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Trust Issues Timber Grove: Story #7 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Victoria Pratt stared at her naked reflection in the mirror, and was quite pleased. She had turned 30 earlier in the year and still had the body of an eighteen year old. Her breasts were perky and her stomach was toned from all of her trips to the gym. She gave her ass a little slap and it bounced slightly, just the way most men desired. She kept her blonde hair long and wavy, knowing her husband loved the way it thrashed about as they made love... Her husband, Jim, was the man she had fell in love with twelve years earlier and for whom she had fought against time itself to keep him interested in her. He, on the other hand, did not spend a single day in the gym and cared little for what he put in his body with which time had rewarded him with a body any man would kill for. Sure, she got upset that she had to spend so much time on her looks while he got a free pass, but that's how it goes sometimes. Did she feel resentment that she could not have a child in fear he would leave her when she put on weight? Maybe a little? Was she jealous and assumed any woman would do anything to get him in the sack? Yes. It was the jealousy that ate away at her the most. Jim worked as an accountant at the Timber Grove Hotel and the owner, a man named Eli Long, had recently invited everyone to his coastal mansion for a company pool party and barbecue. Victoria wore a very revealing outfit, wanting to make sure all of the other women there knew what Jim had to go home to. He was even a little embarrassed as they arrived and she removed her jacket revealing a tiny red bikini top and a pair of daisy dukes. All the men there let Jim know how lucky he was, and the women scoffed at her brazen sexuality. All but one. Victoria had noticed immediately when all the male eyes left her body and looked towards the pool where a beautiful brunette lifted herself out of the pool. Whereas Victoria's body was lean and toned, her's was all curves in all the right places and she was wearing a white tank top that revealed absolutely everything. "Can you believe the audacity of that, she's practically naked!" "What?" Jim was awe struck at the brunette, but that quickly passed as Victoria punched him in the ribs. "Hey!" "Quit staring at her!" Victoria was furious. "I was surprised is all, that's Gina and she's a total slut." Victoria did not look reassured at all. "You're not helping things, Jim." "Vicky, you know I love you and have eyes only for you... and you know how much I can't stand women like that. She'll put out for anyone, and that doesn't matter because I'm all yours." She looked up into his hazel eyes and she knew he was telling the truth. There was not a man on earth who would not stare at this woman, particularly since she was sporting a wet tank top. She also knew her husband had never cheated on her, and he had never given any sign he ever would. He bent down and kissed her and the evening ended up being a really nice one. That night, however, Victoria was plagued with dreams that involved Gina's naked body writhing on top of Jim. She woke up feeling betrayed and deep down she knew she could not blame Jim for cheating on her in her own dream, but the feeling persisted. Soon she was finding signs of infidelity everywhere, if only because she was looking for them. Jim was staying late at work, his clothes reeked of perfume and last night he had come home drunk with lipstick on his collar. Add it all together with her nightly dreams of their sexual escapades and she was convinced he was cheating on her. She stared at her naked reflection and felt cheated, used and a little confused. The body she was looking at was exquisite, and yet Jim was rushing into the arms of that big titted slut. She put on her gym clothes and walked out of the room, letting Jim work off his hangover. She slammed their apartment door, not really caring if she woke up her cheating husband. She braced herself against the cold June morning and quickly made her way to the complexes gym. It was still dark outside and she was hoping to find the gym empty, but there was another woman already on one of the two treadmills. Victoria was upset as she didn't want to make small talk today, yet her routine always started with a run. She put down her bag and jumped on the treadmill next to the woman, although on closer inspection this was hardly a girl running next to her. She was very petite with short strawberry blonde hair, and Victoria did not like to judge other women but this girl had very little going on in the breast department. Which is not to say she was not attractive, the girl was actually very stunning... "Can I help you?" Victoria was embarrassed beyond reason as she was caught staring at this young girl. "I'm sorry, I'm a little off this morning." The girl flashed her the brightest smile Victoria had ever seen and she felt the embarrassment go away in a second. "That's okay, everyone's allowed to be a little off. My name is Lilly." "Victoria." They shook hands and continued to run. "So, Victoria... what is making you a little off this morning?" Victoria didn't like talking about her personal life, and liked talking while running even less. "I think my husband is cheating on me." Why had she said that? "I'm so sorry!" "No... I'm sorry I didn't really mean..." "How do you know?" "Well, I don't really know..." Victoria shot her another smile which made her almost fall off the treadmill. "Well then maybe he isn't." "No. He is..." This woman was making her feel bad for thinking such things about her husband, but she was sure he was cheating on her. "He is..." "Do you trust him?" Victoria did not know how to answer and it looked like that was all Lilly needed to hear as her smile gave way to a look of disappointment. "Oh, Victoria, you must feel some trust there?" "I want to, but I don't!" She had stopped running and was upset that this stranger could make her feel so bad when it was her husband who was cheating. Lilly had stopped running and was staring at Victoria intently. "What would it take? How would you be able to trust Jim again?" "I don't know..." She wanted to cry, but felt too angry. "I don't know." She was shocked when she found herself being hugged by this young stranger. There was pity in Lilly's eyes now and Victoria felt a rush of emotions and didn't know what to do. "I don't want to... but I can help you Victoria." "How?" "I can give you some insight into your husband, but I encourage you to just talk with him about your insecurities." Victoria was shocked again as she found herself weeping into the stranger's shoulder. "I can't... I just can't..." "So be it." Victoria felt a rush around her and found herself back in her apartment staring at her naked reflection in the mirror. She felt shaky for a moment, but was quickly brought out of that when she saw the words "Kiss Him" written on the condensation of the mirror. She knew she should be feeling confused and angry, yet for some reason there was a clarity to the situation and what she should do... CHAPTER -TWO- Across town, Victoria was sitting at her husbands desk, looking through his emails trying to find any proof of his cheating acts. The fact that she was in her husbands body did little to sway her from her task at hand. Everything that morning had just felt so right. She had stepped out of the bathroom after reading the message and kissed her husband softly on the lips. Then she simply closed her eyes and laid on the bed next to him, and when she opened her eyes again she was in her husbands body. Again, everything felt right... There was no panic, not a moment of fear, only a singular thought. Proof. He got dressed and wondered for a moment what Jim would feel like when he woke up in her body, but she had more pressing matters. The drive to work was a short one, and he knew the staff and the hotel well enough to make his way up to the office without anyone thinking something was wrong. He then quickly went to work sifting through his desk and computer. "Hey, Jimbo. What's happening?" It was Drew, one of Jim's co workers. "I'm fine, just fine." He looked at Drew like nothing was wrong. "Fuck you, man," Drew was laughing, "I know you are just as hungover as me. Things got pretty crazy last night." "Yeah," Victoria said, but then the thought entered his mind that he could pump his friend for a little information, particularly concerning the lipstick. "Actually, you're right... I was pretty wasted last night. Who was drinking with us?" "Everyone, man... the entire staff was getting plastered down there." "Oh, yeah... down at the bar?" "Fuck yeah, you know we always hit it up when Eli is out of town." "So, was Gina there?" Drew just began laughing hysterically at that, "Fuck, man, you know she was there! Do you have to rub it in?" "What?" "She was all fucking over you man, you fucking dog." Drew was now looking at him like he was some kind of God. "I gotta hand it to you, bro, you got Gina all over your junk then you go home to that fine piece of ass..." "Hey, watch it!" was all Victoria could think to say. On the one hand she was furious upon hearing Gina was all over Jim, but part of her was flattered this guy thought she was a fine piece of ass. "Whoa, sorry man." "It's okay..." Gina, he thought, would definitely be able to answer his questions. "Hey, is Gina here today?" "Fuck yeah, man. I saw her down at the bar waitressing when I came in. Anyway, gotta get back to crushing it. Late." And with that Drew was gone. That left Victoria a moment to process a plan, and by the time he entered the bar he knew exactly what he would do. "Excuse me, is Gina here?" Victoria asked the young woman working the bar. The young woman smiled, and for a moment Victoria thought she recognized her. She was very petite and had a cute little haircut under which was a lovely smile. "Stay away from her, Mr. Pratt, she's trouble." "Oh, I know it," she looked down at the girls name tag, "Lilly... I just need to ask her something about last night." Victoria had no idea if any of this would make sense to the pretty little bartender, and while she looked confused for a moment she finally smiled and nodded. "Maybe you should ask your wife, Mr. Pratt." "What, I wouldn't... I mean she wouldn't know anything." Victoria was getting flustered. "Just tell me where Gina is!" She didn't mean to yell, but she was so close to finding out the truth. "She's in the back, over there..." Lilly said, a little defeated. Victoria thanked her and made his way over to the back of the bar. "Gina?" Victoria called as she arrived at a group of empty tables. "In here," Gina called from a small workstation concealed around the corner. Victoria made his way into the concealed area and came face to face with Gina's ass bouncing in the air in front of him as she appeared to be looking for something in the lower cabinets. Victoria was startled by the feeling in her crotch at the sight of the round ass in front of her. Her black pants stretched tight across her ass left very little to the imagination. "Hello?" Gina got up and a huge smile crossed her lips when she saw it was Jim standing alone with her. "Well, hello Jim." Victoria could think of nothing to say, he was entranced by the woman in front of him. Everything about her was just so sexy, from her big breasts to her shapely hips... It was all so good. "You're starring, Jimmy," she was closing in on him, "not that I mind." "Um," Victoria was trying her hardest to focus, "did we, uh, make out last night?" "What? Are you joking?" Her giggles were soft and sweet. "No, I got pretty wasted... but I swore..." "Jimmy, please... You've turned me down more times than any other man I've talked to in the last month. The furthest I've gotten with you is kissing your poor little collar." She was now standing directly in front of Victoria, her white button up shirt heaving up and down as it strained to keep her breasts enclosed. "No... I can't have... you and Jim must have fooled around!" "Are you playing some sort of game with me?" Her giggles were back and they were lulling Victoria into a daze. "I'm sorry, I was wrong..." "Oh, you were wrong to avoid this." She now had Victoria's hand and was rubbing her pussy with it. "You've been wanting this, haven't you." "No, I've got to go..." But his feet were stuck, and her hand was working its way down his pants. "Oh, my...I was right to go after you." "No..." "It's okay, no one will bother us over here." She was now kissing his neck. "No..." "It's okay," she whispered in his ear as her hand finally made contact. He almost fell to the ground as she began to rub his shaft. It felt like all of Victoria's fears and anxieties were being rewired somehow. All of that rage was turning into sexual energy, and when Gina placed her lips on his cock it was like a damn broke. "Mmm, suck my cock you slut!" Victoria demanded, and Gina smiled as she began to bob up and down on his dick. He began to force his cock deeper into her mouth, causing her to gag for a moment, but she didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, Gina seemed to like be manhandled and this only made Victoria bolder. "Get up, bitch! Let me see that ass," he lifted her up and spun her around. "Do you like my ass, baby? Am I a bad girl?" She was bouncing her bubbly ass right in front of him before grinding it against his exposed cock. He gave it a little slap and she purred. "Oh! I'm a bad girl! Oh!" Victoria was losing all control, and as he lifted up Gina's skirt he could only think about one thing. "I'm gonna fuck that sweet ass of yours!" "Do it, Jimmy! Fuck my ass!" With a quick yank he panties were down and he pressed his cock against her asshole. "Mmm, oh my God! Stick it in! Fuck! Fuck me right there, Jimmy!" Gina yelled as Victoria rammed his cock into her ass from behind. His hands were gripping her hips tight as he bent her over the workstation, his pants pooled at his feet. "Oh, oh, I'm gonna cum baby!" Her breasts were free, bouncing against the station as she clenched onto his shaft and came. "Oh fuck me, Jimmy! Fuck me!!!!" "No!" Jim finally yelled and the sound of Victoria's own voice reached his ears and he looked back and saw his old body standing there with tears coming down her face. "Oh, no..." CHAPTER -THREE- Victoria withdrew from Gina's ass as she sounded her dismay, "Jim, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!" "I can't believe you. How could you do this?" "I don't know." He was pulling up his pants and trying to walk over. Jim ran from her and Victoria did her best to follow. When she saw Jim again she was being consoled by ye little blonde waitress from before, only this time Victoria's eyes were opened. "You!" Victoria yelled. "You're the girl from the gym, and the bar! This is all your fault!" Victoria advanced on the girl, still in Jim's body, and the girl raised a hand. Suddenly Victoria could no longer move, but she could still speak "You did this! What..." Victoria tried to continue before Lilly cut her off. "I'm a Pixie, Victoria." All of this should have been completely crazy for Victoria to believe, yet she felt that it was true. "A Pixie?" "Yes, and while me and my kind have the power to reshape life, we cannot direct that life. I told you I would give you insight, and what did you find out?" Victoria looked ashamed. "That Jim wasn't cheating on me." "What!? All of this happened because you thought I was cheating?" Sam saw the rare look of both incredible rage and deep hurt on Jim's face. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but the late meetings, the lipstick..." "I work, Vicky, and I told you that Gina is a slut, she was all over me so I left to come home to my wife." "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry!" Victoria found she could move again and walked over to Jim, but he shunned her. "Baby? You fucked Gina in my own body... I mean, what the fuck!?" "It was the magic, right?" She looked to Lilly, but the little blonde only shook her head. "No, it was your fear, your distrust and your jealousy that drove you into Gina's arms." "I..." Victoria had no words. Jim was sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. "Jim... Baby, please forgive me." "I... I don't know." He looked her deep in the eyes. "You cheated on me... I don't know if I can ever..." "Please, Lilly... I'll do anything... I want to take it all back." Lilly raised her hand again and soon Jim was laying on his back as if he was sleeping. "There is something I can do for you, Victoria... but I wish you would have just talked to him in the first place." "I do too, I've learned my lesson..." "Victoria, you still need another lesson," Lilly sighed deeply, "but I hate to do it." "I'll do anything." Victoria was now pleading with her. "All magic seeks balance, Victoria. When you entered Gina the magic changed and adapted. It was being used now as a tool to hurt another, and that darkened it. I can make it so Jim will remember none of this, but that will require you to face the darkness." "What do you mean?" "You must feel the hurt that he felt. But know this: where he will forget, you never will." "Do it." Despite the foreboding situation at hand, Lilly smiled at Victoria's fast response. "You are learning..." There was a sudden rush of air and Victoria found herself in her apartment, and back in her own body. "Oh my God, I'm normal!" She looked around for any sign of her husband or Lilly, but found none. She sat on the bed right when the door to their bathroom opened and a very naked Gina walked out. "What are you doing in my apartment!?" Victoria yelled as she got up to face Gina, only Gina acted like Victoria wasn't there. "Bitch! Get out of my apartment!" Gina paid her no mind as she stood in front of a tall mirror and checked herself out. Her breasts hung perfectly from her chest, as if defying gravity. She shook her hips, causing her tits and ass to jiggle playfully. She then grabbed some lipstick off of the dresser and drew a big heart on the mirror. "Stop that! Look at me!" Victoria was becoming exasperated, and then it only got worse. "What! Gina, what are you doing in here!?" Jim had just entered the room and was averting his eyes. "Jim! Thank God! What's happening!?" She rushed over to him, but found he too paid her no attention. "I'm in your building now, Jimmy, and my shower broke... So I thought I could take one here." Jim was averting his eyes still, but Victoria could see him trying to steal a glance. "What if my wife came in here and found you naked?" "Oh, I would love to play around her a bit, too." The look on Jim's face said it all. Victoria could see him picturing Gina fucking her on the bed in his mind. "Jim... please listen!" "Just, get dressed and get out of here." Gina looked around but she could not see any clothes. "I, uh, don't seem to have any..." Jim, still looking at the floor, moved to the dresser and pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt and threw them at her. "Thanks... but I'll need a bra too." Gina knew she didn't need a bra, she was just toying with him now. "Oh, okay..." While still looking down he rummaged in his wife's drawer and threw one over. "Thanks," she said with a giggle. "Oh dear, I think I'll need your help." Victoria yelled through there entire exchange before a realization fell over her. This was her punishment. Whatever happened in their room, she would have to watch helplessly. "Fine, but my wife may be back soon." He walked over and finally lifted his gaze up and was face to face with Gina's tits. "Holy shit." "Ah, isn't that sweet," she said with smile as she turned around and handed him the bra. "Here, I just need a little help getting it around, I seem to be a little bigger than your wife." "Okay, where do the cups go?" Victoria watch in horror as Gina grabbed his hands and placed them on her tits. "Does that feel right?" "I um..." Her ass began to push back against his cock. "Oh, are my tits bigger than your wife's? What do you think?" "I, um... I think they are" His hands were now massaging her breasts, the feeling arousing him even more. "What about my ass?" "Oh yeah..." "I bet my pussy is tighter, too... Wanna find out?" This drove him over the edge and they quickly found themselves tangled on the bed in a mass of naked body parts reaching and grabbing. It was not long before he was on top of her, and thrusting his cock in and out of her. "Do I feel good, baby!?" "You are so tight!" "Oh!, fuck! Keep going! Fuck me on your wife's bed!" And he did, taking her from every position imaginable while Victoria just stood there helplessly and watched. Part of her told her it was a dream, that Jim would never do this to her. Then she remembered how easily she had succumbed to Gina's advances... "Oh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck my pussy! Fuck me!!!" He was now taking her from behind, something Victoria had always loved, only now he was balls deep in this slut... Just like she was. She lost count of how many times he came on her. First on her tits, then on her back before finishing deep inside of her. There was more, but she just stopped counting. As he lifted her up and began to fuck her with renewed vigor, everything seemed to grow blurry. Victoria found that he eyes were getting droopy, and soon she was asleep. When Victoria finally did awake, she found the bed next to her empty. She could tell it was the morning, but there was no sign of her husband. "Jim? Jim!?" "What? What's wrong?" Relief flooded into her when she saw her husband walk into the room all ready for work. "Jim! I... I just had a crazy dream," she said as he got into bed next to her. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's nothing." Jim then leaned over and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. "I just need to brush my teeth and then I'm off." "Great," she said with a smile as she stretched her body out on the bed. He walked into the bathroom and she could hear him start to brush his teeth. "So I'm going to be late tonight." "That's fine." "But maybe we can go out of town this weekend?" "I would love that." "Oh, and I was going to ask you about the mirror?" "What?" She sat up and looked over to her tall mirror and saw a lipstick heart painted on it. Suddenly everything came back to her. Being in Jim's body, fucking Gina then watching her seduce Jim in their own bedroom. "Oh... I just thought you'd like it?" Jim was walking out of the bathroom and chuckling. "Um, sure... It's sweet, but very unlike you." He kissed her again before walking out their front door. "I love you!" "I love you too," Victoria said happily, although inside she was anything but happy. She took a deep breath and laid back down in bed, wondering how she was going to live with what she knew. She wondered if it would strengthen their marriage, if she would begin trusting him again. Then she thought about Gina and how she had given in so easily... She got off of the bed and removed her sleeping gown as she approached the tall mirror. The lipstick heart was there alright, and as she looked at the heart next to her perfectly sculpted naked body another thought crossed her mind. Maybe some more alone time with Gina would make the guilt easier to deal with? THE -END- Authors Note: Thank you for reading! Feel free to contact me through email at [email protected] with any questions, or visit my new site for future updates!

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Consequences of Trust Issues

I stood against a wall, trying to avoid staring at the unconscious woman lying on the bed. I’d carried her in here, after hearing her scream and finding her passed out, that man standing over her. That Wynne had also been there was beside the point; the bastard had hurt her. He’d called her ‘templar’, practically spewing venom, then turned around and flirted with her; the next thing I knew, he’d done something to her with his magic, and she had screamed. It pierced my heart. I’d do anything...

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Anger Issues

The Savage Hi, my name is Simon, and I have anger issues. I thought I had mastered them, but it appears I had only suppressed them. As a child, I had had court mandated anger management therapy, and medication, but that was all behind me now, the records sealed. I had always been a fighter. Growing up as the runt of the litter in a family of 6 kids will do that to you. My parents were hard-working folk, salt of the earth but great advocates of the ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’...

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Jessica Nigris Trust Issues

The following story depicts abusive behavior. The crime of rape is only presented here as an imaginary fantasy for your personal reading. It belongs nowhere except in fiction, in written words. Reading is fun... rape is not. Examples of Nigri's monthly Patreon rewards: Letter posted on her social media, an inspiration for this story: "To Jessica Nigri! Please stop sending your extremely inappropriate pictures to my house. I'm a 67 yr old lady & a christian!" While continuing to read that...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 10 Sallys Issues

I woke up at 6:30 am the next day ... no it was not a dream. There were 9 naked women around me. The shower was running in the bathroom. I slowly got out of bed. I had a bunch of stiff parts including the most obvious one. Naked women running around the bedroom does that to guys. There were at least two hair driers running in the bathroom (the bathroom is equipped for four people to prepare themselves at the same time, including a four person shower). Julie, still naked, came over when...

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Trust Fall Ch 09

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Nine I’M THINKING ABOUT TRUST. When I first joined the bank out of college I was assigned a full day of a human resources team building event. I was on the management track and this was one of the stops to get my card punch before my next promotion. I was in a conference room with about ten other fast-trackers and the words of the day were ‘team work’, ‘synergy’ and, of course, ‘trust building’. One of the trust building...

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My wife, Denise, had been very agitated lately. Something was bothering her, but my inquiries were deflected out-of-hand. Since nothing seemed wrong between us, I told myself it was work related. When she came home Thursday night, her anxiety had reached a new peak. "What's going on?" "We need to talk," she said. "Mix me a drink and make it strong, please." Five years ago when she was nineteen, Denise went to work for a large privately owned company. Smart, a hard worker and good...

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Rings of Trust The Test

The Test By Elliot Reid "It's a test, Mark," said Amy. "A test?" I looked at my girlfriend, eyebrows raised. "What, a compatibility test or something?" "Something like that." Amy was seated on the bed, nude, cocking her head to one side, gauging my reactions. "We've been going out for a year and you said you wanted to take it to the next stage and I guess this is where we test whether that's going to work or not." "This magic will do that?" I looked at the pair of rings...

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The whip laid into Valerie’s back with a vengeance. Blood flipped off the end of the whip to create a splatter pattern on he wall behind the creature wielding the instrument of torture. More blood streamed down the nearly dead woman’s back from the open wounds on her back; more appearing each time the savage whip laid into her with a loud crack. “Say it!” the demon raged, it’s high pitch voice shrill with anger. “Never,” came the whispered answer, uttered by a throat too soar to scream in...

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The Trust Fund Kid

Every eye in the place turned to look at us when we walked in. Every male eye anyway and they weren't really looking at us; they were looking at Becky. Understandable. Five seven, long brown hair down to the middle of her back, the face of an Angel and a body designed to drive men crazy. It was all real too. Not even a tenth of an ounce of plastic or silicone in that 36 x 22 x 34 package. I could see the speculation on their faces. Older sister? Cousin? One or two might even be thinking a...

4 years ago
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Trust (Transvestite, Hetero sex, Spanking)This story contains elements of cross-dressing, a somewhat dominant female, and a rather submissive and effeminate male. If such things make you want to toss cookies, don't read it, eh?This story also contains one fairly graphic scene of eroticism between two consenting adults. If *that* squicks you, what the hell are you doing on this group? Grow up and get a life.Part 1: The File on LeeI was pretty tired when I got to Nancy's. Long day with the...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart VII 4 Lessons of Trust

We were all getting dressed in Suzi's tent before Suzi noticed something was missing. "Tim, did you do something with the open container of the drink?" I turned and stared at the corner where we had kept them, finding only the still sealed full container. I reached out with my mind to ask Joey, and found he hadn't been to the tent since the night before. "Shit. It was there when I came for the vibrators. Damnit!" "Who else knows about that stuff?" Eric asked. "Nobody. We hadn't...

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Joannes Story Part 3 Complete Trust

The story contains scenes of hardcore sex, mild bondage and moderate pain. Please be warned. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] Joanne’s Story – Part 3 – Complete Trust “Do you trust me?” His eyes looked directly into my soul as they always seemed to and I noticed they were glinting in the candle light that adorned the small bathroom. The steam from the shower had cleared and I was...

2 years ago
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(Transvestite, Hetero sex, Spanking)The following story is a complete fantasy; the names do not correspond to anyone who exists in real life. It contains elements taken from my own experience, of course, but it didn't really happen, okay?This story contains elements of cross-dressing, a somewhat dominant female, and a rather submissive and effeminate male. If such things make you want to toss cookies, don't read it, eh?This story also contains one fairly graphic scene of eroticism between two...

1 year ago
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The Rings of Trust The Beginning

The Rings of Trust-The Beginning By Allen W. Writer's note: I am hoping to create a new-shared universe and have therefore placed the rules for the Rings of Trust at the end of the story. It is my hope that there are some authors out there who might find the concept of the Rings of Trust to be interesting enough to write a story or stories using them as the plot device. If you are interested in writing a Rings of Trust story and wish to contact me, I can be reached at [email protected]....

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The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 3 In God We Trust

Note: "Thalia Menninger" was played by Tuesday Weld. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 3: In God We Trust Created by Max Shulman Produced by Rod Amateau [1959-63] Parodied by Ron Dow75 Dobie Gillis, blond, crew cut, average early 1960s Working- Middle Class Dobie Gillis was at his usual marble bench in the park, bent over with his chin on his fist just like Rodin's statue, "The Thinker", a copy of which was just behind him. He looked up, "I've had a terrible shock. I found out...

3 years ago
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Her Matter Of Trust

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

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A Matter Of Trust Must Read

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

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EXIT 33 Trust

We are having a slow day on the ‘big road’ due to the usual traffic snarls along the Interstate highway. My favorite truckstop is just ahead 3 miles down the road. These people go out of their way to make a driver feel welcome … from the manager(s) to fuel clerks to convenience cashiers to floor sweepers. Everybody is so friendly here. Their big neon sign is truly a welcome sight for me.This stop has the nicest / biggest shower facilities and the fluffiest of towels. When I am here, I really...

Love Stories
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WeaklingChapter 10 Trust

I put Martina down. It was as if we are the only two in the room. Tears are rolling down our faces as we stare into each other’s soul. “George, Martina’s mother has asked that you take care of her daughter and show her around,” the Vice Principal informs me. Martina hands me her schedule as I grab her hand and pull her out of the door. We walk down the hallway. I pick her up and twirl her around as she giggles. “What the hell,” I ask Martina as I set her down. I’m excited that she is here,...

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Mechanical Issues

Mechanical issues...Susan didn’t move a muscle, nor did she make a sound. Her eyes were locked on mine, the look of confusion and shock on her face as one of the men carried her slowly to a table in the middle of the room. As he laid her down, the others bound her feet and hands. She was now grasping the magnitude of the situation. I had told her countless times if she was going to act like a whore I would personally make sure she was treated like one. It was obvious this was not what she...

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It was a day like any other for Jeff, he was at his daughter's house babysitting his 2 year old granddaughter Emma while his own daughter, Cynthia, was out running errands. He didn't really mind--he loved how involved his daughter wanted him to be with her family, and his granddaughter was the most well-mannered two year old he had ever known. The only thing that ate at him was how often his son-in-law was absent; always away on business leaving his daughter to fend for herself. It would be a...

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She is in her kennel cage collared with her rope collar and leash in the kennel resting position. She feels her collar and it feels good. She giggles as she thinks how Master trained her to feel the collar. She was to wear the collar as much as she could without displaying it to others that did not understand. She would feel the collar on her neck touch the collar on her neck and could not understand what Master was talking about. Then one day it just hit her on what Master was trying to get...

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CHAPTER 19: BOUND BY TRUSTWhile talking on the way back to the harbor, we were congregated on the bridge with Strong. I had spent days training with these guys wearing nothing but this tiny bikini, although it had been both pieces. This last day, though, was spent completely naked with the intention of drawing attention to myself for an additional surprise effect on the target’s guards. It had worked well and for the rest of the mission and immediately afterwards, I forgot all about it. Now,...

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A Matter Of Trust

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged. Or by email direct to [email protected] MATTER OF TRUSTYou had taken a little convincing to make the long trip to Down Under. Sure, it would be the experience of a lifetime, especially...

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I trust my daddy

I trust my Daddy by bullustampurChapter IJoan was on her way home on a Tuesday afternoon. She was a pretty woman, even beautiful, in her mid thirties. Her husband, Tim, was a year older than she. She was thinking back, to the time when they started dating. They were s*******n and eighteen at the time. She sometimes thought about it when they were together for the first time. No, not really when they were together for the first time. That was far to indecisive. But rather, when they fucked for...

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Trust and the Heart

Trust and the Heart R. Douglas Ezell Part One I knocked on Mark's door. After a moment, Mark opened it. "Hey Greg," he greeted, "I'm glad you came." "Thanks," I replied, "it's been a while since we just hung out." "Want a drink?" Mark asked. "Coffee, tea, soda?" "Tea sounds great," I said. "Coming right up," Mark said as he left for the kitchen. I took a seat in the guest chair. On the end table next to me I noticed a silver ring. I picked it up and looked it over. It...

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Learning to Trust

Chapter one Learning to Trust  I had always managed to attract the type of man who would eventually use his fists instead of his mouth to solve his problems.? The latest loser had just left me in a heap outside a bar, my mouth split and a trickle of blood running down my chin.? To make things worse, he had just driven off in my car with my bag inside, which meant I had no money, no ID and no way of getting home. I was just trying to get to my feet, when a hand was offered to help me up.?...

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Do you trust me

My thighs feel all sticky, as if I have been swimming in salt water, and it has dried on them. I start to scratch, and realize my hands are bound to the chair arms. Suddenly fully awake, I remember where I am. Your last question comes back to me, all in a rush. “Do you trust me?” I had replied, a little too quickly, “Completely.” Though that wasn’t strictly true. I had some misgivings at totally relinquishing control. But I had quieted them, saying to myself, it’s only for the weekend, and she...

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Do You Trust Me

Do you trust me? That's what the note said. Just a simple note. Do you trust me? Then the time, place and what to wear. Of course I trust you. Of course I would be there tomorrow night, at the mandated time, wearing the mandated outfit. You know what I like, so I trust you to make this night special. I stood on the corner by my house, waiting. I was wearing a pair of red, four inch fuck me pumps, black thigh high stockings and garter belt, and a trench coat. That's all I was allowed to...

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Trust Fall Ch 10

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Ten I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT BEN Sheppard since I sealed my panties in that envelope. I thought of him as I met with Jack the appraiser at the bank. I held my legs close together even under the desk and crossed them carefully. Jack was flirty. He didn’t do or say anything inappropriate. He’s a sweet guy. It was all very innocent and low key. But I still felt a touch slutty sitting across from him without panties. He is cute. I...

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Trust Ch 1

When he closed his eyes, no matter how slight, he could see the movement of her dark, golden skin against the paleness of his own. He could feel it and that was torture. He craved her touch and the mercy that it offered. A good fight in the heart of battle had always brought him great pleasure, great glory. That was where he belonged. Now, she was the only true delight of his heart, a respite from this world’s cruelties. She was his afterlife because his world changed the moment he entered...

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A Matter of Trust

You had taken a little convincing to make the long trip to Down Under. Sure, it would be the experience of a lifetime, especially at your age, but Australia was just so far away. Then eventually you were convinced, the brochures helped, and when your roommate Allison agreed to go too, well you didn’t really have a choice did you? And you had a great time here, the time of your life. As two very attractive young ladies you and Allison were a real hit locally, every bar you went to guys and girls...

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SRU The Rings of Trust A New Beginning

The Rings of Trust: A New Beginning By [email protected] This story is a follow up to a story written by Allen W and is based on the SRU:Rings of trust universe he has created. It is my first erotic story so please forgive any errors. Otherwise enjoy to your hearts content Matt....That was what my name used to be. That was before my run in with Kevin and the rings. I had purchased the rings for the outrageous price of 5 dollars a piece from a bizarre old man in a...

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A Matter of TrustChapter 4 A World Of Their Own

When Aileen told Colin the news that they would be spending Christmas up at the cabin he seemed pretty amiable to the idea, apparently the thought of getting away from the apartment for a few days appealed to him as well. It was a four hour drive from Philadelphia to the mountain cabin and they planned on leaving early in the morning on Christmas Eve day, but it wasn't until slightly before noon before they were actually on their way. Not only had Patrick given them the use of his cabin, he...

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Sow and ReapChapter 16 Life Is Simple Without Trust

We went to a bar where a room had been reserved and the party progressed as expected. I avoided drinking too much – one hangover per weekend was sufficient – and found the heaving, over-stimulated men more than entertaining enough to make up for the half naked woman that was dancing for them. It was arousing enough to wish I had someone to pounce on and share the arousal with. If Joey hadn't betrayed my trust. If I could look at Pharaoh and not think of how much I loved Joey. And I did...

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TG Author Protection

TG AUTHOR PROTECTION SERVICE By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] After slipping my keys and wallet back into my pockets, I checked my watch as I slipped it back onto my wrist. 7:58 AM. I turned away from the security checkpoint and walked with several others toward a long line that ran against the south-side wall of the building. When I got there, the man in front of me made eye contact, and he spoke. "I swear, the worst thing you can...

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Trust Fall Epilogue

Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...

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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 3 In Ari We Trust

“It’s so small!” Not exactly the words any man craves to hear. No matter what the circumstances. “I told you.” “Yes, but it’s such a surprise to actually see it. How will we fit?” Angie asked. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and breathed in her ear. “Closely together,” I whispered. I felt her shudder with the chill in her ear, but she didn’t pull away from me. She pushed back into to my embrace and rocked her head against my shoulder. I’ve come to believe...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 28 Trust

She raised her eyebrows at me. “You don’t mean...?” She nodded. “Fuck me in the arse, Paul. Ram it through my back door. Bugger me. Bum me. Use the tradesman’s entrance. Plug the chocolate pipe—” “Okay! I get it,” I said, grinning as I wondered how long she’d spent looking up all those euphemisms on the internet. “I get it, Ness, but are you sure about this? You know it can hurt like all bloody hell, right?” She nodded. “From experience. But what if it’s done right, huh? What if it’s done...

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A Whisper of Trust

Dark came early in winter, and she lit a fire for ambiance in the redwood paneled room. She glanced at the crystal clock above the mantel, and then out the window to the driveway. She had planned this evening for several months, waiting for the perfect situation – timing, weather, and opportunity. The stone house had been meticulously crafted, every detail scrutinized as she personally directed its construction. She ordered fine natural wood – cherry, oak, redwood, cedar, mahogany – using the...

1 year ago
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Trust Your Instincts

I'm sorry, but I have always been a little cynical and recent developments have only strengthened my cynicism. I am having a hard time trusting people now. Let me explain. We are the Kelly's, Raymond and Jackie. Our marriage was only six months old when we moved into our first home. A condo in a very nice area and it will do for a couple of years. We have plans for family but for now apartment type living will do. Jackie is a tall girl at 5 feet 10. She goes well with my 6 foot 3 inch...

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