Triumvirate Book 4 free porn video

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Triumvirate Book 4 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Downtown Area While it certainly wasn't the fashion district of New York City, Kitty had taken note, during the shopping trip she, Ashley, and Aiden had made to outfit Aiden with new workout clothes, that the few clothing "boutiques" that Wolf Springs had boasted decent selections. While they did feel a tiny bit dated compared to what was popular in current fashion trends, they were far from being fully out of date or "retro". In fact, there was one dress, a hot little red number, displayed in the front window that she was seriously considering going in to take a closer look at. "I think you'd look great in that." Whirling about, Kitty gasped and pressed a hand to her suddenly speeding heart as her eyes met a pleasant hazel gaze that immediately dropped to the level of her hand, and coincidently enough the breasts it was pressed between, before quickly returning to her vibrant blue eyes. "It looks like it was made for you." "Oh really," Kitty countered with a disbelieving twist of her lips. "And you can tell that just by looking at it huh?" "I can," he confirmed with a touch of unapologetic boasting. "It's a gift that I'm more than happy to share with any lovely lady willing to accept it." It was a pretty corny line, beyond corny in fact, and the stunning brunette was about ready to simply brush him off when she took pause. Ever since she and Angela had struck out from Pennsylvania, she'd had practically zero opportunities to do any kind of socializing whatsoever. All of their days had been spent on the road trying to put as much distance between them and the events in Pennsylvania that had so dramatically changed their lives. For Angela, as someone whose live pretty much revolved around a computer screen, little of her life changed other than the requirement that she sit to pee. Okay, that was beyond broad-stroking the situation, but it was a reasonable description of how well the hacker had adapted to life having been changed from male to female. For Kitty, however, her life was still a complicated mess of questions that might very well never be answered. For her, life only began two weeks prior both literally and figuratively. She still had no idea what kind of person she was beyond being a pretty serious clothes horse and dealing with some rather significant sexual urges that most teenagers had probably never experienced. Oh, and of course the fact that she was a mutant possessing the power to create knives of white/blue energy so hot that so far they seemed to be able to slice or pierce through anything on the planet. The worst part was she had no real outlet to both relieve and experiment with either of those last two. Yes, she had been able to eke out some time for herself to do a little practicing with forming and throwing her energy blades, including today, but there had still been absolutely zero socialization happening and Ashely and Aiden didn't count. This guy throwing such a corny line at her wasn't the first guy to have expressed some kind of sexual interest, and he was without a doubt sexually interested, but he was the first guy that she actually had the opportunity to engage with and flirt without worrying about needing to be on the road by morning. The curvature of Kitty's lips changed from sarcastic to one of teasing with very subtle innuendo as she smiled at him. "Maybe if you're lucky one day I might, but I'm just looking right now." "Too bad," he lamented, though his playful smile still remained. "Maybe there's something else I can help you with?" "What, you work for the store or something?" she quipped, "Accost people on the street hawking your wares?" "Nah, I just hate seeing a beautiful girl all by herself. It just doesn't seem right that you don't have a gaggle of men sniffing at your heels and plying you with gifts." "Maybe they're worried I'll put their eye out," Kitty teased, turning her ankle slightly to simultaneously display her stiletto heels while also deliberately displaying the long length of her legs in the short skirt. "With legs like yours, I'd gladly sacrifice an eye," he breathed, his gaze locked upon those shapely stems. The ease with which this guy was falling under the spell of her beauty was just so laughably easy and clich?d she couldn't help but laugh. "Tell you what, why don't you tell me your name and I'll consider letting you sacrifice a little money instead by buying me a cup of coffee at The Bean over there," she finished, nodding to the quaint coffee house across the street. "Jeremy," he introduced himself, holding out his hand. "Kitty," she replied, taking his hand loosely and giving it a light squeeze of greetings, "Now how about that coffee?" Needing no further encouragement, Jeremy turned and offered his elbow to the girl, which she readily accepted before the two made their way across the street. "So Kitty," he said as they stepped onto the opposing sidewalk, "Have you been here all your life?" "No, I only just got here two days ago. My friend and I are having a bit of a vacation before going back to school." "Oh? What university do you go to?" he asked with interest, clearly not comprehending their age differences. Kitty's laughter was light and musical as she lightly slapped his shoulder. "I'm not in college yet, I'm only in high school." "Really?" his eyes widened in disbelief as he gave her another once over with his hungry gaze. "I had no idea. I thought for sure you were in college." She didn't really believe that. Kitty had seen herself in the mirror plenty of times to know that while, yes, she was gorgeous, she was clearly still only of high school age. Still, the flattery was nice and what girl didn't appreciate a handsome guy telling her she looked older. Unless... "So you're saying I'm already over the hill huh?" she asked with a pointed look to disguise the teasing. "No, no," he floundered, waving his hands emphatically, "Not at all. You just look too beautiful and sophisticated to just be in high school, that's all." She hadn't really been serious with the little jab, but his recovery was decent even if it was a bit desperate. "All right," she conceded grudgingly, "I'll give you that one." Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief and held the door open so she could enter before him in a reasonably gentlemanly fashion. Who knows, with a bit of training he might make for a decent lover. Damn, she thought, I've got to put a leash on these impulses or I'll be jumping him before we even sit down. Making a concerted effort to do just that, Kitty took the seat Jeremy held out for her and smoothed out her skirt before crossing her legs and folding her hands in her lap in what she thought was a demure manner. The fact that her eyes smoldered like a temptress escaped her notice. "Would you mind getting me a non-fat mochachino with whipped cream please?" she requested in a voice that had a hint of breathiness that promised untold delights. "Of course," Jeremy readily agreed and scrambled around the table to get to the counter while Kitty watched him and giggled. This was easy, too easy really. Within five minutes this guy was practically eating out of her hand. She knew that her looks would allow her to lead men around by the nose in theory, but to see it in practice was a rather heady experience. She wondered if she could get him to the point of buying her diamonds without ever even going out on a date. Nah, no need to try to push that far. Just have a little fun. When he returned with her order and one of his own, she had made a discernable effort to loosen up in the vamp persona and simply relax and have a good time. She was having coffee with a guy that was interested in her, not working on getting him into bed. Boy, she thought, for someone who's still a virgin you sure do think about sex a lot girl. "So Kitty," Jeremy said as he reclaimed his seat to lean back in it casually, "what is there to do in this town?" Picking up her own coffee, Kitty gave the whipped topping a quick little lick that had Jeremy swallowing and shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I'm not sure really," she admitted, "From what my friends have told me there's a couple of decent bars, not like I can go to any of them. There is a club that is strictly non-alcohol that I've considered checking out." "Non-alcohol huh?" he mumbled, clearly disappointed by that. "You know," she said murmured meaningfully, her eyes directly on his, "you don't need to drink to have a good time." To punctuate this statement, she took another long, slow lick of whipped cream, lazily drawing the sugary fluff into her mouth with a slow curl of her tongue until her lips closed and she closed her eyes in a silent moan of delight. For several moments, the college boy couldn't do anything other than stare at Kitty with disbelieving lust, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. With a quiet giggle, she reached across the table and gently closed it with the tip of her fingers under his chin. "Careful," she warned him, "you'll catch flies that way." As he nodded rapidly Kitty settled back in her chair, uncrossed and re-crossed her legs, and took a sip of the quite good mochachino. "So tell me Jeremy," she said, now in a more casual and conversational voice, "What are you studying?" "Huh? Wha? Study?" he asked stupidly while his brain was clearly trying to shift gears. "Uhhh, finance, I'm studying finance." "Oh?" she asked with a lift of a delicately arched eyebrow, "Planning on being the next big thing on Wall Street?" Now that the conversation had turned to a topic he was more knowledgeable about, Jeremy regained his composure and in fact began speaking on the subject with interest. "Maybe. I'm not sure if I want to go work for Wall Street or operate on a more independent basis. With the way the Internet is allowing people to trade from their living room I'm considering opening up a private practice." Perhaps it was his sudden passion for the subject, but the way he was speaking had Kitty interested as well. "How would you do that?" she asked, leaning down so her chin was cupped in her hand. "It won't be easy," he admitted while taking a thoughtful sip from his own mug of coffee, "Location is going to be a big part of it." "Why's that?" she asked with a curious tilt of her head, "You want to be in a big city so you get lots of people coming in?" "Nah," he waved the idea away, "Most things are done over the phone or by email these days. No, I need to set up a place that has a really fast Internet connection. See, I'm probably going to be running either multiple computers at the same time or one with a really big array of monitors so I can get a whole bunch of information all at the same time without needing to click through windows." Kitty nodded, considering. She'd watched enough T.V while on the road to have seen more than her share of evening dramas where one of the characters had a similar setup, and it certainly looked cool there. "So are you planning on specializing? Can you even specialize with stocks and stuff?" He shrugged a little. "You can, but it kind of limits you when it comes to big things happening with the market. If I specialized in, say, agriculture, and then one of the big computer companies announces they're coming out with a new phone that will blow everyone away, then people will be buying up their stock like crazy and potentially making a lot of money while I'm stuck trading on grain prices." "That makes sense. So you want to be able to keep your options open that way if something comes along you can jump on it." "Exactly," he said, clearly pleased that she understood his rationale. "You sound like you've got a pretty good head for business." It was undeserved flattery. A few words describing what was really just a basically logical concept of keeping one's options open didn't make for savvy business sense. Still, it was flattery, and it was nice to be complimented, so Kitty didn't bother to correct him. "I'm not so sure I want to go into business. Truth be told, I'm not sure what I want to do right now." "Still exploring your options huh?" he surmised with an approving nod, "That's smart. There's a lot of choices out there and you don't want to tie yourself down to one before you've had the chance to really explore." Kitty pursed her lips in thought as she considered the man sitting across from her. While he initially came off as kind of boorish and a horn dog, the last couple of minutes showed that he did indeed possess a reasonable intellect and wasn't all about getting his rocks off. While it was nice to be desired, it was also nice to be able to have an intelligent conversation at the same time. So far, this Jeremy was shaping up to be able to accomplish both. "Well," she said in a voice that was modulated specifically to affect a subtle, double meaning, "I am anxious to explore things." Since clearly his mind was geared up and ready to switch to that particular track at a moment's notice, the previous intelligence dimmed slightly within his eyes to be replaced by the ever present lust that always seemed to be simmering beneath the surface. "Well I'd be happy to help you...explore," he offered and this time there was zero subtly in his meaning. "I'll think about it," she replied airily as she took a leisurely sip of her coffee, "A girl does have to consider her options after all." "Maybe we could discuss them further, over dinner tomorrow night?" "Just dinner?" Kitty asked, fluttering her lashes enticingly. "Maybe some dancing at that club after?" he suggested, shifting a little in his seat. "Oooo," she cooed, "Dinner and dancing. You sure know how to show a girl a good time Jeremy." She let his name roll of her tongue like it was a tasty morsel that she would be happy to consume more of. "Oh I will baby," he breathed, clearly well on his way to losing that former intelligence he'd displayed. While she might not have x-ray vision as a power, she didn't need it to know that his pants had probably grown uncomfortably tight. "Well then," she said with a sudden cheerfulness that had him sitting back and blinking in surprise, "I can't wait. How about George's at, say, six? I hear they have a great fillet mignon." Bouncing up from her chair, she took one last sip of her coffee before leaning down and giving a quick, nearly chaste peck on the cheek before flouncing out of the coffee shop with a little wave goodbye. She was about halfway to her car before she had to stop and just let the giggles out. For a minute she leaned against a nearby wall with one hand and laughed at the sight of poor Jeremy sitting there with a completely shell shocked look on his face when she'd flipped the tables on him by switching from sultry seductress to chirpy teenager in the blink of an eye. She wagered that even now he was still sitting at that table trying to figure out just what the hell happened and how he got suckered into buying her a meal at the most expensive restaurant in town. Once the laughter had subsided, Kitty continued her trek down the sidewalk until she reached her car and slid behind the wheel. As she headed back to hers and Angela's house she considered how easily she had been able to manipulate that guy. There really hadn't been any opportunities in the last two weeks for her to even attempt something like that. The most she'd ever been able to do was a very brief flirtation with a gas station attendant, a waiter, or a hotel clerk. Sure, they all responded positively and she had no doubt that her light teasing had been well received, but she'd never truly explored the possibilities that came with possessing a gorgeous face and body and the potential rewards that came from using it in this fashion. She wasn't stupid, however. Kitty was very well aware how society in general viewed women that utilized their bodies to gain what they wanted. The jokes about sleeping one's way up the corporate ladder were vast and varied, and she did agree with the notion that success came from honest, hard work rather than relying upon feminine wiles and the promise of sex. Still, there was nothing wrong with getting a clearly horny college guy to buy her a dinner and treat her to a night of dancing. She'd get a good meal and he'd get a cheap thrill of holding her close on the dance floor and maybe getting a kiss or two before they'd go their separate ways. Despite her overactive libido, Kitty felt confident that she was more than capable of reigning in her demanding sex drive for one night. Pulling up in front of the house, she fairly leapt from the car and ran inside as fast as her heels would allow. The sound of the door slamming had Angela looking up from a string of code flowing across her laptop screen with a frown. "What's up? Something wrong?" "Oh nothing," Kitty sang as she stepped out of her shoes and nearly danced across the floor to flop down on the couch, "I just got myself a date for tomorrow night." Angela blinked in surprise before typing out a few commands on the laptop before shutting it down. Rising from her chair, she tucked a few strands of her blond hair back behind her ear, a gesture that Kitty noted was perfectly natural for her to do now, and moved over to sit beside her friend on the couch. Almost automatically, Kitty's feet slipped into the other girl's lap and she moaned softly as Angela began the wondrous task of giving her a foot massage. This was something that had become a rather regular occurrence between the two girls. Their time together in such close proximity with one another had created a bond that had started to surpass mere friendship and had actually grown closer to a sisterhood. While sometimes Angela would massage Kitty's feet, the brunette would just as often reciprocate by easing the tense muscles in Angela's shoulders and back that were a result of her hunched over a computer most of the day. "That feels good," Kitty murmured, her eyes fluttering closed. "So tell me about this guy?" Angela asked, carefully masking the tightness that wanted to take hold of her throat. "Just some college guy, probably here on vacation," the girl remarked airily with a lazy wave of a hand. "I remember seeing him and his buddies in the sports store earlier when we were getting Aiden some workout clothes." "Well, what's he like?" "Oh," Kitty mused, only half considering the question while her mind slowly started turning to mush under her friend's skilled fingers, "Good looking, okay in the smarts department, and definitely looking for a good time." Those fingers froze in mid-massage as Angela's gaze grew sharp. "You're not planning on fucking him are you?" Kitty's eyes blinked open in surprise at the accusation and she sat up a little. "No, of course not. I'm just getting him to buy me a nice dinner and take me dancing." "Good," the blond grumbled and resumed her work on her companion's dainty foot. That was when Kitty realized it. The tone of voice, the slight flush in the cheeks...Angela was jealous. In all the time they'd spent together, neither of them had explored the possibilities of being together. While Kitty readily admitted based upon her own mental self-evaluation that she was bi-sexual, Angela had concluded early on that she was very much a confirmed lesbian since her "heterosexual" preferences hadn't changed just because her body had. While Kitty certainly thought Angela was very pretty, and she was more than aware of her own attractiveness, the two of them had never crossed that boundary of friendship. In the beginning, while Kitty was still coping with her sex slave mental programming, she had made a couple of attempts to seduce the lovely blond and was firmly rebuffed. At the time Angela had told her they needed to focus on getting out of town and establishing new lives and new identities. But that issue was resolved now. The pretty hacker had cemented the tenuous identities they'd established back in Pennsylvania to the point that no one would know they'd never existed and even adjusted them so they were listed as emancipated minors. As far as housing went, they had this place for as long as their funds lasted and with the way Angela skillfully worked them they only seemed to be increasing. So really, those excuses were no longer valid and Kitty was free to once again attempt to seduce her friend into bed. The problem was, that overpowering sexual drive that had come with her mental conditioning had faded. True, she still had a higher than average libido, but it wasn't wildly out of control like it had been before. Not only that, but she and Angela had established a relationship of close friendship that Kitty hadn't even considered violating with a roll in the sheets. At the time, she thought that Angela had felt the same way. Apparently that was no longer the case, particularly since the hacker's massage had subtly shifted from easing sore muscles to gentle caresses that had wonderful little shivers running up Kitty's spine. "Angela," she asked quietly, "Do you not want me to go on the date?" At first her only response was a grunt and a shrug, but Kitty's insistent stare finally made her sigh and sit back on the couch so she was now openly caressing the girl's ankles and calves. "Look, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. If you want to go out on a date with this guy, and as long as you're careful, then be my guest. I'm not your mother, I can't tell you what to do." Drawing her feet from Angela's lap, Kitty shifted on the couch so she was kneeling closely at her friend's side and took her hand. "No," she agreed, "You're not my mother, but you're my best friend. What you think and what you feel matters to me. I know I can come across as some kind of wild, uncaring tease that just wants to dress pretty and flirt up a storm with anyone I see, but that's not how I feel about you. Angela," she said softly, resting her fingertips on the girl's cheek and gently turning so they faced one another, "I owe you my life. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here right now and I seriously doubt I'd be having anything even resembling a reasonable conversation beyond begging some sick pervert to fuck me six ways to Sunday. You are more important to me than anything else in this world and if you don't want me to go on this date tell me." "It's not my place to," Angela said reasonably, though her broken voice betrayed that rationale, "I helped you because you needed help, not because I wanted you to become beholden to me. If those guys hadn't gotten a hold of me and put my mind into this body, then I would have just set you up as best I could with a new life and sent you on your way while I went on mine. I can't change what they did, but I won't lay claim to you like the people they planned on selling you to." "It's not laying claim," Kitty argued with a shake of her head, "It's caring for someone. I know I don't always show it, but I care for you Angela. Whether it's because of what we've been through or simply because of who you are, I don't know and I don't care. You're my best friend and I love you." As Angela lifted those baby blue eyes of hers to Kitty, they shone with as of yet unshed tears. Her mouth trembled slightly as she fought to hold them back, bravely trying to spare her friend from forcing her to deal with her own wild emotions. "I love you too Kitty," she whispered hoarsely as a single tear began a damp path down her cheek. Without any hesitation, Kitty leaned forward and caught the tear with her lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her friend's cheek. They lingered there for a moment before slowly moving over until they came into contact with Angela's soft lips that were slightly parted with her ragged breathing. The first kiss was tender, almost experimental to see how the blond would react. When Kitty felt the timid movement of the girl's mouth beneath hers she began to gently nibble at her friend's soft tiers. When she felt the tip of Angela's tongue very lightly touch hers, it was as though a dam broke and the two were suddenly locked in a tight embrace, hungrily devouring at each other's mouths like two people who had been starved for weeks. Their moans filled the air as Kitty almost frantically pulled at Angela's clothes, yanking her T-shirt over her head and flinging it to the side before attacking her breasts that, while not as large as her own, were still lovely in their own right. Angela's deep groan served to drive her efforts as she yanked down the cups of her bra and sealed her lips over one tightly puckered nipple, causing the blond girl to arch her back sharply as her tongue deftly laved the pebbled flesh. At some point during Kitty's worship of her friend's body, her own top had somehow magically disappeared and before long she found herself being shoved back onto the couch moments before blond hair filled her vision. An instantly later a sharp, hot spear of pleasure erupted in her breast as Angela returned Kitty's efforts in kind and gave her breasts the attention they were demanding. The girl's sharp gasp of pleasurable surprise filled the living room as she felt the lacy confection of her bra drawn down and small, fine teeth gently clamp down on a firm nipple, causing heat to blossom flower-like within her breast. At that point it was a flurry of movement with clothing flying everywhere until there was nothing separating them but damp, heated flesh that was sampled and tasted at great length. It wasn't long before anything within a mile was treated to two pairs of screams of ecstasy echoing through the night. Wolf Springs Forest, Wyoming "So both of you got asked out yesterday?" Aiden asked as she and her two friends ran through the forest at what she considered a rather leisurely pace. While Kitty might have shared the sentiment, it was rather doubtful that Ashley would. While the beautiful redhead was hardly out of shape, her stamina certainly wasn't at the elevated level her exercise companions possessed. "Yeah," Ashley gasped as she clumsily followed her friends over a log that they seemed to hardly notice. "A guy I met strolling in the woods after dinner." "Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Kitty asked as she nimbly dodged around a tree. "You being all alone in the woods and everything. I would have figured you'd have taken off the instant you saw him." Aiden shot Kitty a dirty look even as Ashley blushed with embarrassment at the mention of her emotional issues. "I thought about it," she admitted as she executed what she considered a rather smooth, swinging vault over a tree stump, "I actually tried to stay hidden at first until he saw me. Once that happened he just talked to me and kept his distance until I felt comfortable enough to get closer." "How close?" Aiden asked cautiously. Ashley shrugged and then stumbled a bit when the movement threw her off balance for a moment before she recovered. "Close. Like, next to each other with-" the rest of what she said was lost in a breathless mumbling that even Aiden's enhanced hearing couldn't make out. "What was that?" Kitty asked a touch louder than she needed to be. "He was stroking my hand, okay?" she snapped, the embarrassed frustration providing her with a quick little burst of angry energy that allowed her to draw even with her friends. "We were just talking and then the next thing I knew I felt his him gently caressing the back of my hand." "How come you didn't pull away?" Aiden asked without allowing any hint of judgement into her voice. That she allowed a stranger to touch her in such a fashion when she would normally have fled long before such a thing could happen was a sign that either she was improving or this guy was dangerously manipulative. "It felt nice," the red-haired beauty admitted, "And he was very sweet. He didn't push at all and I know if I'd told him to stop he would have in an instant." "And that turned into a date?" Kitty wondered aloud with a raised eyebrow as she jogged around a patch of thicket. "Well, sort of. It started off with him asking me to kind of be his tour guide on a walk through the forest since he wasn't from around here and got lost." "Ummm, we have full cell service here," Aiden pointed out, "And every phone these days has GPS." "I said the same thing," Ashley said, her voice coming in gasps again now that her burst of energy had faded, "That's when he told me he was just using it as an excuse to go out with me." "So he lied," Aiden growled. "No," Kitty corrected her, "He was being smooth. Hear me out," she said when Aiden glared at her, "I don't know how much you guys dated back before you manifested, but when it comes to guys asking out girls they have to sometimes get creative, especially if the girl is an untouchable beauty like our little Ashley." "I'm not little," she grumbled. "Because of that," Kitty continued as if her friend hadn't spoken, "Sometimes a guy will use a little clever subterfuge to ease into a date so he doesn't come off as threatening or pushy. After all, what better way to charm a girl than to make her think he's the helpless one?" "He was, actually," Ashley said, smiling at the memory of their encounter. "His pants were all dirty from when he'd fallen down and when he tried to push a low branch out of the way it smacked him right in the face." That had Aiden issuing a bark of laughter. "I wish I could have seen that." "So yeah, it was a bit of a trick asking me to be his tour guide at first," Ashley acknowledged, "But it was sweet. I ended up demanding a lavish picnic from him instead." "You go girl!" Kitty cheered with obvious approval. "And what about you?" Aiden asked, directing her gaze at the gorgeous brunette. Kitty shrugged and smoothly executed a quick forward flip over some brush before lightly landing on her feet without breaking stride. "Some guy I met when I was window shopping after dinner. I got him to buy me a coffee and he asked me out on a date. I'm gonna cancel though." "Why?" asked her red-haired friend, "You're always talking about wanting to meet guys and now that one's asked you out you're going to cancel?" This time it was the normally aloof girl's turn to blush. "Things...happened last night. With Angela," she clarified in a mumble. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was suddenly running by herself before she skidded to a halt and looked back, only to see her friends had stopped and were standing there with their mouths open and their eyes wide. "What?" she snapped even as her face heated. "You and Angela?" Aiden said in disbelief. "Had sex?" Ashley finished. "Look," Kitty said with a sigh as she walked back over to them, "It was something that kind of had been brewing between us for a while. I actually wanted to do it a while ago but Angela insisted we not because I was still trying to fight off the sex slave programing and we needed to put some distance between us and that lab we blew up. By the time I'd gotten my head on straight we'd become such good friends that I didn't want to ruin it with sex." "That makes sense," Ashley said with an approving nod. "So what changed last night?" "We talked after I got home and told her that guy Jeremy asked me out. She said it bothered her and finally came clean about how she feels about me. One thing kind of let to the other and whoa baby!" she finished with a grin. "Good huh?" Aiden inferred with a smirk. "I do believe I saw stars last night," Kitty confirmed with a dreamy sigh, "And we never even made it outside." "So how are you going to break it to Jeremy?" Ashley asked even while she smiled happily for her friend. The shrug that was given in response was casual and classic Kitty aloofness. "I'll just tell him thanks but I'm with someone I love and couldn't possibly cheat on her." "And when he asks why you didn't mention it last night?" Aiden challenged. Again, the Kitty shrug. "We only just discovered our feelings. It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind after all." "Just be careful," the dark-haired girl warned her, "There are plenty of guys out there who don't take no for an answer." "Don't worry," Kitty said, waving her friend's concern away, "If he tries to get all caveman I'll just have to remind him I'm not a girl to be messed with." To illustrate this fact, she smiled and formed an energy blade in her hand before hurling it at a nearby tree. The girls watched the blade pierce right through the thick trunk as though it was made of tissue before traveling some distance beyond and dissipating, leaving behind a burned outline of the blade that glowed brightly around its edges from the heat for a brief time before fading. "You've been practicing," Aiden noted, clearly impressed. "As much as I can," Kitty confirmed, "But I'd like to do a lot more. I haven't had a chance to really test the range or penetrating capacity since the knives seem to be comprised of thermal energy as opposed to mass, but I think that'll probably have to wait until I have access to a proper testing facility." The sudden switch from vibrant girly girl to calculating scientist had the two girls blinking with the effort to try and keep up. "Plus," she went on, "I'm curious to see how good my aim is while performing acrobatics, but again I'll need a proper site to do it so I don't accidentally kill someone with a wild throw." "Makes...sense?" Aiden agreed, though her attempts to follow Kitty's change in demeanor made it more of a question than a statement. "It looks like your knives generate incredible heat," Ashley observed, having walked over to the tree that had been pierced and examining the mark left behind, "Have you been able to tell just how hot they are yet?" "No," Kitty admitted, "I haven't really had any kind of a chance to examine them at all. The only things I know right now is that they don't hurt me when I manifest them and, so far, they've easily penetrated four-foot diameter tree trunks, the entire length of a car including the engine block, and human skulls without any noticeable resistance." "Do I want to know how you know they'll go through a human skull?" Ashley asked with a hard gulp. "No." "Didn't think so," she muttered before looking around. "Well, I think I'm going to head home and get myself a shower," she announced before glancing over at Kitty, who had driven her car to Ashley's house where their run had started from. "Yeah," the brunette agreed, running her fingers through her damp hair, "I could use one myself too. You coming Aiden?" "Nah," she said, looking out at the vast wealth of foliage stretching out all around them, "I want to do another five miles before the morning's done." "Five?" Ashley gaped in shock, "We just did three! And it wasn't exactly in a straight line either." Before Aiden could respond, Kitty chuckled and placed her hand on the redhead's shoulder before guiding her back towards her house. "Come on Ashley, you know that wolves have incredible stamina." "Yeah, yeah," the girl mumbled as folded her arms behind her head to try and aid in regaining her breath, "Fifty miles in one day. It just doesn't seem fair. And how come you're not damn near dying like I am?" "Clean living?" By this point Aiden had already resumed her flight through the forest and the voices of her friends faded away to barely discernable murmurs before disappearing completely. Now that she didn't have to worry about them keeping up, though Kitty had done quite a good job of it, she let herself go and allowed her muscles to actually work at propelling her through the uneven terrain. Allowing the wolf to take control just a little, she operated on instinct rather than cohesive thought to duck, dodge, and leap over obstacles in her way. Scents of a variety that no human could ever appreciate filled her sinuses, bringing with them a sense of peace and belonging that could never be matched in the harsh confines of a polluted city. She was coming precariously close to panting with happiness, tongue lolling out and everything, when the faint snapping of twigs caught her attention. Now, in a rich, animal-heavy forest like this one, hearing a twig snapping was a common occurrence. What wasn't common was the accompanying sound of feet pounding the ground that Aiden's heightened sense of hearing was able to detect as well, and it was coming up on her fast. Working off of predatory instinct, Aiden planted one foot on a large rock she would have normally avoided and propelled herself into the air while twisting her body around directly at a large tree. The moment her feet touched the bark she allowed her inertia to allow her knees to bend until she was essentially in a sideways crouch before the muscles in her legs released like tightly coiled springs and sent her rocketing through the air. There was a brief moment during her flight that the sight of a younger man in workout shorts and a tank top came into view, as did his sudden, shocked expression, before she tackled him to the ground with enough impact to have the air blasting out of his lungs. For several tense moments Aiden crouched over the man with her fists at the ready while he worked furiously to get his body to remember how to breathe before he yelled, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" "Why were you chasing me?" Aiden growled accusingly, fully prepared to shift in a heartbeat and rip the man's throat out with her teeth. "I'm not following you!" the man snapped back furiously, "I was out for a goddam run when you fucking attacked me." "Oh," she mocked, "And you just happened to be running in the one place I happened to be?" "Yes, you crazy bitch," he yelled, shoving her off him so suddenly it took her by surprise and prevented her from maintaining her posture of dominance over him. Still, she recovered quickly and dropped into a cautious crouch that would allow her to either attack or flee at a moment's notice. "Jesus, I thought this was supposed to be a friendly town." Sniffing furiously, Aiden drank in the scents coming off the man and processed them as fast as her enhances senses would allow. There was sweat, obviously, the odd flavor that would be uniquely his, and...truth? While there was no specific scent when someone was being honest, when someone was being dishonest their natural scent would take on a bitter, distasteful quality due to a change in pheromone mixtures coupled with duplicitous emotional states. The distinct lack of that of this pheromone mixture is what typically indicated to Aiden when someone was being truthful, and at the moment this man possessed that lack of mixture. "Shit," she whispered to herself at the realization she'd just royally fucked up. "I...uhhh, well you see...I thought..." "Did you seriously think I was coming to attack you?" the man asked in disbelief as he carefully regained his feet and brushed himself off. "What, do you get a lot of crazy mountain men running around killing people around here or something?" It was then that Aiden got her first really good look at the man. He was young, likely early twenties, and clearly kept in shape if his lean, muscular physique was any indication, with shaggy, almost wild brown hair and dark brown eyes that were currently snapping with anger. The deeply sarcastic and furious tone had Aiden wincing and ducking her head in shame. "I'm sorry," she said quietly as her face heated, "I...I acted on instinct okay? I've had people come after me before." "Oh really," he mocked, "You've had some guy come chasing after you in the woods?" He cut her off with a sharp gesture of his hand before she could respond. "You know what, forget it. Just stay the hell away from me," he ordered before taking off to resume his run through the woods. "Dammit Aiden," she whispered to herself, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Not everyone's Grandpa." Shaking her head with a sigh, she looked after where the man had disappeared into the woods. The guy had been hot, no question there, and he obviously worked out pretty frequently to keep that kind of muscle tone. Too bad she'd scared him off by acting like a lunatic and attacking him like that, not that she was looking to hook up with a guy or anything. Of course, that wasn't strictly true, and once she'd resumed her run Aiden was forced to admit that. Hearing how both Ashley and Kitty had gotten dates...well, technically Kitty didn't since she was declining hers to be with Angela but that was just semantics...Aiden was feeling a bit like a third wheel. While she wasn't exactly trolling for guys, her still new sense of female pride stung a bit by the fact that she hadn't yet been approached by one that was interested in her. She supposed that could be attributed to the fact that she tended to put out a fuck off kind of vibe, but secretly she'd been hoping lately that someone would look passed that. She might have part of the soul of a wolf, but that didn't mean she wanted to be a lone one. He is strong. He rejected me. Maybe that was why, without even realizing it, she adjusted the course of her run so she was now effectively following the guy's scent. It was pretty easy to pick out from the rest of the more natural scents and within minutes she was racing through the woods like an animal on the hunt. It didn't take long before she caught a glimpse of him from behind weaving through a tight-knit grove of trees, the flash of his skin standing out in stark relief against the greens and browns that dominated the landscape. Putting on an extra burst of speed, she looped around in a dog leg until she was running parallel to him about twenty feet away. She didn't call out to him, however. Instead, she just matched his pace and stayed parallel with him. At one point he did glance over and catch sight of her, but that only caused him to frown and put on a little more speed that she was easily able to match. Slowly, as the miles were eaten up by their strides, Aiden began shifting closer and closer until she was now racing through the woods alongside him separated by a mere five feet. By this point it had become a challenge, each trying to outdo the other both in terms of speed and obstacle avoidance. While the guy was certainly bigger and stronger, Aiden was faster and lighter and had the power of the wolf at her command, not to mention there was no way she was backing down this time. When the pair finally broke into a small clearing the guy skidded to a halt and spun towards Aiden, causing her to abruptly stop as well. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he snapped with a gasp as he panting for breath. "You never let me apologize," Aiden retorted, a bit winded herself surprisingly. "Look," he said in exasperation, "You already said you're sorry. Fine, you're forgiven. I don't need some crazy broad stalking me right now." "I'm not stalking you," she defended hotly. "Oh really?" he challenged, "Then exactly what are you doing?" "I'm..." Challenging for worthiness. "I just wanted to try to explain." "Explain what? Why you tackled me without any provocation and looked ready to rip me apart?" "Well, yeah," she said lamely, looking at the toes of her sneakers. When he didn't respond to that she looked up to see him standing with his arms folded and an expectant look on his face. "Well? I'm waiting." "I had someone come after me not long ago," she told him, "It really shook me up so I get a little...twitchy...when someone surprises me like you did." "I wasn't even coming at you," he pointed out, "You're the one that changed direction and came at me." "I know, I know," she sighed, kicking a pebble in the grass, "It was a big time overreaction and I'm sorry about it. I just don't want you to think that's what I'm normally like." "Oh really," he said with no small amount of sarcasm, "So normally you're this sweet and delicate flower?" "No, that's my friend Ashley," Aiden said with a bit of a smile. "I'm a bit...rougher than her." "No," he gasped in mocking disbelief, "The hell you say." "Shut up," she mumbled in embarrassment. "So let me guess, you're the rough and tumble kind of girl with a heart of gold and secretly wishes she could be the girly girl your friend Ashley is." "God no," Aiden exclaimed with a smile, "I leave the girly stuff to her and Kitty." "Whoever that is," he quipped before looking her over, "And I have to say, for someone who claims not to be a girly girl you sure don't dress like a tomboy." Blinking, she looked down at herself before her cheeks went bright red with self-consciousness. In all of the flurry of activity and emotion she'd completely forgotten what she had been wearing. The skin tight workout leggings and sports bra Kitty had picked out for her yesterday showed off and highlighted the feminine curves of her form to maximum effectiveness and left absolutely no doubt to the observer that she possessed a lean, sexy body. "My friends suggested it to keep from tearing on branches and stuff when I run in the woods." At the mention of clothing being torn, the man glanced down at his shorts, which now sported a few minute rips in the fabric from where he'd encountered various branches and thicket. "Yeah, guess I can buy that," he allowed before looking up at her and narrowing his eyes in consideration. "But I'm guessing otherwise it's jeans and T's for you otherwise huh?" "I'm trying to branch out," Aiden clarified, "I'm not the kind of girl that refuses to wear a dress or a skirt." "So you're not one of those militant feminist types eh?" "God no," she scoffed, "Those kinds of people are an embarrassment, and more often than not they don't give a shit about feminism to begin with." "Yeah," he agreed, "You'd look pretty stupid with a buzz cut." "Hey!" Aiden snapped, though immediately she softened and smiled, "Yeah, you're probably right." The man stared at Aiden for several moments before finally relaxing his stiff posture and sighing. "Jake," he said by way of introduction and held out his hand. "Aiden." There was a small fissure of heat that zinged up Aiden's arm as she took his hand, though she did her best to hide it. "You were with those other guys that just came into town," she observed. "Yeah," he admitted, "We're on summer break and heard this place was pretty nice." "Only if you're pretty big into nature." "Are you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Hell yeah," Aiden said with a grin, "A lot more than some stuffy, dirty city." "I dunno," Jake mused, looking around, "I see a lot of dirt around here." Unable to help but giggle a little, she lightly slapped his shoulder. "Not that kind of dirt, idiot. I'm talking about trash and filth and waste that comes from large human populations." "Ooooh," he intoned with understanding, "You're one of those types?" Aiden could feel her heart start pounding when he said that. Did he know she was a mutant? Did he hate mutants? Did he know she was a werewolf and was getting ready to hunt her? "Wh-what types?" she stammered. "Greenpeace types." The clarification had her nearly sighing in relief. "The tree huggers that chain themselves together so a bog doesn't get filled in and developed into condos or something." "Well," she said, choosing her words carefully, "I much prefer nature over urban, but I'm not so blind that I don't grasp the concept of humans needing to develop the land to live. It's when it gets to be excessive that I have a problem." "Pretty enlightened for a...what are you, freshman?" "Going into high school," she clarified. "No kidding?" he said, only seeming mildly surprised, "Well, these days it's hard to tell whose fourteen and twenty-four." "You saying I look old?" Aiden challenged with a glare. "Nah," the remark was waved off with a gesture of his hand, "Just saying you can't always tell these days. I've known some people that haven't changed how they look one bit from the age of sixteen until they were almost thirty." She supposed that was a reasonable enough explanation for mistaking her for being in college. After all, look at Patrick Stewart. The guy hasn't seemed to age a day in nearly thirty years. Maybe he was a mutant too. "Okay, I guess I can buy that." "Great," he said, relaxing into a pleasant smile, "Now would it be imposing for you to point me back in the direction of town? I'm a bit lost after our little race there." Rolling her eyes dramatically, Aiden smiled and nodded her head in the direction of town. "Come on City Boy, I'll show you the way back. You'll probably get lost and end up a bear's meal if I just leave you here." "There are bears around here?" he asked with eyes widening with a touch of fear. "Oh sure," she said as though it was common knowledge, "This is a huge forest after all." "And you're not worried about getting attacked?" "It's not the bears I typically worry about." Of course, she didn't say that any bear that came within smelling distance of her would immediately recognize her for apex predator she was and go the opposite direction, but she didn't think he'd appreciate this fact. While she didn't have a lot of experience with guy/girl interactions, she felt reasonably sure telling a guy she just met that she had the ability to turn into a large wolf more than capable of eating him was a bad idea. "So if a bear doesn't scare you, what does?" "People," she muttered without thinking, her eyes widening with the realization she'd just said that out loud. "Ummm, I mean." "You don't need to explain," he assured her, falling in step at her side as they started the trek back to town at a much more leisurely walk instead of an all out sprint, "I get what you meant. There's a lot of bad people in this world, enough to make you ask if society is even worth it." "I haven't thought it was for a long time now," Aiden admitted, peeking up through her hair at him. "It feels like society is on a constant downward spiral that gets deeper every year. Between people mobbing someone and then posting it on Facebook and YouTube just to get popularity hits, and the radical extremists bombing and shooting people more and more because they don't share religious views, I really don't want to have any part of it anymore." Pausing for a moment, she looked ahead and watched a deer that had been foraging for leaves whip its head up upon scenting them just before bolting away in that graceful manner only deer can achieve. "Places like this are fading fast and pretty soon even it will get overrun by idiots taking extreme sports videos just so they can get a thirty-second spot on America's Funniest Videos." "It's a shame," Jake agreed, "Everyone's forgotten where they came from. No one really remembers that it wasn't all that long ago towns like Wolf Springs were the norm, not unique." "Wasn't so long ago that everything was hand-made too," Aiden pointed out, "Now people want mass produced crap instead of something that was created with painstaking care and a unique individual item." The passion in her voice had Jake looking over at her curiously. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience." The blush was there and gone in but a moment, but there was no denying she felt a bit self conscious with the subject. "Kind of," she admitted. "I forge blades." She paused to quickly look over at him to see his reaction. Instead of the expected scoffing at the very idea that a girl doing blade work, he actually looked a bit interested. "Even that has fallen into the assembly line mentality." "Really?" The look on his face showed surprise and confusion. "There's no human components to knife making anymore? I would figure something like that would stay away from automation." "You'd think that huh?" she said with a sardonic twist of her lips, "And yeah, some parts of it do have to be done by hand like fitting the tang into the handle or arranging the scales...that's when the handle is made of two separate pieces that sandwich the blade tang between them," she explained, receiving a not quite understanding nod in return, "But the most important part is done by machines stamping out, grinding, sharpening, and polishing the blades themselves. My Dad actually got an offer to go work for Gerber Knives once and he turned them down when he saw they weren't hand-forging any of their blades anymore." "So your Dad forges knives too huh?" He noted with interest. "Yeah, kind of a family job and tradition rolled into one. We've been making blades for generations." "Not to sound sexist," he prefaced, "But you don't exactly seem to fit the stereotypical knife maker look." "Oh?" she said with a deceptively sweet smile, "And just what does the stereotypical knife maker look like?" It looked like he might have been ready to go on about how most of society only viewed big, burly men as being bladesmiths, but he quickly changed his mind and shook his head. "You know what, I have no clue. The only thing I know about making knives is the stuff they put in movies or T.V and God knows that's not real life." "Smooth," Aiden acknowledged with a bit of a smile, "But I think I know what you're saying. Entertainment media often looks at how blades were crafted back during medieval times, which was done primarily by men simply because of the mentality of the time period. Actually, I'm the first female bladesmith in my family's history." "Well that's quite a distinction," Jake noted, clearly impressed. "It's more accident of birth," she said, quickly covering herself instead of blurting out the complication that her mutation caused, "I'm sure there were girls at points in the family tree, but there were always boys too, and they were the ones that carried the torch. I'm the first in our family to be the only child and a girl as well." "So you got the trifecta huh?" Aiden stopped and looked at him with a slight frown of confusion. "What are you talking about?" "Well, you're from a family of bladesmiths," he ticked off on his fingers, "You're an only child, and you're a beautiful girl. Looks like you got it all when it comes to family traditions." Aiden didn't even hear the last part of his statement. The moment he'd said she was beautiful her train of thought when it came to continuing their conversation went a bit off the rails. Yes, she knew what she looked like, and her almost boyfriend Henry had told her she was beautiful before, but this was a complete stranger who she'd never met before today and didn't know a thing about her past. While she didn't consider herself vain by any stretch of the imagination, the fact that someone thought she was beautiful had her growing warm in certain places. He is intelligent. He has responded and considered me of interest. "You...think I'm beautiful?" Aiden asked quietly, peeking up at him shyly. "Of course," he said, looking as though such a description should have been obvious, "Hasn't anyone told you that before?" It was tempting to bring up Henry, but she decided talking about old almost-boyfriends was probably not the best way to keep a guy interested. "My parents." "Doesn't count," he said with a dismissive wave, "They're obligated by the Loving Parent Clause of nineteen-oh-two." "Oh really," she laughed, "I don't remember ever hearing about that particular legal document." "Very obscure," he intoned seriously, "It was positively revolutionary towards child rearing. Before then, parents could hang pork chops around their children's necks so the dog would play with them, people shopping for groceries were under no obligation to say what a beautiful child a couple had, the Middle East had women wearing burkas and I've gone too far haven't I," he said, noting the look on Aiden's face. "You went too far," she agreed immediately, "But it was a good effort. Though..." She looked around before leaning in close and whispering conspiratorially, "I think burkas are pretty damn stupid too." He smiled and lightly bumped her shoulder with his fist. While it was a friendly and rather masculine gesture of friendship, the physical contact of skin had a delightful little shiver zip through Aiden. "You cold?" he asked, clearly having seen it. "No," she said quickly, ducking her head to hide her blush, "Just...someone walking over my grave is all." "You know," he remarked, "I never really understood that expression. I mean, you're not dead after all." "Huh," Aiden considered, "You know, you're right, it is kind of a dumb saying." Grinning, she stepped in a little closer and gave him a teasing little hip bump. His response was a lightly little shove that contained no strength to it before his arm slipped around her shoulders. Her first response was to suddenly tense with caution at such an intimate and possessive gesture. Who did this guy think he was putting an arm around her like that when they'd only just met? Did he think he owned her or something? However, as they continued to walk and he didn't remove the appendage in question, Aiden came to realize that it actually felt kind of nice. It wasn't so much as a gesture of possession as it was one of affection. He'd already complimented her on her looks, and now he was showing her that he was interested in her. He seeks to establish a claim. He has good breeding potential. "Shut up," she muttered at her instincts. No matter what her wolf wanted, there was no way she was going to "breed" with a guy she just met. "I didn't say anything" he said, looking down at her in confusion and a small amount of offense. "No, sorry," she said, her cheeks heating with embarrassment, "I was telling my brain to shut up about getting back to work on the knife I started at the forge." Since there was no way she was telling him it was an argument with her wolf persona, Aiden figured a little white lie probably wasn't a bad thing at the moment. "You know," he suggested, "I've never seen a knife being made before. Maybe I could come see how you work?" "Oh I'm sure it'll be pretty boring for you. It's pretty much just a lot of standing around while the metal heats up in the forge followed by about twenty minutes of hammering. Rinse and repeat." One shoulder lifted in a shrug and he smiled. "Still, I think it would be interesting to watch. Pleeeease," he begged in an exaggerated drawing out of the word. Unable to resist that sudden, boyish charm of his, Aiden giggled and nodded. "All right, but don't say I didn't warn you." In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but equate what had just happened to another certain someone who had made an almost identical request. Nor could she forget just how badly that turned out in the end either. Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Nature Walk Hotel Tom was flipping through his latest emails when the knock at his door came. Setting the tablet on the small table provided in the sitting area, he went opened the door to reveal a smiling Jeremy standing with two steaming cups of coffee bearing the logo of the local coffee house at the ready. "Hey bud," he greeted cheerfully, "Thought you'd want one of these." "Thanks," Tom told him gratefully, taking one of the cups and returning to his seat at the table to resume his daily corespondance. "Whatcha up to?" his friend and frat brother inquired as he dropped into the other empty seat, hanging one leg over the chair's arm. "Dad wanted me to look over this persepctus he'd been sent to see what I made of it." "Already grooming you to take over the company huh?" Jeremy grinned as he took a swallow from his beverage. "He's been asking for your opinion on a lot of stuff these days." "Well I'll be graduating before you know it," he responded distractedly as he tried to devote his full attention to the details of the document despite his friend's attempts to do otherwise. "So what are you planning to do to seal the deal with that hot little redhead you nabbed?" The statement was punctuated by an almost comical waggling of the eyebrows in what Tom presumed was supposed to be companionly. "I don't know," he admitted, making a notation to the document before lifting his gaze. "Honestly, I'm not so sure it's a good idea." The way Jeremy's jaw dropped it was lucky he still retained all of his joint and muscle functions or it might have crashed right through the floor. "What the fuck are you talking about man?" While his friend's shocked response annoyed him a little, Tom admitted it wasn't without merit. While Jeremy was certainly the frat's biggest horn dog, Tom had more than chased after his share of tail and nailed it every time. It was well known that he was always up for some good pussy, which was why it felt so completely alien to him that when he tried put together plans to get Ashley into bed it just seemed...wrong. Every time he imagined a seduction scenerio where he sweet-talked the beautiful redhead out of her clothes and into bed he felt oddly dirty. The mental image of her looking at him like a bitch in heat just didn't seem to fit, like a core section of a jigsaw put together with pieces that, while similar, came from a completely different puzzle. It just didn't look right. "I'm just saying that something about it doesn't feel right. She's a really sweet girl and the idea of getting her into bed doesn't seem right." "Wait, wait, wait," Jeremy cried, leaping to his feet and holding his hands up to forestall any further blasphemous statements, "You're telling me that you, Thomas Borland, undesputed king of pussy, is actually turning down the chance to bag a hot little piece of ass because it doesn't feel right?" As unbelievable as it sounded, especially coming from Jeremy, there was no denying that was exactly what he was saying. "Yeah," he comfirmed, "I guess I am." "So you're just going to cancel with the broad and, what, jerk off?" Shaking his head, Tom opened up the checklist app on his tablet and went over the list of supplies he would need for tomorrow. "No, I'm not canceling." "So what the hell are you planning to do then?" the man demanded, his voice rising in panic as he watched what he thought was the beginning of the end for his sexual idol. "I'm going to put together a picnic, go for a walk in the woods, and have a nice meal with a very smart, very beautiful girl who honestly deserves to go out with someone better than me." The thud of someone attempting to blindly reclaim his seat, missing, and hitting the floor had Tom looking over in surprise. From his sprawled spot on the floor, Jeremy looked up at his fraternity president as though he were a complete stranger. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with my friend?" he demanded. "Dammit Jeremy, knock it off," Tom snapped in annoyance, "I know we planned on coming out here just to score some teen pussy, but it just doesn't feel right doing that to Ashley. It kind of feels like I'd be hurting her soul to betray her like that." Shaking his head so hard his short hair flew, Jeremy clambered back to his feet and folded his arms over his chest while casting a disapproving glare down at his supposed brother in pussy. "Well fine, you can be pussy whipped if you want, but I plan on plowing Kitty six ways to Sunday until she can't walk." "Knock yourself out," Tom told him dismissively just as a ringing sounded from Jeremy's pocket. "It's her," he said with a kind of hungry excitement as he looked at the caller ID before throwing a looking of superiority at his fallen idol. "Bet the bitch is so hungry for my cock at this point she's stepping up the date." Thumbing the answer button on the screen, Tom watched the demeanor of his friend radically alter right before his eyes. Gone was the cocky, sex-craving womanizer and in its place stood a man still cocky, yet confident and charming. His sudden change was one of the reasons why Jeremy had been so successful with women. While he was without question a grade A pervert with his friends, the level of charm he could manifest just to get laid was astounding. Sometimes the perv leaked through, but usua

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By The Book

BY THE BOOK By Geneva In the late fifties I was twentyone, and just graduated from college. I'd been slow in getting a job lined up, and as I really wanted a break anyway, I went back to visit my sister Ellen in the family home. Ellen was the only one at home. Our father had been killed nine years previously in Korea, and our mother had died of cancer when I was still a freshman at college. Mom and Dad hadn't been rich, but Dad's parents had left us with some money in their...

4 years ago
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Another AirBNB Booking

I love playing games with Lisa, she is so good at the roles and we enjoyed a quiet evening until I got an alert from Anika that an enquiry had come through for another AirBNB booking. I logged on to see the following message:“Good evening, sorry for short notice but need to book your room for tomorrow evening, too s**tty and forgot, I am a 23yo medical student and in town for a conference on Tuesday and loved your easy going and friendly profile. I do drink (will bring wine) and smoke (happy to...

2 years ago
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The Little Black Book

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

4 years ago
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The Little Black Book

A young man is given a very special Little Black Book by a mysterious Gypsy Fortune Teller. He uses the magical book in an attempt to seduce the office bitch. How that turns out is very interesting.= = = = = I don’t usually pay any attention to the fortune tellers at the street fair that is set up each Sunday along the sidewalks near my apartment. I know they are all fakes. The only thing for sure about them is that everything they tell you is a lie. But this one was different. She was sitting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Time Testing 101 Tims New Book

The annual Peoples’ Science Fiction Convention was upon the people of New City, Pennsylvania, and by the thousands the citizens made their way to the historic Pavilion Palace – many dressed in various garbs of their favorite fantasy Sci-Fi creatures. Also, many college students who enjoyed the genre journeyed from nearby schools – Amerdale Univ., Overland College, and even as far east as Haverlawn and Arcadia Universities – to see the latest collectibles and catch sneak peeks at upcoming genre...

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How To Book! By Mary Beth Sanford Players: Chuck, the main character, his aunt Rose and Cousin Cindy, his neighbor Susan and that man Willard. Synopsis: He's been cross dressing for a long time. His cousin's things mostly. Dressing, then reading those little stories he buys. Those stories on boys not like him but dressed like him. Those boys and their petticoat punishment. Fantasies while wearing a little touch of reality. Fantasies for him perhaps, but not for his aunt....

3 years ago
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The Wooden Book

Chapter 1. Representation of the People Lord Philip Harvey sat in his armchair before a roaring fire, frowning at his newspaper in disapproval. The first handful of articles he had perused were completely satisfactory and very much to his liking, but by the time he was half way down page four, he was in a foul mood. "One would think, would one not," he announced grandly, as if addressing the Lord Speaker of the upper house of parliament, "The Times would be above the printing of such...

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The Forbidden Book

If you ain’t a Sci-Fi Geek, you ain’t going to like this one. Mild erotica, but very interesting Sci-Fi concept. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. ...

4 years ago
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She Of The Book

SHE OF THE BOOK by Geneva Be cautious of female captives with a magic book! It was the time of Timur, the great conqueror and humbler of kings and emperors. Amuja and I were brothers. Well, not quite. His mother and mine were both wives of Baregu, but that was all the relationship there was. As my mother continually reminded me when I was growing into manhood, my real father had been one of Timur's earliest allies, even a friend, but there had been a falling out,...

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Halloween The Book

Halloween Two, 10/10/2016: The BookAbergale threw her coat over the back of her regular seat at the library next to the window directly opposite the storage heater which for some reason was always on and pumped out huge amounts of heat year round. She sat down heavily in the seat and placed her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes trying to relieve the pain of a head ache that had developed since breakfast and was getting worse by the minute. She got headaches like this every month on her...

4 years ago
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A Masterful Seduction by the Book

It had been forever since I had time to spend an afternoon wandering through a bookstore. I could have downloaded a book with a push of a button, but there was something I really missed about thumbing through pages and trying to decide what I was going to take home to read. Plus, I needed to get out of the house even if I didn’t have any intention of interacting with anyone except for the college kid doing his homework behind the checkout counter. The bookstore was empty, or at least it felt...

2 years ago
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A Masterful Seduction by the Book

It had been forever since I had time to spend an afternoon wandering through a bookstore. I could have downloaded a book with a push of a button, but there was something I really missed about thumbing through pages and trying to decide what I was going to take home to read. Plus, I needed to get out of the house even if I didn’t have any intention of interacting with anyone except for the college kid doing his homework behind the checkout counter. The bookstore was empty, or at least it felt...

2 years ago
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The Book

I was attending a soiree with my wife, Clare (soiree: a fancy term for a late happy hour amongst the intelligentsia and I was happy because I had a very nice scotch, neat, in my hand). Anyway, I was sitting quietly in a corner watching my wife and others in the room. She was talking animatedly with her mentor and friend, Professor Randy Holcomb. Her hand motions were subdued by the fact she had a martini in one hand but I could tell she was trying to get some point across to the professor. To...

4 years ago
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Domination Book

There were times in your life when you experienced extreme emotions. When you woke up for early morning practice, you could only grumble in frustration. When you won a game against a hard opponent, you felt joy and pride for yourself and your team. And when you lost, you felt abysmal sadness overwhelm you. Though none of them had anywhere the power of the extreme elation you felt right now with the book in hand. You remember getting it like it was yesterday. Probably because it was yesterday....

Mind Control
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The Spell Book

Note: This is inspired by the porn game "A Spell For All" and english is not my first language, so I apologize if there are grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. _ This is my first story, i hope you like it :)- - - - - - _You are Aiden Forger a 19 years guy, you were always a quiet guy without many friends and work as a cashier in a small store in your town. The only break you have from your boring life is your favorite hobby: camping. In a weekend night, you decide to...

Mind Control
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The Book

Being a Dr. of Psychology for the last 18 years has been rewarding in itself. Along with having a wonderful and loving wife and raising 2 very successful c***dren has afforded us the opportunity to relax and finally enjoy some of the fruits of our labor. Val and I met while still in college. Young at heart and both ready to set sail to conquer the world ahead. I will always look back at the first several months of our relationship. We sat for hours and discussed all philosophy of life. It was...

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Wrong Book

"Isaac are you even paying attention?" Emmi giggled as she swept a few strands of her long blonde hair out of her face. "Huh? Yeah, something about the powerhouse of the cell?" he mumbled while adjusting his focus away from the window in the living room. "How do you expect to pass Biology 102 if you don't pay attention? You're so lucky we're friends and that I actually take notes." Emmi sighed as she started packing up her things. "Well, I gotta get to my next class! We'll pick up...

2 years ago
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Good Book

It started with a book. The company I worked for had arranged a holiday gift offer through one of those warehouse booksellers. We could order any book we wanted. The selected book would be gift-wrapped, mailed and ready for opening Christmas morning. I decided on a gift for my wife, Melissa. We'd been married less than a year yet, being married was more than I'd ever hoped for. To share your life with someone else was wonderful, the intimacy, the devotion, the togetherness. Oh and the sex,...

2 years ago
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Dave finds a book

"David," she called, "come help with this box of books I got at the church storehouse." I helped her bring in a musty box with years of dust on on it. " This box has been in storage for ever and they were just going to toss it out, so I thought you would like to go through it first." She gave me her stunning smile, God my mother is beautiful. "Thanks mom." I said grinning like the love sick teen I was. She checked her watch. "I have a meeting soon order a pizza for you and...

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Leading Lady The Book

Sunday   I moped about the flat. I did some perfunctory cleaning then decided, fuck it, I’d go to the pub and see some friends. My mobile rang around 1pm just as I was buying a couple of glasses of wine. ‘Look, I’m sorry about this weekend.’ ‘It’s fine, really. I know how busy you are.’ She must have detected something in my voice. ‘Look. I am busy. My work matters to me too. If you cant deal with that then we’ll just say goodbye.’ ‘I don’t know if I can deal with it or not.’ ‘Then you need to...

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The Book

As a general rule, Jason kept to himself. He had a few close friends at school—Matt, a tall, gangly, Marilyn Manson look-alike and Ron, a stocky, bearded outcast who wore Rob Zombie t-shirts, but mostly listened to Pink Floyd. Jason himself had been labeled a Goth kid, even though he didn’t see himself that way. He didn’t wear eyeliner or paint his nails, and if pressed he would say his favorite band was Led Zeppelin or Nirvana. He figured the classification must have started because he was...

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The Birthday Book

The best decision Todd Keeler had ever made in his life was to marry Lena. He knew it and so did she. It made for an interesting dynamic in their relationship. Todd was aware that without Lena he would probably be in prison, or dead. Lena knew that without her influence in his life Todd would probably be a homeless derelict, addicted to alcohol or drugs, and a useless piece of human debris. She didn’t use her power over him as a club. Rather, she preferred to provide him inspiration,...

Group Sex
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Its in the Book

According to Mother, Grandpa and Grandma never quite knew what to do with her sister. Their first daughter, Mother took a position at Anderson’s Fine Apparel, sold my father an expensive cravat, married him and had me. Holly, on the other hand, closer to my age than hers, became a librarian, but never caught a husband. I figured being a librarian was why she wore glasses and maybe the glasses were why she wasn’t married, but what seemed to me odd was her un-remorse about it. In Mother’s view,...

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The Lesbian and My Book

It's a long story, but I wound up being in punk bands at an early age, and then I kept falling back into it, sporadically, as the decades flitted past. I found myself facing the final show of what I was hoping was my final band. The band was having to dissolve because of near tragic health circumstances, so the night would be thick with compassion. There would be a merch table highlighting our brand new last album. Plus a lot of other stuff, so I decided to print up ten copies each of a...

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The Forbidden Book

Damon White was an average, everyday 18 year old man, and like every teenager he thought his life was the worst life ever, but that was all about to change. "Damon, for the last time, get your lazy ass out of bed and get to school, your going to be late!" Bob White, Damon's father yelled up the stairs. Damon rolled over, dreading the day he had ahead of him, today he had three tests, which account for 50% of the final grade in their respective classes. He knew, like always that he was going to...

Mind Control
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The Book

Your name is John Doe and you have always been "into" mind control ever since you read the book "The Depths of The Human Mind" by an author you cannot even remember. Another big contribution in your interest in the field of mind control was your grandfather Kent Doe, he was a master of the art of mind control. "I just want to be like Grandfather", you would always say to your father Jim Doe. "He was always able to get his way, shit he was president of his company on his first day on the job,...

Mind Control
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Looking for a book

I shouldn't have been there and undeniably I shouldn't have stayed, but I simply got caught up in it all and simply froze. Although I was pretty drunk, I make no excuses, I was wrong and am completely embarrassed that things worked out as well as they did.My friend Doris had invited me to stay at her house while my apartment was being treated for termites. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, depending upon how you look at it, the exterminators had been delayed, so while my house was covered...

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Magical Checkbook

You already know me, the dreamer and science fiction fan from class. Every High School has kids like me. Science Fiction, Video Games and dreams are my life. Getting home from school to get lost in a book or a game. Would anyone know me, care or recognize me one year after school? I am like many boys and fantasize about sex. I hit the incest chat rooms and wonder. Tina is two years older than me, a 5"3" little blonde bombshell with blue eyes, tawny skin with C cups and a slender body. I knew...

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Pattis Play Pal The Book

Patti's Play Pal - The Book By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis "Klaatu barada nikto," Mark yelled. He had no idea what he was yelling, but he yelled it. In the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, one of the classic science fiction films from the 1950s there was never an explanation of what Helen Benson said to the giant robot, but Mark was desperate. At first he was scared, now he was angry as he struggled to free himself from the grip of those cold metal hands. If robots were...

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New Werewoman Handbook

This has to be the worst day ever. I start out by running late for work with no time for breakfast. I'd been kept awake all week by strange dreams, and today it caught up to me. I underwhelmed a valuable client, my boss and some co-workers during a really important presentation because I felt so distracted. All day I just couldn't focus on my work, and every time I tried my thoughts wandered back to those dreams. Arriving home, I noticed that my front door was wide open. “Great now I've been...

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The Child Molesters Handbook

© Russell Hoisington 2003 SUBJECT: USED COPY OF CHILD MOLESTER'S HANDBOOK FOR SALE FROM: [email protected] (Tickle Puss) Norman's jaw fell open, imitating the largemouth bass mounted on the wall behind him. He could not believe his luck. He had just downloaded a complete new set of "West Virginian Virgin Vaginas" pictures, the first new pictures in well over a year, from his favorite newsgroup, alt.binaries.fuckable.young.pussy (there was a pile of used kleenexes...

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The Book

Introduction: This story is set in 1999only ten years ago, but it seems like a completely different time, when Goths were the tortured souls of high school, mostly defined by others instead of themselves. This is loosely based on a true story, I was a regular freshman girl with a mad crush on a senior Goth boy, and now I regret not taking it farther. Being a little older and a little more experienced, I wrote this story based on what should have happened. Jason shifted uncomfortably in the...

3 years ago
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An odd book

Well, it happened again. Rejection. Should have realised that she only saw me as a friend. Ah well. Back to searching for a new lady to get to know, though this always seems to happen. I get to know a lady, meeting her from work or friends. I hang out with her and we both enjoy each othet's company, but then when it comes time to tell her my feelings, she doesn't feel the same way. Three times in the past eight months this happened. Ah well, try number four should be the one. As I think these...

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The Defaced Book

He knew he was in trouble the moment he received the letter of summons to present himself at the Monastery of Repentance for ,"...committing a most serious act of defacement of a much treasured volume...." He sat down,he knew it was useless to try to get out of it, his studies at university would suffer if he did not present himself at the Monastery to answer for what he had done. It was time to face up to what he had done and accept the severe punishment that the Nun's and Monk's of the...

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The BookChapter 4 Book What Book

Bob looked at the clock. It was a little after noon. The tall woman in the gray suit now sat in his arm chair, drinking a cup of caf. Bob had a plastic cup filled with soda. She said her name was Kim, and that was all she'd offered so far. Betty had gotten the woman her hot drink. Kim had snorted at her and dismissing her as unimportant, at least for now. Betty hovered in the kitchen, spying whenever possible on this unusual visitor. "How did you discover you've got the 'ability'?"...

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Hogwarts Rule Book

while looking around Hogwarts a character finds a special book. The book allows rules and descriptions of students/teachers to be written and will make it seem natural to all but the owner of the book. uses it to make his stay at Hogwarts more enjoyable for any of the characters in any year that the rule book is found in . the rule book is found in the room of requirement on the seventh floor of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. in any year of hogwarts school of witchcraft and...

1 year ago
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The Book

Andy had just gotten home with a new book he had found at an antique store. It had a strange name that was in Latin but when he used his phone to translate it, it turned out it was a book of sex magic. Andy didn't really believe in magic but he was still curious about the book. It looked old and had a strange lock in the front which was difficult for him to figure out. He was happy the old man running the shop had no idea what the book was actually for so Andy didn't feel embarrassed when he...

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Encounters in a Bookshop

He saw her the minute she walked through the shop doorway and stood there shaking the rain from her umbrella. His hand was raised to wave but something made him hesitate. Later he was to wonder about this. Was it because he sensed something? Did she seem secretive even then, in the doorway? Or had he just been lucky? Standing, half-hidden behind one of the centre rows of bookshelves, he watched her pass, only a few feet from him. He saw she was still wearing the black tailored suit that she...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 29 Flight Booking

The next morning her phone rang with calls from Janet and Julie. Knowing what the calls were about she let the phone ring out at this stage. She just wanted to finish her breakfast in peace. Just before lunch there was a knock on Helena door. Looking out all she could see was a bunch of flowers. Opening the door both Julie and Janet we standing behind the flowers. Inviting the ladies in she ask “What is the occasion?” “What’s the occasion she asks, you know bloody well why!” They both...

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The Spellbook

"Rrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnggggggg..............." "ahh it was about time" said Dastan feeling relieved. "god this biology class is such a pain in the ass" he said looking at Michael "meh?? I find it easy" replied Michael "Of course you do! You fucking nerd! Everything is easy for you!" said Jack. "Wassupp my boys" David intervened them. "Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Michael asked them excitedly. "Yesss.. finally tomorrow is the big day! That cosplay event is going to be full of hot milfs and...

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The Spellbook

My name is Kelly White. I'm in my room right now. My best friend and roommate, Rae Reddie, is sleeping in the same room as me. Rae had been obsessed with this spell book recently. I was so confused. Why did she like it so much? Did she still believe in magic? Honestly, I was confused that the spellbook wasn't black. I looked at the spell book, and snatched it as Rae slept.. I flipped to a random page, and saw 'Mind Control Spell?' Ooh, looked fun. I snuck out Rae's room, and made it to the...

Mind Control
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The Birthday Book

The best decision Todd Keeler had ever made in his life was to marry Lena. He knew it and so did she. It made for an interesting dynamic in their relationship. Todd was aware that without Lena he would probably be in prison, or dead. Lena knew that without her influence in his life Todd would probably be a homeless derelict, addicted to alcohol or drugs, and a useless piece of human debris. She didn’t use her power over him as a club. Rather, she preferred to provide him inspiration,...

5 years ago
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Ella and the book

“I am really not sure if we should do such a thing,” Ella said as she walked from the kitchen into the living room of her friend Mia's house. “Come on, Ella,” Annalise, another member of their small clique, responded from the couch. “It is just a fun thing. You don't believe there is actually something gonna happen. It is just a old book Jen found at the antique store.” “I not even knew the mall had an antique store,” Mia said as she also came into the living room, carrying some candles and...

2 years ago
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Toni the book

Some time ago I published a short story; titled TONI on Nifty. I did not get many comments, but the ones I got were very nice and I decided to make a book out of this story. One of the nicer comments was from Mardee Louise Prynne, who writes fabulous tranny stories herself and who told me that the name Leanbaby was silly. Therefore I changed the name for the book into LaneMacLane. I published this long version also on (I don't know whether Fictionmania likes the...

4 years ago
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How I Got Addicted To Adult Bookstores

So I had just gotten out of a 3 years relationship with a very hot and very sexual woman and was working nights. The bars closed at the same time I got off so there was really nothing for me to do. I started going to a 24/7 adult bookstore sometimes after work. I had been there a few times and even started to wear pantyhose there under my jeans to jack off in the booths. Some of the booths had a viewing window in them that showed into the booth next to you so you could watch each other getting...

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swingers handbook

A Swingers Handbook I couldnt come up with a name to describe these guidelines, based on my experiences, So I thought, A Swingers Handbook might be fitting. Swingers, that might be a new word for wife swappers, and in this day and age, I have no idea what they call it. Usually its people who are married that have sex with multiple partners with the consent of their spouse, most times including their spouses. Now days, all they have to be is a shack-up. Most all of the women in my life were...

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From the Night Porters Logbook

If those noises had been coming from Flat 83, I wouldn't have been so surprised (Irish hooker who'd been warned several times.) Or the ones who'd just moved into Flat 52 (young newlyweds, God bless 'em). But Flat 17...This was the golden couple. He'd made it big in textiles. She'd been a world-class model. Together, they were the toast of every dinner-party circuit. And he was currently away in Russia on a long business trip...After a year or two as Night Porter in a luxury block, you develop...

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Naomis Little Black Book

After coming home from her heist, Naomi flops down on her bed; brown eyes gazing up the dingy ceiling. Her shoulder length blue hair scatters across her pillow, she hasn't changed yet still in the same clothes when she left. She let out a sigh and held out her hand that had the ring on it, a grin forming on her lips as she stared at the magnificent jewelry. She got up and stripped out of her heist clothes and put on something relaxing. A thong and a baggy crop top was all she needed. After...


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