H?tel Coccinelle - Chapitre 2 - free porn video

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H?tel Coccinelle : Chapitre 2 : premi?re journ?e de service Cette journ?e de formation avait ?t? ?reintante et forte en ?motion. J'essayais de trouver le sommeil dans mon lit mais les souvenirs se bousculaient dans ma t?te. Vincent, lui n'avait pas demand? son reste et s'?tait abandonn? dans les bras de Morph?e. Le speech de J.M avec tous les serveurs dans l'uniforme du club chacun n'osant pas croiser le regard sur l'autre de peur d'esquisser un sourire malencontreux avait ?t? un grand moment. Je me disais que j'avais bien fait de me raser les jambes avant car certains des nouveaux venus ne l'avaient pas fait et cela d?tonnait quelque peu. L'exp?rience de se mouvoir dans une jupe droite pendant toute une journ?e ? la vue de tous avait ?t? une exp?rience assez particuli?re au-d?but car l'on n'a pas l'amplitude des pantalons mais on s'y fait vite. Pour s'assoir par contre, cela demande une correction plus importante du geste masculin. Il faut apprendre ? serrer les jambes ou ? les croiser d'une mani?re particuli?re pour ?viter d'exposer aux regards les parties intimes. Delphine nous avait fait r?p?ter plusieurs fois cette gestuelle en nous expliquant que l'on attendait de nous ?tait d'?viter d'avoir une gestuelle trop masculine car nous ?tions aussi pour les stagiaires une source d'inspiration. Je pouffai de rire int?rieurement en me rappelant la question d'Alexis, notre blond de l'?quipe, qui demandait s'il fallait venir avec des dessous de femmes. Ga?tan lui avait r?pondu en blaguant ?oui, mais uniquement avec un string l?opard?, ce qui eu le don de d?tendre l'atmosph?re. Il finit par nous dire qu'il n'y avait pas d'obligation dans la mati?re, c'est comme on le d?sirait. C'est sur cette derni?re pens?e prometteuse avec l'image d'Alexis en gu?pi?re et porte-jarretelle sous sa jupe stricte que je m'endormis. Le r?veil de mon smartphone sonna. J'ouvrais un ?il, puis l'autre. J'?tais bien dans une chambre de service de l'H?tel Club Coccinelle. Le soleil d'un matin d'?t? se frayait un chemin ? travers les rideaux de la chambre. Vincent dormait encore ? c?t? de moi. ?Mais dans quel gu?pier je me suis fourr?? me dis-je. ?Qu'est ce que viens faire dans cette gal?re professionnel?. Bref, ? peu pr?s les m?mes h?sitations qu'un type qui a le vertige et ? qui on demande de sauter en parachute pour la premi?re fois. Mais bon, je me raisonnais. Il fallait que je tente cette exp?rience et puis j'avais besoin de ce salaire et l'?quipe ?tait vraiment sympathique. Apr?s ma toilette, je mis les bas noirs, la petite jupe, et le polo, et les ballerines et j'?tais fin pr?t. Pas si compliqu? que cela au fond. Vincent avait ?merg? en m?me temps. Et me souriait. Il avait un beau sourire ce Vincent. C'est bizarre, je n'avais jamais ?t? homosexuel de ma vie, mais le fait d'avoir des jeunes hommes polies, bien soign?es, et aux traits fins, autour de moi, je trouvais cela plut?t sympa. J'encourageai Vincent ? se pr?parer car on ne devait pas tarder pour prendre notre service et accueillir les premiers clients. Il ?tait mignon Vincent dans son ensemble. Comme il avait une chevelure mi- longue, coupl? ? l'effet de l'habillement, ? son teint parfait, et ? son sourire avec ces l?vres charnues, tout cela produisant un bel effet dont je ne pouvais pas ?tre insensible. Je pense qu'il s'en est aper?u car son visage s'est un peu ferm?. J'essayais une diversion ?Tu es superbe? lui-dis je ?mais moins que moi?. Il ria de bon c?ur. Les premiers clients arriv?rent. J'?tais charg? de leur offrir un cocktail de jus de fruit de bienvenue en tandem avec Delphine et Alexis. J'?tais tendu, j'avais du mal ? sourire comme me le demandait Delphine. Les clients ?taient une r?plique de la population moyenne masculine. Il y en avait de tout ?ge, de toute corpulence et de tout milieu sociaux. Certains ?taient venus en couple. J'appris plus tard que dans l'univers des travestis il y a un certain nombre d'?pouses qui sont compr?hensives, et certaines participent activement aux activit?s de leur mari. D'autres ?taient venu avec un ami qu'il soit le petit ami ou un ami de sortie. Les clients nous regardaient et nous souriaient en prenant le verre qu'on leur tendait. Le fait de voir des serveurs habill?s en serveuses les mettaient dans l'ambiance du club de suite. Petit ? petit, je pris davantage confiance en moi et sans m?me forcer je leur souriais en retour et leur souhaitait bienvenue. Alexis en faisait trop en essayant d'adopter une voix haut-perch?. Delphine le r?primanda. ?Alexis, ce n'est pas la peine de sur-jouer, il faut que tu paraisses naturel, tu n'es pas l? pour jouer la sissy? Et pan dans les dents. Il en faut toujours un qui essaye d'en faire trop. La matin?e se poursuivit avec diff?rentes taches. J'aidais les clients ? gagner leur chambre, ? r?pondre ? toutes sortes de question du mieux que je pouvais. Certaines questions ?taient incongrues comme ?vous faites quoi ce soir ?? et d?j? je percevais que certains clients n'?taient pas tous venus que pour vivre leur travestissement. Puis arriva le service. Il y avait ? l'h?tel Club une partie self inclus dans le forfait du club et un petit restaurant plus cosy pour ceux qui ?taient capable de payer un suppl?ment. J'?tais propos? au service de ce restaurant. Le restaurant ?tait dot? d'une belle baie vitr?e sur deux c?t?s qui donnait sur l'?tang de Lacanau ainsi que d'une terrasse superbe en bois de teck. Un ponton s'avan?ait vers l'?tang. Il y avait pire comme endroit pour travailler. Toutes les tables ?taient rondes, avec des si?ges en osiers. Le code ?tait simple. Si un client venait habiller en femme, on devait s'adresser ? lui au f?minin, avec un bonjour Madame ainsi que toutes les d?clinaisons propres au genre f?minin. Il se trouve qu'en l'occurrence les clients de midi ?taient encore pour la plupart en mode masculin. Probablement ils attendaient le soir avant de se r?v?ler ? tous. J.M lors du pot de bienvenue avait expliqu? tout cela avec ses formules cisel?es et son humour bien ? lui. Il avait ajout? ? l'attention des clients qu'ils devaient appeler les serveurs ?Mademoiselle? car aucun d'entre nous n'?taient mari?s. Cette remarque n'?tait pas tomb? dans l'oreille d'un sourd car le premier client, qui s'adressa ? moi pour commander me fit signe en levant la main avec un tr?s beau ?Mademoiselle?. J'avan?ais vers lui et lui demanda comme on me l'avait appris ?bonjour Monsieur, vous avez fait votre choix?. ?oui, mais avant de vous commander, je voulais vous dire que cette tenue vous va tr?s bien? me dit-t-il. J'?tais un peu embarrass?, et ne sachant pas trop quoi dire, le gratifia d'un simple sourire. C'est ainsi que mon premier service commen?a. L'apr?s-midi, je rejoins Vincent dans la chambre pour trois heures de rel?che avant de recommencer pour le service du soir. C'?tait l'occasion d'?changer nos impressions du moment et de comparer nos pourboires respectifs. Vincent, qui ?tait au self ce midi n'avait pas eu grand- chose, je m'en ?tais tir? avec 20 euros et trois compliments. Cela faisait du bien de cr?ner un peu. Vincent me proposa d'aller ? la plage et de profiter du soleil et des vagues. C'est ce que nous f?mes apr?s s'?tre naturellement chang? en mode gar?on. L'oc?an se situait ? 3 km de l'h?tel et nous enfourch?mes les v?los que l'h?tel pr?tait ? son personnel. Le sentier vers l'oc?an ?tait tr?s agr?able. L'odeur des pins, la fraicheur de l'ombrage qui nous prot?geait d'un soleil de plomb, la piste rectiligne sablonneuse qui se d?ployait jusqu'? la trou?e de l'oc?an que nous apercevions au loin, la vitesse de notre course, tout cela ?tait assez grisant. L'oc?an nous attendait, majestueux, indomptablement infini, rugissant de ces vagues tournoyantes qui s'abattaient sur des groupes de surfeurs et de body-bordeurs. Tout ce beau monde coexistait non sans mal avec des baigneurs dont nous firent rapidement partie. L'apr?s-midi se passa rapidement entre baignade et bronzette. Vincent utilisait une cr?me solaire au noyau d'abricot qui para?t-t-il adoucissait la peau en m?me temps de la prot?ger. Je trouvais cela ?trange d'utiliser une telle cr?me solaire pour un gar?on mais il me dit qu'il n'aimait pas avoir la peau rugueuse et qu'il se sentait mieux avec une peau douce tout comme il pr?f?rait une peau douce chez les autres. Et la discussion d?riva sur les st?r?otypes de genres qui consistait pour Vincent ? l'un ou l'autre sexe ? abandonner un mieux ?tre parce que cela confortait un clich? ?cul? impos? par la soci?t?. Je ne pouvais qu'approuver ce militantisme ?mancipateur et mesurait r?trospectivement la petitesse de ma remarque initiale. Et pour prouver mon adh?sion, tout autant que palier ? l'oubli d'une cr?me solaire, j'obtenais de mon doux colocataire un peu de cette lotion magique. Nous ?tions rentr?s ? l'h?tel pour se pr?parer pour le service du soir. Delphine frappa ? la porte. ?bonjour, alors les filles, c'?tait bien la plage? nous demanda-t-elle ?je vous ai apport? une chemise noire cintr?e qui sera plus adapt?s pour le service du soir?. Je lui fis remarquer que cette fa?on de s'adresser ? nous sous le mode f?minin pouvait ?tre irritante et que porter une jupe ne faisait pas de nous des filles. Elle nous r?pondit que c'?tait pour casser gentiment notre armure masculine et pour nous permettre de mieux nous int?grer dans notre r?le d'homme au f?minin qui sera le notre pendant ces deux mois. Elle ajouta que la plupart des travestis s'interpellent entre eux comme le font les filles et tous portent d'ailleurs des pr?noms f?minins afin de se rapprocher de leur personnage. ?A ce propos, si vous aviez ? choisir un pr?nom f?minin, lequel porteriez-vous?, nous lan?a t-elle ? Vincent choisit le pr?nom de Chlo? qu'il trouvait jolie. J'appris plus tard, que c'?tait le pr?nom d'une fille dont il avait ?t? secr?tement mais follement amoureux quand il ?tait adolescent. Moi, je ne savais pas trop. Beaucoup de pr?noms ?taient jolies, je n'avais pas vraiment de pr?f?rence. Devant mon h?sitation, Delphine me proposa ?et pourquoi pas St?phanie ou St?phy?? St?phanie n'?tait pas un pr?nom tr?s ? la mode, St?phy me semblait un peu plus tendance mais trop court mais tout deux avait le m?rite de rester dans la m?me tonalit? que mon pr?nom St?phane. Va pour St?phy alors. ?Je vais vous faire une surprise? s'exclama Delphine et elle revient quelques minutes plus tard tout enjou?e avec deux badges bleu nuit avec marqu? Chlo? sur l'un et St?phy sur l'autre. ?Vous devriez les porter sur votre chemise noire, cela vous permettra de mieux vous faire connaitre de nos clients?. On sentait que le devriez ?tait en fait bien plus qu'un souhait. Mais Delphine avait le chic de nous faire accepter des choses sans avoir l'air de nous l'imposer. Nous voil? pr?t avec notre petite chemise noire cintr?e qui tombait bien raide sur le ventre plat qu'aider ? former notre jupe droite. Nous devions ?galement porter un foulard en mousseline arc-en-ciel pour ?gayer cette tenue avec en plus ces badges ultra-visibles de nos deux nouveaux alters-?go. Quart de tour devant la glace de la chambre. ?Difficile de faire le macho dans cette tenue? tentais-je devant Vincent. Il souria ? peine tant il ?tait absorb? par la propre image qu'il refl?tait. Il faut dire que Vincent ?tait admirable dans cette tenue. Ses jambes totalement ?pil?es ?taient interminables et le noir de la tenue affinait encore plus une silhouette naturellement mince et gracieuse. Delphine frappa de nouveau ? la porte et rompis narcisse dans sa contemplation pour nous presser de descendre pour le service du soir.

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Young Girls Dream Part 2

Young Girl's Dream - Part 2Mr. W. heard the key in the door and glanced at his watch confirming that his daughters were home by 3:30 a.m. just 30 minutes after the double feature at the local theater had finished. He lay still in his bed listening to them as they entered the living room and turned on the lights."What are you doing here Rachel, "Ashley burst out loudly seeing her girlfriend lying on the couch partly covered by a blanket wearing Ashley's bathrobe. "You were supposed to meet us at...

4 years ago
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Wife Swap Sex On A Trip To Jaipur

This is a Ravi and Saurabh, and their wives Shruti and Ruchi, respectively. Ravi and Shruti live in Lucknow, whereas Saurabh and Ruchi live in Delhi. Ravi and Shruti have one child of two years, whereas Saurabh and Ruchi have none. The story began when Ravi and Saurabh planned to visit Jaipur with their family. Ravi reached Delhi airport along with his family, where Saurabh was there with Ruchi to pick them. Let me describe the stats of Shruti and Ruchi. Shruti was fair in color with a height...

2 years ago
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33 Seriously Naughty Questions Thatll Turn Y

Get down and dirty in a totally new way.Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial if you want something everlasting. It's not just important for making sure that your man stays attracted and faithful, but also for making sure that YOU, yourself, don't get bored! So that's why I want to give you these 33 dirty questions to ask a guy when you want to get him in the mood for some fun sex games.The aim of the questions is for both of you to discover new things and kinks about each other...

1 year ago
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Madame Penelope Part 2

I waited my head down my poor bottom throbbing. I could feel the wheel marks rising. "You climaxed without my permission didn't you Davina," stated Madame "Yes Madame," I confessed. "Carefully remove your panties, without standing up....." she instructed. "I want all your sissy juices to stay in the crotch of those panties....if you spill a drop on my carpet I will have the skin from your bottom," she growled Carefully and awkwardly I pulled the panties down and stepped out...

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SheLovesBlack Vanessa Vega House Helper Plays with Owners BBC

Beautiful tattooed blonde hottie, Vanessa Vega, is a dependable house helper who knows how to do the job right. The gorgeous bombshell happily meets you in the yard of your new home while you are playing. The former owner of the house is one of her clients, and she wants to continue working with you if you allow it. The naughty inked beauty in tattered denim jeans and crop top can’t help but tease you while introducing herself. The two of you move to the living room and continue talking...

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Lost scout

Author's note: Message me if you have any recommendations, if you have anything you'd like to see in the story, or if you want to remind me to finish it! Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. In this story, you control a female scout who's lost in a forest. In order to escape, you'll have to make various decisions. If you choose wrong, the story ends with the scout getting captured or worse. Scout: Rina (You can customize her name in the 'customize' tab)

2 years ago
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Magical LabyrinthChapter 10

Robert's eyes blinked open at the sound of the growl. "Was that Millie?" he thought sleepily, "She never growls." Robert looked around the room and the nightmare that he saw shocked his body to full alertness. His tension woke Rebecca. "Becky," he hissed, "Don't move a muscle or make a sound." Millie was in a standoff with a creature straight from a horror movie. Robert couldn't see the entire creature clearly, but the last three feet of it, a black scorpion tail with a dripping...

3 years ago
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Ryans Dilemma

Dedicated to my favorite author, Angie E, also known on SOL as Tasty Little Pop Tart Saturday, February 9, 2019, 1:34 am This was fucking crazy, he thought. Panting, and trembling with adrenaline/testosterone shock, Ryan looked back over his shoulder and shook his head. He could not believe he’d impaled his bottom on a fucking Dick Rambone dildo. This was just crazy. It was 1:34 am, according to the alarm clock on his nightstand. He’d turned the clock to face him before offering his asshole...

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wife was a slut in 80s in texas

My wife cheated on me 2 times with same man. Let me tell the story and see what you think. In 86 -87 wife was a hot number that everyone at her work wanted to fuck. One day she came home and told me that she was kissed today and like a dummy I blew it off and did not listen. Then I started seeing are suspecting that there more going on with her and she dressed very sexy every day and would wear crotch less pantyhose to work. I asks her why and she told me that it was easier to pee all she had...

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LynnLynn and I had known each other for over ten years as friends. She had divorced about two years ago, but I am still married. We openly talked about everything and even flirted some, but always kept our personal lives as friends and nothing more. One afternoon Lynn needed her garage door opener fixed she invited me over to fix it. It took me a few hours to fix it and being in the middle of summer I sweat a bunch and needed a shower very badly. My clothing also needed washing as well. Lynn...

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Tess finds herself roped and gagged in a dark dungeon

He leans over my ear and whispers: ‘Are you going to obey me, or am I going to have to hurt you?’ His blue eyes glimmer in the twilit room. I am gagged and roped. I know I’m sitting down, but I can’t move her arms or legs. ‘Do you want me to untie you?’ He asks. I nod instantly. ‘Then you will not try to run, because, for one, you would get nowhere, and second, I will punish you.’ I slightly nod again. He suddenly removes the tape that was gagging...

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Kitty stretched as she awoke, the rays of morning sun fell across her face, its strength warming her body in readiness for the day ahead.She lay on the hard floor reliving last nights experience, thinking of the tall stranger who had silently commanded her obedience, who had used her for his pleasures, whom she had willingly attended to partly out of a need for human company, party out of a need for physical release, but mainly because her need for subservience had been left unattended too for...

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A Taste Of Bamboo For Maria

I was transfixed, cornered by a pair off accurately aimed emerald coloured laser beams. Well, that’s how I recall it when I first caught her gazing at me. It was a Friday, late June, 1980. There I was at Bogart’s Disco: hot, smoky, crowded and very loud – what on earth drew me to places like this? Pulling women… that’s what. Mind you, back then I was pretty successful – I fancied myself a wolf! She was leaning provocatively, in a relaxed manner, against a pillar and supping casually from a...

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GirlsWay Serena Blair Olivia Lua BFF Butt Plugs

Serena Blair has a huge hurdle in her way. She wants so badly to have anal sex and enjoy it, but like most first time anal curiosity, Serena’s comes with a lot of psychological hang ups, and it’s not going to be easy to face her fears while getting filled up for the first time with anything that feels inappropriate. Thankfully her BFF Olivia Lua comes to the rescue and shows her that wearing a butt plug to help stretch out her shy little butthole can be a truly mind blowing first...

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58 Years Ki Asha Aunty Nangi Hui

Hello friends this is Rocky from kota rajasthan aapko yaad hoga 2 mahine pehle maine aapse apni ek reall stoty share ki thi or aap logo ne uske bahut achha response diya aap sab jinko meri story pasand aayi hai or mujhe jo comment mile uske liye thanks isliye aaj mein apni doosri story share kar raha hoo jo 2 week pehle mere saath hui hai  friends jisko bhi meri story achhi lage mujhe pe apne comment jaroor kare. Friends jaisa aapko pata hai mera affair meri friend ki mummy se hai or mein unse...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Cora

I'm probably going to end up divorced, but right now I just don't care. I'm having the time of my life cheating on my husband and I don't intend to stop. I'm doing it right under Ben's (my husband) nose and he doesn't suspect a thing. He was even the one who helped set me up with my lover. It started twenty years ago on our honeymoon; at least that is when the seed was planted. I had gone to my marriage bed a twenty-one year old virgin. I had promised my mother that I would walk down...

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The Meaning of Life

This story has been very stubborn about being born. I published a part of it some weeks ago, just to find I had to change things around and had to withdraw it. Well, finally, this is it. If you have read a few of my stories, you may have noticed that they take place I the same city (basically my hometown Örebro) and that people from other stories tend to pop up. Isabelle was a minor character in ‘Ho Before Bros’, which was mainly about Ho and Marie. Peter was one of the protagonists in ‘Mate’....

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An orgasm in the hand is worth

I was staring out of the window of the bus that was taking me home for the first time since I had left for college . You see the relationship that I had had with my mom was not typical.And I was worried about the effect time would have on our bond.When I arrived home my mother had thrown a small welcome home party for me, she was serving drinks when I firstsaw her, she was wearing a very low cut loose blouse that could barely contain her massive 36 dd.She caught site of me staring at her tits...

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NubileFilms Antonia Sainz Business Or Pleasure

Max Dior is hard at work when his secretary Antonia Sainz trips while bringing his coffee. She returns with another glass and a roll of paper towels so she can clean up the mess. Max enjoys the view for a moment when Antonia’s short skirt rides up to show off her ass and thong, and then goes in for a taste when he can’t take it any longer. Soon he has unwrapped his prim secretary and settled her on his desk chair for a lusty bald pussy feast. Slipping first one finger and then another deep into...

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Lystra The Slave Part I Lystras Rouse

It was an especially hot day. Lystra and her fellow slave, Melissa had worked for hours in the sweaty heat. Lystra and her fellow slave, Melissa had worked for hours in the sweaty heat doing the bidding for the lady of the house. They were preparing for the gathering of their master's peers that evening. Important men from the Emperor’s army.“You girls smell,” the lady said when she came into the kitchen. The evening was drawing close and it would be soon time to light the lamps. The lady had...

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north Indian housewife in 7 days treatment part 2

Sanjeev: Madam, in our ashram we provide sari, blouse and petticoat to the women who come for 'diskha' and 'treatment'. So for that only I need the size. Me: Okay, its 32. I noticed Sanjeev noted the figure and looked for a second directly at my erect boobs under the cover of my blouse and sari as if trying to measure the 32 size through his eyes. Sanjeev: Madam, since mostly the women who come for 'diksha' to Guru-ji are from rural areas and as you also know many of them do not wear any...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 20 Hostile Land

The radio crackled to life and Yuri's voice asked, "Was that you laughing Ryan? I heard it clear over here. What's so funny?" Still laughing but not quite as loud Ryan answered, "I'll tell you tomorrow when it's light but for now let's just say that things are a little amusing over here but under control." Neona crawled out of bed got dressed and went to relieve Ryan from watch. She walked across the deck and as Ryan stood up she kissed him, "You're a shit you know," she said...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sluts all Day Part 2

My story continues, after leaving Shannon I got into my car drove home, I live in an apartment building on the 12th floor as I walked off the elevator down the hall I put the key into my lock the door across from me opened it was my neighbor Donna standing there in a pair of short shots and Bikini Top. Donna's husband was a truck driver that was on the road more than he was home, being the good neighbor that I was I started going over to take care of her needs! I took one look at her and knew...

3 years ago
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Having Sex With Best Friend Is Really Fun

Hi to all ISS readers, this Sandeep here from Hyderabad city. Come on guys catch your dick in your hand and read to jerk off and girl ready to do fingering and rub your pussy and ready to become wet after reading my story. let me describe my physical structure my height is 6.3 with 7 inch large and thick dick with an circumference of diameter 3 centimeters, I have average built body with little fair color and my age is just 23 single eligible bachelor in Hyderabad city. Any mature women’s or...

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Encounter In The Deep WoodsChapter 2 A Hot Body

I first met him by accident earlier that day. It was just after lunch and at the peak of the noonday sun. The campsite boiled in unbearably heat and humidity; hot enough to drive me towards to the cool water of the lake. The lake was Lake Michigan, where the water's vast depth kept it cool and isolated from influence of the blazing sun above. Three miles of continuous beach hugged the state park, all of it covered with a gradual drop-off of sand that made it perfect for swimming. People to...

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My InheritanceChapter 28 Whipping Andy

When Uncle Bert built the house in Vail, he installed a dungeon in the basement, complete with all the trimmings and trappings you might expect. Andy and I had spent some delightful time at Mistress Diana’s B&D emporium in New York but this was the first time I had taken her to my own dungeon. Of course, she wanted to go. Why else would see have started our wonderful fight upstairs? Do I need to say it? I wanted to take her. My hand was wrapped in her long blonde mane as I dragged her...

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My First Bisexual Couple

My First Bisexual CoupleI promised someone that I would write about my first bi experience so if that subject turns you off, stop here. If you're underage, why are you reading this? Also, safe sex is not illustrated in this story but in real life, it's a good idea. Do you know where it was last? Wrap that rascal!---------------------------------------I'm not the sort of person that you would ever think had bisexual fantasies. I fall way below the "gaydar." My friends of both sexes all consider...

Group Sex
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Lover Caught While Fucking Husband

This is a fictitious narration. The content of this story is not that explicit but still as a narrator, I hope it will tickle your horny bones. This funny incident started on a fine Friday afternoon in an apartment at Indrapuram, Ghaziabad when Rita (a horny house wife), called Mahesh (her lover) for her her daily afternoon sex ritual, when her husband Ravi was not around. Let me tell you about my characters a bit more elaborately, so that you may visualize them better. Rita: A hot Indian...

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StepSiblingsCaught Alina Lopez Step Sister Lends A Hand

Alina Lopez takes her duties as Seth Gamble’s stepsister very seriously. She doesn’t want her stepbrother fucking any of the neighborhood whores, so she takes care of his needs before he’s allowed to go out. Today, Seth lets Alina jerk him off with a nice handie. They both pretend to not be into it until Seth finally nuts into a waiting towel. Only then is Seth allowed to go out with his friends since he no longer has a sac full of cum. When Seth returns, Alina is waiting for...


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