Rumours free porn video

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Rumours By Peg Thebois Ambrose had been scoping out the party for a while now, checking out all the gorgeous girls and trying to decide which one he would try his luck chatting up. After a while he set his mind on a certain redhead, she was wearing a cropped shirt which showed off her belly button, too bad she didn't have a navel piercing though Ambrose always thought chicks looked hot with those. The skirt she was wearing barely qualified for that term as it was so short that several times over the course of the evening he got a glimpse of bright red fabric underneath it whenever she moved just right. He knew he would probably strike out with this girl, he always did, not that he ever told his frat brothers he struck out. As far as they knew he was always scoring the hotties they saw him chatting up, the trick to convincing everyone you had banged a chick was to invent a detail, just a little something that made it more believable, one chick might like it doggie style, another might like to be handcuffed, maybe even anal, Ambrose had used all of those 'facts' to get the brothers believing he was a champion pickup artist. Part of him wondered what lie he would make up about this girl, maybe in the course of conversation with her he would come up with something that was close enough to her personality that it would be all the more believable. As he walked over to say hi she actually smiled, usually he could read their thoughts on their face, "What is this scrawny dweeb coming up to me for?" Instead she said, "I was wondering when you would stop watching me from across the room and come over." Crap, she had seen him eyeballing her; total creeper move dude, and this chick caught him at it. "Sorry I wanted to make sure there wasn't a boyfriend in the picture. No sense causing a fight when it isn't necessary. I'm Ambrose by the way." "Shelly." With that sort of smooth recovery Ambrose was able to launch into what was a fairl typical conversation. It was nothing stellar, he certainly didn't feel like he was winning much in the way of points with her, that was right up until she cut him off in mid-sentence. "Listen, why don't we just cut the bullshit and go upstairs. It is pretty clear you want to hook up so let's go, I'm sure we can find an unoccupied room." Ambrose hadn't been expecting this at all, After months of getting to various degrees of not even close with numerous girls around the campus he was finally going to score! And this chick was a major league 10! He was so stunned Ambrose couldn't bring himself to say anything in case he said the wrong thing so he just nodded. Shelly took him by the hand and led him upstairs, she knocked on the first door at the top of the stairs and there was no reply from within. "Hey before we go in how about we take a selfie of the two of us?" Ambrose shuddered inside; a selfie, really? Ah well, even if she was a bit vapid, he was not about to blow his shot at cashing in his V-card over a little thing like that, not that he would ever admit to being a virgin at 24. "Sure thing," he mumbled. "Aww, my phone is dead, how about we use yours, then I can text it to myself. That way you'll have my number." He wasn't sure he'd want to see the sort of girl who takes a selfie at a party again but still she was so hot, and apparently into him, why not. He unlocked his phone and opened the camera app. After taking the picture Shelly grabbed the phone and pushed a few buttons as she opened the door and let Ambrose into the darkened room beyond. As Shelly closed the door Ambrose was feeling for the light switch when a hand grabbed his wrist, and his other wrist. He made a small cry of surprise but found another pair of hands grabbing him and stuffing something hard and round in his mouth and securing it with straps around his head. He tried to fight but there was clearly more than just Shelly grabbing at him. The light came on and he was immediately thrown down on the bed. Shelly lay down across his chest keeping him from sitting up, or from getting a good look at who else was in the room. While he may not have known who they were he did know what they were doing as he felt his pants pulled off followed by his underwear. "Oh my God, look at that tiny little thing." Ambrose murmured into the thing that they had stuffed in his mouth but found while it seemed to be hollow allowing him to breathe, or even stick his tongue out of his mouth, closing his lips or speaking was impossible. "There is no way I would waste mt time with that puny little thing, I would just leave even hornier than I started." Shelly could barely finish saying that before she burst out laughing. Ambrose had never really felt self conscious about the size of his penis before; it was six inches when hard, that was supposed to be average right? "Well let's hide that useless little finger of skin,"one of the other girls chimed in. Next Ambrose felt something being pulled up his legs, they had to lift his ass and hips off the bed to get it in place but in doing so it gave him a massive wedgie. Once that was in place he felt the girls all let go of his legs and finally Shelly got up off his chest. Ambrose sat up and stopped dead, he knew all the girls in the room. He couldn't remember any of their names aside from Shelly but he remembered their faces. These were all the girls he had claimed to have had sex with over the last few months; there was anal girl, handcuff girl, doggie style, and of course Shelly. Shelly was poking at his phone still. "Now I know I said I was going to add my number to your phone but it seems I got into the settings by mistake, I wasn't sure what Auto-lock was so I turned it off." So that was why she could still access the phone even though it should have locked itself in the time it took for them to strip him of his pants. Recalling the thing they had tugged up his legs he looked down at himself to find his bulge now filling a lace covered pouch of black material that looked like satin. Panties, and from the wedgie he was feeling they were thong panties at that. Ambrose looked back to the girls mumbling into his gag that they should give him back his pants and he was leaving but as soon as he was looking at them he heard the click of the camera from his phone. "I had accidentally deleted the other picture but I think I like this one even better." This was met by a round of giggles from the girls as Ambrose reached behind his head and tried to undo the straps holding this gag in his mouth. There was a buckle there which he couldn't manage trying to operate it blindly behind his head. One of the girls grabbed his arm and seeing the futility of fighting four girls further Ambrose let her guide his hand back to his side, placing it on the bed. "Can we get on with it now?" one of the other girls demanded. "Yes, we don't have a lot of time, and people are bound to want to use this room." Shelly set the phone down on the dresser beside her but made sure to keep herself between it and Ambrose. "Now do you recognize my friends here?" Ambrose nodded. "You've been claiming to have sex with all of them, but you haven't, have you?" Ambrose shook his head. "If I hadn't brought you up here tomorrow you would have still been saying you had sex with me, wouldn't you?" Ambrose knew this answer was going to get him in trouble but she had clearly figured out his methods so he nodded again. "Well you had your fun, so tonight we are going to have a little fun of our own." The impatient one was speaking again, Ambrose was pretty sure she was Doggie Style, or at least that was how he claimed she liked it. Handcuffs went under the bed and pulled out a black plastic shopping bag, She reached into it and pulled out a black dress that looked like leather. "You are going to look so pretty in this." Ambrose wanted to run, he wanted to get away but looking around he didn't even see where the girls had put his pants, and he certainly wasn't about to run out in just these thong panties the girls had put on him. "Stand up," Doggie Style ordered him. Ambrose was going to have to play along and hopefully once they got their laughs he could get his pants and his phone back and sneak out of here. At least none of the other girls had their phones out, the only pictures seemed to be taken on his, they couldn't send the pictures to themselves without giving him their phone numbers. Even if they deleted their information his cell carrier would still be able to find out who had been texted. They wrapped the dress around him, it seemed to zip up in the back, and there were a couple straps with buckles that went around the waist, pulling it tight against his stomach as they were buckled in the back. As they fidgeted with securing him into this dress he took stock of it. It was low cut in the chest but not strapless so he would have a hard time just slipping out of it, those buckles in the middle of his back would be even harder than the one securing his gag in place. The skirt was short too, really short, it didn't even half cover his thighs. While Handcuffs and Anal did him up in the back Doggie Style was standing between him and the door and of course Shelly had his phone out again and was taking a couple more pictures. "Hey girls, your faces are in shot." Shelly warned and Ambrose felt them reposition themselves before Shelly took the next picture, it looked like he wouldn't even have any pictures with their faces to identify them from. After they got him into the dress Anal went back to the bag, which looked like it still had a couple things left in it, and produced a pair of black high heeled shoes. The girls pushed Ambrose onto the bed so they could jam his feet into the shoes and wind the straps around his ankles before securing them with more buckles. Doggie Style left the door and climbed onto the bed behind Ambrose. She reached around and grabbed him by the jaw. "Now hold yourself very still." Ambrose obeyed as Anal and Handcuffs were now brandishing make-up kits. He let Doggie Style hold his face steady as they painted his eyelids with a myriad of shades, and then even glued a set of huge fake eyelashes onto him, while Shelly continued to document the process with occasional photos. After his eyes were done Handcuffs got up in his face. "You wouldn't want anyone to walk in on you right now would you?" Ambrose shook his head. "So when I undo your gag for a moment you aren't going to say anything are you?" Again he shook his head. "Remember not one sound." Ambrose had suspected why she wanted to ungag him and was disappointed to find he was right when Anal raised a tube of ruby coloured lipstick to his mouth. Showing him how to hold his mouth open while she painted his lips. In this time he got a good look at the gag, it was simply a ring of what looked like hard plastic attached to a pair of straps. Once his lips were finished Anal picked up the ring gag. "Open wide." Ambrose hesitated a moment, he really did not want that back in his mouth but when Doggie Style's hand slipped from cupping his jaw to grabbing his throat he thought better of his resistance and allowed himself to be gagged again. "Hey Ambrosia." Ambrose recognized Shelly's intent with the feminie version of his name and looked to her. "Stick your tongue as far out of that ring as you can." He certainly did not want to do that but what else could he do, he'd already allowed himself to be dragged into this, pun not intended. He found he could stick in out what felt like a long way, but even looking down he could not see the lip of his tongue. The click of the camera was another expected but unwelcome reminder of their control over him. Shelly went back to the bag and pulled out something else. She turned the front of the packaging to him and showed him a female model sporting head of curly brown hair, the package described it as 'Starlet Brunette Wig.' She removed the wig from its package and handed it to Handcuffs who put it on him and fluffed it. "Oh Ambrosia, aren't you so pretty?" she cooed. Ambrose shook his head, he didn't want to be pretty, he didn't want to be here in this dress or this make-up and certainly not this wig. He had just wanted to hook up with a hot chick like Shelly and have a story to tell the guys. "No? You don't think you're pretty? Hey 'Shelly', show him how pretty he is." The way she had said Shelly's name Ambrose could literally hear the air quotes in her inflection, clearly Shelly wasn't even her real name. But real name or not she was holding his phone out so he could see the newest photo of himself, like it or not he did look pretty. He looked kind of like a real girl if you didn't look too close at his jawline, or at the lack of breasts in his dress, but even recognizing himself as a guy he looked like a pretty boy. Rather than let himself sink in despair though Ambrose saw his opportunity and grabbed the phone from Shelly's hand. Shelly was still holding on though as the two tugged back and forth over the device. Ambrose tried to get his thumb on the power button to close the phone, if he could get to that they wouldn't be able to take any more pictures because they would not have his password, and no matter what they threatened no matter what they did to him there was no way he would give it to them or unlock the phone himself, if only he could press the button. Anal and Handcuffs were grabbing at his arms trying to pull them free as Doggie Style was trying to pull him backward away from Shelly, her hand still locked around his throat. It was getting hard to breathe through the girl's grip and Shelly seemed to have realized what Ambrose was going for and hand her hand covering the top of the phone, there was no way he would be able to press the button without getting the phone away from her. Ambrose was just starting to realize the futility of trying to wrestle the phone away from four girls when Doggie Style decided to make use of her other hand, not around his neck like the first one but it went straight up his dress and grabbed a handful of his balls. When she started to squeeze there all fight went out of him. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." Even through his gag he could manage to make that sound. "Let go of the phone," Shelly demanded and when he did not comply fast enough she demanded again, "Let go." He let go and Handcuffs and Anal let go of him as well leaving just Doggie Style with her grip on his throat and his junk although she was not squeezing anymore, just holding on. Ambrose felt Doggie Style pressing against his back and heard her voice right in his ear. "Have you been a bad girl?" He shook his head, even dressed the way he was he was not about to refer to himself as a girl, not even by proxy. The grip tightened around his balls, squeezing like she was trying to wring the juice out of an orange. Ambrose couldn't stop himself from crying out in pain but the ring gag muffled those to intelligible noise. "Don't make me rip that tiny little thing off you. Now I'll ask you again, have you been a bad girl?" Seeing no other choice Ambrose nodded. The girls all squealed with laughter for a moment. "Hang on, hang on." Shelly quieted them down. She waved Doggie Style out of the way as she raised Ambrose's phone and levelled it at him. "Hey Ambrosia, have you been a bad girl?" It didn't take a genius to figure out she was filming him but he didn't really have another option. He nodded. "Does the bad girl deserve a spanking?" He shook his head, no spankings. He hadn't been spanked since he was six years old. "No, well since you are a bad girl you have two choices, you can either take your spanking like a bad girl or we can try to help you be a better girl. Now I'll ask you again Ambrosia, does the bad girl want a spanking?" He shook his head again, even something else, anything else but not spanking. "So you want to learn to be a good girl?" He didn't want that at all but it had to be better than getting a spanking, so he nodded. "Well let's give you some girly practice, get up off the bed." Ambrose tried to stand but with everything else that had happened he had forgotten about the high heels they had put on him. He lost his balance as he stood and fell back on his ass on the bed. "Come on, get up, good girls don't spend all their time on their backs." He put his hands on the bed and managed to lift himself up into a standing position. "Now show us how good a girl you can be, show us how well you walk in those heels." Ambrose hung his head. This was not going to be good. He struggled to maintain his balance as he walked to the closet, taking a cue from the fact that all four girls stood between him and the door. These shoes were strange to walk in, the heels were so high and were needle thin, it was like trying to walk on his tiptoes, which was not something he had ever done before. After stumbling to the closet he turned around and walked back toward Shelly who still had the camera on him. He didn't imagine it looked very good, and he certainly didn't feel steady on his feet. Once he got back to the bed he sat down again, he hoped that was good enough for them. The other girls all had their hands over their mouths stifling laughter, but somehow Shelly maintained her composure, at least until she jabbed a finger at the phone and lowered it. Then all four of them allowed themselves a bout of wild laughter. "Oh Ambrosia." Handcuffs cackled. "That was horrible!" "Not a very good girl at all," Doggie Style agreed. "Well if our Ambrosia isn't a good girl then I guess we were right to begin with, she is a bad girl," Shelly concluded with a shrug. "Kneel on the bed, eyes closed." Ambrose turned on the bed and got up on his knees. He heard one of the girls rustling with the plastic bag again. "Arms out in front of you." Ambrose didn't recognize their voices enough to be sure who was talking, but he was sure it wasn't Shelly. When he felt metal on his wrists he realized who it was and what she had just done to him. Handcuffs. He felt a shove in the middle of his back pushing him forward. Instinctively he put his hands down to catch himself. "Stay just like that Ambrosia." His mind was spinning as he felt the girls slip something else over each of his feet. Something that they pulled tight around his ankles. But there was something else that was bothering him, something he couldn't place about his situation that made him even more uncomfortable than the situation itself already did. Even though he was still keeping his eyes closed Ambrose could hear the regular click of his phones camera circling him, and he felt a few times whatever it was that had been put over his feet tugged against him, followed by a tug on the chain of the handcuffs they had put on him. After just a little more of whatever they were doing he heard Shelly speak again, "All right Ambrosia, you can open your eyes now." His head was still hanging but he could see a rope was now looped around the chain of his handcuffs which must have also been what they secured to his ankles. He tugged on each rope in turn and found they were all secure. There was even a rope running backward between his legs from his cuffs he could only stay in this position on his hands and knees on the bed, and at that moment it hit him, this was the position a woman would be in while having sex doggie style! "Well Ambrosia, I think we are pretty much done here, I think after tonight we don't have to worry about you going around spreading rumours about girls do we?" As she was talking Doggie Style had walked around to the bedside table and turned on the lamp. In response Handcuffs turned off the overhead light in the room leaving only the much dimmer light source. "But as it happens there is someone else spreading rumours tonight. There is someone downstairs right now, talking about how he met this little freak of a girl who wanted to be tied up and fucked by as many different men as possible, men she had never even met before." Anal was over by the bedside table now pulling the last item out of the black back and putting a huge bottle of lubricant down. "She said she didn't want to get pregnant but her ass and her mouth were fair game. Shelly approached him, still poking at his phone. "Let's hope they don't happen to look at the new photos that got uploaded from your phone to your facebook tomorrow and recognize the 'girl' they fucked." As proof she showed him the facebook application open on his phone and all the pictures she had taken tonight, right there for everyone he knew to see. Even the video of him trying to walk in those high heels. Shelly put the phone down on the nightstand and the girls walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Immediately Ambrose started frantically tugging on his bonds, looking for one point of weakness. His feet seemed to be tied independently to the two legs on that side of the bed, while he could move either leg more toward the outside he could not move either toward the middle. The rope that attached to the chains of his handcuffs was looped over the chain, whatever knot held it closed was on the other end of the loop. As he struggled he heard the door open. "Hey bro!" It was a guy! Not someone he knew but still a guy. Then another guy's voice, "Looks like what we heard was true." The first voice sounded like your typical west coast accent, "I'll flip you for it, heads I take the head, tails I get the tail." Ambrose tried to plead with them but the ring gag in his mouth muffled that into a wordless cry.

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Out and About

Me and the girlfriend were out for a walk, it was a glorious day and as usual I was horny as hell. We have always loved sex outdoors so decided to find a nice empty field in which to fuck. A perfect spot was soon found and we stretched out on the cool grass.My girlfriend is a real beauty, far too good for me really, with long slim legs, nice small tits, and a gorgeous arse. We got straight down to business, kissing passionately and running our hands over each others bodies whilst stripping off...

4 years ago
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My wife on the porch part twenty five

Sara wore the white see-through dress to the restaurant with no underwear on and she looked amazing. Both Pat and I had erections the whole night as I’m sure our waiter did as well. We got home around nine-thirty and as soon as we walked in the front door Pat pulled at her zipper. “Pat, what are you doing?” Sara asked. “Naked as soon as you get home, babe, remember,” Pat answered, “I’m just helping you get naked.” Within five seconds her dress was at her ankles and she stepped out of it. Pat...

4 years ago
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Ujjaval And Friends

Hi, this is a sex story where I am going to describe my wonderful sex experiences with my friends – Harsh, Manav, Shiv and Ujjaval. For the introduction, I am average fat. Harsh is darkish in complexion, Ujjaval is stud boy fit and very tall. Manav is the sexiest of all the gym hunk with a body better than Hulk and Thor combined! Now, one day all of us were at my place for a night out, we watched movies and we all had slept. Me, Manav and Shiv in one bed and Ujjaval, Harsh in another room in 1...

Gay Male
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Working at the Human Milk Factory

      I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...

1 year ago
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Christmas Angel1

However, the coming Friday was Christmas. Instead of celebrating, she would spend the day sleeping late, enjoying a TV dinner, while watching one of her old taped movies, like “Gone with the Wind.” Or so she thought, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her mother. She was calling to invite Melinda to come home for Christmas, after all she was only forty miles away. As usual, mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “But Mom, I don’t feel like celebrating, it brings back too many...

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Aunty Chala Hot

Na peru rohit sharma nenu hyd lo untanu na email id: nenu oka chinna office lo pani chestunnanu a office lo muggaru matrame untamu nenu inka aunty inka ma sir untaru ma sir eppudu office bayate tirugutuntadu andu valana nenu aunty matrame untamu. nenu aunty chala close ga untamu. aunty vayasu 30 untundi inka aunty chudadaniki chala baguntundi auny husband eppudu bussiness pani mida travel chestu untadu. oka sari aunty bayataki vellindi appudu nenu internet open chesi xxx sites open chesi...

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Jay also recalled earlier in the morning, before he left for work, when his mother gave him his usual morning blowjob, followed by Jay fucking her from behind in the shower. This had become fairly routine for them after Jay’s father had run off a couple of years ago, leaving Jay’s mother in need of a man around the house. Again, no problem for Jay. But while Jay loved having an anal-sex-crazy girlfriend AND a free use mother at home, that isn’t what prompted Jay’s arrogant smirk as he pulled...

3 years ago
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Caught by my sister and her friend 8

We collected our clothes from our rooms at Kate's house and mom and dad drove Susan and I home, the trip was silent until we got home and mom and dad revealed that we were to share a room as they had moved grandad into Susan's so they could look after him. Susan and I showered in turn and put our PJ's on, we said goodnight to our parents and headed off to bed, once in the room we both stripped off, having experienced sleeping naked at Kate's we wern't about to go back and besides we had seen...

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Allisons New Life Ch 10

That Friday, for the first time Roger invited Allison back to his place, apparently his roommate was gone for the night doing something with his family… she couldn’t really think of a polite way to turn him down since he told her he wanted to skip the movie so that they could finally make love on his bed. At least she managed to get out of spending the night, telling him that she’d promised Diana some girl time after their date… she had a feeling that she’d be desperately needing that girl time...

4 years ago
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The PiperChapter 12

Deb was ready with a warm washcloth, cleaning my cock then sucking me until, I was hard again. Ronnie was lying beside me, her right hand resting on my chest as she nibbled at my lips. “Ronnie, I need my new girl to sit on my cock and fuck me like her sister just did. As soon as Connie pointed you out to me - playing third base - I wanted your sexy ass. Now, you’ve helped us fuck your sister and it’s your turn to get some cock for your first time.” “I am so ready for you, Lucien. This has...

4 years ago
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She Was Mine 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS user, this is my first story that i have attempted. Hope it is good enough to guide your hands on sex. Girls! rub or grind your pussies, that’s your choice. please! make my emails flooded with your feedback and suggestions () Cool breeze after a scorching daylight, gave me a chill of satisfaction on my manhood. well, it was tired of its regular mechanic to release its sticky, salty antidote. even in the dusk, i could see her nudity gleaming in the bed. every time i stare at her...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Eva Lovia Lily Labeau Dark Mirror

Wanting to get away for the weekend Lily Labeau & Eva Lovia rent a cabin for a romantic getaway. The girls can’t believe how beautiful the vacation house is: they can’t help but explore it. The master bedroom is big enough for all their naughty plans. When Eva eyes the mirror in the corner of the room, there’s something about it that just weird her out immediately. She covers it with a blanket and sits on the bed. Lily takes the opportunity to immediately tease her, as she...

1 year ago
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The Educated And Rich Maid 8211 Part 2

Hi all, Let me continue from the last Part 1 of my true sex story. If you have not read or forgotten the 1st part then please read it first, so that you get the context. If you like this true and amazing story of romance, seduction, and sex then please do send me your kind feedback to () For any personal suggestion, advice, appreciation or any information needed please feel free to email me. One morning Nandita told me that a letter has come to her home for the Parents Meeting from the...

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The Salon Assistant Part 2

After I finished tidying up the salon Becky ushered me out with an air kiss and a pat on my rear. "Hurry up sweetie or you'll be late for your bus. I'll call you at some point during the week to get all your details and agree your pay and stuff." I left and started to make my way, slowly, towards the bus stop. My head was in a fog of confusion with what had just happened to me. Yesterday I was an awkward, unemployed, teenage boy with an unruly explosion of curls on his head and today I...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 010 A Unique Shade Of Violet

That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now.  It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it.  He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going.   It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly.  He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now.  Just the...

Oral Sex
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White Familys Future

White Family Future!TJ Ryder OBEAH Tribal council in the new state of Zululand concluded their business and was preparing for the evening's entertainment. The all black and mostly maleaudience was joking and laughing and being served drinks as they sat in a circle of chairs around the wooden dance floor.The Tribal chieftain wearing traditional robes smiled at tonight's program. Javonne Williams, ex NFL superstar pointed to the pictureof one of the...

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Its My PartyChapter 87

Time: Thursday, May 14, 2019 7:31 PM Aggie frowned as the elevator wall behind her slid aside. Her carriage was opening into a very small and unlit space, even smaller than the carriage. There was at least one piece of good news though. Her audio and visual links were still active. After discussing her plan with her group, Aggie gathered her gear and left the carriage, leaving one backpack to block the door from closing. A moment’s inspection revealed an apparent dead end. The outside of...

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The Blind Date BluesChapter 3

George was a happy, happy man. His prick was lodged so deeply in Sam's throat that he knew if he shot off now his cum would splash right into her stomach. The first time he'd cum she'd pulled almost off, and let his spunk fill up her mouth. Then she ran her mouth up and down his rod, leaving it covered with sperm. She'd gulped twice and then started licking the slippery treat off his cock while he stared in amazement. She'd gone back to deep throating him, and he'd stayed hard. Now he...

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PE Teacherrsquos Physical Part 1

Keith Wilson was 47, married with 2 sons at University, and the PE Teacher at the local school and it was time for a full physical examination. He went about my normal day and headed for the gym about 4:30pm to meet the Doctor. The local doctor was Mike Hardy, a married man in his late thirties with short cropped brown hair and a beard, who had come home to join his father's medical practice after he had finished medical school and working in a city hospital.He was waiting outside the gym main...

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StreetBlowJobs Chelsea Jade Catch My Cum

This cutie approached me near the train station and told me that she just left all her stuff on the train. She left her phone and purse on the train and had no money or credit cards on her. She borrowed my phone to call the trains customer service. They told her she could try to get her stuff after 8 pm. In the mean time, I told her she could come hang out with me. She hesitated at first, but finally decided to come back with me to my hotel room. Soon after, she was undressing and revealing her...

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LISA 2 Les Love2

LISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeI will also host my best girlfriend from here at my home, finally she is not afraid anymore to meet meI will...

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The Yes Man part 4

Well here we go, perhaps I need to change my outlook on life, perhaps I should explain, I had just read the Yes Man by Danny Wallace, and it made me think did I said Yes very often, the answer of course was No. I did not want to fly all over the world, but I wondered if I should say yes more often? Well it is over 2 months since I took Kelly to University and I thought I would update you on what has happened since then. The Tuesday after that weekend, as I promised Sally (our best friend...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 261 My Parents Are Away

Will Molly follow his instructions or think she knows better? It was almost my birthday when I finally came home from the hospital with Molly. I found that my parents had planned out a pretty good vacation. They were taking a transatlantic cruise out from Florida to Denmark. From there, they would tour Europe, staying and eating at Elena’s family properties. I tried not to laugh when they said they were spending two nights at this bed and breakfast near Toledo. I showed them where to find...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

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Just A Simple Trip

I am sitting on the floor in the airport concourse as I write this. Just as I arrived home the airport shut down due to a bomb scare. I asked one Lady Security officer what was up, she told me there might be a bomb in the building. No one can leave! I thought about that, now IF there really was a bomb, wouldn’t they want to get us out quickly? When it became obvious that they weren’t going to let us go, I sat down and flipped open my laptop. I don’t know what made me decide to take a quick...

2 years ago
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My Life is better as a girl

I could seem to keep a GF for very long and again had to pay for everything alone , end of month was a source of stress i couldn't shove off my headI was alone watching Netflix and getting drunk on a friday night I got horny and decided i would cum in her panty she left behind when she quit melooking for the bag she never came to pickupi took her little panty in my hand, the smooth cloth making me feel good around my cock as i strokeshe left 3 pir and i dont know why nut i felt the need of...

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A chance meeting with an old friend

Donna was in town doing a bit of shopping and getting her nails done, I'd arranged to collect her after a couple of hours and I was at the point as she walked towards me talking to another lady. Apparently this other girl and her used to work together 25 years ago, she was quite tidy, 5'2", brown hair, super slim, probably too thin for her shape.As they got to the car Donna said "This is Paula we used to work together, she's coming up for a catch up", "Ok" I said as they both got in. As I drove...

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Dont Bring me Flowers

My partner sent me out to the pub to join my mate and watch the football.She was going to be busy on the phone anyway,talking sex with other guys,she said she might even do a bit of camming for them if she could be arsed.I knew she would though,it was wednesday and her favourite cock would be on there,big Dave was his name.Every wednesday he would b there with his nine inch thick cock and a knob she said looked like ther head of a lump hammer.She would say it was just her job but i knew that...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 22

I walk over to my car and look inside. There is a pair of the leather cuffs on my seat with a note. I open the note. I feel myself getting wet. If this was any other time or from someone I know I would be scared. I read the note. I SAW YOUR ACTS OF KINDNESS. YOU WILL BE REWARDED FOR THAT. YOU ARE A GOOD FRIEND TO HER. I look around the parking lot and slip in to my car. I sit there for a few minutes and touch the cuffs. I slip up one of my pant legs up and place the cuff on my ankle. I look...

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Stormy Night In The Bronx

My weekend started out real shitty. My boss called on Friday night and asked me to come in Saturday for a few hours. He said the computer system crashed, and it had to be up and running by morning for the weekend crew. He told me to come in Saturday, get the system up and running for the weekend crew. Well that just sucked. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work this weekend. Driving to work at 5:30 am on a Saturday morning heading for the chemical plant was not what I had in mind for my...

3 years ago
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18 October 2008Chapter 6

Lisa was dozing lightly, a smile of satisfaction painted on her face. Dan got up from the bed and looked at John. He had a faraway stare into nothingness in his eyes. “It’s meant as a compliment, Lisa is a fantastic fuck,” Dan said. “I hope you’re enjoying your fantasy of her being fucked by another guy, I sure am!” “Uh, yeah, right, thanks, Dan. Lisa is always very loving.” John couldn’t help stare at the cock that had fucked his wife several times and she sure liked it. Then to have a...

1 year ago
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Impregnating Ivanka with third child

Ivanka's dad and I do not like each other, Ivanka and I have a son and daughter. The children live with her in New York. She joined forces with my company; Diamond Trading Company to design a line of jewelry and opened the brand's first flagship retail store in New York, aptly named Ivanka on Madison Avenue. She later released her own line of handbags and footwear. She is a businessperson and Fashion Model and wealthy on her own. We dated off and on in 2009, our daughter was born in 2011...

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Mom8217s One Night Stand After The Party

Hello ISS readers. I am Rohit, 22, male from Chennai. The details and characteristics of my mom said here are true but the erotic happenings are fictional. Kindly read the story and enjoy it. The story is about my mom. My family consists of 3 members – dad, mom and me. Dad is a marine engineer. So it’s rare to see him at home for 7-8 months in a year. Now getting into the story. My mom’s name is Aishwarya. She was 40 years old at the time of this incident (at present she’s 43). She’s a fair...

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Forced Mistake

Mina was bored. Her parents were gone on another business trip, and classes had just ended for the term. If she was like her friends she would try to get a job, or go to the beach or even hang out at the mall and shops. But no, Mina was at home, bored and frustrated. By choice. Mostly. By mistake really. A mistake she forced on herself. Mark brought Ruth over for the first time just before spring break. She was a decent girl, pretty enough. But Mina was instantly jealous of girl. Her father...

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The Hostage Chapter Three

Martin was two weeks shy of graduation from West Point when he had to flyback to Chicago to attend his father's funeral. Martin, Sr. had passedaway suddenly from a severe embolism in his brain. Martin stayed with hismother, Janina, for a few days after the funeral, and then they flew backtogether for his graduation.During the few days he spent in Chicago, he and his mother had a visitor.It was Janina's uncle, her father's brother, from Saudi Arabia. They wereboth shocked to see him because...

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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 9

I was resting myself on Anju’s shoulder while she was resting herself on the wall. We were both under the shower and my tired cock was touching her ass. We were both tired and there was a satisfying smile on my face. There were moans coming from the room; Mausam was moaning loudly but I didn’t care much and stayed there with Anju. Slowly, the moans were getting softer and Anju turned towards me. She looked so happy and satisfied. She kissed me and then we cleaned ourselves. While cleaning, we...

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