How to End Racism Forever
- 2 years ago
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Angry White Person Syndrome. It’s the most widespread virus in the United States of America. I see it all the time. White women and White men don’t like having so-called ethnic minorities around. Especially those of us they see as ‘not knowing our place’. The person of color, whether Black, Hispanic, Asian or Middle-Eastern, who works hard and achieves things. Success and wealth are considered a White person’s territory. They don’t like to see non-Whites encroaching on their territory. That’s why the media goes after Black celebrities like sharks smelling blood. Everything the Black male or Black female celebrity does gets scrutinized by the White media. Their flaws are exploited and exaggerated. Until they’re ruined and silenced. The successful and popular Black celebrity inspires the average Black person to aspire to great things and the White folks can’t have that.
My name is Samuel. A bisexual Black male fiction writer and Men’s Rights Activist living on Mash Street in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. And I don’t trust people, especially White people. I simply can’t. Especially the White women I meet. I think the White female racist is the most dangerous kind of racist there is. They’re the ones above suspicion in most people’s minds. What gives them away? They smile way too easily. There is something so fake about White people, especially the White females. I can’t quite put my finger on it. They always act friendly when they are in their place of business but once outside, they act like they don’t know you. I pity the Black man who chases White women instead of seeking a smart, talented and beautiful, like-minded Black woman to build a future with. I pity the Black woman who turns away from the brothers and prefers the others. Simply put, the White person will never accept the Black man or the Black woman as their equal. Racism isn’t environmental. It isn’t learned. Racism is genetic.
Let me explain further. There is something called Xenophobia. Simply put, it means Fear of Strangers. Everyone has it in them. That’s why Blacks and Whites give each other funny looks when they meet. That’s why Hispanics and Asians look at each other and everyone who isn’t a member of their race, in an odd light. People like to be surrounded by their own kind. They don’t like those who are different. Tall people feel out of place in an environment filled with short people. White people feel out of place in a place teeming with Black people. Rich people feel out of place when surrounded by poverty. To be comfortable, everyone needs to be among their own kind. That’s why gays and lesbians form their own communities and families nowadays. That’s why they see bisexual men and bisexual women as fence-sitters. Bisexual people are different from gays and lesbians. They can blend almost effortlessly in straight and gay worlds. Straight people give bisexual people funny looks for that reason as well. People need to be among their own kind. Women feel strange in male-dominated workplaces and men feel strange in female-dominated environments. The need to be among one’s own kind is strong. It’s primal. And it’s not going away.
Now, do you understand? Why do you think we have places like Little Italy, Chinatown, and the Gay Village? Simply because people feel a powerful connection to their own kind and an instinctive distrust of those who are different from them. And that instinctive distrust and loathing of those who are different is deeply ingrained in all of us. Nowhere is it stronger than when dealing with people of other races. That’s why Blacks and Whites will never get along no matter what they try. The lone White female in a bus full of Black people casts her gaze downward or looks at them with hostility because she wishes she were elsewhere, surrounded by White people. Since that’s what she is and that’s what she’s comfortable with. That’s just the way things work, folks. Simply put, we don’t trust those who are different.
It’s deeply ingrained in everyone’s minds and hearts. It doesn’t matter if some Black man convinces himself that he’s in love with a White female. And it doesn’t matter if some White woman convinces herself that she’s in love with a Black male. Simply put, there will always be those who resent them for being with someone who’s different from their own race. Most people don’t like interracial relationships. They might not admit it to themselves or others. But White men aren’t thrilled when they see attractive White women walking around with Black or Hispanic males. And Black women aren’t jumping for joy when they see a Black man walking around with a White female. It doesn’t matter if they’re married or in a relationship with someone. They don’t like to see an eligible bachelor or bachelorette who’s a member of their race with someone from outside the race. And all the sensitivity training and anti-prejudice seminars in the world won’t change that. Deep down, everyone is racist.
Every Black man who finds himself alone in a place full of White women knows any one of them could falsely accuse him of any type of misconduct and she will believed because she is female and White. And a White female who sees a Black man entering the same elevator she’s in will think that he could be one of those dangerous Black male criminals she hears talk about. She can’t help it. It’s what she’s been taught by the White society. White men and White women would feel a lot safer if all Black males were locked up and Black people were somehow prevented from making more of themselves. White people don’t say it but that’s what they think. In their hearts and minds, they hate the Black male most of all. For he’s the descendant of the Original Man, the human who evolved in Africa. Something they will never be. And they know it.
A lot of Black people seem to have their guard down these days. They think that just because a Black man is President of the United States, and we have Black governors and Black senators, then racism must be dead. Racism lives in the heart of every White man and White woman who smirks while looking at a Black person and assumes they’re automatically better than this person. They assume they’re better not based on intelligence, accomplishment or talent, but because of their eye color and skin color. It’s their way of looking at the world. They think they’re the superior brand of humanity.
They feel that the planet Earth is theirs and theirs alone. Folks, there are human beings out there who are so innately evil they’re almost inhuman. They’re called sociopaths. Men and women born with no conscience whatsoever. And they’re everywhere. They’re in every race and culture. Every background. They’re smart, charming, ruthless and manipulative. And guess which race has the largest numbers of sociopaths? Caucasians. The sociopaths have long been the rulers of Europe’s nations and the conquerors of the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. Their inhumanity to their fellow man knows no limits. That’s why they went to North America and wiped out the Native Americans. That’s why they usurped power in China, Japan and the Middle East centuries ago. That’s why they invaded countless places, enslaved or exploited the indigenous populations and stole their natural resources. They’re the world’s most resourceful parasites. And it’s in their DNA. It cannot be removed by passing laws banning racial discrimination. Telling a White person not to hate Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Middle-Easterners just because they’re not White is like telling a snake to stop eating rats and go vegetarian. Hatred of non-Whites is as natural as passing gas for the White person. And nothing will change that.
Fortunately, Mother Nature is a bitch. And she’s starting to pay them back for their evil. White people are their own worst enemies. Ever heard of the Smiley Face Killers? A sect of people working together and targeting mostly White male college students nationwide? I’ll bet you anything that the members of this sect are White feminists who’ve taken their man-hating mantra
a bit too far. Ever wonder why autism was relatively rare in ages past yet it’s skyrocketing these days? My bet is that some female scientists found a way to turn the autism virus into a weapon aimed at human males. Do you think it’s a coincidence that autism seldom affects females? Come on!
The diseases that affect men, such as prostate cancer, don’t get any funding because sociopathic White females in positions of power won’t let that happen. Diseases affecting women get all the press and all the funding in the world. However, it’s mostly White women who benefit. The concerns of Black women, Asian women, Middle-Eastern women and Hispanic women don’t matter to the Supreme Sisterhood of wealthy and powerful White women. They pretend to care about non-Caucasian women mostly to fool them into joining their causes and to get them to turn against the males of their ethnicities and communities but they never share the spoils of the Gender War with them. That’s why the White woman lives in a palace and males of every race covet her while the Black woman and the Hispanic woman live in the ghetto. They’re seen as less important than White females.
Here’s another way in which the would-be Mistresses and Masters of the universe shoot themselves in the foot. They’re the ones who practice sterilization the most. Fortunately, they’re mostly sterilizing their own kind. White men are one hundred times more likely to get vasectomies than Black men, Asian men, Middle-Eastern men or Hispanic men. That’s part of the reason why the future of America and indeed the world rests in the hands of non-Caucasians. We who are called minorities today and are actually the Majority of Tomorrow. So-called minorities have multiplied like wildfire while the numbers of White men and White women have shrunk. Hispanics are leading the way. They’re the Super Majority of Tomorrow.
Realizing they’re about to become minorities in the world they once ruled like gods and goddesses, White men and White women in America are trying to stop the flow of Hispanic immigration by portraying illegal immigration as a solely Hispanic issue. And most Americans are foolish enough to buy it. Illegal immigrants come from all over. They can be blond-haired and blue-eyed people from Ukraine, Germany, Ireland or France instead of bronze-skinned, dark-haired and brown-eyed Hispanics. The White people want to avoid becoming minorities in America but it’s already too late. The future of America is brown, and Black, and dark bronze. Not White. White is going out of style. Unfortunately, some people can’t seem to get with the program.
I am twenty four years old. A bisexual Black male with a college degree in criminal justice. And I can’t wait to see the world of tomorrow. A world where most college students, senators, governors, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, scientists, architects and power holders will be Black men and Black women, Hispanic men and Hispanic women, Asian men and Asian women, Middle-Eastern men and Middle-Eastern women and Native American men and women. We’ve all been wronged by the White people. They’ve enslaved us. They’ve humiliated us. They’ve stolen from us. They’ve manipulated us. They’ve betrayed us. They’ve committed Genocide in our homelands. And now, it seems time is running out for the pale-skinned and pale-haired so-called rulers of the planet Earth.
The most powerful country on the planet Earth will soon be ours. Black, Asian, Middle-Eastern or Hispanic, we’re all going to be united under one banner. We’re through bowing before a bunch of people who think having blue, green or gray eyes and White skin makes them gods and goddesses. The future is ours. Brown is here to stay. The pale-skinned and pale-haired racists and their best efforts have failed. The world is ours. Not just America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. We’re consolidating power and growing in number. It’s what’s best for humanity. Since White people are the ones who commit racially based genocide the most, ( Hitler was white ) it’s probably best that people of whose races and ethnicities they threaten should grow in number and power. To keep themselves and the planet safe. This is the shape of things to come. If you don’t like it, find yourself a pale and cold place to live. I highly recommend the moon. I’m not sure but I really think you’ll like the color.
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Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -1- JODIE. By the time the magistrates had imposed the restraining order on Melissa I had already moved away, down to the South West, after my bosses sympathetically arranged a transfer. I went to a bigger store in Plymouth, with slightly less money and responsibility, but they needed to make sure my personal life wasn't going to blow up again. Who could blame them? I hated having to leave my life and friends behind in York, but both were...
I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...
On the way back to the ranch Will stopped at one of the small streams, he thought he better wash himself off some. Will was young but he was pretty smart, he could smell Maria's musk on his fingers and he figured on his manhood also. He figured it wouldn't be good for him if Becky smelled that also. He took a small piece of lye soap from his saddleback and just washed the areas that needed it. He was looking forward to a nice bath with Becky later on. He rode up to the barn and unsaddled...
Authors Note: The first posting of this story I considered 'unfinished' and rough. I was impatient with it and just posted it one day without much thought. This is the revised version with grammatical and spelling errors fix. I am 'fairly' certain that I got all of them. The biggest challenge of my writing is grammar and spelling so it takes more than a couple of drafts to 'finish' one of my stories. I also fleshed out the story a bit by adding some details and conversation lines...
I was driving to my girlfriend's, realizing that I was making better time than I anticipated. She wasn't supposed to be off work at Starbucks until 2:30, but it was only 2:10. I decided I'd swing by and say "hi". I could tell by the parking that it was busy inside, and when I walked in, my suspicions were confirmed. I joined the line for the register, pondering what I was going to grab. While waiting, I watched her as she worked. Seeing her move about without realizing I was there felt like a...
So, You’re Gonna Fuckin Die: A Self-Help Manual Andrew J. Kolesar, N.A.M.D. Copyright © – 12-17-2001 After hearing that my ex-wife was dying of cancer (which was a lie of course) I was encouraged to write a self-help manual. * * * * * Do you smell that putrid stench of something rotting? Does it seem like you’re the only one who can smell it? Does it follow you wherever you go? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions then that might mean that the Ol’ Grim Reaper is gonna be knocking on...
People have this totally wrong image of depraved porn addicts. They think we’re just a bunch of humorless creeps jerking off in dank basements, our only utterances the primal grunts and groans of men, little more than apes, caving in to their basest desires. Well, those people have never heard me cranking it to the parody pornos over at Digital Playground. That shit is sexy and laugh-out-loud hilarious.Parody scenes can be a quick and easy way for porn studios to cash in on current trends....
Premium Porn Parody SitesMy senior year of high school was filled with college apps, schoolwork, and spending most of my time hanging out with my friends, especially since we all would be going our separate ways when we went off on our separate ways to college. One day during lunch, my best friend Anthony invited all of us to the annual Halloween party his parents threw. The previous two years, I had been busy so I was often unable to go. However, this year I really wanted to go and get a chance to spend time with...
The Rest of William's Day to Remember Author's Note: Sequels seem to not go over as well. I intended to leave the story up to the reader's imagination, but this wouldn't stop running through my mind. I hope someone enjoys it. I thought it was going to be a short story when it started but there was apparently a lot to tell, but this is the end. William glanced back at the clock and saw it was just about time to meet the ladies to head out for lunch. He was looking forward to it but...
My favorite step-cousinI've always admired my step-cousin Madeliene. She's sweet kind redhead with a beautiful smile and an incredible body. She's about 5 feet tall with nice legs and great breasts. For a girl her height she had amazing breasts and I couldn't help but take a look every time I saw her. Her butt was nice,,firm and tight you could give it a good slap if you had the chance. She usually kept her hair long so it flowed down towards her breasts. Her voice was very sweet and gentle and...
N.B. I've noticed sometimes, but not always, a small problem caused when I change to Rich Text Format from Word that some accents on or under letters get lost. For example Provencal should have a cedilla under the 'c' but comes out as Proven(al in my story 'The Pre-nuptial Agreement'. In the following story is the word 'melee' and this has a circumflex over the first e and an acute accent over the second e. Sometimes it reproduces correctly, other times it doesn't. Having gone to...
My dad left when I was just fifteen. I never knew why till three weeks later my moms friend Sadie moved in our house and into mom's bedroom. I could hear them at night moaning and I had to go peek. Both were naked laying on top of the covers and Sadie was sucking mom's tits and then went down to her pussy and spread it and began to lick it. My mom then started moaning and twisting loud. I would sneak and watch them every night. I loved seeing the two women having sex and loved them fingering...
He lay on his bed, lost in his thoughts. Should he go to her and try to win her over or should he be the honorable gentleman? She had a family she loved… a husband and two boys. He didn’t want to take anything away from her, or take her from anything… but he wanted her. 17 years ago he had wanted her. Since then, he had never NOT wanted her. For the last 15 years, with no contact between them, he had never stopped thinking about her, no matter how much he wanted to. They had never been lovers...
It was 1958 and I had just graduated from high school. My step-father, a construction worker, had been divorced from my mother for several years. That summer he was working in a town a hundred miles away and, as usual, he was living out of a cheap motel room. Donny, one of my high school buddies, was working on the same job and staying with John, so it was inevitable that I should drive over for a weekend visit. I arrived on Friday evening to find a woman about my mother's age in the room...
Dear Reader,Nobody believed our story. But the events I relate to you below really happened. It may seem fantastic, but truth is always stranger than fiction.You can make up your own mind—I only want to set the record straight before—well, you’ll see…Our journey started one inauspicious evening almost five years ago; the seven of us unaware, as we embarked on our incredible adventure, that nothing would ever be the same again. -----Date: 21 October 2015 Location: Frederick Blunden...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBy anon y mouse First of all, I should tell you a little about myself. I never in my whole life imagined that I was anything but heterosexual. I was raised in a small town, I was expected to marry, have babies...yadda yadda yadda. Well, of course, I did all that...well mostly. I went to college, became a teacher, married my high school sweetheart, tried to have no avail. I wasn't fertile so Mr. High school sweetheart left me after 6 years of marriage. In the eyes of my...