TV Impersonation -- 4 free porn video

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"In step now, Slaves!" Clinton called from the driver's seat. "A smart trot or a smarting ass!" And he cracked the whip. My feelings as we trotted through the woods were confused, to say the least. I thought I could trust Clinton Crayle, whatever he was doing... but I mean, here I was, hijacked from one owner and in the power of a male who acted quite amused at my enforced femininity. Forced to make like a pony-girl no less! Yet I also felt a ray of encouragement. Crayle had figured out that Rod must be working with my Cousin Julia in an elaborate scheme to trap me like this. Rod must have tipped off Julia the first day she saw me at Zelda's TV boutique! Now, however, it looked like Clinton had the edge on them both -- but it might be some time before he could turn them despite his sympathy for me... a poor feminized male! Well, at least it meant I had escaped my Cousin's trap. Knowing Julia's perverted imagination, there's no telling what she would have done to me once I was in her power. Now, at least, I had a chance at freedom. And with Eva due here any day, it looked even better. "Knees higher!" Clinton cracked the whip on my bare rump, and I realized I certainly wasn't free yet! For nearly an hour we cantered through the woods, trotting at Clinton's direction. Finally he pulled us up to a shady spot and got out of the cart. "One sip apiece from the canteen, Girls," he said, loosening our gags. "Got to take care of the livestock, you know. I want you to look good when we get to the Stable-Harem!" "The Stable-Harem?" Rod protested. "But that's where they keep slave girls! You promised to release me!" "I promised to release you when we got to the cabins," Clinton sneered. "But you're not going to make it that far. I'm going to arrange for the three of you to spend some time as Slaves!" "The three of us?" Hannah flashed. "But we're supposed to be partners!" "That's right -- Partner!" Clinton pushed the gag back into Hannah's mouth. "I need to park this filly where I can get at him -- and I need you to keep an eye on him!" He pushed the gag back in my mouth also. "The Stable-Harem is the best place I know of to keep you under wraps until I can take care of your cousin Julia and figure out what Eva's pat in this is!" he whispered -- then climbed back into the driver's seat and cracked the whip. "Giddy-up now!" By the time we reached the large remodeled barn known as the Stable- Harem, we three pony girls were on the brink of exhaustion. At the massive door, Clinton passed some money to the well-built black woman who ran the place and we girls were ushered inside. But when Clinton tried to enter, the Black Woman blocked his path. "But can't I see what you're going to do with them?" he asked. "No way," the Black Woman said firmly. "The only way for me to run this stable properly is with an iron fist, and that means severe restrictions on visitors. No women guests unless they're cleared with me personally and-" She looked at Clinton meaningfully. "No men guests at all!" Somewhat chagrined, Clinton left and the Black Woman led us to a comfortable dressing room. Once inside, however, much to my surprise, she immediately began removing the bondage from Rod and Hannah! "Did he hurt you too bad, Honey?" she asked tenderly. "Not too bad." Rod smiled and drew her breath as she undid the corset. "But I'm sure glad I made arrangements with you, Beth." Both women turned questioning eyes to Hannah. "Deal me in with you!" She smiled. "One thing I hate, it's a smart-ass man!" The women freed her and Beth sauntered up to me contemptuously. "Looks like this one was too smart for his own good!" Cowering there before her, still bound and naked, as Rod and Hannah dressed, I felt myself blush. It seemed the tables were turning again, and I was powerless before this dominant Black Woman who regarded my feminized body with amused scorn. "She's going to be a problem," Hannah mused. "And for that matter, so are you Rod. If I'm going to trap Clinton Crayle, I'll need for both of you to drop out of sight for a while!" "That's easy for me." Rod smiled. "Just let me at some makeup and stand back!" Within minutes, Rod had transformed herself outwardly into a man, the way I had first seen her long ago at Zelda's. Makeup accentuated her strong chin and cheekbones, and filled out her eyebrows. A false mustache and sideburns completed her face. A wide bandeau flattened her small breasts and bulky clothing hid the rest of her figure. To all appearances, she was now a man! "That's incredible!" Hannah gasped as Rod showed off her transformation. "But what about -er- Julia here?" "I think I can take care of her," Beth said. "Just leave her to me!" And she scooped up my nearly-naked feminine body in her powerful arms. "Come along, Honey!" She smiled. "We'll just make sure that no one ever mistakes you for your cousin Julia again!" And she effortlessly carried me off to a room outfitted as a beauty parlor. Oh, what she did to me there! I blushed, I cringed to even think about it! She started off by giving me a mild sedative, not enough to knock me out, but enough to make me a little hazy about what was happening, andquite docile. Working skillfully, painstakingly, she removed my pussy-wig. But my poor cramped genitals were barely free for an instant before she began to apply another, slightly different one. I saw vaguely that this one seemed smoother and darker than the other, but it was built in the same way; a small strong cup for my balls, a tube to permit me to empty my bladder, and a flesh-like covering for the whole thing, bonded directly to my skin with latex. Next, to my utter horror, she began shaving my head! I tried feebly to protest, but Beth smilingly ignored my pleas, barbering my scalp until it was as smooth and hairless as my ass. When I began to weep, she removed my eyebrows as well! Finally, she turned on strong sun lamps and began plying my body with some kind of dark oil. She removed all my bondage so as to be able to get at my whole body, but I was too frightened to even think of escape as she massaged the oil into every inch of my skin. "Perfect!" she said at last. "Now just lie there for a while, Honey. In about half an hour, you'll hear a little bell. When that happens, I want you to roll over and lay on your tummy for a bit. I'll come in and tell you when to stop. And remember, no unnecessary movements, or Mommy will spank!" In a daze, I lay there, feeling the tranquilizer slowly, slowly wear off. I wondered what Beth had done to me, but I was too drugged to try to get up and see myself, and I meekly turned over when the bell sounded. It was maybe an hour later when the effects of the sedative had completely passed. I was getting restless. Then I heard the door open, and Beth entered with Rod and Hannah. "Oh Beth!" Rod gasped looking at me. "You're a genious!" "She certainly is!" Hannah agreed. "Get up, Slave, and let us look at you!" A little weakly, I got to my feet. And as the girls got a good look at me, I too got my first look at the New Me in a full-length mirror. And now I knew why my new crotch-cover was smooth and dark. It had to be, to match the rest of me! All over my body, from my smooth-shaved scalp to my painted toes, my skin had been dyed a dark, rich brown. It seemed to glow like polished mahogany. Astonished I moved closer to the mirror for a better look. Now I could see my new pussy-wig in detail. But it wasn't a wig at all! Molded from flesh-like rubber, it looked exactly like a shaved black pussy! I realized that that's exactly what I was now, a Shaved Black Pussy. Deprived of my sex, of my natural skin-color, without even the dignity of my own hair, I looked just like some very exotic, very feminine, and - and very lowly sex-toy! Tears welled up in my eyes as the girls lit cigars (MY cigars. I remembered!) admired me and made their plans. "Perfect!" Rod was saying. "No one would ever recognize her! And now that I'm in male-mode, anyone who sees us will think that we're just a man and his very embarrassed slave!" "I've made preparations for the two of you to move into a new cabin," Beth said. "You'd better get going!" "What about you, Hannah?" Rod asked, picking up some lengths of leather cord. "Where will you be staying?" "I'll stay right here for a while," Hannah said. "I need to make Clinton think I'm a prisoner here, but that you two have escaped. Also, I need to make a long-distance call to Julia -- and to one other person!" Since it was late, and Rod was too tired for any elaborate bondage, she simply tied my wrists together behind my back, hobbled my ankles and ran a cord from my wrists down to my ankles, forcing me to stand very straight. Then she clipped a leash to my wrists and passed it between my legs, so that as she tugged it, she appeared to be leading me by the pussy! In this fashion, we walked in the gathering darkness to our new cabin. "Please, Rod," I whispered when we were alone. "You've got to get me out of here!" "Get you out?" Rod raised an eyebrow. "Whatever for, Dear? Things are just getting interesting!" "I'll pay you!" I pleaded. "As much as you want!" "Oh you will, will you?" We had reached the cabin, and Rod roughly opened the door and shoved me in. I sprawled there on the floor as she strode in and towered over me, her masculine disguise making her look even more imposing in contrast to my shaven feminine nudity. "Listen, you Black Cunt," she snapped. "All your life you've thought all you needed was money. You wanted it so bad that you thought nothing of going to these ridiculous lengths to rob your own cousin! Well, you're in a fix now that your money can't buy you out of." She picked up a leather paddle and swung it with relish. "You're a shaved, black, feminized little she-male slave, and you're going to stay that way as long as it pleases me! Now bend over. I'm going to really tan that ass of yours!" NO! I thought as she swung the paddle, I just wanted that money for the environment and for-for..... WHAPP! SWACK!!! SLLAAPPP!!!!! As the paddle slammed repeatedly into my bare rump, I blinked back tears and tried to think of a way out of this. Eva, I thought, or Clinton. They could help me. If only they could find me! For the next few days, I was confined to the cabin under Rod's strict supervision. She kept all the clothes under lock and key and saw to it that at all times I was naked, bound, and busy serving her, either fixing her meals, attending her in the bath, or orally pleasuring her luscious womanhood. I thought desperately, racking my brains for some method of escape, some way to contact Clinton, or better yet, Eva. But Rod gave me no chance. One evening, Beth came over and the two women amused themselves by discussing me as I painted their toenails. "You know," Beth said. "No one would ever guess that a man could be so feminized and still have his cock and balls. She does still have them, doesn't she?" "Oh yes," Rod said. "They're definitely right under that shaved crotch cover. When she's been bad, I sometimes stroke her there. She's so horny now that even the slightest sexual stimulation is agony for her. By the way, I've changed her name to Lillian to avoid confusion." "How sweet! You know, I could really do a lot with her!" "More than this?" Rod asked, gesturing down at the spectacle of me, feminized, totally hairless and black-skinned, crouching nude on the floor, painting her toenails. "Much more," Beth explained. "A lot of kinky people come here, many of them even more kinky than they like to let on. Now what if a guy was a closet-Gay type and we let him know that we had one or two totally convincing she-male submissives! Just think -- he could take them out in front of all the other guests, fondle her, take her from the rear or make her go down on him in front of everybody -- and only he would know that it's really a man!" "Wild!" Rod laughed. "Or you could also use them for women like me, who like to have a male slave around and exercise their lesbian tendencies at the same time!" "Oh." Beth looked interested. "Do you have lesbian tendencies, Darling?" "Do I!" Rod smiled. "Come on in the bedroom and find out! But bring Lillian. You won't believe how sexy that black bald head of hers feels between your legs!" "Mmm!" Beth rose and unceremoniously pulled me to my feet by grabbing my ass. "Sounds good! I've heard so much about her cunt-lapping technique, I'd like to see what kind of an asslicker she is." And hours later, after a great deal of humiliation and sexual torment, I was a very good ass-licker indeed. It was early the next day when Rod got the phone call from Hannah that she'd been expecting. I could only catch parts of the conversation, but when Rod finished by saying. "I'll bring her right over!" I knew I was in for trouble. Rod insisted that I make up my face extra carefully and checked my black body closely for any signs of masculine hair. Then she made sure my crotch-cover was still effectively disguising and confining my true gender, by stroking herself up against me until I was weeping with the crushing pain of my hampered would-be erection and with the terrible frustration of sexual need. Satisfled, she gave my full breasts a squeeze. "Very good Lillian!" she said. "Now for a little bondage and you'll be all set!" A "little bondage" proved to be perfectly awful! First steep, tight high-heeled shoes that cramped my feet and brought me up on tiptoe. Then a tight rigid corset that compressed my waist by eight inches and arched my back painfully. A wide, very wide, collar came next, so that I had to strain my neck further than ever before. "Please, Mistress," I gasped painfully. "This is awful! Take it off! Please!" "Take-it off?" Rod smiled. "An outfit that shows off your feminine charms so nicely? Look how that corset makes you flaunt your breasts out! Notice how you have to bend at the waist just to see in front of you, showing off that sexy black ass! Oh, and when you walk in those heels, you set the whole thing swaying and jiggling delightfully! Take it off, indeed! I think I'll add some more." So saying, she put cuffs on my elbows and tied them with short cords to D-rings on the sides of my corset, forcing me to hold my elbows in and wave my forearms in an exaggerated, limp-wristed fashion. Then she silenced my pleas with a small, effective expanding gag that filled my mouth completely. Speech was impossible for me now, as I couldn't spit out the gag or even reach my hampered arms far enough to reach it! "All right now, Slave," Rod snapped. She was nattily dressed in her male disguise, with leather pants and a thick sweater. She picked up a small whip. "On to the stable-harem! You know what'll happen if you disobey!" And she swished the whip through the air. I knew, all right! Quickly, dutifully, I minced with Rod the two miles to the stable-harem. Fortunately it was early yet, and there were only a few people out to see my shameful display. But their laughs and stares as I made my ass-swaying, breast-jiggling way along brought tears of humiliation to my eyes. Beth greeted us at the massive door of the stable-harem. "Thanks Rod," she whispered. "No time to explain now, but I'll see that you're in on the pay-off!" She escorted us to her office. "Wait here," she told Rod. "It's wired with closed-circuit TV, so you can see the action in the stall area. Just sit here and watch while I take Lillian here to her stall!" The stall area was a wide, open room, almost a courtyard, equipped with various bizarre forms of bondage apparatus. The walls were lined with heavy, barred doors, and each of the doors opened on to a tiny Eight-by- Twelve-foot cell: These were the "stalls" for the pony girls. There were at least a dozen such cells, and I could see that seven of them already contained female prisoners, either willing masochists who paid for this treatment, or hired females on the staff of the Lust Resort, like Beth. All of them seemed to be in on some secret, and they watched with silent interest as Beth ushered me into a stall. "Just sit tight right here, Sweet Cakes." Beth smiled as she snapped the door closed. "You're gonna have a ringside seat for a very interesting show!" And she quickly left. Alone I looked around the tiny room. It was an odd combination of harshness and luxury. The walls were made of strong metal, but the floor was deeply carpeted. There was a comfortable bed with a soft satin coverlet in the room, but it was equipped with a variety of straps and harnesses that could be used to immobilize anyone in it. The room was equipped with a flush toilet and a shower stall, so I assumed that a prisoner would at least be able to take care of her own personal hygiene. There was even a fully-equipped makeup table, but the bench in front of it was so low that anyone using it would be forced to practically crouch down just to put on her lipstick and eye-shadow. In all, the cell was a bizarre mixture of devices to provide both pain and pleasure, and I wondered how many of its uses would be revealed to me. But I didn't have time for idle thought. Suddenly I heard voices out in the courtyard. "This way, Clinton." It was Hannah's voice. "Hurry up!" "I'm coming as fast as I can," I heard Clinton whisper. I didn't know whether to press up to the barred door and try to see out into the larger room, or try to hide myself from them. I knew, though, that it would be impossible to hide for long in that tiny room, so I just cowered there near the door, helpless in my bondage, my feminized body quivering with suspense. And I listened to the voices from outside. "Are you sure she's here?" I heard Clinton ask. "She's bound to be," Hannah answered. "If only I hadn't lost track of her that first day in here -- after all, I couldn't do much as a Pony-girl!" I could tell from Hannah's voice that she had told Clinton that his double-cross had led to both of them "losing" me. If only I weren't gagged, I thought. I could tell Clinton that Hannah had known my whereabouts all along! I wondered what she was planning.... "Come off it," Clinton whined. "Didn't I tell you you'd have to tough it out? Didn't I bribe that Black Lady to promote you to Assistant Trainer and give you the run of the place?" "I wonder," said Hannah skeptically, her voice growing nearer. "After all, you needed me here in a position of trust so I could hunt for that she-male and smuggle you in when the time came!" "Some smuggling!" Clinton complained. "Are you sure that this is the only way I could get in here?" And then they walked into view, and my eyes widened in shock. Clinton was almost unrecognizable in a white tennis dress and makeup! His hair had been coiffed to a feminine style and his body-hair completely removed. I could see a shapely bosom moving beneath his outfit, and saw that the tennis shoes and white knee sox he wore did nothing to diminish the femininity of his long smooth legs beneath the short skirt. His face, hands, --everything! -- was a totally convincing picture of womanhood! "I told you, Clinton," Hannah explained. "Only women can get in here. Why, they'd castrate any man caught sneaking into this place! Do you want to take that chance?" "Of course not," Clinton snapped pettishly, tossing his curls. Then he gestured down at his feminine figure. "But did that woman you hired have to do such a -er- complete job?" "Zelda is the best feminizer in the business," Hannah chided. "And we were lucky to get her out here on such short notice. It's a shame, I'll admit, that she brought only the equipment to do what she calls a 'total transformation', but she really worked miracles on you. And when all this is over, you can get therapy to reduce your breasts and bottom back to manly proportions and add it to the expense pad." "I guess," Clinton said, unconvinced. "But this thing over my cock and balls is so damned small! I can barely--" Suddenly he looked into my cell, and his mascaraed eyes widened. "It's her!" He gasped. "I mean it's him! Look what they did to him!" Hannah pretended to look at me in disbelief. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Of course! The shape of the ear. It's the one thing you 'can't change. Now all we have to do is get her out of here and...." "Shhh!" Hannah hissed. "Listen! Someone's coming! In here, quick!" Swiftly she unlocked my cell door and she and the feminized Clinton ducked in with me. Hannah poked her head back out the open door and looked out down the hallway. "It's Beth," she said, ducking back in. "She's giving someone a guided tour. They'll be here in a few minutes. We've got to hide you, Clinton!" "Hide me?" He looked about the tiny room. "Where?" "Only one thing-to do," Hannah looked at him firmly. "Take off those clothes." "Take off--" Clinton looked at her in disbelief. "What do you mean?" "I'm not allowed to bring visitors in here," Hannah said quickly. "And if Beth sees me here with a fully-dressed woman, she's bound to ask questions -- questions we can't answer." She went on more forcefully. "But if all she sees here is another slave girl, she'll pass right by without a word!" "A slave girl?" Clinton's voice went up an octave and his knees weakened visibly. "Me?" Cowering there, bound and gagged, I wished desperately that I could warn him some way. But Hannah went on as I stood there helplessly. "It's the only way," she said. "Now strip. And hurry. I'll gather up some stuff for you." With obvious reluctance, Clinton unbuttoned his dress and removed it. He was wearing ordinary cotton bra and panties beneath it, and as he took off his shoes and socks, I could see a blush rising on his delicately made-up face. "Oh dear, Hannah." He raised his gracefully arched eyebrows in a question. "My undies, too?" "Everything!" He doffed the underwear and stood there, eyeing me with embarrassment. Now that he was nude, I could see that Zelda had truly outdone herself with him; his breasts were full, natural and shapely. His bottom was rounder, too, smooth and feminine like the rest of his body. And between his legs, I could see a pussy-wig, masking the last trace of his true sex. He saw my eyes on him and his blush spread over the rest of his body. "Pleese, Hannah." He tried crossing his arms. "Hurry up and give me something to wear!" "One slave-girl outfit coming right up," Hannah said. "Better put the shoes on first.... My, those heels are high, aren't they? Do they pinch much? Well, it won't be for long, Dear. Now let me strap this leather waist-cinch on you... Mmm... tight... there! Now your collar goes on... and there's a strap that runs down your back to the waist-cinch. And I guess your wrists go in these cuffs on the back. Say, here's an interesting feature! Look, Clinton, I can fix your wrists at any point on your back strap! Either down near the waist there, or up...up... up to your shoulder blades, like so!" "Ouch!" Clinton whined as Hannah twisted his arms up behind him and locked them there. "That hurts!" "Oh my," Hannah mused. "Your voice still isn't very feminine, is it? I'd just better gag you, Clinton!" "Hannah,I--Mmphg!" Clinton's protest was cut off as Hannah pushed a leather dildo into his mouth and secured it with straps. "There!" she beamed. "The perfect picture of a feminized slave girl! I'll just gather up your clothes, since you won't be needing them ever again and -- Oh, hi Beth!" "Well, Hannah Honey," Beth smiled from the doorway. "Looks like you got me two she-male slaves to hire out to the customers! Mmmmm, are they ever gonna be busy!" Clinton's eyes widened at Beth's words and at the amused way she was regarding us. For myself, I looked at the pair of us in the mirror that lined one wall. I noted the contrast of Clinton's blonde, shapely body with my own curvaceous black smoothness and my heart sank. "That's right, Honey Buns," Beth was explaining to us. "You two are going to be a very popular item here for some time! Some very kinky Masters and Mistresses have made some very elaborate plans for you, both individually and -- as a team!" As a team? Clinton and I looked fearfully at each other. Did she really expect us to. .... "Ummhnim," Beth completed the thought for us. "You are now Clarisse and Lillian! You two ladies are gonna perform together! As a team -- understand?" I could feel my knees trembling. Clinton tried to say something through her dildo-gag and only succeeded in making unintelligible sounds. "Look at them!" Hannah giggled. "Standing there practically stark naked and still thinking that they're men when anyone can see how feminine they are! Well-" She stepped behind Clinton. "I'm going to let you prove yourselves!" To my surprise, Hannah began loosening Clinton's bonds. "I'm going to free you both," she said. "And let you decide whether or not to stay here and follow orders. That sounds fair, doesn't it? There's just one thing you should know: "If you don't do exactly as you're told here, we have plans for you both. Clarisse, I've got a client who's been asking me for months to investigate an illegal sex-change clinic in Mexico. One that operates on unwilling victims! Up to now, I've always turned the job down because it seemed too dangerous. But if you fail to give satisfaction here, I guarantee you'll lose the last trace of your identity on an operating table in Mexico! Is that clear?" As she spoke, Hannah removed Clinton's bondage. Now she pulled the dildo from his lipsticked mouth. "Hannah." The naked, feminized male gasped. "You wouldn't!" "You know better than to try me -- Clarisse! Now get on your knees to your Mistress Beth here, or I'll have you south of the border so fast you won't know what hit you!" Crushed, the once-haughty man, now meekly feminine, sank to his knees before the proud Black Woman as Hannah turned her attention to me. "And as for you," she said, untying my elbow-cuffs. "It's especially rich that you should end up here, since you engineered it yourself! If you hadn't been willing to sink to such depths to get at your Cousin Julia, you never could have been trapped this way!" As I reached up to pull out my gag, Hannah continued: "And if you don't show total obedience here. Beth plans to turn you over to your dear Cousin for treatment. And I don't think you'd like that. It seems Dear Julia has developed a fetish for amputees!" "Amp-- Oh no!" I wailed. "Not that! I'll obey! I will! I'll do anything!" - - "Okay, Honeychile," Beth said sarcastically. "You two girls can start by making out with each other while I have someone take pictures! I want you to carry on for about an hour, and I want to see lots of soul kissing, breast sucking and ass-licking!" She looked over my shoulder at someone behind me. "You ready with the video equipment?" I turned and saw -- Eva! "Ready!" She smiled. "Eva!" I cried. "You're here! Help me!" Eva merely shook her head in mock sympathy, then giggled. "Sorry, Lillian," she said. "You worked so hard setting this whole thing up, I just couldn't bear to let you go now. I mean, after you kept insisting on making yourself more and more femmish, and kept putting yourself into those humiliating positions, I started wondering if that was what you really wanted all along. Then you did the one thing that really convinced me: You made me the administrator of your estate for as long as you were gone. You should have known how much I'd love having all that money to do with as I please, and how I'd hate the thought of handing the purse strings back to you." She looked me up and down and shook her head. "Well, you're in no position to grab the purse strings now!" she said. "These ladies are going to keep you here as a smooth-shaven black she- male slave, humping your black ass while I enjoy myself with your money. I guess next time, you'll know better than to trust a mercenary little girl like me!" Now she raised her camera to snap a picture of Clarisse and me in our feminized fix -- the first of many. "But then," she mused, "you're not going to have a 'next time', are you, Lillian? This is all you'll ever be, from now on, a shaved black pussy- girl! You're never going to see your useless male organs again. The only way you'll know you've got them is because you'll be so horny all the time. But there won't be a thing you can do about it!" "Okay, you pussies," Beth snapped. "Let's see some action!" As Beth locked my legs around Clarisse's neck and pushed my face into her bare ass, I heard Hannah say: "Julia's going to love these shots!" "She should," Eva laughed. "After all, Lillian went through a lot of trouble to get where she is today!" thEnd!

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Getting Caught In The Woods

My first few stories have all been about my early sexual experience that led to me becoming the person I am today. Okay, the slut I am today. I have a few more stories to tell along those lines, but before I write those, I wanted to tell you about a more recent experience. Something that happened this past Thanksgiving break. This past Thanksgiving I avoided my family and went home with my current fling. I call Thom a fling, because he’s not exactly a boyfriend and I’m not exactly sure where...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bra and Panties Story

Jodie had always had dreams of competing in wrestling and making it to the big leagues. But not everything worked out as she planned. She was a star in the gyms but couldn't make it much past that so she started having to look else where to try and break into the main circuit. She continued searching until she saw an ad for a new rising tournament. 'Queens Rumble' All female fighting circuit She looked at the flyer and took it to her hand. She memorized the address and went to find the Gym....

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Neighbors Paul

My name is Paul Sathers. I'm 37 this year. I'm married to a great woman named Gilda. I have a sister named Lisa. These days we all live in the same neighborhood and we get together with other neighbors for some fun. I have asked the others to write something about themselves to go into a kind of anthology about the whole group. The following story is a chapter in my sexual awakening. It took place the summer I was eleven. I had only recently hit puberty. Being an industrious boy, I soon had...

3 years ago
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My Secret Addiction Chapter 4

I was alone walking through the empty school showers until I came upon them. Two young girls moaning into the tiled wall while their black lovers had their way with them. I froze and just stared. Their moans and yelps were echoing through the large room as the two young men pounded into their bodies. One of the girls turned to look right at me, her piercing blue eyes caught mine, it was Leah.I shuddered and stepped back as if the sight hurt too much to bear. The second girl also turned to me,...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Vanna Bardot Gets A Mouthful Of Cum

Ravishing redhead Vanna Bardot turns us on with a dick-stiffening striptease out of sexy purple lingerie and then gets herself off with solo masturbation before Ramon Nomar joins her for a blowjob and nonstop pussy fucking good time from all angles. After taking the stud’s huge cock down her deep throat, the horny vixen slides her trimmed pussy down his girthy shaft in standing sex and while riding him in cowgirl and reverse. Watch the Penthouse Pet get pounded until a mouthful of creamy...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 27

Lieutenant Kayla Fisher sat enthralled by the beauty and elegance of the giant kitchen. A kitchen had never been her thing; her idea of a home-cooked meal was barely more than heating a prepared dinner in a microwave. But these rich people were eating in the kitchen, big and elegant as it was, it was still a kitchen. She knew that the major was rich, and with them living in a place like this, certainly he had the means to have any number of servants, yet there didn't appear to be any. She...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 6 Secrets

The next day was different however. Even the older kids in the school flier came up to me and wanted to know every detail. Dietmar looked especially pleased.” You know they interviewed me for Nilfeheim Radio? They wanted to know things about you and all that! I think it is time you graduate to assistant pilot!” Dietmar pointed at the always empty Control seat next to him and explained to me the controls, there weren’t that many and most of the flying was done by the onboard Computronic but...

3 years ago
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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 1

I saw her as she walked out of a restaurant. She was a petite, dark haired girl with stunning blue eyes. She caught my attention not only by the fact that she was incredibly beautiful, but also by her peculiar way of walking. Two aluminum crutches were tucked under her arms, making her look vulnerable. I stopped, stared at these old fashioned devices, and wondered when I had last seen someone walking on crutches. It must have been many years ago. She looked around her, then cautiously descended...

2 years ago
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Its a Monster

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in my apartment, sound asleep. I woke up and rolled over towards my fiancé, Beth. I was twenty four years old and Beth was twenty three. We had been together for four years and had been planning on getting married later that year. We were actually in the planning stages of the wedding and were scheduled to meet with one of our prospective caterers for a food tasting that evening after work. As usual, during the night our bodies had become...

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the clothing store encounter

I often went to buy dress pants from a local clothing store in my home town. I had a wonderful experience with the younger clerk that I would like to share. I needed a pair of slacks for an upcoming wedding. I had tried on a pair of tan dress pants that I thought I would like. The young thirty something lady who does the measurements was doing the cuffs. when she suddenly ran her hand up my leg and touched the shaft of my cock. She told me that I should perhaps get some pants that were not as...

4 years ago
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Seducing Virgin Cousin Sister By Sending Nudes

Hi readers, this is a 28-year-old male from Chandigarh. During the last 5 to 6 years, I had many girlfriends and I had sex with them too. At present, I have no girlfriend as I am going to get married soon. During the sexual intercourse with my girlfriends, we have clicked our pics (nude and semi-nude) with face and without face with the fantasy to share the same anonymously. Now, coming to the story. My cousin Sangeeta from Patiala recently joined a government job in Chandigarh and was staying...

4 years ago
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Bare neccesity 8211 2

They went up. Together. Lady put an arm around Kiran’s waist as they walked out of the lift on fifth floor. Not knowing which one of the two doors was lady’s flat, Kiran just stumbled a step and stopped to let the Lady go forward and guide. The Lady pushed her with her hand on back of kiran’s waist, this time a little stern, toward the door on the right, as she fumbled through her bag to find the keys for the flat. Kiran held her breath, as she waited facing the closed door, thinking, “This is...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Mackenzie Mace Diary Dick Dreams For A Tiny Teen

Mackenzie Mace is tired of all her tall friends getting all the guys. She wishes she had a tall guy who was not afraid to pick her up and throw her around a little. She puts her head down and fantasizes about a muscular stud who can bench press her and pulversize her pussy with ease. He sticks his cock in her mouth as she gags all over his veiny prick. Then, he shoves his prick in her tight, extra small pussy and thrusts until she is orgasming all over his dick. The pleasure does not stop until...

3 years ago
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MorganChapter 8

Morgan turned off of the main road and onto a track that cut between huge piles of white sand spotted with large lumps of granite. The girls looked around curiously as the large BMW X5 lurched along the rough track. “This should be graded by the end of the month,” Morgan said from the front of the car, “It really should have been finished by now but I keep giving Sergei and his crew other jobs to do.” “Where are we going Morgan?” Sally asked for the fourth or fifth time this morning. “Are...

2 years ago
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It was late by the time I got to the gym. The parking lot was half-empty and the last few patrons were already trickling out. Still, according to my heavy schedule, I had a short half-hour to exercise. I hoped that I wouldn’t be turned away. I’d only signed up for the trial a couple of weeks previously and this was my first time there since I’d moved into town. The receptionist warned me that I was quite late getting started. “It’s ten after eleven, so you’d better be done soon,” she said, “We...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Alex and Vicki Business With Pleasure

As a business owner, it’s common for me to take a client ‘that I like’ out for dinner and drinks. On occasion, I’ll invite a client that both Vicki and I like to our home. With Tara away for the weekend, we invited one of my first clients, Terry and his wife Sally, over for cookout and a sleepover on Saturday night. Like Vicki and I, Terry and Sally are both in their early fifties. They are both small town people that opened one restaurant years ago, and then another, and then they just kept...

1 year ago
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Washed UpChapter 41

Sam: St Joseph, Missouri Well, Becky is two months old today. It may sound silly, but Delia and I made a big thing out of it. We both spent a lot more time holding her than we normally did. Becky is a treasure. She's old enough now that she can control her head movements. She loves to grab your finger and hold on for dear life. She also has a smile that lights up my world. We didn't have any more shootings today, but we did have another family come in. The Tiptons are an early twenties...

2 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 28 Taking Chances

Deirdre watched Joey as he shifted up. The BMW convertible was at cruising speed now, 65 mph. The soft top was closed as it was still early in the morning and the air was a bit chilly. Joey was outwardly calm in spite of what was riding on today's interview. "So what's the schedule for today?" she asked to make some conversation. "I'll deliver my talk at their lunch seminar. I guess Carol will use the time before that to grill me a little more. She said one of her students will show...

2 years ago
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Risky And Dusky

I graciously opened my eyes that morning with a smile. Although I couldn’t rouse back everything from the dream, I had a flickering memory of how passionate, arousing one it was. As soon as I woke up, I had an intense urge to rub my dick. I headed into the shower, brushed my teeth, and stepped into a frosty shower. My body shivered with the leading droplet of snowy water. I closed my eyes in the shower as I imagined myself again with her absolute hard dick. It was not the first time I had a...

3 years ago
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Thursday night

“Yeah?” he called, nonchalantly as possible. He dropped his hand to his fly and tucked himself away, then got up and started walking to the door. By the time he got there, he was fully dressed again. “It’s me and Liz.” said his sister. She was celebrating her 14th birthday today by having her best friend stay the night, even though it was only Thursday. She was going to be there all three days this weekend, having ridden the bus home to their house instead of her own. Friday was no...

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Bhabhi Meri Personal Randi

Hello ISS readers and this is Sumit with my first story of how I was seduced by my bhabhi and later by her fucked her and her sister. First let me introduce myself and I’m 19 year hot guy mere ghar main mere alwa mummy bhabhi aur bhaiya hain ab shuru karta hun. Ye kahani un dinon ki hai jab main pichi garmiyon ki chutti apne ghar gaya tha. Meri bhabhi ghar main saadi hi pehenti hain aur unke blouse humesha hi deep cut hote hain. Maijn humesha mauka dhund kar bhabhi ke cleavage ko dikhta rehta...

3 years ago
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Ek raat padoswali bhabhi ke sath

Hi everybody. My name is Kapoor am 18yrs old. I had sex with many girls in my locality. I am sharing with you my one of such sexual encounter. I am new to this site. I have read many stories on this site and now I am writing my own story for all you readers hoping that you will response. And especially girls will like to mail me and want to have sex with me. My email address at the end of the story. This story starts with me and my hot, sexy padosan. We lived on rent in a building, we got a two...

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Everyone Wishes Part I

He was trying his best to leave her alone, but she was sitting at his desk working on his laptop, a position Abel Edwards had never allowed anyone to occupy before Summer.  It was like watching someone go for a hike in your shoes, whether they fit or not.  But the improbably slender twenty-six-year-old was sitting there like she owned the place, square shoulders and straight spine, head lowered to the screen as she went line by line through the nineteenth chapter of Edwards’ latest novel.There...

Straight Sex
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My Best Fantasy

This story is Fictional only, unless any one can help make it real...... After many years wanking over Various porn sites and in various chat rooms, i was invited to an adult party near to where i live in the midlands Uk. The morning of the party i awake so nervious and excited it was almost unbearable, my cock was so hard thinking about all the hot naked women i would see and all the hor sex action that would be taking place that i had to releive myself with a long slow wank until i shot cum...

4 years ago
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Vivianne another meeting

As Vivianne and I had not seen each for awhile. I decided call her up to maybe just see her or even jump in bed together. Just see what comes up next. I got her a saturday Before noon. But she was busy that day. But if I wanted to meet her She told me That I could pick her up outside the Place she visited and drive her home taht evening. We decided taht I was about to pick her up around seven a Clock.I came with the car and did not see her outside were we decided meet up so I took a turn and...

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Kinky Fun With My Neighbour

I had moved into a flat of a friend who was away for a year and it suited me perfect, close to work and the city centre and I was later to find out a very sexy neighbour! The first time I had met Dumebi was on the stairs and we passed each other with a friendly ‘hello' to each other and a couple of weeks later Dumebi and her partner invited me over for a few beers to welcome me to the block, they seemed really easy going people, very laid back and we had a great laugh and got real drunk.From...

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Serving Ray

Serving RayBy MasterincChapter 1- Re-unitedIt has been nearly a year since Ray and Nancy were delayed by weather in Seattle.  They had hoped that Ray would be able to facilitate her move to the Juneau office before now but the other partners were not sure they wanted to transfer Nancy to Juneau since she was doing such outstanding work in the Anchorage office and bringing in more and more of the big money accounts.During the intervening time, Ray directed Nancy?s life via e-mail and...

1 year ago
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Love Guru In Bangaluru

Hello doston kaise hain aap log enjoy kar rahe honge acchi acchi stories padh ke, khair main ek bar phir hazir hun aap logon ki khidmat mein apni ek nayi kahani lekar, meri pichli kahani ko aap logon ne bahot pasand kiya aur bahot se reply aaye uske liye shukriya. Please don’t feel hesitated to contact me for friendship chatting ya kisi aur tarah ki zarrorat aap ko ho. Nai doston ko bata dun mera naam Sahil hai Mumbai se hun aur mera id hai To shuru karta hun yeh kissa baat us waqt ki hai...

3 years ago
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Perfect Fit

It was Saturday night and I was sitting on my Lazy Boy recliner. This is my favorite chair since my prostate surgery 10 years ago. At that time I slept in this chair because laying flat on a bed was too painful. I soon knew I could still get an erection although much diminished in size and sensitivity. I also knew that I would never be able to ejaculate again. In time I found that I could still have an orgasm, if you could call it that but with far less pleasure than before I licked cancer....

2 years ago
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The Hottest Honeymoon

Hi all. This is your “secret lover” from Pune. My first story on ISS. Hope you enjoy it. For comments, feedback and fun email me – Robin and Jessica, a newly married couple from Pune, reach kasauli for their long awaited honeymoon. They check in at their resort at approx 01.00 pm and are glad to find mostly couples and families loitering around. They are led to their room by the room service guy- Arjun. Arjun 24 years old, had been working at the hotel for 4 months now and was hired from a...

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(Gay, Twinks/Males, Submission/Domination, Interracial, School)All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word.Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is...

3 years ago
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Did She Deserve This

She knew she was in over her head. As much as she trusted him she was now bound, gagged and blindfolded and lying stomach down on the bed. She cringed as she thought about the view she was presenting. He had tied her legs to either end of the posts at the end of the bed, her hands tied together above her head. So, she knew she was presenting a full and unadulterated view of her huge arse, legs spread apart so her glistening pussy lips were probably on view too. Yes, glistening lips. Despite her...

1 year ago
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Putting Friendship to the TestChapter 5

I slept most of the way home, waking up when we were almost to our exit. I sat up and stretched, wishing I had some Advil or something. I still felt pretty hung over. My dad looked over at me and smiled. "Tough night?" he asked. I nodded. "A girl was involved, I bet." I shrugged. My dad got this concerned look on his face. "So, you're seeing more than one girl? Not just the one we met... Vicki?" This got my attention. "You met Vicki?" My dad nodded. "Yeah. When she and that...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 5

Amanda looked nervously at her watch. It was half an hour past midnight, and he wasn’t there yet. Things were already off to a rocky start. Jerry, the night DJ had started a one hour tape already because she’d been two minutes late. In Radio, two minutes was like two hours. He had offered to stay and help her get situated, but she sent him on home. She didn’t need to be shown what to do. She was the General Manager. She wondered what he’d do, when Bobby got there. Would he kiss her? Would...

4 years ago
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Swinger party

My friend invited me to a party. So I said I’d go. I met him at this club. He met me outside and we went in. I was shocked to see so many naked men everywhere. My friend left me and said to have fun. I didn’t know it was gonna be this kind of party. I grabbed a drink and kinda stood awkwardly in the corner.

3 years ago
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First Oral MM

If you enjoyed my previous life event, I hope you will enjoy this as well.Mike and I had been meeting together regularily to jerk off. Usually we would pull out the magazines and jerk off and sometimes taste our cum. Ususally it would involve us grabbing each other and finishing off with each other's cum all over our hands. That lead to us rubbing our cocks together on quite a few occasions, which I really enjoyed. I liked, in particular, when he would cum first and I could use his cum as...

2 years ago
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Mutual learnings

This is my first story and any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated! All characters are fictional any and all relations are simply accidental The last day of school was slowly fading. The clocks’ hands moving in slow-mo, Dylan had been watching them all day constantly peering at his watch, checking his cell. All the Seniors this year were going to have a co-ed sleepover. He knew this would be his only chance at getting into any of the high school action. His best friend Skye had...

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Unknowingly Seduced

Angelica and I had been friends for quite a while and knew each other really well.  Our lives took different paths because of our age difference, but we were great friends and enjoyed hanging out.  This day Angelica had invited me over for no particular reason, and after a while of talking, she asked would I mind if she ran on the treadmill for a while and we could keep talking.  I didn’t have any issue with this, so we went to the other room and she got on the treadmill and I sat nearby so we...

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moms sissy

You know those words that just have so much impact on you they just shut you up and keep you thinking for the rest of the day? There have been other instances in my life that have done this to me, all of them done by my mother. The first time when I was a c***d she asked me if I had tried on her pantyhose in the bathroom. This was true because after I had my fun with them I placed them in the hamper. That was one of the very first times I had ever worn female clothing. Naturally being a little...

3 years ago
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Ride Me BabyChapter 4

It felt like a jack hammer was drilling a hole into her skull when Louise awoke the following morning. She groaned when Gillian's alarm rang shrilly. "Turn the fucking thing off," she muttered from beneath her pillow. "GOT A HANGOVER, LOVE?" shouted Gillian with amusement. "It serves you right for drinking all that crap last night." Nausea threatened to overwhelm her and reluctantly Louise pulled her weary body from the narrow bed before dashing into the bathroom to be sick. Oh the...

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End of the WorldChapter 2 Ralph

Before I go any further with this little tale, let me tell you more about myself. My name is Bruce Farrell. In appearance, I'm what you could describe as being 'nondescript. In other words I'm so average the only way I'd stand out in a crowd is if everyone else were lying down. I'm 5'9" tall, have brown hair, brown eyes, weigh about 200 pounds, have a goatee, and wear bifocals. I'm also fifty years young. One last thing about me before I continue on, like a lot of men, I'm not hung...

3 years ago
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Born to SuckChapter 5

I looked over at Sven as he skillfully maneuvered the truck out of the parking spot and headed down the road. Boy, he was a big man. I felt dwarfed sitting next to his rugged muscular frame. As we left the small town, he settled in to the speed limit on the highway and then turned in my direction. I turned as I saw him look at me and felt myself mesmerized by those beautiful piercing blue eyes. "So how old are you, Kid?" he asked as he blatantly looked me up and down. I liked that he was...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Two Cousins Kritika And Alisha

HI friends , this is Kartik writing the first ever story on this site , although i write blogs and everything but this is my first ever experience on this site , i am a software engineer currently in Delhi aged 23 working in an MNC , guys how about my first story kaisi lagi please write it to me . and girls who want to talk to me about sex or interested in sex with a well matured guy in terms of sex as well can contact me at it is an ID made on the name of my another girl friend and her fuck...

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my exam at base clinic

entering the room doctor had me disrobe no gown said normal for military clinic exami am on the examining table i have all my cloths off with me completely naked . the doctor comes in and asks me to lay on the table and scoot down to the end and put my feet in the stirrups. he ask me to spread my legs as far as i can then he push's legs back to were knees are by shoulders and butt pointing up towards ceiling with my ass and pussy wide open. He then left room for a min and had three new doctors...

2 years ago
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Avianas Permanent Sex Enslavement

A woman named Aviana is walking home from work, she had to do a late shift and was really happy that she can finally go home. As she was walking, she was thinking about taking a nice hot shower and then just relax afterwards. Just thinking about a hot shower made her walk home faster. She made it to her house in record time. She hastily unlocked her front door, went in, locked it and went straight to her bedroom. She opened her dresser and grabbed her blue lingerie sleep wear and went...

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Fruit Massage With Neighbor Aunty

Hi , This is Vicky from Baroda and this story is about I managed to massage an beautiful aunty in her bed room when her husband is out of station. This is not an real story and was writing this story because when I get an chance I will definitely like what I have mentioned below. Me and my neighbor aunty lives in an society where so many apartments are there and coming to the story one day I saw an aunty near the opposite apartment where she is waiting for her husband and my apartment is...

1 year ago
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Cindy was ready for the weekend. She had been in the hot seat at every meeting during the last week. Her normally crisp business skirt and jacket were wrinkled from the 3-hour long planning session, which she had just left. Cindy began the process of putting all thoughts of work aside as she drove to the Gym. The physical exertion would help get her tired out. A refreshing shower and a good night’s sleep should finish the job. Her boyfriend, Kurt, was working late at the Gym due to the...

Group Sex
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The Party Chapter One

The Party Chapter One I am coming to Atlanta for business meetings and I call you a couple of weeks in advance and tell you that I have been invited to a party one night while I am there and that you are to accompany Me. Your instructions are to arrive at My hotel room at 6:00 PM and we will go to the party from there. You do not need to worry about what to wear as I will provide the clothes I want you to wear. On the date of the party, you arrive as instructed and meet Me in My room. I greet...

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The Man With the Magic Touch

Billy was an ordinary guy. He didn't have a great physique that made the girls giggle in sexual arousal when he was around. No, he definitely did not have that asset. He was not charming and able to seduce women with his golden promises of things to be. In fact, Billy was sort of average everything. He was average height, average weight, and he was, unfortunately, of average size in the penis department. Despite all of these negative factors, Billy was able to get any female to literally...

3 years ago
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Bondage play

He lead her into the room with his hands over eyes, but this wasn’t some romantic flowers and chocolate scenario, oh no she was going to love this much, much more! He removed his hands and she opened her eyes and looked around. It was their bedroom but different. It was almost empty in comparison. Where the bed was usually, stood a lone wooden chair standing proud centrepiece. She looked at the room in more detail, chains hung from the ceiling and there was a sheet over the old book shelf that...

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Fathers Gift

I grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her. My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something...

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