Five Hertz Of SDeparation (chapters 26-30 Of 62) free porn video

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CHAPTER TWENTY SIX It had been a surprisingly short fight. At least three squads of the Queen's Guard had ridden up but we had disarmed most of them before they even dismounted. None of them expected their weapons to be yanked from their hands. The only ones who kept their guns were those who had the straps around their arms or shoulders and they ended up on the ground at their horses' feet. They came up firing but that only lasted as long as their fingers remained unbroken, which was not very long. Once I found their Captain, I lifted him off his horse, held him in mid-air, stripped him of his clothes and dropped him back down on his mount, naked. They did not stay long after that. They may be planning some kind of attack right now but the longer it takes, the better for us, as long as Alexia is doing what she promised. It doesn't really matter if she succeeds or fails. I am not leaving here until I have had my revenge. The magic power here is breathtaking. Things that were difficult before are easy. Lifting one barrel of flour skyward would have been hard three days ago but now, lifting all four was nearly effortless. Crushing them was easier than not crushing them. I wonder if this is how Alexia feels every day. Or Opulessa. Suddenly, someone grabs me by the back of my blouse. I turn, ready to fight but discover that it is only Dierdra. "What do you want?" I demand. "You are coming to help with the medical problems. Now." "I am still needed here. There may be another attack. We do not know ..." "If there is another attack, Olga will replace you. I saw how much you enjoyed yourself out there." "And what is wrong with that? You cannot tell me what to do." "Alexia left me in command. You will do as I say." "What do I care of Alexia's orders? I am here and I will do as I please!" "You will do no such thing!" Dierdra stands straight up, spreading her arms wide, palms up, her fingers extended. She seems to be growing before my eyes, sparks passing between her fingers, her hair flying about as if alive. She is a Fifty Two while I am a Forty Five. I know how powerful I feel, she must be experiencing the same things I did, only more so. I step away from her and raise my hands, ready to strike at her but she slaps me down as if I were a child. She lifts me off the ground, shaking me. "I brought you into this! I vouched for you! I knew how badly you wanted vengeance but I did not expect you to be so reckless! Come, see the results of your handiwork." I fight her but she easily drags me back toward the Palace wall in which there is now a large hole, the result of the explosion. Once inside the Palace grounds, Dierdra takes a zig zag route through large pieces of debris. I can also see much damage from the dust fire. It was my hope that the dust would travel through out the building, burning those inside to death. I have not seen any corpses yet. She stops, opens a door and throws me inside the room. Landing on the floor, I quickly scramble to my feet and confront her. "How DARE you treat me in such a manner! We have known each other for YEARS!" "I thought I knew you. Clearly, I was wrong. Greet the residents of the building next to the Palace. If your conscience permits it." I look around the room. There are at least twenty people, men women and children, who are burned, some worse than others, all being cared for by members of our coven. I had not intended this though I knew it was possible. "This is war Dierdra. Innocents sometimes get hurt, even die. It is the price we pay for victory." "OH, WE pay that price, do WE? Let me show you another set of your victims from today." She starts to walk away but I do not follow. She stops after a few steps, turning back to me. "Afraid to see them are you? You can either walk or be drug." Reluctantly, I follow her to another, smaller room attached to the larger room. When we enter, the smell is horrible. I hurriedly cover my nose and mouth with a handkerchief. Dierdra takes it away from me. "You need the full experience, Beckwith. Step aside, Olga." Olga gets up, staring at me as if she would kill me if she could. My eyes follow her as she leaves the room. What have I done to her? "Look this way, Beckwith," growls Dierdra. I turn back to where Olga was originally sitting. There are two low makeshift beds on which there are two terribly burned bodies, charred flesh peeling off their limbs. One is much smaller than the other. Suddenly, the larger one moans in pain. "She is alive?!" I cry. "Yes. Olga has performed miracles today. It is now your turn. They are mother and daughter. There is a second child, a baby. The mother could only protect one of her children when their room became flooded with flour dust which burst into flames. You behaved as a Healer before today. Prove to me that you are still a human being. Keep this woman and her child alive until Alexia can come and heal them." "Heal them?! That is impossible! That they live at all is Zaphod's will." "Then you best pray for his blessings because if either of them dies, you will join that poor, tortured soul in the after life in the same manner. And should you care to know, this is not just my decision. Every member of the coven who has seen these poor unfortunates agrees with me. That is eight of twelve. I expect it will soon be unanimous." * * * *** * * * *** * * * The horn drew all eyes, including mine, to the top of the tower, bringing a momentary halt to the panicked hurley burley in the Courtyard. Most everyone gasps or screams when the figure appears to leap from the top of the tower, arms outstretched and then starts to fall towards the ground below. It rapidly becomes obvious that it is a woman and that she will strike the ground very soon. Many people run away from where it appears she will land. The woman almost seems to fall faster than expected and strikes the ground with great force, raising a large cloud of dust. As the dust settles, a few men edged towards where one would expect to see the various body parts, but the woman is still intact! In fact, she is hunched over one knee, dressed completely in black. She raises her head, looking directly at me, smiling through blood red lips on her flawless porcelain skin surrounded by a wild mane of dark black hair. She rises and steps forward from the depression in the dirt around her. One must give her credit for such a simple but impressive entrance. That and her manner of dress. No woman would ever appear in public dressed as she is, no matter how lovely she might be. Ahhh youth, precious youth. So bold and unconventional! So confident! I will allow that confidence to grow before taking it away. I rise from my throne. "Welcome to my party. By what name do you answer, my dear?" "My name is Alexia Thompson. You may call me Alexia, Opulessa." Such disrespect! Insolence such as that must be punished, but not quite yet. "Alexia it shall be. Perhaps you are aware of another famous Alexia?" "Yeah, I am. I think she got bad press. If she'd had a better agent, the name 'Alexia' would be more popular than sliced bread." Did that fall addle her mind? No matter. "You dress as she would." "What, this old thing? I just threw it on today. Thought it might be more comfortable than all that full skirted stuff you wear. You can tell me, just between us girls, you're what ... two, maybe three stone overweight? When you're young and fit like I am, you can wear just about anything but when you get old and fat, like you ... well, the choices are more limited, aren't they, Opulessa?" Now the punishment. "If you can not be bothered to dress appropriately, perhaps you should not be dressed at ALL!" I waive my hand, ripping the clothes from her body ... but they do not move! She has blocked me! She smirks at me. "Nice try. My turn, Grandma." A blow strikes me in the head. Losing my balance, I fall to the stage floor. That infuriating young witch flies into the air and lands on the other end of the stage opposite me. "You and I need to talk, Opulessa. You may yet live through this." * * * *** * * * *** * * * Where the hell are my men! The Queen wanted me on stage with the rest of the dignitaries but first there was the explosion and fire. I hadn't fought my way fifty feet into the crowd before there was that God awful blast on the horn and the rogue witch fell out of the sky. I thought she'd screwed up and died right then but she got up and walked out of the crater she made when she hit the ground. That's one tough bitch. My boys should have been pouring into the courtyard by now but there's been zilch! I haven't got my radio with me because the Queen didn't want the chatter to interrupt the ceremony but I left it nearby. By the time I reach it, they've traded blows and Opulessa seems to be having the worst of it. I switch it on. "This is Colonel Willis! Anyone who can hear this, REPORT!" "This is Captain Ridgeway, reporting as ordered, Sir" "Where the FUCK are you, Ridgeway?!" "In the Mess with the rest of the guys, Colonel." The Mess? Why in God's name are they ... "Get your asses out to the courtyard this God Damn instant Ridgeway. Do you read me?!" "Yes, Sir, we read you loud and clear but no can do. The Queen told us all to stay here until she came and got us personally." What the fuck?! "Exactly when did she tell you this, Ridgeway?" "About twenty five minutes ago. Before that big ass explosion, that's for sure." "Well I am countermanding that order, Ridgeway! All of you get your gear and report to the courtyard immediately!" "Sorry, Colonel. The Queen said that there would be people trying to get us to violate her orders so we all solemnly swore to follow her orders in detail, no matter what anybody else said." "Ridgeway, I am not someone, I am your commanding OFFICER! Get your asses out here NOW!" "Again, sorry Colonel, but you aren't the Queen and you can't countermand her orders" I look up at the stage. They're talking right now so I've got time to go and rattle some cages. * * * *** * * * *** * * * She surprised me with that. Usually, there is a momentary surge of power before a witch strikes but her attack was instantaneous. Like mine are. I will not be taken so again. I slowly regain my feet and arise, maintaining my dignity as I do so. "You wish to speak to me? Address me as is my due. I am your Queen." "Not mine, actually. My country overthrew the royal yoke about two hundred thirty seven years ago ... which wasn't long before you were born. Huh, I hadn't thought about that before. I wonder if that means something? That's for later. Right now, Opulessa, I want to talk about those who are your subjects. Do you have any idea what's going on outside these walls? The poverty, the ignorance, the sickness, the abuse? Do you know how badly other women are treated? We are not respected. We're pawed whenever we go out in the street alone. This is no way to run a world, Opulessa, but you can change that." "Why would I wish to do so?" "You're supposed to be in charge, that makes you responsible." "I have others who do that for me. I have passed responsibility on to them." "So, if they fuck it up, what do you do about it?" "Such language! One who speaks with such a foul mouth deserves to look as they sound." I make no outward move but curse her nonetheless. For just a moment or two, her face begins to sprout fine, white feathers but they disappear. She shakes her head in disgust. "Really? A chicken? That's your answer? I treat you like a responsible adult and you try to slip me a curse. I don't want to kill you, but I will if you force me to. There is too much riding on this to be squeamish. Are you willing to lead your people to a better, more equal world?" "And who decides what this 'better world' is? A child like you? An outsider? You have barely lived one score while I have lived over eleven. Yes, these are my people and I will treat them as I wish, not how some simple minded trollop believes I should. MY people, do you hear! Mine to do with as I please!" "I tried Opulessa. I gave you every chance. Beckwith said it was a waste of time. Turns out she was right this time." I feel the blows coming this time and block them, but barely. I am forced back to the edge of the stage before regaining my balance, yet, I am stronger for it. This is what I have been waiting for. She strikes again and again, in a frenzy of undisciplined youth, each strike filling my reservoir of power. I can sense that she is becoming fatigued, her attacks weaker. She has used her power too quickly, not allowing herself time to gather more power from the magic around her. The ignorance of youth. It will be her undoing. Time to provide an education. Stepping out of my crouch, I backhand her from the end of the stage. She flies at least thirty decileages before landing hard in a cloud of dust. I leap into the air and land close to her as she scurries to her feet, a look of puzzlement upon her face. "What was that?!" I backhand her again. She rolls to a stop, resting against a series of flag poles. This time, when she rises, there is a look of concern mixed with fear upon her face. She grabs one of the flag poles and rips it from the ground, turning to face me with it in her magically enhanced hands. She is learning, though likely by accident. It is better to attack a witch with things rather than raw magic. Raw magic attacks takes more power from you and passes it to your opponent. Using a magic controlled device conserves your power and forces your opponent to use her power to defend herself. To bad for her it is now too late. "Have at you!" She shouts, charging me, swinging the long pole at my head. I am too fast for her, easily dodging the pole, then breaking it in half with a flick of my wrist. She throws the remaining stub aside. "Is that all you've got!" she screams. "You're nothing! You're a washed out, used up, old dinosaur!" I do not know what a dino-souer is but it is likely an insult. I reach out and pull a shower of bricks off the wall behind her. They mostly miss but a few strike their target, hitting her in her arms and legs. She moves away, limping slightly, panting. "That's it?! That's ALL?! Tis but a scratch. A few measly bricks?! I'd expect more from a fat, old, relic like you. You're supposed to be this almighty, all powerful witch of the century ... hell, two centuries. Come on Oppy. Show me your good stuff!" I oblige her. * * * *** * * * *** * * * When I reach the Mess, most of them are eating. The rest were watching a movie and eating. I'm going to flay the lot of them. "CAPTAIN RIDGEWAY!!!" The men fall away as Ridgeway pushes himself forward through the crowd, still holding his hamburger. He salutes with his free hand. "Captain Ridgeway reporting, Sir." "What are you imbeciles doing?!" "Nothing, Sir. We just thought that we might as well take advantage of the down time. You know what they say. Never pass up a meal while in the field, you don't know when the next opportunity will come. We're ready to drop everything and go the instant the Queen needs us." "The Queen needs you right now! I need you to grab your gear and get out to the courtyard. She's fighting for her life, you idiot!" "I'm sorry, Sir, but we're just following orders. As I told you over the radio, The Queen was very, very explicit. We're all to stay here until she personally comes to get us. Her exact words, Colonel." "And how did you know it was the Queen, Ridgeway?" He smiled that familiar wide, slightly hazy smile you always see on a guys face after seeing the Queen. "There was no doubt, Colonel Willis. We all saw her and felt the love, her concern about our lives, that she wanted to keep us all safe. It was as strong as I've ever felt it. We all did." There was a general nodding of heads and those whose mouths weren't stuffed with food added their two cents in agreeing with Ridgeway, even some of those whose mouths were stuffed with food. "See, Colonel, no question about it. Maybe you should ask yourself why you haven't joined us." "Because I'm not a fucking moron, that's why! When this is done, I'm shipping the lot of you home, do you understand me? Home! Back to a girls life! Pretty dresses and high heels and makeup and no respect and fighting off stinking bastards until you just can't fight anymore. Is that what you want, because, as God is my witness, that's what I'm gonna do." Ridgeway squares his shoulders and straightens up. "You do what you have to do, Colonel. The men and I have our Orders and we will follow them, to the letter, or die trying." Every last man jack stands up, taking the same stance. Who ever got to them got to them good. This is a fucking waste of time. I grab a M4A1 stacked against the wall and two spare clips sitting on the table. "I'm taking these with me. Anybody got a problem with that?" "No, Sir," answers Ridgeway. "If we need more, we can requisition them from the Armory." "Great. NOW you're being reasonable. When I find out who fucked up my command, there will be hell to pay." I turn and run for the door. I need to get back to the courtyard before it's too late. * * * *** * * * *** * * * I've gone too far. I knew it while I was doing it but the foolish girl would not be silent! No matter what I did, she continued to taunt and insult me. It was unbearable! Did she not understand who I am? Not being born in this world was no excuse; she had lived here long enough to learn how to properly treat a person of my stature. Instead, she had called me names, such as "Corpulessa", "Tubbo", and "The Wicked Witch of the West". When I struck her with the remains of the flag pole, her arm was cut badly but she claimed it "was merely a flesh wound". Regardless of what strike or curse I used, she would first block it and then deride my skill and power. The result was that I over extended myself, just as she did early in our contest. The difference was that she had carefully husbanded her absorbed magic, not even bothering to repair her damaged arm, instead wrapping it with a torn piece of one of my birthday banners. She was careful not to give back any of the magic she retained from my attacks. I had deliberately given her openings but she refused to take them. The result being that I am now weaker than I was after the first attack and she is stronger. Surely, she does not know the limitations of our contest. How could she learn in such a short time what has taken me a lifetime? I can sense a growing confidence in her. Let us hope it is over confidence. We are slowly circling one another near the middle of the courtyard, raising a small cloud of dust, separated by about twenty paces. A cool wind blows across my face, stirring loose strands of hair, which land in my eyes. They are not blonde but gray! I glance at my hands. They are no longer smooth and supple but wrinkled with enlarged joints and age spots. There is thunder in the distance and I can feel the change in the weather in my joints. Alexia smiles at the sound of the echoes of thunder. "About damn time. You're looking a little old and haggard there, Oppy. Hope I'm not wearing you out. I no longer have enough magic to easily maintain my fa?ade of youth. I could take what I need from reserves but it is not worth it to waste power on such frivolities. There will be plenty of magic available to both restore my beauty and remove the memories of those who saw me in my current degrading condition once I have defeated this interloper and taken her power as my own. "I am well, do not worry. Perhaps you should test me." "Perhaps I should." I tense my muscles, causing unsightly bulges to appear along my thin skinned arms. My movements are slow and feeble, my muscles having grown weak from lack of use due to my use of magic to support them. Consider this a lesson learned. After I defeat this ill bred whelp, I will take better care of myself in the future. She steps towards me, raising her hands. Here comes the blow ? but I feel nothing but the air gently swirling around me, carrying dust skyward. Two can play the insult game. ?Is this your best effort, child? If so, it is disappointingly weak. I have created great winds, strong enough to topple the buildings in entire towns.? ?Good for you, Blondie, oh wait, that?s no longer true, is it? Your gray roots are showing. Actually, it?s more than your roots. Truthfully, Honey, you look like shit on a stick.? It is all that I can do to keep myself from trying to wipe that smirk off her face but my resources are very low. My attack must be verbal. ?No need to concern yourself about my appearance. When I have defeated you, I will imprison you in a tower and slowly take your youth from you. You will be my prisoner for hundreds of years to come.? The winds continue to swirl around me as a long, thin line of dust winds its way up towards the darkening clouds above the courtyard, the thunder growing louder and more frequent. I do not understand what is going on. ?Is this supposed to harm me in some way? I am getting dust in my eyes but other than that, you are wasting your time.? ?Ya? think so? Let me educate you while we wait. There was a great man in my world, now dead. He was a scholar, a revolutionary, a patriot, a politician, an author, a humorist, an inventor, a scientist, an ambassador and a bureaucrat. Among his many accomplishments was the time when, at great personal risk, which he actually didn?t realize until too late but better dumb luck than none at all, right? Where was I, oh yeah, this great scientist managed to capture lightning in a jar by using nothing more than a kite, some string, a jar and a key. The man?s name was Benjamin Franklin. I don?t have a kite, string, key or jar but a thin stream of dust connecting the ground to the thunderhead will do the same thing as a kite string. This should work ? just about ?? I feel my hair rise in the air about me, my skin tingling. ? ? now.? There was a blinding flash of light, a tremendously loud explosion and a searing, burning heat. My entire body was wracked with intense pain, more severe than any I have ever felt in my long life. It pulsed several times then disappeared, leaving me stunned and on my knees, barely able to breathe. It would have killed anyone but myself or Alexia. ?What ? happened ? you ?? the gentle breeze and swirl of dust returned. I will not survive another strike! I try to struggle to my feet but cannot make my legs follow my commands. The tingling sensation begins again as I fall to the ground. It does no good. More light, more sound, more heat, more and more pain. The stench of burning hair and flesh fills my nose. Somehow, I am still alive though every breath is accompanied by a bone breaking cough. I am laying face first in the dirt, weak as a day old baby, wrung of all strength and control. I am barely able to push myself up and look around. My clothes, my beautiful clothes, are singed tatters. My hands and exposed arms look ancient, wrinkled with bags of skin. My head feels surprisingly cool, which likely means my hair has been burned away. I feel ? old, old as I have never felt before. The dust begins to stir around my hands, floating up into the air. ?Nooooo?? I quietly moan as I try to crawl away but it is hopeless, Again, I feel as if I am being scorched, tossed and torn apart when the lightning strikes for the third time. When I regain my senses, I am on my back, still alive. A cold drop of rain strikes my forehead, followed immediately by several more. Very quickly, the rain is falling in sheets. It is refreshing and I find enough strength to roll over and push myself upright on my knees. The courtyard is rapidly becoming a muddy muddle as the rain pours down. The few people who had stayed to watch our contest have taken cover elsewhere. Only she and I remain. I manage a quiet laugh but it sounds like a cackle. ?No more dust, child. That is the end of that trick! I remain alive! The magic will not let me die! You cannot kill me!? There is a shell of magic power surrounding her. I can see the rain strike it and hear the sizzle as it turns to steam. I have never seen anyone try to hold so much magic inside themselves before now. I do not know if it is my imagination or my eyes growing old but her image seems to shimmer slightly, as if she might dissolve before me. I have other plans for her. For now, I must recover my magic. ?Stupid Girl! Did you think you could defeat me so simply? I remain alive despite the power of the Gods! You cannot continue to hoard the power for yourself.? ?Why not? I?m doing pretty good so far.? She attempts to make light of our predicament. I might allow her to continue as she has if not for my need of the magic that she withholds. It would be interesting to see what happens to her. ?Surely, even a fool such as yourself has discovered that you cannot kill me! It is the balance of magic for witches as advanced as we. Even if you do nothing, I will recover but you cannot afford to wait that long. Even now, I can see the strain you are under. You have tried to capture all the magic available and deny it to me. It cannot be done! Surrender the power to me and I will show you pain like none has ever experienced in this world. Do that or do nothing. I will enjoy watching the magic tear you apart.? She just stands there as the downpour continues around us, trembling from the effort of holding the enormous quantity of magic within herself. ?I know that I can?t kill you. I know the rules,? she growls in a low, strained tone. ?Then what do you hope to achieve?? ?A loophole.? She falls to one knee, extending both hands towards me. I can actually see the air bend around her hands as she prepares to strike at me. I await the strike with open arms, for it is my salvation and her ultimate doom. I have taken the best she has to give but she has experienced only a token of my abilities. When the strike arrives, I am enveloped with both pain and pleasure, soaking up the power as a sponge does water, filling every part of my body, down to the very marrow of my bones. She smiles at me through gritted teeth. ?It?s not always nice to be the King.? She snaps her finger. It all disappears. The pain. The pleasure. Everything. It is as if I am an empty, hollow shell. ?What have ? you ? done?? I croak, unable to breathe in more than shallow, inadequate, gasps. She doesn?t answer me right away, appearing to be spent from the effort of whatever she did. I begin to notice other problems. While I felt weak before, I am much weaker now, fighting to keep my balance on my knees. All my joints scream with pain as I sway in place. A strong wind blows and I fall on my side, several bones breaking when I strike the ground. My heart is barely beating. It is growing much darker around me. Cold, so cold. ?Help ? me ? some ? one.? I can plainly hear the sound of the rain striking the ground around me. The hiss is almost deafening. Now there is the sound of someone sloshing though the mud, moving next to me. ?I did to you what your world did to me. I changed your sex. I may not be able to kill you but you don?t see a lot of two hundred thirty two year old men running around.? Cannot see. No breath. No heart. No ? CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN That took more out of me than I thought it would. Practicing on rats in the barn back on the farm gave me a hint but a person has a lot more cells than a rat. To instantly replace an ?X? chromosome with a ?Y? chromosome in every cell in Opulessa?s body at the same moment was the hardest thing I had ever done, by far. The lightning strikes brought her power levels down far enough to make her vulnerable but I still had to deliver. Looking at the tiny, wasted, crumpled, body of the old man in the mud next to me, it?s hard to believe what it used to be. I wish that there had been some other way. No rest for the wicked. Suck it up, Alexia, old girl. There?s more work to be done before the end of the day. * * * *** * * * *** * * * I was too late. When I heard that first lightning strike, I thought another bomb had gone off. That?s when people started streaming down the hall at me, hundreds of frightened, panicked people. The wave hit me just as the second bolt landed. Sounded like it struck ten feet away from me. Swear to God. I finally had to fire several rounds into the ceiling to get the crowd to make way. The third strike knocked me on my ass just as I entered the courtyard. Some of the electricity must have bounced around, looking for a ground. Lucky I wasn?t it but I did get in the way and paid the price. When I came to, it was raining buckets. I had to wipe the mud off my face before I could see anything. What I saw astonished me. What I assumed was the Queen was on her knees in front of the rebel witch. The Queen looked terrible, no hair, clothes in shambles, thin and old. Like really old. Really, really old. Great great great grandmother old. I sure as hell wouldn?t have recognized her if the rebel witch hadn?t been there. I know the Queen wanted to handle this herself but she couldn?t have expected it all to go so far, could she? I brought my rifle up, aiming for the rebel?s head, but I hesitated, unsure of what to do. That?s when she dropped to one knee, hands out, reaching toward the Queen, who had started to glow all over, a kind of blue green color. I didn?t know what it meant. I didn?t know who was winning. Then, in an instant, it happened. The Queen?s body sucked in the blue green glow and then it blew back out. For a fraction of a second, I thought that she was turned inside out but that was crazy. What was left kneeling on the ground was a gnome like old man, even older than the Queen looked before. I?ve never seen a frailer human being in my life. I thought the rebel witch had done some kind of transport type thing, trading people but then I saw that the old man was wearing the same scraps of the Queens? gown. The whole thing was fucking unbelievable. The old guy slowly fell over, landing on his side. The rebel witch crawled over to the guy, leaned down near his ear and looked like she said something, then pushed herself up and started to walk away. In my heart, I knew the Queen was dead. Time for the other witch to die. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Like an idiot, I thought everybody had left the courtyard. I sure as hell would have when the lightning started zapping down. I didn?t have a lot of control over it. Dumb luck is better than none at all. The first shot missed, but not by much, whizzing right by my left ear. The next five were dead on target but I managed to deflect them by adjusting the density of the air around me. If the shooter had been closer, that trick wouldn?t have worked. I run back behind the stage, looking for some kind of cover. After I reach it and turn around, I see him, charging towards me. I haven?t recovered enough to do anything to him. There?s a sharp, single crack and a fountain of mud pops in the air two feet in front of the gunman. He stops and fires an automatic burst into the air around him. There?s a second crack and another splash in the mud in front of the gunman. It?s got to be Johnathyn. ?That?s your second warning shot!? I shout. ?You better leave before someone gets hurt!? ?You killed her!? he screams. ?You don?t think I?m gonna let you get away with that, do you?!? ?Maybe not, but do you want to join her?? ?If you could stop me, you?d have done something by now. I know you witches have to recharge after a big spell. If I?m ever gonna get you, now?s the time!? He peppers the stage with gunfire, trying to force me out. He stops to swap out the ammo clip when there?s the third, sharp crack. It knocks the shooter down to the ground, on his back, where he stays, not moving, gun about five decileagues away in a deep mud puddle. I carefully edge out from behind the stage and nervously approach him. As I get closer, I can see that the rain is mixing with his blood, forming red, muddy pools. Finally, I get a good look at what?s left of his face. Even on a good day, there?s nothing I could have done about the big hole in his forehead. * * * *** * * * *** * * * Everyone felt the drop in their magic powers. One of them has died. It would be nice to know which one but it?s too late for me. I am committed and that commitment just became harder. Both the mother and child began to stir, muffled moans rising from their scared throats. I struggle to keep them quiet but it is getting more difficult. Dierdra is in the larger room, checking with the others. The ones who had been working on the weather were now helping the injured. After the initial attack, the Queen?s Guard disappeared. Apparently, word had quickly spread that witches had taken over the Palace and none of them were interested in challenging us. I don?t know how many people had been captured or what was being done with them but I will find out, once I am done watching over these two. Dierdra enters the room. ?I assume you know.? ?Only that one is dead.? ?It was the Queen. Alexia triumphed but is greatly fatigued. I sent Silva and Pamela out to see if there are any more injured to be brought back here.? ?What does it matter? If they are in this building, they are supporters of Opulessa and their welfare is no concern of ours.? ?You mean like those two?? She is pointing at my patients, who are only here because of what I did. ?That is not what I meant.? ?But it is what you said, Beckwith. Any injured are citizens of our world. If we are to have peace, then we all must be treated alike, bury our differences here and now!? ?That will never happen, Dierdra. Too many have been killed or injured for there to be forgiveness.? ?So what will you tell that woman?s family when they come to see you? Will you ask for their forgiveness? Will you blame her for living next to the Palace? Will you tell the father of that child that he is free to kill you in vengeance for your attack on his family?? ?I did not attack this woman!? ?Not directly, but your recklessness caused them injury just the same. I do not know if Alexia will be able to save them now but you must keep them alive until she arrives.? ?I ? I am not certain ? there is so much pain ? the child suffers so.? ?Then you must take the pain away.? ?I have tried to suppress it but now, with less power ?? ?Not suppress. You must accept their pain. Take it upon yourself.? ?Are you MAD?! Look at them! The pain must be unbearable!? ?Then help them bear it, Beckwith. For, if they die, you know your fate.? I did. The final votes had come in. Unanimous. * * * *** * * * *** * * * The rain had slacked off a bit. It was still coming down but not the deluge it was. The heavy part of the front seemed to be moving off. There was still lightning and thunder in the air but it was just occasional and further east. The Courtyard was a muddy, sloppy mess. I wade over to where Opulessa?s body lay. What little remained seemed to be almost dissolving in the rain. It was more than a hundred years too late but nature was finally reclaiming its own. I heard a door bang open behind me. Spinning around, slipping and almost falling on my face, I saw it was Johnathyn, slogging toward me, still carrying his long hunting rifle. ?Are you well, Alexia?? ?Yeah, fine.? He grabbed my arm, making me wince in pain. ?This is not ?fine?. We must find Dierdra, immediately.? I carefully work my injured arm out of his grip. ?I?m not perfect but I?ll be okay. Dierdra?s probably got her hands full and I need to get in there. I thought I said no killing.? ?It would appear the soldier did not receive that message.? I look down at the body, his lifeless eyes, blood still leaking from the enormous wound caused by the .50 cal ball that hit him. It smashed his skull and took out the back of his head. He wouldn?t back off. Stupid bastard was loyal to the end. We shouldn?t have to lose people like that. Still, he wasn?t going to stop trying to kill me. ?You?re right,? I sigh. ?Another useless killing. I appreciate the warning shots, Johnathyn.? ?What warning shots? It was raining like the piss of the Gods. I could barely see anything from up there. You are lucky I was able to strike him at all.? Dumb luck. Again. I wonder if there really is someone out there, watching over me? Better not test it too often. He or she might be on a ten minute break or something when I really need the help. ?I thought you were supposed to be this great marksman, ?Can?t Miss Tyber.?? ?Yes, from fifty decileagues in good weather, not from the top of that tower in the middle of a thunderstorm ? do you hear that?? ?Hear what ? Yeah, I do.? It?s the voices of people, yelling for help. Hard to hear over the sound of the fading storm. Good catch, Johnathyn. ?Where are they coming from?? We both look around. He points towards a set of large double doors with normal sized doors built in. ?The stables, I believe.? ?Let?s go,? I say. He grabs my bad arm, making me wince. ?Sorry. Is this safe?? I flex the arm. ?Don?t know. They?re calling for help. Can we ignore that?? He sighs. ?Apparently not.? He picks up the rifle dropped by the dead soldier and finishes popping the clip into place. ?Please, Alexia, let me lead.? ?What ever you say, Dead Eye.? We hurry as best we can to the large doors. Peering in through low windows, neither of us can see anything suspicious inside and the voices are louder. We pause long enough for me to grab the handle and throw open the smaller door, Johnathyn charges through and I immediately follow. The smell leaves no doubt that it?s a stable. At least it?s dry and the footing?s better. Sort of. It?s not very bright, just a couple of lanterns. The horses are still restless from the thunderstorm but they?re all in their stalls. No sign of any workers or guards. We can hear voices and pounding on a door at the far end of the building. We look at each other. He hefts the gun and shrugs so we head for the door. It?s locked from our side and I don?t see any key hanging from a hook nearby. Johnathyn will have to shoot it out. Or maybe ? I pound on the door with my good hand. ?STEP AWAY FROM THE DOOR!? I shout. Concentrating, I punch the lock through the door. Johnathyn is impressed. ?It is good to see you are feeling better. Now step back and do not follow too closely.? He slowly pushes the door open with the muzzle of the gun, crouching and stepping forward into the doorway. He turns left, then right, then steps into the room. I follow. It is smaller and darker than the other room, no lanterns and a few skylights in the high ceiling. I conjure up a ball of light and float it up high into the air, illuminating the space. The place is a smaller version of where we just were, same stalls, same smell but this time it?s not just horses in the stalls, it?s people. Men and women. Mostly men. All naked and filthy. Some old, some young. There?s a few horses, cows, pigs and chickens mixed in with the people, but that?s not the strange thing. A few of the people are outside of the stalls, just staring at us. Some of them are still in the stalls but either unconscious or like catatonic; squatted down, holding themselves and rocking back and forth. Still others are acting just like the animals they are mixed with, wallowing in mud with pigs, scratching at the straw with chickens, or their heads in the feed buckets with the cows or horses. ?What is this place?? whispers Johnathyn. ?Damned if I know,? I whisper back. A man shakily steps forward. ?Damned is correct, Alexia.? I recognize him from the meetings at Patron Miller?s house. ?Bickle Rholls? Is that you?? ?Yes, Alexia, it is. Have you beaten Opulessa?? ?Yeah, I have. She?s dead . Or he is. Depends on your point of view.? Several of the people who had been staring at us collapse in tears, some holding others up while they cry. Rholls grabs the wall of a stall but stays on his feet. ?What goes on here, Rholls?? Johnathyn demands, unnerved by the sight of all these people acting so strangely. It freaked me out too. ?We were prisoners of the Queen,? he replies. ?What about them?? Johnathyn pointed the muzzle at two men and a woman, grunting and snorting while lying with several hogs. If I didn?t know better, I?d say one of the hogs was trying to fuck one of the men and he wasn?t fighting it. In fact, he might actually be encouraging the hog. Rholls just shook his head sadly. ?Some of us have been prisoners longer than others.? * * * *** * * * *** * * * We decided we couldn?t leave the door to that room unlocked, not the way some of them were behaving. Zaphod help them if they got outside. Those that were conscious and alert left with us. Johnathyn found a heavy timber and used it to wedge the door shut. Taking one last look around before shutting the door, I have to admit I?ve got no idea whatsoever to do about them. Rholls told us more about what went on in that room. Any regret I felt about what happened to that bitch Opulessa quickly evaporated. What kind of person could even think about things like that, let alone do it to other human beings? I found some feed sacks piled in a corner and whipped up some rudimentary robes for the prisoners. They?ll do until we can get them some real clothes. As we slopped through the courtyard toward the east wing of the Palace, it suddenly struck me. Others had to know about that room. There was feed in the buckets, the crap had to be removed, water brought in. You could be damn sure Opulessa didn?t do all that, not even with magic. I told Johnathyn what I suspected as we walked along. ?You are likely correct, Alexia. Keeping a stable running is hard work.? ?I thought so. Anyone who knew about that place and did nothing is a dead man. No trial, no jury. Dead on the spot. No, no, if I knew how to do it, they?d spend a few weeks as residents and then they?re dead.? Johnathyn reaches out, gently taking my arm and slowing me down. ?I know you are upset right now. I am also. Those were atrocities beyond description and belief but what about your Truth and Reconciliation Commission?? ?Some things are simply unforgivable, Johnathyn.? ?Are you the one to decide that?? ?What do you mean?? ?You have been quick to point out that, once you are done here, you are returning to your world. Are you not done here?? I pull up short. He?s right. There?s some things to finish up but not much. I could be out of here in a week or two. Back home in New York. The possibility is almost frightening. I start walking again, crossing the threshold back onto dry ground and out of the rain. I turn down a large hallway and head for where the other witches are waiting. ?You?re right. It?s not my place. They?re lucky it isn?t because, if it was, I would have had every one of them hunted down and ? hung ? what the hell happened?? There are at least thirty people, mostly men and women but some kids, all of them burned somewhere on their bodies. Arms, legs, backs, chests, combinations of all of the above. This shouldn?t have happened. Dierdra hurries up to me, hugging me briefly. ?Thank Zaphod you are alive! I have heard what you did. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I have many questions for you but there is no time now. Can you work? Have your powers been restored?? I used up a little magic with the lock, light ball and the robes but, now that I was back with the coven, I was feeling better. Nowhere near what I was but better. ?Thanks. Happy to see all of you alive and well. And busy. I?m good, at least for awhile. What went wrong? How did all these people ?? ?Beckwith!? Dierdra spat. ?She threw the floor drums into the sky and crushed them, filling the air with floor dust just before the bombs detonated.? ?Oh. My. God. All that air and fuel. That?s what we saw.? ?Exactly.? ?Did she know?? ?She did. She did not plan on the cloud of flour being blown away from the Palace and into a group of homes nearby. You have seen the results.? ?Where is she? Is she alive?? ?She survived. I have her tending to the two most seriously injured. A mother and young child. I am surprised that they have lasted this long.? ?Take me to them.? Dierdra grabbed my hand and lead me to a small room of to the side. It looked like a storage room of some kind. There were two cots and a chair stuffed in, with two badly burned bodies on the cots and Beckwith, eyes closed and face drained of blood, her mouth tightly clenched shut, the fingers of both hands digging into the palms of her trembling hands. ?What?s wrong with her?? I ask, pointing at Beckwith. ?She is absorbing some of their pain.? ?We can do that?? ?Yes. It takes training that you have not had. It is a Healer skill to make a patient more comfortable while another Healer attempts to cure the ill. We all felt the level of magic drop when Opulessa died. It caused us some problems.? ?Sorry about that.? ?Much preferable to the other alternative. We rejoiced at the news of your victory and eventual return to us. What do you wish to do?? Looking at the two victims of Beckwith?s stupidity, my first thought is ?Get me the Hell away from this disaster? but it?s as much my mistake as hers. I should have known she would have tried something like this but I needed her power, her strength of will. I took a risk and busted. No dumb luck this time. ?Okay. Johnathyn!? I shout, turning back to the main room. He?s at my side instantly. ?Figure out if any of our friends from the stable are well enough to help you. If they?re too shaky, leave them here but it would be nice if there were two or three who were steady enough to safely hold a gun and not shoot someone. You need to go to the Mess and find out if those guards are still enchanted. If so, they can stay there, if not, you need to collect their guns and ammo. Tell them we do not intend to hurt them, just send them home. If they want to know when, pretty damn fast. Also, see if you can find the prisoners some decent clothes somewhere. And don?t get shot. I need you back here, safe and sound. So does Lee.? He touches my arm. ?As you wish. Do not blame yourself, it was inevitable. You did what you could.? He hurries off. One job done. ?Who are those people?? asks Dierdra. ?Prisoners. Most of them are from Patron Miller?s group. There are others ? but that?s for later. We need some triage here.? ?What is that?? ?I need to know what patients are stable and can wait, which ones are stable but need help, which ones are not stable and need help right away but can survive and ?? I look over at the mother and daughter on the cot ?? which ones are beyond help.? Beckwith moans loudly and grabs my arm with her sweaty hand. ?Do not abandon them!? she hisses through clenched teeth. ?I have not kept them alive so long for you to pass judgment on them now!? ?It is not Alexia who passes judgment. You did so with your dangerous actions!? says Dierdra. Beckwith?s hand slide off my arm, returning to its original, trembling position. ?Yes! Yes, it was me! I did it. It ? aahhhhhh ? was my doing ? but they should not die ? for my failings. Do not abandon ? us, Alexia.? I lean down near her ear. ?No one?s died on my watch when I can do something about it. I don?t plan on starting now. You keep them alive until I can get back.? Dierdra and I walk away. ?Alexia, surely, you do not intend to ?? ?Triage, Dierdra, just as I told you. If Beckwith can keep them alive, they?ll get everything I got left. Send others to help if they become available. Have someone get me my computer right away. * * * *** * * * *** * * * After speaking with all of them, I determined that four of the ex- prisoners were of sound enough mind to be of assistance to me. One of them, Jeremiah Merkel, was familiar with this area of the Palace and he was able to lead us to the storage area for the guards. There we found extra uniforms and weapons. They exchanged their robes for new uniforms and arms. We were about to leave to meet the guards when it occurred to me that our men and theirs now looked alike. I pick up one of the discarded robes and tear several strips off the bottom, first cutting them with a knife. I hand them out to the four men with me. ?Tie these around your biceps. They will help distinguish you from the other guards should there be trouble.? They all do as I ask and we are off to find out what was happening. As we near the door, I hold up and hand Rholls my gun. ?It is best that I not appear threatening at first. Hold this for me.? I position them out of sight around the corner then push the door open just enough to peek into the room. It appears that most of the men remain, though I cannot see all about the room. I finish pushing the door open and step in. All the men appear in various stages of anguish. The one called Ridgeway approaches me, then pushes me. I try to stay where I am. ?Where?s the Queen?? he demands. What should I say? He is clearly upset. They may know that things have changed but they do not know how or why. Alexia has taught me that, when in doubt, answer a question with a question. ?Why do you wish to know?? ?You were with her earlier today.? He pulls his hand gun from its holster strapped to his thigh. ?I want to know so that I can blow her head off, that?s why.? ?Do you think you can find her? She is a witch. What do you want of her?? ?I want to see her because I remember! Remember all the sick, twisted things she made me do. We ALL can remember.? Several men have picked up their guns. ?So ? you wish her dead?? ?Yeah. Dead.? ?And what of your employer? And this world?s government? Do you believe that they will all stand by and do nothing while you attempt to ? do what, exactly?? Another man approaches us. ?He?s right, Captain. Colonel Willis wouldn?t let us get away with it. That man?s a true believer if ever there was one.? ?This Colonel Willis you speak of, was he here when the Queen and I visited?? ?Nah, he was out in the Courtyard on the stage.? Interesting. Perhaps it is time to provide some information. ?The woman who visited you in this room was not Queen Opulessa. She was the witch Alexia pretending to be Queen Opulessa. Our purpose was to keep you all out of harm?s way while Alexia and Opulessa fought. Alexia won. It is her desire that you leave this place, returning to your base to await further developments.? ?What about Colonel Willis? He won?t put up with shit like that,? says Ridgeway. ?Was Colonel Willis the only member of your group not in this room?? ?The only one stationed here. We?ve got other people elsewhere.? ?Then I believe your Colonel Willis is also dead. If you wish, I can send someone with one of your people to show you where he fell.? Ridgeway signals with his hand for the man who had stepped forward to go and check. I hold up my hand to stop him. ?Without the weapon, if you please. That was why I was sent, to collect your weapons and escort you from the Palace.? Those who have weapons clutch them tightly. Those who didn?t quickly pick one up. Many are pointing theirs at me. Ridgeway places his hand gun near my face. ?There is no fucking way we?re disarming. You think you can take ?em? Give it your best shot.? I slowly reach up and push his hand away from my face. ?I have armed men outside, equipped as all of you are. We can have what I believe you call a ?fire fight? in this small room, which would leave many dead and most everyone else injured. I do not have as many men as you so, it is likely you would win. For the moment. What would happen next would be extremely unpleasant.? I hold up my hand, displaying my ring. ?I am married to Alexia. She is my wife and I am her husband. We have a child. Should I die or even be injured, her rage would be epic. None of you would survive her wrath. Remember, she killed Opulessa. That is the measure of her power. In addition, there are twelve other witches on our side, all just about a hundred decileages away from where we stand. They would also show no mercy.? I step back and raise my voice so that all can plainly hear me. ?You have my promise that none of you will be injured if you cooperate with me. Fail to do so and I will not be responsible for your fates. It is your choice. Choose now.? One of the men in the back pulls back on the lever on his gun, making a loud click-clacking sound. I believe it loads a shell into the firing chamber. ?Husband, huh?? he sneers. ?Seems like we got ourselves a hostage.? ?Where would you go?? I ask. ?This is not your world. There is no place for you to hide. We are sending you back to your compatriots to await transportation back to your world. Should you cause my wife trouble, she need only snap her fingers and you are all transformed into mindless beasts. I assume you all know about the smaller stables hidden in the larger stables off the courtyard.? From the shared looks, I would say that I am correct. ?Alexia is more powerful than Opulessa. She will have her way, no matter the protest.? I lean in closer to Ridgeway. ?As her husband, I know only too well.? ?A real bitch, eh??? ?Of the highest order. You have my promise of safe passage.? He considers what I have said for a moment. ?What if you?re lying to us?? ?Then the lucky ones will die. Should I need to call for her help, she can strike from where she is right now. You will never even see her. You have heard the story that she decapitated a man from half a league away? It is true; I was there when it happened. Took us hours to clean up the mess it made.? I look around the room, inspecting the walls and ceiling. ?I assume the blood would wash right off these stone walls. Lucky thing.? I turn to face Ridgeway. ?What is your answer, Captain?? He stares at me for a moment, then turns to face his men, his eyes slowly passing from man to man, looking for what I cannot guess but I can feel the tension increase as time moves on. Eventually he turns back to face me, sighs and gives me his handgun, handle first. ?Just get us out of this God damn freak show alive.? I place the gun in my belt. ?You have chosen wisely, Captain. If your Colonel Willis had been equally as level headed, he would still be alive. It is best to not trifle with powerful beings beyond our understanding.? He nods his head in agreement. ?Witches.? ?I was speaking of women in general but it also applies to witches.? CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT By the time I return to the little room, Beckwith was spent but mother and daughter were still alive. It now was my job to keep them that way. Mine and Dierdra?s. Leila leads Beckwith away and Correia replaces her for the moment. ?Just like before, let?s get them to the kitchen,? I say with more confidence than I possess. ?Alexia,? whispers Correia. ?How will you ever ?? ?We?ve done this already, just on a smaller scale. It?ll just take longer, That?s all.? I smile at her. ?If you say so,? she answers without conviction. ?I do say so. If you?re not up to the challenge ?? She looks shocked, as if I had slapped her. ?No. I am. I will not fail you!? Dierdra leans in. ?It is we who must not fail them. All is as ready as it can be, Alexia.? ?Then let?s move.? Steinvild had come off security, trading with Sarah and each of us took a corner of the cot with the woman on it. Working together, we each slowly levitated a corner, steadying it with our hands and carefully move through the room toward the kitchen. This part of the Palace had a rudimentary infirmary, enough for typical small emergencies but the big medical facility was at the Winthrop Group compound. If it was too much for them, the victim was sent back home for expert care. All I had to offer was my trusty laptop. We had turned the kitchen into a makeshift operating room, as clean as we could scrub it. So far, it had been adequate for the injuries we treated. Most of the other patients had already gone back home with interesting stories to tell. A few were kept in the infirmary because their burns were too deep to do a skin graft and expect it to take all at once. There were going to need to be several layers laid down over time. Of course, if things go well, I can speed the whole process up quite a bit, reducing exposure to germs but these two are a whole other level of trouble. I first need to clean out all the burned areas, removing the burnt flesh and clothes from the good skin. The next thing is to disinfect and the third is to find some intact skin, remove a small patch, make it grow and transplant onto a damaged area that had been prepped to accept the transplant. Rinse and repeat. About a couple hundred times. Because I can get inside the wound, it?s pretty easy for me to get right up in the injured area and tell what has to go and what skin can be saved, along with internal damage like lungs, heart, eyes, whatever. Piece of cake. It takes over three hours to treat both of them. The worst is over and I think we kept them both knocked out, so little or no pain. Now we need to avoid infection and keep adding layers of skin. With luck, they?ll be home in a week. After moving the cots into the infirmary, I thanked and congratulated everyone on a job well done. Johnathyn was waiting for me when I came out. He bent down and gave me a brief but intense kiss, the kind that leaves you longing for more. ?Whhooo. Hello to you too. How?d it go with the guards?? ?Just as we had hoped. They are all on a wagon headed back to the Winthrop Group compound, along with the body of their leader. Without their weapons.? ?Wonderful! How did you pull that one off?? ?I threatened them with the baddest assed witch on the planet.? ?That?s baddest ass. Whatever, as long as it worked. I can be bad cop to your good cop any day. What did you do with the guns and ammo?? He pulled a light chain from around his neck, on which hung a key. ?There are only two keys, I obviously have one, the other is for you.? ?Hang on to it for a bit longer. I don?t seem to have any pockets in this outfit.? He snakes a arm around my waist, hugging me close, resting his hand on my butt. ?I know that you are very tired ?? ?I?m not THAT tired.? ?Yes. You are. I am leaving shortly to return to the farm to pick up Lee.? ?Johnathyn! It?s not safe yet!? ?It is safe enough and she can be of help, taking care of the injured.? ?They look bad and the next couple of days are not going to be pretty.? ?So much the better. Best to see the consequences of war with clear eyes, don?t you think? Besides, she will worry more about us if we leave her at the farm.? I yawn widely, holding it for several milicycles. Yeah, I?m not tired. ?It?s your call, Johnathyn, but take some help with you, just in case.? He kisses me lightly on the forehead. ?As you wish, my Queen.? I punch him none too softly in the chest. ?Cut that out!? * * * *** * * * *** * * * We take shifts, keeping the injured as pain free as possible. There are six people left, four that will probably go home in the morning and then the woman and her daughter. They are all asleep and I want them to stay that way. It?s 2:00 in the morning. Silva, Bellah and Britanna are watching the perimeter along with some of the people we found in the stables. I still have no idea what to do with the ones who are in bad shape. Where?s a head doctor when you need one? There?s been a little activity by some of the Queen?s Guard but it was disorganized and the girls took care of it. We got a report from the driver of the wagon who took the Winthrop Guards back to back to their base. There was a bunch of the Queen?s Guard hanging around outside and he thought he saw First Minister Dupree there too. It would make sense for them to gather there. I?m going to have to deal with them before they get a chance to get organized. Right now, I?ve got patients to take care of. I took the woman and daughter myself. I?ve got more energy than the rest of the coven and these two will need it. What I wouldn?t give for a little bit of morphine right now. At least the skin grafts seem to be okay. I was able to stimulate the undamaged skin to grow quickly but it stressed their systems and I can?t do it again until they get a chance to heal and recover Even with magic, deep burns don?t heal overnight. I hear a soft knocking at the Infirmary door. I turn and look. It?s Silva with a young man, twisting a hat in his hands. ?What?s up?? I ask. ?This is Marteen Cantell. He thinks that the woman and her child are his family.? Great. I wasn?t looking forward to this. I stand up, smoothing my skirt. I?d changed out of the cat suit. It was too distracting. For everybody. Someone found a servants dress that fit well enough. ?They look worse than they are,? I say, trying to lighten the blow. ?They?re almost past the danger period. It?s just a matter of time and they both will be as good as they were before the fire.? He nervously edges past me, keeping his eyes averted until he reaches their bedside. I heard him gasp, then begin to sob. ?I-I-I am not-not certain. They-ey look so ?? Silva scoops a plain gold ring off the table next to the woman and hands it to him. ?Here is her ring.? ?Thank-thank you.? She steps back away from the man as he tightly holds the ring in his hand. ?What good does that do?? I whisper to her. ?It?s a plain gold band, looks just like mine. How could he tell if it?s his wife?s?? ?These are not ordinary rings, they are first anniversary rings. If the love is true, the rings know it. They are drawn to each other. He will know.? He stands next to the woman, searching for something recognizable in her burned, swollen face. Slowly, he nods his head, tears in his eyes. ?Yes ? it is her ? both of them,? he sobs. ?My darling Marta, my dearest Codii. How could this happen to such innocents?? Now it?s my turn. ?Mr. Cantell, it was an accident. No one intended to harm either your wife or little Codii. I take full responsibility ?? ?No.? We all turn to see that Beckwith has entered the room. She strides right up to Cantell. ?It is I who am responsible.? Cantell appears confused. ?I do not understand, how ?? I jump in. ?Beckwith here has spent the most time caring for your family. She?s spent hours keeping them as pain free as possible. She is the one most responsible for them being alive today.? Cantell falls to his knees in front of her, grabbing and repeatedly kissing her hands. ?Thank you! Bless you, Mistress Beckwith! We cannot repay your efforts on our behalf! I am eternally in your debt.? He returns to kissing her hands. Beckwith is shocked and tries to pull her hands free from his intense grip. I quickly step to her side. ?Now, Beckwith, be gracious. You deserve his thanks.? ?But ? I ?? she protests. ?Forgiveness comes only through me,? I whisper in her ear. ?You?re not there yet.? She scowls at me but doesn?t say anything, letting Cantell continue declaring his gratitude for all that she had done. The little girl makes a quiet, high pitched moan. Cantell is kneeling at her bedside in milicycles. ?Is there something wrong?? he anxiously asks. ?No,? I answer. ?She?s fine, well, as fine as can be expected. I won?t lie to you, Mr. Cantell. Neither of them are ready to go home right now and won?t be for days but I?m certain that they?ll both walk out of here completely whole. I will not rest until they do.? Cantell continues to look at his daughter for several milicycles, then sighs. ?Are you the witch who defeated Opulessa?? he asks, almost too quietly to hear. ?Yes, I am.? He pushes up, using the cot to help him get upright. He?s still looking down at his injured family. ?My family was hurt during that fight?? ?Yes, they were.? ?And you claim it was an accident?? ?I don?t claim, it was an accident.? No

Same as Five Hertz of SDeparation (chapters 26-30 of 62) Videos

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 3135 of 62

CHAPTER THIRTY ONE Things got a little hectic after the trip out to the Winthrop Group compound. I had Dupree shipped out to a prison in one of the Northern provinces, this world's version of Siberia. I had wanted to kill him but couldn't do it without setting a bad example. How could I expect Beckwith to back off her threat to take vengeance against the entire Queen's Guard if I didn't do the same with the killer of my family? I did promise her if she ever found the proof of which...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5661 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY SIX "She has seen them! The witch has seen them!" I shout as I light the shell's fuse. The fuse burns. And burns. And burns until finally reaching the base of the shell which sputters for just the barest moment before whooshing high into the air, a black stream of hot gasses trailing behind against the bright blue sky. The rocket arcs over just a bit at the top before exploding with a resounding boom that echoes down the valley. * * * *** * * * *** * * * "What in...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 3640 of 61

CHAPTER THIRTY SIX Mastiff kept performing outside of our building for several weeks, the crowds slowly growing larger by the day. Eventually, the guards asked him to move because the crowd began to block access to the building. He just moved across the street to the park and continued performing. He kept adding new things to the act, one every week. This week, at the end of the rings, he held all four rings together in both hands, turning them around once while sliding them through...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4145 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY ONE It was easier to talk after Pegues left the room. "Tell me, Lee. What's it like being a boy?" "It's so strange, Mother. I'm stronger and faster and louder. People pay attention to me." "Tell me about it. What do you think about wearing pants?" "It's summer. A dress would be cooler but Mr. Pegues wouldn't allow it." Thank you, Miran. "He's right about that, Lee. Your father, on the other hand ..." "Do not be foolish, Alexia." "Awwww come on,...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 1115 of 62

CHAPTER ELEVEN We pull into Sweetwater at around 12 cycles, I think. We don't have a clock, though most towns seem to have a big town clock. Another sign of an almost complete lack of tech. They don't have mail or newspapers either. Information seems to pass strictly by word of mouth, which, as we all know, is really reliable. The town got its name from the decent water from its wells. Low in iron and minerals so naturally soft or "sweet". It's a heck of a lot nicer looking place...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 2125 of 62

CHAPTER TWENTY ONE There was a loud, frantic, knocking on my door just as I was about to open my lunch beer. I limited myself to just one beer at lunch but it's a good one. An imported Pilsner from Germany. I was down to my last case and personal supplies wouldn't be coming in for at least two weeks. Thank God I hadn't opened it yet. I stashed it back in the little DC electric fridge and opened my office door. It was Trooper Beech. He saluted and I returned it. "What's up,...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4650 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY SIX I don't think anyone heard the "ding" of the elevator when it reached to lobby. There had been a few cries of surprise when the door of one elevator opened and Pegues boarded several minutes earlier, headed for the top floor after Alex called on the radio. That was over ten minutes ago and most everyone's attention had returned to the locked doors. I had been watching very carefully since she left and was relieved when I saw the display above the elevator indicated it...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 5155 of 61

CHAPTER FIFTY ONE There is certainly a different feeling to the Palace under the new rule. Politics is always politics but the threat of death, or worse, has been lifted. That brings a new set of challenges, ones that the Witches Council seems incapable of dealing with. They all mean well but good intentions will not feed the horse. They are too divided to truly rule this world and they fail to inspire the kind of loyalty needed among both the people and the Queen's Guard. There is no...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

2 years ago
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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

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Titcage All Chapters

TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony

Hi readers, Akash here. This story about the first night is in continuation of the previous part, Vijita/ Viji (Mom) walked out of Akash’s bedroom with torn clothes hanging around and wet hair. She was totally tired due to her intense fucking session with Akash (son). With wide open legs, she (Viji) slowly walked towards the phone. Cum was oozing out her ass hole. Her eyes were tired of crying, and her voice was tired of screaming. She continued her conference video call with Naveena/ Navi and...

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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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True Stories Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters

It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. --- and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces - had given me the 'itch' to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage.I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

1 year ago
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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

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Five Daughters

Looked up and saw three of my angels; Alice, Alison and Angie giggling together like they always did. Three of the five great gifts they’re mother gave me before she took off. All I knew about what was going on was when I was served with divorce papers from a court in Reno, Nevada. “Daddy.” I heard one of their sisters’ call from the front door and waited to hear it slam again. Then the other two gifts I’d received almost seemed to bounce into the room; Barbie and Bea. Alice, Alison and...

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Five Words

FIVE WORDS FIVE WORDS by Velvetglove  STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Five Words? is a fictional story. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Copyright is claimed by the author.  Part One: July ?Does your offer still stand ?? Five Words.Just Five Words. The five words that changed his life. The handful of words that turned him from a husband, father and successful businessman into something else...

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Five Hundred Dollar A Night Lesbian Prostitute Par

It had only been as week since I became “Amy Macabe, Associate Entertainment Specialist, Cascade Club, Tucson” and I just smiled. Not a bad job for a forty-three old divorcee with no future. I had been running my own escort service that catered exclusively to wealthy older lesbian women. Soon I became the highest paid lesbian escort in Tucson, Arizona. I earned close to $9,000.00 in a good month by making love to a select group of very classy, attractive, and wealthy women, who had embraced the...

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Five Doses Five Teens

There was a young man of Khartoum Who lured a poor girl to her doom. He not only fucked her, But buggered and sucked her-- And left her to pay for the room. Garry was the hardest sell of the five friends - the idea had been John's and it shocked all of them when he first brought it up, some friends more than others. The drug came from a discrete website online, marketed for getting the woman of your dreams to fall passionately in lust for you. It was easy, mix some of your DNA with the...

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I couldn't deny... I was slightly nervous. Standing in the shower, the powerful force of the jets spraying down on my naked body, the tingling of the water as it splashed down onto my stiff, hard cock. It had been five years since we had last seen other. Five years since we had spent three glorious hours in each other's company, exploring each other's body, relishing the touch, the feel, the pleasure. Five full years since, for the third time, we had climaxed together, your legs wrapped tightly...

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Five Strokes

One night, after a very long day of work and ridiculous traffic, I finally make it home. Pulling up to my driveway, I work to strip my mind of this entire horrible day. I feel dirty from dealing with a demanding boss, incorrigible clients, and incompetent co-workers. I notice as I come in the door all the lights are out, but your car is home. “Strange,” I think. Walking into the house, I notice my two favorite scents: chamomile and lavender. The smell is intoxicating and fills my senses. I...

Straight Sex
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Five Years Later

I couldn't deny... I was slightly nervous. Standing in the shower, the powerful force of the jets spraying down on my naked body, the tingling of the water as it splashed down onto my stiff, hard cock. It had been five years since we had last seen other. Five years since we had spent three glorious hours in each other's company, exploring each other's body, relishing the touch, the feel, the pleasure. Five full years since, for the third time, we had climaxed together, your legs wrapped tightly...

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Five years later with my Sexy Aunt again

I didn’t tell my sexy aunt Venus that I have arrived the States because I wanted to give her a big surprise. I called a taxi, and told the driver my aunt’s address. It was the first time I went to the States, everything was so new to me. Girls I saw were all sexy like hell there. But even though I was looking to those girls who I thought were sexy walking outside the taxi, all I was thinking of was my aunt. I could not forget the scene I saw five years ago, that she was nude in front of me,...

4 years ago
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Five Vials Complete Story

************************************************** Prologue ************************************************** Cool midnight air drifted gently through the open window of James' bedroom, carrying with it the distant sounds of nocturnal suburban activity. A passing car ground its tires softly into the pavement, on the way by. Insects chirped. On the bed, James' sheets rose and fell smoothly with the pattern of steady breathing. Next to his slumbering shape, the other half of the bed...

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Five Nights with Madame Pearl

Continuation of House of the Rising SunFive Nights With Madame PearlDay One        Mistress Sun had asked me to stay at her house for the week while she was out of town on business. I gladly accepted, knowing how happy it would make my mistress. My first mistake came on Monday morning while I was attending to my morning erection. I was in Mistress Sun?s bathroom, eyes closed and completely oblivious to anything other than pleasuring myself when I heard a distinctly feminine cough. I opened my...

3 years ago
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Five Hands Make Light Work

I had known Edith in a casual way for several months but wanted to get to know her better. My roommate at the boarding house was dating Edith's sister, Elaine, so, as he would be leaving after supper to see her, I would ask him to say hello to Edith from me. After about three weeks of dropping hints, he got the message as one Saturday evening, he said that he, Elaine and Edith were going skating the next afternoon and would I like to join them. Of course, I jumped at the chance.The next...

2 years ago
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Five Minutes and Forever

"It should only be a few more minutes now," the well-dressed blonde who had been introduced to them earlier as Lisa said, adjusting the wireless headset she was wearing. "If anyone needs to make a last minute trip to the bathroom, it's right across the hall." "Thanks, but I'm fine," the sandy haired seventeen year old sitting in the easy chair to her left said. Lisa turned to the equally young couple on the couch to her right to check with them, but they seemed oblivious to her...

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Five White GirlsChapter 3

It was two days after my fourteenth birthday. We all arranged to stay over at Susie’s remember you called Susie’s father to confirm. Then the day before Susie told her dad that our plans were changed, but I never told you and neither did the other girls tell their parents. We packed our overnight bags with our disguises and went to Susie’s, but we left her house around eight thirty. Susie told her dad she was going to bed. She put pillows under her blankets and snuck out. Tony picked us up...

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Five White GirlsChapter 4

When my mother left the room I turned and whispered to you. (Yes you, the person reading this.) Thank God she left. I bet she uses that big black dildo that daddy bought her. I have been dying to tell someone about the third rainbow party. I could never tell my mom so I’ll tell you.” The length of time between the first party and the second was five weeks. Tony got pissed because Sue and I bugged him almost every day after the third week. The time between the second party and the third was...

2 years ago
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Five big black cocks for me

Five big black cocks for meWhen returning from New York in a plane, I met this handsome black man called Marcus.After chatting during the whole flight, he asked me to go with him to his place, but I refused because Victor would be waiting for me at the airport. But I promised him to stay in touch and we exchanged our phone numbers. I do not why I did that ridiculous thing, but I had been horny all the while I had spent with him on the plane.Some days later Victor had to fly out of the town and...

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Five Hour Car Ride

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things.I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

2 years ago
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Five Times First Time

This is the first of five accounts I’d like to share with you about my experiences between 2008 and 2016. The first couple of stories are fairly tame, but they are true stories and they occurred when I was a lot younger and less outgoing than I am now. October 2008. I was sixteen years old, newly enrolled at college, a bit of a geek, and I hadn’t yet had a serious girlfriend. Look, there I am, sat on the bus beside my best friend, Martin, sharing a pair of headphones and listening to Nine in...

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Five Times Second Time

This is the second of five accounts I’d like to share with you about my experiences between 2008 and 2016. Most of this took place in December 2010 when I was 18. As with my previous account, this is a true story; however, in this one I’ve made the decision to change the nature of the place that I did my apprenticeship at, and changed the name of the girl, because both of us still work there. About a week after I masturbated with his girlfriend, Martin told me that he and Kathy had split up....

4 years ago
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five on one work out

Like always I got home from school and quickly got undressed then put on a tight white T and some running shorts then I was off. At the end of my street I came across Mr. Will an old friend of the family. “hey Mr. Will.” “hey Kelly. Hold on a sec why you running. to good to talk to you old uncle Will.” “oh sorry I just need to train for…” “the track season so ive heard.” “yeah I’m the best.” “I used to run.” “yeah dad told me you used to.” “wow my, my look at you.” “what?...

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Five Dollar Bill

I only wanted a soda, it was hot. The little stand at the end of the lane I had passed earlier at the County fair had drinks, so I headed down there. People were everywhere, all sizes, shapes, ages, the little tents were filled with sellers trying to move some wares. Noisy, hot, and I wanted a soda. I saw the woman standing at the board they were using for a counter, she had one of those huge pink cotton candy things in one hand and was trying to fumble in her purse with the other. I saw...

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