Captivated Ch. 05 free porn video

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Strange Encounters

Charly closed the heavy wooden door behind her and stood in total darkness. She stood at the top of steps that had been cut into the hard rock, and what led to a secret place beneath the lighthouse. It was this place, the existence of it, and the history of why it came to be that would never allow for the sale of Lighthouse #1. The world could never know that mermaids, indeed, existed.

The sound of dripping water and the smell of the sea flooded the darkness all around her. She closed her eyes and drew in a long, deep breath. She felt home. When she opened her eyes, her pupils had changed. Her transformation had begun.

Her eyes had dilated in order to adjust to the black darkness of the underground grotto. She could now catch the faintest bit of light which was all she needed in order to see. Her vision adjusted until she slowly saw shadows and then more, everything appearing in various shades of blue. She could clearly see the stone-carved steps that led down onto a giant concrete platform with in its center an opening of water. It was a sizable underground pond that was connected to the ocean. It was freezing cold down there, but it didn’t seem to bother her.

On dainty bare feet, she took the damp and slippery steps down until she stepped onto the hard rock floor. There she quietly unbuttoned her jeans, pulled these down along with her undies, and she callously tossed these aside.

She took the hem of her oversized blue and black flannel shirt and pulled it over her head, ignoring the buttons, dropping this clothing item, too, on the growing heap of clothes by her feet. She wore no bra. Her breasts were free and large, plump, and proud, but they were firm enough to not require her to wear something to support them. Her nipples were small and dark pink. Her body was slender but firm, standing tall and proudly. She was taller than most women, but she was one hundred percent sexy woman. For now.

When she finished stripping down, she lowered her naked body onto a small and narrow piece of rock that was used as a sort of pier. The top had been sanded down for an easier seat. Once she was sitting on her usual spot, she pulled her long legs forward and stretched them out in front of her before she brought her feet together and leaned back on her hands.

Then she closed her eyes and her lips moved…and she began to sing a sad melody.

From the depths of the black pond water, tiny sparkles of yellow, blue, red, and green lights rose. They began with just enough light to be seen, but as they came closer to the surface, they lit the grotto in a spectacular array of colors.

Light bounced off the dripping walls of rock and the thick creosote-treated wood pilings that gave the walls and ceiling support. Those thousands of tiny lights all moved as if they were living breathing things, soon sweeping around her legs, beginning at her slender toes and circling upward around her feet, her ankles, her legs, rising higher around her thighs but stopping at an invisible barrier around her hips. As the lights climbed around her lower extremities, another supernatural phenomenon happened. Her bob began to miraculously grow! Her thick raven curls spiraled as they grew longer until the tips touched the wet rock beneath the palms of her hands.

Her eyes opened and revealed large dilated pupils as black as her hair with only the thinnest circle of turquoise. She blinked when the lights swirling lights from her toes up to her hips exploded brightly…and then vanished.

She lowered her long eyelashes and looked down the length of her legs, but she no longer had legs. In their place was the shimmering streamlined soft-scale skin of a large fish, ending in a rather large point where her toes had been. The outline of her human legs beneath the layer of scaly skin slowly vanished when her mermaid’s skin pressed down and smoothed out.

Her thick long curls slipped down as she bent forward before she stretched out her arms and allowed her fingertips to dip into the water. She briefly spread her fingers, showing the thin but strong membrane connecting her long fingers, and what helped her propel through water.

She cupped water into her hands and began gently splashing it over her seemingly lifeless lower aquatic part, and she continued to hum that strange but melancholy tune as she worked.

Then another miraculous thing happened.

As she continued to hum and splash the briny cold water over her lower part, the tip began to swell and then move. Soon, lines could be seen before her shimmering mermaid skin began to break around where her ankles should be, and two dark ocher-colored points on either side unfolded and separated from the rest before they grew and unrolled into a large pointy tail fin before it ended with soft slaps in the water.

Then the magnificent brown-yellow tail fin moved as she cocked her head and watched how it scooped up water and let it spill freely back into the pond. The entire tail fin moved languidly, to and fro, while its brown-yellow coloring began to change, growing darker until the shimmering rainbow hues from the rest of her tail bled down into the veins of her tail fins until there was no difference in color between it and the rest of her mermaid body.

Her transformation, not as a sea siren but as the legendary mermaid, was now complete.

She rocked herself once and she rolled off the rock before she dived head first into the black, icy cold water. The last part of her that was seen were her large beautiful tail fins that seemed to slice the water as it silently slipped into and vanished within the black water’s depths.

Once in the water, she used both her powerful tail as well as her webbed hands to propel at neck-breaking speed through the icy sea. She didn’t have gills like fish or like her mother, but she could hold her breath for up to two hours at a time. She, not the sperm whale, was the superior mammal on Earth that could hold her breath the longest and dive to the deepest depths of the vast oceans. The myoglobin protein bound oxygen in her blood, and as long as she remained in cold waters, she wouldn’t need to frequently surface for gulps of fresh oxygen.

Underwater, she sped off into the deep, she barely used her powerful tail unless she lost momentum. Her powerful arms and webbed hands were more than enough. And as she sped down deep into the blackness of the sea, to places where a human couldn’t see their own hand in front of their eyes, she twirled and spun and seemed to play along the swaying sea weed and reefs teeming with life.

The fish that found their way to her, swam close to her. Although they were well aware that they risked becoming her next meal if she was hungry, they were also guaranteed protection by the ocean’s most powerful and intelligent creature that could win a fight with any shark and any other predatory creature infesting within and above the vast waters—even man.

She usually chased and played with these harmless fish, but she wasn’t in a playful mood at that moment. She was on a mission, and as she torpedoed through the water, swimming further and further away from the lighthouse, she seemed to know where to go.

There was plenty of sunken treasure still undiscovered in those waters, and she was out to find something to entice Gems to hand over the Mermaid’s Pearl. She believed that that Pearl belonged to her mother, and that, maybe, should she have the Pearl in her possession, and if her mother was still alive out there somewhere, she could use it to call her back.

She swam around the deep sea coral reefs of Nova Scotia, looking for something of value and interest to Gems. She ignored the threatening stances by the lobsters and other sea creatures that skedaddled out of her way as she scoured the corals. Strangely enough, she could smell through her mermaid part and she soon picked up a strange scent that wasn’t part of the sea.

She pushed from the rough corals and with a single hard swipe of her tail, shot to the furthest side of the reef before she swam down to the lowest part of it. She paused with upper body upright and frowned for a moment or two as her long hair floated weightlessly around her face and head. Then she snapped around and in an elegant swerve, turned a corner and swam around the foot of the reef until she came to the spot where she picked up that strange scent.

She picked up the scent buried between the corals that had grown over it in the two hundred plus years it had been lost at the bottom of the sea. She grabbed a handful of solid coral and broke it apart as easily as if she were tearing into rice paper! After breaking away the sharp, jagged coral skeleton, she found a small creosote-treated miniature treasure chest.

She took the box and examined it for a few moments. Then she brought her long tail down and with a powerful swipe, she sped up to the surface as a large school of fish darted out of her way. She broke water and shook the excess from her head before she had a quick look around. Since it was evening, there was very little seafaring traffic, and satisfied she wouldn’t be seen, she lifted the miniature treasure chest box out of the water and with a flick of her thumb, broke the rusty iron padlock, letting it drop into the water and sink back into a watery grave.

She opened it and found some valuable baubles. There was even a pearl necklace with a cameo locket!

‘Pearls for a single pearl,’ she whispered before she closed the top, took a deep breath, and sank silently back under water. Once she sank at least ten feet beneath the surface, she curled head first downward, and then she dived back into the deep. In seconds flat, she torpedoed away, making her way back to the lighthouse with the box safely tucked against her streamlined body.

In less than fifteen minutes due to her incredible underwater speed, she reached the hidden mouth of the underground cavern, obscured by sea plants, that led to the secret pond under her lighthouse. She swam through the black water, seeing the path ahead of her as clear as day. Once reaching the large pond’s bottom, she looked up and used her tail to propel herself to the surface.

When she broke water, she let out her breath and glided at her leisure, through the water and to the stone pier. She set the waterlogged miniature treasure chest on it before she set webbed hands on the top of the stone pier and hauled her heavy body out.

‘Oof!’ she gushed. ‘That darn tail is damn heavy on land.’ She had to make an effort to haul her body out of the water. At that moment, gravity was not her friend!

She finally made it and seated herself before she took the box and opened it again. She smiled when she saw the small collection of old treasure that she was certain would entice Gems for a trade. She smiled as she lifted the pearl necklace and held it up to admire it. It was then when she heard a familiar sound far, far away. She frowned as she lowered her hands and perked her ears. There it was again! She recognized the sound as being her doorbell.

Frowning, she put the pearl necklace back into the box and closed it. Then she swept her heavy aquatic part completely out of the water as she swept her hands back over her dripping drenched hair. As she did this, the sharp tips of her tail fins rolled back to the center and into a thick point, and the reverse of what had happened before was set in motion as she returned to her human form.

With the box in one hand, she got to her feet, briefly wincing at the sting of the soles of her feet. This was painful enough to make her wince and limp, but it was a temporary side effect after returning to human form. As if walking on coals, she ignored the pile of her clothes and went straight to a wall where a makeshift wardrobe was built. A few black robes were hung there and since she didn’t have much time to dress, she took one robe off its peg and began pulling it on as she made her way up the stone-carved steps, hearing that whoever it was at her door, he or she was annoyingly persistent.

‘Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!’ she said as she gingerly took the stone steps up to the secret door.

She entered the living quarters of the lighthouse, and closed the secret door behind her. It was so well crafted that it seemed to melt into the wall. She grabbed a towel on her way down the hall and briskly toweled her hair as she walked into the sitting room furnished with rugged Mission-style furniture, and headed straight for the rise in front of the door.

She peeked through the spyhole and then her head pulled back as she blinked big eyes. She didn’t expect him at her door! She bit her lip, contemplating whether or not to pretend she wasn’t home, but the persistent ringing told her that he knew she was in, so that wasn’t going to work. Besides, it was also cowardly, and she may be a lot of things but she was no coward.

She finally unlocked the four deadbolts and the security chain-lock before she took the brass doorknob and opened the door. Her nostrils suddenly flared when she caught a scent that made her suddenly feel strange in her stomach.

She gave her most unfriendly look as she arched an eyebrow. ‘Yea?’ she said with an aloof look and flat tone.

Royce Masterson filled the opening of the door. His height and broad shoulders almost filled the opening completely with black leather and white wool. When he noticed her hostile disposition, he arched a black eyebrow, but it was the sexy look she offered with the black robe loose around her shoulder and the folds gaping enough that he could see the swell of her surprisingly large and smooth breasts almost to her nipples. In a brief flash of sexual interest, he wondered how her nipples looked…

And then he realized she was sizing him up, too! This stirred something inside him and it excited him. He needed to say something fast.

He cleared his throat. ‘Do you always greet men at the door dressed like that?’

She raised big mesmerizing eyes but her disposition had changed, and she no longer appeared hostile or unfriendly. Now she appeared to be a little rattled and a little confused. She frowned as she shook her head as if shaking the cobwebs from her brain.

‘What? I mean,’ she shook her head as she stammered, ‘d-dressed like what?’

‘Wearing only a robe,’ he said as he stared at her pretty eyes, ‘and nothing else.’

She looked down at the level of her chest and saw where his gaze had fallen. From that vantage point, she could see her pink nipples and the fairly large areolas surrounding the delicate nodes. She lifted slender fingers of both hands and touched the loose folds of the robe, but she made no attempt to pull them over her almost indecently exposed breasts. In fact, much to his surprise, she slowly pulled the loose folds away, baring her breasts in all their beauty.

Then she raised her eyes almost as if she was drunk. ‘Don’t you think they’re beautiful? Are they strange to you? Do they look like breasts you’ve seen on other women?’ She shook her head and frowned, she was beginning to blink much slower and she felt as if a haze was filling her brain that she couldn’t clear—but it was a haze that was beginning to take control of her actions and her jaw went rigid as she tried to fight it.

Of course, her extremely strange behavior took him aback as he looked at her beautiful pale breasts and pink nipples. ‘They’re the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen and not anything like any on other women I’ve known.’

She frowned as she looked up at him.

‘They’re as magnificent now as when I made love to them…five years ago.’ Then he reached out and, paying no heed to her warning never to touch her, he quietly took her hands from the folds of her robe with the intention of pulling them over her naked breasts. ‘It’s very cold out—’

‘—And your hands, they’re warm. So del
iciously warm,’ she quickly whispered and much to his surprise she took his hands in surprisingly strong hands and pressed them against her naked breasts before she tilted her head back and closed her eyes as if she were in ecstasy. ‘They’re warm and strong…and they feel so good on me…against my skin…’

Shocked by her act, he tried to pull his hands away from her, but when he tugged she followed, and he suddenly found her body pressed against his before her hand slipped up around his neck and she—kissed him!

Stunned, he remained motionless when her lips captured his in a longing kiss. But as the initial shock faded, common sense returned. He took her by her arms and pushed her back, holding her at a distance. He watched as her head lolled and her eyes flicker open. Then she frowned as she looked up at his stark and stern face.

‘What are you doing, Charly?’

She blinked as if she were coming awake from a trance, and the more awake she became, the more shocked she looked until her eyes were round as saucers! With a sudden gasp, she stared up at him in total shock before her cheeks went bright red in horrified embarrassment.

‘You shouldn’t have come here,’ she got out in a trembling whisper.

‘Charly,’ he said with a confused look, ‘what’s going on with you—’

‘—Don’t ever come around here again! Stay away from me!’ she suddenly shouted as she shook his hands off her arms and quickly stepped back into the lighthouse.

‘Charly…’ But that was as far as he got before the heavy door was slammed shut in his face! He was enough by his senses to step to the door and immediately begin knocking. ‘Open up, Charly! You can’t just do what you did and then leave it at this! We need to talk! Open up!’ he kept shouting at the door while going from knocking to ramming his fist against it.

But she didn’t open up.

Inside, she had dropped back against the wall with trembling fingers against her tingling lips. She was shocked by her reaction to Royce Masterson, and then she moaned as she dropped her hand with a face of utter despair. She had no answers to the panicked questions exploding in her brain. If only her mother was there. She’d know what was happening to her.

She slowly became aware that Royce Masterson was still on the other side of the door, and that he was still ramming an angry fist on it for her to open. But she couldn’t face him now. She couldn’t face him ever again. She was so deeply embarrassed by her wanton behavior that was bound to be confusing to him, that she wouldn’t be able to open the door even if she wanted to—and she didn’t want to.

‘He must never know,’ she whispered as she shook her head. Then she frowned when she felt a tickling sensation over her breasts, and she looked down her body before she gasped in shock. Her hair hadn’t shrunk back to her bob! ‘Oh my god! Oh my god!’ she whispered frantically, realizing that he’d seen it!

How was she ever going to explain that to him??

‘A wig,’ she said, answering her own question. Then she frowned. ‘Really? A wet wig?’ She shook her head. Then her eyes lit up. ‘A weave,’ she said with more hope. ‘Yes, I can say it was a weave I wanted to try out.’ Then she sighed. ‘But then again, I don’t have to say a thing just as long as I steer clear of the Mastersons until they leave.’

She nodded her approval of that resolve and pushed from the wall. Then she fled through the living area of her lighthouse home before she went to the secret door and pushed against it. It clicked ajar and she snatched it open before she quickly entered the dark and closed the door behind her as the angry thumping against her front door continued.

Charly sped down the slippery stone steps and quickly took her seat on the stone pier. She began her ritual of transformation and was frustrated it took longer than it should since she couldn’t find the inspiration in her confused heart to sing her mermaid’s song. It was that song, and nothing else, that was key to her transformation.

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CF Wives! I just spent an hour or so poking around, just trying to figure out what that CF stands for. I’m a little embarrassed to admit I’m still not sure, but I am raging hard and dripping in my pants. One thing there’s no confusion about is the thousands of hot amateur wives and girlfriends they’re exposing in their sprawling library. Is it a Cluster Fuck, a Cuckold Family or just a lot of Community Fun? I’m lubed up and determined to unravel the mystery.CFWives has been hosting...

Sex Chat Sites
2 years ago
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Mackintoshes Dont 3

Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 3 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 20.03.16 This is the 3rd and final part of this work Please read my first and second Chapters before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: Chantal and Judith assisted the still groggy and slightly confused Mary from the operating table. They placed in her in a wheelchair and pushed her to Judith's waiting Bentley. The...

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Bath of women in public

This story is told by my friend Mr. Gopi. At that time we were staying in a room in Hyderabad on rent. We were both employed in the same company. At one night he told me about one of his sex experiences which was very interesting. He was 23 years then and an unemployed youth. At forenoon he will go to the nearby temple pond to take bath. He will spend about one hour in the pond. It was to watch women coming to the pond to wash clothe and take bath. As it is a temple pond the bathing places are...

1 year ago
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Head spinning fmf threesome

I had been driving for two hours up interstate 15 from San Diego to Riverside, heading to Cindy’s place. My wheels were spinning as fast as they legally could. My head was spinning faster. Cindy and I had been friends with benefits for years. The sex with her was always incredible. Cindy was twenty-one, a little on the plump side but wonder large breasts with soft, large nipples, her pussy was typically trimmed, not completely shaved and very small pussy lips. I was anticipating the visit with...

Group Sex
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Fem Bug Virus

My name is Janice I was born John so long ago. I had watched many things change over the years and gone through as many troubles and triumphs. More pain then most as I transitioned. The big sixty was coming around the corner and the one thing I had regretted was never getting up the nerve to get the bottom surgery. Even with all the new genetic organ replacement options. My husband didn't mind too much as he wasn't that into women and definitely not into men, however you take love...

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Andreas DilemmaChapter 3

I told my father about meeting Collins that same night, but I was careful in how I mentioned it. “Dad, I met someone you went to high school today, and he asked me to tell you hello,” I said as we sat at the table during dinner. Dad looked up and arched his eyebrows questioningly. “I ran into my study partner from the ethics class at lunch. He was with his boss, Calvin Collins. Mr. Collins asked if I was related to you and when I said yes, he mentioned you two went to high school...

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RuneswardChapter 09

Gillen stumbled away, her face drenched in perspiration. She’d long ago removed her half-sallet; it lay in the dirt and mud somewhere. She fell to her knees and it was just in time; her stomach emptied onto the blood-filled road. She’d sent four knights to go after the carriage and bring them back. She’d seen the princess and her ladies out, bandaging wounds, handing out food and water. She’d wanted to chastise the young woman, to send her back to her carriage for safety – but against her...

3 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 18

Stacey gripped the bed sheets tightly her legs spread knees bent. The Masks cock was not as thick as the corn type rubber monster he had used before; but she still gave a painful moan as the dark flesh squeezed inside her. The man gripped her corseted waist watching her ass gasp as more and more flesh was buried. She felt very hot around his cock the earlier oiling making him slip more easily in. He pushed until his hairy base pressed against her tender cheeks. Her face showed the discomfort...

1 year ago
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Romance Love Sex With Spoorti In Her Yoga Pants 8211 Part 2

Thanks for reading the part 1 and above is the link in case you haven’t read it and appreciate your liking. Please feel free to share your inputs at Also, you can read my earlier story by going here — I then put my right hand further down to feel her stomach and abs. She was very comfortable… and also held my penis hard through her leg. When she folded the leg back. it was like a knee massage… I then put my hand further down and inserted inside her t-shirt to feel her bare stomach… She...

3 years ago
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Kim Power PlayChapter 06

Madison is first on her feet when Judge Finnegan reconvenes the court. She’s quick to point out several matters have been settled and can now be listed as completed. The judge is happy while she goes through each item: handing up the statements of responsibility by the people when she agrees to end all further action, copies of the agreements are passed to him as well. All of the paperwork is placed in the relevant files. It takes a few minutes to go through the proper procedures for each of...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 41 Doctor Sharifa

The news soon filtered down to through the harem that Sharifa had finally graduated from Stanford and become Doctor Sharifa Abdullah. What was even more joyous for Princess Aludra was the fact that her friend was on the way home for a short visit before taking up her next appointment. Aludra had missed her friend. Although in the five years Sharifa had been away the times when she returned for holidays seemed to pass all too quickly. Finally, Aludra hoped, she would see more of Sharifa now...

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New Horizons University of Female Supremacy (New Horizons for short) was founded by a group of rich and powerful women who were fed up with the chauvinism and toxic masculinity that permeated other tertiary establishments especially the Ivy League. So to ensure that their daughters would have bright futures and that their sons would not grow up to be misogynistic assholes they banded together and created New Horizons a school where the power was stripped away from the males (both literally and...

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Blaze of Gloryhole

She was nervous as she walked up to the large, wooden door that was sat in the middle of a perfectly normal street and tapped on the faded brass knocker.“Name?”The phantom voice was deep as it vibrated through the timber, whirling the waves of tension and excitement around her torso, like dandelions on the wind.“Voluptas.”The nickname she’d been given seemed oddly fitting for the role she had planned for the evening. It had hung on her lips, erotically, since she had been sent the details in...

Group Sex
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I Cant Have Sex Even In My Dreams Chapter 2

Special thank Nazhinaz for the support, advice and contribution to the story. Chapter 2: Two days later was the weekend. Mandy got up early and peered through her curtains. There was no sign of the neighbor sexy boy. He probably slept late on the weekends. She thought of the past few days and sighed. Since the day she laid her eyes on him, she was no longer the same. She kept thinking of him, wanting him so bad. She remembered having nearly walked to his house while returning from work and...

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Traveling Man

Josh worked as a field service technician for a large, extremely conservative computer company. His bosses did not know Josh was gay, nor would they have approved. They were so homophobic Josh had to remain in the closet for fear of losing his job. He was happy his job required him to travel most of the time because it gave him a chance to play around without worrying about the boss finding out.  At a first glance Josh looked like your typical lanky computer geek, and rarely did anyone give him...

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Big in Banking

At £130 the pearl thong was a tease for Mari, she took her new designer dress and shoes and her other underwear in a clutch of bags and returned to the Hotel Spa, Six Three in her heels her Afro Cribbean mixed with English spanish dark olive skin stood out amongst the pale Edinburgh skins as she walked into the Hotel. Her meeting was not until the next morning, in her room she showered and put on a wrap dress over her bikini and headed for the hotel pool she swam about 50 lengths before she...

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Fucking My Swim Coach

The first week I thought I was getting hit on by this married couple (guy and girl). They asked me to join them for a beer after training and I couldn't make it that first week but I did the second. They were hitting on me and we ended up back at their place. I've written about that on my blog which you can read (email me if you need the blog address or google Aussie Speedo Guy). What I want to tell you guys about is what happened on Thursday night. The coach for the Masters swimming...

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Mouth Whore

This is the true story of one of my recent Friday afternoons. I have tried to relate the events as accurately as possible without embellishing any of the details. If anyone finds it interesting I might write about other Fridays and maybe tell the story of how this all began.I came in from work and was excited to find that my girlfriend Sherry had already made it back from picking up our special friend, “Mouth Whore”. Her real name is Amber but I thought the name I picked was a more fitting one....

3 years ago
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Hot Hot Hot

I had been feeling off for a few days and in the wee morning hours, I conceded defeat and took my temperature… 40.9 degrees. I called my parents and asked them to help me with my son. My mum stayed with him while my dad drove me to the hospital. Bless them! I was eventually hospitalized. The worst bit about being hospitalized was that I was supposed to have a date that afternoon!!! It was a movie date organized through a website but I had also corresponded with my date over e-mail and chat. I...

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Repo Auto CenterChapter 12 Linda Revealed

Her name was Linda and she was a local, hapa haole, born in Hawaii on the big island. Her father was a doctor and she grew up in Kona but came to Honolulu because her family was Catholic and they wanted that Jesuit run education for her. But she was Hawaiian in spirit through and through. Her older brother also went to school with us, a couple of years ahead. He was a tall handsome dude and I would often see her with him. I thought them a couple before I found out they were siblings. That...

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Following DoryChapter 6 The Crash

I didn't need to turn around to know it was Merilee's voice. I was caught, dead-to-rights. I turned around slowly to see if she had anyone with her. In fact, she was leaning out the window of the room I'd just passed, fully clothed as far as I could tell. I walked slowly back toward her, but said nothing. I hadn't any idea of what I could say anyway. "You interested in joining our group, or are you just a horny teenage pervert who gets off on watching other people have sex?" "What...

4 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 8

I rode back to the Ruhr in the train. The ride was rough because our springs were not good yet. I would try air shocks but I was just now working on making synthetic rubber. I had made some but it was difficult. Much of the difficulties were in the application. It was now used in soccer balls but it would go into tubes and one day tubeless tires. It was now used as seals around moving shafts. Hoses were next on the agenda and eventually those for hydraulic purposes. When we got to the...

4 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 9

As soon as Roxie picked up her new car she sped to the diner to show everyone. It was late in the afternoon. Millie and Bonnie were just getting ready for the dinner crowd. She burst through the front door. “They even filled the gas tank,” she gushed. She realized, deep down, that the full tank wasn’t a big deal, but it impressed her enough when the salesman showed her, and she had to say something other than ‘come out here and look at my new car’. There were a few customers in the diner,...

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A soldiers story Part 2

The following week some more stockings came in to be locked away and inventoried. I deliberately under-counted 20 pairs and stuffed them in my fatigues when I went home. Mrs Shaw was very pleased when I told her how many I showed her the booty. She would tell the girls that night. I told her we had to be very careful a bunch of women all coming over at once was not smart. I asked her what price I should charge. She said five shillings a pair which I thought was way too high. She said no if...

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Alas Breeding

Ala always enjoyed a good dinner party. It was a little harder now she was single, but Rob and Ang were good friends, they had helped her through her divorce a couple of years back, and they were always there to lend a friendly and supporting ear. Although single, and not on the hunt for a man, Ala always presented beautifully at this kind of outing sporting shoulder length wavy dark brown hair, fine features, and penetrating eyes. Although tall, Ala was solidly built with ample hips and a...

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The Mens Room

I met him almost a year ago--when I was with someone else. My lover at the time performed with a jazz band and was appearing at a local club. On the night in question, my lover came to my home just as I stepped out of the shower. Still dripping wet, he carried me to my bed and made love to me, bringing me up to the point of orgasm, but not allowing me to climax. Then, with my nipples hardened almost to the point of pain, pearls of moisture clinging to my pussy, my clit throbbing rhythmically,...

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The Girl From NepalChapter 8

The Queen's newest pleasurer stood in the middle of her trophy room. The centerpiece of it was a man in suspended animation, a huge man with golden hair which floated around his trim waist. His eyes were supposed to be a golden hue which held the embers of the sacred fire protecting the Starklin people. But now his vibrant eyes were closed ... it seemed as if the chhetri was merely slumbering. It was well known the previous queen had imprisoned his soul on the Earth plane for refusing to...

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The Assault

The Assault By Margaret Jeanette Henry and Danielle Phillips were enjoying a movie at the mall. It was their fifth anniversary. They were happily married even though she had a temper that was as hot as a wood stove sometimes. Henry always waited until she got over it which was usually pretty quick. They sat holding hands and really enjoying themselves. The movie over, they were walking to their car. Approaching them was a group of five boys and a girl. They all wore leather...

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Fucked an Interviewee On Her First Day Hookup Confessions

I am a 42 years old man who works as an HR in a software company. So last week I had been scheduled to interview a lady. One of my colleagues referred her. She was this gorgeous brunette woman with perfect amount of tan on her skin. She was wearing a formal off-white shirt, tucked in a grey coloured pencil skirt with black stilettos. Seemed like a confident young woman. This is my hookup confession about how I fucked an interviewee on her first day. I interviewed her for 20 mins or so. She was...

Real Hookup
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MyFirstSexTeacher Claudia Valentine 25475

Rion tricks his Professor, Miss Phillips (Claudia Valentine), into getting him access to her class alone — all in an attempt to steal some test answers, but his plan backfires when he takes too long in the class… after he finds her vibrator. She catches him and threatens to tell the dean, but Rion threatens that he’ll tell the dean about her vibrator in the classroom. To settle the dispute, Professor Phillips suggest Rion fuck her just right and if he does good, he can keep...

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I met my wife when she was a student nurse and we hit it off straight away and we got on really well and had lots of laughs etc .I introduced her to sex magazines ,well she found some in my bedroom while I was in shower and I found her reading and playing with herself she went red but told her to carry on as I licked her slowly she said it was the best she ever had,from then on made her go into the shops and buy it while I watched her and the looks of others as she put on counter to...

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Life 20Chapter 10

Vic Moreno was arrested outside of Cody, Wyoming one week after Jackie’s funeral. He had been holed up in a cabin in the hills west of town, and he was driving in for supplies in a beat-up old Ford Ranger when a state patrol officer stopped him to advise him that his left taillight was out. During a routine license and registration check, the office recognized the name and arrested him on the spot. Sheriff Garrett and a deputy drove up to Cody to pick him up. A search of the cabin didn’t...

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