Lucian, Ch. 10 free porn video

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Lucian, Chapter Ten. How to win a fight if all you know is to be charming, sweet and graceful? The room was large and stately. It was a drawing room, really, with paneled walls and high, shuttered windows. The scent of polishing wax reminded Lucian of Bobs working hard to clean it. Maybe the place served as a conference room; or even a boardroom with its huge, shining table and antique chairs under massive chandeliers. Of course, as a mere student, he'd never been there; he didn't even know it existed. But that had changed, hadn't it? He liked how nervous Parker was as they walked from the building's entrance to the room. She babbled all the way, but maybe her distress was just wishful thinking on his behalf. Her Smile had been admiringly intact at their meeting on the terrace, in front of students and colleagues. But ever since she got the message, Parker must have been living a nightmare - feeling so close to losing control, so suddenly. Control was like her power suits, wasn't it? Without it she must feel naked. Did she fear her job was in his hands? He'd love to think the woman fawned over him. Groveling might be too strong a word, although he'd love to think that too. The only one being entirely her petite self was Mamselle in her tasteful little black dress and low patent leather heels. She'd just smiled her subtle little smile at Lucian - there'd been no hugging, no hand shaking. But she'd complimented him on his looks and his success, and had welcomed him back. Then, halfway the wide corridor, she held him back with her small white hand and whispered a line in a foreign language; not French. Latin, maybe. He asked her what it was, and she just smiled a little bit wider. "Look it up, ch?ri," she said, and smiled. Fontaine was as elegant as Mamselle, but she'd moved as if having a stick up her immaculate ass. In a way, she was herself too: gracious for grace's sake. Ah well, they were maybe a little bit shaken by what he'd sneakily let them know through the soft-spoken lawyers he'd sent ahead, only this morning. Sneaky, maybe, but with style. It must have been an upsetting message with an awkward timing. On his way to the conference room, Lucian still could hear the clanging and bustling on the great lawn. He'd seen the big sweaty men there, building a stage with spotlights and sound-equipment. Tables and chairs were there, and the other accoutrements for the annual reunion; or, more accurately, for the annual sponsor-pleasuring, millionaire-sucking orgy, he thought. It would seem that he was a party poop. Reaching the stateroom, Lucian wished he'd chosen a warmer outfit; the conditioned air gave him goosebumps. His nipples tightened as they moved against his see-through top. Maybe he should ask this cute, vain junior lawyer for his expensive Italian jacket. It looked wonderfully Milanese, a loose and silky version of casual high fashion - supple and slack, with plunging lapels. All it took for Lucian to make his point, was to rub his bare arms and smile at the man with begging eyebrows. The jacket's silk lining felt deliciously soft, still warm from its owner. The shoulders hung a bit, of course, and he had to roll up the sleeves - but it suited him like an open-fronted mini dress. And, most importantly, it stopped his shivering. "Well," Parker said, trying to sound as if she still had the initiative. "Let's sit down and get this out of the way." She waved at the empty chairs and walked to the head of the table herself. Lucian clacked his tongue, saying "uh-uh" and waving a finger. "I'm afraid those days are over, Ms. Parker," he said and walked his tapping heels over to the chair she was about to sit on. "You sit here, to my right, please, darling," he went on, smiling at Honor and patting the chair. "And you, please, next to her, gentlemen," addressing his legal representatives - one a wealthy-looking, middle- aged attorney with gray temples, the other his young, ambitious colleague, now in expensive shirt sleeves. He'd met them in a few conferences, mostly long distance, and despite their posh mannerisms he had the feeling they would pull it off nicely. And most importantly: with grace. He looked at Honor, next to him. Then he pulled her face closer and kissed her deeply. They both giggled before he turned back to the confused principal and her colleagues who were still standing. Raising his eyebrows in mock surprise he said: "Please take a seat, ladies, I understand I ruined your time schedule. Don't let me squander more of your time on this busy day." The women muttered amongst each other. Then Ms. Parker shrugged her impressive shoulders and sat to Lucian's immediate left, flanked on her left by the doctor and the two teachers. As the younger lawyer distributed rather hefty piles of paper, Lucian bent over to his former principal. "How is Coach, by the way?" he asked. "Shouldn't she be here, you know, to keep me in check?" Parker shook her head. "You are so hostile, honey," she said in a low voice. "It doesn't become you. Was all this necessary? We invited you as our guest of honor. Today was meant for celebration; to let you know how proud we are of your wonderful achievements. And how grateful we are to be part of your success." He covered her hand with his, and smiled. "A part?" he asked. "Oh surely, a 60 percent part, to be precise, isn't it?" He kept his voice down as he went on. "40 percent for the next four years? Please believe me, I know exactly why you are so proud of me. And of Andrea Pecci and Bobbi Sheering, and all the other girls you sent onto the catwalks and in front of the cameras with a strangling contract. "I bet you are also proud of the beauticians that work in your sweatshop-salons. How's Makenzie, by the way? And what about the musicians, the singers and the dancers; the acrobats and the stupid little whores who're no good for anything else anyway? "Are you proud of Drew, doing pole-tricks in Vegas, and Charlie, sweet little Charlie who is where now? Abu Dhabi or Riyadh, sucking off Arabs and sending you checks? Or did she make it in the porn industry like so many others?" He saw a blush rise from Parker's blouse. Could it really be that she was blinking down tears? "You are so wrong, Lucian," she said. "We saved you; we did everything for you; why do you hurt us so much?" He looked at her for a while. Then he sat straight. "I'm a sissy," he said. "You made me one, and you know sissies can't hurt anybody - you took care of that. All we can do is stop you from hurting us." Without knowing he had raised his voice, leaving his gracious, breezy Norton's volume. It caused the table to fall silent, all eyes turning in his direction. Raising his hand, he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry," he said, touching Parker's hand. "I was mean and I hate being mean; it makes people ugly. Can't have ugliness at Norton's, can we? So... where are your lawyers, by the way?" Which, of course, was a mean question. He knew they hadn't had a chance to warn their legal counsel, as he only let them know his true plans by this morning, when his own lawyers arrived. "They're on their way," Parker murmured, her painted lips a narrow line. "Well," Lucian said out loud, turning to the assembled group. "Sorry again, but let's not waste more time. Mr. eh...Cranston? Please." The older lawyer, who'd donned all the expensive paraphernalia of his trade, down to the striped suit, coughed and built a steeple of his long-fingered hands - taking care that his brilliantly white cuffs peeped out of his sleeves just far enough to show off his antique cufflinks with the family seal. "We are here," he said in a rich, well-trained baritone, "at the request of a consortium led by Mr. Lucian Gaines, henceforth known as the Third Gender Association, TGA for short. Other members of this consortium wish to remain anonymous until further notice." Lucian knew that today would be the finish of a long uphill struggle. The words the lawyer spoke were, let's say, the opening salvo of the final battle, if one wished to use martial metaphors like that. He felt how Honor's plump little hand covered his on the polished table, five pink fingernails spread out like a bracelet. He turned to her, smiling. Her eyes shone with - well, pride, he guessed. Pouting his lips, he kissed the air, and she chuckled. Dragging his attention back to the droning voice, he carefully watched Dr. Kurtz. Maybe he'd been too young and too stupid to see how unhappy she was. Tired, yes, she'd always looked tired, but underneath her puffy, crinkled face he now saw something else. And the reason he saw it now, was that he'd seen a tiredness like hers before, almost a year ago, in Paris. He'd been there to model in a Dior fashion show and doing a shoot for Elle magazine. The latter had left him exhausted in a dressing room at the back of a photo studio - sipping Spanish Cava. Honor would meet her there after she'd done all the paperwork at the magazine's headquarters. He looked forward to a relaxing night in their hotel bed, and the prospect of a day of shopping together, tomorrow. Leaning back in a rattan chair, he stretched his tired legs, wriggling his toes out of a high-heeled hoof that went with the silver gown he still wore. It had been too much in too short a time; Honor had known that, of course, and had scolded him when he'd accepted the commission anyway. "Always listen to Honor," he murmured, chuckling as he took a sip. They'd been together for a year by then, traveling from one city to another, one hotel room to another. He knew he'd never have been where he was without her. His thoughts got interrupted by a creaking door, followed by the distant click-clack of stiletto heels. He leaned forward in his chair to look from his dressing room into the studio. Was it Honor, he wondered. Then he heard a cough and felt a cold sensation touching his neck. He knew that cough; he knew it well. "Where are you, Lucian?" a woman said, her voice echoing in the huge studio's space. A lump in his throat prevented him from answering. A low male voice rumbled; one of the assistants, he guessed - Jean Claude, sweet, nerdy guy. "Je cherche Lucian Gaines." His mother's voice rang with the impatience he knew. "I'm looking for Lucian Gaines." A new rumble answered her. "Mais je suis sa m?re!" the voice went on, belligerent now. "I'm his mother; take me to him." "Mr. Gaines?" The older lawyer's voice woke him from his memories. He automatically smiled and excused himself. "Sorry, I was... But anyway, thanks for your introduction, Mr. ehm..." He turned to Parker. "Are there any questions? I'm sure there must be." He felt Honor's hand tug at his. She shook her head, giggling. "What?" he mimed. She shrugged; it made her breasts wobble a bit. "Never mind," she said, winking. "If you'd care to at least show a bit of attention," Parker said, "you know, this is about my life's work, so yes, of course we have questions." He hated her pedantic voice and her patronizing demeanor. The old Parker's trying to get back, he thought. Smiling, he turned to her. "I'm afraid you are mistaken, Ms. Parker," he said, keeping his voice low and sweet, just as Ms. Fontaine had taught him. "Here and now I am the one who does as he pleases. And, right now, it pleases me to tell you to shut up." He rose, pushing back the ancient chair. "This meeting is suspended for an hour. I need to see people I like." With Honor in tow he left the room and a bunch of shocked people. The borrowed jacket slid off the chair's seat, ending on the wooden floor. *** Honor brought him to the room Norton's had prepared for them. It wasn't unlike the one he'd lived in before; just a bit bigger. Cursing under his breath, he fell on the bed, rubbing his temples. Honor knelt beside him, making the mattress move. She brought her face to his, blowing a curl of stray hair away. Then she kissed his brow, while her hand caressed his chest under the wispy top. "Don't let them get at you, love," she whispered, letting her soft lips travel down his nose until she found his mouth. He took her face in both hands and rose until he sat. "It wasn't them," he said. She studied his eyes. "The bitch," she said, allowing a hiss into her voice. "The fucking bitch again." He smiled weakly. "It's all right," he said. "Nothing a shower can't fix." Honor covered his hands with hers and leant in to kiss him. "Let me know if you need me," she whispered. He kissed her back. *** Feeling the steaming water splatter on his back and shoulders was heaven. Showers and baths always relaxed him best - massaging the stress and the knots out of his muscles, and out of his mind. After the Paris memory struck him, he couldn't just have sat and stayed with the droning lawyers and the hostile teachers - it was too awful and guild-inducing. All he could do was flee and find this shower to be on his own, and try to flush the venom out of his system - again. It was the memory of his mother visiting him at a photo studio in Paris, a year ago. When he heard her voice, after - what? - three years, every trace of painfully conquered self-confidence slipped away, leaving a hole as big as his chest. He should've run. Fled. Gotten away. But he froze in his chair, and the opportunity was lost. "Here you are, darling." He could only stare, his mouth moving without a sound. Time came to a shrieking halt before taking a U-turn and roaring back to days long gone. She looked different. Of course, she would, after three years; but how could she look... younger, and so impossibly perfect? It had to be her; he heard her voice, didn't he? He knew only one person who said 'darling' like that. And yet, it was eerie. The pale skin of her face shone with tightness. There wasn't a wrinkle, not even around her eyes. She looked... waxen, like a doll. And her nose was... different. It was tiny and narrow. Her lips seemed fuller, and her chest... Her blouse was a creamy silk, exposing a cleavage that had never been there. High and round tits pushed themselves up from her bra. 'Plastic' was the word insinuating itself. She'd been lifted and nipped and tucked and pumped. His mother was gone, and she'd sent this ghostly pale mannequin instead. It coughed in its fist. "You look gorgeous," the mother-doll said in a hoarse voice. "I saw you in Vogue, and in that beautiful Chanel commercial. I hardly recognized you - my son, so gorgeous. I'm so proud of you, darling. Please, why don't you hold me?" She came a few steps closer on her patent leather Louboutins. Weren't they the ones she'd worn when she took him to Norton's? The ones that swung through the light like a hypnotizer's pendulum? Of course not. But the memory jolted him into action. He rose from his chair; not to meet her, but to get away. She was already on him, though, closing her arms around his body. He felt the alien globes press into him. Her ghostly face was only inches away; he smelled acid tobacco through her perfume. "Please, mother, I..." he said, having no idea what to say. He grabbed her shoulders and held her at arm's length, not trying to see her fake tits - or the new high cheekbones. "I'm sorry," she whispered with a cough, her lips trembling. "Oh Lucian, please forgive me. I am so sorry." The words were exactly like her: the studied drama, the overdone pathos. But her face no longer supplied the required expressions; no humility, no regret - no puppy eyes, no desperate eyebrows. Her face was a waxen mask - and her eyes were dead. He yielded two more steps - his bare soles pressing against the cold floor, feeling as numb as his mind. He knew he should be mad, insulted by her cheap apologies, but there was nothing - no feelings at all. Shouldn't there be feelings? He'd admired this woman, adored her. She'd shaped his youth, even when she was never there - or was it because she was away so much? A distant, superior being she'd been, an idol for her fragile little, lonely girly son. She was his secret ideal that became the more desirable with every sneer of his father, or every bloody nose inflicted by his bullies. But she was still she, remember? The bitch, the cruel bitch. She'd sold him without a blink of her once beautiful eyes; she'd betrayed him with a flourish of her expensive pen. She'd left him. Yes, but he'd become what he was because of her, hadn't he? What would he have been now if she hadn't left him at Norton's? Parker and Kurtz said that she must love him; that she saved him from his cruel, crazy father, and risked her own future to give him this chance. Did she? But she'd lied to him. She'd allowed those women to cut his body and change it with pills and injections; preparing him for men to be fucked and humiliated. And now she was here, standing before him; and yet she wasn't. She was a perfect stranger with the voice of his mother, more distant than ever. And she said she was sorry. Why? Why be sorry if you think you did the right thing, out of love? He remembered the last time he heard from her - the already open letter filled with words that were scratched out, blotted with - what - tears? Wine? "I'm SO sorry!!!" had been the only readable part. Why was she here, and why now? To tell him she was sorry? Another lie, no doubt. She lied so much, so easy. He felt a tear on his cheek, and it made him furious. "Why are you here?" he asked, his voice thick. His mother's dark eyes went wide. "Why?" she whispered, her hand clawing in front of her, theatrically, as if reaching for something to hold onto; but her robot face had no expression. "To... to see you, of course. Does a mother have to have a reason?" In most lives, it happens maybe once or twice that insanity feels more attractive than keeping your wits about you. In Lucian's bizarre life there'd been a lot of such moments, but this one still stole the show. His mother's wish was so absurd, and yet such a travesty of his deepest longings, that he could only respond by laughing, crying and screaming all at once. He grabbed her shoulders again, pushed his face into hers and screamed at the top of his lungs. Whore, he screamed, he guessed, and monster, and bitch, of course, and whore again, by lack of better. But it didn't matter which words he chose, they were all just cannon fodder for his exploding insanity. When all his energy was spilled, he sagged against her, sobbing. "I'm... I'm sorry," his mother whispered. The words woke him from his stupor. He rose and looked down on her, studying her phony face. "No," he said, his voice calm again. "No mother, you know that is a lie, and you don't come here after three years to just lie to me. You are here because you want something from me. You look desperate and you need me. Is it money?" She stared at him, trying to look offended. "I... I love you," she murmured. Lucian shook his head, making his curls fly. "No, oh no, no, no," he said, suddenly smiling a demon's smile while shaking a finger. "No, mother dear. You know that I know that can't be true. You know why? Because you don't know what love ?sss!" He emphasized the last word with a hiss. The woman just stared at him, her puffed and painted lips trembling. "I am ill, Lucian," she then said. "I am dying." And she bent over, coughing into her perfectly manicured fist. Back in the shower, Lucian screamed. He arched back, allowing the scalding water to gush over his face, praying it would wash away his pain and guilt and sorrow, together with his tears. He didn't hear the glass door open, locked as he was in his memories, but he felt a small and familiar body slide against him - firm, slippery curves, a tongue that licked the water off his nipples. Honor hugged him tightly, humming an unknown little song, while massaging his aching body. "It wasn't your fault, Luce," she murmured, her voice drowning in the falling water. She got to her toes and pulled his face down to kiss it - wet lips sliding up and down and left and right - bodies in a tight embrace. Their eyes locked; Lucian's red-rimmed. "But she said she was ill, Honey," he said. "She told me she would die. And she did!" Honor tightened the embrace, giving it a feel of desperation. "Yes, she did," she agreed, never leaving his eyes. "And, like her whole selfish life, it was all her doing." Lucian remembered the letter he received in New York, five months later. It was from a French doctor, informing him his mother had died in Paris. She was 43; her entire body ruined by cancer. It had started in her lungs, of course. In the days leading up to her death, she hadn't been able to breath on her own. It had been really a matter of unplugging the machine. "I should have been there with her," Lucian said, murmuring the words in the way people do after having repeated them too often - toneless, automatically. "She never bothered to be with you," Honor said, knowing it didn't matter. "That doesn't matter," Lucian objected. "I should have held her hand." The memory of his mother standing in front of him, begging, came back to him through the steam and spray of the shower. "I am dying," she'd said, and there hadn't been theatre in the way she said it. She just stood, her shoulders bent, her eyes empty. He'd stepped forward, taking her hands in his - speechless. His mind was an icy battlefield with spectral enemies fighting over his lost emotions. 'She's a bitch', he thought, holding her hands, and: 'she's my mother'. 'She betrayed you', he knew, and: 'she's dying'. "Luce? I'm back! Let's go!" He remembered Honor standing in the entrance of the room, coming in from the street wearing her short fifties' cow-print coat over a shining black pencil skirt, dark tights and pretty ankle-boots. Her eyes flashed from Lucian's teary eyes to the plastic woman, and she said: "Oh, wow, sorry; you have a visitor." "Who are you?" his mother asked, sounding bitchy - all tragedy gone. Lucian closed his eyes, knowing the tone - the querulous attitude. "Honor," he said, "please meet my mother. Mother, this is Honor, my personal assistant." His mother gave the girl a slow once-over. "Personal, eh?" she then said. "Is he also," she went on, waving her hand towards Honor's crotch, "you know... a sissy? I thought so. He looks real enough, though. Nice boob job, honey. Did you pay for that, Lucian?" Honor froze, her mouth half-open, her wide eyes moving from his mother to him, like two huge gray question marks. It was the moment Lucian learnt the truth about his mother. He learnt what she really thought about girls like Honor - which of course was how she thought about him. He remembered feeling her hands holding him down while Kurtz plunged a needle in his thigh. She'd dumped him at Norton's, signing for anything they decided to do to him - and then she abandoned him. Of course, he'd known it all the time: she didn't give a damn. Not about him, not about anyone. "Please, leave, mother," he said. "I don't want to see you again, ever." "But, but Lucian," she stammered, moving closer, her heel scratching on the floor. " I told you I am... You can't... can't..." "Leave," he said, trembling. "Now." "I'm your mother," she said. "Yes," he sighed. "And that is why you leave NOW!" He hated how his voice broke as he yelled at her, pushing her back and making her stumble. "But Lucian..." she mumbled. "Jean-Claude!" he yelled, trying to reach the assistant in the studio. "All right," his mother said, clutching her pouch against her new tits. "I get it, you ungrateful freak. I hope someone catches you and rapes you in a dark alley, and CUTS that useless caricature of a cock off your body and feeds it to your FAGGOT mouth!" Her words resounded in the empty rooms and could still be heard after she'd left. They resonated to the present day, under a shower on the other side of an ocean - Honor's arms around him. Arms that had been there too, when he sank to his knees, crying. *** After the shower, they'd made love like they always did when Lucian was depressed by his memories. Tender love it was, on the bed, after she dried his and her body - kissing and fondling and sucking until the pale, shrieking ghosts returned to their secret place, where they waited for another time, another moment. Then the two rubbed their bodies with sweet oil and lotion, deciding to return to the meeting: the one fight they'd come to Norton's for, wielding the weapons they knew how to handle best - charm, grace and beauty. Lucian put on the second outfit he'd selected before coming to Norton's - every outfit a perfect choice for each occasion. Aggression was the ticket for now; a black and studded leather jacket with Parker-sized shoulders, hanging open to show his white, naked chest and belly down to his low-riding leather pants. They felt tight around his ass and thighs, flaring out from his knees to almost cover his five- inch stiletto platform heels. Honor styled his hair into a greased rock and roll quiff. Then she painted his face in stark contrasts, setting off his white skin with dark Amy Winehouse eyes. Looking in the mirror he had to bend his knees a bit to fit in the frame. Good, he thought: tall and intimidating; not bad for a bullied shrimp of a loser sissy-boy. Honor herself picked a mock-secretary uniform, allowing her tits to billow over the edge of a corset she wore under a short jacket. Her skirt was, well, a wide belt, really, and her heels even had an inch on Lucian's. "Ready," she stated, picking up a professional-looking clipboard to press against her bosom. "Let's eat them." Click-clacking down the wide marble corridor, the slanting rays of sunlight flashing on and off on their sashaying bodies, Lucian couldn't stop feeling like a cowboy hero on his way to high noon. 'The reckoning', he thought, and chuckled. He knew they'd all be there; he was ten minutes late to ensure that. To his satisfaction, they'd kept the seating arrangement he'd imposed. It looked as if they'd never left at all, although there were two new faces - no doubt Parker's lawyers arriving at last. Lucian nodded and welcomed them. "Well," he then said, pausing to enjoy the effect of their entry. "Let's kill this baby." It was an awful line, but he couldn't resist. "Mister...ehm..." he went on after seating, smiling and nodding at his elder lawyer, "you so very accurately described the situation before we had this, well, intermission; now please let the ladies hear our proposition." Despite his lack of attention, Lucian knew exactly what the man had said before. It had been the meanest, stinking turd of blackmail, wrapped in the smoothed little bag of perfumed silk and velvet. There was never a direct threat or even a rude insinuation, but it was all there. Let's call it a whole new application of the Norton's Smile. There'd been references to names and quotes and more, very sensitive, names and facts, and allusions to audio-visual proof, without stating once what they were all about. But Parker knew, and Kurtz knew, and probably the others too. There had been suggestions of secret audits, of shady book keeping practices with far-away bank accounts. Half the lawyers' firm and half an accountants' firm had dug for months into every innocent-looking corner of Parker's little empire. They'd found a lot, each of it an innocent-enough detail, but put together and in the right light it was alarming enough to make Gloria Parker looking even paler now than she usually did. There wasn't enough for a lawsuit, but the publicity alone would touch so many vulnerable reputations of so many powerful people and corporations, that the threat alone would suffice quite nicely. Parker had overreached herself. Maybe once, years ago, she really had this ideal of saving fragile boys and giving them a future, how bizarre her means might have been. But, as so often, absolute power corrupted absolutely. Alumni of Norton's Academy proved to be a gold mine, especially after she kept increasing her share in the fruits of their labor. And, under the flag of her idealism, it became easier and easier to skim Norton's growing revenues and sluice them away for her own, very unidealistic purposes. She took bribes from companies that sought contracts with Norton's singers and musicians, dancers and actors - actresses, rather. And after that she still took huge bites off their individual income. It also became attractive to persuade sponsors that it was in their interest to increase their contributions. The trick pulled off with Lucian's father was hardly a one-off experiment - as was the date with Martinez. Gloria Parker became insatiable. Lucian wondered if Dr. Kurtz and the others knew about this. Were they just abused idealists, or maybe blackmail victims too? Or did they share in the bonanza? He watched the doctor's crooked smile, and he remembered how she must have been the one that prepared him for Martinez. Did she design treatments for special 'creations', like Jean Bardot, the famous soprano alumni of Norton's? And what about Mamselle with her subtle version of the same smile? Or Fontaine? He sure hadn't seen surprise on their faces when the lawyer summed up the findings. And what about Coach? While the younger lawyer - wearing his fashionable jacket again - distributed a second report, Lucian's thoughts went back to the moment he knelt with Honor by the three plates outside his room, more than two years ago. "I have a plan," he'd said, after asking her to join him. Okay, that had been a bit of bluff, hadn't it? A lot, rather. Let's say he had an idea about the first step - and a notion to play it by ear after that. It was all about a photoshoot he was asked for, or rather: about the shooter. His name was Allan Petric, and, according to his own words, he was on his way to become the new Helmut Newton. Well, that was ambitious, but he really was more than just a wannabe: he did get some of his work published in alternative fashion magazines like Spook and Auxiliary - and he'd even almost got one picture in Vogue. It was that picture which ignited the Plan - a photograph of Lucian, taken a while ago. It showed him naked, covering his crotch with a bunch of blood-red roses. It was a photo he'd hated when he saw it first, but, according to Petric (androgynous models being the rage), it had intrigued the Vogue editors, and they'd asked him to do a real fashion shoot with "that pale boy." "He asked Parker last week to let me go to his New York studio," Lucian told Honor. "And she said 'no', the stupid cow." Honor grinned at the sneer. "So?" she said. "Well, when he asked, I was in this dizzy spell where I thought I was a girl," Lucian went on. "But I cured myself and dumped Martinez, the fucking child-abuser, didn't I?" They laughed. "Let's get inside," Lucian said, rising to his feet. "Nobody needs to know." So, they went into his room and sat on the bed. "When I got back, Parker told me she wasn't pleased with what I did," he went on. "Well, I told her I wasn't really pleased with what she did." Honor giggled. "Great," she said. Lucian chuckled back, laying an arm around her shoulder. "Then she really said something interesting, you know?" he went on. "She told me Norton's lost a lot of money over my refusal to fuck the millionaire bastard - and that I would have to pay for that." Honor smiled; then she frowned. "That... Petric," she said, "will he pay? Does he even have money?" Lucian shrugged. "He said he would pay a - what did he call it? - an advance, of a few thousand dollars that Vogue promised him. And he'd pay for everything else, like travel and stay." Lucian knew the amount wouldn't impress Parker, not after losing a sponsor. But the name Vogue might prove to be, well, a carrot. It did. The shoot was a success, and Vogue asked for more. Then Elle did, and Paris fashion houses, and Chanel, and even a German car brand. Lucian had taken Honor with him and they never returned to Norton's. Until today. Watching the women's faces, Lucian started to pay attention to what the lawyers read from the report. It was about power and the transition of it from them to the consortium. Lucian remembered every fight and tear and explosion of frustrations behind the formulation of the words now spoken. He saw the faces again; the tragic faces of all those beautiful, graceful and utterly torn-up models and dancers and violinists and singers and actors and porn stars gathered around the huge conference table at the New York law agency. There'd been twenty of them, and they only were the very tip of a submerged iceberg. They were the ones who'd been able to foot the money to finally put an end to the injustice done to them and all the others who'd been caught in the spider's web of Norton's Academy of Excellence. It might have been understandable for them to lose all reason and cry words like 'sue them', 'lock them up!' and 'kill the bitches'. But no one did, because what had been done to them went much too deep for that. It had compromised them. They'd been victims, hadn't they? But they'd also been allies. It would have been too easy to call Norton's their doom; it also was their one and only chance in life. To some it might have been hell, but it was still sweetest heaven compared to what their life would have been without it. Kurtz may have disfigured their bodies and subdued their spirits; and Fontaine may have sissified their every word and move, but how else would they have seen the success and the wealth they accumulated, the lives they led and the fame they savored - even after being robbed by Parker? They were in a perfect bind, and they knew it. Their hidden rage was strangled by the utter lack of alternatives. Three people found a way, though, and it happened at a fashion show in Los Angeles. One of them was Andrea Pecci, the most famous androgynous fashion model at the time; the second had been Nathalie Porter, an Oscar-nominated actress; and the third was this upcoming albino model, Lucian Gaines. They met after the show, knowing about each other's background - and were soon glued together by their common frustration. Pecci graduated from Norton's four years ago. Porter left the Academy two years before that. And Lucian hadn't really left the school properly, had he? Things went quickly after that first meeting, their agenda's and itineraries being putty in the hands of Honor. And the rest, as they like to say, was history. A history leading straight to the mouth of a graying lawyer saying to Gloria Parker: "Do you have any first questions, Ma'am? We still have some time to answer them, I suppose." One of Parker's lawyers leaned over, advising the principal not to answer until they'd talked, but she ignored him. "You say I'll keep my position?" she asked, "and my colleagues as well?" She turned from the lawyer to Lucian. "Why?" she said, her eyes wide, her eyebrows raised. Lucian smiled and shrugged his overstuffed shoulders, while spreading his hands, palms up. "Well," he said. "That's an easy one, the 'why', because we have no choice. Where would we go, the poor, bullied little faggots, the busted little crossdressers? What life would we have in our closets, deadly afraid to show who we really are? How would we find the courage to develop our sissy talents and make money? How would we ever make money, apart from sucking cocks? What can we do but grow fake tits and get ourselves fucked on the internet or in cheap porn movies?" He kept his eyes on Parker, before letting them travel to Kurtz and the others. Returning to the principal, he went on. "You run a great place, honey," he said, softening his voice and placing a hand on her forearm. "You, and Kurtz and the other... ladies. But you need someone to keep you from... straying, don't you?" He chuckled. "I know you did it all to save our sorry little souls, Gloria," he went on. "But I guess you yourself must be the sorriest little victim of all, seeing how you scurried away six million over the last five years..." He grinned at the blushing woman. "So, I know you applaud our help to keep you on the straight and narrow - finally a real board of directors for you, instead of this bunch of horny sponsors you make convene how often? Ah, yes, once a year, during the reunion - tomorrow, isn't it?" He turned to Honor and they giggled. "They really did a great job of controlling you, didn't they?" he asked, concentrating on Parker again. "Which agenda points come to mind? Ah yes: how to more easily find the little asshole of the Barb that sits on your lap? How to ensure more of those little faggots to suck your cock?" My God, Lucian thought, the cow does know how to blush. "I... I," she stammered. "We never..." "Anyway," he interrupted. "We'll help you not having to worry anymore where the money for your idealistic project has to come from - or where it is supposed to go. Your board will convene for the last time. Your last fucking reunion will stop tomorrow, right in the middle of the copious dinner, and right before the fun would start." He rose. "Anyway, thank you, ladies," he said. "And you, gentlemen of the law, I leave you to hammer out the final contract. Please excuse us, my sweet secretary and I must leave. We really, really need to meet some nice people." *** The weather was balmy as ever; the sun fading. Like every year before, the singers sang, the musicians played, and the fashion show was beautiful. The damask cloth on the round tables contrasted brilliantly with the fresh green of the lawn, even in the gathering dusk. The first garden lights appeared. Barbs and Boobs that accompanied the tuxedoed sponsors, wore colorful gowns and well-trained smiles, whispering ego-boosting little words into their partner's ear - giggling as their tight asses were fondled. Lucian waited in a wing of the stage, keeping out of the audience's view. He'd loved watching the pageant of blushing girls passing him by to show off their lovely creations - knowing how excited and nervous they must be. He himself wore high summer's linen. It was a suit, kind of, with an open, slinky jacket and low-riding, tapering 7/8 pants that left his ankles free to expose 6-inch platform heels. He wore nothing under the jacket but a silk tie, loosely knotted. His hair was severely slicked back to show long, dangling earrings to go with the bunch of bracelets that jingled on his left wrist. His make-up was pale; even his eyes seemed naked. The total effect was a perversion of 'business suit meets catwalk'- a mixture of high fashion and streetwise bluff. After the pageant of would be models had bathed in their well-earned applause, the stage turned empty and gloomy under its high awning. The audience at their tables murmured; he could even hear the clanging of glasses and silverware - and the girls' giggling of course, interrupted by an occasional squeal. This was where Parker would step forward and do her predictable annual speech. Not this year. This year, a pulsing beat sprang from the humming silence, increasing in volume until it boomed like an omnipresent heartbeat. And from it rose the raw voice of Nina Simone, spitting out the words of her famous song: "Got my arms, got my hands, got my fingers, got my legs..." A spotlight flashed on, bathing the center of the stage in its glaring light. "Got my feet," Nina went on, "got my toes, got my liverrr..." The audience fell silent, crushed by the booming noise and the soul wrenching voice. A lonely, pale figure stepped from darkness into the limelight, sparkling like a high-voltage light bulb. It moved forward with the churning, energetic movements of a well-trained catwalk model. "Got my blood... Got my life, got my freedom, got my life..." Boom, boom, the music went on. Gleaming heels flashed. The marching creature seemed to pulled the light forward with it, pushing it out into the open of the long, elevated catwalk that stretched out between the tables. Until it stopped at the very edge, hovering over the entranced faces. "I've got the life... and I'm gonna keep it... I've got the life... I've got the life..." The pulsing beat stopped with the voice, and absolute silence ruled at the center of Norton's great front lawn - silence, and an almost palpable, breathless anticipation. "Norton's Academy made my body," an omnipresent sexless voice boomed, like the voice of a transgender God. "It also made my mind...creating my future...killing my past." The words rolled over the silent figure in its pool of light. Its eyes looked in the distance, its face was blank. Then its mouth opened wide, angry, and an ear-piercing scream echoed into the evening's gloom - making hearts stop and eyes widen. The figure bent forward, hands holding its stomach as the scream turned into a mewling sound that stretched and stretched until it died. Rising again until it stood on tiptoes, the creature raised its arms. A smile opened-up its face; a smile like a painted sign - the Smile. "Good evening," the figure said in an electronically enhanced whisper, carrying into the farthest corners of the park. "Welcome yet again at the annual rrreunion of Norton's Academy of Excellence; the place where they kill little boys and turn them into flawed little girls." The hoarse voice almost hissed the words, emphasizing 'kill' and 'flawed'. "It's the place," it went on, "where children are injected and shaped by doctors and teachers to become creatures even God couldn't imagine." The mocking, cynical words echoed into silence. "Ffffreaks, they are called; ffffaggotsss... ssssissssiesss..." The hissing s-es dissolved into the night. "Instead of healthy, red-blooded American boyssss, they become sssick creatures like the blushing fashion models you only moments ago saw prancing past your table. Like the gracious ballet-dancers you saw, and the ssssoprano ssssinger you heard. "Creaturessss... like me." The pale figure in the spotlight made a mocking curtsey, softly chuckling. "But don't feel guilty," it went on. "We were never asked to become what we are; we never had a choice, not at birth, not here. But we also never had an alternativvve." The smile was back in force, and the figure went down on its haunches, looking around to meet people's faces. "Four years, you know, are enough to change an awkward, scrawny boy into this beautiful pinnacle of graciousness. See? Watchchch meeee..." The figure rose and went through a number of elegant moves with its hands, its head and its body - pushing out its hip and doing lewd bumps. It looked coy from under its pale eyebrows, touching its cheek while pouting its lips, fluttering its lashes and doing the Smile. Finally, it did another deep curtsey. "And, you know," it said after one more mocking chuckle, "I am grrrrrateful. Oh yes, I am. For, you know, my youth was a time of hurt and humiliation, of bullying and bruising. And my future would be one of hiding and sssshame." The figure rose again to its full six-feet length. "Norton's," it yelled into the night. "Norton's sssaved me!" A first murmur rose from the audience, but a series of loud, reverberating beats cut them off, followed by another of the creatures almost inhuman screams. It sank to its knees, arms high and cried: "And then they turned me into a ssslave!" Deepest silence followed, as the figure crouched on the catwalk, arms folded around its head. Looking up it turned its gaze from left to right and back, taking in the faces. Then he pointed a long, pale finger to one of the table guests. "Tonight, you came to fuck the girl in the red dress, that's sitting on your lap right now. And you over there, with your obese belly, you plan to slam your cock into the tight ass hole of the girl that just a moment ago walked past in the pink baby doll dress, remember? The petite one that gave you a raging hard-on. And you, sir, you dream of having your crooked prick sucked by the sweet curly-locked doll ballet-dancer." The voice had become lower and lower, until it petered out into a long, heavy sigh. Then the crouching figure rose to its knees again. Its face opened up; its mouth became weak, its eyes wide and sapphire-blue. "You believe that is all right," it went on. "Because you've been told that all the little freaks Norton's creates are whores and can be fucked at will by the highest bidder. They love it, you heard, and they need your money. "It is why you are here, isn't it? You spent a hundred thousand of your many dollars and that gives you the right to fuck any-and-all of us as often as you like. You buy us for your parties and your gang bangs. We are the exotic ssspice of your threesomes. You use us as gifts to your friends and business partners. We act in your sick home movies and accompany you on your so-called business trips." The voice got louder as the creature rose, bathing in the glaring light, gesturing left and right. Then a loud, shattering crack of electronic thunder split the night and in its dying rumble the creature said: "No more." The light dimmed to a pinkish glow, and the voice got softer, warmer. "Good evening again," it said. "My name is Lucian Gaines. I am an alumnus of this Academy, and have been an international fashion model for the last two years. During this time, and for the next four, half of what I make must be paid to Norton's, notwithstanding the full tuition that my parents already paid, and notwithstanding that you, our sponsors pay three million each year." Lucian allowed a murmur to rise, before raising his hand. "But I'm the lucky one," he went on. "A sweet little friend of mine turns tricks for Arab sheiks because it is all she knows - and she doesn't receive one cent for it. Another friend twirls around poles in Vegas, naked. She dances on laps and sucks cocks on the side for a minimum wage. Alumni of this school live in Norton-run brothels, others work in Norton-run beauty parlors for room and board. "And when parents or family ask, they wait on tables. "But as I said, I'm the lucky one, and so is Andrea Pejic, famous top model, and Nathalie Porter, Oscar nominee. We at least are allowed keep half of what we make. There are singers and musicians that are well- known in their field, dancers and acrobats that tour the world, but all of them still pay back Norton's...millions through the years..." "Yesss," Lucian said, after a short pause, "it is slavery. But it stops here. Today is the last day Norton's will turn its students into sex- slaves." He looked up and spread both arms. "Girls," he said, smiling wide, "Come join me." Chairs moved and glasses tumbled, as all the pretty dressed beauties left the laps and shoulders of the tuxedoed men on the lawn and walked to the stage to join the pale figure in the spotlight. Lucian saw Kelly and Taylor. He waved at Mu, an exotic Asian beauty now in her long, silk, salmon gown. He welcomed Harper with a hug, complimenting her on her tight yellow cocktail dress that made her olive skin glow. He embraced tall and curvy Jay with her imposing afro hair and colorfully printed dress. Then, surrounded by the cloud of their perfume, he froze as a petite, porcelain-skinned doll in a tiny blue dress climbed the steps, smiling a bashful smile as she looked up to him, her violet eyes flashing from under golden curls. "Charlie," he said, feeling heat rise from his chest - was it shame, guilt? She walked up to him, rose to the tips of her toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you," she whispered, and melted into the crowd of girls. Then he found Honor at his side, wearing a scandalous little corset suit that turned her body into a riot of fleshy curves. He put his arm around her and together they stepped to the edge of the stage, feeling the presence of all the Boobs and Barbs and Bobs behind them, like a wall of color and flesh and voices and giggles. "Gentlemen," Lucian said, turning his attention to the confused men that were left at the tables, "as you see: we took over your whorehouse. You may leave." A rumor of protest rose from groups that had formed amongst the tables. A voice cried out: "We paid for this, dammit. Where is Parker?" Lucian smiled. "As of today," he said, "Ms. Gloria Parker, Dr. Kurtz and all the teachers of Norton's Academy are our employees. They will continue their good work under the oversight of a consortium of alumni. Your money isn't needed anymore. Every dollar Norton's might owe you will be returned." The rumor seemed to drown in a shock of surprise. "But, but you can't..." someone still tried. "Oh, but we can," Lucian said, high-fiving with Harper. "And we did. You will all be informed tomorrow, but right now you must leave. Your cars are waiting at the gate. Thank you for your years of support, but as of now you'll have to find your paid sex elsewhere." The first men reluctantly left the lawn. The rest stayed, talking amongst each other. Then the colorful wall of girls opened and through the opening Parker stepped forward, holding a microphone. "Gentlemen," she said in her clipped voice. "I must extend my sincerest apologies for what happened today. I was as uninformed of the intended management-change as you are, and as powerless to stop it. "All I can say is that I'm glad that the future of Norton's Academy is secured. Thank you for supporting us all these years, and I assure you that you will be compensated for any damage this change might cause you. Good evening!" "You fucking bitch!" a voice cried out from the darkness at the back, but more men started to leave. In a few minutes the lawn was empty, but for the abandoned tables and chairs - and a smattering of dropped napkins. A string of car lights threaded itself through the main gate, finding its way out to the road. Lucian turned to Parker. "Fucking bitch," he said, grinning. "I like that. Why don't you and your staff start cleaning up while us girls start having our own celebration?" The principal paled and frowned. "A joke, honey," Lucian said, touching her face. Then he turned around, facing the girls, yelling: "Paaaaarty!!" Music burst from the huge boxes. Groups started to dance, others fell into each other's arms, kissing. A voice whispered in Lucian's ear. "Did you look it up?" it asked. He turned to find the smiling face of Mamselle. "Hominem te esse memento," she said. "Look it up." The End.

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Give Me Life Pt 2

"Want more don't ya, Luna?" Shadow asked."Yes, please, Shadow," I cried. "Please take my virginity."I wanted him more than I'd ever wanted anything throughout my whole life, including to make the transition into a full-fledge vampire. That's what Shadow is, and I'm only a half-blood who is fragile, easily broken. Which is why I think Shadow hesitates."I said the words, I gave you permission," I say in a frustrated tone of voice. "So why the hesitation?" Shadow just stares down at me, looking me...

2 years ago
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Adrian woke with a stiffy, as he always seemed to. Grinding his hips against his mattress, he caught himself in a dreary haze, realizing that the hot, wet mouth he was thrusting into did not, in fact, exist. Good thing too: he was perhaps mere seconds away from making a rather messy mistake all over his newly clean sheets. Not that it really made a difference. After the government passed the Collective Understanding Non-Transgression Act, his sheets ended up in the washer more often than he'd...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Bhabhi Ke Maze Devar Ke Saath Aur Devar Apni Bhabhi Ko Bhot Maze Diye

Hi friends, this is spartan (name change) from Hyderabad 20 years old. This has happened with my bhabhi 6months before. Her name is sameena she is 21 years old I used to call her bhabhi. Now coming to the story my family consists of me, dad, mom, sister and two elder brothers.He works in a private company. He got married 2 years ago and after marriage he got separated from us and living in a 2bhk flat with his wife. Because of traffic issues while going to the office.Days passing he used to...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Lady In Train

Hi, all this is PK again a Barodian guy with a new story. First, if all thank you all for the likes of my 1st story “RAIN HELPED ME DREAM COME TRUE”. I am here again with my new story about the milf I fucked in the train while returning from Mumbai to Vadodara. For the new readers, I m PK 35 years from Vadodara. You can give comments on my email: Here I am going to narrate the story took place 2 years back while I was returning from Mumbai to Vadodara in Vadodara Express. Without wasting time...

3 years ago
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DeborahChapter 42

There were supposed to be forty-eight hours between the barbecue and the wedding. To Richard and Deborah it felt more like six. Their love-making on Wednesday night was slow and gentle and then, after dinner on Thursday, Deborah took Annette and went back to the Old Post Office. She had her superstitions and her customs. Everything was organised though. Sue cooked up an enormous breakfast and made sure that Richard ate it. Richard, whose stomach was in knots with nerves, paled. "I can't...

2 years ago
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The Resort

Hi, I am Alpha. I love spanking. I love when someone thrash my buttocks. I always want to see my buttocks becoming crimson, especially by a woman. I do not have the spanking from a man and never wants to get. Spanked by a woman have some other pleasure. If any of my female members present on lush want to thrash my buttock, you can.  I must move to the content. I have written some of the spanking stories but my story is different from all the stories written by me. I know my grammars are not too...

2 years ago
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Moni slutwife

Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...

4 years ago
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Bhai Ke Saath Wo Raat 8211 Part II

Namaskar. Apni pichli kahani “mamaji aur mai” ke liye aap sabki bohot mails mili, bohot bohot shukriya. Meri puri koshish rahegi aap logo ke liye aur behtar kahaniya lekar aane ki, aap yuhin support karte rahiyega. Ab apni kahani pe aati hoon. Main bohot sundar to nahi par kisi ko khush rakhna janti hoon, mere boobs 38 ke kamar 30 ki aur 36 ki gand hai. Mere boobs pe sabki nazar atak hi jati hai aur main bhi unhe bharpoor dikhana pasand karti hoo, isliye hamesha low cut gale wale kapade pehanti...

1 year ago
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On Waking

You wake softly with a yawn and a smile on your face. The dream was so vivid, so real, and so very, very sexy. You feel your nipples, hard and tight on your chest, rubbing against the texture of the sheets as you play back the details in your mind.My arm lies across you in the dark room, reminding you that you're not alone tonight. You feel my breath, soft, warm, and even against the back of your neck and you know I'm still asleep. My body is loosely curled around yours, still spooned along...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 8 Differing Opinions

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Eight: Differing Opinions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Acolyte Sophia – Despeir Mountains I felt like my stomach had fallen out of my body. Lady Delilah was a dragon. A dragon. And not any dragon, but Dominari. The dragon we had set out on a Quest to kill. The dragon who'd encouraged Angela to go down this road, who'd recruited allies to aid Angela on her quest, who'd watched us for afar and given my Queen her wonderful gift. My hand...

2 years ago
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Mystery Shadows And Desire Part 1 The Stranger Approaches

 'Oh my God! What is about to happen to me?' was the silent scream echoing through Catilin’s mind. Her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry and beads of sweat stood out on her smooth, naked body. She had never been so afraid in all her life! But at the same time she had never been so completely turned on. Caitlin could not see a thing through the pitch black darkness in the room. However, she could hear the sounds of breathing. Not only her own panicked gasps, but the deeper and harsher...

3 years ago
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The Gift

Intro Authors note: Welcome to ‘The Gift’. This story has been created as a collaboration between Talonias and Dansak and is based on an original work by Talonias. Our idea was to take the same basic premise outlined below and see what fun two different authors could have with it. The results have blossomed into ‘The Gift’, a joint work that we hope you enjoy reading as much as we did writing. The starting plot and characters have been created by both Talonias and Dansak but the separate...

1 year ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 4

“Mr. Orange, My name is Ed Rollins. Mike from Vicksburg gave me your name,” I suggested. “Yeah, he called me. He said you could handle my distribution problems,” Jessie said. “I hope he said, that maybe I could handle your problems. That is if I knew what your problems were,” I suggested. “Well Mike said you had been working with him and he was very impressed with your efficiency.” Orange said. “Well I’m glad for the kind words of course. Frankly I’ve developed a group of...

2 years ago
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We Needed Madison part one

I am Peter and my marriage had lasted over twenty years, but it had stopped being a real marriage long before. My wife had wanted a career of her own. I was fine with that. It left me time to stay at home and do my artwork. I sold enough pieces to make it worthwhile.  Of course, Natalie, my wife, worked late often. She was a lawyer. Because of this I decided to ride it out and just take care of myself. I knew my wife well by now, and she could have raked me over the coals in a divorce. I just...

4 years ago
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DingDong With My Maid Part 1

Friends, this is Rajesh from Bangalore aged around 45 years now and residing in Bangalore. The incident I am going to tell you happened when I was around 19 years old and studying my engineering. My parents left for Mangalore early morning to attend a marriage function and our driver Pannalal took them in our car. I was all alone in the house as I had practical’s the coming Monday. My mom had asked Pannalal’s wife Gulabo to cook for me and to look after the house as the couple was staying in...

3 years ago
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Commander Youngs Last Stand

Commander Young's Last Stand(MC MF FD)By Nialvan [email protected] November 2006An American soldier has been captured in Vietnam and is interrogated with hypnosis by four female intelligence officers of the People’s Army of Vietnam.? 2006  Nial Van HaydamThis story is copyrighted material and is the sole property of the author. It is intended for personal use only and may not be reproduced, copied, published, or distributed without the express written consent of the author. All rights...

2 years ago
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My Sex Experience

Hi all I am a very new member to ISS. My name is Shikha, 24 yrs old. Today I am going to share some experience my college and hostel. It was my first college and hostel day. After long day in college I went in to the hostel. I was somewhat feared. I heard lots of things about hostel ragging. Evening all juniors was called to the hostel common room. Seniors were asking lots of vulgar question. First time in life I was hearing all question. I was one among the beautiful girl in the batch. First...

2 years ago
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Naughty Ramya8217s Encounters Part 1

Hi, I’m Ramya. I’m 24 years old. I’ll narrate all the sexual adventures I’ve had. My vital stats are 36-24-34. You can text me on hangouts, my email ID is Kindly avoid asking pictures and video calls. I don’t have time for that. This happened when I was at college. I was a virgin. I failed in Maths during a model exam. My Math teacher was very strict. I was the only one who failed in that test. He asked me to meet him after classes end. Since I had no choice I went to the staff room. “You know...

3 years ago
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Gil Finds Out He Was Not Fooling Anyone 4

Gil Finds Out He Was Not Fooling Anyone. #4 My last two stories have been about my friend Gil. I have decided to finish the Gil era in mine and Judy’s lives. In my previous story (Gil Comes Back For Seconds), Gil called me on the pretense that he needed me to go to Monterey to help him fix his car, which was all a lie. After that happened we didn’t see Gil for almost two years. Judy and I tried to find out what happened to him, but he was no where to be found. I finally made contact with his...

1 year ago
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Apprentice to a Power

Apprentice to a Power I'd been standing there for five minutes; a nervous staring match with the door had ensued. I finally tapped at it and stood back, expectation and fear struggling for expression. Marianne opened the door immediately and smiled. Her features were powerful; intelligent, dark blue eyes examined me from beneath perfect eyebrows. What I could see of her body beneath a sparkling, navy robe was simply beautiful. Breasts, held firmly by the powerful brassieres...

1 year ago
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I have these two male cousins who are 10 years older than me.Back when I was 20 I was hanging out with them at their summer house.When we were on the beach I could see them checking me out and talking about me.One night everyone had gone out for the evening leaving me alone with the two.They are also brothers about a year apart in age.I was sitting watching TV with them when Cal the oldest sat next to me on the sofa.I didn't think anything of it.Then Dave sat next to me and I started to feel a...

3 years ago
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The Farm

“Ok Grandpa, I can come down for the weekend. I’ve missed seeing you and Grandma. I have someone who I’d like you to meet.” I said as Grandpa was getting excited that I met someone. He knew my ex-boyfriend and knew he was nothing but trouble. “I sure hope he’s good to you.” Yes he is, in so many ways,” I reply. “We will be down by 4 in the afternoon on Friday, if that’s ok with you and Grandma?”My boyfriend Jimmy is thrilled to be going to visit with my grandparents, I talk about them all...

3 years ago
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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 3 New School

"Shotgun!" yelled Brett Nilsen to his twin brother, after their friend Derek's car pulled up to the curb. "Looks like somebody beat you to it," laughed Tom Nilsen. "Who's in the car with him?" asked Brett. "Damn! It's that bitch, Sandra Turner! She's been dragging him out for the past few weekends. Looks like he's going to be her school bus now." complained Tom. "Well, at least the view is nice," observed his brother. "True," he agreed, as the sound of Derek's horn...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 17

Chase met with Carrie and she gave him the drugs to give to Miranda. That night, while they were eating dinner, Chase slipped the drugs into Miranda’s drink without her seeing him. They finished dinner and then she gave the kids their baths and put them to bed. They were sitting in the living room watching television when Chase noticed that Miranda’s eyes had glossed over. She was looking at the television, but didn’t seem to be seeing it, just staring into space. Miranda, now at twenty-two,...

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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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Charles Town WeekendChapter 2

At some point in the night, I woke up with my limp dick in my hand laying in the chair. I only woke up because I heard Sarah groaning on the bed. Alex had her laying flat on her stomach and was fucking her vigorously. She kept moaning and asking him to fuck her harder. I’m not sure how long they had been fucking because shortly after I started watching Alex began cumming in my wife. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I woke the next morning and heard them in the shower. I started to...

3 years ago
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Humping A Big Boobs MILF In Bangalore

Hi all, I have been an ISS reader for the last 9-10 years. Previously, I used to read Humandigest. But, once they stopped publishing stories, I found ISS which is really helpful for single guys like me. I have been always fantasizing about the stories I read here. After reading stories here, a thought came to me. Why not start writing my own experience in life? So, here it is. This is a 100% true sex story of mine. Let’s begin. This started 3–4 years back when I was new to Bangalore. Being from...

2 years ago
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My sissy sonby his dad and lover Part 2

Hi,thought it was about time i let you know about my son and me.This is Part 2.So...there i was,on my knees staring at my son's beautifull cock. Not big,only 4" long..but sweet with a nice head and completely shaved..(or waxed). "Oh Jack...suck me please...pleeease...been ages since a handsome older gentleman touched me there." Pre-cum was leaking from it...and i licked the end...and gently took him into my mouth! He moaned and slowly made his hips go forward and back...gentle movements like he...

4 years ago
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Libbys Night Time Adventures I

(1) - Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffany's mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didn't want to tell her everything so she decided to see if her daddy and his new wife also played games at night while...

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Sex Train

This is one of those stories that no one will ever believe. And it all starts with a Christmas party for my workplace. I’ll start at the beginning. My name is Chris, I’m 21 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes and a decent 6 foot figure. I’m no athlete but I keep myself fit. For the past 6 years, I have worked in a DVD rental store. Yeah, they still exist. It’s a small business, and there’s only about 10 people altogether that work here. We’re pretty much a family. I’m the assistant manager...

4 years ago
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Six Weeks of Grace Pt 06

Don immediately recognized the pill bottle in her hand and felt himself tense up. ‘Where did you get those?’ ‘Are they yours?’ She asked ignoring his question. Don sat back into the couch. ‘Yes, but again, how do you happen to have them?’ Anne shook her head, it was obvious she was upset at finding them. ‘I have the Judge’s approval to search the house.’ Don realized that she was right, the Judge had allowed it. ‘So?’ ‘Don, I’d like to think that . . well . . it’s just that . . . I have to...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Laney Grey Step Sister Laney Needs It that Way Too

Once again cute little step sister Laney has to struggle all night with sleep while step brother Michael fucks another girl in the next room, way too loud. Very irritated the next morning as she is cooking some breakfast Michael comes in boasting about another good fuck session. Well, Laney has had enough and threatens to tell their parents if this happens again. Once she gets his attention she realizes she just wishes she could be fucked that good and has the great idea and quickly choking on...

2 years ago
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A Shower to Remember

Kat was home alone studying for a trigonometry test, both her parents were at a wedding in Florida for the week and had left her and her brother Jake alone as she was 16 and he was 17. She shut the book, she already knew most of this, and decided she fancied a hot shower to get her mind off the sine cosine and tangent. She undressed herself in her room, shedding her tee-shirt, jeans, bra, and underwear before making her way to the bathroom. Once there while waiting for the water to heat up she...

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