motion she was lifted from her knees, upwards to a standing position and then off her little feet altogether. Pablo finally placed her down into a sitting position on the edge of the massage table. His big hands circled firmly around her exposed breasts, his thumbs flicking over her thick sensitive nipples. Lyla gasped and threw her head back as bolts of electricity coursed through her from Pablo's touch. Pablo was now grinning wildly and his eyes consumed her body as much as his hands. He tugged hard on her little bikini thong and dragged it down so that it stretched ludicrously between her knees. Lyle swung her freely dangling legs and caught sight of the flimsy sky blue fabric. Something inside her jumped at the ridiculousness of it. Clothes like that are no cover at all. Part of her shrivelled in shame. Part of her just giggled. Pablo didn't hesitate. He took a firm grip of Lyla's jutting hips and positioned himself between her parted thighs. He took a hold of his rock hard dick and positioned it at the entrance to her pussy. Lyla moaned loudly at his touch. Her virgin cunt exploding with sensations as it was stimulated for the first time. It was a cry of both pleasure and yearning. Every moment that his dick wasn't inside her felt like an eternity. With a mighty grunt, Pablo thrust himself up inside Lyla's sopping wet pussy. She gasped, feeling her need satisfied, her emptiness filled. Pablo held his position for a few moments and Lyla experimented with her new equipment, finding that she could squeeze down harder around the thick hot rod upon which she was impaled. Pablo pulled back a few inches. Lyla grinned maniacly at the feeling of his skin sliding moistly against her inner walls. She looked up and down at this man. This great monument of masculinity, large and strong, muscles twitching as he simply took her. Mmmmmm.... He was just delicious. She savoured every movement as he ploughed into her again and again, slowly but with absolute inevitability and no hesitation. There was great, quiet power behind it, like the movement of a continental shelf. He wanted her and he had complete confidence that he had her, completely. "Oooooo!!" she moaned "Mmmmmm!!!" feeling pressure building up inside her, tension growing in the region between her legs but also across her whole body, causing her to arch her back and hold on ever tighter to the sides of the table beneath her. Lyla could feel her own juices escaping between her folds and beginning to run down the soft skin of her inside leg. She marvelled at how good this felt. By how much she wanted this. So much more than Lyle had ever wanted a woman. "Yes!" she, screamed throwing back her head in rhythm with another powerful thrust. Waves of pleasure crashed over her whole body as she came loudly. "Oh, YES! Fuck Me!" she squeeled. And so he did, increasing in pace and beginning to grunt louder. Oh yes, he was going to cum. He was going to fill her up with his spunk. With his seed. Still in a continuing blissful, orgasmic state, a realisation came over Lyla that this was what she wanted more than anything. To be infused with Pablo's baby making love offering. She wanted to receive it inside her, to welcome it, to nurture it. She wished to be the vessel of his reproduction. The arc for the new generation of Pablo She wanted it. She wanted it. And she became it. Pablo exploded inside her, planting his seed in her fertile womb. She somehow knew instantly that she would become pregnant. That she would give birth to Pablo's twin sons. She felt that the whole world was right and a look of complete serenity spread across her face; A look that spoke of perfect balance.

Same as OCD GOD 2 Videos

2 years ago
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Mystic Godfather

Mystic Godfather----------------Chapter 1---------His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to myfirst high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would neverunderstand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flashof light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on tomask my tears so I didn't hear him approach.I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against mybed. A man was standing there when I looked up. He had...

3 years ago
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Mystic Godfather

Mystic Godfather ---------------- Chapter 1 --------- His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to my first high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would never understand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flash of light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on to mask my tears so I didn't hear him approach. I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against my bed. A man was standing there...

4 years ago
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My Godmother

I'm a sixteen (nearly seventeen) year old son of farmer parents on an island of the west coast of Scotland. I'm homeschooled and as long as I keep up my studies, I am excused farm work.It's quiet here and most of my friends attend boarding school on the mainland so I don't see much of them. When they come back for holidays, we like to get together and hang out. Some of them steal porn mags or porn novels from their parents and we all take it in turns reading sections out loud to the group. It's...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

2 years ago
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Dream Come True With Sexy Mature Godmother

The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...

3 years ago
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Fairy Godmother

My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...

2 years ago
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   To start this story we have to go a ways back. For a little framework, I was born to an already broken marriage. My father a serial cheater and my mother could never fully let him go. I know they maintained a physical relationship years after the divorce, everyone saw the signs. He had too much charm and equally excessive libido. I guess that is where I get it.     I was always told I was just like him. I was great at sports, was a natural leader, good looking, and you guessed it, i did...

2 years ago
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Taboos With My Godfather

I hadn't verbally stated my sins to anyone. To speak aloud of the feelings that clouded my mind and better judgement left me feeling a new, delicious kind of "dirty" I had never thought possible. We grow though, and as we grow we come across new, and sometimes obscene ways that remind us we are human. But the instinct, the capability of committing such unspeakable things is there in the back of one's mind. All it takes is a little spark to bring the fires of destruction to life. However,...

2 years ago
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Mature Sex Goddesses

Glenda saw the small announcement in the activities section of the newspaper. She didn’t have much else to do these days since her husband died. Her kids didn’t live close and she hadn’t made many friends. No hobbies to pass the time either. This was intriguing though. It read, “Mature Sex Goddess gathering on Wednesday evening”. An address that she surmised was a private home was given as well and an email to RSVP. “What the hell,” she thought. It would at least be interesting although she’d...

2 years ago
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Space Station Solveychegodsk

I gazed out the porthole. Stars slowly danced in front of my eyes, their light tinted blue. And between us and them: absolutely nothing, simply the void of space. Even the sun itself was barely noticeable compared to its more distant kin. ‘Haven’t seen you around here before,’ an older woman commented as she sat down next to me, the crash of her tray on the table startling me out of my thoughts. ‘What are you waiting for?’ I lowered my fork. I had only been aboard the station for a few...

4 years ago
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My 14 Year Old Goddaughter

We met while I was 15 and still at school and as a result she knows all of my oldest friends, John James, Martin, Sue and Kate. We would all socialise together and Gail was welcomed as part of my group and together we enjoyed many wild nights out. Over the years we watched as various friends dated and started more serious relationships. Our careers developed and took us to various parts of the country, but we always kept in touch and met up regularly. Gail and I were the first to marry, but...

2 years ago
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You don't remember circumstances you got your power, or received your training with it. There was some lights involved, you think, and a voice mentioning "Hey guys, watch this, it'll be REALLY funny. C'mon, hold my beer." Then you woke up in your bed, understanding your new potential. The first day was small things - adding money to your wallet, cleaning your room in an instant, fixing your car - and from there, you've started playing around with it more and more. Now, though, you were ready...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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The Godfucker

You wake up and brush your teeth while reading the newspaper. You laugh as you read the FBI announce the death of the mob. The mob isn't dead, it's just moved underground. No more shipping alcohol, just girls nowadays. You look over the latest report from your underlings. You manage the human trafficking for the mob and profits are good. Normally you just deal with the numbers and management but once in a while, you have to "break in" a new girl yourself until she finally gets what her new job...

3 years ago
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Cleanliness is next to godliness

A message from the AuthorPlease note these events are all true to the best of my knowledge. Only the Names, places and years have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.It is the year 1923 in Scotland that this story begins. Stella Brown was sat in the Mother Superiors office at St Augustine Catholic school for Girls.And she was in Big trouble!Stella new that she was going to be punished severely, which of course meant that she was going to be caned. She sat thinking back on all the...

4 years ago
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the goddes

My parents were very Catholic and very straight. That was all I knew.Tony's parents were more sophisticated. His dad, Henry, was a doctor. Hewas a bit formal but really a great guy. He would make sex jokes andstuff, which seemed so progressive to me as a k** in grammar school. Iremember in their rec room downstairs, lots of knotty pine, there was acloth poster of a very attractive African woman. She was topless with bigboobs, a ring in her nose, and there was a tiny cloth over her crotch....

2 years ago
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Cleanliness Is Godliness

A thousand erect dicks’ salute to my beloved readers. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories. I have been reading stories on this website since a long time now. Many nights, I have beat my meat to the raunchy and spicy stories here and squeezed out gallons of cum from my thick organ. Now I wish to entertain my fellow readers with a story of my horny as hell friend Sekhar. I can’t disclose the characters’ actual names since it would be an act isomorphic to fucking their privacy which...

3 years ago
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First Time Being Dominated By Two Godesses

Hello, everyone.My name is Belliappa and this is my second story on this site.I am from Bangalore and am studying engineering in a reputed college when these incidents took place. Any and all feedback is appreciated.Please read till the end and then give feedback. Women of all ages in Bangalore(I’m a bit partial to older ladies) please contact or inbox me at for safe and discreet sex encounters. As always the names of the teachers have been changed for privacy.The body measurements ​of each...

3 years ago
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Waiting for Godo

Waiting for Godo By Charlotte Dickles I knew it was absolute lunacy to a have an affair with Godo's wife. Simple common-sense should have kept me well away. But when has common-sense been able to overrule the needs of the penis? I met Carol when she and Godo walked into the restaurant of The Crown Hotel, where I worked as waiter. I'd never met him personally before, but his reputation went before him. His real name was James...

3 years ago
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Meri Maa Ki Godbharayi

Hi friends, mera naam Ritesh hai aur mein first year engineering college mein padta hoon. Yeh kahani meri maa aur mere beech ki hai. Baat uss samay ki hai jab maine class 12 board pass karne ke baad, college shuru hone ke intezar mein chutti mein ghar bhaitha tha. Main Kolkata ka rehne wala hun aur bengali hoon. Ghar mein time pass karne ke liye mein kafi der tak internet mein sex stories ka anand lete rehta tha. Ek din maine ek maa bete ki sex story padi. Pehele to mujhe thodi grhina hui par...

2 years ago
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Great Fucking In Grain Godown

I am a Brahmin and from a poor family. After I passed my school final examination I could not go to college because of financial constraints and so I started working under a merchant. My age was 18 then. This merchant, a Chettiar, was a rich man owning 3 big grocery shops. I joined as his helper. Daily I would go to his house in the early morning and till late night I will stay there doing whatever work that is assigned to me by chettiar. I often would ask him for employing me as a clerk or...

2 years ago
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Bhanupriya My Sex Goddesss

I am Raju, this is my real name and I am sending herewith one of my fantasy about the famous actress Bhanupriya. I was 16 years when this real incident happened .It was with my cousin sister [Uncles Daughter] Bhanupriya she was aged 23 and was staying in her house at Madras since my uncle was in their native place with her sister Shantipriya. In the big house in Madras I was staying with Bhanuchechi. She is 5’6″ inch height, perfect figure with big round and firm boobs of 38D and a sexy...

3 years ago
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Blake Mathers wakes up as his phone pings with a notification. The young man recently turned 18, and in his last year of high school. He has some time before he needs to get ready for school. He stretches his arms as he yawns. Blake rubs his eyes and checks his phone. 'Apps you might like' notification along the top banner of his screen. Blake groans, "Why the Hell would they send something like that this early in the morning?" The dark-haired young man taps the notification. The app store...

4 years ago
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The Godparent

No one wants that call. The Godparent call. So many things have gone wrong if it comes to that. Clarice was lost to cancer a couple of years ago. Her parents were both lost to her when she was much younger. I’m pretty sure it was a plane crash. Rodney is not coming home from Syria. Not alive. Sorry, officially he’s not coming home from Iraq. Just got that word today. This morning. From Edna. She was a mess. Rodney and his family were all she had left. Rodney had eked an education out of a bad...

4 years ago
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Appeasing the Gods

Appeasing the Gods by Mickey D I followed Gezar out into the jungle to collect herbs for his concoctions. It was his favorite place; not mine. Of course, it was daylight, and we had the temple guards with us, but they were no comfort to me. They were more terrified of the danger than I was. Poisonous reptiles. Hungry predators. Venomous insects, swarms of them. Even some of the vegetation could cause burning, paralysis, hallucination. Only the high priest was comfortable here. This...

4 years ago
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Olympian wrestling between the Gods

The year 776 b.c is known as the first ancient Olympic Games by the Greeks. But archaeologists have found out that two years earlier, in 778 b.c. some kind of wrestling competition was created at Mount Olympus. The cause of this wrestling fight was the discussions betweens de gods and the goddesses, which gender was the strongest. And so there is one of the sports : ancient wrestling. Which means wrestling naked in a sort of amphitheatre. Unlikely the next Olympic Games, women were allowed to...

2 years ago
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Deus Terra The Land of the Gods

The Gods did not create the world. It was the world that gave birth to magically powerful creatures to watch over it. Every part of it that wished for protection gave birth to a different spirit, and for their immense power, they would later come to be known to everyone as Gods. They lived along with that which they protected, being yet another part of the planet. The Water Spirit swam with the fishes, the Wind Spirit played with the birds, the Earth Spirit nourished the soil and the Fire...

2 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 34 The Power of Gods

They watched him. His face was contorted in anger and his fists balled so tightly that his nails pierced the skin of his palms. Blood seeped from his fists on the wooden surface beneath his hands, forming a slowly growing puddle. There was a new god at their table and he was a very furious god. “She betrayed me.” The sentence escaped through his grinding teeth. The silence was broken, and then it was totally destroyed when loud laughter exploded from the others at the table. “May I suggest...

3 years ago
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Child of the Gods

( This story is basically a different and better version of my first story, An immortal without purpose. I wasn't happy with how I wrote that one so I'm writing this one. The concept is the same but the story is totally different. Hope you like it. ) The gods know it's their end. Their influence is dwindling. Mortals don't care about them anymore. The proud Olympians now realise that they're nothing without mortals. Faith,prayers and devotion is what gives them power. They need someone to...

5 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 14 Challenging the Gods

Thursday, July 22, 1971 The girls let me out in front of the Royal Barracks, which were just across the street from the northeast corner of the Imperial Gardens. “Aren’t you all coming in to watch?” I asked. “Oh, no,” Ileana stated. “The Royal Barracks is the only place in all of Tapato where women cannot go. Even the queen is not allowed inside there.” “Well, uh, okay then. I guess I’ll see you later?” I told her apprehensively. “I doubt that you will see me again until tomorrow at your...

4 years ago
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The Godmother

Alex is tall – about 6 foot two and athletic with a shock of unruly black hair. Bamber is also on the tall side – about 5 foot 11 and she is anything but athletic. I can’t remember her ever doing anything athletic. How she keeps her hourglass figure is down to nature’s good graces - unlike her mother who has no discernible figure. Bamber has waist length dark red hair almost auburn and the light green sparkly eyes. Her skin is pale almost alabaster and she has a penchant for too much makeup....

4 years ago
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The Godmother

Introduction: My God daughter needed my special help My husband John has been kind to relay my experiences of sexual re-awakening. I thought I should have a go myself telling of a rather meaningful recent encounter. My good Friend Jess has a younger daughter Kimberly, who somehow got the nickname Bamber as a child and it stuck. She is my God-daughter and I have always treated her like my own daughter. Bamber was the last to leave the nest and recently married a lovely guy named Alexander. They...

3 years ago
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Son of Gods

The Olympians: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Hestia, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestush The Norse Gods: Baldr, Borr, Bragi, Búri, Dagr, Delling, Eir, Forseti, Freya, Freyr, Frigg, Gefjun, Hel, Heimdallr, Rígr, Hermóðr, Hlín, Höðr, Hœnir, Iðunn, Jörð, Kvasir, Lofn, Loki, Máni, Mími, Nerþus, Njörðr, Nótt, Óðinn, Sága, Sjöfn, Skaði, Snotra, Sol, Thor, Týr, Ullr, Váli, Vár, Vé, Víðarr, Vili, Vör The Roman Gods: Cupid, Diana, Fortuna, Juno, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury,...

2 years ago
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StockingsChapter 6 Boners of the Gods

LATER THAT WEEK the four of us were sprawled out on the little patch of shaded lawn behind Ruth and David’s cabin. Their folks were over at our place with Mom and Dad, and it didn’t take a great deal of imagination to guess what they were up to. Idly we tossed around going over there to see for ourselves, but it only took us about three seconds to realize if we demanded they respect our privacy, we owed the same to them. We carefully avoided thinking much about the times we’d gone ahead with...

4 years ago
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Hall Of The Screen Goddesses

It is two weeks before Christmas.“She’s late again!”“She’s always late. We used to tease her: ‘Zazie, darling, you’ll be late for your own funeral!”All is white. A radiant, heavenly white. Six elegantly-dressed women are languidly seated or stretched over six chaise lounges chairs, all upholstered in heavily-brocaded cream silk, decorated with fine gold threads. Perched on the topmost arms of several of the chairs are small clusters of winged cherubs, some of whom are feeding grapes to the...

4 years ago
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White Women are Goddesses

My name is Eloise Jenkins and I'm a young woman living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I'm around five-foot-ten, kind of plump, with red hair, green eyes and alabaster skin. I'm an Irish-American lesbian and I'm also a BDSM fanatic. By nature, I am submissive. My Mistress Kendra Jones taught me all I know. She's a six-foot-three, curvy and big-bottomed, dark-skinned Black woman I met at Saint Marcus College ages aso. She's an award-winning fiction author and a professor of...

3 years ago
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Chosen of the Elder Gods

Since time immemorial the elder gods have drifted through the fabric of space and time, taking part in affairs that no mortal mind could comprehend. Whether by intention or accident they leave just a hint of their existence in every world they touch; and this is typically the extent to which any one of them has influence over the inhabitants of those worlds. As it happens, Earth is one such planet that the majority of the old ones ignore. Whatever struggles or celebrations humanity takes part...

2 years ago
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By the Will of the Gods

Camp Half Blood. The training ground of heroes. All children of the Greek gods. After the Second Titan war, the population of the camp had exploded, more and more demigods flooding into the camp. Some were children of Olympians, but more and more minor gods began to claim their brood. Then. after the events of the war against Gaea and the giants, they had discovered the existence of a whole other camp: Camp Jupiter. However, despite defeating the Titans and Mother Earth herself, monsters and...

2 years ago
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A Piece in the Game of Gods

A Piece in the Game of Gods By Morpheus Part 1 I was dead, and because of that, everyone else was probably going to die too. I'd been around the block enough times to know that this was nearly inevitable. "Come on!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet and yelling at my computer screen. "Where was the damn healer?" "A goblin got him," a voice answered from my headset. My friend Matt was playing the same online RPG that I was, and I could see his character on my monitor. He...

2 years ago
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Tales of the Monkey Gods

Several years ago I wrote my Monkey Gods trilogy of stories, each of which dealt with a different monkey figurine which granted wishes with a different catch. This is a series of vignettes about those same monkey idols which I wrote as a serial on my Yahoo group. Tales of the Monkey Gods By Morpheus The chirping of a bird filled the air, abruptly breaking the silence which had ruled the room. The little parakeet frantically bounced around its cage as though sensing that...

4 years ago
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Michael Metcalf Longden Hated of the Gods

My name is Michael Metcalf Longden, no relation to the famous jockey—well, that I know of. The gods hate me. No, that's not a misprint, not a typo, not a mistake of any kind; and, I do mean that they hate me, and I mean they "all" hate me, all of the Olympian gods. Evidence? Oh I have evidence. Boy, do I ever have evidence. It had been a long day at the plant, but at least it was a TGIF situation. I work for WESTCO mfg. I do electrical installations. WESTCO fabricates houses believe it or...

4 years ago
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The story of Gods

What If I told you that Gods do exist? That they have been around for as long as time itself and they have lived side by side with humans. Whether they be the Greek, Roman, even Indian Gods, they all exist. They have even had some lucky humans as paramours and helpers other aspects of their lives. They can also change their appearance like humans can change clothing. This story is about my life. A life as...

2 years ago
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The New Gods

"Before they came, we were nothing more than beasts. We crawled in the dirt, fighting over scraps of food, mouthfuls of water. We were on a course to destroy ourselves, until the day they arrived. They came from the sky, in great ships of metal and glass. When they set their holy feet upon our soil, we witnessed them, in all their glory. Their divine forms were perfection incarnate. Even the lowest among them was far faster and stronger than the greatest of our warriors, and they commanded...

3 years ago
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Cybersex with a Godess

hey guys this is my first stories so please keep the bad reviews to your self. Ok so just now I had a cyber sex conversation, and i thought itd be fun to post it. If you guys like it ill post another one but for now, here you go. *Connect Sucess* ????: Hi Me: M or f ????: Hi. f you? Me: hi m Her: age Me: U first real age no lies Her: ** Me: i dont care if ur young Me: ** Her: size? Me: 8 inches (Total lie by the way) Her: damn Me: yup Me: how ur size Me: tits Her: 34 d Me:...

3 years ago
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African godess

A couple of weeks ago I had the taste for a Rally’s burger, the drive thru line was very long and it was a nice day in the south so I parked and walked up to the window. I saw this nice looking thick African American black girl standing on a step stool pouring ice into the machine. She had the body of a goddess, caramel skin, nice d sized tits, slim waist, and a cute face. I was aw struck I had forgotten how hungry I was, the only thing that came out of my mouth was “Miss Lady you are sexy as...

3 years ago
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Sex Tale With A Sex Godess

Hello everyone.. Here i am starting the journey of story writing with this first one.   As a context firstly i would like 2 tell few things about me, i am Chandu, 22 years old residing in Bangalore and pursuing masters in a reputed college, i reside in my own house and one home has been lent rent in first floor i stay in ground floor.   According my observation most of the guys of my age have got the extreme level of sexual urges, which are very difficult to control it. We feel very much to...

2 years ago
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Lost My Virginty With A Sex Godess

HI to all my readers, i am from kolkata, west bengal. My name is RAGHU, i am 20 years old and i am a student of one of the best college from kolkata. I have a massive huge dick of 7” and it is 3.5” thick and my power for doing sex is very long lasting. I am fair,good-looking and handsome too. I am always happy to be a friend of a widow, unsatisfied girls and bhabhis. Any one from kolkata can contact me on my email , i am also on fb same email id. Today i am going to describe my 1st sex...

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My bengali sex godess

I am narrating my true explosive fling with a sex goddess Bengali female. It all happened about a six years back and continued for about four years on regular basis. Then we drifted apart but her memories are still vivid in my mind. Many a times i masturbate just thinking of her. She was wife of my colleague who was transferred under me to my department. Two days after her husband joined, they were invited on dinner at my house. Before that i had no chance to see her and actually as her husband...

4 years ago
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Life as a Greek demigod

(Feel free to help and comment down below if I make a mistake thanks) The first alarm since school ended sounds like freedom. You slap a hand on the alarm button and sit up to glance blearily at your room. Papers scattered on the desk, clothing haphazardly in or hanging off the edge of the laundry bin. You take a moment to lean your weight on your hands before shaking yourself out of your half-asleep stupor. You wake up and stretch like every other morning, same bed, same room, same everything....

3 years ago
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Princess of Persia War of the Gods

Blood. It is all I have ever known. From the moment I was brought into this world, shrouded in it, to present. I carry sword and shield in hand, leading my army to battle, feeling the blood of the enemy spray onto my face, covering my body with crimson rain. War. It is all I have ever known. They call me the God of War, not knowing that my reputation precedes farther than what is actual truth. Death is my companion. From my first breath in this god forsaken world, it has been a battle. War...

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Above the Stars and the Gods

Above the Stars and the Gods He sat on the catwalk high up in the theatre, above the highest tier of seating, the ‘Gods’, above the maze of scaffolding and gantries that held the multitude of lights that were his job to attend to. Of course he shouldn’t be working up here by himself with regulations as they were but his co-worker, Al, was a lazy character and was forever ‘just popping out for five minutes’ which normally turned into at least an hour and sometimes lasted until the...

Love Stories
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what the fing damn hell is this damn godforsaken

dear to whomsoever, or whosoever however said that it may concern: I being as I am that of the person of I myself, & regardless of whether, or not I am speaking some, or such of the proper, correct, standard English grammar being of the American dialect of quality/ies, & quantity/ies, well hopefully with that much less than much rather instead of with that much more usage/s of expletives of profanity, or cuss words, & as I think of it being of which is of a mind's intentions to...

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All For My Goddess

special thanks to My Goddess @deegenerate for editing this for me and encurageing me to post this After laying out a blanket for goddess and get her laying out under the stars, I go get her some wine, and when I return she is laying knees bent, legs spread, rubbing her already soaked pussy. Taking her wine glass form me, she says, "Take me." I dive right in and start licking up all her juices, making me so hard. I finger her hole and nibble her clit. She is getting close, then she grabs my...

3 years ago
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Goddess By Robyn "All praise be to the goddess, now and forever..." "Amen..." It was the normal mid-day ritual at the monastery of Zurcam. As monks, we practiced an acute form of asceticism to the high goddess of love and virtue. The function of the mid-day ritual was to calm our hearts and prepare our minds for meditation on her holiness. For many of us, the ritual did not serve its function today. Today was a special day in the monastery. Today was the Feast of Eros!...

4 years ago
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Betting on God

Betting on God by Ashley B. D. ZachariasThe auditorium was filled to capacity; people who could not find seats lined the walls at the back and side of the room. A lot of people wanted to see a renowned biologist and atheist debate an even more renowned television evangelist. But the audience was coughing and shuffling their feet – a certain sign that the debate was failing to hold their interest. Thomas Stone – ?Dr. Stone? to his students, ?Doubting Thomas? to Brother Jeremiah, the preacher...

2 years ago
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Greek Goddess

Greek Goddess (MtF TG, Goddess TF) By FoxFaceStories A Commission for aabcehm Part One: The Goddess Bathing Peter Skale was enjoying a trek through the forest, listening to the sights and sounds of nature all around him. A beautiful doe shifted to his right, flitting away at the slightest hint of his movement. He smiled, but it was the call of a nearby wood thrush that captured his attention. In his opinion as an amateur birdwatcher, the wood thrush had the most beautiful bird...

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 3 City of the Gods

In the before-dawn blush of the next day, Doc sat on the ground with the family. They formed a loosely drawn circle around the well in the center of the courtyard. He had agreed to participate in the ritual without further thought after Andrew explained it. It was not unlike those Doc had participated in over the years in countless cultures, including at the stone circle in Northern England. Silently, they watched the old man in the center as he moved about the circle inscribing it with his...

4 years ago
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Meddling Goddess

This is something of an experiment in trying to write a supernatural story, hope you enjoy it. Meddling Goddess. by Trish. Having slipped away from the playful family entourage the entity know as the Goddess was bored and looking for mortal entertainment. She liked watching them, and although it was much harder now that machines also inhabited the material plain when the opportunity...

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