Indiscretions Ch. 05 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter five

Mitch stopped at the diner after work the second day in a row. Any questions he might have had about how Bonnie felt about his doing that were answered by the big smile she flashed him when he walked in. Bonnie was the only one visible in the diner, which didn’t surprise Mitch, given the fact that it was fairly late. He wondered where the waitress was.

He took a seat on one of the stools and Bonnie came over. Today she was wearing a snug-fitting denim skirt that buttoned down the front, a white T-shirt, and a paisley vest.

‘Hi, Mitch,’ she said, flushing faintly. ‘What are you having tonight?’

‘Hi, Bonnie,’ Mitch replied. ‘Bacon cheeseburger, onion rings, and a cola. Where’s your help?’

‘Cindy’s out back, cleaning up the dishes,’ Bonnie told him. She put the burger patty and bacon on the grille, then got Mitch’s soda and put it in front of him. ‘I have to close up tonight,’ she said.

‘Oh?’ Mitch replied. That wasn’t the news he wanted to hear.

‘My husband’s sick in bed,’ she said.

‘So you’re stuck here until midnight?’ Mitch said, sipping of his cola.

Bonnie nodded. ‘I’m afraid so,’ she said. She looked at him a bit more carefully. ‘How come the sad look?’

‘I thought maybe I could see you again tonight,’ Mitch said.

‘Oh,’ Bonnie replied. She felt her face get hotter. ‘Ah…I…we…we really can’t tonight.’ She turned around and flipped his burger.

‘Would you mind if I stopped by for a cup of coffee near closing time?’ Mitch asked.

‘Ah…I…I guess that…it would be OK,’ Bonnie replied. She wanted to see Mitch again, but not in the diner. Why in hell did her husband have to be sick, anyhow? She finished Mitch’s order, put it on a plate, and set the plate in front of him.

Mitch ate his meal, drank a second soda, then he got up and walked to the cash register.

‘Cindy will be out of here by twelve-thirty,’ Bonnie said softly as she handed him his change. ‘I’ll leave the back door unlocked and keep some coffee on.’

‘I’ll see you,’ Mitch said. He took his change from Bonnie, letting his fingers caress her hand as he did.

A tingle raced up Bonnie’s arm when Mitch’s fingers touched her hand. ‘Damn!’ she thought, holding her hand to her chest, ‘I wish Bill wasn’t sick!’

Mitch went back to his apartment and watched TV. After the late news ended, he checked his watch and decided to walk to the diner.

‘See you tomorrow, Cindy,’ Bonnie said.

‘Good night, Bonnie,’ the waitress replied and headed for the door. Before she went out, Cindy stopped and turned. ‘Do you want me to come in early tomorrow, in case Mr.Markham’s till sick?’ she asked.

‘That might be a good,’ Bonnie said. ‘It’s liable to be busy tomorrow night.’ She glanced at the clock. It was twelve-thirty. She and Cindy had worked hard to get things cleaned up once the diner closed. Nothing remained to be done, except to wash the coffee maker, which still held a pot of coffee.

Cindy walked out the front door. Bonnie locked it behind her, then she turned out most of the lights in the dining area. The only light came from a neon light surrounding the big round clock on the wall.

‘Hi,’ Mitch said from the doorway between the dining area and the kitchen. He’d come in the back door just as Cindy was going out the front.

Bonnie, startled to hear his voice, turned and smiled. ‘Hi, Mitch,’ she said, brushing her hair nervously. ‘I left the coffee on. Want a cup?’

‘Sure,’ Mitch replied.

While Bonnie went to get the coffee, he walked around and closed the Venetian blinds on the diner’s windows.

‘What…what are you doing?’ Bonnie asked. She placed two heavy porcelain mugs full of steaming coffee on the counter, walked around in front of it and sat down on one of the stools.

‘I thought, maybe, a little privacy would be nice,’ Mitch said, finishing with the blind on the door. He started toward the stool where Bonnie sat and, as she gazed up at him, he bent and covered her lips with his.

Delight rushed through Bonnie when Mitch’s lips and hers joined. Her arms slid around his neck and she slipped her tongue into his mouth. She experienced additional thrills when Mitch’s tongue lashed hers. ‘God!’ she thought, ‘I wish Bill wasn’t home sick!’ Her fingers tangled in Mitch’s curly hair and she pressed her lips even tighter against his.

Mitch’s mind worked feverishly as he and Bonnie kissed. ‘I should have invited her to my place!’ he thought. ‘There’s no way in hell we can do anything here!’ He looked around, and a wild thought occurred to him. ‘Or is there?’

Bonnie, her eyes closed, felt Mitch’s lips leave hers, then he was lifting her in his arms. She opened her eyes and looked at his smiling face as he set her on the counter. ‘Mitch!’ she exclaimed when he sat down on a stool in front of her and began unbuttoning the buttons up the front of her skirt. ‘What do you think you’re you doing?’

‘I’m having a great time,’ Mitch replied. He got all of the buttons, including the one at her waist, undone and the skirt fell apart, baring Bonnie’s middle, which was covered only by a pair of panty hose. He slid his hands up and down Bonnie’s well-formed legs. ‘Do you mind?’

‘Mitch!’ Bonnie murmured. Thrills were rippling through her. ‘My God! This is crazy!!’ She couldn’t believe he was making love to her there, in the diner! When he began tugging her pantyhose down, she lifted her hips so he could get them off. Then she moaned softly as his hands slid lightly up and down the silken surfaces of her bared inner thighs.

‘Mitch…I…Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ she murmured. As his caresses continued, she found it more and more difficult to speak. She leaned back, her arms outstretched, to make it easier for him to touch her. Thinking about what she looked like sitting on the counter, nude from the waist down, only served to arouse her more.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!! Mitch!!!’ she moaned, her hips rocking, when he began sliding his fingers through her sopping-wet center. ‘Goddddddddddd!!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Oh, Please!!!’

Mitch, too, found making love in the diner a real turn-on. He still hadn’t quite figured out where they could actually get it on, but in the meantime, he knew what he was doing was turning Bonnie on. He slid a finger into her, heard her groan softly, and felt her hips begin moving even more ardently. Then he bent his head and began licking her clit.

Bonnie felt as if she was going to explode! She thought making love with Mitch in front of her house, on her car, had been the wildest experience she’d ever had, but this was even wilder. She couldn’t believe how wild he was making her feel with his lips, tongue and finger.

‘Mitch!!! Oh, God, Mitch!!! Oh, God!!!’ she wailed. The motions of her hips grew more and more fervent. ‘If…if you don’t stop doing that I’m…Oh, Goddddd!!!…I’m coming! Oh, Goddddd!!! Oh, yesssssssss!!!!! Yessssssssss!!!!! Yesssssssssssss!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ A shattering orgasm exploded through her.

Mitch halted his caresses once Bonnie’s orgasm ended. He stood up and held her against him as she calmed.

‘I don’t believe you…we…did that…here,’ Bonnie gasped, still weak from the force of the orgasm she’d experienced. ‘But…but what about you? Don’t you…you know…don’t you have to…?’

‘You can’t imagine how bad I need you,’ Mitch whispered. His cock felt so hard he was afraid it was going to tear the front out of his jeans. He shifted position a bit, to take the pressure of the stool off his swollen cock, and realized something. ‘Come down here,’ he said. He lifted Bonnie off the counter and sat her on a stool.

‘Mitch, now what are you doing?’ Bonnie asked when her bare buttocks came in contact with the shiny, cool vinyl covering of the stool.

Mitch quickly opened
his pants, shoved them down, and fished out his erect cock. He stepped between Bonnie’s legs, lifted one of them, and shoved his cock into her hot, rippling channel.

‘Mitch…I…Ohhhhhhh!!!! Godddddddd!’ Bonnie whimpered when she felt herself being filled by Mitch’s swollen organ. ‘I…Oh, God! I don’t believe this!’ Her back rubbed against the counter as Mitch lunged into her powerfully. This was every bit as wild as being eaten on the counter had been!

As Mitch jabbed his cock in and out of Bonnie, he pushed up her T-shirt and bra and began squeezing her breasts and rubbing his thumbs over her rigid nipples. He watched her face grow more and more flushed and felt the rippling in her snug channel become more and more pronounced.

Bonnie had never dreamed anything like this would happen to her. She had no idea it was possible to make love this way, or that it would feel so wonderful. ‘Mitch!!! Oh, God, Mitch!!!’ she moaned. ‘I…Oh, God!!! I’m there!!! I’m there!!! Am I ever!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!’ Her hips rocked, making the stool squeal in protest, and her hands clamped around Mitch’s biceps while she came and came and came.

‘Yeahhhhh, Baby!!! Oh, yeahhhhhh!!!!!’ Mitch groaned. He lunged against her even harder and his hot seed spouted from him, propelled by powerful spasms deep inside his body.

Mitch lowered himself onto a stool next to Bonnie and spent, they clung to each other desperately. After a few moments, Bonnie raised her head and looked at Mitch. ‘I…I don’t believe we did that!’ she gasped.

‘Was it good for you?’ Mitch asked.

‘Do…do you have to ask?’ Bonnie replied. ‘I…I’ve never, ever felt anything that wonderful! Ever!’ She tightened her arms around him and kissed him passionately.

All of a sudden, there was a loud knocking at the door. Bonnie and Mitch stiffened and stared at each other, wide-eyed. Both of them apparently had the same thought.

‘Bill…’ Bonnie gasped.

‘Your…your husband…’ Mitch croaked.

‘Is anybody in there?’ a loud male voice said, ‘This is the Jamestown Police.’

‘The…the police?’ Bonnie stammered. She was desperately struggling to get her clothes back in shape.

‘I’ll be out back,’ Mitch said. He tugged his pants up and dashed for the kitchen.

Bonnie walked to the door and peered out through the blinds. Two police officers were standing there. She unlocked the front door and opened it slightly. ‘Yes, officers?’ she said.

‘We’re just doing our nightly business check, ma’am,’ the older of the officers said. ‘And we noticed your blinds were closed.’

‘Oh,’ Bonnie replied. She could feel herself blushing. ‘I…I was just cleaning up after we closed.’

‘We thought we better check, ma’am,’ the officer said. ‘We’ve advised your husband to keep the blinds open, so we can see everything’s OK when we make our foot patrols.’

‘Of course,’ Bonnie said. ‘I…I forgot. I’ll be leaving in a few minutes anyhow, I’ll make sure they’re open before I do.’

‘OK, ma’am,’ the officer said. ‘You sure everything’s all right?’

‘Everything’s fine,’ Bonnie said. ‘I’ll be leaving in a few minutes, and I’ll make sure the blinds are open. Thank you for checking.’

‘You’re welcome, ma’am,’ the officer said. He and his partner waited until Bonnie locked the door, then turned and started walking away. Before she joined Mitch in the kitchen, she opened all the blinds again.

While Bonnie was having her conversation with the cops, Mitch was looking around the kitchen. In the middle sat a large, sturdy stainless steel prep table. He searched the cupboards and found a table cloth, which he spread out on the table. Then he stripped his clothes off and laid down on it, grinning.

Bonnie walked into the kitchen and discovered that Mitch had come up with yet another exciting surprise for her. Smiling, she walked across the kitchen until she was standing next to him, then she bent over his middle and began licking and sucking his swollen organ.

Delight swept over Mitch. All he could do was grab the edge of the table, hang on, and watch Bonnie’s head bob up and down his thickening pole. After a while, she let the fleshy pole slide out of her mouth and grinned at him, her eyes aflame. Then she bent her head and took him back in her mouth once more.

Mitch watched his cock disappear once again into Bonnie’s mouth. While she sucked him, she squeezed his balls in ways they’d never been squeezed before. In a little while he was as turned on as he’d ever been. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!’ he groaned. His hips arched upward.

‘You really like that, don’t you?’ he heard Bonnie say.

Once more her mouth engulfed his cock. She took more of him into her oral opening than he believed possible. He’d never been deep-throated before! It was unbelievable! Her teeth brushed the veined surface of his rod and that felt wonderful, too!

Bonnie seemed to know just when he was about to come, because when she had him at the point where it felt like he was going to explode, she backed off. After letting him calm a bit, she started all over again, playing with him, teasing him, giving him a level of pleasure he never dreamed possible.

‘Enough of this,’ she murmured finally, her voice thick.

Mitch’s eyes were closed and skyrockets of joy were exploding in his mind. He couldn’t watch what she was doing, not if he wanted to keep from coming!

Bonnie’s mouth left his cock and he heard the table creak as she got on it. Her leg slid over him, then once more his cock sank into her warmth and wetness.

Mitch gazed up at Bonnie. Her face was flushed and slack with passion and she looked even more alluring than she had earlier. Her hips moved and his cock lashed around inside her. She leaned forward, supporting herself on her outstretched arms. Her breasts swung toward his face, nipples protuberant.

Mitch lifted his head and began lashing the extended tips of Bonnie’s breasts with his tongue, first one nipple, then the other.

‘Oh, yessssssss!!!!’ Bonnie bawled. The movements of her hips grew more clamorous. ‘God, Mitch, it feels so wild when you do that!’

Mitch arched his back, shoving his cock as far into her as he could get it. The table rocked and creaked as they rode out their passion on it.

‘That’s it!!! Harder!!! Harder!!! Give it to me!!!’ Bonnie groaned, bouncing up and down on him. ‘I’m going to come!!! I’m going to come again!!! Yesssssssssssss!!!! Yesssssssssss!!!! Now!!! Now!!! Now!!! Now!!! Now!!! Yessssssssssssssssss!!!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Nowwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!’

‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Yeahhhhh!!!!!!’ Mitch cried and, his hips jolting, he exploded into Bonnie again.

Afterward, Bonnie lay on top of him for a few minutes. Then she moved and his softening cock slipped from her.

‘Ohhh!!! You’re not hard any more!’ she giggled. She pushed herself erect, then slid off him and sat on the edge of the table.

Mitch sat up and turned so he was sitting next to her. He put his arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. ‘I hope I was good for you,’ he said.

‘You have no idea how good you were!’ Bonnie replied. She reached down between his legs and gave his limp organ a tender squeeze. ‘You were incredible!’ She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I guess we ought to get going, huh?’ she said.

‘Yeah, I guess so,’ Mitch agreed.

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 17

One call I had almost forgotten to make was to Mario Echeveria, the manager of my hotel in San Antonio, the River Center Marriot. “Mister McCoy! How wonderful to hear from you again! Are you coming to...” “Mario, it’s Jack unless I have done something to piss you off. Anyway, listen, I don’t have time for games today. I will be there in a couple of hours but, in the meantime, I need you to work with a man named Tomas LaGrenade, he is supposed to be contacting you shortly. He will explain...

2 years ago
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It all started out erotic enoughhellip

My wife, Teresa, and I have always been very sexual with each other and had built up a trust in each other that allowed us to talk openly about our fantasies. Although we had never involved anyone else up until this point, we had many times explored our voyeuristic side and even talked about inviting one of her old flames to join us for a weekend. I changed jobs about a year and a half ago and found a new friend. He happened to be my boss and was the same age as my wife and me. Being from out...

3 years ago
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Anya Ch 03

When I returned to Anya’s room a few hours later, she was still writing. She stood up from her desk immediately and came to kneel at my feet, hugging my knees as had become her ritual. ‘I see you have been writing,’ I said. ‘Yes Sir.’ ‘Let me see.’ Anya passed me a small black book. I sat down to read as she knelt at my feet. Dear Sir, This is my first diary entry. I hope it meets with your approval. I have been very excited to become your girl… not sure if I should consider myself your...

1 year ago
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My Baby Sister Part I

Read The Prologue first! My Baby Sister : Part I 2 years had past since I had made the pact with my younger sister to see if our incestrual feelings were real, or just a heat of the moment spur. I hadn't thought about it in a good 7 months, the first 17 however, I thought about it every day, waiting for my sister to bleed, and run into my room announcing her love for me and us being together forever. I masterbated frequently to the thought of her tight pussy, wrapped around my...

2 years ago
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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 11 The Traveler

It was early evening, as The Traveler pulled up to Alex Chatris' home and the outside lights came on. He pushed the bell and the intercom near the entryway said, "It's open. Please come in." He opened the door to a dimly lit foyer, and Alex called to him, "I'm in here, off to your left." He turned that way and from behind him, two large, young men came and walked him into the room. "Please stand right there," she said. She was pointing a shotgun at him from about ten feet away....

3 years ago
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The mission was simple, drop and set up a choke point twenty kilometers from the colony port city. No one and nothing was to get past us and we were to hold at all cost. The port city was in a valley and the narrow pass was the only way in. Normal colony ports are protected from raiders or high flyers by automated defenses so they could not land their ships. The closest place would be down the pass another ten kilometers. I thought we were the only ones here since we had been briefed that the...

2 years ago
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Mouse had taken to dancing in her panties and socks. Her shoulder-length hair - fine, yet a nondescript, easily forgettable shade of brown - whipped around her head and got caught in her glasses. But she kept going, arms and legs flailing wildly yet not without a sense of design. It was as if she were moving to some bright vision of grace in her mind that her body couldn't keep up with. Lamb was watching her from his studio window, drawn at first by the music, but then he found himself...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Violet Girls With Snake Tattoos Always Take it in the Ass

This week we’ve got another waitress coming to sit on the couch. She’s 23 and honestly a cool ass chick. One of those girls you could kick it and talk a bunch of shit with. She almost reminds me of this girl my homie used to date when I was a young buck. I never got to bang that girl and it always kinda bugged me. So this is the next best thing for me. She’s pretty easy going, and happy to answer our questions on the couch, but she’s a little hesitant when she realizes she’s gotta get naked and...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Virgin Aunty 8211 Part I

Hey everyone this is Miles(it’s my real nick name), I’m 20 year old and I live in Hyderabad, A.P This is my first story, it happen about 10 days ago, with both of my aunties(mom’s lil sisters), the younger one ( Su is her nick name) is about 5 years older than me and have a body of a goddess with 32-26-30 figure with fair skin and eyes like heaven, su n i were very close to each other we were like best friends,the older AUNTY farath was 7 years older than me with average body but same skin...

4 years ago
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I Made My Mamis Sister My Whore

Hi this is Suhail Khan. I am here with continuation of my previous story “my first encounter with mami”. Let me come straight to the incident now. After that day i use to fuck mami daily at night and 3-4 times in a week during day. I was fucking her only in cunt and wanted to taste her ass also. Her ass was so tempting, when she walks it moves up and down, right and left making my dick hard instantly. But she never allowed me to fuck her ass. It was one afternoon, kids were at her sister’s...

2 years ago
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College Experimentspart 4

Adam walked over to his bed and while his back was turned I looked at Shane, hooked a thumb towards Adam, and made a questioning face. Shane shook his head but grinned again. Adam was hot. Tanned and Mediterranean-looking. I'd met him just once in the few weeks Shane and I had been hanging out and now I was wondering what he and Shane did here in this room. I'd have to ask him later. Shane was still standing there naked, totally comfortable. I loved the masculine shape of his body. ...

1 year ago
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Hes not Heavy Hes my Brother

Part 1. [by Anna] It took me a while to even consider to write about these incidents that happened over 25 years ago. But my brother was rather persistent till I finally gave in. After starting over again and again twenty times I realized that it is still difficult for me to talk about that time period and our involvement. Mainly, because describing it accurately means obviously to relive it in a way. I found out that I was afraid to do that. This chapter was long closed for me. Staring at...

3 years ago
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Ill do anything for him Part 002

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 When we woke up again it was light outside and Jack reminded me that we had to go shopping, that I literally had nothing that I could wear for work the day after. Jack had already introduced me to the cowboy way of fucking but he introduced me to the reverse cowboy way before he carried me into his shower. It was a very happy Grace that went down to put some coffee on, me not caring at all that I was still totally naked. After breakfast I went to get my old skirt...

2 years ago
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The Bartered WifeChapter 2

Mr. Bernstein led Paul to the front stairway and gave him directions for finding Mrs. Bernstein's room. Then he left by a side door. Paul listened as his a car pulled away from the house and headed down the driveway. Once the sound of the car faded, the house was quiet. Paul quickly located Sheila's bedroom. The door was open, and Sheila was sitting in a chair next to the bed looking at a magazine. Paul closed and bolted the door. Sheila looked at Paul with calm indifference. "Stand up,...

1 year ago
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Deadly Domme Judges Courtroom

Each of the five big lucious female judges is sitting on the face of and smothering a male even while presiding over these cases. "Lets see our first case then" announced one, who's ass was pressing down heavily on a man underneath her - he was being crushed, suffocated and humilated to death all at the same time. A young woman aged 21 entered the courtroom, and a man in his 40s with a pair of worn girl's panties, probably hers and fresh, stuffed in his mouth. "The young woman is named Jenifer....

Adult Humor
2 years ago
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Sweet Salty Revenge Chapter 5 the Conclusion

Sam was so turned on that he wildly returned my kisses. After a few moments, he paused and asked what just happened. In a coy voice, I asked him if he liked what he saw. He simply smiled as I pushed him down on his back onto the concrete picnic table. I wanted more; I love the feeling of being exposed. I enjoyed being seen. I love the taste of cum, and I LOVE sharing it unwittingly with Sam.We remained on the table kissing with just our shoes on. We were in clear view of any passerby. I was...

3 years ago
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Permission to Date

Tommy had a crush on Denise since Junior High, but was too shy to do anything about it. Since they were both in band and taking college prep courses, they were in nearly every class together. Denise was nearly as shy as Tommy, which was part of his fascination with her. Senior Prom was approaching fast and he realized that this could be his last chance. Fortunately the very things that Tommy found attractive about Denise didn’t make her popular. Shy, nerdy girls rarely are popular. Few people,...

3 years ago
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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 9

We drove back from our lunch with Travis in silence. A couple of times, I looked over to see Maureen staring out the window lost in thought. When we got back to the house, she squeezed my hand and then retreated into her room. "I have something for you, Mommy," my daughter said later that night. "What is it sweetheart?" She placed a card in a sealed envelope on the table. The number 74 was written in one corner. "Mom told me to give this to you." I smiled to myself. Before she died,...

1 year ago
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Scenario One It’s cold. It’s Florida, so the cold is completely different than it would be in, say, Ohio in the winter. Fifty degrees in central Florida is like five degrees in central Ohio, yet I have you in a cute little pleated skirt and an overstretched tee shirt – no jacket or even stockings. You’ve got goosebumps on your arms and legs, your nipples are definitely on high beam. I smile as I see you’ve even got goosebumps on your ass cheeks. That I can tell is a testament to how short the...

2 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Amanda found the Lancasters a very cold couple. Their personality seemed to fit the stately home in which they lived. She held her peace and was as polite as she could be as they spun tales of what a burden Nicholas had been on them. It angered her every time they talked about punishing him for crossdressing or acting like a girl. How was she going to handle it?, Madlyne Lancaster asked her. "I don't know," she said. "I intend to act in his best interest. We'll cross...

3 years ago
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Our Married Life Changes Part 4 chapters 7 8

Jean and I, had begun exploring and experiencing our different sexual fantasies. She was becoming more and more open to new things. She had never given me a blowjob, always saying that it didn’t really interest her. I had been bringing porn movies home that showed many different sexual appetites. Gay, Lesbian, Mature, Pissing, Cuckold, Bi sexual, I even brought home a “Mom/Son” movie. I thought that this might be a step too far, but she watched and we fucked afterwards. One evening after...

2 years ago
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Doris in the open

But Jack likes more than just this. The first times that I knew about, he just got her so helplessly drunk she didn't remember much afterwards. Now his method is more sophisticated. One of his friends is an old guy called Joe, who used to be a professional magician. He is very happy to help Jack in his deviant plans for Doris. The first time they tried it, it seems Joe laughingly produced a pendant, and was genuinely quite surprised how easily Doris fell under its spell. Now Joe manages it by...

3 years ago
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Sex with my maid

Hi, I’m max. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework. About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother and had a drunkard husband. One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with her husband....

1 year ago
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Clubbing In Pune

Hey guys this is Sandy here again, back with another story, and thank you everyone who gave me good feedbacks on my last story, i guess this is my 16th story which i am writing now, as many people know about me but still let me introduce myself to the new readers, i am Sandy from PUNE, height 5ft 10 inches, average good looking, studying final sem, my parents stay in bangalore hence i am alone here for my studies sake, i do stay in our own row house, no risk, no need to be afraid of...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Lana Smalls G321

Lana is ready to go on the pedestal for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. She is already getting fucked from every angle, wasting absolutely no time starting her gangbang with a BANG. The Cocksmen are marveling at Lana’s tight athletic body splayed out on the bench. Solo is first in Lana’s pussy this week, still beaming from his GUESS THE V win (a win by default, but a win is a win). All the Cocksmen take their first rounds in Lana, paying special attention to her sensitive clit as they pound deeper and...

2 years ago
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MOM It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his...

1 year ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 29

He slipped a third finger into her sheath, and stroked her faster, feeling the muscles start to quiver. Her breathing was coming in gasps, and low moans were coming from deep down in her chest as the speed of his fingers thrusting within her increased. Her hips raised with each thrust to meet his hand, as he slid his other hand to her breast, and squeezed her nipple between his thumb and fore finger. Her breathing increased and the moans sounded more like tiger growls now, as he thrust faster...

1 year ago
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A Wild YearningChapter 5

In the kitchen, Rex was sitting quietly in a corner observing his beautiful blonde new mistress. As before, his warm animal blood raced faster as he watched her sensual movements about the kitchen. Nothing else had happened between them since the new people had come to the house, although he had noticed that subtle female sexual aroma rising as well from underneath the dress of the other woman who had arrived at the house a short time ago. Unmistakably she had gazed into his large brown eyes...

4 years ago
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The Census Lady

Chapter 1 The incessant ringing of the doorbell finally pierced the shroud of sleep that was fogging my mind. "Wait a damn minute," I yelled and staggered out of bed. As usual, I was nude, so I threw on an old robe before I opened the door of my home. After the cool darkness of the air-conditioned house, the Montana heat, even at 7:30 in the morning was like a blast furnace.There was a elderly woman standing there, squinting against the stark whiteness of the sun on the wall. "Sorry to bother...

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