A Christmas Carol To Cherish free porn video

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Synopsis - It's Christmas Eve and a young transgendered woman reflects on her life as her world starts to come crashing down around her. Is there truly any magic at Christmas or for some is hope just a dream. A Christmas Carol to Cherish "Hey, bitch, have a Merry fuckin' Christmas an' all that shit," the flashily dressed man sarcastically intoned as he sauntered away from the seemingly young and to more than a few, attractive appearing woman whom he had left standing on the street and in tears. He was too busy fingering the large bills in his hands to care anything about her as he disappeared around the corner. It wasn't much of a tolerable world, but what little that had been around Cherish (that was the name she had been known by for the past several years) was now crashing down, crumbling into little pieces. It was Christmas Eve, definitely one of the worst times to be given bad news, and this was the closest to the worst she could imagine...and had had to endure. It was around 6PM and she had just finished with a 'john; some financial investment executive who had supposedly wanted a quickie before heading home to the loving wife and children out in the burbs where he would enjoy some family time around the fireplace. She had been paid significantly, and was even given a big tip, part of which she had hid in that special place that none of her pimps had yet uncovered. Not this time, though. The man walking away had intentionally tried to leave her barely enough bus fare to get back to her dingy room which she had been sharing with another working girl, Destiny. And she had been hoping with that extra money he now took, to stop off at a still open convenience store and pick up a little gift for her roommate. It couldn't be much, but at the least, she still had some special feelings about the holiday and wanted to share them with another person, a friend, a sister almost, one of the very few whom she cared about at this time in her life. Now, even that possibility had been forcibly diminished if not verging on impossible. For a moment she recalled what had just happened. She was in a large southern city, where snow was very rare especially this time of year. The temperature was moderate, typical for the season, but a chill was forecast for later in the night. The city streets were quickly losing people and vehicles as most, if not already at home, were rushing there with a just a few making last minute purchases. Cherish had left the office building heading for the curb, with a determined walk. She was wearing her usual work clothes, this time a rather tight, form fitting dress about one size too small, a metallic greenish-gold color, sweetheart bust line, thin straps over the shoulders coming down just several inches below her crotch, thongs, a strapless underwire bra. She had two heavy dark gold metal bracelets on her right wrist, a dark gold thin chain necklace, hoop earrings on her pierced ears. Her hair was long with the extensions, dark brown, with bangs across her forehead and even with it pulled back, it hung down her back and brushed across the top of her breasts which were definitely visible over the top of the dress. Her makeup was a little thick, not overly done, but noticeable and she was wearing over four inch heeled pumps. Her clothes and makeup were quality, much better than the girls who walked the streets, but noticing her, which most men and women did, it wasn't hard to guess what her profession was. However, she had a very appealing smile, her eyes would seemingly light up when she was happy, and she made friends easily. Almost all her clients found her very alluring, and many would ask specifically for her. Finishing up with her current client, she was hoping to use some of that big tip to catch a cab back to her place when Marlon showed up, practically out of nowhere, almost like he had known she would be coming a certain way. And he was ready for her. "Hey, bitch!" he shouted in her ear, as she was thinking of where she might find an open convenience store and what she could buy for her roommate and only real friend. Perhaps she might also pick up some special treats as she considered how they would in at least a little way, celebrate Christmas. She hadn't heard him coming and all of a sudden he was right next to her, practically upon her. She was young but not a small woman, full sized and full figured, for sure, but he towered over her. She felt quite defenseless when he was like this. This last 'john' was supposed to be the last of the day for her. She had spent much of the previous evening and night with another reasonably wealthy client, and with little sleep had arrived at this one's place just after lunch. Now, a number of hours later, and definitely not a quickie, following some very rough sex, she had thought she was done until around noon tomorrow, as that was when she was told to be ready for her next client, a Christmas present for some other wealthy client as it were. Marlon had earlier instructed her to drop off the money she just got with Li'l Joe on her way back to her place. She knew she could trust Li'l Joe, to some extent anyway. And more important, it was now one less 'john' she would have to do until she'd be finally free of Marlon and the rest of them. At this moment in her life, she wasn't much more than an indentured servant, almost in slavery, required to be at the beck and call of whoever owned her contract. Of course, that really meant someone more or less owning her. But what she had agreed to and signed was a services contract of sorts where she would be fixed up and provided for, with certain expenses covered but they would all have to be paid back with interest. She had, more or less, got what she had long wanted, and so, she had thrown herself into her work, and was paying them back at a much faster pace than they had expected. Of course, it made her owner (or owners) quite happy to have the income she was providing, and now it was coming down to just days and she will have paid back every dime, all the interest and then some, she had believed. She figured, just five more, so considering what her customers were being charged, counting the one tomorrow, then a day off and then one each of the next three nights and then News Years Eve, and when she left that one, she would be free, and a woman, and her life would be her own, finally. The extra money she was trying to hide would help in case her figures were off, which she sort of expected, knowing her owners. And then Marlon showed up. "What you wantin', sugar?" she gave him her sultry look and strutted for him, knowing she had to keep appearances up by being nice to him and the others. "I's just on my way to Li'l Joe's right now to give him the money." She sidled up to him trying to show him that she might be interested. "You wantin' something special I can give you?" Better to give them what they want, now that she was so close to getting free of them. She hoped he was just checking up on her, and that's all, but she was quickly disappointed. "Got another job for you later tonight, thought I'd tell you myself. And gimme the money, now. Gots lots of shit to buy for...my family." He chuckled at that. She knew it would be all for himself. "Here it is," she said as she reached into her bra, pulling out a wad of cash. "An' it has the tip in it just like you wantin." Quick, girl, she thought, keep talking, get him to think of other things, "But another? I thought you said I be done for tonight. I's hopin to catch up with Destiny and do a little celebratin'. That be all right, ain't it?" "Heh, heh, yeah some celebratin. Destiny, heh, heh. That bitch ain't in no shape to celebrate right now. Caught the little cunt stiffin' me, showed her what happens to cunts who try. She ain't in no shape, no, not at all. Unless you willin to go by the hospital in a while. She done fall down some stairs, all accidental like," he laughed again, then continued, "No, got another client for ya, he payin' big and he want you, tonight, darlin. Word getting around, we got a white ho' that's as good as any nigger ho', maybe better, so you be in high demand." Knowing exactly what happened to Destiny and trying to hide the tears that were forming, she replied, "I...I be workin my tail off for you, Marlon, honey, I deserve a little time off, just this one night? Christmas Eve and all? Please?" Maybe she could still at least go visit Destiny, cheer her up, bring her a little gift or something. He stopped his counting and turned to her with a very menacing stare, "You not tryin to cheat me, is you, bitch? I know for fact what that john paid and what the tip was. This here be a little short. You ain't tryin to put one over on Marlon, is you now?" He gave her that glare that told her he was getting very upset and he started to raise his hand. She knew what that meant as any number of times he had hit her very hard, so much that her eyes watered as the hurt stayed, and she flinched and thinking quickly, replied with a forced smile, "No, shugah, I ain't tryin' to cheat you, not never. I kept out some for cab fare and maybe for a little Christmas snack." She slipped her hand into her bra, under one of her sizeable breasts and pulled out some more bills, which he snatched quickly from her hand, "That more like it, you stupid cunt. Won't be needin' this, nor no cab or presents, so'n here's a buck for bus fare, anyways, no snack for your fat ass," he said as he slapped her butt hard enough to sting, "you got just enough time to get back to your shit room, clean up and then, Tyrone be comin' for ya.." "Tyrone?" she cried, as she began to realize what was happening, then all smiles and rubbing up next to him trying to excite him a little, purred, "I don't work for him, I work only for you, you know that, lover, ." He backed away, stiffening, saying, "Not no longer, I done sold your cunt and ass to Tyrone today. A cool ten big ones. Take you another year, maybe two, to work that off, and he be givin' me one of his ho's. Not as good as you, but she'll do. Tyrone'll want to take you for a spin fore he give you out. See what he paid for. You give him a good time, you hear, cunt? Don't want no returns or your ass be windin up next to that cunt Destiny. And then he got that rich whitey lined up for you later," he glanced down the street, and finished, "Bus be comin' soon. Your ass better be on it. Get goin'." "But that's so little time, an...an' the bus leaves me three blocks from my place, I can't run in these," she pointed to her heels. "Here, give 'em to me," he reached out his empty hand. Hesitantly, she took them off, the 4 1/2 inch stilettos, and handed them to him, not sure what he was doing. After looking at them for a few seconds, he gave them back to her, "Almost busted the heel off, but they'd need to be replaced then. Don't want to spend no more. Jus' hold 'em in your hand and you'll be fine. You need the exercise, you getting' a little fat." He laughed and walked off, leaving her there in tears, holding her shoes. She knew what being sold to Tyrone meant. He owned the most girls around, many of the higher class ones, but she knew they were treated very badly and had to work harder than the others, and for punishment, he would often force them to work the streets, taking on anyone who stopped, as well as being hassled by the cops. She had hoped, prayed and dreamt of getting out before she got mixed up with him but now it looked like too late. Her hopes of even a small Christmas celebration were now dashed, as so many other Christmas' had been. And now she'd be working for another year, or two or who knows how long. She wondered now if that was how it would be for the future. Getting sold off and having to keep working like this. This was bad. But, even more so, she felt really bad for Destiny, who she knew wasn't near as strong as she was to recover quickly from the beatings. As she walked head down, heavily disappointed, and slowly resigning herself to this terrible fate, towards the bus stop, about a block away, she barely took in all the colored lights and decorations that were still up and on. Even though it was a southern city, she felt a cold wind starting up. It would not be pleasant for her journey back to her cold, dark, and now empty room. There were few people about in the city this late, almost all had gone to some place warm and inviting, near family or friends. How did she get into this terrible situation, she thought? And then her mind drifted to others times and other places as she recalled Christmas's of years past and thought about the events of several of them as well as other more pleasant moments. She glanced up for a second, and saw a particular light, sort of beckoning to her, which seemed to transform into a memory. There was the image of a young boy about 4 or 5, his older sister, their loving mother, and a father who understood little of the ways of the world. He was determined that his son, his boy, would be all man, and was constantly encouraging (well, no, compelling) him into manly pursuits, and making sure his son was forced to live up to those standards, even at that young age, which came with the requisite number of punishments for failure to do so each time. She remembered the father and mother and their arguments about the boy, with the mother saying, 'I've talked to the doctor and others, they say it's just a phase little children go through, he'll surely outgrow it, don't punish him for it, please." And the father's response, "No boy of mine'll ever be caught with dolls or dresses or anything girly. You got your daughter for all that, the goddamn boy is mine." Which was followed by several wallops on his behind. And more like that at regular intervals. The father seemed determined to beat what he thought his son was doing, completely out of him. She remembered the young boy's love of dolls, like Barbie, and My Little Pony, ruffled dresses, hair ribbons, sharing secrets with other little girls. All those things that were being denied to him. Although, there were some bright moments, just far too few and too far between. One of the best moments was the time when the mother and father had gone off to a Halloween party and left the two children to trick or treat in the neighborhood. The older sister, now about 13, knew of her younger brother's desires and knew that he would occasionally try to put on some of the things she had outgrown. She wondered about him, but thought it cute and never told. He was to go as Spiderman, the costume chosen by his father, this Halloween, but she responded to the look in his eyes, and said, "Tell you what, Charley." That was the boy's name, Charley Morton. "Let's do something different for you this one year with Mom and Dad gone. Just our secret." The bigger girl appreciated the look on his face as she pulled out the fairy princess costume she had worn some years before. She helped him get into it, a little greenish-yellow dress with a sweetheart bra line with a shimmering netting up to the neck, and similar sleeves just over the shoulders and the bodice coming down to petals for the skirt. It included white tights, white ballet slippers, little butterfly wings on the back, a wand tipped with a star, and a little glittery tiara. She applied a touch of lipstick, blush, and eye shadow, the little blond pageboy wig pulled a little back on each side for small pigtails, and a dab of polish on each fingernail, and when finished, they went trick or treating. Looking in the mirror when his sister was done, took Charley's breath away. There looking back at him was his dream vision of a young girl, the one he yearned to be. 'No,' the child thought, 'that is me, this is me, really me. I'm now who I should always have been.' She was now in heaven for the next several hours "Come on," his sister said, "we got lots of houses to visit." To his - or rather her - absolute delight, at almost every door, the adults who brought out the bowls of candy would say, "Oh look at these two adorable little girls, you are both so pretty. And you," pointing to Charley, "why you're just as cute as a button!" And his smile would just light up which made everyone around smile also. Even his sister's friends had no idea it was Charley as his sister explained it was her cousin Cheryl from out of town. And they all accepted it, as to them it was obvious that they were looking at a young girl, attractively dressed and prettily made up, one who easily could be some kind of relation. When they got home and his sister was removing the make-up she said, "You know, Charley, you not only looked totally like a girl, but you acted, talked and even walked exactly like a girl, too. How did you know how to do all that? Charley looked at his sister and replied, "I don't know. I just did what seemed right." His sister looked at him for a second with a smile and sighed, "Maybe it would have been a lot of fun to have a little kid sister. But, well, we'd better get this all off you before Dad comes home and sees you and hits the roof. He'd explode if he knew what you and I did." They were in bed when their parents did come home, but the next morning at breakfast, his Dad asked, "So, Charley did you have a good time last night? Did everyone like your costume?" "Oh, for sure, Dad, everyone thought it was, um, neat." Their mother piped up in all seeming innocence to her daughter, "The Williams thought they saw you with a little girl, last night." She replied quickly, "Oh, um, that was, uh, Janey Bright's...kid sister, Janey had to run home for a moment, so I took her to some doors," she hesitated a moment before continuing, "We ran into some of Charley's pals a little earlier and one of their Mom's, so I let him go with them." Their dad chimed in, "That was very good of you, Charley needs to be with the other boys." Their mother looked at both her children and her husband, paused for a brief moment, took a breath, then smiled to herself saying, "That's nice," with another slight sigh, and turned away from them for a second. Cherish exhaled as she remembered those days, so few and far between. She then thought of many Christmas Eve's where Charley would initially wish for dolls and dresses, little girl's make-up and combs and brushes and perfume, hair clips, necklaces and bracelets, hair ribbons, little cooking ovens, and the like. Over the years, the wishes got more personal, a slender waist, long hair, little breasts, and the disappearance of those things between the legs. Of course, what Charley got the next morning were play guns and rifles, footballs, and baseball gloves, jeans and sweatshirts with pro sports team names, later on, barbells and weights, football shoulder pads, and the like. And she remembered how Charley slowly learned to hide his desires, to try to blend in, to keep from being called those all too familiar epithets of queer and fag and homo and fairy, as well as to keep from being bullied. And to a degree he succeeded although he never developed the physique to excel in sports. He considered gymnastics, but boys gymnastics consisted of the side horse, the rings, and other stations that required tremendous upper body strength, not the nimbleness and litheness of tumbling, balance beam, and such that he yearned to try. The only sport he was any good at was running, although he stayed pretty much in the pack, and never had that burst of speed. But the memory that made Cherish smile, even in her state of dismay, was that for a number of Christmas', as he was growing from toddler to pre- teen child, in the very bottom of Charley's stocking, which he learned quickly not to pull out in front of his father, was a special little present, different each time, a tube of lip gloss, a pretty little hair brush, a feminine manicure set or the like. He was never sure who put those there, his mother or his sister, or was there actually a Santa who knew of his secret desires, but it was that special gift that he received each Christmas that made Christmas itself, special. Oh, Charley was sure to impress his father with his faked admiration for those 'boy' gifts he got, but that was learned and not from within. He looked forward to each Christmas thinking of what that special little stocking stuffer would be, and dreaming of being able to use it publically instead of having to carefully hide it from his father, once he shed the body he had and replaced it with the body that he knew was just under the surface, living fully within him and just aching to get out. But just as mysteriously as the little gifts appeared, they stopped, as Charley reached his teens, which could have been because his older sister had met a guy at community college and they quickly married and moved away, or just as sadly because his mother took ill and needed to be in the hospital for long periods of time, until she tragically passed away. So, now it was just Charley and his father, and that combination was doomed to failure. When his sister left, and she and their parents cleared out her clothes, tossing many of Charley's 'favorites' away, he began sneaking into his mother's closet and dresser and trying on those items including bra, panties, a girdle, stockings, heeled shoes, and an occasional party type dress. His mother caught him once and lectured him about the problems of being gay as she, of course, had no idea about transgendered people, but to his great relief, she never told his father, and he stopped doing it. But his thoughts, desires, and beliefs about who he, no, she was, never went away. Finally, the blow-up that Charley had expected with his father, came to fruition. He was letting his hair grow long, like lots of older boys his age, and, of course, his father hated it, wanting him to get a military crew cut. "Look, you don't shape up and as soon as you graduate high school, I'm hauling your ass down to the Marine recruiter and they will! make a man out of you. You hear me? You hear me!!!" After more back and forth arguing, Charley finally turned and went to his room, with his father having punched him in the upper arm for about the hundredth time, and he made his decision. He had saved some money, and worked out a plan. The day he graduated, he would be out the door, to find his own way, figure out how to do what he so desired and become the person he knew she was. He knew his father would never be there for that person, and his mother had been given only months to live. There was nothing left for him around this house, a place that would no longer be home. The light that had transfixed Cherish for a moment, went out and she went back to worrying about what she would do, how she would deal with these new huge disappointments. Maybe she could visit Destiny some time the day after Christmas. It wouldn't be the same, but it would be something. She hated not being able to see her one friend tonight or tomorrow. Destiny would be alone in the hospital and she herself would also be alone as she hardly ever considered a 'john' as company, and especially not Tyrone. She got to the bus turn around and looked for the bus that would take her back to her place. All of a sudden the light of a bus that had been sitting there in the dark, turned on and it was for County General Hospital, where Destiny would be. Obviously, the bus driver was just waiting for the usual time to start the route and totally coincidentally Cherish arrived at the station at that precise moment. She had little time to consider that as other thoughts entered her consciousness. 'Screw those assholes, Marlon and Tyrone,' she thought, 'I'm gonna go see Destiny, right now,' and she boarded the bus, giving the dollar provided to her for the bus ride. 'I'll figure somethin' out, somehow.' And the bus with her as the only passenger took off for the hospital. She glanced back and saw her regular bus pull in to the turn around and for a moment, thought to have this driver stop, get a transfer and jump on that one. It would be safe, the smart thing to do, but it was Christmas. So, she sat still, quickly turning back to the front, barely watching ahead, but ignoring everything behind her, alternating between intense worries, and hope for giving her friend a moment of cheer, what little she could offer. She made sure to completely turn off her cell phone. All she ever got on it were messages telling her where and when to meet her next john. As the bus went along, with the gaily decorated lights blinking past, she focused on one, brighter than the rest, but still in the distance. Staring at it, her thoughts drifted to a few years ago. She thought of Charley and how he had left home, moved to the big city taking whatever jobs he could, saving for something special - jobs like dishwasher, stock boy, janitor, anything to survive and try to save the amount he felt would be required. And how he started reading everything he could, articles, books at the library, watching the talk shows when he could. Finding out everything he could about his overriding desire to be a girl. And he began building a wardrobe of girl's clothes, as well as other feminine articles. No one ever came around the shabby one room apartment he was able to afford, hardly even the manager or owners, but a lifetime of living trying to protect his privacy had him still hide those things he bought, as best he could. But, now that he was alone, he spent most of his free time dressed the way he had always dreamt. In these moments, he would try different cosmetics, or hair styles with his wigs, walking in heels. He dared not go out, knowing he would be outed immediately, but over time, all those things he did, gave him a little more confidence. Charley did make some male friends and would join them on occasion for a beer at a local tavern, even going with them to some sports venues. He knew he had to keep up appearances, but he understood he was also continuing his loner life that he had been living since in high school. When not dressed he would think about doing so, day and night, and when he did get dressed, he felt so comfortable, so at ease, so relaxed. He just wished he could venture out, and be accepted for what she now sort of looked like. He tried it once or twice, late at night, just walking around, but he was terrified every moment that someone would see him, and recognize immediately that this was a guy, and laugh at him. Charley did date a few girls, but they were almost always on double dates, set up by his friends. He mostly enjoyed their company, paying attention to their mannerisms, speech, how they dressed and used cosmetics. He was always courteous and considerate knowing that was the way (s)he would have liked to be treated, and while his dates appeared to appreciate his actions, he always suspected that at this point in their lives, they were still looking for a little danger, which, of course, he in no way could provide. "Charley, you're a really nice guy, a great guy, but..., well, I just don't see a future for us. I don't want to hurt you, so better we break it off now. I'm sure there'll be somebody for you out there. Maybe we can stay friends, or something. Anyway, good luck...and good-bye." And that was how most of his few dates ended, some even on the first date. He even was intimate with two different girls, the first one giving him a blow job. He was absolutely fascinated by how she went about it, and how he responded. Still having some testosterone floating around in his system, he was able to get hard through her sucking and hand work, and he did cum. Not much, and his member became limp immediately upon ejaculation. They shared a small laugh about it afterwards, with the girl insisting she wasn't making fun of him in the least, as she understood it was his first and she liked his reactions. Yet, as much as the sensations he received were interesting, he wondered how she felt sucking him off like that. Did she do it because she liked it? Or she liked how he responded? Or just because he was a guy and girls were supposed to do things that guys liked. Trying to understand himself a little better, Charlie would get on computers at a local library and search out internet sites (that hadn't been blocked), looking for ideas, suggestions, personal stories. And mostly he found stories very similar to his own, or enough so, that he could see that what the more successful ones who transitioned did, was get some kind of professional help. Finally realizing it was now or never, and not having any idea what else to do, he found online the name of a therapist who had an office in the city and he made an appointment. He realized that there was one very common theme that he shared with the transsexuals who he read about - almost all were barely earning enough to keep alive, much less consider paying for any possible surgery. He knew he was never going to make enough with the jobs he did have, even at times with having a second part time job besides a full time one. He would never make enough money doing stock work, bussing tables, cleaning offices, or the like. He wondered how he could ever make his dreams come true...or even lead a decent life. "Charley," his therapist suggested at one of the early meetings, "I'd like you to consider attending a support group. It's with other transgendered people like yourself, you might find it informative and helpful. Here's the address and times they meet. Some of my previous patients have attended and found it beneficial." "I don't know if I'll be able to keep coming here or even bothering to go this support group. Transitioning and everything is going to cost way more than I think I'll ever have, and right now I'm barely making enough to stay alive. You've told me the rules say that I'll have to live as a girl for a year before I even qualify for any operations. If I can't make enough as a guy, how can I possibly make enough as a guy trying to look and act like a girl?" "I know it's difficult for people in your situation, but's that why I'm suggesting the group. You may get some ideas from the others on how they're doing it. Please, give it a try." Charley did, and while being quite shy about wanting to do much the first meeting and holding back, like so many others, he finally started opening up at the second meeting. There were some people there with whom he actually felt a little kinship. They had been kicked out of their families and were barely surviving, but they seemed to have a little more hope than he did. He did briefly talk to one other there, a guy named Will who appeared about his age, and shared what sounded like a similar background. It gave him more courage to keep coming back. Will wasn't there at the third meeting he attended, but he had mentioned he worked shifts and couldn't always make it. As Charley was leaving his 4th meeting he ran into Will who was just coming in. "Hey, Charlie! It is Charley, right? Hi! Uh, did I miss the meeting?" Will asked when he saw Charley. "Oh, hi, yeah, just got over." Will sighed, "Anything interesting going on? Late shift these days. I tried to get off early but this was the best I could do." "Not too much, there were one or two interesting stories." Will appeared in thought and then said, "Hey, tell you what, I'll buy you a cup of coffee, if you've got a few minutes and you can tell me what's all happened. I should make the next one, I hope, but it'd be nice to catch up a little before I come again." Charley now thought for a moment, Will looked decent enough, and had been decent enough during the meetings, and it was only for coffee, so he replied, "Sure, that'd be great. Where? That little place the next block down?" "Hmm, yeah, that'll do. It isn't the best, but it's okay." They went on down the street, and Charley began to think that he maybe he had met someone who knew what it was like, who could share thoughts and concerns, maybe someone to whom he could open up a little. He was tired of living such a lonely life. But, of course, after living a number of years learning to hide your true feelings and hopes, he knew it might be hard to even come close to opening up, even with someone who seemed to share the same fears and hopes. "I'll tell ya, Charley, I just don't know how I'll ever do it. The cost just seems out of reach, and to meet all the requirements? Transitioning looks like it's just a dream, with maybe now almost a nightmare that I just can't wake up from." Charley sighed, "I know, I'm barely able to save much of anything, and I feel I'm just working forever." "I hear ya. I give it a couple more months, I guess. Then? I don't know what I'll do." They talked for a while more, with both opening up a little about their personal lives, more so than they had shared with the group. And then they parted, Charley going back to his place with mixed emotions. He understood all too well the frustrations and feelings of depression of not being able to live the life he knew he wanted, he needed. But he was encouraged to keep coming back to the meetings and perhaps finding some way. At the next meeting, both were there, they sat together, and afterwards they went for coffee again, this time with Charley treating. He actually looked forward to continuing to share. And he considered how he was. Now, nineteen, Charley was not particularly masculine looking, just average, although the girls he dated did mostly think him 'cute'. He was barely 5'9", as well as rather thin, which could have been genetics or never having enough money to splurge on food. He did work out a little, knowing that it was probably a good idea, making the time. He had minimal body hair, which he mostly kept off anyway with creams and such. His beard wasn't much to behold so it was easy to keep it close. And he let his hair grow longer, mostly because even those cheap cut places cost money, and he was constantly trying to keep his expenses as low as possible. He had blue-green eyes, and brown hair, a fair to slightly dark complexion (he tanned quite easily but didn't overdo it or go to tanning salons - far too expensive). He wondered if he started taking hormone therapy, exactly how would his body react. He did feel a little better about himself as he got to know Will better. The second time they went out where Charley treated was where Will first broached a subject that Charley had thought about a lot. "You know, as we've both sort of talked around it, I do dress occasionally. I have some, um, nice clothes in the back of my closet. It just gets a little, I don't know, depressing to have keep hiding like that. You know?" He looked at Charley rather expectantly and maybe with a little fear, until Charley, realizing what Will was doing, responded, nodding in agreement, "Me too. I...I wish I could dress, oh, maybe a little more often, and...and it is a little bad? Sad? Depressing when I realize I'm all alone." "Um, I, um, I'm glad I met you, someone who's life is a lot like mine. Makes me, I hate to say it, feel a little better, I guess. Someone else going through the same issues and all." Charley nodded again, realizing he was opening up a lot more than he ever thought possible, "Yeah, I know. It's tough, but I don't know what else to do?" Will kept his head down, barely bringing up his eyes to meet Charley's and said softly so that hardly anyone including Charley could hear, "Maybe, I...I don't know, like maybe you'd...um, you could like, um, come over sometime...or something and we....uh, could, um...." Eyes widening slightly, Charley immediately realized what he was asking - having them dress sort of together and share their experience. He was sort of scared, but realized this could be a chance to go the next step, and replied, "I...I guess, um, like...when?" "Maybe this, uh, weekend? If you're free...and you'd like?" Charley thought a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, um, Saturday afternoon?" Will gave a huge grin, "That'd be great. Thank you, thank you. I'm so glad you didn't....." "Will? I'm glad you asked. Took courage for both of us." They parted, sharing addresses and cell phone numbers, and Charley realized he would need a lot of courage. That Saturday came, and Charley carefully packed a small case, and went over to Will's. With his nerves on edge and his heart almost in his throat, he knocked on the door. Will was all smiles when he opened it, and invited Charley in. Charley thought for a moment that Will might answer in dress, but realized as Will opened the door that he, Charley, wouldn't dress that early either. It took some time for them to work out their worries and finally decide to change, with Will going to his bedroom, and directing Charley to the guest bath in the hall. They both finally ventured out and glanced but tried not to stare at the other. Actually, Charley thought Will looked rather decent in a skirt and blouse, wig, some makeup, low heeled pumps. Charley was wearing a summer sleeveless dress, bra with inserts, panties, and 2" strappy sandals, besides some simple makeup, lip gloss, a little blush, some eye shadow, a touch of eyeliner and eyebrow pencil, a brown wig down below his shoulders. And both gave each other compliments, worried that they themselves were not that good looking. It took about an hour or so for them to finally start giving each other suggestions that didn't hurt each set of feelings. "No, really," Will said, "you look really good, maybe I can give you some tips that will enhance your presentation." Which Charley graciously accepted, and tried to return suggestions in kind. They both shared with each other the names they were using, Cheryl for Charley, Wendy for Will. They both liked the other's name. They spent several hours just sitting around, talking, sharing some wine, watching some cable shows. They talked about dating, with Wendy suggesting she could date women as a woman, but also men. Cheryl replied, "I think I'd only want to date guys, someone who would accept fully as a woman." "What kind of a guy? Someone like me?" "I think Will, you, are good looking, but I know you're really a girl inside. This is fun, and it'd be a fun date with you, you know, as friends? No, long term, I really want it to be with a guy." "So, okay. What kind of guy? Big? Little?" "Oh, well if they accept me, most any kind, but I suppose, but I guess it'd be nice if it were someone tall, maybe a little dark, good looking," she smiled a little. "What?" "Oh, it's a dream, I know, but a girl can dream. I'm fascinated by European men," she replied a little shyly. "Hmm, okay, I can see that. You know, I think that'd be sort of interesting, too." They talked some more, nothing too serious and finally Charley knew he had to go, and went back in the bathroom and removed all traces of his girlishness. Coming back out, Will/Wendy was still dressed. She said to Charley, "Would you like to do this again, this was really a lot of fun?" "Yes, it was, really good. Are you, um, free next weekend? I am." "No, shift work again, but the following one I am. Will that work out?" "I think so, sure. Thanks for inviting me." They gave each other a hug of sorts not quite sure how to do it. Charley was rather happy heading back to his place and looked forward to the next time they could get back together. And in the meantime, he worked on the suggestions that Will/Wendy had made. The two weeks went too slow, as well as too fast for Charley but eventually Saturday came again. Now that it was the second time he was going visit a friend and dress, Charley was just as excited, but less afraid than he had been the time before. Will had given him lots of encouragements and compliments so that he felt he was taking a huge step forward. It was one thing to dress in private and stay secluded, totally another to do it in front of someone. At least, he sensed, Will understands. During the week, they talked and Will had suggested maybe they might possibly venture out for a little bit. It had been a while since Charley had tried that, which had been a very nerve wracking experience. But with someone he trusted, he felt a little more confident. He hoped it wasn't foolishness. He got to Will's place where they talked for a bit, and again Will directed him into the small bathroom to change, as Will headed back to his bedroom. Will had asked him to bring something nice, a dress or skirt, heels not too high. Charley changed into a blouse and skirt that were currently fashionable, bra, inserts and panties, and 3" black pumps. He put on his wig, and then makeup, careful to apply it using the suggestions Will had made the week before. He, now Cheryl, thought she heard a phone ring, but guessed Will - or Wendy - had picked it up quickly. Coming out into the living room expecting to see Will/Wendy, now also dressed, she was taken aback. "I...I thought you were changing, too!" she sort of exclaimed as she saw Will in nice slacks and a dressy shirt, and decent shoes. "I was going to, but I got a call from work," he took a breath and with her sort of nodding, continued, "they want me to come in in a couple of hours as someone called in sick. I can't possibly go out and get back and change in time." "Oh! Uh, maybe I should change back too," Charley, now Cheryl replied a little disappointed. "No, no, please don't, Cheryl, you look way too cute and totally passable to waste on just changing back. You know, I got a great idea. Let's right now go to dinner at that little Italian place around the corner. It's close, dark, and has those high backed booths for a little privacy. Then we can come back here, you can change and head home and I can head off to work. If we leave now, it'll all work out." "I...I don't...." "Come on, please? For me? Next week you can take me to dinner, how's that?" "I...I just...." "Please?" he sounded so plaintive, and the thought of going out still sounded so exciting, so Cheryl gave in. Cheryl sighed, "Okay, I guess, I just hope it'll work out. I'd hate to be outed." "Nobody looking at you is going to out you in the least, Cheryl, take my word on that." And off they went, walking the block or so to the restaurant. And to Cheryl's slight surprise, Will took her hand in his as they walked. That gave her a flush of excitement as this was the first time she had ever gone out with a guy, on a date of sorts, as a girl, and here she was, holding hands, even. But upon arriving at the restaurant, they saw it was closed for repairs. "Oh, no, I guess we'll just have to skip dinner, and head back to your place," she sighed. "Nope, we'll catch a cab," Will said, nodding with an air of authority, "I know this better place about a mile or so away. We'll go there, then after we eat, I'll pay for a cab for you back to my place and I'll go on to work. It'll be perfect." "Oh! I don't know, I don't want to put you out, that can get expensive, and I'm not sure...." He gently interrupted her, "Nope, my treat, I said dinner and dinner it is." A cab was already pulling over that he had hailed, and he opened the door for her and getting in behind her, off they went. This was not what she was expecting, but Will was there, and she felt she would still be somewhat safe. It was a short trip to the restaurant and entering it, she saw that it was a little dark like she had hoped and they got a booth. "You're sure this isn't all too expensive for you? I can help out. Really!" "Nope, I said my treat, and anyway, that brings up something I want to run by you. We know it's expensive to transition and all, and at the money we make it'd take years, it looks like." She nodded in agreement. It sure seems like it will be a very long time, if at all, she thought. "But I ran into a guy I knew, and he said there was this opportunity for tg people that he was involved with. It's part time work to begin with, but when you do it, it could be $50 or $100 for just a few hours like part time, and it's cash only." Cheryl thought for moment, it certainly seemed appealing, but she replied, "That sounds too good to be true. Are you sure it's all right? It could be some kind of scam, or something." "Yeah, I thought of that, but I've known this guy for some time, and I don't think he'd try to trick me." Will looked around with a smile, "He suggested this place, and so far, he's been right. Anyway, I want to talk to him some more and if it sounds right, would you like to know more?" "I...I guess, sure, I can always say no, but anything to get a little ahead, and have some hope. And your friend is right, I like the atmosphere and the menu. I hope the food is as good as it sounds." They ordered and both had glasses of wine, and were eating salads, when a man walked by, in his 30's or so, Cheryl guessed, and to her mind, sort of good looking, handsome even. And maybe a little European. He stopped with a start, barely glancing at Cheryl (which made her heart seem to stop for a second) and looking at Will, with a quick glance back at Cheryl, "Will! Hey, great to see you here, and who's this gorgeous looking young woman you have with you?" Cheryl blushed a little and looked down as Will replied, "Hey, hi, Giorgio, we were just talking about you." "Something good, I would hope." "Yep, about you recommending this place. You're right about it. Anyway, great seeing you again. This is my friend, Cheryl. Cheryl, this is the guy I was telling you about." "Pleased to meet you, Cheryl," he said with a gentle smile, soft voice, and his hand out. "Nice to meet you, too," she replied, a little nervous now as someone of whom she had little idea was now extremely close to her, someone she found handsome. She a little tentatively put out her hand, they shook, and it was a gentle hand hold, like she thought men should do with women and which she liked...a lot. He continued, talking again to Will but including Cheryl, who now felt a little more at ease, although still a little taken by his looks, and now his manner, "I was supposed to meet someone here but they didn't show. Hate to waste the evening, could I possibly join you two for a bit? Or would that be too much of an imposition?" Will looked at Cheryl, who was a little confused now as to what to do, but she sort of smiled at Will. This Giorgio was a friend, and he sounded okay, and he surely seemed to accept her as a young woman and she liked how he looked, and looked at her. But still, she was a little nervous about being with sort of a stranger. She decided she would just nod and agree, and let them talk. "Is...Is it all right with you, Cheryl?" She sighed again and nodded slightly. And he looked back at Giorgio and said, "Sure, you can join us. We can't stay long after we're done, but you're welcome for a little while." And he slid over letting Giorgio in on his side, which made Cheryl a little more comfortable, although this was becoming a little scary for her. She hoped she could handle it. Will and Giorgio talked about some shared interests for a while, with Cheryl just nodding and saying little. She had practiced talking in a more feminine voice and Will had heard it and thought it agreeable, giving her some suggestions. She just didn't want to say too much. And then just as their dinners were being served, Will's cell phone rang, and as he was answering it, Cheryl could tell it wasn't exactly good news. He put the phone away and said, "That was my boss, he needs me to come immediately, there's been a problem there and they need my help. I've got to go, Cheryl," he paused reaching into his pocket, "here's cab fare for you to go back home. I'm sorry. Giorgio, I'm sorry too. Gotta get there." Cheryl was too surprised to say anything as Giorgio slid out to let Will leave, but he said to Will, "Put that away, tell you what, you haven't touched your plate and I know that selection and it's pretty good. I'll pay for dinner for both of you, and I'll get Cheryl here into a cab after we finish. Does that sound okay?" He glanced at Cheryl. "I...don't....." Cheryl didn't know what to say. Here, Will was leaving her with someone she barely knew. "I think I should..." Will looked at Cheryl saying, "No really, that's so nice of Giorgio here, you stay and finish, both of you. I do have to go, I'll give you a call tomorrow, okay, Cheryl? Please stay and enjoy dinner! For me?" He had taken her hand and gave it a squeeze. And he left, leaving Cheryl and Giorgio looking after him, with Cheryl a little surprised by his show of affection and unsure what to do next, sitting across from almost a stranger. "I promise to see you safely to your place or at the least into a cab going there, which I will pay for. I like Will, and any friend of Will's is someone I will respect with all consideration. Does that sound all right to you?" Cheryl thought for a moment, he is being decent, and saying everything I want to hear, and this so far has been an exciting night out, and I'm dressed, and he's as handsome as he is as nice, and treating me as I would expect a young woman to be treated. I guess, I can stay, and then go home. It'll be tricky getting back into my room, with all my nosy neighbors, but it'll be late enough, and I'll have to be quick and very quiet. She replied, "Yes, thank you." "Good, now let's enjoy the dinner." And they both did, exchanging little pleasantries with Giorgio not asking too much of her, so she could keep her replies short. And she quickly asked him questions that allowed him to ramble on a little which she liked. They finished, and got up with Giorgio paying the bill and leaving a tip, and he said as they walked out, "We'll take a cab together, first to my place, and then I'll pay the cab driver to take you home, does that sound okay?" He was being so polite, opening doors for her, making her feel safe, she could only say as she nodded a little, "That sounds good." He gave the cabbie an address and they talked for the several minutes it took to get there. She looked around not noticing much but stores and a little bar, and looked at him questioningly. Smiling, he said, "Cheryl, I like you, you've been a wonderful dinner companion. I just live a block away, but I'd like to talk to you a little more about some thoughts I have, which I think you may find interesting. Come and join me for a drink at this tavern. It shouldn't take long and if you don't like what I'm suggesting, you can leave anytime and I'll call you a cab immediately. Would you join me? Please?" Confused about what to do, she stammered, "I don't....Maybe I...." "It won't take long and I promise you can leave any time." She sighed thinking about how nice the evening had been and how decent he had been and how she was being treated exactly like she had ever dreamed, and said biting her lip a little, "All right, but I can only stay a little while." "Agreed, let's go in," he said, paying the cabbie. Once seated and drinks ordered, he continued, "I'll get right to the point. I have a business job offer for you." She responded, "Will mentioned something about talking to you about working for you or something." "Oh! That's good, you have some idea then, I'll explain everything. I help run a service. To be frank, it's an escort service and I'm always on the lookout for possible additions to our workforce." "An escort service? You mean like call girls and prostitution?" she said with a little concern, now. His soft eyes looked at her for a moment, and finally, with a reassuring smile, he replied, "Yes, I admit there is some of that, some which we can't control. But there are men, and women, by the way, that just want a dinner or date partner, companion. They are not looking for any personal involvement, but want somebody decent, pleasant, attractive. The pay is good, about $50 per evening, which is about 3 to4 hours, plus you get a meal, a movie or play, attending gatherings, that sort of thing. And you can work at your discretion. It's all cash, and you're not an employee directly. What it is, you agree to a personal services contract, which protects you and us." Cheryl thought on what he said and asked, "What happens if my so-called date wants something more?" "You set the limits with the contract. They're told how much they can do, and only you can change that if you want. If they try more, you just leave, contact us, and we fine them, significantly. We will have their credit card on file, and will charge it, and they will understand that." "I don't think I'd be that good a date, really," she replied, thinking that someone would out her and it could get ugly. "Cheryl, to be even more honest and up front about this, I want you to know that I know an awful lot about Will, and mentioned the same offer to him. But I think you're far more attractive than he'll ever be. But if he's interested, we'll offer him a similar position." Cheryl looked at him with her eyes getting wider but before she could say anything he said, "I'm being way forward here, but I'm guessing you're a t-girl. If I'm wrong, I sincerely apologize and you can leave immediately. I will say, if I hadn't seen you with Will, I would never have guessed." She sighed, slumping her shoulders slightly and quietly said, since he was being so honest, "Yes, you...you're right. But I still don't think..." "Let me make one more offer. There are people who just want to date transgendered, and will not try to do anything to embarrass you in the least. They'll know up front that you are one and will still be expected to treat you as a young woman. But there's one more thing, I'd like to say before you turn me down. I know how expensive transitioning is, and if you come to work for us full time, and so desire, we'll actually pay for your transitioning. We have a doctor and therapist that we use, and you'll follow all the standards. You'll get your medications almost immediately, followed by your operation in a year or less. But if you do agree, you will have to repay us, but you'll be making a lot more than you probably make right now, and you'll be a woman at the end of it all." "Repay you? That sounds like it could take a long time." "Well, just consider this, three nights a week for at least $50 a night, for a year, that's about seven thousand dollars. Three years and it's close to being paid off. If you worked full time for us, it could be even sooner. It could take you a lot longer to save up on your own, and then you'd have lost those years." "Oh! I see what you mean. I just don't know if I'm capable of doing that, though. I'd like to transition, I guess most of us would, but with the cost, it's just so..... Your offer sounds appealing, I'm just not sure." "I understand, please think about it. Here's my card," he handed her his card which she glanced at and put in her clutch, then continued, "We're done with our drinks, tell you what, walk with me to my building and I'll tell you a little more, and as soon as we're in front, I'll have a cab come there to get you. Okay?" She thought for a moment, not really wanting the evening to end. She felt rather comfortable and better about him, and found herself sort of liking him, and of course, the two drinks, which was her limit, and replied, "Okay, I guess I can. Thank you again for dinner and this drink. It's been very pleasant." "You're welcome, and you have been wonderful company. I'm glad that other guy didn't show, and I guess I'm a little glad that Will had to run off because I got to meet and better yet, know you." He looked at her rather tenderly and she smiled back, a little embarrassed again, and glanced down. He was being so nice and decent to her, and he was a friend of Will's and knew what they were and was accepting. She felt rather lucky, wondering if she'd ever run into someone as nice as him. They walked out and down the street with Giorgio saying that his building was just around the next corner. Cheryl noticed that the neighborhood seemed a little upscale, gated or guarded apartment buildings and townhomes and such. As they left the tavern, he took her hand and put it in his arm, so they now looked like a couple walking home from a late drink out. She wondered if she should leave it there, but it felt so natural, she did. As they walked along, he told her of some of the success stories of several tg people who had worked for his service. It sounded impressive to her. In just moments they were in front of his building, and he checked his cell phone, saying, "The cab company texted saying it will be about 20 minutes from now for them to get here, being this late and all." She had noticed that it was a quiet neighborhood with little movement of cars and such. "Tell you what, rather than both of us waiting out here, and I don't want you waiting alone, come on up to my apartment," he pointed up at the building, "it has a view of the street, and if you do, I'll consider it a sample of what a typical night might be like, and I'll pay you as if you're working for us. Just to try it out, no strings attached, and we'll only do exactly what you want. Okay? How does that sound?" She felt he was being so nice, paying for her dinner, and the cab, making sure she was safe, and now offering to give her $50 if she would come with him to his apartment, as well as being quite handsome. And she could see when the cab arrived. She was feeling a little relaxed and decided with some excitement building again, to accept his offer. It wouldn't hurt and she could really use the money. "All right, but when the cab comes, I do really have to go." "I agree, they'll notify me on my cell when they're close and we can watch for it. So, come on then." He took her hand now in his, which she liked, a lot, and up they went. It felt even better to her then when her hand was tucked under his arm, better than when Will took it. Giorgio was all male, and Cheryl had been noticing that he looked a lot more handsome than Will did. She liked everything that was happening so far. The building had a keyed entry, was gated, and private, and rather nice looking. In just a moment they were in his place, which was very expensively furnished, where he parked her on a plush sofa and went immediately to the little bar and fixed them each a drink. "While we're waiting. Don't worry if you can't finish it." Quickly, he was sitting down next to her as she looked around saying, "This is such a beautiful apartment you have, very attractively furnished." "Yep, we're doing a very profitable business. If you do decide to work for us, and you like it and it all works out, you could even become a manager someday, maybe. I do believe we'll be expanding for some time. We don't have women managers now, but I think the day will come when we'll seriously consider that possibility. Start now for us, and you may be on your way to something like this." "That would be a dream come true, to be able to afford anything near as nice as this." "Cheryl, let me tell you, you are a very attractive young woman, as you now appear. You'd be an asset to our service, and you could make a lot of money, besides having the operations and all. You should really think about accepting my offer. Someone as attractive as you will be in huge demand. That $50 figure was the starting amount. For those who show a flair for our work, and become in demand, there's a possibility for big bonuses, and higher pay." "I...I just don't know..." "I'm happy to give you as much time as you need, just remember, the sooner you say 'yes', the sooner you'll have that operation you've been dreaming of." As he was telling her all this, with him sitting to her left, he had put his right arm up over the back cushion behind her, and positioned himself angled towards her. She could smell his cologne and it was very attractive, like he was. She also really liked the drink he made for her. "I...I do need to think about this. My, whatever you put in my drink is quite enjoyable." "It's a recipe I found a few years ago, and most the young women I've shared it with, all agree with you. Don't drink it too fast, it can be quite powerful all at once. Just take sips." "Oh, okay, thank you, it is so smooth with just a little tinge. It's so easy going down." "I know this is personal, so you don't have to answer but have you been out with a man before tonight?" She took a breath, "No, Will and now you, tonight, this is the very, um, first time. I've been out by myself a few times, but...but this is the longest and most I've ever done." "Let me tell you, not only are you very beautiful, but you're such a natural looking and acting young woman. I'd never know you were anything but, and that you're quite used to being with men." She blushed a little, looking down for a moment, "Oh, thank you for that compliment, but I'm so new to all this. I do appreciate that you've been such a gentleman about all this and me, so understanding. I truly appreciate it." He smiled at her, "So, you've never been kissed and held by a man, someone who appreciates beauty when he sees it, and knows how to show his appreciation and makes sure the young woman feels that appreciation?" "....um, no....," she sighed beginning to understand what was going to happen, nervous, but also excited. He very quietly and looking deep into her eyes, intently said, "Let me show you." And they came together in a kiss. A kiss which Cheryl had barely if ever dreamt about, hardly believing it could ever happen to her. She felt his arms around her and they felt so good, and strong, yet gentle and caring, and his kiss was everything and more she hoped it would and should be. Her hands went tentatively to his shoulders with him embracing her a little more which encouraged her to continue slipping her hands and arms over his shoulders. She just got lost in the kiss as she took in everything that was happening. They slowly pulled apart and then came together again, this time deeper and more intense. With the third time, Giorgio had slipped his hands around her, and had pulled her onto his lap with her right side facing him. Just the way the kisses came, Cheryl had no problem with how they were coming together. Eventually they pulled apart as Cheryl almost whispered, "Oh, you are making me feel so good, I just love your kisses and you holding me like you are." "I like it too, Cheryl, but you know, there is a little more we can do, you especially, to return the feelings you're having and make me feel really good, too. I do like what we're doing, but I am a man, and there are things that women can do to make their men feel really good." Cheryl thought for a moment, "You..you're not asking me to...." Before she could finish, he put his finger to her lips, "I'm not asking you to do anything you don't want to do. Everything we are doing, have done, or will do, is because we both want it. It's important to me to know that you are fully agreeable. I'm just telling you what almost any man would say, and want. And most men, me included will only go as far as the woman they are with is willing. But that doesn't mean we don't want more. It's up to you." She could imagine what he asking, possibly anywhere or anything from a blow job to full penetration. She wasn't sure she was ready for all that yet as she replied, "I...I just don't know...." "That's fine, Cheryl, but tell you what, we can take it very slowly, tiny steps and at any time you can have us stop it and I will. It's up to you." She was enjoying the kisses too much to worry a lot about where it might lead, and with her accepting that she was in control of the situation, it sounded like a dream come true. He gentl

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Christmas Carol

Ben stepped from his BMW into the cold December night. His ears were immediately assailed by an incessant ringing from the guy in the Santa suit suckering people for donations."Merry Christmas," Santa called as he passed, trying to draw his attention."Fuck off," Ben grumbled. "Get a real job."As Ben entered the front door of the building, a group of carolers was waiting to be buzzed in. "Get back," he ordered, as he pushed past them, unlocking the door. "You stay here. I don't know you. I'm not...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

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Caroles Story 10 Carole Visits the Farm

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Caroles Story 04 Carole in Porno

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. I...

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

3 years ago
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The Evolution of Carol 2

Carol broke the kiss and sat up looking at Bob as she said, “I love sucking your cock now and the taste of your cum. I love sharing it with you. Do you like your own taste? I love it.” Bob smiled and kissed her and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She knew he enjoyed the idea as much as she did. She had been stroking his bare ass with her hand and now she raised her hand high and came down sharply on his ass. Bob’s eyes popped open wide and Carol winked at...

4 years ago
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The Evolution of Carol

Carol looked around the room at all the bodies in various stages of undress. Now all of them were asleep, or passed out, or for whatever reason seemingly inert. It had been quiet a night…and she had been the Queen of it all. As she looked over the room, she thought back to the beginning of the summer. What a great day it had been, a Saturday of hiking in the awe inspiring Rocky Mountains. Bob and Carol Maddox had met their hiking club at a familiar trail head just west of Boulder,...

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Taking Carol

Taking CarolChapter I The New NeighborCarol Sizemore couldn't think of anything her part-time neighbor would want tomeet with her about. She had known that someone had purchased the house nextdoor six months earlier, but hadn't seen or met anyone associated with it since. She had been satisfied to see the lawn care company keeping it well maintainedevery Wednesday, and didn't much care whether anyone ever lived there. It was odd to have a complete stranger call her and insist that they meet...

2 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

4 years ago
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Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt

                                             Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.                                                 CHAPTER ONE     ?You'll enjoy it so much, Jane,? Carol told her enthusiastically. ?Just think; a whole three weeks in role together!?  Jane was dubious. Her cousin's proposal was exciting, but Jane had never role-played before strangers and she inwardly quailed at the very idea of appearing naked in public. But, deep within, a queer little thrill at the prospect...

3 years ago
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Carol Brady decides whether or not to have sex with her daughter Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol’s love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

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Part IJilli, Cassie, Barb, and Abbey were in the small break room of their office, laughing and scheming on their post-work Friday night adventure. They were having such loud fun that Carol heard them two offices away. Carol was far less fun than she looked, and her temper was shorter than her tolerance for those who misbehaved, especially at work.Carol stepped through the break room door, scowling, "Haven't you gaggle anything better to do than to interrupt those of us who actually work for a...

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Loving Carol Part II The Dark and the Dawn

Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes...She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't...

Love Stories
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Carol and Lyn episode 14

Introduction: It was a horny ride to Paris coupled with each others spouses, Dot in the front seat with Carol and her husband in back with Lyn… The morning after Lyn and Carol were both feeling the pain of a hard night of drinking…and fucking. And what a fucking it was! Without Lyns knowledge, Carol had been out on the balcony getting head from Dot. It dawned on Lyn that the party was turning into an orgy and wanted very much to leave probably not because she didnt want to get laid that night...

4 years ago
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Bob and Carol and Gemma and Alice

A work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read this if you are offended by fantasies involving sexually explicit material. Comments welcome, send to: [email protected] Bob and Carol and Gemma and - Alice? - by Bethany Jacques I sat there, in the kitchen, suddenly very nervous again. The previous half-hour had started out nerve-racking enough but I had settled, more...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 36 First Explorations of Carol

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) I got home just before dinnertime, that being an excellent habit to get into. I was impressed with Julia when I saw that Carol was doing some cooking in the kitchen with Mom. Mom was in Teaching Mode, telling Carol what needed to be done, why, in what order, and that sort of thing. Seeing me watching her, Carol proudly announced, "I've decided I want to be a much better cook. Mom's going to be giving me lots of lessons from now on." I would write "her...

4 years ago
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Carol and Lyn episode 14

"I was drunk, Carol. I was drunk and horny and it s daytime now and I don t want to be held responsible for something I said when I was in that condition. I'm adamant about this Carol, I m not going to fuck Ted or anybody else. Forget it!" Weeks before the party they had made plans with Dot and Ted for a motor-trip to Paris. It was to be their first trip to the CIty of Lights. It was where Dot and Ted went for their honeymoon and where Dot had spent a year as an exchange student. It...

5 years ago
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Carol Part Twelve

Carol and her friend Jill had removed all of their clothes and had been playing with my cock. Carol, the instigator behind this quickly emerging threesome, had suggested that we all move upstairs to my bedroom. Carol led the way, followed by Jill and then me. I could see Carol’s tits sway back and forth as she climbed the stairs, and I watched Jill’s ass as she took each step. My hard shaft swung side to side and up and down as I followed. I put my hand on Jill’s ass, and she stopped for a...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Brady Bunch Carol and Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

4 years ago
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Carol Marsha Brady A leasbian brady bunch s

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol's love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

3 years ago
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Carol the prop girl

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. A tale from my distant past.I had finally reached my 20s, and still had hopes of being famous - member of a popular amateur dramatics group which produced a dozen plays a year, including lots of Shakespeare.That season we were doing The Winter's Tale. A bit of a dirge, with my character only appearing at the beginning and end of the script, with a couple of walk on-walk...

4 years ago
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Loving Carol Part II the dark and the dawn

He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes... She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't hang up. He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years: "Charlie, I promise you'll get over me. Someday you're going to find someone really special." She...

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Carol Alicia

Frank had been seeing Carol for about six months, and during that time, they'd had some great times. Carol was a lovely brunette with pale blue eyes and a penchant for oral sex. Frank loved the way she looked up at him with those soft blue orbs when her mouth was full of him. She often smiled around his shaft, an impish delight shining in her eyes, while she worked her mouth up and down. Carol's figure is nice too. Slender, yet filled out with the curves of a mature, sexy woman. Her breasts...

2 years ago
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Carol and me no 1

RudeolphChapter 1 Carol jumped into the waiting vehicle, eager to see her friend again, it must have been a few months since that eventful weekend when they spent virtually the whole time locked in moments of intense passion. She recalled how she had found that so much attention after such a long time of abstinence had made her rather tender in the nether regions for a few days afterwards, but consoled herself that it had all been worthwhile. She leaned across and gave Rudeolph a tender kiss...

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Seasons Greetings A Carol Christmas

Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel Lawrence). This story takes place approximately one year to a year and a half after the conclusion of "Tales of the Season: Darla's Story" in the branch of the "Seasons of Change" Universe that I started with "A Losing Season", also archived at Fictionmania. Of course, this is a play...

4 years ago
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‘I wouldn’t know,’ said Carol, blushing furiously ‘I’m still a virgin!’ I looked at her in astonishment. ‘Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn’t you ever do it?’ ‘Roger didn’t believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I’m too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.’ she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we’ve been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

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'I wouldn't know,' said Carol, blushing furiously 'I'm still a virgin!' I looked at her in astonishment. 'Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn't you ever do it?' 'Roger didn't believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I'm too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.' she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we've been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Loving Carol part I the beginning

Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would love him, and who would be his soulmate forever. Just one. And when...

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The Seduction Of Carol Chapters One And Two

(((((Re-written)))))(Please read my Naughty Nighties... story first.) Carol was sleeping deeply. Exhausted and, if like me, fully satisfied from our sex the night before. I certainly was satisfied. Carol had never been with a woman before last night but she'd learned quickly how to eat pussy. Leaning against the door jam leading to the bathroom, I could smell our pussy juices that had spotted the bed with wet spots. We'd stayed up most of the night making those wet spots. Remembering all we'd...

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Loving Carol Part I The Beginning

They met in early September, on their first day in college. The year was 1968. Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would...

Love Stories
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 246 Mom Isnt Happy About Carol Showing Everyone Her Pussy

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Carol arrived in the study, having been let in by Robert. Julia immediately started showing Carol pictures of our preferred choice and explaining our plan. Before they got too engrossed, I interrupted loudly, "Excuse me everyone. I want to ask a quick question about my light blobs. Everyone who knows about them is here now, so this would be a good time. I'm thinking of showing them to Andrew and Robert. I'm still thinking about my reason, and I'm not...

4 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Chapter 1: Carol's First Spanking Carol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she had an idea what that meant. She...

2 years ago
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George and Carol

Template George and CarolSynopsisCarol, a convicted thief, twice steals from an employer who tries to help her.  George and Carolby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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Young Studs for Carol

The long night of sex with the four younger studs, in front of her son, had been a terrific and exhausting experience: she had been drained of all her energies like never before in her life. The woman raised herself from the bed and took few steps in the room to the mirror; bags around her eyes and some love bites on her breast sides proved the heavy treatment from her captors, but her appearance, on the whole, still looked great; and this was certainly due to her resilient and well exercised...

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Carol Part Eight

I held Carol’s ass as she moved her hips up and down and ina circular motion, sliding her wet pussy over my shaft. She held my head tightly against her breasts with her arms, and I became lost in a cocoon of soft breasts, hard nipples, hair tickling my face, and the aroma of her perfume. “I love your cock,” she whispered. “I love how it fills me up.” “I love how it makes me feel.” I sucked on a nipple as Carol moaned and increased the pace and force of each plunge of her love hole down on my...

3 years ago
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Carol Part Seven

Prologue It had been an interesting 24 hours, beginning with a straightforward, but totally unexpected question from Carol: did I want to fuck her? Despite my surprise at the question, I did not hesitate with my response. There followed an interesting, but quick, four hand game of strip poker and a late dare proffered by Carol. I had already won three poker hands, each win resulting in Carol having to remove one of her four pieces of clothing. The odds of me winning a fourth straight game were...

Straight Sex
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Carol Patty

Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...

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Carol Part Eleven

I heard the knock on the glass sliding door. Carol had called and asked if she could come over. I had not seen her for several days. It was early evening. I had spent the day writing. I was tired, hungry and horny. I welcomed Carol’s call. The thought of exploring her body once again had been rumbling around in the back of my mind all day. “I’d love to see you. Come on over.” “Are you hungry?” she asked. “Yes,” I said, “and I’d like some food, too.” Carol laughed. She knew what I meant....

Group Sex
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Carol and Monster A Skipping School Story

Carol and Monster: A Skipping School Story By Lana Lawrence Carol's sister walked downstairs, the stairs groaning under her bare feet. It used to be Melissa was so light on her feet she the stairs replied with squeaks but now that she was six months pregnant. Melissa sat down and poured her Corn Pops into her bowl with some milk. She didn't need to go to school no more. Mama said fifteen was old enough to quit. Daddy came in smoking a cigarette still in his wife beater and...

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Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...

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Carols Room

This is part of my Kings Cross series hosted by tripod under kingscrossuk.Describe roomThe room is lit with a harsh red light. On metal coat hangers on the walls there are various costumes, one is a nurse's uniform another appears to be made of black rubber.Describe objectsThe bed is a large double bed. On the bed there are:old towelsOn a bedside table there are:Plastic bottlesHandcuffsA roll of packing tapeIn the room there is:CarolExamine CarolCarol has been logged on to #RL for 09 hrs 34...

2 years ago
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Carol Mark take a holiday

I had been seeing Carol for about six weeks, we had met in my local pub in Wimbledon and hit it off from the start. We slept together on the first night and subsequently spent the whole weekend together. A bond of trust and lust had been formed and we were now a couple. Very early on we had decided to book a holiday together. The time had come to take it.We had arranged for a cab to pick us up from our flats and then take us to Victoria Station to get the fast train to Gatwick Airport. Our...

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Aunt Carol Was A Stripper

My mom's sister Carol lives in Crossville, Tennessee. I moved into in a company furnished condo in downtown Crossville a few weeks ago. The condo came with my internship deal. It's a small nicely furnished. I promised mom I would go visit Aunt Carol as soon as I got settled. Mom wasn't going to let me forget that promise.I had met Aunt Carol several times over the years. I had just turned 37. The whole family drove to Tennessee from Union NJ Aunt Carol never had any k**s of her own. She got...

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Meeting Carol 8

Carol asked me to sleep over after a night of sex with just the two of us.  She told me she keeps a razor, toothbrush, men's underwear just in case.  I am ecstatic.  We fell asleep with me spooning Carol.  Maybe this can all work out. In the middle of the night or early morning, I had this fuzzy feeling that my cock is wet.  I woke up and looked down at Carol.  She was kneeling over me with her mouth wrapped around my cock.  She sensed that I was awake and smiled at me.  Although I loved...

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‘Bubba, you son of a b…  Come back here!” Ron knew that could only mean one thing.  He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the woman’s voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen.  If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind him. Ron braced himself, opened his arms and called, “Bubba!  Here boy!  Come on, buddy!”...

3 years ago
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Carol Part Thirteen

Here’s the thing. FMF threesomes are not easy. While the purpose of the gathering is the raison d’être of the activity, it is the planning, selection and organization that is often the most overlooked component. In our little gathering, by the time Carol and Jill arrived at my door, these necessities had already been accomplished. Arrangements and agreements had been made by the ladies involved. While my male ego would like to believe that I was an important part of the gathering, I was just a...

Group Sex
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Marrying Carol 6

After our afternoon adventure with Peter and our nap we got up and got ready for the welcoming dinner. I asked Carol, "Did you have a fun afternoon?"She smile at me and said, "Ummmm, I did.  I'm looking forward to having more fun."We dressed in what I would call resort casual.  Carol wore a sheer white caftan, a flower in her hair and went barefoot.  I wore a pair of khaki shorts and a hawaiian shirt.  When the light hit Carol's caftan you could see that she was naked underneath.  Dinner...

Wife Lovers
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Carol and 1 No 5

Story 5Chapter 1 There was a knock on the door just as Carol was settling down for a relaxing afternoon with a book. She had just showered and was relaxed in casual gear and was going to ignore the door. The bell rang again so she put the book down and went to see who it was. She was not expecting anybody and the girls were away again for the weekend. Under her breath she cursed the caller as Carol was looking forward to peace and quiet. Rudeolph had decided he was fed up and wanted to spend...

1 year ago
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Anne And Carol Meet New Lovers

Anne is celebrating her new freedom. Her annulment is official. She and Carol are always accompanied by handsome men. If you haven't followed my story my name is Anne. I have hazel eyes. Men have told me my eyes send a message that I am fuckable. I am 22 years of age. I am petite, 5'2", large breasts, bubble butt, long brunette,blonde highlights, curly hair. I have a Masters degree in business and economics. The era is the 1970's. My husband divorced me. I am officially a liberated woman. I am...

2 years ago
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Stories from my youth Chapter 3 Carol

I was feeling down for quite a few weeks after Janice gave me the shove. I may even have been depressed but being a country lad in those days I didn’t even know what depression was. In the country, there was only happy and sad. If you were happy then that was fine. If you were sad you spent time alone, focused on work and you recovered and of course, in time I recovered.As I came out of the darkness that I was engulfed in it suddenly occurred to me that I had told Carol that I would introduce...

Love Stories
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Carol Part Ten

Carol wanted to have sex outdoors. It wasn’t just that having sex outdoors was risky or different. It was the exhibition or being seen aspect that excited her. One early summer evening she asked me to drive a few miles outside the center of town, and up a long, tree lined dirt road to a hidden pond favored by undergraduate students for swimming and other adventures. I thought we were going to have sex in the car. I was wrong. We parked in a small grassy area, not far from the pond. We spent...

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Carols Strip Poker Experience

Strip Poker Carol?s Strip Poker Experience For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with different kinds of sexual games.? I couldn?t believe my luck as I finally discovered her hot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a few days.? When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play.? I suggested strip poker and she agreed.? We both agreed that the game would not be over until both of us were nude, and when one party...

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John Carol Ch 02

Author’s note:This is the second part in a three part trilogy. I usually try to make each part stand alone but in this case it’s better if you’ve read part one. This is a long story about the beginning of a relationship between two unlikely people that find each other and live through some trying times. There is sex sprinkled throughout but it’s not your typical stroke story. If you like the story and want the concluding part three please let me know. This story is intended for adults over 18...

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