Sissy A free porn video

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SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 1) Looking at me now, one will have an extremely difficult time believing this story. But let me assure you that every word is true. It started late one spring afternoon. The weather was typical spring weather, windy, wet and cold. I was walking home from high school, hoping for a ride. I had just turned 18 a couple of days before and was within two months of graduating. My options after school were causing me much concern. I was very small, looked 16 and feminine. If you're thinking that's normal cause I am a girl, let me tell you up to that point I was definitely all male. Just around the block from school a shiny black Lincoln stops beside me. I couldn't see the driver until he opened the dark tinted windows. The driver was a very expensively dressed older gentleman. His dark blue pin stripe suit, tailored shirt and silk tie suggested to me a doctor or lawyer. Through his horn rimmed glasses, I could see a gleam in his eyes. A well cultured voice stayed my dotes when he offered me a ride. My opening the door and sitting beside him signaled my acceptance of the offer. As the car started rolling, he handed me an open bottle of soda with the offer. "You look like you could use this." Mumbling my thanks, I quickly gulped down the soda. By this time the car is traveling just above the speed limit. And soon we are approaching my street. Stifling a yawn I point this out to the driver. His response is to speed up. As I try to escape this situation, I find that I can't release the seat belt, or open either the door or window. As I start to cry and scream, he slaps me, then shoves his hand into my pants and starts to fondle my cock and balls. Despite all the stress, trauma and fear the drug he put into my drink takes effect putting me to sleep. But before I lose all consciousness I hear him say. "You'll do very nicely." The first thing I noticed waking up was that my mouth felt as if it was full of cotton. Next was that I was on my hands and knees. Trying to stand I quickly hit the top of the large dog kennel I was in. The kennel was like the kind you see at airports. On the door was a large brass padlock and an animal bottle. On the end of the bottle was a nipple that resembled a tiny penis. As I tried to force the cage door open with my hands I feel a tug at my neck. Around my wrists are black thick leather cuffs, chained together and fastened by another chain to the leather collar around my neck, my ankles are also chained together. Over my loins were pink rubber panties. Under them I felt the cloth diapers. They were wet. Over the next several days I was changed about every other day, so I was almost always wet. I sensed a presence. Looking up I saw my 'ride'. He was now wearing black latex pants, a red latex shirt and a black leather vest. "Finally awake, I see." "Where am I? Why am I here?" "You're here for my use. No more questions." With that He whips out His cock and relieves Himself over my body. He produces a baby bottle filled with a pale yellow fluid. I suck on the nipple to sate my thirst. The bitter taste stops me from finishing the bottle. Pulling me from the cage, he throws me over His knee and proceeds to paddle me, with a studded paddle. "I am your Master, I own you body, mind and soul. You will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it and how I tell you to do it. Until I tell you to stop. You will be used by me, or anyone else I care to let use you, for my pleasure, needs or desires. Any resistance to that will be severely punished." After twenty swats, He sits me in His lap. I cringe as I sit on my red bottom. "Is my little girl hungry?" As I try to say yes, Master slaps my face. "Baby girls can't talk. They can only nod, cry and make baby noises. Now are you hungry?" I nod my head. And Master opens a baby food jar of Brussels sprouts. He shoves His middle finger into the jar. Removing His finger from the jar, He sticks it into my mouth, where I sucked it clean. I finished the jar this way. The next day it is a jar of spinach. And instead of His finger, Master dips His manhood into the jar. Pulling His slimy green covered cock from the jar, He held it before my mouth. I refused to open my mouth and He grasped my jaw and applied pressure to force it open. He then thrust His meat into my open mouth, but I refused to give any oral action. After a couple of attempts He pored the rest of the jar's contains into my diapers and then He beat my thighs with a cane. This scene was repeated for the next three nights. With the same results. On the fifth night, I was led into the living room, where He threw me face down over the coffee table. Master tied me down and ripped the diapers off of me. Just as He was finishing the door bell rang. Soon I found out who was at the door. It was four friends of Master. All of them dominant men dressed in black leather. They were here for one reason, my rape. With a motion my owner said. "She's all yours. Have at her." The first man stood in front of my face. He was at least six feet tall with brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was wearing black leather jeans, a leather vest and a white t-shirt. He was very hairy and he had a beard that was neatly trimmed. With his left hand, He grasped the rear of my jaw and squeezed, forcing my mouth open. Then He inserted a dentist's vise to keep my mouth open. With that He walked away. With my mouth open like that, I couldn't control my saliva so soon I was drooling heavily. At that point another man walked up to my face. He was not quite six foot, but weighted maybe 250 pounds. Also very hairy, but clean shaven. With medium length red hair, He was dressed like the first man. "You want what I've got for you." With that He unzipped His pants and pulled them down. He wasn't wearing any underwear. Lowering Himself to His knees before my face, He grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head up and rammed His man meat into my slobbering cave. As He continued to pound into my mouth I felt the first of many cane strokes on my ass. He pulled out almost immediately after I felt His gop slide past my tonsils. The third man quickly replaced Him. He was five feet five inches tall, short blond hair and maybe 160 pounds. Dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, He exhibited an image of total macho. As His jeans slid down His legs, the tree trunk He called a cock appeared. It was approximately six inches in circumference and at least 12 inched long. It's circumcised head was a dark purple in color. Just the head entering was enough to stretch my jaw beyond all normal limits. He held on to my head and drove His dick into my head until the head reached into my throat. He started to work it in and out. I started to gag when the head reached into my throat. That excited Him greatly. I don't know if it was because of the discomfort He was causing me or because of the sensation my gagging on His dick. It didn't take long for Him to pump His salty load into my mouth. There was so much of it that it seeped around my lips and down my face. Then number four came up. He was a black man and I mean black. He was six and a half feet tall, maybe 200 pounds, black hair and eyes. Stripped of His clothing, all I could see was His rod. It was 18 inches long and almost as thick as number 3's. Four rammed Himself into my mouth with, "Lube it up good, slut." He pumped in and out of my mouth till just before He came. Pulling out He walks behind me and just before the first man enters my mouth, Four slams into my ass. The pain from the ripping of my body causes me to scream. But before much sound comes out, the first man gags me with His cock. It now becomes a free for all with both my holes as the center attraction. The rest of the evening for me was a kaleidoscope of pain, whipping and cum in my mouth and ass. I lost all track of time. When They were finished, They relieved themselves on my body and then wiped themselves clean with my hair. Shortly after they left, Master knelt before me and pulled my face up, so I was looking into His cold eyes, by my hair. "Slut, you can look forward to this every night until you submit to me fully." He removed the dental clamp from my mouth and held His erect member in my face. As I took it into my mouth and submissively serviced Him, Master softly stroked my head. "That's a good bitch." After I swallowed His man juice, He released me from the table and led me down the hallway to a room. On entering the room, I could see it was originally a bedroom, but it was now bare except for the ring in the ceiling. Hanging from this ring was a length of chain that extended to the floor plus about two feet. Fastening the chain to my collar, Master turned out the light, closed and locked the door with a simple. "Enjoy, pussy." Thank goodness the floor was carpeted. I laid down and tried to sleep. The next morning, I was awaked by Master pulling me upright by the chain. He pulled me into another room. This room was the bathroom. It was obvious that Master had just finished cleaning Himself up. The basin was messy, wet towels lay on the floor and the bath tub was full of dirty water. I was bent over the toilet and an enema nozzle was thrust into me. It was not removed until two quarts of warm soapy water had sat in my bowels for at least ten minutes. After I discharged, it was repeated again, except it was a cool soapy water. After expelling the filthy water, a different nozzle was used. It was pumped up so it wouldn't come out. I was now given a three quart enema. My belly bulged. I had cramps. It hurt. With His hand on top of my head, Master pushed me to my knees in front of Him. He rubbed the front of His slacks. Anything to stop the pain. I reached up and undid His pants. As they slowly slid down His legs, I reached for His penis. Pulling toward my mouth I slowly licked it, speeding up as I went. Almost immediately I popped it into my mouth and sucked it with abandonment. I forgot all about the pain and cramps. I concentrated on getting His slime into my tummy. He gently stroked my head until He gripped it with both hands, held it tight against His crotch and unloaded into my throat. When He was done, He tucked Himself back in, released the nozzle and let me shit. When that was done, I was put into the bath and allowed to clean up. When I had finished, I was led to another room. This was made up like a little girl's room. Pink walls and lacy curtains, etc. Along the far wall was a large baby crib. Next to the closet was a tall straight back wooden chair. The closet doors were open and the closet was full of little girl's dresses. Lots of frills, lace, trim and ribbons. And all pink. On the other side of the closet door was a chest of drawers. I was put into the crib and Master pulled diapers and rubber panties from the dresser. As soon as these were on me, He dropped a short dress over my head. It was a pale pink with white lace trim and the hem was just above my crotch. The next several days were spent chained in the crib. Metal shutters over the windows prevented my seeing out and day light coming in. The room lights were my only indication of day and night. Master changed my clothing and diapers several times a day, fed me baby food and gave me baby bottles of fluid (milk, water, juice?). One morning Master pulls a chair up to the crib. Removing the diapers, He fondles my cock through my dress. My cock gets hard for the first time since I've been kidnapped and my breath gets shallower as I near orgasm. My ass was pounding onto the mattress in rhyme to Master's hand. An instant before I spurt my cream, He stopped jacking me off, grasped my ballsack in His hand and squeezed. My screams lifted my ass from the mattress. My hardness subsided and my eyes slammed shut and watered. After my eyes opened, cleared and I caught my breath, He told me about my new life and what was expected of me. "Girl, you're my slave. I own you fully and completely. You will do everything I demand of you, completely, instantly and without hesitation. You will be strictly controlled and severely punished for any deviation. You are my slave, my maid, cook, companion, my little girl and my fuck bitch. You will wear feminine clothing at all times, because as far as I am concerned you are a female. Although I am gay, I prefer my sexual partners to look like girls. And so you will. You will wear what I tell you, when I tell you and how I tell you. The same for eating, sleeping, working, etc. In fact everything. In the kitchen is a bulletin board with your daily schedule, uniform schedule, etc. You will also serve and service anyone else I tell you as if they were me. And this is your life till I get rid of you." With that I started a new phase of my life. My duties were posted as promised on the bulletin board in the kitchen. Every morning an alarm clock awoke me at 5:30AM. I crawled from my crib and spent the next 30 minutes cleaning up, putting makeup on and dressing. Invariably I wore one of my little girl dresses. From there I'd go to the kitchen and prepare Master's breakfast. His breakfast during the week consisted of a bagel with cream cheese, orange juice and a bowl of shredded wheat in milk. On weekends I would have to be more creative. There was a cookbook available. Upon entering Master's bedroom, I placed the breakfast tray on the night stand. Then I crawl under the covers from the foot of the bed. I kiss His feet and then slowly lick and kiss my way up His legs until I reach His cock. Once there I lick His balls and then His cock. I keep doing this until He is awake. You see I am not allowed to suck His cock without His permission. Most mornings He throws me from His bed. Once in awhile He grabs me by the ears, using them as fuck handles, as He piledrivers His rod into my face to completion. I pick myself from the floor and prepare His bath, while He eats. He cleans Himself up, except I scrub His back, while I lay out His clothing for the day. When He steps back into the bedroom, I assist Him in dressing, then follow Him to the door. There I kneel, kiss His feet and await His command. Usually it is just a short. "Get to work" Sometimes it is more complex. Additional assignments, guests for supper, etc. Then He leaves, locking the door behind Him. At this point you may ask, 'Why don't you just leave or call for help?'. It's not that simple. First of all the doors require two keys (a deadbolt) to not only get in, but also to get out. Next all the windows have steel security shutters over them, which Master closes when He leaves. Also all the telephones are locked up so I cannot use them, even if I could find them. And finally we were, I was told, several miles from the nearest neighbor. Now this is during the week. On weekends, while He is cleaning up, I crawl into Master's bed and await His return. When He returns, He slides back into bed next to me and I spend most of the morning servicing Him and cuddling next to Him. After Master leaves, I return to my room and change. During the day, until after supper (unless told otherwise) I wear a maid's uniform. It is a short black dress with white lace trim. With it I wear my ever present corset, 5 inch heels, heavy duty nylons and a lace cap. Then I start my duties for the day by returning to Master's bedroom. There I clean the bathroom, make the bed and put all the dirty linen and clothing in the laundry hamper. I then return the breakfast tray to the kitchen. At that point I wash the breakfast dishes, put away the dishes from last night and clean up the kitchen. I also, if necessary, prepare for supper. Put out frozen meat, prepare dishes that take a long time, etc. Then I do my daily assignments. On Mondays I change the bed linen and clean the windows. Tuesdays were spent dusting the entire house. The bathrooms were Wednesdays projects. Laundry was done on Thursdays, including all the ironing, folding and putting away. It was a heavy day. Friday, I spent doing the floors including all the scrubbing, waxing and vacuuming. About 3PM every day, I started supper, then cleaned up my room and washed my under things. When I finished, I knelt in front of the door and waited for Master's arrival. Upon His arrival home, I would kiss His feet and if He was wearing a coat, I would remove it and hang it up. I would then serve His before dinner drink and massage His shoulders. When dinner was ready, I would announce it and then serve the dinner. While He was eating, I would kneel to Master's left and await His command. Sometimes He would ignore me. Other times He would stroke my head or face. And on other occasions He would pull my face into His crotch to service Him. Once in awhile He would hand feed me from His plate. When He was finished eating He would put some food on His plate, place the plate on the floor and with the command 'Eat' walk off. After I was finished eating, I would go to Master, kiss His hand and thank Him for the food. Early in my training I didn't do this. And He dragged me into the bathroom off the hallway, stuck a finger down my throat and made me regurgitate the meal. He then put a cane to my tush 25 times. And as a reminder, I was only allowed water for the next two days. He usually takes a drink after dinner and after I fix and deliver His drink, I clear the table and do the dishes. Upon finishing the dishes, I return to Master's feet. Most evenings I was told to go change. And I immediately proceed to do so. Once in awhile, I am only told to strip. Then until bedtime I am played with and fondled while Master watches TV. Most of the time I sit on His lap while He rubs my dear over His manhood. Then there are time when He impaled me on His stiff rod. Bedtime changes the type of play. First, I kneel before Him and open my mouth wide. He then drains Himself into my mouth. I am then sent to bed. On the weekends, the story changes. I am literally fucked all weekend. When Master was out of town, I was loaned to one of a handful of Master's friends. Either was sent there or they stay at Master's house. During these times I was well used. Master sometimes had dinner guests, both male and female (mostly male). By this time I was very feminine looking and could pass as a female quite easily. Between the hormones and the corset my body had very little choice in the matter. One weekend when Master was out of town, I was loaned to a local Madame. I spent most of the weekend (Friday afternoon to Monday morning) cleaning her 'house' and cleaning up after her 'girls'. What little sleep I got, I got while between Madame's legs. Madame's lust was taken care of during the early morning hours (after She closed) by my tongue. Saturday night Madame was short handed, so She put me in the whipping stocks and several clients used my ass for whipping and caning practice. Early Monday morning, Master took me home where I resumed my normal duties. He did take some pity on me that night and allowed me to sleep at His feet after dinner. Another time, I was loaned to one of Master's male friends, who on Saturday night took me to a gay men's S&M club where He performed a whipping demo. After He had finished my ass and the back of my thighs were scarlet in color. He then invited members of the audience to try the technique out, ON ME! Long before they all finished my body was long pass scarlet. It was black and blue, bruised purple and I was thirsty and in pain. Taken from the stage, I was kept at His side, kneeling on the floor. I was only allowed to get nourishment and fluid from His cock. When I was first brought into the club, I was clothed as always in my little girl's dress. The only attention the members paid me was disdain. Once I was stripped and exposed as a male, I captivated their attention. The rest of the night their hands were all over me, but most of their attention centered on my cock and tits. I was kept on edge the remainder of the night. One night, Master had two gentlemen over for dinner. Before they arrived, He briefed me that they were straight homophiles. And I best be on my super best behavior. All through dinner, both guests had their hands up my skirt, foundling my ass. Finally during desert, I crawled under the table and sucked first one then the other off. As I climbed out from under the table, I sensually licked the cum from my lips to the smiles from the guests. The ice in Master's eyes told me I was going to pay for my little spurt of independence. When the evening was over and the guests had left, Master dragged me to the cellar punishment room. There I was gagged with a leather plug gag. This gag is the most hateful gag of all. It not only muffles your cries, but it also dries out your mouth. I was then tied face up on a sawhorse. Finishing, Master took a short cat of nine tails made of rubber and for the next hour and a half whipped my cock and balls. The whip handle was then shoved up my ass and Master walked out. The next day was Saturday and I spent a large portion of it tied to that sawhorse. I was alone, except when Master came in and beat me some more with that whip. In the late afternoon, Master took me back to my room, diapered me and put me into my crib. And to make sure I stayed I was placed in short chains. Shortly after this, Master brought home a new boy. In some ways, this boy reminded me of myself when I came here. Within the week, the four bikers showed up to break in the boy. And I assisted them. In a few days, I am showing her the ropes and her duties. And then one night I am put into Master's car and driven off. After a couple of hours of driving, Master drives into this large estate. We are far from the neighbors as I haven't seen a light for the last ten minutes. At the end of the long driveway is a large white house. Master knocks on the door and it is opened by a young, tall, well built girl with tush length blond hair. She then leads us to the library and leaves us. Momentarily we are joined by a tall older lady. She was very well dressed in expensive and in style clothing. She stood almost six feet tall in Her heels and cut an extremely attractive figure. Her dress and manner spoke of wealth and power. The amber hair on Her head didn't have a speck of grey (although she was in Her mid to late forties) and cascaded over Her shoulders. Master removed the leather collar I had worn since my 'induction' into His service so many months ago. Reaching up under my hair, He grasped the collar of my dress and in a single jerk ripped my dress off my body. This procedure was repeated with my panties. I could only stand there in my 5 inch heels, nylons and corset. Mistress then inspected me. She first walked around me slowly while She contemplated my body. Then She started a more detailed inspection of my body. Starting at the top of my head, She first inspected my hair and scalp. Followed by my ears, eyes and nose. Grasping my jaw in Her hand, She squeezed my jaw open and inspected my throat, tongue, teeth and lips. She also had me stick out my tongue as far as I could, which She measured. At my small hormone induced tits, She massaged, squeezed and pinched them. She continued the inspection with the comment. "Not bad, but they need work." Removing the corset, She inspected down my body to the crotch. My cock reacted quickly to Her fondling and as She hefted my scum laden balls Her only remark was. "These will get very little use here." My ass was inspected next. Marks from my last whipping at the S&M club were still visible. She asked about them and then She struck my ass several times my ass several times with quick hard slaps. Finishing Her inspection with my feet, She straighten up and started haggling with Master. I felt like I had just been inspected like a domestic animal up for sale, which I was. They moved away from me so I could not make out what they were saying. Finally they shook hands and She left the room. Master walked back to me and gave me the news. "Cunt, I've just sold you. We both knew this was coming. I have grown tired of you and I like young, fresh toys. You are jaded and no longer young or fresh enough. Your replacement is ready enough to take your place. I couldn't set you free and I am not a murderer, so this is the best solution." As He finished Mistress walked in, followed by Her slave girl. Mistress hands Master an envelope which He stuffs inside His coat and leaves.

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Reddit Sissies, aka r/Sissies! Alright, I’ve gotta be honest with you guys. The /r/Sissies subreddit seems more down Porn Geek’s alley. But, as you all know, I always put the needs of all my fans first. That’s why I’m going to be checking out this sub and telling you what I think about it. As it just so happens, I was actually tricked the first time I ever heard about the term sissies. I went into the porn looking for a good jerk off session, but what I ended up feeling was just a little bit...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Winter War Legend of the Snow Fox

In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...

2 years ago
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Surefuck Bones The Case of the Forbidden SexChapter 3

I was roused by Surefuck Bones. A quick glance at the clock said six o'clock. "Wadshot! Well done!" he said to me. I tried to clear my mind from the nap. "I see you did her in the ass. Well done, indeed," said Bones. With that pleasant memory, my mind cleared immediately. "Anything to help my friend," said I. "I think we should request our guest to clean herself up," said Bones. "I took the liberty of obtaining extra towels from Mrs. Hummer." Bones went over to Charlotte. He...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Penny Barber This MILF Requires Semen

I know I have that sexy librarian look that makes your blood boil. And even though you are my stepson, the attraction is totally natural. Were you planning on just sitting around and jerking off all day today? That is totally fine with me. Do not let me stop you touching that thick shaft of yours. In fact, let me help you out. Take a look at my beautiful, bouncy tits. Your dad takes such good care of me that I want to take good care of you! Does my tight asshole turn you on? How about when I...

1 year ago
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Hi Guys and Gals,Let me introduce myself first, I am Dirty.....Mr. Dirty.I love this website and i feel i should share some of my fantasy with you all.Hope you will love my stories.Do comment if you like it or not.******************WHEN I COME TO KNOW GIRL'S BODY IS TOO HOT********************I was 22 then. I was going to my college for studying engineering in bus. It was winter season. It was too cold that day. I took a seat in middle of bus and then fell asleep. After some stops a girl aged...

3 years ago
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First of many 3somes

So the story of Laura & Mike:Years back, in the 80's, I started to have a good fuck affair with a lady in my office.. Laura had a gorgeous body, lovely tight d cups and a sweet tasty bald pussy.. LOVED to fuck her, cum in her then much to her surprise (the first couple of times) eat my cum from her cunt.. The affair was very open with fantasies and experiences we had done in the past, which really enhanced our fuck sessions, so one afternoon, we were laying spooned in bed, my cock just had...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 22

I returned to Sunnydale at night, just in time to see Buffy and Xander in the midst of a heated argument. I chuckled as I led my company toward them, Xander not recognizing me at all due to the past glamoring. I rushed at them, flashing my fangs along with my nest, which instantly put Buffy and Xander on their guard. They knew that they were in the presence of vampires, after all, and that was Buffy’s specialty. “Woah, there, sport! Let’s back this down a little!” Xander tried to calm things...

1 year ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 10 No Escape

I almost collapsed when I entered into the garage. My car was gone. What had happened to it. I stumbled back inside the house. He had guessed I might try to escape and taken the car away. I could still escape. I could buy a train or plane ticket. The only problem was he would find out where I went. I decided to go to my sister. She was abroad and I could move on after a day or two with her. I went online to book the ticket. When I entered my credit card details the transaction was rejected. I...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Addicted to Black Cock and Im her Cuckold

Karin is respected at work and at home. She runs a tight ship at both places. She tells me when I can fuck her and how to do it. She mixes it up, but is always the boss. Sometimes she’s respectful, sometimes she’s tough. She’s always on top and always makes sure we both get off. On the rare instances when she sucks my dick, she bends at the waist and mechanically beats and sucks me to get me hard. I have never cum in her mouth. Once a year she grants me a wish on my birthday. My birthday...

2 years ago
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Whos the boss

It was like my eyes had been opened for the first time. I don’t know why I didn’t realise it before, but I wanted him. It was wrong. We were both married but I knew that I had to have him, no matter what. He was my boss. He was gorgeous, funny, sexy with the most amazing colour eyes that are so hard to describe, but they’re captivating and intense. I knew that he wanted me too. He always had a reason to come and talk to me, would email me over the slightest thing, and I caught him once staring...

2 years ago
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The step brother and sister

Pam was asleep in her bed when she felt some one lift her nightshirt and grab her tits. She awoke fast and found her step siblings naked in her bed. John told her "I have been wanting to get my hands on those big tits for a long time. Now don't say a word or we will get you in a lot of trouble. We just want some tits and pussy. You are going to love what we do to that sexy body of yours." He then began kissing her as he ravaged her tits and then Jane got in the act and began to take her gown...

3 years ago
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Getting Help With My Story

For those of you out there who have been closely following my life story you are probably aware that I started writing sex fantasy stories and posting them on a fantasy web site. It is something I have been having fun with for several months now. Far from being embarrassed about it, it is not something I keep a secret. I readily tell my friends about my new hobby, though usually only if they ask me what I have been up to lately. Nobody seems particularly shocked when I tell them. Most of my...

4 years ago
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The Fantasy

The wife has a fantasy she confessed to me a while back. Every time I think about it I get hard. I finally decided one day to make it come true for her. It took some doing but I finally got it all together. I told her we were going out on date night. Little did she know I had packed a goody bag in the trunk and that she was in for a ride. I told her I wanted to surprise her with where we were going, so I made her wear a blindfold. She hesitatingly put it on. We drove to the place where...

3 years ago
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Slumdogs and Aliens.I am Lucky(real name) sharing my story of encounter with aliens in my college days.It was May 2012, a hot day of summers I got a technical project work on that day the technical project work was issued by our class teacher ‘Hakka’(fictional) .Hakka was a beautiful merried lady and as our lecturer in college. She was very polite and good communication skills . and she also belong to rich family and always wears designers cuts. Actually she was working in the college for just...

3 years ago
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Gullivers Planet 3 Little Girl Blew Part 4

Tales from Gulliver's Planet: Little Girl Blew By [email protected] Part IV Alex was cleaned and dressed and presented like a skinny turkey to the chief of the Indians. Captain Scoley scowled at her and snarled at his men in between long tirades of profanity. Where had she come from? How much had she cost? Where had the money come from? Who had smuggled her on board? Which responsible party had...

2 years ago
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Mass Effect Andromeda The Nexus N7

(Milky Way Galaxy, Nexus Launch Pad, 634 Years Ago) ''See You on the Other Side Scott. I'll be Waiting for you and Sara to Make it home.'' Says John. ''You Got It. But Listen, You know Both You and Sara are On the Market now Right? It might Help you to Talk it out with her.'' Says Scott. ''We'll See, for now you just Get your Ass to Andromeda.'' Says John. (Eos, Helues Cluster, Andromeda Galaxy) ''This is Captain Doe of APEX Squad Bravo Omega. We are Sustaining Heavy Casualties, and Requesting...

2 years ago
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Family is Not Blood Ch 03

On Sunday morning, Cathy texted me. Her mother would take care of Franciszka until about 5 PM when Rita had a date with her girlfriends. I texted back that she could meet me at my apartment whenever she became free. We could stay there or go to a near by neutral coffee shop, where either of us could leave if we needed to go quickly, for what ever reason. After a bit of back and forth, we decided to stay at my apartment. I had coffee, bagels and other things to snack on. It would also be quiet...

4 years ago
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25 June 2009Chapter 8

All the girls began enjoying their fun. The sounds of mouths clicking and slurping of cocks filled the room. Several guys moaned their appreciation of the job being done on his cock. “Men, please try to keep your moans of pleasure to a minimum or we’d be kicked out if discovered having a cock sucking game,” Karen cautioned. She paused sucking on Derek and looked around the room. She smiled at the female heads bobbing back and forth sucking on their cock. Wendy continued to be so horny, she...

2 years ago
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A new bra

Kim burns was in the process of feeding the two springer spaniels when the front door to burst open and a female voice called out, “hello, girls, mama’s home, come and give kisses!” the two dogs hearing their mistresses voice literally tore out of the kitchen on their way to the front of the spacious house. Kim smiled to herself as she trailed off after the happily barking duo and laughed out loud at the scene she found in the foyer! Both pups were happily bouncing up and down around the...

4 years ago
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Doesnt Really Count Does it Part 2

Introduction: The week takes some fun turns Part 2 of a 3 part series. Please read part one first, as it sets the base story for the other two. If accepted as well as part one, part two will be shortly followed by the last of the trilogy. Again, these events are virtually true, merely intensified for dramatic effect. Megan awoke grogily, stretching accross the bed, only to find herself alone. Her mind slowly waking up, she could smell a distinct mixture of bacon and maple syrup. Living off pop...

4 years ago
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Someone Was There 8

I wake to the smell of fresh coffee and the faint sounds of movement. I take a moment to orientate myself. I am in Rose's bed. Her fragrance surrounds me on the pillow. I stretch. I yawn.I begin thinking about last night, remembering how she teased the fuck out of me while she was locked in the car.The door opens and Rose walks into the bedroom. In the half-light of the blinds, I can see that she is gloriously naked. She stands by the bed, looking to see if I am asleep. I reach out and run my...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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305 padlocked nurse pt3

305 padlocked nurse pt3Barney having returned from his months break with his parents in the New-York home, where they now lived, returning refreshed and more than a little glad to be back. During his break as John had bidden he had researched chastity belts and security devices, as well as attending his sister`s wedding and his mother`s birthday party. He had survived mothers comments about his lack of girlfriends, and his both sisters questioning if he was gay. He had twice called the flat...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Teenage Power AngelChapter 2

During that same time period, Tara started to have more encounters with the criminal element. On a Monday when Tara walked home from Thomas's home, she stopped in a convenience store. She had done some oral on Thomas before he entered her pussy and she wanted to get the taste of his pre-cum out of her mouth. A couple of guys were in the store. She bought a soda and left. As she stepped outside, she could still hear voices from the store. "Open the cash register!" said a man "Come on!...

3 years ago
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Pledging to a Fraternity

They had all already had six weeks of doing silly things as part of being pledged to the fraternity and it was finally here, pledge week, and Jason was anxiously looking forward to the night he would make the pledge. His best friend, who was a year older and already had a year of college under his belt, was a member of the same fraternity. When asked what he would have to do to pledge, Jordan would not say. All he would do was smile.Both he and Jordan were from a small town where everyone knew...

College Sex
1 year ago
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WildOnCam Kiara Cole Keira Croft Two Beauties Treat Themselves

September’s sexy Cherry of the Month had one last thing to do before her month came to an end and that was get the tasty and gorgeous Keira Croft with her LIVE on camera to fuck! Kiara loves how Keira licks all up and down her petite body giving her all the attention she loves! Kiara is not going to be the only one spoiled and gets her face buried in that hot trimmed pussy that is so wet for her. Kiara gets her face wet with those juices before giving Keira a sweet kiss. These hot babes...

3 years ago
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Countermove Ch 09

Summary so far: Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price. Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is slowly changing into a bimbo. Day 3: Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up. Interlude: Onyx travels to Darkview to investigate Tyger. Interlude- part 2: Onyx learns more about Tyger while coming to terms with being pierced and tattooed. Interlude-...

3 years ago
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From Sam to Sarah a genrebending story of sexual

It began in the fall of 2004. I was a junior in college. I was slightly chubby, shy, a virgin, and an otherwise completely average boy who listened to pop-punk, got decent grades, and was about to embark on a great and unexpected journey of personal and sexual discovery. I lived in an off-campus apartment, but my roommate had graduated, so I had a two-bedroom to myself. This suited my shy personality well, but eventually I needed to find a roommate. My parents were not in the picture and I had...

2 years ago
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Nurse Bert and the Pool Boy Chapter 1

Nurse Bert and the Pool BoyIt was a nice warm and sunny Sunday. The girls were gone for the week to visit friends and Bear was away at work, Bert thought that maybe she would go and get her swimsuit on and go sit outside by pool and try to work on her tan. Bert got on her swimsuit, grabbed a big tall glass, her beach towel, a big glass of ice tea, her new nook, her sunscreen and stepped outside and headed for the lounge chair by the pool. Before sitting down, Bert took a good sized amount of...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 18

A gloomy pall hung over the inside of what had once been a video arcade. Black candles, many burned down to little more than stubs, guttered out a smoky glow. The plate glass windows at the front of the main room were so covered with graffiti that little light passed through them at all. The smell of cloyingly sweet incense hung heavy in the air. Lolling about on putrid bits of mismatched furniture were dozens of dark shapes that on occasion moved, but for the most part lay still as death....

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife 2

Hot Wife 2 This story is true, it took place over an 18 month period, only his name has been changed the rest is the way the encounter occurred, and I have the tapes to refer to for accuracy. This is the recount of her first affair. Joyce and I were sitting at the kitchen table it was Thursday night around 7 PM. The phone rang and she picked it up. Hello? Hi, oh hi how are you? Yes fine, and we had a wonderful time. She put the phone on speaker. How did you get my number Mark? Well to be...

2 years ago
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Searching Dick For Sister

Hi I am Rohit, 22 yrs old student from Pune. I live with my parents and elder sister. My sister Nisha is 25 yrs old working in an MNC.She is fair,5’2″ tall with short brown hair and has a great body (34 28 34). I used to fantasize her since I was 18- 19 old. Initially I thought I should not fantasies her as she was my sister but later I realized that there’s nothing wrong in it. I sometimes masturbated imagining her and sometimes even looking at her when she was sleeping. I often get a glimpse...

1 year ago
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Wife Made Me Do It

Wife Made Me Do It By Terry Hansay Here is my new life... Cathy and I were married 5 years ago. I lost my job, if you could call it a job. Cathy is rich, which is why I married her. She works as a doctor at a local clinic. I was bored living home each day alone. I got caught up in the wrong crowd and was out driving with a "friend" and that is when my life changed, it seems. I woke up in my wife's hospital with her smiling over my bed. She told me I...

2 years ago
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Meri Bhabi Ki Hawas

Hi friends mera nam vash hai mei Haryana k karnal sheher ka rehne wala hun meri age 22 yrs hai aur mei ISS ko bohot time se pad raha hun. Mera loda 6 inch lamba hai mjhe aurton ki lene mei bada maja ata hai aur bohot sari auntyo ko chod chukka hun aur jisko choda fan ho gai meri. Mei roz ek story pad kr muth marta hun aur apne din ki shuruwat krta hun. Agar apko story achi lagi to please mjhe mail krna Ye baat piche mahine ki hai mei law kr raha hun aur aj kal meri chutiya chal rahi hai mere...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 6

As the Battle of the Ebro drifted on into September 1938, it took on all the drama, and international attention, as any battle in France during the 1st World War. Casualties, sickness from unsanitary conditions, and the new horror of systematic bombing from aircraft as well as the usual relentless artillery bombardments, were horrific. Fully 12% of all Republican soldiers who fought in the War were killed, and a good percentage died on the Ebro. Falangist success in the North and South had...

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Young and sexy step mother

Hi- dear fun loving sexy readers, i am exited to share my exciting sex experience with my young and horny step mother, which is a true story of my private sex life. My father married to a very young and beautiful horny divorcee women of 30 years. There was a difference of 15 years and a difference of 8 years in our age. He fell in love with her in the a business meeting and married to her after few meetings ,two years after the death of my mom. She is a smart and humorous charming lady with...

3 years ago
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Eight Part 2

By now we felt absolutely no inhibitions among ourselves and had tried just about everything there was to try. Rene and Jane loved to perform in front of us and secretly had bets between them as to how long it would take before George and I could take no more and joined in. For some reason there was one thing we had not done yet – neither George nor myself had penetrated each other. There was no particular reason as we didn’t find it unusual to touch each other and frequently guided our...

1 year ago
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Sharing The Love part 3

“Sorry, do I know you?” Andrea had to make a quick decision. “Not to talk to but I know you live on Walnut Drive. My son and I walk that way most evenings and often see you.” Andrea watched the woman process the information. Her hand went to her mouth, a surprised look on her face. “What time of day do you walk past?” “Usually around ten at night, when you are upstairs.” Andrea looked directly at the woman, seeing if she was going to deny it. The woman smiled, she had decided to...

1 year ago
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Secret sex outing

My father was a top official in a reputed company and i was a pampered child. There were virtually no restrictions in my house regarding anything as nobody had time for me and i had turned into a spoiled high society brat. First time i had sex when i was in my first year of college with one of my class mates and was sturdy in relationship till i noticed that i was being exploited monetarilly by him, then soon i began to ignore him then he reguarly blackmailed me and fu**ed me in all my holes,...

2 years ago
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A New Taste Part 28 Gabriel Dunks His Balls

Gabriel sent me a message after a few days. He was brimming with the complex thrill of it all. He confessed that his religious guilt was in some sense entwined with his excitement. Everyone around him would be shocked that he had been intimate with a man. They would be disgusted with him and would ostracise him from the church. The truth was that being penetrated by a mans erect cock was like a spiritual experience for him. He felt full. Satisfied. He acknowledged he was cheating but but...

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