South Of Bikini 4- A New Home free porn video

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Episode 9 "A New Home" 1211hrs, Temple of the Sun Complex, Egypt, 2510BC "Alex! Alex, can you hear me?" Was that Emily calling for me? Her voice sounded so far away, and what was with the darkness? Why had Meridian turned off her exterior lighting? "Doctor, what happened?" "Meridian alerted me to a medical emergency outside the hull, captain." 'Oh no, one of our passengers has been injured! I should go see what happened. They may need my help, sis,' I said, but they were apparently too far away to hear me. "How bad, Doctor?" "I haven't finished my examination yet, captain. She seems to be unresponsive though." 'The patient must be really bad. I'd never heard Emily's professional voice sound so concerned.' I wish I could see where they were so I could help. "Captain, her cerebral cortex. I'm detecting severe hemorrhaging in multiple locations!" my sister whispered. 'We better get that patient to the infirmary. I'd like to help, but I don't know where they are.' "What happened to her?" another, far away voice whispered. 'What a nice sounding voice. Very forceful- very commanding,' I thought to myself. I liked this man's voice. I wonder who he is? "She pushed herself way over her limits, sir. Allie, we need to get her to sick bay on the double," Emily mumbled. "I'd like to, sis, but I can't transit into Meridian, her shielding won't allow me to phase through her hull," Allie said from somewhere far off. 'Hi, sis.' I really wish I could find them so I could help. "Then we do this the old fashioned way," That rich, wonderful, male voice said. My head started swimming. Wow! His voice really did make me swoon! "Khufu, be careful! We need to immobilize her head to avoid further damage," Emily insisted from far away. They must have been on the other side of the temple somewhere. 'I better hurry and find them so I can lend a hand.' "Alex, you need to remain still!" 'But I should be helping with the patient. Time means everything in these cases.' "I'm warning you, Alex, if you don't relax and stop fighting us, I'll have to knock you out!" 'But you need my help! I'm hurrying, sis!' "I warned you, Alex! I told you not to move! Now you leave me no choice; its time to say nightie-night!" 'What? No! I...Oh, I feel so tired all of a sudden...Nightie-nigh...' Intensely bright light assaulted my eyes as I came to. I tried to raise my hand to shield them, but found it restrained. Since that didn't work I tried blinking a few times. That only made things a thousand times worse. Apparently my eyes had already been closed. A 'beeping' sound filled the air of wherever I was. What was going on? Where was I? I tried my other arm to no avail. Why am I strapped down? Had I been captured? Had I even been anywhere to get captured? "So how is our hardheaded patient, Doctor?" Was that Anna Beth's voice? She still sounded so far away. "What's going on, Emily? Anna Beth?" I demanded. "Settle down Alex, you're in Meridian's infirmary. You've suffered severe hemorrhaging to your brain. You need time for what nanos you still have to repair the damage. Why didn't you take my advice and not push so hard? Are you in that much of a hurry to scramble your brain?" "I did what I had to do," I told her. "What did she say, Doctor?" "She said she did what she had to do, captain. I think. Her speech center is still pretty scrambled," Emily mumbled. "This is the first she's said since I found her." "Empress, you had no right to sacrifice yourself on our behalf!" The tearfilled, yet shaken, voice of Anna Beth declared. "Still, I humbly thank you for your efforts and dedication. You are a true friend and valued ally. Should I still call you friend, Empress?" "Huh?" The blinding light dimmed and I think I felt someone kiss my forehead? "Heal thyself, Mighty Empress. Let your humble servants do your bidding for now," Anna Beth said just above a whisper. Why wouldn't any of them come closer so I could actually hear them- and who just kissed me? "As you wish, your majesty," I responded with a giggle. "Could you make that out?" "I think, 'as you wish, something'." "You are truly the enigma, Empress," Anna Beth laughed nervously from across the room. "Keep me up to date on her condition, doctor. I'll go update our Mind Warriors. Jacquelyn and Camille have refused to leave their posts until the Empress is out of danger. Djedefre also refuses to seek shelter in Meridian." "Aye, captain." "How's your patient?" I asked. "What?" Anna Beth asked, just above a whisper. "I think she asked how my patient was, captain. You go on, ma'am, I can handle this one." Emily paused for the longest time. "Alex, you're the patient, you crazy, hardheaded, blonde! You pushed yourself way past your limits and popped a few dozen blood vessels in that stubborn brain of yours! When I arrived you were bleeding from your ears, nose, and, eyes. Alex, your nanos are almost completely depleted," Emily mumbled. Why wouldn't she come closer so I could hear better? "My flask. In my purse," I told her. "Alex, your flask is empty. Where did it all go?" Emily asked in a whisper. Where did my supply of nano charged water go, I asked myself? Oh, that's right. Oh, man did my head hurt! "I gave the last of it to that little girl, last night," I told my sister. "You what? Alex, when did you do that? You never left my side last night." Everything was so hazy. When did I do that? The throbbing in my head felt twice as bad now! "After we played chess," I answered as soon as the answer presented itself by way of a single, painfully recalled, image. "I beat the tall, handsome guy with the great six-pack, remember?" "Not as well as you do, obviously. Alex, I'm afraid I'm going to have to knock you out again. That seems to be the only way you'll get any rest." "But I've been out for like a week already, sis!" I argued. "You've only been out for ten minutes, Alex! Time to rest now." "But I..." I awoke to the sound of Meridian's thrusters starting. As I struggled to gain my freedom from the restraints, the noise multiplied. "Peyton's firing up the thrusters! I have to get onboard!" I said aloud. I fought some more with the straps. Why couldn't I get free, I asked myself? The answer made me feel so stupid. Phasing out, I sat up and pushed myself off the hospital bed. Finally free of the restraints, I rephased. My head pounded like the symphony was using it as the solitary tympani! I had to get to the bridge, but where was I? "Duh! You're in the infirmary, Alex!" I answered myself. Again the thruster noise doubled. Exiting the Infirmary, I made my way to the elevator. "Bridge," I told it. "Alex, before arriving at that level, I suggest you change clothes. The captain requires her command staff to be properly attired," Meridian's voice advised me. Accessing my HUD, I selected my Reilly's default configuration. Just in time too, as the doors slid open to reveal a fully engaged bridge crew. "All thrusters online, hot, and standing by, Captain," Seph said confidently. "Thank you, subcommander. Engineering?" "Planetary umbilical retracted. All fuel cells fully charged and tending. Beta wave APU online. Meridian reports launch tube clear. Primary and secondary escape passages open to atmosphere, captain." "Thank you, Lt. Samuels. Security!" "All external sensors show Meridian safety zone clear of unauthorized personnel. Temple Gateway secured and sealed. Exhaust vents are open and unobstructed, captain." "Thank you, Lt. Cmdr. Darough. Nice of you to join us, Ex-O. Take your seat." Why did Anna Beth sound so stiff? "Tactical!" "..." "TACTICAL!" Anna Beth shouted angrily. I looked over just in time to see Sunni fly up onto her console and jump to a specific location on it. "Immediate area and local airspace shows clear, Captain. Launch corridor is a go," Sunni's voice echoed through the bridge loudspeakers. Why hadn't she exited Pixie mode? "Weapons!" "All particle and optical weapons fully charged and online, Captian," Jack acknowledged. "Sciences!" "Remote tower AI indicates all clear, Captain. Launch countdown clock is moving," Allie reported. "Internal environment!" "All levels report pressurized with an optimal mixture and temperature, Captain," Emily reported. "Navigation, plot a trans-lunar trajectory! We'll hold there until our Ex-O has fully healed." "Confirmed. Trans-lunar course plotted and entered. Go on your mark, Captain." Even Natalia? Why did everyone sound so 'by the book'? What happened while I was out? For that matter, how long had I been out? "Thrusters to three quarter power. Engineering, release docking clamps on positive bouyancy. Internal inertial generators to full!" "Aye, captain," Ricky Lynn and Peyton chorused as I watched Seph's hand advance all three banks of thruster controls with confident ease. The whining roar of the thrusters increased a hundred fold causing my head to vibrate painfully. Meridian began to shudder. "Z-axis movement, captain," Persephone Peyton reported with excitement. Natalia and her daughter high-fived each other. "Let's maintain professionalism, ladies!" "Aye!" Both replied smartly. "Remote tower AI reports Meridian clear of launch tube, Captain," Ricky Lynn reported over the thrusters. "Helm, full power to the thrusters." Seph again advanced the throttles. The signature whine and roar tripled in volume. My head vibrated wildly and felt ready to explode! "Thrusters at maximum, captain." "One hundred-fifty meters per second, captain. Passing Mach one. " Allie reported as Meridian's shuddering smoothed out slightly. "Altitude, seven hundred meters and climbing." "Confirmed, Helm." "Three hundred meters per second," Allie said as she called out our speed. "Five hundred meters per second." "Twelve hundred meters," Seph reported. "Seven hundred meters per second," Allie said continuing to announce our velocity. "Seventeen hundred meters." "One point five kilometers per second." "Engineering, thruster report." "All thrusters at one hundred and ten percent of rating, captain. My panel is all green," Ricky Lynn reported. "Five kilometers per second, Captain." "Twelve Kilometers, Captain." "Nine kilometers per second." "One hundred-seventy kilometers." "Eleven kilometers per second, Captain." "Two hundred kilometers." "Escape velocity, Captain," Allie advised. "Two hundred-forty kilometers, Captain." "Inertial generators to dynamic." "Dynamic, aye, Captain," Ricky Lynn acknowledged. "Helm, thrusters to half," Anna Beth ordered. "Half throttle, Captain," Seph repeated as the thruster whine and roar decreased significantly. "Captain! I've detected several large explosions from our launch vicinity! One from the Temple and...and one from the plateau, ma'am!" Allie reported excitedly. "What in Osirus' name happened?" Anna Beth demanded angrily. "Unknown, Captain. All planetary telemetry has ceased. Lt. Sukiro try to raise the alternate sites." "Aye, Commander," Yuuka responded. "Captain. Commander. All alternate sites are out. The whole planet has gone silent, ma'am," Yuuka quickly reported in confusion. "We need to know what happened. Keep trying, Yuuka," Allie responded. "Aye, ma'am," Yuuka acknowledged. "Commander Steinert, stop drooling and wipe your mouth! You've had your time in this seat!" Anna Beth said as she looked over at me angrily. I simply smiled nervously at her. Her face remained hard and neutral. What was going on? Was she mad at me for scrambling my brains? "Twelve kilometers per second." "Parking orbit, Captain," Natalia reported. "Trans- lunar correction burn in nineteen minutes." "Main Thruster Cut Off, Captain. Thrusters standing by," Seph confirmed. "Well done everyone. Alex, Allie, Emily, my ready room. Now!" Anna Beth ordered angrily. "WHY WASN'T I ADVISED?!" Anna Beth growled- her hands slapping down hard on the conference table as soon as the door slid closed. "About what, captain?" I asked in confusion. "Don't act like you don't know, Alexandra! Why does the Empress constantly withhold important information from me?" "I told you everything, Anna B..." I began. "This is not the time, Alexandra! TELL ME WHY!" "Why what, ma'am?" I asked innocently. "Alex," Emily said sadly, "Djedefre stayed behind. He refused to board Meridian." I lowered my gaze to the floor. "Oh...that." "Oh! So now you two remember! Alex, why didn't you tell me- tell us?" Anna Beth asked after a long pause where she stared angrily at Allie and I. "Captain, I'm sorry, I...we couldn't tell you," I admitted sadly. "Why? Why couldn't you tell me? I LEFT MY SON DOWN THERE, ALEX! Meridian's sensors detected multiple explosions right after we launched! What is your game, Alexandra?!" I took a deep breath as I looked to Allie. She lost focus momentarily and seemed to double for an instant. Wow! That felt really, really strange! "Djedefre is to become the next Pharaoh, Captain. One of the explosions would be Allie and Cami laying siege to the Sun Temple. There will be almost nothing left of it for history to find. The mystery of Djedefre's Sun Temple will be debated by experts for decades if not centuries, but nothing will be confirmed absolutely." "By seeming to cause the destruction of the Temple, your son secures his place as the powerful 'Living God' the people of Egypt had demanded. Though sometimes brutal, he will reign for many years before his eventual death. Even had you been informed, you wouldn't have been able to stop him, sister." I was suddenly sitting down on a chair. When had that happened? "Woah, that was weird. When did I sit down?" I said as I reached for my head. "Alex, you just popped into that chair," Emily informed me. "I 'popped'?" "Yes, one minute you were standing over there, the next instant you were in that chair. There was no noticeable break in your explanation, though," Emily explained. "Captain? Permission to sync with my temporal twin?" Allie asked worriedly. "Will it help unscramble that pig-headed, piece of granite you both call a brain?" "It should help." "Do it," Anna Beth growled. Allie walked over to me. I was suddenly standing across the room from where I was just an instant before. "Sis, what are you doing? This is no time for games," Allie said, surprised, but disappointed. I felt lightheaded again and reached for my head. "I didn't do anything, Allie. I wanted to sync up," I said as Allie again walked over to me. My head began buzzing loudly. Suddenly I was looking at a whole bunch of me- at least twelve, evenly spaced, Alex Steinerts, encircling the room. "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" "AAAW, that hurt!" Twelve instances of my voice echoed through the room. "Doctor? Analysis!" Anna Beth demanded sounding none too happy. "Alex, which one of you is the real Alex Steinert? "I am," All twelve of me chorused. Emily palmed her face in defeat. "Of course. Why did I even think that would work?" she mumbled to herself in frustration. "Internal chronometer, sis," Allie said to no one in particular. "Alex freeze your!" "You," Allie pointed to the Alex to my right. "Tell me your internal chronometer number to the right of the decimal." "Zero-zero-six-two-two-nine," That me answered. Allie pointed to me. "Read your number." Consulting my HUD, I read off the number. "Zero-zero-zero-nine-eight- three." "Sit down on the floor, please. Don't move," Allie ordered. "You. You're next. Read your number," She pointed to the Alex on my left. "Zero-zero-one-zero..." she began. "Enough! Em, this here's the real McCoy," Allie reached down and placed her hand on my shoulder. I cried out in pain as a severe burning sensation spread quickly though my body! Everything went dark. "It's about time you woke up, Alex." Sunni's voice didn't sound too happy. What was up with that? Where was she, anyway? I tried to move my head but felt it restrained by a tight belt across my forehead. "Why is my head tied down?" I asked in confusion. "Why do you think, Alex?" Sunni said as she hovered up into my range of sight then landed beyond my left breast and leaned angrily on it with both hands. She certainly looked perturbed. "You almost gave the captain a coronary!" "And just how did I do that?" I asked. "Emily said there were, like, twelve of you in the captain's ready room- that you all answered at the same time." "How did I do that?" I asked. "What? Seriously? You don't know? Alex, how could you not know how you do it? You were there...weren't you?" Sunni screeched angrily as she leaned harder on my breast and stared. "I remember it happening, but I still don't know how I did it, Sunni." "Well, that makes it unanimous, Alex," My voice said from my left. "Alex? Alex Reilly?" "Yep." "But you were fine. You and I, we..." I started to say with concern. "Yep," she answered my uncompleted question. "Then, how?" "When we sync, its bidirectional, sis, remember?" " brain isn't that scrambled," I replied in annoyance. "Apparently it was, sis, and...apparently when our nano reservoir is low, we both feel the pain of the information migration. Don't ask me how. I don't have any of my research here to review. Thanks, by the way, you've made my week." "Week? What do you mean 'I' made your week?" I asked as my confusion multiplied. "Alex, we've been orbiting the moon for four days. Anna Beth refuses to set any course until you two recover," Sunni informed me. I looked at the five-inch, yellow-winged, yellow-haired, woman pressing hard into one of my prominent, sensitive, assets. It seemed strange for Sunni Smithson to be doing that given... "Why haven't you left Pixie mode, Jim?" "Why haven't I left Pixie mode," Sunni repeated dourly as she suddenly stood straight and put her hands up above her head. "Aren't you even remotely concerned about your own health? God, you are really something, Alexandra Steinert!" I stared at the tiny woman in silence for some time. "Fine!" Sunni angrily crossed her arms under her bust. "Aunt Emily thinks it's because of my period! She thinks maybe you and I share a common trait- not being able to access our gift during that time of the month! Ya happy, Empress? I've been stuck as a honey-sucking, flying, Barbie doll for almost five days!" "Well at least it's almost over, hun. In a few more days you'll be a grownup then you don't have to ask Yuuka to take you to Pixie mode ever again," I said with a reassuring smile. Sunni became very animated as she raised her right hand, pointed, and angrily shook her tiny finger at me. "Just...just...just a few more days? That's all you have to say, Alex? How can you be so upbeat? I've felt bloated, crampy...I've had a blaring migraine, and my mood changes have been off the scale! And to top it all off, I think I'm even beginning to like boys, Alex! How screwed up is that?" "Well, you are fe..." "Don't even go there, Alexandra Steinert! I know what you were going to say and just. Don't. Go. There! I'm usually a guy, just in case you've forgotten that little fact?" "I didn't forget, Jim. You knew the risks going into this and willingly accepted them. You just got immersed a little deeper than you anticipated. Now you can say you've experienced good as well as bad from our side. Not many men can claim that on their resume." "Alex, that's not the point! Sure, I've experienced what you all experienced so many years ago. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity, but this isn't right. I'm James Smithson, Colonel, USAF, not Sunni Smithson, blonde, yellow-winged, femme-fatal, Pixie." "So what is the real point here, Colonel?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Sunni's head dropped in defeat. "I...I think...I think I like it, Alex. I think I like being a Pixie! How completely absurd is that? I mean...I mean I haven't even received my gift yet. Sixty-two years old and James Smithson hasn't received his goddamned gift! I've got to be the lamest brother of Kili there ever was! Now I'm a Pixie...having my frickin'period, fer chrissakes! Alex? You would have told me if I had a giant 'L' tattooed on my forehead, right?" "Why would you have an 'L' on your forehead, Jim?" I asked, not following his more modern vernacular. "'L' for loser, Alex. I feel like such a loser. This trip only confirmed what I've known for years. James Smithson is an absolute loser!" I began to laugh. "See, even the great Empress of Time and Space thinks I'm right and can't help laughing," Sunni said as her wings slowly lifted her off my ribcage. She began to slowly fly out of view. "I'm not laughing at you because I agree with you, Jim. I'm laughing because of how girly you're acting right now. So you're stuck like this for a few more days- big deal! You still performed a valuable service to not only me, but also to the Queen of all Egypt! You and Yuuka both helped save hundreds of lives over those two hectic days," I took a breath as she flew back into view and settled back on my ribs. "You have never been, nor will you ever be a loser, James 'Sunni' Smithson! On the contrary, you are one of the bravest men I know. Who else would volunteer to help me with my cause, knowing what would happen to them...again? No. You are a brave man, Jim- a man who cares less about himself and more for those around him. For me, that more than pays for membership into Kili society," I told her. "I'm also surprised you fought the urge to feel me up just now." Sunni looked down to where her hands rested and blushed profusely. Her hands shot back to her sides. "Sssssorry." I smiled wickedly a moment. "As for your gift...that's just around the corner, hun," I indicated the direction with my eyes. "Great! Now you're back to teasing with your predictions," Sunni griped raising her arms over her head in defeat again. "So, tell me, Empress...when can I expect to receive my gift...and will I know it when I see it?" "Go around the corner and see, Jim," I suggested. "Now I know you're teasing! You've never given anyone a straight answer to that question for as long as I've known you, Alex! Just tell me the truth, please, Empress." "Your gift awaits you around the corner, James Smithson! How much clearer can I be?" I laughed as I motioned with my eyes to my right again. The yellow-winged Pixie paused a moment then pointed behind and to her left. "My say my gift...its right around that corner? On the other side of that wall, right?" "Got it in one, hun," I giggled. Sunni slowly took to the air and flew off to my right. She was gone for no more than a minute before she returned, looking extremely disappointed. "I am sooo damn gullible! I didn't really expect you to be straight with me, Alex," she said as she gently, slowly landed again on the left side of my ribcage. "So, you're not happy with your gift, Sunni?" I asked wondering how long it would take. "All I saw was a mirror, Alex. I get it. You win. I won't bitch anymore," she replied, disheartened. "Pixies can be sooo oblivious at times, sis," Allie giggled from my left. "Now there are two Empress' laughing at the loser," Sunni moaned. She began to slowly hover off me. "So, what did you see around the corner, hun?" I asked gently. "I saw a mirror, Alex. I already told you that." "No," I continued, "What did YOU see, Jim?" "Like I said; I saw a mirror, Alex! I saw me- a blonde-haired, yellow- winged, pixie with a nice rack- hovering in front of a mirror. Satisfied now?" she sulked. "Almost, Sunni," I answered. "So, let me get this straight, Jimmy," Allie asked for clarification. "You went around the corner- a corner my sister told you was where you would find your gift- and all you saw was a voluptuous, blonde, yellow- winged, Pixie in a mirror." "That's it! I'm out of here!" Sunni shouted angrily as she suddenly streaked out of my line of sight. I phased out and sat up. Looking to my left, I noticed Allie sitting on another bed looking back at me. We both started counting. "," We chorused. Sunni shot back into the Infirmary and hovered mere inches from my face. Her face was red with anger as she pointed a tiny, delicate finger at me again. "You enjoy doing that way too much, Alexandra Steinert!" she groused. "Do you like your gift or not, Jim?" I asked bluntly. The tiny, yellow-winged Pixie flew closer, grabbed the end of my nose with both hands and kissed it. She flew over to Allie and did the same thing before returning to me. "So I'm stuck like this? I'll never be James Smithson ever again, Alex?" "No, hun," I giggled. "You'll be stuck like this only if you forget to grow up, but only for a week's time. Congratulations. Now...go find your squadron leader and go celebrate." "Have one for me, colonel," Allie said before Sunni left in a blur. "You two really need to watch what you say to that girl, Alex. She just shot into the passage and barely missed me. Good thing I saw it coming. So what did you do to her now?" Emily protested as she entered the Infirmary. She didn't seem surprised that Allie and I were sitting up and free of restraints. "We just told Sunni she received her gift a few days ago. She didn't believe us," Allie revealed as she turned to get off her bed. "I thought Jim Smithson received his gift years ago? That's what my future memories say, anyway." "He hid the fact well, sis, but no, he just got it five days ago," I told her. "Wait, you don't mean there's ANOTHER Pixie in the sisterhood, do you?" Allie and I nodded. "Wow! That's going to play with his head!" "Well, it's better than the alternative, right?" I stated casually. "And what's that, Alex?" Emily asked. "Remaining in that form even when she grows up," I laughed. "But only if she wants that, sis. That's the way I've seen her future," Allie giggled. "We'll let the shape-shifting Pixie decide which is right," I giggled, along with Allie and Emily. Meridian 12, + 4 Days, 7 Hours, Lunar Orbit, 2510BC "Welcome back to the conscious world, Commander. I trust we won't be seeing more than one of you or your sister?" Anna Beth greeted stiffly as I exited the elevator. "Forgive me, captain. I had no idea I was so badly damaged. Lt. Scott has cleared Allie and I for duty, ma'am," I replied after stopping and standing to attention. "Take your seat, Commander." "Thank you, Captain." "So, Alex...what can we expect from the Empress with regard to destinations?" Anna Beth asked with one eyebrow raised, daring me to try anything. I knew her question had deeper meaning. "You are the captain, ma'am. You have a starship. You can go wherever you want in this big, beautiful universe. Say the word and we'll set course straightaway," I replied with a smile. "Where would you go, Commander Steinert?" she asked slyly. If this wasn't a test, I didn't know what would be. Natalia and Persephone turned around to observe. Anna Beth motioned with her finger for the pair to turn back to their consoles. "Home would always be a good place to go," I suggested as I put finger and thumb to my chin. "It's always nice to return home after successful missions...don't you agree? You get to sleep in a familiar bed, talk with familiar people...just relax and unwind in familiar, comfortable surroundings." "If home were anything like it was when Meridian 12 launched, I would agree whole-heartedly, commander. However, recent reports shed a different light on our home planet," Anna Beth looked very tired as her eyes lingered on me, she had obviously hoped for more. "How about we take a vacation then, Captain? Ship's morale would benefit if we could vacation among friends," I suggested. "Alex, right now we have no friends! We're probably the most wanted fugitives in this galaxy. By this time, word has reached all the other systems that the great Egyptian society of Earth has crumbled- that Khufu and Anna Beth have been...'expelled'." "Hmmmm, you may be right about that, captain. Why not go some place that hasn't gotten that message yet?" I asked, finger and thumb still on my chin. "Where would you suggest, Commander?" Anna Beth asked skeptically as she seemed to play along. "It's not a matter of where, but when, captain," I smiled as I began to concentrate on the outer hull of Meridian 12- about when in time I wanted us to go. "Captain! The stars! They've changed position!" Natalia shouted, suddenly breaking my concentration. Anna Beth glared at me then looked to the large view screen ahead of us. "Navigation, I want a best guess on our location!" she ordered. "Navigational sensors indicate we're still in lunar orbit, captain!" "Alex? What! Did you. Just. Do?" Anna Beth hissed at me angrily. "Communications, please open Terran subspace-band Alpha-theta-epsilon- nine, channel Gamma-nine-point seven," I requested hoping I remembered the proper comm band. I cued another language for my suit's translator. "Captain?" Yuuka asked for authority to comply. Anna Beth cautiously nodded her approval then continued to stare laser beams at me. "Alpha-theta-epsilon-nine, Gamma-nine-point-seven open, Exec. Go ahead," Yuuka repeated confirming the open channel. "Terran Interstellar Space Probe, Meridian 12, requesting docking permission and liberty privileges," I said in my newly selected language. Two faces, Anna Beth, and Natalia, suddenly stared at me like...well, like I was speaking some foreign language. Jack, Cami, Emily, Ricky Lynn, Sunni, Peyton, and Yuuka remained silent but gave me their attention nonetheless. "Unknown spacecraft, repeat your designation," A familiar man's voice responded over the loudspeaker. Seven of the bridge's occupants began to smile. "I repeat, Terran Interstellar Space Probe, Meridian 12, requesting docking permission and liberty privileges." "Meridian 12, please state your planet of origin," The voice asked. "Sol 3," I answered, knowing that was going to raise all sorts of flags. There was a delay before they responded. "Meridian 12, we have no record of any trans-stellar spacecraft registered to the uninhabited planet, Sol 3. Do you possess a valid authorization code, perhaps?" "OakridgeEmpress8716, Atlantis Control," I responded with a smile. A response came instantly. "Alex? Alex Steinert is that really you?" A familiar woman's voice cried out over the speaker. "Hey, Reggie, long time- no see," I giggled in response. "A long time? You've only been gone two weeks. Where are you? We can't see you anywhere on our sensors?" Reggie inquired. "We're just coming out of the lunar umbra. Meridian isn't that big though, so we'll still be hard to detect." "We? Alex, we just picked up something only eight by four cubits. How can there be anyone else with you?" "I say again, we request docking authorization and liberty for two hundred-eighty-one souls, Atlantis Control," I said ignoring her question. There was a long pause before she answered. "Atlantis Control, do you copy?" I asked just to make sure we were still in communication. Again there was no response. "Meridian 12. Please restate your liberty request," Reggie's mate, Ian's voice came back over the speaker. "We request liberty for two hundred-eighty-one souls, Atlantis Control." "Standby, Meridian 12." "Acknowledged, Atlantis Control," I replied. "Meridian 12, do you support remote docking capability?" "Standby, Atlantis Control," I switched back to my current default language. "Captain, they want to know if we have remote docking capability." "Yes, but who are 'they', Alexandra?" Anna Beth asked cautiously. "Friends of ours, Captain," I said before reselecting Atlantian. "Atlantis Control, we do indeed have remote docking capability." "Acknowledged, Meridian 12, sending synchronization protocols. Acknowledge on valid checksum." "Receiving an information packet, Exec," Yuuka reported. "Pass it to Lt. Samuels for authentication," I instructed. "Protocol packet received, Communications, thanks. Give me a minute to decrypt and install, Cmdr. Steinert," Ricky Lynn acknowledged. "Alex, whose language are we speaking?" Anna Beth asked as she looked between Ricky Lynn, Yuuka, and I. "It's a very old language, captain. I suspect Meridian has no record of it in her archive," I informed her. Anna Beth looked at me skeptically. "How old are we talking, Commander?" "About sixty-five thousand years before the exodus of Khufu and Anna Beth from Egypt," I responded. Our captain gasped loudly. Natalia, Sunni, and even Persephonie turned around and stared at me, mouths agape. "Meridian, where is Khufu?" she asked the AI immediately. "Your mate is in your quarters, Captain." "Tell him I want him on the bridge immediately!" "Khufu is on his way, Captain." "Captain, we have something big coming around the planetary horizon," Sunni cried excitedly. Anna Beth gave me an angry glare. "Commander Steinert, remote docking protocols have been accepted by Meridian AI. Passing checksum to Communications on your command, ma'am," Ricky Lynn reported. I looked to our captain for her permission. Anna Beth looked defeated. "Send checksum." "Aye, passing to Communications," Samuels repeated. "Checksum received and transmitting, commander," Yuuka acknowledged. "Meridian 12, Atlantis Control. Checksum received and validated. Welcome to Sol 3 and Expeditionary Ship, Atlantis. Dock Control will synchronize and bring you into docking bay Alpha-three. Sit back and enjoy the ride." "Captain, Meridian reports remote docking enabled. Thrusters coming online," Peyton said as we heard the thrusters winding up. "Breaking lunar orbit, captain," Natalia reported. The look she gave me though, asked if I was sure of what I was doing. As we slowly approached Atlantis, her sheer scale became apparent. "I pray to the Terran Lords you know what you're doing, Alexandra," Anna Beth whispered to me. I smiled confidently. "Two hundred-forty-thousand kilometers and closing, captain," Natalia reported. "Thrusters shutting down, captain," Peyton announced. "We're still that far away and it looks that big?" Anna Beth's eyes bulged. "Sensors indicate it to be fifty-three point four-six kilometers in diameter by two point eight-six kilometers at its thickest point," Sunni announced over the loudspeaker. "Eighty-eight thousand cubits by forty-four hundred cubits, Captain," Ricky Lynn informed her, converting to the Atlantian measurement system. Khufu and Allie exited the elevator. "Cubits?" Anna Beth blinked several times. "What's this about cubits, my love?" Khufu asked, immediately intrigued. Allie wasted no time taking her station. "That's 'Captain' while on MY bridge, mister!" Anna Beth told him through clinched teeth. "Ah yes, forgive me, 'Captain'. Already I am a second-class citizen," Khufu answered sarcastically. He turned his attention to our main view screen. "Captain? Where are we? What is that colossus we seem to be approaching? "Ask my Executive Officer. This is her doing." "Alex?" He asked looking to me. "Terran Interstellar Space Probe Meridian 12, please restate your crew complement as there is a discrepancy between hull dimensions and stated passenger complement," Atlantis Control asked. "Meridian 12 stands at two hundred-eighty-one souls, Atlantis Control. We're bigger than we look," I responded in Atlantian. Khufu slowly walked in front of me, turned, and stared deeply into my eyes. "Atlantis? Empress, can this be true?" He asked in wide-eyed astonishment. Our captain and navigator gasped. I smiled. Khufu began laughing and grinning maniacally before his hands flew to his mouth in childlike excitement. "By all the Gods is this really possible? We're actually here...Atlantis... the Ancient Ones?" I placed a finger to my lips to quiet him down. "Seven hundred kilometers and closing, captain." Khufu dropped his hands and his mouth fell open. He turned to watch our approach. "We're still that far away?" He asked then swallowed hard as I nodded my head. "One hundred kilometers and closing." "Retro-thrusters and maneuvering quads coming online, captain." "Thirty kilometers." Our course was bringing us in head on to the split, outer or Epsilon ring. "Quads firing, captain. 'Z-axis changing," Peyton reported. We began to pass directly over the upper section of Epsilon ring, so close in fact that we could see people watching in the windows. "Atlantis Control, Meridian 12. Control, think you could tell docking control that we just painted the hull and we'd kinda like it to stay there? We're microcubits away from receiving a collision alarm and Meridian activating her automatic evasion maneuvers." "Z-axis quads firing again, captain. We're gaining some altitude." "Sorry about that Meridian 12, our Dockmaster has very little experience with scout ships. Meridian 12, our security sensors show your weapons systems may still be active. Suggest you safety them. We are peaceful, repeat, we are peaceful." "Captain, Atlantis Control is asking us to disable and safety our weapons," I relayed the request in Ancient Terran. "So it's true? They're really the ancient ones, Alex?" Natalia said as she spun around and stared at me. Again, I just nodded. "Weapons Officer, disable and safe all partical and optical weapons. Acknowledge when complete. "All weapons systems disabled. All safeties engaged, captain," Jack reported seconds later. "Atlantis Control, Meridian 12. All weapons offline with safeties engaged," I relayed to Atlantis. "Acknowledged, Meridian. According to our sensors, you're carrying enough weaponry to destroy the planet below us several times over! We're breathing a little easier down here. Thanks," Ian responded. There was definitely relief in his voice. We had just passed over Delta ring and were closing on Gamma. "Captain Y-axis quads firing. Y-axis motion," Peyton announced. "We're matching rotational velocity, ma'am." The massive ring speeding under us seemed to slow down and soon stopped entirely. We were now passing Gamma on our way to Beta ring. Alpha or the Command Core continued to grow on our screen. Although I had witnessed something like this when we first arrived, seeing it from a transport tube was nothing like the view we had now! Atlantis could only be called magnificent! Beta Ring passed silently below us now. "Retro-thrusters firing, captain." On our main screen, a small speck of bright light appeared on the Command Core, about two-thirds up the giant, spherical hull. I noted that we were heading right for the grey circle above the huge grey 'A' of Atlantis' registry number: Alpha-Rho-Kappa, painted on her colossal, center hull. "Does that say what I think it says, Alex?" Jack gasped. "Sure does, hun," I answered. Emily, Yuuka, and Ricky Lynn all turned in their seats and stared at me. Even Sunni's head peered over the back of her seat at me with her jaw unhinged. Peyton remained surprisingly quiet. More thrusters fired. "Captain, Meridian's attitude has changed by ninety," Peyton reported as the command Core dropped below and off our screen. "X-axis quads firing." "The Commodore must be really anxious to see you, Alex. As I recall, that docking bay is almost right next to their bridge. Dixie told me it's reserved for diplomats, heads of state, and other dignitary shuttles," Ricky Lynn informed me. "Retro-thrusters firing. X-axis motion stopped, captain," Peyton relayed before more thrusters began to whine. "Z-axis quads firing again, ma'am." After just a few minutes, the brightly illuminated, metallic superstructure of Atlantis' emmense docking bay ceiling filled our screen. "Meridian 12, Docking Control. Which end is up? Your configuration closely resembles our lifeboat capsules, but I wanted to make sure. Please advise," An unknown man's voice queried. "Same configuration, Docking Control. Wide end down," I responded. "Acknowledged, Meridian. I'll try to be gentle." We felt a slight jolt. "All movement stopped, captain," Peyton reported. "Docking Control, Meridian 12. Welcome to Expeditionary Ship Atlantis. Commodore Celeste sends her warmest welcome and has asked to meet with your command crew following re-pressurization and decontamination protocols. Remote docking will be removed when all processes have been completed. Enjoy your stay, Meridian," Docking control informed and greeted pleasantly. E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 257:08:28 "Captain, remote docking has just disengaged my console," Peyton announced. It had been ten minutes since Docking Control had closed the outer door and began pressurizing the large docking bay. "Docking Control, Meridian 12. Remote docking protocol has completed. Your command crew is asked to egress at this time to meet with Commodore Celeste. Thank you for your patience and again, welcome aboard." "Acknowledged, Docking Control. Give us a few minutes to finish our post-flight," I responded. "Acknowledged, Meridian. Commodore Celeste has been informed and will be waiting. Docking Control out." "So, do we know this Commodore Celeste, Alex?" Anna Beth asked acerbically. While we'd waited, I had Ricky Lynn download the Atlantian language file to the rest of the command crew Reilly suits and Meridian's database. "Commodore Andromeda Celeste is our half sister, Captain," Allie responded for Emily and I. "My, but you do get around, Alexandra," she replied in a catty tone. "In this case, Captain, it would be our mother, Ruth Scott who 'got around'," Emily remarked, equally catty, to set the record straight. "Engineering, are we done yet?" Anna Beth demanded, changing the subject. "Aye, ma'am. Inertial dampers are offline. Power cells are fully charged and Beta wave APU is shutdown. Meridian is all tucked in for the night," Ricky Lynn answered. Local gravity is zero-point-nine-one of Earth normal, Captain," Allie reported. "Excellent job, everyone! Let's go have a look at Atlantis," Anna Beth announced. To me she sounded a bit too cynical. The outer hatch opened to reveal the large, well-lit hangar bay. Two other...what could only be called, shuttles sat nearby. They dwarfed Meridian in size and mass, but I'd wager she could dwarf them in firepower. We must have appeared quite the circus act as twelve people emerged from a craft that couldn't possibly hold more than two of us. Even from a hundred yards away I could see Andie's mouth drop open. "Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it!" Andie exclaimed in English as she walked toward us. Reggie was at her side along with Ian and his men. "Hello, sister. I bet you never thought we'd be back so soon?" "Somehow, I felt I should expect something bizarre like this. Welcome back to Atlantis, Alexandra and Emily," she greeted us with a bright smile. She embraced Emily, Allie, and I lovingly. "May we introduce the rest of Meridian 12's flight crew?" I offered then pointed everyone out as I named them. "And the Pixie on your right shoulder? She does not belong to you?" Andie asked with a quirky smile. "Hey, I don't BELONG to anybody, Commodore Amazon," Sunni growled from my shoulder. I had again forgotten about her being there. "Oh, right. Andie, this is Colonel James Smithson, but she prefers we call her Sunni while in Pixie mode." "Maybe my suit's translator is malfunctioning, but you introduced her as Col. James Smithson? The translator indicates 'James' is a male designation, not female. Please correct me if I'm wrong." "Oh, your translator is working fine, sis. James and I share the same limitation in that part of our gift doesn't work while menstruating. Sunni has a few more days left before she can exit Pixie mode." Andie blinked a few times as she tried to comprehend what I said. "Welcome to Atlantis, Sunni. I'm sure Yuuka is dying to show you around," Andie looked over to Yuuka for acknowledgement. "Yuuka, I hear the children have been asking about the little Pixie woman that had been visiting the schools around the ship for the last several months. I wager they would be thrilled to see you brought back a friend." Yuuka faced Anna Beth and stood to attention. "Captain, permission to be dismissed." "Granted, Lt. Sukiro. Col. Smithson, see that Yuuka is properly escorted. "Aye, ma'am," Sunni acknowledged as she sprang from my shoulder. Yuuka wasted no time going to Pixie mode and the two flew towards the interior hangar door- Yuuka having to toggle back to normal to trigger the door. "So, Captain. Would it be proper to invite you and your mate to dinner? It should be ready in an hour or so; we should meet first on my bridge. You are welcome to decline if you so wish." "It would be our honor, Madam Commodore," Khufu said, accepting graciously before confirming it with Anna Beth. Our captain glared at the former Pharaoh of all Egypt then looked back to Andie. "Thank you, Commodore. On behalf of my command staff, I accept your generous offer and look forward to sharing a meal with you. Perchance, is there something we can provide to the meal? Preparations, supplies, labor?" Anna Beth said stiffly. "Ah, I know of this future Earth concept!" Andie said excitedly. "If you so choose, you may contribute to the post-meal delicacy- dessert, I believe it to be called?" Andie said as she looked to me for confirmation. I nodded with a smile. "Acceptable. I would now like to update my passengers and see to their egress. I trust your men are here to escort us around the ship?" Our captain inquired stiffly. "Actually, Captain, I request your Chief Engineer see to your passengers, as I would like to get to know you, your mate, and the remainder of your command staff?" Andie asked diplomatically. Anna Beth remained silent for a moment. "Meridian, Lt. Samuels is in charge. Alert me if I am needed." "Confirmed, Captain," Meridian acknowledged. "Dixie?" Andie asked, looking up to the ceiling. "Yes, Commodore?" Atlantis' AI's voice echoed through the hangar. "Dixie, offer communications to Meridian 12. Standard network access, please." "Understood, Commodore. Mom, welcome back to Atlantis. I have missed you very much." "Me too, baby. Play nice with Meridian, she hasn't had anyone to talk to in quite some time," Ricky Lynn said pleasantly. Anna Beth's attention immediately snapped to our Chief Engineer. "Mom?" she said just above a whisper. "It's a long story, skipper. Dixie has all the latest firewall and security protocols though. Meridian is perfectly safe," Samuels confirmed, easing her fears. "Ricky Lynn, Ian and his men are under your command. We have reserved quarters in sections D-thirty-four through thirty-six for Meridian passengers. Local neighborhood liaisons will meet and greet when you arrive at Delta ring. They are being equipped with translation units as we speak. If you could copy the appropriate translation files to Dixie for download? Oh, and please pass on my welcome greeting to everyone?" Andie said as she smiled brightly. "Ricky Lynn, when you have time, would you like to meet me out on E- ring? I've been dying to talk with you," Reggie asked politely. There was definitely excitement in her voice. "As soon as I'm off duty, I'll give you a call, toots." "I'm off at three bells," Reggie added quickly, smiling. I noticed her quickly take Ian's hand and squeeze it. "Captain, if you and your remaining command staff would follow me?" Andie suggested as she motioned us to follow her to the exit door. It slid open as we approached a minute later. Once through it, Andie began her narration. "Meridian is docked in our high security bay, the only bay on Atlantis reserved for planetary heads of state, royalty, and other important dignitaries," Andie said as she led us down the passage and into Atlantis' bridge. Earth was just passing in front of the huge, floor to ceiling windows of the large, multi-tiered Control Room. "Gods, is that Earth? I've never seen it look so snow-covered." "At this time in Earth's history, the ice-age is in full swing," I informed Khufu. "Glaciers cover most of the northern and southern hemispheres." "I hardly recognize the planet like this. Alexandra, you are truly the miracle!" Khufu said to Allie and I. "I agree completely, sir," Andie concurred with a huge smile. After a few silent minutes she motioned us into her private conference room. Once the door slid closed, Andie stopped, turned, and quickly knelt, head bowed, before Anna Beth and Khufu. "Your highness', It is a pleasure to finally meet the great Pharaoh Khufu and Queen Anna Beth of Egypt. Atlantis is yours to explore, your majesties." "What?" Anna Beth gasped in shock. "Alex has told us so much about you two. Since first seeing your images courtesy of Jacquelyn and Camille, I have longed to meet actual royalty!" Andie bowed her head deeper. "Forgive me for my forwardness. I have dreamed of this moment since meeting my half-sisters." Anna Beth looked for some comment from me with tears in her eyes as Andie slowly stood back up. "Don't look at me hun; she came up with that all on her own," I giggled. The former Queen of all Egypt looked back at our hostess then looked at Khufu momentarily. Both of them instantly fell to both knees and bowed deeply. "It is we who bow to you- for you are the Commander of Atlantis- the leader of the Ancient Ones- the first to colonize Earth. We present ourselves to you, Andromeda Celeste of Atlantis. We are your humble servants," Khufu said- his eyes cast down to the deck. "Alex? I'm not sure what to make of this, sister. Why would royalty bow and prostrate themselves to me, I have neither noble blood nor royal title?" Andie asked as she stared at Pharaoh and his mate in teary-eyed confusion. "That is where you are wrong, Madam Commodore. It has been recorded that the Egyptian people are the direct descendants of the Ancient Ones. Some say they were Gods from the heavens, others believe them to be settlers from another world. You have proven the latter undeniably. What would you have us do, Madam Commodore?" Khufu explained. "Well, for one thing, you two should get up before my sister Reggie starts to tease me relentlessly!" Andie told them. "She thinks I already have too much power as it is." Reggie frowned and elbowed her sister's forearm. Anna Beth began to laugh. Quietly at first then she got louder. She looked up to see Andie staring down at her in confusion. "Now I know you and Alexandra are sisters, Commodore. You both show too much humility to your subordinates." "Subordinates, your highness? How could you say such a thing? I am nowhere near your superior! Please stand up, you are making me nervous," Andie blushed profusely. "She's right, Andromeda. I saw the similarities between you four the instant you stood together. Even you, Regina, you share some facial features and expressions with Emily- especially that glare you just gave Andromeda a moment ago. I've seen Emily give it to Alex many times in the last few days," Khufu laughed. "But Andie and I only have our father in common. I am not related to the Scott side of the family, your highness," Reggie gasped. "Neither are Allie and I, hun, but we all look like sisters just the same," I said trying to convince her of what I knew to be true. I wondered what she would do if she knew she actually had 'K' cells floating around inside her. Oh well, I thought, she'll find out when her gift manifests. Jack and Cami looked over at me in astonishment. I just nodded my head slightly while Allie gave them a slight, quick smirk. Andie must have noticed our covert exchange. "I'm sure everyone would like to freshen up before dinner? Reggie and I would be happy to show you to your quarters, majesties." "Commodore Celeste?" Khufu asked in a gentle tone. "Yes, Pharaoh?" Andie answered while bowing slightly. "Let us call a truce of sorts, shall we? If you agree to call us Khufu and Anna Beth, we will return the courtesy and call you Andromeda and Regina. Agreed?" "I cannot, in good faith, concede, your majesty. In order for this bargain to work properly, you must agree to call me Andie and my sister, Reggie." "You do drive a hard bargain, Commodore," Khufu smiled as he paused a moment. "You have a deal, Andie." Khufu offered his hand to seal the pact. Andie instead grasped his forearm- a normal enough gesture by Atlantian tradition, but for an Egyptian, the sign of friendship and camaraderie between fellow warriors. "Excuse me, Commodore. Mom wants me to tell you that several members of the 'Royal Egyptian Family' demand an audience," Dixie interrupted politely, but with some subtle sarcasm. "That wasn't the way she said it, was it, Dixie," I asked with a devious smile? "No, Alex, her exact words were 'The royal bad-assed nephew, bitchy princess Alusia, an' their three spoilt brats wants ta see da head dame o' this here joint'," she recited, doing a fairly good impersonation of the good Professor. "Alusia...isn't that the name of the...the Polish woman you told me about, Alex?" Andie asked as she narrowed her eyes. "The one and only, sis. Watch out for the oldest daughter though, she's a handful," Allie warned. "Dixie, inform Professor Samuels that I will be there shortly to escort the 'Royal Family' to my conference room." "Mom sends her thanks. She claims she was about to throttle the young Alexis. Commodore? What would engine controls have to do with teenage and adolescent children?" Dixie asked innocently. We all laughed. "It is a future Earth colloquialism meaning she wants to strangle the child about the neck, Dixie. She does not actually mean to do that though," Andie explained while continuing to giggle. "I wouldn't be too sure about that, Andie. Alexis can be a bit...abrasive," Allie concluded. "Shall I alert security of a possible altercation, Commodore?" Dixie asked with noticeable concern. "No, I'll take care of it, Dixie," Andie said right before she vanished. "Interesting," Allie and I chorused. Emily, Jack, Cami's, as well as everyone else's mouths dropped open. "So she has the family gift?" Emily asked me after a few seconds. "Seems so, sis," I replied. "She scared the dark matter out of me three days after you all left, Alex. One minute she was talking to me about how she missed her new sisters, wondering what it would be like to be able to phase out; the next, she was gone. I was beside myself until she reappeared right where she had been. She claimed she was trying to talk to me but I wouldn't respond. Andie said she went to get my attention and her hand passed straight through me. I guess that was when she figured it out and thought about rephasing. She's been practicing for almost two weeks straight. I've had to disable the temporal anomaly sensors all around Atlantis because she refuses to stop doing it." "Alex, Andie just rephased behind Alusia's Alexis," Jack informed us. "Now Alexis is hurrying back into Meridian. She's running kind of funny," Cami laughed. "Apparently she doesn't handle surprises too well," Jack grinned. "Good bladder control IS key in these instances, sister," Cami giggled back, nodding to Jack. "That's been my experience, too, sister," Jack agreed. "Stop it you two," Anna Beth groused, feigning a slight smile. "No one likes to have an accident...well deserved or not." "Let's face it," Emily said seriously with a devious smile, "A strange, six foot tall woman appearing out of thin air behind me would likely give the same result." Several minutes later, Alusia and her brood arrived in the conference room. Alusia glared at me accusingly as she instructed her two girls and her wide-eyed boy to be seated and behave themselves. Khefra had an almost serene smile on his face. That vanished as soon as his mate turned around and glared at him. At least I wasn't alone. "Welcome to Atlantis," Andie greeted formally in Ancient Terran, but she targeted the three children specifically. "I must remind you that this is a fully operational space vehicle and there are many rules that we all must adhere to. First and foremost," Andie paused for only a second, "this is MY ship and what I say goes!" Her fist hit the top of the table to emphasize the point. "There will be no whining, moaning, or bitching! Especially on MY BRIDGE! Is! That! Clear!?" Andie glared at Alusia's oldest. "If I hear from my subordinates that any of you...ANY of you have been the least bit out of line, Mommy and Daddy will be visiting you in our luxurious BRIG!" "When addressing any member of my command, you will use the proper courtesies and language. For your information, we all have translators with English, Polish, German, Egyptian, and Terran. I am also fluent in some of the more novel uses for one's middle finger! Yes, Alexis, I am one of Alexandra's sisters." "The way you suddenly appeared behind me- are you..." young Alexis began to say, but realized she had been given the answer already. She crossed her arms in anger and stewed quietly in her seat. "Kids, my sister isn't as patient as I am, so I suggest you be on your best behavior while we're here," I recommended. "So where is here? I thought we were going to our new home," young Lusius asked. Ana wisely remained quiet and casually stared at our statuesque hostesses. "I didn't want to leave Memphis in the first place!" Alexis grumbled. Andie glared at the girl intensely. I wondered how the girl didn't burst into flame! "You know what, princess? I didn't want to leave my home either! We had no choice in the matter, though! Our planet was dying and we were the 'lucky' ones that got chosen to find a new world. My sister and I also had to leave our friends and family to venture out into the unknown. My own father didn't make the cut! At least you have your mom and dad, youngling! Reggie and I have spent the last ten years traveling across the universe looking for a new place to live- hoping that somehow our father might follow our beacon and arrive sometime in the near future. But that's a very big and illogical dream, princess! This whole vessel has been more alone than any of you could possibly understand," Andie lectured. "You don't have a clue as to how lonely it can be- while traveling between systems- how utterly disenchanted we were until Alexandra and her sisters arrived five months ago. You children don't know how wonderful you have it!" Andie looked at Alusia suddenly. "And you! You of all people should be thankful! Alex rescued you from certain death and you complain that you have been forgotten and treated like one of the servants! How dare you! Neither one of you should utter a single complaint against these women! They have nothing but your best interest in mind and you show them contempt at being left out. What is it with you blue-bloods?" I looked to Allie and Emily to confirm that they noticed the faint, but familiar blue aura emanating from our statuesque sister. Both nodded clandestinely. "Andromeda, you're letting them get to you," Reggie said softly as she cautiously placed her hand on her sister's shoulder. "Please sister. The young ones are only testing your patience; like we did with father when we were that age." "Yes, but we didn't have a mother in our lives to teach us right from wrong as these younglings do. Father seemed always busy in his efforts to conserve Celestra. He had little time for us and we turned out better than these high-borne..." "Commodore Celeste, I beg you to look past anything these three have done or said. They are, as your sister said, 'testing' you. Why not show them what their home looks like from up here? Maybe that will instill in them a sense of scale?" Khufu interrupted. "Andie, I'll take them out to Epsilon," Allie volunteered as she walked over to the kids and offered her hands. "I wonder if you're Aunt and Uncle would like to go also." "My mate, would you like to chaperone our nieces and nephews? I believe Alusia and I have many things to talk with our hostess about," Anna Beth suggested. "Okay, I get it. You and Alusia want to discuss 'policy'. Come on Khefra, the women want to talk." "I know, uncle; I've seen that look many times." "Captain," Jack looked to Anna Beth, "Cami and I would also like to chaperone." Meridian's captain nodded her permission. Allie and her group vanished. Anna Beth, Alusia, Emily, Reggie, Andie, and I sat down with Seph and Natalia. We stared at each other for a few seconds. "My ship, my rules? Since when did you become Capt. Bligh, Andie?" I asked as I began to giggle. "Since 'little' Alexis gave me the one finger salute and called me a statuesque whore behind my back! She also suggested I sit on an obelisk and rotate when I confronted her. Alex, what in the seven worlds is an obelisk?" Anna Beth began to giggle then laugh. "She certainly takes after her mother, isn't that so, Alusia?" "Equal parts of her father too, my queen," Alusia countered reflexively. "Funny, I've seen the same behavior from our Empress," Emily laughed. "Hey, I was never like that, sis!" "No? How about right after you woke up from that designer virus Janelle infected you with? I recall you throwing a tantrum because I wouldn't let you out of bed." I noticed Peyton lower her head, as if recalling a similar experience. "Emily, if it is all the same, I would rather not revisit those memories." "What do you mean, Seph? What happened to cause my Sephie to look so sad?" Peyton looked at her mother. A few tears rolled down her cheeks. "I almost died, mother. If not for Alex and Emily, I would have." "You never told me of this, Alexandra. Why?" Natalia glared at me. "Because I asked her not to, mother. I felt embarrassed that Hathor had finally bettered me...and I helped her do it," Peyton said, looking at her mother sadly. "Peyton, there was no way you could have known you were infected with anything. That's not how a virus works. It usually takes between five to ten days to incubate before it overruns the immune system...manifests," Emily informed her. "How you and Alex contracted it so fast, I still have no clue." "Y'all are forgetting Peyton arrived with Hathor. We met outside, but she removed herself from our memories...almost," I told our group. "There are few Terrans, Reilliese, or hybrids that can affect my mind." "So you knew about me the whole time, Empress?" Seph asked, confounded. "Why not let me know?" "Tactics, hun. We each had our own way of doing things. Had we banded together earlier Hathor would have recognized the patterns of attack and modified her strategy. That would have been bad. Not telling you also allowed you more confidence in your plan and kept Hathor second-guessing herself during our separate campaigns. Two independent flanks always have more successful odds of defeating a single foe. The odds get even better when neither flank knows the other's tactics," I revealed. "Synchronized-yet-chaotic battlefield theory?" Natalia asked shaking her head. "I never thought chaos theory could be adapted to warfare. It sounds too risky to work...for both sides." "But isn't Alex the one who makes logic out of chaos, Nat?" Alusia asked. "They're the very definition of that concept," Emily laughed. "Chaos," I shrugged, "it loses all of its menace when you can see the outcome...usually. Now time," I looked at Emily, "he was a true adversary, huh, sis." "I vaguely remember him, Alex

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South of Bikini 2 New Beginnings and Conspiracy

South of Bikini: Onward Episode 5 "New Beginnings and Conspiracy" 1355hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 12th, 2028 "Miss Alexandra?" Sarah called to me as Corrine, Mina, and Jamie joined me at my side. "Ya Hun?" Instead of answering, she and Liz rushed me and wrapped their arms around me. Both girls remained silent, though I could feel quaking and heard muted sniffling from both...

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South of Bikini 5 A Change of Perspective

Welcome Back for Season 5 of South of Bikini. We rejoin the Empress as she deals with several family challenges on the home front and manages to finalize a previous mission satisfactorily. South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 1 "A Change of Perspective" Terra Neuvo, 10:01AM, Climax, Neptunian 14th, 437 of the New Era "We're going to miss you and Aunt Cami around here, Aunt Alex," my great niece, Alexandra, said as she hugged me tightly. I felt that unmistakable tingle. It...

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South of Bikini 5 Celestra

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 7 "Celestra" 4:30PM, Reilly Research Station, July 17th, 2020BC "Welcome back Empress. It is 4:30PM July 17th, 2020BC." RVP announced as I rephased our group- all thirty-six of us. Needless to say the Rec Room was instantly alive with some of my sisters rushing for the four food stations, some others- the Pixies- changing modes to stretch their wings after such an extended sequester- actually just two days. A few- Mom, Franny Darough,...

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South of Bikini Terra

South of Bikini Episode 8 "Terra" 0940 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 9th, 1944 "As you can see, Empress, this facility is very crude by comparison. I'm afraid it will be some time before our technology will catch up to Reilly." I told Alex Reilly as we finished our tour of Atlantis-Minor- Mina's chosen name for our base on Ni'ihau. "Captain, though you call it 'crude', I find this small settlement of yours wonderfully relaxing! I am reminded of similar places on...

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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

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South of Bikini 4 The Game is Afoot

Welcome back! Season 4 finds the Empress a diplomat helping to negotiate peace for an entire planet, but can it guarantee the Homeworld's survival this time around? Will Alex finds new friends and some new facets to her gift as she and her sisters try to limit the destruction from Clemson's rewriting time to fit his own academically opinionated knowledge of historic events? Can they find a temporal sanctuary from which to survive the resulting changes and extinctions? ...

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South of Bikini 5 Well Always Have Athens

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 2 "We'll always have Athens" 4:03PM, Athens, Greece, July 22nd, 1199BC "My love, where have all the people gone? Where did the distressed earth disappear? With the exception of the missing buildings and homes, it is as though the events of today never happened," Theseus questioned his mate after we reappeared next to Billie on the outskirts of Athens. The crater was gone and so were the destroyed buildings- rubble and all. "Sangiere...

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South of Bikini 5 What Happens in Whitechapel

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what...

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South of Bikini 2 Out of the fire a new hero

Continuing her mission to 1945 Poland, Alex must find a way to safely secret the Meridian Spacecraft and her team out of the heavily defended Wonderwerks facility and preserve the precious timeline. Will she be able to rescue the hundreds of lost souls locked away in the Wenceslas Mine? Can Alex rescue one very lost, very confused soul in particular? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 6 ...

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South of Bikini Developments

South of Bikini Episode 2 "Developments" 0400 hours, 700 Nautical miles East of Baker Island March 31st, 1944 "Andrews, I'm here to relieve you. How's the prisoner?" "He's been moanin' pretty loud. His ribs must be hurtin' but good. I thought Hilf was 'spose to be my relief." "She asked me to cover for a few minutes while she took care of if you know what I mean." "Ya, I heard. You...

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South of Bikini Conference of the Empress

South of Bikini Episode 10 "Conference of the Empress" 1005hrs. Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 12th, 2028 "Empress, welcome to Reilly Research Station. It is 1000hrs on May 12th, 2028." My Samantha immediately dropped to one knee to greet us. "Aunt Mina!" Samantha squealed when she saw her. Standing, she ran over, wrapped her arms around the woman, and kissed her several times. When finished she stepped before...

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South of Bikini 2 Losses and Beginnings

Returning from Egypt, Alex suffers her first real loss since becoming Empress. An emergency mission to right a fatal mistake ensues requiring her to re-establish balance between two Universes. South of Bikini: Onward Episode 7 "Loses and Beginnings" 1303 hours, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 28th, 2028 "Welcome back, Empress. It is 1303hrs,...

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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

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South of Bikini 3 Renewed Relations

Alexandra Fleming awakes to witness her daughter Cassandra's gift has arrived. Several previously mentioned paradoxes reach finality. Episode 2 "Renewed Relations" Sanford Fleming house, Long Beach, California, 0630hrs, April 23rd, 1953 "Momma." That same dream had crept into my sleep again. Why did it constantly seek to ruin any full night's sleep I desperately needed? "Momma." The soft sheets, fluffy pillow, and warm blanket made me not want to answer the small...

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South of Bikini Just a routine mission

The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...

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South of Bikini Her Arrival

South of Bikini Episode 4 "Her Arrival" 2313 hours, Howland Island, April 14th, 1944 "Are you sure you want us to leave you here, Admiral? We can drop y'all off at Pearl just as easy." I thought it too late for the Admiral to be leaving the safety of Sand Dollar. "I'll be fine, Alex! I'll call for a PBY to come get me in the morning! I have a lot of work to do both paper and otherwise, to get the ball rolling on...

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South of Bikini Travel for Friends and Family

South of Bikini Episode 5 "Travel for Friends and Family" 1301hrs, Five miles west of Tuba City, Arizona, August 10th, 2026 The banner stretched across the two-lane pavement in the distance read 'DARPA 20th Annual Fully Autonomous Solar Vehicle Ecological Challenge 2026'. "We're here! Welcome to the next millennium!" I said with excitement. "Where are we, Alex?" Ma said confused by the instantaneous...

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South of Bikini The Evil


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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

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South of Bikini 2 Danger Developments and Confusion

South of Bikini II: Onward Episode 2 "Danger, developments, and confusion" 1820hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 19th, 2028 Alex was waiting for my return from Detroit. "So, does Vern still know about Peyton, sis?" "Was there ever any doubt?" I answered with a wry smile on my face. "Well...ya! Everytime you change our future I have to wonder if we're going to sync up the next...

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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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South of Bikini 2 Meeting the Relatives

Admiral Demmit arrives with a mission request. Apparently he had found Reilly's vast historic library on his visit to the future and researched a few old friends... South of Bikini: Onward Episode 8 "Meeting the Relatives" "Mommy?" a small girl's voice whispered in my ear. "Mommy!" the same girl's voice whispered with a little more force. A pair of small hands shook my shoulder urgently. "Mommy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!" The small hands shook my shoulder...

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South of Bikini 2 Setting the Past Right

An offer is made to the women of U103. While giving as much information via a meeting with Grand High Counsel Tibius, Alex tries to fulfill one of the rescued German officer's wishes- to say goodbye to his wife- who, in 2029, is long deceased. Will the Empress succeed in saving another lost soul? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 10 "Setting the Past Right" 0757...

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South of Bikini 5 Home is Where the Heart Is


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South of Bikini 5 May Old Acquaintances

More questions are answered about Reilly Research Station personnel and the Homeworld. Can Alexandra keep the Timeline intact and save her home Planet at the same time? South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 4 "May Old Acquaintances.." "So..Alex.." Billie began as she gracefully sat at the kitchen table with her breakfast of citrus juice and this world's version of cultured, active biomass with fruit- 'yogurt' on twenty-first century Earth. "How can you eat that?" I asked as I...

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South of Bikini 5 Lest Be Forgot

The Empress transmits a special multimedia news report that explained the strange happenings and illnesses around the Homeworld. A 'Welcome to the Universe' party goes awry when Camille's mom and dad have a spat. What strange turn of events will the Empress of Time and Space experience this episode? Copyright: 2016, R.G. Beyer South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 5 ...

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South of Bikini 5 Landing the Big One

With their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...

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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

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South of Bikini 3 New Arrivals New Era

Episode 3 "New Arrivals, New Era" Citadel Community Park, Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Climax, Saturian 30th, 292 of the New Era "Alex, they're going to rush us! I'm afraid their intentions are..." Jack warned as her head whipped back to the main grouping of men! "Stun only, Jack- we don't want to hurt them." "Aye, phasers set to stun, Captain!" she replied in a rather convincing Scottish accent as the crowd inched closer. Even I knew where that quote had come from and rolled...

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sister gets a new Blue Bikini

The continuing saga of Ethan and Pam's sexual exploits, part 5Ethan sighed. He turned a corner and walked past another rack of clothes, women's sweaters on the left, dress jackets on the right. He sighed again and rolled his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere else but the women's department, like in sporting goods or in hardware. He needed new tools to work on his car. Couldn't he at least look for them?He turned another corner and stopped. The racks changed. On the right were small kitchen...

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South of Bikini 3 Proving Gound

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth's fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to 'step back' to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes? Episode 10 "Proving Ground" 0811hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 22nd,...

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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

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South of Bikini 4 Exodus 1

Episode 7 "Exodus I" 2200hrs, L. Scott home, Bridgeport, Conn, August 29th, 1944 "So Lu Sei found your flask?" Emily asked, as we got ready for bed. "Didn't waste a second after I left the room, sis. It was comical in a way, though. You should have seen her face when she found out it was just water!" "She knew that there would be alcohol in it?" "She was living on a base of fighter pilots. I'm sure at least one of them needed some 'liquid courage', Em." "But how would...

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Bikini Beach The New Neighbor

Copyright by author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The New Neighbor Elrod W Everything about Ronald Harris screamed of power - his clothes, his facial expression, his speech mannerisms, and his choices of words. And Ron Harris enjoyed his power. Particularly like now, when another of his plans was coming together. Even surrounded by construction workers and vehicles and equipment and noise,...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Bikini Beach A New Experience

Bikini Beach: A New Experience By Roy Del Frink It was another boring old day at the water park. Anya sighed. Nothing unusual, or even notable, about today's customers. Sure, seventeen men had come along with nearly two hundred women, but they'd just gotten one-day passes. Not a single customer purchased a pass lasting longer than a week, and all buyers were female. And the lifeguard and security may as well have stayed home today; their presence had proved unnecessary. Even her lunch...

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Pams New Bikini

Chapter 1 Ethan sighed. He turned a corner and walked past another rack of clothes, women's sweaters on the left, dress jackets on the right. He sighed again and rolled his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere else but the women's department, like in sporting goods or in hardware. He needed new tools to work on his car. Couldn't he at least look for them? He turned another corner and stopped. The racks changed. On the right were small kitchen appliances like toasters and bread making...

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South of Bikini 3 Paradoxes Galas and Gifts

With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis- Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger? Episode 6 "Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts" Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era "So why do I...

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South of Bikini 3 Rendezvous

Sand Dollars' next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex' crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission. Episode 7 "Rendezvous'" 1142hr, 200 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "Alex, Rommie's found the Freemont and she says we're about thirty minutes out through clear water," Jack...

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South if Bikini 3 Things that go bump

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel's missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow 'poltergeists' to enjoy the 'witching hour'? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels' theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers. Episode...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 1 A New Bikini

It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...

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My New Bikini

Last summer my husband and I rented a holiday hut on the beach. I bought a beautiful new bikini, all colourful patterns. I am a bit chubby, but I thought it looked great. I loved wearing it while wandering around the poolside, but one afternoon I decided to go for a walk for a change. Some distance from the holiday resort was a forest walk, but the sign did say that clothing was optional. Not for me, I thought. It was a lovely open area and there was no-one around, so I just had a happy stroll...

Wife Lovers
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Rileys New BikiniChapter 2

I opened my eyes to see my daughter looking at me. There was a strange look on her face, one I’d never seen there before. I expected to see anger, or disgust, but neither of those emotions were present, at least not visually. It was a little like she was examining some bug, mounted under glass, of a sort she’d never seen before. “I would never hurt you,” I gasped. “I know,” she said. She got up. “I’m going inside, now.” I was astonished to see a stain on the gusset of her new bikini. That...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 0810

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1416

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 14 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The...

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A Bikini with a Mind of its Own

Erin drove as quickly as she could, but the evening rush hour traffic slowed her way home from work. The package lay on the passenger seat next to her, and she couldn't wait to get home and open it. The package had arrived at her office early in the afternoon, in plain brown anonymously marked cardboard, as she had known it would. When she had placed the order for it, she deliberately had chosen to have it arrive at work, so her husband wouldn't see it. But she didn't want anyone she worked...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1719

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 17 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. ...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1113

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 11 The Following Days and the Firmlove Meeting Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non- canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist,...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 06

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 6 Lucy's Next Few Days Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by...

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The Pink Bikini

The Pink Bikini by Pamela ([email protected]) My mom and dad, Carrie and Rod Franco, rented a house on the shore of Poplar Lake for our summer vacation. Their good friends Rex and Cynthia Cocklesmen rented a house a quarter of a mile away from ours along the lake front for the same time period. My parents are avid golfers and their plan is to play golf every day of the month long vacation. Since the Cocklesmen's son Jimmy is my best friend, we will hang out together during...

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Bikini Beach Glenn Matsumoto Visits

Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...

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