H?tel Coccinelle - Chapitre 2 - free porn video

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H?tel Coccinelle : Chapitre 2 : premi?re journ?e de service Cette journ?e de formation avait ?t? ?reintante et forte en ?motion. J'essayais de trouver le sommeil dans mon lit mais les souvenirs se bousculaient dans ma t?te. Vincent, lui n'avait pas demand? son reste et s'?tait abandonn? dans les bras de Morph?e. Le speech de J.M avec tous les serveurs dans l'uniforme du club chacun n'osant pas croiser le regard sur l'autre de peur d'esquisser un sourire malencontreux avait ?t? un grand moment. Je me disais que j'avais bien fait de me raser les jambes avant car certains des nouveaux venus ne l'avaient pas fait et cela d?tonnait quelque peu. L'exp?rience de se mouvoir dans une jupe droite pendant toute une journ?e ? la vue de tous avait ?t? une exp?rience assez particuli?re au-d?but car l'on n'a pas l'amplitude des pantalons mais on s'y fait vite. Pour s'assoir par contre, cela demande une correction plus importante du geste masculin. Il faut apprendre ? serrer les jambes ou ? les croiser d'une mani?re particuli?re pour ?viter d'exposer aux regards les parties intimes. Delphine nous avait fait r?p?ter plusieurs fois cette gestuelle en nous expliquant que l'on attendait de nous ?tait d'?viter d'avoir une gestuelle trop masculine car nous ?tions aussi pour les stagiaires une source d'inspiration. Je pouffai de rire int?rieurement en me rappelant la question d'Alexis, notre blond de l'?quipe, qui demandait s'il fallait venir avec des dessous de femmes. Ga?tan lui avait r?pondu en blaguant ?oui, mais uniquement avec un string l?opard?, ce qui eu le don de d?tendre l'atmosph?re. Il finit par nous dire qu'il n'y avait pas d'obligation dans la mati?re, c'est comme on le d?sirait. C'est sur cette derni?re pens?e prometteuse avec l'image d'Alexis en gu?pi?re et porte-jarretelle sous sa jupe stricte que je m'endormis. Le r?veil de mon smartphone sonna. J'ouvrais un ?il, puis l'autre. J'?tais bien dans une chambre de service de l'H?tel Club Coccinelle. Le soleil d'un matin d'?t? se frayait un chemin ? travers les rideaux de la chambre. Vincent dormait encore ? c?t? de moi. ?Mais dans quel gu?pier je me suis fourr?? me dis-je. ?Qu'est ce que viens faire dans cette gal?re professionnel?. Bref, ? peu pr?s les m?mes h?sitations qu'un type qui a le vertige et ? qui on demande de sauter en parachute pour la premi?re fois. Mais bon, je me raisonnais. Il fallait que je tente cette exp?rience et puis j'avais besoin de ce salaire et l'?quipe ?tait vraiment sympathique. Apr?s ma toilette, je mis les bas noirs, la petite jupe, et le polo, et les ballerines et j'?tais fin pr?t. Pas si compliqu? que cela au fond. Vincent avait ?merg? en m?me temps. Et me souriait. Il avait un beau sourire ce Vincent. C'est bizarre, je n'avais jamais ?t? homosexuel de ma vie, mais le fait d'avoir des jeunes hommes polies, bien soign?es, et aux traits fins, autour de moi, je trouvais cela plut?t sympa. J'encourageai Vincent ? se pr?parer car on ne devait pas tarder pour prendre notre service et accueillir les premiers clients. Il ?tait mignon Vincent dans son ensemble. Comme il avait une chevelure mi- longue, coupl? ? l'effet de l'habillement, ? son teint parfait, et ? son sourire avec ces l?vres charnues, tout cela produisant un bel effet dont je ne pouvais pas ?tre insensible. Je pense qu'il s'en est aper?u car son visage s'est un peu ferm?. J'essayais une diversion ?Tu es superbe? lui-dis je ?mais moins que moi?. Il ria de bon c?ur. Les premiers clients arriv?rent. J'?tais charg? de leur offrir un cocktail de jus de fruit de bienvenue en tandem avec Delphine et Alexis. J'?tais tendu, j'avais du mal ? sourire comme me le demandait Delphine. Les clients ?taient une r?plique de la population moyenne masculine. Il y en avait de tout ?ge, de toute corpulence et de tout milieu sociaux. Certains ?taient venus en couple. J'appris plus tard que dans l'univers des travestis il y a un certain nombre d'?pouses qui sont compr?hensives, et certaines participent activement aux activit?s de leur mari. D'autres ?taient venu avec un ami qu'il soit le petit ami ou un ami de sortie. Les clients nous regardaient et nous souriaient en prenant le verre qu'on leur tendait. Le fait de voir des serveurs habill?s en serveuses les mettaient dans l'ambiance du club de suite. Petit ? petit, je pris davantage confiance en moi et sans m?me forcer je leur souriais en retour et leur souhaitait bienvenue. Alexis en faisait trop en essayant d'adopter une voix haut-perch?. Delphine le r?primanda. ?Alexis, ce n'est pas la peine de sur-jouer, il faut que tu paraisses naturel, tu n'es pas l? pour jouer la sissy? Et pan dans les dents. Il en faut toujours un qui essaye d'en faire trop. La matin?e se poursuivit avec diff?rentes taches. J'aidais les clients ? gagner leur chambre, ? r?pondre ? toutes sortes de question du mieux que je pouvais. Certaines questions ?taient incongrues comme ?vous faites quoi ce soir ?? et d?j? je percevais que certains clients n'?taient pas tous venus que pour vivre leur travestissement. Puis arriva le service. Il y avait ? l'h?tel Club une partie self inclus dans le forfait du club et un petit restaurant plus cosy pour ceux qui ?taient capable de payer un suppl?ment. J'?tais propos? au service de ce restaurant. Le restaurant ?tait dot? d'une belle baie vitr?e sur deux c?t?s qui donnait sur l'?tang de Lacanau ainsi que d'une terrasse superbe en bois de teck. Un ponton s'avan?ait vers l'?tang. Il y avait pire comme endroit pour travailler. Toutes les tables ?taient rondes, avec des si?ges en osiers. Le code ?tait simple. Si un client venait habiller en femme, on devait s'adresser ? lui au f?minin, avec un bonjour Madame ainsi que toutes les d?clinaisons propres au genre f?minin. Il se trouve qu'en l'occurrence les clients de midi ?taient encore pour la plupart en mode masculin. Probablement ils attendaient le soir avant de se r?v?ler ? tous. J.M lors du pot de bienvenue avait expliqu? tout cela avec ses formules cisel?es et son humour bien ? lui. Il avait ajout? ? l'attention des clients qu'ils devaient appeler les serveurs ?Mademoiselle? car aucun d'entre nous n'?taient mari?s. Cette remarque n'?tait pas tomb? dans l'oreille d'un sourd car le premier client, qui s'adressa ? moi pour commander me fit signe en levant la main avec un tr?s beau ?Mademoiselle?. J'avan?ais vers lui et lui demanda comme on me l'avait appris ?bonjour Monsieur, vous avez fait votre choix?. ?oui, mais avant de vous commander, je voulais vous dire que cette tenue vous va tr?s bien? me dit-t-il. J'?tais un peu embarrass?, et ne sachant pas trop quoi dire, le gratifia d'un simple sourire. C'est ainsi que mon premier service commen?a. L'apr?s-midi, je rejoins Vincent dans la chambre pour trois heures de rel?che avant de recommencer pour le service du soir. C'?tait l'occasion d'?changer nos impressions du moment et de comparer nos pourboires respectifs. Vincent, qui ?tait au self ce midi n'avait pas eu grand- chose, je m'en ?tais tir? avec 20 euros et trois compliments. Cela faisait du bien de cr?ner un peu. Vincent me proposa d'aller ? la plage et de profiter du soleil et des vagues. C'est ce que nous f?mes apr?s s'?tre naturellement chang? en mode gar?on. L'oc?an se situait ? 3 km de l'h?tel et nous enfourch?mes les v?los que l'h?tel pr?tait ? son personnel. Le sentier vers l'oc?an ?tait tr?s agr?able. L'odeur des pins, la fraicheur de l'ombrage qui nous prot?geait d'un soleil de plomb, la piste rectiligne sablonneuse qui se d?ployait jusqu'? la trou?e de l'oc?an que nous apercevions au loin, la vitesse de notre course, tout cela ?tait assez grisant. L'oc?an nous attendait, majestueux, indomptablement infini, rugissant de ces vagues tournoyantes qui s'abattaient sur des groupes de surfeurs et de body-bordeurs. Tout ce beau monde coexistait non sans mal avec des baigneurs dont nous firent rapidement partie. L'apr?s-midi se passa rapidement entre baignade et bronzette. Vincent utilisait une cr?me solaire au noyau d'abricot qui para?t-t-il adoucissait la peau en m?me temps de la prot?ger. Je trouvais cela ?trange d'utiliser une telle cr?me solaire pour un gar?on mais il me dit qu'il n'aimait pas avoir la peau rugueuse et qu'il se sentait mieux avec une peau douce tout comme il pr?f?rait une peau douce chez les autres. Et la discussion d?riva sur les st?r?otypes de genres qui consistait pour Vincent ? l'un ou l'autre sexe ? abandonner un mieux ?tre parce que cela confortait un clich? ?cul? impos? par la soci?t?. Je ne pouvais qu'approuver ce militantisme ?mancipateur et mesurait r?trospectivement la petitesse de ma remarque initiale. Et pour prouver mon adh?sion, tout autant que palier ? l'oubli d'une cr?me solaire, j'obtenais de mon doux colocataire un peu de cette lotion magique. Nous ?tions rentr?s ? l'h?tel pour se pr?parer pour le service du soir. Delphine frappa ? la porte. ?bonjour, alors les filles, c'?tait bien la plage? nous demanda-t-elle ?je vous ai apport? une chemise noire cintr?e qui sera plus adapt?s pour le service du soir?. Je lui fis remarquer que cette fa?on de s'adresser ? nous sous le mode f?minin pouvait ?tre irritante et que porter une jupe ne faisait pas de nous des filles. Elle nous r?pondit que c'?tait pour casser gentiment notre armure masculine et pour nous permettre de mieux nous int?grer dans notre r?le d'homme au f?minin qui sera le notre pendant ces deux mois. Elle ajouta que la plupart des travestis s'interpellent entre eux comme le font les filles et tous portent d'ailleurs des pr?noms f?minins afin de se rapprocher de leur personnage. ?A ce propos, si vous aviez ? choisir un pr?nom f?minin, lequel porteriez-vous?, nous lan?a t-elle ? Vincent choisit le pr?nom de Chlo? qu'il trouvait jolie. J'appris plus tard, que c'?tait le pr?nom d'une fille dont il avait ?t? secr?tement mais follement amoureux quand il ?tait adolescent. Moi, je ne savais pas trop. Beaucoup de pr?noms ?taient jolies, je n'avais pas vraiment de pr?f?rence. Devant mon h?sitation, Delphine me proposa ?et pourquoi pas St?phanie ou St?phy?? St?phanie n'?tait pas un pr?nom tr?s ? la mode, St?phy me semblait un peu plus tendance mais trop court mais tout deux avait le m?rite de rester dans la m?me tonalit? que mon pr?nom St?phane. Va pour St?phy alors. ?Je vais vous faire une surprise? s'exclama Delphine et elle revient quelques minutes plus tard tout enjou?e avec deux badges bleu nuit avec marqu? Chlo? sur l'un et St?phy sur l'autre. ?Vous devriez les porter sur votre chemise noire, cela vous permettra de mieux vous faire connaitre de nos clients?. On sentait que le devriez ?tait en fait bien plus qu'un souhait. Mais Delphine avait le chic de nous faire accepter des choses sans avoir l'air de nous l'imposer. Nous voil? pr?t avec notre petite chemise noire cintr?e qui tombait bien raide sur le ventre plat qu'aider ? former notre jupe droite. Nous devions ?galement porter un foulard en mousseline arc-en-ciel pour ?gayer cette tenue avec en plus ces badges ultra-visibles de nos deux nouveaux alters-?go. Quart de tour devant la glace de la chambre. ?Difficile de faire le macho dans cette tenue? tentais-je devant Vincent. Il souria ? peine tant il ?tait absorb? par la propre image qu'il refl?tait. Il faut dire que Vincent ?tait admirable dans cette tenue. Ses jambes totalement ?pil?es ?taient interminables et le noir de la tenue affinait encore plus une silhouette naturellement mince et gracieuse. Delphine frappa de nouveau ? la porte et rompis narcisse dans sa contemplation pour nous presser de descendre pour le service du soir.

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BangBus Lilith Moaningstar Fucking The Brains Out

Lilith Moaningstar was a smart girl. She was an artist. And a genius. She could use bigger parts of her brain than regular people. When she met the Bangbus crew she was smart in bidding the price up. She realized that it would be fun to get the whole wad of cash so she was quickly inside the bus. And quickly she was all naked with that whole wad of cash in her hand. She just didn’t realize how good Tyler Steel would fuck her. He banged her so hard she completely forgot all smartness and just...

4 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 22 Lets All Go Camping In The Woods

(WEDNESDAY, MORNING.) I got up and dressed in cream colored slacks, black t-shirt, and black silk shirt, with a dark-red blazer. I went down the hall a couple of doors. Just before my dad got there, so I ordered room service for my Dad and my Uncle, and myself. When my guests arrived, I told them I had information from two sources that are not talking to each other but saying the same thing. I shared with them my new plans to send most of my women along with all the families to Disney for a...

4 years ago
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My Surprise Birthday Orgy

It was on her fifth drink that she muttered the words that changed our marriage forever. We were sitting in the Hopetoun Hotel in Bourke St Surry Hills washing down the last of our Mexican dishes with a few Corona and the odd Tequila. In the public bar, an acoustic duo massacred a few Neil Young tunes.Neither of us are particularly big Mexican food fans and Lisa's decision to bring us here for my 40th birthday had me thinking something was up.The entire night had been a surprise. I arrived home...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Sleeping Allie

I walked in to the apartment I shared with another girl named Allie late one Friday night. I had been in the library cramming for a mid-term the following Monday. The living room had a small light on and the T.V. was on, but there was no Allie to be found. Oh well, I figured that she had go out for a while and simply forgot to turn the set off. I walked back toward my room, which was next to Allie’s. The light was on in both of our rooms and Allie’s door was open. I peeked in and was shocked at...

4 years ago
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I Taught Her That

© 2003 I could feel her breath. She leaned in close, lifted up on her toes to reach his ear, and whispered something naughty. I couldn't hear what, but it didn't matter. I could tell it was naughty. Whenever she whispered like that, with her fingers fluttering at his waist and a hint of the almost-but-not-quite embarrassed blush that started right at her collarbone, I knew whatever she was saying was meant to excite her enthralled listener. I should know. I taught her that. She used...

2 years ago
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Desirees Star Ch 04

It had been 9 days, four hours and 37 minutes since that night on the beach with Gabriel, not that Desiree was counting or anything. She had spent the better part of the last nine days away from Gabriel and her brother, and with her best friend Jessica. She tried telling herself that she really missed Jessica’s company, which she did, but she knew she was spending so much time with her to avoid Gabriel. She felt a little guilty for using Jessica like this, but isn’t that what friends are for? ...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Miah 01192017

Interested in a super cute, barely legal Asian gymnast today? Why, right along then. Miah was born in S. Korea, and raised in Minnesota by Germans who had the good sense to instill in her all the Teutonic virtues such as discipline, patience, physical fitness, and desire to do her first porn movie at the ripe old age of 18 years, 4 months. Ok the last one may not exactly be German (but should be! German ladies are yum!). But we are glad our adorable and sexy Miah went that route anyway. For...

2 years ago
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Brother SpyChapter 12 The PEEPER goes public in the family

"Well, Eddy," said Gail, "I hope you saved some of that mouth and cock for me." My pussy needs taking care of." Gail stroked her pussy with one hand. Her other hand was buried in Tiff's cunt. Tiff's eyes were half closed as she savored the feel of Gail's fingers. Tiff was performing her regular tit massage and pull, still hoping that her boobs would magically grow into melons overnight. Sally had another tampon string hanging from her cunt. At least I hoped it was a new one. Jacqui...

2 years ago
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Green upon green

Green upon green "The Order is in shambles in here! What were you thinking? You have no foothold, the Assassins have all but destroyed our contacts and there is no one in the King's Court! I came here only to see how Portugal is doing in the hands of our noble leaders, but you have done NOTHING!" The Pope was fuming in the old decorated halls of the Templar Order in the middle of Lisbon. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles on the large carved dining table in the middle,...

4 years ago
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The Gigolo Chronicles II Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth is a beautiful, mature woman I have known for several years now. One of my regulars and one of my favorite lady friends, we have had some wonderful times together. I can always count on some hot sex when we hook up and even in between times, as Elizabeth also likes phone sex when we can't get together.Elizabeth is a former model who now runs her own fashion line of clothes as well as makeup and perfumes, although as far as I'm concerned, she could still keep up with the best of them...

2 years ago
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Kaise Mene Anjali Ki Seal Todi

Hi friend mere name raj mehra he aur me pune ka rahne wala hu meri age 24 he aur me iss roj padta hu to mene apni bhi story likne ki sochi yah story ek dam real he to me story pe ata meri hight 5.8 he aur mere lund ka size 8 incs. He jo kisi bhi ladki ke liye kafi he to bat ese suru hoti he meri socity me ek ladki rahti he uska name anjali he aur me use ab anu kahta hu vo bhut hi sexy he he uska size 36 26 36 he use dekte hi kisi mard ka lund kada ho jaye me use roj dekta tha to roj me uske...

3 years ago
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My New Roommate

About six months after my divorce, I decided to accept the company’s long-standing offer and transfer to New York. Being a small-town guy from the Midwest, I was a little intimidated about moving to such a big city, but I felt like the change would do me good. Most of my friends had been my ex-wife’s friends first, so I was beginning to feel isolated. If some woman had come along in those six months to pique my interest, I might have stayed longer to see if the relationship might go somewhere,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The TGI Chronicles Part 1 Too LateChapter 7

On the Saturday I went into the office for a few hours. Partly to work, but I took the opportunity to move into Perry's office. That way Monday morning would be a fresh start. Other than that, Saturday was a day of chores, from shopping to housework. I did take some time out to go to the gym, I was really beginning to enjoy my sessions there. Afterwards I walked over to Symmonds & Burtons to see if Rose had an inventory of contents for Blindside. Really, I think I was hoping that I'd...

3 years ago
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My Kind of Charter

This is one of the memories, from St. Croix, that I started but never finished.I was waiting for the girls one morning as usual – on the veranda of the good old King Christian Hotel, in St. Croix – there was a charter boat captain having coffee. I wasn’t really at my best or, looking my best. It was the off season and I’d been lucky enough to turn three tricks the night before. The last one was still in the room relaxing; he’d spent an hour working off his morning wood in me and I was still...

3 years ago
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Cousins in Arms

Cousins in arms by QModo edited by Amanda Lynn and Rosemary Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? * * * 1. Flapper girl Ray had lost the bet and he had to come to the school Halloween costume party as a girl with a companion. Later I'd got to know it wasn't just companion but rather a date. Don't ask what bet. His...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room BBC GangBang

I go to fuck one guy and end up taking on 8 BBCs. The Dorm Room GamgbangHello my name id Jordan and I go to college in Cali. I'm 5'9 Double D boobs, thick, with a big ass. I've tried 3 ways with girls and guys. Had sex with a few black boys and a few white. My fav porn is multiple guys on one girl aka gangbang. I'm not the type of girl to mess around but I'm a freak in the sheets. I'm here to tell you on how I went from fucking one guy to eight. It started off by thsi one guy asking me for my...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Island

This erotic story was written as a joint effort by two lovers (forbidden lovers) over a period of 13 months. It is a fantasy story rather than an actual recalling – unfortunately it remains a fantasy to this day – with any luck though… (He writes) So, it starts with a long leisurely naked canoe ride with you lying naked in the front of the canoe facing me, allowing me to enjoy every curve of your naked sexy body. You tease me with a simple caress of your breast, or a tweak of your nipple. Then...

2 years ago
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Daddyrsquos Dream

My business meeting up in town ended sooner than I expected and I’ve come home early from work, long before my wife’s due back. As soon as I open the front door I see them. A girl’s school uniform grey pleated skirt tossed on the hall rug and a girl’s knickers and sheer black tights on the stairs. They’re the knickers my eighteen year old daughter wears to school, in thin white cotton as brief as school regulations let her get away with. I know that because I’ve been through her underwear...

3 years ago
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Haunted by the PastChapter 3

Her best friend Lynda Curtis had admitted that she had feelings for her husband Charles. Diana Richards suspected that Lynda hadn't told her just how deep her feelings were. She'd have to start paying attention to how Lynda acted around him so she could figure out if it was just a deep physical attraction or if her emotions were getting too involved... She knew she didn't have anything to worry about where Charles was concerned—he was a one-woman man and she knew he loved her beyond...

3 years ago
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Mom8217s Boyfriend

Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii. My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a full fledged pediatrician. I am hoping to start my own practice in Denver. But that’s not what this story is all about. I want to share with you an incident that...

3 years ago
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Gaffars Family With Gowri

This is This story happened to my best friend Gaffar who got a lucky chance to get his sex goddess Gowri.. Gowri is a beautiful woman of age 24.Her hair is so long of always having a nice smell .Her boobs are so perfectly with round shape and beautiful areola of one rupee coin dimension. She is so innocent at her face always with sindhur and every boy who attends their temple wants to suck her beauty off . The students who come to their father to learn has to control their dicks while she was...

3 years ago
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Blood and SandChapter 11

Both Running Bear and Brown Horse were a bit disappointed and disgusted with the Comanches. They had been on the road a week and had not yet been attacked. It was getting so that you couldn't depend on anybody! By this time, at nearly 9 years old, Running Bear had been given his own rifle, a nearly worn-out Spencer dating from the earliest days of it manufacture. Otto vowed that it would be replaced by a Winchester at the first opportunity, and he also planned to get the boy a pistol....

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 13

May 10, 1975 The day was perfect for painting curbs. The temperature the previous night had never gotten below 54 degrees. It was overcast, but there was no rain predicted for the day. The temperature climbed into the seventies around three in the afternoon. It was the first Saturday of the year where they could paint curbs. Sure, there were a lot of days in the middle of the week where they could have painted, but they only worked the curb painting business on Saturdays when homeowners were...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ki Phati Hui Shalwaar

Mere mummy ki age 47 hai mast haighted hai gori hai mummy ki gaand bahot bahar nikli hui hai.Mummy hamesha ghar me tight leginn pehenti hai or short kurti mom ki tight leginn damage hi rehti hai kyu ki unki thigh bahot moti hai or jo leginn nhi phati rehti use mai phadh deta hu. Dosto ab mai story aage badata hu ek din mai tv dekh raha tha hall me mai sofe per baitha tha mom kuch veg katne mere samne ek chote se stool par aake baithi mom ne white kurti or red leginn pehni hui thi.Mai tv dekh...

2 years ago
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I Hate Sneezing Ch 30

Question after question came like a hail storm, and each one struck a pang of guilt deeper and deeper into shame. She must’ve noticed this, and gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead. “I’m not mad, I’m just curious. I was pissed at first, but only by the surprise of you being there, and the fear of being discovered,” she explained. I finally found my voice after I calmed down a little. “The first time I saw you was when you were with coach Ives when you were 15. I was basically hooked from...

2 years ago
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Supermarket Encounter

It was another boring visit to the supermarket, my wife having sent me to get a few things as she was "busy". They say it is a good place to meet the opposite sex, particularly at night, but this had never ever looked like happening to me.As I walked down the frozen food aisle I saw this rather mature lady in front of me, well I say mature but this was simply because I am still relatively young, she was leaning over the freezers and I noticed that as she did so her top was lifting at the waist,...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Bent Over for Uncle Jessie

Mom's older brother, Jessie, was always a flirt and often thought he was God's gift to woman. He was always quite the womanizer and knew just how to work the scene, even given his advancing age. I could see this as he mingled with the large crowd of family on our huge deck at the family reunion mom had organized. I watched Uncle Jessie flow through the crowd of family eying female family members like they were just another woman. All of them smiled at him and he reveled in it. I just snickered...

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A Fresh Cream Pie

We put the k**s to bed for the night, and I grabbed a beer and wine cooler out of the refrigerator. We go in the living room and sit and watch TV as we drink, you put your feet into my lap and I rub them knowing this turns you on. I stand and that off your jeans, sitting back down I put your thighs across my lap so I can rub your soft thighs and let the back of my hand brush her pussy. I message your thighs until you start squirming, I know you are getting wet and I can smell your essence. ...

2 years ago
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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 04

‘Mommy Dani, my daddy still in Heaven?’ Sean was playing with the race track set that Jason had just bought him, and he didn’t look away from it when he asked this question. But Dani knew that whatever she answered would be very important to him. ‘Why do you ask that?’ she said. ‘I want Daddy visit me. Grammy visit me, and Meme and Pepe, and Beth. I want Daddy visit.’ ‘Well, if your daddy did come to visit you, you probably wouldn’t be able to see him.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because now that your...

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