Midsummer Night free porn video

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“But Audrianna, you just don’t get it! I’ve been dry since New Year’s Eve!”

Terri lamented -- again -- her non-existent sex life and wondered just how bad it would be to ring up her ex for a little booty call. Her reasons weren’t all that bad, thought her best friend Audrianna, recalling how Terri bragged about his skill and passion as a lover. And Terri should know. She couldn’t be called promiscuous but she certainly enjoyed sex. And with her shoulder-length wavy brown hair, brown eyes, trim figure, ample breasts and rounded little butt, she had never been long between boyfriends in the five years Audrianna had known her. In fact, these four months were the longest she’d known Terri to be dry. Yeah , thought Audrianna, her reasons would be good except for one little thing - that new girlfriend of Adam’s. Forget how demeaning it would be for Terri to call him at all, how much worse would it be when she found that out? Audrianna could not let that to let that happen to sweet Terri.

Audrianna prayed Terri would not find that out about Adam’s new girl until she got with a man herself. She figured the knowledge would be less jarring if Terri weren’t so starved for sex. Suddenly, she had an idea. She thought it through quickly. Yes, it had some risks to it but overall it seemed like a good plan. “Tell you what,” Audrianna said, praying to all the gods that she made the right decision. “I think I have an idea.”

Terri looked at Audrianna and saw the nervousness in her eyes. “What is it?” she asked quietly, intuition telling her the suggestion would be something that might require serious thought.

Audrianna took a deep breath before continuing. “You know this time of year is a big deal in my faith, right?”

“Yeah. Everyone knows Summer Solstice is a big deal to Wiccans.”

“Yeah, well, you’re right about the Solstice - it’s a big deal and then some - but there’s something else. You’ve never been to a Litha celebration but you wouldn’t find it that different from the ones you’ve been to. It’s kind of like the difference between standard Sunday Mass and Christmas Midnight Mass.” said Audrianna, surprising herself at the analogy and wondering where the idea came from. It fit perfectly and would make her cradle- and recovering-Catholic friend understand the depth of the invitation.

“Okay,” said Terri, drawing the word out because she sensed more.

“Anyway, after the standard celebration, some of us celebrate further. This is not something that most Wiccans believe in, but it’s something that feels just - well, just right to me and several others.” Audrianna wanted to tell Terri everything but something told her Terri wasn’t ready for that yet. The clarity and strength of feeling mirrored that of the analogy of the Mass. Audrianna learned years ago not to ignore feelings like that.

“Um, are you inviting me to this celebration?” asked Terri, uncertain because she thought she understood her friend but realized Audrianna never actually made a real invitation.

“Yes,” breathed Audrianna in a sigh of relief.

“Cool. No, really, I appreciate it. But I do have one question.”

“What’s that?”

“Just how the hell will that help me with the problem of needing a booty call so damn badly?”

“You’ll just have to trust me on that.” Audrianna said, her lips lifting in a smile that looked much more confident than it felt in her heart.

“You’re swingers, aren’t you?”

“No,” laughed Audrianna, heart lightening. “No, we’re not swingers. I just think someone you should meet will be there.” Her heart lifted on seeing the expression on Terri’s face brighten, but she wondered why Terri accepted the explanation so quickly. She chalked it up to the desperation that grew in her friend. And besides, it was the truth as far as it went. Audrianna could see Michael and Terri hitting it off. They really did have a lot in common. So there was no real need to tell her the rest of it yet.

Audrianna glanced at her watch and thanked all the gods. “Whoa, I’ve really got to get back to the office. We’re far to busy for them to be cool with me taking a long lunch.” she said, grabbing both their receipts and heading to the counter.

“Now wait a minute! You can’t -- ” cried Terri as stuffed the credit card she had just pulled out back into her wallet. As she tried to stuff the wallet back in her purse and run after her friend at the same time, half the contents of her purse rained out on the booth seat. She swore as she turned in the seat and started stuffing the contents back in her purse. By the time she got everything back in her purse and got to the register she arrived just in time to see the cashier hand Audrianna her change. “Audrianna, you can’t do that.” she fussed.

“Already done.” replied Audrianna, smiling at the cashier who’d been remarkably efficient and quick. “Paid and change received. Transaction complete. Now, look.... just come on over to my house around six on the afternoon of the twentieth. We’ll get ready there and then head over to the circle.” With that Audrianna spun on her heel and rushed out the door. When she hit the sidewalk she headed up the street towards his office, walking at a pace brisk enough to walk off much of the breadsticks they ate at lunch. Terri stood there a moment watching her friend’s rapidly retreating back before turning the other way and muttering “Yeah, okay well, talk to you tonight or tomorrow.”


But Audrianna and Terri didn’t talk that night. Or the next day. In fact, Audrianna put in so many hours at the office they didn’t really get a chance to talk more than a few stolen minutes until two weeks later when Terri arrived at her house to get ready for the Litha celebration. As they shared the female ritual of applying makeup and getting dressed, Terri tried to get Audrianna to tell her more about what to expect that night. She knew this celebration would be a bit different from the ones she attended before and she had no clue what to expect from the inner circle of Audrianna’s like-minded friends. Like-minded about what , wondered Terri, but getting information out of Audrianna proved impossible.

All Audrianna wanted to talk about was the mess at work. She listed off each of the upcoming shows as Terri put a French braid in her friend’s flaming red hair. She talked about the equipment needed for the shows as they piled Terri’s brown hair on top of her head. She griped about how they were short on equipment anyway as she adjusted the little tendrils left hanging haphazardly from Terri’s head and then White Rained the whole thing enough to stand up to a Category 5 hurricane. As they vacated the bathroom to let the hair spray dissipate, Terri took a last look at herself in the mirror and smiled at the soft, romantic effect of her hair.

As they dressed, Audrianna moved on to griping about the techs that would be running the shows. Audrianna made her opinion of the tech going to Chicago clear as she and Terri pulled on their shorts. And her opinion of the tech running the show in New York almost burned Terri’s ears as she pulled on her white tank top. Terri looked in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction at the effect of the juxtaposition of her classical hairdo and her sassy urban outfit. She glanced over at Audrianna in her jeans and purple camp shirt. “Are you sure we shouldn’t get dressed up for something like this?” she asked Audrianna.

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll be skyclad anyway.” Then before Terri could express her discomfort at that idea, Audrianna continued “Only if you want to, girlfriend. Only if you want to. You know our rules. No one is forced to do anything they’re not comfortable with. If you don’t feel like going skyclad you leave your clothes on. You’ll be okay with us doing so, right?”

“Yeah. Not a problem at all as long as it’s not me nude in front of God and everyone.”

"Girlfriend, how do you ever get naked with a guy?" asked a slightly exasperated Audrianna.

"Strategic lighting." answered Terri dryly.

Audrianna laughed so hard she stopped putting the finishing touches on her makeup. When she could breath again, she continued “Anyway, you wouldn’t believe who they’re sending to the job in South Carolina.”

Terri finalized her own makeup while Audrianna continued complaining about personnel and then launched into her company’s lack of processes. As she put the finishing touches on her eye makeup, her nervousness about the night’s ceremonies enveloped herand she didn’t see the furtive, uneasy glances Audrianna threw her way.

As they were gathering purses and sliding on shoes, Terri made a decision to try to stop worrying about the evening. She trusted Audrianna would tell her what she needed to know before whatever happened. The waiting was hard, but her love for and trust in her friend made it bearable.


The ceremony was in a different place from the ones Terri attended before. As they turned into the driveway, Terri’s gaped at the majestic beauty of the lane. The live oaks lining the path were hung with rope lights, their glow giving the whole thing an otherworldly feel. Terri felt like Audrianna drove into a fairy den and her mind and skin began to tingle with anticipation. Then she remembered she didn’t exactly know what she anticipated and her nervousness returned. As Audrianna softly crunched to a stop on the gravel parking area, Terri turned, intending to ask her what about the differences in this celebration.

Before she could get the question out, however, Audrianna threw the car in park and pulled the break up sharply. She took a deep breath and turned in the seat to face Terri. “Okay, there’s something you need to know. Not about the first celebration of the night. That’ll be enough like those you’ve been to that you’ll feel pretty comfortable with it. It’s just a bit more ceremonial. Like I said, it’s like Midnight Mass at Christmas whereas those you’ve been to are like a standard weekly mass.

“But it’s the second celebration of the night that’s going to be different.” Audrianna paused, unsure how to continue. Terri waited patiently. “Like I said, it’s not Wiccan ‘standard’ belief, although I’m not sure what ‘standard’ means to a faith like Wicca. But this is something that most don’t agree with.” She paused again, nervous. How would Terri take this information, given her upbringing? Audrianna remembered how Terri lack of comfort with the idea of going skyclad. Well, nothing to do at this point but lay it on the table and let Terri decide. With a deep breath, Audrianna plunged in. “Some of us believe strongly in the power of the energy released during sex. We have celebrations throughout the year, but on Midsummer Night is when the group gets together specifically to release that energy.” Audrianna paused again and looked deep into Terri’s eyes. “Together.”

“You mean -- ?”

“Let’s call it a ‘group event’.”

“Oh.” Terri’s tone of discomfort rang unmistakeably in the air.

Audrianna continued, the words spilling nervously from her. “But you also need to remember that our highest belief is free will. We realize not everyone is comfortable with our practices. If you have any reservations you don’t have to participate.” Now that she’d actually gotten the words out, Audrianna felt much better, lighter, more free. She reached for the handle and threw open her door.

Terri also reached for her handle but opened the door much more slowly. She found herself appalled at the idea and wondered why Audrianna thought she might be comfortable with it. Her thoughts tumbled as she exited the car. She moved so sluggishly, in fact, that Audrianna stood by her side when she went to close the door.

Audrianna’s hand trapped hers on the car door and they stared at each other’s reflections in the window. “Seriously,” said Audrianna, voice full of gravity. “You are only expected to do what you’re okay with. You don’t have to participate. Hell, you don’t even have to watch if you don’t want to. What happens is after everyone else leaves. Michael -- that’s our elder since he’s studied this path the longest -- Michael picks a woman to, um, celebrate with. Then the woman has a chance to accept or decline the nomination. We really do respect feelings. But if you choose to accept everyone will get in on the act, as it were, in some way or another. That’s really all there is to it.” 

That’s all , thought Terri. Good, at least her brain still worked even if she couldn’t get anything out of her mouth. Terri merely stared at Audrianna until Audrianna grabbed her arm. “C’mon... let’s go inside. It’ll be fine. You just do whatever you’re comfortable with and nothing else.”

The Litha celebration was beautiful as Terri expected. The ceremony proved stately and solemn, led by that georgeous Michael who looked nothing like what Terri expected. When Audrianna called him an elder, she expected an old man, not a well-built hottie with waves of sandy blond hair crowning a strong-boned face with Caribbean Sea colored blue eyes. From the moment Audrianna introduced them, Terri was hooked. Those shoulders and arms were obviously strong without being overbuilt and one look at them caused her gut to clench with an overwhelming desire to have them wrapped around her. But beyond the arms, his eyes held something - something deep and intense that made her forget everything else going on around her.

She and Michael talked a lot before and after the evening’s first ceremony. She found it surprisingly easy to talk to him. She told him, in great detail, about growing up in her mother’s pious home and how free she felt when she went to college. She told him about her first time and even talked to him about Adam. Michael seemed genuinely interested, focusing on her and asking questions about points of her story he didn’t understand. If it were anyone else asking about all these personal details she might have felt pumped for information, but Michael just had such a sincerity about him. He shared a lot of information about himself too. She liked what she learned about Michael and wanted to know more and share more. As she gazed into those deep eyes, she realized she wanted nothing less than to share everything with him. The desire tugged on her soul and became increasingly hard to resist as the night went on.

Of course, he hadn’t been able to stay by her side all night long. Every so often he would excuse himself to greet other arriving guests. But whenever Michael’s duties as host took him away from her, his friend John made sure she was well attended to. John possessed a tall and lanky form with fiery red hair, dark brown eyes and a deep bass voice. His strong Southern accent drew out all his vowels making his speech melodic and stimulating. Audrianna told Terri John would be another of the men that would celebrate with them later. Karen, the brown-haired woman with the classic hour glass figure and deep green eyes, rounded out the group of later celebrants. John, Karen, Audrianna and Michael -- at least one of them stayed been by her side all night, making conversation and generally making her feel very welcome to the celebration.

Now it was late. Or early, depending on how you looked at it. Terri guessed it to be around four in the morning. The bonfire they lit at midnight blazed for hours and still lived as embers when the celebration broke up. Something about the fire felt like a mirror of Terri’s own reactions. The embers were soothing, just like John and Karen’s attentions towards her. And the flame danced and burned the way her desire for Michael did. She couldn’t look at him without that flame pirouetting through her core. She watched his butt work as he left the living room to walk out the last of the early celebration guests and she could feel the muscles in her stomach tighten again with primal desire.

She let herself fall onto the couch, mind lost in thoughts of the decision that awaited her. For the first time that night it seemed as if John and Karen found other things to talk about. They stood across the living room at the bar talking quietly with Audrianna, leaving Terri alone with her thoughts. She sat on the couch and stared at the candles in the fireplace as her thoughts swirled. She wanted Michael more than she’d wanted any other man she’d ever known. He proved kind and caring all night, attentive to her needs while not neglecting the needs of his other guests. He intelligence and wit stimulated her. And he had that kick-ass body, those strong arms and eyes she could get lost in. She just knew sex with Michael would be phenomenal.

But she had never considered the idea of multiple partners. A couple of her previous boyfriends tried to talk her into threesomes but she had never been at all interested. She had always been monogamous and strictly heterosexual. She knew others really enjoyed that kind of thing, but she had only ever been able to go a certain distance past her strict Catholic upbringing. Given the intensity of her early religious education, she counted herself lucky to be able to enjoy sex as absolutely thoroughly as she did. But an orgy? That went beyond the pale. Not even in her fantasies had she ever considered the idea of sex with more than one person. And certainly not with more than one person at a time. And definitely not with women. 

And yet...... The thought wormed its way into Terri’s head leaving her embarrassed for even thinking it. Could she be really considering going through with this? What on earth would God think? What about Father Thomas? What about her mother, for Christ’s sake? Okay, true, none of them ever need know. But still, she would know. She would know she’d done something that just couldn’t be considered right by the morality measuring stick planted firmly in her during her youth. 

And yet.... The though snaked through her mind again. She glanced over at where the other three were chatting. She found John kind and attentive. Oh, he hadn’t been near as attentive as Michael -- her mind and heart caught at the thought of Michael -- but still John had been more attentive to her than most of the men she’d ever known. Thinking about him individually she knew if she’d met him in a bar, she would definitely have considered sleeping with him. Actually, she would likely have done much more than consider it. He pulled off that mischievous, little-boy personality -- the blarney of the Irish she supposed -- and she knew sex with him would be playful and fun. But sex with him and Michael at the same time? Well, maybe , she thought. The logical side of her brain told her that if she would sleep with them both separately then why not together. The passionate side of her brain had already decided she wanted both men, together, separate, whatever. Maybe, she thought, and felt the stained glass of her upbringing crack a little.

But the women , her religious training screamed. Terri’s thoughts turned to Karen. What an absolute sweetheart and a unique mix of funny and smart. And besides, those tits! thought Terri. Then she cringed in embarrassment at the though. She never considered it a problem to admire the female form in an aesthetic way. But the feeling she got between her legs now, when staring at Karen’s cleavage as it threatened to spill out of her top, could in no way be defined as aesthetic. What did it say about her that she wanted to taste them so badly? Maybe you should , the passionate side of her brain told her. And why not , it continued. You don’t believe all that bullshit about burning in hell for enjoying sex, so why should you feel differently about enjoying it with a woman ? The remnants of her upbringing whispered something as it silently shrank into a corner of her mind.

She turned to stare back at the candles and continued to explore her feelings. She wanted John almost as much as she did Michael. And even the thought of Karen excited her as did the idea of sharing such intimacy with Audrianna. As she stared at the candles she decided it made no sense denying she wanted it. She recognized her feelings as being very close to what she felt when that boy in college tried to convince her to go all the way. That turned out well , her passionate brain reminded her. Yes, it did. And if she were completely honest with herself she could admit that the idea of this group activity excited her intensely even while it made her uncomfortable.

She knew a decision must be made soon and she could feel the walls built around her conscience in childhood starting to crack. She glanced back at the group and then turned immediately back to the candles. Crack, hell! she thought. They’re falling like the walls of Jericho . Maybe she should just try it. But could I actually go through with it? , she wondered.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Michael’s shadow fell across her. She looked up and saw him standing in front of her, holding his hand out in invitation. Slowly, her head spinning with desire and the rapidly retreating cautions of her upbringing, she took his hand and let him lead her to the center of the room.

“This is the woman I choose, if she’ll have me.” he said solemnly in that rich baritone that sent shivers down Terri’s spine.

Audrianna rushed up behind her and whispered in her ear. The words spilled from her fast. “If you want to do this you have to say so. If you don’t want to, just say you’re not ready yet. No one will think any less of you. We really do respect free will above all else as the greatest gift given by the One.”

Terri heard the love in her friend’s voice more than the actual words. The emotion parted the clouds in her mind leaving one odd thought stuck there. This must be what it felt like to walk through the parted Red Sea, knowing you’re doing what’s right but wondering if the walls of water were going to crash down on you . She spoke softly, “I will gladly have you.” 

Michael looked deep into her eyes and spoke low, only to her. “You understand what this means?” Turning to Audrienna he asked “You explained what this means?”

Now, with the decision made, Terri felt the need to assert herself. She touched Michael’s chin and gently turned his head to face her. “She explained and I understand. I want this. I feel it’s right. And God knows I’ve got oodles of surplus energy.” she said, smiling. “I just don’t know if I have the ability to go through with it. I have to be honest with you. You know what the Church” and she could tell by his eyes that he could hear the capital C in her voice “would say about something like this. My mind tells me that this is right. My heart tells me that this is right. But when it comes right down to it I don’t know if I’ll be able to go through with it. If that’s a risk you -- all of you -- are willing to take and if you swear there will be no point of no return, then I would willingly, gladly and happily have you.”

“I swear it,” spoke John quietly. Terri didn’t know when he walked up to her side but there he stood, vowing to respect her choice no matter when.

“And I.” said Karen from the other side.

Audrianna, standing behind Terri, laid her chin on Terri’s shoulder and smiled. “You know I do.”

“Then our circle is complete,” said Michael, smiling at Terri. He took the brown linen robe Karen held out to him and he and John slipped it onto Terri over her tank top and shorts. The cloth felt rough on her shoulders, kind of like the stubble of a lover’s two-day beard. Michael slowly knotted the robe’s belt, his eyes never leaving hers. Oh, those eyes! she thought, the idea of getting completely lost in them knotting her stomach again. He put his arm gently around Terri’s shoulder and led her out the patio door towards the circle in the woods.

As they walked down the path Terri felt strangely light, as if her feet never really touched the ground. Somehow the circle felt even more beautiful than Terri remembered it from earlier in the night. The moon hung low in the sky, brushing the treetops. She’s teasing those trees , Terri thought, wondering where that thought came from. She could suddenly see clearly why people thought the moon a woman all these years. The way she dipped close to the trees but never let them hold her, despite their obvious reaching and yearning, was simply nothing if not feminine. She wondered why she’d never seen that before.

The warm wind changed and blew the smoke from the fire towards Terri. Usually she would move quickly out of the smoke and say something silly about the smoke following beauty. Now she stood there, rooted, unable to move, while the smoke curled lazily around her. She could feel the wind caress her bare neck over the collar of the robe and smelled a smoky muskiness in the fire that she’d never noticed before.

The effect intoxicated Terri -- the sight of the moon, the smell of the fire, the touch of the wind -- and she realized with astonishment that she’d never, ever felt closer to the Creator as she did right now. No chapel, no church, no cathedral could match the simple beauty of the alter God made for Himself. Herself? Did it matter?

She was so lost in the beauty of it all that she startled when she felt Michael’s touch on her shoulder and she actually jumped as the memory of the reason for her being here entered her mind again. Micheal, sensing her nervousness, gently took her by both shoulders and turned her to face him. Softly he said, “Look in my eyes. Look only at me.”

Terri complied, the firm authority in his voice leaving her no other choice. As she stared into his eyes she noted that they were darker than they were earlier. Whether due to the low light or anticipation of the coming celebration she didn’t know but his eyes were definitely darker than they’d been earlier in the evening. Slowly, never breaking eye contact, he cupped her head in his hands and brought his lips to hers. The kiss started gentle and she could feel her body react. As she responded, he deepened the kiss, his tongue teasing her lips, requesting but not demanding that they part. When they did, his tongue lazily explored inside her mouth everywhere it could reach. It was so soft, so sweet, she felt more intoxicated. She heard movement and voices around her and some part of her mind recognized the others were casting a circle. Her body tensed with nervousness at their presence, but Michael sensed her reaction and his tongue deepened its gentle probing of her mouth. Her nervousness dissipated as Micheal’s expert tongue demanding her complete attention.

Her own tongue renewed its response and that was all the invitation Michael needed to take the kiss even deeper. He crushed his lips to hers his arms went around her pulling her body to mold with his. His tongue became bolder, tasting more of her, pulling feelings from her unfelt in months. A slow, long moan lifted in her throat and released into his expert mouth and still he tasted and teased. She felt her knees go weak as her body gave over to the passion he filled her with. But for his hands steadying her she might have actually fallen. Oh my God , she thought, if he can kiss like this.... but then she lost the thought in the sensations roiling through her mind and body. 

She felt other hands gently touch her and she startled as she realized someone was untying her robe. Another set of hands, she didn’t know or care whose, caressed her shoulders as they slid the robe from her, leaving her standing in her shorts and tank top. Her moral mind screamed its vehement objection for only a fraction of a second before being thoroughly silenced by the electric excitement of Michael’s kiss and the unknown hands caressing her.

Michael’s hands left her for just a moment as she heard the rustle of his robe also being removed. She knew he wore nothing under his robe and she shivered as she slid her hands up his arms to wrap around his shoulders and play with the waves of his hair on his neck. She pulled him closer, wanting his lips even harder on hers, never wanting his tongue to stop making her feel this way.

But he did stop. Even as she moaned again with the pleasure of his talents, his lips left her mouth to trace a burning line from her lips along her jawbone to her neck. Everywhere they touched her skin felt fire. But when they reached that spot on her neck where she’d always been so sensitive, her breath caught in her throat. Michael felt and heard the change and knew he’d found the right spot. He licked and nibbled and kissed up and down her neck, letting the sound of her irregular breathing guide him.

Terri leaned her head back and reveled in the sensation of Michael’s lips on her neck. Every time he kissed, every time he nibbled she could feel it in both her neck and her clit. She lost even more control of her legs and couldn’t stand. Michael eased her back so her butt rested on the table someone placed behind her. The table reminded her that others were there and would be joining her and Michael at any point. But as Michael’s hand slid down to her waist and his fingertips tentatively eased under her tank top, she knew she couldn’t stop. She never wanted this feeling to stop. “Oh yes, please..” she moaned. His other hand dropped down to join the first under her shirt and he slid them both maddeningly slowly up her sides to brush against her breasts, his mouth all the while sending waves of passion from her neck to her core.

Terri could feel Michael’s hands still caressing the sides of her breasts, but now she also felt someone pulling her shirt up over her head. Michael paused nibbling her neck just long enough to let the shirt clear, then he focused again on building the heat inside her even higher. Before the shirt even cleared her head she felt another set of hands working the hooks on her bra. At the same time she felt another set of hands undoing the button of her shorts. They’re all helping. she thought, preparing me like a sacrifice. But instead of bothering her she now found the idea of everyone seeing her and touching her turned her on like nothing before ever did. Or maybe it was Michael’s mouth. As her breasts slid out of the bra and her shorts and panties were removed, she couldn’t have said what excited her more. And she didn’t care.

Michael’s weight shifted against her and she felt his hands gently coaxing her back to lay on the table. She complied and started leaning back. Another set of strong hands, John’s hands, cradled and supported her head and neck gently lowering towards the table and coaxing her back. Michael’s lips traced down from her neck towards her chest. John’s hands firmed and stopped her backwards motion. He supported her, half-reclined, while Michael’s mouth reached her impossibly hard nipple. His tongue traced lazy circles around it, teasing her. “Oh, God please.... please....”. Need surged through her, greater than ever, but Michael wouldn’t change his pace. His mouth opened wide to take in as much of her large breast as he could, while his tongue still lazily circled her aching nipple. “Oh, please... harder.... pleeeeze,” she begged.

“He will. Enjoy the anticipation.” came John’s voice whispered in her ear. His hands started lowering her head and body to the table as John’s lips left her breast and lazily trailed kisses in a back and forth pattern on her quivering stomach. The warm summer breeze blew across her breast, teasing and exciting the taut nipple. The sensation of being naked outside with the breeze blowing across her body and Michael’s lips on her stomach and John whispering in her ear to enjoy herself thrilled her and she could feel herself tighten as her juices trickled down her ass.

“Tonight is for you.” whispered John in her ear, the deep bass and Southern accent in his voice soothing and melodic. As Michael continued kissing lower and lower on her stomach, John’s began kissing and nibbling on her neck. Maybe it was the combination of sensations. Maybe it was the idea of two men focused on pleasuring her. Whatever it was, it sent her over the edge and she arched her back as she came hard. Her orgasm coursed through her entire body, electrifying her skin and sending waves of energy washing over and around her, bathing her in a sensation more intense than she’d ever known.

“Yes, yes, that’s it, darling,” she heard Audrianna whisper in her other ear. “Come on, baby, that’s it.” The waves rolled over and from Terri as a primal scream of pure pleasure ripped from her lips. She rode the waves and when the orgasm finished felt herself floating and relaxed.

She tensed again when she felt fingers on her vulva. As the fingers parted her lips to display her swollen clit she could feel their fingernails graze her slightly. Her mind registered the fact that it must be either Karen or Audrianna, maybe both, opening her for Michael to take and she found, joyously, that it excited her even more. That was her last conscious thought before she felt Michael’s tongue flick on her clit. “Uuuuungh,” she cried. Knowing he found the right spot, Michael’s mouth clamped onto it, tongue and teeth and lips driving her over the edge again and sending her soaring on the waves of energy that pumped from her.

Terri felt a sudden and intense desire to see everything. She struggled to open her eyes and look up at the faces of Karen, John and Audrianna. She hadn’t realized John had left off her neck but she could see him, his face above hers framed against impossibly starry sky. His hands slid down her shoulders to cup her breasts as Terri used every ounce of concentration she had left to keep her eyes open and stare deep into the infinity of his. “Y-y-y-yes,” she stuttered through the waves of energy that flowed through her.

“You want more don’t you?” John asked.

“Y-y-” she started. Then Michael’s mouth started doing a new something. Something she couldn’t tell what he was doing but the feeling intensified, sending her over an even higher ledge. “Yes!” she managed to get out with her scream.

John smiled that crooked little smile of his, looking for all the world like a cocky Peter Pan. “Ladies?” he said.

At that invitation both Karen and Audrianna started kissing her neck, moving swiftly down to each take a rock-hard nipple in their mouths. John lifted Terri’s hands, guiding each of them to the firm breasts of the women. As soon as Terri’s brain registered what her hands held, she cupped the women’s breasts lovingly, intoxicated with the silky feel under her fingers as her thumb traced around their nipples. When she squeezed their nipples between her thumb and forefinger, both women moaned and sucked harder on her own breasts ripping a moan from Terri’s own lips. The cycle intoxicated - when she rubbed their nipples hard they moaned and sucked hers even harder, nibbling now and again to shoot exquisite little bursts of almost-pain through her system making her moan and play with their tits even harder.

Maybe the moans were a signal. Maybe it was fortuitous timing. Whatever the cause, the moment the three women first moaned their pleasure was the same moment that Michael, never letting up with his tongue and teeth, slipped a couple of fingers inside Terri. The sensation sent her over again, intensifying the now almost constant orgasm, drenching his lips with her juices. He sucked and licked, coaxing even more nectar from her as she arched her back.

Terri slid her hands down from the women’s breasts towards their centers but found them already filled. She didn’t know if John or Michael or both finger fucked the women and she didn’t care. She revelled in the feel of the multiple bodies and multiple pleasure points and her continual cum intensified again. She soared higher than ever and felt the waves of energy course through, over and from her body in a constant, crashing rhythm.

She felt something brush against her lips. Opening her eyes again she saw John’s cock. Oh my God she thought at the size of it. She looked up into his face and saw him smiling but something else played in his smile this time, a primal request as he brushed himself against her lips again. She struggled to move and John slid his arms under her shoulders and helped her shimmy back on the table so her head hung just off the edge. They moved slowly so the other lips never left her tits or her clit. Terri opened her mouth and took John. He groaned, long and low, and began to slowly slide himself in and out of her mouth.

The sensations were intense. She felt Karen and Audrianna sucking her breasts hard, teeth nipping and tongues flicking on her nipples. She felt their juices flow down her fingers as she played with their clits, every now and again her fingers bumping into whoever’s fingers fucked them. She tasted the salty precum on his head as John slipped his cock in and out of in her mouth. She felt the warm breeze stroke her skin wherever the bodies left it uncovered to the night sky. She heard the night sounds of the forest over the loud breathing of all of them. The overwhelming arousal of it all opened her throat even further and allowed John’s cock to slide deeper. She thrilled and her orgasm intensified again as she licked the hairy skin at the base of his cock. She suddenly realized she couldn’t feel Michael’s mouth on her clit anymore, but was too far gone to even begin to ask why he stopped. Not that she was willing to stop sucking John’s delicious cock to ask anything..

Then she knew. She felt movement between her legs. Before she could react to it, she felt the ladies hands, one on each leg, gently coaxing them open further. Then she felt the weight of Michael’s body as his cockhead teased her. Suddenly, he slammed inside her with a force and fury that should have been impossible. Micheal fucked her hard and deep with a force that sent new waves of energy crashing through her body, beating against her like breakers on a rocky beach. John and Michael found a mutual rhythm and together they fucked her with an ebb and flow that shot through her, focusing the energy in her body into a back and forth wave that drove her mad. Heaven , she thought. This is Heaven.

Terri’s fingers pinched and played with both Audrianna and Karen’s clits in time with the rhythm set up by John and Michael’s movements. She felt Audrianna’s body tense seconds before Karen’s did and felt the women’s lips press hard on her tits as they both screamed their orgasms into her . Her fingers felt their rhythmic convulsions and it made hers still stronger. She screamed, the intensity of her climax ripping the emotion from her throat, the sound muffled by John’s cock. She frigged the women’s clits even harder as she felt John’s balls tighten and heard him groan. As Audrianna and Karen rode out the apex of their zeniths, John thrust his cock in her mouth hard and deep and she felt the cum shoot from him against the back of her throat.

She licked the underside of John’s cock and, when he backed out slightly, circled her tongue around the head causing his breath to catch. Then she felt Karen and Audrianna’s lips leave her breasts and join hers on John’s cock. The three women licked and kissed John’s cock and each other as he slowly withdrew from Terri’s mouth.

And still Michael never let up. He’d slowed his movements while the other three came but now he renewed fucking her with a feral intensity. Terri was past coming. She had never enjoyed so intense or so longlasting an orgasm in her life. She felt Karen and Audrianna’s lips on her own and that sensation, the feeling of her tongue dancing with those of two other women while she was being so well fucked, took her even higher. As she soared she could feel Michael slam into her impossibly harder. He went deeper than she’d ever thought any man could go and held himself there as he groaned loudly. She felt his cock explode deep inside her, the cum escaping in warm bursts to fill her. Her body writhed and she screamed, long, loud and guttural.

After a glorious eternity, Michael slowly backed out of her and rested his weight on the table, his head laying on her stomach, his breathing coming in noisy gasps and gulps of air. Terri heard Audrianna and Karen breathing hard in her ear as they rested their heads on the table beside her. John’s head rested between her breasts and he breathed deeply. Terri felt all of them and none of them. She floated like she’d never done before, soaring high and effortlessly, her soul floating within her body like bird or an angel on the wind. Every so often Terri would shiver as an aftershock quaked through her and when she did four pair of hands stroked her skin soothingly.

The ladies recovered first and Terri felt them walking around the table doing something. She wondered what it they did but couldn’t make herself even tilt her head sideways to find out. She figured they were doing something with the circle. John slowly raised his head from her chest and kissed her lips gently as his passed and then he went to do something. Michael’s hands stroked her sides softly and she felt a warm glow wherever his fingers touched. Not the burning of before but the warm glow of a lover when there’s no more orgasm left. She heard Audrianna’s voice in her ear, “You okay?” Terri only moaned softly, knowing her friend would understood the nuances of the intense satisfaction in the sound.

Terri reveled in the glow of her utter relaxation. She still couldn’t move, although the light against her eyes told her morning was breaking. “Let’s get her into the house,” John said quietly.

“Yeah, it looks like it might rain this morning,” Terri heard Karen say.

“I’ll get her,” Michael moaned as he pushed up from the table. In a moment Terri felt those strong arms go under her back and neck and lift her from the table. She concentrated and managed to open her eyes as Michael cradled her. As the other three led them back to the house, Terri stared into the depths of Michael’s unflinching gaze. When they reached the house, he took her to what she presumed to be his bedroom. Michael gently laid her on the bed, curled up behind her and wrapped her in his strong arms. Terri felt the sheet laid over the two of them and heard the other three quietly leave the room as she sighed in utter contentment and slipped off to sleep.

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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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Crossing the Line by MercianKnight

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He kisses you like he loves you. That is the bitter, brutal part of it that will keep you awake at night for weeks after this. He kisses you frenzied and deep but somehow gentle, his breath shivering and startled against your mouth as he pulls away to steady himself. It is dark in this section of the stacks, the fluorescent light a few rows over flickering with exhaustion, and his face is mostly in shadow but you can still read the awe and tension in his features. His eyes have long since...

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Author's notes: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to look into the story I'm writing. In the beginning, I want to set a few expectations: 1.) English is not my native language, so please keep that in mind. I'll try my best to proof-read and spell-check my writing, but I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve things. Also, I might lack the proper way to fully express myself; 2.) this story will touch some darker themes at points, so it might not be your cup of tea; 3.) as of...

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Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...

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The nightclub has no name, but its the hottest spot around. Getting in isn't easy, but once there, patrons can find anything they desire.

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Im Nightshift

Die Stadt schlief nie. Ihre Bewohner schon, aber zwischen den Häusern, in den Strassenschluchten bewegte sich immer etwas. Es war jetzt etwa 22 Uhr und da es inzwischen Oktober war, herrschte eigentlich nächtliche Finsternis, aber die zahllosen beleuchteten Fenster der Häuser, die Lampen, Signale und Autolichter liessen die Stadt im Dunkeln funkeln. Von einem Flugzeug aus wirkte das Lichtermeer hell und freundlich und einladend, aber in den Strassen zwischen den Hohen Gebäuden herrschte meist...

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Tyronnes Work Overnighter

This is a story about spontaneity, lust and an open mind.My wife, Sarah and I live in Del Mar, approx. 20 miles North of San Diego. We have been married for 5 years and do not have any c***dren. As with most couples without c***dren, we immersed ourselves into making life as good and fun for ourselves as possible. Sarah is 28yo, 5' 6" tall, blonde with hazel eyes. Going to the gym every night has kept her body in fantastic shape without an inch of fat. Her pussy is always clean shaved and has...

2 years ago
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Me and Ashley The Rain Stormy Fucknight

I was working for a 24 hour convenience store in a gas station, as cashier, my shift was the night, from 10pm to 6am.Usually the night shift is so empty after midnight, because people comes more from 10pm to midnight.The gas station is in the same block area of where the building i live in is, so is easy for me to go and get back to the work, if i need to catch up anything, just 3 or tops 4 minutes tops walking from my work to home.Was in early march, the end of summer season, still rain a...

3 years ago
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He kisses you like he loves you. That is the bitter, brutal part of it that will keep you awake at night for weeks after this. He kisses you frenzied and deep but somehow gentle, his breath shivering and startled against your mouth as he pulls away to steady himself. It is dark in this section of the stacks, the fluorescent light a few rows over flickering with exhaustion, and his face is mostly in shadow but you can still read the awe and tension in his features. His eyes have long since...

Quickie Sex
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Day out and nightime

On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...

3 years ago
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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

2 years ago
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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

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going out to the bar was something i didnt do often. I usually was a more reserved type of guy .So on this night i dont know what lead me to a strip bar but there i was with a facefull of tittys and ass and throwing back shots of henny when suddenly i was approached by this beatiful woman by the name of red you see this woman was not any ordainary woman this woman knew what she wanted and knew what she liked she was a freak im talking the true def.....of nasty, sheliked objects in her ass she...

2 years ago
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Escapism Nightingale

ESCAPISM: NIGHTINGALE I slobber on the thick, veiny cock in front of me. I slurp away like it's an ice-pop on the hottest day of summer. I'm dressed in a red plaid skirt, a white shirt with a matching plaid badge that reads "head girl', the neckline just low enough to reveal my leopard print bra. The skirt is riding high enough to reveal the matching thong and floral patterned holdup-stocking tops. The schoolgirl tie unravelled, limp and loosened under the collar. A silver shining...

3 years ago
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Crossing the Line by MercianKnight

Here’s a little fantasy tale inspired by the ever delightful and witty “Ali2teaseU”. Thanks Ali, not least for the honour of being able to use your pseudonym as one of my main characters.   ******************************************************************   How the blazes did I end up here? I haven’t been to a Night Club in years and, even though it’s an ‘80’s Night, things have really changed. I admit I’m a fairly well presented guy in his mid-40’s but I’ve...

Wife Lovers
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The last song of the nightingale

The last song of the nightingale ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Colonel Clara High ? ? I am an Female Empire's Senior Officer Lady and some handsome young prisoner is in love with Me...??So... We are making love in the Camp... every day...and night...?With the time I start to get bored with him...He things that I am his...forever...?can you imagine???When the day come...I send for him... ??? ?I am lying in the wide soft aromatised bed... and I am waitting for...

2 years ago
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A Million Dollar Nightss

I m studying in Kota & preparing for Iit-Jee 2009 this incident took place last year when i went to my Aunt’s (mothers sister) house during summer vacation. My cousin brother is working in a call centre & is usually at work at night. When ever i used to go to my aunt’s home my bhabhi use to talk to me about the problems in their house and i used to listen it showing my keen interest in it. One night when my uncle & aunt had gone to SHIMLA on their 25th wedding anniversary my aunt was alone with...

1 year ago
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A new bouncer at the nightvlub

All the girls were home alone that Friday night; so Stella called, inviting me to go with them at the local nightclub.Jenny and Maura, two nice sexy married bitches, would come also, since their handsome hubbies had gone together out for fishing.As we reached there, we found out that the place had two new bouncers at the main entrance. None of us had met them before.Both were tough guys, very serious, looking almost angry.One was a Scandinavian type, blonde and muscled. The other one was an...

3 years ago
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The Price of Power Nightstalker

THE PRICE OF POWER 7-NIGHTSTALKER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...

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