So Where Do We Go From Here? free porn video

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This story stared out life as a fluff piece in my head that quickly expanded to a longer fluff piece on paper. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated. Enjoy! So where do we go from here? "So you see the problem we have here, Dominic." she said, leaning forward on her desk, so her chin rested lightly on her steepled fingers. I nodded morosely, slumped in my chair across from her. "Yes, but I still don't understand what I could have possibly done that could have been construed as sexual harassment. Cindy and I have always had a great professional relationship in the two years we've been working together. Can you at least tell me what it was I did, Carla?" The head of HR glanced down at the closed file on her desk then back up at me. "I'm not at liberty to discuss specific accusations pending an official investigation. You know that." I didn't, but she continued on regardless. "Look, I believe you that you had no intention of any, uh, wrongdoing. But you must see how this looks - none of us can afford an issue like this. The company is approaching a huge release date, and can't afford to be mired in scandal, and if an investigation does prove you guilty, you'll find it almost impossible to find another job." "And if I'm not guilty?" "Come on, Dom. You and I both know how this tends to go. For right or wrong, how often is the accused man believed over the female accuser? Particularly when you add in the boss/employee factor." "Maybe I can just talk it over with her, find out what she took offense to, and apologize." "No!" She practically shouted, slapping her hand down on the top of the desk, "I have to advise against that. It will only make you look more guilty, and she's already afraid of you as it is - approaching her about it is only going to exacerbate the situation." I looked down into my lap, mollified and at a loss for words. She stood, grasping my hand and pulling it toward her, holding it in both of hers. "Look, I hate this as much as you. You've been good for us, your staff work hard and have generally been happy and productive in the 2 years you've led them. But we have to face facts, and the main fact is that if the trust is gone, so is everything that you've built." "So that's it then? I can't fight this?" "You could, but I think it would cost you, her, and the company a lot more than any of us are willing or able to give." "So you're firing me then." "Not exactly, no. The CEO and I have discussed it at length. We think it's time for a... reorganization. You only have four employees under you, it's easy enough for us to just announce that, due to a financial reorg, we're eliminating your position, and your staff will report to someone else. That allows us to give you a decent settlement package, you get a glowing letter of referral, and it all goes away. My name is gold in this town, I guarantee with that letter you'll be walking into a new position in days." I snorted in frustration. "Have you thought that maybe this is what she wants? Get rid of me, and she's the most qualified to replace me - that's a pretty easy way to get promoted and a big salary increase." Now it was her turn to look frustrated. "You didn't hear what I said. There is no promotion. We're not firing and rehiring, we're eliminating your position entirely. Your team will keep their current jobs and report to someone else. She's not going to be getting anything out of this except to not be working with you anymore." ******************** Jamie took a swig of his IPA as I paused in my story. I knocked back my own as he asked "so what happened next?" I set the bottle down and looked over our regular bar corner at my brother-in-law and best friend as he signaled for another round. "What do you think happened? I took the severance package, cleared my desk, and went home. Then I called you and here we are. She was right, I didn't really have a choice." "So what did you do? I mean, they must have had SOMETHING on you for the way it went down, right?" "I honestly don't know." I shrugged. "I mean, I really thought Cindy and I had a good professional relationship. We worked well together and work was about all we talked about. Shit, I don't even know if she's married or anything like that." "So where do you go from here?" He asked, as the bartender set two more bottles in front of us. "Well... Job hunting for a start. I wasn't at my job that long, but I've got some things that'll look good on my r?sum?. And that referral letter will hopefully be gold. I've gotta find something soon though. You may not exactly have money worries, but us plebs can't live long in Portland without cash flow." "I thought you said they gave you a severance package?" "They did. It basically amounted to not much more than 4 months' salary. And given I basically live paycheck to paycheck, that means I can stay in my apartment about, well, 4 more months. Of course there's only 2 left on my current lease, so I should probably look for somewhere cheaper anyway." "Well shit, problem solved, dude!" "Oh thanks, you're rooting for me to end up in a rat-infested slum?" "No, not at all. Your lease is almost up, so you aren't going to have to pay much of a penalty, if at all, if you move out. So do it - move out." I laughed in disbelief. "Yeah, because getting any kind of job, let alone one in programming, is going to be real easy when I'm living on the streets!" "Dom, you didn't let me finish. Move out, and move in with me. And Daphne, of course, but she can hardly complain." ******************** I had listened as he made point after point on why it made sense, and while I tried to protest that I didn't want to impose on his hospitality, I couldn't help but see that it made sense, at least until I found a new job. Which is why I found myself unloading a few boxes from my car parked on his driveway the next afternoon, while Jamie, who had taken off work to help me, lugged my two suitcases toward the door. My now-former one bedroom apartment had been fully furnished, so besides my clothes, books, and laptop, pretty much all I needed to clear out of there was from the kitchen, and those boxes would of course be in a storage closet for the foreseeable future. I picked up the small stack of boxes and made the short walk toward the house. I've never really known what it is that Jamie does for a living. If he was asked, he usually took the Barney Stinson response of "ha, please.", or just avoided the question altogether. Whatever it was that he did clearly paid well. The houses along Vista Avenue overlooking the city aren't cheap at the best of times, and his had one of the better views. "Come in, come in, my casa is your casa and all that," he called from the bottom of the stairs, as I entered, "just put the boxes down there by the door, we can deal with them later. Let's get your cases upstairs." I carefully put the boxes down, briefly taking in the large open living space and huge windows with the unparalleled view of Downtown and the Willamette River, and followed him. I'd been in the house plenty of times, especially in the last year, but I still got pangs of jealousy every time I saw it. He passed me the smaller of the two cases, and I followed him up the stairs. "Alright, here we are. Sorry it's a little sparse, we don't exactly get much use out of the room. Closet's over there, and bathroom's through that door." Jamie apologized as he led me into the guest room. He threw his case onto the bed and I followed suit. Granted, he was right that it was sparsely decorated, with only a bed, bedside table, and a large chest of drawers the only furniture in the room, and a single generic landscape print framed and hanging above the headboard. On the other hand, it wasn't much smaller than my whole apartment had been. "Trust me, Jamie," I said, "it's great. Besides, I'm only going to be here as long as it takes to get a new job." "Dom, like I told you, you're welcome here as long as you like. I owe you big time." "Well, thanks. I really appreciate it. Anyway," I replied, striding over to the double closet door and opening it up, "I suppose I'd best get unpa- ... Oh." "... Ah. Yeah." I couldn't see Jamie's expression, but he sounded sort of embarrassed. "I probably should have told you about that." He was interrupted by a sudden cry, and disappeared through the bathroom door with a "Hold that thought, be right back." I was left alone to gaze at the closet. Normally, it would have been the sheer size of the space that would have taken me aback, in fact it was almost as big as the bedroom itself. No, it was the fact that it was already well more than half full, and not with Jamie's clothes. Speaking of, my brother-in-law reappeared through the bathroom door, a crying baby cradled in his arms. "Yeah, so the bathroom is a Jack-and- Jill shared with Daphne's room," he was saying, indicating my not-quite one year old niece, "but I can't imagine she's ever going to burst in on you unannounced." I was about to ask about the closet again, when another interruption in the form of a teenage girl came barreling through the bathroom door as well. "I'm sorry, Mr. C, I came running as soon as I heard her cry, but I was down in the kitchen getting some water." the girl babbled as she carefully scooped the squalling child from Jamie and made soothing noises. "Oh, hi" she added, finally noticing me. "Dom, Suzy, Suzy, Dom." Jamie introduced quickly. "Suzy looks after Daphne while I'm at work, at least until she goes to college at the end of summer. Dom's my brother-in-law. He's moving in for a while. And don't worry Suzy, you can't be immediately by her side every time she wakes up unexpectedly." She nodded, still soothing the baby, who was starting to quiet down again. "Yeah, but, you know. You pay me enough that I should be. Nice to meet you." She nodded in my direction, before heading back to Daphne's room. "So... Where were we?" Jamie asked. Instead of responding, I just gestured toward the racks of women's clothes and shoes in the massive walk-in closet. "Oh yeah." He paused, gathering his thoughts, a pained expression on his face. "Shit, Dom, you were there for me. You know how hard it was for me when Alyssa..." He paused again, getting choked up. "Jamie, she was my sister as well as your wife. I'm not exactly going to forget how hard it was when she died." Hard was an understatement. The week after Daphne had been born, while trying to pump breast milk, she had discovered a lump, which turned out to be multiple lumps. The diagnosis was obvious, a double mastectomy had been attempted, but it was too late. Within a week or two after the surgery, the cancer had spread to her brain, and in a few days more she was gone. Jamie had basically shut down, and, for his daughter's sake, I had had to be strong and get him through it. It took some doing, and I had had to take some time off work to be with them, but eventually I got him back on his feet again. That, of course was what he had used to finally persuade me to move in. He was right that he technically owed me, but I'd do it all over again, if needed. "I know it's been a year," he said, "but some things I just couldn't let go of. Not yet. I mean, you know how fashion-conscious Alyssa was, her clothes were a big part of her. It just didn't seem right somehow to get rid of them, have some stranger wearing them." "I get it, I do." I replied, putting my hand on his shoulder to let him know it was ok. "I do have one question though," I added, gesturing to the small built in vanity inside the closet, "what's with the wigs?" He laughed. "Like I said, she was fashion-conscious. She figured on the off-chance she'd need to go through chemo, she'd need to deal with the hair loss." I laughed along with him - that was exactly how I remembered my sister. "I'll start clearing things out tomorrow," he continued, "it's your bedroom now, and you need the room." "Jamie, no," I replied, giving him a quick hug, "there's plenty of room for my stuff in there. You need this tie to her, the clothes stay." ********************** Once I was moved in, my days moved into a steady routine. Jamie would head to work in the morning, Suzy would arrive around the same time to take care of Daphne, and I would hit the job hunt. It took a few days to get my r?sum? the way I wanted it, but as soon as it was ready, I basically hit up as many companies that might need my skills as possible. I started with actual job openings, filling in online applications and emailing my r?sum?, but I failed to get much in the way of bites, even with my supposedly golden reference letter. There were a couple of entry level positions, but they were barely above intern positions and nothing I could really build a new career on. I knew I had some good experience, and the economy was finally on the upturn, but companies just weren't showing interest in me. I started to wonder if my age was an issue - granted I was only 27, but most tech companies liked to hire directly out of college these days. I started to grow out my hair and beard and lost weight, figuring the hipster look would make me look younger. A month went by, and still nothing. I started emailing companies that didn't have anything listed on the off-chance they'd see something they liked, and even tried walking in places in the hope I could sell myself better in person than on paper. As summer started to wind down, I began to get despondent. Things were not going my way, and despite Jamie telling me to keep my head up, I was running out of things to try. With less occupying my days, I started getting more active around the house, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, and helping Suzy out with taking care of Daphne. I had to repay Jamie somehow for his hospitality - he had made sure that I was not spending any of my money, so that I could be set up as soon as I found work. Looking after the house actually became a source of pride - Jamie often commented that he couldn't remember the last time it was so clean - and Daphne was a bright spot in my day. She was a happy, playful kid, and seemed to take to me very quickly, perhaps remembering me from the first month or two of her life. She especially enjoyed it when I read to her, whether it was one of her brightly colored kids' books, or whatever book, website, or magazine I happened to be reading. As it came closer to the day Suzy would be leaving home for college, there began to be days that I would be responsible for Daphne alone. They were scary at first, but she proved to be pretty easy to look after. In fact, as Jamie started to look for daycares for her, I told him not to. "Look, it's starting to become clear that I'm not finding work any time soon. I'm hoping that that means you're also not going to kick me out anytime soon, but for me to stay, I have to make it worth your while. This is something I can do." "Are you sure? You seriously don't need to, neither Daphne or I might even be here if it wasn't for you." He had replied. "Yeah, I do. Whether you say I need to or not, I know I need to be useful." ********************* There's nothing quite like looking after an infant to take up more time that it seems like it should. The job description means being part chef, part janitor, part nurse, part maid, part professional shopper, and a big part teacher, but honestly I was grateful to finally have something to do that wasn't depressing me. I did still send out the occasional job application, but it was more out of formality than anything else. Even then, there was some down time. One year olds tend to nap a lot. I became invested in my late sister's things. It wasn't just the clothes that Jamie hadn't thrown out, though they were fascinating in their own right, I also found old photo albums, journals and other things. I enjoyed poring through it all. It was especially interesting seeing the older things. Alyssa had been kind of a wild child in her teens - it was odd to look at photos of her dressed somewhere between punk, goth, and (I hated to think ill of the deceased, but it was true) slut, and then at the array of pretty, elegant, and fashionable clothing taking up the majority of my closet. Our family had never really figured out how Jamie had "tamed" her, but it was clear that her life after they got together was very different to what it was beforehand, perhaps more than we already knew. We were all glad of it - it was certainly easier to think of Alyssa as she had been in the last year or two of her life. I could certainly understand why Jamie had been unable to get rid of all of her things, especially when he had room to store it. I certainly had a feeling of closeness with her that I don't think I'd had since we were kids. ********************* Have you ever been there when a kid says their first words? It was the most weirdly proud moment of my life, especially as I'd been trying to get Daphne to make more than just random sounds for months now. That the word was "read" (or at least the closest approximation her mouth could reach) as she pointed at a favorite book, made me even happier, as it tied in to our favorite activity together. It was probably a little weird for Jamie that I called him excitedly while he was at work, but he took it in good humor, and was just as excited when he got home that evening. Getting her to say "dada" was his personal challenge for the night, and when she finally did, following it up with giggles as we cheered and high-fived, he turned to a new challenge. "Alright, you've got my name down now, sweetie," after she'd repeated it several times, "but what about him?" He added, pointing at me. She looked over at me and smiled from her seat on the floor. "Can you say 'Dom'?" Jamie asked her. She looked thoughtful for a moment before blurting "Om". "Not 'Om'," I complained, "'Dom. Dom'!" She seemed to be mulling it over again, before repeating herself. "Om! Om!" Jamie was laughing as I whined, "what the hell, she can say a D for dada, but not for my name?" "That's not even why I'm laughing, man. Have you heard what she's saying?" I turned back to her and listened - she wasn't saying "Om" anymore. She had started repeating it quicker, and somehow it had fused together. She kept repeating something somewhere between "mom" and "mama" in between fits of giggles. "Sorry man," laughed Jamie, "I guess at least until she's a little older, you're going to be mom." ********************* Time, as they say, passed. Daphne continued to grow and learn, and even began to be able to put together simple sentences. Jamie continued to work and not let me pay for anything, and I continued to not find any employment. That is, until one Thursday afternoon I got a call from a number I didn't know. "Is this Dominic Vandebergh?" asked the older-sounding man on the other end of the line. "It is." I replied, finding myself torn between raising my guard and trying to sound professional. "Great! My name is Stan McCarthy, I'm in SQL development over here at Hubbaloo. I just came across your r?sum? on our file and I see that used to be your area too?" "Yeah, that's right I used to a lead a small development team." I replied, feeling a sudden excitement that I thought had long gone. "Well, I was looking it over, and I'd really like you to come in and meet with me. Could you be here tomorrow after lunch? Say around 1:30?" It was all I could do to not laugh, shout or scream my response, pulling myself together enough to tell him I would see him then. I was immediately on the phone with Suzy, who had completed her first year of college and was home for the summer once more, pleading with her to look after Daphne for the afternoon. When she found out why, she was only too happy to help me out. ********************** The next day couldn't arrive soon enough. I dusted off a suit I hadn't worn in over a year, one that looked more than a little baggy on me, as it appeared I'd maintained my weight loss from my hipster phase. Driving over to the little startup's office I was a bundle of nerves, but managed to pull together a cool, calm exterior as I walked in. Stan McCarthy came down to reception to meet me personally, greeting me enthusiastically, and showing me into the office. He was clearly the oldest person there by a generation, and he told me that the company had been started by the son of a friend, who had been happy to give an old man a job, particularly as he'd been the one to get him into coding in the first place. We chatted for a while, and when he asked me what I was doing since my last job had been over a year ago, I embellished the truth a little, telling him about my sister's untimely passing and feeling like I needed to leave my job in order to help my brother-in-law look after their infant daughter. "See," he sighed, "something about the way you wrote told me you were a good man. That's why I called you in, I wanted to help you out." I beamed, thinking I'd got this in the bag, but there was something about his expression that worried me, and I knew something was up when he told me he had to be honest with me. "Dominic... Can I call you Dominic? Thanks, I'm sorry to tell you we don't actually have any positions open right now. I actually came across your r?sum? entirely by accident when I was looking for something else." "But... But if you don't have any positions," I asked, despondently, "why am I here?" "Because of this." He said, handing me a piece of paper. I looked down at it, instantly recognizing my alleged glowing letter of reference. "I don't understand." I said, looking at him for any glimmer of a clue what was up. "Neither do I." He replied, before continuing, "I don't understand why you'd include a recommendation signed by Carla Vorena in your file." "Well, she was the head of HR at my old firm, she told me it would be a golden ticket. Although..." "Was, being the operative word, young man. I take it in your leave of absence you didn't keep up with the news much? Perhaps you should Google her. I'll wait." He said, sadly. I practically ripped my phone out of my pocket and hastily tapped in the name. News headlines popped up in the search results - "Illegal practices discovered", "Resignation in ethics case.", "HR boss found guilty, firm found not liable.", "HR star given lengthy sentence.". I looked up at him, my mouth open in a wide O, hardly able to believe what I was reading. It seemed like I was not the only person who had been forced to resign due to some workplace issue along the lines of the sexual harassment I'd allegedly been involved in. "You see," he told me, "I really was curious why you hadn't removed a letter from a convicted felon as part of your application. If you're still looking for jobs, you'd really best reapply to places without it. Given that woman's hiring and firing practices, it's not even worth the paper it's printed on." ********************** I'm not sure how I made it home that afternoon. I didn't know whether to cry or break things. I couldn't be 100% certain, but given what I'd briefly read, I was pretty sure I'd been scammed out of a decent job with prospects through false accusations. It was probably a good thing that the first thing I saw when I got home was a tiny bundle sprinting toward me shouting "Mama!". I scooped her up into a hug that I didn't want to let her out of. "Hey Mr. V, I was just going to put her down for a nap and then I can head out if you like." Chatted Suzy as she followed Daphne across the living room. She paused as she got closer, and reached out to touch my arm. "I'm going to guess the interview didn't go that well?" I snorted a laugh, but didn't really feel it. "Yeah, you could say that. I found out some things that I'm not sure if I was better off not knowing." "Are you ok?" I looked at her and smiled, though half-heartedly. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for being here, Suzy. Don't worry about Daphne's nap, I'll take her upstairs. You can head out if you like." "Well, if you're sure you're going to be ok." "I'm fine, I got this. It's nothing I haven't already dealt with this past year." I was lying, but I really just wanted to be alone. Fortunately, she bought it and got her things together, telling me to call her anytime if I needed any help. I took Daphne to her room and tucked her into bed. "Mama, you ok?" She asked. She was a smart kid and easily picked up on when things weren't quite right. "I'm good sweetie," I replied, "you need to get some sleep." I stood up, before something occurred to me. Daphne was becoming chattier by the day, and her pronunciation was improving all the time. There was something I had to know. "Daphne honey, why do you call me Mama?" She frowned, a habit she'd picked up from any time I had to think carefully. "Well, Su-sy (she hadn't quite got the hang of z's yet) said Daddies go work and Mamas stay home to look after baby. You look after me, so you are Mama." She smiled, having worked her way through some complex reasoning for a two year old. Despite the day I'd been having, I actually laughed out loud which made her smile more. "I guess I can't fault that logic." I said, more to myself than her. She yawned, and I kissed her forehead before turning out the light. I was wiped out. I headed into my room, and pulled out my phone to text Jamie. "Not feeling good. Headache. Going to go to bed." I tapped out with my right hand, while reaching with my left to yank open a drawer to get my pajamas. The reply came as I reached in. "Ok, sorry 2 hear. Prob going 2 b late - big things happng" I was distracted enough by wondering what the last sentence meant that I didn't even realize at first what was in my left hand, but finally my senses registered that the soft, smooth, silky feeling was definitely not my flannel pajamas. I had opened the wrong drawer. I guess it hadn't occurred to me that Jamie had kept Alyssa's underthings anywhere but in that vast closet, but here they were, in the drawer below my own, a colorful array of panties, bras, and other things I wasn't definite on the name of. That wasn't what caught my attention as I stood and stared for a moment, though. No, that honor belonged to the clear, floral-decorated box containing two very realistic-looking breasts. Of course Alyssa had been prepared. She never even had time to have chemotherapy, yet she had wigs for the potential hair loss. There was no way she would have scheduled and undergone a double mastectomy without having a backup plan. I put my phone down on top of the dresser and pulled the box out of the drawer, fascinated. Of course it was still sealed - Alyssa had never really left the hospital following the surgery, she wouldn't have ever been in a position to use them. I couldn't help myself, I had to have a closer look. I picked open the tape holding the box closed, and lifted the top off. For some reason, it took me a moment to pluck up the nerve, but finally I picked up one, then both of the fake boobs, surprised by how real the texture and weight felt. I glanced back at the drawer and then over to the closet. To this day I can't tell you exactly what made me do it. Perhaps it was needing to be in control of something, maybe it was just having been in such close proximity to all of my sister's things, or even just going on a wild tear after a shitty day. The only thing I can say for sure is that I announced "Well, if Daphne wants a mama..." to an invisible audience, before putting the breasts down and striding to the bathroom. Shaving my body was surprisingly easy, albeit time consuming, as I wanted to be careful not cut myself. The first thing to go was the hipster beard. Frankly, I was kind of glad to be rid of it - it had been itchy and never really grew in fully all over. My back was tough to do, though fortunately there were very few hairs to get to, much like my chest. My armpits felt so good afterward, I wondered why I hadn't been doing this all along. Then came the final frontier. I changed out for a fresh blade before tackling the forest of my legs, and the first drag of the blade was a long time coming as I stared at my hairy legs and the shower got steamier and steamier. Once the first strip of hairs was gone though, it became easier to continue, and I even found myself smiling as my legs gradually became smooth and pink, even as I had to unclog the drain a little. I wasn't sure what to do with my crotch, but everything I tried looked silly, and I ended up shaving it all off in frustration. I can't even tell you how scared I was of nicks, particularly on the undercarriage, but somehow I got through it with a minimum of pain and no blood at all! I towelled myself off, discovering I needed to be a little more gentle with my defuzzed skin, before covering myself with moisturizing lotion. I knew from experience that my face got dry when I shaved, so I figured the rest of me would react similarly. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror - I'd already begun this process for whatever reason, and I felt like I needed to see it through. If I looked, whatever spell was on me might be broken. I returned to the bedroom, and back to that open drawer. I knew the closet like the back of my hand, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do, so all that I needed was to find the right underwear. I found what I wanted almost immediately - a blue panty with tiny white polka dots and lacy waistband, and matching bra. I can't even describe the feeling as I pulled my panties (really? MY panties?) into place, instinctively tucking my bits back between my legs, but amazing would definitely be a word involved. The way the soft, slightly stretchy material held and caressed me was nothing like my regular old boxers, and I loved the way my butt felt in them in particular. The bra caused some issues at first, but I managed to fight it closed and into place before slipping the breast forms into the cups. The weight pulling on my shoulders was different but in a good way. I had no idea why I was doing this, but I couldn't help but admit I was enjoying it. I found myself skipping on my toes over to the closet, where I pulled out the hangar holding the little blue dress I had first thought of off the rack, quickly unzipping and stepping into it. It was a little difficult to zip up, not because of size, more because my arms weren't used to moving that way, but once it was on, I marveled at the feeling of the short, floaty skirt swishing around my thighs all while the top hugged my prosthetic curves. Before heading over to the vanity, I squeezed my feet into some white sandals with a short heel, snapping them closed, and taking my first teetering steps. I'm not sure how I got to the vanity without breaking my neck, but finally I was grasping the desk and trying to breathe calmly. When I was sure I was steady, I pulled one of the two wigs off its forms, and placed it on my head, adjusting the fit. Like myself, Alyssa had been a redhead, so I had chosen that wig over the other, blonde one. Finally I could sit down on the small bench-like stool and look at myself in the mirror. It was an odd feeling, looking at a face and body I've known for years in a completely new light. My facial features were of course unchanged, aside from being clean shaven for the first time in a year, but the long red hair framing them and falling over my shoulders made me look different - both masculine and feminine at the same time. The hint of cleavage at the top of the dress' neckline added to the illusion. I still didn't know why I was doing this, but even so I needed more. I yanked open the vanity's drawers, pulling out everything where I could see it. Much of it I had no clue how or where it was used, but the basics were reasonably obvious to anyone who has watched a girlfriend, wife, sister, or mother get ready. I put everything away again aside from what I roughly knew how to use. First came a foundation cream that I rubbed into my skin, noticing the faint shadow of my old beard completely disappear from my chin and cheeks. After that, things got a little more complex - I pretty much knew the theory behind lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow, but quantities were beyond me. I don't even know how many times I had to wipe it all off again because I'd strayed territories from female to clown. Finally I sat back and looked myself over, turning my head to view myself from all angles. There were things I still wasn't happy with - my eyebrows were far too thick for a start, and my hands had gotten tired and had been a little unsteady in places on the final pass over - but I looked surprisingly good. I was just trying to figure out not only why I had gone to all these lengths, but also what I was going to do now it was all finished, when I heard a noise from Daphne's room. She was awake and upset. There's nothing quite like a crying child to make one learn how to not only walk in heels, but also run in them. I shot up off the bench, and tore out of the closet, barely even noticing how the slightly restrictive skirt and heels adjusted my gait. I was through our shared bathroom in a flash, pulling Daphne into my arms and trying to soothe her, gently bouncing her, and assuring her it was nothing but a bad dream as she cried "Mama" over and over again. Until, that is, all of a sudden she changed to "Daddy?" and I froze as behind me a slightly cracked voice whispered "Alyssa?" I didn't want to turn around, but some unknown force seemed to be dragging me toward my doom. There in the doorway was Jamie. "Oh my god... Dom? Is that you? You... You look just like her..." I tried to explain, but everything I wanted to say stuck in my throat, and the only thing that came out was "I'm sorry" on a loop. Before he could stop me, I pushed Daphne into his arms, squeezed past him, through the hallway and back into my room, locking the door behind me. I should have undressed and started packing my things, but all I could do was sit on the bed and hyperventilate, trying to understand why I had done this and figure out how I could fix it. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You know," Jamie said, an air of kindness and humor in his voice, "if you want to lock someone out, it's best to do it on both doors." He added, gesturing to the open bathroom door. He sat next to me and I tried to scoot away, but he held my shoulder firmly. "Don't." He said, "it's ok, I'm just here to talk. I figure you probably just had the shock of your life and need a friendly face. Daphne's fine, by the way. You're really good at getting her calmed down quickly. I told her to go play downstairs. I guess you didn't get my text?" I indicated my phone, still sitting where I'd left it on the dresser several hours ago. "I'm sorry, Jamie," I finally found my voice, "I'll get my things together tonight and find somewhere to live tomorrow." "You'll do no such thing." He scolded. "I don't know how either Daphne or I would cope without you here. She calls you Mama and that's exactly what you've been to her, in everything but gender. She's grown and learned so much in the last year, and that's entirely down to your care, not me." "But I broke your trust!" I cried, not entirely sure why I was trying to talk him out of it. "Did you? Perhaps. I suppose it would have been nice to know that you were wearing Alyssa's things when I wasn't here, but it's ok. I'm really not mad at you." "You told me you didn't want anyone else to wear her things, though!" "I told you I didn't want strangers wearing them. You're not a stranger." He replied, simply. "You know you really do look a lot like her, even up close like this. I don't mind admitting you scared the crap out of me when I first saw you in there - thought I was seeing a ghost. Can I ask how long you've been doing this?" "This is the first time, honest." I answered. "I don't even know why I did, just that I was so angry and depressed that it seemed like a good idea at the time." I went on to tell him everything that I had learned today, and he hugged me as I cried it out. He let me get all the way through the story without interrupting. "I'm sorry," I finished, "I've got a ton of makeup on your shirt. I'll make sure to clean it tomorrow." "See?" He laughed, "this is why I need you stay, I'd have no idea how to get this mess cleaned up!" I giggled with him, and he continued, "I have a question though - what is it like? Wearing a dress and things, I mean?" I didn't know how to respond, really. It wasn't a question I'd even really thought of, under the circumstances. "It's different. Nice, in a way, the way the material feels and... I don't know, it's difficult to describe." "No biggie," he said, "hey, there's pizza downstairs. Everything got done a lot quicker than expected at work, that's why I'm home already - I got a pretty big promotion, so you really don't need to worry about finding work anymore anyway. I figured that you might not be asleep yet when I got home and would be hungry. Why don't you get your makeup cleaned up and join me?" "Thanks Jamie, but I'm really wiped out from everything that's happened today. I really am just going to go to bed." He hugged me and wished me goodnight, then left me to undress and clean myself up. ********************** I showered and dressed in my regular clothes the next morning, a Saturday, before heading downstairs. It was hard not to notice how much rougher and scratchier my jeans felt on my hairless legs, and I was wondering how long it would take for it to grow back out, when I was hit by the smell of coffee. Jamie was standing with his back to me over the Keurig, but he must have heard me as he started to turn toward me. "Morning!" he called. "Oh." There was an odd look on his face. "What's wrong? What was the 'oh' for?" I asked. "Well... Don't take this the wrong way, but I was kind of... thinking that maybe Donna would be joining me for breakfast." he answered. "Donna? Who's that?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Shit, sorry, I've been up most of the night thinking about what I came home to yesterday and what it meant. I kind of talked myself into thinking you'd keep dressing up, and if you did, would I still be able to call you Dom, and... Well, I figured Donna was a nice name, and similar enough..." he babbled. "You... I..." I didn't know how to respond. "You're really ok with what I did?" "Of course! Look, of all people, I know that depression is awful, and you have to do whatever it takes to fight through it. You and Daphne were my rocks when I was going through it, and I figured that maybe this is your thing. Whatever you need to do, I'm here to support you." I don't know why, but I had butterflies in my stomach at the thought of it. Was he right? Was this what I needed to do? He stepped toward me, putting his hand on my arm. "I'm not saying you should, or shouldn't, it's up to you what you do, but... I don't mind holding off on breakfast if you want to go get ready again." I smiled and nodded. I don't know why, but I really did, and I practically ran back up the stairs two at a time, back into my room. I paused at the closet door surveying my options, before heading back to what I suppose I was going to have to now call *my* lingerie drawer. I shed my boy clothes quickly before pulling on what I knew to be white lace boy-shorts, smiling ironically at the name. A matching bra and the breast forms quickly followed, and I was surprised to find a grin forming on my face at the suddenly familiar weight of them along with the way my panties slipped gently between my buttocks. Knowing that a cold front was scheduled to blow in, I was about pull on some hose, but looking at my hands and feet, I came to a decision. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it right. I headed into the closet and sat down on the vanity bench. First came the nail polish, in hot pink. My toes were not easy at first, but I soon figured out how to sit in order to best reach them. As they and my fingernails dried, I examined my face, weirdly glad that Jamie had been unable to throw any of these things out. If you've never plucked your eyebrows before, be sure you're prepared for the pain. My eyes were watering by the time I was happy with the delicate arches I had created, but it was worth it to see how much it transformed the rest of my face. Even without the wig and makeup, I was shocked at how much I was already beginning to look feminine, while still being a little worried at how unreversable this step was. I dressed, pulling on the semi-opaque hose, before picking out a belted black-and-white floral patterned dress that fell to my mid-thigh, topping it off with a maroon three quarter sleeve cardigan. The smells of bacon were beginning to drift up the stairs, and I hurried to finish up, putting on and adjusting the long, red wig, and sitting down to tackle my makeup. I had always been a quick study, and learned from yesterday's mistakes to create a look I was happy with in as short a time as possible. I topped it off with a thin-chained necklace, a chunky gold bangle on my left wrist, and a couple of rings on each hand. I stared at myself in the mirror. Gone was any trace of Dominic Vandebergh, all that was left was a pretty twenty-something girl. I couldn't help but smile at myself, still completely lost as to why this made me so happy. Those thoughts could wait though. The smells throughout the house were making me realize how hungry I was. I wasn't ready to tackle stairs in heels, however, so I slipped on some cute flats, and headed back toward the kitchen, trying to calm the nerves that had suddenly made their way to my chest and throat. Jamie and Daphne were already sitting at the breakfast nook, she munching on a long piece of bacon she held with both hands, and he buttering toast. His smile was huge when he saw me approach. "Good morning, Donna! You look wonderful today!" He was being a little over the top, but I appreciated the compliment nonetheless. Daphne also turned in her high chair as he spoke and gasped. "Mama, you look so pretty!" I smiled and kissed her forehead as I sat down. "Thank you both. I needed that." Jamie had been looking me up and down, taking in my change in appearance. "Wow, you really went all out. You look great. And it looks like Alyssa's sense of style runs in the family." "Thanks." I beamed at him, "I figured if I was going to do this, it needed to be done properly. No point in being mama if I don't look like one, I guess." We chatted our way through breakfast, mostly about his big promotion (though I was still no closer to knowing what on earth it was that he actually did for a living). "So like I said yesterday," he finished, "given how great you are with Daphne, you really would be doing me a huge service if you stayed. You'll never need for anything, and, you know, given that you're going through some things..." I sighed and agreed. A part of me really did want to be self-sufficient again and no longer impose on his family, but even if a great job landed in my lap that day, having lived at this house for more than a year now, I knew how hard it would be to be away from them both again. Given he cooked, I took it upon myself to do the dishes, and as I was cleaning I asked him about his plans for the day. "Daphne wants to go feed the ducks, so I figured we'd take a walk down by the river and see what happens." "Oh yeah, she loves to do that. You'll have a great time." I replied. "Uh... I'm not sure you heard me right. I said "we'd" take a walk. I meant you as well." "WHAT?! No, I can't! Not like this, what if someone says something or does something?!" I yelled, taken aback. "Hey, relax. First, this is Portland, you see stranger sights than a man dressed as woman on these streets every single day. And second, have you even looked at yourself? You're way better looking than a hell of a lot of girls who were born that way. Anyone looking at us will just think we're a cute young family. Especially seeing as you're wearing Alyssa's wedding ring." I looked at my left hand where I'd put on a simple gold band. "Oh crap, I'm sorry, I had no idea!" "It's ok. If it was a problem, I'd have said something. Look, like you said earlier, if you're going to do this, you need to do it properly, and that means leaving the house. You'll have the two of us with you as your support team, and I promise I'll take care of you." I was nervous, but how could I refuse? ********************** In the end, we had a great, albeit slightly chilly, day out. Even in the summer, Portland can have cooler days, and my new clothes were a little on the thinner side than my old ones. I was grateful when Jamie would put his arm around my shoulders to help me keep warm, enjoying the closeness, though whatever masculine flame still burning inside me would complain inside my head. Not a single person gave me a second glance which made my self-confidence soar, though I realized I needed to keep talking to a minimum within earshot of anyone. I even made Jamie order for me when we stopped for lunch. I realized that I was going to need to do something about my voice, if this was to continue. As we walked back to the car, I saw something and stopped him. "I need to go in here" I said, pointing at a tattoo parlor. He didn't say anything, just followed me inside. The thin, bearded, and heavily-tattooed man behind the counter greeted us. "Hi, what can I do for you today?" I knew I was going to have to speak, I tried to alter the pitch of my voice as much as possible without going falsetto. I don't think it was particularly convincing, but he didn't seem to care. "I, uh... was hoping to get my ears pierced." "Sure, no problem." He replied, "I can get you back here right now for that. Hey, we're doing a special right now - half price on navel piercing with the ears. You want to get in on that too?" "Um... Ok, sounds good." I said. In for a penny... "Great, how about you take a look at the different studs and rings while I get everything set up back here." He started with the ears, quickly piercing the lobes with a needle and cork, and fitting the amethyst studs I'd picked out. I was surprised at how little pain I felt. Then it came time for the navel, and I realized there was a problem - I was either going to have to lift my dress up or pull it down, neither of which were attractive options. He grinned, realizing my predicament. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I've seen it all before and you don't have anything of interest to me anyway." He nodded toward a small framed photo sitting on his workspace. "That's my husband." I was still a little worried that he may find something that really did interest him, but I carefully lifted the skirt of my dress up to my chest, hoping that I'd tucked everything back between my legs properly. It seemed like no time at all and we were all back in the car on our way home. My ears and belly button stung a little, but in a good way, and though it was under my dress, I loved the little butterfly ring hanging from my new piercing. I figured it was in some way symbolic of what was happening to me. ********************** We all settled back into our daily routines like nothing had changed. In a way, I suppose it hadn't. Jamie still worked, Daphne still napped, played and asked me to read to her as often as possible (I had begun working on the alphabet with her, though it wasn't going gangbusters yet), and I still looked after the house. The only difference was that I was doing it in skirts. Jamie basically treated me as he always had, though he was careful to compliment me on my appearance each day. The more I did it, the more putting on makeup became second nature, to the point that the few times I tried to go without, it just didn't feel right. Thanks to the internet, I even learned what some of the things I had no name or purpose for were and did. I had bought an adhesive to use on my breast forms and wore them 24/7, except occasionally removing them with solvent to wash. I also continued to experiment with the various clothes my sister had left behind. While I did occasionally wear jeans and slacks, and I liked the way tights felt and looked on me when I went running or worked out, for whatever reason I felt most comfortable wearing a dress or skirt. I had also taken to working on my voice, finding YouTube videos that explained how to adjust the way I used my voice to alter not only the pitch but also a more feminine vocabulary. I still didn't really understand why dressing, and really living, as a woman had become such an important part of my life, but given that it took my mind off other things I could have been thinking about, it was enough that it was. Daphne's accidental moniker for me had definitely stuck - I was definitely Mama. Even Jamie now called me that when he was talking about me with her. Without realizing, I had been living the role for a while now, I guess it had just become a little more official. As she was getting older, and I was getting more confident of being able to pass, I started taking her out during the day to work on her social skills, and meet and play with other kids her age. This served the dual purpose of giving me an opportunity to be more social as well - in the past year or so, I realized I'd barely spoken to anyone outside my immediate circle. It was odd, learning to chat with women as a woman. As a man, it always seemed like women had their guards up, but as a woman, the ladies I met would chat about everything and nothing at the same time. I learned as much from them about how to talk and act, without them even knowing, as Daphne was herself from the play dates I set up. I realized that I'd never really had much in the way of friends, but I was starting to develop strong bonds with a few of them. The strange thing is that friendship was all it was. Some of these young moms were very pretty (and some even single), but I never felt physically attracted to any of them. I did wonder about this, but figured it tied in with my efforts to live as a woman, rather than as a man in dresses. The weeks turned into months and I was completely comfortable with what my life had become. I even joked with myself that I was a housewife in everything but name, such was the role I had take on. ********************** It was almost a year to the day into my new life that something happened to shake things up. Not that there hadn't been changes, of course. For example, I hadn't worn a wig in a long time - my hair had grown out enough that I could style it however I liked, amongst other changes. I'd also long since cleared out my old clothes and donated them to homeless shelters, giving my new found womanhood more of a permanence. However, spotting a familiar face from my old life really drove home how much I'd changed. I was out grocery shopping with Daphne when I saw her, a girl about a year younger than mine sitting in the cart in front of her. I recognized her immediately - Cindy, my former employee and supposed accuser. At first, I was going to pass her by and get on with the shopping - she clearly didn't recognize me for obvious reasons, after all. However, curiosity got the better of me. Of course, as I'd discovered from personal experience, it was easy to start a conversation with a woman with a baby. "Oh, what a cutie! What's her name?" I exclaimed, as I pulled our cart alongside. "Oh, thank you! This is Elsa. You know, after Frozen?" "How cute! She definitely has the pretty blonde hair for it." I replied, gently touching the short blonde tresses on the side of her head. Cindy smiled at the compliment. "And your little one? She's got your beautiful green eyes, I see." "This is Daphne." I introduced. "Not named after anyone, we just liked the name. I'm Donna." I added, holding out my hand. "Cindy." She replied, though I already knew. She took my hand, adding "it's a pleasure to meet you." Easy as that. ********************** Setting up play dates was easy too - Cindy liked that Elsa would have the chance to learn from a girl slightly older than her, and Daphne enjoyed being the big kid and getting to "look after Elsa like Mama". I had to be careful about how I approached this - she absolutely could not find out who I really was - but fortunately, in private Cindy turned out to be far more open than she ever had been in the office. I found out quickly that she had chosen to become a stay-at-home mom while she and her husband were still working on getting pregnant, quitting her job at our old company a good month before ever getting a positive test result. We both shared a lot about our home lives, though I of course had to embellish my and Jamie's relationship. I still privately thought of myself as his housewife in everything but name, though I had honestly begun to start to wonder what that really meant. However, with no open ties to our old job, getting her to talk about what had happened to me was beyond me. Well, it was at least until I finally hit on the bright idea to introduce alcohol into the equation. Finding a sitter was the hardest part. Suzy was almost never home anymore, and neither Cindy nor I had ever really had much use for one anyway. Fortunately, I had developed a pretty good network of moms over the last 6 months or so, and finally found a young lady with recommendations who was available on the day we decided to hit up a winery tour. Taking the more touristy option of a bus allowed us both to drink as much as we liked, a positive for more than one reason. By the time we got to the third of four wineries the tour visited, I could tell that she was loosening up. I told her I was taking a quick restroom break, and disappeared to the Ladies' before she could come with me. The first time I went in one of these places I had been so nervous, but now I can barely remember what the other side of the hallway looks like. I took the opportunity to freshen my lipstick, then stood in front of the mirror, smoothing my pretty lilac A-line dress and giving myself an internal pep talk. I returned to the tasting room, retaking my seat at the bar. Hoping she wouldn't clam up, I took the somewhat direct route. "Heeeyy... So, I hope you don't mind, but I found myself bored in front of a computer the other day, and... kinda did some Googling on you." "Oh?" She questioned. I'd clearly piqued her curiosity. "What dirt did you find?" she giggled. "It's been bugging me for so long that I recognized the name of that software company you used to work for," I lied, "and I finally realized why. They had that big scandal a couple years ago, yes? There was a lady jailed for some kind of ethics thing, none of the articles were exactly clear on what it was. But that must have been around the time you quit, right?" At first, I thought I'd pushed it too far. She didn't respond for a moment. But then... "I swore to them I'd never tell," she said, under her breath, "but... I think I can trust you not to go anywhere with this. Right?" "Cindy, come on! It's me, of course you can trust me! And if you have gossip, you'd best spill, lady!" I laughed, trying to hide my excitement. She breathed deeply, perhaps to help get whatever secret she held off her chest. "Ok, yeah, I was there. In fact, it's how I ended up leaving." "No, you were involved? Were you fired?" Crap, I had come so close to adding "too" to the end of that. The wine was making my lips a little loose as well as hers - I had to be careful. "No, not fired. I was the whistleblower." "Holy... Are you serious?" "It all started when my boss just vanished into thin air. It was so weird, one day he was there, the next upper management acted like he'd never existed." No shit, I knew there had been something fishy going on! "It was a shame." She continued, "he was a nice guy to work for, even though he never really talked about himself or asked me or my team about us. Never saw him outside of work, either. Anyway, within a couple of days, they'd replaced him with some guy who had no idea what he was doing." I had to stop myself from blurting out something about them telling me they were eliminating the position! Come on, just pay attention to the story, I had to tell myself. "That was when I knew something was wrong. I tried to just put it past me, but the more incompetent this guy acted, the harder we all had to work to cover our behinds, and I got tired of it. Fortunately, for a software company, they didn't exactly encrypt their servers particularly well. Easy for someone like me to get into personnel files." She grinned, proud of her skills. She had definitely been the most talented programmer on my team. "What did you find?" I asked, enthralled, even though I had a pretty good idea already. "It took me a while to find anything, but I finally latched on to an email trail that they probably thought had been deleted long ago. Somehow, my boss had been forced out over a sexual harassment charge. While I'd have never expected it of him, I wouldn't have thought much of it, except that, get this, MY name was attached to the charge!" "Wait, he sexually harassed you?" I feigned drunken ignorance. "No, not at all. I don't think he'd have even been capable of it. Besides, I always kinda assumed he was gay, given how little interest he showed in me and the other girl on our team." "I don't get it." I said, again with the ignorance play, as I equally tried to ignore the claim on my sexuality. "Where did the charge come from then, if not from you?" "I never really found out, but it wasn't the only case I found. There were at least three other people who had been in similar situations before him. Anyway, I took what I had found to the police, and the rest you kind of know already. They investigated, made their arrest, and there you have it. My big moment in life." "So who was it you swore you'd never tell?" Deer in headlights. She knew I'd caught her in a lie by omission. I could only hope that I hadn't pushed the envelope too far. "Look, you HAVE to promise me you won't tell anyone. I don't know what they're capable of and I don't intend on finding out." She hissed. "I promise, of course I do, but this is all starting to sound crazy! What the heck happened to you that you're acting like someone's out to get you?" "It wasn't even a day after the arrest. I was called into my boss' office, only he wasn't there. The freaking CEO was sitting at his desk like she owned the place. Which, in a way I guess she did. Anyway, I'm not going to go into detail about what was said in there, but suffice to say that I was paid a great deal to leave and never say a word about what I knew." "My god, Cindy, you were paid hush money? What for?" "More people must have been involved in whatever was going on beside that HR woman, she was the tip of the iceberg, I guess. I don't know, I suppose they thought I knew more and wasn't letting on. I know it was probably selfish, but I had to take the money - I'd wanted a baby for so long, but we couldn't afford to. Well now we finally could." I shook my head in disbelief at how deep this rabbit hole went, but she took it as disapproval. "Donna, I know it may not have been the right thing to do. I even tried to find my old boss to anonymously donate some of the money, but he really had disappeared. Wouldn't you have done the same for your Daphne?" I suppose in a way I had, though Daphne was of course not really mine. In taking Jamie's room and money, hadn't I opted for the easier life too? "Of course, Cindy. She means the world to me, and I can completely understand your choice. I guess I just can't believe what happened to you. And those poor people who were falsely accused." I was kind of glad that our tour guide had begun rounding everyone up back to the bus for the final stop. Both of us needed to move on to lighter conversational topics. ********************** "So, did you find anything out?" Jamie asked, the moment I staggered through the door. I knew I was still a little drunk and shouldn't have driven back, but I had needed some alone time to process everything I had learned, and so hadn't wanted to call him to pick me up. I swept my skirt under me as I sat heavily on the couch next to him, kicking off my heels and swiveling to place my feet in his lap. He took the hint and began to massage some feeling back into them. I had fallen in love with shoes just like any other woman, but they definitely weren't as comfy as my old brogues. I sighed and moaned gently as he hit the sore spots, gradually feeling more relaxed. He tried again, "Did you find anything?" "Jamie, I... I can't, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone." "Not even me? But we tell each other everything!" "We do? Shit, Jamie. In the however long it is we've known each other, and especially in the two plus years I've lived in your house, have you ever once told me what it is you do that means you can afford all this?" He looked at me reproachfully, but absolutely caught out. "Ok," he said, "but there's a good reason for that. I'll tell you, if that's what you really want, but then you have to tell me what you know too." He continued without waiting for a response. "I work for the CIA," he said, "they recruited me right out of high school. I only went to college for appearances. In basic terms, I spy on potential domestic terrorists, but there's a whole lot more to it than that. Please don't ask me to go into details, because I've already told you enough to make the agency pissed at me." "Holy shit, I'm living in the same house as friggin' James Bond?" I laughed. "Wow, I was always jealous of whatever success it was you had back when I was in the working world, but damn!" "Ha, not hardly a Bond figure, but I'll take it." He smiled. "Ok, your turn. Spill your guts." And so I told him everything, or at least everything I knew. I also told him that I wanted to know what the missing pieces were, so maybe I could get something out of it, maybe even my career. "Hey, you're a spy. Maybe you could do some work on the side and help me out." I said, only partly joking. He breathed out heavily through his nose and frowned at me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Blame the wine." "No. I mean, yes, you definitely shouldn't say that in future when anyone could be listening, but that's not what I'm upset about. Look, it's been two years. I know this is an old wound that's just been freshly opened, and trust me, I'd love to help you get back at whoever fucked you over, but... Don't you think there's more to life?" He stood up and walked across to the massive windows, looking out over the city lights. I stepped over to join him. "You've built a whole new life here," he continued, "and I thought you were finally happy again, at least until this all came back up." "I was. I am" I whispered, correcting myself. "Daphne adores you. No matter how old she gets, and even if she finally learns the truth about you, or remembers I suppose, you're always going to be her mom." "And you?" I asked. "I... I don't know what I'd do without you here." "Come on, Jamie, that's a cop out answer." I glared at him. "For at least the last year, if not more, I've basically been your wife in everything but name and where we sleep." It was the first time I'd ever voiced this in front of him, and it clearly stung. "Every single day you tell me how pretty I am, or how nicely I'm dressed, or what a beautiful woman I've become, but not once do you make a pass at me? You want me to drop this, because of my new life as a woman, but am I a woman to you or not?" "I... I... What are you saying? I don't..." "For fuck's sake, Jamie, do I have to do everything around here?" I yelled, grabbing his belt, fighting it open and yanking down his pants and boxers in one swift move, as I dropped t

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Cousin Billy and Theresa

It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...

1 year ago
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The Courtship of Maria Theresa

It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....

1 year ago
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My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...

2 years ago
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Taking Theresa

"Why won't you choose me? I bring you all those other girls, and you take them. Yeah, not all of them, but, more than half." "Theresa..." "You think I don't hear them screaming in ecstasy? Almost every night? I do. I hear them. I want to feel that good. I want YOU to make me feel that good." "Theresa, stop." "Why should I? Or do you mean I should stop bringing you sluts to fuck until they can't stand it any more?" "If you wish..." "What I wish is that you'd give me a...

3 years ago
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Adventures with Theresa

bdsm, anal, group, exhibionistI invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes...

1 year ago
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Adventures with Theresa

I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t see...

3 years ago
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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 8 Breaking In Theresa

The next morning, after breakfast, I was watching some cable news with Vonda at my side; when I realized that I hadn't seen my other slave for a while. "Pyx? Where are you?" I called. She called from the bathroom, "I'm almost ready, Master. I'll be out soon." This intrigued me. "What are you doing?" "It's a surprise," she said in a sing-song tone, not typical of her. Now, she really had my attention. "I think you'll like it, Master." I turned off the TV and watched the...

2 years ago
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somwhere over the rainbow

It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...

3 years ago
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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

1 year ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

1 year ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Sphere

A short sketch Connie had been told what to expect. After all, she was the one who requested the device and laid out some of its specs. But for all her experiences as a enthusiast of odd bondage scenarios, she was still unprepared for the sight of the globe standing in the middle of the spacious empty hall. From a distance it looked something like a glistening ball bearing resting on a small dais. "Whoa. That's... strangely beautiful." As she drew nearer, she observed in its sheen her own...

2 years ago
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Mother Theresa

You and your cousin Mark are walking home from school to his house. You get there; and mark pulls the key out of the bag to open the door. When he goes to insert the key his mom opens the door and says "Hi guys I'm home today, I hope you don't mind hanging out with me." Mark seems a bit upset, but you cheerfully reply "Oh we would love to spend a day with you Theresa." You have always had a crush for her; she is a gorgeous woman. She is about 5'4, long blonde hair, sexy green eyes, firm C-cup...

4 years ago
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Oh no it might be heredity

No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at it’s greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. Could have been because of the demands two babies put on our relationship, but most likely it was our realization that we were...

4 years ago
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Oh no it might be heredity

Introduction: What am I to do? Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and &hellip,probably deserve any of the consequences. No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have&hellip,I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at its greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. ...

3 years ago
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The Usherette

Being a Autumn day , snow on the mountains, cold wind in the air, I decide to spend my day inside at the cinema. Buying a ticket for the morning screening of Red Sparrow , the usherette is dressed in trousers and blouse they emphasise the curves of her sexy body, the top undone buttons of her blouse reveals a hint of her cleavage. I am caught staring at her ample tits , when I look up the her smile shows she appreciates my attention. While I wait for the theatre to open I sit in a comfortable...

2 years ago
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E R O T I S P H E R E By Kathy Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This Edition: 1999 Copyright (c)1999 Kathy Core All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written or emailed permission of the copyright holder, Carrie Gore....

2 years ago
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Mami Ke Sath Saath Phere

Hi everyone. I m tony cash a daily reader of ISS. I love stories here. Today I m posting my own story . This story involves myself, my cousin sister and my mami I.e. my mothers brother’s wife. Lets start the story . The story starts back when I was in 12th standard. I was at that time 18 years old and was happy with my life. I always wanted to fuck my mami since I was 13 and I knew everything abt sex. That day I was visiting my sister to take some notes. When I rang the bell my mami opened the...

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Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the...

3 years ago
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IntroductionAt the edge of this galaxy,  in the outer spiral arm there relatively few planets that are earth normal and those that are and occupied are known as rim worlds. There isolation over time, and distance from Imperial control had made rim worlds magnets for groups and cults that wished to make there own societies and one such world is known as Prophet.First settled many centuries ago it had been turned into every thing the ruling Elders had ever dreamed of, church and state in one; of...

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       SmithereensPage 1.        She was the sweetest little number you would ever hope to see and she wasn't even young. I'd gotten to know her at the home decorating outlet she owned and she was forty two with two grown children. But man was she sweet, about five foot one and maybe a hundred and five pounds and almost no fucking tits, no bust at all.        During the hot summer months, when I'd drop in more than necessary for her (un) needed expertise, she'd often wear a tank top under a...

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The Making of A Little Heresy

Someone tried to unlock the apartment door. The key scratched against the lock time and time again. Amanda looked up from her laptop, then she rose and walked into the hallway. “Greg, is that you?” she called hesitantly through the door. A muffled grunt answered her. Calming her nerves, she opened the door a crack, only to be face to face with her husband. The stink of whiskey was heavy on his breath, his hair ruffled and his expensive suit crinkled. “Lemme in, that damn key’s not working,”...

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In 1983, John Smith took over Smith's Garage from his father. The business, including the building that housed it, had been in the family since 1949. His father, having taken over the gas station from his father in 1969, had converted the business from pumping gas to servicing cars after the gas crisis of the 1970s. It wasn't a big operation. There was an office, two primary work bays, and a third bay that was used for storage. It provided a livelihood for three people, John, his wife, Jane,...

2 years ago
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Hard WinterChapter 8 Winter Hunters and Gatherers

We buried Phil and Tim at first light the next morning with the whole village gathered around. I said a few words and then left Michelle and Marie to fill in the graves. Michelle was crying and Marie was comforting her as I left, that was certainly a turnaround from the previous days attitude. I started getting ready for our trip to follow the attackers tracks. Graham had rounded up ten of us including Dan, Stella and Katie. Kelly gave me a big hug as we set off then watched with Harry and...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 32 Dr Marie Thereaux

Dave did a quick change from his casual garb into shorts and a casual top in his house, and was behind the bar in less than five minutes. He shifted his thinking from working with Marie Thereaux’s students, to helping out at the bar. His co-workers that evening were Nikky and Savannah working the tables, and Chelsea, Tony, and Barry behind the bar or scooting around the patio to nearby high-top tables. Before he could take an order, Kellie and Barbara waved frantically at him, indicating...

1 year ago
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Hentai Here! As an honest hentai lover, I must say that I really enjoyed the time I spent browsing and reviewing Obviously, this site is filled with hentai content, and I am here to tell you everything in detail because saying that a site is filled with ‘hentai’ can mean a lot of things. At the same time, just by looking at the name of their site, you already know if this is a place you’d want to visit or not.It is quite simple really if you love hentai pornography, then you...

Hentai Manga Sites
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“Here XXX” is a simple enough statement, one of those two-word phrases that can get the point across even if you’re trying to speak through a language barrier. You might be otherwise completely confused throughout the whole conversation, but when you get to that line, you know something good is going to happen: you’re about to get some free porn.Sometimes when I wake up in a Viagra fog and can barely remember where I am, I ask myself, “Where XXX?” Well, one place it can be found is,...

Asian Porn Sites
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Are there any Fans Here? That’s a trick question, because I haven’t even said what those fans are fans of just yet. Of course, seeing as you’re reading this on ThePornDude, it’s a safe bet that I ain’t asking about fans of Disney movies, fans of video games or fans of anime--not unless we’re talking about filthy, X-rated variations on those themes. As a matter of fact, you may be able to find just those genres on this next website, which is aimed squarely at fans of a distinctly adult form of...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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She Reacts! One of my favorite moments during sex is when I first pull out my man meat. I love seeing the reaction on a bitches face as my monster hog seems to exit my pants endlessly. It’s like the first scene in Spaceballs, where the ship takes a minute and a half to pass by the screen.My CockzillaI would describe the facial expression as a mixture of shock, aww, excitement, and fear. Bitches already know by my alpha energy that I have a serious piece on me, but they don’t expect it to be...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
2 years ago
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Is It Hereditary

Is It Hereditary? This is about a crossdresser who is a single father with at least one son. He belongs to a secret crossdresser club that meets periodically for 'fun and games'. They often talk about the 'is crossdressing hereditary' thing since many of them have sons of varing ages. One of the members suggests that perhaps they do some sort of experiment to see if there is any basis for the heredity thing. Such as having a turnabout 'dress-up' party, where unsuspecting sons are lured...

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SixChapter 8 Theresa

She was generally quiet, Theresa didn’t push herself forward. She would usually agree with others on any group she was in. That’s why she was there; she had just agree with the others; she had agreed that Chris should not take the blame on her own, agreed to go and live with Martin, and agreed to take her turn in his bed. Now she wondered what that meant. She was agreeing to sleep with a stranger. Well, if not a stranger, then at least someone whom she had not met and dated and fallen for....

2 years ago
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“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kent is in a meeting. If you’d like to leave a message, I can put you through to her voice mail.”She sounds young and sexy and I wonder if you’ve fucked her the way you’ve fucked me, and if you use her the way you use me. Does she desire you, and why the do I care so much.“Ma’am?”So the bitch thinks I’m old and confused and to be smiled at patiently because you’ve fucked her more recently than you’ve fucked me.“Shall I connect you?”Our last connection was in the ladies room of...

3 years ago
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‘Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don’t see him, he’ll kill me,’ Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. ‘I’ll owe you big time. I’ll do anything you want hon.’ Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. ‘Damn Ina. What is the job?’ Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. ‘It’s a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

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"Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don't see him, he'll kill me," Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. "I'll owe you big time. I'll do anything you want hon." Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. "Damn Ina. What is the job?" Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. "It's a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

4 years ago
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Stripped wet and lathered

“Kari?” She turned at her desk, away from the old-model computer that frequently gave us both fits. Her eyes found mine and she was listening. “Yes?” “That’s — that’s something I should probably say to you,” I said. “Do you mind?” Her light eyes turned quizzical. “What do you mean? Go ahead. What?” Kari had been talking about her shorts. The same ones she had on. A sexy, too-small pair of mini-shorts, just barely covering her upper legs and certainly contouring around everything she had in...

2 years ago
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The Sphere

The Sphere by Morpheus ([email protected]) Little five year old, Mikey Geller, was intent on the butterfly, slowly trying to creep up and catch the little bug. Just as he finally thought he had it cornered on a dandelion, he heard his mom, Lauren Geller call for him, distracting him just long enough for his target to excape his curiosity and fly away. Mikey was a bit annoyed at the loss of the colorful bug, but went to his mom when she called him. He knew better than not to...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 40Adventure at Miss Theresas

Chandra and I were busy for the next couple of days. The only time we were able to relax was when the tailors came to measure us for the new outfits I wanted us to have. Lady Megan had plenty, according to Chandra, so we didn't have that extra delay. I did not let our schedule interfere with her training; I made plans with the Sisters for us to work on our teamwork. We made it an afternoon at the Temple. Chandra and I needed to learn how to work together as an effective team when push came...

3 years ago
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Wheres the Turkey Baster

All characters having sex are over eighteen. Thanks to my diligent editor who helped out on this project. ***** Thursday 1:40 am ‘Where’s the turkey baster?’ Emma asked with a soft laugh to the back of the man she had surprised in the kitchen. It was well after midnight. She giggled and added, ‘You’re naked,’ JT was rattled. He apologized, ‘I hope my nudity doesn’t upset you. I thought everyone was asleep and I could sneak in here and grab a quick drink without encountering anyone.’ He...

4 years ago
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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

4 years ago
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Wheres the Remote

If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to...

1 year ago
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Wheres My Article Part III

It was like feeding time at the zoo. A bunch of sex hungry animals roared, woofed and squeaked, as a female primate walked by… This woman was sexy. Her long, smooth legs were exposed by the short grey dress she had on, which really emphasized the size of her buttocks. She had on a grey blazer over her white shirt, which had a few buttons undone to show a bit of cheeky cleavage. Her strawberry blonde hair fell loosely by her shoulders, and to top off her amazing look she had on her signature...

2 years ago
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Wheres My Article

Siobhan’s fingers speedily tapped against the keyboard, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen in front of her. Now and then she would stop to take brief sips of her skinny latte. Her left knee shook uncontrollably, and her teeth scraped harshly against each other. She was desperate to complete her article which was already two weeks overdue. She had typed her final word, proofread it and was finally done. She leaned back and spun around on her chair in excitement. She quickly wheeled...

2 years ago
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Wheres My Article Part II

Siobhan ran up to the nearest elevator, only to find out that it was ‘out of order’. She sighed heavily and took off her yellow stilettos. She flung them into her bag and took off up the stairs. She was only on the second floor when she became out of breath. As she was about to approach another flight of stairs, she heard a different elevator open its door. She quickly shouted to the old man in the elevator to keep the door open. Siobhan picked up her bags and legged it into the elevator. She...

4 years ago
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Anywhere But Here

Anywhere But Here By Teagan Braedan        It was cold and dank like a good dungeon should be. The only light came from cheap pillar candles, many of which had melted to the point that they were no longer able to sustain a flame. Others flickered as the flame fought to keep alive as the wax it had burnt pooled from its grave to seek its revenge. Soft grunts could be heard in one of the cells. Thick stone walls muffled what surely would have been much louder cries of pain.        Fists and...

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Wheres Wanda

The perfume in the room was suffocating, almost to the point of being lethal. The four women seated on the large sofa ranged in age from a few years past puberty to several years beyond menopause. They all looked beautiful if you didn't get too close. Their makeup was so thick it could have been painted on their faces by the drip artist, Jackson Pollock. The ladies' names were Tonya, Ursula, Flossie, and Markiska. I liked the youngest one, Markiska. She just seemed too young to be in that...

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Wheres Wendy Chat

Something Completely Different! It was supposed to be Brandy's Chat But it became: Where's Wendy??? On Sunday July 25, 1999 1PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal This was a Wendy moderated chat for Brandy, but Fictionmania was having problems again. Mindy was trying to fix her servers and rescue the log of the chat she held yesterday. (She did!) So I signed on to help Wendy out by starting the log for her. Well it became something else quickly! + Anne-Mal has arrived. + Mindy has...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 91 Swimwear or Lack Thereof

If Greg thought he was going to maintain an air of modesty around the house with his children there, he was sorely mistaken. For one thing, he still had to work every week day, which left the girls alone in the house. On Friday he sat behind his desk at work, daydreaming about the girls all swimming nude in the pool. Or perhaps "fantasizing" was a better word. It was made all the more realistic by the knowledge that it was probably going on even as he was thinking about it. That didn't...

4 years ago
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Adventures with Theresa

I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it’s so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt. I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement. I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t...

3 years ago
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Nowhere Man

Darien Teasdale had been called to the job site by his project foreman for a serious problem over substandard concrete the foreman refused to accept. It'd taken Darien the best part of the morning to sort out the problem with the sub contractor. He was considered an extremely nice guy by all of his friends, sub contractors, and employees. He bent over backwards to be nice and not have confrontations. If he didn't things might get very ugly. He'd been a killer in Iraq and Afghanistan for...

3 years ago
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Everywhere But Your Lips

Everywhere But Your LipsShe's kissed you everywhere. Everywhere but your lips.The first kiss was on your cheek, a little over two years ago. Her lips were soft, wet with strawberry lip gloss, and you'd grimaced and swiped your hand over the mark she left, fingertips sticky. You'd made a noise of disgust, nose wrinkling, but she'd just smiled and leaned back, like she knew a little secret you didn't. And she must've, because the next time she kissed your cheek you didn't say a word, hands folded...

1 year ago
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I had been awake for a while, but the sun was only just starting to stream through semi-closed curtains in my motel room. I needed to get up and get out. I didn’t want to be in that room anymore. I pulled the duvet back at the corner revealing my bare legs, and I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up above my navel while I slept. I got out of bed, having to support my back with my hand. The weight I had gained over the past few months caused my lower back to hurt, but that’s what I get as a...

Straight Sex
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“You came here for something. You came here for this,” she said.,voice a seductive whisper of promise. Bumfelt bent down before her, pushed her black skirt up over her hips. Ran his fingers over her stockings. Placed them on her black satin panties and the warm mound beneath. He caressed her through the thin material. She responded, letting out a little gasp, pushing her vulva forwards. “No,” she rasped.“Yes,” stated Bumfelt, circling the pads of his fingers on her panties. In seconds she was...

1 year ago
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Life with a cuckold tiny penis and thereafter

A voluptuous lady married a cuckold person with a tiny asset. But she becomes a mother. How ?? read and find oout Let me tell you about my greatest act of seduction and the best experience of my life. Yes when this happened I was in my mid-thirties. We were staying in my husband’s Government Quarters in Nahur area of Central Mumbai. Nahur is in fact between Mulund and Vikroli. My husband, Sudhakar was working in IOC at Kalanagar, Bandra East. I was a home maker and never wanted to work. I...


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