Sissification Epidemic 3 free porn video

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"Bartender, give me 2 shots of vodka." I said as I sat down. Fuck. The last hour has been rough on me and I don't feel like dealing with it at the moment. My name is Patrick Shumaker, and I just ended it with my girlfriend of a 6 months. I really liked her too. But when you come home after a long week of work to find her in bed with her dick of an ex, there's not much else you can do. I slam the first shot back and hand him my card. I'm a researcher for a well known drug maker. I'm not that important; basically a lot of number crunching and reports, but they pay really well. I read somewhere that lighter alcohols provide less of a hangover, not sure how much I believe that, but at this point it's a means to an end. The next shot passes my lips and my eyes linger on my image in the mirror behind the bar. I'm okay looking guy. My looks don't usually get in the way of anything. I'm not distractingly handsome or ugly. My failures with women usually start when I open or fail to open my mouth. I run my hands through my short, blond hair, enjoying the feeling. "Let's do a vodka red bull now," I say as the bartender clears my glasses. My now ex girlfriend, Melissa, had done most of the talking in our first meeting. She actually came up to me and started up a conversation. It was at this time, I noticed her nails. For some reason, tastefully manicured nails really do it for me, and she had a fresh French manicure. We had enough to talk about that I asked her for her number and, well, you know the rest. I ordered another drink, and scanned the bar. I left work earlier than normal having done my 40 hours, so there was a lot of light left in the day. A few people throughout the bar, but I was the youngest by ten or fifteen years. I glanced down at my watch, 45 minutes. Damn. After I finished that drink I asked the bartender for one last shot and to call me a cab. I stumble out of the bar, the alcohol hitting me all at once. Probably shouldn't have had that last drink. I make it over to the dumpster in time to spew my guts out. Ugh. After a few deep breathes and a lot of spitting I hear a yelp followed by some whispering and having little to no impulse control turn the corner and see a man and woman going at it. I'm about to turn back and wait for the cab inside the bar when a sheen catches my eye and I see a knife held to the side of her throat. "Hey!" I yell while falling over myself towards them. The woman turns her head in time to see me fall on the guy and quickly side steps me. "Get back here!" I yell while trying to keep him underneath me. I can tell I'm too drunk to stop him from getting away but at least I did my best. After he turns a corner out of the dingy alley I turn around and check on the woman. "I'm going inside to call the cops, follow me," is what I tried to say, not sure if it came out that way. She knew enough to close the door I was opening and said, "Please don't. He's my boyfriend and got a little carried away tonight. I'm fine." "Some boyfriend, I don't want to get mixed up in some weird role play between you two. Next time keep it inside." The adrenaline seemed to be slowing my mouth down. Pretty sure I got all of that out in the order I wanted to. "I don't know what happened, he just jumped me while I was taking the trash out," she said. "And the knife?" I replied. "Beats me, I'm Bethany by the way." She stuck her hand out. Feeling a little more sober, I finally took stock of who I was talking to. The first thing I notice, damn my obscure fetish, are her nails; perfectly manicured, gray nails that catch the light of the street lamp behind me. She's wearing a black hoodie with matching sweet pants and some fur boots. It's hard to see her body in that but her face is pretty enough that I assume she's in good shape. Her hair hangs just past her shoulders in a ponytail. "Patrick," I say grabbing her hand and hoping that there wasn't too long of a pause while I checked her out. "Thanks for helping me out, I can tell that you're in no condition to go anywhere so why don't you spend the night on my couch. I live right over here in this apartment building." She motioned to her back. "That's awful nice of you but I don't think it would the greatest idea for you to invite the next guy you see after being raped into your home." My mouth blurts out before I had a chance to think it over. "Maybe, but I have a feeling about you and I think I'll be okay. It's the least I can do for you." She grabbed my hand, clearly not taking no for an answer and dragged me to her place. We exchanged comments about the size of her building, amount she pays for rent and what her windows look over as we head up to the 4th floor. She opened up the door to a modest apartment, a good size for what she pays and motioned to the couch. I slumped down quickly and then she handed me the remote. "Watch whatever you want, I'll grab some pillows and blankets after I shower. I just came back from a workout before and hadn't had the chance." She explained while moving away from me. As she closed the door, I switch on the TV and attempted to find something sports related. It's only 9 but I could easily fall asleep to that. She must have the extended satellite package or something because I heard the water shut off before I found anything remotely interesting. I keep surfing and stumble upon what looks like a softcore porno. I linger for a second and then I hear her sitting on the armrest to my right. I jump, "Uh, I swear I was only just here. I'm trying to find some -" She sits down right next time and grabs the remote out of my hand. "I don't mind, really. Besides that guy is super hot." She says in way that has me standing immediately at attention. She's wearing just a towel and while she may not have as much as I thought in the chest department, her nails lingering on the remote and matching toenails catch my eye and I can't look away. She notices this and slowly stands up and drops her towel. What I thought were boobs were no more than extremely long nipples. And what I thought was a woman turned out to be a boy. Admittedly, she or he, wasn't more than a few inches hard, but I open my mouth and she quickly inserts her tongue and starts working on my pants. Whatever trick he knows is working because soon I'm rock hard and ready for whatever she wants to do. She quickly lowers herself down and I beginning pounding away at her ass. Now, I'm not exactly what you'd call "experienced" but this felt amazing. Her ass was so warm and enticing. It felt like it was made for me at that moment. And her mouth was still doing all sorts of tricks to keep me occupied up there as well. The whole experience was amazing and just like that I'm cumming, She pulls back from my mouth and I open my eyes to see her sitting there with the purest expression of pleasure that I've ever seen. She lowers her head back down so that our eyes lock. She looks at me, and her eyes get wider. "I-I-I...uhm" she stands up and my still erect cock slips out. "I'm not... I need to tell you something." She looks at me as she grabs her towel and covers up. My head jumps to eight thousand different options. Oh shit, I had always been in control when it comes to sex. I've never been that overtaken by passion at least. And now I just fucked someone the ass. Unprotected. And now she... or he has to tell me something what have I gotten myself into? She walks back in - in a pair of short running shorts and a tank top that looks too big for her, hanging in a way that I can see her nipples. After putting my pants back on, and trying to control my overreaction, I say "Something to tell me?" "So it's pretty obvious at this point that I'm not a woman, but what you should know is that I was when you first met me," she says while pacing back and forth. "What?" I say. People don't just switch genders in an hour or 2. "So as I was getting in the shower earlier I felt something off about me. And part of me was thinking this was just the delayed reaction to the earlier event tonight so I went and took my time in the shower." She starts to explain, and despite my earlier panic I find myself checking her ass out. Those shorts are really doing it for me and I feel my dick getting harder again. Man that was quick. "So I'm in the shower lathering up," is she doing this on purpose? I pull the top of my pants down to make it a little easier on myself. "and all of sudden my boobs start shrinking. I mean I loved my boobs but I couldn't do anything as I just watched them disappear." I stand up and walk behind her, my cock leading the way and grab on her hips. She turns around quickly. The top of her head just at my cheeks, she stops speaking and fans her gray nails through my chest hair. I kiss her and as she falls into me, I can feel her prick against mine. But it only drives me on further. I move her over to the kitchen area and bend her over the table. My heart's beating so fast and I can't get those shorts off fast enough. I lined up and began to slip my cock in her. I heard her moan as I settle in. I feel her push against me as if to tell me, "What are you waiting for?" Not needing any more of an invitation, I start to get my hips in motion. Her ass feels so hot around my cock, I can't believe it could feel this amazing. Just gripping her ass propels me on more as I feel another, new heat running through my blood, her moans like music to my ears. I cum quickly, but that doesn't stop me. I readjust, stepping a little closer and begin again. I move my hair out of my eyes and I look at her, she's looking back at me with something in her eyes that I can't quite place but I can't be bothered at the moment. I did notice that she seems to be at a different height or maybe the table shifted. Suddenly, I heard and felt something happen in my hip. I yelled in pain and stumbled backwards, slipping out of her. She whips her head around and reaches for me before I fall completely over. Unfortunately, with the sweat on both our bodies, my arm slips out of her hands and I fall on my ass. The cold of the tile on my ass is as shocking as how quickly I hit the floor. I lay back and the cold floor makes my nipples hard, harder than they've ever been before. I look down at them and see them not only getting harder but longer. The pleasure from them, more than I have ever had there before, feels amazing. I reach up them with my hands and find a different pair following my orders. Their fingers narrower, and longer than my previous set. But I can't focus on them now, there's too much going with my nipples, I flick and play at them. Much like I was prone to do with a woman's and notice my skin feels much the same as a woman's might as well. I look up slightly to see Bethany sitting on the floor with her back against one of the legs. Watching me while I have my nervous system is rewired. I role over to my hands and knees, when my hips crack again. I can feel them jutting out every which way and new urge wells up inside of me along with a tingling. I look back at my ass and a new appreciation dawns on me. I palm the back of my new ass and snake a finger into my hole. "Oh!" I shout as I throw my head back, whipping my new longer hair onto my back. I probe it with another and a third as I fall on my chest as my other arm gives out. I roll over and withdraw my fingers, looking at cock as it spasms, my load going all over the place. My cock starts to throb again, and a similar surge to the one that ran through my nipples seconds ago. I sit up on my elbows and watch as it erects longer than I've ever seen before. I open my mouth. "What's happening to meaaaahhhhhh!" I throw my head back as I feel my balls emptying. By the time I can look back down, ? of my length is gone and the rest is shrinking quickly. My balls are barely visible behind my new miniscule cock. I look up at Bethany, still sitting breathing deeply. Even hers looks gigantic compared to my new appendage, barely an inch long. "I tried to tell you," Bethany finally croaks above me, offering me a hand. I reach up to grab it and my hand misses it, "It's probably hard to tell but from my angle I could tell that you lost a few inches of height." I sit up a little higher and reach for her hand. She helps me stand up and I notice that I'm a little shorter than her now. I move my longer, now brunette, hair out of my eyes. She continues holding my hand and pulls me into the bathroom. We both turn to look into the mirror. I recognize her, but the other face is different, yet familiar. The girl looking back at me, with her wide eyes, is very cute. I bring my hands to reacquaint myself with this new visage. Higher cheekbones, rounder face, fuller lips, thinner eyebrows, it's hard to see anything that stayed the same. Finally, my eyes fall downward onto my chest. There I can see how big my nipples are, they're about the same size as Bethany's beside me. What was pudginess on me before looks more like baby fat; an entirely appropriate amount. Not too big, but I'm not a twig either. Then I notice my hips, they look enormous to me. Clearly a pair of woman's aside from the tiny cock sitting right in the middle. I turn around and I'm amazed at my ass. This is the kind of ass that used to make me do a double take. I take a handful on each size and involuntarily moan, my hole begging for attention. Bethany coughs loudly to get my attention. "So..." "So," I catch my throat, my voice much higher than previously. "I'm going to assume you're experiencing the same thing I am?" she states while taping her foot. I only just notice that we're both completely naked yet I don't feel like covering up at all. My mouth moves before I think it through, "To get bent over and fucked by a huge cock?" I throw my hand over my mouth. She giggles. "That's alright we're both bois here! No need to hide what you're feeling." She skips to her room and I follow her out. "I should have some clothes that will fit you around here..." she says while stepping into her closet. I blurt out, "I want something that shows off my ass," as I turn around and admire it in the mirror. The new me is a slut I think to myself. She pulls out a pair of thongs and hands one to me. I watch as she puts it on, demonstrating for me. I step through and let the straps slap on my skin, enjoying the feeling. After adjusting, only a slight bulge is in front. Barely enough to betray me. From there, she hands me a tight leather skirt and puts a pleated one on, "For ease of access, trust me." After that there are some tight matching t-shirts and flats and we're out the door. She grabs her purse and phone leading me to the next closest bar (away from the one I had already stumbled out of). On the street entirely new senses wake up, I can smell... men. And it turns me on, waaaay more than it should. I stop in my tracks and Bethany turns around and sees my face, "I know Patty, but we need to find the right ones. One for each of us!" She grabs my hand again and leads me around a corner where a line has formed leading up to a roped off door. We step in line, in front of us and behind us are two men, 6 feet plus. I grab her shoulder and mumble something similar to "How about these guys?" She looks back and forth, nods approvingly and gets both of their attention. "How are you fellas doing tonight?" They take a glance at each other and nod approvingly before responding. Beth pulls them both close and I can hear tidbits of words, "Drinks... Party... Shy..." along with glances in my direction. I pull on my skirt and look around, not sure what to do in this situation. These men, were interested in fucking me and I wanted them to. This was dramatically different from all of my bar experiences to date. Beth nods her head at both of them and walks back over to me, pulling me out of the line. "So we're going to back to my place for some drinks and then..." She raises her eyebrows rhythmically. I open my mouth and quickly cover it, not wanting to say "Who gets whom?" like I almost did. She smirks and says, "Relax I'll make the first move, and trust me, the other one will jump your bones." She pivots and I see her wink at the two we pulled out of line. She grasps my hand and with her other motions for them to follow us. I briefly make eye contact with one of them. He flashes a smile and I feel myself blushing as I look at the ground. What is happening with me? I'm completely submissive to everyone, all I can do is fantasize about what's going to happen. After marching up 4 floors, Beth begins to unlock her door as I introduce myself to our two guests, "Hi, I'm Patty and you are...?" One of them steps up, "James" he says and grasps my outstretched hand. The size difference between our hands becoming rapidly apparent as I look up and smile at him. He smiles at me, and continues to slowly pump our hands up and down, maintaining eye contact the entire time and as I feel my desire rising, Beth clears her throat. I turn my head to see that her door is wide open and she's waiting for us to come in. James releases my hand and pushes past me. I'm startled by how quickly the mood between us changes. The other guy steps up, motions for me to go in front of him and says, "I'm Mark, nice to meet you." "Thank you," I mumble out, not used to having doors held open for me. Beth has already started pouring drinks and as I walk through the door she hands me something smelling strongly of alcohol. I take a sip and feel the familiar burn as I swallow. I look at our guests and see James has already downed his and is pouring himself another one. Mark seems to be having the same trouble I am with the drink and cradles it as he looks around the apartment. Beth raises my glass to my lips and smiles as she walks past me towards Mark, "Interested in the tour?" she says. I did not think people actually said that outside of movies or tv. He nods and follows her out of the room. I take another swig of the drink and turn to fund James right behind me. The lust that had rendered me speechless in the presence of so many men not twenty minutes returned as I immediately drop to my knees. James grabs the drink out of my hands as I go to work on his jeans. I free his 8 inches from his pants and take a good look at it before wrapping my hands and lips around it. The feeling of a man in my mouth is new, but I find myself thoroughly enjoying it. I give it plenty of attention and pull my head off to lick it up and down while staring him right in the eyes. "Fuck, you're an eager one," he says as he walks over to the couch. I stand up just to push him down and work his jeans down past his knees. I pull my thong down and turn ever so slightly as to hide my own erection and quickly sit down on his lap. He pulls my shirt over my head and grabs on to my nipples, while I'm working to guide his cock in to my eager hole. Suddenly, my entire world makes sense when I feel him inside of me. I throw open my eyes and mouth as he slows his fondling of me. After a few seconds of bliss I'm left wanting wondering why he hasn't fucked my brains out yet. I turn and say as much and before I can even process his cocky smile he begins to buck his hips into mine. His hands wander down to my waist as he uses me for his pleasure. I feel my own orgasm approaching as he starts. Starts. My cock flopping all over the place. By the time he finally comes I've done so at least three times. I can feel his semen warming my prostate as his cock spasms. I pull my hair out of my face and turn around. He quickly kisses me and reaches down to my own little cock. As he finally makes contact he pulls back, eyes wide. "You're a fucking guy?" he screams at me. He lifts me off his lap and throws me on the couch. I'm still recovering from the fucking to really process this. He pulls his pants up and quickly storms out. Emotions are flooding every which way for me as I sit there. I want to be angry, upset but I can't get past how great it felt to have a man in my ass. I reach down notice for the first time that my little cock is covered in my semen and gobble it up. I wish that I could've tasted his. I'm feeling a little manic or drunk or some combination as I walk from room to room in a daze. Almost an out of body experience. I push open a final door to see Beth getting pounded doggy style on her bed. She sees me and waves me over. Mark looks at me, his face twisted all sorts of ways. "I'm about to cum," he says softly and Beth pulls herself off him and we both lean in to his cock to accept his gift. He spurts on us, aiming for our mouths. Some get in, but most of it covers our faces. Beth turns to me and begins to lick my face gathering as much of the salty goodness as she can. I return the favor and we end up sharing a load as we make out. After about a minute we both turn back to Mark. He's putting his clothes back on. Beth frowns, noticing this he says, "Sorry I've got a party that I really can't miss tonight; invite only I'm afraid." And just like that he's out the door. We look at each other and laugh. "I haven't been this sexually satisfied ever!" I finally say to her. "Well from experience, the adrenaline is about to wear off and you're going to pass out," she says while standing up. "I'm going to brush my teeth, but you can sleep I'm here. We can cuddle," she says in a somewhat seductive manner. I lie back, resting my head on the pillows. My entire body is still tingling all over. I close my eyes to take it all in. Suddenly, I'm staring at a woman. Gorgeous face, long black nails, perky boobs and a nice ass you could grab on to with both hands. A woman I could fantasize about for days, let alone have sex with. She moves her jet black hair out of her eyes and looks right into my eyes. A strange ripple moves across her body; her breasts begin to shrink down to tiny little nubs. As this happens she cocks an eyebrow up at me, and still I'm spellbound. She takes her hands up to her nipples and rubs them while locking eyes with me. I feel so turned on, this heat coursing through my very being. Then she traces her nails along the curves of her hips and covers up her pussy. At this point there's no way I'm looking away, and slowly she pulls her hands away to reveal that she has grown the cutest set of cock and balls I've ever seen. Her smile goes wider as she turns around. I find myself suddenly aware of someone behind me as well and turn to see a tall man who looks to be chiseled out of marble walking towards me. His boxers, his lone article of clothing, are tenting; giving me a tantalizing image of what lies underneath. He lifts my chin, and takes my mouth into his. I practically melt onto him. I fall to my knees and pull out his anaconda; 9 inches of hard cock that I eagerly stuff into my mouth. I catch sight of my nails and notice they match perfectly the woman I was just ogling in the mirror. My eyes go wide as I drag my mouth off his cock and turn to see the woman in the exact position I am! My eyes shoot open. I'm completely naked and I can see cum running down my cock. Well whatever this was that infected me certainly did a good job of rewiring my sexual urges I thought to myself as I scooped up the cum and sucked it off my finger. MMMmmmmm...! My eyes went wider as I realized what I did and how much I enjoyed that. I got up from the bed and looked around. I didn't recognize the room in the daylight so I open the door and began searching for a shower. I needed to think. My skirt was still above my waist and I forgot about until I see myself in the mirror. I stop there only briefly to take it off and pull the curtain closed. After waiting for the water to warm up, I step into the spray and take in all that I'm feeling. My skin feels amazing, I could run my hands over my body all day, especially my nipples. I bring them underneath the water and close my eyes. I can feel every drop of water as they hit my chest and roll down towards my belly. I make sure my hair is soaked and step out. I grab the closest towel to dry off with. I've never had hair this long before so the only thing I know to do is put a comb through it. I walk into Bethany's room to see her lounging in bed. My eyes go again to her nails, but I feel a different feeling inside me this time. I examine my own nails and vow to get them cleaned up sooner rather than later; they look so tacky! "Say Bethany, this may sound strange but I'd really love a mani/pedi. My nails are looking disgusting right now." "Now? It's 6 a.m.," she replies. "It's going to sound strange but I've always had a thing for manicured nails. And after I saw yours just now I really want to get my own." She shrugs her shoulders, "Ok. I think my place is open." She gets out of bed and finds some more clothes for us to wear. "While you're getting that done I'll go shopping for both us. There's too much fabric for our chests in most of these." She leads me to her SUV and we jump in. Quite literally in my case; my height is already changing my experiences. As she starts up the car, I ask a question that's been on my mind on and off, "So, were you this calm after you changed? Like I feel like there should've been an acclimation period, but it was literally like," I snap my fingers, "poof, I'm a slut." "Well, I've always been a little bit of a slut if I'm being honest." She says. "But right after, I had never been that horny. Thankfully you were there. I felt a little more normal after that but there was still a surprising need to get fucked. More than normal at least." "I felt a lot better after riding that guy's cock, but I still want to jump nearly every man I see and suck his cock and get him to fuck me." My eyes got wide. "See? It's that kind of thing I'm talking about. I didn't talk anywhere near like that before and now I can barely stop thinking about cocks." We pull into the mall, "Look, it sounds like there's two of you fighting for dominance in there. My advice? Just go with the flow do what feels right at the moment." She explains while leading me to her salon. I stare at my long nails; fake acrylics painted black that extend just past the tips of my fingers. They're everything I've ever wanted, I feel complete. All the worries of the past ten or so hours melt away. I know what I am now; a slut with a little something extra between my legs. A boi. I stare at them for a long time; flexing and grabbing at my arms and wrists while the technician works on my toes. Then, she begins to massage my feet and I instantly drop back into the chair. This feels amazing. She's massaging out points that I didn't know I had. "I bought something for you," I hear. I open one eye and see that Beth is back and is holding out a box. I sit up a little, noticing that my massage has ended and open the box. Inside is the cutest pair of strappy sandals! "Ooooo," I squeal, "thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Shaking them up and down while I bounce in my seat. I stand up and slip my newly painted toes into the sandals, which show them off perfectly. I walked slowly, adjusting to the slight heel, but loving the feeling of my ass moving back and forth. We stroll into some slutty clothing store on our way out. We look at each and laugh out loud as I change into some of the clothes she bought for me. "Hey, we're kind of close to my old apartment, do you mind if I stop in and make sure it's still standing?" "Sure," Beth says. "I've got an old flame in the area that had a huge cock. Here's hoping he still has it before I get to him." Even the mention of cock, gets me a little worked up. I'm such a slut. As I put the key in the lock, a feeling sweeps over me; I felt my ass start to tingle and my nipples stiffen. I recognized it as the same cock- lust I had after first undergoing my change; I needed a hard dick. Now. I opened the door to my apartment, everything being larger than I remember. Somehow I knew what I needed was in this apartment. I turned the corner and saw the kitchen and living room. Then I heard the shower running. I kicked my heels off and felt the cold floor send shivers up my spine, urging my nipples into tenting my blouse higher. I peeked around the corner and saw a naked woman stepping behind a curtain, her mounds of flash going every which way. How disappointing. I couldn't understand what I used to find so appealing in them. They're just big globs of fat, completely unattractive. I stepped away and heard springs and my anus began to tingle. I found him. I pushed open the door slightly and saw a mess of hair rolling over. A thin sheet stood between me and this being, and I wasn't sure he or she had what I was looking for until he completed rolling over and the sheet pulled away leaving his glorious cock to the world. I began to salivate as I closed and locked the door behind me as softly as I could. I crawled onto the bed, moving the covers ever so gently. I knew how to wake him up. I removed my tight blouse, liberating my sore nipples and bent over to the task at hand. I licked his member enough so that it began to stiffen and then guided it into my mouth. I loved seeing my nails wrapped around a penis; this is what I was meant for. I worked my hands up and down his shaft, eliciting a moan from up above. A sense of pride welled up in me. He reached down and moved his hands through my hair. I tasted his pre and felt his hands firmly holding me in place; I was in heaven. He released his load into my warm, waiting my mouth. Delicious. I swallowed it all and reluctantly let his cock go. His hand moved from the back of my head to my chin, lifting it up. His eyes were wide as he said, "Wait, who are you? You're not--" I cut him off with my mouth, thrusting my tongue around his. I wasn't about to let him ruin this just because he found out I wasn't my ex. His cock was still hard, that's all I needed. I moved my hands down our bodies, working my thong out of the way and grasping his cock with the other. I guided them together, while maintaining my side of the tonsil battle. When he slipped in, I reared back and let out a deep moan. Recognizing what I wanted out of him, he began bucking into my soft anus. I twisted my nipples, pinching them with my long nails, savoring every feeling. I began to use muscles I didn't know I had to work his cock. I met every one of his thrusts with a downward motion. This was how fucking should be. I felt his dick begin to tense inside of me as he lowered me down one more time. I felt his semen pour into me as his cock twitched, sending it to the deepest part of me. I felt cum dribble out of my own little dick as well. It began to soften as I came down from my orgasmic high. He rolled me over so I could lie down next to him. I rubbed my nails up and down his chest, still marveling at his penis. Shame. The handle jiggled and we both locked eyes. "Babe why is the door locked?" He pushes me across and off the bed and jumps toward the door. Opening it, I can hear him say, "You must've done it on accident when you got in the shower." "Hmm well put some clothes on, we both have to get ready for work," Melissa says. "You better do something with that thing away before I have to. Then we're both going to be late." I hear her laugh in that way that used to be such a turn on for me. She squeals and I hear them stomp off. Standing up quickly I search for my blouse and purse. I snag up my shirt, but my purse is missing where had I dropped it? I see a towel on the floor as I peak my head out of the frame. I tip toe to the next corner and I'm face to face with that gorgeous man ass pounding away. I catch my breath and sit there absorbed in the moment. I can see him grabbing and releasing her ass over and over while she's bent over the back of their couch. My hands snake their way up to my nipples again as I watch this specimen at work. "Yes, yes, yes, keep going right there..." she gasps out and suddenly he's done. He stumbles back ward and hits the ground, his cock slick with their combined juices. She turns around. "Oh come on baby, I was so close. Couldn't you have held out a little longer?" Knowing what's about to happen to both of them, I step out from around the corner. Still wearing nothing but a skirt. "Who the fuck are you?" Melissa says while covering up her obscene mounds. Twirling my hair calmly and admiring my nails I say, "The boi who just fucked your boyfriend." I dropped my skirt and thong to reveal my tiny little dick and enjoyed seeing both of their eyes go wide. "You fucked a guy?!?! And then you fucked me? You're ridiculous." She stormed off and slammed the bathroom door. Then, he moaned out loud. Huh, I still didn't know his name. He slides up against the wall and I see his hard earned muscles rippling, slowly shrinking until all that remained was smooth skin. Then his hips cracked he threw his head back in a silent scream. I watched as they stretched his skin wider and wider, while his shoulders shrunk closer together. As they did his arms and legs cracked as well, holding the together as they adjusted to their new lengths. He brought his head back down in time to see his chest puff out a little and nipples harden and then elongate. His hands come to his face and I can see his sculpted jaw line begin to soften. Cheekbones become more prominent and his eyes become more open. He licks his lips as they appear to plump up a little. Suddenly, everything stops and he looks at me very confused. "It'll all make sense in a minute dear," as I kneel down by him. I grasp his shoulder and rub his back affectionately. He opens his mouth to speak and then stares at his dick. With his new dimensions, it reached about halfway down his thigh, but as he was looking it, it grew stiff and even longer. Jutting straight up into the sky. He leans his back against the wall in pleasure and the skin on his dick tightens around the muscle. I watch as inch by inch pulls into his groin, every one eliciting a fountain of cum from his overworked testes. As they try to keep up the demand, they begin to shrink as well. Coming closer and closer to his groin until all that's left of them are tiny nubs at the base of his much smaller cock. He lowered his head and I drew him in for a kiss. We both fondled each other's little cocks and I snaked a finger into his anus and showed him that what he was feeling was real. He would need to be fucked from now on. "Wow," he said in his new diminutive voice, "this feels amazing." "So cutey, I never got your name?" I said as brushed that long hair away from his adorable face. Slightly breathless and barely above a whisper he said, "It's Jessie." I help him stand up, letting him get used to his new legs and hips. The door to the bathroom opens and Melissa walks up angrily to me, "How dare you fuck my boyfriend than stick around..." her voice trails off as she notices Jessie standing right there. "Isn't he adorable?" I ask while draping my arms around him. "I mean he was hot before but now he looks good enough to eat." I moved his mouth to mine and engaged in a long drawn out make-out session with him right in front of her. I opened my eyes as I drew back and imagined I had the same lust riddled look that Jessie did. We both looked at Melissa. "Nothing to say? I'm not sure I've ever seen you speechless." Her face was flush with arousal as she looked down and then back at me suddenly, "Do I know you?" I brought my black, manicured nails up to her globes of flesh, removing the robe she had on. I pinched a nipple in a way that I used to, another life time ago. Her eyes grew wide, "Patrick?" "I go by Patty now, Mel." I smirked, realizing that her nipple was pulling away my touch even as it got harder. She continued to stare at me; I imagine trying to find the man she knew in my face. "So did our little show get you excited?" I stepped back to Jessie and put my hands on his hips. Pulling him closer so that our cocks grinded together. Jessie opened his mouth and moaned as he eyes slowly closed, draping his arms over my shoulders. I looked over to see her twisting her long red nails over nipples and biting her lip, oblivious to her chest shrinking in size. Looking much sexier as they finally settled, leaving just enough fat for a slight jiggle. She lets go of her lip as a change washed over her face, smoothing out the womanly edges and moving it closer the face of a sweet thirteen year old girl rather than a 28 year old sexual vixen. Her clawed hand snakes down her tight body as she reaches her folds. Her breathe gets heavier as she rubs at herself while maintaining a tight grip on her other nipple. Her hips seem to ripple, extending away from each other. She falls backward on to the couch after the force of her orgasm. Jessie and I look at each other, the display getting our juices flowing. He dives between her legs and settle up next to the open nipple, gently laying my mouth over it. She looks at me and drags my face up to hers. A heavy makeout session ensues, with both of us paying special attention to the other's nipples. She pushes me back and looks at her crotch; Jessie has been licking and fingering her ass the entire time. He pulls back and watches as her pussy begins throbbing visibly. Slowly, the lips begin drawing closer to each other, as her clit puffs outward, reaching towards the sky. Her labia connect, and begin to droop slightly while her clit thickens and becomes longer. A slight bulge can be seen as her balls fill, then a slit opens on her clit as it finishes growing and her new cock begins to drip pre-cum. Jessie immediately licks his tongue up her length, maintaining eye contact the entire time before dropping over it and stuffing his mouth. Mel closes her eyes, enjoying her boyfriend's first attempt at a blow job. Jessie, noticing her holding back, begins to prod at her ass-hole. Her mouth and eyes jolt open as she cums. Jessie lifts up off her cock and we both notice how big it is, almost 5 inches fully erect. As it shrinks down she comes out of her reverie, "So, I've got a cock now..." she says in a manner of disbelief. "And yet I want something else. Something---" "Inside of you?" I said seductively while playing with her nipple. Her eyebrow perks up, and she looks at me. Almost seeing me for the first time. Jessie clears his throat and we both notice he's across the room holding his phone. "So I've got a bunch of dudes in my phone that I may or may not have seen naked. You two in?" Mel jumps off the couch and runs to her room. "As soon as I find us all something cute to wear!" comes echoing out from beyond the door frame. Jessie and I both smile as I walk over and help him look through his phone, this was going to be fun. I've been a lurker for quite some time and for reason the past two stories inspired me to finally put something of myself up. It was harder than I thought it was and I ended up putting more of me into it than I had originally planned. I was really glad to finally finish and please forgive any errors.

Same as Sissification Epidemic 3 Videos

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Sissification Suite

Pink. Everything is pink. The walls are pink, the carpet is pink, by God the fucking chairs are pink. "Really stuck with a theme here didn't you" Your voice carries on towards the ears of a tall blonde woman, dressed shockingly, in pure white. The tender fibers of her ivory dress hug her hips like no one's business, and your eyes can't help to flick all over her sultry curve. She catches the minimal of your eyes like a cougar, her teeth revealing themselves in a harrowing grin, your dick can't...

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The Great Pumpkin Face Epidemic

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Betting Sites
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CuckoldSessions Charley Chaplin 09222019

Producer Indiana invited prospective client John over to go over the details of their deal poolside in his hilltop mansion. Indiana’s beautiful wife and his top musician Charley, floats along topless in her giant flamingo as the men discuss investors. Neither can fully concentrate with her backbends into the water. Eventually Indiana jumps in the water to show off his wife a bit. She’s into him, but her mind is elsewhere. Charley’s gaze is fixed on John whose trunks are getting tighter...

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Sister and Friend Learn to Please Daddy

Sister and Friend Learn to Please Daddy----------There was a nice breeze blowing thru the horse barns with both loft and barn doors open. I was sitting at a makeshift table of hay bales making my daily dairy entry, when my little sister and one of her friends came into the barn just below me. They were holding hands and giggling as thir*teen year-old girls do. I paused and watched them as they fluffed up hay in one of the empty stalls. To my amazement, both girls began to undress and lay down...

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Djinn Wishes

“Samantha. Hello, Samantha! Earth to Samantha!” Samantha woke up with a smack to the back of her head. Groaning she turned over, her coal black wavy hair a complete mess. “What?” “It’s time for class, Professor White said if you are late again, she’s going to fail you.” Samantha’s roommate Jenni said. “Yeah, yeah… Let me get up.” Samantha said as she climbed out of bed. Her larger than average boobs bouncing in her F-Cup bra. She gave her bra the sniff test and considered it okay to wear again....

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Game On No Game

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If you read about Renee Brian and I then read thi

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An adult novel of sexual slavery and service. Written By Miss Irene Clearmont. Copyright © 1998/1999 Revisions © 2011 Synopsis: Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them. As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no...

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A Road Trip with My Grand DaughterFinal Part

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Sex Game with Bhabhis in Jaipur

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Action In The Theater

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My Husband Wanted Me to Have Sex with Another Man

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Big Girl

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My Love For My Mom 8211 Part 4

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Pipers Piece chapter 2

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Two For Dinner

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The Day I Cheated My Husband

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is reader’s experience of cheating her husband. Hi readers this is one of my readers experience of fucking a neighbor guy. I will be narrating the story from her view. Now coming to the story I am Manjula 26 year...

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Twins Against VirginityChapter 4

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Weird Tales Succubus Part 2

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SexAndSubmission Gia Derza My New Boss

When Brunette beauty Gia Derza breaks the rules and steps out to make a deal with thug Tommy Pistol she is thrust into a world of hardcore BDSM, anal sex and the gritty life of a gangster. Gia’s boyfriend Vito would have her and Tommy’s head if he found out she was doing some botched business without him but she can not go home empty handed so she offers to do anything to make things right. Anything! So first things first — outside in the park Tommy puts Gia on her knees and...

2 years ago
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Masters Double Subbing The Conclusion

The slave was so tired and it could not imagine what else that Master could have planned. It was late and it knew that the lady had to be leaving soon. She already had informed Master and slave that she could not stay the whole night because of prior committments. She had one more request of Master before she was fixing to get ready to leave and that was to have the slave eat her pussy one more time. Master ordered the slave to do what the lady asked. The lady laid down on the bed and opened up...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 98

The next thing of any consequence in my life happened two and a half weeks later, when I went to the orthopedic clinic. I drove to the High Country Multi Discipline Clinic in Dobson. It was truly a one stop shop for the person with multi ailments. I only had one thing wrong with me, that I knew about, but it was an orthopedic nightmare. Since I was running late, and I knew how doctor's were in general, I stopped for take out coffee and a biscuit. It was from the drive thru window of a...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Plaything 5 Paybacks a Bitch

*** AUTHOR'S NOTE: First of all, thank you for all the kind words of encouragement for my last two chapters of this story. It has been a wonderful experience to find such a supportive community as Fictionmania. Second: Yes, I realize that I skipped a couple chapters. I wanted to tell this story next and I didn't want to wait until the last two chapters were finished. Some day I will go back and fill in those holes......I mean those holes in the story. ...

4 years ago
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It was a Thursday. The sun was out and it was a nice day so I decided to sit out on the yard to cool myself. I made myself some orange juice .I was wearing a summer dress made from pure cotton with yellow flowers printed on them that hugged my voluptuous body. Since it was summer it got so warm that I opted not to wear anything under the dress. Sort of waiting for Tom to come home from work. As I was just lazing about I noticed our next door neighbor Nick. He was well built and has nice tan,...

3 years ago
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The Career WomanChapter 8 BTB with Only One Sentence

Simon: Surveys show, if kids were born in family with older parents and if these kids were lack of any chromosomal or genetic problems they could achieve higher IQ than the kids of ordinary maternity aged women! Newer blood tests check these chromosomal and genetic syndromes (Down, Edwards) well during early pregnancy. When Sean arrived at our family I showed these surveys to Amy and she looked at me with surprising eyes. She searched her words for a while but she found at last, "Simon, I...

1 year ago
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Meri Dost Ki Sis Ko Chodaala

Dear friends of iss. This is not a story but this is my real experience.. I narrate my story in hindi specially for hindi reading friends. Uska name. Priya(name change) tha Hyderbad main rahati hai aur mnc main service karti hai uski age 30 ya 31 ke aas pass mere friend ki sister thi main apne official tour par Hyderbad ja raha tha to mere friend ne kaha ki Hyderbad main meri sister rahati hai — main tum uska kuch saman lete jana bo apni kisi friend ke saath room lekar rahati hai maine...

4 years ago
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A experience to remember

Well, all these started when I was working in a company A, and there was this new girl (fresh Grad). I was late 20s at that time, and she like 24 years old. She always like to talk in very cute manner and it happen that her first project was to work together with me. I must say her boobs stand out to me eaach time she talks to me and I could feel that she leaning in on meslighly too much (not touching me) while explaining what she wants from the job over my shoulders. To cut the long story...

3 years ago
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A wild night with an ex girlfriend Part 2

The night continue….. After our dinner at the hotel restaurant and a couple of hours in the lobby bar chatting and a few drinks we headed back to Maree room. When we got in we lay in the bed giving each other soft kisses for a while then sje gave me a nice massage. After the massage we went to shower together and in the shower I started to massage Maree perfect tits and sucking the nipples. This make her moan softly and start stroking my now rock hard cock. After a few minutes of this we...

3 years ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 6

In the ensuing weeks, Margarita took two lengthy runs with me in the rig, one to Boise, Idaho and the other to Los Angeles. On each trip, our English/Spanish lessons made the time speed by, and I found myself more relaxed on those long-distance runs than I had felt in many years. Margarita proved to have a razor-sharp mind and quickly began to pick up the language. After a few days of the basics, we adopted a system of informal story-telling, wherein I would relate a lengthy "story" in...

2 years ago
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Jackies New Mans Best Friend

Being a bit of a perv and enjoying chatting about my wife and sharing pics of her etc, I often hook up with guys on the internet. A few months ago I met a guy and we got chatting, we exchanged e-mails and discussed some of our exploites and fantasies. When I mentioned my kink of watching her with other guys and couples, (we’de dabbled on the scene for a bit) he surprised me by asking, completely out of the blue, had I ever seen her mounted by a dog! Well actually he used the term K9. I was a...

3 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 4

For various reasons, Bill had been forced to put off taking revenge on Horsey for his treatment of Sally. It had been nearly a month since the latest attack on Sally French, and Horsey had not heard any repercussions from Bill or anyone else, so he felt safe on that score. Thus, Horsey had gotten careless, and that was his undoing. Bill had taken some time to arrange a place where he could deal properly with Horsey. Bill had found an abandoned building that still had lights, water, and heat....

2 years ago
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Night Pussy Patrol

Dale guided the sailboat into the bay. It was past midnight and the lights from town shimmered off the water as they slid silently along. His girlfriend, Jen, was snuggled comfortably into the bunk below decks. Only a few miles left and he could drop anchor and join her. God, he was tired! It had been a long day and they had put in many miles, but they would soon be home. The sole movement on the water was the twinkling lights from another boat headed out off to the left a mile or so away....

3 years ago
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Bus control 3

Bus control-3By Clara High        - Attention! Control! All passengers out of the bus! In a line at the bus side! Move! – It was a gender police traffic checkpoint. A masked and heavily armed policewoman entered the bus’s saloon and started to give commands. She grabbed nearest man and pulled him roughly out of the bus. The man trembled. He was new in the city. He was rented as housekeeper in the home of an old retired woman just few weeks ago. He wanted to be perfect servant, because other his...

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