Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I) (Ch.3) free porn video

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Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I)

To give them credit, while they did make out, neck and grope one another in the back of the car, they both kept their clothes on and their hands off me so I could drive safely. Although that was sometimes difficult to do that watching them feel each other up in the rear view mirror.

“You two better make sure it’s out of your systems for a while, one of you should probably sit up here with me on the way home.”

“Shotgun!” This came from my Rachel.


“Sorry Aunt Sarah, she called it.”

“I know, just: Shit!”

“I love you too, Aunt Sarah.”

We parked and went into the airport. Aunt Christina’s flight was about 30 minutes late, so we were actually there in plenty of time.

As we watched the passengers debark the plane, Crissy came into sight, 5’7”, shoulder length red hair, and big tits, gorgeous, just like her two sisters. Jesus how did I manage to fall into this, and why did it take me so long to realize that if it weren’t for the few years between each of them, they well could have been triplets. I wish I could’ve seen their mother but granddad got drunk and beat her to death one afternoon while the girls were at school. Thank whatever Gods there are that the neighbors heard the commotion and called the cops, by the time they got there though, he was dead too. Apparently Molly Kirkpatrick had finally had enough of the beatings. Still swollen and sore from the last beating and a miscarriage, Molly dumped a box of rat poison in the chili she’d made for Thomas’ lunch. Investigators called it a double murder; Thomas beat Molly to death with his bare hands and as a final act of defiance, she sent him to hell puking and coughing blood, but with only a fraction of the pain he’d managed to inflict on her over the years. At least the girls didn’t have the horror of seeing their parents lying in huge pools of their own blood on the living room floor when they got home from school.

Rachel finished raising Sarah and Christina while living with their maternal grandmother. The old woman wasn’t really equipped to raise the girls, but she did give them a house to live in and kept them well fed and cared for. But that’s how Rachel got to raise 2 young girls and take care of an elderly grandparent while finishing school, her own childhood pretty much taken from her early and locked up tight in the responsibilities of two younger sisters. It was a wonder that she was able to go to college. She had earned a scholarship, a full ride, but she came close to not going because of her responsibilities to the girls, but Crissy and Sarah both vowed to finish school and help with their grandmother in order to let her go to college. They did well, even Crissy.

Christina came closer and greeted us all with hugs and kisses. It was then that I noticed the young drop dead gorgeous Indian woman behind her.

“Sorry guys, this is my business partner, Niki.” Crissy drew Niki forward and into a hug as she slid in next to Rachel.

“It’s so nice to meet all of you.” She said. She had a smooth, sexy British accent. Her voice sounded like velvet. She was the same height as Crissy, 34C breasts, straight, shiny black hair, huge brown eyes, flawless skin and a dazzling smile. She was truly mesmerizing.

“Don’t stare Davey.” Aunt Sarah whispered in my ear, “And close your mouth, it isn’t polite.” She seemed amused at my discomfort, having been caught in the stare. I clamped my mouth shut, hoping that no one else had seen my mouth-breather impression. It’s not really my best one.

“My apologies to you all for dropping in with Crissy like this.” Niki said. “But our flights were running in the same direction so we thought we’d fly part-way together. I hope it’s not a bother.”

“There’s plenty of room at the house, right Rachel?” Crissy offered. Really, you rude bitch? You’re offering our house to guests without asking first? Niki staying with us wasn’t a problem, it just would have been nice to be asked first.

“It really isn’t a problem, Niki. You’re certainly welcome, and despite her being uncouth, Aunt Christina’s right, there is plenty of room.” I tried but after the DVDs this morning, I was still pretty pissed at Christina. She looked at me like I’d slapped her. Hunh…she actually looked like I might have hurt her feelings. Good! Bitch!

“Thank you David,” she smiled with what looked like a little mischief in her eyes. This could be a dangerous evening.

“David, I’m sorry to do this to you, but may I impose on you one more time?”

“What’d you need Niki?”

“My flight to London is a red-eye tonight at 1:00 am. Would you be able to get me a car from your house back here?”

“I’m sorry Niki, we don’t have cabs here.” Rachel teased, “You’re going to have to put up with David as your driver.”

“Once again, standing right here, you guys.”

“No really, I just need a cab…”

“Seriously Niki, it’s not a problem. I’d be happy to bring you back tonight.” I said.

“Thank you.” She practically beamed at me. “ That would be wonderful.” Such a great smile.

“We should get your bags and head home.” Mom said, seemingly amused by the whole exchange.

We got their luggage from baggage claim and headed for the car. Once loaded up and heading home, Rachel leaned over to me smiling and said, “You know Sarah was just gigging you a little don’t you?”

I looked in the rearview mirror to Sarah sitting in the middle seat, our eyes met and she smiled at me; a true and genuine smile with her eyes lit up and shining.

I looked at Rachel and smiled broadly. “I’ve lived in this family a long time, I can take it.” I said quietly.

As we headed out of the airport, my phone started ringing. “Rachel, would you mind answering that?”


I could only hear her side of the conversation.

“Hello, David’s phone.”


“Oh hello, Jason.”


“I’m doing much better, thank you. Yes, he is a great support.” She looked at me sidelong and sexy.


“We’re on the way home from picking up my sister at the airport, let me check.”

She pressed the mute button on the screen.

“It’s Mr. Abernathy, he wants to know if you can come into the office this afternoon? He says it shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

She got back on the line with the lawyer, “Is there a specific time, or just anytime he gets there?”

“Very good, he’ll be there. Goodbye Jason.”

She ended the call and put the phone back on the center console.

“He said the sooner the better if you can be in by 1 or 1:30, he can get you in, otherwise it’s going to be a month from now because he’s going on vacation.”

“Cool. Should we swing through someplace and grab lunch on the way home then?”

“Good idea.” She turned to the back seat, “How about Thai food for lunch?”

Everybody agreed, so Rachel grabbed her phone and called in the order. A quick stop at the restaurant and we were on our way again.

“Thank you, David. That’s very kind of you.” Niki said as I climbed back into the car. I could hear Christina snort in the back with more than a little derision in her tone.

“You’re very welcome.”

We rode the rest of the way home with just simple chit-chat and small talk. Of course, Crissy dominated the conversation, but the rest of us all got fairly comfortable and easy with one another, talking and laughing and just enjoying each other’s company, mostly.

I pulled the vehicle up to the house under the carport and let everybody out. I pulled the baggage out and let everyone go inside.

“Just leave it out, we may go shopping this afternoon,” said Rachel.

“Great idea. You should take Niki and Crissy too if they’re not too tired. She’s a bitch, but she is your sister.”

I climbed into my ’65 and headed for the attorney’s office. Lunch would have to wait.

I got to the downtown office at about 1 pm, and headed to the elevator. I was waiting for the elevator car when a couple stepped up behind me to get on the elevator. When I got in and turned around I could see her better, I realized that I knew her. She was Jason Abernathy’s daughter Deirdre. She was a beautiful brunette, well muscled, tight ass with her hair pulled back in a single braid that stopped in the middle of her back. Her hair must go all the way to her ass when not knotted up. She was beautiful enough that many people probably didn’t take her seriously as a lawyer. Bad move.

As kids, she was a holy terror on all the boys she knew, and by 10 she already knew she wanted to follow in daddy’s footsteps. She carried herself with a definitive air of confidence.

She probably had a total of zero respect from the guy next to her. He was a well built and attractive man, I suppose, but he had the air of a snake oil salesman.

He turned around and registered my basic existence, but dismissed me out of hand as one of the lesser masses, someone that surely didn’t warrant his attentions. It’s really interesting, how a lot of people, not all, who spend their days dressed in suits tend to ignore people dressed in jeans and an un-tucked shirt. So, since I was a non-entity anyway, I just stood at the back of the car and pretended to not listen to their conversation.

“I’m telling you DD, Abernathy’s giving me one of the wealthiest clients we have. The guy inherited a butt-load of money from his dad and he needs a new attorney.” He said as we all got on the elevator.

I pulled my phone out and started the voice recording app, and just leaned against the back wall of the elevator car. Knowledge is power.

“So, you’ve got a new assignment. He’s the firm’s client, not yours. And for Christ’s sake, stop calling me ‘DD’.”

“But if I’m in charge of his accounts and legal matters, I have access to all of his assets. Apparently there’s so much money, he’s isn’t even sure of the total amount.”

“Oh you are not telling me what I think you’re telling me.” She reached up and pushed the button for the next floor.

“What are you doing? This isn’t our floor.”

The doors opened and she started to get off the elevator, and he followed. As soon as he cleared the doors, she stepped back and pushed the door shut button.

“To even joke about something like that is unethical and despicable. You can walk the rest of the way back.”
The doors closed and she turned to me and said, “Sorry about the delay, I hate lawyers that promote the stereotype.”

“Not a problem.” I stopped the recording and put away my phone. She looked back at me a second time, but didn’t seem to register yet who I was.

We rode the rest of the way up to Abernathy’s office in silence. When we got off the elevator, we both headed toward Mr. Abernathy’s office. Her step was focused and determined as she breezed past Abernathy’s secretary and into his office. I stopped at the desk.

“Good afternoon, David McLaren to see Jason Abernathy, he’s expecting me.”

“Yes Mr. McLaren, just a moment please.” She picked up the phone and spoke to Mr. Abernathy. When she hung up, she told me that he had just stepped into a brief meeting, but shouldn’t be but a couple of minutes.

“While I’m waiting, to you have one of Ms. Abernathy’s business cards handy?”

She handed me one of Deirdre’s cards and as I hoped, her email address was there. I sent her a message with the audio file I’d made in the elevator attached, just for good measure.

“He’ll see you now, Mr. McLaren.” She motioned toward the door and I heard the mag-lock disengage. I went in and walked up to Jason’s desk, extending my hand. He stood and shook my hand with a firm grasp.

“Good to see you again, David. Please allow me to introduce one of our junior partners, this is Deirdre Abernathy, my daughter.”

“We sort of met on the elevator. It’s nice to see you again Deirdre.” I said as I extended my hand.

She looked as though she wanted to be anywhere else but right here, right now.

“The pleasure is mine Mr.….David McLaren! I thought I knew you.”

“So David part of why I called you today was to give you the final bits of your inheritance. And so you could decide where your interests and assets should be managed. Do you have an attorney of your own you’d like to use?”

"You’ve been dad’s attorney for as long as I can remember, Jason. If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d like to leave my legal needs here in the hands of your firm.”

“That would be wonderful. I had intended to pass your needs on to one of our brightest up and comers, but it seems that I misjudged his professional and personal ambitions. Now, I need to select another of our associates to assign to your needs.”

“May I have some input as to the selection of my attorney?”

“Certainly, I didn’t realize you were familiar with our staff or I would have consulted you first.”

“That’s fine Jason, until 15 minutes ago I had no idea who to choose now I do. I want her.” I pointed to Deirdre as she was moving toward the door to leave.

“Done.” Abernathy was all smiles, he turned to Deirdre, “Are you all right with that?”

“Certainly.” She seemed a little taken aback with my request, but I knew that if she was half a tenacious as an adult as she was as a kid, I’d couldn’t be in better hands.

Deirdre left Jason and I alone to finish the business at hand, he gave me 3 file folders and what looked like a safe deposit box outside a bank vault. The instructions for opening it were: ‘Connie knows the combinations forwards and backwards.’ That should be easy enough, just get the combination from my dead mother.
I left the office after an hour and a half, and came upon Deirdre in the parking ramp as I was heading to my car. She was standing in front of her Z3 with two uniform cops. The car had been trashed: Rag top shredded, key scratches down the doors, busted windows, slashed tires and the words ‘Fuck You Whore’ painted across the hood. The full package it would seem. The cops were just leaving as I came up to her.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, Ian was suspended for two weeks pending my father’s investigation, but he’s also pissed that he won’t get to play with your money. Thank you for the audio file, by the way, it should move Ian along with ease.”

“I made it clear to your dad that if Ian gets anywhere near my accounts or information, my business and my money would go elsewhere.”

“Looks like you’re going to need a ride, I happen to have a couple of extra vehicles at the house, you’re welcome to any of them you want.”

“That’s very generous, but I…”

“Please,” I interrupted her. “It’s the least I can do, since this is in part because of me and my account. Besides, I can’t drive them all at once, and they need to have their horses exercised every now and then. You’d be doing me a favor. Get in.”

We drove to the house with some plans for how to proceed with the monies, the company and the properties that my old man left me and Rachel. When we got to the house, Rachel and the others were back. I dropped Deirdre at the porch and went down to the garage to get a vehicle for her.

When I got back up, she was talking with Sarah on the porch and Sarah was handing her an envelope as I pulled up.

Deirdre turned around and I thought she was going to pass out.

“I can’t take that…that’s a…”

“A Ferrari GTB 599 Fiorano? Yes it is. You said you liked Italian cars, this is the best example I have.”


“You don’t like it?”

“Are you kidding, I love it. This is the car that I swore to myself that I would own one day.”

“Then look at this as a way to test it out and see if you really like it without spending half a million dollars.”
I opened the door for her and motioned her into the car.

She nearly jumped when Sarah touched her back to move her toward the car, she moved to the driver’s seat like a kid diving under the tree at Christmas.

I leaned down and looked in at her. Her expression was childlike joy, plain and simple. Aunt Sarah came up and leaned down with us.

“So, it meets with your approval?” I asked.

“Perfection!” Deirdre said.

“Davey, will you let me borrow your lawyer for a while if I promise to pay you back for her time?”



“You don’t have to pay anything back Aunt Sarah, we’re family remember?”
I looked at Deirdre, “That’s allowed right?”

“Absolutely, you can have me rep anyone you want, as long as it doesn’t conflict with your needs.”

“Then please use what I gave you and get that bastard out of my life once and for all. And if you need anything else from me, I’ll be here with Rachel and David.”

“Excellent, I’ll let you know.” Deirdre thanked me again and drove away in the car of her dreams.
I turned to Aunt Sarah.

“Gonna do it hunh? Kick him to the curb and start fresh?”

“Yep, thanks to you and Rachel, I feel brave enough to do it. I’ve have a new life here with people that love me, this is a change that’s far overdue. I should never have put up with his shit.” She looked up at me. “I should have left him after he hit me the first time. I gave her all the copies of the police reports filed against Paul by me and by the neighbors, as well as the hospital reports. I’m done!”

“I think that’s a great decision. So, since you’re making decisions, want to make one more?” She looked at me quizzically.

“Do you want to keep working, or retire early? Because we have more than enough money to let you do that. But it’s up to you.”

“I’ll be honest with you, I already resigned from my job at the school. I figured I’d find something here once I settled in, if things worked out with you guys, which, well you know how that’s turning out.”

I pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. She smelled like cinnamon and almonds.

We went into the house, and found Rachel in the kitchen pouring wine for her and Christina. When she saw us, she handed Sarah the glasses and asked if she would take Crissy hers on the pool deck, as she walked her over to the patio doors. She told Sarah that she’d be out in a few minutes, that she had something she needed to talk over with me.

Sarah gave us a look and a wry little smile that said she knew exactly what Rachel needed to ‘talk over’ with me, but she let it go.

Rachel came back into the kitchen. When she got there I was standing at the island pouring her a glass of wine, she pulled her top down under her tits as she came up to me and said.

“Do you like them?”

“Haven’t we had this conversation?” I took her breasts in hand and leaned down and sucked on each of her nipples.

“Not those, silly boy, our new bikinis. Ungh…do you have any idea how much control it took to not reach over and suck on your cock on the way home?”

“I know how tough it was for me not to grab your ass and bend you and Sarah over the tailgate when we were loading Crissy’s luggage into the car.” I pulled her top back up put her tits away for now. We had company in the house.

I wrapped my arms around Rachel and pulled her to me and kissed her hungrily and pressing my body into hers and rubbing my groin against her bikini bottoms.

“You look amazing in that swimsuit, by the way. I’ll be right back, I need to put these things in my room,” I said picking up the folders I’d gotten from the lawyers.

I went back into the living room and found Rachel sitting alone on the sofa rubbing her pussy through her bikini. I just stopped and watched while she worked herself toward climax. She looked up and caught me watching her and said,

“Seeing you watch me openly is so much nicer than watching you pretend not to when you get caught.”

“I like watching you. I really want to watch you masturbate sometime. It’s really hot!”

“No time like the present,” and she started to rub herself a little more vigorously.

“I really want to Rach, but I need to talk to you about something important while I’ve got you here alone.”

“Sounds serious,” she reached up with one hand and started massaging her tits, and never stopped rubbing her pussy.

I went over and sat next to her on the sofa and she climbed up onto my lap and started rubbing her pussy on my once again growing cock.

“C’mon Davey, fuck your mommy real quick before Aunt Sarah and Aunt Crissy come back inside looking for us.”

I reached up and stopped Rachel’s hips, thinking I was going to stop her. But I thought better of it and took my cock out. Rachel pulled her bottoms down and slid her wetness down over my cock and let out a soft moan of satisfaction. She started to ride me, but this time I did reach up and stop her when she was against me and my cock in her pussy as deep as it could go.

“I need to talk to you, and then I’ll let you cum.”

“Please Davey, mommy needs to cum!”

That made my cock twitch up inside her, and she moaned again.

“Rachel, I know what Crissy and dad did to you on the St. Andrew’s cross.”

She looked at me like I had just offered to fuck my mother, oh wait.

“How??? David, I …”

“Rachel, I’m not judging, and if it was consensual, I’ll drop it. But if it wasn’t, I just want you to know that at any time while Christina’s here and you want to get square with what she did, I’ll back your play 100%, no questions asked.” Having said that, I started fucking her again slowly at first, to give her a chance to wrap her head around my offer, but I really did want to fuck her.

She had tears in her eyes, but she matched my rhythm, she put her hands on my shoulders for support and looked into my eyes and said, “She was high, and hurting, I…ungh…understand all of that, but I did tell her: No! I kept telling her: No!, but she wasn’t in any state to hear me or…oh god you feel good…accede to my wishes, so she did what she always does, exactly what she wanted…Oh fuck David that feels so good!!!”

“Think about it, dear Rachel and let me know what you want to do and I’ll leave it at that, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll let you know…”she stopped talking and planted her pussy down on my cock and ground into me as hard as she could. “I’m cum…!” I reached up and pulled her to me and planted a deep kiss on her to keep the noise down so Crissy and Niki wouldn’t hear. I didn’t care if Sarah heard, but I didn’t want to deal with Crissy right then or scare the hell out of Niki before we actually got to know her.

When she was done, Rachel pulled back and looked me in the eyes again and climbed off me, knelt in front of me and took my cock in her mouth, never breaking eye contact. She sucked my cock into her mouth and stopped at the base of my shaft. That was hot; my mom’s mouth wrapped around my cock giving me as deep a deep-throat blowjob as anyone could hope for. I shot my load down her throat and once again she swallowed every drop. Hot!!!

She came back up to sit on the sofa next to me pulling her bikini back into place. Then after I put my cock back in my pants, I looked at her and she kissed me deeply then curled up next to me and put her head on my chest, so I wrapped my arms around her and let her talk.

“I will think about what you said, David, but I want to pick the right moment if I do anything about it, okay?”

“It’s your call Rachel, just let me know if you need anything. Supplies or a space that’s quiet and away from prying eyes and ears.”

“Thank you, David.”

“We should probably go see what trouble your sisters are getting into.” I said and started to get up when she stopped me and said.

“Okay Davey, let’s do it tonight. The first chance you get, keep her occupied and Sarah and I will take it from there.”

“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” I figured she’d want to think about it a little longer than that, but I was good.

“Thank you, baby.” She reached up and kissed me again. I could do this all day.

“Let’s go see the girls, shall we?”

I slapped her ass as she got up, and she looked over her shoulder and gave me the best ‘come fuck me’ look I’ve ever seen.

“I haven’t forgotten that you want to watch me masturbate, so watch yourself, it could happen when you least expect it.”

“I’m counting on it. Maybe Aunt Sarah too, together or separate, I don’t care which.”


We went outside to find Crissy and Sarah relaxing in the hot tub and enjoying their wine. I had gone back through the kitchen and grabbed the bottle and Rachel’s glass. I handed her wine to her and topped off the other two glasses.

“Thank you, David.” Cooed Aunt Sarah.

“My pleasure, sweetheart.” I replied as Sarah climbed up to kiss me full on the mouth and slide her tongue into my mouth.

“Wow, said Aunt Crissy. “That was pretty hot!”

“You know how to make a woman, feel loved.” Said Aunt Sarah.

“Well,” said Aunt Crissy, “He knows how to get them drunk anyway.”

That’s Aunt Crissy, always the bitchy smartass. So I took the opportunity to slap her down for the first time since I met her. Aunt Sarah just turned around and glared at her.

“Oh, I know a lot more than that Aunt Crissy, comes from having a cock that ended up being 9” long. A little longer than when you caught me playing with myself in the bathroom when I was 17. By the way, did you know that I was imagining fucking you while I was jerking off?” Aunt Crissy turned the color of a cooked lobster, which was what I was really going for. It also shut her up, not something easily done.

I turned back to Rachel and told her that I was going to go look through more of the crap left by dad. I gave her a deep passionate kiss and headed for my room.

“David,” Aunt Crissy called as she climbed out of the hot tub and came over to me. She was wearing string bikini that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. She might be a total bitch, but she was a totally hot bitch.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been kind of shitty to you, and I want to apologize for it.”

“Thank you, Crissy. I was wondering what I’d done to piss you off.”

“You didn’t do anything Davey. I was just sort of pissed at your dad for not leaving the house to your mom, that’s all. That isn’t your fault, I just took it out on you because you’re his son and you’re here. Again, I am sorry.”

“Thanks. Just so you know, I told Rachel, that this is her home, and I meant that. She stays here as long as she wants, and if she really needs more of a guarantee, I even offered to sign the damned thing over to her just to prove my point.”

“I know, she told me. She also told me that she got a butt-load of cash from the will too, so it was never going to be an issue. I just jumped to the wrong conclusion, that’s all. So can we be friends again, Davey? I’d really like that.”

She reached out to shake my hand, so I took it letting her think I was just going to shake it, and once I had it I drew her in close to me and hugged her close and kissed her as passionately as I could. She tried to pull away, but I held her and kept our lips locked together. I felt her relax, and she started melting into me and kissing me back, so I reached down and squeezed her ass with one hand. She responded by hooking her leg up and wrapping it around my hip as her tongue slid into my mouth and hunted around for mine. Wow she was hot, but she had no idea what was in store. I glanced behind her and saw Sarah and Rachel moving up behind her, both wearing big ass shit-eating grins on their faces and pulling their bikini tops down under their tits giving me a nice view of their breasts. My life was certainly going to be interesting from here on.

I loosened my grip on Christina, but she kept her leg wrapped around me and looked into my eyes.

“I’ve really wanted that for a long time, you’re a damn good looking guy. I nearly creamed my panties when I saw you at the airport. Is your cock really longer than it was when I walked in on you?”

“Yes it is, and he really knows how to use it.” Offered Rachel.

“I’ll say!” added Sarah, not wanting to be left out of the party.

“You’ve both fucked him?”

“Yeah, and his cock fits very nicely too.” This from Rachel with Sarah nodding in agreement .

“All of this in just the last couple of days?” She looked at me when she asked.

“Yes, I answered. “And by the way, once again, I am right here.”

“And you have things to do, so…” said Rachel.

“If you think he’s going anywhere before I get a chance to have that cock, you’re all nuts.”

She wasn’t about to let anything stop her at this point, her suit and my clothes were on the pool deck before anyone could say anything else. She looked at my cock as she pulled down my underwear and caught her breath.

“Oh David, you weren’t exaggerating were you? It’s beautiful.” Then she wrapped her lips around my cock head and flicked her tongue across the opening and around the head.

“Wow, that‘s really nice.” I looked up at Rachel and Sarah, “She’s a good little cocksucker Rachel, she’s got some talent.”

“She is my little sister you remember.”

Rachel reached down and pulled her and Sarah’s suits off as Sarah moved in behind Crissy, reached down and started playing with her pussy.

“She’s wet, really wet. This is going to be fun!”

I pulled my cock out of Crissy’s mouth and lifted her up and she climbed up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I was careful not to slide into her slick pussy as I carried her toward one of the big lounge chairs. I sat down and Crissy straddled me and tried to slide my cock in, when Rachel and Sarah stopped her and just allowed her to have the tip of my cock inside her. Rachel grabbed a handful of Christina’s hair and made her stay right where she was.

“You haven’t earned David’s cock yet, Christina.” Rachel said. “First you have to apologize to me for what you did.”

“What are you...? Oh, God Rachel, you mean…”

“Yes, the St. Andrew’s cross. I begged you to stop and you fucked me anyway, so now you have to beg me to let you continue and maybe I’ll let you fuck my son if I’m satisfied with your apology. You owe me.”
Sarah looked at Rachel, then at me. I gave her a comforting look that said she should just roll with it and motioned her to me. When she got closer, I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply, sliding my tongue in and searched around for her’s. She melted and started kissing me back just as Rachel pulled Christina off my cock and headed back to the hot tub.

“What’s going on?” Sarah whispered as she took Crissy’s place on my cock and slid all the way down.

“Ungh…I do like the feel of your cock.”

“I can’t tell you all of it.” I said as she settled down on me. “The story is Rachel’s to tell, but I can tell you that Crissy did something seriously out of bounds and Rachel needs to take this back for herself.”

“But she told you about it?”

“No, I found out only by accident.”

“The stuff you got from your dad. The story was in there somewhere wasn’t it?” She started moving up and down slowly on my cock. Goddamn she felt good.

“Yep, and I told Rachel that I knew about an hour ago, and told her I’d back her whatever she wanted to do about it, whether she dropped it or went for justice of some kind.”

“So what else is in there, can I ask?” She leaned forward to change the angle and get closer to me to whisper this into my ear.

“Well, there was this one piece of information that I found really interesting.”

“What…was…that?” She was trying to keep talking, but I knew that she was climbing toward and orgasm.

“Well, you remember having a dream about giving me a blowjob out here on the pool deck about the time of my graduation?”

“Did your mom, tell you about that? She promised she wouldn’t.” She kept grinding on my cock and rubbing her clit on me. “Ungh…I’m cumming, now!”

With that she shuddered as I felt her pussy clamp down on my cock and her cum coated my cock. She slowed down and lay still with my cock still inside her. Her pussy kept spasming on my cock as she lay there.

“I was just curious about your dream, because that night, I had the same dream.”

Sarah pulled herself up to a sitting position and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She looked like she was going to bolt and run for the hills. I grabbed her hips and held her down on my cock.

“Your mom is the only person on Earth that I told about that dream. How did you know…? Your dad had that stupid fucking camera. Did he record me doing that? I swear David I was so drunk I honestly thought it was a dream.”

“Sarah, Sarah stop. You don’t have to justify that to me. It was clear from the video that you’d had a lot to drink, besides, I was out cold. I have no idea why he thought of recording that much less keeping it. Obviously, I’m flattered. I can’t think of anyone I would have wanted to get my first blowjob from.” I pulled her down to me and kissed her again.

“Besides, I think we’ve moved way past that now.” After I said that, I started pumping in and out of her pussy again, then I stopped and looked at her.

“Turn around Sarah. I want you to ride me cowgirl.”

Sarah reluctantly got off my cock and turned around, when she got up, I pulled myself up to a sitting position and as Sarah started to sit back down on my cock, I lined the head up with her rosebud.

“David, I’ve had anal sex before, but it’s always been rough and with a lot of pain.”

“I’m going to set the head of my cock just at the opening, and you slide down on it as it feels right. You have all of the control Sarah, I’m just here for the show until you’re ready to start your ride.”

Sarah clearly braced herself for what she thought would be a lot of pain, and settled a little down onto my cock. I spit on my hand and covered my cock with it. I brushed her near her rosebud as I slicked my cock and she caught her breath sank just a little bit more.

“Sarah, play with yourself while you’re settling in, it may help. Look across at the hot tub. That should help you relax and distract you a little, plus it’s pretty hot!”

Across the way, Rachel was sitting on the side of the hot tub watching us with Christina’s head between her legs eating her. Rachel had her by the hair and was directing where she wanted Crissy to lick her. I could tell from the way Rachel was pulling and pushing that mane of red hair around, she had her licking both her pussy and her asshole.

“Fuck, that is hot!” said Sarah as she settled the last of my cock into her ass.

“Sarah, are you alright?”

“Oh…my…god…Davey, Yes! This feels…incredible!” She wiggled her ass around a little bit feeling my cock deep inside her ass for the first time, then she started pulling up and sliding back down slowly.

“Christ that’s amazing! It’s never been like this before! I…think…oh God, I’m cumming again! Oh fuuuuuck!!!”

She leaned back onto my chest and kept wiggling her ass on my cock. She was still moving slowly back and forth and side to side, enjoying the afterglow of her anal orgasm when she went completely rigid and arched her back. Her mouth opened to say something or scream, but nothing came out and the blood vessels on her neck looked ready to pop. I reached around and pinched her nipples and pulled them as far from her breasts as I dared. She slapped the lounge chair half a dozen times and gasped out that she was cumming again through her orgasm.

I looked over at Rachel as Sarah was cumming for the second time and saw her looking back at us. She was smiling and moved her legs up onto Crissy’s back then through her head back and clearly enjoyed her orgasm. Not the first, I’m sure, and I ventured it wouldn’t be the last before the night was over.

“That’s really hot watching her cum in her own sister’s mouth isn’t it?” asked Aunt Sarah.

“Oh fuck yeah, but I could have told you how hot that was.”

She giggled a little bit at that and said, “That’s true. So now that I’m not an ass virgin to Davey’s cock any more, and this really feels good, will you fuck me like you did earlier?”

“Sure you’re ready?”

“Oh yeah. I want to get fucked like a slut.”

She stood up, popping my cock out of her ass climbed back onto my lap so she could face me while I fucked her. She slid back down on me and started rubbing her pussy with one hand and squeezing one of her tits with the other.

I grabbed her hips and lifted her up and slammed her back down on my cock as hard as I could. Each time she came down, I pushed my hips up to meet her and drive my cock in as far as it would go.

“Oh my God, David! Yes…yes fuck my ass. Fuck my brains out. Fuck your Aunt Sarah. Fuuuucck! I’m cumming again!!

“Play with your tits Aunt Sarah, squeeze them and pinch the nipples!” I told her as I started rubbing her clit with my thumb.

She reached up and squeezed her tits and shoved them together then back and forth a few times. She grabbed both of her nipples and pulled on them until she nearly screamed with pleasure. She let them go, went back to squeezing and shoving them around some more. She looked me in the eyes and kept wiggling her ass around on my cock every time it was deep inside her. Damn she loves getting fucked in the ass! She was hot and when she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, ran her tongue around her lips and pulled her nipples out again, it drove me over the edge.

“Damn, Sarah I’m going to cum!”

“Yes David, cum in your slutty Aunt Sarah’s ass. Fill my ass with your hot cum!!”

That did it, I grabbed her hips and sank my cock deep inside her. I came for what seemed like forever, and filled her the way she asked. I finished and looked at her with my cock still in her ass, when I looked into her eyes they had that same animal lust that she had earlier.

“So Aunt Sarah, did that hurt?”

“Oh fuck no Davey, not at all! It’s just never been this good…ever, and you and your mom are the reason for that. You feel so good inside me and I love that you make me feel loved and wanted and sexy and slutty all at the same time. It’s just an emotional high that I really want to get addicted to. I just hope like hell that I don’t wake up and discover that this is all a dream.”

“No dream Sarah, but I am going to leave you to help mom with Aunt Crissy. I’m sure there must be a few childhood or teenage slights you could avenge yourself for on Crissy, aren’t there?”

That thought found a spot in Sarah’s mind and she got an evil little look in her eye that said I was right.

“Let me up, I got to get over there before the fun’s over and done.” She got up but before she walked away she leaned in and kissed me deeply, then walked over to the hot tub where Rachel was now starting to fist Crissy, but obviously not letting her cum. When Sarah got there, Rachel said something to her and Sarah turned around in the water and knelt at the edge of the tub facing me. Rachel dragged Crissy over by her hair and was making her drink my cum out of Sarah’s ass while she continued her assault on Crissy’s pussy and ass from behind. The look on Sarah’s face was pure bliss.

I went inside, grabbed a shower and got dressed. I picked up the file folders and went back and sat at the dining room table to read through them.

The first folder I opened was a copy of the official police report on Molly and Thomas Kirkpatrick’s deaths. It all looked pretty straight forward, but I knew that if the old man had it there was a reason. I found the reason in the CSI report at the scene. The rat poison box had been refilled with flour and placed under the sink. Dad had post-it notes stuck to the page with his notes on them. ‘Molly refilled to avoid raising suspicion in Thomas’. I read through the rest of the pages, and found a copy of all three of the girls’ attendance records for school the day of the murders. All normal, except for Crissy’s, she was marked absent for two classes in the afternoon around the time her parents died.

That’s interesting, could she have had anything to do with all of this?

The second folder had a hospital birth record for a little girl showing Molly as the mother. The child was born about 2 weeks before her death, and that the baby’s delivery was about 6 weeks premature. It also indicated that the labor had been induced early due to a severe physical beating. This birth was supposed to have been a miscarriage. A copy of the original birth certificate was attached along with an amended one which showed an adoption.

The mother’s name on the original was of course Molly Kirkpatrick, unmarried. Hmmm. The father’s name was listed as Jonas Tomkins. The baby’s name was Teri.

Teri Tomkins!?!? Jonas?!? Teri was Rachel’s half sister?

The last page was a DNA test report with Teri's and Rachel’s names on it. The test showed them as full sisters, not half. HOLY SHIT!! Smart woman that Molly Kirkpatrick, she gave her youngest daughter to the child’s (and apparently all of her children’s) natural father and told the abusive husband that she’d lost the baby.

Teri had been my best friend in high school. She was a year older than me, but we grew up together. Her family lived less than half a mile from here, and she broke my cherry at 16. We hadn’t talked in years, despite my writing to her twice a week when I was in the service overseas. There had been an ‘incident’ as the old man had called it. Teri got pregnant from our one and only time together. I believed it, because Teri never lied to me the entire time I knew her. We shared everything then. The old man had a DNA test done, and told us all that the baby wasn’t mine. He even produced a copy of the DNA report to prove it to Teri’s dad. Teri and I hadn’t spoken to each other since. Early on I tried and I even believed she wanted to talk, but there was no way I was getting past her dad after the test came back. All I wanted was to be near her at that point, and we both ended up separated permanently.

And my ‘Aunt Teri’ had taken my virginity at 16. Rachel’s going to be so proud of both of us.

I was shaking with anger and adrenaline when I opened the last folder. I could have bitten a chain and spit nails at that point. The top page was the copy of the DNA report that the old man had given to Teri’s dad. That should have been the only thing in there, but the old man had lied once more, there beneath the report was one with the same date on it, proving that I was indeed the father of Teri’s little girl. The only differences in the reports were the results, and the fake report had what looked like a hand drawn copy of the technician’s official stamp on it. Since the average person on the street never sees these things, the lie passed unnoticed by Teri’s dad.

So I can only speculate that when the question of paternity came up, the old man would have started looking into Teri and her family, because that’s what he did. Her birth certificate would have led him to Molly, and he followed that to her death and the circumstances surrounding it. Son of a fucking bitch!!

What a fucker! He had to have kept this from Rachel and her sisters, if nothing else, Crissy wouldn’t have let the old man get away with it, she’s too brash to be cowed even by him.

He kept me from my best friend for 10 years. Even if I could have forgiven him for both of these things, I would never have forgiven him for keeping me from my daughter.

I have a 10 year old daughter that I’ve never had the joy of meeting or knowing.

If the fucker wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself!!!!


Niki intruded into my thoughts, I had missed hearing her come in. She had her luggage, dressed in loose comfortable clothes and still a little damp from her shower, she really was beautiful, too bad she had to leave.

“Hi Niki, sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“That’s okay…” She seemed a little distracted and kept glancing toward the patio sliders.

“What’s the matter Niki?”

“Do you know what’s going on out at the hot tub? Christina’s servicing Sarah and Rachel’s fisting Crissy in her ass and her pussy.”

“Yep, I know. Like the old saying says: ‘Paybacks can indeed be a bitch.’ And apparently so can my mom if you piss her off.”

“Good to know. Mental Note to self ‘DO NOT PISS RACHEL OFF!”

“Probably for the best that way. I’ll go get the car and we can get you to the airport.”

“Okay, I’m going to go watch and play with myself until you get back.”

“Damn, that’s something I’d love to watch.”

She reached into her pants and stuck her fingers into her pussy. When she pulled hand out and then separated her fingers, her stickiness clung between her fingers. As she licked them clean, she finally broke eye contact and moved toward the glass doors.

I thought: Yep, it really is too bad she’s heading home tonight.


Same as Family Affairs (Aunt Christina Pt. I) (Ch.3) Videos

3 years ago
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It was just after 8.00 a.m. on a sunny Thursday in early June, with the promise of a warm day ahead, when Ashley left her small apartment in the outer suburbs of the city. She was twenty-six years old, and worked in the central business district at the offices of a shipping and storage company. In the summer months, when the city often got stuffy and humid, she liked to dispense with wearing panties – she loved to feel the relative coolness of the circulating air on her pussy, and it made...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Four

Christina slipped on the white dress with nothing underneath. I had her stand on the balcony and took a picture with the light shining through. If you looked closely enough, you could tell that she was panty-less. As far as her nipples were concerned, they were hard to see. Hers are fairly small and pale pink in color. Plus, the dress had flowers strategically placed, probably since most of the dress was white.Christina practiced bending over and asked me to take pictures at various heights....

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Six

When Stephanie returned with our food and the check, I handed her cash and told her, "Keep the change. You're a great waitress!"As we stood, Christina smoothed out her dress before saying, "We're in the red extra-cab Silverado parked out front. Please hurry!"We made our way outside. Once Christina hopped into the truck, she pulled off her dress. When I got into the driver's seat, she lowered my pants and started to ride me. We kissed hungrily as my hands wandered her magnificent body....

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Blackmailing Christina into being my lover

Note : This story is totally fictional! Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 kids. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in...

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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

I lived in the neighborhood and watched Christina grow up over the years. About the time she turned 14, her body started to fill out and nature worked on shaping Christina into a statuesque young lady. Her flat chest started to grow, her skinny hips started to take on the curves of a model, and her skinny arms and legs became shapely and womanly. About this time she also started to attract the attention of the boys in her school and neighborhood. She was still very shy, but that didn’t...

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Christina Taken 23

Christina was sitting at her desk. She had managed to avoid Jordan all morning. Now it was time for him to leave and he was standing in front of her. "Five minutes," was all he said before leaving the department. Christina was torn about going to meet him, but she knew she really had no choice. After five minutes had passed, she got up and went down the hall to the shower room. Jordan was waiting for her and closed the door after she entered. "Take off her top and jeans and...

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Britney Spears Impregnates Christina Aguilera

Chapter 1“G’night, see ya tomorrow, Christina!”“Good night, Bob!” Christina Aguilera said as she heard the door close behind the production manager as he exited the studio and continued removing her make-up after a long day of work. She looked up at a clock – 9:20 p.m.She was late.She looked back at her dressing room mirror as she finished removing the last bits of her make-up. She stood up, closed her eyes and stretched; it had been a very long day. Suddenly, she smelt the familiar odor of...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Five

This time we actually drove back to the hotel.  Passing the front desk, the old man uttered, "Nice to see you again."  With that said, Christina lifted the front of her dress and flashed him again.  His only response was, "Thank you!"Once we were in the elevator, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard.  While our lips wrestled, I let my hand wander down to her leaking box. I slipped a finger in and out a few times before moving further back. Pushing my slick digit into her...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Seven

Christina smiled up at me from her kneeling position while lapping at my scrotum. Suddenly a dirty little smirk crossed her face, and she began backing toward the neighbor's position. It was a slow backward crawl that kept her legs widely spread. When she reached was as far back as she could go, Christina dropped her face to the floor. With her ass pointed directly at them, she asked, "Is this close enough?"Joy, the wife, let her hand reach downward as Christina watched. With her buttocks...

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Tommy and Christina

It was late December; a brand new year was just around the corner. With each New Year comes an injection of hope for a brighter, happier, more successful future. It is a time of reflection; when people resolve to discard negative habits or even unwanted facets of their character, and strive to better themselves. Not Tommy though, he didn’t give half-a-fuck. Tommy was a good guy. He sometimes had a dickhead-like quality to him, but was actually very sensitive, and he had a big, mushy heart. He...

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Christina Aguileras Awakening

Disclaimer: This work is complete fiction, all made up. We all know the celebs don't act like this in real life. This is a fantasy after all. No offense is meant for those mentioned in this story. It was the night of the MTV music video awards and Christina Aguilera and Fred Durst had just finished singing together onstage. Everyone freaked of course because they are both from opposite sides in the music industry. Some of the most furious people to see this were Eminem and Carson Daly. It had...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Three

Christina could only moan into my hand as I began plunging into her wanton pussy.  I was sure to keep the noise to a minimum so as not to attract unwanted attention.  But with that in mind, I whispered in her ear, "I'm going to remove my hand now, and it will be up to you whether they come over to watch and maybe participate."Christina kept her mouth closed as a near-continuous soft hum emanated from her tightened lips.  As my cock plunged eagerly into her snug vagina, I slathered up two...

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Christina and Cheryl Part 3

I woke up naked being spooned by Christina. Her smooth arms held me tight against her. I turned around and woke her up with a kiss. She opened her eyes and kissed back before pushing my head down. I kiss down her body and slipped her pink panties off. I kissed up her thigh and edged closer towards her clitoris, this is how we spent most mornings. ‘No, my ass.’ I lifted her legs allowing me to lick her ass. Christina knew how turned on I got doing this, the humiliation of it. She pushed my...

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Christina and Cheryl Part 3

I woke up naked being spooned by Christina. Her smooth arms held me tight against her. I turned around and woke her up with a kiss. She opened her eyes and kissed back before pushing my head down. I kiss down her body and slipped her pink panties off. I kissed up her thigh and edged closer towards her clitoris, this is how we spent most mornings. "No, my ass." I lifted her legs allowing me to lick her ass. Christina knew how turned on I got doing this, the humiliation of it. She pushed my...

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Christina Luscious Teenage Brunette

Christina grew into a very sexy and well-endowed young teenager and even though she had a rather petite figure and height, she had a nice set of tits sitting high and rounded on her chest. I always enjoyed seeing how Christina would dress and one style of clothing she seemed to have a real like for was those tops that appear as though they're designed to cover up the woman's budding tits but in fact, the way the tops are low cut is specifically designed to showcase the woman's cleavage and...

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A Weekend Away With Christina The Finale

Jim and I rode the elevator in silence, contemplating the sight that would welcome us when we entered their unit.  The sounds that were emanating from the bedroom pulled us in like dogs to a can-opener.  I was obscenely close behind Jim as he headed for the bedroom.  So close, that when he stopped to take in the spectacle, I bumped right into him.I mumbled, "Sorry," as I attempted to move around him, but he paid me no mind.  As I moved around him, I saw Christina on her back, nude.  Her legs...

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One Thing Different 2 Christina

CHRISTINA I Christina smiled into the camera. "And that's how modern man took the first steps on the road to creating central heating." She turned to the other camera. "Next we'll be stepping into a different time and finding out exactly what it was that the Roman's... fed to the lions." She held the smile for five more seconds. "We're clear," said the cameraman. "That's great." The characteristic scowl returned to Christina's face. "What a waste of time and who writes these...

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Christina Ricchis Audition

Sloane sat at his desk and waited for Christina Ricci to enter his office. The 16 year old actress was there to audition for a role in his new movie. Sloane owned a production company in L.A. and he was making a new movie. He had put out the word that he was looking to cast the part of the younger sister in the movie and he hinted that he wanted Miss Ricci for the role. So she meeting with him to try out for the part. Christina knew that her friend Winona Ryder had the lead role in the film...

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Manny and Christina Ch 02

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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 c***dren. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her c***dhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

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Blackmailing Christina into being my sexual toy

Christina was the only girl in a family of 4 children. She grew up the baby sister to Andy, Johnny, and Kevin and frequently was left out of their games. For most of her childhood she was all legs and arms, a gangly skinny blonde hair girl. She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched...

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Sophie Christina and how ones preference for sex

My friend Dan and his wife invited me over to BBQ and I was the only one of our group who showed up. We ended the night next to the fire later in the night sitting and drinking. Dan’s wife went inside to use the bathroom. I told Dan I was hoping there would have been some girls here so I could get some ass. He said maybe his wife had some friends that could come over. When his wife came back he brought it up casually and asked if there was anyone else that she would want to invite out. She said...

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Christina Taken 40

He drove into the black section of town until he came to s small store that sold sexy apparel. After parking, they got out and walked into the store, Jordan's arm around her waist holding he tight. No one was in the store except the female proprietor. Jordan introduced her as his cousin Maddie. She was about the same height as Christina but had wider hips and was definitely better endowed being at least a C cup or mayne a D. "Maddie. This is my new slut, Christina," he said. "I need...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Two

When I was finished getting dressed, I grabbed our bags and headed inside.  As I did the paperwork for our room, Christina appeared looking scrumptious.  She sidled up to me and attached herself like I was her sustenance.  The clerk handed me our key cards and gave us directions to the room.  I grabbed our bags in one arm and her in the other as we wandered to the elevator.  Our room was on the tenth floor, so I asked Christina to hit the button while I dropped the bags.  When she turned back...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter One

After we renewed our relationship in my office a few weeks ago, Christina and I were now fucking like rabbits.  We took every spare half-hour or more to use each other for our carnal pleasures.  Finally, she worked out a weekend away from her husband, and I quickly booked us an ocean-front room overlooking the Atlantic.  I went full-out on the place, sparing no expense since I knew that most of our time would be spent there.Friday night came, and Christina sashayed into my office in a red and...

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Christina Taken

The elevator opened and he glanced out and saw Christina. "Oh Christina," he called. "Can you help me put this tie on?" nodding to the one he was holding. "Sure Jordan," she replied stepping into the shower room. As she did, Jordan stepped up and closed the door, locking it. Turning back to Christina, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her hard against the wall. "Listen slut. Today, you're mine and will do everything I say or I'll cut you badly," puling out a switchblade...

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Christina and Cheryl part 2

"Pedicure?!"I was alarmed. This had all been fun and very sexy, but a pedicure? That would mean I would be venturing in to the public, something I had previously barely even considered. Would I pass? Would I be ridiculed? Would I be verbally abused? Would I be physically abused? These were the things that crossed my mind at first. But then I considered a different scenario. Would I be hot? Would I be sexy? Would I be admired? Would I be whistled at? I started to become turned on. "Baby, I know...

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Christina Part 1

Christina was relatively new to the office. She had worked there for just shy of a year when it all started. She was a gorgeous 27-year-old. Her dark brown eyes would trap you in them forever if you weren't careful. Her long blond hair was always perfectly straightened and fell just below her shoulder blades. She had a girl next door quality to her, innocent and sexier than she knew. Christina was tall, about 5'7" without her heels on, so she had long legs that went to her absolutely perfect...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Eight

We took a break to introduce ourselves more thoroughly. Jim and Joy learned that we weren't married yet and about our past while we learned about them. They were married right out of college and didn't have any children. They were both about Christina's age, so I was the old man at the party.  The conversation went on, and we actually ordered some food and ate a nice lunch. It was Joy that asked, "So, how long are you two down here for?"I replied, "We just came down for the weekend. We've been...

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Christina and Cheryl

Christina and I had been dating for nearly two years. Within six months into our relationship, I confessed that I enjoyed dressing in women's clothing. She'd been more than accepting and encouraged me to indulge in this. She'd bought me bras, made me wear panties, painted my nails, and given me make overs. Seeing how horny it would make me turned her on even more so.I knew Christina was bi and so I felt my cross dressing probably helped to indulge her love for all things feminine.One day...

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Christina Would Be Nice

Christina Would Be Nice By Tawney W Those days were amazing. I mean, what else was I supposed to do but live as Christina? I was just a kid then but still, I would study her clothes, her hair, and her make- up. I was always teased for being small and thin, but I used it to my advantage when it came to being Christina. It was about fifteen years ago when I was absolutely smitten by a little known actress named Christina Applegate. I remember thinking she was so pretty. She had...

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A Friend in Need Part 12 Christina Life and Love

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Christinas first and maybe last

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"How can she be here?" Andy mumbled to himself. "I must be suffering from heat stroke. Otherwise I wouldn't be talking to myself." Andy decided. It was the dog days of summer. Hot, humid, and an unrelenting sun. Andy had spent the morning getting all the outdoor activities done around the house, mowing, trimming, flowers watered, and lastly the blower to clear the walks and driveway of clippings. Hot as he possibly thought he could ever be, Andy made a quick trip into the house and...

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Christinas a great shot

It had been a long night of driving, but for many the night was still young. I was ready to get out for a few minutes, stretch, enjoy the cool air outside. I pulled up to the destination for my current passenger: a bar that was a common drinking hole for the locals.I turned off my rideshare apps and got out to walk a bit. I peered into the open door of the bar and I had to rub my eyes, thinking my vision was affected by too much driving.Sure enough, what I saw is exactly what I had thought:...

2 years ago
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The Way it is Now Ch3

Ch3 I spent the next half hour in silence. I reheated and ate my plate of food. She is a surprisingly good cook. Although, I would have preferred a soft yolk. It may have been. Till I microwaved it. While I took the time to decide weather I were being conned blackmailed or what. I did tell her she has time to figure things out. She can stay at my house for a couple weeks Her emotional reactions and facial expressions were all genuine. Suffice to say. I think my new . . “friend”?? is...

3 years ago
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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH3

The success I was having with Rebecca was not limited to just the office. My sister was thoroughly enjoying the results of a few well worded messages to her as well. During that first month, while I shed a few pounds fucking Rebecca like she was a ride at an amusement park, my sister managed to lose 16 pounds. When she came by my apartment to drop off some movies she had borrowed the change in her figure was already noticeable. “Wow! Don’t you look great?!” I exclaimed as she strode in...

3 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 5 Christina Aguilera

Life was good. In my two months since taking over the talent agency from my father, not only had I fooled around with some of the hottest women in Hollywood, but the accountants told me that the firm was bringing in records amounts of money. And of course there was Alyssa Milano, my current girlfriend and who I felt was my soul mate. I couldn't think of anything else to make life better. I was truly at a plateau of bliss. However, when things can no longer go up, the only direction they tend...

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Christina pleasures me with a wank

I parked up near to the bank and we walked along the High street, heading for a pub to catch a crafty pint before our table was due. As we passed a little service alley that ran between the Royal Hotel and a jewellers, Christina grabbed me and pushed me in. Three steps into the alley and we were sufficiently in the shadows enough that anyone walking by the street - and there weren’t many people about - wouldn’t be able to see us clearly. The end of the alley was in darkness.“What’s going...

2 years ago
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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen staring...

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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded off. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e4 Christina 48

Series 2, Episode 4: Christina A middle-aged woman enters the offices of our production company and is shown into the studio for her initial interview. Everything about her screams that she’s a respectable, middle-class, educated ‘lady’. From the sensible black shoes with the respectable two-inch heels, to the conservative and neat black knee length skirt, to the plain blouse and jacket combination. She fills the clothes out nicely, no extra weight on her, but not too skinny either. Her...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 5

From: Just Plain Bob To: Christina Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:41 PM Subject: You Not working today and the weather is great outside so even though the wife is at work I won't be able to spend as much time on the computer as I would like - too much yard work I'm behind on. There has to be a BASWyou4. In BASWyou2 you gave an indirect promise to your fans that you would be back. I refer to your telling Steve that you only get wild and crazy at Christmas time and that if he were...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E01 Christina Bruce 42 from Belfast

With series 12 completed, we roll straight through into series 13 - the same hosts, doing the same things all over again ... Aren’t we getting bored of this yet? Well, it appears not ... So... We start this week’s show with establishing shots of quiet suburban streets – semi-detached homes, very middle class and safe... And then, stepping into frame from the side, moving from behind the camera to infront - this week’s host ... Still the nation’s least likely sex symbol – short, fat,...

2 years ago
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Die Entfhrung der Christina A

Die Leiden der Christina "Ach ja, so eine Dusche tut gut!" dachte sich Christina Aguilera. Nach einem anstrengenden Konzert in der Münchener Olympiahalle war der Popstar nun alleine in der Garderobe. Ihre blonden Haare waren noch nass von der Dusche und fielen ihre Scultern herunter. Sie hatte sich bereits angezogen, um den Abend mit Freunden in einer Muenchenerr Kneipe ausklingen zu lassen. Vertraeumt sass sie nun vor dem grossen Spiegel der Garderobe und perfektionierte ihr Makeup. Der Raum,...

3 years ago
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Raping Christina

Everyday I stare at my girlfriend Christina and wonder what she's thinking about. If only she knew what I was thinking about, the thought of us & multiple random black men at a hotel room, They forcefully undress her and throw her on the bed, the look of fear and confusion in her eyes when she turns her head to me only makes my cock hard. The black men tie her to the bed and stretch out her arms and legs leaving her tits and tight little cunt exposed for everyone to see. The black men start...

3 years ago
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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 11 Christina the Parting

A Friend in Need Part 11. Christina the Parting In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later. Thank you for your reviews, they keep me on track and are much appreciated. Mother's day 2013 I had enjoyed a lovely day with my family and now my baby daughter was in bed and I was snuggled up to Clive my gorgeous husband, my mind once again drifted back to when I first...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife ChristinaChapter 7

To: C 12/11/06 Sorry to hear that Gary was denied, but I kind of thought it might happen. Sorry for him, but tickled pink for you. Here it has been slow. Have spent the last three days decorating the outside of the house and the trees in the yard. I did manage to get chapter 6 of Scarlett done and I have sent it off to TGBL for her review. I haven't gotten it back from her yet and my deal with her is that she gets to check it out before I post it. She has already sent me enough material to...

3 years ago
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Christina and Cheryl

Christina and I had been dating for nearly two years. Within six months into our relationship, I confessed that I enjoyed dressing in women’s clothing. She’d been more than accepting and encouraged me to indulge in this. She’d bought me bras, made me wear panties, painted my nails, and given me make overs. Seeing how horny it would make me turned her on even more so. I knew Christina was bi and so I felt my cross dressing probably helped to indulge her love for all things feminine. One day...

4 years ago
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Manny and Christina Ch 01

Why is my brother such an asshole? That was the only thing that came to Christina’s mind when she got to Manny’s apartment and he told her that her brother Chris and his brother Mard went to the club without them. ‘Now what do I do?’, she sighed talking more to herself then Manny. ‘Sorry, but it’s the truth.’ He told her with some sympathy. She gave him a wiry smile and noticed him more in depth seeing him at 5’7 with a baby face and short black hair wearing faded jeans and a black...

2 years ago
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Christina Ch 04

The next morning I was awakened by what to me had become a strange sound: the ringing of the telephone. As I went to answer it I realized with a start to what extent Paul and I had isolated ourselves from the world around us. We had, in effect, completely cut ourselves off from friends and social life, at first out of happiness with the self-sustaining contentment of our relationship (god, how I hate that word), but later out of some perverse desire to nurture our misery in private. Now, as I...

2 years ago
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An evening with Christina

This was a little over a year ago and I was dating a girl named Christina. The relationship tanked, but we had some fun while it lasted. Christina was a Puerto Rican girl with soft, permanently tanned skin, perky brown nipples, and a rump you could sink your teeth into. We would spend time at her place Friday evenings usually (among other times/places) and watch WWE Smackdown in her living room while her mom was in her own bedroom doing her own thing. After a while of watching and teasing...

1 year ago
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Christina takes my ass

I have had many encounters with shemales over the last eight years. I first discovery that such beautiful creatures existed was when I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I had gone to a adult bookstore and was in a booth watching a little porn when I came across my first shemale porn movie. I sat back stroking my cock watching this buxom blond suck this guy off. Then of course he bent her over and fucked her hard in the ass. I still rememember seeing those large breasts bounce and her cock swing back...

3 years ago
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Christina8217s introduction

Hi all………… this is aryan. I have been an iss reader for a long time, however did not get time to post my experiences in here. But now i feel the time is right to start posting my experiences. I am a 27 year old handsome guy with a 7 inch long dick from delhi. By profession i am a mechanical engineer from delhi college of engineering. This happened in year 2004, when i shifted from delhi to pune. I was working in a bpo (name withheld). I was in an insurance process where i got introduced to...

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I absolutely adore my beautiful daughter and admit I like most human males lusted after her when she began developing as a teenager. As Sarah my wife and I often paraded around the house in the buff and sunbathed naked as no neighbours overlooked our back garden both she and son Rick had no hangups on seeing naked bodies. I,d always held back on doing more than giving Christina fatherly hugs and kisses at least till her eighteenth birthday and I already said how that all went “tits up” great...

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Artificial Affection Ch3

~Recap~ The moonlight reflected off Victoria’s swollen, pregnant belly. Her eyes were closed but she was still awake. My hand gently caressed the bottom of her tummy. She had just confessed a lot of crazy things. Vic had took the rest of the “love potion” cologne and spread it throughout the campus. She also announced she was pregnant with triplets. It made sense, her belly was far larger than any other pregnant girl at our school. Vic used to have tight, muscular abs yet they were no match...

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Slaves Ch3

Their lovely young toy. Tightly in place and ready to be played with. His cock had also been prepared, standing fully erect with a wire around the base and around the balls, attached through a loop at the foot of the table to keep the thing pointing up. Oiled with Elixir. The foreskin pulled up like a wrapper on a gift, concealing the most vulnerable, sensitive part of his body. The dungeon air was chilly. The boy shivered in his binds. It could have been from cold and fear in equal measure....

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