David's New Role free porn video

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David's New Role David glanced at his watch and was relieved to see that it was finally time for his lunch break. He cleared the paper work he had been looking over from the top of his desk and placed it carefully into one of the drawers in his desk. He stood up and took his jacket from the coat stand in the corner of his office and then headed for the exit from the large corporate building where he had worked for nearly 20 years. Once out on the street he quickly headed for the large shopping centre that was located close to his office. While he would pick up a sandwich while he was there, that was not the main reason for this journey. A week ago a new store had opened in the centre - a lingerie store. He had made this trip every day since he had first spotted the new place but as yet he had not worked up the courage to actually step inside. He hadn't come up with a plausible reason to explain his presence there and he was terrified that he might be spotted entering or leaving the store, or even worse, spotted inside the store by someone that he knew. He walked towards the low wooden bench that was opposite the store and took a seat with his lunch. Trying his best not to look conspicuous, but feeling very self-conscious, he opened his packet of sandwiches and watched the shop front. From the display in the large window it was clear that they sold exactly the sort of items that he liked - or should that be that he was addicted to? Delightful displays of the most feminine of intimate items in pale pastel colours - pinks, pale blues, peach - all in the most thrilling of feminine designs. As he sat engrossed in the vision of female clothes before him he suddenly became aware of a presence close to him. "Enjoying the view?" a female voice enquired. David froze, a sandwich caught in mid-air on the path towards his mouth. He decided to ignore the question in the vain hope that it might be aimed at someone else. "I said are you enjoying the view?" the strange voice, slightly louder and more insistent, repeated. He half-turned, his cheeks burning with embarrassment, to see who it was who had found him out. A woman sat to his left, her firm gaze fixed upon him. David would guess that she was probably around 50 years of age, although he couldn't be precise as it was clear that she took very good care of her appearance. Her blonde hair was immaculately styled and was obviously the result of an expert hand at work. It was cut in a simple chin length bob but, the precision of the lines and the bluntness of the edges, indicated a skilled pair of hands had been at work. Similarly her make-up was also applied with an expert hand. In less able hands the result would have been one of too much make-up but here it served to accentuate her features to perfection. The cosmetic artistry was topped by the application of the scarlet lipstick which shone brightly in the harsh fluorescent lighting of the shopping centre. His gaze dropped slightly to take in the outfit that she wore. It was a simple two-piece suit in black wool but it fitted her body exactly almost as if it had been made specifically to fit her and her alone. The skirt was cut to sit above the knee but not in a cheap or slutty manner. From the hem of the skirt emerged a pair of slim legs encased in black. Stockings or tights? He was unsure but something about this lady made him think that it could only be stockings. They seemed to crackle with static as she uncrossed her legs. David suddenly realised that he had been staring and he began to hesitatingly speak. "I was just, erm,......" he said in a low voice. The woman leaned in closer towards him and spoke directly into his ear. "This is the situation. I have seen you sitting here at this time for the last 5 days staring at my shop and looking at the clothes in the displays. So now you have a choice. Either you walk into my shop now with me or, if you look over there, I can call over that security guard and report you". She paused to her words sink in and watched him for any reaction. David sat in shock his mind racing as he tried to work out his next move. His thoughts were interrupted as the woman stood up abruptly. She started to walk towards the store and David began to follow meekly behind. As he stepped across the entrance he felt himself immersed in an unfamiliar world of femininity. The air was heavy with the scent of perfume and the subdued lighting helped to flatter the garments on display. The woman pointed towards the back of the store. "You will find a door over there. Go through it, walk up the stairs and wait for me in the room at the top of the stairs" she instructed. Without saying anything he walked towards the door indicated and climbed the stairs that lay behind it. At the top of the stairs he found a single door and behind that door a large room. The room was decorated in a pale peach colour and the whole feel of the place was one of femininity and softness. He guessed that it might be some kind of private dressing room for her more discerning customers. Against one wall stood 2 large wardrobes and next to them stood a large dresser with 5 drawers. In one corner of the room stood a large three-sided mirror that surrounded a small square cushioned platform which was about 4 inches in height. He heard a door close behind him and he turned around to see the woman who had spoken to him outside. "Well, at least you are being sensible and not trying to create a scene. So, tell me, why do you sit and watch my store?" David looked down at his shoes, embarrassed at being caught and now confronted about his passion. He was unsure what to say and he was worried that if he said the wrong thing then he risked making his current predicament even worse. "Nothing to say? Well, it doesn't really matter now anyway as your my new shop girl. Now, let's see what we have to work with - strip!" David stood somewhat shakily and tried to explain. "I think there's been some misunderstanding here I just go to that bench to eat my lunch as it's close to my office and..." He was cut short by a harsh glance from the domineering woman standing before him and realised that any further protests or explanations would perhaps be futile. With a shrug he slowly started to undress, very conscious of the watchful eye being kept upon him. In a few moments he was down to just his boxer shorts and paused to look up at his tormentor. She raised her eyebrows and so David slowly also removed his boxers. Naked, he stood before, his head bowed in submission. Abigail Collins leant in closer to scrutinise the naked body of the man that was in front of her. He was of slim build with narrow, one might even say, girlish hips. Despite his age his body had only the slightest downy covering of hair, and even his legs were hardly troubled by any significant presence of hair. She pointed towards the back of the room. "Behind that door you will find a small shower cubicle. Go in there and you will find on the shelf a bottle of Nair hair removing cream. Apply the cream liberally to your whole body below the neck and then wait. When you hear me shout you may then rinse of the cream. Then I want you to use the shower cr?me and wash yourself very thoroughly all over. Now go" David trudged reluctantly towards the shower room indicated. Once inside he found the hair remover and started to apply it to his body. He worked diligently until every inch of his skin below his neck was obscured by a thin coating of this new method of torture. Making sure that he hadn't missed a spot he stood self-consciously and waited. After a few minutes he began to feel a tingling sensation almost as if a swarm of ants were running across his flesh. As the minutes clicked by the tingling became more intense and started to become almost a burning sensation. He began to worry just how much longer he would have to endure this when a shouted instruction came through the door. "Rinse and wash!" He began to wash the cream from his skin, relieved to be rid of the stinging sensation but dismayed to see just how effectively it had removed what little hair he had on his body. As the hair swirled and disappeared down the drain in the shower David felt a new level of nakedness. Picking up the bottle of shower gel he noticed the strong floral scent as the top was unscrewed. He began to use the gel to clean the now bare skin and become enveloped in the shroud of feminine scent. His thoughts were disturbed by a loud knock on the door. "Hurry up! You have five minutes to finish." He worked quickly to make sure he was clean all over and shut off the shower. The door to the room swung open and Abigail Collins strode in. "Come here and let me inspect the results." David stepped out of the shower and stood before the woman as instructed. She began a very close inspection of his body, at times running a finger over his flesh to make absolutely sure that not a single hair remained. Seemingly satisfied with the results she straightened and then plucked a large pink fluffy towel from a rack on the wall. She tossed the towel towards him. "Dry yourself thoroughly, then apply the body spray all over yourself and make sure you're generous with the amount that you use." David was expected Abigail to leave but she simply stood back to watch him. He used the pink towel to dry himself and then doused his body in a thick cloud of the body spray. He almost choked on the dense aroma that now clung to his own body, a heady and intoxicating mix of feminine scents. It was almost as if with the removal of his body hair, and then the application of shower gel and body spray, that he was being coated in layers of femininity. "Follow me," she instructed. Abigail walked back into the larger room and David followed behind his head bowed. She pointed towards the low satin platform in the centre of the room. He stepped up onto the indicated platform and stood nervously, uncertain of exactly what would happen next. "My name is Abigail Collins but you will always address me as Ms Collins. When I tell you to do something you just do it immediately - no questions or any back chat - understood?" David nodded quickly as he had a horrible feeling that there might be some unfortunate consequences if he stopped obeying this stern woman straight away. There was a knock at the door and a younger woman entered the room. She was around the age of 25 David thought and also dressed in the same immaculate manner as Abigail. A white silk blouse was complimented by a black satin pencil skirt that fell an inch or so above her knees. From the hem of the skirt emerged a pair of slim legs encased in black silk stockings. On her feet she wore a pair of shiny black shoes with a 3 inch heel. Her make-up was also carefully applied and highlighted the finer attributes of her young complexion. The look was topped by straight black hair cut in a shoulder length bob. In her arms she carried a number of items that even from across the room he could tell were female clothing. The girl walked across to where David stood on the small platform. "Thank you Deborah," Abigail said. "I'd like you to meet our latest new girl who will be working in the store from now on." David felt himself blushing again as his so far private embarrassment was exposed to a wider audience. The girl stood looking at his naked body with a barely concealed smirk on her face. "She's quite a pretty little thing isn't she?" she giggled. Abigail took the first item of clothing from the arms of her young, pretty assistant. It was a corset made of a heavy pink satin - a pale pink that just screamed femininity. The corset was decorated with rows of delicate white lace, and lace adornment continued along the shoulder straps and also along the garter straps that hung from the bottom edge of the corset. She wrapped the garment around David's body and slipped the shoulder straps across his shoulders. She then started to pull together the laces at the back of the corset. David felt the garment starting to tighten around his body as pressure was exerted on the strong laces. "Breathe in," Abigail commanded. David drew in a deep breath and then felt the corset tighten even more. "Again," she instructed. He breathed in again and as he did so the corset gripped his body even tighter as the laces were pulled hard. Finally satisfied Abigail tied the laces together at the back of the corset. "We'll leave it there for now but, it will be tighter tomorrow, and so on and so on until you have a proper figure." David stood almost gasping on the platform wondering how he could walk around all day when he was not able to breathe properly. Abigail now began to slide a pair of pale pink satin panties up his legs. There were the same colour as the corset and they were also covered in layers and layers of white lace. They were cut quite high on his legs, fuller than a thong but not as full as French knickers. The fabric felt soft against his now hairless skin. Next a pair of black silk stockings were rolled up his now hairless legs and attached to the garter straps hanging from the bottom of the corset. After checking that the stockings were pulled taut, Abigail watched as Deborah placed his feet into a pair of patent black leather shoes with a 3 inch heel. "Walk up and down the room a few times," Abigail commanded. David stepped down gingerly from the platform and began to totter along the length of the room. The heels left him feeling like he was balancing on a pair of stilts as wobbled along the carpet. "Yes," she pondered. "You will definitely need some practice in those young lady. Now Deborah, blouse and skirt please." The young assistant left the room briefly before returning with the garments requested. Draping the skirt over the back of a nearby chair, Deborah began to help David into the plain white blouse. It was made of heavily starched cotton and almost crackled as he put it on. The slim cut sleeves each ended in a tight-fitting 4 inch long cuff embellished with a deep lace frill. The high collar of the blouse was also starched and finished in a lace frill around his neck. Deborah retrieved the black satin skirt. Unlike her own skirt, this one was cut to mini-skirt length and had a pleated design. She placed it around his waist and closed the side zip. David looked with horror at the skirt as he realised that it was so short that it only just covered his pink panties. But the slightest movement, thanks to the pleats, saw the skirt swirling around his thighs and lifting even higher. Abigail brought the chair over to where the now fully dressed David stood and indicated that he should sit down. He sat nervously in the chair unsure about exactly what was going to happen next. A short pink plastic cape was fixed around his shoulders and tied tightly at the back of his neck. Abigail began to rake her sharp fingernails through his short hair. "Oh dear, there's not much I can do with this is there," she moaned. "Deborah - fetch the clippers, a razor and some shaving gel." After 30 minutes of clipping and shaving Abigail wiped David's now bare scalp with a soft towel. She ran a finger over his scalp to make sure that not a single hair remained. Happy that all of his hair had been removed, Abigail passed a small mirror to Deborah to show the poor sissy the results of her work. He slumped even lower in the chair as he took in the radically altered image of himself that appeared in the mirror. Yet another step away from the person that he used to be. "Now, if you are a good girl and work hard in the shop and obey all of your orders then I might think about letting you wear a nice wig in a couple of months' time - privileges have to be earned and the sooner you learn that the easier things will be for you." David nodded in silent agreement. With each phase of his make-over he had felt his spirit and resistance ebbing away, almost as if he was somewhere smaller. "The nails Deborah," Abigail instructed. Deborah walked away and returned carrying a small case which she opened to reveal many little compartments and shelves. She also pulled the chair around and sat down next to David. She took one of his hands and examined his finger nails. "I can't really do a lot with these Ms Collins - extensions?" Her boss nodded and so she began to apply 3 inch long nail extensions to each of his fingers. He sat in silence as he watched another move away from the person that he used to be. It was surprising how quickly his hands were altered to look almost like talons as the nail extensions were cemented to his own short nails. Once the extensions had been completed Deborah took out a bottle of pale pink nail polish and began to apply a thick and very shiny coat to each of the false nails. While the polish was drying she turned to begin working on his make-up. First a thick base of foundation was liberally applied to his face to smooth out and hide and blemishes on his skin. Then blusher was applied to his cheek bones to add some definition to his face. Next his eyebrows were subjected to some harsh plucking as they were completely re-shaped into a form that was completely feminine. He winced in pain as each little hair was pulled sharply away. After the plucking was complete he was left with a pair of very narrow brows that had been steeply arched as if he had just been caught by surprise. With an eyebrow pencil Deborah then further accentuated his new eyebrows so they stood out clearly on his forehead. His eyes were then outlined with eyeliner and his lids coloured in with eye shadow. As a final touch she attached a long pair of false eye lashes. As a final touch his lips were defined with a lipstick pencil and then subjected to a thick coat of shiny pink lipstick. Abigail nodded in approval as she scrutinised the final result of Deborah's handiwork. While the make-up was perhaps not extreme it did serve to make it absolutely clear that this was a very feminine and girlish person. "Stand-up," she barked. David stood shakily from the chair and Abigail removed the small cape tied around his shoulders. "Time for work!"

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

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Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...

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Hanging out with Carole

It was going to be another Saturday much like any other in the small town where I lived, if you could call Korona Florida a town. Pretty much it was one paved road that connected US1 with I-95 and home to maybe a couple dozen families. Nothing ever really happened there, hell we didn't even have a police department. My buddy Dave's parents went out of town every weekend so usually Dave, our friend Kyle and I would sc**** together enough money for a case or two of cheap beer and maybe a few...

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Carmen and Carole

I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...

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Sharing Carole

We’d been celebrating Jess’ and Jack’s baby with rather a lot of alcohol and with Jess in hospital for a few more days Jack had no need to be home at any particular time. We’d known the couple since teenagers and had done pretty much anything you could think of together one way or another. Anyway by now all three of us were sprawling about on beanbags with Carole displaying so much leg due to her wrap around skirt no longer being fully wrapped around her, that Jack was...

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Katrina Gets A Role

Katrina getsa role IMPORTANT: This is only a fantasy.No harm intended to anyone. The sexy, hottie Katrina Kaif submitsto this director to get a role in his movie. Please send your feedback. *********************************************************************************************** It was 10 PM andshe was due any minute. She had called me in day to ask if I would see her,she was a successful model, well not a supermodel, just some magazine andTV ads, and now she wanted to get into the...

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She Deep Sixed My Rolex

She was certainly more than a fuck buddy, but unfortunately less than a lover.  I was her boss, but at the company that employed us both, I was every ones' boss. Her divorced husband was the lead attorney for a union that was known for strong-arm tactics and he objected to her having male company.  But I wasn't a man who had affairs and anyway we had a lot of work-related issues to discuss and resolve.So there we were at the piano bar, about eleven PM, on bar stools, her skirt at her stocking...

Office Sex
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Sarah visits her lover Carole

I was visiting my lover, Carole, one morning and found a strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on dresser. I was going to leave it alone but my curiosity got the best of me. I took it out to look at it. It was made of silicon, firm, but soft. It was shaped something like a hockey stick. The larger end (7 inches) looks just like a real cock. The other end hooked around to be inside the wearer. It came with stretch panties that had a hole in them right where the dildo snapped through. I was...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

1 year ago
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The Legend of Carole

Carole Gallacher's tits were the stuff of local legend when I was at College. Perfect in every way, they were the reference point to which all other tits would be compared by the guys in our accommodation block. In the winter, these enormous breasts would protrude majestically from Carole's figure-hugging roll neck sweaters; in the summer, they would jutt out spectacularly from beneath her tight T-shirts. Like a National Park, their appearance changed with the seasons but always remained...

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Her New Role

Johnny and Lena got married because the sex was good.The first time he said, "I love you," was just before he came.And when she smiled and said, "I love you, too," it was with his sperm dripping out of the corners of her mouth.It was much the same when he proposed to her, and when she answered she didn't really say “yes” but “Yes, yes, yee-eesss!” as she came with him thrusting in and out of her.He was good at it and she was good at it and they shared the same kinks and fetishes. And when they...

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This is for Carole

Carole relates some magical, sexy, fantastic tales, so this is for her xxxx One sunny Friday afternoon, I was busy deciding what to do for the weekend when my phone went and it was my dear friend Roo. who is a very attractive brunette with such a natural femme shape, she makes me jealous, however, she asked if we could have fun with a photo shoot together (something we had not yet done), so I jumped at the chance and said yes please,,,what time and where ? The Dorchester was the reply !! Wow...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

2 years ago
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My Limited Role

My wife, her lover, and my limited role“I think I want you involved today with us,” My wife said as I was finishing my second coat of nail polish to her toes.“What did you want?” I asked.“I want to see you suck on him,” She replied, smiling. “You do like sucking cock still don’t you?”“You know I do,” I replied submissively.I think she knew it too.I finished up her toes as well as other prepping duties as Mark was set to arrive within minutes. I could tell by the morning and overall atmosphere...

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Christmas for Carole

It was a beautiful personal library. Two walls of the room anchored dark wood shelves that held numerous books and knickknacks, and the sort of awards and honors and sporting trophies that a successful man earned in a lifetime. The room's other wood paneled walls were decorated with hunting prints and landscapes. There was a rock-faced fireplace hissing with the flickering flames of gas logs. At one end of the room was a large wood desk stained to match the walls and shelves. Seated at the...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

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New Neighbour New Role

It was a hot damn day and my neighbour was out in her balcony with two of her pals, laughing, drinking and enjoying the heat. I'd just moved in next door and our balconies are parallel to each other, no private divider. At eighteen, these were my first moments of independence and I was loving being able to do what I want – a home to freely play with my boypussy. Although at this moment in time all I'd managed to do was unpack a couple of essentials - TV and console. So yeah, I was checking them...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Womens Inderpendents Reversing the Roles

Womens Inderpendents - Reversing the Roles Womens Inderpendents Headquarters. A Group of women sat around a table. The 10 of them where part of a old order of women, hell bent on putting the men of the world into the rightfull place as the weaker sex, the ones who get fucked and not the ones, who do the fucking. They had spent years and hundreds of dollars, on reserching and developing the best way of putting men into there right full place. They all had their own personal...

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Lisarsquos New Role

Lisa woke up startled and looked at her clock radio. 4 AM.She heard loud noises coming from her roommate's bedroom. They must be at it again, she thought. Her roommate, Troya, a full figured black woman, liked to bring women home after her shift at the lesbian bar where she worked. Tonight was no different. The other woman sounded like Sonya, a regular visitor. Don’t you dare stop fucking me, exclaimed Sonya!The moaning and groaning continued for several more minutes before Sonya came...

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Roles By Karen Hansen Terri was right. The visions were appearing before my eyes, images of men and women bound... gagged... dressed and/or wrapped in all sorts of attire and materials... or nothing at all. Their helpless forms being teased, caressed, pinched, bit, flogged and, generally, used in every imaginable manner by beautiful, intelligent, dominant women wearing high heeled boots, corsets and wicked grins as they doled out whatever pleasure or pain they saw fit. The...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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My wife her lover and my limited role

“I think I want you involved today with us,” My wife said as I was finishing my second coat of nail polish to her toes.“What did you want?” I asked.“I want to see you suck on him,” She replied, smiling. “You do like sucking cock still don’t you?” “You know I do,” I replied submissively. I think she knew it too. I finished up her toes as well as other prepping duties as Mark was set to arrive within minutes. I could tell by the morning and overall atmosphere she was excited to see him. For...

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Student Is It A Role

Student, Student. Is It A Role?  SFCityDom ? 2007 She wakes and looks at the clock.? It is 8:35 a.m. It is Friday, her free day. She rolls over to find a note on the pillow next to her. She reads the note: Dear Student, You have an assignment to complete today. You will find it on the entry table. Be at your desk promptly at 6 p.m. Remember that dress codes are strictly enforced in my class. Be dressed in your proper school attire and have your assignment completed. There will be...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again. Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

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((Thanks for embarking on this Adventure as either the Heroic Jon, the Rogue Matthew, or the Villainous Seth! This is a very big project and progress will be steady but slow, so please bear with me! There will be a ton of paths and a ton of endings, and you could even go through most of this without having sex, but why the fuck would you do that? But I'm not judging. I haven't gotten quite to the writing of the sexy parts yet, as I am attempting to set the different routes up but sex will be...

4 years ago
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Tights pantyhose rolepaly

I first told you about my first tights( in english we call pantyhose tights ) .As my relationship we Ian developed our he ecounters become more sophisticated . We both now were wearing tights . I ahd discussed a fantasy of my with Ian where i would be school head mistress and he we/she would be my "naughty student" Role play rules would have to be very strict ,we must not deviate from our characters roles .We both found that when we did this our orgasms were vey intense and copuise amounts of...

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